The Cake Eaters - 65. Newsies

Episode Date: August 29, 2023

On today's episode, Heath and Brandon finally talk about Heath's favorite musical, Newsies! The boys go over Brandon's hatred of musicals, the cultural loss of cargo shorts, Portman's ...angelic voice, how scary a street fight can be, Heath re-enacts the entire movie song by song, and we end with a quick tour of Golden, Colorado. Follow us at and on Twitter (@thecakeeaters) and Instagram (@thecakeeaterspod) Email us at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Remember, it's not worth winning if you can't win this! Open the gates and seize the day Don't be afraid and don't delay Brandon, nothing can break us No one can make us give our rights away. Arise and seize the drum intro. Cake eaters, Brandon. Let's fucking go. Let's open the gates and seize the day of fucking newsies breakdown. I've been waiting it for two years. Brandon, let's go. This is going to be a heat-dominated episode because I'm just going to preface this right away.
Starting point is 00:01:14 The Newsies is not my cup of tea. I'm not the target market for this movie. Do not care for it at all. Brandon, okay. It hits all of my least favorite things I remember texting you this But I don't like New York
Starting point is 00:01:30 I don't I don't care for musicals There's like two There's two musicals I would say that I enjoyed Mamma Mia Mamma Mia and Grease Every other musical, garbage I fucking love
Starting point is 00:01:45 greece so i yeah i love musicals brandon you know what so i just don't i don't i don't care for them unless they're like unless it's like an animated musical i can get i can get behind some of those but brandon well yeah i mean come on like mulan you can name a million but i don't even know if i would consider those musicals though those are more just movies with songs in them you know um this is fantastic i actually if i was given three wishes from a genie right now the first two would deal with like money and like permanent wealth and the last and the best and the kicker would be that my dream of dreams would be that one random day out of 365 i would never know when it could happen but i would wake up that morning and my entire life that day would be a musical
Starting point is 00:02:31 and that would be that would be the fucking dream of dreams brandon like that the musical scrub scrubs episode oh my god that's my dream that is my that is my dream of dreams to wake up one day. That sounds terrible. Dude, imagine me and Jenkins and Josie doing a trio as well. We're waking up and walking our dogs. It's going to be a lot of fun. I'm going to take a big fat dog shit. The thing that drives me crazy in musicals, and this Newsies does it all the goddamn time, is when they intermix the song and then they're they're doing the song right and then at random points
Starting point is 00:03:12 in the middle of the song they just stop and they start doing a regular conversation again and then they start singing and it's like no it's so goddamn annoying if you're gonna sing sing the whole fucking thing and then wrap it up or you can't just stop and start all crazy like that. Have you ever been to a musical before, Brandon? That's how they all work, dude. No, I mean like the short little ones. Like they do it in the first song where they're all singing in the bathroom or whatever. Oh, it's my favorite.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I love it. And then for like three seconds, two characters, the musical stop and they'll start talking one-on-one to each other. And then the musical comes back. It fucking talking one-on-one to each other and then the musical fucking sucks i hate it it's garbage it's it's it's not great when you're listening to the songs on spotify because you get a good 15 seconds of just playing in the background and you're like wait wait wait i know they're talking um but wait can i justify my love for this movie brandon because like i actually like have to justify this i feel like i'm i'm gonna be in the minority for sure as far as other people are concerned but in this in this conversation between me and you you absolutely need to justify this because this was okay i i hate you for making me do this so oh my god well first of all fuck off you made me do buddy games okay, oh my God. Well, first of all, fuck off.
Starting point is 00:04:25 You made me do buddy games. That was terrible. That was the worst of the worst. I didn't make you do that. That was all, what's his name? That was all Josh Duhamel. Josh Duhamel. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:33 So anyways, so this is one of those. I had just as terrible a time watching buddy games as you did. That movie was so bad. Okay. That's a good point. I think that, anyways, yeah a it's the worst of the worst but anyways the reason that i love this movie so much is it's one of those like childhood movies you know what i mean like we we recorded it on vhs but even more than that i feel like if i
Starting point is 00:04:57 would have that's why i like greece because i watched greece when i was a kid growing up um so i feel like if i would have caught this because this is my first time ever watching this oh you meant you could if you would have done it when you were younger you might yeah if i would have had the nostalgia i probably yeah well it wouldn't have been as harsh but yeah this was the first time watching it and yeah but the nostalgia goes even deeper because so the month of december great dane where my dad worked for like my entire adult life right or just my entire life for almost like 30 years um they would do great day christmas movies and they would do one every like like a matinee every saturday or sunday afternoon and you would get to pick which one you would go to that weekend and they would always have a couple offerings and they would have christmas movies and new movies and disney movies
Starting point is 00:05:50 and the one that i remember the most is going to newsies with my dad with heidi we and i was we talked about this off air but there was this crazy old popcorn company where she just left mama d at home mama d was not super interested in going she had no desire not a big newsies fan okay well not even that it was unless unless they're playing a hallmark christmas movie she's out unless they're hallmark christmas movies she's out and who has time for movies when there's work to be done brandon that's it's fucking chaos like just just a bunch of sloughs like you have time to sit around all fucking day watching movies you know but this was when we went to the great day movies we were in full fucking starter jackets like our hornet starter jackets full of popcorn hot bags of popcorn candy everywhere it was amazing it was immaculate that's my next move because i've only had this pass during summer so i haven't had the opportunity to bulk up and like sneak shit in i need to buy i need to
Starting point is 00:06:56 reinvest in some cargo shorts i don't have any cargo shorts anymore can you believe that they went well because they went out of style yeah and that's the biggest crock of shit i've ever heard in my life dude what are you supposed to do with your things i have things that i carry around you know like what are you what are you carrying around what are you carrying like i've got my wallet i've got my keys i've got my phone i've got you know that's all you need you're right i guess when i used to smoke i'd have cigs and in a lighter and one you know a little little pen or something here and there you know what if i need my checkbook so the pens these days are so uh they're small man you just slide that right in a little pocket
Starting point is 00:07:38 uh but cargo shorts are you just never know when you're gonna need cargo brain what if i buy something you know how i love merchandise stores what could slip a t-shirt or hat Cargo shorts are ridiculous. You just never know when you're going to need cargo, Brandon. What if I buy something? You know how I love merchandise stores. What could slip a t-shirt or hat? Yeah, I would just carry it in the bag. I mean, you keep poking holes in it, but I just fucking loved cargo shorts. They were great in college when you were just up to no good. See, that's the only time.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I don't want to put myself on blast on this podcast, but I literally have like full bags of weed and pipes in my car pockets and going to parties you know i just walk in just whole place somebody's smoking i don't know who couldn't be this fucking resin but anyways it's always the dude in the cargo shorts that's the only that's the only time they're they come in handy and when they're useful is when you're up to no good when you're trying to you know bring a bunch of weed or sneak uh food into a movie theater you know but i need to out of a buffet i do need to uh i do i do need to
Starting point is 00:08:44 invest in some cargo short stones that way I can start sneaking drinks and shit into my movie theaters yeah fuck those theaters I haven't seen, this will date it a little bit but this is we're recording this
Starting point is 00:08:58 right when, like a week after Barbenheimer, I still haven't seen either of those have you seen those? no, Kelly's trying to make me go to Barbie, and I keep trying to make her go on her own. Because I did. I've been trying to go, but it's just, they're fucking packed, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Like, I went to the movies last Friday, and I saw... That's what I'm talking about. Wait another two, three weeks. Well, I didn't go to Barbie or Abba and Iver. I went to see cobweb which was pretty good by the way scary movie um i don't like scary movies i'm fucking leveled life is too scary for scary movies brandon like i don't need that shit in my life
Starting point is 00:09:34 um but i went to i was the only one in that movie that theater i was the only one in that theater but all of the barbie and oppenheimer ones were just fucking packed it was insane so yeah i'm gonna i gotta wait a couple a couple weeks to to catch those i don't know if i'm gonna see i don't know if i want to see oppenheimer though it's three hours that's too long for a theater yeah sad three hours i'll eventually probably go to to the barbie movie because like i haven't been to the movie theater since um avengers endgame um and yes it's been a minute um and i love a big tub of that fucking buttery popcorn with some raisinets or some bunch of crunch and a big old mr pibb ah jesus that's that'll put some nostalgia on yeah but anyways all right brandon let's get back
Starting point is 00:10:25 and let's talk about this movie of movies we get to speak about newsies because our boy the badass himself dean portman has the voice of a fucking angel and because of his voice and did you see his dance moves? Are you kidding me? That guy was front and fucking center of every single thing. Every piece of work. Oh, my God. Fantastic. You would have never thought that Mush, a.k.a. Portman, would have gone on to be the bad boy chicago after all those sweet moves and that beautiful
Starting point is 00:11:05 voice here in newsies but here we are was this 92 that this came out yeah 1992 yeah okay and then see i was six years old and this was like one of my first it was like one of my first memories of like being in the theater and like just i remember the way we loaded up snacks you would have thought it was a five-hour movie it was fantastic this is two years before d2 all right and you could tell he looked young in the in the movie like he's just baby yeah fresh faced you know i don't know what is is he an alto is he right is that what it is is soprano i have no fucking clue i can't i can never like i can't spot here like that i don't can you reach out to him on instagram for me and just be like hey man we are so curious as to like what key you sing in or
Starting point is 00:11:59 what's it what's it called what are they assigned i didn't i didn't do choir it's a range not a key yeah what range are you that's what i meant you know i the only reason i know half of those is because did you know he's married to adina menzel well only because of all the tiktok comments that we got but oh my stars could you imagine the fucking duets that they have at home for their kids it would be you have elsa and max from a goofy movie it's it's fantastic we'll just we'll look at we'll do the goofy movie later but like some of these some of these it's just i don't portman was fantastic he was he was one of jack kelly's best friends i would say you know racetrack was probably his numero uno uh and then
Starting point is 00:12:47 david well racetrack i don't know racetrack and jack were tight but mush and jack were super tight too they were like 1a 1b best buds before the old davy boy came in yeah davy davy really steals the show yeah i'd say i honestly i would say probably crutchy was his was was his his probably top boy racetrack racetrack was a bit of a he was a bit of a loner he would always wander off by himself you know well that's because he was always wandering off to the track trying to get a you know fresh loan on the hot tip dude i feel like using every time i was fucking newsy money for gambling oh my god dude i feel like him every time i put in a parlay dude i got a hot tip on this fucking six leg korean croatian soccer league
Starting point is 00:13:34 parlay dude i've been betting a lot on the national rugby league and the australian football league and new zealand basketball league like i've been um did the collinwood magpies i got them on a future parlay did you get any action on slam ball did you find any of that on there no i couldn't i couldn't but i did uh put a parlay down on the big three there you go you know listen to ice cube didn't ice cube start that shit and it's like all the old old-timers yes yeah that's all old um all right yeah we're 15 minutes in brandon we got to start talking about this movie so you know who i need more information on and uh who was my favorite is good old good old spot oh spot conlon oh my god
Starting point is 00:14:18 dude he was every girl's like dream guy if you were into this movie spot conlon was he was a badass dude and like the way he whips his cane out when like yeah save the day little fucking badass little fucking irish boy walking around all with the cane and everything that was fantastic i did have i did have uh his his was a little rough christian balale's is real tough. Oh, their New York accents? Their accents are real rough. And in the songs, there's certain points in the songs where they overemphasize. It's fantastic. It's every... Brandon, this movie was made in 1992.
Starting point is 00:14:57 What did you expect? Whenever anybody has said a word that had a UT combination in it, that was the worst. When Jack Kelly's saying nothing all the time, it's, dude, come on. who said a word that had like a ut combination in it that was the worst like when jack kelly say nothing all the time let's dude come on like let's pull it back here man bullets and hearst they think we're nothing are we not no bullets and hearst they think we're scampers there's gonna be a lot more of that just so just saddle up wait i do i i do want to i do want to clarify this before we move on though okay go ahead because i've been
Starting point is 00:15:31 talking i said i didn't care for the movie i don't care i love it you hate it we are 180 degree opposites i don't care for new york i don't like musicals i don't like anything that has orphans in it and i really really don't care for anything set around the turn of the 20th century so this was like this movie had no chance in my book but i will say i am a newspaper boy in our middle school play too oh this reminded me of my my capital day journalism days for sure but i will say i am 100 percent without a doubt pro-union. I was a little invested in the union stuff. Listen, this was
Starting point is 00:16:09 based on a true story, Brandon. Do you not have a heart for fucking kids? Well, I mean, they should be in school, first of all. Well, they couldn't, Brandon, because in the 1920s, they basically used kids as slave labor. I know. Yeah. I have a heart for for there I said I'm pro-union I was I was behind their cause a hundred percent
Starting point is 00:16:32 okay very pro-union I don't know like we're going through the the writer and actor strike right now I'm very pro-union with that I don't know by the time this releases it might be done with but this is the I just want to go on record this is a pro union podcast okay i love that all right so let's let's start out the high anti-musicals pro union that's my stance that's that's my fantastic you're wrong about that i'm that's that's the new thing that's going on my uh my dating profiles my bio pro union anti-musicals you're not gonna get a lot of love for that, Brandon. I'm going to weed out the fucking weirdos that are all into musicals. That's what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 00:17:11 And all the fucking conservatives. Wow. Brandon, that's, are you saying conservatives like musicals? No, I'm saying they're, they're anti-union. Oh, it's like cheese Louise. I did not see the correlation. were gonna go there so i really had to dig in there like what where did that tie in i mean that that would be an interesting thing to look into i might have to do some more some some extra research see which uh political leanings are more more into musicals i would assume i don't know that's your liberal liberal arts majors all over the place but anyways all right brandon how we're gonna do this episode i'm leading it we are just
Starting point is 00:17:53 gonna rip through all of the portman highlights because it pretty much takes us through the entire movie before so so we're doing this movie because portman's in it right but i do want to point out another Little connection because we talked about Little Big League a while ago Because that has little Little young Gordon Bombay The kid who plays Gordon Bombay in it
Starting point is 00:18:14 The main kid Luke Edwards from Little Big League Plays Les the tiny little main Kid in Newsies And Les is Another connection for you It's connection for you. It's a small world, Heath. It's a small world. Hey, take me
Starting point is 00:18:30 last, Pete. Take me last, Pete, mister. Oh, Les crushes it. And then he's obsessed with the cowboy. It's like the cowboy Jack Kelly is his fucking hero. Hero of heroes, then. You know? It's like the cowboy Jack Kelly is his fucking hero. Hero of heroes, then.
Starting point is 00:18:46 You know, it's fantastic. All right, so let's start off the movie with, it kicks off with an amazing opener that I'll get into in a second. But during one of the talking parts, we get introduced to Portman as mush. And this is one of my, this is fantastic. He goes up and he says hey jack how'd you sleep last night and he jack kelly what does he say he says on me back mush and then mush starts punching him he's like hey yo guys listen to what jack said i said i had to sleep last night and he said on me back mush oh my god it was fantastic brandon his accent during that part was like like it was
Starting point is 00:19:29 turned up to 10 it was a 10 out of 10 on the the absurdity scale that i sent it was absolutely it's welcome to 1992 accents no one gave a shit what are they gonna do write a review that 20 people read in their local paper who gives a fuck just what are they gonna do another take yeah right oh my god dude but this is one of the it's it's a fantastic opener and i'm gonna do this beginning because this is just how this fucking whole episode is gonna go brandon because because racetrack kicks it off that's's my cigar. You'll steal another. Hey, bummers, we got work to do. Since when did you become me, mother?
Starting point is 00:20:14 Well, stop your bawling. Hey, who asked you? And then this is where they start talking. Yeah. And then we get an amazing solo from portman he's coming back and he says try bottle alley or the harbor that's not really it's not really a solo it was one line that's a fantastic solo he considered like a solo no it's a solo line Brandon try Central
Starting point is 00:20:48 Pockets guaranteed try any bank Obama they's almost all knows how to read do they almost I what do you think the literacy rate was in 1899
Starting point is 00:21:04 not not as great as they depicted because i was gonna say spoiler alert when they were passing out those that's all i could think about like they're passing out like those movies those things to the industry kids like nah dude you're reading that shit to them like that's that's what they're doing like they're literally gonna have to find the one person that can read out of the 20 and then they read it to everyone yeah um like that's that's the literacy rate how they i do have a question about the the lodging house here though he's because it seems like it seems like all all of the the the orphans in this lodging house are newsies so is it is it is it a thing
Starting point is 00:21:43 where like you have to be a newsie in order to live at that lodging house or do you get into the lodging house and you're like oh everybody's a newsie i might as well be a newsie too that's i think that's it okay i think that's i think that's i think that's it um because you know brandon ain't it a fine line carrying the banner through it all a mighty fine life carrying the banner tough and tall it's fantastic i love everything about this song wait and the best part about this song that is absolutely insane is when they break to the nuns they break to the nuns and they're just what was with the what was with the old lady oh no no no dude the the dude of me singing so much there's a prompt that just popped up on the laptop that said
Starting point is 00:22:34 listening to music set up professional audio that is how poorly the singing is going so i'm sorry to all of our listeners but like um so i will explain what this lady is doing um because portman has another solo line in this and i this is really tricky because it's like a she sings and it's an echo and it's hard to do on your own um but after the nuns do their um they're they're singing to the though you wander lost and depraved, Jesus loves you. You shall be saved. That's what the nuns say. They're blessing the bread and then giving it to the orphans. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Exactly. And then this is where this lady who has – her son has run away from home. And she says, Patrick, just give me half a cup darling something to wake me up since you left me and then this is portman i gotta find an angle yeah and then she says i am undone i gotta sell more papes mother loves you god save my son. So I got that part. She was just looking for him in the newsies. Because they would run away and just live on the streets as newspaper boys.
Starting point is 00:23:56 She wasn't talking to the newsies, though. She was talking to the nuns. Didn't you see her looking around? She was like, Patrick. And she like looking around. I don't know what, like, so it's just, okay. So we don't know Patrick though. We never see Patrick. No, no. It was just, that's, that's why I had to call it out. I just, I just, I, I kept expecting her to like come back or something. I expected it more than, more than just like a throwaway thing.
Starting point is 00:24:22 It was completely throwaway. I think it was just like to highlight the like 90% of the kids, like they would just run away from home and in New York city and become like child labor. Yeah. And so I think it was, that's the one thing I think would have been interesting to kind of flesh out.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Um, I feel like it was much easier and more um you were more likely i don't know if more likely to succeed i think it was it was easier to successfully run away from home during these times yeah okay well because there was like when you're gone you're gone yeah because you could you could you could you're off the grid you can you know whereas net like when we were so great yeah when we were growing up they would you know they had fucking t you were your face was on the tv they were looking for you couldn't you know couldn't get out of dodge yeah well i don't know nowadays they just track your phone when i was growing up in the 90s i i probably could have disappeared if i wanted to
Starting point is 00:25:21 especially in like you know small town rural america i mean i could grow a beard at a young i could grow a beard at a young age yeah i'm not it was it was still possible but it was a little bit harder there's more barriers to entry because you'd have to like wherever you landed again you you would need you know birth you'd have to get you have to forge some documents back then you just fucking you then, you just make up a name like Jack Kelly and you're good to go. Yeah, that's true. You didn't have to verify anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:52 You could just run away to Santa Fe. We'll get to that in a little bit. In just a second. So we go through the whole intro. And then they go to buy their papers from louise mr wiseau um and the uh and the two brothers i'm i'm blanking on their names right now but the delancey brothers yeah yeah um and they they get in the fight and and jack's running around and he swings on the canopy and kicks them over the newspaper thing it's fantastic fantastic. During this first
Starting point is 00:26:26 exchange we had with the Delancey brothers, the Newsies and Jack were being fucking dicks. You know? Stole his hat. You know? The Delancey brothers weren't doing anything at that point. They were just chilling out. No, they came in talking shit, and you could tell
Starting point is 00:26:42 they were the bullies on the block that came in talking shit always. Roughed them up, bullies on the block that came in talking shit always roughed them up getting fights you know that's why Jack came in hot wasn't going to put up with their shit he came in real fucking hot yeah you know he can't be can't be snatching hats that's like that's like snatching the chain
Starting point is 00:26:57 in the 1920s dude yeah snatching hats is wildly disrespectful yeah but this is where Jack gets introduced to davy portman as mush is in the front during this whole time but um it's funny because jack wants to use less and he's you know 60 40 you know they're they're splitting papers and this is another thing i i have in my in my notes jack's a bit of a dick because not only does he do the hat thing to the delancey brothers he comes in real hot on dave and he essentially pulls um he essentially like you know
Starting point is 00:27:32 i don't know how have you ever seen the wire this is what i'm basing my knowledge off of right um and i'm assuming they they got their information from reputable sources the gangs are trying to recruit kids what you do to get the kids into the gang is you make them owe you something first right away. So usually they'll go around and they'll find poor kids and they'll give them like 200 bucks. Go buy a new pair of shoes. And now you owe the gang. And so then it's just like a real quick easy thing. You got to put in work.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Yeah. And so that's what Jack was doing with Dave. 100%. That's why the kid walked by with the paper and was like oh yeah yeah yeah you fucking got him yeah it's a real fucking dick move man because i don't have this kid's puss yeah he's like now you now you owe me i didn't you know um fucking fucking asshole man but this is and and we don't have portman in this for a little bit but this is where um francis sullivan aka jack kelly gets chased down by the bulls did you notice they called the cops the bulls yeah i thought that was interesting um and then they run and they hide out at your girls it wasn't he was he wasn't a cop it was no but he was using
Starting point is 00:28:47 the cops he was the um the the ward he was a state warden yeah for the children's home but he used the cops to go chase people down okay so i just looked it up here bulls or bull is a term used for the leaders or bosses or a big badass. So I think that they were calling them the bulls because they ran the – what was it called? The children's home. Yeah, I forget what it was exactly. It's like the orphanage. It was like a –
Starting point is 00:29:20 It's not the orphanage. It's the little – it's like the juvenile hall essentially. Yeah, the juvenile home for reform. But yeah, so that, that's why they were saying the bulls is because it was the guys who ran that. Cause they, yeah, they, they weren't cops that were just even the, the two guys that were chasing them. I don't think we're cops.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I think they were just like the, the, the muscle from the, the juvie from the state. Yeah. from the state yeah um but anyway so they then they they chase to um your your girl meta's place and meta meta the metal lark um she sings a tootsie watsie baby played by the famous i know you wanted me to say that played by anne margaret yeah very famous um and lovely fantastic she was absolutely fantastic as a kid the even though that clown was mortifying i always wanted to go ham on that little candy stand that he had with the jars and he's like licorice and pops and all that stuff he had a whole bunch of fucking shit man yeah and and i always thought that was going
Starting point is 00:30:31 to be amazing um and so they hide out they see medicine then davey asked jack to come back to the family this is where jack gets a little peek at David's sister. A little sweet sauce there. I have another question for you. How, because it was very hard to tell, what is the time frame of this movie? How long is this movie? Is it like over
Starting point is 00:30:59 a month? From what I gathered, it was like four days. It's like a week. It's like a week or so. It really felt like a couple yeah from what i gathered it was like a couple days it's like four days it's like a week or so yeah it really felt like a week or okay so yeah but i bring that up because davy's sister was just head over heels yeah for for christian bale she fucking the cowboy it was the 1920s people actually fell in love at first sight because they might die the next day dude like 17 was not young love like at 17 you were fucking haggard and old by then kids a break dude because jack kelly just starts talking about uh
Starting point is 00:31:39 so she's talking about sex to to say right from his parents oh sorry i didn't i forgot my place and then they they bust out the cake and they become business partners it's fantastic brandon and then and then we get christian bale in all his glory singing his solo number Santa Fe. So that's what they call a family. Aren't you glad you ain't that way? Dude, the best part of that song is at the very end.
Starting point is 00:32:16 I need space and fresh air. Let them laugh in my face. I don't care. Save my place. i'll be there so that's what they call a family aren't you glad they eat that one oh it's fantastic dude i love it it's amazing and then wait i didn't even forget the dance when he's like, hoo, ha, hee, hoo, ha, hoo, hoo, ha, hee.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It's fantastic. And then he steals a dude's horse. He's just great at that. Great at that. Of a fucking horse, man. I don't know how you hated this movie. For everything you just said
Starting point is 00:33:04 is why. Everything about this movie. For everything you just said is why. Everything about this movie is so good. I wrote that in my notes, though. I wrote that in my notes. This is the first time I've seen it. I wrote that in my notes. His parents ain't coming back. They were already dead. Santa Fe
Starting point is 00:33:21 changes a person. Even if they were alive and they went to Santa Fe, they're not coming back. While this is also happening, we get Pulitzer trying to figure out how he's going to make more money. I love one of his little henchmen. Go ahead. One of his little henchmen is like,
Starting point is 00:33:41 we're going to charge the newsies more. Well, I mean, there's more buildup to that. Well, more or less. Don't make me fucking build this up. We're just talking Portman highlights and it's gone on. First of all, I think we can deal with, you know, 50 less minutes of you singing and 20 more seconds of talking about the movie. You know, I think that is completely inaccurate. Like the TikTok is going to be on fire
Starting point is 00:34:06 no they're gonna nobody's ever going to listen to this this podcast ever again the three people that listen to it are not going to listen to it anymore but uh you think this is it this is the final nail this is a jumping off 40 for an hour but i do i wanted about Poulter, I love how whenever they cut to him and he's reading the newspaper, he has the gigantic magnifying glass, but he's using the magnifying glass to read the headlines, not the tiny text.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Fantastic. Dude's basically blind. When he's calculating too, he's like and then his henchman's like it adds up that's up it adds up it's fantastic and so um uh this is where also i have in my notes i have in my notes is less less is carrying around like a cardboard sword this entire time that's i look wood wouldn't do me would it probably wasn't it probably was wood yeah what's that about it's a fucking pirate dude he's not did you did you not want to be a pirate when you were in canada we've talked about this on the podcast i did did is that why because he
Starting point is 00:35:20 a it's never addressed at all nobody goes nobody ever goes hey cool sword dude you gotta defend yourself out there on the streets brandon like especially when they're out there soaking scabs what are we gonna do soak them that's my favorite i fucking love that too i just dude i started following this den B. Wildin or something Instagram account. Oh, my stars. I might never go to the bar downtown again. Like, watching some of those people fighting? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I mean, that happens everywhere all the time. It's not a Denver specific thing. What are people fighting about? Dude, people just get drunk and they start throwing haymakers, man. Oh. It's not for me. I'm always trying to be tough, guys, man. No, I have no desire to be tough.
Starting point is 00:36:19 If I have to be tough, like you back me in a corner and I have to suddenly turn into a rabid animal, like I absolutely will. But I would never, ever in my life ever dream or desire. Like, it's like UFC guys, right? It's like, what the fuck is wrong with you, man? You want someone to hit you in the face? You want someone to hit you in the fucking face? It doesn't, you can't make it make sense to me. And like, I know I i'm gonna get lambasted
Starting point is 00:36:45 for this because oh fucking pansy dude you know like but like i'm sorry man i don't i don't get it i'll just i'll go on record i don't get it i even sometimes have a hard time watching it because it's like it's fun it's fun when you have money on it but like sometimes it's like when they get knocked out and then they come in for that second punch in their heads just kind of sitting there limp oh my god dude it's just it makes my heart skip a beat because like their life is like flashing before their eyes you can die for sure yeah even though so i i don't i don't have as i mean to go on an impassioned tirade on fighting but it just i i you guys i'm 100 with you i i will avoid a fight at any cost um i'm not afraid
Starting point is 00:37:34 of looking like a bitch but um i don't mind ufc like i'll watch ufc i don't mind like watching that stuff but like watching the the videos like, like street bar fights, that shit like turns my stomach because it's those, those APA, just like you can die in UFC. It's very easy to die in a street fight from one punch. A guy in Wayne, a guy in Wayne Nebraska died because a guy punched him, knocked him out and then he hit his head on the bumper of a car and he died. You fall back. Who knows what you're going to hit?
Starting point is 00:38:05 And depending on who you're picking a fight with, if they have any sort of training whatsoever, if they broken jaw, if they land orbital, if they happen to land the punch in the right spot, it's over, dude. And like, I'm not, I'm not risking that over some stupid like bar nonsense, you know? And anyone that is doing that in a bar is doing it because they feel they have enough trying to prove something you know so I don't let people prove stuff on me
Starting point is 00:38:35 no like you can you can go prove that somewhere else like it's you know and then we'll steal your girl it's like have you seen the video of the like eight 70 year old dude and like the 20 year old kid and the kid they're boxing and the kid's like ha ha ha ha and the 80 year old dude just goes and then just hits him with like one two three and the kid's like out dead and then the dude's like 80 years old it's fantastic
Starting point is 00:39:01 anyways let's get back to the movie brandon does punch this man though even if they like if they connect even if they even if you survive like you you're you're risking a your your jaw's never going to be the same you're drinking out of a straw for fucking six months but you know concussions brain damage there's just so much so much unnecessary stuff that could go wrong in a street fight that like because it's the guys no jump don't do it no it's it's it's always the sucker punch too yeah it's right like because that's what always people are two people the two people are fighting and then the guy's buddy's like dude my buddy is gonna get his ass kicked and comes flying out of nowhere and hits the dude and knocks him out all right let's get back to the movie brandon if i'm ever involved in a fight i I want to be that guy. I want to be the sucker punch guy. I'm the dude who flies in from the...
Starting point is 00:39:46 Do you like a swanton bomb from the top rope? Jesus Christ, yes. Alright, we can... Put him in the ankle lock! So, we get... A little sharpshooter action. Brandon, goddammit.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Let me move on so we can keep cruising through this this is going to be a long episode it's all going to be your fault um so we get the fact that pulitzer is going to gouge them and we get portman talking to jack and he says it don't make no sense why would he gouge us and why you know they're going back and forth and they're trying to figure out what to do and then portman says hey we ain't got a choice so we may as well get our papers yeah get the papes get those peeps but you know what they're that she was cracking me up the whole time dude papes oh i absolutely loved it because that's not what's going to happen Brandon because we are going to go on
Starting point is 00:40:48 strike thanks to Les because you know why Brandon what Pulitzer and Hearst they think we're nothing are we nothing no Pulitzer and Hearst they think they got us do they got us no
Starting point is 00:41:03 even though we ain't got hats or badges. We're a union just by saying so. I do have to say that there's, I gotta see if I can find it. Because my favorite part in this entire song is when the kid is like, and my name is Mud. And I can't stand blood oh yeah that's my favorite part of this whole song there's a time is now and my name is mine there's a handful of songs where they just start spouting nonsense and you're like what are we talking about now nobody don't own us all the time i crack the
Starting point is 00:41:45 whip but it won't whip us oh man it's just it's fantastic it's when the circulation bell starts ringing will we hear it no what if the delancies come out swinging? Will we hear it? No! When you got a hundred voices singing. Who can hear a lousy whistle blow, Brandon? Not a fucking person. So we are on strike, Brandon. And it is fantastic. And this is, you know, we're striking. We got Portman in front.
Starting point is 00:42:22 And this is when they're going to Pulitzer with their demands. And Jack Kelly says, you all got to be ambassadors. And you got to go. That was fantastic. And Portman is one of those ambassadors because he's one of the main guys. And he takes the Bowery. Did you see that? Portman takes the Bowery. Yep. Did you see that? Yep. Portman takes the Bowery. And then, you know, no one wants to take Brooklyn,
Starting point is 00:42:50 but this is where after they get thrown out on their ears, they get, they move on. They head out to Brooklyn to pick up spot Conlon and his team. Ah, my boy spot. I do want to, I want to talk about, cause the, the, well, before we get too far ahead, it's Jack's idea, essentially, but he's
Starting point is 00:43:09 relying 100% on Davey Boy here for this. And it's Dave's second day? And he... Dave isn't educated, though. He's educated. He can read. he went to school
Starting point is 00:43:25 like he became a newsie out of you know necessity but it's a second day and we had the we had the thing uh last night where we were meeting his dad right we find out his dad um worked at a factory got hurt on the job and they fired him because they don't have a union so now he's out of work that's why he's doing the newsy stuff. But I was just like, I was thinking about this and I was picturing Davey going home after this day where he starts to strike, he gets home and his dad's all, Oh, Hey, how was your second day at work, son? I started a strike.
Starting point is 00:44:00 His dad would be proud. Brandon is someone who suffered at the hands of the man. His dad is proud they make a point to mention that but just uh i would it's just uh it was cracking me up imagine like your your son comes home after his second day at work and he's like whoa how'd you do what was going on i started a strike it's over it's over dude he was all in they loved the cowboy they wanted to pimpimp their daughter out to him Oh dude, they were fucking
Starting point is 00:44:27 They were all in Jack Kelly Brings up sex While looking dead While looking Sarah dead in the eye In front of her parents And her dad's response is Go get the cake we're saving
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yeah What would your response be? I'd have kicked him out What the fuck are we doing here dude? And her dad's response is, go get the cake we're saving. Yeah. What would your response be? I'd have kicked him out. What the fuck are we doing here, dude? So we don't want our- You're Santa Fe bullshit. Not my house. It's, you know, he doesn't want a family anyways.
Starting point is 00:45:01 So that's what they call a family. So they're out on their recruiting trip at Brooklyn and spot Conlon. They want to know that when a goon comes in, that they're not just going to run away with their tails in between their legs, like a bunch of whining babies, like D2 team USA. And so they need to prove themselves. And so we get, we got the team they're all just um you know sitting there and and um jack and and those guys are talking and um portman's like maybe we're moving too soon jack and and everyone's not sure what to do and our boy less sneak Or not Les.
Starting point is 00:45:45 But our boy Davey. Kind of is walking through all the newsies. And he starts singing. When I sang to open the show. He starts talking about opening the gates. And seize the day. You know. Rums will be riding.
Starting point is 00:46:00 If we're united. Don't they want the gates to stay closed though? That was always confusing to me. Because if you're united don't they want the gates to stay closed though that was always confusing to me because if you're opening the gates then you're going to get the newspapers you want to keep those gates closed Brandon proud and defiant we'll slay the giant
Starting point is 00:46:17 let us seize the day no I didn't care for the dance I didn't care for the day much fun i didn't care for the dance moves either dude what about them playing the little like drum cans last leading the charge my problem with the dance moves is nobody was synchronized everybody was just a little bit off because they're kids obviously little dance little dance battle portman was in the front leading dude don't talk shit about portman's dancing like that brand everybody was just the everybody was just a little bit off either they were too too early or too late nobody was like right on on it was it was it was tough to watch
Starting point is 00:47:00 uh but the best is at the end because then then they're like, ding, ding, ding. You know, the bells on the newspaper start to ring, and he says, does anyone hear that? No! What are we gonna do? Stoke them! Stoke the scabs, man. It's all like Donkey Kong. They're about to go
Starting point is 00:47:20 fuck up those scabs. But what happens, Brandon, the scabs, they turn, they're hammering on the thing and the goons come out and the newsies get shut into the the purchasing of the papers and they oh i think it was a goddamn trap heath is what it was yeah and i think we skipped over it but somewhere in between this um crutchie got arrested when they were rioting when they first I think it's the end of this scene because they bring him in
Starting point is 00:47:50 everybody starts scuffling and then they run away but Crutchie can't run away because he's on a crutch. No, that's a different one there's two different newspaper scenes in there. The first one they riot the second one they go to soak the scabs and then the goons come out and then that's where after they've recruited that brooklyn sees that they're ready to fight um and because that's what
Starting point is 00:48:11 they they soak the scabs because jack says let's soak them for crutchy and i got the two mixed around when i was talking about it trust me brandon i've seen this movie a thousand times apparently not because you i just i breezed over some of the stuff that has nothing to do with portman because i wanted to keep this a little short i mean what else did you breeze over here he's what do you i don't remember anything about this movie so i don't know i'm going off well anyway anyway so there um during the the fight with brooklyn uh portman gets chased over a cart and he makes a a fun face that's his only part yeah when when's the king of new york song is that how we come right after this and that is fantastic as well another real banger when they like the the choreography
Starting point is 00:49:01 in the diner you can't be mad at that. You cannot be mad at that. Nobody's on beat, though. Everybody's just slightly off. Nothing's synchronized. It drives me crazy. A pair of new shoes with matching laces. A permanent box set, sheeps and races. A porcelain tub with boiling water.
Starting point is 00:49:20 A Saturday night with the mayor's daughter. Look at me. I'm the king of new york because i i got on a i don't know why but i i went on this song made me go on like a real like mental like zone out um spiral when i was listening to this song because i was thinking like it reminded for some reason it reminded me of um do you know who nate bargetsi is he's a comedian yes yes he has a he has a yes he has a bit where he's talking he's talking about time travel and he's like if i went back in time to any time i don't think i would be i wouldn't be
Starting point is 00:49:56 able like i i don't know anything i wouldn't be able i wouldn't have been able to better either the world or my standing by going back in time because i don't know know anything. I'd be like, you know, they, we have, they have little phones in the future. Right. And they're like, Oh, how do you make it? I don't know. He's like, I, he has been, it's like, I would go back in time and I would have, I would end up having a worse job than I have right now. I mean, I, and so this song got me, I don't know how, but I got on that. I got thinking about that. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:50:23 you just have to go invest in the stock market. That's what you have to do. I don't think that, I don't think I'd be got on that i got thinking about that and i was like you just have to go invest in the stock market that's what you don't have to do i don't think that i don't think i'd be able to i was thinking about that i was like if i went back how do you navigate purchasing stocks in the 20s yeah like i if i started thinking to myself is there any time i could go back and your money wouldn't be any good because you couldn't take cash you'd have to like have you have to like have gold yeah well depending on what time you went back with you yeah anyway yeah but like yeah i was i was thinking myself i was like is there any point in time where i could go back to and i would be able to be the king of new york i don't think there is because i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:50:58 fucking know anything let's be like like you would think like 19 like 1930s maybe like after the crash stock wise but it's like how do i how i don't know how i would and i don't know any fucking You would think like 1930s maybe, like after the crash, stock-wise. But yeah, I don't know how I would – and I don't know any fucking company names. Like what am I going to do? What were their ticker symbols in 1940? It's like Apple was around then. We do have – King of New York, though.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Yeah, well, that's where you're – Knobbing with all the muckety mucks. I'm blowing my dough and going deluxe. Knobbing with all the muckety mucks. It's fantastic. I don't know anything. There's nothing bad about this.
Starting point is 00:51:43 There's nothing. There's so much much Either dead or dreaming Cause look at that paper with my face beaming Tomorrow they may wrap Fishes in it But I was just For one whole minute This is where Bill
Starting point is 00:52:01 It's Bill Pullman right Bill Pullman's in this movie, by the way, guys. He plays... He's covering the strike for... Yeah, he's for the star son. Yeah. The New York son, not the star son. New York son.
Starting point is 00:52:14 That's not right. What did I say? You said star son. But this is where he fucking blows it. Jack Kelly was like, you can print my name. I would love to see my name in the newspaper, but no goddamn fucking photos, Bill. And what does Bill do?
Starting point is 00:52:26 He takes a photo. Typical. Typical. Bill was Bill. Do you hear his line in this song? He said, when I'm at bat, strong men crumble. And then racetracks like proud and humble. He's the king of New York.
Starting point is 00:52:48 That's not even true. He's the one. Yeah, he's the one who crumbles at the end. Yeah. I'm just saying. I mean, he gets Teddy in the end. You know, they're going to get our boy Teddy. Teddy R.
Starting point is 00:53:00 That's true. He does bring Teddy. And I forget about that. That dude didn't look anything like Teddy Roosevelt either. I was very upset about that. And the Rough Riders. Yeah. Stop. Drop.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Shut him down. Open up shop. Do you think DMX got his Rough Riders song from Teddy Roosevelt? I mean, that's where the name comes from. It's the military unit. Yeah, probably. One thing I wanted to call out is about i mean that's where the name comes from is the military unit yeah probably one thing i wanted to call out pre-song for king of new york is racetrack pushes that kid's face so hard when
Starting point is 00:53:37 they're talking about like well you've been in a bad mood all day well you you're in the paper famous you got it made and he pushes his face and he pushes him too hard and the back of that kid's head smacks Portman in the face. Did you see that? He pushes his head and hits Portman in the face. It's awesome. I didn't even notice. Do you think that was the start
Starting point is 00:53:58 of mean guy Portman, the Bash brother? He got popped in the face and he was like, no more of this. Well, and he has a line. He face and he was like no no no more of this yeah well and he has a line he says he's like fuck you guys i'm a i'm an enforcer now i'm gonna dance and then fucking soak you um he does have a line here he says hey look at yourself jack you look like a general and he's like get your fingers out of my face all right so now let's just kind of cruise to towards the end of the movie because long story short after they're kings of new york
Starting point is 00:54:31 they're not going to get covered by the paper anymore and then the paper sets up a sting because they see that jack kelly a criminal that has escaped from the house of refuge yes they use the house of refuge there you go. They used the House of Refuge. There you go. Yeah. So they used. So, yeah, his picture is on the paper. And that's how it becomes.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Typical government. That's when it becomes. That's when everybody realizes who he is. He's an escapee from the refuge. His name's not Jack Kelly. It's Francis Sullivan. Francis Sullivan. Francis Sullivan.
Starting point is 00:55:02 And so then. Frankie. Right now they're striking from the two main papers. Sullivan. And so then all of the... Right now they're striking from the two main papers is where they're striking from, right? Bullets and Hearst, they think they got past.
Starting point is 00:55:15 So then Pulsar and Hearst, they gather all of the other newspapers, including The Sun, which Bill Pullman was for, and they form a little newspaper cartel. And they start fruiting everybody which bill pormans for and they form a little a little table a little in the mayor a little newspaper cartel yeah and uh and they start fruiting everybody out and then they use jack's criminal background to nullify the strike in the union and use that as a means to start roughing some some of these strikers up yeah and boy do they and then they they they raid meta's place they all get roughed up they're
Starting point is 00:55:48 in um they're on trial um and i did like when spot conlan he's like i object your honor on what grounds before before before they even fucking fit before anybody spokes so i tried to speak Before anybody Spokes It was the first thing he said He goes I object On what grounds On the grounds of Brooklyn Got him I need I need a
Starting point is 00:56:18 I need a movie about Spot Cause I'm assuming Spot is I'm assuming he's based assuming spot is, uh, I'm assuming he's based on a real life, a real life boy. Like you said, this is based on a true story. Give me the,
Starting point is 00:56:31 give me the real life story of spot Conlon. But Portman is, is behind spot gassing him up when, when he, and then race track, a mush race tracks, got a couple of wise cracks too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Yeah. Well, come on, Yana. I'll bet you bet i'll bet or i'll roll you for it double or nothing dude of course racetrack's gonna fucking bust out the dice you know i saw honestly that's not a bad move, though. Double or nothing. Let's do it. I saw a video of two dudes rolling dice with a cat. Oh, yeah. I've seen that too. And the cat, like, they're like, oh! And so they're putting it in.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And then when the cat, like, fucks with the dice, they're like, oh, hey! They start, like, jumping him. Oh, it's fantastic. I laughed for, like, 20 minutes. That's a great one, yeah. Oh, my God. Just fucking rolling dice with the cat. oh it's fantastic i laughed for like 20 minutes that's a great one yeah oh my god just fucking rolling dice with the cat cat just sees a real piece of work when you try and play games at our house you just he just jumps on the table and just walks across it all and then when you go to like
Starting point is 00:57:38 pick him up to move he like flails out so then he just like spreads it all everywhere anyways cat jesse's a real menace to life and so um after this jack kelly gets an example made out of him he gets sent back to the refuge they're going to use him as a prop but before that davy and portman he's also there they try to break him out of the house of refuge but jack won't go because um you know what pulitzer threat no because jack won't go because he's a bitch-ass scab that's why no because pulitzer threatened dave and um sarah and that family but what happened and then he doesn't even know yet he doesn't even know of that family they've've known him for, what, two days? Listen, he is protecting them, Brandon, and then we
Starting point is 00:58:27 get just a heartbreaking moment with our boy Portman when Jack comes out of the scab and he says, Jack! Jack, look at me! It's me, Lush! Jack, look at me! And he won't look because he's a bitch-ass scab. Nope. Scabbing.
Starting point is 00:58:44 You know what they need to do they need to fucking soak him dude yeah then they wanted to yeah they tried Davey I would have soaked him I would have soaked his ass for sure so that's what he would have said to do yeah fucking soak him give me that
Starting point is 00:59:00 wood sword bro like a vampire straight through the heart but then what happens the Delancey brothers they start coming after Sarah do you like that little crutchy the Delancey
Starting point is 00:59:16 brothers I don't trust crutchy dude can walk for sure dude's a god damn liar he's a lot crutchy's a sure. Dude's a goddamn liar. He's a liar. Crutchie's a liar. Jack Kelly's a bitch-ass scab.
Starting point is 00:59:32 This whole union is falling apart, Heath. No, okay. So it did almost fall apart, but then after they almost get Sarah, Jack figures out, hey, Sarah finds the story because it's wrapped up in Les' hot dog and they're like hey this is a really good story we got to figure out a way to print this Jack is like I've got a fucking printer
Starting point is 00:59:51 for you all it's in Pulitzer's it's in Pulitzer's basement and then we're going to print the papes that's where they had him stand after they gave him when he's in the refuge, they gave him the choice. Like, stay in the refuge for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Or become a bitch-ass scab and turn on all your friends. So he does that, turns on all his friends. Bitch-ass scab. And so then, yeah, they have him bunked up in Poulter's basement right next to a printing machine. What a dumb fucking move. Yep. Because they start putting out a little paper and uh our boy portman he grabs a stack i'm sure he goes back to uh what was the area that he was covering the
Starting point is 01:00:34 dowry the bowery bowery the bowery it's in manhattan the battery oh well he's he's covering the bowery um and then they're all sitting there and they're waiting. And they're like, you know, man. And he turns to Jack and he says, so when's the others coming? And then, you know, they start to sing a little bit of Open the Gates and then Seize the Day. And then when they get to the part when you got a hundred voices singing it's all the people they're getting led by all these things they're coming in who who are who are these people are these new they just no no no brandon it's just random people
Starting point is 01:01:18 no so the newspaper article was a condemnation on the state of the child labor market yeah and so and they used the newsies as the jumping off point and so the newsies distributed this to every child laborer throughout the greater new york area so these are coal factory workers co-workers these are um although the seamstresses like those were horrifying conditions for those young ladies so these are all like with the chemicals kids though right these are all the kids you know from whatever age and they're striking that's their fucking union now it's every child laborer is part of this union it's not just newsies it's everyone um and then the son the what denton our man denton gets teddy behind it and teddy's like oh my lanta this is not good my friends um all these look at
Starting point is 01:02:15 all these three-year-old children that i've been exploiting this whole time great job teddy yeah yeah so he writes his wrongs and jack kelly's riding around on the back of his carriage we get snyder getting put into the the back of the the clink and crutchy gets to slam the door shut i missed a snyder it wasn't dude it was he kind of looked like screech to you that's all i could think of during the movie i I was like, Crutchie is just musical Screech, man. Dustin Diamond? They don't really look alike, other than being really tall, lanky, white guys with brown hair.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Here's not the same. It's more or less the same. Dude had crazy curly hair crunchy crunchy's hair was not curly other than like the very top of it i still not all not all white people look the same he's god wow geez all right well all right so we get the strike they are winning and then we get to the end of the movie and we get our boy Portman with one last they're starting to sing the introduction song carrying the banner and he says try bottle alley or the harbor
Starting point is 01:03:36 and then when they go to buy all their papers and Davy shows his coin. Slams it down. And he says 100 papes. And Portman says nice Davey. That's a lot of papes. And then when Jack comes back.
Starting point is 01:03:56 With Teddy. He's whooping and hugging his best mate. You know. It's BFF. He pulls the old Jack Paul or Francis Pulls the old okey-doke Going to Santa Fe Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:12 He's like Strikes over I'm out of here And then yeah just does a Quick U-turn around the block comes back And then starts making out with Davey's sister right in front of him Yeah Yeah turn around the block, comes back, and then starts making out with Davey's sister right in front of him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Yeah. You don't just make out with your friend's sisters in front of them? That's what Harry Potter did with Ginny in front of Ron. It's definitely not something I haven't done, but I try not to make a habit of it. I don't know if I've ever done that. I haven't done it in front of them.
Starting point is 01:04:45 That would be a bit much. Being a rude boy, boy. Like Rihanna. One thing I wanted to point out, there's a scene we skip over. I think it's right before Sarah finds the article or whatever, where she's talking to Christian Bale on the roof. And he's like oh i'm going to santa fe he's like i it's never mattered before if i left or not or to somebody oh yeah he like asked her she like asked her does it matter to you yeah i was like i have in my notes i was
Starting point is 01:05:18 like you guys have had one conversation together it shouldn't matter what he could go to santa fe he could die of dysentery on his way to santa fe it's a real thing there's no way jack kelly's making it to santa fe dude's dead no yeah he would have mouthed off to the wrong person on the stagecoach and gotten shot there's no there's no papes to sell on the way to Santa Fe. Yeah. Those, those hustles don't work out West. There's, there's fucking real fucking wolves out there. Have you seen Deadwood? Jack Kelly would not survive in Deadwood,
Starting point is 01:05:53 South Dakota. Jack Kelly wouldn't have survived in fucking golden Colorado during the mining rush. I just went to all these museums and I bought some sick fucking miners gear when I went to the bookstore well they're not the miners of the ore diggers that's what i meant see i'm accidentally saying the wrong thing all the time i got the did you get the one with the mule a little kicking mule i love that fucking logo it's just it's just a the shirt is just a huge kicking mule with the
Starting point is 01:06:22 dynamite in the hand like the tnt and his in his mouth and then i got a nice little i got a nice little flex fit half price hat although i will say their m looks a lot like michigan so i won't be able to wear that in nebraska people think i'm there's only there's only so many ways you can do an m you know yeah it's all about the colors you know yeah it's it's uh it's just gray silver but anyway it's long story short so there you go over if it's if it's gray and silver it shouldn't be confused with minnesota i would hope not michigan or michigan um but unless unless those people are freaking idiots it's got the hat. It has the donkey guy on the back. There you go.
Starting point is 01:07:07 It's pretty. I got some cool gear. I love that logo. A little kick and mule. It's fantastic. My parents really wanted to go to the little rock museum. And I was like, listen, that is fine. But if we are over here, we are taking the five minute walk to the bookstore
Starting point is 01:07:26 so I can get some gear. And I got a half price. Did you hit up the railroad museum yet? Oh, yeah. And it is surprisingly really cool. Dude, railroads are, I'm a sucker for a good railroad. When you get a, they take you around the track. Like if railroad when you're gonna they they take you around the track like if you pay for the ride they take you around that track like three different times so
Starting point is 01:07:49 you can get a good look at all the trains and there's when you're a big bang theory fan that's sheldon's dream when i was uh because they have a they have a school um i think it might even be in golden or near there. Yeah. But when I graduated high school and I was like, well, it was the year after I graduated high school, right when I got put on academic probation in college. I was I was this close to to becoming a train conductor. I was like looking into it. I was in that school and I was like, damn, should I be a train conductor? I almost did it it i was looking at that school and i was like damn should i be a train conductor i almost did it you get paid a lot like oh you make work for you know pacific and oh dude it's so good money and you're just fucking just on the rails all day bro although i tried to get when i was working in oil and gas i I applied at Union Pacific constantly for some of those warehouse manager jobs
Starting point is 01:08:48 and shit. I'd want to be on the rails. You have to be an engineer, right? Don't you? Well, it depends. There's a couple jobs you can do on the rail. But you can go on the rail.
Starting point is 01:09:08 You can go to the school and they'll get you all ship-shaped for it. I think the school's run by Union Pacific, the one I was looking at. But it's this close. So I love a good railroad. Alright, well in that, speaking of Union,
Starting point is 01:09:22 this is do you have anything else for Newsies? It was fantastic. Portman as much was, it was, oh, we got to give it our cakey rating. Yeah. Portman crushed it. I was very happy with Portman's performance. He was amazing.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Like I said, I need some more spot. I didn't care for all the other storylines about these freaking little wannabe kids over here, but I need more spot. I love a good Irish kid with a cane, just walking around causing trouble. I do more of that in my life. Yeah, with the slingshot, too, with marbles. Oh, I forgot about the slingshot. He was a fucking snide-eye with that, dude. Yeah, dude. Dead-eye with that slingshot with the marbles.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Imagine how bad that hurt. You get hit in the head. Oh, boy. That's, yeah. But it was, again, i'm not the target market this is all all of the things i don't like happened in this movie so it was it was it was doomed from the start but uh but yeah portman crushes it everybody all the kid actors did great other than the dancing like i said was all over the place that was hard but everybody like everybody's voice was great
Starting point is 01:10:45 the songs were okay you know the acting was pretty solid you know it's just not not my cup of tea it's not my so what's your cake rating then um my cakey rating would probably be a two a two out of five cakes all right well i'm giving it a 4.87 i'll go i'll go i'll go i'll go 2.1 i'll give it a bump 2.1 just because just for portman 2.1 4.87 for me this movie was 4.87 from beginning to end absolutely i even watched it i just watched it in april as well so i this is not just like a oh i haven't seen this in a while i just recently watched it and just watched it again and loved every second of it it's just not my cup of tea not a big musical guy very pro-union though he's like like i said pro-union soak those fucking scabs
Starting point is 01:11:47 that's all I gotta say what are we gonna do soak em thanks for listening everyone please remember to follow and like us on Instagram at The Cake Eaters Pod, on Twitter at The Cake Eaters. Also reach out to us via email, thecakeeaterspod at or visit our website,

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