The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - Czech Nat'l Bank Adding Bitcoin, US Sells BTC, DIE on Fire in California | CBP 198 Pt. 2 (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: January 15, 2025

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES The Czech Republic WANTS BITCOIN, is that a big deal? We investigate. Also this week, California is on fire but at least the fire chief is a lesbian, the DOJ wants to dump their... coins (again), $META looks at a Bitcoin position, Doug Ford pitches Fortress AMCAN, and much more! From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠ ⁠Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Love it. Love it. Okay. So we got a couple of banger stories here. Where should we start? Should we start next door? Should we start here in Canada? No, we're going to start internationally. We move our way north. And the furthest south we could start is in Southern California, which is the LA fires. Cause that's, you know, a lot of folks are capitalizing. Well, you know what, let's, let's be before we even go there.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Mayor Karen Bass, have you heard? I can't believe she was apparently in Africa at the time when these fires broke out. She has been quite a jet setter. She's been to Mexico for the president's inauguration over there. She's been tois three times during the olympics so she's been doing her level best to travel around it's funny because california they pride themselves on a state that they want to reduce smog and emissions and they're going to be banning the sale of internal combustion engine cars in 10 years time in 2035 and here you already see the
Starting point is 00:01:05 mayor now maybe she's doing good work i don't know but just on the surface the the optics one could say they look terrible but either way let's talk about the fires themselves and obviously there's a lot of people there that are impacted heavily and they're still with that people are trying to capitalize on other people's losses so our friend elizabeth warren we haven't talked about her in a while she's truly a no-coiner well january 11th she posted on x as a way to donate money to the united way of greater los angeles and the los Angeles Fire Department Foundation, there's a link that you provide in which you can make a donation. The problem with the link, it goes to an ActBlue website. According to Wikipedia, ActBlue is an American Democratic
Starting point is 00:01:57 Party Political Action Committee, so a PAC, and it started in 2004. So it's a major part of the democrat party their fundraising infrastructure this is according to wikipedia community notes came out almost immediately after elizabeth warren posted this saying that this is a not a link to the charity it's a link to the democratic fundraising party they take almost four percent three point nine five percent of the transaction so if you're doing this you're indirectly giving some money to the democratic party what a piece of shit what a disrespectful despicable piece of shit she is i look at this it seems like it's an underhanded way to capitalize on people's kindness and at a time when people have lost all of their possessions, right?
Starting point is 00:02:48 Even worse, people are, not only will they be financially compensated because the fire insurance, they couldn't even retain that for their homes. So like people lost, they're good, like the shit they owned, the leverage compensated, pets have been lost, some people have died, like here you are
Starting point is 00:03:08 Elizabeth Warren, this is why you are not just a no coin of the week, but a no coin hall of fame rule, doing this fucking bullshit, like there's nothing that can be said about how bad this is look at yourself in the mirror and hopefully you could correct
Starting point is 00:03:24 this, but she hasn't yet it was still there, January bad this is look at yourself in a mirror and hopefully like you could correct this moving forward but she hasn't yet it was still there january 11th was posted still there like it hasn't been changed either way like there's still that's that's stealing from people is what it is how like how else would you describe that what other way to characterize that is there besides stealing you didn't say anything i know you didn't say and by the way like you have the state that pays the highest tax in the nation in california and you're asking people for money out of their pocket for a fire, fire relief. That is like, the number of things wrong with that is innumerable, but we'll try and put our finger on a few of them.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Just the audacity for Elizabeth Warren, who claims that she is in the business of consumer protection. Okay? Whether it's at the level of price gouging, at the level of risky banking practices, her words, not mine. And this is what she does on Twitter. She's fucked. This is, it's despicable. This is the kind of thing that, like, you should lose your job over. You should be publicly disgraced over this but nothing will happen there's no
Starting point is 00:04:46 consequences for this is this worse than is this worse than anything trump did during the campaign like like yeah of course it is trump never tried to like steal from people okay does he sell some shitty stuff yeah but at least you know you're buying shitty stuff you know he doesn't tell you you're getting a rolex and send you a trump university commemorative timex you know like this is just it's on another level is it not it's it's it's pretty shitty like to get a slice of the pie you know if i'm donating money and i'm thinking it's out of my coming out of my pocket at a time when things are challenging to make ends meet. And I'm going to try to give it to people that need it over there, these agencies that truly need it to maybe help people out.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And you're skimming at the top almost 4%. Like, come on, man. If she was up front, if she said, and I'll give her credit if she did this, if she said, look, this is going to be 4% is coming to the Democratic Party if you do donate. I would say, you know what? There's honesty there. She's upfront. People donate. At least they understand what the fuck.
Starting point is 00:05:52 There's a, you know. That's all she had to say. That's all she had to fucking write. If she did that, wipe your hands and say, you know, it's kind of scummy, but at least you're upfront. But she didn't do that, man. Come on. It's shameful. Are we we gonna talk about the fires well what's like it's incredible that california go hard here don't don't hold back i can see you're thinking about holding back do not hold that no no if it was its own country what would it be like two or three or four in
Starting point is 00:06:23 terms of like gdp the most yeah it's high it's high yeah right like it is generates more wealth than almost every country in the world and it's a state and then it's part of the country that generates the most wealth the united states and in an area where it had all these mansions so a lot of money was there yeah they can't fucking get water to their fire hydrants to the rainbow to the rainbow fire hydrants how yeah we can't figure it out like it's not like they don't have water nearby there's fucking salt water just a little bit west so much of it granted pumping that might fucking cause real damage to the equipment but at least you can temporarily
Starting point is 00:07:01 bring it in and use that to but like incredible that you have this such a powerful country in a powerful state, in a powerful county. They don't have something as basic as water to douse fires. Holy fuck. They hired the wrong fucking people to do the jobs. And on top of that, you brought it up in a chat. We talked about they were fucking stealing fire hydrants last year. Sure did. People were stealing fire hydrants because they were taking that for scrap metal.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I wonder how many of these fire hydrants were replaced. Well, they can't replace them with stop signs like they could have traffic lights, right? These guys don't punish anyone. They don't punish any behaviors. They don't replace things that are being stolen because they don't punish anyone. They don't punish any behaviors. They don't replace things that are being stolen because they don't want to have them stolen again. They have a DEI mayor, DEI fire chief, DEI commander. This woman has the audacity, by the way, she's like 200 pounds overweight, disgusting, absolutely embarrassing for someone
Starting point is 00:08:00 who's got a physical job or his physical job adjacent to look like that. It's shameful and embarrassing for any gender. She gets on, uh, she, she's got a physical job or his physical job adjacent to look like that it's shameful and embarrassing for any gender she gets on uh she's got a clip floating around this clip floating around to her talking about you know if i have to if i can carry out your husband from a fire and her response is if your husband needs to be carried out from a fire he's in the wrong place anyways that person should be executed okay this is the kind of thing that costs people lives right how many people died in those fires i have that fire department hired that person for a position of leadership for a position that is you know plays a role model both in the community and in the agency that person is responsible for outreach responsible for, responsible for building partners
Starting point is 00:08:46 in the community, responsible for making sure things are done right. Same with the mayor, same with the other people that I've noted. And none of them are competent, not one. The fire chief is saying now in public that, oh, the person or the governor or the mayor or whatever cut our budget by $17 million. It's affecting our ability to respond. No. Your budget's like $250 million a year, if not more.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I can't remember what the number is, but it's a huge number. That $17 million is marginal. What you should have been doing is forcing the state through media outreach, through other soft pressures, to do forest fire control, forest management. Get rid of the brush. Find ways to add natural blockades. Find ways to add natural firewalls. You didn't do any of that. Instead, the media outreach you did was this heifer telling you
Starting point is 00:09:40 that if your husband needs to be carried out, he may as well count himself dead because he's in the wrong spot. How's that? California, third world country. By the way, Newsom, who's another fucking retard, gets on TV and poses for photo ops in fake fire jackets with people who are being taken away from fighting a fire to talk to him, to pose with him while there's embers flying around
Starting point is 00:10:03 and smoke plumes and burning woodland in the back? To your point about whether or not California is a large economy and should be independent, California is the first to whine and cry when the federal government does something they don't like and say, the federal government should respect us more. We're a huge economy. We're this, we're that. And now when, I think correctly, some incoming Trump nominees
Starting point is 00:10:26 and appointees are saying, yeah, well, from now on, you're not going to get any fucking money from the federal government unless you do proper force management. For this guy to say, oh, we need that money. This is not the time to be playing politics. Fuck you. You are the scummiest used car salesman looking ass guy I've ever seen. The behavior is unconscionable in the most generous interpretation. It is intentionally criminal in the worst. You mentioned there Mayor Bass flying to Ghana, flying to Paris, flying to wherever the fuck else. She's the fucking mayor of California.
Starting point is 00:10:58 The clip floating around of her looking off into space, this thousand-yard stare, the stare of somebody who is in over their head, while someone asks her questions about, do you have anything at all to say to the people here who have lost their homes? Do you have anything at all to say to the people who are being evacuated? And she's just looking off into space. This is what happens when you don't hire on merit and you can say whatever you want about joey it's it's racist to say this blah blah blah i don't care if they're all black newsom's not black he's a white guy he's an idiot too you know all these all these people in
Starting point is 00:11:38 california and anna casparian good for her man you know man. She was one of the shining stars of the left for more than a decade. And the last six months has probably undone so much support from her liberal backing and the Young Turks backing for a couple of really high quality, very rational tweets. And one of them was about the fires. People in California are tired of being governed by morons they don't want to deal with it anymore and so what like what is the consequence for any of these people then at the end of the day for bad nothing's gonna happen fuck all fuck all that they get away with whatever they want and you know was i a little harsh saying we should execute the mayor yeah maybe or the fire chief, whatever. But she costs you your life, right? Even if you didn't die, your house is gone. You're not going to get that house
Starting point is 00:12:32 back. You're not going to get that land back. You're not going to get the same cost. This is the kind of thing that will upend a decade of your life. And even worse, for a guy like Newsom to put out an order today or yesterday saying that we're going to get rid of all the red tape to make sure these houses go up sooner than they've ever gone up. Buddy, you're the one who put the red tape there. Why are you celebrating removing these regulations that don't do anything? They don't add any value.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Can you believe this guy? He's like the worst of the worst. And all these people should be fired. All these people should be cast away, exiled, you know? Viking funerals for these guys. Because what good are any of these people going to do going forward? Any of them. It's just one moron after another. And by the way, it's only in blue states you see this. Where is the story on CBP about the red state that is making harebrained decisions every single week? Do you remember when the chairman, Xi, showed up to California?
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah, and they cleaned up all the hobos. Yeah, they cleaned up all the hobos like a weekend. Yeah. It was an area. The homeless, the shit in the ground, everything. It was a spotless area.
Starting point is 00:13:51 No problem. It's not like that. Yeah, it is. It's fucking insane. Well, let's go on to North stories. We'll go notable North.
Starting point is 00:14:05 And it's a troubling stat that was released. And it's from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. And they released a report indicating that there are 80,000 people in Ontario alone that are homeless in 2024. 80,000 people in Ontario are homeless in 2024 80 000 people in ontario are homeless that is a small town worth of people that are homeless only 16 million people in total live in ontario so you can kind of figure out how this works out if you do the math i did some thinking here joy you have 80 000 people let's say if you want to build a unit for these people five hundred thousand dollars it's excessive right i mean i could buy a condo for even you know yeah we talked about the cost of these like little homes right a few weeks ago how they're like inexpensive i'm
Starting point is 00:14:59 going so high here five hundred thousand that's a decent amount right you can build a decent unit it will have plumbing. It will have electricity, heat, the whole nine yards, maybe even a PlayStation inside. You won't have to heat it with a fan, I'll tell you that, at 500K. Do you know how much it would cost to house those 80,000 people at $500,000?
Starting point is 00:15:22 400 million? $40 billion. Granted, okay, okay 40 billion is a lot my math is so bad that's so no but it's hard to think these are very large numbers but let's remember so now 500 000 per unit i built one for every one of these people at 80 000 people they all have a unit 40 billion dollars since february 2000 uh since 2022 since february 2022 canada committed almost 20 billion in assistance to ukraine perfect so doing the math here that encompasses almost half of the 40 billion now you can even go think outside the box let's double up occupancy here instead of one person
Starting point is 00:16:04 for 500 000 let's put two people. It would suck, but it's better than living on the streets. I would say $500,000 a unit, two people in it, I think it's doable. You could do it. Boom. Instantly solved the problem. Instead of dealing with sending the money overseas, they just simply built units. But on top of that, you'd also have the added benefit.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Now you're building units in Canada. So you're hiring tradespeople in Canada, buying Canadian lumber. Maybe. In Hamilton, there's a story about our city's council deciding to use Chinese-made tiny homes instead of hiring local builders to do it. Okay. What's the cost per unit? Who knows? I'm not sure exactly what it is. I don't think it's going to cost $500 cost of per unit who knows i'm not sure exactly what i don't think it's going
Starting point is 00:16:46 to cost five hundred thousand dollars per unit so then it just makes it you know we don't just house the people in ontario there's people in bc that are homeless people in alberta so now we can even make this a bigger thing so i'm just trying to say look in a Bitcoin standard, money would be spent a lot better. You wouldn't spend it on a feel good. You spend it on a need. Stuff that has to be spent on. But unfortunately, we live in a fiat environment. How do you feel about some of these comparisons?
Starting point is 00:17:20 Like you brought up the Ukrainian aid there. That's one that really drives me nuts. Like that was a losing cause from the start and continues to be a losing cause now. It was a provoked war, to borrow a term from Scott Horton. 20 billion out the door. You know, record number of homeless, record number of food bank users, record number of people living below the poverty line, record number of people who don't have doctors, record number of people living below the poverty line record number of people who don't have doctors record number of people who can't get jobs 20 billion to ukraine and another 440 million yeah coming up just allocated this this week they say 65 million in military assistance and they say 20 million will come from manufacturing of Canadian
Starting point is 00:18:05 made personnel protective equipment and military uniform for women armed forces of Ukraine. I can't even fucking, what comment can we make about this story? No, nothing. There's no comment. The thing that should piss you off is like
Starting point is 00:18:22 is the Ukraine army the Ukrainian army really sending women into the meat grinder, like fertile age women to the meat grinder at this point, to just get clipped by some fucking Russian drone or North Korean drone. That is reprehensible. And why would we ever support that? Why? There may be some atrocities going. I just don't know. I haven't like I'm not there.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I can't verify anything. But the stuff I can verify, I can see the homeless that are around. And if you're generating this income domestically, it should be spent domestically to try to help these people out. And maybe you could elevate them and maybe they could be contributing members of society. And by the way, that improves our lives too, right? That's a good use of taxpayer dollars. People, I think in the past, and I'm guilty of this too, sometimes I'm too narrow.
Starting point is 00:19:15 My vision is too narrow in terms of where I want my tax money to be spent. But I would support some of my tax dollars being given to programs that help people get out of these tent encampments. I would support that. But they dollars being given to programs that help people get out of these tent encampments. I would support that. But they're not going to do it. The same way that New York just added this downtown congestion fee.
Starting point is 00:19:34 They don't want you driving downtown anymore. And the governor there, Hochul or whatever, fucking Kathy Hochul, another retard, saying they're going to use it to fix the fucking subways and infrastructure. Like, no, you're fucking not. No, you're fucking not going to do that. It's not going to get better. It's not going to be fixed.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Like, they just throw the money away on shit that no one cares about, that doesn't improve anyone's life materially. And they try to make this case that, like, I'm just not that my brain isn't high enough capacity to understand the big picture, how important this $20 billion for women's uniforms in Ukraine is to my way of life. No, no, that's not true. It's obviously not true. In Bitcoin, and someone said it in the chat, the chat's scrolled by me at this point, but
Starting point is 00:20:24 Bitcoin is a lens at which you can look through everything else. So to your point, Len, once you see it, you can't unsee it. Once you start to look at everything through this lens of just waste and incentive, and you can't help but ask, why the fuck are we putting up with this? Do you really think that $20 billion goes to the causes they say it's going to? I have no way to audit this. So i can't say definitively yes or no anywhere we can't even get the fiscal anchor right so what is the likelihood that we can patrol every dollar that we send overseas is it high i i think i have no clue it's a low probability yeah i have no clue. It's a low probability. Yeah, I have no clue.
Starting point is 00:21:05 But again, without being able to... If they used Bitcoin, for instance, and it was a transparent ledger, then you could see where it's being sent to, who has ownership of it, where it's being spent. It's a game changer in that respect. But if you are on that type of standard, would you spend money on an overseas war when you have all these domestic issues?
Starting point is 00:21:28 No. You deal with them first. You have to. Right. There's a flashpoint coming, I think, where people are going to be tired of pretending that they care about these pet causes, these luxury beliefs. Right. I don't know when that point is going to be but i think it's coming sooner than we've passed it yeah but i but where where's the
Starting point is 00:21:52 uprising where's the where's the sort of public like why isn't the water boiling a little bit i don't think we've passed it we haven't passed yet every time a poll comes out remember canyons are pacifists by nature so they're not going to go and they're not going to raise a ruckus but what's going to happen is when it comes time for them to cast their ballot and all the polls are showing that the governing party is going to take a trouncing so that's proof in the pudding yeah that's it like there's there's no other way to say it but it's something but is it enough for real change like you know we've both been pretty vocal on this show that real change is not coming in the form of pierre polliev real change is not coming in the form of donald trump you know like it's just not that you need more you need something like the stove is not
Starting point is 00:22:45 hot enough yet it has the reality is joey the change will never be what you or maybe i will want the only thing you're gonna do is try to improve the surrounding around you that's it yeah and you can do that by bitcoin is big for that right yeah it's huge for that that's one of the big things one of the big factors that's it then Yeah, it's huge for that. Yes, that's one of the big things, one of the big factors. That's it. Whatever happens to the rest, you have zero control over it. Let it happen. Don't fret about it. Totally.
Starting point is 00:23:11 We're on this point. I want to continue down this point, too, about the problems domestically. Ottawa Food Bank came out this week and said that high demands is causing them a lot of issues, and they're going to reduce the amount of food it's going to provide to programs food bank ceo rachel wilson says that 98 programs will receive between 20 and 50 percent less food that they have received in the last year is that a lot 50 is that a lot for someone who's going to a food bank? It gets worse. Here's the numbers, Joey. Women's farming uniforms. Food bank usage is at an all-time high in Ottawa.
Starting point is 00:23:55 And, you know, there's no doubt about that. But they say that the number has increased more than 90% since 2019. So in six years, it's gone up 90 and they say that 40 of food banks in her organization network have been turned away on a weekly basis due to capacity so people are coming and looking for food and they say uh we don't have the ability to give you any food and what do they do i have no idea it's one of the basic necessities you need shelter you need food you need water need you're taking away food man like you can't you can't sustain yourself then you can't work it's hard to work when you're not taking in the calories your body starts to break down you get more sick sick easy and it just snowballs from there and a human being cannot
Starting point is 00:24:43 survive in that type of environment for very long especially in a fucking cold on top of this because ottawa is notoriously cold in the winter time so that's just another signpost as you call it show you this is pretty bad disastrous you know ottawa is the nation's capital it is where the you know government has its home and it is arguably i think we've talked about ottawa's food bank situation more than any other maybe toronto we've talked about quite a bit but ottawa has come up a bunch on this show i don't know if we have i think it's more generic we talked about food banks just sort of nationwide yeah yeah maybe uh you know either way um you're in a position now, if you're a food bank user, where that service has basically become unreliable, I want to say, maybe.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Is that the best way to put it? Over the course of a week, if you've got to go five times, you're going to get something between 20% and 50% less food. Not to mention, it'll be overrun by fake asylum seekers. We've seen a huge uptick in asylum seekers or uh students i should say putting claims for asylum now that they're being told they have to go back like it like i said the stove is getting hotter but it's not hot enough yet needs we need a little more heat we got to keep the heat up because eventually normal people reasonable, will have had too much. They will have had their fill of all this nonsense.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Let's talk about this dude, MP Chandra Arya. I hope I pronounced his name correctly. Probably not. You're probably over two on names today, but those are some tough ones. Yeah, I tried. Like the CNB governor, you're never going to get that right. That's an impossible ask.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Well, Chandra Arya, I think I had a better... Anyways a better anyways my apologies mpi area if i screwed up your name but he has decided to throw his name in a hat into running for the leadership of the liberal party so he's one of three it looks like carney is going to announce freeland just today announced she's going to be running that's hot off the press and this guy chandra aria and i i want to focus more on mr aria because he's very unique in his approach because he doesn't speak very generous language there he doesn't speak one of the two national languages in that being french he speaks english and uh so he french and he's even commented it he said it's not a big deal for I'm paraphrasing so it's it's really his the results in which he's going to propose and bring to the table is what really matters not the French language or lack thereof so I as a prime minister and that's the
Starting point is 00:27:19 person who wins the liberal leadership will be prime minister at least for temporarily who knows for how long you got to speak French right like let's be honest if i were to do business in canada like if i were to bring any sort of good into canada go to the grocery store pick up anything from the aisle and you'll see that it's written in both french and english there's a reason why you're forced to fucking do something in french because there's a law requirement for that the prime minister is shouldn't be exempt from this type of requirement even a basic understanding i'll give him kudos if he had that but he he's kind of just almost he doesn't get a discount he doesn't yeah come on man and i don't know how he got the money to run apparently you had to submit some 350 000 deposit i think that was number or 450 000 wow that's money to run. Apparently you had to submit some $350,000 deposit.
Starting point is 00:28:07 I think that was number or 450,000. Wow. That's a lot of money that you have to put down to run as the liberal leader. But I can understand Carney where he potentially have gotten the money. He's got support here and there, and he could raise it through. Already did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:20 And then Freeland, you know, she's been in, in government for quite some time. She's made a lot of contact so you know I can understand those two this guy like I don't know I see this just
Starting point is 00:28:31 I'm gonna say it his English is not that good he's I've seen two appearances from this fella okay one was a prepared statement that he read and then released on Twitter right that that announcing his candidacy and the other is the appearance he did on CBC from which you that he read and then released on Twitter, right? That, that, uh, announcing his candidacy. And the other is the appearance he did on CBC from which you are pulling the quote or, you know, the,
Starting point is 00:28:50 the approximate quote, it's not the language I use. It's the message. Well, no moron. It's the language. We have two official languages. You don't speak either of them. Well, one, you don't speak at all. And we can't have that. You know, I'm not opposed to immigrants to Canada becoming prime minister, but you have to, you have to have certain skills in terms of communication to be a politician. Because on the global stage, it's important that you can practice statecraft in a competent manner. And what I saw on the CBC was not competent English. That's like B level english if he showed up with marlo trump where's the photo we need the photo we need the photo i just don't i don't understand
Starting point is 00:29:37 again like i think it says something about the state of politics that this guy thought he had a shot to win or that he thought these statements and these public appearances were a good idea like he thinks the bar is so low both in terms of the competition and in terms of what voters expect that he had a shot now the other side of this the way more jaded side way more like you know extreme right wing i'll be i'll be on a list or something it's that he just thinks there's enough Indians in Canada that he'll win a lot of votes. Did you see people have...
Starting point is 00:30:09 Is that a reasonable stance? I do see that in a lot of writings, right? I don't think I'm out of bounds saying that. Well, Brampton's population alone, I'm not saying much about Brampton, the past year went up 100,000. Yeah. So just Brampton alone.
Starting point is 00:30:27 So people were signing up their pets to be a Liberal member. It's free. The Liberal Constitution prohibits charging a membership fee. You have to be
Starting point is 00:30:41 14 years old and I think a resident of Canada. No, you don't have to be from the you got to be 14 years old and i think a resident of canada no you don't have to be resident of canada so you can be 14 years old a dog 14 live in fucking indonesia and you can get a vote so there's one point something billion people living in india if they could tap into 10 that's more than the whole population of Canada. It's pretty, it's interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:31:07 Like, and again, we were, we were... Have a Canadian address, according to Boomer. Boomer says you have to have a Canadian address. I'm not sure about that, Boomer. I haven't heard that anywhere. I've heard that you don't need a Canadian address. Let's see. But we can find out.
Starting point is 00:31:22 The Liberal Constitution is, you constitution is meant to be all inclusive and it's something they haven't had to revisit in 10 years. And a lot has changed in that 10 years. So I'm not 100% sure that that's the case. I don't know. It says, I don't want to go any further. I have to put my name, email address, and mobile number. Of course.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Go figure. So I don't know. The point is that the process is going to be anything but legitimate by any reasonable standard like 14 14 year olds that's this is a you know what well 14 year olds are eating fruit by the foot with their lunch like what the fuck do they know historically though to give you some context here the the Liberal Party, and I'm sure other parties do this as well, that they allow for the youth segment to send delegates over to vote. So they would have the youth delegation to be active, and that would be the next generation of Liberals. I think other parties do the same thing.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So going as low as 14 is not unprecedented for sending delegates. I'm not saying it's unprecedented. I'm saying it's retarded. That's just the way, you know, it's the way it is. It's fucking stupid. Like, fuck, I was stupid until I was like 23. I might still be stupid now. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Like the idea that you give a 14-year-old this under the guise of this is the next generation. Like, what are we talking about? They don't know anything. Harper, I think young i don't care it was stupid we have to stop pretending that this is like an important thing to do to give young people power over who's going to lead the natural governing party of the country this is stupid it's a stupid idea you should charge charge a membership fee okay number one you should not let anyone buy a membership fee uh for like during a period where you're picking a new leader it should only be people who already held the membership like these things just make sense
Starting point is 00:33:17 and instead they do exactly the opposite which is i guess over the looking at the other policies these guys come up with this is par for the course it's almost like it's a general election if they're opening up to this degree where anybody could vote as long as you have uh residents in canada allegedly allegedly that's true so it's almost like a general election yeah you're right len did you know that i think why don't we register we'll do a we could do like a general election, so to speak. Yeah, you're right, Len. Did you know that? Why don't we register? We could do a video, like how to register and vote in the liberal leadership race. Stephen Harper was a youth liberal at one time.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I think that was... Here's the dirty secret. Every kid is a liberal because they're stupid. They've never paid taxes. They've never worked. They've never thought about where the money's going. They've never needed health care. They've never paid taxes. They've never worked. They've never thought about where the money's going. They've never needed healthcare. They've never had a dying relative. Once you get to a certain age,
Starting point is 00:34:12 that old adage kicks in. If you're young and not a liberal, you have no heart. But if you are old and not conservative, you have no brain. You're using the current definition of the Liberal Party, kind of talking when he was a youth.
Starting point is 00:34:26 It was a different time when they straddled the middle section of. Yeah, the more Rooney, Kretchen. Yeah, they were more leftist at that time. And then even sometimes they went more right, depending on. But they were in that. So it was different time. So you could say that. But really, being a liberal at that time was different than what it is right
Starting point is 00:34:46 now. And who knows, maybe the liberal party may, may change. And we talked about this last week. I hope that there is going to be a drastic change in the way the party is even internally. They've been saying they've been too far left.
Starting point is 00:34:57 There's been a lot of MPs. We're saying that they went just, they have to change the direction. And if they do that, rebranded almost new image god what an undertaking that's going to be that is going to be an enormous task enormous not be anybody that's running right now no freeland is too much tied regardless of her actions last month she's too tied to justin trudeau train over to during his cottage address.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Right. She was next to me. Every time we made a big decision, she was my confidant. Like I was on purpose, I think, but what do I know? It's going to be the next person after this,
Starting point is 00:35:39 you just deal with this. Then there's going to be a change in the party. It's going to be a five to ten year endeavor before you can figure things out but the world who knows what the world will be like in five to ten years right now what the pendulum is swinging more towards the right in five to ten years the pendulum will probably be swinging more towards the left maybe and if the liberal party is back in that position where they're able to capture those votes maybe they don't have to move anywhere maybe they just stay the course and wait for
Starting point is 00:36:08 the tides to change and they just then capitalize on that it kind of defeats my whole argument that they should go to the center i hope that they do but um right like it just it just seems like the extremes in in the in the politics they get a little more extreme to those people not really more extreme but they do the the gap between the two parties is getting wider let's say that it's not the the right views are extreme because people have them yeah the views are extreme because people have them it's like when people say well you're a far right you know thinker you have far right views like they're not far right that's what conservatives think now conservatives want frozen borders they
Starting point is 00:36:52 want low immigration they want re-migration they want all these things that's that's a mainstream conservative view you saying it's far right doesn't make it far right the same way that me saying you know calling for communism is far left it's not far left. Huge chunks of the population don't want to work. They want to tax the shit out of everyone who's productive and they want to have some kind of communist, you know, some kind of communist existence. And that's not a far left view. That's just the left that's left on the spectrum. It's not extreme left. It's only, it's not because that's the view that
Starting point is 00:37:25 a lot of people hold and so extreme the the idea behind something that's extreme or far in one direction is like you know there's a minority it's like a fringe belief it's but it's not anymore and therein lies the problem i think communism by definition you get rid of money there's there's no need for that well fuck len i mean we've already basically done it right and everything and everything about official policy have we not done this basically it's all fucking free we're giving it away women's army uniforms food bank use i won't say it again but what the value is not there oh it definitely isn't and if you are say like you're right of center today and somebody just takes one giant step to the left,
Starting point is 00:38:06 the guy in the right center, right is going to be called far right. Because now all the guys, the left side did was, or the same could be said, the guy could be center left. And the guy in the right was one giant step to the right. You're so far left,
Starting point is 00:38:19 but I haven't moved. I'm just standing in the same spot. I was before. No, I'm with you. You fucking change your opinion. And I just want to finish with saying, you know know i'm hard on the liberals on this show not because i hate liberals or whatever but because i think that probably len like that is the natural governing
Starting point is 00:38:35 party i think you're right about that and i want to see like i said you know last week talking about the nicks like the politics in canada is better when the liberals are competent and right now they're not they're they're they're in tatters i want to see competent people lead these parties i i don't really think you haven't have it anywhere right i don't think you have it in either party oh and the timing is like a whole other story right that guy's the least competent of the three but you don't really have like a a real um like a transcendent leader the way that the way that you seem to have one in the u.s almost every election one of the two parties has a real transcendent i think it's a lot closer than you see here like trump is transcendent not for his leadership skills, but he's got skills that make him a very competent politician.
Starting point is 00:39:28 And here, I don't think we even have competent politicians. I don't think anywhere has. I think there's just a void. Competent leaders are different than competent politicians. I should have drawn that distinction. Fair enough. But I think it's just been, and it's just too bad. Right now, especially given what's happening in the United States,
Starting point is 00:39:46 now we have this talk about tariffs being put on Canada, and now you have Parliament being prorogued. Man, it's a tough time. It's also a guarantee to the tariffs, by the way, right? Danielle Smith talking about her meeting with Trump, that it's a sure thing, 25% day one. There's one thing that I would say, it's a sure thing 25 day one there's one thing that i would say it's a here you go if you are exposed heavily to cad you're gonna get fucking wrecked oh yeah if this just absolutely obliterated is there's going to be no chance that the canadian dollar
Starting point is 00:40:20 is going to retain value if tariffs heavily heavy tariffs are imposed on canada so you you should in some way shape or form expose yourself not to cad to something else bitcoin is an option i think so too consider it it's going to be and we have now a prime minister that's outgoing we don't know who's going to be replacing them we don't know what next election is going to be called the house of commons not is not sitting and you have these tariffs that are going to be potentially imposed on canada i mean not that melanie is going to uh the states i think next week right like lame duck after lame duck it's not like government stops when you go on prorogues, even when there's an election. The executive branch
Starting point is 00:41:06 still operates. You still have an MP that represents yourself, and you still have ministers doing their job. Shit still happens, even during prorogation, even during election time. Government still operates. But this is now an unprecedented time
Starting point is 00:41:22 where you have to probably get stuff debated in Parliament, and it's not going to happen for a couple of months and crazy time and even when that happens when prorogation finishes and they go back into this uh the house of commons it seems like almost immediately there's going to be a confidence vote and it's going to fall and you're going to go to election so you're not going to have if this plays out the way i'm saying then you're not going to fall and you're going to go to election so you're not going to have if this plays out the way i'm saying then you're not going to have a prime minister in place until maybe beginning of may we're june right now sorry we're january it's like a beginning of may and then five months then ministers would have to be sworn in the new prime minister would have to be brought up so maybe another month before everything is so you're talking june six
Starting point is 00:42:05 fucking months that's a long time if you got exposure to canadian dollars you're i think you're i think cad's in trouble big time and not to mention like we have our own sort of uh internal squabbles here that are starting to get louder, right? Quebec, Alberta, little by little, you know, the balkanization of Canada. This is in the sovereign individual too, man, that governments at the state level or the provincial level will eventually get tired of just poor outcomes as big government tries to scale decision-making out
Starting point is 00:42:50 to a growing population, a growing set of needs. It doesn't work. Have an auction. Auction off the country. Yeah. And then the policies go to every Canadian citizen. I'd be curious to hear what mayor Sim has to say about all this. Cause he's,
Starting point is 00:43:07 you know, politician, big Canadian mayor. I want to hear what he, what he thinks about some of this stuff. Be interesting to hear his perspective. Cause he gets Bitcoin and a guy who is the mayor of like, maybe the most liberal city in the country so he's you know he's
Starting point is 00:43:29 a contradiction in terms right off the hop he's gonna be i've been i went i was there for my honeymoon for a couple days we landed in vancouver my wife and i both said the same thing that if we ever do that trip again vancouver will be nowhere on the itinerary it is like a yeah difficult city to to hang out in i've never been yeah they have some great stuff they're like restaurants are good people were super nice yeah it's it's like toronto west basically i've never been but the image i have in my head is what a beautiful city because you could go salt waters nearby you go to the states easily you go to the mountains and ski you got all this like natural beauty and then oh my god it just seems like an amazing place to live if you could stand the wet winters so that's what i have in my head
Starting point is 00:44:20 i've never been maybe one day don't go you'll be let down oh man keep that pristine keep that pristine image in your mind yeah i will we went to victoria boomer uh on our honeymoon as well as like some other places squamish uh tofino yeah it's a good good trip that was when cdp was in his infancy in 21 now here we are years later much more jaded and uh with many more stats to our name victoria's where i heard that victoria somebody told me is for the newly wed and nearly dead that's dundas not victoria that's dundas too yeah and they were saying that like it's not a slight against victoria i say it's a great place because uh in terms of it's this is what somebody told me years ago it's safe good weather totally slower pace of life the best man things are
Starting point is 00:45:11 affordable like houses are affordable compared to you know the mainland so i like it i don't i have nothing to say i've never been to bc but it seems like let's uh let's wrap it up good show today france is coming by wednesday uh that's scheduled for seven o'clock i you know every time i talk to francis we end up going for two hours so i don't know how long we'll go that night but uh i'm looking forward to that quite a bit so come back then until we get to that wednesday interview take care of yourselves and don't be a cock

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