The Cake Eaters - 22. Untold: Crimes and Penalties

Episode Date: January 4, 2022

Heath & Brandon discuss the Danbury Trashers, Attitude Era WWE, AJ Galante living out every kid's dream, goon style hockey, the best businesses for laundering money, and then break down the Netfli...x documentary Untold: Crimes and Penalties. Follow us at and on Twitter (@thecakeeaters) and Instagram (@thecakeeaterspod) Email us at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Remember, it's not worth winning if you can't win! Welcome everybody back to the Cake Eaters podcast, your definitive Mighty Ducks podcast. We have a little bit of a left field episode for you guys today as we're kind of doing our deep dives into D1. We thought we would also talk about this new Netflix docuseries. Well, not new. It's two months old at this point, I think. Yeah. But it's part of their Untold series, which is a bunch of sports documentaries. This one in particular is called Untold Crime and Penalties,
Starting point is 00:00:49 and it's about the Danbury Trashers, which were a minor league hockey team from 2004 to 2006. The reason we're going to talk about this is because the Danbury Trashers started in 2004. They were bought by Jimmy Galanti, who is said to be the real-life inspiration for Tony Soprano. The reason he bought this team was for his 17-year-old son at the time. He buys the team and makes his son, AJ, the general manager and president of hockey operations, whatever you want to call him. So he becomes the youngest GM in professional hockey history. It's 17 years old. And the reason
Starting point is 00:01:34 he buys the hockey team for his son is because his son originally, when he was a little kid, saw the original Mighty Ducks movie and fell in love with hockey. So we can trace the entire, essentially I'm pinning the entire Galanti crime family on the Mighty Ducks movie.
Starting point is 00:01:54 We're putting full responsibility on Steven Brill, Emilio Estevez, and Disney. This is all their fault. The inspiration for one of the gooniest hockey teams ever. It is Mighty Ducks mixed with Slapshot, mixed with my favorite, the WWF Attitude Era. Brandon, this was my wheelhouse to a tee. I am so jazzed up because not only is this all of my favorite content, but the fact that it was one of the most like every time the
Starting point is 00:02:25 documentary would change to the next part i would be like holy shit what is happening right now like it's just wild it feels fake oh yeah it's so real so i i knew a little bit about this like when it actually unfolded in 2004 through 2006 i knew of the minor a minor league team that was like racking up like penalty minute records and fighting records and then they ended up uh ceasing operations because it turned out they were owned by the mob i remember that but that's all i never like looked into it uh when it happened um and so there was a lot of stuff here that i did not know a lot of a lot of curveballs that got thrown here, especially with the freaking 17-year-old kid. I remember that being a huge news story when he was named a general manager,
Starting point is 00:03:14 but then I never followed up with it. But, I mean, not only was he the youngest general manager in professional hockey history, he put together a fantastic team. He did not shit the bed brandon as far as as far as performance goes you know they they so they only played two seasons but they were winning record each season they made it to the semi-finals of the the semi-finals of the league uh the first year and then the the championship game championship series the second year and ended up losing in that championship series but so I mean wildly successful on the ice. I started calling him Fredo, but I kind of took that nickname away because AJ was me. If I had been raised by the mafia, AJ is 36.
Starting point is 00:04:10 He's he, he lived every child's dream. Absolutely. We will talk about that in a second. Like he literally lived my favorite birthday party, but they start showing that they literally start showing his life. It's like, okay, we were both born in 86. You know, I think I'm like four months older than him. His Christmas, did you see he had the Ninja Turtle Raphael mask with the size?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Oh my gosh. I wanted that so bad. Now, I still had all of the action figures, but man, I still wanted those. They showed a couple, they showed a bunch of like scenes uh like home videos from when he was a kid one was the teenage miniaturist the other one i loved is when he it was christmas morning his dad gives him like a like a legit goalie stick like a regulation nhl goalie stick it's like twice the size of him as a kid and he is so excited that he he was a fake faint but he faints when he gets it when he opens it up it
Starting point is 00:05:05 was amazing yeah absolutely and I love it too because he actually was a pretty good hockey player it seemed like and he became like oh yeah the enforcer for his hockey we'll talk about that in a second too maybe I'm getting ahead of myself no no you're good no he he was like uh I think he's because I listened after watching this. I also listened to a couple of interviews that he's, he's done with people and he mentions he himself mentions he was never like an elite hockey player. Like he was probably never going to go pro or anything, but he could have,
Starting point is 00:05:36 uh, you know, he would have definitely played like college hockey, had he not been heading up an injury. And so that was the, his injury was the catalyst, uh, for, for everybody who hasn't seen it, his injury was the catalyst for his dad buying the team. So he played hockey all the way through his senior year of high school. He ended up getting injured, like right at the beginning of his senior year of high school. And then was just, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:58 for a couple of weeks was like moping around cause he was depressed cause he couldn't play hockey anymore. Um, cause it was a, it was a career ending injury, right? There was no way he would be able to play hockey again is what they said yeah absolutely career ending injury and it kind of set up that his dad was going to give him whatever he wants like he was his father's firstborn son his dad would give him literally anything yes and so because he was all moping around because he couldn't play hockey anymore, his dad was like, let's buy a fucking team, dude. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Why not? But the best part is, so they show the initial press conference where they're announcing the team. And the dude is still on crutches from his injury. That's how quick he bought the fucking team. The dude was still on crutches. It took a month.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And we know how far his dad will go to please him, Brandon, because I'm going to backtrack us for just a half a second. Because what else will his dad do to please him but give him the greatest birthday party in the history of mankind and youth? Do you remember what year it was? I think it was like 98, 99? It was either 98 or 99. It was in the height of the Attitude Era. How old would he have been? How old were you in 98?
Starting point is 00:07:15 So I was 12. For his 12th birthday party, he's super into the WWF as a 12-year-old. That and hockey, all he talks about. And so for his 12th birthday party, his dad through his
Starting point is 00:07:31 mob connections, they're in Danbury, Connecticut, which is not too far from Stanford that the WWE headquarters are. And he likes being the bad guy too. His dad taught him to cheer for the bad guys and so like they cheered for classic classic mob guys classic mob guys they're
Starting point is 00:07:53 cheering for the bad guys and so keep we'll keep this going but this will go into it where like he's cheering for the bad guys and in 1998 all of the like the top bad guys went on to be like super duper stars but this is like right before they became who they really are yes and so for the his 12th birthday party his dad brings what six or seven something like that six or seven of the top wwe wwf at the time superstars to his 12 year old birthday party so you have the rock at time superstars to his 12 year old birthday party. So you have the rock at his 12 year old, 12, 12 year old birthday party. Triple H. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yeah. Triple H there. You got China. You got Billy, Billy gun who they, they, they do a, they do Billy got a huge disservice in this documentary because they, they go through, they freeze frame on the rock triple h china and they show their names and talk about who they are and then they just completely ignore billy gunn and i swear they show him the most on the camera the fucking disrespect dude
Starting point is 00:08:54 for billy gunn i mean the one of the smoking guns a badass smoking gun the smoking guns billy gunn and i'm so so to tie to talk to circle this and tie it back to the mighty ducks i'm fairly certain so billy gun his his character or his original character before he went to dx was was part of the smoking guns yes it was like a cowboy themed cowboy gimmicked wrestling tag team who i'm not 100 sure and i'm probably wrong but but I'm going to say they were like inspired or homages to the young guns. The movie that Emilio Estevez is where he plays Billy the Kid. Yes. Billy Gunn, Billy the Kid. Life's a circle, guys.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Life's a circle. I mean, they wrestled in jeans and boots. It was a classic. And they came out with like the big jackets and the pistols and stuff like it was it was great stuff but before we move on from billy gunn because him and the road dog have the most legendary entrance oh absolutely once again oh you didn't know brandon we all know your ass better call somebody it's still right now it's a great yeah by far the one of the greatest entrances
Starting point is 00:10:04 and fucking billy gunn i was never that big into road dog road dog wasn't wasn't my cup of tea i somebody it's still right now it's a great yeah by far the one of the greatest entrances and fucking billy gun i was never that big into road dog road dog wasn't wasn't my cup of tea i did love some billy gun though the ass man gotta love billy gun well i mean you gotta love the road dog because he had the the best call for their entrance i mean you know the call but like as like a wrestler and outside outside of the call i wasn't that big of a road dog there. Billy Gunn held it in the ring the best. He had the most longevity afterwards as a singles wrestler too. I think he's – I don't know if he's actually wrestling anymore, but I know he's heavily involved in AEW.
Starting point is 00:10:36 He's like a trainer there or whatever or a backstage person. I don't think he's actually still wrestling though. He might do some spots. I tried to give AEW a shot. I only have so much time in the day, Brandon. actually still wrestling though you might do some spots i tried to get an aew shot i just i i only have so much time in the day brandon can't be can't be watching all kinds of crazy stuff anyways so like this so there's only so much time you can dedicate to wrestling you know exactly exactly and i'm still going back through and watching all the old stuff from the 90s yeah that's what i can't
Starting point is 00:11:01 can't don't have time for this modern stuff I'm still living in the past but like Literally the greatest birthday party Ever and so like oh it's fucking amazing And it was a pool party too they were at a pool Yeah and so It sets the tone oh do you think Do you think do you think the rock like rock Bottomed anybody into the pool that That would have been the first thing I would have asked him to do
Starting point is 00:11:20 Rock bottom me into the pool please And so this is heel Rock nation of domination Like Rudy Poo him to do it's like rock bottom me into the pool please and well and so this is heel rock nation of domination like rudy poo candy ass type of rock and so that's what i love the most is that like all of the people at his birthday party oh they're all heels yes they were all the bad guys and it just doubles down on all of the things that coalesce right here. It's he loves the bad guy wrestlers. He loves the mighty ducks, which is surprising because they're like the underdog good, good guys,
Starting point is 00:11:52 but he likes the, are they, are they the, yeah. Yeah. I was gonna say there, are they the good guys though? I don't know. Bombay is a fucking DUI. They're scrappy. They're scrappy underdogs you know the wwf attitude area era and then his dad will literally buy him everything and then all of a sudden this all comes together into the danbury trashers yes which so it's an awesome name, actually. I love it. And especially when you know that his dad
Starting point is 00:12:26 is a mobster for waste management. So his dad's involved in the mob, and he runs a waste management company, Automated Waste Distributors, something like that.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Automated Waste Disposal is what it's called. There you go that's yes and it's and because he's in the mob so essentially he he uses the mob connections to strong arm and push out all competition in the area so he's doing the he's running the trash for you know 90 of the state of connecticut he's doing he's doing stuff in new jersey and new york i believe is what he was doing so he's he has he has a trash a waste collection a waste collecting empire yeah like i think the the number that i saw when they uh so by the by the end spoiler alert
Starting point is 00:13:19 uh he ends up getting caught and he has to forfeit the business. The number I saw that, that he, that the, the, the feds gave to what his company was worth was a hundred million dollars. Yeah. And it was the Genevieve's crime family. Yes. That's the got him started. That's the mob. That's the mob. He's, he's, he's connected with. Yeah. That's the Genevieve's crime family is who is connected to. They're the ones he's connected with. Yeah, that's the Genovese crime family is who he was connected to. They're the ones that got him started. They were also in the trash business in New York.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Well, that's, I mean, not to paint all waste companies with a broad brush here, but if you're in the trash business, you're involved with the mob like 75% of the time. Unless you're in like some small towns or something that's just yeah unless you're in like you know flagstaff arizona that's probably not you're not getting touched by the mob but if you're a major city your trash company is at least involved a tiny little bit either they're involved with the mob or they're doing some heavy heavy political contributions absolutely and like what better place for the mob to do their work right like trash companies yes quick and efficient way to
Starting point is 00:14:32 dump a body that's for certain yes and it's and as as they they i mean they don't really talk too much about uh the crimes that the that his dad does in this documentary but i'm sure that i'm i guarantee you there's another documentary that kind of goes over yeah they talk about when he uh when they set the truck on fire yes so that's what that's the what's strong intimidation intimidation to get competitors out but what they they kind of allude to here is that the trash the trashing business the waste management business is not only can you you know you hide some bodies in there but it's it's real easy and uh efficient to money launder you know you can you pay people that aren't actually working for you it's easy to hide those payroll kind of things
Starting point is 00:15:15 and then contractors your contract between the drivers and like the individuals that are helping like do it's all contract work and so you're able to launder money so efficiently with all those um all those checks because you know how do you kind of keep tabs on it yeah unless the fbi is all up in your business yeah yeah well because what one of the fbi guys that's that's interviewed in this talks about how this was the longest investigation this investigation was it 10 years they were doing this 10 years they were investigating him it took him 10 years to find anything on him and one of the only reasons that they found anything on him was because of the hockey team yeah yeah we'll get into that at the
Starting point is 00:15:53 end i can't wait but one of my favorite things is that one of the guys that so jimmy um the dad jimmy galante he had an investigation on him before any of this happened. Right around the WWE birthday party. Yes, yes. And one of the FBI investigators that did it then, because he retired from the FBI, joined Jimmy's defense council. Yeah. I love that. Welcome to America right there, man. Like, you know, it's amazing. Anything for right there, man. Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:27 anything for a paycheck, man. Absolutely. Like it just, you know, selling, you can sell any fucking service that's, you know, unbelievable. I love everything about that. It's like, good for that guy. Just thumbing his nose at them. It's like, all right, well, you're not going to pay me anymore, but they're going to pay me a lot. So, and he said a lot of people do it. And so, you know, no wonder it's so difficult to, you know, put anyone from the mob away.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Former FBI agents join their defense attorney. Yeah. Well, then you find out later on that he's got senators on the payroll. He's got mayors on the payroll. Yeah. The connections go deep. Like we watch these shows like The wire and stuff like that right and you just you always forget that all of this is actually happening around us yes right like because because it gets dramatized and you're like wow no way but then you realize that
Starting point is 00:17:17 the real life stuff is it's mostly worse than yeah it's so much crazier because it's real, you know, it's like, wow, this isn't even dramatized. It's just a bloody, bloody massacre. Just like how we can transition into the team now, because speaking of bloody massacres, some of that footage of the games were hard to watch as someone who gets very queasy around blood so i i i am a fan of enforcers and fighting in hockey the nhl and hockey general ever for since what was this this would have been what almost 20 years ago now like 15 years ago um ever since uh and kind of right around this time when the Denver Trashers kind of got canned, the NHL and hockey in general has been trying their damnedest to quell fighting and all that kind of the goonery, as they call it, down. They mentioned the 70s Flyers. No more 70s Flyers ever again. Oh, no. The Broadway bullies, man. That's right.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah. But yeah, yeah. So they've been since like the mid two thousands, NHL has been trying their damnedest to like quell that and they're, they've done a real good job. It's it's hockey. Now is nowhere near what hockey was in the mid two thousands. Like it's, it's, it's a wildly different game. It's, it's more speed, more finesse, which I don't mind, but, but as somebody who is a fan of
Starting point is 00:18:48 fighting and hockey i i don't think it should ever like permanently go away there is like as i think the the commissioner from the league talks about he's like one two fights in a game that's fine yeah seven or eight a little too much and that's my feeling too. It's like, okay, guys. We are playing hockey. This is not a UFC fight. If you want to see people beat each other up, go watch boxing, go watch UFC. There's different sports for that. Like you said, it is
Starting point is 00:19:17 fun when enough is it because they're just hitting each other and then enough is enough. And these the trashers took it to the extreme. They took it way too far. Yeah, where it was straight malicious.
Starting point is 00:19:32 What they were doing. Oh my God, like listening to... Okay, so before we get into the players, let's talk about our boy, Tommy T-Bone. Is that how you say his last name? Pompasello? Oh, let me
Starting point is 00:19:47 Yeah, Pompasello. Tommy T-Bone Pompasello, the equipment manager for the Danbury Trash. Yes, and so let's set this guy up because as I'm interviewing him, he's bald in sunglasses, in like a really
Starting point is 00:20:03 crazy looking pink shirt with a big ass cigar if you if you he's he if you showed me a still from this if if i had no prior knowledge of of the dan berry trashers or of tommy or of anything that this documentary talks about and you just showed me a still picture of Tommy T-bone, I would be like, that dude's clearly in the mob. T-bone was all up in the mob. But you know what I love the most about this though, is that AJ was like, I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I have no idea. But like our boy T-bone has been around hockey everywhere.
Starting point is 00:20:43 He's been an equipment manager. He's like, I bet he knows some guys. And T-Bone is like, oh, so you want WWF attitude meets the Mighty Ducks. I've got some guys for you. And no shocker, he brings in the craziest enforcers ever. But Tommy T-Bone, one of my favorite favorite um moments of his two is when he's talking about the ref that told uh jimmy to go fuck himself yeah and he was like you don't tell jimmy to go fuck himself like like pointing it pointing his cigar at the camera so you don't fucking do that that was that was my that was the the the best part and the best part about, about T-bone here that we kind of skipped over is.
Starting point is 00:21:26 So the reason AJ knows T-bone is because T-bone was, was it his middle school? It was his middle school, his middle school hockey, hockey coach. And so they're there. So they can, after AJ tells us that they cut to some,
Starting point is 00:21:38 some, you know, home home videos of those practices. And they showed Tommy T-bone out there with these middle school kids and he's fucking chucking them into the stands he's checking them he's doing a cross check you know he's fucking pushing them down lighting them up and then uh it cuts back to t-bone yeah the interview for him and the guy interviewing him goes so why are you why are you checking middle school kids
Starting point is 00:22:05 t-bone just turns to the camera and goes cocaine is a hell of a drug absolutely classic tommy t-bone man just doing doing lines on the bench while he's coaching middle school kids dude dude it was snowing in the ice rink that day amazing amazing just lighting you know he was just having a blast dude lighting up kids he was the star of the game that is well that's so not only then people like that so he knows he recruits people like that and then classic t-bone fashion he is the star of the show and so later on while the while the trashers are going the we find out some more stories because he's the equipment manager so later on while the while the trashers are going the we find out some more stories because he's the equipment manager so not only is he in charge of getting the trashers
Starting point is 00:22:50 equipment all set up he's also responsible for the away team's locker room set up and all that kind of stuff first equipment manager ever suspended yes hockey yes first and only i believe yeah yeah but uh but so they said he was suspended because they started telling me some stories of what he was doing so he would turn off the hot water for the the away team um he would uh instead of giving them like fresh towels and stuff for their for the showers he would give them already damp tiny little towels yeah paper thin paper thin he would just do uh he called it a psychological warfare in his interview i believe so he was just doing every little thing he could just to fuck with the
Starting point is 00:23:31 with the away team you know just to get that little that upper edge man absolutely so if if that is the equipment manager imagine some of the players and so who do you want to start with for breaking down the players brandon because we've got four i guess technically it's five but we have four player stories to talk about who do you want to kick yeah so they they highlight so they highlight they have more than five i think right well it's i i was gonna stick with the the, Brad. Let's start with Brad because Brad's the main guy they focus on. He's the Brad Wingnut Wingfield. He is the first and foremost enforcer. As we mentioned, this whole team is nothing but goons and enforcers.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Actually, I shouldn't say nothing, because they have quite a few skilled players that are scoring goals and everything. Because like I said, they were crazy successful. Yeah. But like half the team is goons. Yeah. Even the skilled players are goony. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:35 But Brad is the gooniest of the goons. He's the head goon. Listening to him talk about those fights, I'm like, oh, yeah, you know, I was just going to drive his face into the ice. And then I drive my stick into the back of his head. Like what the fuck? Top notch impression.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Thank you. I was like, that's pretty close. Right. And then talking about, he broke his neck and back a few times, broke both legs, like broke,
Starting point is 00:25:03 I broke, I lost a finger playing hockey the dude the dude was mick foley of minor league hockey he lost a finger playing hockey just like he lost his ear at wrestle minor league hockey is is full of that so i i love minor league hockey i used to go to a bunch of minor league hockey games um because there's there was quite a few minor league hockey teams in in colorado when i was growing up um but so the so this to give everybody a little more background on the trashers and kind of where they fall so you have the nhl is the top professional league then underneath that there's um during this time there was like five or six minor league uh minor leagues um and minor
Starting point is 00:25:47 league hockey like structure and affiliation is a it's a it's a mess going back decades it's it's not it's not as clean and simple as like baseball minor it's a complex web yes but so but but at this time 2004 to 2006 you had like five or six leagues going at the same time the top minor league team so think of it as like triple a um for hockey was the ahl the american hockey league those were the teams that had like affiliations with nhl teams and so they would send some players down um and then underneath that you had like the echl was probably the next closer ones. Some of those teams had affiliations. Most did not though to the, to the NHL.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And then you had all the other leagues, including the UHL, which is where, where the trashers played. And they were like kind of almost on par with the ECHL, but not quite, but think of the UHL and the trashers as a double 18, essentially a double A.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I would say double A I'd say they were closer to double-A skill-wise. And then even more so, so the other thing like perfect storm-wise that the Trashers had was the lockout. So the first year they started, 2004-2005, was the
Starting point is 00:27:00 lockout for the NHL season. So the NHL and along with that, the AHL, because they're all affiliated for the NHL season. So the NHL and along with that, the AHL, because they're all affiliated with the NHL. So you had NHL and then the AHL, the AAA League, they weren't playing that year. And so nobody was under contract because of the lockout. So they were able to get paid.
Starting point is 00:27:18 So you had a bunch of NHL players start, like go down and start playing for the UHL. Like Michael Rupp was the one who played for the trashers i think the trashers even had a couple more nhl players that they signed um that the documentary doesn't mention um but then you had like people like chris chelios was playing in the uhl at the time there was a ton of nhl players that were just playing wherever they could play essentially and so that was a perfect time for them because they were able to capitalize so you had like nhl skill players with all these all these fucking goons and it's a perfect storm of excellent hockey yes absolutely so so the highlight of brad wingfield i guess like we can
Starting point is 00:27:58 just talk about this is that in one of the games he gets his leg broken and like him and jimmy are super tight the very first game ever that the trashers play he gets a call from jimmy on a cell phone on the bench and jimmy waves the cell phone at him like the most mob shit i've ever heard and says hey before the game like as soon as the game starts drop the gloves and so and then the opposite goes right away the opposing player doesn't realize that this is happening and is deciding maybe i should talk a little trash and tells that guy to go fuck himself but and he's like oh shit it's double on now literally very first game the game hasn't even started and they are fighting the fans lose their shit and that's what and And so it goes on.
Starting point is 00:28:46 He breaks his leg and he ends up somehow coming back from a career-ending broken leg where he was like – when they showed him howling on the ice after that guy cheap shot a guy pulled him down from behind. He looked like in so much pain. Yeah. And like this is – His legs this guy this guy's like incredibly tough one of the toughest people in i would imagine hockey but yeah his legs snapped in half he's screaming on the ice what did jimmy said it sounded like an animal was screaming right like like an animal it sounded like a like a gunshot went off when it broke. Because it completely, like, his body tipped backwards because his leg snapped in half.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Yeah. Just fucking brutal. But so he comes back from that. And then a year later. He comes back from that. And then the only thing on his mind, the main motivation for him coming back is to get revenge on the dude who broke his leg. To beat the shit out of him. get revenge on the dude who broke his leg. And he checks him in the face with this stick, gets his shirt pulled off, and proceeds
Starting point is 00:29:48 to beat the shit out of him into a pool of blood. He's swinging so hard that the refs are swinging with him. Yeah, they're like grabbing his arm trying to stop it. And he can't stop. And they're getting swung along because he is so determined to beat the shit out of that guy. So that is Brad
Starting point is 00:30:04 Wingfield. And I am telling you all, he is still tight with Jimmy. the shit out of that guy. So that is Brad Wingfield. And I am telling you all, he is still tight with Jimmy. Do not fuck with that guy. Well, that was a real nice part at the end of the documentary. Because Jimmy, spoiler alert, Jimmy ends up going to jail. So Brad, I don't think, the way they framed it in the documentary, Brad hadn't talked to Jimmy since he went to jail. Yeah, none of them have, none of the players have. At the end of the documentary, Brad hadn't talked to Jimmy since he went to jail. At the end of the
Starting point is 00:30:26 documentary, they reunite Brad and Jimmy and they have a nice hug. It was all nice and heartwarming. A lot of those guys that they interviewed wouldn't have been playing hockey professionally if it wasn't for Jimmy. They still
Starting point is 00:30:41 wouldn't have been. Not the one-eyed guy. The one-eyed guy, I think because the one-eyed guy, they got would have been. Not the one-eyed guy, but. Well, no, the one-eyed guy, I think, because the one-eyed guy, they got from another team. Oh, that's true. He was just never going to make it to the NHL, I guess. Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, none of these people, like Brad's not going to make it to the NHL.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Not anymore. Because they're all older as well. They're not young. That's another thing I love about minor league hockey is because you have such a – there's such a dichotomy of young and old. You have like 18, 19-year-olds who are trying their last shot to make it to the big leagues. And then you have these like 30-year-old guys who are just down there just fucking fighting. Just getting drunk and fighting every three – Like Jimmy gave them a nice life.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Like they all really appreciate it. He hooked him up. Yeah. He hooked him up. He's paying, paying them under the table, paying them, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:32 twice as much as what they were worth. We'll talk about that at the end, when we really get into the mob getting broken down. Yeah. None of these guys, none of these guys outside of the NHL people that they, they were able to bring down are going to the NHL. They still would have been able to play some of the other leagues or some of the other teams in this league.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Because, I mean, it was a good team. They were winning. They were successful. It's not like these guys are goons, but it's not like they couldn't play hockey. They're still skillful hockey players. And so with Brad's broken leg, let's transition to the Nigerian nightmare. I can't remember his name.
Starting point is 00:32:09 So his name is Ruman Nader and he is one of Brad's best friends. They bond once they become trashers. And so... So as soon as Brad gets his leg broken, Jimmy comes down into the locker room and says, hey, this doesn't happen because he runs it like the mob.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Right. Yeah. So this doesn't happen on our home ice. We protect our home ice. Yeah. Jimmy took it. Jimmy and Brad took it incredibly personally that he broke his leg. But it did ruin his career. It did. It didn't seem intentional at all in the clip they showed. It did not seem like the dude was intentionally trying to end his career. It looked like Brad's skate got caught in the ice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:52 It's finally hockey ice. Yeah, yeah. From what I could tell, there wasn't anything malicious that the guy did. But Jimmy and Brad both took it to heart. They took it as a personal fucking shot. And so Jimmy put a hit out on that whole team in the Nigerian. He legit was prepared to kill the guy. Yeah. Because he.
Starting point is 00:33:14 That was my favorite wrinkle is that Brad was like, hey, bud, you fuck you. You're lucky I kept it on the ice. I could have killed you. Yes, because Jimmy, Jimmy, after the game jimmy figures out the because he has the name of the guy who broke brad's leg he figures out where he lives what's his family deal all that kind of stuff presents this information to brad and says do you want us to take care of it while brad's laying down laying in the hospital with a broken leg and brad you know thankfully says no and so yeah he's a necessary to murder yeah yeah uh trial that was
Starting point is 00:33:47 that was a great part of the the documentary when he's like looking at the camera and he's like you're lucky i didn't have you fucking killed bro oh my god i these guys are nuts nuts dude like doggies they just man i've never i i wouldn't stand a chance to get in that room. No. They would snip me from a mile away and go home. Yeah. I'm way too kind. But anyway, so the Nigerian Nightmare takes this very personally and starts fighting everyone. Yeah, we're back to the same game.
Starting point is 00:34:19 The next period after Brad breaks his leg and the Nigerian Nightmare, Ruminadur, he goes into dur he goes out and he goes out and he starts fucking throwing punches at everybody he even skates up to the bench and just starts fucking throwing blind punches in the back yeah did you see he just took like a two-handed like some of those guys that take two-handed like baseball swings at people yeah but they're sticks and just club them and before they would start fighting them. Oh, man. Amazing. That was his big story. And he got suspended after that, but he just went on
Starting point is 00:34:51 and blinding, raged, tear, beating the shit out of everyone he came in contact with after that game. And him and Brad set the tone. They were the Bash brothers. They were Fulton and Portman of the team USA junior goodwill game ducks. That was, that was those two. Yeah, absolutely. Bash brothers that we'll, we'll end with the trash brothers,
Starting point is 00:35:17 the trash, the trash brothers. I hope they, I hope they went in on that, but let's, we can go really quick. Cause I, the two brothers and I'm'm gonna forget their names too i got it right here you got my names and so i don't know i don't know how to i'm gonna butcher this last name for sure but it's mike omacholi okay it's it's like the the italian c so i think it's a cho sound you know okay omacholi and then drew mike and drew omacholi and they were great interviewers because i don't know which one was which but the one kept interrupting the other and they would get based on these photos i believe drew was the the the one on the left he was interrupting and mike
Starting point is 00:35:57 was the other one oh man that could be totally wrong though but whenever he would interrupt him and he would be like hey man you're gonna keep fucking interrupting me when i'm talking about it and then he had his fucking phone on too and it was like yeah it's like cheesy you gotta keep fucking interrupting me bud they reminded me of the two moose brothers on brother bear that disney show do you remember oh yeah it's like like the two moose brothers from the disney movie brother Bear were violent hockey players who could score goals. Yeah. Even had like the Northeastern accent, bud. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:32 The best part was when they were talking, when AJ is talking about signing these guys and he's like, oh, reminded me of like he talks to us like the only reason he signed them is because they were brothers and it reminded him of Slapshot. He's like, they were brothers. They played together. Obviously, I got to sign them. Yeah. They were like and it reminded him of slap shot. He's like, they were brothers. They played together. Obviously I got to sign them. Yeah. They were like, they reminded me of the slap shot brothers. So I had to bring them in. That's exactly how I would have managed a team at 17 years old. Oh yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Oh man. I still can't believe. We're skipping over. We're skipping over one of the, one of the best parts is that I believe I think he, they brought him in as the first head coach, right? Was Wayne Gretzky's brother. He was the first player that they signed
Starting point is 00:37:14 Brent Gretzky. It was like a wink. He was a player? I thought they brought him on as a coach. It was a wink wink, but the media ate it up. It was a wink wink but like the media ate it up well he's fucking yeah and it was brent grits like the great the the they called him the next best one did you hear that we're bringing in the next best one brent gretzky amazing oh god listen for all the things aj was he put a good product like dude so good product out there that
Starting point is 00:37:49 the fans enjoyed it we'll talk before we talk about that though we got to talk about the very last character i was gonna say you can tell because they not not to to foreshadow a little bit or spoiler whatever they talk about what aj is doing now currently uh because after the team folded he kind of like uh he he stayed away from hockey and sports and all that but now he's a real successful promoter boxing promoter and so you can tell the skills that he was able to like hone or that he already naturally had he was doing the hockey team it transfers perfectly over to boxing promoting dudes he's he's he knows what he's doing in regards to like marketing and promoting and that kind of shit he knows what
Starting point is 00:38:30 he's doing absolutely he he literally ran the arena like the old wrestling um territories you know like like men like like the way he ran the trashers was like how Jerry, the King Lawler ran Memphis where like kind of, it was crazy and the fans would get wild and like, you never knew it was going to happen. And like, that's, he did a great job. Like I just, I can't believe for, for such a young person, but once again, it also helps when your dad is. Yeah. When you, when you have unlimited funds that you can do that you can pay people under
Starting point is 00:39:03 the table with every, every player that they signed was making double than their paid salary. A lot of contractors for the trash company. Yes, and they had their wives on payroll for the waste management company. Yeah, their wives were private contractors for the waste management company. Oh, man, they did it. I love that stuff. Okay, so the
Starting point is 00:39:25 brothers were great they scored some goals but the the last the last guy that they talked about who they brought in with my favorite nickname one-eyed willie you know yes going straight back to goonies brandon i mean we are out there to find one-eyed willie's treasure you know slot chunk oh man that's just it makes me now that you know it's around the fall and halloween time i gotta go back and re-watch the goonies again that is a yeah it's been a lot of classic right there you got some big stars that come from that too oh man the goonies are the best. Everything about the Goonies is great. Goonies never say die, Brandon. Never, never. Cake eaters never say die. Can that be
Starting point is 00:40:10 our new slogan? Yeah, yeah. We'll throw it on a t-shirt. Cake eaters never say die. Cake eaters never say die. Oh, man. That's awesome. But one-eyed Willie was a guy who lost his eye in a total freak hockey accident where because like
Starting point is 00:40:28 when when hockey players are skating down the ice and they're on like a breakaway or something like the player behind him will kind of like whack him with the stick a little bit right and try to like rattle their cage guy got a little rogue stick got up high and hit him right in the eye just in the perfect way where he immediately went blind in that in his eye and he has a prosthetic eye and so that's hence the nickname one-eyed willie did you have his actual name yes his actual name is is david beauregard david one-eyed willie beauregard i literally just they these nicknames are so oh. Oh, they're so good, dude. Like, I just can't even call them by their real names because they're so good. But yeah, he was a real hockey player.
Starting point is 00:41:10 He would have made the NHL had he not lost his eye. And so they really liked him because he was a, I know I'm never going to make it to the NHL. I've got nothing to lose. Let me just go play minors and, and make it happen. And, and this is where we learned that Jimmy likes to you know, pay players under the table. And they talk about like how we would like me at the, at the waste management area, or we got to quit saying waste management.
Starting point is 00:41:39 It's, it's, it's a automated waste disposal. You know, the waste disposal. AWD. So where they were disposing all the waste and they walk back through and like they're literally doing these like contract negotiations in his mob office. And then they sign the contract. He drops 10 grand on the table and says, welcome to the team. Yep. There's your signing bonus.
Starting point is 00:42:02 There's your signing bonus there's your signing bonus my favorite is when they were talking about mike rep and the guy his agent was like uh the guy literally wants to give you a duffel bag full of money yeah mike is like i at that point you just don't ask questions right like that's exactly exactly it's like you know what those are unique negotiating tactics that are uh are not usually commonplace in hockey. But since we're in a lockout season, a lot of things are tight. You know what? Let me go ahead and sign this contract. This doesn't seem fishy at all.
Starting point is 00:42:33 That's exactly what I would have done. Oh, yeah. You're paid, man. Just, yeah. Don't ask any questions. Take the money. But, yeah. So, one, I really, he was the one that really rounded out the cast of characters from the team that they interviewed.
Starting point is 00:42:48 And they talked about like Jimmy being in the locker room and just how he would scare the shit out of them when he would like stand over them and give them like halftime speeches and stuff. Well, everybody talks about how – But he was so nice at the same time. Everybody talks about how intimidating Jimmy was and how scary it was because he had all that power. But then they also talk about how great of a guy he was, how loyalty comes up like
Starting point is 00:43:13 every three seconds about how loyal he was. If you were loyal to him, he would move mountains. He would take care of you. Loyalty and it shows everything it shows when it shows when the investigation uh like cracks down and they're they're trying to put the squeeze on jimmy nobody nobody fucking snitches even the i forget the line he has
Starting point is 00:43:39 commissioner yeah well yeah he's talking about the commissioner i fit the exact line he says but he's talking about how you know it's important that the people that you don't that you know the you know the people that aren't gonna snitch on you and then sometimes even people you think are gonna snitch on you you know surprise you and have your back and that's when he's referring to the commissioner who through the first half of the documentary is like put up as like the antagonist about how him and him and jimmy are not getting along and then at the end uh the commissioner uh when they when the fbi starts investigating him he essentially just pleads the fifth he's like what's he was like the only thing i ever told him was jimmy was a nice and caring guy yeah i whatever question whatever question they asked me jimmy was a nice and
Starting point is 00:44:23 caring guy. Yeah. The only, the only Jimmy that I saw was that he cared about his team and he cared about his players, you know, and he cared about his city and, and like it makes it cause like Jimmy, I feel like Jimmy and him had like an AJ, they all had like a mutual respect, right? Like he was like the chairman, Mr. McMahon or whatever. And they were fighting back and forth.
Starting point is 00:44:45 And like Jimmy was stone cold and they had like they were antagonizing each other. But like in the end, the commissioner had to do his job, which was ensuring that things followed the rules. I feel like Jimmy respected him for sticking to his guns and saying, this is how I'm going to run the league. And not just rolling over. Exactly. And like, I feel like they always had like that mutual respect, even though Jimmy thought he was going to roll over. It probably got gained some in the end, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:12 that was just absolutely wild stuff. Okay. So there's the players. Now let's talk about first section one Oh two, but the city of Danbury, whoa, did they get behind this team? Dude, almost instantly.
Starting point is 00:45:29 It was crazy. Instant. Like as soon as our boy, the first punch. Yeah. The, the town, because once again,
Starting point is 00:45:37 WWF attitude era is thriving. Celebrity death match is huge. This is when the real world on mtv starts getting wildly edgy and people are fighting and there's like there was nudity on it for the first time and all that stuff like it was this is where like society i felt like was getting super edgy and so when this team started throwing down the whole town was just like oh hell yeah let's let's get behind these guys like the anti-hero everyone was cheering for the anti-hero yes yeah it was it was the bad guys they they call them the bad boys they
Starting point is 00:46:10 call themselves the bad boys of hockey yeah um yeah so it was the pistons 10 years later exactly or like the or the you know the flyers in the 70s or the the the raiders from the 70s and the 80s everybody loves the bad guy yeah and when it's yours right it's your town it's your team if their team was super finesse and and that kind of stuff i'm sure the town would have gotten behind that style too but because it was their team and they're like all right we're the bad boys the town's like okay we'll be the bad boys with you and they all bought in yeah yeah section 102 which is the the famous section behind the opposing bench behind the opposing bench some of the videos they were showing guys with like fucking what was that like a trumpet what was
Starting point is 00:46:57 it was not it was like a voo an electronic voo voo sailor horn yes remember those remember those from the world cup yeah it was one of those things and they would literally have it turned up to 11 volume and then just stick it right over into the opposing bench and just blast these these players and did you see the the huddle they were like
Starting point is 00:47:19 they were covering their ears they were crouching down it was so the the arena the danbury ice arena where they played, seats 3,000 people, tops. And the videos they showed of the opposing team trying to have a timeout, it was as if they were in a 50,000-person arena with deafening noise. They were trying so hard to concentrate and hear each other. That's how loud just that section was right behind them amazing i i love a couple people had the jerseys the custom jerseys that said section 102 you gotta love those oh man and there were some characters
Starting point is 00:48:00 in that section 102 like you know and they They definitely painted section 102 as like towns Right like I feel like the documentary Definitely painted that as like Hey look section 102 Is where all the crazy townies went To go around Middle aged women like chugging beers and flipping people off
Starting point is 00:48:20 Yeah yeah like Oh my gosh That was my favorite was the middle-aged woman just constantly screaming flipping them off yeah like fuck uh fuck you and they're they're doing this to uh to the opposing team and then they're also doing this to the commissioner yeah any anytime he's there like doing an announcement or something they're just fucking laying into him too they see him as the enemy because he is the one trying to regulate he's the one he's suspending t-bone for no reason yeah yeah why why would you suspend someone for giving the
Starting point is 00:48:57 opposing team paper towels as towels for their showers but like that happens in minor league sports all the time. Like there was, I I'd hate to throw them under the bus, but when I worked for a minor league baseball team, one of the teams in the league, um, I might've been the Savannah Sandnats would have were notorious where their clubhouse manager would give like a two bags of bread and a big thing of peanut butter and a knife. and that's what he would give the opposing teams for lunch that day like that is that happens in the minor leagues like that all the time you gotta cut costs somewhere you know exactly a lot of its costs but in some of
Starting point is 00:49:38 its you know them just not being good at their job and getting paid minimum wage from some of those right yeah it happens all the time just not quite that to like that extreme when you turn off the hot water and like maliciously trying to yeah yeah t-bones shenanigans were all malicious they were they were done done with intent yeah man that guy was wild uh but yeah the the the fight between the commissioner and the town was also great like him him knowing if it was, it was like, he was like David Stern towards the end of David Stern's tenure in the NBA, where like he would go out to announce the first pick of the draft, knowing that he was just going to get absolutely drowned out by booze for the
Starting point is 00:50:20 first two minutes. And he, like his last one, he like, you know, he like waved them on and tried to make it happen i feel like the commissioner kind of but like the second year by the time it happened he was like they made the league a ton of money they aj held his own in those interviews so well like the news stations espn aj did such a good job of presenting himself and the team that the commissioner really couldn't get mad at anything other than the antics on the ice, because they brought a ton of notoriety and a ton of money. And it was a good thing.
Starting point is 00:50:58 And like, he did a good job by like backing off and just making sure that like they weren't, you know, killing in May. Like putting this out on. As long as nobody dies, we're cool guys. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Putting a hit out on the referee. You know, I love that Jimmy just like socked him. Oh, did you hear the, the, I forget who it was when he was describing hitting one of the players and he was like I could feel his teeth
Starting point is 00:51:27 coming through his cheek and breaking I think that was the Nigerian Nightmare my word yeah because that's when he's went after Brad's leg breaks and he goes on the melee he's talking about that he hits somebody and he was like yeah I could feel the teeth against my fingers
Starting point is 00:51:44 that was absolutely unbelievable but yeah i think one of my favorite moments was with the commissioner and it wasn't with the commissioner i guess but it was when the refs after all that melee stuff happened and like the refs were in the crowd and he told jimmy to go fuck himself and jimmy just socked him socked him right in the face right there on the spot and he told jimmy to go fuck himself and jimmy just socked him socked him right in the face right there on the spot and he got arrested for that this hockey team is what got jimmy popped all along yeah but you know you know you don't tell jimmy to fuck himself okay he's you just you don't do that but you don't tell jimmy to go fuck himself got the google damn he's seen
Starting point is 00:52:23 those videos i didn't i never knew what that was, but I've seen like a thousand Gabagool memes. I thought you were going to do like a try to do like a legit accent and then it just... I can't fucking do what I've got. I just see like all those memes. Anyways. But like you were saying,
Starting point is 00:52:42 the hockey team you know, kind is ends up being what gets uh jimmy what what they what he gets caught for because that's one of the the few things they can prove is him paying the players under the table uh you know mysterious uh checks from from awd to their wives as like contractors and stuff like that um and so he gets he gets uh charged with racketeering and evading or not evading uh but uh defrauding the irs because he's you know they're not paying taxes on that shit um listen this so that the team is a lesson brandon for all of the future mobsters out there, the government and the current ones and the current ones, the government is always going to get there.
Starting point is 00:53:30 So if you can at least give them their taxes, you won't have to worry as much because they're going to get their cut. Just like you've got to give cuts to, you know, certain people to keep them quiet. You've got to give your cut to the government, a.k.a. people to keep them quiet you've got to give your cut to the government aka taxes to keep them quiet brandon 101 mobster 101 that's how they always get you as the fucking taxes man yeah that's they want their money brandon i want my money uh but no it's just it really is crazy that the investigation hinges on this hockey team, like you said, because they're trying. It's like 10 years, right? And the other part is that, like, while they're selling out arenas and all of this is happening, there are undercover FBI agents at all of their games in the crowd. So a lot of the footage in the documentary is
Starting point is 00:54:26 like body cam stuff, which I originally, before the end, when they talked about the undercover cops, I thought it was like Jimmy and AJ or one of their friends having somebody film. But no, it turns out that was all cop body cam footage.
Starting point is 00:54:41 It was unreal. It was amazing live footage of all this stuff because there were so many undercover operatives and and then i forgot how they exactly how they described it but basically they were able to like set it up where they were able to put like tracers on people so that like people that would come to the hockey arena and they would film them kind of interacting with jimmy in like the suite areas and then they would be able to kind of like trace their movements afterwards um and so that's how they i believe that's how so they were able to do that so yeah
Starting point is 00:55:16 they had undercover cops in the arena filming stuff and what they were filming was sketchy people interacting with because jimmy would invite them all the games invite all the so he was all these mob people would be in his owner's suite he'd be chalking them up so the cops had video footage of him and then they were able to trace those people doing sketchy shit and so that is what got them the the warrant to tap the phones and then the phones is when they got the, you know, they started getting the, the real, the real good information. Yeah. And you know, what was also really funny that we have to mention the reason that the FBI
Starting point is 00:55:53 got a wire tap on Jimmy's phone is because the guy that was the mascot talked so aggressively about business on the phone phone they were able to trip him up and they were able to base it because they they captured him saying you don't fuck with jimmy he'll fuck you up or something like that and that was all they needed was that threat and him throwing jimmy's it's always start why it's always the fucking mascot, dude. Listen, Brandon, as a former mascot, I take complete and total offense to that. You know, you're talking to Willie the Wildcat and Timmy Gator right here. And I'm here to tell you that not all mascots have loose lips that sink ships. You know, so mascots out out there you know what actually will
Starting point is 00:56:45 shock everyone professional mascots like for some of the big teams out there make a ton of money oh yeah yeah for sure like the guy on the suns the gorilla and some of the did you see the crazy shit the jaguars mascot did no coming to the stadium he did like a backflip into a bungee cord and like jump into the stadium that way nowadays they're all like fucking like gymnasts that are in there that are doing fucking backflips and it's lunacy but but anyways yeah so jimmy was brought down by the trashers team by the by the fucking mascot man that's another that's gonna that's another shirt it's always the mascot when they first introduced aj and i saw him and just like the way he looked in some of those videos i was like oh boy aj is the fredo he he fucks this all up and
Starting point is 00:57:39 it turns out the mascot was the fredo all along and fucked it all up. Yeah. But yeah, no, AJ. And, and so Jimmy, I believe of all the people we see in the, in the documentary, Jimmy's the only one that does time.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Yeah. 87 months. I think he said 87 months, seven and a half years, something like that. It's close to that. Jimmy's the only one that does time of these people because once he starts getting the wasn't, if he doesn't confess and if he doesn't plead guilty and stop the investigation where it's at, it's going to end up incriminating anybody,
Starting point is 00:58:32 everybody else. AJ, AJ is probably going to go down. Maybe some of these hockey players are going to go down. So Jimmy, you know, good guy, Jimmy, I'm gonna call him good guy. Jimmy does the, does the noble thing. He's not going to rat Anybody out yeah that was Another thing we skipped over of AJ when he was a little kid when The teacher The second grade teacher asking
Starting point is 00:58:53 What everyone learned What morals or like what Principles have you guys learned from your parents And AJ's answer is never rat Yeah Never rat and always be a good guy. There you go. But so Jimmy pleads guilty,
Starting point is 00:59:10 stops the investigation where it is to kind of save everybody else from getting thrown under the bus. All those players and their wives would have had to end up paying back taxes on like all those. I mean, that would have been a disaster, not just for him, but like all the people would have paid. Yeah. disaster not just for him but like all the people would have paid yeah for everybody it would have went all the way down the line for sure and it's like it just once again shows you like how much he really did like love yeah loyalty yeah they're
Starting point is 00:59:36 like he was like hey this is my fault these are like i forget what he said and he was yeah he didn't want his son to hang for his sins like thy father yeah yeah exactly thy father right yeah and jimmy was the he was the big fish he was who they were going after so that's why he was able to he had the leverage there to kind of fall on the sword for everybody else god and it's the irony of it all is that like if he would have just done a better job of you know keeping those hockey, like those hockey paychecks, you can do that with like regular people, but when you have commissions and you know,
Starting point is 01:00:12 all that stuff and you got to keep those really on the books, those hockey players, that's where he slipped up. He needed to get a little more creative with that. He needs to actually like hire on their wives. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah. with that you need to actually like hire on their wives yeah yeah yeah i mean yeah just make them marketing specialists go go the extra step and just give them an actual job yeah yeah just and then they're not even up at every game yeah not even yeah exactly there's a she's a marketing consultant boom done nailed it if anybody is mobsters brandon let's see if anybody is looking for people to help them launder money, hit us up. You need a couple of part-time mobsters, you know, just,
Starting point is 01:00:50 just call on the cake eaters. Hey, T-bone call us. What does possible sound like for your business? It's having the spend to powers your scale with no preset spending limit. More cash on hand to grow your business with up to 55 interest-free days. And the ability to reach further with access to over 1,400 airport lounges worldwide. Redefine possible with Business Platinum. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Terms and conditions apply. Visit slash business platinum.
Starting point is 01:01:29 A quick message from our friends at Broken Forest Collective. Built on a passion for small batch and handcrafted products, Broken Forest provides high quality casual wear and lifestyle goods that are American made and built to outlast the fast fashion trends they also plant a tree in boulder colorado for every product sold visit and use the code cake eaters 15 for 15 off your order yeah we went longer than i thought we would but we did but that was a good documentary everyone should go watch it so i went in i started the documentary and i was like i'm i hate like the like you i was like aj as a little kid looks like a fucking weirdo all these guys are mobsters i i'm gonna hate them i i you know this is not gonna be a fun documentary by the end i was like free jimmy free jimmy good guy jimmy right? He was the typical good guy mobster, and he
Starting point is 01:02:25 gave so much to that town, but he also made sure that there was a monopoly on the trash game. Yes, yes, he did. Jimmy did a lot of stuff I don't condone, okay? A lot of stuff I don't condone. But he took care of the people like, when push
Starting point is 01:02:42 comes to shove, if you're a shitty person, but you are a loyal and good person you take care of people you can you know there's salvation yeah yeah yeah maybe maybe we can all go back to the fact that like this kid did exactly like got exactly what every one of us would want as a kid it's like i played my favorite kid. It's like, I played my favorite sport. I got hurt. I could never play my favorite sport again. So my dad gave me a team for my birthday.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Yes. Amazing. And the Mighty Ducks inspired this. Yes. And he literally went out and got his own Fulton and Portman bash brothers trash brothers trash brothers sorry you laid it out there for me once already and then I uh yeah yeah AJ AJ lived the fucking dream dude great it only lasted two years and it ended up with his father in prison but But what a childhood, though.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Yeah, dude. Oh, man. All the greatest Christmases and holidays that you could have probably ever imagined. He's probably got some lingering trauma from what was going on in the background. So hopefully he's, you know, big advocates of mental health here. Hopefully he's done some therapy and he's worked through all that. He mentioned that like, you know, he, he just tried to lay low. Well, cause remember in eighth grade,
Starting point is 01:04:13 he kind of fell apart because his dad was in jail. His dad went to jail for the first time. And that, that's, that's essentially when he had his heel turn. Yeah. He's like, I'm cheering for the bad bad guys my dad's if my dad's a bad guy and all the kids he said all the kids were making fun of him so he that's when he decided to like be the tough guy and like fight back a little bit and then that that's the mindset that inspired the trashers oh my god every villain origin story i mean the show you don't look at it. These are villain origin stories. They start at school getting bullied. But anyways, I absolutely, this was a great documentary, great story.
Starting point is 01:04:52 I can't believe that it was, it was great that we got to watch this because it and break it down because of the Mighty Ducks influence. And again, this is, this is Steven Brill, Emilio Estevez and Disney's fault. This is this is steven brill amelio estevez and disney's fault this is all disney's fault they just they inspired mobsters to get into hockey it's crazy the influence in the way you can inspire people brandon yep all people be careful you know mean something but you know what we're going to do, Brandon? We're going to inspire people for good because they're going to learn from this.
Starting point is 01:05:28 And the next rich kid that gets a team from his dad, he's probably going to make sure he's going to double check the books. You know, locking those salaries is going to bring in a nice accountant first and foremost before he starts bringing in some enforcers. Yes, exactly. You need, you need, you always needed a good accountant and a lawyer. Get yourself a good accountant and a good lawyer. Give us some great advice for the next team that starts up, you know, Savannah ghost pirates. I hope you're listening up. Oh, that's a new team here. I'm, I'm, I'm a little, what, what,
Starting point is 01:06:03 what league are they in? Do you know? I can't remember. I don't think it's going to be the ECHL, but it might be. I'll have to double check. I just know... No, I don't think it's the ECHL. I think they're a step below that. I'm super excited to go to games.
Starting point is 01:06:21 I love that they went with not... Oh, they are in the ECHL. All right. See, there you go. Oh, so are they going to play? Is that the same? I assume that's the same league that Gwinnett is a part of. Charlotte Checkers are in there.
Starting point is 01:06:38 No, Charlotte's in the AHL. Oh, they are? Yeah, they're the triplets. Oh, yeah, yeah. The Atlanta Gladiators, same league. I'm excited for the Ghost Pirates. I don't know about the name. I think it's fun. I love the pirate activity.
Starting point is 01:06:51 A lot of ghosts. I love the name because it would fit right in with Game Changers. Because it's not just ghosts. It's not just pirates. It's ghost pirates. Your logo is pretty cool. Like a storming bear or a flying cougar. It's just to get just one step more.
Starting point is 01:07:08 They, I mean, it's really leaning into Savannah history too. Cause there's literally the pirate house is one of the more haunted homes in Savannah where the guy used, there was a guy that used to abduct a gentleman and go, he would, he would drink, get them really, really drunk and they would pass out and then he would carry them to a ship and they would wake up on the ship
Starting point is 01:07:31 and then they were already out at sea. And so this ship would have 10 deckhands that had been drugged and put out. They better fucking hire T-Bone. That's all I got to say. Oh yeah, they are going to be looking for an equipment manager. Let's get T-Bone on the phone. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Let's make that happen. Let's get the Nigerian nightmare out of retirement. That guy was awesome. That guy was awesome. The documentary mentions he was the first... He did play in the NHL for a bit. He was the first ever
Starting point is 01:08:03 Nigerian-born player in the NHL for a bit. Yeah. So he was the first ever Nigerian born player in the NHL. Yeah. And I love that he, he got all this footwork down because his parents didn't want him to play hockey. So they let him figure skate, but they made him, they made him figure skate just like Kenny Wu baby. Yeah. Woo, woo, woo, Kenny Wu. But he, but he told his parents, he's like, I'll figure skate, but I'm doing it in hockey skates. And so we got some great footwork down.
Starting point is 01:08:25 And then do you like to, he's like the footwork helped me in all those fights. Cause he wouldn't fall. Yes. Footwork is incredibly important in a hockey fight because you see a lot of like the, you see it a lot in the NHL with people who are not the most regular fighters. When they get in a fight,
Starting point is 01:08:43 they end up slipping and then they just fall on the, you know, that's it. And then it's over a fight, they end up slipping. And then they just fall, and that's it. And then the refs break it. Nowadays, as soon as you get the ice, the refs break it up. Back in 2004, 2005, it was just a wild west. Especially with these ones. I mean, I don't blame the refs at all.
Starting point is 01:09:00 If I am a ref in one of these games, and I have to get in between the nigerian nightmare and another player no fucking way dude yeah hard i don't want to catch a i'm not yeah i'm not catching a stray hand yeah and then you got two cracked ribs because that guy is 10 times stronger you know what i mean like that's that's all right anyways we can we can wrap this up because this was an awesome documentary it was a lot of fun to talk about it goodness gracious anything to get us talking about the ducks but it kind of leads us into you know these these other episodes right
Starting point is 01:09:33 like we're going to talk about anything and everything ducks on the podcast once again including movies that the ducks have done which i am just getting so geared up for uh because we've got some great surprises on the way. Yes. Yes. We're going to tackle a couple of movies that the cast and crew and the writers have also been in. So keep an eye on our Instagram for that as we'll announce what, what we're going to talk about. If what movies we're going to talk about that,
Starting point is 01:09:59 that kind of Sunday before the episode drops, keep a, keep an eye on the Instagram and the the facebook and the twitter and the tiktok and all that um so you know what we're up to yeah and until then just live live laugh quack get it like instead of lip laugh love i i got it i think everybody got it like a like a midwesterner's uh living room i wish uh we should get some signs that's a sticker right there Living room. We should get some signs. That's a sticker right there. Thanks for listening, everyone. Please remember to follow and like us on Instagram at TheCakeEatersPod, on Twitter at TheCakeEaters. Also reach out to us via email, TheCakeEatersPod at or visit our website,

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