The Cake Eaters - 63. E:60 Once Upon A Time In Anaheim

Episode Date: August 1, 2023

On today's episode, Heath and Brandon review the ESPN documentary E:60 Once Upon A Time In Anaheim. The boys point out the similarities to their previous episode, Birth of an NHL Team, and then through Biggie Smalls, Imax Movies, Disney jacking us off, pronunciation being a social construct, Brandon's hate for Andre Iguodala, how great Shaun Weiss looks, and how the Ducks went from script to puck drop to Stanley Cup Winners. Follow us at and on Twitter (@thecakeeaters) and Instagram (@thecakeeaterspod) Email us at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What does possible sound like for your business? It's having to spend to power your scale with no preset spending limit. Redefine possible with Business Platinum. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Terms and conditions apply. Visit slash business platinum. It's not worth winning if you can't win. it was all a dream we used to read word up magazine when did biggie die was all a dream. I used to read Word Up magazine.
Starting point is 00:00:47 When did Biggie die? Was it like 93? It was later than that, wasn't it? Was it? Yeah. It's like 96? 94? Do you think he ever watched
Starting point is 00:00:59 The Mighty Ducks? Because I was in... Oh yeah, he died died he died 97 you're right 97 oh damn right dude right before dustin's creek started poor guy so he he had to have watched mighty ducks right he's i bet you he's a big guy yeah absolutely yeah yeah he strikes me as a goldberg guy you know big big goldberg loyalist wanted julie the cat to gtfo the whole time oh yeah well would he 97 his dt was 96 right so yeah he would have seen him too he would have seen d2 yeah absolutely you probably saw it in theaters oh yeah i mean he's probably in the premiere yeah him in him diddy mace junior mafia just chilling chilling with bombay and michael eisner you know as absolutely probably what 10th row middle you know like that real nice seating
Starting point is 00:02:01 you know none of that front row bullshit when you crane your neck back it's you know that's insane do they even see people at the front row for premieres i feel like they would just like rope those the you know the first like four or four or five rows off i don't know i'm pretty sure they do yeah you know real psycho that would be a real slap in the fucking face to get invited to a premiere walk up and boom your front row buddy yeah just imax why i even hymer why do i even come explosion why am i even here oh but i bet that knuckle puck is never knuckled like you you know in a fucking front row imax mighty duck showing knuckled the shit out of it i don't think they were doing imax um there's no there's no way dt
Starting point is 00:02:46 was released in imax this is you know because they they weren't doing like commercial imax at that point were they i feel like they were just doing like the like the weird museum documentaries that you go to you know yeah imax was still very like tourist trap did you guys get you probably you probably didn't have access to an imax theater out in wayne but we used to do that that was like a field trip staple as you go you take a field trip to the old trip yeah to the to the denver uh museum of science well you fancy city kids got cool yeah they have they have their own limax theater there you pop in there you know watch a 45 minute documentary about tyrannosaurus rex listen i'll say this i did get to go on a very cool um field trip to ashland nebraska got to go see the dinosaur
Starting point is 00:03:42 um fossils there that are still preserved in the ground. Didn't even take them out. They were massive. God, I forget which animal it was now. It's been a long time. Sorry, Ashlyn, but shout out. Go see the dinosaurs
Starting point is 00:04:00 there. It's great stuff. Great field trip for a kid. Where the fuck is Ashlyn? Out west. Western Nebraska. dinosaurs there it's great stuff great field trip for a kid where the fuck is ashland out west western nebraska okay it's like okay it's like smacking between omaha and lincoln yeah oh there you go not west well i mean it's west of omaha you know yeah it's it's all that matters but anyways yeah ashland you can can go see some dinosaur fossils there. It's a good field trip, you know. And, you know, the University of Nebraska, when I was a little kid, the Natural History Museum they had there, I thought that was just, like, the coolest, you know.
Starting point is 00:04:39 It's like, my God. Did they have an IMAX there? No, but they had, like, a knockoff theater type of thing. The first type of thing that I experienced like that was like, remember like the weird 4D ones? Oh, yeah. Like the iMacs that spray you with water
Starting point is 00:04:55 and poke you in the back with shit? We did one of those because I had to in Kansas City when we went to Kansas City Worlds of Fun. I used to go to San Francisco when I when we went to kansas city worlds of fun that was a big yeah i used to go to uh san francisco when i was growing up to visit uh like my she's my great aunt to visit my great aunt um and she would always we'd always go to like the piers and stuff and every pier had like
Starting point is 00:05:16 the weird like 40 or like some of them i think even described it as like 5d theaters where you're like it's like moving you around and it's like shooting fire and spraying you with water and it's like okay it was like someone's like spitting on you or sneezed on your back but then it was always it was always like that but then it was coupled with like the whatever adventure you were watching was just like the worst computer graphics in the world it's like this is really taking me out of the 5D experience here, guys. Speaking of just hokey things like that, you know what Mama D is totally on the mark with that we talked about last time I was home? We were watching this show called Carnival Eats, and she wants to do a tour de U.S. of fairs and carnivals and stuff like that. And I was like, damn, I think you're onto something.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I would love i think to just kill my gut for a summer and just eating chili dogs as the the glizzy king brandon i figured you would be all over that i don't know first time i've ever been described as the the glizzy king wait is this our intro did we even say why we're talking wait well all right hold on can we circle all the way back the reason we started talking about biggie smalls is because i started singing lines from juicy because we were we watched the show from espn called once upon a time in anaheim um because it was all a dream that the Ducks became reality from kids movie to hockey team.
Starting point is 00:06:46 And that's why we're here today. They'll figure it out. Circle all the way back there. It's in the title of the episode. They'll figure it out. Dear God, what a disaster. This is why we have a whopping 5,000 listeners. Like you said, we're talking about the E60 Once Upon a Time in Anaheim,
Starting point is 00:07:04 which, honestly, Heath, if we're going to... I e60 once upon a time in anaheim which honestly heath if we're gonna i'm just gonna just gonna get it out of the way here start pointing some fingers they this is exactly what we talked about in one of our podcast episodes already yeah if you get if you've been a long time listener you'll remember episode 34 everybody's favorite birth of an nhl team yeah we detailed this exact story ESPN listened to it and then they fucking jacked us off they ripped us off that's a poor phrase
Starting point is 00:07:33 I am not going to sign off on ESPN jacking us off Brandon I'm just going to sign off right ESPN jacking us off, Brandon. I'm just going to sign off right now. I got tongue-tied. It was a combination of jacking our ideas and then ripping us off. Listen, we got double-teamed by Disney and ESPN getting jacked around all over the place. That would just be a single team, though, because it's the same company.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Well, same company well two same company yeah let's the mismanagement on both sides is why everyone's getting fired dude jvg what a travesty that jeff van gundy got fired i love that guy i know well the tragedy is that uh mark jackson didn't get fired and he got fired. Mark Jackson is literally the worst announcer I think I've ever heard in my entire life, regardless of sport. The dude's a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yeah, I don't know what to tell you. It just took him leaving for the Warriors to create a dynasty, so he'll always have that. Although I will say his back down, like his point guard back down he was a great player in the 90s where i like i fucking hated him and reggie miller in the pacers but his move and the way they played was so good just him rick smith's reggie miller hated him all
Starting point is 00:09:00 but anyways let's get back to he was a great player he's just a terrible announcer because he's such an idiot yeah they should have fired a lot more people than the ones that they did there's just i couldn't i could name another 20 that could get fired and over jbg i'd be fine with max kellerman was a good was a good not not that i endorse people getting let go but like max kellerman did you like the the worst take in the history lives on forever dude yeah like listen he should have been fired after that quote like that's just that's just you're not good at your job dude like i'm sorry like i i do not want anyone to get fired or let go but if you are taking andre iguodala in the final shot for the fate of the world over Steph Curry. You might be the dumbest person to ever talk about sports. You're taking Andre Iguodala for anything.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I wouldn't choose Andre Iguodala to tie my shoes. Andre Iguodala is garbage. Over Steph Curry. Andre Iguodala, he's a quitter. He's a quitter in a toad coat is what he is. Oh, geez. Coming from the Nuggets fan, why don't you just bask in the Jokic dynasty that's unfolding in front of you? Nuggets fans always talk about they still have some distaste for Melo.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I have no issues with Melo. Andre Igu Godal is my enemy number one. You know, I am really excited about the Nuggets. I hope that they repeat, but I will have
Starting point is 00:10:37 to say, normally, I'm all in. You know how I feel about last names. I'm very specific because mine is a disaster but this whole braun brown thing with the the dude from the nuggets on the championship team who should play a bigger role next year you can't spell it braun and then tell me to pronounce it brown like it's just that it phonetically it just does not make any fucking goddamn sense i mean do you know what i'm talking about i think jbg actually said this too maybe i don't know but it just
Starting point is 00:11:12 someone and like ryan rossillo said said brown and i was like he can't be fucking talking about this brawn guy is he an idiot yeah it's jesus i don't know i you can't make it make sense in my brain it's like it's like it's calling out all the all you people in north carolina that tried to beat me up in the bar that one night it's appellation the the c-h-i-a-n makes it it doesn't it's not appellation there's an there's an eye in there i'm sorry there's just nothing you can do to make me you're just you are digging yourself a hole because you're wrong on on both counts first of all it's brown and it's appalachia no sure yeah it's not a it's language it's all made up you can say whatever the you know if you can throw silent letters in words, you can tell me anything is pronounced any which way.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I don't give a fuck. It's all made up. I like my language, Brandon, to follow phonetics and the rules. First of all, there are no rules. It's all made up. Grammar Nazis are the worst people in the world. I'm not a grammar Nazi. I'm just phonetics Nazi.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I want correct pronunciations, Brandon. There's no such thing as a correct pronunciation. Everything is anything. All right. I'm actually, you know what, Brandon? Now that you said that, you're right. I'm going to start schmitting all of my words. Like everything that I say, I'm going to gently mispronounce from here on out.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Do it. In the podcast. I'm going to start planting words in my notes to just softly mispronounce to see if you pick up on it. That's going to be my new game from here on out, starting this day. All right, Brandon, let's dig into this team. We're just talking about a whole lot of everything except this episode of ESPN. Like we mentioned, it is going to, for everybody
Starting point is 00:13:08 that already listened to our episode, Birth of an NHL Team, a little bit of a rehashing, but there was a lot of new stuff that this ESPN documentary went over. So we still have tons of stuff
Starting point is 00:13:23 to talk about. And two things I love the opening by the way like the opening where it went the following is based on a true story based on a fictional story that was great yeah great yeah but there's two things um i i want to point out first before we get started. One is I love this thing, even though I already knew the vast majority of it. I loved watching it because it was great. And it made me – they did a really good job because they play up the whole underdog thing. They do a really good job of hitting that nostalgia factor. This made me so nostalgic for 90s hockey with
Starting point is 00:14:05 all the old clips they were playing it's fantastic and then two we talked about it in our our previous episode how fast this fucking happened but the documentary really drives that home with all with the exact timeline of dates and stuff of just how quick and how nonchalantly they threw this fucking thing together it was the most 90s thing that could never ever happen today right there's too many logistics now you know you can't you can't just call up the nhl and be like hey i need a team and like one of the other like gms is just like listen listen rich you know you gotta do it man just buy the fucking are you talking about bruce so i got some notes on bruce because i fucking love bruce dude bruce is a fucking insane person um there's another great um espn 30 for 30 called king's ransom
Starting point is 00:15:00 yeah where it it goes through the wayne gretzky trade to la and it focuses on bruce and and him a lot more highly recommend to go check that out too but i watched that and then i did some like reading into bruce because uh it was just like he's so he was he owned the la he was like a media tycoon or whatever he owned the la la kings and like you said he's at this point he trades for gretzky he's really trying to push like west coast hockey so he's i guess he's he's bothering the head of disney michael eisner being like hey get a team get a team get a team yeah um but he keeps but but so bruce bruce ran into a lot of financial trouble after – essentially after this – after he gets the ducks in, like late 90s. I think he was arrested and sentenced to jail in like 97.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Damn. So he got arrested for defrauding banks for over 200 million dollars which is like i mean baller move dude baller fucking move if you're gonna defraud anybody defraud the banks that's what it's at exactly they number one they deserve it number two like jesus that's really good shit um you know um but wait hold on brandon let's backtrack because before they like with the show it starts out like before the team and it talks about um the creator and his roommate are living like a super 90s la lifestyle what a powerhouse fucking um apartment roommate combo they had there though with steve brill and peter berg yeah fan fantastic you know um peter berg uh
Starting point is 00:16:58 who brought us the delightful friday night lights yeah and a whole bunch of other stuff and then yeah but like and same with steve brill steve brill the mighty ducks are his like his pride and joy but he's any any like adam sandler movie um like past 2000 i think steven brill's been um writer director otherwise if not a producer of like pretty much every adam sandler movies plus so many other comedies um but that like that's what a what a crazy like combo like that would be like if you if you were michael jordan and you decided to move to la and then your roommate was kobe bryant and it's like what like come on yeah the amount of talent in that apartment and i also love that they just had nothing to do for so much time and they would just go ice skating and that's where all of this started because they just had nothing to do peterberg's line was um we
Starting point is 00:17:54 were when you're 23 years old and bro and a broke white male in la you're worthless or something like that like literally that's exactly what he said it's just like a 23 year old broke white guy is worthless in la and so they were just dicking around on the ice skating rink and then they were i'm assuming they were either stoned or because he his the line steve then the kids come out it's like oh man this is a fucking movie dude but steve before that when he goes he goes so we were just trying to find anything to do so we'd go to the ice skating rink that was just down the street you could kill a whole day there so he would they were obviously high there's no way you could kill a whole day at an ice rink if you're not high you're just skating in a circle that's that's that's like real faded and skating around two hours you can go two hours on an ice skating rink unless you're high then you can kill the whole day
Starting point is 00:18:55 it's amazing um and and the the like he gets motivated to do this script. And then he basically turns into the big Lebowski where he is just obsessed with this script. Open robed, disheveled. I'm just assuming white Russian and ripping heaters. Yeah. Pounding gin. Just freaking gin everywhere. Which leads into Brandon.
Starting point is 00:19:28 How the rumor finally laid to rest how did he be come up with the name gordon bombay so he was drinking he was pounding gin drinking two two two different different bottles of gin that's how much gin he was drinking is he had two different branded bottles that's that's that's why um but yeah so so he confirms there's been a long um circulating rumor that he chose the name gordon bombay after the gins um gordon gordon's gin and then uh was it bombay sapphire um yeah that was a long rumor. So it's nice to get final confirmation that that is, in fact, why he named him Gordon Bomba. And I like that they described his vision of kids playing hockey in Minnesota on the pond and kind of slipping and falling everywhere and kind of looking like ducks on a pond and so that is how we get our favorite intro of the ducks on the pond and our boy averman calling the game yep the jess meister classic stuff but like him and the other i forget the guy that he collaborated with but
Starting point is 00:20:45 they did you hear him say they only did two to three drafts and then disney was like are you talking about we got it no not his roommate but the the older guy yeah the older guy i think was his agent right maybe that's what it was like they did a little back and forth with the like some writing critiques but really two three drafts they said and then disney was like we got this this is amazing yeah they said they said disney was the first the first people they went to and they immediately said yes yeah and i also love that disney let them stay true to the script like that they proposed of keeping it in minnesota like it's the state sport it just it makes sense for the ducks to be in minnesota i feel like it maybe wouldn't have jumped off as the realism.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Pee-wee hockey, having a broadcaster, doesn't make sense anywhere except for Minnesota. It still doesn't make sense, but at least somewhat makes sense there. It's like, all right, big city big big city minneapolis twin city they gotta they gotta kill some radio time why not put yeah you know exactly um i also love that they put them through a 16 week hockey camp with did you recognize him the referee jack white yeah he plays he plays the referee in one and two yeah and then he plays the uh an opposing team's coach in three if i remember correctly and and i love that goldberg was like yeah it sucked and they wouldn't let us quit you gotta fucking play hockey that's that's another like famous um like thing about the production is that none
Starting point is 00:22:22 not a single one of the kids knew how to ice skate before yeah or filming so yeah that's right that boot camp was incredibly necessary and honestly they probably could have used a couple more weeks yeah it wasn't fantastic but geez 16 weeks that's a long time i that's a that's i mean i figured they would put them through a boot camp but i didn't think it was going to be quite that long. That's quite the commitment. Classic Goldberg trying to quit. Yeah, it's... Oh, jeez.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Leave Goldberg alone, dude. Did you... Even after this documentary, you don't have any soft spot for Goldberg in your heart? No. I have zero soft spot for the character of Goldberg. I do have a soft spot for Sean Weiss, though. And I'm glad he's looking great now.
Starting point is 00:23:04 He's bounced back he's off the drugs, he looks fantastic in this documentary and even at the end they give you the little heartwarming story of him coming back from all that that viral sensation that he went through a couple years ago
Starting point is 00:23:20 and he credited he credited mostly to the the ducks fans because when that that crazy photo of him getting arrested went viral he said uh he got a bunch of uh he got a ton of messages and support from ducks people yeah just saying like hey man you you got this we can do it and he's like shit i can i can do this i can clean it up um to take it back to the the thing not to like derail us too much but i want to call out the fact that we talked about it a lot our boy basil mccray coolest name in the world and his line and the fact that mike madonna was supposed to have those lines but couldn't untongue tie himself and we also called out this insane stupid
Starting point is 00:24:07 line that he had of like i thought you were a farmer or something like it was like why didn't he say that but it was like dude the guy literally was a disaster on camera we talked this i'm so glad that this was this this was my favorite part of the movie when they started talking about Basil. Because there was a part when we were talking about D1 where I went on a huge rant about how there's no way Basil McRae and Bombay could have played peewee hockey together because Basil McRae is so much older. But now that it was written for Mike Madonna, it makes so much more sense because Mike Madonna and Bombay are literally – I didn't look into this. But they're so much closer in age than Basil would have been so that makes so much more sense and then they just flipped it because mike madonna's not an actor he couldn't yeah pull it off and just the poor guy i kind of feel bad for him right like he was like a rookie that year too yeah like he was like a rookie he wasn't even like he was good but he wasn't like mike madonna yet
Starting point is 00:25:03 well but he he had he had hype coming out he was uh he he wasn't like mike madonna yet well but he he had he had hype coming out he was uh he was a big draft pick there was like yeah i know but he wasn't like the mike madonna that we like know him as today like it was he was still just like like a rookie from there do you think if we reshot the movie today he'd be able to pull off the lines no i know no offense we still need basil we still need your buddy yeah wow big big basil i was i got so hyped when that when that when they showed up that was like fuck yeah basil i was hoping they would they would have interviewed basil but just mike i i that was amazing that they called out the mike Madano-Basil, the throwback to the kids, the behind the scenes with like Josh Jackson being like, oh, and like explaining like they lost to the Hawks.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Now it's time for – Yeah, it's like behind the scenes talking like he's actually – Like he's – Yeah, that was amazing. It was like, hey, you lost the first game. But I would have loved a little more of that i was hoping they would have got uh actually i was hoping for some actual like current josh jackson interview um but no it was just they had connie on and fucking love connie connie kills it
Starting point is 00:26:18 and then sean weiss they had goldberg in there yeah um those were the only two ducks they had um as far as interviews go yeah yeah yeah i was i was really hoping for josh jackson but the dude's busy he probably he's been you know filming so much stuff lately he doesn't have the time he didn't have the time for game changers definitely doesn't have the time for e60 let's talk about the debut of the mighty ducks movies because they knew they had something and I thought that we I think we talked about this a little bit too right where the first week was like was a little rough didn't get good reviews at all and then the second week it was very rare that a second week a movie skyrockets and jumps and almost doubles um and with like vhs
Starting point is 00:27:08 and all that kind of stuff it cost them about 12 million to make and they made over 100 million which is pretty massive for 1992 for a kid's movie it's at 100 million right yeah um and then that is where you know Disney's like alright we gotta get some sequels going but two months after the release of the movie is where the expansion franchise is awarded by the NHL to Disney and like the kids were like,
Starting point is 00:27:45 holy shit. How is this happening? What is happening? I also really love how much everyone hated like NHL purists. Like it just makes so much sense for nineties NHL period purists to hate the mighty ducks of Anaheim and especially the mighty ducks of Anaheim playing at the pond yeah well I mean it's uh I love it it's classic I mean hockey hockey is not hockey's not the most um trying to think of the best way to phrase this hockey is not inclusive or fun or cheeky it's about fighting
Starting point is 00:28:25 in tough nose and blue collar it's it's blue collar canadians yes and um they're not yeah like you said they're not exactly the most welcoming of of fans they're notorious for for gatekeeping and all they especially didn't how did they not love the quack herd around the world like i just i i mean i don't get it i loved it yeah uh even even 30 years later i'm i'm still bought in hook line and center yeah uh so yeah they they they hated it there's still people that that hate um my the mighty ducks like they're like because it's it comes up every once in a while of like because because they're no longer the mighty ducks of anaheim they're the anaheim ducks so it comes up every once in a while where like we need to we need to go back to
Starting point is 00:29:14 the old logo change the name back to the mighty ducks and there's still people that are like no it's a terrible it's a terrible name why would you you? The original logo needs to come back. Mickey Mouse name. Mickey Mouse Organization, Heath. But while we're talking about people who hated the name, we have to talk about one of my other favorite people that popped up in this documentary who has probably the best nickname of all time. Oh, the Grim Reaper. Yeah, Stu Grimson, the Grim Reaper, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Classic. Your boy, G.A. Bear, your boy ga bear just got you know in that those expansion seasons poor guy well like he said like you get if you're a goalie you get picked in an expansion draft you're basically fucked yeah because i mean it's your it's a ragtag group of of nobodies. There's not a lot of help out there. Yeah, they were just getting two-on-ones, three-on-ones, and he was getting shredded. Well, he had stew. He had good old stew out there throwing haymakers.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Yeah, I love it. And I love that they talked about where they had a parade, and people in the crowd were like, kids are like, these guys are too old to be in the movies oh there's one other thing but there's one other thing um when they're doing the announcement right before the duck call heard around the world um he's it's at the beginning of the announcement he's talking about he's getting ready to announce the name and michael eisenberg drops this line where he goes it's a very it's been a very controversial topic honestly we didn't exactly agree on it until seven o'clock this morning
Starting point is 00:30:50 i love that the morning of the announcement if we were still fighting over if it was going to be the mighty ducks or not uh the world was so much better back then when things were just running hot and loose. Oh, man. But yeah, it's just... Anyways, I also said the Emilio intro with Steve Brobo where they're doing the duck calls and stuff. Like, just all... Everything about this rollout,
Starting point is 00:31:21 I don't know if they... I know they didn't mean to, but it was just it pissed every nhl fan off because it was so hokey so cheesy it was just the the kids remember we talked about the skate the pre-game ice show that was insane before you get to that though the the the disney on icing before we get to that though another thing about the name uh so another thing about the name i want to talk about a they didn't decide on mighty ducks until 7 a.m of the event um the announcement 7 a.m the day of the announcement and then b steve brill talks about
Starting point is 00:31:57 how he got invited to the event and he goes up um to michael eisner before he announced the announcement and he's like oh you guys got a team like what are you gonna like what do you like let me know what he is gonna name it and he goes oh you'll like it meaning they they never told steve brill they were gonna use his fucking team name yeah they just uh he found out as everybody else did but again hot hot and loose um because i guess i guess they didn't need his permission. Probably when they bought the films. Yeah, they owned the namesake. Steve, come on. Get a better lawyer.
Starting point is 00:32:31 You've got to get a chunk of those royalties. People like Disney owned it. Do you think he got any royalties from the hockey team? Oh, I doubt it. If they weren't even talking about his... If they didn't even ask him if they could use the name, I doubt he got anything from the actual hockey team oh i doubt it if they weren't even talking about his if they didn't even ask him if they could use the name i doubt he got anything from the actual hockey team yeah and then um after they talk about that they just basically go into how shitty the team is and like they're they're
Starting point is 00:32:57 bad well the whole disney on ice thing let's get back to that oh yeah oh yeah because we we talked about it in the last episode but this gave us a lot more than i remembered um the wild wing descending from the rafters going through the ring of fire and tripping and falling and the ring of the ring of fire the ring of fire wasn't i think the ring of fire was later on in the season um but the ring of fire i remember that video they showed was amazing because the dude that has zero like a head speed he got no head start at all he was going over he would have been better just standing in front of it and jumping than the speed that he got oh it's just real bad but i think zero bill of speed i was like what is that louise out there the the disney on ice with the candlestick and all that stuff was great but i think the creme
Starting point is 00:33:52 dollar creme the ice man oh my god i forgot the ice man comment the ice man comment and then he go it what is it what did he say what did he say in the interview when they they asked him like where he came from and he he said he came from like underneath the ice yeah yeah it was just it was terror and he kept getting booed oh i felt bad for the dude he took uh he was doing the he was doing the best he could with what he was what they knew him to work with. Bring back the Iceman, you fucking bastards. Hashtag justice for Iceman. They threw him under the bus so quick.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I did like when they're going over that stuff, they're talking to Michael Eisner and he goes, his line is, I tend to remember the things that did work well and not the things that didn't. But I'm sure you have the well and not the things that didn't but i'm sure you have the video of all the things that didn't work well that was which is like honestly
Starting point is 00:34:50 great great advice for everybody if it works well you remember that if it doesn't fucking out of sight out of mind you move on forget about that could you imagine being a player and making it to the NHL and scoring your first NHL goal and getting sprinkled with pixie dust by Tinkerbell? Like that would just be the most atrocious thing in the entire world. What's his face? Your boy, the Grim Reaper, got in a fight because of it, right? He got in a fight. He got in a fight because of it right oh he got he got because of a lot of because of everything um they also had the team be part of the pirates of the caribbean poster which is a disaster too
Starting point is 00:35:34 oh my god and i i also like that they called out the fighting and hockey and how everyone was freaking out because it's like disney you're gonna let the players fight and it's like what where tell them not to fight like that's not how the fucking nhl works but you go you go out they had to do it too yeah you go out there and you tell stew he's not he can't fight let me know they also had to because everyone was just making fun of them for being mickey mouse and shit and like if you were the visiting team and you went and saw that you would chirp them until like the cows came home like i'm glad it's required i'm glad they kept bringing up that phrase because that's one of my favorite phrases of of all time is a real mickey mouse organization yeah i throw that around all the time whenever
Starting point is 00:36:20 describing even just even the minorest of inconveniences got real mickey mouse organization over here yeah the the turn of the tide for the team really started when they drafted paul korea um and they had him in him and him and temu solani um and then they they made it to the playoffs in 97 and lost do you want to like really dig into this i really didn't want to but like um i just i i liked how they they touched on um paul and um paul and tamu's relationship and how they were so weird night and day i loved how i loved how tamu uh pressures him into buying a new car because he tells him he's going to burn the old one and then he starts whipping cookies as soon as he buys the new car
Starting point is 00:37:10 he starts fucking around poor Paul I felt so bad Taimou's a fucking he's a fucking riot dude it's like Ferris Bueller and what's his buddy's name Morgan or James I forget i know what
Starting point is 00:37:28 you're talking about i forget his name though either way um i i loved it they and then i i loved all the all of the the 90s clips the 90s hockey clips were it was just it was it was pulling at my heartstrings especially with the all the crazy board ads from the 90s they had. There was a Blockbuster video one. Del Taco was apparently a big sponsor of the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim. That fucking logo was everywhere in that rink. Dude, we talked about this offline, but I love some Del Taco, Taco Tuesday. I could just rip through like 10 tacos
Starting point is 00:38:05 easy and then there was there was also like uh like 10 or 15 um like random cellular companies remember all the like cellular one yeah all those remember 10 10 220 i was watching an old uh wcw pay-per-view that was sponsored by 10 10 2 20 wrestling wrestling um old like ads as well as the old ad boards from like 90s hockey are just great like little nostalgia bits some of the old wcw ones still have like the ads like the like slim jim or the wrestling toys or the video games. It's really good stuff. But back to the hockey, I like how they went through the journey to the 2002 finals where they made it, and then they lost to the Devils in Game 7. And that was a great journey.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And the whole Paul Cora story where he got which is gets hit dies on the ice and then comes back and scores a goal so i remember watching that live and being like um like like shocked at that hit when it went live but like watching it back them showing the clips of him his hand like twitching on the ice while he's not moving and his eyes are shut that was terrifying well and it's like it's like 10 it's like 10 seconds and then his breath hits his visor like he was not breathing yeah for a small period of time and then he came back 15 minutes later yeah and if he would have gotten hit like that again he would have died, he would have died.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Like he would have died right there on the ice. Oh yeah. Yeah. Like, and it's, it's crazy. Like I felt, it was like actually a tragedy listening to him talk. He's like, yeah, it sucks. Cause now like half of his career is gone. Like he doesn't remember that game at all.
Starting point is 00:39:59 He didn't remember a good chunk of that season. I think is what he said. Right. Like, yeah. Couldn't just can't remember anything. Yeah. And like now half of like, he said it like half of his career is just like like people come up and help him remember his career because that's the only way he can remember is through other people because it's just black now yeah that's horrifying i know because he he only played a couple of years he retired right after it no that
Starting point is 00:40:25 right after that because he retired in 2003 i thought and this was the 2002 2003 season no this was the 2001 2002 season um and he because after this it was not short there's not long after no he played like two more years i think because he played a c he played a season with the avalanche him and him and tamu salami both came to the avalanche the next year in 03 and then he played uh either a full season or maybe half a season with nashville and then then he retired because yeah he just yeah he was real tragedy with concussions after that um yeah that insane fucking hit from from scott scott stevens is the devil the the guy on the death is the guy who played on the devils i i feel like it kind of sounded like i was calling scott stevens
Starting point is 00:41:11 the devil they kind of portrayed him as the devil dude he was he was like he was like stew he was uh he was scott stevens was a bad dude man he was uh he would fuck he fucked up so many people he was uh that was not that was not his only hit he was uh he was a fucking monster out there yeah i also this is going back a little bit but i forgot how good the red wings were i have that stretch like i'm so glad you brought that up i have that in my notes i was like the 97 red wings were insane. I have. And like, and like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:48 it was just, I just forgot. Cause I gently followed hockey. Cause it just wasn't available in Nebraska, like in my small town. And it wasn't even like super readily available to watch on TV, unless you sought it out. And so I, but I just remember all the ESPN highlights and I,
Starting point is 00:42:04 the penguins were my favorite with Mario Lemieux and Yami or Yager. But my God, those playing in PlayStation with those Red Wings, you were unstoppable. Yeah. Yeah. That whole stretch, because obviously as an Avalanche fan, the Avs-Red Wings rivalry, specifically during that time of the late 90s, is legendary. There's another 30 for 30 ESPN documentary called Unrivaled. I think I've seen that. I can't remember what it's called the fights though from the old Red Wings
Starting point is 00:42:46 games are amazing to go back and watch like on TikTok yeah it's called Unrivaled Red Wings vs. Avalanche great documentary I highly recommend that as well but yeah those fights cause I mean Patrick Leroy
Starting point is 00:43:01 bloodbaths and goalie fights oh the goalie fight. Oh, the goalie fight between. Oh, God, that I know. I can literally see the video in my in my mind of them meeting at center ice. Like it's just like those those old Red Wings have fight videos are worth revisiting at least a couple times a year maybe maybe kicking off the season and then as you're ending the season yeah i did you watch that the that documentary if you
Starting point is 00:43:32 haven't i did a long time ago it's been like a long time ago but i gotta re-watch it came out last year but okay oh i thought it was i thought it came out a couple years ago i do time it literally means 2022 pretty much time literally means nothing to me. I thought Kelly's birthday was a week ago. It was two days ago. So I don't know. You should watch it, though. It's really great.
Starting point is 00:43:54 But the fights were fantastic. And then the hockey, because they were both. Maybe I just watched the previews. But they were both amazing teams. Like the 97 Red Wings. i think it was go was it um i forget who it was somebody was listing off the people on that team and it was just insane you know you forget it's like you're federov um eiserman shanahan fucking lindstrom just a who's who of great hockey players yeah yeah it's a shame the red wings are terrible now
Starting point is 00:44:27 they're one of the they're one of those teams even though i as an avalanche fan i don't like the red wings but it's one of those teams where like um i think we talked about this offline about like college football teams there's certain teams that like it's better when they're better when they're good like the hockey as a whole is better when the red wings are good like the red wings the blackhawks like something i don't care about the blackhawks we had so many blackhawks fans at the arrows like the arrows was all blackhawks and when they would play the blackhawks minor league team sold out every time. See, I don't have a soft spot for the Blackhawks because growing up in the 90s, they were trash. They were absolutely abysmal.
Starting point is 00:45:17 And then from 2010 to 2020, they were really, really good. And now they're trash again. So most of my life life they've been trash they just have the one like chelios i had a starting lineup figure of chris chelios yeah chelios is an interesting fellow because he played for quite a bit of teams i know he played the longest i believe for the blackhawks but i don't i don't think of him as a blackhawk when i think of him i think of red wings because he was on like the late 90s teams uh a couple of them so when i think of chelios i think of red wings there you go but god the fucking 97 red wings 90s hockey was just the best
Starting point is 00:45:59 um well and then the documentary ends on a happy note because even though the underdog team that made it to the cup didn't win and those dirty devils did um in 2006 your boy taimu came swinging on back and they won the cup and it's really sad that paul wasn't a part of that yeah so so yeah paul left after after the 2002 season then disney sells the team in 2005 right before the lockout yeah and they tried to call michael eisner out on like hey it's worth a lot more now and he's like yeah well you know we needed to get out of it there's a strike come in like go fuck yourselves yeah they because they did that it was a savvy business move then yeah it really was because they honestly because at that point espn and disney were the same and espn because that that that 04 lockout crushed the nhl yeah um they still haven't
Starting point is 00:47:00 fully recovered like fan engagement wise from that um yeah that like ruined it and so um and a lot of that had to do with espn pulling out before the lockout to espn they stopped covering hockey games and then you had disney sold the team um yeah you know i i did uh a couple a couple things i want to point out um you mentioned they lost that 2002 after korea gets um concussed they lose the san diego finals uh but jean-chevashian jaguar the goalie won the finals nvp essentially the con smith yeah um even though he was on the losing team do you know a trivia question for you do you know how many times it's happened in the history of hockey? Once?
Starting point is 00:47:47 Five times. I thought that you were going to try and rope me with an obvious one. He's the last one to do it, but it's happened five times. And it's doubly insane that it's not only, it's not like it's a losing goal score, it's a losing fucking goal. Yeah. Like that's, I rewound's a losing goal score. It was the losing fucking goal. Yeah. Like, that's... I rewound it a couple times. I was like, so this is...
Starting point is 00:48:10 This goalie was so good that he got the MVP of the finals. Yeah, his team lost. Yeah. Well, they lost in game... As the goalie. In game seven. So it went all the way to game seven. So, like, I i'm gonna say it like that's
Starting point is 00:48:26 how that's how close the series was that like the losing goalie yeah won the mbc like that's pretty cool i fully believe and i'm sure other people do too i don't think it's a hot take at all um if korea doesn't get a concussion they win that they they win that series they win the standard cup um i know he came back in that game and scored the winning goal but he was he was not next game in game seven yeah yeah um and then another thing i wanted to point out is uh when they uh when they're kind of going over the the process of of disney bailing out and selling the team michael eisner has this line where he's talking about, he says, the fans don't care how much money you spend.
Starting point is 00:49:11 They just want to win. And the shareholders don't care how much you win. They just don't want to spend. They don't want to waste money. And his exact phrase he uses here, he goes, they don't want to waste money on what could look like a corporate boondoggle and when he said that i was like thinking back to how quick on a whim and mickey mouse that he put this whole this the mighty ducks of anaheim was a corporate boondoggle he's he i it was his pet project he was
Starting point is 00:49:43 i'm sure he was the only one at disney that was like yes fucking do this yeah he fucking boondoggled disney into that hockey team um and so yeah it makes sense that he was he was a little you know money conscious he's like this is i don't want to it's like uh you know i'm not trying to to to spend all these people's money on my hockey team. I love it. And, you know, we can end it with this, Brandon, going back to the merch because they're bringing out the heat, the hot fire with this anniversary logos they've got going this year. I absolutely cannot wait for the hats to come out.
Starting point is 00:50:21 I'm sure the merch will be good. I was very, very disappointed with the jersey no you didn't like it i thought it was great i thought the merch is the 30th anniversary merch is gonna be fantastic the merch will be great the the jersey they they they're either current branding is is terrible with the with the orange black and gold yeah um and the webbed foot logo i don't care for it yeah but they've done this because they've had they had a 20th anniversary jersey and they had a 20th anniversary jersey i believe and then they've had a couple reverse retros that the nhl
Starting point is 00:50:57 does and they i don't know who's in charge of their their you know their graphics or their uniform department or whatever but the motherfuckers just won't they refuse to do the easy thing that everybody wants and just do the old fucking thing even if it's like a third one-off kind of thing like this would be perfect to just do the original jersey instead they gotta make it all fucking weird and it's just like just like throw the fucking fastball stop throwing you know I mean I like the new logo but I am with you I have been craving
Starting point is 00:51:33 the old just the logo that was debuted when you see Luis coming out onto the ice from D2 like that logo that is that's what they need so bring it back for us but any other last thoughts on this documentary it was great fantastic really fun watch if you're a ducks fan go do it was very yes if you were a ducks fan or
Starting point is 00:51:59 you grew up watching hockey in the 90s it was very nostalgic so i highly recommend it just on that that point alone just to scratch that nostalgia itch i just love how at the end they were trying to get everybody to do a quack and the only people that did it were connie and goldberg oh yeah that's right here i did i did highlight that and i also thought it was great that they said brill and berg are no longer roommates. Yeah. Thanks. Thank you. I was actually operating under the assumption that they were. So, yeah, I actually highlighted that none of the players would quack, but Kai and Goldberg are like, quack, quack.
Starting point is 00:52:37 But then Goldberg's like, all right, I'm out of here with that shit. I can't be fucking quacking anymore. Thanks for listening, everyone. Please remember to follow and like us on Instagram at TheCakeEatersPod, on Twitter at TheCakeEaters. Also reach out to us via email, TheCakeEatersPod at or visit our website,

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