The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #165 (Other Notable Stories) - The Rules of Engagement in the US, The Orange Candidate, Canadian Economic Data

Episode Date: May 29, 2024

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. This week: -US males lack of desire to work -Draining oil reserves -RFJ ...Jr found wallstreetbets -Britons need to stock up -Canadian inflation -Tackling auto theft and so much more From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠ ⁠Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. With their new kyc-free options, there's never been a quicker, simpler, more private and (most importantly) cheaper way to acquire private Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Canadian Bitcoiners podcast is just two guys and maybe a guest or two discussing Bitcoin, Bitcoin equities, and the related macroeconomic space. It's not meant to be financial advice, so please, if you're doing any investing, after listening to our program, do your own research, do your own due diligence, and understand that any money you invest can be lost the show is meant for entertainment purposes only and we hope you enjoy the program nice way to get that in there okay where do you want to start for uh notable stories here we got i'm sure there's a lot of notable stories fuck there's times better okay we'll start off with the uk because we mentioned oh my god okay this and i'm
Starting point is 00:00:46 not talking about what's the going on in um that food bank over there i don't want to that's an old video that's an old video oh is it i didn't even know i don't want to that's so i have recent information what's going on over here so number one so officials over in the uk have been tallying up statistics oh Oh, good. And they indicate something that's very telling, Joey. This is great stuff. Some 3.1 million males. These are aged between 16 and 64.
Starting point is 00:01:16 You know, almost like, you know, almost pretty much everybody. Yeah. But this is the males, just the males. So, well, they are 3.1 million, by the way, are either they're out of work, out of the workforce by choice. That is,
Starting point is 00:01:33 they don't have a skillset to work or are physically unable to work, or they simply lack the desire and they choose not to work. 3.1 million males between 16 and 64 are not working by choice okay so that if you to put this in context that's around five percent of the overall population so it's a decent number or even 10 of the working population not measured in the unemployment numbers i would guess right i don't know how well here you're only unemployed if you wish you weren't basically that works right i'm pretty sure if you're trying to get a job you're not on you're on the unemployment they just move you to different categories
Starting point is 00:02:14 but and going back this number was it's not like this number has just risen so high, but it's been sizable for a long time, even before some virus came into existence. Estimates show that this number was 2.5 million before 2020. So there's a large segment of the male population in the UK that just, they don't work. But there was a sizable jump in 2020. But still, the number was, you know, it's been pretty high for for a long time but
Starting point is 00:02:45 strangely enough the women have not been impacted it's been steady for 30 years if you look at the number of women that are in the same category they're not going up so even what happened in 2020 it doesn't impact them they have the same desire or to to go work rather than they're crushing it they're crushing good for them but can anybody look at this and you say like you know five percent of the overall population does not want to work okay how could this end well right like you you put this puts more added pressure on the people that are working because their tax dollars have to be stretched further to accommodate everybody and you know the the country needs to operate unless they continue to go to net which they do but that's another topic but it makes me wonder what's gonna happen is it gonna be a gbi ubi something else i don't know but
Starting point is 00:03:30 man this is trending in the wrong direction and it just gets worse and worse pretty wild that uh like what listen i keep on hearing that birth rates are too low. Men are sexless. Have you considered getting a job, sir? Have you considered looking for work, going to the gym, making your bed as a wise man once said, getting that first early win in the day? I don't know. What are you supposed to say about a story like this? I can't imagine not getting up and having in your head right away. This is probably not good for my mental health. I don't know. But I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is think, okay, what tasks do I have to do before I go to the gym? Everything I do is a list of tasks. Here's a task I need to do, another task, another task, another task.
Starting point is 00:04:21 There's no breaks. But the thing is, once you start rolling downhill and complete all these tasks, the next one is just never too great. You get up, you do stuff around the house, you make your breakfast, hit the weights, come home, get in the shower, head to work, come home, put the stream up, whatever, right? You're doing stuff all day long and there's just one thing after another, after another. And you take a little bit of pride in the way you feel and what you do. And it helps grow your view of yourself a little bit. It helps inflate your ego. And you need that ego inflation if you're being honest with yourself, friends, and enemies. You need that ego inflation to find a partner sometimes.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And I hear stories, like I said, about birth rates and whatnot. And I just think it's not all related to whatever microplastics in your balls or whatever the story is these days it's also that people just don't they don't have the drive they just are like i'd rather play video games pacify myself with uh you know weed gummies uh government issued booze or whatever and uh throw on the xbox for hours. No, the women are the ones that are picking up the slack, it seems. Yeah, it seems, but they're not. They're certainly not with these fellas, are they? I think these are two separate groups.
Starting point is 00:05:32 My guess is that they're not. I mean, ladies, if you're with a guy like this, you know, it might be time to find yourself a Bitcoiner. You know? Or an Ethereum head, given if they're going to be going ahead with an ETF. Don't go with that fucking anyways sticking with the uk another story that's going on sky news they're reporting
Starting point is 00:05:50 that the government is advising citizens to stock up at least three days worth of drinking water and tinned food and this is a measure that the uk government is pushing out to make the population more resilient to threats and they say it's a good idea to have several days or longer of reserves um and i even go on i'll even say this especially this is very true if you live in an urban area where you can't grow or hunt your own food so that makes sense to do this but the narrative makes me wonder if something is imminent you know the fact that they're telling people they should be doing this uh i'm guessing they're scared maybe those millions of people that are not working they're going to cosplay as zombies
Starting point is 00:06:33 and they got to fucking do something i don't know what the fuck's going to happen but either way if you're interested in this new initiative you can check out the website time to go there right now check it out joy because it does mention so that to me like they're saying save up some water some food be ready for something something coming i i really don't know but i don't know maybe we should talk to the people at the food bank that's serving the food maybe they know let's see what's on this website here how would you prepare for an emergencies flooding fires and power cuts can affect us all yeah no beef there uh be informed about hazards i don't know is britain like prone to flooding i've not seen any britain is flooded stories in the last 10 years i don't think they had unprecedented rain
Starting point is 00:07:25 was it yeah yeah but were they flooded like there is so so much picture the picture on the website land have you seen the picture on the website like i've been on the shit is underwater like the people are people would be snorkeling around if this happened in britain does it happen like that in britain like why are they doing this it's like it's weird right like why bring this up that's weird i don't know the fact that the fact that are they doing this? It's weird, right? Why bring this up? That's weird. I don't know. The fact that you're doing this makes me wonder that they know something, that something's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:07:50 But anyways, let's keep moving on. Because there's cheap gas that's flowing in the United States. Because the Biden administration, they announced that they started the Memorial Day weekend. And that's the start of driving season, right? So in order for people to take advantage of cheap gas, they're going to do whatever they can to reduce the cost of the pumps. So a decision was made, and they're going to start the sale of 1 million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve. I don't know if this is an election year, so I'm not sure if these two things are correlated,
Starting point is 00:08:27 but either way, they're doing the sale. And the sale of gas will be in 100,000 barrel tranches at a time. So they're not going to release the whole 1 million at one shot. It's going to be 100,000 barrels at a time. They say that time people will help ensure that the gas ends up at the pump. Is cheaper going toward the election they probably didn't say that did they no they said before july 1st july 4th sorry july 4th july they want to have it cheaper now there's a couple of things i gotta say right now gas nationwide is three dollars and
Starting point is 00:08:59 60 cents i guess in california it's over five bucks in other areas it's cheaper but nationwide the average is three3.60. If you ask me, that's pretty decent considering the price of everything else that's gone up. And there's an analysis from GasBuddy. His name is Patrick DeHaan. And he says that if you think that this release of 1 million barrels of gas is going to make a difference, you've got to be skeptical of that because he says this is going to have little impact on the price nationally.
Starting point is 00:09:30 The million barrel reserve will only amount to 2.7 hours of total U.S. consumption. So 1 million barrels of gas will only amount to 2.7 hours of total u.s consumption
Starting point is 00:09:46 get your tesla it makes me wonder like yeah this is probably not going to make much of a fucking difference in the end well maybe i could be wrong but they must be doing this all the time is if this is you know this is not just crude this is they've processed this to make a gasoline and you can't leave gas for a long period of time it goes stale so they must constantly be selling it and refilling it to ensure that the supply they have is fresh gas i i would love to know i tried looking i don't know how they do this but i do know that gas just sitting there goes bad so this whole process they must be have they must have been doing this since the beginning of this whole situation and they've always been selling and replenishing but now they're just selling and not replenishing but okay so i see yeah i see here
Starting point is 00:10:29 uh they started selling i guess when 21 22 something like that looks like it looks like they started selling in earnest at the end of 21 there was 588 million barrels in the spr there's 367 today. So they're at about 60% of where it was two years ago. It's not the SPR. This is the gas reserve, the Northeast Gas Reserve. Okay, so it's another reserve. The SPR, I believe, is crude.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I could be wrong. Okay. And this is the refined version. So it's crude. You put it through refining gasoline. These guys are willing to part with like basically wartime we've talked about this before like you need a wartime energy stock and they just start parting with it to make holiday driving more bearable like i don't it's hard for me to understand that honestly it's really hard for me to understand that, honestly. It's really hard for me to understand that. I just don't get it. I understand that people are hard up. I understand that people are... And the other thing, whoever the representative of the Biden administration is,
Starting point is 00:11:45 they're all saying the economy is great. The data says it's great. Any, you know, ill will you have toward the current economic situation is only in your head. And yet they have to release at the same time, the economy is booming and outstanding.
Starting point is 00:12:00 And any pain you're feeling is your own fault. They have to release the most important strategic fuel reserve to make holiday driving more affordable. These things don't jive, do they? How are people not asking this question? Where's Ducey in the press room there asking this question? If things are as good as you say, why do you have to do this? It's an obvious question. Most people should be able to put together, but they just can't, right? Figure it out, man. This is a... God, sometimes when I hear stories about how Americans, Canadians, Europeans, whatever, are the least literate they've ever been, least capable of critical thinking,
Starting point is 00:12:41 least able to understand and piece together multiple parts of a story or multiple parts of a narrative. God, it just is really convenient that they can't fucking do it when all you need to do is be able to put this quick two and two together to ask this question and realize that maybe not everything is as rosy as you're being told. To me, it's insane that they're not doing this in the press room, but the media is bought and paid for over there. It's ridiculous no matter how you slice it. They have their overlords.
Starting point is 00:13:08 They have to make sure that they're happy, right? For sure. All right. Independent RFK Jr. He's trying to win over, I think, the Wall Street Bets crowd. The apes. Apes together strong. This guy's nuts.
Starting point is 00:13:21 It's his brain worm, right? Is it the brain worm? What's the problem? It's got gotta be because he's announced that he's purchased around 24 000 worth of gamestop shares it's a gamestop gamestop gamestop and gamestop shares that's what he ended up buying 24 000 worth and he's doing this to lend his support to what he calls the retail rebellion. And he's playing into what he calls to enact aggressive Wall Street reforms. That's what he's trying to achieve if he ever becomes president.
Starting point is 00:13:58 And I get what he's trying to do, right? Like what he's trying to support and i you know raising awareness about the shenanigans that go on in wall street i get it right um retail investors or traders they get fucked over in the end but i cannot help but think this reeks of desperation and i'm talking about rfk jr's decision here because and it's not me trying to try it like a feeble dunk on rfk jr it's just i'm calling it what it is remember when he was at the bitcoin and a money conference last year and the very next day or two days after i was talking about well i was poking holes in his argument in a statement people were out there saying he was a iconic statement and people were all but like right away i fucking
Starting point is 00:14:44 poked holes and i still will poke holes in this fucking his oh don't slam the desk don't slam i will do it to the fuck until my hand turns blue and but back to the game stop stuff um he's trying to reach out it looks like and attract a significant or a small segment of the population that are probably disgruntled with the whole system and likely they probably won't cast their vote so this may be you know in terms of trying to get those people on board i get it but the question i have is why hasn't he been vocal up to this point right it's retail trading being fucked over it's not like it just happened this year this gamestop happened they fucking
Starting point is 00:15:23 made a movie out of this. Three years ago. What is he going to talk about? So granted, I don't follow his campaign. Maybe he has been talking about this all this time. But you know what? If he hasn't, I'm calling bullshit here. And he's just following the latest thing that he finds on X or on Reddit. Follow that, and I'm going to try to get some support as a result.
Starting point is 00:15:41 But you know what? I don't buy it. It's fucking desperation in my opinion but we'll see what happens it's too bad because i really wanted us to get the first trt president uh would have been great to have this guy just doing shirtless you know bench press reps in the white house all the stuff you said is great but ultimately it doesn't matter okay no one cares about anything you just said the most important piece of this storyline is how cringe the poster is. Let's have a look.
Starting point is 00:16:06 People on video are going to enjoy this. Let's just take a look here at what we see. What are the elements of greatness? We have apes together strong in the Planet of the Apes font. Okay. Cringe. You think that's bad though? Let's zoom in here.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Kennedy with the bald eagle, the American bird. But Len, what about what's going on in the background is that an ape with a bald eagle perched this is one of the greatest posters of all time is he wearing like a armband or something that ape like what is yeah you sure yeah is this signifying something or does it say something i don't know i think this has to be like a planet of the apes clip ripoff or something like where else you're gonna get a picture like that that ape looks strangely man-like too you know like he's got like a sort of human glare i think it's yes i don't know i don't know who approved this but like this is like a fucking you know mushroom fever dream basically like if you you know if you go to the joshua tree and blast uh
Starting point is 00:17:16 what is that thing everybody takes the um god ayahuasca you go on an ayahuasca journey like this is what you see right before you come back to reality. Like RFK and eagle and a monkey holding an eagle. They're talking to you about the apes and like, holy fuck. I got to get a copy of this and put it up in the podcast studio. I need it. There's just no, there's never been a better poster than that. There's never been.
Starting point is 00:17:40 That's one of the best things I've ever seen. Can you top that? Can anybody top that no one's even talking about they're talking about how cringe the text is apes together strong like his tweet who cares about the tweet look at the graphic that's one of the best things i've ever seen man we gotta get you think he's gonna get a decent amount of the vote because the last third party candidate that made a dent was ross perot nine percent right i think i'm sorry was it nine percent perot was it that's enough but that's damn good for a third party yeah do you think that he'll be able to
Starting point is 00:18:12 replicate that same type of success or even exceed that no i don't think so i think he's very controversial i think that the other problem is that um this is like pure sort of conjecture speculation on my part, but my vibe is that the people who will come out to vote for RFK wouldn't have voted for Republican or Democrat otherwise. And so it's not really going to affect the outcome of the election. I do think that if it did, it would be negative for Trump. No one's choosing between like Biden and RFK.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I don't think they're choosing between Trump and RFK, if I had to guess. Which is funny because he was originally running. Yeah was trying to he was trying to yeah yeah and given his you know his heritage like his family makes sense but it's just funny that he well let's move on because electric cars that's a good topic it's a good story i want to bring up and we've talked about this many many times on the show i mean not in depth we've for sure we've mentioned it many times with respect to electric cars the taxes that are collected from gas and diesel right that that is used primarily to improve or keep up the roads and that is not collected when you have an electric car when you simply plug it
Starting point is 00:19:27 in i guess they could charge these type of taxes if you use a charging station but primarily people they charge at home so it's very difficult to collect charges given the current state so this is such a problem that even california is now facing a because there's a sizable number of people over there that have already ditched internal combustion engine cars and went to evs and they're paying right now eight billion dollars annually for road maintenance and they're not able to collect taxes from gas and diesel and that's causing them a problem so they come up to one solution and that is this is really interesting joy there it's really notable it sounds like it's supposed to be pretty notable in here notable it gets really good because they're going to be charging drivers
Starting point is 00:20:16 three cents a mile to drive their car and they have rolled out come on no way and it gets better than this joey so they've rolled out this pilot program and to test this out so participants who sign up with this will either use a transponder or take a picture of their odometer and those and you're asking like why would you want to do this you're gonna sign up yeah apparently they'reling up to $400 that could be given to people that do it. So there's some incentive. But this is something I found interesting because I did a Google search and I just typed in Google. I'm not trying to fucking cherry pick.
Starting point is 00:20:55 I put cost per mile EV versus internal combustion engine car in California. I want to know what's the cost of running internal combustion versus EV in California. First link I clicked. It was a Reddit article, four months old, relatively recent. And it talks about the Kia Iconic 6. This is a mid-sized EV. Yeah, that's a sedan. I think it's a four-door sedan.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah. So posted this chart, buddy did. And if you look at the cost of buying the charger installing it the cost of the fuel and cost of charging it it's around for the ev the cost the net cost are around 122 a month versus an internal combustion engine car of 152 difference of 30 bucks per month. All right. But now you throw in a 3 cents per mile. And if you do that, if you drive a thousand miles, $30,
Starting point is 00:21:53 that equates to, and boom, this is my Len math means that there's no fucking difference between driving an internal combustion engine car versus an EV car. If you're applying 3 cents per mile to drive it it's a fucking wash that's it and i can't believe it took them this long to figure this out i have no skin in the game i'm just some fucking jabroni in a basement talking about this we've talked about this the taxes collected from gas and diesel is going to go down. They have to somehow make this up in some other way.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And this creative solution of three cents a mile makes driving EVs as cheap or as expensive as driving internal combustion engine cars. Checkmate this. I mean, I can't believe people are going to say, I want to keep doing it. And I like EV cars. I do like EVs.
Starting point is 00:22:42 They, in certain situations, they are wonderful, but it's not a one-size-fits-all approach you got to apply them as needed but that's my my spiel i'll leave it you got you got to be a basket case to see that law coming and just stick around in california and insurance is doubled tore up in the chat insurance on your visa is way higher yeah the car doesn't last as long right you might get you know say usually 10 years, but I think most of the time you
Starting point is 00:23:05 get like seven or eight, I believe before you have to replace battery or before the range significantly impaired by just regular wear and tear and the nature of batteries. You know, it's not like we don't know this about batteries, by the way, it's not new information. I don't know, buddy. What can you say? You know, who's signing up? People need 400 bucks so badly that
Starting point is 00:23:25 they're willing to put a transponder in their car and pay three cents in perpetuity per mile driven. This is nuts. That place is like a gong show, California. A total fucking mad max, just one bad policy after another. It never ends over there. It never ends. We could do a whole segment on California, like California news every week, right? Last week was the stop signs. This week now we got this stupid EV thing. You name it. Every week there's something, right? It never fails. I think my favorite story was the million, I think it was $1 million toilet that they installed, a public toilet. Ridiculous. Like crazy. I think that was my favorite story.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Crazy. Or even like, are are you gonna do the ev charging station story we talked about that last week where you're stealing the copper no that was the biden administration gave seven billion dollars uh to different ev to to put up ev chargers all around the country in 2021 and to date they've only made seven chargers. So out of a billion, a clip basically for these chargers. That's inflation, right? And Pete Buttigieg, whatever that guy's name is, the transportation secretary got on TV the other day.
Starting point is 00:24:36 It was like, yeah, it's kind of a slow burn. Fuck, I guess so, Pete. Seven billion a charger three years later. I'm sure that basically any private industry could have done that better. Anyway, story for another day, potentially. Do you think they could do it for $900 million per station? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:53 I'll undercut them. If they had put that to RFP or whatever, I would have done it for $100 million a station. Easy. I think the CBP could. You and me could figure it out for 100 million a station you know i'd be willing to go as low as 100 million a station which is one-tenth of what you're paying now that's a steal yeah people well biden administration yeah there you go you're looking
Starting point is 00:25:16 at the guys that are gonna next for you and you can just point to where you want it done i'll be happy you could be like get a hold of me get a hold of me you want to reach us yeah let's move on to canadian news got a few stories here and stats can came out with some information from april inflation numbers uh inflation has cooled for the month of april and it came in at 2.7 and this is down from 2.9 in march so it's trending in i guess the right direction um they say that the cooling was moderated by gasoline prices so take that for what it's worth uh grocery prices have also slowed down to 1.4 over the year and this was led by slower growth in meat prices so i'm not sure meat prices they're slowing down in terms of the rate of change um
Starting point is 00:26:07 they say that because of this latest news 2.7 for april and 2.9 in march the bank of canada they may be looking now at potentially lowering the rates because as inflation is coming closer to that magical two percent number that the bank wants to see maybe they'll be more apt to start lowering rates we'll see what happens question is when and if they do it by how much remains to be seen 25 bips and they lower in june i think uh the mortgages the renewals, you know, earnestly here in 25 and 26, uh, going to be gangbusters for, you know, five, six times the rate, uh, at that point. So you got to get rates down to two or 3% by then, let's say, I think they, I think they cut
Starting point is 00:26:59 in June. I do. I think it's, uh, I think it's's almost guaranteed i'll put it out there where do you come down is there odds for that i know like in the states you can kind of see it in the bond price but um i don't know i have no taken this i have no idea it could happen june it could happen june 2025 26 i don't fucking know i mean i i've been so disconnected from that. All I care about is how many stats I have. The rest. I mean, it will impact me. So this is from the 21st in the Globe and Mail. The odds of a cut now up to 53% in June.
Starting point is 00:27:35 I don't know. What's that? 53. How do you come to that? Like that? Exactly. It's not like 50, 50. No, it's 53%.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Well, it's priced in based on the. Yeah, there's a way to do it we'd have to ask sb um who's due for an appearance actually on this program but um yeah i'd be curious how they price that i'm not exactly sure but that's pretty pretty high you know it hasn't been that high in a long time and you know there's a lot of moving parts we won't say exactly what moving parts are but there's reasons you would cut i think the data like i said before leaves something to be desired and oftentimes it is part of a broader effort to you know create a narrative around how the economy is doing i think it's possible to cut yeah i think it's more likely than not i don't know if guaranteed is the right word i know i said that earlier but i think it's more likely it's not lock of the week
Starting point is 00:28:20 it's not my lock of the week no no no let my lock of the week. No, no, no. Where do you come down? You have no guess? Come on, you got to give a guess. I can't be betting against myself every week here. You got to give me something. 51%, 49%. What do you think? I'll say, and I'm just throwing a dart on the board here,
Starting point is 00:28:40 like predicting the weather. I'll say they're not going to do it in June. They'll do it sometime after. Whenever is the next one after? I think it's in August. Yeah, I think it's in August. So I'll say they're not going to do it in june they'll do it sometime after whenever the next one after i think it's in august yeah i think it's in august so i'll say this particular one in august but i'm throwing a dart here so i have no fucking clue it's all good buddy let's uh some people who also don't know what's going on maybe boeing and we could talk about what happened in the singapore airline story and i i know this is i'm bringing this up because of a cbc story that i got some
Starting point is 00:29:05 interesting information here and uh for everybody that's aware you know that this airline um they hit massive turbulence this is a tragic story by the way it's just because one person died many people injured it dropped several thousand feet within seconds i guess that's what they were the guy died of a heart attack right he was an elderly fella and died of a heart attack in the i mean i can't say that i wouldn't have a heart attack either i've been on commuter flights from uh toronto to ottawa a few times and they're turbulent flights like i i freak out in the air i'm not a good flyer i can't i can just imagine i'd be i'd be praying my god anyway go ahead you should watch a live what is that that was a movie from
Starting point is 00:29:47 and it was based on a book and a off a true story it was the i think uruguayan rugby team and they were flying between argentina and chile and it's a mountain range in between it so in order to get to go from point a to point b they had to fly south and around the mountain and go north well i think it was the co-pilot which was inexperienced was flying at the time and he did it but he turned north too quickly so he was in the mountain range and so what happened is they hit they clipped the mountain and um a number of people ended up surviving and so what they did they were stuck at a very high altitude cold weather and uh they may do what they can they actually do
Starting point is 00:30:33 is cannibalism in order for them to uh because they had very little supplies excuse me this is a movie you are recommending to me sorry yeah man if you're a bad flyer this would be awesome to check it out but so they resulted the cannibalism and in the end um some people were safe because they they went on this trek to the you know over the mountains a few of the people were able to just to get away from the people eating them yeah no they went there and it got help to come back oh okay great interesting so it was like a month or two month ordeal or something that they were they were gone for like quite a while so yeah i gotta be honest with you len this is not on my list here you know i
Starting point is 00:31:13 don't think alive man it was yeah yeah man and even the simpsons made fun of it i'll send you the clip on that it was pretty funny that but it wasn't a funny story anyways singapore airlines yeah one person died many people injured. CBC is trying to get to the bottom of this. Like, what happened? What's causing all this? Shit like that. And they say that, for the article they penned,
Starting point is 00:31:36 climate change is making turbulence worse. And they say, although deaths are still rare, experts say that the turbulence, you know, it's all a result or could be a result of climate change. And to better understand this trend, the last turbulence death in a commercial flight was in 2009. And then before that was 1997. So doing the math, 97 to 2009, 12 years years 2009 to this year 15 years so you look at the chart i mean if i'm drawing a graph it's getting better right like there's there's less people dying due
Starting point is 00:32:14 to turbulence over the past 30 years almost so yeah it's just interesting because they even post these graphs this is from yahoo uh yahoo. They're even saying that 2024 had fewer air incidences. Sorry, few air accidents than the average year. So they're trying to pen that even with all this Boeing stuff that's going on, that it's still more, it's safer to fly.
Starting point is 00:32:38 So you have this one argument that the people that they're working on over there, Boeing, they're doing a wonderful job and and there's fewer air accidents, and you have these other sides saying that these fucking air accidents are caused by turbulence from climate change. You can't have it both ways. It's either things are going bad, and turbulence is getting worse,
Starting point is 00:32:55 and people are getting hurt. It's because of climate change. Or it's the opposite. Things are getting better. There's less accidents in the air as a result of just everything being better. I don't know. So you have the Boeing people saying we're doing a good job, and you have the climate change
Starting point is 00:33:08 people saying that this is causing all this bullshit. It's funny to see that they're opposite ends of the spectrum. But anyways, in the grand scheme of things, US, they're saying, is having a more or less a normal year with respect to air incidences. That's it. Even with all this stuff with Boeing, it's still like
Starting point is 00:33:23 I think it may be somewhat blown out of proportion, but so it's the only one that's died in the past 15 years as a result of, so. Boeing's not having a good quarter really. Right. Like Pete Buttigieg also on TV, going back to a mere Pete there talking about how climate change is causing turbulence. You know, I don't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:33:49 You got Tor up in the chat saying it's, you know, the plans from the 70s. Boeing obviously under some pressure because of DEI hiring and staffing. You know, then there's videos of staff at airplane at airports just chucking shit around as far as luggage that's been like that for a long time i know a recent phenomenon i know i know the thing is like when it becomes more common than not or when it crosses some threshold when carelessness and lack of pride hits some threshold you get deaths deaths. And this, you know, one of our friends, I won't say who, uh, is, is basically of the opinion that like, there's a time coming here where it's going to just be too dangerous to fly. Like it's going to be, you know, it's still going to be a very
Starting point is 00:34:37 small percentage chance something goes wrong, but it's just not going to be a chance you're willing to take. Right. And it's weird. Like the thing that we've talked about before, and before, and I've heard this other places too, and it's a touchy subject, but we have to at least consider it. When you have a population that's by the stats, least literate ever, least willing to work, least able to focus, least able to do all these things. You're going to get at some point, people who are incompetent holding jobs that require competency that's greater than what they're capable of. And when you get to a certain threshold where that's the situation in the employment market, what do you think happens? You see it at like Tim Hortons here in Canada, quite frankly, people can't take the order properly. They don't know how to make the coffee. They fuck up the donut. McDonald's,
Starting point is 00:35:30 famously, everyone's got to check at the drive-thru window before they leave if there's salsa in the bag. That's sort of the first step. But then you start getting to things like QC or luggage or mechanics or pilots or engineers or people who are in these other sort of high impact roles. It's not to say they're incompetent. They're more competent than average, but it requires greater than more competent than average to be part of a system that's that complex. And when you have too many people who are not up to snuff, you get bad results. Burning the coffee is one thing. Flying a plane is another.
Starting point is 00:36:14 You know? There's no room for error. There's no room for error. There's no room for error. And the problem is like the sort of job of flying a plane you need you need to be a competent pilot but what is being a pilot really right like the plane does most of the flying without issue i think it's like basically automatic at this point right the software does a lot of work and the automatic process take off and landing is still it's's the most, it's the dangerous. The 10 seconds as you're taking off and the 10 seconds as you're landing
Starting point is 00:36:48 will kill you. And that's when the people have to be competent. And if they're not. And it's also like you come up with an issue mid flight, then it's because the captain through either training or experience, then is able to diagnose and do something because yes like i've watched numerous videos on this great channel called the flight channel i would recommend that on youtube and it's uh it talks about airline disasters and sometimes they have real audio and stuff so i would check
Starting point is 00:37:16 it out you can understand what i'm saying here is that having a good pilot that knows the stuff has a lot of hours experience with that particular plane when something comes up with a light shows up or some some instrument goes offline he's able to quickly figure it out and work around it and and you know land a plane correctly safely with no injuries yeah so that so it's more than just you know the the 90 has been done there's it's a lot you know the pilot copilot and navigator there's a lot that's there and also on top of that i just want to say that the planes think about how many flights are done every day you go to pearson international airport it's like a fucking parking lot in the sky these things are coming these things happen without us these planes are over engineered where something happens there's a backup system another backup system it just that's the way they are and it makes sense with it
Starting point is 00:38:08 it's incredible that there's very few incidences that's why they go through all these checks pre-flight checks and everything is inspected beforehand it's a marvel that we're able to fly in the air and not go through all these incidences often it just it's a marvel that we're able to fly in the air and not go through all these incidences often. It just, it's amazing, but it's still the best way to travel by far. The safest way to travel. For sure.
Starting point is 00:38:32 The safest. Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. Polly's flying on a Boeing next week. Good luck. You'll be fine. I don't see in the chat.
Starting point is 00:38:38 It's been a slice. Yep. No, no, he'll be fine. The odds are with you. The odds are fucking with the Driving a car is far worse. Far, far worse.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Oh, for sure. For sure. Fuck. I guess we'll do one last story. Car theft in Canada. And Canada has launched a national action plan to combat the car theft problem. Because if you look at year over year,
Starting point is 00:39:02 Quebec, in Quebec, theft for cars rose 50% year over year quebec in quebec theft for cars rose 50 year over year ontario it's up almost 35 but if you even go look in a gta alone year over year up 104 that's a lot of fucking cars being stolen so the eternal the attorney general of canada came out and said they're going to be looking to add new offenses that are going to be targeting auto theft that is linked to violence and organized crimes and they're going to be proposing these new offenses that are going to be targeting the ringleaders of carjacking gangs and of note they'll also be looking at those who launder money that's garnered through the organized crime so I'm wondering if there's going to be bitcoin
Starting point is 00:39:45 that's going to be talked through all this i'm just wondering if that's the case but just me thinking on the side but either way one of the plans that they have is normally when the apprehended individual they close the bank accounts for them because you know they will have to launch an investigation they didn't want anything going in and out of the account but they're actually thinking about keeping the accounts, the bank accounts open longer rather than simply just closing them after they apprehend them. Why is that way? If there's any transactions after they could track and trace where the money is going to and from, and maybe that could be the root of the problem and they could try apprehending those people. So yeah, they're looking at creative
Starting point is 00:40:23 ways to find the root of the problem and to try to figure out what's going on and maybe they could get this car theft problem under control but we'll see they see they know the issues there they're working at it but until then i suggest drive a beater that's the only way to go i'm going to show you a tweet here it came out during the show that i was saving about auto theft. You make it this what you will for the people on the report. Peel regional police recover stolen vehicles and lay charges in major auto theft case valued at 33.2 million. More than half of the suspects were already on release for auto theft charges.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I'm not going to say anything about the picture on the screen, but if you're on video, you look at that. Why are the five guys not showing any picture? No idea. What are the youth? I can see why. I don't know what we're talking about here. These guys are out on bail
Starting point is 00:41:20 and again, I'm just not going to say anything about what's on the screen right now, except that it is worth looking at the tweet. It's on the six buzz TV, Twitter feed, six IX buzz TV, all one word. You make this what you will. Okay. But when people talk about some of the problems in the country, this is like a pretty nice snapshot of what they're talking about. Pretty nice snapshot. That's all I'll say.
Starting point is 00:41:51 That's it, Joey. That's all I have to say. I guess that's all you have to say. Great show. Great show today. Well done. Looking forward to your interview on Wednesday. The rest of you guys, thank you for coming as always. We appreciate your time, your support, all that good stuff. Until we talk to you next, take care of yourselves., thank you for coming as always. We appreciate your time, your support, all that good stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Until we talk to you next, take care of yourselves. And don't be a cuck. Are you a fan of the old school NHL 94 game on the Genesis or SNES? Why not check out my show, the NHL 94 podcast from tournaments and tactics to the people who
Starting point is 00:42:26 make up this community check it out wherever you listen to podcasts or find it on YouTube

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