The Bugle - A Bugle update

Episode Date: September 16, 2016

An update on the NEW NEW Bugle... Hosted on Acast. See for more information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dancelaguard fans, you will be thrilled to know a book is coming out if you fund it via Unbound. We are publishing the Dancelaguard Reader by Alice Fraser and Dancelaguard, a glorious insight into the world of Dancelaguard, self-published romance maven, and online bestseller. If you would like to find out how to support it, go to If we get enough support, we will publish the book. That's a real thing that's going to happen. to a real thing that's going to happen. to support the Danciler Guard Reader. This is a podcast from
Starting point is 00:00:34 The Bugle, audio newspaper for a visual world. Hello, Bugle! No, it's not that, yet. It will be soon. Very soon. Sooner than you might think, I just slightly less soon than you might think. 21st of October, but that's now the official relaunch date. Yep. I am Andy Zoltzman, the remaining half of the bugle as it was talking to you live.
Starting point is 00:01:08 From present day London, you want me to prove it? Right, here you are. Here's today's newspaper. That good enough for you. Wanna story from it? Okay, I'll try and hit one that won't upset you. Right, uh, uh, what's going well? There, proof that it is indeed September 2016. So how the devil are you, bugleless one at a time please?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Good, good, I'm sorry to hear that, good. I hope you've all had a lovely summer, it hasn't been too badly spoiled by basically everything in the world actually and or potentially going disastrously wrong. It'll all blow over in a few hundred years or so, just like when the Romans invaded Britain and we all thought they'd never leave, it's fine now. Besides, we'll all be dead in a hundred years and we'll have a good laugh about it then. Firstly, I have news on the relaunch of... what was it? I was going to relaunch. Oh, this, yes, the bugle podcast, sorry, it's been a while. Bugle Phase 2 will be happening in the week ending the 21st of October. That is as close to a
Starting point is 00:02:05 guarantee as I can give, which is pretty close, pretty very close, very close. It's a guarantee. It's nearly 100%. Yeah, I'm not selling this very well. Admittedly, that is not quite as soon as I had hoped be promised and see bet on. Honestly, I thought it had been to late September, written all over it. And I had inside ae. But there are a number of logistical things to sort out before we resume bugling as we sort out the transfer. You will not have to update your feet, feet Chris. Chris, yes. Phil, be it on the technical stuff. People don't have to do, it's all going to keep people who don't need to do nothing. Good advice for the technical stuff. People don't have to do, it's all going to keep people don't need to do nothing.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Good advice for the world there. Chris will be continuing on the bugle journey. If I don't have to keep cancing my diary and then re-booking. So it should all work as before if the internet is all it's cracked up to be. You still have my doubts personally. It's got all the hallmarks of a passing fad. I'd say investing slate, quills and papyrus. That is my sound financial advice. There will be a further announcement on this feed in a couple of weeks when I will let you all know exactly how where who when and why the new bugle phase is going to work, who will be working with in the new era and the early roster of guests. Secondly, thanks to everyone
Starting point is 00:03:21 who came to my Ed and my friend show in August, which scored 87.3 on the Zolt scale. I don't know what that means. I've just made it up, but people seem to enjoy it. And that's the important thing. And if you were one of the very few people in the world who did not come to see my show in Edinburgh, there's about 3,000 people in the world, aren't there? Yeah. Okay. Well, there's a little clip coming up for you as a little treat. Thirdly, listen up America. I'm on my way! Andy Zoltzmann comes to America. The year is 2016. Britain has voted for Brexit, and Britain is now wondering what Brexit is,
Starting point is 00:04:00 and whether it should have asked properly first. America is watching Hillary Clinton as frails of frozen leaf on a moonlit porcupine take on the indestructible Leviathan, be surely immortal Donald Trump. Could it really be that come November, the Septward Generian shameless shitsterer, the Prating Pensioner, the crack pot codger, will be elected to take control of the world's largest collection of nuclear weapons. Strap in world, and the world is sitting back and wandering to itself. How the f*** has all this happened? But luckily for America, there is one man who can make it all go away.
Starting point is 00:04:41 And his ultimate is bringing saptarist for hire to the United States. That's me, but I'm an unusually sick third person. Er, anyway, keep the music going. It'll sound good. Just when America needs it most, the uniquely interactive Satorical Show, which will fill your questions, lampoon, your nation, and if requested, chuck in the odd pun. Please send in your Satorical Request to satirize this at
Starting point is 00:05:06 And I think I'll even set up satirize this so you can spell it in the wrong American way. I reckon you can ease up on the music in that case. Let's not overplay it. Let's go to the date I begin on the 24th of September next Saturday in Washington, DC at the 6th and I. That's right. I am starting my US tour in a synagogue. That's an actual synagogue, not a pretend synagogue. Now, obviously, this might bring things to a fairly abrupt close, but assuming I'm not struck down instantly by a vengeful Lord, satris for high will then be in New York City at their Grammacy on the 28th of September, Saturday the 28th, that's
Starting point is 00:05:45 also assuming my sensational Abraham Lincoln impression does not go down too accurately at the DC gig. After New York on the 28th, satirizing moves from September to October and what a month for satire, that is, especially every fourth year in America, which this is, it's exactly four years since October 2012 in America, of course. And on the second Sunday, the second of October, I'll be at the punchline in Philadelphia, then to Chicago, home of the Cubs, baseball's best team of 2016. Could they really be heading for a first world series triumph since 1908?
Starting point is 00:06:19 Can they break the curse of the Billy goat? No, because I am performing there on Tuesday, the fourth of October at the House of Blues, and no city has ever won the World Series with an a month of me performing a tour show there. So, uh, not looking good for the cubs in my inaugural American fall era. At all. Then it's off to the West Coast. Now, Oregon should be filling up nicely come up with people ready to start swimming to freedom across the Pacific in case Donald Trump wins in November. And also people wanting to come to see my show at the Aladdin Theatre in Portland on Sunday
Starting point is 00:06:52 the 9th of October. Then after that, well, what city could be more appropriate to go to a show you will want to stay right to the end of than see it all. See it, see it, see it, see it all. And you can indeed see it all at the Neptune theatre in Seattle on Wednesday, the 12th of October. That is by no means representative of the quality of the show you will see. Then it's California time on Tuesday, the 18th. I will Los Angeles down my truth. Sorry, I have to use the abbreviation there. I will LA down my truth, LA down my truth at the Nurdmelt showroom. Then on Tuesday, the 25th, the gala closing night
Starting point is 00:07:25 extravaganza in San Francisco. Surely the biggest showbiz event ever held in California. Cobb's comedy club. That's Tuesday, the 25th of October tickets for all these shows at Andy's The website is now slightly up and running. So do come, come to all of those shows. Seriously, just track me around America, tell me what things to look at in between and send in your email requests as soon as possible to satirize this at Hopefully there will be a few more dates added to these to keep an eye on the website and on the at hello bugle's Twitter feed. So that's it. That's it. That I'm off plugged at all now, which arguably I'll do what you've done a little while ago. I will see you all
Starting point is 00:08:17 there, America. I'll see you all there. Just some breaking news just coming through on the wires while I was recording that, following on from the Ryan Lockty story in Rio, another American swimmer has got in trouble. Loduric Screech, who of course swam the 320 meter butterfly in Rio, has changed his story too. He had claimed previously that he was visited by Jesus Moses and another renowned prophet who I'd rather not name, and given a message that everyone in the world should just learn to get along, and Screech has now revised his story, turns out he just took a piss in a hedge. Right, now I did promise you a little snippet from my Edden Mrafin show back in August.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Let me set the scene, it's in a room in Edinburgh, and the lights have just gone off, and this comes on, and then I walk on carrying a giant pencil. have just gone off and this comes on and then I walk on carrying a giant pencil. Yes, that is clearance for the show to start. Start the clock! 23rd of June 2016, referendum day, 7am, dawn has broken in the United Kingdom. It is a day that will go down in history, as indeed to all days. But this day in fluorescent ink with glitter to make it look nice. In Downing Street, David Cameron, professional prime minister, pulls back the curtains on the biggest morning of his day so far. On the windowsill, staring in, is Boris Johnson.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I'm going to put some new wallpaper up in this fucking place when I move in Dave, he says. In a secret bunker, somewhere underneath Kent, Nigel Farage, the self-styled Nigel Farage of political divisiveness, puts a porcelain refugee on his kitchen table and smashes it with a British golf club. I love my breakfast, he says. He plots his next move. If this vote is anything under 98% remain, he gurgles. I'm going to milk this donkey till it's tits go bang.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And in a polling station in South London bubble, alleged comedian Andy Zoltzmann, aged 41.72, lifelong democracy fan ever since ex-Z voted for sperm A back in early 74, grasps his pencil of democratic destiny and prepares the vote in the referendum to end all referendums unless there has to be another one at some point. I love democracy, it is what makes me British. Did you know we are the only nation in the world that votes? Right. This referendum, I fought three world wars to have this referendum,
Starting point is 00:10:56 two hot one cold. So what have we got? Remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? Well, instinctively, remain from a personal point if you're always born in 1974 and I have thoroughly enjoyed in the intervening 41.72 years, at no point being needlessly slaughtered in an avoidable pancontinental conflict. It has been one of the top three hobbies of my adult life. And I was heartily recommended to people of early and mid-twentieth century Europe who oddly seemed to give it a miss. In favour of McCromay and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:11:26 But it's not just about me, it's about the future. It's not just about my children, it's been hard enough explaining to them why they do not get to vote at the ages of nine and seven in this decision that will shape their entire futures, whereas their grandparents who realistically have at best 15 to 20 years left in them do get to vote. All comes down to the key voter groups in British politics. It's not Monday or Man anymore, it's not Aldi Mummities now hospice grand. And I think it's better for Britain as a nation to stay in the European Union because I've read
Starting point is 00:11:54 all the economic predictions and therefore I know for a fact that Britain staying in and all leaving the European Union will be good and all bad for the economy. You cannot argue with economics people. Economics is the art of telling you exactly what's going to happen and then explaining why it didn't. But I know on this nation becoming more inward looking, more inshina because I feel as much European as I do. British and I think it's good for the whole continent, it's Britain's taste part, of the
Starting point is 00:12:22 European Union. It's been one of the most incredible political experiments in the entire history of the human race, founded on an incredible compromise, whereby we reluctantly abandoned our continental addiction to slaughtering the shit out of ourselves, every one or two generations, in exchange for peace, prosperity, stability,
Starting point is 00:12:38 and uniformly shaped fruit and vegetables. That is a win-win-win-win situation. But it's not just about Europe, it's not a thing it's good for the Northern Hemisphere. If Britain stays part of the European Union, I'm not massively patriotic, I like Europe, I also like other continents, but I'm so f***ing proud to be from the Northern Hemisphere. That is my identity of choice. Northern Hemisphere till I die. Anything that keeps us ahead of those feckless f***ers from the South, count me in. Any hemisphere that can produce both Michelangelo and Michel Atherton has been pretty special
Starting point is 00:13:10 hemisphere. And it's not just about the hemisphere, I think it's good for the entire human species. If we keep a European Union together as a force for cooperation and progress, for all its flaws, because we are locked in an evolutionary race, and we are currently top dog in the natural world, ahead even of the dog, after whom the position was named. We are the world's number one rank species, currently second on the species ranking to the dolphin in decisive fish, make your mind up mush, and the bats, what is the bat?
Starting point is 00:13:38 The unloved evolutionary bastard of the turd and the umbrella. It's not even just about that, it goes beyond this. It's good for the entire universe, the European Union, it's not got a beacon of hope for the aliens to watch us through, through their confusing telescopes, having been rather baffled by what we've been doing on this planet for the last 100,000 years or so. The European Union shows that, despite all its shortcomings, despite all its failures, it does show that people can set aside their historic differences and come together to
Starting point is 00:14:02 work for a communally better future. That said, I am a British political comedian, this will give me five decades of material, leave. Thank you very much, that is at once, scene one, this theatrical extravaganza. So, let's do a quick straw poll, give me a cheer if you're in favour of Remain. And give me a cheer if you're in favour of Leave. Now, it appears this room is not entirely representative of the nation as a whole,
Starting point is 00:14:37 or maybe it is representative of the nation as a whole, and we've just seen the most spectacular act of electoral fraud in political history, which, to be honest, I wouldn't have a problem with, I don't mind electoral fraud, I don't mind it at all, I don't think you can complain about both apathy and electoral fraud, it just shows enthusiasm and commitment as far as I'm concerned, if you can be asked with it, good luck.
Starting point is 00:14:57 So, now, one of the problems of doing shows this year, and this, oh, the historic summit, you just don't know what has happened in the world since walking on stage. So I have to keep an eye on the BBC news website just to see what stories have broken. I mean in the four minutes since I walked on stage, well a few things have happened. Theresa May just walked out the front door of 10 Downing Street carrying a little voodoo Michael Gove. Just bitten its head off and chewed it whilst eyeballing silently down the camera
Starting point is 00:15:28 before saying, comprendate. I think we all know who's in charge. David Cameron is just resigned again. Well, this time he's resigned as David Cameron. The character he's been playing increasingly unconvincingly for the last 20 odd years. He's now Nigel Platterthwaite, a 32-year-old unemployed bricklayer from Stockton on to you. So that should test his range.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Philip Hammond, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, he's just announced a new scheme whereby over an income level of £200,000 a year, all tax will now be voluntary. Really just formalising the system that was already in place. The Turkish President, Recipe Erdogan, got the Erdogan fans in. He's just launched a coup against himself. It's locked himself in his toilet, saying that he's disgusted as the democratically elected leader of Turkey with what he's doing to Turkish democracy. So I don't know how that's going to pan out. And there's one on New report saying interest rates in Britain could fall as low as 0.1%
Starting point is 00:16:36 raising concerns about stagnation in the London property market. Are you listening, Syria? We've all got problems. That's when you catch phrase for the fringe, so um... LAUGHTER BELL RINGS There you go. I hope you enjoyed that. Well, I for one cannot wait until the 21st of October
Starting point is 00:16:57 and the genuine relaunch. It is definitely happening, people. Don't do keep- keep following this. It will definitely be happening. Uh, those US dates, again, for those of you in North America definitely happening people. Do keep keep following this. It will definitely be happening. Those US dates again, for those of you in North America and surrounding continents and oceans, currently, I want to see the Saturus for High Show, 24th of September in Washington, D.C. 28th in New York, 2nd of October in Philadelphia,
Starting point is 00:17:18 the fourth in Chicago, the ninth in Portland, 12th in Seattle, 18th in LA and 25th in San Francisco. Come to all of those shows. Well, that's all for now. Five weeks to go until the official relaunch. I personally cannot wait to join us for it. John says hi. See you in the US, America.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Until next time, goodbye. you

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