The Bugle - Barack Obama and his disappearing change hat

Episode Date: June 29, 2008

The 35th ever Bugle podcast, from 2008. Written and presented by Andy Zaltzman and John OliverThis is a classic episode from The Bugle, to support us, and to keep the Bugle alive and free of ads, visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dancelaguard fans, you will be thrilled to know a book is coming out if you fund it via Unbound. We are publishing the Dancelaguard Reader by Alice Fraser and Dancelaguard, a glorious insight into the world of Dancelaguard, self-published romance maven, and online bestseller. If you would like to find out how to support it, go to If we get enough support, we will publish the book. That's a real thing that's going to happen. to support the Danciler Guard Reader. A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A Audio newspaper for a visual world. Hello, Bughlers and welcome to Bughal Number 35. For the week beginning, June 30th, 2008, with me and his ultimate in the Majestic City of London and in New York City, it's Mr. John Oliver.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Hello, Bughlers! I ate beer this week. I don't want to get into how, the fact is I ate beer. I feel I have the power of the beer coursing through me. I've been misunderstood as cuddly by children. I've gone to the pond hunting and I've chased picnickers up to ease.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Ha ha ha ha. You know, that's no different from your average week job. Oh, that is a good point. I ate beer in Estonia. You think you ate it in a sausage? Well, yeah. But by eating a sausage, it's a good point. I ate bear in Estonia. You think you ate it in a sausage? Well, yeah. But by eating a sausage, it's not roulette. Most of us are probably statistically bear at some point.
Starting point is 00:01:33 It's the ultimate raffle. So it's the week beginning, the 30th of June, 2008, which means John it's 100 years to the second since the Tunguska explosion. When a big, naughty asteroid caused Merry Havoc in Siberia, impacting the arse out of over 2,000 square kilometers of completely irrelevant land and mercilessly slaughtering 18 million trees. Since then John pretty much nothing from the asteroids, so have they given up the ghost. Have they seen how effective we are at destroying our own planet and realise that they are wasting their time?
Starting point is 00:02:07 I don't know, I'm not an asteroid. As always, I'm section to the Bugle Goast right in the bin. This week to mark the year 2008 passing its halfway point at the end of June, we look back to the year 2004. Pope John the 18th hit the Vatican in a big way that year and the Bugle Investigates. If he were Pope today, would he bother giving mass or would he just do a blog? And also to mark Bill Gates advocating the throne of Microsoft. A commemorative audio windows momentum.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Do not crash now. Do not. Do not create you. You f**k. I don't have time for this. I've got a deadline on ebay in 45 seconds. That porcelain bummy jarton isn't gonna buy itself. I'm freezing silicon. I'm gonna get a f**k up all next time. That was cathartic, it sounded ugly. Oh, I feel good. Oh, there's 15 years of research going into that.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Top story this week, Zimbabwe. It seems that plucky overdog Robert McGarby has finally won these Zimbabwe election that he has been all nightly rigging like a Spanish galleon for the last month or so. After Morgan's van deranguard eye pulled out in protest and in fear of the lives of his supporters, Mugabe is running unopposed. He's running against thin air, but he's not taking any chances, Andy. He's rounded up any thin air that he's suspected of his loyalty and has chased large amounts of thin air across the border. In
Starting point is 00:03:39 fact, any piece of thin air, which isn't visibly carrying a Zanu-Pf membership card, may be subjected to tension and interrogation. You're seeing a lot of membership cards blowing around in the breezons at Bob with a moment and that's no accident. The air there is terrified. Yes, well, I think even McGarby's biggest fans would have to concede John that through this whole election process. He has acted like a bit of a tit. And Britain has finally toppled off the fence on this one and taken the bold, ruthless and world-shuddering step of stripping McGarby of his honorary knighthood. Apparently, we've clear this decisive humiliation for McGarby up until now for two reasons,
Starting point is 00:04:17 one, for fear of giving credence to McGarby's accusations that Britain hates Africa. And two, for fear of anyone noticing that A, we'd given him an honorary knighthood in the first place, and B, that at no stage at the intervening 14 years of despotic Megalimander and human rights abuses, have we seen fit to rescind it before? But better late than never, John. That's right, in the world has been slow to react to this situation and even slower to give a shit
Starting point is 00:04:42 about this tragically unprofitable human right abuse. But Britain did indeed step up this week and laid the smack down upon Magarby and his goons. The Queen of England TM has taken that knighthood back. Boom! Take that Bobby, you have just been coin-slaped. How does it feel? She just dropped the Liz-to-bomb and it blew up right in your face. Still don't think Britain's doing enough? Step forward the England and Wales cricket board. She just dropped the Liz Toe bomb and it blew up right in your face. Still don't think Britain's doing enough? Step forward the England and Wales cricket board, which is announced that it has cancelled in Barboui's 2009 tour,
Starting point is 00:05:14 saying it shared government concerns about the deteriorating situation and lack of human rights in Barboui. We brought out the big guns, Andy, cricket and the Queen. Cannons don't come bigger in Britain. We've done our bit, your move world. That's right, the Queen will actually officially rescind the Knighthoods next week. She's traveling to Harare to perform
Starting point is 00:05:34 the traditional deniting ceremony in which she will tap Robert McGarby on both shoulders with a stale baguette whilst muttering, f*** off out of it, big horse under a breath. And also on the subject of the cricket, John. I mean I think that is disaster from a garby. Because now without Zimbabwe touring England next summer, he will not be able to use his cricket team as a political pawn, bringing reflected glory to his evil regime by being routinely
Starting point is 00:05:58 thrashed by vastly superior, better trained and infinitely better funded opposition players. To our American listeners who don't follow Zimbabwean cricket from a sporting perspective, stopping the Zimbabwean cricket team touring England is roughly equivalent to the NFL preventing Emulu Harris playing against the New England Patriots. Well, I have to say, I would go high on eBay for that ticket. At the MDC says that some 86 of its supporters have been killed and 200,000 forced from their homes by militias loyal to Zanupi F. In response, the government has blamed the MDC for the violence, i.e. killing and driving from home their own supporters. Come on, Magar B, that's not even trying. That is infantile arguing. You have killed supporters of my party.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Uh, no, you have. What? I don't even make any sense, you're a tyrant. Oh, am I? Twinkle, twinkle, little star. What you say is what you are. Oh, you got me. Yeah, put on Morgan's Fanger Eye. It must be spinning in his, as we record, and hopefully, as you listen, still empty grade. But I guess the record books will only show, John, who won, not how they won. in his as we record and hopefully as you listen still empty growth. But I guess the record books will only show John who won, not how they won. And Sangar I lost and his complaints now are sounding a bit like Sauer grapes to me. Mugabean, yet another of his hilarious deadpan but searingly ironic victory speeches, said
Starting point is 00:07:19 victory for us does not mean death for the MDC. No, no it doesn't. Just for its members. Yes, no problem with the organisation itself, just those who belong to it. He's a reasonable man, Andy. Now, if there is an MDC headquarters, he's fine with that. He currently has no quarrel with buildings. There are just better not be anyone inside or near it.
Starting point is 00:07:40 He then went even further by saying, we remain open to discussions with the MDC. And again, that might well be true, but let's be clear. These are the kind of discussions that James Bond has with super villains who have just captured him. This is in so much a discussion as a threatening monologue, while a laser gets closer and closer to your balls. Well, actually, I think the MDC
Starting point is 00:07:59 have really got to take a long, hard bath with themselves on this one, John. Because they have named themselves very badly, the movement for democratic change. They wanted democratic change. McGarby has given them that democratic change, and really it's their fault that they didn't specify what kind of democratic change they actually wanted.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And McGarby has merely changed a democracy by basically taking all the letters of democracy out and replacing it with the words, dictatorship. So it does appear that McGarby is pretty much a dead cert to win the little anticipated presidential runoff, which has been so named because that's what all opposition supporters are being forced to do if they ever want to walk again. But apparently, early indications show that many voters have heated the MBCs called to express their opposition by not voting, leading to fears that once all the votes former Garby have been counted up, turnout could be as low as 140%.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Other news now, and stick them up! Not your hands, stick your anti-gun legislation up. Up where you say, you're asked, that's stick your anti-gun legislation up. Up where you say you're asked. That's why you need to stick it up. I think I've made myself clear. The Supreme Court ruled five to four this week their favourite margin in favour of overturning the handgun ban in Washington DC, which will cause problems in other big cities such as Chicago and San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:09:22 John McCain welcomed the ruling as a landmark victory for Second Amendment Freedom. But the victories don't stop there Andy. It's also a huge victory for inner city undertakers as well. Congratulations where it's due. The important thing is the Second Amendment reminds us strong as when it was relevant Andy. I tell you what, it should really be renamed the First Amendment.
Starting point is 00:09:42 What is the First Amendment anyway? Freedom of speech, come on. Now American really uses that anymore anyway, not when you can let your gun do the talking. You got something to say to me, say to my two friends, Mr Smith and Mr Western, yee-haw! The Right to Bear Arms is of course offended more vigorously by the US gun fans than by anyone else in the world outside of Australian rules football players. Do you want to explain that? Not really, but I will. They wear sleeveless shirts playing Australian rules football.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Right, so they want their arms to be bed and they believe they have a right to that. A right, a tuti and a necessity. Okay. A right tooty and in necessity. Okay, so that's why the joke stands. Yep, it's a valid joke. But John, given that the second amendment was ratified in 1791, I as a neutral observer in this matter with no personal political or emotional vested interest
Starting point is 00:10:39 in whether more American people shoot each other, I think that a compromise should be reached whereby you are allowed to keep a gun or a militia in your house, but only if you are dressed in late 18th century clothes, hats and breaches and everything. And also, if you're prepared to accept 18th century medical treatment, if you do then get shot. That's a very good point. That seems fair. The Supreme Court has not conclusively interpreted the Second Amendment, since it's right of ratification in 1791,
Starting point is 00:11:05 which, as you say, is quite literally years ago, at least 90 years, possibly more. I don't think I'm exaggerating there. The amendment exactly reads, a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The basic issue is whether the amendment protects an individual's right to own guns, no matter what, or whether that right is somehow tied to service in a state militia, a once vital, now archaic grouping of citizens. That has been the heart of the gun control debate for decades. As long as you can prove you're in a militia, you can arm yourself to the teeth. Just form your own militia and let yourself
Starting point is 00:11:42 into it, and you can have as many guns as the founding fathers never really intended I'm basically American now, Andy in a I even eat guns for breakfast and that's not quite true, I use guns for breakfast this morning I loaded a breakfast burrito into my 45mm handgun and shot it down my throat why? because it is my right to defend myself from hunger. So I fired myself a 1500 calories salute. Justice Scalier.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Is that the right pronunciation? Scalier. It's Scalier, technically, is name. But I mean, I really feel it's worth mispronouncing just who are taking it. Scalier is a man who I've described before as both an industrial strength penis and a power tool. And I will add to that list of honesty, Dianne, by also describing him as a pide-piper of weeners. Now, that's the wall behind you desk, Mr Scalier, because that's yours to keep. He said that the handgun is Americans preferred weapon of self-defense.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Because, quote, it can be pointed at the burglar with one hand whilst the other hand dials the police. What? I told you! I told you! Pied Piper of Wieners, I think. Point proofed. But it does conjure up a dear sight, a delicious image really, doesn't it? And also, when you think John, mobile phones now come with cameras, music players, computers, even sure, the time has come for a mobile phone with a shotgun incorporated in it.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Then you can point your phone gun at a burglar and call the police with one hand leaving your other hand free for taking a photo to show your friends, making a cup of tea while you wait for the police to arrive, changing the channel on the TV to see if your burglar is live or playing tennis or DJing, whatever is your thing. Just nice to have an extra hand free. That's what Scalia has not acknowledged, Andy. That is that the other hand is not phoning the police. That's not what it's doing. Statistically, it is probably firing another gun
Starting point is 00:13:32 into the air in excitement. If it is holding a phone, it isn't dialing the police. It's dialing Randy from next door to come over and join the fun. Scalia went on to say that the justices were aware of the problem of handgun violence in the country. They are aware of say that the justices were aware of the problem of handgun violence in the country. They are aware of it just like they're aware of the collective works of Lil Bowow. They acknowledge it exists but that doesn't mean they give a shit about it. There's some controversy over the rules to
Starting point is 00:13:58 regulate who can get hold of guns. Currently to get hold of a handgun in America you need to be able to fulfill one or more of the following strict criteria. Criterion number one, to be able to walk into a gun shop and say the words, can I have a gun, please? Number two, to be able to walk into a gun shop, point to the gun, grant a few times and hand over your credit card. Or three, get someone to do Criterion one or Criterian 2 for you. Otherwise, no gun. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama stradled this issue like a mechanical bull, saying merely that the court did not find an unfettered right to bear arms, and that the ruling will provide much-needed guidance to local jurisdictions across the country. So he was putting on both his lawyer hat and his I want to be president out there,
Starting point is 00:14:44 too fairly unattractive hats. I'm not sure what happened to his lawyer hat and his I want to be president at there. Too fairly unattractive hats. I'm not sure what happened to his change hat, Andy. I think he must be underneath his I want to be president at. I wonder if we'll ever see that change hat again. I liked it. I do hope it wasn't just a fad, like the Von Dutch hats. Political anniversary news now, and Gordon Brown's Prime Minister ship is one year old last week. Now like most one year old John Brown's
Starting point is 00:15:12 Premiership comes up with something shit about three times a day and it's a bit of a crud frankly it was all going fine until it stopped going fine when last autumn he fell to call an election making his transfer of leadership from Tony Blair into basically a bloodless coup. When what has he achieved in that year, John, basically what he's most achieved is managing to be less popular than Blair, who was hounded out of office for being unpopular. And a lot of the criticism about Brown just seems to be that he's not cool, he's quite dour, and a bit too overtly Scottish for a lot of people's liking.
Starting point is 00:15:46 But I think it's odd isn't it that we spend a lot of time complaining about Blair being too cool and you know, mentally Blair's reputation has been somewhat tarnished by unfortunate bloopers such as the Iraq war and murdering the Queen Mother. But the haddie days of cool Britannia in the early years of Blair seem like a mirage now almost as if they were only ever a publicity stunt to boost the image of a new regime that was already setting its sights on becoming one of the greatest anti-climaxes of the post-Roman era. Gordon Brown is not cool and he will never be cool, John, and this is entirely as it should be. He's the f***er Prime Minister. It's a serious job. He should take it seriously, but at least the 4'2, he was sitting down when I measured him. At least he isn't trying to be cool, and I think that's good, because
Starting point is 00:16:28 whenever politicians stick their or into the boating like a popular culture, they usually capsize and end up thrashing around like drowning fish, or making ridiculous comments such as blaming hip-hop music for gun crime, which is essentially equivalent to blaming J.M.W. Turner for stormy seas. And I can pretty much guarantee that that is the only J.M.W. Turner joke. Any of you are going to hear this week. He should take time to celebrate this birthday and especially his current poll suggests that he's unlikely
Starting point is 00:16:53 to ever make it to the grand age of two. Whenever Gordon turns up to a pollster's surgery for an electoral checkup, the news just gets worse and worse. I've looked at your chart Gordon and I'm afraid, I hope you're sitting down, these numbers do look terminal. Oh no, how long have I got? Well you may be able to hang in there for six, eight months maybe. Anything more than that is going to be a miracle. See this is an opportunity Gordon. Live each day in office as if it's your last and he's been doing that Andy and stealing a great deal of downing street stationery. Premierships are like children, Andy.
Starting point is 00:17:27 It's important to judge them against those of the same age, otherwise there's no way of knowing how good they are, and Brown must judge himself against other one-year-olds. We went Stalin's time in power, was still a toddler. He'd exiled all his major rivals. By the time he was an adolescent, he'd had many of them assassinated, one with an ice pick, and yet David Cameron's head remains troublingly intact. Brown has a long way to go, Andy. Music news now, and due to a typographic error, the newly non-agenarian African democracy ace Nelson Mandela and his ex-wife Winnie are to sing backing vocals on
Starting point is 00:18:06 the sole legend Martha Reeves new album Martha and the Mandela's will be touring the world from October. Oh my god. Oh no. We've all wanted to see it. It's got to be a mixture of classic soul hits and inspiring speech about the redemptive power of democracy. The only surprising thing is that it's taken 35-beautiful feet to make that joke. Your emails now and last week we challenge you to tell us if you're better than 7 billion people at anything. And Evan Williams has claimed that he is better than 7 billion people at being better at things than 7 billion people at being better at things than 7 billion people. Which is some claim. I'm not sure if he's got the evidence to back that up.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Well the important thing is he stuck his flag in it Andy. The claim has been made. And this email came from Sydney Kochman who writes, Dear Andy and John brackets in order of importance. Correct. Due to the fact that the population on the earth will not reach 7 billion until 2013. Alright, alright Mr. Technicality. Oh okay, okay Mr. Maths. I regret to inform you that I'm not better than 7 billion people at anything. However, I think that as a Jew,
Starting point is 00:19:21 I'm better than very, very approximately 99% of the world's population at Covetching. Alright. Covetching for those of you who aren't one of God's chosen people is what Jewish dogs do to ca sticks. I guess you've left a moment silence there for people to collect their thoughts. They can separate their life out now, to do the world changed. Sydney continues. The other one percent, being the other Jews, seeing as there are only 13.3 million of us and our population growth is 0.3%.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Well done on having a kid Andy. Now all that you need to do is make John convert and we're well on our way to changing that statistic. Yours in complaint, Sydney Cochman. Unfortunately Sydney, although I am Jewish as discussed, pass him on this show and not very good at being Jewish, I'm fighting my wife who's not at all Jewish. Another piece of shit Jew that isn't one of your part of that, wasn't it? Just time for a quick holly from history nomination. This one's from Michael Schall saying,
Starting point is 00:20:25 dear Andy and friend, oh, I'm getting relegated a lot in these addresses, Andy. Valeria Messalina is a perfect hotty from history, a Roman impress with the pan shot for the naughty. She was famous for setting up orgies for the upper class, believing herself to be the greatest lay in all of Rome. She wants challenged a famous prostitute to walk an only be called a f*** off. I'm just...
Starting point is 00:20:49 There's... There is no way that that's the only way that can be called. You had options, Michael. He goes on to say, each of the women took man after man until one gave up. The prostitute surrendered after they had each screwed 25 straight guys, but Valorina, Messalina kept going for another 12 hours. It is said at the end that she was still unsatisfied. Soon she's built all her nights in a brothel under an assumed name, working for free. Messalina met her ultimate demise when word got around that she'd finally done the wrong guy.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Gaya Silius, who planned on killing the emperor She was put to death and dozens of her sex slaves were set free when hearing of this her poor poor husband apparently replied Pass the wine that is cold if this nymphomaniac can't be described as a hot even mystery then perhaps I don't fully understand the concept Michael good side of the world what I'd I'd to know Michael perhaps I don't fully understand the concept. Michael, good sign off there as well. What, I dunno Michael, I mean, I for one and I'm sure a lot of other buglers, like our hotties from history to have a little touch more mystery about them. You know, we, you know, we don't want them to give, give in so easily, you know, you can't, you cannot imagine Florence Nightingale
Starting point is 00:22:01 behaving like that. That's the point you can imagine her doing that, and that's the fact what you don't want is to actuallyingale behaving like that. Well, you can't... That's the point you can imagine her doing that. And that's the point what you don't want is to actually see her behaving like that. Then you're like, the whole mistake falls away and think, oh Florence. Florence, I have to feel that this is a self-esteem issue. I wonder that there are psychological problems that have led to this pattern of behave. John, what are you suggesting the light brigade were charging towards? Oh! Happy, Andy. Happy with that? You start, then.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Sport now. And it's the Sport Swim Suit edition. A revolutionary body suit has been introduced for the Olympic swimming events. There is controversy over the new swimsuit, Australian and US swimmers and others wearing the Speedo LZR racer suit have set 38 world records in the introduction in February. Ah, that does sound a little suspicious. It was one last weekend, John, a world record set by a guy who'd never actually been swimming before.
Starting point is 00:23:00 He just found the suit in a bin, thought it was some women's underwear, tripped over whilst putting it on, fell into a canal and swam 200 metres in one minute 42.8 before he got bitten by a swan. Australian Libby Lenton said, it made her feel as if she was swimming downhill. What? That is, I don't understand that Libby. The chase is now on with the competitors. A rival swimsuit is about to be released, which features a propeller on the back, and is armed with three torpedoes in a harpoon. The swimming competitions may be a miserable television in this Olympics, Andy. It's going to be a blood bath. Well, this is nothing new, John. Swimmers attempting to gain advantage through developments
Starting point is 00:23:39 in their swimsuits. Ever since Johnny Weissmuller one gold in Amsterdam in 1928, wearing a pair of trunks made out of a live chimpanzee. The 1984 Olympic triple gold medalist Michael Gross was known as the Albatross, not of his stupidly long arms and 213 cm wingspan, but because on the German championships of 1982 he strapped a live Albatross to his back to try and increase his flap power in the 100 meter butterfly. He went home with a bronze medal and a dead albatross. There are concerns that the new Superfast Swimsuit will encourage the new extreme sport of shock goading, in which dead devil adrenaline seekers swim into shock infested waters and
Starting point is 00:24:16 start teasing shocks about their overplone reputation as deadly killers, their sea little eyes, and their total inability to run on land. Quick preview now, the second week of Wimbledon in the Wimbledon's tennis june, I predict that they will all stand at the back of the courts and thwack the crap out of the ball until one of them gets bored, and the winner will be the one who gets lease bored. And in the men's, well it should be a federal and a dull final, unless one of them gets gourd by a rampaging rhinoceros on the practice courts, or disqualified from moaning the royal box, or gets incarcerated for their involvement in a 1970s Soviet spying ring or a tires from tennis to pursue a career in book binding. Any of those currently see more
Starting point is 00:24:52 likely than either of them losing. And now a quick preview of the Spain versus Germany Euro 2008 final. John, I want Spain to win because I like the way Spain play. Me too. I think I'll agree with that football. Plus I got engaged in Spain and I love Spanish food, particularly in the north of Spain, really. I think this Ciesstra is a terrific idea that if it had been rolled out across Germany a hundred years ago, no, that's not entirely fair.
Starting point is 00:25:19 But anyway, I like Spain and you know, although I respect Germany as a modern nation and I grudgingly admire the way their football team keeps fluking it into finals I just can't really support them because of the yeah I'm not so long time ago but I shouldn't hold it against this team but have you seen Bastion's fine slager that's all I'm saying so I want Spain to win when it comes to think up to who I actually think will win, well, John Spainer clearly demonstrally the better team.
Starting point is 00:25:46 They play the better football. They're in better form than the Germans. But the Germans do keep fluking it. So I want to be surprised if they fluk it again. And at the end of the day, it could come down to whether the Spanish class and craft in midfield can overcome German muscularity and organization and take advantage of their lack of pace and central defense. Or whether the Germans can f*** it again.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I don't care if they are only following orders, it's not acceptable. And now, in the section once occupied by the late lamented audio cryptic crosswords, it's time... Oh, let it go. You've grieved long enough, Andy. Let it go. Well, your time of grief has to be over Don't go all queen Victoria about this John the Christians still celebrate Easter And once again in the place of the audio cryptic crosswords we have a special bugle multiple choice quiz question The price for which this week is to tell yourself the Martha and the Mandela's joke again. Oh yeah, good price, good price.
Starting point is 00:26:49 And the question is on the thorny subject of US politics and the question is this, between what did medium-caliber US president Lyndon Johnson claim to know the difference after hearing a speech by Richard Nixon? Was it a good and evil, B chicken shit and chicken salad, C strawberry milk and human milk or D the Beverly Sisters. Do you know the answers to that one, John? I don't, Andy, but it's lovely to hear the Beverly Sisters reference. It was B chicken shit and chicken salad. Not that massive of a claim, is it? Well, you know, I think I could do that and yet,
Starting point is 00:27:26 I don't think that's particularly presidential claim. I suppose maybe that should be a presidential test. Maybe they should blindfolds McKayn and other barmer at the first presidential debate and say, Here is B. And finally the Bugle forecasts this week, and the forecast is that there won't be a Bugle next week. I like to think of it as a protest about Independence Day jump. Okay, I'll jump in on that. Yeah, as Tom R. Produce was suggested that it should be called Invasion Day when America essentially invaded Britain as Britain was then located in America And I don't recognize American independence and therefore I refused to do the bugle in the week of American Independence Day So instead of the bugle next week there will be an Independence Day special bugle in its place I guess that is still the bugle but it's a slightly different one, 35 asterisk
Starting point is 00:28:24 So I'll point very much the Barry Bums of Bugles next week. It'll be the bugle but on no performance. Drugs. Well that's it for this week. Thanks for listening again. We're going to spend the next two weeks trying to grow up a bit. Yeah, I'll put speak for yourself. Just speak for yourself and there's no way. Not only am I giving up on that but I'm actively refusing it now.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I'm gonna see if I can go backwards. Bye! Bye bye! Happy Independence Day, you f*** terrorists!

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