The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - Tariffs Hit Canada, EU Hates Bitcoin, Czechs Love It, Clear Mempools | The CBP 201 Pt. 2 (Bitcoin Podcast)
Episode Date: February 5, 2025FRIENDS AND ENEMIES The TARIFFS HAVE ARRIVED, what do they mean for Canadians? What does Trump want from Arctic Mexico? Plus, mempools clear, Czech Central Bank Looks to Bitcoin, Chicago's Mayor... has a GIFT ROOM, and much more. Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: Discord: / discord A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.
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All right.
Where do you want to start?
I guess we already kind of did start, didn't we?
So you continue on because it's-
Well, the tariff thing is so frustrating to me, right?
I have a buddy who was at a speaking event today where Doug Ford was speaking.
And Doug Ford riling up the room about how tough Ontario is, how tough Canada is, how
the premiers are working together.
And like, you just fold like a cheap suit, you know,
like three, four hours later, caved all the demands.
I don't, I don't have much else to say about it,
except that Canadians who are pretending that we are in a position of any
leverage at all are delusional. We have no leverage.
We don't export any country in the world have leverage?
Against the US?
Maybe China.
China, okay.
Maybe them.
Other than that, I can't think of a single country out there that's going to wave their dick and say, mine is going to be as fucking big as yours.
Nobody's going to be able to do that yeah and the oil thing like i got i got some shit in and len told me there was some
more shit on discord about my oil take last week like i've heard that oh yeah i've heard that take
a few more times since then you know and i'm not convinced that you guys are as right as you think
you are and i might not be spot on either but i think that there's something to this idea that we didn't tool to refine the oil that we produce the u.s did we didn't build any pipelines
to ship it anywhere else they buy from us at a discount like i think that's actually true
do they need it need it or do they just like it from us because it's cheap that's the question
i don't have a good answer for no i've heard both sides that the thing was you called it garbage and the people kept there was not garbage just it's it's
hard to use it needs to be refined needs to go through a process and the refineries in the states
are tooled for it that's all very good okay so yeah there's water under bridge folks who are
upset there we go over the ground now yeah yeah yeah yeah you know see ford did something today yeah with starlink
canceling up that contract right so stupid so now does now things change given the fact there's the
30-day window i don't know does starlink is now going to be put back together like and if so
do they have to do to start again from scratch?
Or do they say, oh, we fucked up.
We didn't cancel that agreement, but we said it verbally.
Well, you know what I mean?
It makes me wonder now, do they want to go ahead with the Starlink thing?
And does Starlink want to go ahead with dealing with Ontario when they could easily just say, no, we don't want it, out of whim?
If I was Starlink, I would be like, fuck this.
Pay up front. Starlink was I would be like, fuck this. You know, pay up front.
Starlink was in the news here in Ontario.
Don't forget the origin story of this contract.
You may remember that last year, God, time is flying.
It was either last year or the year before
when there was a popular story in most of the national papers
about how the Liberal government federally
made a pledge to rural
Canadians that there would be available, cheap, market-priced, high-speed internet for them
that wasn't going to be a gouge from one of the big oligopolies.
And they were going to do it over a certain period of time, whatever.
And then as the contracts and stuff started to leak and materialize, it turns out that it maybe wasn't a gouge to the users, but the taxpayer paid $35,000
a home basically in some of these areas to wire up for internet when Elon could have done it for
20K, a whole 200 mile radius or something like that right and so like that was the i think
the origin of the starlink thing and then when ford took starlink on it was another disaster
right oh this guy's a bootlicker he's supporting a right-wing fascist he's supporting china he's
you know giving money to his buddies like the people who say that are brain dead the world the other toronto star a columnist
there's something you're missing from this what so he's saying this but he's saying this at a time
what's happening in ontario right now joey was an election yeah obviously correct yeah correct
so he's trying think about this in the respect of winning the election i'm not trying to say that
what he's saying is right or wrong but in terms of trying to secure another majority government he's trying
to tap into their emotions and say yeah this is the guy that's going to do you think his base
thinks that yes i don't know i'm not in touch i don't know what like where my sort of closest
political alignment is but he i'm going to vote for ford
and i i do not think that at all i think canceling starlink is dumb i think his rah-rah speeches
about liquor stores is they're dumb like it's all he's trying to he's trying to show that he is
a strong candidate willing to stand up to donald fucking trump yeah big dick don right no regardless if it could be done or not
he's got 30 days in which he's got to show off to the general public i'm the guy that's going
to be able to do this i'm the guy that's going to fucking stand up for your rights
and he right your best interest and then come time to vote oh this is the guy that's yeah i'm
gonna vote for he's just doing this This is just a fucking popularity contest.
That's all it is right now.
How can, see, I don't know.
I disagree with that.
I think that's wrong.
And because I don't think.
If there was no election, it would be a totally different narrative.
I don't know that it would be.
I think Ontario stands to suffer from these fake tariffs as much as anyone else.
And so maybe he's just like actually acting out.
And his government saying,
we can harm Elon this way.
Don't forget.
When people say this guy's like a political genius,
he did align himself closely with Christopher Freeland,
called her his therapist during COVID and said that she was doing great work.
She was doing anything.
and so when people say this guy's a great mainstream politician,
I just laugh.
you know,
clearly he's not opportunist. He came with not opportunist he's he's the fucking globe
trotters and everyone the liberals trot out in this province is fucking generals and it's been
like that for a decade almost he's beating literal c-list losers like bonnie fucking crombie come on
who the fuck she she is an unknown do you forget he could beat a crombie without doing any of the tesla shit without doing
the canada's for sale shit without doing the rah-rah speeches without he can be crombie
no problem with nothing with no effort at all nothing he needs you remember he ran for to be
mayor of toronto when his brother yes was sick right so he did a switch instead of running award one he decided to run for and he
lost tory and as soon as he lost there was an interview with him he said he's gonna do cartwheels
he was happy that he lost because he was done with politics and he was going to cartwheels to the
airport because he had a business which he ran at the time in chicago he was living in chicago before
he became a counselor in toronto and he wanted to go back to that life.
The only reason he ran here is because this is a legacy for his father.
His father wanted to be premier, never panned out.
Patrick Brown, he was ousted.
I still don't know exactly why he was ousted,
but he was ousted in a very unceremonious fashion.
It was a sex scandal or something?
Something like that, but how did this materialize?
I have no idea. So there was a vacuum there.
There was no opposition. Whoever
ran for the PC party was going to become
premier. He was
opportunist. He didn't
want to be in politics. And I'm
quoting him, cartwheels to the airport.
That's what he was saying. Has he ever done a cartwheel, you think?
I don't think so.
Here he is now his
premier second term going for i think it's two second yeah he's two terms already yeah
this is just it's a legacy for him and his family so he's very much an opportunist now
this everything he's doing here is just simply just it's votes the 200 that came out is for the
votes this whole standing up to trump is for the votes he's a
businessman he'd be in chicago if things played out differently right like it's fucking it's all
and just like the liberal party they're they're doing it's all just politics by not having
parliament come back in session and you're saying we're going to keep it the prorogued way it is
we're going to come back in march i forget forget if that's the date, which they'll come back.
They're basically saying the
priorities are
we'll deal with who's going to be elected leader
of the Liberal Party, that's
first, and then we'll deal with the rest
after that.
If the priorities would be different,
they would say, oh no, we're going to go fuck the prorogued,
we're going to deal with this, and then
do the voting for money that's going to have to
be pandered out for all these
programs because of tariffs. It's not the
case. We're dealing with the party
first. Good evening, Rod.
Party first and the rest second.
And that's politics. They're just playing politics.
Now with Trudeau,
he shouldn't have been out there
doing speeches. Totally agree.
Now he's doing this.
There seems to be this renewed,
like people,
right now,
he got,
he got glowing reviews to that speech on Saturday night from the dumbest
people in the country.
So yeah,
there's fucking politics.
And it's like Boomer said a long time ago that Poliev,
his biggest problem is he may have peaked too early and it might turn out
to be true not to say that the liberals will win more than 10 seats this time they may they may not
i don't fucking know but things are trending in the right direction for the liberal party
again it may not pan out to anything material yeah but no but you're right though it's undeniable
that they're better off today than they were a week ago. No doubt about that.
And on top of this, I just want to say one thing, because this is something that's been eating at me for a little while.
In Ottawa, at a hockey game, there was a national anthem.
They played both the American and the fans booed the U.S. national anthem.
At a Toronto Raptors game in Toronto, fans booed the U.S. national anthem.
I took a look. I had to even go through this the toronto raptors have 18 people on their squad right 18 people is that correct uh probably 15 probably 15 maybe 18 on the roster if you include
the two-way deals with the 905 yeah 18 in the roster 66 of them are american they got oh yeah yeah and the field of flags i
couldn't tell but 66 are canadian people bought tickets to watch americans play basketball but
they're booing the fucking national anthem for which they're born in yeah like it just doesn't
make fucking sense to me why doesn't it make sense? This is the same sports, the same fan bases,
and the same sort of sports-adjacent people
calling for the ban of Russian athletes two years ago.
They fucking, in Wimbledon, they didn't allow...
I remember.
I remember.
It was dumb then.
It's dumb now.
Russian blue, that's a breed of a cat yeah was not allowed
to put a fucking cat yeah because it had the name russian in it i know i was not able to participate
i know it's just asinine all this stuff so like that's lowest common denominator type stuff right
it's tapping into a nationalistic identity that hasn't been tapped into for a
very long time yeah and it's and people are trying to capitalize on that look out for the
i'll leave it in that funko pop frontline soldiers look out look out whatever i have
nothing i'm not sure if you want to go anywhere what else is there to say we bent the knee we all knew we were going to bend the knee we have no leverage you know
we're playing we're playing against the united states with an unplugged controller
what does the czar do i i have no idea i have no idea what is this czar is like a portfolio
manager basically you know bureaucrat so something of that nature you manage these 10,000
more troops going to the border god i like some of the stuff i've seen i i always pick on bruce
arthur but he's not alone he's just the sort of the most vocal and popular hysteric out there
these guys were all talking about how anyone who called for any of the things we gave as concessions
yesterday or sat Saturday was an American
apologist, a traitor to the country, a weak Canadian. Well, now your prime minister, who you
claim to have supported, agreed to all those things. What are you going to say about him?
These people are just so fucking dumb and so fucking flip-floppy at every goddamn turn.
They add no value to the conversation. They stand for nothing and speak the loudest on behalf of everybody, at least in their
own minds.
It's unbelievable.
The Twitter machine, the bird machine is just this unbearable cesspool of retards on days
like today.
Know nothing blowhards who can't see 15 minutes into the future, even though everything else
around them is telling them what's going to happen. Colombia, Mexico,
everything tells
you that we're going to do the exact same thing.
And these guys are standing
up with their toy guns, pretending that they're going
to beat the bully. No.
Fuck you are. You got to be
stupid to think that. And they are stupid.
They're just showing their colors here more
today than usual.
Let's turn the tables a little bit.
You're Justin Trudeau.
Imagine that.
And the tariffs coming in place, the threat of it.
What would you do?
Would you do exactly what he's done or would you do something else?
Did he do the right thing?
Did he do the only thing or is there something else?
The thing he should have done was tell Trump at the beginning of this whole thing, yeah, you're right.
We have a problem.
We shouldn't have taken this long.
We're going to address it. I mean, Len,
I got the
Wayside House hoodie on today.
People are dying from this stuff
every day. We're talking about
fentanyl or just... Fentanyl.
Every day they're dying from it.
Every day someone can't
afford a home because money laundering
Chinese businessmen and gamblers
are coming into British Columbia with hockey bags full of cash, playing at casinos on camera and not getting busted.
Every day, we're dealing with increasing cost of living because we're shipping in
hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people from India, all of whom are at least coming in
unvetted and some of whom every day on either Six Buzz, RCMP, Toronto Police,
you pick the Twitter feed, are busted for coke, fentanyl, other drug trafficking here,
the States, and everywhere. At some point, we have some responsibility to take on this.
The feds do. It's not, oh, it's just a culture thing. It's not, oh, it's not all,
it's this hockey bag full of cash wasn't all laundered
Like, yes, it was.
You got guys like Sam Cooper, who in a recent interview said he's basically putting his
life on the line.
Like he's got death threats now, exposing this stuff and no one's doing anything about
And for Trump to come in and say the same thing and our media, again, guys like Bruce
Arthur, Andrew Coyne, oh, he's lying.
He's lying.
Do you not see what's going on in the big cities in Canada?
It's not like it's behind closed doors.
As much as you wish it was with supervised injection site nonsense, it's not behind closed doors.
It's in the streets.
It's in schools.
It's in gyms.
It's in rec centers.
It's in public parks.
It's not like it's a mystery.
And so when Trump comes in and says there's a problem, Canadians know there's a problem.
But because we're so blinded by the orange man bad brain worm, we just think that he's
not telling the truth.
Are we fucking dumb?
Do you not see what's going on all around you?
How everything is getting away from you in terms of cost, how drugs are more prevalent,
how gang violence is more prevalent, how gun
violence is more prevalent, how
every time there's
a bust,
there's a theme in the
people that get caught.
You don't see it?
We can pretend all we want.
You can ignore reality, but you cannot
ignore reality's consequences. That's where we are with this guy. And so when Trump comes in and says, you got a problem, I want you to fix it. The answer can't be a 930 press conference where we talk about how we fought beside them in a war 200 years ago, like we could do it again today. We couldn't, we won't, we can't. We have no power and we are incorrect. We are on the wrong side of this.
Evidenced today by the outcome of these quote unquote negotiations, negotiating with us the same way that a father negotiates with his five-year-old son.
Do what I fucking tell you or there will be consequences and you're not going to like
That's the end of the story.
That tweet from Trudeau looked like trump look like that tweet from trudeau
looked like a script that was given to him by the by the white house press secretary that's how i
would have loved to have listened to a conversation between the two it would have been oh god could
you amazing to listen to it but really trump he has everything going for him because it's a single
term he's got one term that's it he's not fighting
for oh i gotta do this to appease people for that second he doesn't he could just leave his stamp
on history yes and just say this is what i've done do the right thing yeah well right or wrong
he's going to be able to do whatever he wants and they have the ability to wield that stick
you mentioned it earlier okay and you mentioned it earlier
okay you you mentioned it earlier the decision making matrix doesn't have what's best for canada
anywhere on it it has what's the best thing for the liberal party in the next six months what
should i do here and that's what he thought he was doing as long as that's the first thing they're
trying to tackle then that's the most important thing they're trying to do. That's what I mean.
And it shows in the press conference.
It shows in the,
you know,
the broad support he got from members of the party,
some of whom did not endorse him to be the next PM,
did not endorse Carney to be the next PM.
Some of whom endorsed other candidates,
you know,
you pick,
but you know,
Carney party was united behind that speech regardless of who
they have as a successor carney now he came out this past week i'm going to just he was he was
on bbc he did a bbc interview that guy on saturday you know before we even talk about carney they
quickly just want to say one thing there was discussions that canada was going to release
some stimulus packages that were going to be on
par with the pandemic what they've done and ontario was also released billions of dollars too
the ndp said they were supportive of that they wanted to see this go through so the talk was
wow look the ndp is going to support the liberal party and prop them up again maybe maybe not i
think that that whole discussion
was just for the immediate
relief, if that was ever going to
pan out. And then after that,
if they're going to go to a confidence vote,
the NDP is still talking like they'll
topple the government. So I don't
think they're going
to for sure keep the government until the
end of October.
I think it's a coin flip if anything but
yeah anyways carney yeah i just want to say he speech this past week everybody doesn't seem to
be very happy with the carbon tax from the people that are running to be the next prime minister
from even the people that are here right so like whatever reason the carbon tax doesn't work for
people right why are they trying to take away like
obviously it's not the best thing but carney wants to replace with something else
some other right it's it's a carbon it's carbon tax it's carbon tax and he he watched you me and
mark were talking friday morning uh during that speech he couldn't explain what it was.
And a couple of reporters asked him, when you say border adjustment, what do you mean? When you say
you're going to tax the biggest polluters, what do you mean? I'll tell you what he means. He's
going to keep taxing the consumers vis-a-vis increased prices by producers. And when he says
he's going to tax the biggest polluters, he's talking about Alberta.
It's not hard to figure this out.
He's going to tax the oil giants.
You're going to pay more for everything.
These guys, they don't get it.
At this point, this is doubling and tripling down on what is probably the most unpopular policy the country's had in the last 50 years.
He just refuses to stop.
Freeland is the only one who seems to lick her thumb, put it in the air
and understand where the wind is blowing
Karina Gold saying she's not going to raise it anymore
Carney wants to rename it
well Ruby Dull had a great Spiderman meme
the other day with Carney, Freeland and Trudeau
I thought that was pretty funny
they're all pointing at each other
I don't know what to say about the Liberal Party. They're rudderless.
They're rudderless. There's not much else you can talk about besides that.
Carney talking about... He's talking on one hand about how he's... I tweeted this too. He's talking
on one hand about how he's not going to get rolled by Trump in negotiations. And then he gets
absolutely fucking dummied by an APTN reporter about
reconciliation on the campaign trail and how he's not talking about it.
And he immediately just bends the knee and caves.
And it's like,
it's going to be a huge part of our platform.
it's not.
it's like unbelievable how,
how these guys don't understand that what people want now is honesty,
even if they don't like it,
it's what they want.
And the liberal party seems unwilling to put anyone in that seat.
I hate to say it,
but I think like Freeland is the best candidate they have in terms of the
chances to take on Paulie.
And that's not saying much.
She has no chance.
Thanks for her proximity to Trudeau over the last decade.
But no.
And Ruby Della,
go back to her.
Maybe. i don't
know she i gotta look at when the vote is i registered to be a liberal and so now i have to
check out when i'm voting i think it's uh early march so she seems to be the most centrist of all
the the candidates are left ruby yeah yeah policy wise yeah sure yeah so if you're gonna try to
at least take a chunk out of his support,
that may be the way to do it, is just go towards the center.
I see people in the chat criticizing Freeland and the Liberal Party.
Don't get me wrong.
I mean, this party has no chance of winning anyways,
but the best outcome for them would be to put Freeland in charge.
Doesn't mean it's a good outcome for everyone else. It's not. But for them, the best outcome would be to put Freeland in charge. Doesn't mean it's a good outcome for everyone else.
It's not.
But for them, the best outcome would be to put Freeland in charge, I think.
That's how I read it.
There's enough infighting, though.
A lot of the caucus, the majority seems to be supporting Carney.
And the people that are-
The heavies are.
The heavies are.
So there's a divide, right, between who's supporting carney and who's
supporting freeland so like you look at that i don't know if if she were to become the leader
what happens to all those people that are supporting carney will you just simply say
fuck it i'm gonna pack it in and go well carney carney is being criticized for saying that he
would leave in place a lot of the cabinet and bring back a lot of the cabinet if he were to become the leader of the party in the prime minister.
Oh, okay. I didn't know that status quo.
Freeland has not said that. Freeland has not said that.
Don't forget, these same people, by the way, according to a number of different stories, some of which we talked about on the program the day it happened, Freeland got a standing ovation at that liberal emergency meeting
you know that monday so many moons ago from a lot of those same good point yeah yeah a lot of the
same ministers and and um mps that are now pro carney like i'm not i'm not sure how how committed
anyone in that party is to any other person or any policy at the moment. It's a very fluid situation to say the least.
I'm just shocked that Carney is going to double down in this carbon tax thing,
but it's just like,
it's reframing it.
And I understand. It's crazy because Pauliev is dying on this carbon tax Carney Hill,
just like Justin carbon tax Carney.
And all they have to do is like,
take that toy away from him and force the campaign to
realign somewhere else. And it would be a bit of a different fight, but they just refuse.
It's the catchiest thing. It's the thing that Polyev is best at. It's the thing that the most
Canadians hate. And he just refuses to let it die. It's like political malpractice.
And by the way, funny, I think I criticized on this show, the guys who run the strategist
podcast, because it seems like every time they talk about campaigns they were on, they
were just plugging and backing losers over and over again.
And one guy is working on the Carney campaign.
It's a done deal.
It's a done deal.
You're just hiring losers, people who don't get it, people who don't understand the policies,
don't understand the public sentiment, the public feeling toward your candidate people who don't get it people who don't understand the policies don't understand the public sentiment the public feeling toward your candidate they don't get it
they they are money coming from who knows who knows he's he must have made inroads with businesses
yeah but about 20 years ago they changed the rules in that businesses were capped there's everybody
was kept as five thousand donate yeah something like that right so it's now it's you really want
to tap into individuals the grassroots so to speak i got an email from mark carney on the weekend
that uh i'll show it here to the camera against my better judgment but it's funny you're the second person that got an email from carney this week yeah like to give you an
idea this this campaign by the way claimed to be the most like savvy campaign um yeah it's funny
they sent the same email twice which is so fucking funny what a loser does yours say dear first name yeah first name like why did it like
incompetent they're they aren't i mean they're incompetent again you hired the
guy from the strategist podcast like tells you all you need to know these
guys are working on losing campaigns for bad politicians all the time
criticizing you know you know you put out a fucking logo that was stolen from
a credit a credit company or something like that.
Come on.
It's Bush League, man.
But that's the state of Canadian politics.
It's Bush League.
Everywhere you look, it's a shitty...
And Pauly has a shitty candidate too.
He wouldn't beat a competent liberal candidate, but there isn't one right now.
So he's going to step in.
He'll get four years.
And if the liberals are smart, they'll bring in someone who's unknown and good in front of a mic and meme savvy and all these
things. And he'll be Polyev. Polyev for all his polish and luster, still stutters and chokes on
his words when he's got to go off the cuff. He's not good. For a guy who's living and breathing
support on TikTok and these shorts, he's not that great a guy who's living and breathing you know support on tiktok and and these shorts
he's not that great in front of a mic so i you know i i don't think that guy's that good he's
he's a four-year he's a four-year pm you know he's not going to be
it's i think he's still going to be there for the eight years you think he's going to go eight yeah
yeah just traditionally when there's a switch in government you get a couple of terms and then after that it's crapshoot if you go for
a third or not so i think he'll get two two full ones and then at that point maybe the liberals
are ready for to be coming back into power is i i'm of the opinion there's only two parties that
is going to govern canada at least for the next little while. For sure.
Next little while is in the next 100,000 years.
Yeah, probably.
I would say next 20 years.
They'll be finding fossils of our version of Homo sapiens and wondering how we ever got around on two feet before the NDP are ruling this country at any level.
It'll never happen.
Provincially, they do.
Yeah, but not the feds.
The feds are going to fucking win.
No way.
There's no chance.
Joey, I want to talk about a story.
I found this to be pretty funny.
You got to go to Chicago.
You want to go to Chicago?
We got to go to Chicago.
We have to because this might be the last Chicago story we get before the resignation.
I think the resignation is going to be the last Chicagoago story we get before the resignation i think the resignation is going to be the last the last chicago mayor story we do in a few weeks it looks
like according to a report the esteemed mayor johnson in chicago was accepting gifts including
jewelry handbags and not just that but also some uh alcohol and he's doing this um they're giving it to him it's on behalf of the city he's taking it
no problem at all and um i i have nothing else to say this guy do you know the story do you know
the story here i i don't know how he was accepting it but i just thought he was accepting this money
there was these uh gifts yeah yeah okay i going to try and find it. There was apparently a walk around going on at his
residence or at City Hall
I guess there was like this during this walk
around. I got to find it here. Mayor's
Okay, before you go any further,
who has a better chance
of being elected in the next election?
Jagmeet Singh
or Brandon Johnson. Probably Jagmeet. Brandon or brandon johnson probably jagmeet brandon
johnson guaranteed is going to win okay here we go chicago this is it this is from the new york post
chicago cops i can't even read this with this straight Chicago they blocked city inspectors
from entering a curious quote gift room filled with designer bags hugo
boss cufflinks a personalized mont blanc pen that's a couple thousand bucks and other ritzy
goodies that were accepted by mayor brandon johnson according to a bombshell report the trove
of pricey giveaways is part of an unwritten arrangement that dates back 35 years under which
mayors can just write down gifts they receive in a logbook and store some of them on the fifth floor of City Hall
instead of reporting them to the Board of Ethics.
But the report issued Wednesday outlines
numerous times investigators were rebuffed
from learning more about the 236 gifts
given to Johnson on behalf of the city,
in quotes, since he took office.
So they wanted to go into the gift room
to see
what he had and he told him no a bunch of times i want to know there was tons of stuff in there
tons were there any rolexes i don't know i don't know any versace clothing i was there is there
like a slave barber in there remember he was getting expensive haircuts no. That's only Jagmeet's gift room. Jagmeet's gift room. Sorry, my bad.
Bye, Canadian.
I love that story.
I love that story.
The gift room.
What is that?
So in that room, you got heroes like Lori Lightfoot,
former Chicago mayor.
Now this guy, Brandon Johnson.
Who else is on that list?
Probably a ton of good shit in there.
I would love to get a crack at that room.
There may be some in there too.
Yeah, there could be.
Could be.
But let's move on.
There's this really interesting story I saw, Joey.
It's in Ontario, in Peel Region, in fact.
And a bunch of people, six in total, were charged
because there was a theft going on of butter and ghee.
Have you seen this?
This one flew under the radar for me.
This was a beauty.
60 people were charged with a connection
with a theft of $60,000 worth of butter and ghee.
That's like six, seven sticks of butter.
So if you're talking about what holds store of value very well, maybe it butter and ghee. That's like six, seven sticks of butter. So if you're talking
about what holds store of value very
well, maybe it's fucking ghee.
That's great.
The theft for spreading their way from
grocery store to grocery store.
It's noted that butter theft
has increased by 135%
from 2023.
So butter theft
is going up.
They were able to apprehend
three suspects.
Vishaviv Jeet Singh,
Sivander Singh,
and Dalwal Sidhu.
You know, it's more than that.
You just can't make it up.
Three others were identified as 22 year old
Navdeep Choudhury 38 year old
Kamal Deep Singh and 25
year old Harkarit
Singh so they were the
like what are we talking about
what are we talking about here
like you know what
so how can how can this be did we notice anything here are we talking about here like you know what so how can how can this be did we notice
anything here are we noticing anything can someone point out am i supposed to just not
recognize the patterns on all these peel region police accounts tweeting out groups of people
did you see the gypsies doing distraction thefts in the fucking variety store that's like what the fuck is going on
that's a big thing in rome oh my god like what is going on are we are we seriously saying that
these guys are going to contribute to gdp and add to like strength through diversity no they're not
the sing family butter thief ring is not going to fucking help and neither are the fucking gypsy
thieves like what are we talking about what are we talking about this is the broken window theory right because now
those grocery stores they have to buy more ghee and more butter and so they're creating more
demand for it which in turns keeps the industry churning so to speak that's a god
holy fuck so yeah just unbelievable i cannot i can't get my head around
this who are the people who still think all this is a good idea where are they hope you don't have
any butter lying around fuck lock it up remember lock up your butter you do need to be locking up
butter for sure for sure and i guess we'll just end it the last story um the environment environmental
minister was announcing that the federal government invested 40 million dollars
in 106 projects to advance equality for 2slgbtq plus communities
and also 8 million dollars for 10 projects aimed at combating
hate. So there we go.
Good. So I'll get into that. Glad to hear that.
That's good. Yep. Look forward to seeing
all that.
That's the last story. We'll end it at that.
Happy I have my Singapore dollar.
This is holding its value very well.
Sing? As long as it's not a sing dollar.
Singapore dollar maybe, but
sing dollar. Different story. Proceeds of crime. Anyway. That's it. Sing dollar. Singapore dollar, maybe. Sing dollar, different story.
Proceeds of crime.
Anyway, that's it.
Good night.
See you tomorrow.
John Rubino's on.
Until then, take care of yourselves.
Don't be a cuck.