The Cake Eaters - 66. A Goofy Movie

Episode Date: September 12, 2023

On today's episode, the boys tackle the Disney classic A Goofy Movie! Heath and Brandon discuss Aaron Lohr's (Dean Portman) amazing performance as Max Goof, 1990s PPV culture, JC Penny Photo S...tudios, waterbeds, tik tok dances, as well as trying to answer some truly unanswerable questions such as which animal everyone is and whether or not they are wearing gloves. Follow us at and on Twitter (@thecakeeaters) and Instagram (@thecakeeaterspod) Email us at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Remember, it's not worth winning if you can't win! Now gather round my possum pals and join the jamboree Come hoot and howl and holler from the heart And every chicken, pig and goat will help by yelping out a yodel Here at Lester's Possum Park I think I've lost the rhythm at the end, but Yodel-ay-hee, yodel-ay-hee but yodel-ay-hee yodel-ay-hee and then the little girl
Starting point is 00:00:48 yodel-ay-hee that fucking little girl man welcome to the cake eaters it is not possum park brandon but some of you may recognize that jam
Starting point is 00:01:04 that banger of a song from the one and only A Goofy Movie. The Goofy Movie. Sorry. Is it The Goofy? It's A Goofy Movie. Oh, it's... I just... Sorry, I read the spot on IMDb that says also known as The Goofy Movie.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Oh, aka. Okay. Yeah. Aka, aka, aka. I think it's A it's a goofy movie and then the sequel is an extremely goofy movie yep yeah yeah kelly's big take on this was that roxanne should have been max's girlfriend in an extremely goofy movie they go to different colleges you know you grow you grow apart from some people i have in my notes roxanne is uh too pure for this world she deserved better
Starting point is 00:01:54 roxanne is fantastic it's just you know they're they're max and roxanne it's a tale as old as time it's true love brandon it beautiful. I also have in my notes, Peej is a true fucking bro. I need to get me a friend like Peej, man. He's always down. Did you know that PJ and his dad are cats? I think I remember hearing that, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 The first time I heard that, I was like, oh shit, that makes sense. Yeah, that's why goofy's you know his frenemy his frenemy is the cat yeah that's why pete's such a fucking dick yeah exactly and so um but so long story short what is uh what's uh what's bobby do you know what animal bobby is i have no idea maybe uh maybe a rat bobby oh do you find it the reddit says pretty sure Bobby was a mole oh okay
Starting point is 00:03:06 that's a huge mole let's go to um but while you're looking at that have you heard the theory I don't know if it was ever confirmed or denied the theory though that Goofy is a cow not a dog
Starting point is 00:03:21 oh weird I don't think there's any i don't think there's any and i don't think there's any um yeah and i refuse to believe it goofy is 100 a dog um but i think i think bob i think bobby's a mule oh although in so reddit says he's a mole uh slash wiki slash bobby zemerski says he's a dog though well there's a lot of differing opinions what a sick ass last name though too zemerski but before we dig too deep into this movie brandon you need to tell the listeners why the f we are
Starting point is 00:04:07 doing this song we're doing it because bobby zimmer bobby zimmer ruski is played by the lovely paulie shore well that's that's reason number one for me but reason number one for the podcast is that we have our boy back again dean portman yeah not in in the movie double feature dean episodes we got going on here double deans double deans that's this is our d2 and here we have dean portman as the beautiful singing voice of the one and only max goof yes just the singing voice he doesn't do the talking voice, which is done by Jason Marsden. Yep, and that's why.
Starting point is 00:04:49 We don't need or give a shit about Jason Marsden. We only give a shit about Aaron Lohr and his beautiful singing voice. I do love Jason Marsden. He's a fantastic actor, too. Remember his character in Boy Meets World? I forget the dude's name but he's
Starting point is 00:05:05 like eric's slimy little best friend dude cracked me up sean no eric's did i say cory i meant eric oh yeah um oh and they the redhead girl moves in with them no you're thinking of the lawrence brother later on i'm thinking like yeah okay it's only like the first two or three seasons it's his little eric's little slimy little best friend uh i'm trying to remember what the character's name is but he's the one who like he just he's always egging eric on to do stupid stuff i don't know i gotta watch kelly yeah you gotta watch it re-watching and i've been like jumping in on it but it's been all over the place and like we're post i watched the corey and topanga breakup
Starting point is 00:05:50 episode my god that's a heart wrencher yeah i was like jeez i don't know why i put myself through this but then i started watching family matters again um and that show is fantastic did you know it's a spin-off of um perfect strangers yeah because harriet was the elevator girl oh his name his name his character name in boy meets world um is just jason marston they just use his real name as the character name. That's fantastic. Yeah, he's only he's in like he's in nine episodes and it's very it's like seasons one, two and three or maybe just one and two. He plays Eric's best friend. And yeah, yeah, he's great in that, too. But yeah, air lore singing voice for Max.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Max goof. You know, he's just out there just straight stone cold lying to everybody in his life just the big the biggest i have in my notes here i was like i was like just lie on top of lie on top of lie solid way to go that's the best that's the best move you just keep lying just an endless parade of lies just keep doubling down dude what could go wrong all right brandon well should we jump in and break down the the movie we'll mostly highlight the amazing songs but we'll talk through all the other amazing highlights through it oh i got i got
Starting point is 00:07:22 lots of notes on this we can talk through the First thing I want to point out is this opening dream sequence, I remember fucking me up as a child. I remember having nightmares about this dream sequence where he turns into his dad. Every kid's worst nightmare, Brandon. It's turning into their parent. Right?
Starting point is 00:07:39 Actively avoiding it. Doing everything I can. It happens. And so just good luck just get get ready be prepared be very prepared i think you you should be prepared if i ever turn into my father you who you are you everybody in my life is in trouble i'll just start avoiding you i love love the guy, but he is a stone-cold maniac. Well, after that worst nightmare, turning into the parent, getting ready for school, he's running late, we get our intro to Portman as the singing voice of, After today, I'm gonna be cruising
Starting point is 00:08:25 After today, I'll be fine After today, our brains will be snoozing I can't remember what he says. I've got 48 hours and when this is ended, I'll
Starting point is 00:08:44 either be famous or y'all be suspended. Cause after today, we're gonna be great. It was a good start to the we got introduced to all the characters quickly, you know.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Well, not all the characters. There's a lot of throwaway characters that we never see again. That's fantastic, too. too i love it so the principal is great um yeah it's just everything everything is great and then they get into school and pj is freaking out he's like oh man where are you being max like i've been waiting forever, man. Yeah. That's pretty solid, PJ. We've been waiting forever. He overslept by three hours.
Starting point is 00:09:32 That alarm clock. Thank God we've got phones. That's rough stuff. We had to fix that alarm clock. He just bangs on it and it jumps forward three hours. Yeah, but luckily for us, our boy Pauly Shore, your favorite character, he is – So this is a great introduction to him.
Starting point is 00:09:53 He's the AV guy. He's the AV guy. He's the tech guy. He's setting everything up because they have a big – they have something huge planned for the school assembly. They're going to take over the school assembly. Did you see how Bobby is introduced though? than huge planned for the uh the school they're gonna take over the school assembly yeah did you see how bobby is introduced though because he rolls up with the tv the av little cart and then
Starting point is 00:10:10 behind he's standing behind it drinking from the water fountain did you see what he's doing he's yeah he's got a straw he's got a straw he's using a straw to drink from the oh that's fucking amazing i was like no he's in the smacks his lips yeah i gotta start doing that dude that's good that's a good fucking idea you know you don't get the germs stay as far away as possible just a little that's a great whoa you got my payment here you go he just squeezes it and they're all like oh gross it's like all over his mouth and his hands oh my god it's so good speaking of speaking of hands i have a very very dire question that was driving me crazy this whole entire time yeah they got four fingers are they wearing gloves i think so or are those their hands i don't know i
Starting point is 00:11:06 because there's there's scenes later on in the in the movie where you see their feet and their feet are just straight black yeah it's just straight black there's no like weird little covers are those gloves why why does everybody have the same gloves i don't know it's a it's a thing brandon just let it slide it's just like the flags in the back of dt you just gotta you just gotta can't pay attention to it i didn't pay attention to it until they showed the feet and then i was like wait wait it's cinematic effect you don't know shit about making movies brandon well it's not just i mean that's how that's how they've been since they were first drawn you know i was just i i don't know if anybody's ever gotten to the
Starting point is 00:11:50 maybe i'll google that to the heart of the issue yeah if those are gloves or not or if that's how their actual hands look you know yeah just uh just some food for thought for everybody uh anyway so we move into the school assembly and um it starts off with my favorite part of the entire movie and we've got two kids in full star trek outfits one is spot and one is captain and spot goes stacy talk to me talk to me talk to me baby and the way he says it is fantastic i can't even say it the way that kid says it i just i fucking loved it and the fact that they were in star trek full attire was absolutely fantastic it's a it's an absurd scene it makes no fucking sense out of nowhere because i was like literally like i was warming up food when this happened so i had my back turned to the tv and i heard stacy talk to me talk to me talk to me baby and i was like oh my god i forgot that fucking kid said that so i had to rewind it really quick and then i was like oh my god i double forgot that
Starting point is 00:13:12 they were dressed as star trek fucking characters oh my that was the highlight of the whole the whole assembly right but then that was that was it for me um but then the principal is given a speech and he says well i like slumber parties yeah well before that when stacy's stacy continues her her speech she's given before she was so rudely interrupted by the star trek guy she i love that i love that she's because because this is the last day of school right or second to last day of school maybe because they said 48 hours in the song but um yeah um but so stacy uh there's there's a huge concert like a t swift t swift level concert going on for power line and in at the end of the week right or something like that yeah um and so in classic 90s fashion stacy
Starting point is 00:14:06 has a party where she's ordering the pay-per-view so everybody can come watch the powerline concert on pay-per-view at a point amazing amazing i'll never forget the 1998 royal in 98 99 royal rumbles like that was those royal rumbles were always we found a key strategic location yeah i never did it for a concert on pay-per-view though did you no yeah no no no only and she and she invited the whole fucking school she announced it at the assembly that's a big fucking party you know is my my house was the only one with a box that had pay-per-view and we got a whole bunch of guys together and we actually watched the or maybe it was on hb i can't remember what it was on but we watched the tyson ear bite real time fights and uh wrestling for sure though those are the big ones i never did
Starting point is 00:14:55 never did concerts um i would have though that sounds like a fucking blast yeah it's uh but yeah the it was that that whole i've done i've done a few science slumber parties i've done a few um it's like like back back when i was living with danny um him and his jam band nonsense and all those jam band buddies they would do um they would have they would have a few people because all those jam bands they like stream the concerts on youtube on youtube or whatever, like Patreon or whatever. So I've done a few of those where you go over and you – Watch it on Twitch.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Fish is playing in Madison Square Garden or something, and yeah, you watch it on Twitch. I've done that. Solid move. I did that during the pandemic, and I was like one and done on that. I was like, yeah's it's it's fine i mean i never actually i just i i can't get into james bands i've tried just uh i might not my james live are tricky because the live live i'm all about if i'm at the concert you give me some illegal substances i'm in let's do this but you know
Starting point is 00:16:06 just to listen to them um on fucking spotify when i'm stone cold sober it sounds like a nightmare it's good work music it's you know good work music but anyways all right so the school assembly is going and the principal is talking about science slumber parties and then all of a sudden our boy Pauly Shore. What was his name again, Bryce? Bobby Zmaruski. Bobby Zmaruski starts cutting in. The trap
Starting point is 00:16:36 door. The principal. The trap door for the principal is fantastic and we hear da da da da da da da da da da we hear i have to give it to you bobby the production value of this was amazing it was fucking amazing yeah get that job he was flying from the ceiling they were using like green screen effects yeah like a swift yeah take a note take some fucking notes yeah hire bobby zemuruski as your
Starting point is 00:17:08 fucking your your tour manager or i don't even know what your title would be but yeah yeah hashtag get bobby a job with t swift that's that's our hashtag everybody go go spam that go spam that on x uh and the best part about it all, Brandon, is Max is out there, and he has got himself an option. He's crushing it, dude. And one. Oh, and the crowd is in it. And he was surprised, too.
Starting point is 00:17:37 He was like, oh, shit. Okay. And we listened. What's the dance? If we listen to each other's heart we find somebody that's far and maybe love is the reason why for the first time ever we're saying oh dude have you seen the video of the dude that dresses up like a power line and like just goes to like random places and does like the the what's the cat the perfect cast the perfect cast and he's oh my god brandon he wasn't doing the perfect cast
Starting point is 00:18:13 during this performance we haven't been introduced to it but he's just killing it he's he's getting swung around but what happens is um you know he gets gets it's gets swung into the thing. It breaks up. You know, it all falls apart. And someone says, hey, look, it's the goof kid. He crushes it, though. Making eyes at Roxanne the whole time. Oh, and Roxanne is all in.
Starting point is 00:18:39 It ended prematurely with the principal coming out and everything. But honestly, that was like he crushed it that was best case scenario that went flawlessly well and we see it after school like we see post detention where everybody's dapping him up yeah he he fucking did exactly what today is the day and everything's going his way after today that's what's going on brandon right now that's fucking portman singing about that shit right there portman got it um but and then we're introduced really quick before we move to the detention we're introduced to goofy and uh pete and they're in the photo like in there they're like the walmart photo booth thing
Starting point is 00:19:26 i was thinking jc penny because jc penny has like jc penny jc penny photo studio and i wrote my notes i was like man the 90s were a wild time where a single dad could support his entire family working at the jc penny photo studio yeah nowadays you imagine nowadays that person's getting paid at max 13 an hour that's if you're in a liberal state yeah high with high minimum wage yeah that might be seven bucks if you've been if you've been there a while you know you get a couple raises you're a senior manager there um but even still do the jc penny photos photo studio i should i need to go get some headshots little laser backgrounds dude you know we should we should all right hold on brain and let's kick around some like cake eaters headshots like let's let's see let's see what's going on there
Starting point is 00:20:16 well we can we can figure that out maybe throw them on the website spruce the website up a little yeah spruce it up give us some we'll get cat jesse in there get jenkins jizz anyways back back to the movie so we're in who gets a call yes yeah goof gets a call from our principal well not yet not yet because before he gets the call is where we get the detention because the reason yeah because we get the detention and we the leaning tower of cheese yes hey max it's the leaning tower of cheese who didn't say that and like dude we would we and like the easy cheese oh my god little summer sausage ritz easy cheese, oh my God, little summer sausage, Ritz, easy cheese. We were always leaning Tower of Cheese in at First Street constantly.
Starting point is 00:21:13 The insane thing about Bobby is he's going crackerless. He's going straight cheese. Yeah. Yes. And that was a straight cheese fortress on his hand. Yeah. did it looked remarkably like the leaning tower of pisa it was yeah spot on detail yeah it's have you seen the people that like go around giving high fives to all the tourists that are oh yeah putting their
Starting point is 00:21:40 hands trying to keep it up yeah yeah it's it's that's my level of trolling like get your shit together everyone hates that picture um but my favorite is when bobby gets called into the principal's office and he's like hey man it's just yeah it's polyauly Shore doing Pauly Shore's stuff. That's fantastic. But while Bobby's in there, our boy Max gets him and Roxanne. They're going to go to Stacy's party together. Talk to me. They have a very awkward interaction. Typical teenage awkward. How old are they?
Starting point is 00:22:22 15, 16 in this? Like freshman, sophomore. Freshman, sophomore sophomore something like that yeah yeah neither one were driving so no no um and he finally gets her to notice and this is where the principal calls the uh goofy because he comes out with bobby and max's mom bowing in celebration with the secretary and she's like oh my yes okay got that father's boy's father on the phone at once oh man and just what a party man yeah dude that's it i was like principal just ratted ratted him out man like unnecessarily like he was celebrating getting asked out by roxanne of course he's gonna mambo with the secretary she wasn't fucking doing anything oh she was she was having a great fucking time yeah she was enjoying it that's probably the highlight of her whole school year. That's probably the first time she's momboed in 30 years.
Starting point is 00:23:27 If she's lucky. What was it? Miss Maples, right? I think it was Miss Maples. Miss Maples. Who does the principal voice? It's the dude from
Starting point is 00:23:43 Princess Bread, right? It's wallace something wallace sean he's uh yeah wallace sean yeah yeah yeah he was in the princess bride uh vizzini he does uh he does the voice in a bunch of stuff too i know he was the in the he was in the incredibles he was like the uh he was mr incredibles like boss at the insurance company uh oh what is he what is he always saying the princess bride oh why can't i think of it it's oh oh oh inconceivable yeah that's what it is oh man that's a i haven't watched that movie in forever that movie was great yeah that's a great is that the one with the the chastity belt is that the one there's that the is that robin hood prince the themes or i sometimes i get those mixed up yeah they're anyways i get them all mixed up
Starting point is 00:24:37 too i was yeah i haven't seen princess bride in ages either so once again inconceivable um all right so so after school though max is getting props he's him and pj are celebrating he's i brought i brought up the phone call because i wanted to talk about that phone call that he gives to goof because it's in the principal because it's in fucking sane he calls like oh yeah he calls uh he calls goof up and he goes your kid's dressing like a gang member he's wearing a t-shirt and jeans first of all yeah was it was it a red t-shirt though brandon what up blood it was andy you know i'm pretty sure max is black so i think there was some racial elements involved in there brandon god damn it but then he's like you're screaming at goof's like, you need to get your kid under control.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Otherwise he's going to go to the electric chair. What an insane fucking thing for a principal to say. No, that's anyone that would be doing rock concerts like that. And he caused a riot to take place during the school assembly. Brandon, that if that's not going straight to the electric chair i don't know what is dressing like a gang member man that line fucking threw me off dude i was like what is he talking gang member like a gang member and the the way the way he they emphasize electric chair like zooming on his mouth and
Starting point is 00:26:09 there's a dramatic music going on he's going to the electric chair oh that was what about the what about and the photo place when pete does like the adhesive to the girl's diaper and then she pulls out of the diaper and is running out of the store oh my god that was just chaos that whole photo scene was absolute chaos with those two goofy oh my god i also wrote down so the trip he decides to go on uh to take max on is like i think the one that him and his dad used to go on. It was at least a week long. I feel like it was like three weeks long fishing. It was a week long fishing trip. That's what he says. I wrote down, how is he getting the time off from JCPenney Photo Studio?
Starting point is 00:26:55 That's a long time for JCPenney Photo Studio. Dude, Pete is on the same vacation, so they just closed down the photos. Yeah, nobody's been in the booth. Yeah, no boots that's you just can be that's welcome to the 90s brandon photo booth closed for the week of just throwing away money this is why there's no more jc pennies sorry dude it's not my son you know do better all right so but like max get his bubble absolutely burst when he gets home and um you know he gets that fishing pole that went from goof to goof to goof and he gets put
Starting point is 00:27:36 in the full fishing regalia and man he looks miserable the inflatable life vest yeah that's fantastic um this is this this movie really made me want to start fishing again i need to start Man, he looks miserable. The Inflatable Life Fest? Yeah, it's fantastic. This movie really made me want to start fishing again. I need to start fishing again. I really want to learn how to fly fish. That's one of my next goals here. I need to learn how to fly fish. I feel like as I get older, I feel like fly fishing is right up my alley. I feel like that's that's gonna be that's gonna be my thing big uh big mike likes to go up to the river and go fishing with buff on the boat
Starting point is 00:28:11 i want to i want to like mountain stream fly fish though like i don't have a boat i just hike into the hike into a stream i got the big old waders on and i'm just maybe i if i if i could if flapjack stops being such a dick i could bring him with me i feel like flapjack would would excel at fishing i feel like he'd be snapping a fucking trout like no other be a better fisher than you for sure yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so that's that's that's that's old man brandon goals is i'm gonna like i'm gonna make fly fishing my personality what we're getting into curling curling has to be our personality for the fall i can do both curling is during the week fly fishing that's like a weekend thing like i just disappeared yeah yeah we're curlers during the week you're a fly fisher i have been dude i got hogwarts legacy
Starting point is 00:29:02 on ps5 i've been all in on that game brandon it is fucking fantastic it was terrible purchase because i am addicted to it but an amazing purchase because that game is fantastic and it was the only thing that was ever going to bring me back to video games to be honest with you because like they're great and everything but that game let's leave it there for the folks at home it's fucking amazing um but with all this being said brandon and they're getting ready to go on their vacation he's max has got to go to break the noose to roxanne he's not going to be at the fucking party you know he's going to be out fishing with his pops and what's he typical what's he say while he's walking up he's like classic goof we gotta cancel the date 30 minutes after i make it or something like that yeah yeah exactly and then uh roxanne's dad answering the door that was hilarious
Starting point is 00:29:56 um and then and of course like the awkward combo what animal is roxanne she's a dog okay we're not we're not cross cross species in here no because she she makes a crack that is like she says like down boy to her dad oh yeah yeah right here she's a yeah she's a dog she's a dog um but like in in typical awkward young love roxanne takes it as like oh yeah okay yeah you don't want to go with me and it's like no well i mean he's making him go on he does a terrible job explaining it yeah and so she makes it yeah it's just miscommunications galore and so max is to save face he's like actually what we're doing is my dad is a rocker and we're gonna be this is where he doubles down he lies on top of lies here yeah and i'm going to be on stage with power line at the massive pay-per-view show
Starting point is 00:30:54 in l.a uh yeah which is like what what what an insane lie to jump to unprompted just jump to like like it's just i would he he kind of explains it a little bit because he says of course this is the only thing i would ever consider missing a date with you for it's just like okay i get kind of where he's coming from where he's like trying to make it sound so grandiose but it's like just like what a what a fucking hold a dig for yourself here, dude. Come on. And then he says, I'm going to go on stage. I'm going to wave to you.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I'm going to wave to you while I'm on stage. Like, what are we doing? Just say you're going to the concert. That would have been fine. You didn't have to fucking triple down and say you're going to wave on stage. It was the 90s. You could have gone and you could have gone and said oh we lost the tickets on the way home yeah no one no one could prove if you were there or not so you could definitely get away with that lie 100 well you could you could say your dad didn't know him so we got we
Starting point is 00:32:01 were backstage we didn't have tickets we just went backstage yeah um my i love the car scene too when they get in the car first first of all the the amount of love the amount of stuff he has on top of this car dude dude needs to learn how to pack as somebody who as somebody who routinely travels with nothing more than a backpack this dude needs fucking lessons i i love the car i love the back and forth um and where like it's a rock and roll and then it's like um he's got high hopes he's got high apple pie in the sky. Oops, there goes another. Is it rubber ducky?
Starting point is 00:32:52 I think it is. Oops, there goes another. Oh, my God. It just isn't going back. Oops, there. Oops, there. And then the stereo breaks out, and then we get a banger of a song. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:07 You know, it's like all the pots are clanging. Yeah. It's just the music of life. Break from modern living. Do you need a bit? Oh, dude, it's on the open road. Everybody's joining in. Yeah, Max is in there you got the convict um in the back of
Starting point is 00:33:28 the the prison truck you got the dallas cowboys cheerleaders cheerleaders you got the the the tiny little dude and his gigantic wife that was fantastic dude oh that was everything at the interstates were absurd. The interstates were just absurd. I was thinking to myself, I had this song on a CD, by the way. I always had soundtrack CDs. All these songs from this movie were on it. All the scenes where they're driving, though, on all these crazy-ass highways.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Goofy should not have a license. The dude is a liability on the road. He's not looking. When he is looking, he's still swerving. It's just the dude is – it's a miracle they didn't die. Yeah, that's – it comes back to haunt them over and over again, his poor decision-making. He crashes into a river one time you you understand completely why Max is skeptical about a week-long vacation with someone who was so injury and risk prone
Starting point is 00:34:35 that like you know like imagine the anxiety that poor Max felt just like starting the road trip like his like the dude is going to be like pilled out on xanax by the time he's 16 like this is just like getting this guy some fucking horses some ketamine some horse tranquilizers like get there's no fucking help dude yeah there's no way i would ever be able to get into a car with goofy there's no but luckily even even just to drive down the street to get to the gas station or to the Walgreens. Like, no, I'm driving. It's a disaster.
Starting point is 00:35:12 But luckily, they make it to their first stop. And their first stop was our intro, Brandon. It was to the one and only Possum Park. Which looks, I thought, looked fucking dope. I thought it looked dope, too. We went to Possum Kingdom, Texas this year for a boat trip. This song was in my head the whole time. Isn't that the name of the city, though? Possum Kingdom?
Starting point is 00:35:33 Yeah. It's the town. Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas. Yeah. So that's like a city. This is an amusement park in the Goofy movie. Did they have a possum-themed amusement park in the goofy movie did they have a possum themed amusement park in possum kingdom no no but i do have a possum kingdom uh t-shirt
Starting point is 00:35:53 did they have any hats like possum park had yeah they did yeah dude i have a t-shirt i didn't get a hat because they're like trucker hats i don't do do trucker hats. No, no, no, no, no. I don't want a trucker hat. I want the hat that they have in the Goofy movie. Oh, no. They had raccoon hats like that. Oh, I don't want a raccoon hat. Possums are better.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Who's your favorite possum? Lester! Oh, dude. The little kid smiling and going, Y yada that is my absolute favorite part of that whole scene she steals it ridiculous ridiculous oh and then poor goof gets in a fight with max because he doesn't want to be there and he embarrasses him by doing all the crazy dancing and he spikes his hat down and they are just they are upset you know starts pouring and rain it's thundering and raining and it's just yeah bad bad vibes all around yeah bad vibes and they take those bad vibes into
Starting point is 00:36:59 into camp like their first campsite and old goof is teaching Max the perfect reel the perfect cast but this is where we get introduced back to old PD and PJ with the they come in on the biggest RV the bowling alley the full pool and hot tub
Starting point is 00:37:19 basketball court it's just the dream of dreams I love how we pulled it over top of their tent oh that was just zero regard for anybody else and and i love uh this whole scene is insane and why it takes place is absurd but like the perfect cast that catches the stake that then catches bigfoot so my my favorite part my my favorite part of the whole entire movie it's it's now now i'm gonna say that loud it's not it's not gonna be that good but i was fucking cackling is when he so he's doing the perfect cast he gets a stake bigfoot ends up getting a hold of it and he's
Starting point is 00:38:01 talking he's like trying to reel it in and he's talking to max and he's like oh wow must be over three pounds oh god damn it on the line and he's like oh it's got to be at least three pounds absolutely fantastic i also the part that i died and i forgot about was when bigfoot started doing the sock puppet show oh yeah or when he's dancing too is it is it uh staying alive oh that whole bigfoot scene is is absurd but then they they uh they really get it you know have a moment with alphabet soup hi dad dad soup. That's a real moment. But then when Max can't sleep, what happens, Brandon? He edits the map. So I have a question.
Starting point is 00:38:52 When this map popped open, are they from Ohio? Is that where the map started? Was Ohio? I think that's where it started. I didn't know they were in Ohio. I mean, it makes sense what a disaster goofy is yeah yeah it's true yeah only only only would it be in ohio where goofy lives um but ohio ohio to la or ohio to idaho which was their original plan that's a hefty drive you know that's a two-week trip that's
Starting point is 00:39:20 a week there a week back that's nothing to sneeze No, no. But then we get an amazing montage of them going back and forth. Fantastic montage of the monster truck and then stuff Goofy wants to do, the big ball of yarn, stuff Max wants to do. I want to point out, though, that he changes the map. That's his big, again, the 90s. That's his big, that's how he gets over on his dad. That's the 90s and how stupid Goofy is. But that's how he gets over and tricks everybody.
Starting point is 00:39:53 He just redraws the line on the map from Idaho to L.A. Because Goofy's not going to look at it because he trusts him, Brandon. Well, he doesn't trust him until the montage you were talking about where they kind of start i need a montage before that he does he's he's he's navigating himself that's one of the reasons he almost gets in a car wreck is because he's got the fucking map in front of his face um dude and during the montage like the end of the montage when they pull into the motel with the water beds with the fish in the water beds before that when they pull into um when he finally decides he's gonna trust him and give him the map and they they're at that diner dude that there's there are very few things on god's beautiful green
Starting point is 00:40:39 earth that are better than like a road trip diner breakfast oh yeah and that that that short stack there was nothing short about that stack of pancakes little hash browns dude yeah the heaven the the food in this movie looked fantastic we'll get to the pizza in a second the food in this movie looked absolutely fantastic but that motel i as a kid did you have a water oh no my aunt had one though and i would just lay on it and just now i would fucking hate it oh it's it was the so i had a water bed for like a year when i was growing up it was a hammy down um my cousin got it he had it for like a year and he was like this fucking sucks and i was like i was like i'll take it so i took his waterbed and then after about a year i was like this fucking sucks so i ended up getting rid of the waterbed and then there was like a big there
Starting point is 00:41:38 was quite a bit of a time gap between me getting rid of the water bed and then my my dad buying a new bed frame for me i think it was like two two months or so so there's two months where i was just sleeping on a mattress on the floor because it was like it's better than the fucking water bed anything's better than a water bed it was that there was nothing i it's such a 90s thing and it's one of those things where it was like it sounded and everybody thought it was the coolest thing in the world but like the actual real life application of it was
Starting point is 00:42:12 so terrible it was better in they don't even make them anymore do they I would be shocked no no no no because like the amount that would pop in like flood bedrooms and shit oh yeah yeah they were bad all the way around they were bad all the way around but um but yeah that motel scene was amazing they ordered the pizza did this one have fishes in the waterbed too
Starting point is 00:42:36 in the waterbed it was so cool i wanted that whole scene between the pizza that they got and the water bed with the fish in it that was just the coolest hotel scene or it was sorry that was a motel because you motor up to motels that's did you know that brandon i did most people don't because most people are stupid you're talking to a buddy that's been on way too many road trips i know a motel when i see a motel oh dude i love a little well though the last shitty motel i stayed at had a had a tater tot underneath the bed i was gonna say the the the the heyday of motels is long gone you used to be able to you used to be able to like
Starting point is 00:43:18 10 20 years ago you used to be able to find like a you you could luck out and find like a really nice one there's no nice ones anymore they're all because they don't they don't make money it's all just like you can't you can't find good ones anymore they make money by the number like the amount of people not like they just need a whole bunch of people to stay in it and not pay a whole bunch you know but anyways um but while this is all happening pete here overhears max and pj talking about how max changed the map and then when uh they he gets into the hot tub with goofy and my favorite is when he's like these things always have too much water in them
Starting point is 00:43:57 there's another great line they always put too much water in these things oh that was that was the best throwaway line of the whole movie. I was cracking up during that. I was like, whoever did that and just threw that in there is fantastic. I was super jealous. Movies just don't have good stuff like that anymore. I was super jealous of that hot tub. That hot tub looked real nice.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I was like, ugh. I haven't been in a hot tub in so long. It's been too long. I need a hot tub in so long. It's been too long. I need a hot tub session. I went into a heated pool when we were in the Bahamas that night, and that was fantastic. Interesting. A heated pool at the Bahamas? I feel like
Starting point is 00:44:35 that's too much heat. I feel like... Really? I feel like if I was... If I'm in the Bahamas, I want a refreshing... I like a cold pool, though. I'm in the Bahamas, I want like a refreshing. I see. I like a cold pool though. I'm a big cold pool guy. I don't like when it's, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:44:51 But like when you're outside in the sun, like in the cold pool all day and like, then you go have dinner. It's like, it really is nice. It's almost like going into the hot tub. Right. But it's not like, it's not like, it's not like hot, hot. It's not like a heated pool is is not hot it's just not cold and like without the sun up it gets cool at that point it's like the hot tub you know man you don't get it brandon no i like i'm a big cold
Starting point is 00:45:18 water guy though i really want to uh in addition to learning how to fly fish i really want to get a cold tub cold tub fly fishing cold tub that that's going to be old man Brandon for sure. I love it. I love it. Well, unfortunately for you, Brandon, hopefully you won't have a shithead kid that changes the map on you and then lies to you about it. And then your frenemy Pete tells you about it. He's just doubling, tripling down on these lies max it's like just you know real sociopath he always he always looks around it's like why is
Starting point is 00:45:52 my life so horrible it's because you're lying to everybody stop fucking lying to everybody gotta get your shit together max you'll fucker um but uh the the real kind of the fork in the road, if you will, Brandon, is when Goofy sees very clearly that the right is Idaho, left is L.A. And at the last second, Max goes, left is L.A. Well, because so Goofy, this is after Goofy gave him the map, right? He's like, you're the navigator. And then he gets to the literal fork in the road where it says Idaho and LA and he's screaming at Max. Max, which one do I go to?
Starting point is 00:46:34 Which way? Which is like, come on, Goof. Left! That's entrapment, Goof. Just fucking go right, dude. You know which way to go. Don't make him make the wrong decision he's going to he's a 15 year old kid that's that's terrible parenting like come on dude like come on you know what the worst parenting is though is parking your car on the side of the road on a mountain and not putting on the brake
Starting point is 00:47:02 that's that is negligent parenting at best like we've established that he's he's a liability anytime there's a motor vehicle involved oh he really is and so the car rolls into the long story short the car rolls into the canyon and they're sitting there and we get another amazing song that was on one of my cd's best song of the best song of the movie for sure absolutely well i mean eye to eye is up there but this is my favorite for sure eye to eye is probably the mass populace's favorite that's like a that's like a legit song though this is the this is the best musical song you know yeah there are times you drive me shall we say bananas and your mind is missing no offense a screw none taken still whatever mess i land in who is always understanding Nobody else but you Oh, your moodiness is now and then bewildering
Starting point is 00:48:11 And your values may be, so to speak, askew, gesundheit That's my favorite part. Thank you. Oh, gosh. Oh, it's just... They're just fucking flowing. they're just floating along the river singing to each other jamming out oh god so your jokes are all let's face it prehistoric and your music sounds like monkeys in a zoo that's a good line oh dude but when life becomes distressin', who will I be SOSin'?
Starting point is 00:48:46 Nobody else but you. Ah, fantastic. Yeah, it's a great song. We're able to bury the hatchet, everybody's best buds now, as we're floating down the river. They've turned into a true blue duo it doesn't it doesn't show how they got that fucking car out of the river does it no and that's just another
Starting point is 00:49:11 thing you're supposed to skate past it just it just floats them right to the power line concert that is a that is a one-way river down one way down the rio grande to california well i assume it would be the rio grande rio grande well it might have been i don't know i i always assumed it was the colorado river and they were going through the grand canyon right up at that that point um there probably was the colorado river i bet it wasn't but it's that's still the colorado river i bet it wasn't three oh grand but it's that's still the colorado river does not go to la it's a bit of a ways away from there i'm assuming once they got through the grand canyon it kind of just washed up on shore like just perfect enough to where they were able to push it out yep and then they took off back on the road again yep on the open road but then but they they they get to power line right
Starting point is 00:50:09 yeah and goofy is there to get him backstage because goofy is in he's like you gotta you gotta get your sweetheart back i think it's before the song or maybe it's after the song it's after the song max yeah he tells them he tells them all the lies he's told it's before the song, or maybe it's after the song. It's after the song. He tells them all the lies he's told. She's never going to talk to me again because I told her I was going to get on stage and wave to her. And Goofy was like, say no more, bro. I got you.
Starting point is 00:50:36 I got you. Wait, doubly, how did they get the car back? Remember, Max saves Goofy with the perfect cast, and they're just floating in a parachute and then so that's that's right they go that's right they go over the water saves him with the perfect cast so i'm assuming when the car flies off the waterfall it just lands
Starting point is 00:50:59 on it it lands on the bank right it's not the water. And then they parachute down to the car. And it lands perfectly straight up, no damage. Good to go. Not no damage, because at the end of the movie, we see the front bumper came off. And one explodes. Oh, that's right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:51:19 It does explode at the end. Yeah. I completely forgot about the waterfall. Yeah. Saves it with the perfect cast though dude the perfect cast i love it how goofy says oh he'll be with that power line feller so you need to get backstage no sweat bro no sweat got. Gotcha. And it's just, you can feel the music. Dun, dun, dun, dun. Dun, dun, dun. Dun, dun, dun.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Dun, dun, dun. Yeah, yeah. Ah, my God. And it's just, I got myself an ocean. I like how they were able to, the way they sneak in is they just put themselves in instrument cases. That is fantastic.
Starting point is 00:52:10 And when Goofy breaks in on the opera singer's dressing room and she's like, oh, and he's like, like he does this embarrassing thing that cracked me up to know that but man when when max swings in there and they're like they're all sitting on the stage with power line and power line is like what the fuck and they're all doing the the spider-man meme and they start dad do the perfect cast and it's if we listen to each other oh my god brandon if that doesn't get you moving or put a little you know little spritz in your butt cheeks i don't know what will man that's it's fantastic like that's just we got to learn that we got to learn the perfect cast we got to learn the dance moves the per the dude i don't know talk about court talk about tick tock sensation because if you we don't know you do the perfect cast we've talked about my coordination brandon like i can i'll do it if goofy i could do if goofy can do it you can do it so here's the thing brandon i i probably can do it and and i probably will do it
Starting point is 00:53:17 yeah it is we need to we need kelly to film it though we got we got we need kelly to film you doing it and then we're going to put it on TikTok. Because that's going to be – TikTok loves dances, dude. It will look so bad. You're going to get other people that are going to start doing it too? Are you a middle-aged white man that is having a midlife crisis? Well, if we got the video for you. And it's just me screaming it while I'm dancing. Well, no.
Starting point is 00:53:49 We're not going to pre-screen it. We're going to put the actual song on it. There's this part where he jumps up, though, with the perfect cast. We talked about my vertical. I've got just a real... That people will be okay with my credit card vertical and oh yeah yeah have you seen some of the dances that go viral on tiktok it's just people doing like hand stuff sometimes nobody's gonna care about how high you jump oh my god dude i saw
Starting point is 00:54:18 some stupid fucking girls doing the some tiktok dance to the dougie they weren't they weren't were they not doing the whole song is the whole song is about teaching them how to dougie they weren't doing the dougie they were they didn't i just i wanted to scream i wanted to scream and then luckily some young hero came out with a video in response to these idiot youths doing stupid tiktok dances and he threw this skullcap off and was like you fucking tiktakers that's not the dougie this is the teach me how to dougie teach me how to dougie you stupid fox if i see one more tic tacker doing the dougie that's not the dougie that's it that's a that's a criminal offense brandon did i tell you about that did i tell you about the time of me me kelsey uh and gerald we went to the church to see this uh like
Starting point is 00:55:18 dj i love the church yeah i love everything about that story story. That's the best beginning to a story ever that no one else understands. You three at the fucking church for some underground DJ show. Not only am I in, I wish I would have fucking been there. This was also the night that me and Kelsey discovered the Red Bull tequila drinks that I fucking pound now, dude. Dude, it's so much better than it sounds. So much better. It was one of those things where Kelsey was going to the bar and she was like what do you want to drink and i was like i don't i don't i don't fucking know just give me like right give me a red bull tequila she was drinking red bull vodka and i hate vodka
Starting point is 00:55:56 i was like just give me like a red bull tequila as like as like a throwaway joke and she actually got it for me and it was fucking amazing it's my go-to drink now do people look at you like you're a psycho when you oh people yeah yeah they're all it gets a lot of double takes are you fucking serious um but it's delicious because i don't i don't like vodka i don't do vodka i'm a tequila guy throw some red bull in there but so the the moral the point of this story was we're at the the dj's going off right and uh the church has like the main like area where the dj goes and then they also have like separate rooms and then like a downstairs like dance room so we're going to the downstairs dance room and
Starting point is 00:56:36 they're playing like 90s uh and like early 2000s r&b stuff and then um we're like me kelsey and gerald are dancing and this like dance circle um circle because the church caters to a very young clientele. We were definitely I was definitely the oldest motherfucker there for sure. I'm not allowed in them. I'm not allowed in. It used to be. I don't know. I don't know if they still do it.
Starting point is 00:57:00 But like when I was in high school, that was the place you would go that like didn't id you like they you see just like it was supposed to be like it was supposed to be 21 and up but nobody ever id so there's it was just filled with 16 year olds but um it's dangerous uh but it these people looked older than than high school for sure um so i don't think you can do that anymore but i was still the oldest one but so this dance circle forms next to us and so we like wander over and we're like looking at it and fucking uh teach me how to dougie comes on and uh i me and kelsey like push gerald into the dance circle and he ends up getting into this dance off with this other guy and gerald fucking because gerald's a good dancer and he knows how to dougie and he fucking wipes the floor with this kid in the dance circle dude it was amazing i wish i would have been there to see that happen now i'm
Starting point is 00:57:50 sadder i wasn't there oh see see jeep monique going there dougie has crushed it dude dougie a kid to death my god my god he dug it him to death God, he broke him in half. J.R. calling him from the side. Oh, dude, fucking fantastic. Oh, amazing, dude. It was a great night. Great night. So anyways, that's a great, great sidebar story. But to get back to the movie, the other piece of the concert that we have to highlight is our boy, Bobby, and our girl, Stacy.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Talk to me. Talk to me. talk to me talk to me talk to me fell in love through a can of cheese which i feel bad for the kid with the spock uniform on but sorry buddy it was never gonna happen no no no if you have to if you have to shout at the girl in the middle of an assembly you got no chance bro no chance that's that's that's forever my highlight although maybe maybe star trek guy and stacy end up together because like you mentioned that's what happens roxanne um is it for sure you know that because i mean roxanne's not an extremely goofy movie no i'm saying like if this played out in real life you know she kind of dates the bad boy guy a little bit and then like you know college passes and then stacy and star trek kid rekindle post-college and then now they're
Starting point is 00:59:14 living in the suburbs and they have three kids and a golden retriever that has a better life than most i bet you i bet you that is what happens because because she's not stacy's probably an engineer stacy and uh bobby in the sequel an extremely goofy movie they're not together either bobby's flying solo in college just like max's so you know there's still hope there's still hope for star trek guy i haven't seen an extremely goofy movie in probably 25 years so I might have to watch that with Kel. Does Aaron, I don't think he does. He doesn't do the same voice as anyone does. Damn.
Starting point is 00:59:49 I'd say we could do that one. Cause that's a good one. I like that one better than I, than, than this one. I think it's, it's all right. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I literally bought a power line t-shirt on Amazon as I was watching. Power line is great, but I have in my notes at the very end of my notes, I have written very large. I feel like I used to remember there being way more power line is great but i i have in my notes at the very end of my notes i have written very large i feel like i used to remember there being way more power line i needed way more power line yeah there's not any power yeah he's just and then at the very end the the reason the sequel i like the sequel um so much is because they're doing the x games you know college x games fucking oh that's right that's right. That's right. Rollerblading.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Just fucking shredding, dude. Oh, dude. That's you skate or die, bro. Fucking break. Extremely goofy movie. Skate or die. Dude, low corn. Jinkos.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Plus they let the other thing with the sequel is you also get a lot more Bobby. You get a lot more Pauly Short as Bobby in the second one. He has way more lines. I gotta watch it now.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Now it's top of the to-do list. I might even re-watch this first one with cal just because it was so fantastic when i was so we can sing the songs together i love this song like portman kills it with these songs when he's like when he's in there singing for max's voice all the songs are pretty solid i know i i like I said in the Newsies episode, I'm not a big musical guy. Animated ones are where I get I, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:29 I can appreciate it more for the animated ones. So like these ones, I'm all about the songs. All the Disney, like, ones that I wouldn't classify as a musical, but they all have songs in them. I love all those. I wouldn't consider wouldn't my new musical
Starting point is 01:01:45 my new go-to karaoke song i've decided is gonna be i'll make a man out of you from mulan i fucking have you heard of that song that was another one that was you know i don't i think i told you this but i used to like do the fucking weirdest shit with like and so i would we would be road tripping because there's nothing else to do in wayne and i would put like goofy movie songs and like mulan songs so like there was a it would go dr dre because he had his new album the new eminem album and then boom i'll make a man out of you oh dude let's get down to business that's why you go go-to Gary Yawkey song. Like last year or two years ago or something, there was a bunch of covers of Mulan, like hard rock covers. Google that.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Check some of those out. Some of them were pretty good. A lot of them were not that great, but it's a great song. You can't really mess it up i got really into like a punk rock cover of that milanus song in the sky in the city and it but they're like the line inside oh dude it's fantastic and so i'd have that song stuck in my head and then i kelly finally heard it she's like, that's why it's stuck in your head all the time. I am a sucker for punk rock covers of weird shit. Because when I was in high school, did you ever hear about Punk Goes Pop or Punk Goes?
Starting point is 01:03:19 Oh, absolutely, dude. Bed Light for Blue Eyes when they sing Jumper. Fantastic. I've had it. Umbrella. umbrella fantastic they do a jason derulo mayday parade they do that it's fantastic dude say anything does an odb song um uh what's hey that one yeah what's the name of that song don't you worry say anything say anything's cover of that is so good but so i like when i was in high school that was the heyday of those compilations so i i'm a sucker for those those covers they're just i'm all about it all about it it's i love them too i i have them i this is this is just dating me, but I purchased the songs on my iTunes in 2009.
Starting point is 01:04:11 I used to have all those CDs, the Punk Ghost Pop. Oh, absolutely. Dude, that was all over. I didn't Napster. I did a different one, and I had an external hard drive that was just full of everything. I had my... an external hard drive with oh yeah that was just full of everything yeah i had it was all those i had uh my um i still have it actually i have a a a big imac from like 20 would have been like 20 2008 or whatever um and it has like it's filled with just music um yeah i didn't i never did napster i did
Starting point is 01:04:47 limewire for a bit the thing that i found though especially for like punk um like punk and emo music is i don't know if the site's still around but there was a a site uh ran by a couple dudes called sophie's floorboard and it was like a blog that just had like any punk or emo cd you could think of they had the digital mp3 files on there you could just download it right from the site it was a godsend god bless those people that ran that site sophie's floorboard huge shout out i don't i don't know how my buddy did it but he had like every punk song in the history of songs and all that stuff and i don't know what he did was he sophie's floorboard i don't think so but he but but literally what i did and this is the most fantastic ever i literally i went he was like he
Starting point is 01:05:39 go buy an external hard drive make sure it's the size he gave me the recommendation i went out and bought it i took it to him filled it completely full of movies tv shows every song that's ever been sung and um the only problem was that i tried to go out on my own and i think i downloaded true blood and i corrupted the external hard drive broke my cabana just i it all up and there you go that's rough how was that true blood it was i was really into the first season of true blood though all that for true blood some really into the first dude the first season of true blood that was that was like wildfire that was like game of thrones back in the day when that season was fantastic but all right but anyways let's get back to the movie.
Starting point is 01:06:27 They finish up Powerline. Max is really sad because him and Goofy decide that he's going to fess up and tell Roxanne the truth. But long story short, she forgives him. They're happy together. The car blows up. Goofy goes flying. And then he smashes through the roof i hope he's gonna pay
Starting point is 01:06:48 them back for that and he gets introduced to roxanne hopefully they got insurance yeah yeah and then uh and then that's it that's that's the movie and we we see young love blossom we see and then i set a date for two days from now yeah and for the first time in a very long time i purposefully listened and watched the credits so i could get one more rip of power lines out eye to eye before i signed off for them it is a great fucking song i know it's a great song come on at the end when they're just... And Powerline looks like a fucking badass. Yeah. Those glasses and the jumpsuit.
Starting point is 01:07:31 And the things on the shoulders of the jumpsuit. It was just all fantastic. This movie was amazing. We got to do our cakey ratings, Brandon. This might be... Now, I don't know if I could do a five, but it's close. It's definitely not a five. I think it's...
Starting point is 01:07:53 What did I give Newsies a 4.87? I think I give it a 4.8. I'm going to give it a tie. 4.87. This and Newsies hit the exact same nostalgia. It hit the exact same sing-along nostalgia. I literally, to prep for our recording today, I just made a Spotify list of all these songs that ran back-to-back.
Starting point is 01:08:20 And that's why this, Newsies, I've just been listening to these songs now incessantly since we've watched these fucking movies. And now I've thrown in a few of my other favorite musicals. This movie is great. Newsies is great. It's 4.87 all around. Okay. That's very generous.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Very generous ratings. You're a very generous guy though you're you're not given a generous rating outside of buddy games i was just saying every i feel like every you rate you've rated everything as a as at least a 4.8 something got a 4.1 oh i think i need to i need to go back and listen and compile those ratings that way we can keep a running a running uh tally i'm i'm not gonna it was good i remember i was telling you before we got on live that i remember it being like this watch back i was like ah it's not as quite as good as i remembered it little rose colored glasses uh but it's still solid i'm gonna go three eight yikes that's way too low brandon that is way too solid name a bad part name like a name a down part of the movie the musical
Starting point is 01:09:34 the musical take the musicals out the musical portion out of this replace it take the musical portion out replace it with more bobby zimorowski and we're in no no you're wrong about that because they're the possum park song nobody else but you eye to eye those are bangers bangers i still the other thing that's that's really um chopping the score down is are those their hands i don't i don't know heath i don't know oh dude you're never gonna like movies like this because you are a hater and you get too hung up i like i like this movie it's a great score it's a great score whatever sorry all right i would definitely recommend everybody watch this movie i will for sure watch it again
Starting point is 01:10:24 and definitely and definitely i recommend everybody watch the sequel because i think the sequel is a little better an extremely giving movie i would i would give the sequel somewhere on the fours if i had to okay now i'm going to watch this movie this weekend and if it's not better i'm going to call you and scream at you it's better the the the dude i wouldn't call i have text it the sequel is better um because you get more bobby um the the poet girl that that they're all in love with is great um all of her shit's fantastic all of her scenes and then you also have the the main the two main The main villain, like the skinny little guy, his name is like Bradley Van Pelt or something like that. I love that. He's a great fucking villain.
Starting point is 01:11:11 And then he has like the big muscle guy who's another great like side character villain. The villains are amazing. Yeah. The sequel is way better. The sequel is better. All right. I'll give it a shot. Great, great movie.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Great movie to break down every single piece of this bradley upper crust the third that's the villain's name thanks for listening, everyone. Please remember to follow and like us on Instagram at TheCakeEatersPod, on Twitter at TheCakeEaters. Also reach out to us via email, TheCakeEatersPod at or visit our website,

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