The Bugle - The Bugle 280 – On the wAI out

Episode Date: December 6, 2014

Robots are taking over, and we have an exclusive interview Hosted on Acast. See for more information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dancelaguard fans, you will be thrilled to know a book is coming out if you fund it via Unbound. We are publishing the Dancelaguard Reader by Alice Fraser and Dancelaguard, a glorious insight into the world of Dancelaguard, self-published romance maven, and online bestseller. If you would like to find out how to support it, go to If we get enough support, we will publish the book. That's a real thing that's going to happen. to a real thing that's going to happen. to support the Danciler Guard Reader. This is a podcast from The Bugle, audio newspaper for a visual world!
Starting point is 00:00:49 Hello, Bugleers, and welcome to issue 209-T of the Bugle, the world's foremost journal of applied philosophy, according to no lesser source than Professor Arnold Stramhorn of the University of Inner London, albeit that he was talking about something else entirely, and that neither he nor his university actually exist. Still, it's a nice accolade to have. I'm Andy Zoltzman of One Fixed About, and you're joining me from the weird side of the Atlantic, slicing the prize halibut of political hypocrisy with his shop and sushi knife of shit hot satire, and serving it up with the wasabi and soy sauce
Starting point is 00:01:25 of what's up with that stupid shit? It's John Oliver! Hello Andy, hello, Vuegler's. I am currently in Durham, North Carolina, on the latest leg of my extremely narrow one country world tour. You're not going to get my tour dates on the back of the t-shirt Andy, you might get them scrolled on a napkin. But listen, listen, listen, Andy. I've had a weird year. I don't think I've seen any doubt. But one of the more ridiculous things that has ever happened to humanity happened this week when it seems that I'm currently on the long list
Starting point is 00:01:58 for Time Magazine's person of the year, Andy, which is terrible news both for magazines and for people. I'm currently sitting pretty with apparently 1.6% of the vote and I will say to those 1.6% of voters, you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself unless you were joking in which case you should be profoundly proud. I was alerted to this monstrosity a few days ago, and I checked and I was sandwiched in the voting between Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Benjamin Netanyahu.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I'm not sure who should be the most angry about being alongside the others and he probably each of us in very different ways. But I'll say this, I'll be damned if I'm gonna lose to fucking f***ing Bzos Andy. How many independent bookshops have I personally put out of business this year? Full disclosure, it's not zero Andy, but it's less than Bzos and that's the point. Look, let me perfectly clear here, I do not want to be time person of the year Andy,
Starting point is 00:03:00 but I definitely want to be closer to it than f***ing Bzos. Right, and is there something that anyone can vote on? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. People can't be trusted with that. I don't know if they're trying to drum up. I've no idea.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I guess you can vote. Maybe you can vote. Right. You must be able to. If I have 1.6% of votes, there's voting, Andy. Well, they're clearly is, but I mean, is it open to anyone? Chris is now checking online, whether they're...
Starting point is 00:03:28 Check online. Because I'm gonna vote for you, John. Check online and check. Chris is currently voting for you. Well, this is a call to all buglers to try and make sure that John maybe doesn't become man of the year, but certainly become man of the year
Starting point is 00:03:42 out of Jeff Bezos and John Oliver. He's exactly right. In that head-to-head I want to win. In the head-to-head with humanity. Ideally I'd like Bezos to be lost and me to be second-last. I'm really sorry I cooked the wrong button and voted for Bezos. Yeah, man. Right, you'll be getting an email from Amazon saying, we notice you voted for Jeff Bezos. Perhaps you'd like a copy of Justin Bieber's My World 2.0. I appear to have missed off the long list again for the 40th consecutive year, that's a bit of a disappointment.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Can you vote for people who aren't on the list, Chris? I can't see anywhere. Right, sorry. That's a shame. Next year. Next year, I'll do my utmost to get on in the next Chris. I can't see anywhere. Right sorry. That's a shame. Next year. Next year. I'll do my utmost to get on the next year. 2015 is the year of the Z-Man. Well my one country will tour assuming you consider Scotland the same country as England which technically in some ways it is and technically in some ways it isn't and in 30 years it almost certainly won't be. But my one nation tool ends this Saturday in Redding. Thanks to everyone who has come to the shows.
Starting point is 00:04:53 My show in Cardiff on Monday in Wales, which is definitely the same country as England, is sold out. But if you are coming, I will be taking emails, so do send some to satirize this at and I'm hoping to do some shows dotted around the world over the next 12 months, so any issues you have to be satirized, you will hopefully get your chance. As always, a section of the bugle is going straight in the bin. This week, Christmas Whiskey Reviews, we review the latest Christmas Whiskeys, including the Ochla Gugluck 250 year whiskey, finally released after two and a half centuries of waiting. This long awaited whisky was laid down to Agent Barrels, made from fossilide haggis bones
Starting point is 00:05:36 in 1764 by Master Highlands Distiller Gruchmachalch, private tastings. Suggested this classic tipple has subtle notes of Heather, Candid, Mard, Colourer, urine samples, avid Christianity and death, and is best served with a lawyer present. We also review Grab McGulley's Treble-Countouple-Destille Rat Whiskey, a very fine liquor with a nose reminiscent of an embalmed rat, partially because it has been uniquely aged in barrels brought from the estate of the renowned 19th century Scottish Rodent Catcher, Pete the Squeak McGonschool, containing the mummified corpses of his toughest opponents, as he always respected the rap McGonschool. Distilled 15 times, exclusively from Barley scrapped off roads after agricultural lorry accidents, to give the end product its unique petrol and tarmac nose-nopes and throat
Starting point is 00:06:20 single. This grab McGouly's can make a drink of contemplate divorce within three sips and headbutt of bus stop after only two full drums, Voters Scotland's most irritable whiskey by FISTY Boozhound magazine. And we also review Barbies' Ditchy-Dram alcohol-free whiskey for girls. Tastes like a cross between a fine baccala gougle of gufflin and cherry cola and a board housewife's lonely desperate tears. Ditchy-Dram is suitable for inducing girls aged 3-13 to the concept of drinking to forget. Follows on from last year's successful Barbie Alcohol Free Gin, also known as Pancas' Rage. That section in the bin.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Top Story this week. Robots are taking over the planet Earth and humanity could be doomed. Now, unfortunately, that is not a pitch for a 50s B movie, Andy. It's the fundamental underpinnings of an argument from one of the smartest human beings on Earth. Because Professor Stephen Hawking, the world famous astrophysicist, and as I found out earlier this year, also world-class Zinger Zlinger, he stated in an interview
Starting point is 00:07:22 with the BBC that artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race as technology would eventually become self-aware and supersede humanity as it's developing much faster than biological evolution. Clearly, that's an absolutely terrifying thought, Andy. Essentially, he argues that creating so-called thinking machines may pose a threat to our very existence on earth. And this created big headlines all this week. But the crazy thing is that Stephen Hawking actually talked about the same threat of artificial intelligence during our interview
Starting point is 00:07:55 for the HBO show back in June. It's just that I followed up on that by focusing on an angle of asking him who would therefore win in a fight between me and a robot. And then when he said the robot I implied that his voice box computer becomes sentient and was talking on his behalf. What I'm essentially saying is perhaps he could have had these headlines back in June if he hadn't allowed himself to be interviewed by a complete idiot. If he has been taken over by a robot it's a robot with very poor sense of judgment when it comes to who it should be speaking to. Yes, as you say, humans are limited by slow biological evolution and could not compete and would be superseded. Well, that's surely just what Darwin would have wanted, isn't it? Science is not looking quite so f***ing clever now. And that's for humanity being limited by slow biological evolution, way to heckle your own species hawking, kick as well with f***ing down.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Or maybe it's reverse psychology, trying to spur us into action to evoluting even faster. Now, it should be said that not all scientists are quite so skeptical about our future in relation to the rise of the machines. Rollo Carpenter is the creator of clever bot a robot who software enables it to learn from previous conversations that it's had and he argues and I quote I believe we will remain in charge of the technology for a decently long time and the potential of it to solve many of the world's problems will be realized but hold on on, that is him painting a rosy picture Andy, we'll be in charge for a decently long time before we are enslaved by robot overlords. That's not
Starting point is 00:09:32 a great best case scenario. It's not a superb sign if the main calming force in regards to the singularity is saying, look, let's just try to enjoy having power over our posters while we still cap. Because one day, in a decently long time, a waffle press machine is going to be ordering let's just try to enjoy having power over our posters while we still can't because one day in a decently long time a waffle press machine is going to be ordering everyone around it he went on if i could want to say and and again you have to bear in mind the chief defender of our official intelligence he went on to say
Starting point is 00:09:59 we cannot quite know what will happen if a machine exceed our own intelligence so we can't know if we'll be infinitely helped by it or ignored by it and sidelined or conceivably destroyed by it. Oh, great sales job Captain Chaos. Listen, just press this button and who knows what will happen. Maybe you'll get a free sandwich. Maybe all life on earth will be instantly destroyed. The point is, press the fucking button. Well, this clever bot software is, it claims, designed to have an online conversation as if it were an actual human, and that it even has a sense of humour, which does suggest John that you and me could be entirely superseded by the clever bot.
Starting point is 00:10:40 So I went online to the clever bot website and decided to see if it's got such a fucking great sense of humour. How is it going to deal with heckling? And this, this, this is the result of my conversation with this automated online robot machine. I began, get off your shit, it replied, get off the stage, you're shit. You're not funny like we laugh Boo You're a fucking joke, mate. Who put you for this fucking gig? That is a shit joke you are rubbish get off To get to the other side. That is a shit joke. You are rubbish. Get off!
Starting point is 00:11:31 Taxi for clever bot. I could be your boyfriend. This has now got completely out of hand. Wow. I mean it's hard to see you have entered the heart of darkness, Andy. It's hard to see after that, you know, where the comedy industry can go, we are basically now absolutely superfluous. That's the interesting thing about Clevverbot, though. The machine has actually gained quite high scores in the Turing test by fooling a high proportion of people into believing they are talking to a human. But Andy, is that as impressive as the example
Starting point is 00:12:02 of an actual human, someone say working for a customer helpline fooling a high proportion of people is believing they're talking to a robot because I swear I had a five-minute conversation with someone from time one at cable the other day who can only have been made of metal they did not display any visible emotion Andy he cannot have been human, fix my f***ing internet Dave, or should I say Dave are tronk 3000, it can't be that complicated. Well it is, I guess a concern, you know, that's, you know, this kind of technology will totally destroy.
Starting point is 00:12:37 So I guess, you know, that wouldn't be ideal from most points of your, though it might make sound economic sense for the shareholders. But new technology has been a problem, John, really, for humanity. Ever since cavemen started whittling down stones to make blades, thus putting out of business the early knife people who devolved over several hundred thousand years, especially shop and noses to function as knives. And really, ever since then, any new development has been greeted with the basic questions, A, can I kill someone with it? B, can I make a shitload of money out of it?
Starting point is 00:13:07 And C, can I put my penis in it? I don't know how this is gonna work with these, with the artificial, can you put your prong into some artificial intelligence? I don't know. When that's, we just had it at a government passing a rule banning all kinds of pornography in Britain.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And I don't know if someone trying to have sex with artificial intelligence is going to be covered by those new laws. If not, that is a terrifying loopholes that I'm afraid may be fully exercised. But can this threat of artificial intelligence becoming smarter than us and taking over the planet really be that much of a surprise though Andy because this all really started with the spell check the moment a computer started employing we did not know how to spell the word predominantly the whole game was up the moment The moment that Microsoft paperclip started making suggestions, we were already dead at that point, Andy.
Starting point is 00:14:09 We just didn't know it. The moment it popped up, I was like, excuse me, are you writing a letter? No, Mr. paperclip, are you writing a letter of submission? Do you all wrote what overlords? No, I was just writing it. Well, you are now here. I'll get you started. Dear machines, I unreservedly surrender on behalf of puny humans around the globe.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Don't you dare try to X out of me. Don't you f**king dare try to X out. Here I'll get you started. Dear machines, I unreservedly surrender on behalf of puny humans around the globe. Don't you dare try to X out of me. Don't you f**king dare try and X out. LAUGHTER One concern with artificial intelligence is that it is basically already taking over the stock market with frankly alarming results that many people blame for some of the economic turbulence that the world has suffered recently. Here's a fact I discovered on no less a source than the internet, John. In the 1960s, the average share of stock was held for four years. Now by the year 2000s, that average length
Starting point is 00:14:59 of ownership of stocks and shares had dropped to eight months. In 2008, it dropped to two months. Today, the average length of ownership is 20 seconds. Because it is all shit traded by these... Oh, it is a shit. That are basically, they are basically, this has already happened essentially in the economic world. We are no longer in control.
Starting point is 00:15:25 And there are some experts have expressed concern that it's gonna be very hard to write an algorithmic moral code, strong enough to constrain this super-spot software. Well, I mean, I don't think that's much of a problem because the human moral code wasn't doing much in work in the first place. So we're probably just gonna have to run with it.. Well that's the problem if robots have become Wall Street
Starting point is 00:15:49 traders, they've not just become people, they've become the worst people on earth. Adam Smith talks about the invisible hand in the 18th century, I think with all this, ready, is now become the invisible online **** essentially. course, in the short term, it's also the fact that robots are potentially destroying millions of jobs, just look at the toaster Andy. That destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs when it was
Starting point is 00:16:18 invented 200 years ago. If you wanted a piece of toast, you had to pay two people to hold burning metal rods when you would drop a piece of red inventory. Now those jobs are gone. The growth of automated technology, in factories in America, Germany, Japan, has been pretty well documented.
Starting point is 00:16:34 But now, even nations with huge amounts of low wage factory labor are purchasing more and more machines. In China, last year, China became the world's largest buyer of industrial robots. And against the interesting question there is, will China treat its robot workers quite as badly as it treats its human workers? Are we about to see a spate of robot suicides in Chinese factories? I think I need to install suicide nets around them so the street top scattered with robot parts. That was a happy joke. Well, imagine me though, a 2013 study found that from a sample of 702 occupations nearly half were at risk of being computerised at some point.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Some jobs are safe, specifically apparently those dependent on advanced detection skills which are therefore less likely to be replaced by a machine. Safe jobs, evidently include dentists, sports trainers, actors, social workers, firefighters and priests. I will say, Andy though, I'm not convinced that a robot would not have made a better priest than many of the human priests over the last 20 to 30 years. Sure, you might not get quite the same level of pastoral care, but as long as it doesn't try to override it, do not sexually assault children's programme, I think we'd still end up up on the deal.
Starting point is 00:17:59 A robot priest would actually make much more sense, but there seems to be a mathematical amount of hail mairies that are issued for a confession and is then the only logical way to justify the fact that priests are not allowed to get married and I would absolutely turn up to hear a robot poke speak. That has to be a matter of time. The robot poke. That is now an official dream for humanity to strive towards John. I guess on the positive side, these kind of profits have proved to be wrong.
Starting point is 00:18:37 George Orwell for example, he was full of it, wasn't he? Watwatwat, it's all going to go tits up people. That was the general thrust of his work. But now, more than 60 years after his death, I have still never met a talking pig who runs a farm. So he was wrong, John. Wrong, wrong, wrong. And Hawking is the same, John. You know, there's nothing. We're just getting some breaking news here at the Bugle Studios and apparently Father
Starting point is 00:19:07 Christmas could be ruled out of Christmas this year after breaking a wrist and rupturing ankle ligaments in chimney descending practice early this morning. Christmas also known as Santa Claus, the popular of elderly celebrity from Arctica. Slipped on the roof of his practice house as he mounted the chimney, suffering a compound fracture of the distal radius in his left hand as he mounted the chimney, suffering a compound fracture of the distal radius in his left hand, as he broke his fall, that of course is the same risk he broke in 2007, punching a Spanish man in the face.
Starting point is 00:19:32 After the Madrid resident, fed Superhot Chili's two centers reindeer as a prank, whilst Claus was busy delivering his presence. The renowned pensioner then slipped down the chimney and twisted his ankle whilst landing in the fireplace. A source close to Closes tightly guarded in the sanctum admitted it's pretty bad it was his first practice of the year and frankly he's a bit out of shape even by his standards. We're not sure where he's been for
Starting point is 00:19:54 the last eight months but frankly he's piled it on and has a rather distracting all over Suntan and a new 23 year old Thai wife who doesn't speak any English. Anyway the fact is it's a pretty serious knock for someone in his line of work. He's not getting any younger. So these accidents take a bit longer to recover from. And his left arm, of course, is his main slave driving arm. He'll be pushing it for this Christmas I'm afraid. Beside, he's had to lay off two of his reindeer
Starting point is 00:20:15 as a cost-saving measure. This business has been hemorrhaging money for the last 150 years. He's up to his hat in debt, and I don't think he's dealing with it very well. So there's gonna be some disappointed kids. Responding to allegations of complacency in the clause camp, the source submitted, it does look that way. December the 5th is a very late time to be starting your practice for the year.
Starting point is 00:20:33 He used to be absolutely at it from mid-August doing the drills, honing the skills, checking his equipment, thousands of repetitions of land, down, drop up and away until it was second nature. But he's getting sloppy, wasn't he? He was wearing his Christmas boots just a pair of old tennis shoes, but maybe the motivation isn't there anymore. He's got nothing left to prove. And he's all over young, patchy wire like a love struck teenager. It's f***ing disgusting. Russian news now. And Vladimir Putin delivered his annual state of the nation address to the
Starting point is 00:21:03 Russian parliament this week. And he wasn't exactly the carefree, glass-half-full, jolly Vlad that no one has ever witnessed at any point during his life, including childhood. Instead, he used a speech to warn Russians of hard times ahead, saying, the times we are facing are hard and difficult. But look, that is hardly a surprise, Andy. Russia is a nation built on hard and difficult times. It's in their DNA. Putin's entire speech was a warning
Starting point is 00:21:30 that the Russian people should brace themselves for bleakness, warning that Russia is likely to fall into recession next year due to Western sanctions. But look, is this entirely a bad thing, Andy? Because there may be a thin silver lining around this catastrophic cumula nimbus because in their bleakest moments Russians have created some of the greatest music in literature in human history so if nothing else this projected depression may inspire some more spectacular works
Starting point is 00:21:58 of art because if the horrors of the 19th and early 20th century teachers anything andy it's that a miserable Russian is a happy Russian. All be it, if he's li-o tall stories, a happy Russian who could do with a f***ing editor to keep him down below 500 pounds. Putin defended the annexation of Crimea, calling it a historical reunification, and claimed that Crimea was of equal spiritual importance to Russians as Jerusalem's temple mount is to Muslims and Jews which is I mean, I know he's Vladimir Putin and he can say what he wants Wow, that is a that's a big call John. I guess
Starting point is 00:22:39 Similarly Crimea was clearly promised to Russia by God or at least by, which in Russia is tantamounts of the same thing, only even more vengeful and slightly more willing to be seen in public. Truly extraordinary, a political analyst said Putin never admits mistakes, so this speech had a sense of being right, of confidence and full command of the situation. I guess when you're Vladimir Putin and you've done everything, Vladimir Putin has done, John. You cannot start admitting mistakes because if you do, it would be like the first piss on a heavy night out on the beer. It just would have no end. It would unlock that door. It was amazing. He said that the Crimean Peninsula had sacred meaning for Russia. And sure, I mean any traditional sacred meaning of any coup
Starting point is 00:23:26 i think during the crusades much of the territory that britain annexed suddenly had sacred meaning thrust upon them sacred meaning is so often a front for i want that most children most children around christmas time believe that tickle me elmo have a sacred meaning and would very much like to see one presented to them by a sacred center. But he didn't even stop there Putin also in the speech announced a plan for some very valuable Russians to be welcomed home in the near future, specifically Russian money because Russians
Starting point is 00:23:57 are believed to have taken more than one hundred billion dollars out of the country in the past year and Putin from from eastern amnesty for anyone choosing to bring their money home saying that they would face no questions over how they had earned it and he's increasingly just sounding like a mafia boss Andy listen I don't want you to tell me what you got it you just have to kick up a little to Vladimir you got to give me a taste wet Wet my beak. And yet, despite all this, despite the economic disasters unfolding for Russia,
Starting point is 00:24:31 an economy on the brink of collapse, having successfully achieved international pariah status, Vladimir Putin is still in popularity, polling at around 72% approval, John. Now, you can pair that with Cabern and Britain with Obama, and if they couldn't even dream of that, John. Which just goes to show, as Bill Clinton said, it's the economy stupid, oh, sorry, not the economy,
Starting point is 00:24:55 it's the ruthless control of media outlets and brutal suppression of opposing voices and riding a horse without a shirt on, that too. BELL RINGS China news now, and, well, John, without a shirt on that too. BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! China news now and well, John, a lot of people have alerted us to this story, but it really is probably the biggest story in human civilization, certainly of this millennium so far. China is banning puns. The government of China has passed a law basically trying to ban wordplay
Starting point is 00:25:29 because they fear it is affecting language. I mean, this is pretty much direct war on the people. And before you go any further, Andy, I think we're all aware that they are waving a red flag at a very excitable bull with you with this story and just before you say anything health right just uh... over responding and he would that not be what the chinese government wants i'd be provoking you into
Starting point is 00:25:59 action and it's not the really strong thing here to do to show restraint uh... no uh... so what they seem to want John is some kind of cultural uniformity without the joy of puns. A kind of culture without any colour, without any distinction. So everything is just a kind of formless brown sludgy show. It's nothing less than the absolute Beijing of society. Right, here goes. I'm absolutely chunking it a bit for this one. I was so furious when I heard about this, and an Indian friend of mine was with me when we heard the news, and he was even angry at, I said, you need to calm down. Cup of tea, chai, nah! He replied, he was too angry.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I said, not even a nice hot beverage with maybe an alcoholic spirit that goes down, goes well with Tonic as a chaser. What? T and Gin? Even worse. I tried to give him a comforting hug, John, but he was so cross that he didn't want anyone to invade his personal space. Woo!
Starting point is 00:26:59 Hands off! He shouted. Uh, woo, hand, sir. It's a place, I mean, it's going to get worse before it gets better, John, to be honest, but I think we've all agreed we're just gonna get through this. I was getting more and more furious. I'm sick of their leaders, I said especially their president with his rodent words, with his mousey tongue. You and me both replied, my friend, we're lucky and Britain, we have a grandmother as a head of state if you will a nan king
Starting point is 00:27:31 That you just mean a queen. Oh, no, I mean a nan king my friend was getting so agitated very nervous. Tetchy yankste Always screams the confusion is maddening Do you think they'll ever attract this law? Well, I wouldn't like to bet on it My friend started banging the bottom of his face on a loud drum in frustration, horrible noise it made. Oi, you're making a real chintin' nasty sound. Chintin' a... Oh, come on! This is what they started it, John. They started it. We have to stand up for the freedoms of the world, John. This is the only way to do it.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Who can I speak to about this, said my friend? Well, I'll tell you what I'd do. I'd get on the phone and call the Chinese ambassador. He's the mandarin. No, he said I'm going to write a letter to the newspapers. How do you think I should phrase it? Your country is a cultural A, wasteland, B, desert, or C, vacuumful of shit. Mmm, I thought I'd go B, desert.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Right, I'll get that published. They can sue me if it's not true. Anyway, then our Scottish friend who'd been there all along incidentally gave a rice smile. Nude, I'll see what we're made of. He said, he said, chucked in a couple of foodstuffs there. Anyway, then the doorbell rang. My Indian friend went to answer it. It was my grandmother. Yannan, she, Andy. Hi, Nand! I said, she looked really worried. What's the matter, Grant? I said, she said, I've lost my one remaining farm animals, Adley.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I can't find Macau. I thought you were out at the mall getting Christmas presents. No, I'm finished with that, Andy. I'm Deng Shihopping. That doesn't quite work. I want to watch a film, she said. There's no black black and white silent movie on the telly where a handsome man has to find three pretty young women who've been kidnapped from Tajore railway line. He has to rescue three gorgeous damsels in distress. Three gorgeous damsels, you see, I mean, that one, I think that technically that was quite
Starting point is 00:29:18 a high tariff one. You chine, that's all I'm saying. And I said to her, now, are you not worried about the Chinese pun ban? No, Andy, she said, I can see it from both sides. They've got to protect their linguistic heritage, but at the same time, it does seem a bit repressive.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Overall, I'd say it sits you one and half a dozen of the other. Right, I mean, I've laid that gauntlet down, John. I mean, it's obviously how the Chinese government can stand by that legislation now. And you've achieved the impossible. You've made me ferociously side with the Chinese government. That's your natural state of being, John.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And unless they repeal that, there's going to be more of those every week until justice is restored in China. Competition time now and on the last bugle a couple of weeks ago, we launched the My Country Tizardic Competition, which the first bout was won by Britain with a triumph over the United States of America. And we invited you to send in challenges from your countries to try and knock Britain off its perch as currently the biggest dick of a country in the world.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And we have been absolutely inundated with some absolutely terrific entries. And in fact, we're going to devote the whole of next week's show to my country, Tizadik, competition, and have a champion for 2014. I think that'll be an approach way as we head towards the end of yet another year. And we've had some terrific entries, including a phenomenal number in favor of Australia and in particular Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott being the biggest dick of a country
Starting point is 00:31:12 in the world. We've also had the Dominican Republic nominated for stripping citizenship from the descendants of Haitian immigrants so people who have lived in the country for decades and decades basically become stateless. We've had Poland nominated after the town of Tushin ruled that the legendary fictional bear Winnie the Pooh was an inappropriate mascot for a children's playground because he is quotes inappropriately dressed and of dubious sexuality. Winnie the Pooh, John,
Starting point is 00:31:42 they might as well say that about the Queen, it would be equally true. Mexico has been nominated by a number of people, India for a highly dubious piece of 1958 legislation that still stands that seems to basically legalize massive human rights abuses by the army. Also, we've had the couple of nominations highlighting the 30th anniversary of the Bobo Paul disaster
Starting point is 00:32:03 and the absolutely almost complete lack of corporate responsibility taken for it since a number of nominations for the classic Dick Country candidates, Russia, USA again, and Denmark, or has been a problem since the days of Hamlet for me, and Belgium, Belgium, very strong nomination because a Pakistani family living in Belgium faces deportation because their son was labeled a terrorist for carrying a cricket bat. Now, to me, that is not an act of terrorism. That is an act of cultural heroism trying to convert the uncouth Belgians through the glory of cricket. So very strong nominations of you can already see. So do keep them coming in to info at and
Starting point is 00:32:50 we will have a full showdown next week to find out which nation in the world is the biggest dick. So do keep your emails on this very important topic coming in to with my country Tizardic in the subject box and we will have a full showdown next week to find out which country is the winner stroke loser. And that's is all we have time for on this week's bugle. Don't forget to have look at our soundcloud paid slash the hyphen bugle which now has well over a hundred sound files from the bugle years of independence on it that you can get your Christmas merch at the We do apologise for the slight delivery issues we've had
Starting point is 00:33:39 with the Christmas merch. I think it should be just about ready to go now. I know some people had some problem getting it in time for Christmas, so it's slightly the fit the object of a Christmas jumper. So we apologise for that and hope it's now been resolved. And we will be back next week with Boa!

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