The Cake Eaters - 42. D2: The Mighty Ducks - Part 8

Episode Date: October 11, 2022

Heath & Brandon dive into the 1994 classic D2:The Mighty Ducks! Today’s episode goes over minutes 70-80. They discuss State Farm's ridiculous marketing budget, the beauty of the Knuckle Puck, th...e audacity of Bombay's trash talk to Stansson, the return of Banks, how great of a villain Olaf Sanderson is, and Heath's plan for when he inevitably is granted superpowers. Then we await some Minnesota Miracle Magic as we continue through the final Iceland game in part 9. Follow us at and on Twitter (@thecakeeaters) and Instagram (@thecakeeaterspod) Email us at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What does possible sound like for your business? It's having to spend to power your scale with no preset spending limit. Redefine possible with Business Platinum. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Terms and conditions apply. Visit slash business platinum. It's not worth winning if you can't win. it's knuckle puck time heath hell yeah brandon fire at home baby this is the cake you just podcast uh for everybody listening along we're doing our dive into d2 uh roughly 10 minute segments at a time you are joining us for part eight and honestly part eight one of the best parts i'd say top top eight for
Starting point is 00:00:59 sure probably right heath oh my god what a journey we've been on, Brandon. Of the eight parts we've done so far, this is definitely top eight. You know? Hands down. Hands down. So we're picking up at the 70-minute, 10-second mark right after Rush joins the team. Yep. And he joins the team, and then it immediately immediately cuts and we're in some action. We're facing – We got a scoreboard shot, Brandon.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Yep. We're facing Team Russia. Two to one, right? Two to one. One minute left in the third period. Is that right? I believe so. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Maybe a little more time than that. I can't remember. I think there's just a little more time. It's one minute what it's like a minute and a half or something like that in the third period so we we're we're in control of this game we're up by one but we could you know what they always say heath the this this the two goal lead is the safest lead in hockey absolutely we need an insurance goal asap brandon exactly and you know the best insurance policy out there to date it's the goddamn knuckle puck oh i thought you were gonna say uh state farm discount double check no no no that's that's a that's a that's a
Starting point is 00:02:23 decent insurance policy it's uh you know it's okay it's no knuckle but That's a decent insurance policy. It's, you know, it's okay. It's no knuckleball. It's gotten a little overpriced over the years, but, you know. That's what happens when you're paying my boy Rogers big bucks for the discount double check. You're paying everybody big, big bucks. You got Rogers. You got Mahomes.
Starting point is 00:02:42 You got Jake's making a pretty penny. That's for sure. Yeah, that's true. That's my problem with insurance companies we got so much money for these goddamn commercials you know where are they getting all this money from you know the the pockets of poor people that's why i'm bleeding us anytime you have an accident look out you know they're not covering shit you know but anyways brandon scam state farm scam artists aside we yeah you know you know who the biggest state farm scam artist of all time is cp3 that's son of a bitch oh my god you and cp3 i can't wait for you guys to box i don't be dope we could sell tickets it might not last long i'm i'm i'm gonna'm going to keep badgering him until it happens.
Starting point is 00:03:27 One of two things are going to happen, Heath. Either we're going to meet for a boxing match or he's just going to block us on everything. That's a win-win. That's fine. Either way, we're getting somewhere. So, Brandon, CB3, boxing match, 2023. But for now, we have Russ skating back and forth. He says, give me, well, he, it doesn't, I think he gets like, maybe he he's,
Starting point is 00:03:53 he's calling for the puck. He wants it. He yells, you said it earlier. It's knuckle puck time. And then we get a dope 90 sound effect effect and it just kind of you know maneuvers and it knuckles its way into the net and he seals up the game against the russians brandon i love how they show the the two russian defenders like moving their heads along with that as it goes in with the sound effect too that's classic great stuff i guess we should probably i i
Starting point is 00:04:28 we should probably explain the knuckle puck a little bit to some of our listeners oh yeah that's a good call with it yeah um the knuckle puck is uh is a take on a knuckle ball from baseball and a knuckle ball is a pitch where you're you hold it instead of holding it like you would normally throw a you know a two-seam fastball, a four-seam fastball, a slider, whatever, where you're holding it and moving your fingers along the grips. For the knuckleball, you are holding it with your knuckles, essentially, and your thumb.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And then you're able to put some spin on it, twirl around. And the beauty of the knuckleball, the reason why it's used is because there's no discernible way to like, it, it never goes the same direction twice. It's always moving around. It's impossible to throw with any accuracy, but as Russ told tells us in the soul skating scene, it drives people crazy because you can't tell where it's going to go. So it's nearly impossible to hit. That's the,
Starting point is 00:05:28 the inspiration for this knuckle puck. And so what Russ Tyler is doing is he gets his pass, right? And then he takes God knows how long to set this knuckle puck up. And so what he does is he takes the, he takes the blade of the stick and props up the puck so it's standing straight up yep on its edge and then he he does a slap shot on the puck like that and in theory it's supposed to move like a knuckleball does in baseball where it goes all
Starting point is 00:05:58 over the place you can't tell where it is yeah and like he says in soul skating it's uh what's he say it's hard to keep accurate but drives goalies crazy drives goalies crazy and we see it with you know the the reaction of the russian players they're bobbing their heads up and down following they're moving their heads all over the place trying to follow yep it's all over the place confuses the shit out of the goalie goes in the back of the net. Boom. Yep. Rips it home. The beauty of the knuckle puck. But like I mentioned, the setup time for this is way too long.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah. One could say the setup time for this is irresponsible. Yeah, absolutely. Well, we see it later against Iceland yep spoiler alert spoiler alert but we do see little Russ little Iceland little let's take our
Starting point is 00:06:54 sweet fucking time getting that thing because you know it's not always a given that you're going to be able to prop it up on its edge like that the puck take a time or two to get that lined up especially if you're russian you know yeah but after the goal not against the tibbles are stoked brandon you just stepped over my my punchline to my joke wait what were you saying it was going to be so good i said it can take a long time, especially if you're Russian, but not against the Russians.
Starting point is 00:07:27 It works against the Russians. Back of the net, 3-1 victory. Everybody's loving it. The Ducks, Team USA, the USA Ducks, we're back, Heath. We're fucking back. USA Ducks. That's where, you know, even though technically Americans are Eagles, we'll give them, we'll be the Ducks for this hockey tournament. That's where, you know, even though technically Americans are Eagles, we'll give them, we'll be the ducks for this hockey tournament.
Starting point is 00:07:48 That's fine. It better be fine, Heath. Well, after that delicious knuckle puck that got sent home by Russ, we get a post-game presser. And Bombay says, I told him no no visitors but he wanted to congratulate you anyway it's not a press conference it's not a press it's just a little there's a whole bunch of press outside the locker room yeah but that's not a presser a presser is like a press conference where you're set up don't you say tomato I say press conferences. He's walking through the media into the locker room. As we've established before, Heath, I'm a capital J journalist.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I know what a presser is. Brandon, fool me once. Shame on Wayne Gretzky. Fool me twice. Shut the fuck up. We have Wayne Gretzky walking in. The great one shows up, Heath. The great one shows up. Charlie says that too.
Starting point is 00:08:49 He's like, you guys, it's the great one. And he says, Wayne's fine. Classic. Go ahead. You go first. Oh, I was just going to say, I like how when they took the picture, they made him say hockey and everyone yelled hockey. Classic. Classic middle school picture.
Starting point is 00:09:12 So, okay. I was going to say, so my question for you is going to be because Gretzky, where's number 99? Famous number 99, right? He's the great one. He's so famous that the entire NHL retired the number 99. Nobody can wear it anymore. It's Wayne Gretzky's, Wayne Gretzky's alone. Every single team has that number retired.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Yeah. So I was thinking, how do you think he feels about Banksy wearing number 99? You know, honestly, Brandon, I'm sure that Wayne Gretzky could care less about a middle schooler wearing his number on Team USA. Probably honored that so many kids love the number. Cause he it's, they're not in the NHL, so you can't wear the number in the NHL, but you can wear it all the way leading up to it. You know, he didn't, he didn't step on any toes. That's true. And they didn't retire the number until 2000.
Starting point is 00:10:19 So it's a little bit before that time. Yeah. Oh my God. Brandon, you're just poking holes in your own argument. Don't belittle. Banks is an American hero. He perseveres. He fights through a wrist injury to come help Team USA go all the way. True. But, I mean, Gretzky's Canadian, so he doesn't give a shit about Team USA.
Starting point is 00:10:42 That's true. I don't know. It it's i don't know wearing number 99 well it wasn't retired at that point wearing number 99 was still kind of you know bold choice it's a bold choice yeah it's like wearing 23 for your basketball it's like okay yeah but look how look look how many people wear 23 lebrron wore 23 for how long in the NBA? Yeah, and it was just as stupid then as it is now. I'm surprised. I was hoping we would get you with some LeBron hate. I was ready for it.
Starting point is 00:11:18 I was going to say, I'm surprised, you know, freaking idiot CP3 didn't wear number 23. CP23. Hey, that's's it you better watch out that's banana boat buddies you box cp3 lebron might not be far behind and then i think mellow and duane wade are in on that too i'm sure you have beef with them go ahead especially mellow the former nugget i don't have any i don't have any beef with mellow i don't have any beef with mellow i'm one of one of the one of the few nuggets fans that doesn't have any beef with mellow i it's no nuggets fans should have beef with mellow mellow being such a piece of shit and forcing his way out the the way he did like completely gave hey he wasn't it's so many assets. They got some great package back.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah, but then they did what the Nuggets do and they wasted it all. Yeah, well, it's still got a great package back for him. Like he could have just left in free agency if he would have been smart. Mello wasn't a dick though. No. See, I – That's just the banana boat though those guys are all buddies they're all best friends i have no issue with with players not wanting to play in uh at a specific place you know sometimes it's just not a you know if you don't if you don't want
Starting point is 00:12:36 to play there they should be able to not play there it's like any other job like why if i don't want to work at a company i'm just gonna i'm gonna do whatever i can to leave because I don't want to work at a company, I'm just going to, I'm going to do whatever I can to leave. Cause I don't want to be there. Same thing with mellow. Like, you know, I don't get the, all the hate for, for players that just don't want to, that would prefer to play for another team. I don't get it. Yeah. Well, it's back to the original point.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Let's just throw it out there for the listeners. If there is a super duper legendary player, just don't wear their number. Pick a different one. Blaze your own trail. Unless you adam banks adam banks i'm fine with adam adam banks can do whatever he wants yeah it's fucking banksy bro he's an american quacktastic hero exactly exactly so anyways we got the picture with gretzky we all yelled hockey wait do you think wayne gretzky yelled hockey like everyone else did for the picture? I think he yells hockey for every picture he's ever taken. I'm pretty sure. That's like his thing.
Starting point is 00:13:34 It's like a known but like unknown thing. It's like, oh, yeah. Hey, man, if you're going to take a picture with the great one, just know that he always yells hockey for every picture. Even if the person taking the photo says say cheese he still says hockey hockey he's a great one what else do you expect okay what are you what are you gonna do tell wayne gretzky how to how to live his life go fuck yourself exactly he's a he's a fucking great one man uh anyways so we got team USA with the victory over Russia. And guess what, Brandon? On the heels of that knuckle puck, we are headed to the finals against the top-seeded team in
Starting point is 00:14:14 Iceland. Yep. So that eliminates Russia from the tournament. So now we got the finals. But before the game, we've got a little bit of practice, but not practice with hockey sticks and pads, Brandon. We see some more epic 90s fashion. And Luis says, Coach, shouldn't we have our hockey gear on? No, no, no, Luis. This is our last team practice, which means an Averman jumps in the return of captain blood oh that averman always cracking wise uh but it's it's uh that means it's time for some fun and he busts out a beach ball
Starting point is 00:14:55 brandon and then we get a moment that i didn't remember but when yon is teaching teaching Tibbles how to skate and Tibbles goes away and he's like, oh, I love this. I can skate. And Jan's like, oh, yeah, he can. He can skate. Then you just see him flying in behind. How did he get going that fast? I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:15:20 It's like skiing. Unbelievable. When you French fry instead of pizza you're gonna have a bad time he came fucking flying the opposite direction oh my god i love that that was some great physical comedy from tables yeah oh he he comes in clutch with the physical comedy with that him getting hit in the head with the puck his dancing you know he's just the the physical comedy hero of this movie yeah absolutely i just i love that moment and then um we get some skating around and they're bopping the beach ball and then we get averman smacking the ball down to the other end and everyone kind of pulls up
Starting point is 00:16:01 i'll say before before we get to to why they pull up i i for the life of me was trying to figure out what averman was trying to accomplish with this this hit because everybody's down at one end of the ice right and like when you're thinking beach balls and you you know you're thinking like let's keep it in the air right let's keep it up don't let it touch the ice but every man decides he's gonna he's gonna turn the complete opposite way of where everybody is and rocket this fucking beach ball across the ice i don't know what he was trying to do there go get it you amateurs i guess fucking idiots go get the ball yeah oh i want to want to say you want you want to say something boom go get it go fetch you know but nothing he does that nothing more degrading brandon than making
Starting point is 00:16:51 someone run down you know a rope ball and yeah i don't know that's just it didn't seem like an abram that seemed like a goldberg move not an abraman move you know maybe he just wasn't thinking it also helps move the plot along though that's true because yeah because it's it's rolling down the ice as you said they all pull up uh at center ice because we got iceland looking mean and tough and we got the nordic gods at the other end of the ice here oh my goodness and and what an amazing sequence dude we have here brandon when i lost i remember watching this for the first time and i still i still have this reaction every single time i see it to this day of him crushing the of wolf the dentist crushing the beach the beach with his hands, just like losing my mind.
Starting point is 00:17:46 It's being like, oh, so sick, dude. So, so good. What a bad guy move to crush a fucking beach ball. Yeah, and he did it like really slowly too. Like for maximum impact, the slow pop. Also, did you like how Bombay comes scooting up holding Miss McKay's hand? Maria was looking a little salty in the background after she saw those shenanigans. Yeah, I mean, what do you expect from the Medicine of Miracle Man?
Starting point is 00:18:23 He's hopping from girl to girl as much as he can. Well, I was just going to say poor Maria just had no idea that she never stood a chance because she's not a mom. And I guarantee you Bombay had zero communication with her after the ice cream night. I guarantee you he didn't tell her he hasn't you know he hasn't relayed the the any information about you know that he's not interested that he's you know he's he's dating miss mckay now like zero communication from bombay's and i guarantee it brandon he ghosted the hockey team the united United States of America, and Don Tibbles. You know, of course he ghosted the Iceland girl. So she is looking salty as hell right now.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And do you like Wolf the Dentist has so many, like he has Golden Cakey's nominee quotes all over the place in this bad boy. He's going to clean house. He's winning every single award for me every single award because right here wolf wolf hits the hits him with this nominee brandon play time is over it's our turn to practice now you and your little rink rats must leave yep fucking nailed it and i love that he calls the team rink rats that's that's good stuff that's that's bad guy stuff yep and then so this the because it's bombay's line next right
Starting point is 00:19:53 bombay port portman bombay like looks back at the team and portman's like we're right here coach like ready to fight yeah that's right portman's backing him up. But then Bombay – oh, my god. Bombay, again, zero self-awareness here, dude. Zero. Negative 10 self-awareness points for Bombay in this interaction. Yeah. Read the situation, OK? My god. Read your own hockey career, you stupid ass.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I mean – Yeah. That's it. your own hockey career you stupid ass i mean yeah how in the world does someone who barely made it through a season of minor league hockey say the only thing little was your career in the pros yeah and unbelievable honestly my audacity i have this i have this written down in my notes. The dude deserves everything that happens after this for that fucking line. And then Wolf rightfully says, well, at least I had a shot. I was there.
Starting point is 00:20:59 And Bombay's like, you were a disgrace. It's like, well, go fuck yourself, Bombay. Go fuck yourself what do you call what do you call mr big staff hollywood bombay slick back hair almost making his team forfeit because he didn't fucking show up for the game so i had all kinds of beef with bombay's trash talking technique here i i i i hated bombay so much in this entire scene i I hated him so fucking much. Oh my god. The audacity when you did – like you said, the audacity when you didn't even make the prose to tell this guy his pro career was so tiny. The fucking audacity of that.
Starting point is 00:21:36 And then – he's just – oh, it's so unbelievable. I can't even call it yeah it just it just it was the worst like trash talking sequence i have ever seen from someone because none well just trash talk made any fucking sense no and he just can't help his own ego it's unbelievable especially since like he he's he's doing like he said he's doing the whole hollywood bombay thing right which yeah he is copying wolf the dentist stanson with the hair and the suit and everything he the attitude yes he he went from look he he he copied went from the minnesota miracle man yeah i agree he went from the minnesota miracle man to the wolf the dentist pat riley look yeah it's just the the audacity the unmitigated gall of bombay in this entire scene it's just
Starting point is 00:22:35 un-fucking-believable and he's wearing that dirty ass north stars hat again yeah it's oh and do you like this little piece of manipulation by Wolf the Dentist? Where he's like, can you still move on the ice? Well, please, play a little with me. Show me that famous triple deke your daddy taught you. Or was it that old geezer over there? Yeah, taking a shot at yawn. Love it.
Starting point is 00:23:02 My God, like Bombay. I hope, get a notepad out take some notes this is trash talk my friend this is how you do it not what you were doing over there and then bombay just tells him all right let's let's let's play three bar well so yeah so bombay he does his little trash talk and then miss mckay is like don't be a fucking idiot and he's like okay he's like okay okay we'll leave like, okay, okay, we'll leave. So they're getting ready to turn around and leave. And that's when Stanton hits him with the triple deke talk.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And just to sucker him back in. And Bombay falls for it, hook, line, and sinker. Of course he's going to. He's talking about it. It's that ego, dude. We know how sensitive he is. It's that fucking ego. The dead dad talk. It's a lot of triggers for old Gordo.
Starting point is 00:23:50 That's true. You mentioned his dead dad, and he fucking falls apart. Yeah. Oh, my God. He's just triggered, triggered, triggered. So we get some three bar, Brandon. Yep, some good old-fashioned three bar. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:24:08 For those unfamiliar, it's one-on-one you alternate possessions and you're you're trying to hit uh all three cross well the top crossbar and then the two posts before the other person hits the three yep and wolf knows the game so here we go brand, Brandon. Bombay versus Wolf, the Battle of the Bastards. Yes. I don't know. I'm pretty sure. We never get any mention of Stanson's family life, but I would imagine he's not a bastard.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Well, I like to think that he's a mean old bastard, so technically that counts. And so we got battle of the bastards, Brandon. Okay. Okay. I got you. So,
Starting point is 00:24:49 so on the first, I'm, I'm breaking this down. We get four runs is what I called them in my head. Brandon, where first run, we have wolf ends up delivering. They skating down and he ends up delivering a pretty wicked
Starting point is 00:25:07 elbow to throw bombay off wraps it around hits that right post fires at home boom one nothing one nothing wolf second run brandon we have wolf yelling come on bomb, come on, Bombay, come on, Bombay. And then after, I'm not sure if there was a move or not, Brandon, because we don't really see one. No, I'm pretty sure Bombay just snipes it. Just snipes it right past him, hits the left post. So we got 1-1. Yep.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Third run. We see some fancying. You know, we got some shimmy. We see some fancying You know, we got some shimmy We got some shaking We got some skating from Bombay Scooting around And then boom Drills that right crossbar
Starting point is 00:25:55 2-1 Well, so we got ducks and adults cheering And then we get Bombay Ever Never, ever learning a lesson. He needs to spike instead of just scoring, and he talks some shit to Wolf. No, he needs to score, not spike. That's what I meant.
Starting point is 00:26:14 It's not what I say. It's what I mean. Yeah, but just clarifying it for everybody else. Thank you, Brandon. But yeah, the dude can't just score. He's got to fucking spike it every goddamn time every time he says yeah go ahead ready oh sorry yeah he says newsflash that wasn't even my triple deke yeah which i mean obviously it wasn't bombay you didn't
Starting point is 00:26:40 deke at all yeah you just kind of did some some some moves yeah and so after that little trash talk really getting wolf fired up we get the fourth run brandon in my word bombay jukes wolf the dentist right out of his skates out of his jock strap out of his skates, out of his jockstrap, out of his skin. And he ends up face down on the ice. And then, once again, can't just go and ring it home, has to skate around and pop off really quick and say, one more post and you go home crying. By the way, Stanson, you owe me a beach ball. And that's where he skates up to hit it home.
Starting point is 00:27:27 But what happens, Brandon? What happens is karma. That's what happens. Little karma in Brandon's opinion happens. And Wolf takes a swipe at the quote-unquote puck, but instead gets nothing but Bombay's freshly blown out knee yeah and that's right after the bad knee yep and and then i love this from wolf he says get your coach off the ice we have to practice now yeah and then they portman tries to you know jump the jump the line and go after him but then he i love that stance just like
Starting point is 00:28:06 points the stick at him keep him out of here yeah uh i i love it that reminded when uh when wolf the dentist was like get your coach off the ice we have to practice now it reminded me of the uh the famous austin 316 speech uh king of the ring. When he, when he yells to at Jake, the snake, and he's like, get that piece of crap out of my ring. Classic stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I, I, I, this is one of the scenes. This is going to sound, I it's, this is one of the scenes that makes me love Stanton though. I know it's supposed to paint him as like the super bad because he's cheap shot and he's all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Cheap shots galore. It's the only way he knows how to play hockey. But Bombay deserves it. Bombay is just a little fucking shithead in this entire scene and deserves everything he got honestly dude bombay is that mouthy friend that after a while you're just like hey listen man i'm not gonna hang out with you anymore because i'm sick of like you running running off your mouth and talking shit and just like come scooting behind people when you can't back it up yeah what what's the mike tyson quote uh where it's like um the problem nowadays is people don't get punched in the face enough anymore? Yes, exactly. Like the dude on the airplane that was being super obnoxious to him and then he punched him in the face a whole bunch.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Well-deserved. Bombay is the little idiot who never got punched in the face and needs to. Dude, people have a lot more audacity these days than ever before like there's no self-awareness it's really bothersome no self-awareness just let people live their fucking lives leave people alone you know yeah for the love of god just mind your business and make sure that you're not interrupting anyone. Like don't be so selfish that you're interrupting other people's time. Have some self-respect. That's just –
Starting point is 00:30:11 Don't comment on the internet. Just don't do it. Oh my god. Like no one gives a shit about your opinion. No one. No one cares about your opinion. If you see something on the internet and you like it, give it a like. Maybe then throw in a comment that's like, hey, I like you didn't like it though keep fucking scrolling it's not gonna bother you ever again exactly you don't have to you know what i
Starting point is 00:30:34 should do you know what i should do i should be a huge douchebag and say something that's going to make someone else feel bad who operates like that trash human beings yeah just keep keep scrolling keep moving yeah man that's it that should be that should be the the motto to see something you don't like keep scrolling yeah you know get over it people are just trying to have fun and punch more people in the face too but only only only if you're on the right side of the argument don't be it's a slippery slope because then who who decides who's on the right side of the argument call call me call me and i'll tell you if you're on the right side or not i'll be the judge anyways god that's that is the most terrifying thing ever. It's like you being the judge, jury, and executioner.
Starting point is 00:31:25 There's going to be no justice there. Batman would roll over in his green. There would be no justice. There would be nothing but justice. Street justice. Oh, my God. You and Bane dishing out street justice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Oh, you thought the darkness was your ally? What's the thing during Avengers when everybody was behind Thanos? Thanos isn't wrong? Wasn't that like a huge movement? Hashtag that Thanos wasn't wrong. Wiping out half the world.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Bringing balance. Yeah. Everything needs balance brandon a quick message from our friends at broken forest collective built on a passion for small batch and handcrafted products broken forest provides high quality casual wear and lifestyle goods that are american made and built to outlast the fast fashion trends. They also plant a tree in Boulder, Colorado for every product sold. Visit and use the code cake eaters 15 for 15% off your order. But anyway, so after the ducks peel Bombay off the ice and get him off wolf the dentist's rink uh we get a cut
Starting point is 00:32:48 to a newspaper usa versus iceland bombay versus stanson and we get a we get a little homage to d1 yeah where it's the it's the face-off uh poster you know the face the face well this one isn't this one isn't like face-off like the first one was but it's you know yeah it's bombay versus stanson their pictures right next to each other it's go time it's not forget throw the countries out right this is bombay and stanson that's all that matters fuck iceland fuck america fuck the Ducks. Bombay and Stanford. This is personal, Brandon. Somehow the newspaper had someone in the rink during practice, saw it all go down, knows it's personal, understands what's going down. The only thing that could have made this better is –
Starting point is 00:33:39 You know who their source is. You know who their source is. It's fucking Tibbles. He's drumming up that buzz. Oh, that's true. Yeah, Tibbles is definitely dishing all that to get people fired up get those get that front page headline baby exactly get it in there you know so that's tibbles knows what's up man he's uh ever you don't you don't get to be uh yeah you don't get to be a vp you know without earning it that's for sure yeah exactly dude dude has a VP without earning it. That's for sure. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Dude has a business card. God knows everybody that's in the C-suite of multibillion-dollar companies. They earned that, Heath. They earned that. All right. We won't even get into that. That's a whole rabbit hole we could go down. But anyways.
Starting point is 00:34:31 So, Brandon, live from Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, California. It's Team USA versus Iceland in the hockey finals of the Junior Goodwill Games. Did you know that? That's the actual home of the Ducks? Oh, no, I didn't. That's fun, though. Yep. It's not called Arrowhead Pond anymore, though. It's the actual home of the ducks oh no i didn't that's fun though yep it's not called arrowhead pond anymore though it's the honda center now but that's the well you it's safe
Starting point is 00:34:51 to assume what's what's staples didn't just lay off a whole bunch of employees too it's great because great use of the money crypto's in the uh in the in the in the toilet right now although you know because we're pre-recording this maybe by the time this comes out rebound but i doubt it well let's let's not hold our breath so anyways we've got what will be an exciting title game uh and but before we get to the game brandon we have our boy banks comes running into the locker room well before woke up pain is gone before that we get we finally get a face to our our our boy bob miller you know the announcer you get bob miller and he has a partner in crime yes i forget what did you write
Starting point is 00:35:38 down what his name was it was like yeah shock burning let's see it was some kind of weird-ass French name. But yeah, Bob Miller. What did we think his – what was the name we made up for him? Chet Henson? Yeah, Chet Henson. Yeah, yeah. So we were wrong. That's not his name. It's Bob Miller.
Starting point is 00:35:56 It's close. Close. No cigar. But yeah, so then it cuts to the locker room. Banks is back, baby. Running in. Payne is gone. Bombay, ever the terrible – he's the exact opposite of a wordsmith.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Like what is that? What is the exact opposite? Because he says, Adam, I'm sorry, but we already had a full roster. Boy, that's just a real punch in the testes for Banks right there, coming into the locker room fired up. And again, this speaks to Bombay being a terrible coach and why we should have had a trainer instead of a tutor, is why are we finding out your star player is healthy again
Starting point is 00:36:36 two seconds before fucking face-off? Right? My God, just get a grip on your roster, Bombay. This is just unbelievable. Yeah, why would we not speak? Because I assume, because they had him go get an x-ray, right? I assume he's receiving some sort of medical attention. Why are you not talking to the doctor or the nurse or the whatever practitioner or trainer?
Starting point is 00:37:02 Why are you not talking to those people? Like, oh, hey, Hendrix medical staff. or the nurse or the whatever practitioner or trainer, why are you not talking to those people? Like, oh, hey, Hendricks medical staff. What are we looking at for timeout for this spring? Oh, well, it'll be a game time decision, but he might be able to catch the finals, Gordon. Okay, that sounds good. I'll make sure to adjust my lineups accordingly.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Nope, just completely forgot about it. In one ear, out the other. My God, Brandon. I don't know. Listen, we have said it a million times. I love me some Bombay, but there were some moments in here that he just cannot justify as far as coaching goes. He's the Minnesota Miracle Man and he relies a thousand percent
Starting point is 00:37:39 on that magic. Too much. Although, I will say zero preparation preparation zero knowledge just a hundred percent magic yes you know what it is too like listen those air bomb bays that he's got on now if he's got the pump on those air bomb bays those are definitely helping and helping him stay you know lean and mean on the ice that's the pumps are for sure are helping luck wise as well like they do in the little big league yeah yeah that helps with the magic it's all it's all part
Starting point is 00:38:10 of the magic so and yeah and yawn yawns back he's he's he's in person now so you got that magic going too you know it's uh yeah there's that i think that was the that was the problem is you know he moved too far away from yon and hans so he lost that he lost the scandinavian magic so now that yon's finally back the minnesota miracles kind of started to fade away he left those back at the homeland and what what did they what did tibbles call it paducah palookh. Palookaville. Palookaville. Same thing. But anyway, so but after Bombay says that, they pan over to Jesse, Russ and Charlie and Russ goes. He Russ is like, you know what, man, I took your spot.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Let me take this jersey off and Charlie stops him. And, you know, for all that they did to charlie this this movie and made him kind of seem like a dork this is where charlie gets awesome again and he's like hold the phone he can have my spot it's what i can do for the team we get the emergence of uh coach conway here yeah coach conway the leader bombay take note yep because he leader so charlie gives up his roster spot so banks can come back on and then bombay hands the clipboard over to conway he's like i need you on the bench with me buddy yep and he's like you're coaching with me and then we get a super epic scene where we open up those doors kind of like a prelude coming up right we open up those
Starting point is 00:39:46 doors and we are fired up there they are the united states of america mother loving ducks branded my god we're energy in that building we're in the final we're at arrowhead pond which is a massively bigger arena than we've been at we've been been at the rinky-dink Junior Goodwill Games Arena, which probably held, what, 5,000, you think? 5,000 in there? I was going to say like 4,000 or 5,000 tops. And then now we're at Arrowhead, which is 20K easy. And that bad boy is filled to the rafters, Brandon. It is jumping.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Electricity is in the air fun fact about that that you mentioned it was it was filled to the brim it was in fact not filled to the brim um they had a they had a hard time filling it with with people so a lot of those are cardboard cutouts that's awesome then i mean that's a lot of extras to get you know what i mean and sound like they're yeah 20 000 yeah yeah yeah that's a lot of that's a lot of uh i would assume they're not paying any of those extras um exactly to just getting people to just show up for this that's yeah that's a tall tall yeah so there's a lot of uh cardboard cutouts which is i mean if you think about it foreshadowing to covet these guys were ahead of their times they were ahead they were of their times. They were ahead of the game.
Starting point is 00:41:06 They were ahead of the game. But we get USA out. We got our announcer saying in the last meeting, Iceland crushed USA. 12-1, right? 12-1. 12-1. But here, Brandon, we have an excellent little moment with team usa on the bench
Starting point is 00:41:29 and i freaking love this we got bombay we we zero in he says heads high stand tall fly straight usa all the way oh Amazing. My God. Not quite as good as clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose, but close. It's real close. You know, it made me feel patriotic. I just, I was running down the street screaming America, eagle tattoo on my chest. You know, it was. Rock flag and eagle baby
Starting point is 00:42:05 because i'm proud to be an american you know what i'm talking about uh we heard that song not not lately not lately i don't know what you're talking about it's been a while i mean it'll probably be coming up you know it's it's it's that's a that's a that's a summer song through and through, Brandon. By the time this releases, it's not going to be summer anymore. It'll still be summer in where I'm at. Still be summer in Savannah in the fall. It'll be summer in Australia.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Yeah, there you go. Love that. But anyways, there you go. Love that. But anyways, that was awesome. That little – they couldn't do the quack, obviously, right? Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet.
Starting point is 00:42:54 But that is one – We're still Team USA. I know I mentioned earlier the Ducks are back. I think I mentioned that was in the last episode, I think, that the Ducks are back. But the Ducks are, in fact, not quite back. We're still Team USA, just Team USA. Wearing the stars and stripes, which we haven't mentioned anything. I don't think we've mentioned anything before about how sick the fucking Team USA jerseys are.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Yeah, those are nice. The Team USA jerseys are. Yeah, those are nice. The Team USA jerseys are super nice. They're fantastic. With the giant Hendrix ad aside, take that off of the fantastic. But yeah, great uniforms. Again, not quite as cool as Team Iceland. Team Iceland is a little bit better. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:43 And after that amazing, super fired up team usa chant wolf the dentist kind of has a lame one on they just go yee sland well they shout they shout in ice i'm assuming in icelandic before that and then they end it with yeah oh with that we just missed the the chanting before we say i guess we heard that in some of the previous episodes they show the chanting i just it's i'm assuming it's in icelandic and uh the subtitles do not translate for you so wow there you go yep anyways first face off of the game we have i got a i got a question before you for you heath before we drop the puck here why the fuck is goldberg still in the net
Starting point is 00:44:28 brandon that's gonna be about this before that's gonna be my question it's gonna be my question every game every single goddamn game why is goldberg there well he had proven success against Iceland in the first time around where he held them to four goals for the first three and a half periods. And then for the first two periods, there's not three and a half. And then that's what I meant. And then Julie, the cat left him hanging out to dry. Julie, the cat left anybody out to dry. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I will not stand here for that. That Julie, the cat slander. I'm definitely trying to play devil's advocate, but to piss you off. and it's kind of, it's kind of fun. But anyway, puck drop finals team Iceland.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Here we go. Goldberg somehow still in the net. Lester Averman on the draw for team USA and instantly gets wrecked by an elbow from Gunnar Stahl. Is this and wait, is it this face off that he says something to Gunnar or is that a later on? That's a later one. Okay. Okay. This one, he just gets
Starting point is 00:45:57 absolutely wrecked. Iceland is physically dominated the first game between these two going to try and do it again. Your boy, Guy, gets dump trucked along the boards as well. We see Portman skate around the net. He also gets upended from Iceland. By Gunnar. Gunnar lays him out, which, you know, for laying out a bash brother is not an easy thing to do.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Good for Gunnar. No. Gunnar tough as nails as always. But Iceland with a shot in the zone. And then we get a blatant trip on Goldberg from behind Brandon. That's just dirty, dirty play. That was a rough trip. But I also would like to ask Goldberg why on earth he's that far outside of the net.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Goldberg plays super far outside the crease. It doesn't make any sense. He gets caught out of position constantly. He's real willy-nilly with his movements. He never stays in the net. He's always diving or skating away somewhere. Yeah, and what happens post trip we get sanderson wraps it around boom one early one zero lead for iceland early right right off the bat that was probably what fucking minute in time yeah yeah i'd say about a minute or so but bombay is not worried bombay's we'll get it back we'll
Starting point is 00:47:28 get it back yep and then what do you like sanderson's scoots up to goldberg too slow big boy and this is a great interaction this is classic goldberg stuff right here because goldberg gets pissed and then kenny and duane hold him back and Dwayne's like don't listen to him and Kenny's like yeah that guy will kill you and Goldberg you know ever the opportunity says well at least hold me back like I'm gonna kill him and let me at him let me at him that was just that was great stuff great teamwork fucking Goldberg though again just uh following in bombay's footstep where this is just a gigantic waste of time and a delay of the game where you're throwing your helmet off and you're you're faking a uh a charge at somebody just get back in the fucking net goldberg goldberg
Starting point is 00:48:17 is leading right now brandon he's not gonna put up up with shenanigans. He's showing the team like, hey, I know I'm not tougher than him, but I'm at least going to act like I am. I'm going to show like I am, and they're going to believe it. Goldberg, the leader, Brandon. Sure, Goldberg, sure. By the time we hit episode 10, even though I am also a massive, massive Julie the Cat fan, by the end of this, we're going to have you being nice to Goldberg, Brandon. The leader that is Goldberg.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Okay. Sure. Whatever you say. The leader, Brandon. So anyways, after that, we get a line change gee jesse russ you ready and wolf right away shooter shooter gotta be ready because wolf as they've shown in the previous uh team usa games the wolf uh has been in the stands for every single one of those Team USA games. He's scouting. He's doing the work.
Starting point is 00:49:27 He's putting in the time. He's in the lab doing work. And that's why he is a fantastic coach. Yeah. He knows anything and everything about the team. But before we get on the ice, we see the real inspiration behind Team USA. James in the stands. There you go. That's my boy yep russ we get james hector and the all of russ's crew in the stands yep the soul skaters yep soul skaters
Starting point is 00:49:54 yeah we saw the dude that used the brakes baby yeah that's hector yeah hector uh sat next to him and was like hey he's going in. And then, but when we get back on the ice, Brandon, it's not looking good because Iceland gets Russ trapped in the corner. He's like, man, get off of me. And then, boom. Checked hard. But guess what, Brandon? We're soul skaters.
Starting point is 00:50:18 We don't stay down. Gets up. Slugs of water. Yelling for the puck. Slugs of water. You get back up and you do it again, Heath. And he gears up. He says, watch out. It's knuckle puck time. And what does Iceland do?
Starting point is 00:50:32 They read it like a book, Brandon, and they take him out. And again, we come back to the knuckle puck just takes too long to set up. It's too cumbersome of a play to get going and iceland you know they they read it like a book like he said they they give a give it russ says he messed up he's like oh man i messed up because what's going on brandon iceland is taking it back down the other end yep you get a poke check away from russ and then yeah they're taking it down the other end and we're gonna get uh they're gonna make it to to nothing here pretty quick yep rips it home yep to nothing and and the and the announcer says that team the USA has got to find a way to get back in this game
Starting point is 00:51:17 because they are being dominated by the bigger and faster team Iceland we need a little magic here a little and what do you think about Averman waving the white flag on the bench? You know, it's like Iceland's bigger, faster, stronger. They got more facial hair. He's not wrong. He's not wrong. He is not wrong in the slightest. They definitely have more facial hair.
Starting point is 00:51:44 But I just thought that was classic. Averman's like, oh boy, we're just getting wrecked out here again. Here we go again. Here we go again. And after we get some more video footage of more ducks just getting wrecked out there on the ice, we get Bombay.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Banks, you're on. Hey, be careful out there. Cool. Thanks. banks you're on hey be careful out there cool that thanks what happened to that when he was you know in between when he was actually hurt but anyways um but yeah so banks is out there with his he's he's healthy enough to play but he's not he's not 100 obviously yeah you know so he's coming in off the bench and you you know who else knows he's not 100 because he does his goddamn homework like a real coach stanson yep and and sanderson comes after him brandon and and you know sanderson has the uh
Starting point is 00:52:38 he has an i did my job line coming up real quick you know know, remember I did my job. He has this coming up because Banks just gets absolutely whacked on the wrist again. And the bench is furious. Bombay's yelling, for crying out loud, what'd you call it? I almost took his wrist off.
Starting point is 00:53:00 His voice when he shouts that is amazing. It gets all hilarious. Sounds like a cartoon amazing. It gets all. Isn't it hilarious? Sounds like a cartoon character. It's amazing. And then we get the ref saying, that'll be two minutes. Two minutes. Well worth it.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Yeah. And then as he says that, hops in the box. Our boy, woo, woo, woo, Kenny Woo comes skating by and calls him a goon. Says, you big goon. Get in the box, you big goon. Oh, man. And that will wrap it up for this part, for part eight here. We went from the 70-minute, 10-second mark to the exactly 80 minute mark,
Starting point is 00:53:45 which is right when Kenny Wu calls him a big goon. So we're going to, well, listen, Brandon, two minutes. It's well worth it. Dude.
Starting point is 00:53:54 So good. Sanderson, I think is very underrated character in this. Yeah. Great bad guy. Yeah. Him. And is it,
Starting point is 00:54:04 is it Larson or McGill that that says i just did my job or i'm doing my job mcgill is like i did my job because larson's like would you do that's right yeah so mcgill and sanderson are fantastic little uh little evil goon guys in both the first and the second movie. Because Sanderson, he says in the earlier parts of the movie, he says, in my country, we call that a love tap.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Yeah, he has that line and then he's taunting Portman through the penalty box or whatever. But yeah, he has so many good little one-liners. That and then a too-slow big boy. When he's making fun of Julian, he says, send a woman to do a man's job.
Starting point is 00:54:55 He's got great little one-liners and just really, really elevates the evilness of Team Iceland. The one that you mentioned the the evilness of team iceland the the the one in the that you mentioned from the the first game where in my country they call that a love tap that's my favorite one just because i think i mentioned it during that episode i love when people use the phrase in my country and then try to use that to justify their like terrible behavior comedy gold cracks me up every fucking time it's amazing oh sorry brandon i thought this was america exactly but yeah so sanderson uh is in the box two minutes kenny woo is well worth it brandon kenny was very upset um about that cheap shot
Starting point is 00:55:39 and as he should be is it sanderson is a big goon, you know, Kenny hit the nail on the head there with that descriptor. Yeah. But this guy, you know, looking forward to, to our next episode here, which will be the,
Starting point is 00:55:53 the second part of the, of team Iceland game. Maybe this is the spark, you know, the, the momentum shift in the game that, that we need Kenny Wu. Maybe this is the spark Kenny Wu needs to get his act together and start contributing.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Yep, exactly, Brandon, as we slow down here at the turn of the tide. Exactly. I think Gandalf says that in the second movie yep i think you're right something like that yeah but uh but yeah so the two towers yeah anyways yeah but so we're uh we're down is it still two nothing right still two nothing yeah yep still two nothing down to the iceland but we know we got a power play next next episode here starting off with a power play yep exactly so even though we're down to oh we're starting off strong next episode on that power play brandon hopefully we can uh you know get that goal start start creeping back
Starting point is 00:56:59 a little closer for the equalizer we just need a little magic. We need Jan to come through with just a little bit of magic for us. Yep, exactly. Maybe we need a flying V. Maybe. Maybe we do. We need a flying V. We need a knuckle puck. We need a Fulton slapper.
Starting point is 00:57:17 We need Banksy doing his thing. We need some spaz way. We need some woo, woo, woo, Kenny woo. Woo, woo,way, you know. We need some Woo Woo Woo Kenny Woo. Woo Woo Woo Kenny Woo. We need – The Enforcer. Yeah, we need some Bash Brothers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:33 We need a lot. We need a lot. Yeah. We need some Dirty Dangles by Cowboy Dwayne. Yeah, yeah. We need some good old-fashioned Connie attitude. Yeah. We need some good old-fashioned Connie attitude. Yeah. Well, hopefully Connie's been keeping Averman and Goldberg and everybody in check. Hopefully.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Hopefully. But anyways, what an episode. We are just – we're creeping up towards the end here, Brandon. What a journey it has been. Yep. What a journey it has been yep what a journey you know you know i it's part of me is is honestly part of me is kind of rooting for wolf the dentist stanson just a little tiny part that that that uh that three bar game the way bombay carried himself really rubbed me the wrong way you know i just i'm still still a little upset about it listen brandon you know i think that even though bombay
Starting point is 00:58:34 yeah was kind of having a little bit of an attitude you know wolf the dentist it just you can't hurt people you know it's not. It's not the way to go. Got to be better. Got to be better than that. That sounds like – are we sure he did that on purpose? He didn't – he was just trying to stop Bombay. He might not have been trying to hurt him. It's not his fault Bombay got weak bones.
Starting point is 00:59:08 He hit Bombay's knee, which is not that close to the stick, out in front of him. It was not even close. Close enough. Close enough. No, it's – you know what they say, Brandon. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. It's not Stanson's fault that Bombay is 85 years old and doesn't have a knee to walk on, okay? Oh, my God. 85 years old and can't you know doesn't have a knee to walk on okay oh my god that's i'm i don't know if i can agree with you there brandon the dentist that was a that was a bad guy oh dude you know what he has some great one-liners it was a bad you know what they should have had
Starting point is 00:59:38 they should have had him knock out one of bombay's teeth that would have been better that would have been fantastic. And then he shows up to the final with a necklace with Bombay's tooth. Dude. Like a shark tooth necklace, but like a Bombay front tooth necklace. Exactly. Well, it doesn't have to be a front
Starting point is 00:59:57 tooth, because we don't want to... That's the money maker. Well, you gotta need the tooth to be big enough to put a string through. Oh, you knock out the molar. Doing that with the molar? Yeah, yeah. I think a front tooth would have more impact.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yeah, but then you definitely – yeah. But then we're messing with the moneymaker. You'd have to have Bombay – you know. It's, you know. I think molar is the way to go. That's part of the bad guy move, Brandon. Oh, you don't know shit about being a bad guy. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:00:30 There's probably some people that probably wouldn't agree with you, but fair enough. Whenever Kelly and I have the superpower talks, she was like, you always act like you're the good guy, but by the end of this, you kind of end up being the bad guy. That's because every time I accidentally go for world domination but didn't realize that's what I was doing along the way the whole time. Yeah. You know why, though? It's because you spent your childhood idolizing Bombay. That's why. That's what happens.
Starting point is 01:01:00 The good guy who's actually the bad guy complex. Yeah. That's exactly it i just i need my sage spirit guide along the way otherwise i will go i will go off the beaten path that's for sure you've been you've seen it you gotta you gotta find yourself an old scandinavian man to just follow you around that's what you need that's uh that's that's i would i would be okay with that actually i'm perfectly okay. Like, uh, like Tran in a new girl, you gotta find yourself an old Scandinavian Tran.
Starting point is 01:01:30 That's what you need. Yes. That is actually the perfect analogy, Brandon. Exactly. That's exactly what I need. I need a Scandinavian Tran to come along, be my path. And then I won't accidentally take over the world. I'll be the Nebraska miracleavian tran to come along be my path and then i won't accidentally take over the world i'll be the nebraska miracle man yeah what what superpower are you choosing though in these in
Starting point is 01:01:51 this scenario how often do you have this conversation oh i always look i always ask i always ask weird questions like this or like like if you were a shark what would your name be stuff like that what what would your name what yeah like what do sharks get to choose their own names is that is that uh is that common is that common knowledge that i just didn't didn't know no but like if if you were a shark what do you think your name would be brandon it'd probably be brandon you know really i guess i don't know what's what's it you got to give me more information what's the what's the language we're working with what are the language rules because i don't want i don't want to you know i don't want to come up with a name that doesn't fit with shark language or anything like these guys did
Starting point is 01:02:41 with their icelandic names you know then you look like an idiot here this this is where i would take it up a notch so we would do what kind of shark and what name because then the kind of shark kind of will help with your name right okay i would be i could do i could do shark talk all day long heath i love sharks they're my favorite animal i'm trying to think what what kind of shark would i be though i would probably be i'd probably be a tiger shark oh that's a good one i i definitely would go hammerhead myself if you're a tiger shark what would your name be though right so if i'm a tiger shark what would my name be tell us your hammerhead name while i think of mine yeah so hammerhead sharks obviously very cool but i think i would just go with like a
Starting point is 01:03:35 regular name because i always think that's funny with sharks i'd just be glenn the hammerhead shark i'll see and you got mad at me for saying my name would be brandon uh glenn glenn glenn's a nice one though glenn the hammerhead shark yeah if i was a tiger shark my name would be shircon oh that's a good one too yeah sure that's that's that's a great okay yeah there you go all right see brandon that's a fun game when you're just sitting in the restaurant waiting for waiting for your food to come out and then you know that's just part of dating me i guess you just get really stupid questions thrown your way that just what's the what's your superpower what's your superpower though we didn't answer that what's your oh yeah sorry so do you ever watch the show heroes back when it was on do you remember i
Starting point is 01:04:22 watched like the first season but i would be hard pressed to remember any of it all right so i'll just sum it up really quick in that show there is a kid who his superpower is like he can communicate with like electronics and stuff by like touching it so like um you know like i could touch this computer and i could do all of our editing with my mind okay you know and so i would choose that but the problem is is it is it sped up at all or is it still real time you know i mean it's like well the problem that we run into is that like you know i would probably would probably be a very curious person. So I would start digging into, like, deep government secrets.
Starting point is 01:05:10 And if they piss me off, I would definitely expose people. And then also get through the firewall. I don't think I have. Well, dude, if you're superpowers that you can talk to electronics, you're easily getting through government firewalls. But the big thing is like the banking ones. maybe the kid could i don't think you could though people people wouldn't be able to prove it but there would be obvious signs because you know all of a sudden there would be accounts popping up all over the place and your boy would be very gently entering into you know know, very, very slowly,
Starting point is 01:05:45 but surely creeping into millionaire status through the, through the right. How are you going to launder that money though? The IRS is going to get you. Brandon, I can speak to computers. Do you not understand that I could manipulate the stock markets with my power so that my investments and there's no way that they could prove it because it's all done through my brain how would you manipulate stock prices just through the computer though because it's all done through ones and zeros like cryptocurrency i would just start you know like the dow jones somebody somebody would need to be buying at those prices, though, to get the stock to go that high.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Oh, Brandon, don't poke holes in it. I would just figure out a way to – I could literally just create accounts in my name and make the government not see it. Brandon, don't poke holes through my superpower. I could go into ATMs and have the camera forget my face and just give me a whole bunch of cash whenever I needed it. There's a lot of things I could do. You're still going to have to launder the money though. Otherwise, you yourself would never be able to actually use it. You're still going to need to launder the money.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Well, you have all that money and then we've already talked about this. It's very easy to launder money in the U S you act like it's a very difficult thing. It's not difficult. It's time consuming though. And I feel like you're. Why are you poking holes in my superpower? Brandon,
Starting point is 01:07:18 like go watch heroes. The kid does a great job. Have you ever watched Ozark? You know, accountants aren't that trustworthy. He, you know, they got, they got loose lips over there on the accountant. Listen, Brandon, if I could communicate with machines, I would take over the world. That's all we have to say about that.
Starting point is 01:07:36 How did we get here? I don't know. How did we get here? I'll probably just cut it out. Yeah, like he really forced us to fall off the rails. Well, you started talking about how uh you're always the bad guy because you're a terrible person and i said yeah you probably accidentally you learned that from the world yeah because you're bombay you need a you need a spirit
Starting point is 01:07:57 guide you know yeah otherwise i will accidentally take over the world if someone's like hey heath i don't know if i would take all that money that's kind of a bad guy move i'm like oh but i want to do a whole bunch of fun stuff see my my superpower would be um would specifically just be to pause time oh that's not bad like you could catch a few extra z's in the morning when you're feeling tired yes but i do not want the ability to fast forward or rewind because then i would turn into you the evil guy who would ruin everything just want to be able to pause just pause yeah like oh hey you know best concert of my life let me just hit pause really quick run to take a pee can skip all the lines coming right back maybe grab a grab a shirt from
Starting point is 01:08:45 the merch booth for free you know yeah so a couple obviously a couple free bevvies along the way back obviously stacking up on some rocky mountain water oh absolutely it's a brandon are you are you are you pickpocketing uh someone's booger sugar? No, I wouldn't pickpocket people. I would definitely steal from every major corporation I could, but I wouldn't pickpocket people. Unless I happen to be in the same general facility as like a millionaire or a billionaire. Like if I happened to be in the same place as Jeff Bezos, pickpocketing that guy for sure. Same with Elon.
Starting point is 01:09:42 But I don't – we don't cross paths that often, so I don't know how that would work. maybe maybe if i could pause time my social circle would change you know yeah you would if you ran into someone who could manipulate machines with their minds i'd own the internet by the end of it brandon would you i i don't i i don't think you a if could pause time, definitely wouldn't tell you. And B, I think if you could manipulate machines, you wouldn't tell me either. That's actually very true. So therein lies our – we would never be able – we would never work together because we just wouldn't realize that we could. Well, I could never trust you. What's my secret, Brandon?
Starting point is 01:10:25 Oh, and I could never trust you yeah i'm the most trustworthy person ever that's a complete false you're gonna say you're the most you're gonna say you're the most trustworthy person ever when we got fucking jan and hans sitting over here well i'm in the same breath as them. We've clearly established you're not because you need one of them to help you. I guess that's part of my, I guess that's part of the Bombay sickness is not knowing that you need the spirit guide help. Until it's too late. Yep.
Starting point is 01:10:58 That's the Bombay curse. Yep, exactly. But anyways, all right, well, Bombay curse aside, we're down 2-0 to an iceland team and you know hopefully next episode we see some that like we said before the turn of the
Starting point is 01:11:14 time all right yep i got a feeling there's gonna be some uh minnesota miracle magic rearing its ugly head here. Thanks for listening, everyone. Don't forget to subscribe and rate us on your favorite podcast app. Follow us at The Cake Eaters Pod on Instagram and TikTok. And visit for merchandise and more information on the podcast.

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