The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #159 (Bitcoin News) - Odell v Saylor, FBI v Conferences, Canadian Housing Mess
Episode Date: April 16, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. This week: -Odell/Saylor drama-Hong Kong ETF-FBI and bitcoin conferences-Who... is buying bitcoin?-Mt. Gox payments-Costco’s gold rush-Higher for longer-Australia’s cash problem-San Fran’s regarded business law-Canadian mortgages haven’t changed-Grocers robbing clients and so much more From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: www.CanadianBitcoiners.comDiscord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. With their new kyc-free options, there's never been a quicker, simpler, more private and (most importantly) cheaper way to acquire private Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.
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The Canadian Bitcoiners podcast is just two guys and maybe a guest or two discussing Bitcoin,
Bitcoin equities, and the related macroeconomic space. It's not meant to be financial advice,
so please, if you're doing any investing, after listening to our program, do your own research,
do your own due diligence, and understand that any money you invest can be lost. The show is meant for entertainment purposes only, and we hope you enjoy the program. name is joey that's my co-host len partner in crime what's going on over there buddy how that car yeah did you get your rebate you said you didn't get it we're both talking before the show
no rebates in either of our bank accounts as far as we know i got a haircut and it's very short
this hair and thank thank you to my lovely wife for doing this because i refuse to pay anybody
to do it i get it for free i don't care how good or bad it looks in the end it's i'm looking out
of my eyes i don't care what anybody's looking at me it doesn't matter you're married anyway like you could experiment with your hair what do you care
it doesn't matter where's she gonna leave you i don't think anyway fuck last year this time it
was shaved and this is close to it but man it was shaved and uh yeah yeah i remember how cold it was
at that time and every like breeze even like uh above me i have a register i was feeling that
man how to wear a hat i remember i remember yeah i still have the hat so me i have a register i was feeling that man i had to wear a hat i remember
i remember yeah i still have the hat so if it's uh it's beautiful today did you golf this week at
all are you playing golf this week you must be i i plan on uh playing friday that last friday we got
rained out and this friday we looks pretty good so yeah uh we have so many coupons joey we have to play every week for the next three months before
we have to we have to play every week how about you you played ball right you played football
in a weekend uh yeah i had two games we lost one um which is fine and then uh our other team
the real the flagship team beat a team of, uh, 21, 20 year old guys.
That's, that was probably one of my proudest moments, uh, beating a bunch of kids who are
like, you know, playing a few of them play CIS. Uh, it was a good team. It was a good team. And,
uh, age just a number of buddy, as long as you drink enough water and go to bed early enough,
you can, you can get it done for an hour. What's that saying? You may not be as good as you once
were, but you're as good once as you ever were right that's how it felt on saturday night gordie how played until he was 51
and he still was close to a point per game player at that age he was gray-haired but still he was
tough as nails and anybody that came near him or his sons was going to feel the pain because he
played with his sons too on the same line nonetheless i love it lebron james method he's waiting to play with his kid next year hopefully anyway okay he played with his sons too on the same line nonetheless i love it the lebron james
method he's waiting to play with his kid next year hopefully anyway okay he played with that's
nuts i can't believe that um get some housekeeping here maybe we could start with that first though
the sponsors uh easy dns best place guys for you to do all your website hosting your registrar
needs mark can take care of all of it he's's doing our website where you can read the week that was in the CBP
as far as the research roundup and the week that's coming
as far as Lens updates for show topics and all that other good stuff
all on
Elsewhere on EasyDNS, VPS, virtual private server stuff.
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CBPMedia is indeed the code. CBPMedia. Or just tell him we sent you or just message him in the
chat or go up to him on the street if you see him. Whatever. He's always willing to help.
I think I said last week, somebody messaged me, a viewer of the show messaged me and said
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Who else we got?
Bull Bitcoin.
Let's talk about Bull bitcoin because there's some
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lightning is super cheap when you transact in and they give you? You got the ability to buy and sell with lightning. Think about that, folks. Lightning is super cheap when you transact in,
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Well, we'll talk about what's going to happen with the fees
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they give you so many different options.
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you to do. And the thing that they have still to this this date today was supposed to be the last day but it's
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ending sometime in may i don't know the exact date but kyc free buys go to canada post load up
your accounts over there with canadian dollars and well, with that, you could buy Bitcoin KYC free.
So this was supposed to come to an end today, April 15th.
But due to technical issues with Canada Post, this has been delayed until at least sometime in May.
Shoot, I wish I had the date handy, but I don't have it specifically.
I don't have a specific date.
Anyways, use our promo code below if you haven't already signed up if you do that 21 bucks is going to be
added to your account once you fund it and provide it necessary information i want it's
a place to go uh so housekeeping uh tomorrow play looking plaid will be here in studio around 5 p.m
for a rip with yours truly
we'll be talking conference we'll be talking uh i don't know whatever else probably some fitness
talk to you since uh he's on he's on a tear when it comes to uh his personal fitness over the last
year or so and whatever else um whatever else we discuss i'm sure it'll be worth your time so stop
in listen over dinner ignore your wife while you're eating your steak, and listen to Plate and I instead. And then Wednesday, we have, I want to say, Taurus, Sunnyside Digital, right?
So their office is based out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
And they're helping businesses with hardware solutions for setting up their mining operations, data centers, all that stuff.
So it's kind of
in line with what i've been talking about for the past little while and look forward to chatting
with him about this and learning about sunnyside digital and what it is that they offer because
this is something if they're providing equipment to large data centers i want to learn about this
and hopefully you'll learn something too yes yes uh next week len um tom carrazza coming to the studio with his son aiden we're gonna be
doing a multi-generational uh podcast rip i've heard aiden you know start cutting his teeth on
the your life your term show once or twice over the years so i'm looking forward to talking to
the two of them and hearing uh what they think and also maybe telling aiden that i need a guy
for my wednesday night football league i don't know. He's pretty tall.
I wonder if he's athletic.
We've got to find out.
I've got the football here in studio.
We'll just play catch in the park or something before the show or after the show.
You've got to show all the dynamics of the game.
It's simply just throwing a football and catching it is just one aspect.
I take care of most of it.
I'll take care of most of it.
I just need a guy who can run and get open.
That's what I need.
You need somebody with speed quickness
stamina and the ability to follow instruction so there's a lot of different things you got to do
and i guess there's some mental toughness as well right like is it tackle or is it it's touch i mean
you get you do get hit i got hit pretty good on the weekend so break a bone not too like you're
mentioning to me oh yeah i mean that happens pretty frequently
this guy on my team this is a little off the beaten path this guy used to work we well you
work with and i used to work with him yeah yeah uh broken bones there uh i've been hit a couple
times below the knees like i missed a game earlier this year because the guy rolled into me while i
was throwing uh i've seen a guy lose teeth a couple times i have a buddy actually who a few
years ago in a collision had one of his
front tooth,
one of his front teeth,
I should say stuck in another guy's forehead.
Just absolutely brutal.
So yeah.
But it is touch on paper touch as far as far as insurance goes.
So anyway,
we'll find out.
It's going to be a big week,
Big week for us.
Big week for CBP,
big week for Bitcoin too.
Obviously we'll talk about the having a little bit tonight, I'm sure.
With all that said, boosts?
Got any?
Let's do the boosts.
That's a good idea.
So, boosts.
100 sats.
100 sats.
But he says nothing.
He writes nothing.
The MoeBTC dick replied to that and says, don't be shy, Goose.
So, I'm going to give MoeBTC that. So, Goose, I mean, write something. I'll be happy to read it, man. That's great. Thank you for the boost. nothing the mo btc dick replied to that says don't be shy goose so i'm gonna give him a
goose i mean write something i'll be happy to read it man that's great thank you for the boost
gordon 313 stats he writes in the last 15 minutes when bob was talking about asics are more than
just bitcoin got me thinking how i need to explore how random ver, generated numbers can help the common person.
So, yeah.
I know that he was talking about... I'm not sure if you listened to that part, Joey,
where it's just going to be doing something to do with randomly generated numbers
and using ASICs in order to do that.
I didn't get all the way through it, but I like at least that he's not talking about stuff like,
you know, a lot of these other miners talking about nonsense, honestly,
with the ASICs they have because they're so in over their head. But anyway, Bob is really sharp. talking about stuff like you know a lot of these other miners talking about nonsense honestly with
the asics they have because they're so in over their head but anyway bob is really sharp it would
not surprise me if he found other uses for his asics that's for sure and he said he'll come on
anytime so if you want to chat with him about he's been incredible like we didn't give him enough
dapperly because we had a scheduling hiccup i think last week i remember i can't remember
exactly what it was but the guy comes on for two hours on basically no notice. And he's just full of juice,
He's all gas,
no brakes.
You can't get that anywhere.
He's a,
he's an absolute gem.
And I'm thankful that he's friendly with our show because like I said,
anytime he wants to come on and just chat anything,
you know,
even if he wants to talk Milwaukee brewers,
green Bay Packers football,
I'll sit there and listen and try to chat.
But anyway,
Duncan Roop, 1000 sats writes in love feeling like i was part of the live show even though i caught a bit of it don't tell the fam but that was the high point of my holiday
incredible i'm glad you enjoyed it doug it's it's always good the chat is always buzzing on youtube
which is great and uh you And we said this before,
but one of the best things about the show is that there's this little Petri dish of people
who don't know each other except for that they listen to us on Mondays and Wednesdays. And in
the chat every week, it's the same people asking each other how they are, how things are going.
They're always welcoming to new people. You can't beat it. You can't beat it. So I'm glad you came
and I hope you can make it again sometime soon.
The Bitcoin Viking 1000 sets.
Now I kind of want a CBP underwater basket weaving certificate for my wall in the office.
We got to print those.
We got to sell those Joey.
Official CBP underwater basket weaving certificates.
They have no, no real world value.
I would love to do that.
My wife has her hands full with work,
but there's a few things in the works here in the creative studios.
One is a gold machine gun index suit.
Or suit.
I love that.
I'm eating a velvet.
I'm making a suit.
A gold machine gun index shirt.
And the other,
I would do the underwater basket weaving
thing if you wanted to print a few certificates or just send them out people the biggest boost
every week we'll just send you uh certificate or something that's a good idea yeah we can do that
we'll figure it out bitcoin plus food 2500 stats he was the big chief this time around
have all my stats hallelujah at last ubi works give me a basic
income so i could live as simple human being and release my creative potential joy i'm not sure
how much feedback you got from that last interview with floyd marinescu marinescu yeah did you listen
to it we i know we don't listen to each other's you listen to it what did you think i think um you push back a little bit i wish you pushed back a little harder
but i understand why you didn't but some of what he said um i just wanted to go through the speaker
and just yeah yeah okay i i i agree with what you're saying there's sometimes sometimes i think that
uh when we have guests and we we we talked about this like two years ago um when the show started
to get a little traction people were mad we were pushing back i'm not gonna argue with people on
the show i i think that floyd and i disagree on some things i told him that before the interview
i told him during the interview and i told him after as well but i gotta say there's there's
some people who have and i said this during the show too but for
those who didn't hear there's some people who have ideas about how things should be and how
they should work and no skin in the game they have no skin in the game they've not planned anything
they've not proposed anything but they are the loudest they are the screechiest voices in the
room all the time you know exactly who they are oftentimes it's like politicians or you know
business people who just don't,
they're not going to be affected by the things that they're proposing.
Floyd is not like that at all. He is going to be directly affected by the things he is proposing.
And I appreciate that about him. And that's one of the reasons I want to have him on.
The other reason I want to have him on is because I think he's, honestly,
I think he's onto something with the value tax. I don't know about the UBI thing,
but I think he's onto something with the value tax. You're shaking your head. What do you think? Well, let's just run
through this. If there was a land value tax that would be instituted, and I would assume that it'd
be a phased-in approach. You wouldn't reach maximum taxation within year one. That's what
I'm assuming. I'm trying to be realistic here. But even if you do a phased-in approach,
let's just play it out. What do you think is going to happen with the value of land and homes?
It starts to decrease a bit.
if that happens,
let's look at how much of the Canadian economy is reliant on the real estate
In some provinces,
it's somewhere as high as 20%.
Now you're basically telling those 20% that's contributing a great deal to
those provinces and to the nation as a whole, it's going to be scaled back.
So all the people that are in it, impacted with it, they're now probably going to be on the UBI because the majority of them, some of them will have transferable skills to go to a different industry. But now you're basically increasing the amount of people that are going to be on either GBI and UBI. And you're going to try to have those people that are now newly added to the group of
people that are to have nots to try to have it all fed with taxation or mostly fed to taxation
of real estate. Now, if you're going to go through this whole rim of the world to
modernize the economy, because let's be honest, by doing this, this is a radical way of finding
new taxation
dollars if you're going to do this why not just you know you're a torpedo it okay let's torpedo
it but let's go with the hard money let's use gold or bitcoin to back it up so if you're going to do
it let's not do it half-assed let's do it with our whole ass and do it the right way i think you
have a point there yep and if i have to say one one more thing if there's if you're ever going to
do something this is low-hanging fruit.
I don't believe this is what should be done, but this is something that could be done.
I think this is the easiest way to get taxation dollars from land is taxing primary residents, the same you do with your tax rental property.
Yeah, put cap gains on it.
So I don't agree with that, but I think that's probably the more likely and the least impactful compared to
what he's suggesting suggesting it won't generate the same amount of tax dollars yeah but certainly
it would have a impact on the real estate sector probably not as severe but you will be able to
generate a whole bunch of new tax dollars as a result that's my yeah i think i think he like i
it's not that i don't agree with you i think i do agree but the thing is like the the approach
he wants to take is property taxes eliminated, income taxes eliminated, and you just pay on
land value for a while. Now, the thing that you mentioned there is one that I didn't bring up,
but it's funny. My dad was here shortly after the interview. He stopped by just to pursue what we're
up to, my wife and I. And we were talking about it. And he mentioned some of the same things.
But I will say that one of the things I still don't agree with Floyd on, and you mentioned
this too, right?
Why go half-ass and not just whole-ass?
Ultimately, boomers are doing what any rational person I think would do.
And they have to be in an asset that's going to protect them from the debasing currency.
And the currency debasement is not going to stop.
I mean, we were chatting before the show and I was saying that I was reading some of these bank economic forecast budget preview letters.
The spending is going to continue until morale improves.
And there's not going to be any attempt to regulate the demand side of any of these bubble markets in Canada, whether it's the oligopolies and these sorts of things they get away with there or real estate or whatever.
There's not going to be any room for discussion about demand or supply, I should say.
No, demand.
They're not going to temper these things.
The point I think that Floyd makes that's strong, even if I disagree with some of the details,
we have to get away from the GDP revolving around us selling houses to each other. We have to. And it's becoming more and more clear that we have to do it.
The longer we wait, the more painful it's going to be. Now, the question for you and me ultimately
is how much pain do you want to subject yourself to? I wouldn't mind seeing a rollout of this the
way he described it, where, like I said, you'd basically eliminate property tax, eliminate income tax, just pay your land value tax. If you're a boomer, you can delay he doesn't understand the problem, but I don't think he's looking at it the right way, is land value,
when he talks about how land value that's accrued is accrued outside of any work done to proliferate
that land value, to increase the value of the land. The house I own, for example, goes up in
value for $20,000 a year. What did I do? The land went up in value. I would argue that's actually not the case. I would argue that the people who live in
the area do something oftentimes by doing nothing to increase the value of property. There's no
crime. There's no problems. There's a sense of community here. The longer people stay,
the more stable the neighborhood becomes, the more value the land has because there's
people who are well-to-do and stuff like that.
I would argue that that accrual is based on human action, even if the action is taking no action.
I think that there's something to that.
I would argue as well that at the end of the day, the more sort of prescient thing to do and the thing that would cause less pain but still produce a similar outcome in terms of affordability, don't – like we have to talk about the spending side.
Stop spending money on dumb shit at the sort of three levels of government and start spending it on services that bring people who need houses to communities.
If I look at downtown Hamilton, there's tons of services there for new Canadians, for low-income people, for people who are trying to buy their first home, get their first job, whatever, but they can't live there.
And so that causes a problem.
Start sending those services out to, I don't know, Grimsby, to Waterdown, to whatever, right?
These places that are a little more rural, a little less dense in terms of population, and you fix some of these problems.
Now, there's a discussion to be had, and I don't want to go on too long here. This is a discussion to be had
about what you can and can't force newcomers to the country to do. I would say you can force them
to do any goddamn thing you want if you want to come here. That's the rules. We can do whatever
we want with you when you show up. You can't move to the GTA. You can't move to Hamilton. You can't
move to Vancouver, and you can't move to Hamilton. You can't move to Vancouver
and you can't move to the NCR. You have to move somewhere else, somewhere rural, somewhere where
they need work, where there's going to be new services. And I think people who speak against
that would say, well, you're putting the cart before the horse. What choice do we have? We've
tried the other way. It doesn't work. And these are difficult conversations because you're ultimately,
I think, you're othering a certain variety of people, but this is the nature of the
game at this point. We have to be realistic about what's happening, why it's happening and who it's
happening to. And if we don't do that, then we're never going to have a conversation.
But like I said, I'm happy that Floyd came on because I think it was a bit off the beaten
path for him to do a show like that where we are about hard realities
and just facts on the ground.
And I'm glad that he, I think,
had some answers to some questions
that were not expected, a little bit difficult.
And I think overall it was a good conversation,
which is all I could really ask for,
talking to somebody who I have some agreement with,
but more disagreement.
Joey, I think we've discussed long enough about
everything up until this point we still have a bitcoin show to talk about and you know i think
it's time and there's this first story i want to talk about i really want to hear your point
on your point of view of it because this is something i'll be honest i don't really have
a fucking opinion because it's a drama between Odell and
And for people that are unaware,
it is something has been dominating Bitcoin,
Twitter or X Twitter,
whatever you want to call these days.
But the crux of this is that Odell wrote that one of the Bitcoin ETF.
So one's the one that was recently approved.
One of them just a few months ago in the U S they were considering to donate
to open source projects. And
well, Sailor, as
Odell says, intervened. And in the
wording of Odell, he says that
Sailor would crush them.
I'm not sure exactly what that
means, but as a result of that threat,
apparently that ETF didn't decide to go
ahead with those type of donations. But
anyways, adding fuel to this rumor
mill over here is jack dorsey
piped in and threw out the name of arc now i have no skin in the game i have no idea what the hell
is going on and like i said i don't even have a fucking opinion about this but i'm pretty sure
you do because i'd love to hear your thoughts of this because you you listened and talked to odell
so you have at least a connection with them yeah listen to tftc for a
number of years yeah it's one of my favorite shows yeah i'd love to hear your thoughts about this i
mean is odell right is he wrong is sailor right is it or neither of them right i want to i haven't
heard i haven't heard sailors reasoning so i don't know someone pulled an episode of some podcast
that he did three years ago about uh basically why he's in the ossify now camp i
understand why he wants to ossify if that's his stance but i'm not convinced that it is at the
moment in terms of you know should the etf providers be funding open source projects i don't
know i mean len you and me talk on this show all the time about dark money coming in i'm sure
tonight we'll talk about runes whatever whatever Rodimer's latest thing is.
And one of the questions you're going to ask
during that segment is who's paying for this stuff?
Who's funding it?
Why is there so much publicity, stuff like that?
I think if you really feel that way
about stuff like runes or ordinals,
you should feel that way about public funding
for developers.
The ETF guys have a vested interest in the status quo.
They are at the end of the day, I think still defensive in nature and want stuff like
ossification where me and you may not agree with that, or other Bitcoiners may not agree with that,
this ossification now thing. And so I don't know what Saylor's point of view is.
Cullen Rochefoucault
I find it difficult to believe that he is against funding open source projects when if i
look back uh you know several years ago i think he committed like 250k to some open source uh
project maybe not development but some other bitcoin adjacent work i i think broadly len
this probably doesn't matter but i'm gonna go i didn't listen to tftc last week i should listen
to it i totally forgot about what was going on with this thing but uh you dominated uh it did
i know it was a period of time it's big for like a day which is you know a year in internet time
and uh i don't know like odell on the other hand is saying well like every week he's asking people
to fund open source developers, which I get.
But he must realize, I'm sure he realizes, and I'm sure he talked about this on TFTC without even listening.
I'm sure he talked about it.
That there is a balance to be struck between making sure developers can have a career working on Bitcoin, which is what we want.
People protecting the network, protecting the asset.
And making sure they're not being influenced by big money.
There's never been money like this in Bitcoin before. You know what you said you wanted about Cathie Wood or VanEck or Fidelity, whatever. These guys got firepower for days when it comes
to what they can do with funding and whatnot. And they have priorities, they have agendas,
they have things that they want to put at the front of the line
when it comes to development or ossification
or whatever. You got to be careful, that's all.
I don't know
how else
to wrap this up except
to say that we need to hear what
Saylor says. And I would expect
in the next couple of weeks he'll do another podcast.
He's about due. It's been a few months since he did
a podcast appearance or a YouTube video or whatever. So let's hear what he says about it if he's if he
truly is anti-open source development support then let's hear why um the other thing i was thinking
like you kind of need even if he is ossify now you kind of need developer support to to push that
agenda forward too, right?
Even if the support is basically a strong dev or a couple of devs saying, yeah, we don't
want to add anything new to this, unintended consequences, blah, blah, blah.
Look back at what happened with Taproot.
This is like the same, it's the same kind of campaign, whether you want to stay in place
or continue moving the protocol in a certain direction.
So I have a hard time seeing why he wouldn't want to support it anyway. So let's see exactly what
the nature of his argument is and then decide. You don't care, I guess. You said you don't have
an opinion. I'm surprised because you've been pretty strongly opposed to some of the stuff
that's happened on Bitcoin in the last little while. That stuff has been the the result of uh you know support from maybe shadow money maybe
not maybe some regular standard money from people who we know and talked about and maybe even talk
to so i don't know the chat's buzzing here well it really is a lot of this is so far outside my
control and the reason why i really don't have an opinion is because i am guilty of
donating to developers that i have liked be it bitcoin core developers or even projects or others
yeah of course yeah and i've done this and i am let's i'm gonna be perfectly honest here i'm a
fucking in the grand scheme of things i'm nothing in terms of what
i own and what i donate is fuck all but if i'm doing it and it's not life-changing what i'm
donating but it's a token of my appreciation of the work that they are doing or what they plan
to be doing just because of the ideas they have and what they're trying to develop and what it
is they talked about to date i'm sure other people with far more capital behind them, like Bitcoin, for instance,
they're doing the same as I am and doing the same thing.
Now, it's not to say that people are only funding things that are good for Bitcoin that
I choose that are good for people are funding everything.
And that's that's fine and dandy.
Like, this is the reality of it.
This is capitalism.
You like something, you buy it, you find it, you go from there. The unfortunate thing with we're talking about capitalism today is the money, unfortunately,
that is being used could potentially be just created out of thin air, not something that is
generated through proof of work. So if it's created a thin air, then it's easy to sway,
or at least attempt to sway how things are going to be developed. But me being a no runner gives me a little bit of power in terms of what I
want to verify in terms of my own idea,
what I think is Bitcoin.
And if there's ever a change of focus,
I mean,
I could run whatever I want.
I have that ability and I can just go my merry way.
So I have,
in my opinion,
a heck of a lot of power and a lot of other people have that power too.
We experienced this in 2017. We big money powerful players involved and who won in the
end in that war it was the people that it was the plebs it was the people that had the ability to run
the fucking software and they kept it like that they're still running able to run the software
with virtually honestly with fairly modest specs.
So I'm just going to leave it at that.
That's why I don't have much opinion.
A lot of this is so far outside my control.
What happens, happens, but I'm going to control what I can do.
I'll run a node and I'll make sure that I'm supporting the protocol I like.
I'm talking to all caps in the chat. And I...
Yeah, he's talking about how it's like Dorsey's camp versus Saylor's camp.
Dorsey's open sets.
Saylor is not.
And Saylor's the MSTR thing.
Like they're a Bitcoin development company now, right?
So maybe that's another moving piece here.
I hadn't really considered because they haven't done anything.
There's been no results from that camp.
Yeah, but there will be.
We can expect that to be the case.
It could just be vaporware, too.
It could just be always...
The carrot being dangled in front of us
is a turtle carrot. Where is it?
What is it? I don't know. I think
we've got to wait and see where some of the chips fall here.
But it's interesting that this quickly
there's already
basically a dispute
maybe the preeminent Bitcoin maximalist and
the preeminent fiat facing Bitcoin guy. And that says something to me. And it's an example of what
we're seeing in a few other places, maybe not as severe and not as publicly visible, but, uh, they're, they're starting to become, uh, they're starting to, to, to show
fault lines are starting to appear basically between a couple of different camps in Bitcoin,
a couple of different fronts. I'm sure we'll talk about a few of them tonight.
Now, I think now is a good opportunity to just at least touch upon ruins. And we discussed a
little bit more. I don't want to get too much i i thought
for sure you were going to call them ruins just for the shits and giggles but i guess not i i
can't believe i fucking missed it but anyways ruins anyways they're built this is what casey
rodimer says this is straight from his tweet i'm not fucking pulling this shit out of my ass he
says that ruins were built for dGNs and meme coins,
but the protocol is simple, efficient, and secure.
So he's basically outlining this is for people that are just doing meme coins
and fucking people just want to roll the dice.
The reason why I'm bringing this up now
is because this stuff,
Casey's the dude that was behind
the whole description slash ordinals fiasco. And if anybody recalls, it drove up the price of,
partially drove up the price of, of fees, BRC 20 tokens too. Um,
so in terms of ordinals and inscriptions, he's the guy that was,
I would say instrumental for at least spawning this to the world.
And now this thing is going to be the same type of thing.
And it goes live on the date of the halving.
So the date of the halving is expected to be on April 20, give or take a day or two, I'm not sure a day, actually,
probably not too. So this, if you look at the transaction fees right now, the minor fees,
they've been steadily going up. I don't know if it's in anticipation of this going live or
anything. But I suspect if you have not consolidated your UTXOs,
and I've been banging this drum for quite some time,
it could be worse.
It could be worse for a period of time.
I don't think there's going to be a sustained,
and forgive me if I'm wrong on this.
This is not financial advice.
I don't think there's going to be a sustained,
you know, high three figures or even four figures
sats per V-byte.
I mean, it may happen that it may be for a period of time, a brief period of time.
Eventually, the fees come down.
It takes some time, but fees do come down over time.
But the only thing I would say, if you haven't yet done consolidation of your UTXOs, and if you think that right now the fees are manageable, you want to stomach it,
my suggestion is at least look at the option of doing it now. Do your own research, of course,
because things get really dicey in the future. And if it does for how long, I don't know. But
even all caps is saying open some lightning channels, which makes sense because that gives
you the ability to transact in a
relatively cheap environment after you open your channels but man this is going to be problematic
i think for at least a few weeks right after the having and it will take some time but we will get
to a cheaper fee environment but how long it will take could be a couple of months. I'm just looking at this Rodimor tweet.
Yeah, man, I think this is just stupid.
It is stupid. There's no other way to describe it.
It's for degens, and he says as much.
These guys are not using Bitcoin for what you and and i wanted to be used for they're within the
rule set fine but to your point len i think the thing for even the people who are like the most
hyped on runes like whatever this is it's like shit coins i guess like these solana tokens
basically but moving to bitcoin some of the solana tokens are hilarious by the way i can't repeat
them on the air but i definitely recommend checking them out the the thing that uh i think we can take some solace in
is that you'll remember how just in your face popular uh like screechy the ordinals people
were when they first took off right it was huge everyone was talking about ordinals and
descriptions this is gonna be a nice big thing we're bringing people to bitcoin it's gonna support fees blah blah blah that was all
horse shit it all died down you know over like the course of three months then you get a little
wave again then it dies down again then you get a wave again then it dies it's i think that is
broadly done and i again like the one of the things i'm curious about is how much is casey making on this stuff you know is he is he he's certainly making uh change um in in the rap lyric sense he's making
money i know he's making money he's making money on the on hell money podcasts i think because they
just had french montana on no no no if you have rappers, yeah, hang on. If you have rappers doing your podcast,
talking about runes and inscriptions and shit like that,
you've fallen away from what you're supposed to be doing,
I think, as a Bitcoin dev.
And again, this is coming from me.
And of the two of us, I'm the softer
on whether or not inscriptions people
should be allowed to walk the streets
or consume energy in
their homes or whatever else. I think you want them hanging, but me, I don't really care.
I just think this is dumb. He's onboarding or trying to onboard people who I view as just
generally kind of stupid. How many times are you going to fall for this? It's another huge thing.
This is all I have to say.
I'm going to ask Dave and Mark about it. I have to because they're talking about it.
I want to know, do you guys not
see the problem? Do you think there's a problem?
They do not!
We got to find out.
You know what? Somebody could say something.
It's the actions that truly matter.
The actions that they are fucking doing right now is they have a marketplace for ordinals.
They're actively trying to sell their own pictures of covers of the Bitcoin magazine.
These are actions that prove that they fucking believe in this stuff.
And they want to find a buyer of last resort.
See, I'm not sold on that.
I think that explanation is too simple.
I think, like I said before. Yeah, I think, like like i said before i think there's a lot of things they could
do that would be way worse in terms of funding the operation and they do that because it's the
most palatable thing for the most bitcoiners let's be honest so let's be honest somebody out there
goes the number rob the fucking bank instead of murdering somebody it could have been a lot worse
they could have fucking did a far worse crime but you know what you did a fucking crime that
impacted people you're a fucking loser that's true but the ordinals aren't a crime and i think
that there's i think that there's like a criminal in the eyes of this bitcoiner it's a very small
number of bitcoiners that care that's another thing right that's another thing we have to admit
and i'm not saying that it's worse or better or whatever. I think a lot of people should care. And thing, that Casey is just like, he's going for
the lowest common denominator again here, right? And this time he's just not even trying to hide
it. With the ordinals thing, he was at least saying, oh, it's going to support fees. It's
going to increase network security. But now he's saying the quiet part out loud is for degens and
gamblers. And he's going to for sure have a token that he dumps on everybody if he hasn't already.
Good luck, man. Enjoy. But you're going to wind up with less Bitcoin. In a lot of cases, if you play these stupid games, what do you win? Super prizes. So good luck. Have fun.
But I wouldn't be doing anything with this stuff. Nor will I. And by the way, there's going to be
people in your life who are like, oh man, I made tons of money on this stuff.
Like all the, almost all those people are going to be lying.
They've spent tons of time.
They invested tons of their own resources.
They're not telling you about the shit they got dumped on.
They're not telling you about the losses.
You make it as much as you will.
We talked about this before.
I think it's like the guy who spends every weekend at the casino and every weekend he
Like buddy buddy nobody believes
that it is is just pure insanity that you keep saying this uh there may be the one percent of
one percent that may be doing this i'll give the odds that there is possibly one diamond in the
rough that could actually do this but the reality is that most of the people are just losers long
term long term like you know you got your
reputation to think about you got your sanity you got i don't know i mean maybe i'm the crazy one
but i just don't care like i just don't i don't give a shit honestly about this stuff it's like
it's just on the peripheral to me it's gonna fade away like every other fad and then if they come if
it comes something again we'll talk about it again and i'll have the same opinion that he somehow managed to find even a lower iq rung to target uh in the
bitcoin space i the other thing too i'd be curious to hear your thoughts is it bitcoiners really
jumping on this stuff or are people coming over from other chains to to grab these tokens and
start brc20s and do all this shit well why not i mean we could look at there's a funny solana story
that i wanted
to bring up for instance where this dude and i'll just talk about this quick and we'll go back to
your question sure he was upset because he's in solana he has this meme token and 45 sorry 54
000 worth 54k usd by the way and because of congestion it's not allowing him to sell he's
been trying for some time to get rid of it it's because of issues with solana he's not able to do it now slow anna doesn't work now
something like that and a lot of people listening to this is going to or looking at that say you
know what i could work on this on bitcoin that network it's been 10 years since there's been
any outage yeah i'll do it over there and then that doesn't matter if i spam that network who
gives a shit about everybody else but, it's going to drag in people
that are quote unquote not Bitcoiners.
Now, anybody could buy in Bitcoin or not.
It's just the usage of it
and the way it's being used like that.
I'm a node runner.
I don't want to have that garbage on my node.
That's why I fucking run a filter.
That's why I edited the bitcoin.conf
to get that shit out of the mempool of my node.
So I have some skin in the game with respect to what I'm doing with my node
and how that's being redistributed through the network, the Bitcoin network.
So, yeah, it's going to bring in these people for better or for worse.
And as a result, it's going to make fees much higher if they continually span the network.
But the only good thing about all this, there is one silver lining.
It gives us an opportunity to figure out what happens in a high fee environment, because without
this, we wouldn't have had these very high fees. And maybe there may not be development on
things that help during high fee environments. Not to say that everything that they're developed,
being developed right now is good, but it's opening up people's eyes and maybe they're funding things that are deep to be decent
like lightning for instance and i know lightning has capabilities sorry it has limitations with
its capabilities it's not scalable given right now i know channel factories could potentially
make a scalable but i just we need stuff like that not you know not the shit that's going to be like
side chains and shit we need stuff that's actually bitcoin it gives people the ability to fucking
transact with it cheaply and still have to manage your own bitcoin and i guess with this high-fee
environment it's going to give people an opportunity to look at options build upon them and maybe fund
some of these things let Let's accelerate that thing.
Yeah. I'm with you there. It's a good silver lining. We talked about that before. I think
that's true. I don't know, man. The other part of me is like, are these people who are playing
around with these tokens ever going to be Bitcoiners anyway? Probably not. That was the
other thing Rodimer was saying. We're going to get people into Bitcoin via the sound money,
or sorry, via the shitcoin stuff, and then they're going to be addicted the sound money or sorry via the shit coin stuff and then they're going to
be addicted to sound money like i doubt it the guys who are trading greta's milkers token on
solana are not coming over to bitcoin for austrian principles you know like they're not going to go
read mises after trading after trading uh you know geo boden or whatever it's just not going to
happen these people are not they're not like us you know elizabeth whatever. It's just not going to happen. These people are not, they're not like us,
you know,
Elizabeth Warren one.
I'm not going to say what it is,
but she's my favorite.
I like her.
You know what?
Just the,
do you think she's going to be around in terms of elected official and say
two terms she's in her mid seventies right now.
So she's going to run for this one for sure.
And if she could,
I mean,
we just,
what about fun?
Like she's going to go Feinstein. I i don't think so like literally die in office that's so fucking
weird i personally think she like she understands that there's more to life than being a politician
and you know when it comes to a point in time and what somebody's life they look in the mirror
and say it's just not worth it and you finally embrace your true calling. Whatever. I mean, slurping at the heels of big banks.
Hey, man, she could do what she wants.
She is a lawyer by trade, I believe.
So, you know, whatever.
All the more power to her.
She'll do great on speaking engagements because, you know, given her pedigree, what she's done in politics and she's ran for president right
she's tried to become yeah she can finally take private jets without hiding behind her
more portly staff members uh upon her upon her departure yeah i like liz warren let's talk about
something i think you've been waiting for joey this is some interesting information i don't know
if you mentioned it last week or two weeks ago on the show but it's something you said recently because information uh that's being reported right
now that we're getting from publicly traded companies that have been buying up the or one
of the big yeah 13 f's are being filed uh they have to be filed before the end of q2 so i wrote
that in the newsletter maybe two weeks ago you're right and so on twitter i read those newsletter
by the way joey it's uh being reported that reported that several US banks and not the big ones that you and I know by name, but they have been buying up iBit, GBTC, too, and other types of Bitcoin ETFs.
And the value of these buys, they're in the range of several hundred thousand dollars each.
So nobody is aping in, but they are putting a decent chunk of change
into these ETFs individually and collectively as well.
And it's ironic they're doing this
because considering that these banks
are the ones that are most likely to fail
now that the BTFP program has ended.
So I'm wondering if they're just basically
a last ditch effort to keep everything afloat,
you know, hope for Bitcoin pump to happen
and then sell the ETF and, well, use that capital
just to keep things running.
I just find it interesting that an industry,
a company that is so highly associated with fiat,
in this case, a commercial bank,
or any bank, sorry, in the United States,
they're buying up Bitcoin, at least the ETF.
I don't know.
I know you were talking about this you wrote
about it uh so i want to hear your thoughts about i'm pretty sure you have lots of an interesting
opinion on it surprisingly i don't and the only reason i the only reason i don't is because i i
don't think that these the banks buying it to me until you hear on a quarterly earnings call or
something why you're really just speculating.
It'd be crazy if one of these regional banks was like, yeah, we need this as insurance.
That would be significant.
But I don't think that's the case.
I think that I want to see a major company, corporation, or one of the sort of named banks
in the States buy this stuff at a pretty solid clip
before I celebrate the 13F filings. But I do think that's the signal and that kind of does cut
through a lot of the noise about these FinTwit accounts talking about Bitcoin down on a word
that the world is ending, even though it's insurance against the world ending. The Bitcoin spot price is the only thing
trading Sunday afternoon. So unless you're in oil, gold, or Bitcoin, everything else is closed,
basically. And that's where you're going to see risk expressed, even if it doesn't necessarily
reflect the nature of the asset. That's just the way things are in Bitcoin. We're going to have to
deal with that for the rest of its existence. As far as these other 13Fs, I mean, there's a number of them coming out over the next quarter.
The thing to note is that now the starting gun has gone off. I think in the newsletter,
I noted that, I think it was Macroscope who tweeted this out, but the one sort of speed
bump to all this is who's going to go first? Who's going to be the first to announce? And so we've
seen now a couple of banks, a few other filers come out and say, here's
what we got.
We bought 100,000 shares, blah, blah, blah, whatever.
And I'm looking forward to seeing who else announces more than anything else, because
I think there's more people thinking about this than before.
And don't forget, Len, one of the reasons banks might be buying is because, as we mentioned
here in Canada, Fidelity, for example, talking about adding spot Bitcoin ETFs
to some of their conservative,
basically like ETF vehicles, ETPs.
I wouldn't be surprised
if that's why some banks are buying too.
They need to have it as part of their exposure profile
for some of the products they offer in-house.
It's good still.
I think we've talked before about how these products are how
you get the marginal Bitcoin buyer. Someone who would never buy spot has really no interest in
Bitcoin or learning about Bitcoin, but wants a product from a bank they trust and the bank they
trust has a 1% allocation to iBit or to GBTC or whatever. So it's good. I think it's good. I think
ETFs have broadly been great for Bitcoin. The price now obviously pulling back a little bit, but it's hard to deny that seeing TD put out... I mean, this is from Ledin's team, Maurizio,
that DMed me the tweet too. And I had a laugh about it. I'm like, it's crazy that two years ago,
they were debanking companies like Ledin, and now they're running ads about the halving.
Two or three years that changed. That's going to continue to go our
direction. And I'm psyched about this. I'm wondering, Coinbase's earnings call is in
three weeks, I think. So I wonder if they'll talk about it since they are the ETF holder.
I wonder if they're going to talk a little bit about who they think is buying or whatever.
Can they talk about it? I'm not sure. Be curious.
That's going to be an interesting earnings call
because it'll be the first one
since they started their ETF custody product.
I'm curious, though,
why nobody's gone down the micro strategy path.
It's too much career risk.
That's all.
Really, what's the difference?
Aside from, I guess, capital gains's really what's the difference i mean aside
from i guess capital gains but what's the difference between buying some bitcoin or the
equivalent value for the etf if you're doing it just for adding it to your balance sheet i mean
it gives you a it's a different type of buy one you're relying on somebody else to
managing and hold it and hold it and control it talk about dtf versus you
where you could do it and you could manage the key so i would say inherently there's less risk
if you were to buy spot yeah and just hold on to it if you understand how to it's not like you know
they just can't they just can't do it right like sb has talked about that they just can't it's not
there's no legal framework for it that's wait can't it's not there's no legal framework for it that's that's really it's really all legal framework my whole strategy's
been doing it yeah micro strategy is its own animal there's it's it's basically sailor and
his cronies right like that's but this is a copy pasta thing because they are a publicly traded
company that operates within the walled gardens of sec if they can do it anybody can do
the exact same thing that they're doing that's where i think you're wrong because you you have
to you have to get your board on board and the boards of other significant treasury publicly
traded companies are made up of people who are all defensive and conservative in their approach
to the treasury because if the treasury suffers, thanks to their decision-making,
it's their career that they're risking. If the treasury suffers after Saylor, if Saylor does it
and the treasury suffers, Saylor was a relative unknown before, he'll become a relative unknown
after and that's it. He returns to the dust from whence he came and that's all there is to it for
him. But if someone like Ackman, for example, is on the board for a few publicly traded companies,
if Ackman suddenly comes out and is like,
hey, we need to put Bitcoin on the balance sheet.
We have to issue equity to do this.
We're going to dilute all the shareholders
and sell them on.
I didn't frame this right.
In terms of what they're purchasing,
in terms of ETF,
why not just buy the equivalent of that?
So instead of aping in to bitcoin
you're just buying a little bit you're buying a little bit of utf no i'd rather ride the spot
same deal yeah right it just gives you more control it gives you more flexibility i don't
think it's the same deal i think there's i think there's a lot of legal cloud over spot and holding
don't forget microstrategy doesn't custody either right coinbase custodies for them they do for them yeah yeah it may be time to modernize things and to show that to the
world how to properly do it somebody i would i'm a cdp i'm just saying i wouldn't hold your breath
i mean our board is me and you so we don't have to make any decisions we gotta go we gotta go
public i think it's time to go public and show the fucking world how this thing is done you know
not what we're talking about let's talk about a company meta planet i think it's time to go public and show the fucking world how this thing is done. We're talking about a company, MetaPlanet.
I think it's a good segue to this.
I'm not sure if you've heard of these guys before, and I'll probably forget about them next week too.
Because it's a Japanese company.
They started off as a budget hotel operator, and now they've transitioned to a Web3 company.
I'm not quite sure how this fucking transitions to that, but hey, it worked for them.
Anyways, for the time being, they're the topic of discussion.
Why? Because they have added some
$6.5 million
of Bitcoin to their balance sheet.
And it's interesting because
when this news was announced,
their stock price within two
or three days jumped 90%. And the
only thing that they announced was they purchased some
Bitcoin and added to their balance sheet. It reminds me of Neelam Resources part two. Not sure if this is
the same thing, but either way, they say that they're trying to minimize their exposure to the
yen. And their timing of that was really good because if you look what happened to the yen in
the past few trading days, hasn't been doing all that well. So in terms of the reaction of
investors, investors seem to have loved this
type of announcement. You know, it could be another Neelam resources pump and dump, but
hopefully MetaPlanet, they have the necessary resources to make sure this is not a pump and
dump. I don't know what the fuck's going on over there, but investors love it. But the fact that
it's done like this, I'm wondering if other companies are going to follow suit, right? Like
you have a company that simply just announces we're buying bitcoin 6.5 million it's a decent amount stock price jumps
90 now why can't other companies do that and then also raise the same type of hoopla and then their
valuation their company goes up just because there's a lot of jazz surrounding that like
by the way the cbp added some bitcoin again this month so if anybody wants to talk yeah we bought
the dip we'll continually buy the dip or even fucking if anybody wants to talk, yeah, we bought the dip.
We'll continually buy the dip or even fucking the highs.
We don't give a shit.
We'll just, but anyways, story for another time.
But yeah, there you go.
Like investors, for whatever reason, love this type of news.
This company jumped 90% in value.
Just because they bought Bitcoin.
So maybe this is going to give reason for other companies to do the same thing man i i don't know anything about
i know nothing about this company it sounds like you know nothing about the media like i don't
know i'll forget about them by next week guarantee anything about them at all i i just again like i
am it harkens back to during the run-up in like 2018, 17, 18,
companies like Polaroid or Kodak, whatever,
becoming like blockchain companies.
Long Island Ice Tea becoming Long Island Blockchain.
Like these guys, I guess...
Oracle never did it though.
They never did it.
I know, do you remember that though?
I remember Larry Ellison was like our god
for like three quarters worth of earnings calls in a row
after Elon bought.
We're like, oh my God, this is the day Oracle's going to buy.
And this guy's probably in his house like,
what is wrong with these guys?
What's going on on the internet here?
Anyway, I wish everyone the best in meta world or whatever that is.
Meta planet, man.
Meta planet, whatever.
I'll forget the company's called.
I'll forget that's a memory.
I don't know what to make of all this i mean when i who's buying
companies like meta planet based on you know six million in bitcoin added to the treasury i don't
know not me not you i don't know who's doing it but somebody who's buying meme coins who's
fucking generating these meme coins oh my god but you know what i guess it's the same type of investor
and it's kind of involved in those things they're looking at yeah probably i like meta planet coin
too i'm gonna invest in that as well and fucking run with it we should have did that by the way
i i just want to start i want to run a stream of just like the most foul language solana token
tickers like some of them are just unbelievable unbelievable how good they
are you will get canceled immediate immediate strikes cancellation no no it's not just strikes
it's canceled culture will fucking get you oh some of them some of them for sure they're absolutely
brutal i know i know nasty stuff so it definitely something you can't repeat in public or even in
private settings to it depending on your phone's listening to you for sure yeah okay yeah so i only think about them that's as far as i go uh one more story i think
maybe two anyways so some interesting news about people that attended the 2022 core dev atlanta
event and this is an event where luke dashier dash junior i don't know i'm not sure exactly
how to pronounce his name anyways he attended that event and also attended with some guy named mike schmidt and it's not the
greatest third baseman to ever play baseball now it's some bitcoiner maybe he's the same guy i
don't even know but i don't think it was anyways the fbi uh wanted info about the people at the
conference because you know this happened shortly after luke's stolen bitcoin saga
took place if you remember he was storing it on his nes and all this info it's you know they said
they the fbi was telling them you can't disclose this information to the public according to the
fbi but one year expired so this guy schmidt came out and revealed what he knows. Oh, Mike Schmidt is with Brink.
So the info with the FBI,
they were seeking on attendees,
their information,
GitHub usernames,
first and last names.
That's the scary one.
Email addresses.
So I guess moving forward,
a lot of people out there are going to probably use the pseudonym Pablo.
That's the name I like to use.
And there's probably going to be a spike of Pablos within the Bitcoin community.
So if you come up to me and you see me in public, remember, I'm Pablo.
But this whole thing is really fishy, too.
Like, there's something that's kind of, it doesn't smell right with me, because with this whole Bitcoin, stolen Bitcoin fiasco, wasn't it PGPs were compromised or something?
I can't remember the specifics
what happened to Luke,
but either way, man,
this is something else.
It just, it's leaving
a sour taste in my mouth
and I don't know
what to make of this,
but it's fucked up, man.
And for anybody
that's going to be
attending conferences,
you know, be very careful
what information you put down.
It's all I'm going to say.
Yeah, same.
I don't really have much to add,
except like the conferences
are a weird honeypot
and um i say this of course in advance of having plate like around to talk about the canadian
conference they are a bit of a honeypot because you know there's a lot of different places where
you can get got during a conference you're staying in a hotel or an airbnb you're driving in you're
renting a car you have your you know conference data your purchase data all that stuff right
you're going to the bars with all the people from the conference, you're wearing Bitcoin gear around.
The OPSEC's not great. Let's just call it what it is. That's in the best case scenario.
But then when you factor in that the feds might just come knocking and be like,
give me the guest list and make sure you give me everyone's GitHub name too,
because if you don't, you're going to jail for an
undetermined amount of time.
How do you fight that? What do you
do? Maybe the basement was the move,
Len. You might have been ahead of your time here.
We got to reconsider our security
model. I'm a trendsetter.
In so many ways, people don't understand.
Velvet suits for everybody, 25-year-old
cars for everybody. Wearing shorts in the winter
every day. My car died, by the way. My car is dead. It for everybody. Wearing shorts in the winter every day.
My car died, by the way.
My car is dead.
It's dead.
It died.
I got mine back.
Oh, nice.
I'm very happy. My car died.
What happened to yours?
I'm curious.
I was driving it to work on Friday afternoon, and I got to the end of my street, and it
died at a red light.
And just the RPMs went to zero.
All the lights went on.
I was lucky.
I was able to start it and turn it into a parking lot. I was like adjacent to a parking lot.
And then yesterday I called the tow truck to get the guy to drop back in my house,
about 750 meters from my front door. And I got in the car, I started it and I said to the guy,
just follow me. I have to blow through every stop sign because if I stop,
the car is going to seize up again. So I did. to blow through every stop sign because if I stop, the car's going to seize up again.
So I did. I blew through every stop sign
the car made it to my driveway. But
you should see the RPMs.
You know what you have to invest in
is one of those scanners.
I know. I have one
in the
pocket of my door.
We used to mess around with it at work. I think it was yours that I put on my Volkswagen
back in the day when I couldn't figure out
why the engine light was on.
And so I've actually become proficient with it.
I could plug it in while driving
because if I drop the hammer on my car
for a significant amount of time,
I get in an overboost situation and it throws a code.
So the only way to clear it,
then it goes into limp mode.
The only way for me to clear it
is I have to plug that in and clear.
So I could do that while driving.
I could actually plug it in, clear the code while driving, get the code gone.
So yeah, that thing is handy and it saved me hundreds and hundreds of dollars.
It doesn't cost all that much.
I got this years ago for maybe a hundred bucks.
They're probably cheap now.
They're probably cheap now.
So it's definitely worth it to consider and it's yeah get it and
learn how to read and clear codes and then fuck it you get a code even if it's you know severe
fuck it you know just clear it you know you're good to go as if it starts and goes it's all right
sometimes that's all you gotta do is clear it and we'll just keep on moving but at the very least
you could diagnose what's the problem that's what that's what you want right and like i i
whatever this would be good after show content, but I'll just say it.
The place I brought the car to, I won't name the place because I don't know if it was their
fault or not.
Oh, I suspect it was.
I can't fill my gas tank now.
So they had to drop the tank to get at the fuel pump to replace it a few weeks ago.
And I didn't put any gas in it for a couple of weeks.
I barely drive the car.
I went to put gas in last week.
Can't fill it past like 60%.
It will not take any more gas. And so I said to my dad, I'm like, you ever seen this before?
He goes, no. And he took it up to his mechanic while it was still drivable. And that mechanic
up on the mountain is like, this is a hack job. Like these guys, there's oil all over the place.
They didn't, they didn't do, they didn't really diagnose like any other problems. Like it needs
a lot of work, right? That car needs like bushings and stuff. Like it's on its last
legs anyways. But if I had known that all that work needed to be done, I wouldn't have given
these guys $2,000 to fuck up the car even more. And so now, you know, the pump they replaced,
clearly not working. The gas tank they put back, clearly not doing the right thing. It's clearly
not reading properly with the nozzle at the pump.
And I got a call tomorrow.
The guy called me today and left a message.
But I'm going to call tomorrow.
The sensor is showing it's not full.
It may be physically full.
It's not full.
It's not full.
It's not full.
There's not enough money going in there.
So yeah, it's not full.
Who knows?
But the problem is that it wasn't doing that before.
It is doing it now. And that the problem I took it wasn't doing that before it is doing it
now and that the problem i took it there for is still happening so what did you charge me for
i'm out two thousand bucks on on labor and parts and uh anyway it doesn't matter these are just
these are first world problems they are you gotta get a car you can just piss in the tank and i'm
using i'm using my dad's right now but i'm'm going to buy some kind of $20,000 car or something like that.
We'll see.
stay here.
If you're on audio or video, I should say.
If you're not,
then just hang on
until tomorrow for the audio second part.
We'll see you then.
Don't be a cock.
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