The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #164 (Other Notable Stories) - Swimming Migrants, Acceleration Stats, Volunteering at Shoppers Drug Mart
Episode Date: May 22, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. This week: -Copper a wanted commodity in San Fran -Acceleration stats -...New York swimmers -same old games with GME -Chuck’s new painting -Volunteering to stock shelves and so much more From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. With their new kyc-free options, there's never been a quicker, simpler, more private and (most importantly) cheaper way to acquire private Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.
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The Canadian Bitcoiners podcast is just two guys and maybe a guest or two discussing Bitcoin,
Bitcoin equities, and the related macroeconomic space. It's not meant to be financial advice,
so please, if you're doing any investing, after listening to our program, do your own research,
do your own due diligence, and understand that any money you invest can be lost. The show is meant for entertainment purposes only, and we hope you enjoy the program. by the way our our terminal friend uh our terminal friend talking about um your etf take
i mean we'll talk about it after but anyway there's a number of notable stories here i'm keen
on we should bring him on one day to discuss it he's due he's due actually for mstr and coin so
i'll be happy to discuss it more in person as be typing it out as be when you're listening um
or when you hear this you know let's let's do something i mean i could
just text you right now but i'm busy obviously so anyway where do you want to start with the uh
with the notables yeah well that's as we talked about the start of the show that you're talking
about the lights over there and you want to start there i love this that is the best it's the best
great story like i think this story is you give the story. You got to see the pictures to go with the story.
The pictures are really the best.
It's an ABC story.
So I'm taking this right from, you know, a mainstream media.
They say Tesla supercharger nozzles are cut and stolen in Vallejo charging station.
I hope I pronounced that right.
And more than a dozen of these superstar super charger locations had their wiring cut off
so somebody's going there i guess they're having fun at tesla owners expenses they're cutting this
is the thing that you plug into your tesla to power it up so that's that cord from the charging
station to your tesla they're cutting that i guess people are after copper too like because you know
copper is pretty damn expensive yeah and they use thick
copper in order to charge these cars because they use you know a lot of power goes in it so
they're they're not fucking using some cheap uh copper there so people are going there
cutting it off and taking it to do whatever they want with it presumably selling the copper but
imagine like think about this now right like we're at a time where they're still selling a lot of
internal combustion engine cars
there's going to come a point in time unless things change in california next decade they're
going to sell no new internal combustion engine cars at which point they're going to have so many
of these charging stations around they all have to be guarded with the army people are going to be
waiting for them to be you know the first one i set up no they're they're going to be guarded by armed irs or armed ira did you pay your taxes by the way so it's just
it's it's absolutely insane but but but not only did that story come out right because just crossing
the bay we could go into oakland right this is a new york post story oakland locals blame a homeless encampment for removing traffic lights city
traffic lights and so what happened is the city noticed that fucking these traffic lights were
being stolen they attempted to stop the criminals from tampering with these electric boxes that were
being stolen they put up these cement barriers even that wasn't enough they were getting around
this they fucking stole this so what are they doing because these fucking these uh electrical boxes that are used to control
the traffic lights over there full of copper that's what they want they decided no we're not
gonna have these fucking traffic lights joey they're gonna have fucking stop signs like you
have the picture over there this is incredible what a way to like move on forward rather than having a, you know, stoplights are pretty bad.
Like it doesn't help with the flow of traffic.
But I know a way to really fuck up with the flow of traffic.
Let's remove that and put fucking stop signs.
That's what they're doing.
Violent crime in Oakland up 22% this year.
It's according to the recent stats.
And 10% increase in commercial burglary.
They're taking everything in Oakland,
in San Francisco.
Good fucking luck if you're over there.
This is truly a notable story.
I love this.
This picture is incredible.
With the stop sign 30 feet off the ground
at what's presumably what was a,
what looks to be like a fairly complex
multi-lane intersection. You know, you probably had an advanced green there. It looks to me like
there's at least some parking, maybe a bike lane there. I mean, this is dicey. You know what I also
kind of think, Len? I don't know if they'll ever admit this, but what do you want to bet part of
the consideration was carjackings and car robberies?
You can't imagine that the guys who are stealing copper are not also jacking cars, right?
It's got to be the same.
The Venn diagram there, perfect circle.
Got to be close, right?
We can do a three-circle Venn diagram.
People that Biden says will suddenly lift themselves up by their bootstraps if they get ubi people who steal copper from tesla chargers and people who steal
traffic light materials perfect circle venn diagram i would say
yeah yeah perfect circle what can i say like i i'm just shocked that people are fucking they're accepting this you know
traffic sucks traffic really fucking sucks traffic gets worse when you bring in more people
everyone's bringing more people yes because infrastructure road infrastructure hasn't been
going building out as fast as the pace of people coming in so travel time has increased. And changing it from a traffic light that presumably was programmed in such a way to enable the most efficient traffic, like the utilization of the traffic and minimizing delays.
Stop signs are the fucking worst.
Stop signs work very well in areas that have limited amount of cars going through it
right but if you don't have it if it's a busy intersection it's not just simply oh they're
just taking away the copper let's just fucking remove the lights and put stop signs you're
fucking over people that are just trying to get to work or you know what what if somebody's trying
to use an ambulance to try to get to the to the hospital or what there's people that are getting
fucked over left right right, and center.
I can't believe people are accepting this bullshit.
But you know what?
I can understand.
Things are rough.
Copper is expensive.
It's there for the taking.
I'm not condoning it,
but if they're going to do it,
it makes sense.
But they created a situation.
This situation didn't come out of thin air.
It developed over a long period of time through policies. And here we are as a situation. This situation didn't come out of thin air. It developed over a long period of time through policies.
And here we are as a result.
And how do we fix this?
What is the way moving forward?
Be honest.
UBI and UBI and student debt forgiveness.
That only solves a little bit,
You think that's going to be enough to help elevate people to a point where
they're not going to be doing massive amounts of crimes the same way they are doing and and unlimited access to ozempic as well the american way
isn't there like a side effect to that would probably obviously their side
the thing freezes up your stomach or something anyway i i don't want to get into Ozempic, but just, man, I look at this,
it's a sad situation, right?
California was a... Now it's a challenging place
to live in certain places.
They had a really...
You could go skiing, you could go
surfing, not too far away from each
other, great weather. The GDP
still to this day is
still way more than what is it more than
like four or five countries in the world yeah it's something that's just ridiculous they generate so
much money over there because people there's a lot of people living there but man oh man they're
just ruining it and it just gets worse by the day san francisco a place where a lot of techies moved
businesses moved in rents shot up people wanted to move there
now people are shitting on the streets and taking drugs everywhere you can't even keep a store open
without getting uh told that you can't close it down remember there was a story we talked not too
long ago you can't if you're going to close the store you have to give six months notice or
something to the city like there's something stupid right like how fucking dumb is this but
either way that's just california no i have no additional comment just look at that picture if you're on the audio version go look up that story of the traffic light replaced by a stop
sign it's like peak it's peak clown world clown world's getting close here clown world getting
close to climaxing i would say has to be there's just no way there's just no way it can keep going
like this it's notable that's what it is very notable okay i got some stats here okay these
are very interesting acceleration stats that they come across shout out to the accelerationists yeah okay this is
tough joy that this rambi's off 14 of gen z yeah okay they saw 14 of gen z gen z gen z is
sorry cut you off it's below me right millennial? Millennial, then Z? I believe so.
They're the Zoomers.
The Zoomers.
Okay, yeah, yeah.
All right.
So 14% of them saw their credit maxed out in quarter one, 2024.
This is according to the New York Fed.
It gets worse.
12% of millennials have utilized over 90% of their credit limits.
That's high.
That's a lot.
Gen Z and millennials, their median credit limits are currently $4,500 and $1,600.
So not a heck of a lot.
The $1,600 is, but the $4,500, at least you could say-
Sorry, $16,000.
My mistake.
Oh, thank God.
Like millennials have $1,600 of credit.
That's it?
My mistake.
So the $4,500 is, you know, it sucks, but at least it's a manageable number.
$16,000 is not.
Okay, it gets worse.
10% of Gen Xers have maxed out their $21,000 median credit limit.
So 1 in 10 of Gen Xers have maxed out their credit.
Are you Gen X?
You're Gen X, right?
Okay. So U.S. credit delinquencies
in Q4 rose
9% for
ages 18 to
That's the strongest economy ever, Jack.
90 days overdue. 9% increase.
Strongest economy ever.
One in three young adults.
You got more. I got more.
One in three young adults. These are people in
Gen Z. So one in three, 33 you got more i got more one in three young these are people in gen z so one in
three thirty three percent have no income compared to one in five for similar age bracket in 1990
this is as per as per the saint 30 percent 30 percent of people in the zoomer bracket have no
income no income compared to the similar age bracket in 1990 at that time.
It was one in five.
I bet you it's like the highest.
I bet you the Zoomers are also the highest percentage of university or college grads ever too.
I bet you that.
I bet you that.
Yeah, I can see that.
That's fucking insane.
That is fucking insane.
Okay, yeah, continue.
This is the St. Louis Fed.
So again, this is coming from
a reputable source. 42% of those with household incomes, more than a hundred thousand dollars.
I repeat 42% of people with a household income of more than a hundred thousand dollars
are behind or delinquent under pay now. So by now pay later payments, this is as per Bloomberg.
So these are people that have a decent amount of income. If you're earning over 100,000 in the household,
it's a decent amount.
42% are now behind or delinquent in buy now, pay later.
This is getting bad.
Also, auto delinquencies are up by 2.8% in Q1 2024.
That's pretty bad.
But car insurance has gone up the inflation of that 22% in April.
So year over year.
So there's a lot of stats here
they're showing we're really screwed but man i can't believe how many people have maxed out
their credit how many people are not working just have no income but like as you say it's the best
economy ever last week i think we talked about this like phenomenon that i just came up with
when we were talking.
Keeping up with the Joneses debt spiral, there's actually no Jones family.
And it shows with stuff like this.
Everyone is just faking it. There is no real beacon of success in the average American neighborhood anymore. Everyone is just riddled
with debt, trying to pretend like they've got it all when really all of it just purchased on,
on credit, everything. It's, that's insane. I really want to find out that number now about
the Zoomers and university grads, because that would be a crazy juxtaposition having 30% of them
not having, having any income while also being the any income while also being the subsection of society,
your subsection of the demographics that has the highest ratio of post-secondary grads.
That would be nuts, but I think it's probably true because they're just giving away tuition
or giving away degrees at this point just to get you hooked on the tuition debt drug, right?
Like it's,
Oh man,
I got to find that out.
I wonder if chat GPT would have that.
I'm not going to type it in,
but I bet you they might have that stat.
All right,
you like,
you like to go to the pool,
You like to swim.
You like to go to the beach,
like swimming.
You like to do something like that,
Because if you are a strong swimmer,
unfortunately, you're going to be not.
I love this.
Eric, Eric at it again.
He's at it again.
Eric Adams, the mayor of New York,
he was saying at a press conference
how migrants can be used to temporarily fill a void
because there are people out there that need
lifeguards oh fuck and these migrants they're excellent swimmers he calls them excellent
swimmers so he says that they these excellent swimmer migrants can be used to temporarily fill
the void of the shortage of lifeguards so this is what they're going to be doing with these
migrants that have been sent over there. I love it.
This is a good use of talent.
If you have somebody that has a particular skill,
you try to use them in the job which they are best suited for.
In this case, somebody who has really good swimming skills, great.
Set them up to be a lifeguard and you're good to go.
New York, you got your priorities in straight.
I love it.
Thank you, Eric Adams, for this piece can you okay listen i'm not gonna this is obviously like
this guy's a total moron clearly he took time away from heading to vacation on in italy to
make this pronouncement of migrants get it swimming like everyone knows why he fucking said that and i just want
to just like let ask yourself how much of a tizzy like a complete like migraine inducing tailspin
of screeching whining and pillow screaming if trump had said that can you imagine if trump
had said that about migrants that they're strong swimmers they need to be you know recast as lifeguards and whatnot to help fill the shortage it would be the best swimmers jake topper jake topper would be on
tv fucking crying rachel maddow on tv fucking crying okay morning joe uh mika and joe brzezinski
fucking crying you know who wasn't a dissenter they have all the fucking and the migrant ngos and all these
other grifters and con men affiliated with the immigration uh scams that are going on all over
the world this is unbelievable this is shameful this is derogatory this is racist it's xenophobic
it's blah blah blah blah these people are all fucking idiots but no one is as big of a fucking idiot as Mayor Eric Adams.
Idiot of the fucking decade.
This guy.
I want to say that.
Oh, fuck.
Well, you don't have to.
I will.
He was.
Was he the chief of the police force over there?
Was it?
Or some kind of some kind of police related job there.
He was one of the higher ups over there, right?
Biggest fucking idiot in the world.
The guy makes this claim about migrants, is on Italy for a vacation, puts up the kiosks to inform would-be criminals that maybe crime is not a bad idea.
Oh, that'll really do it. him recently during his time with the police force talking about how if you find a crack pipe in your
child's backpack while you're searching through his stuff while he's not home maybe it's a good
way to start the conversation about drugs my brother in christ if you find a crack pipe in
your child's backpack it's the ship has sailed he needs more than just a conversation about drugs
and you take the playstation controller this guy len is a he's a moron he's a migrant to martha's vineyard or no
i don't know maybe i thought they did maybe they did yeah maybe they remember seeing a story so
how come like if there must have been like you know of that group don't forget eric adams was
mr sanctuary city okay remember this right it'd be a sanctuary city for anyone you know any tom
dick or harry who wants to come over here from any central
american country africa indy like whatever okay you guys all come on over now what now what
gonna be i guess new york new york heading toward uh you've heard of zero covid policy
new york embracing zero drowning policy gonna be 20 lifeguards at every fucking pool uh just doing
laps around the the perimeter of the swimming area making sure no one drowns insane it's this
is completely insane i mean i love the story it's good notable content but man is this guy dumb
it's like this is does this give you an idea of like how poor the candidates are for mayor in
these major cities like who did this guy
beat who did he beat who was running like mariel fucking bowser like who who was who was who else
was running in that race i have no idea mariel bowser it might still be the mayor of washington
actually i don't even remember if she is or not she may still be the mayor of washington that
person should be the mayor of tokyo with, right? It's a perfect, right?
It's such an incredible name.
Nintendo just filed a cease and desist.
I want to go back.
They did send migrants. I think I want to find a hole in Eric Adams' argument here because they sent some migrants to Martha's Vineyard, right?
One of those migrants had to have been a decent swimmer, right?
Like one.
Didn't we have like a decent swimmer right like one didn't we have
like a former president's personal chef drown like you figure if that migrant was nearby
and saw this it would have enabled him to intervene oh man you better get a bodyguard
talking like that i didn't say who i never said who i just like, you know, generalized statement. Oh man.
He drowned in like a six inch,
like the water.
It was like that.
You show like,
like God.
Let's talk about that really quick.
I'm a roaring kitty.
I mean,
I think this is,
it's notable enough, but you know, this thing went absolutely went absolutely bonkers once you know uh deep fucking values came back did one tweet and
all this something like i don't know what happened here but either way like this goes to show you
because this is all fiat games this thing was halted yeah in one day 34 times i think between
gme and amc so because it went up so much they had to hold it
come on how many times does bitcoin get halted maybe coinbase goes down for an extended period
of time but it doesn't mean the trade of bitcoin gets halted you can still do a peer-to-peer
exchange anyways this whole game let's be honest retail never wins i mean like you might have some
one-offs and deep fucking values may come around and and become a champion but really the game is rigged right it's all fake it's all fake it's not
serious you know talking to uh a major finn twitter account who will remain unnamed last
week during this whole thing like people people in his world are just they're they're in shambles
because they spend all this time
like writing reports,
doing fundamental analysis.
You know, is this company worth anything?
What's the net asset value of the treasury
compared to the market cap,
compared to the EBITDA,
compared to whatever.
And all it takes is one guy
tweeting out the meme of the guy
sitting up playing video games
to run a stock to a double. That's all it takes.
It's actually, I think, a double in a bit, if I remember correctly, over the course of a day or
two. But it's not serious. You got guys like, I don't know, who's a good example of this? Like
Druckenmiller or Ray Dalio or whoever talking about where to park your money in markets and
how to protect yourself from things. How do you predict that?
How do you predict that?
It's impossible.
And so what are you going to do now?
Are you going to go after DFV for posting a meme?
He didn't say anything.
He didn't do anything.
He just got out.
He pumped up that bag he had left for GME and got out.
That's it.
What else can you say?
GME issued debt too.
I'm pretty sure that they
issued equity for debt and you know what they did the right buying that i know they did that's
that's the incentive right but who bought there is a market there there's a you just issue it i
mean if it's higher than zero there's a market yeah if the coupon's good yeah sure yeah so it
makes sense because if it's run if the the cost up, if the price per share goes up.
Absolutely insane.
So in their eyes, I agree.
That makes total sense as a business decision.
But as an investor, again, that's why I go back to Bitcoin.
You know, there's only 21 million of them.
If you buy it, you know what you're going to get.
And there's no hanky-panky with it.
It's clearly the superior option.
It makes me laugh when people people again are like uh well you know i spent a lot of time doing research and uh
technical analysis and uh fundamental analysis and uh this is this you know gamestop doesn't
have any value as a company true by the way some guy who you know rose to infamy maybe you would say instead of fame
two years ago when everyone was locked inside waiting for a vaccine that didn't work uh he just
sent out a couple tweets went to wall street bets you know ken griffin lost his shirt uh who's the
other guy who lost his shirt i forget now god i forget that guy's name but yeah i know you're talking about the guy with the dark hair the younger guy who lost his shirt? I forget now. God, I forget the guy's name. But yeah, I know what you're talking about.
The guy with the dark hair, the younger guy.
They were cheering those fucking...
They rocked.
Yeah, me too.
I get it.
Don't get me wrong.
I get it.
But these people who think the finance is serious, it's not.
When people say Bitcoin is just a fantasy token, has no value, what the fuck are you guys doing?
You're at the mercy of a guy who wears a bandana trading stocks on a live
stream you're not any more or less serious than a circus clown okay at least like you said in
bitcoin there's no stops halts you know it's it's there's no circuit breakers here all right um
we we got we got if it goes up 90 or% in a minute, nothing's stopping that from going through.
What happens if I bet goes up like 30% or 40% in a day?
I don't think ETFs are subjected to circuit breakers.
Ah, okay.
That makes sense, right?
Because no one stops commodity trading during run-ups, right?
So, I mean, commodity markets are a lot more liquid.
They're a lot deeper. It's hard to get a circuit breaker level of that but you hear what i'm saying
but we've had a run-up of bitcoin during trading sessions and i bet had and other etfs had run
fuck even the canadian ones we've had a like massive remember when we had it during the elon
during the elon uh day or whatever when Bitcoin rose.
It was like 20% I'm pretty sure. I think the ETF came out after that.
Did they?
For Canada, yeah.
Oh, maybe because we weren't doing the podcast when that happened, right?
I think that was a little before we started.
You know where we had the ETFs?
I believe it was for the Chinese mining ban.
And then it brought it down to like $30K or so.
But then the run-up to like 65 30 70k
november so the etf was there during that time but it was also there at the time when luna collapsed
ftx collapsed a whole bunch of other bullshit so that was a massive drawdown and it was i can't
remember what did you know intraday uh trading was but we lost lots and lots of value in Bitcoin.
And ETFs, they didn't stop.
So I could be wrong. I was always under the impression
ETFs were not subjected to these
circuit breakers. I don't know.
I have to think about this now. I have to find out more
about that. Or if someone in the audience knows who's
thought about commodity circuit breakers, I'd be
curious to hear. Because it's got to be the same rules.
I think the Bitcoin ETF would be subjected
to the same rules. Again, sort of a wrench into the sec's original thesis but
anyway story for another time what else i'll talk about while you're getting enlightened on this i
think it's a good time maybe you should put in front of you that picture of king charles right
that new picture that they painted for him with that nice red background maybe that could give
you inspiration when you're looking into it say yeah you know what like this is why there's no circuit breaker but i don't know why they
released that picture like that one of the worst ever is that better or worse than uh obama's like
green bush's one the green bush's one is like especially bad he's like i gotta take a look at
this the green bush's one is nuts yeah it's not is nuts. Is that a picture? I'm taking a look.
It's a painting.
It's a painting.
Oh, there it is.
That's a fucking painting of him?
Like somebody decided to like gift it to him or unveil it?
No, that's the one that's in the White House.
That's like the official presidential painting.
That's the one.
So I think everyone, if I'm understanding this correctly, like everyone gets like a
portrait painted of themselves during their tenure as president.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You get obviously the headshot one, but I think you also get one other, and that's the one that he had.
Now, most people don't go with that.
That's a little less than traditional, I would say.
It's not quite as like, again, I'm not one of these people who believes in the power of demons or whatever.
But I mean, people who are sort of on this demonic this like demonic tip uh that prince charles one that's red meat well looks pretty fucked up
he must have green lighted this right like he he didn't go through the process
like i'm just figuring out given his position yeah and the implications of having a shitty
picture released you figure he would have
seen it before it was released right like he would have said yeah i like it or no let's make
it sure yeah yeah he he greenlit this thing uh and others too right i don't think he has the
ultimate say i'm sure there's other people giving him advice but man like looking at this i just
what i don't think it's the best decision i could be wrong sorry uh
alleged allegedly not the best decision i'll leave it at that and uh yeah we'll go from there
other comments on the photo except that if you haven't seen it's worth taking a look it's very
very bizarre not not a good idea good idea i'll go with the green bushes over the red painting
the green the green one i kind of i
at least like the contrast like obama's obviously like a black guy and i like the sort of contrast
like his skin tone on the green and i like the pose a little better the one of prince charles
like the obama one if you don't like it it's only because it's non-traditional fine you're entitled
to that opinion but there's a lot of reasons not to like the prince charles one like the prince charles on the eyes the red is harder the contrast is worse
he's he's obviously like a white guy the skin the skin tone is like kind of blending in a lot to the
background you can't really see like is he is he like meant to be sort of standing in a position
of power is he meant to be standing back relaxing i i can't really tell because the details are
not clear maybe it's just because i haven't really tell because the details are not clear
maybe it's just because i haven't seen it enough times and i've seen the obama one a bunch but
i don't know like i i really i just not the direction i would take uh if i was the artist
that's for sure that obama one is way better in my opinion oh yeah yeah i'm just going to
just strictly it's easier on the eyes that's's it. And there's nothing offensive about either of them, I'll say.
But certainly the one that has that green background,
I could just look at that for hours and laugh.
The other one, I can laugh at it, but I can't look at it for hours.
It's just too hard on the eyes.
Okay, let's do one last story, Joe.
We'll give you a break here.
God bless you.
We'll go to Notable North.
And just very briefly, Shoppers Drug Mart, they're under fire because they released an ad for a new person to stock shelves.
And it was not a paying position.
It was a volunteer position.
And not just for stocking shelves, but also a cleaning store in Toronto.
And, yeah, so they released a statement saying that it was a mistake and they
they didn't really expect this it was just something that it just you know it was not
something that they expected altogether just simply a mistake on their part but now they're
getting to the point where they're just asking for volunteer employees i'm sure if this didn't get
a lot of backlash given the fact of what's going on in the world,
they probably would have filled a position because somebody would have
wanted it,
get the experience,
get something on a resume and maybe make inroads within shoppers drug
where I'm not saying this is the right thing to do.
Certainly shoppers was in the wrong for doing this,
but I'm just pointing out that if this was able to go through without any
backlash from social media or and everybody
else this would have been filled that that just shows you how difficult it is for some people
out there that i think they're willing to do just about anything just to add something to their
resume and that's there's all i gotta say there's desperation in the workforce as we know um
and a lot of people who have uh let's say a lack of experience in sort
of western employment and the english language and all these things and so yeah they would have
filled that if there wasn't backlash i mean i don't work for shoppers drug mart i think that's
that's a loblaws outfit i'm pretty sure i think so yeah pretty sure like you know we've been fairly sympathetic
to the loblaws cause on this program like i know i'm not 100 certain that the price gouging is
quite as described in the media um but land like this looks bad that's the number of hr hoops you
probably have to go through to post something like that.
It can't just be one.
You can't,
that can't be just a branch level kind of,
you know,
thing or a store level thing is banks have branches,
but I can't be like a store level thing.
That's gotta be something corporate gets to look at,
even if it's just like regional corporate and they,
they let it go through for sure.
That was,
you know,
this was something that they have done on
purpose yeah so interesting i i have no comment on that it may be true i don't know i i just am
shocked that i came to the conclusion that and i think we both came to the conclusion that this
would have been filled if it was simply a volunteer position. The people are desperate, desperate for something just,
just to get experience.
And I'm not sure how well shoppers pays,
but I think people look at that as a decent starting job.
McDonald's near me has a sign up.
They're looking for help.
It's like a,
basically I think it's like 19 bucks an hour.
So what's that?
That's just a little shot of 40,000
a year you work 40 hour weeks i make dicks plus benefits plus vacation plus uh i mean if it's
like when i was a kid it may not be anymore but a lot of my friends like worked at mcdonald's for
a year or two and then became managers and we're making way better money than a bunch of us
certainly in high school i don't know what it's like now but maybe the potential is still there
for that you know why would you ever take a job for free yeah why would you ever take a job for free at shoppers when mcdonald's will pay you 19 bucks
an hour you know 19 and that goes to show you and that's even that way what was minimum what was
minimum wage when you were at your first job don't date yourself too hard here but uh what was it
i think yeah mine was mine was about 750 i'm pretty sure. My first job at Zeller's, I remember I was hyped because the starting wage was $767.
But you know what?
Which is higher than minimum wage.
Minimum wage back then, you struggled, to be honest.
But it was easier to just work simply on minimum wage and to make ends meet than it is now.
Even with $19 an hour, good and to make ends meet than it is now even with 19 an hour good
fucking luck making ends meet it's just it's a totally different game i know it seems like a
lot now 19 versus you know seven which you had or five when i have but it doesn't go very far at all
you can't live on your own on 40 000 a year like there's no chance you know zero chance you'd be
driving uber eats and stuff too no you'd have to live with somebody else and you have to skip meals like it is it that's why it's
not the it's not the end of all jobs that obviously you have to strive for something
more than minimum wage but minimum wage now before you had a fighting chance it was it was
struggling to get that fighting chance. Now you have no chance.
And it's getting worse by the day.
Because the reality is that's tied to inflation.
But we always question the number, the inflation number.
We don't question it.
It's fake and made up.
Everyone knows that. Well, I'm not going to go to that extent.
It's fake and made up.
All government data is fake and made up, broadly speaking.
I'm not going to go to that extent.
You have to. Made up. All data is fake. Government data is fake and made up, brother. I'm not going to go to that extent. Anyone who's bought eggs or cheese or meat or a house or a car or paid their power bill
or paid their gas bill, bought a pair of shoes, bought clothes, had a baby, played video games,
bought podcast gear.
What else?
Had to do any major projects, build a fence, put a roof on.
Inflation is not 3%. It's 15%.
That's, you know, back to the matter.
Period. End of story.
100%. Joey, we're at the end of
the stories here, unless you want to rhyme off
something else, but I'm sure you will. No, that's it.
God bless. Good night.
Come back for Brent and Mark tomorrow. We'll be talking.
What time is it?
Yeah, I was just going to say, I mean, I'll schedule
it for 7,
but it might be a little earlier, a little later.
Keep an eye on the feed.
It just depends on when they get here, when we settle in and stuff like that.
And I don't know how long we'll go, probably about an hour,
between 45 minutes and an hour, like usual.
Well, there's two of them, so you may want to go a little bit longer.
But even if you do it earlier, you could still do it for 7 o'clock.
You could set it up in such a way, I'm pretty sure that it goes live at 7, so
it doesn't screw up with people's schedules that want to
watch us at a set time.
But just an option.
There are a couple of cool dudes. I met them for the first time
last year at
a Rockstar Real Estate event.
Was it Jeff Booth's?
Piper's Heath Golf Course.
Yeah, exactly.
I want to play there, but i don't have the
money to play there so i played you know i played you know this last week please send sats please
joey that's for golf twenty dollars and fifty cents walking rate it was i'm not walking i'll
cart beside you if you want but i ain't walking it's a great walk i played tennis that morning
and still walked it and it was great like that's a fun walk like you go up and down the
escarpment listen everyone who everyone who asked me about len this weekend and i said you know he's
got birthdays family commitments turns out he was just fucking golfing and so hey i played tennis
three of the last four days i played golf on friday no but it's father-in-law turned 79
oh nice nice nice and so we had to see him this past weekend so yeah i mean it's just it's birthday central in lens house
anyway listen we'll see you tomorrow uh don't be stupid in the meantime take care of yourselves
yeah and don't be a cock and accelerate
don't forget everybody lots of other stuff on CBP Media Network,
including Two Whites in the Blue.
Me, Joey, my brother-in-law, Mike, and our friend Will
talk about all the problems millennials are having with finance, romance,
and just getting by.
If you like CBP, if you like the NHL 94 podcast,
I guarantee you'll like that one.
Search for it, Two Whites in the Blue, anywhere you get your podcasts.
We look forward to seeing you.