The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #156 (Bitcoin Stories) - Madex/Bailey, EU vs Anonymity, Easing Financial Conditions
Episode Date: March 26, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. This week: -Bitmex temporarily offered cheap bitcoin-Madex is a man of offering filtering of trash-Greenpeace USA are no coiners-EU’s fight against anonymous transactions-BISQ updates And much more From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: www.CanadianBitcoiners.comDiscord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. With their new kyc-free options, there's never been a quicker, simpler, more private and (most importantly) cheaper way to acquire private Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.
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The Canadian Bitcoiners podcast is just two guys and maybe a guest or two discussing Bitcoin,
Bitcoin equities, and the related macroeconomic space. It's not meant to be financial advice,
so please, if you're doing any investing, after listening to our program, do your own research,
do your own due diligence, and understand that any money you invest can be lost. The show is meant for entertainment purposes only, and we hope you enjoy the program.
Friends and enemies, welcome to another episode of the Canadian Bitcoiners podcast here on the
mighty CBP Media Network. My name is Joey. That is Len. Buddy, I just came back from walking a
little moose there with my wife, and I got to say, hints of spring in the air here.
Are we done with the snow?
We good to move on to warmer weather?
Or you think we're going to get another blast?
Where are you at with all this?
I'm thinking no more.
Like it's going to be chilly, but no more snow.
I didn't even bother shoveling, to be honest, because I looked at the forecast.
It snowed here.
I think on Saturday or Friday, whatever day it was.
Friday, Friday it did, yeah.
Friday, and by two days later, it was gone.
It was warm enough that everything melted.
Actually, it was next day, it pretty much melted.
So yeah, I think we're pretty much done.
But still, I mean, I went out for a walk today
and it was chilly.
It was windy.
It was not-
When did you go?
You're by the water though, right?
You're a little closer to the water than me.
So for me, it's really not that big a deal.
That is true.
Because when I used a motorcycle and when I get off the highway and go south towards because i'm north
of the lake uh when i head towards my house you could just feel like almost a cool breathe uh
cool uh wall of air as soon as you cross it's like it's incredible and it's noticeably like
it's a several degree difference between the highway and then closer to my house and even closer you get to the lake it gets even cooler during
summertime but yeah that's uh that's witcher's and that's weather talk but yeah joey there's
a lot going on i'm not sure if you want to talk about what's going on uh over there i see a
football maybe you want to oh yeah i i uh no over there. I see a football. Maybe you want to. Oh yeah.
I mean,
I got a ball here.
I have to break in a little bit,
I don't sign them.
I bought,
I told you about a handful of them a couple of weeks back,
maybe two months ago. Now I should say about one.
I ended up buying a couple cause I couldn't hold it.
so I ended up getting,
I ended up going with the,
Wilson F 2000, which is
the CIS ball here.
But the problem is that it's the leather on, it's already starting to peel off.
Like it's unbelievable how quickly these things wear down.
And I, I went online again, I don't know, maybe two weeks ago, three weeks ago, and
just looked at like the leather content and the, the, whether it's like Horween or different
kinds of leather, Horween is good leather, which is what the F2000 uses, but you can't, I don't think you
can use it on a football, honestly.
It's not exactly the most resilient.
I don't have like a rocket arm, but I do throw it pretty hard.
And so if I miss, it hits the turf, you know, going a pretty good clip.
So yeah, no big deal.
Not a problem.
I got the Wilson GST Prime here.
It just came in the mail today.
It has to be broken in a little bit but story for another time i thought you were gonna say i thought you're i
thought you're gonna say we have lots to talk about because uh the price is way up and uh two
of our most you know frequently discussed recently people are you know in the news together
i'll be honest i am so disconnected from the price the last couple of weeks. I honestly don't give a fuck about the price now.
We've eclipsed $70,000 until it gets to six digits.
That's when I'm really going to be in party mode.
But until then, it's like whatever.
If there's a dip, I'm going to execute some buys on that.
If not, I'll just do my regular DCAs.
I just want to do you know what
before i forget sorry i didn't mean to cut you off there i thought you were done
there's a lot more people listening and watching on twitter now than there were before i can see
during the show that there's you know between the three or four different streams there's like 100
people 120 people usually you know by the end of the show just know that i can see your comments
in the chat on stream yard but
i can't respond to you through the stream yard chat so i'm not ignoring you thank you for listening
and watching but um it's hard for me to type back i just don't have that many hands it i think this
is the birthday episode is the next one yeah jorda i've been the chat saying this is our
three-year anniversary it could be honestly i have no idea how len you this is no in the same
category as my wife now right i don't remember our anniversary either no
you should never forget that no next week is the closest by date to our original episode i believe
we recorded our first episode on march 31st 2020 recorded or released recorded two days later it
was released i'll go back in time here because
that so april 1st is monday next week which means it's one day different so in terms of like how
close it is now on april do we do 2022 or 2021 2021 21 yeah this has been a long time we've been
doing this show three years there it is the 29th of march was a monday we recorded that date released two
days later in the 31st so um still either way it's still the closest is the first isn't it maybe i
don't know i mean i don't really care yeah we're still doing it three years later and neither of
us have gone insane in fact i think i've become more sane than anything else bitcoin is uh you
know balanced me out a little bit if anything i mean if i do say so myself my wife might disagree
if you are going off the deep end just say serenity now that's right
relax let's uh let's talk about the sponsors easy dns flagship sponsor man mark's been with us for
more than a year now incredible partner helped us with our website
he is your friendly neighborhood domain registrar
as he always likes to say
not easy DNS related but Mark was just on
breed love show last week and
released on Friday or Saturday I think I listened
to it it's pretty good I recommend you guys
do the same if you need to
host a website get
a domain any of that stuff Mark is your guy
talk to him he's in the chat tonight, it looks like,
at least for the moment, until he finds something better to do than
listen to a couple of babbling
turds, as the Looney Hour guys like to say.
If you need to use
a virtual private server
service to do Bitcoin
Node, Nostor Relay, BTC Pay Server,
Nodeless, you
name it, he's got you covered there.
If you already have a domain with a suboptimal provider and want to move over, he's got you
If you want to move your email over from a suboptimal provider or start getting emails
at your new domain name, he's got you covered.
The common theme here, Len, is no matter what you want to do, Mark has got you covered.
He just sent us this book, yeah, Managing Mission-Critical Domains in DNS.
I confess, Mark, I have not opened it yet, but I will
because we also do another show for Mark.
As you guys know, Access of Easy,
every Thursday or Friday we record that
depending on our schedule.
So, yeah, all that said, CBP Media is the code over at Easy DNS.
Go talk to him.
Hit him up on Twitter.
Follow what he's got going on at Easy DNS,
Access of Easy, Bonthor, all that stuff.
And tell him we sent you. He gives you a
discount. You can't beat that.
Looking forward to seeing what you guys do
with these tools available
to you. Who else we got?
Bull Bitcoin. Come on, guys.
Look at the price. You're going to buy?
You're going to sell? Either way, Bull got you
covered because you can do both of those on
Bull Bitcoin. On-chain
and using Lightning. i saw the fees
yesterday i'll take a quick peek at them now they are still they're creeping up around 31 sats per
b bite on the last cheap that's cheap still is cheap uh so you could certainly do on-chain buys
and also consolidate your transactions topic for another time but if you also want to use lightning
you could do so that's what bull bitcoin gives you the opportunity to do. So you could also with bull Bitcoin is because the price
is so high, you could start spending your Bitcoin if you wanted to. First thing you could do, you
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So bull Bitcoin has you covered with that. The second thing you could do, you could buy gift
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there are people that are doing this i don't want to name names but i know some people that are doing
that so this is a possibility another Another thing that bull Bitcoin has,
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So just do that if you haven't already done so i would suggest don't mix your bitcoin with your sorry your kyc with your kyc
free stuff try to keep them separate if at all possible use a passphrase use something to just
separate them but just go to canada post you can do that with full bitcoin to have you covered if
you haven't opened an account use our referral code below if you do and you fund your account
and provide the necessary information,
21 bucks will be added to your account.
No questions asked or simply go to I want
That's another way to use our referral code.
You'd love to see it.
We have a little treat for you guys.
If you do a buy in the next two weeks, let's say with our referral code,
we'll get to that during the show.
The first story we'll talk about that.
I think you're really going to like it. Do you want to do the boost and then we'll get into things yeah so for boost number one jordab thank you 100 sats i think he's still
in the chat if so thank you very much he says to help fund joey's new car remember last i didn't i
didn't okay so i'll update on the car i didn't need new okay uh the fuel pump was toast the um the module was fine thank god so i think all said i had to get
a new one new engine coil too because i i think i melted it honestly uh the total damage len
you want to venture a guess to get to the fuel pump and the fuel module they had to drop the
tank it's inside the tank yeah so
how do you think they how much do you think they charge me for that that whole that whole job hours
the pump 450 450 bucks am i way too light on this oh you're way too late yeah you're way too late i
can't even because 2200 bucks an hour and a half 2200 bucks for the the coil the pump the labor
uh and i had to get one of the things too i forget now what it was
but yeah about 2200 bucks so wow not a new car but we're itching we're inching every day every
day this is why i do as much as myself as i can so yeah uh it's got a couple good guesses in the
chat there boomer gets 2k derrick's got 1250 you were close you're close but my neighbor has a fuel
pump issue and you know he's gonna do it himself he's now he can't even start the car so get that on a ramp it's gonna be fine the thing
is the thing is with like i don't know what other cars like but with like i have a volvo and i think
that the the assumption from volvo is that the fuel pump is something you might do once in the
life of the car so the sacrifice they make or the trade-off they make trade-offs are something we're
very familiar with in bitcoin obviously is a lot of the other parts and peripherals are easily accessible
without having to drop major pieces of the car out of the equation to replace them or to get at them
to identify a problem. Problem is the fuel pump is the one that they chose to trade with, right?
And so that one's a little harder to get to naturally. And hopefully you'll have to do it once, but you know, diesel for us, the pump is, it's accessible.
As soon as I popped the hood is right there.
Easy to get to very expensive with diesel.
That's why you have to put quality fuel, change your fuel filter often.
And if you run and if there's any water whatsoever in your fuel,
you're going to just wreck the pump. And that's not cheap.
But it's easy to replace.
That's the good thing.
You know, I was thinking about last week when I was talking about looking at new cars and stuff.
I just can't justify it.
Like, it's not even the money.
Because, like, I think what I would do is I would finance as much of it as I could, given that inflation is kind of, like, way out of control.
I'll take the last car payment out of my couch.
I think I said that last week too.
But it's just like the amount of money a car costs now, it's batshit, honestly.
Like you can't get a decent car with under 100,000 miles for less than 25K.
And I say decent.
I'm throwing like Civics, Kias, Mazdas.
Oh, yeah.
We were talking about this yesterday with my wife.
If you want to buy brand new,
there's very few options you could get under 25,000.
Oh yeah.
It's actually,
I think only one or two options.
I was going to say,
it's like very few is an understatement.
It's almost none under 25,
under 30 even.
thanks buddy.
I'll, I'll put that,
you know,
whatever that is.
40 cents.
Not even four cents.
Probably. I'll tell you
when my car turned 20 that year i didn't put a single penny into it i didn't change the oil
i didn't change the tires i ran winter tires all year round that year was the best year for that
car not even a fucking penny went into winter tires winter tires like you can hit a curve
pretty hard uh in winters those things are like marshmallows as soon as it gets to be like 10 degrees so you can fucking hammer it some of
those fast but those winters were kind of on their last leg so that was but that was that was a great
year last year i had a 21st year i had to change the oil unfortunately and buy a new set of tires
but oh well anyways keep this moving teats 500 sats he says your coffee table is a shit coin
because i put my coffee table out on a curb last week and it actually it went somebody said it's not really
a shit coin somebody did you get the interview with the guy can we post it i know it was i went
to bed at night the morning it was gone it was still there at night so somewhere between me
going to bed around 10 30 10 o'clock and then waking up at 6 30 ish then seven o'clock it was
whatever mo btTC did 500 stats.
Joey, you most definitely want a Toyota.
My first car was a 2000 Toyota Solara
with 300,000 kilometers.
Original everything replaced the original clutch
at over 200,000 kilometers.
Buddy, I'm at almost 500,000 with my clutch.
No slippage still.
Currently, I own two Toyotas after a Civic
and a Subaru Outback.
Both were awesome cars,
but the Toyotas paid for themselves. There's a rigging endorsement two Toyotas after a Civic and a Subaru Outback. Both were awesome cars, but the Toyotas paid for themselves.
There's a ringing endorsement for Toyotas.
Moe BTC Dick, longtime friend of the show.
He's got some rep for sure here, so I would consider it.
I wanted to buy a Highlander instead of the CRV we got in January,
but my better half, the woman to whom I'm related by marriage,
wouldn't budgege so there you have
it i'll think about that though for sure that was another one that was on my list i should
have mentioned earlier but now that it has uh mo btc's uh ringing endorsement you know higher on
the list check it out so doom is that car advice is that advice not not not car advice ncaa that's
definitely car advice it's not gonna risk you financially if you do that, right? So Doom to Mazum, 521 sats.
He says, thank you for your time.
And that's it.
You're welcome.
I'll be happy to read whatever comment you put in there.
Randall, 555 sats.
Joey, you were spot on when you talk about the liberal slash NDP,
quote unquote, safe supply method for health users.
It does not help.
It only hurts them further.
There is a phenomenal documentary
put together by aaron gunn on youtube on this issue he compares bc to alberta smith and bc
has decided to build facilities that sober people up and make them contributing citizens
in society it's amazing to see the contrast from a shift shit approach to a common sense one yeah the true the true debate is
not between safe supply and abstinence like this is this is sort of the you know that's the left
curve debate at this point it's really like just morons debating which one is better the real debate
at this point in my opinion i'm not an expert but i like i said i have some experience in this
the real debate is between going full abstinence and using opioid replacement therapies and something we've tackled at Wayside over the
years. And I think we did a good job. We opted to go with some ORT options and our results have
been honest to God, man. I talk about this all the time. The show raises funds for Wayside and
the donation this year, as we always do. And I know some of you guys have supported Wayside in
the past as well. The results are staggering. And I just went to bat for this with an accreditation team last week.
Wayside goes through a four-year accreditation cycle like a lot of agencies do.
And one of the things me and the board president,
I'm the vice president of the board at the moment,
talked to the team about was like, look, it's not like Wayside
and a lot of agencies in our boat have a lot of tailwinds. Everywhere you look, it's a headwind. It's safe supply. We have to destigmatize use. We have to allow open abuses of these things in our streets worse than what we're doing and what a lot of abstinence-based agencies are doing. And it's frustrating to see that. So I do appreciate those
kind words, man. I would check that out from Aaron Gunn. I'm always interested in seeing what's going
on in the substance abuse space. It's so important. And you're affected by it. I used to say that
you're affected by it because someone you know is using or someone you know knows someone who is
using. But now with these 10 cities popping up and the abuse becoming more and more rampant,
it's affecting you in a major way.
It could affect your kids, you know,
on their bus route to school or something like that.
It's everywhere.
We all got to learn about it one way or another.
And it's important to learn the right things, I think.
So thank you.
I'll definitely check that out.
I'll go right into the Bitcoin.
May as well.
Your buddy Dave and your buddy madex up to something what
happened talk to me okay yeah there was some certainly some it was some drama that's what
that's what i'll call it right because uh yeah so people that are unaware this is what happened
hold the tweet you got the tweet keep talking i'll find the suite i'll find the suite so madex he's a bitcoiner and
an artist he sold a piece of art and he posted this on twitter on x whatever it's nothing
unusual or an extraordinary at this point but after madex made this post then stepped in mr
david bailey the ceo of bitcoin. And he seemingly was trying to push the, well, the inscription narrative by asking to trade
So Madex would have taken a picture or given a JPEG version of what a piece of money sold,
given it to David Bailey.
And in return, David Bailey would send madex one btc so essentially it's a jpeg for
something right what seventy thousand dollars whatever the heck the price of bitcoin is right
now yeah the reason why he turned it down was not because he didn't want or didn't need the one
bitcoin he said it would be helpful to him but the cost to sell it would be too great.
So it's not just simply the cost of selling it.
There's more to it. And I'm paraphrasing here, but he was saying accepting the offer would be more like selling a part of Madex's soul to the inscription crew.
That's what he said.
And the intent of this whole exercise, I believe, and Madex, too, according to him, was to scam a greater fool.
That's the words he used, scam a greater fool.
And anybody out there that is supporting Madex, they should be doing this through buying his physical work.
Anything that he's selling, the physical work, the proof of of art let's call that proof of art that's
available for sale you could you know not some stupid fucking jpeg and we have to give credit
here to madex for turning down this offer like let's be honest if anybody's offered a single
btc for a fucking picture a lot of people would accept it and yeah it's hard to say that it's the wrong thing to do but madex
did this because he's a man of character and he has integrity that's why he didn't do this
and these are some of the qualities of people in this world are missing and a lot of people
are just willing to sell to the highest bidder and And a good thing he's not. And I'm very happy for this. Now, as a result of this, what we're doing here at the CBP, people that have bought through Bull Bitcoin using our referral code, all the money we've collected for the past, I guess, couple of weeks.
Through that.
And all the money we're going to collect for the next couple of weeks is going to be donated to made X. So everybody out there by,
by using our referral code,
all the referral money that we're going to make through that is going to be
sent to made X as a way to thank him for what he did here.
He turned down 70,000 us dollars.
We're obviously not going to have enough to cover that,
but we're going to do our part.
And if anybody wants to make a donation to him,
I would suggest you do.
So we're also going to send all the boosts that we have right now.
We have 42,000 sats in boosts sitting on our wallet from fountain.
If you want to send some boosts,
those boosts are also going to be redirected to made X.
I hopefully this is going to make him feel a little better for making this
He made the right decision financially.
It hurt though.
But if you want to see more of made X's work,
check out his website, made X dot art, or you could check out his X handle space bowl. But if you want to see more of Madex's work, check out his website,
Or you could check out his X handle, Spacebull.
So if you're interested in it, it's there.
But as for the one BTC for the JPEG offer, I have to give credit to David Bailey.
Through this offer, he tried to make inscriptions look like a place where bitcoin art could have a home right the people
behind it david bailey the ceo of bitcoin magazine um mike germano he's a president right of bitcoin
magazine utxo right they're the assets management the people the assets management arm behind
bitcoin magazine bitcoin magazine too we
can't forget about them these are the guys also trying to sell jpegs on their website for upwards
of 10 btc well all those people i've mentioned they can all fucking suck my cock that's the
reality right better yet how about a fucking tea bag you can lie down in a dentist chair
you can just open up and i'll give you a couple of salty eggs just right in your fucking
face. You can just enjoy that. Make a
description of that, by the way. That's what I would suggest.
But the value will always be
one fucking sat. That's it.
We're dealing with one fucking
sat. And because of this,
these guys can suck my
fucking cock. That's all I got to
say about this. Good on Matex. We'll be
happy to donate whatever we make the last couple of weeks plus the next couple of weeks for everything we get for the
referrals and boosts and we're gonna direct it right to it but it's all i gotta say about this
what a fucking joke my my view on ordinals is like i think ideologically it's aligned with you
but i i don't like i don't care if someone finds the stats valuable. If Bitcoin Magazine wants to sell or not,
like I said this before a million times,
you and me have some agreement
but some disagreement on this topic.
I don't care.
I'm more baffled by the people who buy them
than the people who sell them.
I'll say that.
And to me, the Madex thing,
it's kind of neat, man, honestly.
And I think the thing that he thought about,
and I plan on bringing him on before the conference for another show although it won't be three hours
long this time um the thing i think that he thought um even though he doesn't mention it
in his video you know by by putting something like that on chain whether you think it's valuable or
not whether someone else thinks it's valuable or not like like 100K is a lot to turn down. But I think what he's looking at is, man, I sold a lot of art to a lot of people with the
sort of implicit understanding that this was a physical thing, proof of work type thing.
And you guys paid a pretty penny for it because it was a one of one or one of five or something
I produced on my own. And it really meant a lot to me. And I don't want to send a digital version to Bailey or anybody else
and have it inscribed because that dilutes the scarcity
of the stuff that's already out there.
I think there's something to be said about that.
And again, I'm pretty happy that he did that
as someone who bought something from him.
And I continue to support him.
I have a couple of hoodies and a couple of shirts.
It doesn't mean that the Ordinals thing is done and dead.
No, people will still find value in these things.
There's always a market for, you know, that sort of collectible,
even if it's a kind of a gray area as far as scarcity,
like I'm with you there.
I don't get the whole rare stats thing.
I don't, I don't personally see value in it,
but I was pretty excited to see that. And man, Len, talk about steel nuts. That's a lot of money to turn
down. 100K in Bitcoin is a lot of money to turn down. And he wasn't even asking Madex to inscribe
it. He was just asking him to send him a JPEG basically, email it to him and give him his
blessing to inscribe it. So I am impressed by this in a major way.
And I think it's one of the reasons that you and I, you know,
behind the scenes agreed pretty quickly, like we should support this guy.
He gave up a lot of money here and every little bit that we can give him to,
you know, applaud the decision. I think it, it helps.
I think it's worth it. I think it's a worthy, worthy way to support him.
Big time and encouraging you to use our
referral code so we can help support him. Yeah, exactly. Every penny, man. Yeah. Every penny we
get. And you guys buy a lot of Bitcoin. And so we get, like everyone knows, we get a little bit of a
kickback when you guys buy on our code. It's not much, but if everyone does it in a focused way for two weeks, I think it'll make a difference for Madex.
Also, the guy, not to turn this into a World Vision commercial or anything, but he just busted up his ankle pretty good, too.
I'm pretty sure he's in a cast.
He's not having that good a time right now.
It'd be good to cheer him up.
And I think between the community and the financial support, it'd be a really nice gesture.
And I'm looking forward to seeing
what you guys put together
with your buys.
I think through this whole exercise here
is we're seeing
there's a lot of resistance
towards what's going on
with Bitcoin Magazine
and all the players involved over there.
There's a lot of people
that are voicing their displeasure.
And I think that
the tides are turning
with respect to them.
Up until maybe six months ago, maybe a little bit less, it didn't seem like there was much backlash. And I think that I, the tides are turning with respect to them, uh,
up until maybe six months ago,
maybe a little bit less.
It didn't seem like there was much backlash,
but now there seems to be so much more.
And it's,
I got,
I got to ask you,
how do you feel?
How do you feel about,
cause obviously Mark Goodwin,
who's the editor in chief of the magazine side,
The print,
the media side,
and then Bailey's the president of the BC magazine,
the corporation, or the, you know, whatever CEO of, um, of the president of the BTC magazine, the corporation or the,
you know, whatever CEO of, of the, of the whole operation, right. The, the sort of
umbrella corp, let's call it. I think on Twitter, they, they're very quick to point out that there
is a wall between the two. And I'm not sure, like when I hear people say that Bitcoin magazine is
like, you know, a scam operation, I don't, I don't agree with that personally, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Like, I don't know if you saw the
list of speakers for the conference this year in Nashville, like some pretty big names on there.
Like, so do you, do you find guys like Luke Groman, Michael Saylor, like, are these guys
not guilty by association for you? Or do they like are they above it like how
where do you come down on that stuff like surely you don't view sailor as a scammer or or like
propagating a scam for speaking at the bitcoin conference so where do you put them like how
strong are your feelings here i'm indifferent to him because my opinion on him hasn't changed very
much he's what part of a bitcoin development. Is that what the thing is?
And I still don't understand how this works.
Yeah, MSTRs.
Yeah, that's what they're pivoting to anyway.
Yeah, I don't understand that.
Whatever it means, you know what he's doing?
He's just manipulating the tools that are available to him to get as much Bitcoin.
That's it.
So does it make him knowledgeable or a huge bitcoiner no he's maximizing the amount
of bitcoin he could get doesn't make him a visionary though of sorts like doesn't that put
him he's taking advantage of what's available to him he thinks that it's going to be uh going up
in price but i don't know whatever you think that don't you i mean i'm not trying to put you on the
spot i'm trying you're to me like i'm using you as a vector for a lot of people who I think feel even more strongly than you that Bitcoin Magazine is just a negative persona non grata type bright guy. Luke Roman's a favorite of mine. There's a few other speakers on the list.
Their names are kind of escaping me now, but
I'm wondering.
The conference is coming, and people are going
to say what? That they're...
Do you think that Saylor is really
looking at this through the lens of
say, you or I, or is he
looking at this through the lens of... No.
He's not. he doesn't care people
think about him no of course not yeah or even what's going on with the ordinal stuff does he
has he even mentioned anything to do he's mentioned it he's mentioned it he has yeah he's not he's not
pro or or or con he's kind of in the middle he's like the fees of the fees that's the legality is
the legality based on network rules i mean that's where i come down to basically i i personally
i again i don't know what he thinks about the value.
I don't see the value, but I can't tell other people not to.
I mean, I don't want to make this fucking ordinal show, but I'm just curious.
The speakers list is leaking here little by little.
Let it.
It goes to show you that they're fucking taking backlash for their decisions.
And some of their decisions have been brutally, they've been brutal for the past little while they it's too bad because you know maybe three years ago things may have been much
different in terms of our thinking of them but just shitty decision after a shitty decision
has led us to this point hey if you had a choice are you going to go to the bitcoin conference
i'm not i mean we i'd rather wipe my ass with a cheese grater than go.
You and I talked about where to spend
CBP travel budget for conferences.
The Montreal one's a no-brainer.
I might try and get to the Bitcoin
rodeo if I can put together a couple
of interviews while I'm there.
Nashville's not on my list.
I would sooner go to Bitcoin Park.
The thing about the Nashville conference isn't
the Bitcoin magazine,
whether I like them or don't like them. The biggest thing for me is that everyone I've
talked to about the conference says that it's more suits than zealots. And I kind of, you know,
I get, I mean, you and me, without going into too much detail, we work in a suit heavy environment.
Like I kind of,
when I go to a Bitcoin thing,
like I want zealots.
When I go to the corn Lords meetup,
like I go there to get my zealot fix.
You know,
I don't go there to get my suit fix.
And I think the other,
the Canadian conferences are more zealotry than,
you know,
clean shaven suit guys.
And I like that.
And so maybe that's why I wouldn't get a little bit of everything at that
I might in the,
the Bitcoin magazine conference. I think you get a little bit of everything over that conference i'm not am i in the my the bitcoin magazine conference i think you get a little bit of everything over there
i don't think it's strictly just a suit thing i think it's a little i think there's side stages
that placate to people that want to do other things at least in the past i'm not sure what
it's going to be this time i'm really not going to pay much attention to it and last year too
they even had remember that rfk jr talk about how he remember he's now into ethan other things i
know he's buying some ethan too he's buying hey man i called him out joe bought in the after
i called him out i said this is bullshit yeah i know i think me and you've been on that kind
of thing pretty early right like we've seen so much of it over the last few years uh never fails
never fails anyway interesting stuff buy
some bitcoin on bold bitcoin before the price gets to a hundred thousand and uh give your boy
madex a shout he i mentioned it to him this morning i sent him a dm i said look we're gonna
do this we're gonna announce it tonight he's honored no one has ever done something like this
for him so let's make it a good uh a good push and uh really make the guy happy he deserves it
start os yeah some people talk about this and some people use this happy. He deserves it. Start OS. Yeah. Some people talk about this, and some people use this.
That's fine, because it's a pretty good product.
But they are going to be giving more options to their users out there,
and they're going to be offering the ability to filter out some garbage.
So some of the things that they're opening up in the config options are the,
this is going to be kind of technical,
the permit bear multisig data carrier and data carrier size.
So this is stuff that currently is available for change easily to change on Bitcoin core when you change the Bitcoin.conf file.
And now startup OS users can do the same.
Do you want to just note, I think a lot of people don't realize the start OS is free, even if you don't buy the start nine software.
So you can get this no matter what you're running yeah so yeah i ran it for a brief period of time on a old laptop so you
don't have to have the hardware they're providing you you could simply just provide your own and
run it from there i don't think it's going to work on a raspberry pi i didn't check that out
but don't quote me and not do some research if I could be wrong. But certainly on a laptop that has some capabilities, four or eight gigabyte RAM and at least, I guess, six, seven, 800 gigabytes of storage for a full node.
I think that's the bare minimum.
But again, check that out.
So, yeah, you can certainly use your own equipment.
So now they're offering the ability to do the permit, bare multisig, the data carrier and data carrier size.
So these options, what do they do?
It just gives you greater control and flexibility on your mempool.
So the policies that you put in place will dictate what it keeps in memory.
So you can reject stuff that is being broadcasted by other nodes.
And then as well, since it's not coming to years,
you're not gonna be broadcasting that garbage elsewhere.
So in other words, you'd be filtering out jpeg trash and a little bit others too so this gives well it makes
your bitcoin node run more efficiently yeah because you only have a certain you know listen i agree i
agree with you on this i think that if you're running a node and you want to sensor not sensor
you want to uh optimize your node by removing certain things from the mempool that's you know
as you always say you can run your the way way you want. That's how Bitcoin works. Everyone gets their own
take on the node, right? So that's good. It's a good feature.
Yeah, because if it's running more efficiently,
you don't have an infinite amount of RAM. You don't have an infinite amount of storage.
Everything, there's a finite number. So if you could release this stuff,
then you're having less of that stuff in your mempool.
And so your Bitcoin node theoretically runs more efficiently.
So you don't have to dedicate as much memory towards it.
And it's just running better.
So that's good.
StartOS and Bitcoin, all caps are saying, was already likely available.
They're just making it now.
You could toggle the ux for it i didn't when i used start os i have
i was not unable to find a way to get into the terminal to change any settings because i was
having an issue with my wi-fi and in order for me to fix it i had to access the terminal and i
couldn't find a way to open up a terminal window. So I couldn't fix that problem. Really? Yeah.
So that's essentially what...
What did Matt...
We had Matt on.
Did you talk to him about that?
I dealt with the people at StartOS directly
and they're very helpful.
I went to their Telegram channel.
I posted the information.
They got back to me.
It just...
There was a configuration
that just prevented me from doing it.
They didn't support my Wi-Fi in the end.
Then I bought a dongle
and then it wasn't able
to connect to it. Either way,
I went to Core and everything
worked out well for me because it's just running
basically a Linux version in Core and I have total
control over everything. I'm familiar with it. It works
for me, but I don't want to make a story about that.
StartOS, good for them because they have
the ability to now give you the options to
filter out the trash on the UX
side of things. So if you are running StartOS and you want to filter out these JPEG, all this garbage,
you could do so.
I believe you'd have to update to the latest version and go from there.
So good for them.
No really additional comment, except to say that, like I mentioned earlier, you can run
your node the way you want.
And if you're, if you, if you feel strongly about this, then you should take the options that are available to
you of this nature when you can get them. It's been difficult to this point. I think, Len,
is it safe to say, maybe not difficult, but it's been kind of off the beaten path to this point
because ordinals and whatnot really didn't come into the picture until last year, right? So now
people are looking more at this and they're saying, I either want to support these or
I don't. How do I do it? What's the best way? This is the best way. It's another way you can
vote and voice your opinion with the network space that you allow these things to take up.
So up to you, but definitely options, man. Like always, Bitcoin development delivering. It's not
quite core development, but all these things that are kind of tangential to to core um you know they're starting to uh they're starting to show different ways to be
active in these debates uh maybe without shit posting on twitter it's nice to see
pablo's asking can it be retroactively purged from the mempool yeah you could go ahead make
the change and you'll never it will not show up any further on your mempool so definitely make the change restart and you're good to go is there a tutorial
on this anywhere do you want to like point people to a tutorial i don't know where it would be it
go to start online and see if they have something i again i i don't run it so i'm not exactly sure
what's the process to eliminate this but i know somehow it has just got to be uh an option that you put on the bitcoin all caps if you guys are in the live chat or if you're
listening later you know at this point in the chat here it's 36 minutes 48 seconds in on the
live chat bitcoin all caps is making some um he's posted some comments on how to do it so
yeah he said you got to edit the file and sure they're going to have that file
somewhere just i was not able to run a terminal to fix my Wi-Fi issue.
And I can't remember if there's a way to edit the file through the start OS UI.
Maybe there is a way to do it, but I can't remember that.
I only read it very briefly before I ditched it and just went to core.
So who knows?
All caps.
Thank you for your comments there too, buddy.
We appreciate it.
Yeah. And if anybody wants to show up up there's going to be a having party i'm just going to go
on a little bit of tangent here uh april 20th in waterloo innocente brewery 5 p.m it starts and
maybe bitcoin all caps will be there i'm not sure uh if you're not bitcoin all caps i've never been
to innocente and not seen all caps there so he may be living in the brew room, honestly, for all I know.
I'm not sure.
Greenpeace, buddy.
Let's talk about Greenpeace.
They're back to stirring the Bitcoin FUD pot.
And they released a new report.
And it ties a bunch of entities together.
Big oil, dirty coal, gas plants, wind climate deniers and of course bitcoin this
is just like one big whole fucking mess just i love it together i love it the beef they have
is with the proof of work system do they do they say it for is it more of a you know uh
beyond meat uh patty with us which is it let's start saying again they have a beef with us or they have a beyond meat either way let's go the beyond meat meat uh that they have with us or with bitcoin in general is
the proof of work system right and this there's no way to dance around it it requires an enormous
amount of energy it currently it's using a lot of energy it's going to be using even more moving forward there's no way around that but they point at the you know large bitcoin data centers but they make no reference not a
single fucking reference to the server firms that like google and amazon or any other company out
there keep running a because they use the very same energy that does bitcoin miners right and their report is also claiming that bitcoin mining are also using
lobbyists to push friendly regulations towards bitcoin mining imagine what len are these friendly
regulations in the room with us now i have not seen any friendly regulations you don't remember
two three weeks ago we talked about the team biden were throwing out the idea of 30 percent yeah
yes is that friendly regulations no so i really come on i mean do they really prefer flaring or
venting methane gas into the air if not anything about me getting rich that's all they don't want
yeah but you know it's fuckingipple that's behind this, right?
I know.
At least I think that they're still behind it because they were behind the previous round of FUD.
Why not this time?
And remember, it was change the code campaign.
And where did that get them?
It's going to get them nowhere if they try it again.
The fucking thing won't work because as a node runner, I can run whatever the fucking node I want to run.
There's no fucking nothing stopping from doing it as long as it complies with the bitcoin network as we know it i'll run it and you can't stop me not on top of
that i can mine where the fuck i want to mine including bitcoin i can simply just plug it in
sure i'm a small garage miner if i ever do something like that but still i could participate
in the bitcoin mining process so i can complete the circle the only thing i'm not doing is
developing bitcoin so really like what the fuck are they after?
This is just a whole bunch of nonsense.
And just throwing this all together, right wing climate deniers and throwing us together with, like, get the fuck out of here.
These guys, they're just doing this for the sake of getting publicity, right?
Who's paying for this?
I'm thinking it's still Ripple.
I don't know.
Maybe it's a conglomerate of individuals or companies.
Who the fuck knows?
But either way, it's going to get nothing.
This is just, it's totally bullshit.
Nothing's going to come out of this.
And it's going to change at least globally.
No opinions are going to be changed whatsoever.
So fuck you.
All agreement from me there.
It is Ripple.
I think in the community notes on Twitter, they got nicked pretty good.
And I believe that there was also a response from
some major player in the ETF issuance space that's now dabbling in Bitcoin,
though I forget which one. It's good to see that we've basically made this pivot from
trying to counteract Brandolini's law here. We pivoted away from that, spending all our time
combating just steady stream of bullshit.
It's coming from a firehose on the Ripple side and the Greenpeace side to this point now where the burden of proof really has become theirs to bear instead of Bitcoin's.
You love to see this stuff.
It's only a matter of time until this continues to accelerate.
I don't know if you ever read the Fidelity reports, Len, but I watch the Fidelity YouTube
videos that go with their reports sometimes, digital asset stuff.
And even they're starting to mention it, that mining is just not the environmental harmful
thing that they thought it was two years ago.
And in fact, there's some benefits.
Everyone is coming around to this because, surprise, surprise, when you start to look
at the mechanisms we use to mine, you're looking for cheap energy,
stranded energy, things of this nature, methane and flaring, like you mentioned.
This is stuff that no one else wants.
It's being produced anyway.
Bitcoin can help you take care of that.
It doesn't get better than this.
It feels good, I think, for a lot of Bitcoiners who have been saying this stuff to their wife,
brother, sister, aunt, mechanic, priest for the last five years,
finally to have somebody with a media credential saying it on Twitter. It's good to be right.
And I think we're going to be right a lot more often in the coming months and years.
Even if the WEF were saying that.
Them too. That's right. wasn't there like a rainforest story i
forget now it's it's coming so fast and furious but yeah there was something eh yeah it was
something to do with the congo i believe and it was a chocolate factory and it was they're using
the mining the from excess energy from one of the local dams over there to you know to mine bitcoin
and the excess energy is awesome diverted towards the dam the dams are such a cool story like we had uh oded orgel on the show
a handful of times remember from not dmg though sheldon blennett yeah sheldon bennett was dmg
ocean falls and ocean falls was one of these like abandoned mines that had this like power
all the power was there just not being used it's incredible incredible, man. These guys, guys like Oded, Sheldon, they got it so
early. Even Linden, Dean Linden, who ended up having to leave his post at Luxfolio, which has
since gone kaput since he left. These guys all understood so early and they don't get enough
credit. There's a lot of people who really popularize themselves and gain notoriety because they got it early. But there's a lot of people who got it early and just kind of are happy to contribute and remain in a semi-obscure part of the public vision. It's great. We had these guys on so early on the show, Len, and we were kind of jaw agape during
some of those interviews because we were hearing some of this stuff for the first time.
And now everyone's hearing it and they're having the same reaction we did.
It's been a lot of fun to watch.
So Boomer's asking if Lux Foldio gone.
No, they're still trading.
And in fact, some days they go up like 30, 40, 50%.
I don't know who's buying it.
Len, let's put a thousand bucks in there and just see if we can double up.
Like if it lands on red, well, you know.
You won't be able to sell it.
It's just so thinly traded.
That thousand is gone.
But anyways, we could talk about EU.
And they have this anti-money laundering campaign that's ongoing.
And AML is a huge issue for governments, right?
Like there's no way to sugarcoat this, but it is.
And it's done because
of a variety of reasons. And then the EU, they want to try to reduce this for the obvious reasons,
right? And Bitcoin may unfortunately fall into the net they're trying to cast. And it could be
here that it could be problematic for Bitcoiners. And'll explain why an idea is being thrown out there
it's unfortunately sorry fortunately it's been shelved but it was originally an idea that they're
going to say that a thousand euro purchase limit on Bitcoin payments for self-hosted wallets would
be in effect so they were originally talking about a thousand euro limit on Bitcoin payments
from self-hosted wallets that has since been scrapped
but they currently there is a limit on this and i'll explain that just a second here um if they
did have this limit of a thousand euros that would essentially make it impossible to exchange your
bitcoin with a business while using your self-hosted wallet that wasn't kyc because a thousand euros
is decent amount of money but it's getting to be less and
less valuable by the day so that's why i was saying that but currently there are limits right now and
the limit for cash payments in the eu are 10 000 euros and they have also banned any anonymous cash
payments over 3 000 euros so there's a difference between the two there's the cash payments that you
could do that you provided identification,
you could do that up to 10,000 euros.
Or if you haven't provided cash identification,
your limit is only 3,000 euros.
That's currently in place.
This also impacts self-hosted Bitcoin wallets.
So you might have an issue moving forward
if you try to exceed those limits
that is outside these limitations by the EU.
And especially if you don't want to give
your id you're stuck at 3k euros but it's this is going to be getting worse and worse moving
forward if they're already talking about putting a limit of a thousand euro per transaction
that is really really restrictive in a lot of different ways and i can see this eventually
coming to fruition and then what stops from a thousand why not bring it to 500 or 300 and then
just it's going to be a cup of coffee which which at that point is going to be 2,500 euros
to buy.
But it just goes to show you, they have no idea what they're trying to do.
But because of all these AML things, Bitcoin is being caught in the crosshairs.
And if you have a self-hosted wallet that is not KYC'd, man, you're going to have some
problems if you ever try to spend your Bitcoin over there.
There's going to be a mass exodus of Bitcoiners from the EU going to other countries that
are more pro-Bitcoin. and that's too bad for them but
good for the bitcoiners okay so interesting kind of um context to put around this three thousand
euros as a cash payment is the limit if there's no kyc you don't have to show id all that stuff
do i have that right yes do you know how how many different things that you see in your day-to-day
life cost more than 3,000 euros? I'll give you a good example. Here in Dundas, there's a bike shop
called Freewheel Cycle. And it's like a bicycle store, pretty high end, but not so, so high end
that it's not always jam-packed on Saturdays when I go downtown. And there's a
bunch of bikes in their land that cost more than 3000 euros. Look at your, your car bill is half
the price of that. It was, that's right. That's right. You're getting close. You're getting close.
Right. So if you're, you're talking about stuff that you could potentially get on Kijiji,
now I'm not recommending that you go spend, you know, the 3000 euros or equivalent in Canadian
dollars on Kijiji. It's dicey to say
the least. But the point is that the laws are not keeping up with inflation on one side.
And then on the other side, you're really starting to see a crackdown here on a lot
of different fronts. I think you may have seen the story that social media posts in Canada,
the United States now starting to be aggregated and scraped for data.
And you see the banks now talking about making sure that you're not falling victim to fraud when you send money to places like Bull Bitcoin or ShakePay or Bitcoin Well or whatever.
Everyone seems to want to have a hand in what you're doing.
But when I look at what the PBO says, for example, about what's going on here with some
government spending, they don't seem to have a full picture all the time. And I don't know, is that fair? It's something to consider at least, I think. And it's kind of frustrating as a citizen and an individual that it seems like an awful lot of resources here and in the States and in major European countries, awful lot of resources being dedicated to make sure that I'm not doing anything,
not illegal, but not doing anything
that someone might consider to be suspicious
in my day-to-day life,
especially as it comes to cash payments and spending.
But there's not really the same amount of resources
being given to other things of that nature.
Isn't that frustrating?
Like that's frustrating to me.
I don't really like that.
And I don't think anyone should like it.
Honestly, it should worry you a bit
that this is the direction things are going.
And I'll beat a dead horse here a little bit,
but what does a sovereign individual say?
As the need for tax receipts increases,
as the likelihood that capital flees jurisdictions where tax
laws are unfavorable or economic conditions are worsening or whatever, you're going to
see more stuff like this.
I think at the end of the day, it's getting harder to make the argument that there's not
at least some possibility that what's really being looked at here is where are you going
with your money
and why are you not spending it here? Where are you going with the money and why is it not being
spent in a way that's easy to tax? Where are you going with all these things? And that book has
proven to be pretty prophetic in a lot of ways. And it seems to me that it's becoming more so
every week we do this show, we talk about something else that's covered in that book. And I don't know.
To me, this is a bit worrying.
And it's something that Bitcoin, I think, maybe doesn't try and solve directly.
Bitcoin, obviously, very transparent when you're on chain.
But it's hard when everybody is using something like Bitcoin to enforce some of these rules.
KYC, AML, anonymous payments, stuff like that. But at the end of the day, the question really for modern citizens and modern governments
to tackle together in harmony, in my opinion, at least that should be the first try, is
where's the line for privacy?
And I think the line for privacy, when it comes to that debate and that argument, you
should always err on more privacy as opposed to less. We not doing that and that should be concerning for everybody so that's kyc
free and running your own node shit like that those are the ways to go in terms of western
nations which are supportive to bitcoiners at least as a user okay let's talk about like mining whatever it seems that the eu
and britain are the worst they have a bone to pick yeah european countries in the uk yeah yeah
yeah the uk i think they've banned for instance atms bitcoin atms and remember they even banned
advertisements related to bitcoin i believe so there was a remember there was talk recently
i mean again it's crazy that we're talking about three years worth of backstories here but
it was fairly recently like the last six months i think we talked about how there was a
a bank who in in the uk or one of the other european countries basically just told their
customers like we're not going to transfer to crypto exchanges anymore you have to find a new
bank yeah yeah because they're limited i think the ten thousand dollars or something like that yeah yeah yeah i don't know what the
number is something um yeah that those countries there so everything that entered you and also
britain seems to be like the worst canada united states as a user seems to be much much better
so far so far but yeah like so it's been it's luckily we're do you expect to continue though really like this
i mean this is a bit far afoot from the question but do you expect it that you know directionally
which i always talk about on the show like you have to ask yourself you know what's going to
push you into a a place where you have to take action directionally are we headed that way or
are we like i think if anything we're getting there faster and faster, not slower and slower.
And you see this more and more with these types of laws and the way, I think the other
thing that's even maybe more concerning to me, Len, is like old laws generously interpreted,
I should say, to fit Bitcoin into these cages, you know, literally and figuratively, where it's really under tight
surveillance. And the expectation is that it just becomes so cumbersome for you to use it.
You're talking about collecting the addresses and social insurance numbers of people you're
sending Bitcoin to or whatever. No one's fucking doing that. But that might be the expectation at
some point. It's kind of all headed that direction. So I think the other question
people have to ask themselves is, what's the thing that's going to push you into a position where you
have to decide whether you want to stay or go, whether you want to contribute and try and fix
things or whether this is a lost cause. A lot of smart people are going to start asking themselves
that in the next five years, three years, 10 years, I don't know, some period, but it's definitely
coming, I think. And I don't know some period but it's definitely coming i think and i
don't i don't know where i come down on all this you know i in terms of the the privacy side i
think we're going to lose out i i have a sneaky suspicion so how's that look so how's that look
well out of the eu they're probably requests if you're going to spend bitcoin to provide some
identification to you know make it that you know you're giving up your id and they're and they can identify that wallet right they can identify uh yeah yeah but
on the flip side too there's another way they could also approach this even by doing that
i don't know if they'll do this but maybe make it change the way the tax reporting is required for
spending your bitcoin lower the capital gains on the you on what you're able to be taxed on or maybe eliminate it entirely.
I'm not sure which of the two.
But by doing that, you can encourage people to start spending it.
Maybe even capture some taxes from that.
This is interesting, right?
So I'm glad you brought this up.
This idea that the really government should be encouraging Bitcoin's use to get a handle on where things are on the network.
That's an interesting theory, right?
You're kind of touching on that, I think.
I like that.
I'm also even thinking of taxation purposes, because let's be honest, all governments are starved for cash or funds right and one way to get a new stream of revenue would be to get it from say
the bitcoin community encourage them to spend and take a small percentage smaller percentage of
taxes and so you know they'd spend it and so you know the capital gains which is somewhere around
the 50 percent of the whatever you've made i think that's what it whatever it happened yeah
it's high number reduce it to you know one or 2% or 5% on top of sales tax.
Floyd Marinescu, who's coming on in
May, is a big proponent of UBI
and land value tax. I've been listening to his
stuff the last, I don't know,
month or so when I have time just to
prepare for that interview.
He's got some good ideas about this, kind of like
micro-taxing and
eliminating stuff like income tax, for example.
Eliminating stuff like property tax, for example, eliminating stuff like property tax,
eliminating all these things and fixing it with taxes that make more sense and
are more incentive driven in terms of getting better outcomes for everybody as
opposed to, and it's funny, man, like I, you know,
you're kind of laughing because I think both of us think it's like a dead idea.
Right. But I gotta be honest, Len, the way he describes it, I've never heard anyone make the case
for UBI as convincingly as he does.
And the land value tax is another one that I think is, I think there's a lot more in
common with the way you and me think than you might imagine at first glance.
And I'm looking forward to that show because I think that, you know, even you just brought
it up, right?
Like these, you know, taxing little bits on things and maybe alleviating some of the larger kind of cap gains and stuff like that. That's an idea he shares with you. And you didn't know that, you can start capturing a new stream of revenue as a
result and it could be a net gain even though it's significantly less he's i'll be perfectly honest
one of the things that's preventing me from spending it en masse is the reporting requirements
yeah full title right everyone's just getting rich because they have no choice
yeah until lost or i relocate to a jurisdiction that doesn't have this.
I'm kind of stuck.
I mean, it's not in my position.
What's on your short list?
Should we talk to Katie and Jessica Hodler about passports or what?
I'm fine.
I think I'm good.
But I think through all this, there's a transition to the last story.
We're getting a little bit.
There's one last story.
It's a good one because good transition from the last one.
BISC 2.0 or AKA BISC 2.
Did you try it?
I rolled out.
You heard about this?
Did you try it?
Yeah, I did.
Very briefly.
How sick is that?
The interface is fucking awesome.
It is awesome.
I couldn't find a willing match.
So I'll get to that.
It's early.
It's early.
But it's very early.
So BISC 2 rolled out and there's some nice improvements that it's early it's early but it's very early so uh this two rolled out and
there's some nice improvements that come along with it now people who are unaware what is bisque
it's a decentralized exchange user user to user peer-to-peer type exchange and it offers kyc free
bitcoin and bisque 2.0 or bisque 2 is now going to offer a more friendly, more flexible, and more private way of doing so.
It includes support right off the bat for Tor and other privacy networks.
Not only that, you could also have multiple identities rather than just a single identity in the original BISC.
So if you could have different identities and you could transact different,
so it gives you a lot of different ways to cover the track, so to speak.
And BISC this too is not
just simply patching the old code and coming up with something new no no this is an entirely new
code base built entirely from scratch from the ground up so good for them for doing this and it
comes with a whole new new user interface as well as you were talking about it looks slick
sounds like you tried it out which is pretty pretty cool. And so there's gonna be
some new trade protocols that are going to be provided. And
each providing a different level of security, privacy, speed,
cost and convenience. So you could pick and choose what works
best for you for your transaction, you can give a
little bit of security up for speed or give a little bit up
for privacy, whatever that there's so many different
options here that's going to be available.
But right off the bat,
there's going to be BISC easy.
That's something which is good for novices and security as well.
The security,
if you want to look a little bit further,
this is initially based off the seller's reputation.
So you have to trust
that the seller's reputation is correct.
And that's going to be the level of security
that you're going to be dealing with.
In terms of BISC easy, it's going to be easier to on ramp as compared to this that we already have used to this point. And they're also going to be offering. So they're
going to be offering BISC to fiat trading with through BISC easy. Not only that, there'll be
BISC to fiat trading through BISC multisig coming Q3 2024.
Q4 2024, lightning to Bitcoin trading.
That's with submarine swaps.
And Q2 2025, lightning to fiat trading.
So you're going to be able to do lightning to Bitcoin very soon and lightning to fiat, which is really cool.
BISC 1 is still going to be operated and fully maintained for the time being.
But this will eventually end once the beta release phase for BISC-1 is still going to be operated and fully maintained for the time being, but this will eventually end
once the beta release phase for BISC-2 ends.
So if you're a BISC-1 user,
just note that,
that it's going to be fully maintained
at least for a period of time,
and then they're going to start phasing that out.
So there you go.
BISC-2 is released.
It's live.
I've tried it out.
I tried to do some buys.
I could not find anybody that was able
to to meet my demands i was putting in what was my threshold to buy i tried even united states
and canada nothing it's still relatively new so there's probably very few users using it but
really cool stuff the only downside to this i'll say is there's gonna be some shit coin support
moving forward stuff that is with bitcoin in its name you can figure out what i'm trying to say
but also monero support is going to be included in the future. So that's the only downside from
this. It is a downside, but like I said before, I think on this show, we have to figure out how
to do anonymous trading P2P, which is not always the easiest thing. So as a stopgap, I'm okay with
that. Fine. No problem. It's not as much of a shit coin as all this other garbage out there. I'm happy to see that. If that's one they want to use, whatever.
This easy mode thing, Len, is the innovation from what I understand. And like you,
it was difficult to find a partner, but there is kind of this neat group chat feature in there
where you can talk to people about what you're seeing as far as the order books and the conversion
rate and stuff like that. It's pretty neat, I have to say. And I messed around with BISC a little bit
in 2021, maybe, or 2020. During COVID, when everyone was just bored at home and I was just
doing nothing but listening to Bitcoin podcasts all day and having my first beer at four o'clock.
Yeah, there's not much else going on. And so I was doing some of that stuff and messing around
with it. I always thought it was pretty cool cool but didn't really have a use for it now here we are
four years later and we just finished talking about how important it's going to be to try and
maintain anonymity and protect your privacy and things like this it's another good tool so my
question for you is how long until this comes under the crosshairs of a major first world government it may but what
could you stop like um what's that bit torrent or whatever it's i forget that it's right yeah
because it's peer-to-peer it's impossible to stop it's not like napster which is centralized
doing essentially the same thing sharing files but that was essentially didn't like it you could
stop it because it's centralized yeah it's a peer-to-peer service like this.
It may come under the crosshairs of governments,
but what can be done?
Just like Bitcoin, what can be done?
You may say you're going to ban it.
You may say we're going to stop it.
But if the internet operates,
this could operate on the internet
and it could be done.
I love it.
I think this is great.
I think it's fantastic.
I love seeing this stuff.
We may as well do this on the air. Should we invite the BIS guys on? I think we's fantastic. I love seeing this stuff. We may as well do this on the air.
Should we invite the BIS guys on?
I think we should, right?
I'd love to talk to them.
I think it'd be a good show, so we'll do that.
That's it for the Bitcoin stories.
If you are on audio, see you tomorrow.
If you are on video, do nothing.
Just sit there and wait.
And through the magic of video we will continue
to the next episode till then take care of yourself don't be a cuck are you a fan of the
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