The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - Digital Asset Stockpile? Eth Implodes, International Students Nuked | The CBP 200 Pt. 2 (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: January 29, 2025

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES This week: What's in the Digital Asset Stockpile? Ethereum Infighting Causes Issues Canadian CPI Numbers Show Signs of BRRRRR International Students Getting Nuked Fake... Bitcoiners Printing Meme Coins Ledger Exec Gets Kidnapped Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠ ⁠Discord:   / discord   A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 59 minutes, 42 seconds. That was good. That was a lot of content there. We are just getting started. Should we play the funeral music? No, no. Let's just talk about Chandra right off the fucking bat. People who are unaware, if you're in the United States or anywhere else,
Starting point is 00:00:18 we have a leadership that's going on right now. Whoever is going to be elected the liberal leader of canada it's going to be the prime minister temporarily until the next election one guy submitted his name provided all the necessary information he had to he got the minimum amount of signatures 450 000 canadian he had to pony up in order to be included in the race yeah sure he doesn't speak french his english may not be the strongest but if you look at just what he is in terms of you know he's a liberal mp he's been there for a decade give or take as an elected official how is this individual good enough to be a member of parliament to represent his constituents
Starting point is 00:01:07 to fly under the liberal banner but yet he's not good enough to run for leadership it's i don't know nfl games are rigged is the same thing happening here right like why take them out it doesn't make sense trending on twitter a lot of people were using them as as a meme vote whatever it doesn't matter the rules were put in place people were abiding by the rules totally they're signing up doing whatever they want this guy ran he could why can't he run? It's fucking bullshit. I, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:46 I, I know I get, I know why, but it's still, it makes me fume when an individual has every right to run, but it's not given the opportunity to run. It's an injustice. It's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:02:00 And I, unfortunately it's not going to be reversed. It's going to be, this is a club and if they want to kick them out they can but it just shows their cards on what they're trying to do here in the past we've had other big players that we thought were going to win they ended up not winning in 2006 2007 when the liberals ran a leadership, 2007, I think it was, Stéphane Dion was not supposed to win that one.
Starting point is 00:02:29 He did. He was made Kingmaker by, who the heck was it? Gerald, I forget his name. Gerald Kennedy. That's it. Ignatiev was supposed to win that one, but he didn't. It was Stéphane Dion. And Ontario, if you remember, Sandra Pupotelo, if you remember that one, but he didn't. It was Stephane Dion. And Ontario, if you remember, Sandra Pupotelo,
Starting point is 00:02:46 if you remember that name, she was supposed to win, but it was Kathleen Wynne ended up winning that. So sometimes you have the odds-on favorite. For whatever reason, they don't win the nomination. So in this case, I'm looking at Carney being the guy that's... They're saying he's going to win.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I think this is going to rub people the wrong way, this latest move, and it may just backfire in terms of carney's campaign he may not become the leader of the liberal party fucking pathetic that they're doing this this guy chandra area he deserved every right to run yeah to take him out and without giving an official reason but we know why we know why i i could read i i think the official reason is going to be that they want him to speak french i think that's what terny speaks french like i speak french you know his french is far better than than chandra is also chandra in public and on i guess it was was CBC. He said he couldn't speak French. He said he couldn't speak French. And he said it's not a big deal.
Starting point is 00:03:47 He says they got it, you know, basically, I don't want to say he gave it a middle finger, but it kind of, like, in a way. So, like, because of that, they could use that as the excuse, can't run. But every other thing he met, the signatures, the minimum signatures, he paid. Fuck, he's a fucking liberal
Starting point is 00:04:03 MP. If he could run as an mp why can't he run as leader it's not like me just coming off the street and they can see you're an outsider you have no right okay i could get that but he's not he's one of them right he's part of that team he's been part of it for a decade it's not like he's even a newcomer to that team they vetted him and i'm willing to bet he even has secret clearance given the fact they're talking about sure he does so sure he does i don't think there's anything in his background that i'm just assuming here i could i have nothing to prove this but just my assumption there's nothing in his background because he must have gotten secret clearance
Starting point is 00:04:37 so like what's the reason man it's i don't know they wanted to they wanted to sell carney the liberal party is crooked and deceitful and this is obvious now to anyone with half a brain. Carney is such a weak candidate that they had to get rid of this guy because of the groundswell support he was getting. I will admit that the support he was getting was not in good faith. I see on Twitter huge accounts that were responsible for really upending the liberal narrative during COVID, throwing their support behind this guy. Accounts like Golden Pup, among others, talking about how we got to support this guy. So much so that the liberal website crashed yesterday during this groundswell.
Starting point is 00:05:19 That's one thing. Second thing, Len, that guy would have won not only the liberal leadership race but do you think he would have had a chance of winning the election you know uh you know his stance on a lot of things is pretty right wing yeah i would say i would say he's also lots of indians now in this country who would probably vote. It's hard for me to imagine that guy. Yeah. He's almost a blue liberal, almost. You're damn right. You're damn right.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Maybe. He could come out and say all this stuff. Very much different where the current party has been trending. I don't know. Is it possible? Who knows? You know what? Another thing I forgot't know. Is it possible? Who knows? But you don't want another thing. I just want to,
Starting point is 00:06:09 I forgot to mention if they disqualified him from the beginning, if they filed his paperwork and say the day of or next day, sorry, you can't run. It would suck. But this is all though. Yeah. Then have him sit there for two weeks. And then the day before it closes,
Starting point is 00:06:21 they sorry, but the day he gets all the support, they toss him. He did all this work. Yep. His hope is, the day before it closes, they say, sorry, but the day he gets all the support, they toss him. He did all this work. His hopes were fucking high and his emotions dangled. As a
Starting point is 00:06:35 registered member of the Liberal Party, I'm disappointed that my party has gone. I'm looking forward to throwing my support behind Ruby. I'm looking forward to throwing my support behind ruby um i'm looking forward to throwing my support behind her uh interesting she has my full support she's the official candidate of the canadian bitcorners podcast no no no no i can't say that i support her or anybody else i i i like chandra in a way i but he's not there so i i have no he's your guy we gotta vote for the we have to vote like as this is the thing okay the the liberal party has learned no lessons from any of this it's it's clear to me at this point right they've
Starting point is 00:07:21 learned no lessons they they have a candidate who is as inside insider as they come his his autograph is on the 20 bill okay like he's inside this is inside as they come he doesn't speak french particularly well okay he has no policy differences from the trudeau government he was the economic advisor to the trudeau government and now is claiming that he's an economic mastermind and has saved countries. I went through this last week. He was the Bank of England governor. Things got so bad that Brexit passed. He was the Bank of Canada governor in 08. He postponed the financial crisis to the tune of whatever we're in now, this incredible housing bubble, one for the ages, the most expensive housing anywhere that's not Manhattan or the Palisades. And he's being pushed on not only
Starting point is 00:08:13 the party, but the Canadian public vis-a-vis the media as this guy who's coming to save the day. He comes in at the top all the time. This guy doesn't work his way up. He doesn't flip the burger. He just becomes the key holder right away. That's what this guy's about. The votes for Arya Chandra, is that his name? Chandra Arya? Arya Chandra? Chandra Arya. One of the two. The votes for him are not, they're not because people want to see this guy as the prime minister. They are because people want to send a message that the liberal party seems to be unwilling to receive, no matter how loud and no matter how in your face intangible. We are tired of your policy positions.
Starting point is 00:08:56 We are tired of the faces of the franchise. We are tired of the same old shit. And so liberals instead, what do they do? They run Karina Gold, who's my age. She is just so unaccomplished and carried so much water for that administration that it's unbelievable she thinks she can even win. Though at least part of me thinks she's more planning for the future different story freeland who is as close to trudeau as they come and mark carney who's you know advising trudeau through all these terrible economic decisions presumably um and certainly would have taken credit for them if um if given the opportunity
Starting point is 00:09:44 and if things had gone a different way. They don't get the message. Canadians are trying to send a message. And now you got these fake polls coming out where they went from polling at zero seats to polling at 39% in Ontario
Starting point is 00:09:59 with the CPC polling at fucking 41 or something. Who's running that poll? Are they calling Karina Gold, Mark Carney, Krista Freeland, and Mark Miller? Who are they calling? I got a text.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Somebody was asking who I was going to vote for. I never replied. You should have. No, why? As soon as you reply back, then they keep hammering you with bullshit. But they're out there trying to get information on voters in which way and how brutal how forthcoming are you going to be with the information i would tell them right away for
Starting point is 00:10:33 sure i'm actually considering yeah i'm actually considering going to a liberal i'm actually considering going as a cbp boots on the ground report to uh a liberal you know meetup rally of some kind in my area there will for sure be one i live in a big enough area who's the former mayor that's now a liberal mp in there he was a mayor of hamilton up until about a decade ago really he was and then he left the mayor to become an mp in hamilton recent mayors of hamilton fred eisenberger uh you're gonna look it up i don't know who else it's obviously it's horwath right now so she was an ndp mpp yeah i'm going through the list it's gonna be brutal but i don't know a lot of mayors jesus oh yeah is that it yeah bartina was the mayor that's right yeah god
Starting point is 00:11:24 what a nightmare that was he was a terrible politician yeah he's he went on to be the liberal member of parliament for the writing of hamilton east oh he left in 2021 my bad i thought he was still there no so that was when horvath took over yeah so there you go um like i want to go and just ask ask you know died in the wool liberals you know if someone's giving enough time I want to go and just ask dyed-in-the-wool liberals. If someone's giving enough time out of their day to go to a rally or go to a campaign event,
Starting point is 00:11:51 I want to know. What do you think about Carney? What do you think about the Aria thing? What do you think about all that stuff? Tell me. Give me the lowdown. Tell me what you think about all this. There's a possibility one of two things are going to happen here. Maybe both. But Aria, I would suspect the conservative party are now courting him to
Starting point is 00:12:10 for sure given the fact where he stands in terms of his policies and he's disenfranchised i think with the party itself they could lure him in and say look we'll give you a seat blah blah blah nothing aside from that it It's just longevity. So that's one. He could switch. The second, by doing this move too, I could be way off base here, but whatever supporters liberals have had left
Starting point is 00:12:36 from the Indian community, they may look at this and say, they're going to do this to one of my own, one of our own? And then so they- how do you feel how do you feel if you're an indian today you you you have been shunned by the party basically they refuse to support you in terms of your immigration goals now the guy who shares your heritage for better or worse you know i have my own opinions on that obviously um you know maybe considers
Starting point is 00:13:02 himself to be uh someone who indian canadians or Canadians or Indian hopeful Canadians can vote for is trounced by the party with no real rationale reason, certainly nothing transparent. You know, that's a big chunk of the u.s uh the democrats imported tons of hispanics and latinos latinas over the course of you know 15 years and hoped that they would be just consistent left-wing voters and they really started sliding to the right if that happens in canada too and this is the catalyst man look at well what i'm wondering then could they also go to the ndp party if you're left-leaning number one is and you know you're we're former or you know you kind of could support the liberal party you don't for whatever reason could you look at the ndp and say maybe i'll support them i'm just wondering if i think the first is probably more likely of him switching
Starting point is 00:13:55 parties crossing the floor the second it's it's more just a i'm throwing a dart and seeing if it hits anything but it's possible. And I, it's a very interesting situation. And one thing of note is you haven't heard anything from Polly Evan. And I think there's a reason why he's holding onto this information for when it comes time to a debate, then he could bring this up. Why bring it up now? It makes no sense,
Starting point is 00:14:23 but he could bring it up then and say inclusion, diversity, all this stuff. And finally, you have a candidate that checks off a lot of these boxes and you still let him run. Why? And it's just inside. It reminds me in that respect, too. It reminds me what happened with Turner when he took over from Pierre Elliott Trudeau. And then also Justin Trudeau today was reported as going to be appointing a bunch of senators and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And that also reminds me of what happened with Pierre Elliott Trudeau when they did a transition to John Turner. So history is repeating itself again. Often rhymes, as they say, right? Yeah. Okay, Kingston, Ontario.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Let's go on to this this story here kingston ontario sure i hope anybody in canada heard of kingston it used to be the capital of canada one time kingston by the way to to do a little callback to uh something we were doing the other day the home of the front knacks hockey team that came from the past week right yeah i totally forgot that we're doing a little more anyways so they're saying there's a food problem going on in kingston let's be like kingston is not a small town it's a decent sized city right it's it's big enough it has an ohl team it's it's a stop on a 401 it was a capital of Canada one time they have an on route there I'm pretty sure
Starting point is 00:15:47 at least one so recently declared a food insecurity emergency because they say that there's not enough food to go around one in three or roughly one in three households in Kingston are experiencing
Starting point is 00:16:04 food shortages um or insecurity people are having difficulties making ends meet despite relying on social assistance so social assistance programs aren't providing them with enough to maintain their caloric intake and also of note is they're saying low wages are also contributing to this because it's driving down the cost driving up the cost of living but also making them unattainable or affordable for so that's another problem with just a canine dollar that has been wrecked all currencies have been wrecked but wages aren't keeping up with real cost real inflation so man you see this i don't think we i've every would
Starting point is 00:16:46 even expect this something like this where one third of households in a decent sized city in canada would be experiencing this this is sad man like it's only going to get worse it's not next year it's going to be one in four it's going to be one half and you know i don't see next year but in the not too distant futures the percentage is just going to continue to get worse and kingston is just it's not an isolated city i think that other cities are having the same type of shit so type of bullshit it's going to be reported yeah we talk about this a lot it's just it's pretty depressing but it but it's proliferating right it's spreading you see it all over the place the place now. We expect to see it in big cities first because that's where wage suppression hits the hardest. The cost of living goes up because your rent goes up, your mortgage goes up, the cost of
Starting point is 00:17:37 homes goes up, all that stuff, but your wages don't keep up. And so you see these stories about food insecurity popping up in places like Toronto, vancouver even hamilton right for hamilton's got 700 000 people something like that but you don't expect to see it in a place like kingston which is like you said you know most famous for its 401 stop boomer pointing out in the chat it's the home of the tragically hip too great band i saw them i saw him on canada at downsview park one time. All-time concert. I've been to a lot of concerts. A lot of concerts. That's an all-timer. Sorry for another time.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Kingston is a smallish town where presumably there's not a lot of the same pressures you would see in a big city. And now you're starting to see this pop up there. Food insecurity. Signpost, buddy. More than anything else. Signpost. If you can't move from a bigger town to Kingston for relief on the financial side of your life, where can you move? Where are you going to go? There's not many places lower on the food chain than Kingston where you could still find a reasonable job or be within driving distance to a a larger area for work and so if you can't do that then what's the plan after like where are
Starting point is 00:18:52 you going what's what's next on your list what's what's the lowest or the or the next lowest rung on your ladder i don't know is it fucking i don't know you're going to keswick you're going to you know like where are you going that's not i don't know you're going to keswick you're going to you know like where are you going that's not i don't know what is the what is industry like in the wick my guess is not great i i worked in the wick at a golf course for a summer a lot of nice people there not too many of them very industrious and and so like you gotta ask yourself like where are these people from kingston who are in food insecure where are they going to go northern ontario or
Starting point is 00:19:25 things are even cheaper but it's worse up there it's worse i'm not trying to make light of this i mean like it's it sucks right like yeah it it fucking what's gonna happen we need more programs to support these folks but who's gonna pay for that we don't have money as it is we're we're paying for weapons to be sent to some foreign country that's fighting a war weapons feminist education in the third world um like all sorts of again this is not to say these are worthy or unworthy causes in a perfect world but we are far from that and these causes are far from worthy when this is going on at home. And on top of that, you have the pending threat of tariffs being put on. You saw what Colombia did.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Tariffism. You got some tariffism around here. Tariffism. And Colombia, they were playing chicken with them, and they flinched pretty damn fast. That was crazy. What a crazy story. So what's going to happen when the same thing is threatened for Canada? They're saying it's just around the corner before they implement this.
Starting point is 00:20:32 And all you hear from the people that are in charge, oh, we're going to stop sending energy. We have plans in place and blah, blah, blah. Really? Who do we trade with the most? The United States. We rely heavily on them for a lot of our goods a food too like let's be honest in the winter time we can't grow fruits and vegetables we have to it's got to be imported from somewhere some of it comes from california florida other
Starting point is 00:20:56 parts of the world too but right like it's just gonna get more costly to like get shit here and i don't know it's it's just a troubling time so the tariff thing yeah no you're right the tariff thing is interesting we don't we haven't really talked about it on the show apart from just sort of headline reading and commentary but the one thing i've seen over the last week that drives me nuts and actually i want to talk to rich diaz rich diaz is coming on in uh a week or two i think with keith dicker so that'll be a fun show. But before we go too far down that road, this idea that, and I see like Bruce Arthur and other sort of like politically obsessed midwits talking about how the US needs our oil because Trump was on TV talking about how they
Starting point is 00:21:39 don't need our oil. I'm going to give you a quick rundown of how the oil thing works. I'm not an expert. I'm not a petroleum technician of any kind, but I know a little bit about this whole light crude, sweet, all this other sort of heavy, the different grades. The garbage that the Alberta oil sands have available. And so what do we do? We ship it to the states for a price that makes sense for them and for us in some regard, because the state is equipped to refine that garbage and then sell it at a premium. On top of that, the States also sells the higher grade stuff that is under their soil at a premium around the world and uses our stuff domestically.
Starting point is 00:22:41 This is how the oil hourglass, the sand through that hourglass goes. So people talking about the US needs our oil, they're never going to do this, they're never going to... No, they don't. The other thing I'll note is that it's not a question of, does the US need our oil or is it convenient to get our oil from us? One is much different than the other. It is convenient for them, but the convenience ends there as far as the relationship with Canada. People talk about lumber this, lumber that, fine, whatever. These things don't
Starting point is 00:23:19 matter that much. The US doesn't need us the way that we need them. This is something we have to be very clear about. We are not in a position to play hardball with these guys. We will bend the knee the same way Columbia did. Columbia, for people who don't know, refused two planes of illegal immigrants that the US sent back and the US immediately slapped 25% tariffs on them with the threat of them going to 50% after a week. Colombia bent the knee to the tune of accepting planes and offering military planes and their own presidential plane to the US to help bring more people over faster from the United States. That's the power of the hegemon. And I've said before on this show that the hegemon has been sleeping for a long time
Starting point is 00:24:02 and it's awake now. Will it stay awake past the four Trump years coming up? I don't know. But these four years are going to be hard for countries that have been asleep at the wheel just coasting on U.S. protection, U.S. trade, U.S. all this stuff. It's not going to be easy for us the same way it wasn't easy for Colombia over the weekend. It's also not easy if you're Canada post because they have gone to the Canadian government and asked for a loan and they got $1 billion loan to help continue because they have,
Starting point is 00:24:35 this is the goose meme, the goose meme, where the, where the billion dollars come from, where did the billion dollars come from? The future. And significant financial challenges are what they're experiencing at Canada Post. So that's why they had to borrow this $1 billion. So they plan to pay it back. That's why it's called a loan. But who knows if they can, if they're borrowing right now,
Starting point is 00:24:59 and a billion is a lot of zeros. They're financial difficulties right now. And they're saying that the letter, amount of volumes of packages and letters have been steadily going down. And the busy time of year was Christmas. They lost that to a strike. So in terms of recouping whatever they can from last year, like maximizing the amount of revenue, a lot was lost during that strike, because, you know, it's gone. And on top of that, the faith people had in the system
Starting point is 00:25:31 on Canada Post was somewhat eroded. I'll use myself, for example, I had to sell a package two weeks ago. And I did so and I used UPS, FedEx, whatever it was. It wasn't Canada Post. I normally use Canada Post. And even though it might have been a little cheaper, I didn't bother. I said, it's not worth it. Because I know using the other guys, it's going to work.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's going to get there. And I wasn't going to have to deal with a potential strike. And it doesn't seem like there's one looming. But I just don't want to risk it. So yeah, another billion dollars sent to these guys. What's the role? What does Canada Post role? What should it be going forward?
Starting point is 00:26:09 What should we do with Canada Post? I think the one thing they do provide, the one service they provide, which is good, is the service areas, which are probably not going to be... Rural areas for sure. Yeah. Yeah. And I know that's going to be a money loser in the end. Still, mail has to go in and out of those areas.
Starting point is 00:26:30 They have to get something. So if you're living in a remote area, it's rough already as it is there in terms of getting stuff. So that's it. I think that's the one rule for Canada Post moving forward. Beyond that,
Starting point is 00:26:42 I don't know if they should provide blanket coverage for the rest of the country. I don't't know they used to be able to buy bitcoin from them but now they're struggling right now you have to borrow a billion dollars before that they weren't borrowing a billion dollars maybe they gotta fucking open up the the doors again to do that i don't know i don't know what the role of canada post should be part of me i agree with you that the rule delivery thing is something Canada Post should be doing because either Canada Post is going to do it or the government is going to pay a third party
Starting point is 00:27:09 to do it and the cost is going to be more significant. So I think that's fine. The thing I'm curious about, and I think about this sometimes when I go to Shoppers Drug Mart to send something out, like I sent Rip A Toe his shirt, Canada Post. By the way, delayed. So it's like it's like you
Starting point is 00:27:26 know the memes write themselves fine you should yeah so i just went to shoppers drug mart it's in my neighborhood so i just went there i went for a drive i i could have went to canada i learned a lesson learned len lesson learned for sure but like this is the uh this is the the thing i think canada post should consider why can't canada Post be the assistance hub for people who want to send something somewhere? Why do they have to use Canada Post? Why does Canada Post have to offer parcel service, for example? Why not go to Canada Post and let Canada Post help you send your stuff from A to B? If it's the best thing to do with FedEx,
Starting point is 00:28:07 do with FedEx. If it's the best thing to do it with, um, I don't know with, uh, pure later do with pure later Canada post could offer sort of same day or next day, local deliveries from those hubs, those shoppers,
Starting point is 00:28:19 drug Mart hubs, or those, those, uh, regional depots. But, you know, in terms of these huge sorting centers
Starting point is 00:28:27 and the day-to-day mail delivery for places like Hamilton, Toronto, Vancouver, I just think it's not long for this world. And it's not only because it's cost prohibitive, but also because people don't get paper mail that often anymore. A lot of paper mail goes right into the garbage. And I appreciate that there's something about paper mail
Starting point is 00:28:48 that's fun and whatnot, but I don't think it's going to last. I mean, who's really the target for paper mail these days? It's really the older generations of Canadians. You're on the clock regardless of how you view this. Even if you think Canada Post is this staple stalwart Canadian pillar, it's just not going to be around for 40 more years, period. Certainly not in its current iteration.
Starting point is 00:29:16 So why not start moving to something else? They've yet to adjust. And this is something you see a lot with Crown corporations. They don't adjust. They don't offer a premium service. Liquor stores and beer stores are a great example of this recently here in Ontario. When I come home from football on Saturday nights, I like to have a beer or two while I hang out, whatever, play places.
Starting point is 00:29:39 This is I guess before I had a kid, unfortunately. Love my daughter, but life has changed. I used to come home from football and have a beer or two with my buddies and play on PSN. If my game was at eight or seven even, I couldn't do it because everything is closed around here at that time. You had to pre-plan.
Starting point is 00:29:56 You had to buy ahead. But I don't keep beer in the fridge. I just don't do that. So now if I want to do that, guess what? I can go to a convenience store, and the convenience store will sell me two cans of beer until 10 o'clock. Is that what it is? Yeah, Saturday, Friday, Sunday.
Starting point is 00:30:14 It doesn't matter. Is there a cutoff for selling booze, or is it 24-7? The beer store is closed at 7 or 8 on weekends. Right. But the convenience store will sell to you until 10 p.m. Okay, I didn't realize that there was a hard cut off from convenience stores. Yeah, so they'll sell to you until 10 p.m.
Starting point is 00:30:31 And for me, that's great. There's a convenience store not far from my house, so if I need to go there, I'll go there. And the beer store is up in arms about this the same way that Canada Post is up in arms about FedEx and UPS. Oh, they're slave drivers. They're this, they're that.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah, but they pay their guys well. The mail gets there. There's no complaints. I don't have to deal with the snippy shopper's clerk. They have to adjust. And a lot of crown corporations, and I realize Canada Post, you can say it's arm's length or pseudo crown,
Starting point is 00:31:00 whatever terminology you want to use, but they have to adjust and they haven't. And things are changing fast in that sphere especially. So we'll see what they come up with. But this idea they're going to be doing city mail, I think it's a tenuous position to hold that Canada Post needs to be doing door-to-door delivery or even these community box deliveries.
Starting point is 00:31:22 They shouldn't need it. Give it to Amazon. Let them do it. They do do a better job the amazon guy shows up in my house you know i can order whatever widget i want a day depending on what you're ordering what do you think all times a day now they show up overnight at the if i order something that's in the warehouse it's going to be there when i wake up in the morning you are living in the right part of canada to receive this service because if you're in quebec they closed all seven of their warehouses over there just recently so i'm not sure you're going to get that same type of level of service in the province of quebec i don't know i should note that in the chat for people who are on podcasts there's boomer and d and m i x or mlx are talking about uh the holes in my oil cycle description.
Starting point is 00:32:05 So go there. Long and short, there's some thinking that Americans actually need our heavy for some products. So maybe I missed that. I have no idea. Yeah, I'm doing my best. I'm doing my best. I'm a mile wide.
Starting point is 00:32:18 They stopped buying from Venezuela, right? Yeah. So they, and Venezuela has the most oil under their feet, but it's extremely heavy oil so then if they stop buying it and they need heavy oil who else that's convenient canada right pipelines they have all this shit so it's able to get it at a decent price without much friction quickly so maybe they need it i have no idea faster and even more friction free if we were the 51st state but let's not go there do you want to do one more story what else you want to do let's do the amazon like that they
Starting point is 00:32:48 closed their seven warehouses 1700 people in quebec are going to be losing their jobs they're saying this is part of a broader cost-cutting strategy that amazon's employing because they want to provide what they say better savings to customers but it could also be to the fact that there was some unionization that was going on over there. It's one way to get around that so they don't have to deal with that type or that level of, we could say, headaches for Amazon. So like I said, now if you're ordering stuff, Amazon packages, Amazon stuff from the province of Quebec, how long is it going to take to come in?
Starting point is 00:33:22 If they close those warehouses does everything come out from outside their province does it come from nova scotia does come from new brunswick ontario or even the states i don't have a fucking clue but yeah there you go uh 70 1700 jobs lost in quebec and this is before tariffs come into play now you put tariffs on who the hell knows that's a lot of jobs it's a lot of jobs um you may remember amazon doing an advertisement i think during covid uh that was i i don't want to say geared for a french audience but the guy they were talking to was a quebecer and he was talking about how he went from warehouse worker to shift manager to now he was doing logistics in an office for them.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And it was this great place to work. And don't believe all the stuff you hear about how it's this nightmare job. It's actually pretty good, reasonably flexible, blah, blah, blah. Benefits and all that stuff. Unions. I got a lot of feelings on unions that I can't share. But there's a time and a place for unions. And I think that time and place has passed broadly.
Starting point is 00:34:36 You know, we're no longer working in unsafe conditions in coal mines for the most part and places where there are potentially unsafe conditions are unionized and are unionized for a good reason. I'm not sure that Amazon needs a union. Amazon also, to your point, ruthlessly efficient. And as long as there's someone to drive that truck and someone to tape that box or whatever, there's no need for Amazon to worry about Quebec as a distribution center. We've also talked in the past about how Canada, by and large, is too small a population to deal with for a lot of companies.
Starting point is 00:35:11 And Quebec is a very small part of that population. So you maybe lose... Just trying to think, what are the densest areas there? Quebec City, Montreal. That's pretty much it. How much are you losing not yeah but like that's not really that you know is there a million people in hall i doubt it i have no idea yeah so it's like it's like the other side of ottawa right so okay so yeah exactly the other side of the bridge right um what are you losing there
Starting point is 00:35:42 if you're amazon the headache of the union for sure. Market penetration. That's, that's one thing. Like they want to have total control of the market and just say that they own it everywhere. If you're not making money doing it, it doesn't make sense for them to continually provide services.
Starting point is 00:36:00 They're not trying to say that. Are they, are they for sure shuttering the operation or just firing the entire staff it's the seven warehouses are closed so what that means beyond that i'm not sure yeah i wouldn't be surprised if they don't part with all that real estate and capital and just restart back this year in a year looking forward to seeing spirit Halloween open up at every Amazon of the year. Other future shop here. There'll be a firework store every Canada day.
Starting point is 00:36:37 I think it just rotates. I love it. I love it. That's it for tonight. That's all we got. Um, thanks for watching. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Thanks for your support. 200 episodes is a lot. Me and Len really appreciate all the stuff we've been able to do. And it's only because we get support from all you guys every week. So thank you. Stay tuned for this week. Wednesday, Zach, Bitcoin Denver. Next week, John Rubino.
Starting point is 00:37:03 And the week after that, Diaz and Dicker. In the meantime, take care of yourselves. Don't do anything that we wouldn't do. In solidarity.

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