The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #163 (Bitcoin Stories) - Poor Renters, Temporary Residents and The Social Security Problem
Episode Date: May 14, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. This week: -The battle for financial institutions to custody Bitcoin -Ohi...o State boos Bitcoin -ASICs unplugging -Coinbase accused of wash trading -Argentina to mine for more Bitcoin -Binance fined…again -Metaplanet stacking more sats And much more From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. With their new kyc-free options, there's never been a quicker, simpler, more private and (most importantly) cheaper way to acquire private Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.
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The Canadian Bitcoiners podcast is just two guys and maybe a guest or two discussing Bitcoin,
Bitcoin equities, and the related macroeconomic space. It's not meant to be financial advice,
so please, if you're doing any investing, after listening to our program, do your own research,
do your own due diligence, and understand that any money you invest can be lost. The show is meant for entertainment purposes only, and we hope you enjoy the program.
Friends and enemies, welcome back to the Mighty CBP. This is episode number 163
of the weekly flagship. My dog is just rolling into the room here right on time. My name is
Joey. His name is Moose, and the right on time my name is joey his name
is moose and the guy on the other panel is len what's going on buddy great to see ya nice day
today did you get outside today hit a few balls or what no no it rained a little bit this morning
which screwed up tennis because once you get some puddles on it it takes a while to quit to
dry it out so yeah my hoping to get that out there for noon didn't happen.
And yeah,
I just put it around for the rest of the day.
It was really nice.
It turned out to be a fantastic day.
But what,
so if you look at the forecast Friday,
once again,
calling for rain,
I love it.
So I'm helping out.
If anybody wants to have a rainy Friday,
I'm here to help you out because my golf continually gets canceled as a
result of it.
So enjoy it. So enjoy.
Your grass is going to be green.
You don't have to do anything to do.
Just every Friday, the rain comes.
Joey, how are you, buddy?
Pretty good.
Hang on a sec here.
My dog is walking all over my cables.
I'm great.
Great day at work today.
Great day outside today.
Went for a nice run after work for the first time in a while.
I'm on the Shoes with Big Souls train now.
I bought my first pair of hokas
couple weeks ago from tento in here in dundas for i think they were 89 bucks pretty good they
were on sale i guess their last season's model or whatever but uh man i don't know if you tried
these shoes once you try them you'll never go back to regular running shoes i guarantee it you will
never go back to regular running shoes it's like walking on a cloud incredible i'm way behind on this isn't that
actually uh a franchise walking on a cloud i could have swore that is it i don't know might
be it's not a shoe it's not a shoe company you think it's like a store i think i could be wrong
but yeah i don't know but i will say that that that um that pair of hokas is really nice, really nice.
And like,
I've had so many dumb sports injuries over the years.
you know,
I talk about all the time.
My Achilles,
my ACL,
I got like knee hip issues from playing football,
but man running on these things,
Len is no pain.
It's unbelievable.
He made me remember a joyous Achilles is not around anymore.
I know what happened to that account.
I don't know.
It was him, your ACL.
Was there a third one or no?
I've only done two really tough injuries.
Those were the two.
Those two accounts are dormant.
That's good.
It was MVP days, right?
That was our first year, I think.
No, they were still around even last year.
I'm pretty sure the Achilles was around.
Yeah, he stuck around for quite a while.
He was a staple.
Just like some guys in the booths we'll be talking about in a little while.
Yeah, it's good times.
We need to do a little housekeeping here.
So last week on the show, we had two interviews.
Rich Diaz, I did on Tuesday.
I really enjoyed that interview.
And I think they're rich. I'm a Looney Hour fan.
I know you've listened to Looney Hour, I think, but you don't listen regularly. And I know a lot
of people listen to the show are in the same boat. I'll say this, okay? Rich is a guy who,
like he mentions on the show, and like you guys know if you listen to Looney Hour, is part of a
three-man weave on his own show. And so unlike Len and I, where we really do get to flesh out our
ideas and get everything that's on our chest off our chest during the hour and 45 minutes or so
that we're together with you guys, Rich doesn't get to do the same thing. It was a pleasure hearing
him talk about some of the Canadian economic history, some of the things that he think landed
us in the hot water we're in today, how to get out of that. And I did want to talk to him a bit about narrative control because it's something that they touch on sort of tangentially on their
podcast, but they don't often get too deep into it. And you and I do, and Rich and I did for the
last 15 or so minutes of the show. It was excellent. And I'm happy to say that he enjoyed
himself so much, Len, that he wants to get a beer in Montreal with me on Friday next week.
So I'm going to go meet him Friday afternoon for a,
for a pop.
I'll probably bring my wife too.
She'll be with me that weekend.
So that is,
it's next weekend.
it's this week.
It's this week.
I'm totally forgot.
It's a very,
very busy week for a lot of Bitcoiners in Canada.
I told you,
I even wrote about it.
And then,
and then you,
you had Fundamentals
from Rock Paper Bitcoin on Wednesday.
That was a good show too.
He's got quite a story.
I didn't realize his background was so,
I don't know if deep's the right word,
but he's seen some things.
He's done some things in a number of different silos
and now doing a podcast like you and I.
That was a good show too.
I enjoyed that one.
They release their show every Thursday morning. Oh, it's every two thursday mornings yeah so that was this week who do we
have this week for the interview zach bomster he's the guy behind um if you want to have your s19
powered by 120 volts you could he's the guy that created those boards those low keyboards and he's an electrical engineer by trade i believe and yeah so i just confirmed that he is indeed coming on so
fingers are crossed last time he had to bail out kind of last moment because his wife had a baby
and it was just sleep pattern was screwed up but he's now he's you know it's several months later
so hopefully it all is good and yeah i really I really want to chat with him. He's a really bright guy.
And I really want to talk a lot about these low keyboards.
Speaking of wives having kids, my wife is pregnant.
And somebody mentioned it in the chat last week.
I am dying to know how that person, I think it was during the Rich Diaz episode, was able
to pin that down so quickly.
If you want to reach out to me and DM me and tell me if you go to my gym, are you my ultrasound tech?
Are you fucking hanging out at the restaurants that I'm going to?
I would love to know how you knew, number one.
And number two, two obviously we're
very excited uh i can't wait that little peanut is uh i think due sometime in november middle
november it's like it's hard to predict the date at this point right i can't i can't imagine that
they have like an exact science for that do they you know as you get closer to the date that they kind of accelerate things or
let things be so i mean it's gonna be around november give or take right yeah
within three weeks exactly i'm guessing yeah and uh you guys you guys will have the pleasure
of meeting uh kenzie if you come to the plate after party i don't know how long she'll stay
she's pretty tired these days this is like month three and a half so yeah um anyway lots of lots
can still happen so i don't want to count on my chickens but yeah exciting all the same
yeah you're reminding me when daniella was pregnant she was obviously very tired and
during that time we had a membership uh tennis membership at a place in northeast oakville i
don't want to name the place and we used to play every friday night 10 o'clock from 10 to 11 and the guy that worked there
he did not give a shit about that place he was just so he stayed there till two three o'clock
in the morning but he let us play we love it paid for one hour and we played always to like
1 32 o'clock and we were just fucking exhausted you can i just tell you that you have like the
weirdest sleep schedule of any person i've ever met any per anyone i've
ever met you got the weirdest sleep schedule i don't even think it's that close honestly
no my sleep schedule is pretty good it's pretty standard it's just when you throw something in
there it's gonna fuck it up but if you take that out of the equation i go to bed like 10 30 ish
do you yeah that's my default 11 o'clock i tend to fall asleep. And I wake up 5-ish, 5.30 maybe.
I'm just used to that.
I mean, I'm used to the early rise, and I can't get out of that.
I'm stuck in that.
Should we get to the sponsors?
We're a little late here for sponsors.
Fuck yeah, let's do it, man.
Easy DNS, Mark and Team.
You guys know them.
We love them.
Your friendly neighborhood registrar, as he puts it.
I mean, you can't beat what these DNS has going on.
I mean, I don't know that much about domain hosting and stuff,
but all that means to me as someone who hadn't done it before
and gone through the process and built a website and maintained a website,
all that meant to me is that it's going to be hard.
It's been anything but.
We go to Mark and we have problems with the website that we want to change
the way something is formatted.
We want to change the way something looks or feels or whatever. We go through the website and do that with him.
They have everything there, Len. They got virtual private server stuff. So if you want to do Bitcoin
nodes and officer relays, you guys hear me talk about the list every week. You can get all that
stuff done there. Super easy, super cheap, super fast, and with great support. On top of that,
if you want to port over a domain you already own, let's say you've been hoarding domains like
many Bitcoiners are, then you can do that. Mark, I'll help you do that. If you want to port over a domain you already own, let's say you've been hoarding domains like many Bitcoiners are, then you can do that.
Mark will help you do that.
If you want to port over, I don't know, some email stuff, he'll help you do that.
If you want to set up a new email thing, he'll help you do that.
No matter what it is, he will help you do it.
And he's helped us do it now for, I don't know how long, more than a year, I think we've
been with Mark.
So yeah, it's been a great relationship.
And man, let me tell you, if you want to do all that stuff on the cheap, CBP Media is the code. Or just tell them we sent
you. Go sign up. Your first round of stuff is 50% off. 50% in this economy, Len. That's a lot
of money. You got to save those coins, baby. You can't be spending money on domain names.
And what you save, you could spend spend a bull bitcoin you could start buying a
little bit more bitcoin as a result so bull bitcoin you could buy on chain you could sell on chain you
could buy with lightning you could sell with lightning lots of different options but to be
honest the fees right now are still very cheap they're competitive so using lightning right now
my opinion i wouldn't use that still use the on-chain method but that's just my opinion
but either way bull has you covered you can also pay your bills with bitcoin so if you have a hydro
bill phone bill where the heck you want to pay you could use that use your bitcoin to pay that
also you could use bitcoin to buy gift cards and you can spend that in a real world so a lot of
different options with bull bitcoin and a lot of people are using. We passed a very significant milestone with them just this week.
And I'm very thankful for everybody that have used our promo code.
Also, they just released something called Stack and Track, Joey.
I'm not sure if you heard about this.
But this is going to be a more seamless way of having money end up in your Bull Bitcoin account.
By using the Stack and Track, you essentially use the pay a bill at your bank.
Then it just goes to your
full Bitcoin account and goes from there. So it's going to make it much
more seamless in order
to have money. Less emotional, right?
Less emotional.
There's lots of different options here.
You could do it easily. And if you use our
promo code below, it's in the
description, the show notes, and
you fund your account, 2121 is going to be added
to your account. No questions asked, but that's after
you provide the necessary information in order
to get that $21. Outstanding.
I might
try that out, just see how it works. I'm a
big fan. I know you're not necessarily a fan of the
pull relationship, because I think
we've talked about this in the past. You don't want to have a
pull relationship with your
exchange. Let's do a push. It is. That's what I would say. I think this actually is about this in the past. You don't want to have a pull relationship with your exchange. That's still a push.
It is.
That's what I would say.
I think this actually is more of a push relationship.
It maybe feels like a pull at first glance, but it's a good way to do this without having
someone able to pull money from your bank account at any time.
You set them up as a payee and then you do it on a schedule you want.
I really like this.
I think I might use it.
I do e-transfer anyway, honestly,
but I wouldn't mind having like a steady kind of monthly dollar cost average.
My dog is in here again going crazy.
Anyway, Boos, shall we?
Yeah, so Doom Damasm, he sent us three times 521 sats,
and each time he said the same thing, thank you for your time.
Is that all he writes?
He says the same thing every time. You're welcome. You're welcome for my time. said the same thing. Thank you for your time. That's all he writes. He says the same thing every time.
You're welcome.
You're welcome for my time.
Joe Ronan, 1,000 sats.
He writes in CBP, friends and enemies, sending a small boost to let you know I value your content.
Every week, I look forward to your shows.
Thank you for the alpha signal.
And he writes, don't be a cuck.
I agree.
The ruler's broken. 1,000 sats stats thank you very much for sending the stats i'm honored and grateful to be in a community with
men like len and fundamentals guys that are here to fix money not make it that the then they fight
you stage is gonna get rough and we're lucky to have guys like this on our side and i'm lucky to
be able to call these guys friends we got this absolutely we do we do have this stick with it
and just continue the focus on the signal not the noise there's lots of noise but there's a
heck of a lot of signal too thank you for this the sats ghost sadrich i hope i pronounced that
name correctly new entry right sadrick new entrant gotta be i
haven't seen the same before you yeah i've never seen it before but anyways 2100 and 12 sats he
says got to watch this live great works great work gents and he's talking about my rip with
fundamentals so he's very good that's a palindrome boost by the way 2112 we like those here it is yeah i didn't even notice that fundamentals he boosted 21 000 sats thank you very much he said he had an amazing time
thanks len it's bullish to know you and it's a pleasure to have you on the show just want to
note that everybody that sent in sats today so today and even the previous few weeks months
i've just been sitting on this waiting to donate it to Worthy Cause.
So I'm sitting on, I guess, close to 100,000 sats right now.
Plus around $100 Canadian that I'm going to send over
because somebody did us a solid not too long ago,
and I'm going to do it on that person's behalf.
So there's going to be whenever we'll find a cause very soon, Joey,
and then we'll just donate it all.
But everybody, thank you for the boost
because we'll be donating that to Worthy Cause. uh telling us the cause too like if you have a cause
in mind we've done i think over the years we've done like like madex most recently i think we've
done open sats we did wayside house uh what else have we done we've done a bunch but like there's
gotta be something we gave some to julian that's right. Kinetic Fine. Not Julian, but Liv in the Peruvian initiative there.
What other things are there?
Tell us something.
If you guys know something and you want to put a cause on.
Premier Bitcoin, I think we did.
We did make Premier Bitcoin.
Thanks to Jaime.
He turned us on to that.
I don't know what I'm,
can't think of anything else,
but really it's just the past.
Samurai legal fees I see in the chat.
Yeah. I don't know.
I'm not sure how much I want to wear that at the moment.
You know,
there's a lot,
there's a lot of causes out there that are not as gray.
Like there's,
there's some good ones,
you know,
for devs and for open source.
I think we talked about giving to Craig Raw and
Sparrow once, but we didn't because
maybe he doesn't take donations like that.
I was going to give to Huddle
Not. That's one I wanted to do. That one we
wanted to. He wouldn't take those either.
He didn't want to do it.
I don't know. We got to think about it.
We're always open to suggestions. If you guys
have something and you get your ear to the ground a little bit,
then let's do it. Let's figure it out.
Well, let's go into the Bitcoin stories.
Unless you have any last items on your checklist you want to check off.
See your schedule. What's going on this weekend?
Sure, yeah. So we're going to get there Thursday.
Thursday, I probably won't do much.
We're going to go see some friends, I think.
This is a Canadian Bitcoin conference for people. In Montreal, yeah. We're going to get there Thursday. Thursday, I probably won't do much. We're going to go see some friends, I think. This is a Canadian Bitcoin conference for people.
In Montreal, yeah.
We're going to land there Thursday.
I have three podcasts planned.
I have one open slot if somebody wants to do a show, but doesn't.
What time and day are you thinking?
I'll tell you right now.
So I have it in my notes app here.
Let me pull it up.
I offered four slots.
So Friday at 2 p.m., Madex is going to come to my hotel room.
Friday at 3.30, nothing right now.
But I would put somebody Friday at 3.30
if you wanted to record.
Saturday, David St. Onge is making his debut.
And then 3.30 on Saturday after David
is Carlo Campisi of ShakePay
with the professor from U of T
who's done the psychology stuff to do with Bitcoin.
He'll be on stage with Carlo actually. So I'm going to press Carlo a little bit on this ShakePay
policy thing because obviously he's a friend of ours. We know him and I like Carlo a lot and I
know he'll be a good sport, but I'd be curious to hear what he thinks about some of the stuff
that's been going on with Canadian policy. There you go.
Friday night is the plate licking party as well. So people in the
chat asking about that, uh, just hit, hit plate liquor. I see grace too, in the chat grace too.
I still want to know how you knew my wife was pregnant. We got to, I got to find that out.
Uh, I got to find out who you are. I might put a bounty on it actually. So, so, uh, that,
that party is in the evening. So you do have time.
I know Plate probably did this on purpose.
You do have time.
If you want to go for dinner somewhere or you want to see the city a little bit, lots of time.
I think his jam starts at 8 o'clock at a pub on St. Paul Street, I believe.
So yeah.
And downtown Montreal too, for people who haven't been, it's a lot of fun. There's a lot of different spots you can go to.
And if you don't want the party to stop at 2 o'clock, let me know,
and I'll make a couple of recommendations for you.
And who knows?
Maybe I'll turn it up to 11 on Friday night or Saturday night if the mood hits me.
So anyway, looking forward to seeing all you guys, man.
It's going to be a lot of fun.
Montreal is a great city.
I'm really excited for the conference.
And I'm on the panel.
I'm on a panel Friday at 1230 with Madex and Francis on the main stage, which is going to be awesome.
Those guys are fucking animals.
So that's going to be great.
I might not say anything the whole time, but I'm going to be up there.
You know, that's fine.
I'm trying not to get us canceled.
Yeah, no problem.
No problem.
I'm looking forward to it.
They're great.
Anything else you want to talk about?
No, no, we're good that's
it that's all right so we'll go right to the bitcoin stuff there's actually quite a few things
i want to talk about today big week two hour show for much to your chagrin joey but the question i
really want to ask is how early are we joey and you know the question comes up so often because
i think about it what is left in terms of the amount of capital is going to flow
into bitcoin how many more people still have to fucking get it and the answer hit me this past
week how early we fucking are is because if you look at the graduates of ohio state university
they're not graduates that's commencement speech they're correct yeah yeah my bad either way
it's it's just it goes to show you that the people over there, they just don't fucking understand Bitcoin and they do not understand the potential over here that can be used to lock away wealth and secure it in a way that won't be debased in the future like Fiat does and so many other things do. this speaker chris pan is his name he is a social entrepreneur and a self-described
bitcoin advocate i've never heard of chris pan he's not our best guy but he wasn't the greatest
orator but anyways he was doing his level best and i gotta give him kudos for that but he was
on hand at ohio state and he was giving a speech over there. And this is according to Normie News that the speech veered off course.
And typically these speeches,
they're about there trying to get some advice
with the road ahead and all this shit.
But he decided to go deep into Bitcoin
and the potential that Bitcoin has as a financial tool
and the potential wealth that you could unlock by using it.
And there's a bunch of over you know
people over there let's be honest they're probably going to be students in the future they're going
to have their loans forgiven so they truly don't understand what the fuck's going on but
as soon as he started talking about bitcoin and the role in combating inflation the crowd erupted
in booze i don't understand you know like give this guy a chance listen to what the message is
read about it and fucking make a decision but clearly
there's a lot of people over there that just do not fucking understand so all this goes to show
at least me we are fucking early and that is part of the we are not going to make a crowd that's
fucking guaranteed joy okay did you listen to the whole speech i listened to some of it he was
talking about that there was hacks and shit like that. And not the whole Bitcoin speech.
Oh, no.
So I'll tell you, Len, he could have said when he got to the Bitcoin part, he honestly could have said that everyone was going to walk out of there with a Porsche and iPad and a gold bar.
And they still would have booed him because the speech was so bad to that point that no matter what he said, he'd already lost the crowd.
He was up there talking about a breakup, talking about like, it was like a standup routine gone bad.
So I think the guy was right about the Bitcoin. I'm with you. You shouldn't be booing when Bitcoin
gets brought up. You should be cheering people, especially that age. I'm sure they all get it,
but they probably are just like, enough of this clown. Get this guy off the stage. I can't listen
to this guy anymore i've had enough plus
it's probably pretty hot that day it looks like it's pretty warm all outside obviously so uh yeah
i don't know yeah like to me good story fun fun clip there of the booze erupting but uh i think i
blame the rest of the speech more than i blame the bitcoin part who's the speechwriter clearly
it's not the people that you interviewed some time ago david bailey did not write that speech i don't want to say the name because i can still smell
the sulfur in the air anyways last you know last story i said we're you know we're so fucking
nerdy but this one may show that maybe we're not so fucking nerdy after all because walmart
marketplace i'm not sure if you saw that this is an online
marketplace that's operated by walmart similar to amazon marketplace or ebay and this allows
third-party sellers to list their products on walmart's website that's going to be alongside
walmart's own inventory and obviously this gives access to a whole bunch of walmart customers and
so forth there's a lot of advantages from getting listed here but some people on twitter were quick
to point out that you could buy as6 now from the walmart marketplace which is
really cool the price might be a little high i saw an 86 terahash s19 um that is on sale for
619 remember that's us dollars and we had to have in just you know last month and also a bid axe is
on there for 219 us dollars i think that's a little pricey
it could be way more than what they sell for at d central i'm pretty sure is it i thought it was
maybe almost 2.5 times the price but again i couldn't be wrong yeah so but the fact that it's
on there there are walmart is allowing this to be sold they have every opportunity to say no let's
stop this this is against our
terms and conditions we don't like bitcoin all that shit but no they're not doing that they're
allowing fucking sellers to sell asics on their marketplace so i look at that that's rather
encouraging so maybe we're not truly that early after all we're actually there's there's some
there's some catching up that people are doing right now we're just watching this thing move right in front of our own eyes so yeah i
like this story it's it's rather you know it's a lot of people might just say it's it's rather
nothing in the grand scheme of things but i think there's something here and i like the fact that
walmart has not shunned this they didn't embrace it they're just leaving it be and that's the way
it should be done well let's see how many units they sell right walmart is in the business of
making money we know this uh they're maybe the most successful retail chain of all time. You could say it's Amazon. You could say it's maybe a handful of other stores could be mentioned in that same discussion. But I think they're waiting to see how much money can be made off selling these things. Is there a market for these? The BIDAX is a great example, right? I know we have talked about the
BIDAX before because they've been on the show, same with Decentral. And if you look at some of
these options, are you going to hit a block? No, the odds are astronomically low, but you are
helping to secure the network. You're learning a bit about mining and you're doing it for a lot
less and in a fashion that's a lot more family friendly let's say you know based on the noise
level then you would be for buying an s19 or an s21 ultra or whatever right like or s19 s21 ultra
no that can't be is that the name i think it's just a standard s21 now there is a higher end
like there's a second model that was released in s i can't remember what it is it doesn't matter but you know what i'm saying and like you know i look at these things that
retail facing products and isn't it all sort of in the same vein as like the top of the funnel
stuff len you want to try bitcoin mining you want to look at some of this stuff you just bought some
bitcoin maybe you want to grab a little bit of hardware they look super cool a lot of people
hunt for gadgets online that look neat, you know, in the background of
a video or whatever, right?
Speaking of which, my block clock is off.
I must set a power outage here.
Anyway, so I think this is great.
If they take the stuff down without making a statement, then I would guess that it's
just because it wasn't making money.
If they make a statement and, you know, are getting on their soapbox about how it's bad for the environment
or supports terrorism or whatever other nonsense
they come up with, then we'll know
that there was
a higher up meeting, which again, Len,
you can make the case. That's good news for Bitcoin
too, right? The Walmart C-suite talking
about whether or not they should have Bidax products
and S19s on their shelves,
quote unquote shelves,
along with their other stuff so it's all good
man i like it i like it a lot yeah we know those fucking ceos and other executives they probably
have some minor in their fucking massive garage come on they fucking understand economics as well
as anybody that for sure they're doing something they have some exposure to bitcoin maybe they're
not mining but fuck there's no way these people don't have exposure to Bitcoin.
Look, fucking today we heard about Bank of Montreal.
I think it was BMO.
They announced on their reporting that they talked about these 13 F's.
We knew me talked about 13 F's months ago, beginning of the quarter.
They're going to come.
You've been on this and you were saying that it's going to be interesting to see once they get released and the information is known that they have exposure into Bitcoin through the ETFs.
And now we have Bank of Montreal that has that.
I mean, I think it's rather funny now on a flip side.
If you're a Bitcoin related business and try getting an account with Bank of Montreal, they'll tell you to go.
Could we do it right now?
You think or no?
No, it's not worth trying. an account with bank of Montreal, they'll tell you to go. Can we do it right now? You think, or no, no,
it's not worth trying,
but like,
I wonder if they would take us now,
given that they're holding the CTF.
they want to exposure.
They want number go up.
They want to be protected from themselves.
They just don't want customers.
Let's deal with it.
I mean,
that's just my opinion.
I mean,
based on his,
the way that we were treated,
but it sucks,
but either way,
I want to talk about El Salvador really quickly. Just a very brief tidbit i had here but one other one other bank that
declared they held the etf by the way ubs huge swiss bank so yeah it's gonna be so many more
they're gonna keep coming the whole they have till the end of the quarter so lots of time but
there's gonna be more and we i think i've mentioned last week or two weeks ago that there were some several smaller u.s banks yeah uh announced or released information to show that they have exposure so yeah it is it's
not going to be uncommon for any fucking anything out there to have some exposure to bitcoin through
an etf it's too bad it's through an etf but it's a topic for another time el salvador they have a
new website i'm not sure if you saw this
news or even went to their website but it shows off their bitcoin reserves and the address is so if you go to that it kind of mimics yeah it kind of mimics the um i don't see it it doesn't come up oh really i'll put it
in the chat maybe you can just copy and paste that guy and it kind of looks like mempool
yeah it's working for me and it shows you if you go to the the balance history you can see like per
day how much bitcoin they have they've been stacking one bitcoin per day they continually
do this for how long I don't fucking know.
But given today's price, it looks like they have about $360 million worth of Bitcoin in the reserves.
So this is like a really cool initiative on their part.
Remember, they repatriated their Bitcoin.
It was, I guess, held by Coinbase.
Or who the fuck held that?
It wasn't
el salvador but they managed to set up their own in-house reliable and they can keep everything
so good this is so good yeah and so it goes to show you like they are they like bitcoin they
want to talk about bitcoin they want to showcase it as much as possible but not only that they're
still buying one bitcoin a day that's i don't know how they're getting this this cash but they're
doing it and i don't know there's nothing else i have to say about this but it's a really cool
initiative and it's going to be inevitable there's going to be a copy and paste type thing
in the future where another country follows exactly what el salvador has done is it a raging success i i would say if anything it's closer to a raging success than
being neutral for sure it's definitely not a failure but no how can you can't make that i
was trying to make that case for the first six or eight months of this you know initiative and
price has gone up tremendously though since they've crashed. The bond market has responded.
Global media coverage has responded.
So they have about $360 million worth of Bitcoin.
Not bad.
$5,750 almost Bitcoin, which is fantastic.
You can't argue with the results, right?
That's what we were about in Bitcoin.
Tell me what you're doing and show me your wins.
And this is clearly a win for them. i'm not surprised to see this uh this website
pop up and be uh you know something people visit as far as other countries mimicking the playbook
some talk today about japan maybe doing it uh i have to really have to look into that a bit
dylan leclerc put out a a tweet i don't know if he wrote the text attached or not, but basically outlining how Japan could do a speculative attack and buy Bitcoin.
I have to look at it.
I could be completely wrong.
If I'm being honest, I was pinching a loaf and saw it.
But if that's the case, again, we've talked about this before.
Everyone can see what's happening. I think the only thing people really disagree on is the speed at which Fiat is headed to zero and how that road looks. What does the line from here to Fiat zero look like? Can I cash in? If I'm at the trough during that session, can I really get rich and get fat on this? Feather my nest. People only disagree about the details.
They don't disagree about the outcome, I don't think. And to see Japan, who already, by the way,
is very much involved in their currency in a way that no other country is involved in their
currency. No other country has ever been involved in their currency. I wouldn't put it past them.
They don't have any reason not to buy some Bitcoin. Don't forget,
central banks buy gold all the time. They're buying it with their own currency. So it's not
like they don't carry out speculative attacks already. We just don't call it that. You got
these old heads on FinTwit saying, oh, they're buying to counteract inflation, or they want some
sound money in the treasury or whatever. At some point, they're buying to counteract inflation or they want some sound money in
the treasury or whatever.
At some point, they're going to start doing this with Bitcoin if they haven't already.
And it's not going to be anything new because the program exists already for gold.
It's just a matter of where you think the sound money is.
And we think that this is going to happen over the next five, 10, 12 years.
I don't know, something like that.
But it's going to happen.
It's going to happen.
And like you mentioned, it may have already been taking place because
there are a number of countries out there that are not forthcoming with information
with either their citizens or even on a global scale. So whatever they do, they could do in
secrecy almost. And so if they are buying, they don't have to disclose that. And since Bitcoin, unless you identify who it is it's buying
and you tie it to an address that's tied to your name,
you have no clue who's buying it and where it's being stored.
Or where it's being stored, you can have an idea.
But really, anybody could be doing this.
Any country could be doing this.
And we just have no clue.
Who was it?
We talked about, was it Nepal?
Yeah, I think so.
No, Bhutan.
The kingdom of Bhutan.
Yeah, so they're mining Bitcoin,
and they're going to be adding it to the reserves.
So there's countries out there that are doing it,
and they announced that.
But how many other countries don't need to do that?
I wonder.
Yeah, what is the regulation around that i
mean the the ideal situation for those countries who buy would be to not announce right it wouldn't
be like how do we announce or how do we share this news we do we share it in part you know
the ideal situation would be you wouldn't announce because especially if you're a bigger country like
let's say you're a g20 or you're a top 50 economy even,
and you start buying Bitcoin,
you'll move the price
and you don't want to move the price if you're acquiring.
So again, we've talked about game theory
so many times on this show
and everyone talks about this on Twitter.
There's a space about this every day, it feels like.
But the idea that a country will buy in size
and you will know about it,
the likelihood is zero, basically.
Short of chain analysis and people looking at, wow, these addresses are buying in size every day.
We don't know who this person is.
Maybe it's country, but you don't know.
They're trying to make sure you don't know because that's the kind of thing that can...
The pieces on the board move when
something like that gets announced or uncovered or unveiled and they don't want that and uh
it makes it it makes executing the strategy more difficult for sure so anyway that's um that's all
i'll say about that oh if they hide it they don't have to announce it until they're forced to doing
that that way until the until joe biden Biden says that capital gains that you unrealized capital gains
that you accrued in Nepal are now taxable in the U S then they'll have to,
they'll have to,
then one of those,
you know,
6,000 new IRS agents with guns,
let's come over on a boat,
start shooting the place up.
I mean,
there's a lot of country,
Like these,
these people are all anyway,
whatever. Insane. So yeah, if they are buying even small amounts like comparatively to their their
gdp for instance it's going to be easy to easier to hide and if things go poorly because they didn't
announce they can just you know kind of just sweep sweep it under rug but if things go really well
the price of bitcoin goes astronomical then they can say say, yeah, we've been buying. And look at us. We made a
great move. So it's just,
you know, I would just imagine that
is being done right now in a few countries.
Boomer in the chat saying the Middle East, right?
Forget gold, Habibi. Buy Bitcoin.
Maybe that's, you know.
Both. Yeah. They have
stuff that they can trade away.
They got yellow gold. They got black gold. Pretty soon
they'll have digital gold too.
And that wouldn't surprise me at all.
But one place I don't think they're buying it is in Vancouver because this guy named Mike Kitt,
he was showing off this new KYC-free option available for Canadians
because what he's done is, he did this on Twitter, Mike Kitt did.
It's what he calls Canada's first Bitcoin ATM, which uses Lightning.
So you could use Lightning to buy your Bitcoin.
And from what I believe, this is KYC-free based on the video that he posted,
because he wasn't asking for his information aside from the QR code for his Lightning wallet.
Anyways, 2% fees on Lightning transactions up until May 31st.
I don't know if there's any on-chain transactions allowed for this,
from what I could tell, but there is Lightning, so it is there.
And this is located for people out there.
I'd love to hear your experience with this.
So anybody in the Vancouver area, check it out.
It's called Time Out Cafe in Vancouver, 1150 Melville Street.
If you could go there, I'd love to hear how this thing works.
And it just sounds like a really cool idea.
Heard this guy's for the grapevine.
This is just alleged.
This is a shit corner, but I can't confirm it.
So I'll just leave it at that.
There's for sure people listen to the show who are from Vancouver that we've spoken to.
So who do we talk to?
Yeah, Boomer in the chat.
Let's get Mike Campbell out there and test it out.
Mike Campbell does live in the Vancouver area.
I won't say where, but yeah, isn't that cool?
Like this stuff is popping up more and more.
And again, I don't know if I'm in like the ossify now camp for Bitcoin, but you got to
think that, like I've said many times, the other side
of the equation is just going to keep pushing people to our side. And whether it's printing
or policy or whatever, the likelihood that people just ignore Bitcoin for another year or two years,
it's just not very high. It's just not very high. And so more of these things popping up there and
you put the address in the chat for people. Time Out Cafe.
Go test it.
Let us know how it is.
I want to know how it works too.
Yeah, Pauly said he's in the Vancouver area,
so that's why I'm just posting it there.
Get in there, Pauly. Check it out.
Get in there.
May 31st, it's going to be 2% fees.
So it's reasonable.
I think it's KYC free.
Even if it's not, it's still cool.
Yeah, I totally agree. But I just don't want people free. So don't, even if it's not, it's still cool. Yeah,
I totally agree.
But I just don't want people to go there and say,
Len said it was KYC free.
and they're just expecting that.
I believe it is.
I'm just going based on the video I've seen.
So let's check it out.
I just love to get some feedback on this and see what it's like.
And yeah,
let's build this thing out.
Let's make a lot more options available for people.
This is really cool stuff. Bitcoin having, and yeah let's build this thing out let's make a lot more options available for people this is
really cool stuff bitcoin having we had that what a month ago less than a month and i can't even
remember april 19th so more than a month but not by much no less than 13 today man it's yeah less
than a month sorry yeah but not by much seemed like much longer ago anyways we're getting some
reactions from miners out there so people mining
bitcoin they're finding that the you know it's getting too difficult and the mining difficulty
as a result dropped this past week 5.62 percent and this is the largest drop we experienced this
year so it goes to show you that since the halving there seems to be a lot of equipment that is
coming offline in fact it's being reported
on twitter that the overall hash rate for bitcoin is down 35 percent from the peak earlier this year
and from what i could tell the same thing transpired back in may 2020 when the hash rate
dropped after the 2020 halving there was a you know the drop in the hash rate dropped after the 2020 halving, there was a drop in the hash rate because the halving took place.
But either way, there's other variables that took place in May 2020.
Remember, we had the closure of the economy, supply chain issues, shit like that, right?
So those 2020 numbers, you could digest them, but take them with a grain of salt.
But what we're experiencing now is that miners, they'll have to continually upgrade their equipment, their suite of machines in order to maintain profitability or at least get close to profitability.
Not only that, they have to seek out even cheaper electricity costs if that's an availability for them.
So it's obviously it's getting more challenging for miners.
The transaction fees are low very low
right now so they're relying just on the 3.124 whatever the heck it is bitcoin every 10 minutes
not much in the grand scheme of things so miners they're going to be suffering a lot of hardship
in next little while the ones that are positioned right they're the ones that are going to obviously
be doing well the ones that are on the fringe they're the ones that are going to obviously be doing well. The ones that were on the fringe before, they're fucked moving forward.
Absolutely fucked.
I guess they were banking on the price of Bitcoin to 2x, 3x, or whatever.
It hasn't.
It's just been pretty steady for the past month or so, month and a half.
But either way, it just goes to show you that there's a lot of equipment being unplugged.
And that's just a nature of what happens after having.
I don't know if the TradingView hash rate chart is accurate, but it's from into the
So it must be accurate.
This recent drop, like if I look at the sort of recent ups and downs of hash rate, which
by the way, you would expect hash rate should, it should oscillate like this and not just
go up in a straight line.
But this is not even that big a drop.
Like if I look back at Thursday, the 11th of January this year,
hash rate was 633 mega something.
No, it's got M here as the measurement, but it can't be M.
Anyway, so unless it's, well, whatever it is anyway, 633 X hash, let's say.
And by the 15th, the Monday, it was down to 420 x a hash so like when i look at this what do i see i see huge drops all along the way here you mentioned one in april 2020 there's been
others that are you know more significant than the one we're seeing now from the all-time high
are people worried about this i haven't seen any like when i one of the things i've noticed in the
last little while when i watch traditional traditional financial news or read traditional financial news,
all the people who are coming into Bitcoin for the first time, they're getting the same question,
right? What will make you think that Bitcoin is not going to work? And everyone's the same thing,
less wallets, less hash rate. Those are the two indicators I hear the most often. But to me, I think you expect less hash rate around having.
And so I'm now waiting to see these articles from traditional financial outlets say, look,
hash rate's falling.
Bitcoin's failing.
The SEC governance is causing problems.
People's confidence is wavering.
Everyone's conviction is waning now.
Thanks to Gary and the boys, Elizabeth Warren, anti-crypto, whatever, right?
But I haven't seen it so maybe it's just in in the tank maybe it's in the queue it's in the hopper for a lot of these publications but um to me land like i mean you're not worried about this
i'm not worried about this but it does it does provide a little bit of uh fodder for tradfi
publications to say look bitcoin is not working blah blah. But anyone who can look at a chart and, you know, again, like if you,
if you look at this chart just directionally, I mean,
it's like about as up and to the right as you're going to get.
If you just take the moving average line instead of the, you know,
weekly data points, it's, it's pretty good.
You like the way this chart looks.
I'm not at all concerned about this. This suspect i let's be honest i i don't think i
predicted this but now after seeing what happened after the having i'm not shocked by the reality of
the hash rate going down a little bit since the peak in april not that big a deal you know like
no it really isn't and even if it goes down significantly it's still you selling you're
gonna i'm gonna come here on monday night one night and
you're just not gonna you're not gonna show up for the other panel just me only me i'll throw
moose in the chair i'll run the second camera do you want to do that one do you want to do the dog
if you put your dog over on your panel i'll put my dog over in my panel
bark like crazy she's an absolute annoying... Anyways, Argentina.
We don't talk too much about Argentina.
Only bad stuff.
No, no, no.
We don't talk about...
I don't know.
I'm going to tangent here.
How many people in Bitcoin Twitter
absolutely adored him?
They deified him.
Everybody did.
I'm sure.
How's that going so far?
I would say you probably feel like right about now, don't you?
If you didn't feel like a fucking moron when they let him speak
at Davos, then you sure as shit
should feel like a fucking moron by now.
Because if he was really upending the system,
he wouldn't be shoulder to shoulder with
Bill Gates and the boys trying to
solve all the world's problems that no one's asking for a
solution to.
That's a good point.
why would they give him a panel to just trash everything?
I don't know.
that's a question I asked immediately afterwards,
but then again,
somebody said,
because he's part of the G20 countries,
having him be excluded would show some,
you know,
it would be a sign of weakness.
So they, they were forced to, I don't know if that's true or not but either way argentina yeah go ahead they're teaming up with
genesis digital assets and they're going to be doing this for mining bitcoin in argentina and
this is all according to a forbes. And they're going to be mining
for Bitcoin using stranded gas. And this is one of the greatest arguments I have in favor of Bitcoin
mining, using up stranded energy and using that and monetizing the fuck out of it. It just makes
so much sense. So Genesis Digital Assets, they're teaming up with a subsidiary of the
largest electric company from argentina to make this all happen so they're teaming up with you
know a big boy in that field this is going to be at the bajo del toro thermal did you just roll
that r corro yeah that's wow yeah keep it pg here people getting fired up here hearing you roll the r's chats uh
oh my goodness oh my goodness this is the thermal power plant and they will power 1200
asics to monetize the stranded gas that would otherwise be flared into the atmosphere so
not like they were even doing you know using it in any way they were just simply fucking just flaring it that's good that they're doing this anyways um if you i did the
quick len math here i could be wrong but i think 1200 bitcoin mining machines equates to 0.1
exahash per second if we're talking about the 100 terahash s19 i could be wrong but correct me if i
am anyways argentina looking to monetize their
stranded gas and they're using gda as a way to do this argentina has been mining for bitcoin on a
much smaller scale up until now but it looks like they're opening doors to do it on a bigger bigger
scale so i like this but given what's going on over there, I'm wondering how much longer before this gets nationalized.
And I don't know.
It just seems to be like a very touchy situation,
which is going on in Argentina, but I could be wrong.
Those are Davos coins, buddy.
They're not long for this world.
I don't trust anything about that guy.
I don't, you can't trust anybody with a wig that bad.
Honestly, who's not, you know, named Paul Stanley. I don't trust anything about that guy. You can't trust anybody with a wig that bad, honestly,
who's not named Paul Stanley.
Is that a wig?
If your name's not Paul Stanley,
I don't expect to see you on stage in a wig that bad.
But otherwise, you got something not right.
The internal machinery is not functioning properly on that fella.
What is it a wig?
It's a wig.
Len, is it a wig?
Oh, my God god are you kidding
i want conservatives need to figure out okay as much as i like trump and this guy's funny at the
very least like little boris johnston like like enough with the hair like can we not get somebody
with a decent fucking haircut come on what are we doing we had pence right pence was like a
republican vp you know,
Rhino. It turned out, I guess, depending on who you ask, but there's no Gavin Newsom equivalent
on the right side. God used car salesman, physionomy, physionomy, physionomy, physionomy.
Yeah. Not good. You don't, I don't like that guy. I don't like anything about this melee guy either,
honestly. And I think a lot of people were quick to worship at the altar of this fellow because he
had that whiteboard video of him ripping useless government departments off the wall.
They are useless, right?
Afuera is the right response.
But he hasn't been doing a lot of other stuff that gives me a lot of comfort.
Because I think he also, if I remember correctly, he was part of some controversial legislative change like a month
ago. I don't remember now, but anyway, I don't follow a lot of Argentina stuff, but it's just
like, man, how many times, Len, did people have to get burned by politicians? How many more times
can we go through this? Eric Adams, like Eric Adams, truly like the worst of the worst of like
people who try to take a paycheck in bitcoin suarez is bad but adams is
way worse adams now taking trips to italy to loot the new york treasury so you can find out he's
like talking about solving global problems uh sorry does italy have uh drug addicted vagrants
shitting on themselves and pushing people on the subway tracks is that the problem you're trying
to solve because they have a big problem with um i don't want to get into it, but it's not good over there.
They have an immigration issue.
They have an immigration issue over there too.
I know, big time.
It's not good.
It's almost like, I'll get into it, whatever, I'll say it.
I think people are starting to realize all over the world that the immigration policies
are not sustainable.
And this is, I think it's becoming a Bitcoin adjacent story because
those policies keep wages low intentionally or otherwise. They prevent people from getting jobs
intentionally or otherwise. And they drive GDP, which is a fake metric that's made up.
So the people who claim to be data driven can say that they looked at the data before they
bought or sold the stock for you and
took 2% on the end and 10% on the back end. It's all just fake and made up. And these policies now,
whether we like it or not, and this is not an immigration story, but immigration among other
policies are Bitcoin adjacent now. Trump is on TV talking about how he loves crypto. I don't think
he knows anything about Bitcoin or crypto quite honestly. But the fact that someone in the circle had him say it at a press gathering
tells me something. These guys are thinking about this. Yeah, but whatever. He's thinking
about it is the point, right? Here's the question, Len. If Biden gets on stage and says,
we're going to tax on unrealized gains on Bitcoin, Trump gets on stage and says, I won't do it,
and I'm going to sell NFTs, who are you voting for? Of course, you're going to vote for the guy that says he's going to
not charge you unrealized capital gains. No one gives a fuck if he's selling NFTs. I'm not going
to buy them. You're not going to buy them. I care about the policy position. And so even these guys
who don't know anything, as long as they're saying the right things, they have people in their circle
who understand it seems like he does. Great. On the Biden side of things, he's got Liz Warren on this war path
against Bitcoin. Gensler, same thing. It's becoming a political animal. We went through
this phase where macro conditions didn't affect us. Now we are the macro condition. People
speculating that the price of Bitcoin is stopping rate cuts. Maybe, maybe not, but it's not out of
the question. Now we're going to go through this phase where we're
not political and suddenly, bang,
you're being discussed at a presidential
debate or a vice presidential debate
in maybe the most important election in the last
20 years. It's causing all kinds of issues.
It's causing problems for everybody.
It's causing polar flares as a result of Bitcoin.
100%. Everyone knows that. Israel-Palestine,
Bitcoin's fault, 100%.
We've got all these problems.
According to some people, this is all Bitcoin's
The idea that it's not going to be political,
I think that ship has sailed.
Anyway, this is
a melee story. I don't know how the hell we got here.
You were talking about Eric Adams.
Worst ever politician who claimed
to take Bitcoin, yeah.
You were saying eric adams
like you ranked him as you know pretty low on your totem pole i would even argue there's somebody
out there maybe challenging him for oh here we go number one i don't know his name but the guy
from central african republic right let's be honest the dude i don't know who that guy he's
nameless he's on the gold machine gun index over I don't know who that guy is. He's nameless. He's fucking nameless.
They're on the gold machine gun index over there, man.
I don't care. Of course that guy's making shit up.
But the fact that they said
they're going to take Bitcoin
as legal tender, and then
a few weeks, maybe a month or two later,
turned around and said, nah, it's not going to happen.
But we have this shitcoin,
this Sango coin we're going to be releasing.
He basically went to 100% shitcoin. suarez at least did 90 shit coin this guy who did 100 shit coin so like i
gotta say that guy was even worse he was basically a bait and switch type thing he got some publicity
and people were like yeah central african republic is the second country in the world
that's accepting bitcoin and it's like no not, no, not going to happen. So, you know what? Maybe that person is, you know,
worse than Eric Adams.
He's up there.
He's up there or down there,
depending on how you want to think about it.
So anyway, nameless and faceless,
I don't know who the heck that person is.
Binance, let's talk about them.
We have a few minutes left.
They're being fined in Canada
and the financial regulator, Fintrack,
we talked a few times about FinTrack back through
the archives but anyways they find Binance a total of 4.3 million dollars US around 6 million
ish Canadian for failing to register as a foreign money services business also they neglected to
report nearly 6,000 transactions over 10,000. So this is a huge
no no to second part. And because any transaction that exceeds over 10,000 in value requires some
special type of reporting. And I think that this all has to do with some sort of money laundering
and shit like that, but I'm not 100% sure. But either way, if you look at the fine this i find rather interesting the fine of 4.3 million
us remember the us imposed a fine of 4.3 billion it's exactly you know it's just there's a
connection here so if you look at the number this seems rather funny but either way fintrack noted
between june 1st 2021 and july 19 2023. So a little bit over two
year period of time, Binance did not comply with the laws by
reporting 5900 transactions that were bigger than $10,000. And
if they needed to do the know your customership in order to
appease regulators, so they didn't do that. But I just have
to say one thing if you were a Binance customer during that
time, and you did one of these larger transactions, and you kind of went under the radar you might be fucked moving forward if they find
out who you are because if binance is able to figure this out and they provide this information
to a fin track and fin track they want to get their slice of the pie or at least canada cra
wants it be very careful i'm just saying right now, you could get fucked. So yeah, that's just my
Binance story of the day. Assuming that you are hiding your transactions when they are done with
a service that is not like an ATM or something, you got a death wish. You're going to get found
out because these guys, at the end of the day, they may talk a good game, but they don't want
any trouble. And they'll pay the 4 million. they'll give up the data, they'll pay the 4 billion, but he'll go to jail for six months
or whatever. To me, it's just insane that people think Binance. And we have friends, you and I,
who are trading Pepe and all this other nonsense on all these different platforms, thinking it's
going to be just tax-free money. You are dreaming. And it's not about whether or not you just pay
the 30% capital gain or 50% capital gain, depending on where you land, I guess, if you
really crush it. The problem is once the door is open to auditing you, it never closes. You're
going to have problems the rest of your life if you go down this road.
Do not do it.
Pay your taxes.
Don't try and obfuscate.
Do the right thing as far as policy and laws are concerned.
You'll be much happier in the long run than if you do the opposite.
So BoomDust is saying that they're probably going after sells, not buys.
But I will also say probably even trades so if you're buying say eleven thousand dollars worth
of bitcoin maybe they won't go after you but if you bought that bitcoin then traded it for eth
and traded for usdc and traded for whatever and you kept trading and the value of each trade was over the ten thousand dollar threshold you know if you haven't reported that binance if they could get that
information and report it for you like joey said if they if they wanted to and if they you know
it's a no-brainer they're good they're gonna do it like of course they're gonna do it yeah so
this could be very challenging for a lot of people out there that tried to skirt the system.
And they're going to realize that, well, the long arm of the law will fuck them hard.
Do you really think, if I think about Canada, do you really think that there's an attempt to tax, like the capital gains thing?
I tweeted this like a month ago when it came out. The capital gains thing is meant to grab the real estate transfer between boomers
and their kids on death, on gifting, on whatever. And if you think that the policy position is,
if you think that they're going to take that policy position and all the attacks that come
with it, all the malcontent that comes with it, And then they're not going to follow up on your Binance
history. You're dumb. You're just dumb. Of course they're going to. And they're going to do it
happily. And how many times have we said this, Landon? I remember Preston Burns said this on
our show too. And he said on Twitter, many people have. The wheels of these big organizations
turn slowly, but they grind everything to dust given enough time. You will wind up on the floor
with those gears if you go this route, with the shit coins, with the tax evasion, you will get
got. Guaranteed 100%. Everybody does. That's the way this is going to work. There's never been a
time where government's been more starved for money and more willing to make an example of someone who's evading taxes.
Crypto, Bitcoin, whatever is the perfect potion for popularity.
You are a target.
Don't make yourself a bigger one.
It's low-hanging fruit.
You're pissing off who?
People are probably –
They want your fucking money. they want your fucking money they want your fucking money they're pushing shopping carts around downtown
for fuck's sake and you're walking around a millionaire thanks to pepe coin you're gonna pay
your fair share because you can be on the news and uh they'll garner support with your good name
for sure for sure let's do one last story we're up against the hour mark meta planet remember these
guys do you remember them the web3 company they bought they wanted to buy some bitcoin or something Let's do one last story. We're up against the hour mark. Metaplanet. Remember these guys?
Do you remember them?
The Web3 company?
They wanted to buy some Bitcoin or something?
They did buy some Bitcoin not too long ago.
In fact, I said at the time,
let's not even commit their name to memory
because we'll probably not talk about it.
I didn't.
I took the advice.
I took the advice.
Well, you know what?
I was wrong.
I stand corrected
because they bought some more Bitcoin
this past month i guess so they
scooped up another 20 bitcoin they said and that's worth around 200 million yen nice that was as of
may 10th the yen has gone down it's now 156 so it's getting you know it's it's a sliding scale
where it's getting worse by the day but either way meta planet now holds around 117 almost 118 bitcoin on their
balance sheet and in terms of their market cap that equates to about 33 of their overall market
cap so it's not like that other company out there we talked about remember i forget the name of it
but they it was gold mining company yes is meta planet is meta planet trading below nav like
what's the company worth?
I have no idea.
But Neelam Industries, I think is the name,
or Neelam Resources, my mistake.
That was the name of it.
It's a Canadian company, by the way.
Metaplanet, yeah, so they bought some more Bitcoin.
They're doing the microstrategy approach. But not only that, they also released a white paper
on their corporate strategy with respect to holding Bitcoin.
So they're out there they're
talking up a good game in terms of what they are going to be doing what's their ideas and how they
perceive bitcoin so yeah this seems to be spreading i'll be rather slow but you know the other side of
the planet we have one more company out there that's buying bitcoin it's not just a cvp and micro strategy it's now meta planet as well so cool stuff just looking at this white paper here uh he's saying all the
right things simon garevich oh dylan leclerc also wrote this interesting yeah okay it must
have been translated dylan leclerc is the director of bitcoin strategy for meta planet
yeah this is good this is good.
This is good. Highly recommend it.
Yeah, of course it's translated, but
still. Every time I hear Dylan
Aclara reminds me of Predator.
What was the other guy's name? The other
Zoomer kid with the broccoli
haircut. I can't remember his name.
Dylan was one. Who was the other one?
Someone in the chat will know.
Clement. Will Clemente. That's right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What are those kids?
He came all of a sudden, eh?
All these guys just came out of nowhere in 2020.
They're all bored at home smoking bowls.
I forget how to pronounce his name.
He was one of
Palm's boys. So Palm
boosted him up.
I'm surprised you didn't.
I'm surprised you're not saying that.
Will Clemente was a NHL 98 broadcaster.
I think in that version of the game for N64.
Will Clemente here for,
he was in the ESPN pregame show.
I didn't play the PC games too much.
So no,
I was at 64.
I didn't have a PC for games then either.
But yeah, anyway anyway it's part
of the time it's interesting though like you talk about uh us getting this wrong i thought that was
gonna be for sure a fly-by-night-by but here they are again stacking up and now releasing a strategy
uh square or block i should say also released an open source strategy for corporate um bitcoin
balance sheet work i haven't read it yet but uh the whole
strategy they're using this like dca thing holding it it's all they're open sourcing all of it so
anyone can follow it which is really good we should do our own because the cvp has been actively
stacking here's what every month we buy bitcoin and that's all that's it that's the end of it
yeah and if you want to if you want our bitcoin you go fuck right off it's our bitcoin that's it. That's the end of it. Yeah. And if you want our Bitcoin, you can fuck right off. It's our Bitcoin.
That's it. That's the second page
of the white paper. No ETF.
We get the actual thing.
We don't hold ETFs over here.
No, we don't do that. Fuck that, man.
That's not where we play. That's right.
Anyways, Joey, I think that's it for the Bitcoin
related stuff. We're past the hour. It's slightly over.
It's time to transition to the notable side
of things. Let's rip it. Heading over to notable. You guys know what to do. If you're on video, stay put. If you past the hour, slightly over, I think. Yeah, it's time to transition to the notable side of things. Let's rip it.
Heading over to notable. You guys know what to do. If you're on video,
stay put. If you're on audio, we'll see you tomorrow.
That's it. Take care of yourself.
And don't be a cock.
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