The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - 1.5 BILLION BYBIT HACK, FORT KNOX AUIDIT, RUBY BOOTED | The CBP 204 Pt. 2 (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: February 26, 2025

FRIENDS AND ENEMIESJoin us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada.... As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠⁠Discord:   / discord   A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I kind of want to start uploading full video versions to Anchor in addition to the split audio versions because Anchor seems to like the video stuff we put up. We get more plays on that. I think it recommends it via Spotify, but it would juice the play numbers a little bit, which is not fair to the sponsors. Do we know if Ruby Dala has been allowed to talk today because there's a debate going on. The debate just started. The debate just started. So why don't we...
Starting point is 00:00:27 You can't pull it up. We're going to get... No, I'm not going to go to it, but I'm going to go to the... She appealed the decision. Of course she did. She was unfairly denied the opportunity. Like these people... Chandra didn't appeal.
Starting point is 00:00:41 He didn't. Yeah. I don't think he had quite as much support behind him as she did. I think he had more. Really? I think he was the ultimate protest vote. And it seemed like he had a lot more traction on X than Ruby did. And he got it far earlier than anybody else.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Ruby was just that she picked up whatever was left off For the most part from Chandra people were still even contemplating all gonna what maybe for Freeland or because like she's an alternative to Carney so I when Chandra left it just People were just lost in a way. It was just as unfortunate But we have the same thing now like for people who who are wondering what the fuck we're talking about. It's on CBC's website. I'll put the link in the chat.
Starting point is 00:01:29 You guys can watch. So Ruby Duller, I, I, I, Very good. And she was kicked out of the liberal party just the same way Chandra was, but she was, it was because of serious extremely serious violations. Allegations, allegations, violations. This is according to she says, but I don't know. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Anyway, it's to do with funny. Well, the fact that she was informed of this while live in an interview at CBC that there is a fair foul do you come down? I think that's pretty shitty. Me too. On two different fronts. Number one, he shouldn't have told her. Number two, they should have informed her.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Totally. But the CBC is an arm of the Liberal Party. We all know this now. It's beyond a reasonable doubt at this point. And so I'm not surprised by this. It's beyond a reasonable doubt at this point. And so I'm not surprised by this. It's completely foul. The people on CBC need to be unemployed, honestly. And when people... No, they do. When people talk about... Listen, we'll talk about Ruby in a second, the sort of unfair nature of this whole thing. But when people talk about whether or not the CBC is
Starting point is 00:02:42 in the pocket of the liberal party. The CBC will with a straight face tell you that they do unbiased journalism, that they don't carry water for any party, that they're not in bed with any party. And then you see something like this. This is unfathomable to a thinking person because a thinking person looks at this and goes, how did the liberal party decide it was better to tell the CBC than Ruby? That's a good question you're asking. Well, how did they decide that? Well, I'm not convinced that they didn't do that on purpose because they don't want to tell her. I think that the CBC in subsequent reporting
Starting point is 00:03:20 sort of said the quiet part out loud that they don't want Ruby taking shots of Carney on stage all night. They don't want anyone taking shots of Carney on stage all night because he is the king in making, in waiting I should say. And for her to get disqualified over, I mean, pretty rich, right? Foreign interference in an election, since when is that a big deal for liberals? It's been fucking five years. No, no, no, no. Here it is. This is, they're saying the involvement of a non-Canadian citizen in her campaign. So, and they say that it alleges amounts to foreign interference, which happened. So a non-Canadian citizen in her campaign, does that mean any non-Canadian
Starting point is 00:03:59 citizen that's helping any of these candidates has also, they should also be subjected to the worst. Where's Carney's disclosures? Yeah, he there's these right. Is there yet? They're full. I would imagine in each of their campaigns, there is a non Canadian helping there up because Canada, there's a ton of non Canadians in Canada. A ton of them.
Starting point is 00:04:20 And I know one of them would be helping them just because they like the individual or they like the campaign or a friend invited them or whatever. Does that make them disqualified? No. Fuck. This country is created on immigration and you're going to be disqualifying somebody. She's first generation, whatever the fuck. It's an impossibly corrupt process. And's a number that's been disqualified. Yeah, it's not limited to the liberals. I tweeted earlier today, Preston Brown went through the same thing. Now, mind you, the reasons for excluding him were a little different and a little more
Starting point is 00:04:57 severe, I think. I think it was related to sexual misconduct. Make that what you will. But the idea that you can- The timing of that was just- Yeah, it's unbelievable. conduct, make it out what you will. But the idea that you can- The timing of that was just- Yeah, it's unbelievable. And by the way, how come it's only candidates that seem to be gaining momentum on Twitter? I'll tell you why. Because Twitter is where the decisions are actually made.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Not this fake Canada polling Twitter thing, not fucking CBC, not fucking Kearney's meetups, where it's like everyone there has one foot in the grave and another foot on a banana peel. They're fucking all 80 years old. Do you remember the Rolls Royce that showed up? Yeah, like come on. You know what that reminded me of? Major League when Wesley Snipes, Willie Mays Hayes showed up with his.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Right? That's what it reminded me of. It's ridiculous. Like Kearney is a joke, man. He's a joke. And I don't often use language that pointed on people who are not in elected office because they're private citizens the other day. Carney's a private citizen, but he's put himself in the crosshairs here for me. And the reason that I think it's important to speak on the nonsense is because this guy is claiming to be an outsider when he's been the governor of, is because this guy is claiming to be an outsider
Starting point is 00:06:05 when he's been the governor of two G7 central banks, claiming to be an outsider when he's negotiated, navigated, and consulted for all economic policies of the Trudeau liberals over the last 10 years. He's claiming to be an outsider when he's got pictures with Jeffrey fucking Epstein, Jeffrey fucking Epstein claiming to be an outsider. And now you've got this guy talking about how he's going to come up with two separate budgets, one that can be balanced to one that shouldn't have to be. I'm going to make a video on this, like I mentioned. I'm going to start a short video series on this channel. I'm announcing that right now, so I'm accountable for it, called More on Economics. And sometimes
Starting point is 00:06:42 it's going to be called More on Economics. This is probably the latter because the idea that you can balance half the budget and claim its balance and then say, shit like, oh, we're investing with the other side. Well, I don't know. I just looked at the Canadian... What's the USA equivalent up here? We talked about it before. Is it foreign affairs? Whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Global affairs, global affairs. Global affairs. Yeah. The global affairs balance sheet and expenditures. Like, come on. The idea that one of these things being balanced is equivalent to a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility imprudence is laughable. And in an environment you have this fucking tariff dangling over our heads. And if this is ever executed, you don't think they're fucking right. Don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:07:27 And I'm going to, I'm going to play something for you here too. Okay. Because like Carney and CBC and CTV and all these stupid fucking news agencies, again, like I'm trying not to get worked up, but it's fucking hard not to because all these news agencies claiming to be impartial are running story after story about Canadians want Elon Musk's fucking citizenship revoked. Canadians want Tesla's ban. They want liquor off of shelves. They want this.
Starting point is 00:07:55 They want that. Canadians don't want any of this stuff. When all this is happening, by the way, and these guys are glazing up, jerking off Marky Mark, what's actually going on? Well, the Bank of Canada governor is issuing yet another warning about what we should have done a year and a half ago instead of sending a bunch of fucking money to Ukraine
Starting point is 00:08:14 and worrying about how many days we need to have the fastest life staff over graves that no one ever found anybody in, okay? This is what this guy's saying today about what's coming down the pipe. Now you tell me if this sounds like a guy who's got even a fucking shred of optimism for what's coming. He is basically saying, I told you so, good fucking luck.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Let's have a listen. Sif Macklin. There's no bounce back. If you introduce tariffs, the economy works less efficiently. We don't get those economies of scale. Businesses can't grow their businesses by growing their exports to the United States. So they're going to invest less.
Starting point is 00:08:57 There's going to be less production. Incomes will be lower in Canada. And unless we introduce a new structural shock, some structural reform that boosts our potential output, but boosts supply, there's no bounce back. So what that means for monetary policy, we can't change that reality. The economy is going to a permanently lower path. So the only thing we can do is we
Starting point is 00:09:27 can help smooth the painful economic adjustment to tariffs. But even there, monetary policy is constrained because we have to make sure that the tariff problem doesn't become an inflation problem. So what that means is you're not looking like a COVID-type response. We're going to have to proceed quite carefully. We're going to have to proceed quite carefully. We're going to have to balance the, yes, there will be downward pressures on inflation from
Starting point is 00:09:52 the weakness in the economy, but there's going to be also upward pressures from higher import costs, so weaker Canadian dollar, inevitable supply chain disruptions. That's enough, Joey. It's going on and on. He's right. The reality is there's nothing they could say that's going to change reality. There's nothing they can do now. There's stuff they could try to do, but he's talking- Not the bank. When the premiers get together with Trudeau and say, there's going to be a COVID level response to the tariffs. They're lying.
Starting point is 00:10:26 When they get together and say, we're going to unite and be the stronger party here, they're lying. And he's telling you- They have no, it's just, it's all just talk. And you have to understand this is being done at a time, especially here in Ontario during an election. We have the election to vote coming up this Thursday. So it's all just political theater, right?
Starting point is 00:10:45 And you talked about it and somebody just mentioned in the chat Canada is giving five I just want to just reiterate five billion. Yeah five, but it's more than just that It's more than just that this is from seized Russian assets So one can make an argument that really Canada is giving nothing in terms of that But but it's not totally the case Trudeau also pledged 25 additional light armored vehicles for Ukraine and to grant to help with energy security as Russia tax the country's security sorry country's power grid so 25 additional light army light armored vehicles which will likely get
Starting point is 00:11:16 either used up destroyed or whatever and they have to be replaced who has to replace it us through taxation and stuff like that so that's five billion billion of Russian assets, Russian seized assets plus 25 armored vehicles. The EU, which geographically is much much closer, they should have a greater interest in the outcome of what's going on Ukraine and 3.5 billion euros, 3.7 billion USD was given from the EU to the to Ukraine. So far far less than what Canada is doing. You look at this and it's just, why are we doing this? We have problems we have to solve here. I understand there's stuff happening globally, but domestically, you open up the door and you can see trash in the streets. You can see homeless in every urban environment. What's
Starting point is 00:12:12 the most important thing on people's minds these days is the economy. Do people have a job next week? Maybe not. These are the things that really impact. How do we deal with this? Well, let's tighten our belt. Let's. It sucks to say, but what's going on elsewhere, at least right now, is their fucking problem. Let's deal with our problem. Once we create a Canada that is strong economically, then maybe we can look at the opportunities to help our people overseas. But until then, we don't have the opportunities to help them out and then turn a blind eye to everybody over here. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And another thing you just mentioned, you glossed on it, but we shouldn't be glossed over the fact that people are talking about stripping the citizenship of a Canadian citizen. Why? When you are given citizenship, you have to do heinous acts in order to have that citizenship stripped. Has Elon Musk done whatever should be to be considered stripping a citizenship? No. People come here, they go through the process to become permanent residents and eventually get citizenship. And if you do this, you're setting a precedent that people will never want to come here because if there's a chance you get your citizenship
Starting point is 00:13:26 Strip just because of the fuck who you're supporting politically What's the point of coming here? Yeah, you're setting yourself up for failure I wouldn't want to be from a different country say and let's pick the countries I could go to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States Why would I go to Canada and then become a citizen that country. And if I say something wrong, potentially got my citizenship trip. This is fucking wrong. You should nobody should be subjected to the fact that there's a petition going on. People are signing this. They should get their citizenships fucking stripped. Really?
Starting point is 00:14:00 Like, come on. Like, that is fucking bullshit. That drives me. And then this all started with the Ruby dollar thing. And we can't fucking miss this thing. The rot that's over there, two visible minorities were kicked out. One is a sitting member of parliament. The second is a former member of parliament, each flying under the banner of the Liberal Party, yet they can't, for whatever reason, cannot run to be leader of the party.
Starting point is 00:14:31 We know why. We know why. Let me go back here. That boils my blood. It's a shame to democracy when you do something like this. I totally agree, Len. It's completely unpalatable for anyone with an IQ greater than 45. A couple things, okay? Number one, and it's mentioned in the chat here too, there's never been any
Starting point is 00:14:54 intention to actually help Ukraine win this war. Someone is lining their pockets, feathering their nest. We all know this. I saw some hysterical boomer, boomer is even two kind of word. He was like a hysterical gray beard, blue plate, breakfast or dinner at 3pm type on CBC talking to Rosie Barton about how the guardrails have come off the Trump regime and the US no longer cares about protecting democracy abroad. These people are truly retarded. We have never once thought that the money we gave to Ukraine was going to help them win the war. We may have thought it would help us win elections. We may have thought that it'd help us enrich some of our friends. We may have thought we'd get kickbacks. We may have thought any number
Starting point is 00:15:32 of things. We never thought it was going to help them win the war. No one in the first world ever thought that, ever. That's number one. Number two, the same people calling for Elon to have his citizenship stripped. Do you think they're out in arms trying to have the humble bus driver or the guys going the wrong way on the 401 who are Indian or the Chinese guys who are walking into casinos with bags of cash? Are they clamoring as hard and as loudly for citizenship stripping in those cases? Of course not. These people are not to be taken seriously. There's no one, I actually would even venture to guess that it's the same style of person
Starting point is 00:16:19 who's now like, oh, Wayne Gretzky is no longer a great Canadian because he is friends with Elon Musk or Trump. These people do not represent Canada. The media does not represent Canada or Canadians. The government does not represent Canada or Canadians. And the Liberal Party does not represent Canada or Canadians. The rot is so deep at this point that the idea you can kind of cut it out
Starting point is 00:16:42 and continue with the rest of the organism is wrong. You need a nuclear warhead leveling of that whole institution, of the sitting parliament, of the liberal party, probably of the conservative party, for sure of the NDP. The rod is too deep. Even guys like Pierre, like, you know, God bless the guy. Maybe he's going to be a decent PM. Maybe he's not. I have no idea. He's going to get a fair shake. But like, does anyone really think that guy's a competent politician? Anybody? He can't speak for more than 10 seconds at a time. He's only good on TikTok in 80% of the cases. His entire campaign is like one-dimensional horse blinders, axe attacks, axe attacks, axe attacks. It's played out, man.
Starting point is 00:17:31 You got a different opponent now. The game is changing all around you. There's no competent people anywhere I look on the Canadian landscape, except today suddenly Tiff seeming to make some good points and taking the gloves off a little bit like, hey, we told you before that we needed to change the productivity habits of this country. You didn't listen. And now here we are a year and a half later in a circumstance that we could have told you was likely you guys all pretended it was impossible and now you're paying the consequences. The idea that we have the, like, and again, when you say, yeah, we can change things,
Starting point is 00:18:05 there's stuff we can do to change things. Who is we? Who's going to do it? I'm apathetic and I don't give a shit what these people want to do. I'm not going to get behind any political party. I'm not going to do boots on the ground, door knocking. I'm certainly not going to run for elected office. So who's going to do it? Competent people in this country either leave, start businesses, are apathetic, stone on their couch, or some combination of those four things.
Starting point is 00:18:36 So who's doing this? It's going to be the same types coming into power. The Karina Goulds, Pierre Polyevs, the Freelans, the Carnys, these people, they either don't get it or just hope that you don't get it. It's like the case in every major country today. I think Trump, for all the guys' faults, you can say what you want. They say what you want. Like, oh, I don't want a president who talks about grabbing chicks by the pussy. So fucking what? You have to take some character flaws when it comes to a guy who's that competent in the fields in which you need him to be competent. And you see the results. The US is going to roll many, many countries over the next four years, minimum, minimum four years.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And it's all gonna be because like you said earlier Len, there was a time to maybe look outward if you had some pet interests or pet causes you wanted to support with taxpayer funds, but that time is not now. And he's the only guy who seems to realize it. His administration is the only administration that seems to realize it.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And everyone else is just pretending that it's gonna go away or it's going to stop or whatever. I saw that somebody said, as Zelensky said, the Trump administration won't last forever. The war will outlast him. Bro, that war is not even going to outlast the fucking Pope at this rate. Okay? When is the last war against Russia? That's a war of attrition that was successful.
Starting point is 00:20:03 They're going to win. They don't care. And people... I can't think... Napoleon didn't do it. People say, Len, Ukraine is losing or Ukraine is winning the war. Russia lost a million men. Russia losing a million men means Russia is winning. There's no one who thinks... Like you always say, these wars of attrition, you need these guys to lose a million men for them to be considered winners. That's how they win. If Russia loses a million and the other guys lose 250,000, it's a net gain for Russia.
Starting point is 00:20:31 100%. They'll just keep sending in people. Yeah. They don't fucking care. And that's the way they've always operated. You can't fucking win in a war on attrition against Russia. You always get fucking come out in the losing end. I don't know of anybody that's won, maybe Japan.
Starting point is 00:20:49 There's a significant issue with politicians, the political class here and abroad, except for the United States right now, where just the people in government are just not competent. They don't care. And they're just getting filthy rich. Great, great example, okay? This video, Did you see this video of the USAID staff leaving the building today with their stuff? No.
Starting point is 00:21:13 There's a video going around of the USAID people and of course, the legacy media in the States, oh, these people are good people. They're just looking to keep their jobs, blah, blah, blah. They're not corrupt. They're not whatever. There's a woman who's leaving with a box of papers wearing a full fucking fur coat. Okay? She masks too. That would be the ultimate mask. No, but Jesus Christ, man. These guys, people have... The times that we just... The era we were in is over, ladies and gentlemen. It's over. And you can keep pretending that we're going to keep fighting foreign wars and we're bound
Starting point is 00:21:51 by international law and the rules-based order and rules of engagement and free trade. You're dumb. It's over. It's over. You thought it was going to go on forever and now it's over. And you can keep whining and crying and pulling bourbon from red States off the shelf and talking about pulling Elon's fucking citizenship.
Starting point is 00:22:12 It doesn't change what's happening. And you're hearing from Tiff, it's gonna fucking hurt. And you have no one to blame but yourself. And this Wayne Gretzky thing, incredible. They could turn, people could turn their backs on this guy. Who's turning their backs though? I don't know anyone who gives a shit about this. Some people apparently are pissed.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I don't know anybody personally. Well, I'm sure there's maybe like people living in million dollar conflict. No one. This guy was a fucking quote unquote Canadian hero. He's the greatest Canadian ever. He's the unquote Canadian hero. Right. In fact, he never, he's the greatest Canadian ever. When he put hockey in a map in Southern California, it is his ancient history now and all that. But like without him going like the hockey would not be in the state it is right now. And it's not really doing that great out for when I gathered in the United States. Four nations was great.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I'll tell you that they got to do more of that. But remember even 15 years ago, there was the Olympics in Vancouver and then they slapped Gretzky in the back of that Ford F-150 in the rain to carry the torch and he was, he got fucking critical and he, he was a hero then too. Like we were cheering the Olympics, we were cheering Gretzky, we're cheering everything. How just because he likes Donald Trump, he goes to Mar-a-Lago. Does it change anything he's done? Like, fuck, like people are happy to erase people, their accomplishments, everything they've done just because they do something. Pastime right now. This is fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah, this this bullshit happened, you know, not too long ago too, right? I want to say when and where but you can read between the lines and we fucking hated that. We said that stuff's wrong. Doing the same thing now, man. Like, fuck. Like, it just it drives me not and I can't believe and I keep going back to this Ruby Dalit. I can't fucking believe this should happen so late in the game. Just a day before. I wonder if they're going to talk about it. I'm going to watch the debate in French.
Starting point is 00:24:10 We'll practique. Epitipa. Who would, I'd love to know which one of the four candidates would bring it up. That's what I want to know. Who's going to talk about it. Maybe a question would be proposed by the moderator. They should.
Starting point is 00:24:21 The moderator, if the moderators are worth even an ounce of salt, they would do it. I'm not sure that they will. CPAC, who knows, but we'll see. Joey, I just want to bring up something else. We're talking about global affairs. Is it CPAC by the way? I keep saying CPAC. Is that the American one or the Canadian one? No. I believe it's a CPAC, I believe, for Canada. Ours is CPAC? Okay. I believe so. Could be wrong. There's an article from the Toronto Sun. It's a very funny article.
Starting point is 00:24:46 It references global affairs and you touched upon global affairs just a second ago. And there's some interesting stuff that was spent in the past while they did a request for information. And I realized that it was half a million dollars actually more was spent on paintings, photo, photos, and even Lego art. Yeah, Joey, Lego art, man. That's cool. Lego memes are underrated by the way. Is it? I never fucking... Anyways, this is supposed to be displayed on Canadian embassies, high commissions, consulates, and official residences throughout the world. And the way I
Starting point is 00:25:20 look at it, they could have just went to a random grade three class in Canada and had anyone fucking do something and it would have been probably pretty good. $25,000 was paid for a tapestry, sorry, by a Calgary based textile artist. 25 grand for one fucking tapestry. This one seems like a lot, but in the grand scheme of things, $175 for a pencil drawing by an Inuit carver. You know, it's actually probably going great. Like, I'm not going to shit on that. But they're going to try to get it. They spent all this money and it just, it could be done easily by like any grade schoolers and they could do it and they would be proud to hang it up. And think about the national pride these kids, the classroom, the schools would have. They say my work of art or work of art from
Starting point is 00:26:08 our school is hanging in the Canadian Embassy in fucking New Delhi or you name your fucking... like that's the kind of shit you could do and it was the price free. What do you get out of it? A lot of nationalism and just boosting up the pride of the country and so forth. Like that's the shit that you should be doing. They did totally missing the mark here in my opinion. Okay. I want to, first of all, like foreign affairs is about to launch on all this spending, but I think the bigger story for me, and I'm going to tie this into something that's happening in the provinces that we often don't talk about, but came to my attention today thanks
Starting point is 00:26:39 to David Frazier, a lawyer who I follow on YouTube and on Twitter. And I think it's time to bring him on. Maybe I'll talk to him about coming on in the spring. David Frazier, a lawyer, who I follow on YouTube and on Twitter. I think it's time to bring him on. Maybe I'll talk to him about coming on in the spring. He is a lawyer at DAL or a professor at DAL and a privacy slash digital rights lawyer. He notes that there's a movement starting in the provinces to change the nature of the Request for Information Act that you see broadly, the ATIP stuff at the federal level, and each province has their own equivalent.
Starting point is 00:27:14 The provinces now, I'm going to just share a screen cap of this video. It's interesting because the provinces are starting to move on something that I think everyone should be concerned about, given the nature of the requests that have been made recently, especially by the Taxpayers Federation and by BlackLocks. I don't know if you can see this. If you're on YouTube, you can see it, but I'm just going to read something here. Right now, the way it stands for people on audio is that you can generally make any request of a provincial, federal, municipal government, and they have to give you the information you asked for regardless of scope, regardless of date range, regardless of anything. So you can say, I want all the emails to and from
Starting point is 00:27:52 this public servant, this date range, and I want it within six months. And they have to basically give you something. They have to respond promptly and completely are the general rules you see. Promptly and completely are the general rules you see. In this screenshot here, this is for Nova Scotia, you can see that the head of a public body, this is a new law they put in, the head of a public body may disregard one or more requests for access if the head is of the opinion that A, the requests are trivial, frivolous or vexatious, B, the requests have already been provided to the applicant, or C, the requests amount to abuse of the right to make a request because they are unduly repetitive or systematic, excessively broad
Starting point is 00:28:37 or incomprehensible, or otherwise not made in good faith. Whoa. Somebody's going to have to make a decision. Whoa. In good faith. If something is vexatious. If it's frivolous. Len, is Slacklocks reporting vexatious? Is it vexatious to ask what global affairs is spending their money on so I can tweet about it? Is that vexatious?
Starting point is 00:29:01 But you were saying that's a provincial thing. Does that apply also to- But it's also in Manitoba? So you got Manitoba and Nova Scotia doing this. He mentions one or two other provinces that are going in this direction. And so- So global affairs is not part of it because it's a federal- I'm not trying to- I realize that, but my point is that as the provinces go and if it's successful, and by success, I mean, no one pushes back on any of this. Why wouldn't the federal government do the same thing after the last six months of getting pasted for spending, pasted for programs, pasted for waste?
Starting point is 00:29:31 Why would they not do the same thing? The eyes on federal spending are gonna get so hyper-focused on this stuff that if they don't change the way that the information requests are processed, they're going to be inundated with requests because everyone's going to want to know what pet project people are spending on. And by the way, there's enough pet projects that every person in the country probably has some interest that they could draw upon and figure out that there's waste
Starting point is 00:29:58 there. So when you look at the laws changing in some provinces, the smaller provinces admittedly, but over time, this will keep happening. And you're going to have problems getting information like this. When we talk about stuff like global affairs spending, when we talk about stuff like Black Locks has reported on over the last year or two especially, this may not belong for this world because these guys are not in the business, in the mood for having their daily operations scrutinized. That's not how you pad your pockets.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I'll tell you that. Scrutiny does not add to that capability. So it's going to be interesting to see what direction this goes in, but I would say this is something to keep an eye on. I know it's not exactly aligned with the global affairs story, but the nature through the vehicle through which you get this information is in jeopardy in a lot of places and I bet you it happens at the federal level too at some point. There's a couple of beauties I got to bring up here.
Starting point is 00:30:52 This Gazan family's story, this Toronto Star article, it's saying that 11 families from Gaza are taking the Canadian government to court because they have been prolonging their quote exposure to life-threatening and inhumane conditions end quote by delaying application processing under a program meant to offer relief from the Israeli and Hamas conflict so apparently these are taking too long to process so these 11 families are deciding to take matters in their own hand by taking the Canadian government to court and the families represent 53 people, including 27 babies and children who have applied for visas under the temporary resident pathway for Palestinian extended family in Gaza program. Beautiful stuff. This was launched in January, 2024. Talk about wedding...
Starting point is 00:31:42 How many other people are going to sue us? Can everyone just sue us then? What's the limit here? How many other families can sue after that? These next ones should. This is a CBC article. It talks about Ottawa has committed to resettle 4,700 Sudanese refugees. 4,700 for now, right? What's the top end? 10,000, I think I saw. It could lead up to 10,000 total to be resettled in Canada. This is following outcry. So apparently there was some squeaky wheels and they got the grease this time. So the federal immigration minister, Mark Miller, came out and said Canada is going to be committed to settling 4,700 refugees that are fleeing the civil war in Sudan. And the visa applications were reopened as of February 2025 for the
Starting point is 00:32:27 permanent residency pathway program. Unreal. And yeah. So. Hopefully in his neighborhood. Hopefully Mark can take him in. He's got a couple extra rooms, I'm sure. I just had to fill out my extra room form for the province. So I'm sure Mark doing the same. Maybe he can put a couple up at his place. What do you think? Is he, is this supposed to be settled in Quebec? Does he? I don't give a fuck where he lives. I want him settled in his neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:32:51 No, in his writing. I'm curious to just- Yeah, whatever. In his writing. Enough's enough. Enough's enough. Downtown corps all over the province cannot handle 5,000, 10,000 more refugees. They just cannot do it. Enough's enough. It's got to stop. To go back to what I was saying, remember we were talking about sending aid abroad and homeless people and blah, blah, blah here. This is just going to add to the burden that's already here. Yeah. Roads are already fucking burdened. Schools. You saw the story of BC hospitals being closed for two days over the weekend in Syria.
Starting point is 00:33:23 No. Yeah. Closed early, closed Surrey, I think. No. Yeah. Closed early, closed at seven o'clock. No overnight service. Basic first aid from nurses only, nothing else. Wow. Free healthcare, baby.
Starting point is 00:33:32 It's free. Don't forget when people tell you, we're not going to go to the States. You know how much healthcare would cost you? At least you could buy it in the States. If you're in Surrey and something happens to you in the middle of the night and it's more than a bandaid, you're fucked. So whatever it is, find something else. Have fun.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I guess we'll do this last story. This guy named Ryan Donay, he's the founder of something called Tiny Tiny Homes. He's been building these mobile home units. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Is he underselling Tiny Homes? Like what's he doing? He's under Tiny Homes. Not just Tiny Homes, they're Tiny Tiny Homes. I'm starting Micro Tiny Tiny tiny homes as soon as we're done here. Well, you really, you're in for a lot of competition because I think this guy got it covered. These are little devices, little temporary shelters that are for homeless out there. And he's sort of
Starting point is 00:34:18 building these small modular homes starting last summer. In fact, he registered a non-profit organization, and it's called Tiny Tiny Homes. And these are designed with several safety features such as smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and also a fire extinguisher. Furthermore, they can be attached to the back of a bicycle and they can be transported to other locations. So easy to move around, they have safety built on, but the City of Toronto does not like it. They've been ordering him to stop installing these structures moving forward and to remove them altogether. They don't like having them put in public parks and shit like that. The homeless gotta go somewhere. Say what you want about their... How about to the front lines in Ukraine? We seem to be interested in sending more stuff out over that direction. Why don't we try that?
Starting point is 00:35:05 That's harsh. I shouldn't have said that. That's harsh. But what the fuck are we talking about here? It's like everything we do is just laughable. Well, Canada has said that they're considering putting troops, sending troops over there to help with the peacekeeping operation. So there could be potentially peacekeeping boots in the ground in Ukraine,
Starting point is 00:35:25 Canadian. So imagine that. There's no end. There's no end to any of this, Len. We're going to be doing this show for a decade to come at least. There's just no slowing down. It's just speeding up. You would think that as Bitcoin reached 100K, more and more people would be like, oh yeah, I just got to get the... We'd run out of content, but no. The content just comes fast and furious. And now, not just dumb mayors, but dumb mayors in scantily clad outfits. It's unbelievable. Did you see today's Hamilton City Council gave a platform to some doctor? I guarantee it's a worthless doctorate, worthless discipline, like always, talking about how Hamilton needs to focus on destabilizing
Starting point is 00:36:06 and disrupting Eurocentric parenting in schools. As opposed to what kind of centric, I think it just means two parents and a decent place to live as far as I can tell. It's just unbelievable. It's unbelievable what we give an audience to. And the guy who passes her the mic, the guy who's organizing, he's MCing, whatever, there's a word for this, but the camera cuts to him before it goes to the girl who's talking about this nonsense initiative. The guy's got a fucking mask on.
Starting point is 00:36:40 It's sad. It's so great. No, it really is sad. My is my dad is no longer here. He passed about a decade ago and he's probably rolling his grades, seeing what fucking happened. But my mom is still around and she immigrated from Italy. Just like my dad. And I always say you should go double.
Starting point is 00:36:57 She's like, I left one country. I'm not going to leave it again. But she left the country to come here and then to see what's happening with this country. Like, I hope people out there are making plans moving forward. You should be. Absolutely. And don't when it's too late, it's too late.
Starting point is 00:37:18 The best time to start doing it's like planting a tree. The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second time is today. So start making plans now. Figure out where you have to go. Try getting visas, passports, anything. Because when the time is right, you don't want to be doing this fumbling along when everybody else is doing the same thing.
Starting point is 00:37:36 You want to know where you want to go. You want to have knowledge of where you want to go. You want to have confidence you're going to be going somewhere and you're going to be able to live. So do what you want to have confidence, you're going to be going somewhere and you're going to be able to live. So do what you got to do. It's so sad considering what has happened in just a short period of time and it's going to get worse. Yeah, totally. So you say in 10 years we'll still be the first sure, but it's going to be the international. We'll be in different locations. That's a sad reality. We'll buy
Starting point is 00:38:04 it. We'll buy it. The CVD will own in the real estate portfolio for the reality. We'll buy it. The CBP will own in the real estate portfolio for the business, we'll own a little studio we can go to somewhere nice. If we're going to go like a common area, just a... Yeah, sure. I'll meet you in the common room for the show. So that's the reality. It's going to be the International Bitcoiners podcast in enough time in the future.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Good job tonight, everyone. Chat as always, bang. And join the Discord. Maybe I'll post some exclusive workout content there or something. I don't know. Yeah. So look out for the interview with the Bitcoin Way on Wednesday, Tony. And then, yeah, Len taking over for the interviews for a bit. But yeah, we're rolling right along here on CBP. So hang in, lots to talk about, lots to do. And until next time, friends and enemies, take care of yourself. And don't forget to pay your rainwater tax.

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