The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #169 (Other Notable News Stories) - Bugs, Bitmain and Billionaires

Episode Date: June 26, 2024

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. This week: -Chicago to study reparations -San Fran’s mayoral debate ...-Secret Service unable to defend themselves -Seattle’s police recruitment -Heat takes hold in Ontario -Poverty levels in Canada and so much more From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠ ⁠Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Canadian Bitcoiners podcast is just two guys and maybe a guest or two discussing Bitcoin, Bitcoin equities, and the related macroeconomic space. It's not meant to be financial advice, so please, if you're doing any investing, after listening to our program, do your own research, do your own due diligence, and understand that any money you invest can be lost the show is meant for entertainment purposes only and we hope you enjoy the program 57 10 okay notables what do you got there's so many good notables this week you gotta pick like the top five six i don't know how many you want to do okay let's do uh chicago a cbp right sure we're so it's chicago mayor brandon johnson and
Starting point is 00:00:48 let's go brandon he's been he's been out there just killing it he's a girl he's wonderful he announced that chicago too is looking at the reparations because i remember we talked about california so chicago is doing a $500,000 study to look into this. And it's a task. Is that less or more than he spent on hair and makeup during the campaign? Oh, it was far more. It was 30,000.
Starting point is 00:01:13 30 wasn't ever. Okay. Okay. I knew it was, I knew it was less. I just wanted to give you a hard time. So this is a task force, which is being created and they're going to be studying the impact of slavery
Starting point is 00:01:24 and racism on black Chicago and Chicago Nians or whatever. is a task force which is being created and they're going to be studying the impact of slavery and racism on black chicago chicagonians or whatever that chicagoans chicago that's it yeah people living chicago whites i'm going to call them sure anyways they're going to be researching policies that go back hundreds of years in fact a couple hundred years a time when slavery would have a negative impact on the black community and the task force will create some sort of plan to remedy the situation including maybe offering some money as a result so for those wondering too yeah the city of chicago they're heavily in debt uh in fact their debt they have is so serious it's the second worst debt burden
Starting point is 00:02:06 in the united states wow any large city so the city owes way more money compared to the amount of revenues coming in but i guess this five hundred thousand dollar study was desperately needed but for them we'll see what transpires from this i i you know chicago is turning into a gold mine and i love this guy brandon johnson let's go brandon hello brandon mayor johnson if you ever want to come on the show and defend uh this policy you know we'll do it that we've said before there's a guest that's done some bitcoin shows not ours but um a guest in the or a person in the macro space who charges 200 for hair and makeup for all appearances that's cheaper than what you would charge me we gotta name that no we can't we can't
Starting point is 00:02:53 we can't because we'll i'll definitely get a dm we're we're not so big that we would have a problem but we are definitely big enough that they would find out that we named in shame that's for sure that's for sure correct That's for sure. Fucking crick. I know. I know. That's funny. Anyway, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Great, great stuff. Chicago has some of the worst educational metrics in the world, you know, per capita. There's a great story I saw about Chicago the other day that the school board there wants to increase the cost per year per student to something like 18 or 19 000 even though there's entire schools where there's not a single kid uh competent in math or english i mean you know math is that why because that stuff obviously it's is it what western? Western math. Oh, fuck. Have you heard about that? Of course.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I went to teacher's college, okay? I remember I went to teacher's college in the States, okay? And I remember the first time I ever really had like a I'm becoming radicalized moment was when someone told me that certain kids of certain ethnicities and certain, you know, kind of cultural backgrounds shouldn't be made to quote unquote, be on time because it's a Western construct, the idea of a schedule. And I just kept on thinking like respecting someone's time is not anything, it has nothing to do with the Western society. It's just like a thing that you do when you care that you're a respectable person. You respect someone's time by being on time.
Starting point is 00:04:27 That was the beginning of my steady radicalization. It's landed me here where now I'm insulting the mayor of Chicago. It's on a weekly basis at this point over some stupid thing that he said or done. Also, why does it take 500K? I mean, there's one of these fucking studies every goddamn month. So just ask someone else what they found. Why do we have to ask this guy to spend another 500k?
Starting point is 00:04:50 This is like the dumbest shit in the world. Everyone has been doing this. Just go to Gavin. What's Gavin say? Doesn't Gavin have the fucking data on this already? Why do we got to find out from this guy? Or Lightfoot? Are we really saying that Lori Lightfoot never did anything like this while she was in office of course she fucking did like they already like they already
Starting point is 00:05:09 must have this stuff now the question is was 30 000 spent i gotta find out when she was in power in terms of i sure fucking hope not uh i don't want to go i just want to know how much was spent for yeah i don't know what's it cost for a Beetlejuice costume? Let's see. Push for reparations in Chicago. 2021. 2023. Those are outdated.
Starting point is 00:05:35 2023 is so far away. It's their last year. God, I can already tell the judge is going to love this section when you and me are in the courtroom trying to defend ourselves. I'm defending it. A year, a a lot could happen a child could be born you know there's so much a house could be built yeah but like in terms of reparations for slavery land what new developments have there been since 2021 obviously i'm not doing a study i'm not do i look like somebody that's somebody that's i don't i'm not touching that right go to the next story we've already got ourselves in enough
Starting point is 00:06:11 trouble here i'm for this stuff so let's talk about what's going on in uh california we got a cbp right cbp right so the duties of a secret service agent, Joey. Do you know what the duties of a secret service agent are? There's two duties, by the way. These days? Just in general, like the main duties they have. Pursuing people who use Venmo for transactions greater than $600. That's the IRS.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Don't report them. Yeah, okay. That's not secret service. That's not secret service. Making sure that Joe Bowden gets off off the stage okay holding his hand that's probably also that's gonna be secret service right yeah so that's somewhat because they're trying to safeguard the president the vice president and a whole bunch of other people okay former presidents as well also get Secret Service protection. Also candidates, certain candidates. Some.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Some. R.F. Cage Jr.'s doctor. But anyways, they also do other things like criminal investigation, financial crime investigation. Really? Yeah, that's part of one of their mandates, but I'm not going to get into that. I want to talk about the protection of these important figures, right? So they're out there. They should be able to figure out if something's going wrong but anyways one secret service agent was out there
Starting point is 00:07:31 in california because biden had an event with um former president barack obama yeah and they raised a whole bunch of money oh and kimmel that kimmel biden uh god that was great. Anyway, go ahead. I don't know. I don't know what was Kimmel in there. It's a video. It's a video. Another video of Biden, like just freezing on stage. And then Corinne Jean-Pierre getting on the press secretary podium
Starting point is 00:07:56 and saying that all these videos of Biden freezing all over the place are quote unquote cheap fakes. That's right. That's right. AI. See these Bitcoin bitcoin miners out there they're linking up with these ai companies shut them down we found the linkage here so anyways this poor secret service agent out there was just there to do his job to protect the president and former vice sorry former president as well so you gotta figure these guys they would you know know when shit's gonna happen to diffuse the situation protect themselves and now there's a whole nine yards right but
Starting point is 00:08:33 not over there so in a small town just outside of anaheim the local the police department over there said that officers responded to a call about a possible robbery that took place in a residential community. Upon arrival, the officers discovered that the victim was a Secret Service agent and his bag was still in the gunpoint. And you know what? You gotta figure like a Secret Service agent
Starting point is 00:08:57 how the fuck does this guy get robbed by a common thug? Oh my god. What the fuck? So we got to a point that the people that are out there to protect the president are getting fucking robbed this is fucking bad i love that how did that guy get on the detail that guy's len that guy's like the cream of the crop when it comes to secret service agents what's the guy who's like you know the guy who's like you know on the he's on like, you know, on the,
Starting point is 00:09:26 he's on duty today, like the turkey pardoning in the White House front yard or like the Easter egg hung in the White House front yard. What's that guy? Like that guy might get ripped off by a school kid, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:35 like he might get ripped off by a junkie or something. He's just there to ensure that there's only one person entering the port-a-potty at a time. And that's his job. And he does that well. When I used entering the port-a-potty at a time. And that's his job. And he does that well. People haven't got in at the same time.
Starting point is 00:09:49 When I was going to Brock, there was this guy at Big Buck's Bar, which I think is called Barracuda now. I can't remember the name. But there was this guy in there that used to dispense soap for you and sang Smack That by Akon, except he would say,
Starting point is 00:10:04 you need some soap, smack that, you need some soap. I feel like this guy, the cut of his jib might make him actually a more competent secret service agent than the guy who got robbed in California. Do you have thoughts on this? The club soap dispenser guy who invariably is dealing with drunken belligerent people all the time. As a professional choice, he's done this. He goes to the places where the drinks per capita are above 4.5 per person by 11 o'clock and only rising as the night goes on. People don't want to go to the washroom. They don't want to wash their hands and they don't want to use the soap. But that guy's in there forcing the soap on people.
Starting point is 00:10:47 This guy might be more cut out for the job of Secret Service agent than the guy who got robbed in California. You have to ask yourself how he looks in a dark suit and sunglasses. If he doesn't look the part, he's not going to get hired. So that's part of it.
Starting point is 00:11:02 And you know, the Secret Service, right? That'd be the biggest part of it, Len. Honestly not it's definitely not like martial arts or self-defense does this guy have a gun like are they always supposed to carry guns apparently he was robbed and his bag was stolen you know it just goes to show you california it's going to shit as a result you gotta love that state and let's keep moving on let's talk about seattle because there was a job job posting done by the seattle police department and in it they're accepting applications from daca recipients so what is daca that's the dreamers right it is dreamers yeah okay it is so i'll give you like for people that are unaware it's a form of temporary
Starting point is 00:11:46 relief from deportation known as deferred action relief undocumented youth who came to the united states before the age of 16 who reside in the u.s since june 2007 and met no other requirements so basically a parent brought their child here and they were young at the time they came here illegally and they stay here and they're just they're undocumented that's another way to say they're young people that are now young adults that are undocumented well as per the seattle website the police department they're looking for applicants who hold united states citizenship or have legal permanent residency or they're part of the deferred action childhood arrivals DACA recipient so they're not giving badges to people potentially that have no fucking
Starting point is 00:12:31 status and they're the people that are going to be protecting the people the general population right this is what we've come to there's not enough people to apply for these jobs they're not they're not desirable enough for anybody else that are citizens or permanent residents that came here legally or born here and they're opening it up to daca recipients like wow like what the hell's going on i don't know what to think about this to your point i think the big issue might be that the job is just no longer desirable in a place like seattle chicago you know, New York to some extent. New York's police department still has a sort of great legacy reputation.
Starting point is 00:13:13 So maybe they're not having this problem yet, but they probably will at some point. But Seattle, why would you ever want to be a Seattle cop? You're dealing with policies that we know don't work for things like drugs and violence and theft. Uh, those guys had that, uh, remember they put up that fake country or something and what did they call
Starting point is 00:13:33 it? This, um, it's like the independent zone or something like that. Remember that? What was that thing called? Someone in the chat will know. I can't remember what they call that.
Starting point is 00:13:41 It was like shortly after the George Floyd riots. Maybe I can't remember. There must be out of this world. There must be a ton of them in Seattle. though. I can't remember what they called it. It was shortly after the George Floyd riots, maybe. I can't remember. The homeless must be out of this world. There must be a ton of them in Seattle. I'm relying on someone from the chat to tell me what the name of that zone was in Seattle they came up with. God, I can't remember. But anyway,
Starting point is 00:13:57 a total nightmare city. I would never want to live anywhere near there. And also, their football team's not that good. They just signed Gino Smith and traded for Sam Howell. You know, you can't, you can't support that place. Here's a question for you.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Okay. Should there be restrictions on who can become a police officer? These, these are the same sorts of people then that will send you a social worker. When someone is like wielding a knife during a mental episode they're telling you that they the bar is so low for cops now to like
Starting point is 00:14:32 I don't I don't get who is this benefiting really you know do the dreamers even want these jobs you know this is the other question you know I know it's open to dreamers only or whatever but like do they even know not open it's open to everybody including including sorry yeah so like do they even want the jobs i guess we'll see you know we'll find out how much how many dreamers they
Starting point is 00:14:54 get in the force i suppose but you know i'm not i'm not i don't think they want the jobs either right if it pays well you know think about it you're undocumented you're part of this DACA recipient stuff yeah yeah it's I don't think you're gonna be first choice when it comes to high paying jobs so maybe this might be something that they'd like there may be a pension um sick days shit like that that come along with it so maybe there's something here that you know it is appealing to people of that status but do you want people of that status there to be having badges like they're on theoretically they're undocumented yeah right like i don't know it's a touchy subject i'm not sure i don't know what the nature of these sorts of things you know should
Starting point is 00:15:43 be is what data they have to support any of this stuff who knows right also how long does it take for you know a new citizen documented illegal or otherwise to really assimilate to the culture right does it take 20 years does a kid who was born here or there i should say i guess like does that kid view himself as american probably i would say yeah probably yeah if the majority of your life was spent you know right right so maybe maybe it's not that big a deal i just think that the the bigger problem is like why not just say to those same that same group like maybe instead of allowing them to get jobs, why not say to the same group, here's a path to citizenship and naturalize them or whatever that term is? Isn't that the more humane is the wrong word, but the better thing to do? No? Yes? They're good enough for the job
Starting point is 00:16:40 with the police, but not good enough for other similarly paying important jobs in society the god's the other thing i don't really get you can't be just one right unless you're truly just like thinking that the police force is like a meat grinder and you just need bodies then maybe you do it like like that then i would use the term you know inhumane but um yeah and work on the study because there's five hundred thousand dollars so maybe there's an opportunity there to make some money jesus christ fitzsimmons in the chat there chas autonomous zone was the name of it yeah they started their own little mini country there with like spray painted signs it looked like something out of fallout 4 where you just find a bunch of raiders and a rare item
Starting point is 00:17:19 honestly is ridiculous completely ridiculous so let's go to ontario now i think it's a good time to sure move on to the notable side in north this past week in ontario we had some extremely i want to say we had some warm weather right yeah and as somebody in our chat put it it's nice weather right but either way it was what they're calling a heat dome that just took hold of Ontario. That's what it was called, a fucking heat dome. That thing is just brutal. It's like, anyways, it caused indoor temperatures in schools to shoot up to above 25 Celsius or around 77 Fahrenheit.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And not all classrooms, yeah, keep playing that joke, not all classrooms were using AC. So some had to resort to fuck this is getting bad because opening windows and using fans like heaven for good good thing we have advocates out there to help us right because the ontario green party their deputy leader issued a news release after this heat dome and outlining the problems saying that a lack of access to cool classrooms is dangerous to both staff and students by hindering the well-being and learning and creating what they
Starting point is 00:18:30 call extreme risks for those with pre-existing health conditions like man oh man like it was warm but i remember growing up we didn't have ac i was in the third floor of a school with no ac we just opened the windows no fans and turn the lights off right you'd have the lights that's it turn the lights off right like yeah it was hot but it was you know approaching summer and what are you gonna do but whatever i don't know man i i played tennis midday in a heat dome. I ran in a heat dome. I didn't fucking expire. It was warm, but it wasn't crazy. Human beings were able to deal with it.
Starting point is 00:19:13 In fact, there's more people that die every year more to cold than to heat. Here's the fix, okay? Get the freezies out of the fridge in the staff room. Dole them out to the kids. Shut the lights off. Here's the sort of unspoken thing about this is that they're not doing fuck all the last month of school anyway. So am I supposed to think that this is causing problems for learning? It's not.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Am I supposed to think that the kids who have pre-existing conditions are going to die in 26 degree heat, 25 degree heat? They're not. I don't buy it. And to your point, I don't want to sound like an old man because I'm not, and I'm a little younger than you. But I remember the same thing. We never had AC in school.
Starting point is 00:19:53 What kind of school has AC? You want to build character? Go to school with no air conditioning. Leave the lights off. Open the door. Open the windows. Put the fan on. Just take it easy.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Get a drink. What are we talking about here? Are we serious? And also, if it's that big a deal, then fucking buy an air conditioner for the school. Put a window AC in every room. It'll probably cost five grand. Be done with it. As if it's this big a deal.
Starting point is 00:20:19 The biggest conspiracy theory here that makes the most sense to me is that teachers want school to end earlier. And they look at the gains they've made in terms of PTO over the last 10 years, additional days off for holidays, additional days off for March breaks and fall breaks and whatnot. And they're thinking, shit, if I can rip three years in a row where there's stories in major newspapers and say like, yeah, kids should not be in school past June 15th instead of June 29th or whatever, they always run to the end of the month. That's a big win for teachers in the union. And I think they're going to try and take advantage of that. You can write that one down. I think they're going to say school should end two weeks earlier.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Global warming is getting too bad. The Ford government won't buy us air conditioners everyone who buys this is like wholesale stupid honestly it's just one thing after another i hate teachers more than i hate most professions not all teachers of course but like 80 of them uh and to me it's just going to be like blen you think if the fucking liquor store had the ac out that these teachers wouldn't still be showing up there fucking grabbing high noons and smearing off Mickey's for their pool parties? Of course they fucking would be the same way that these fucking morons were at the liquor store every day buying booze during the pandemic, even though going to school is too dangerous. Fuck these people. Fuck these people. They deliver the worst results anywhere in the fucking country. All these schools are
Starting point is 00:21:46 underperforming. All they care about is cultural nonsense. They don't teach math. They don't teach science. They don't teach English. I don't know. Two weeks earlier. Sure. Fuck it. Let them fall further behind. They'll ask for another $10,000 a year in raises and extra negotiation round.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I think Doug Ford is the problem. The radio ads will be insufferable and they'll still have to be revered when you see him at dinner parties fuck them fuck them that's what i think very good let's talk about a stunning report that came out from food banks canada now stats can they had a report and they were saying in that report from stats can poverty rate in canada was around 10 so one of every 10 canadians are living in poverty according to stats can not great but if you look at the food bank food banks canada their survey it's getting
Starting point is 00:22:42 worse because their numbers don't agree with stats can food banks canada says 25 of canadians are experiencing poverty standard of living 25 and they can had concluded this they come to this conclusion with the rationale that folks cannot afford two or more essentials household essentials and the list of what they deem to be household essentials is quite lengthy but we've never talked about that list before right it's a list of not just foods but like activities and kind of like uh like situations you may find yourself in if you are living in poverty i had never seen this list before but i think we're talking about the same list yeah and i picked up i traded picked a few things from it so one is paying bills on time another one is adequate footwear because you know the
Starting point is 00:23:32 winter you need something to cover yourself when it gets cold and slushy and so forth another one is affordability of transportation so these are just three of the many things on that list and so they're saying people are struggling to meet at least two of these and as a result they are living in poverty 25 of canadians are living in poverty so if you look at this new way of measuring people's if they're in poverty or not that's an additional six million canadians that are living in poverty than previously thought and if you look at this even further they're saying 30 of canadians aged 18 to 30 are living in poverty, 30%. But 44.5% are single parents. 42% are renters are experiencing poverty level standard of living.
Starting point is 00:24:18 So if you're a renter, almost 50% chance that you meet the disqualification of living in poverty. These are the things that you're looking at that show you that the economy is not running as strong as people think it is, or at least what they're trying to paint it to be. And it's pretty sad. People that are living in poverty will need more help. They'll need more social services. And it's going to make the tax dollar stretch even further because they're going to have to pay instead of paying
Starting point is 00:24:48 for roads or infrastructure or whatever the fuck that has to be paid for. It's has to be paid for services for this group of people, which is growing by the day because they need help. It's not like in Canada you can get by living in a fucking tent maybe for a few months, but not 12 months a year. So now I'll leave it at that. Joey. So, okay. it by living in a fucking tent maybe for a few months but not 12 months a year so yeah i'll leave it at that show you so okay i have something to add to this and i want to note is this good
Starting point is 00:25:17 data yeah it is uh okay let me see if this makes sense here the one one thing I want to add, okay, just before I get into this, the thing about the poverty list is that the list is pretty good, but it's incomplete. And I think what you don't see there is like what I'm going to call, because I just don't have a better term for it, spiritual poverty. How many people are living and don't ever have problems with any of that stuff, but can't do anything, but live, you know, for two hours, three hours at home after they eat a substandard in terms of caloric balance and nutritional value meal, you know, go to sleep. Like I always say, you know, I'm not going to make the joke again because I feel like I make it every week and I don't want to joke about this too much. And then I have to go to work again the next day. When people say poverty, they're really talking about finances and situational stuff. How about your spiritual
Starting point is 00:26:15 wealth? How happy are you as an individual? How close to fulfillment are you as an individual? I think it's funny to me that, and this is, I think, very telling. If I look across the landscape of education and employment and corporate American interests and priorities, I see a lot of stuff about fulfillment, enrichment, and intangible things that contribute or at least are allegedly contributing to my well-being. But then when I look at the poverty numbers and the number of people living below the poverty line, I don't see anything about that. I'm told constantly that these things are some of the most important things that anyone can do for themselves or for others. But then when I think about how they measure whether or not someone is living in a poverty situation, they're not there.
Starting point is 00:27:14 I don't see them at all. They're not there because everyone is experiencing these things now in a way that they weren't before. And I think, Len, in the next 50 years or whatever, you're going to see a lot of people talking for the first time about how spiritual poverty was a precursor to financial poverty in a lot of cases. People lost hope and stopped doing things that were keeping them out of financial poverty because they just said, fuck it. I'm not going to worry about this too much anymore. Things are not getting better. I'm not going to find a wife. I'm not going to find a house. My friends are too busy for me now and I'm too busy for them. Just barely getting by. This is an important thing that people are going to be talking about soon. If I look to Len at stuff like caloric intake. The data is a little bit unclear, but I think what you're seeing now,
Starting point is 00:28:08 and we'll see again shortly, my doctor actually noted this to me the other day, that stuff like dairy has basically been removed from the Canadian nutritional guide. Dairy is maybe the most expensive thing to buy pound for pound in you know, pound for pound in the store, whether it's milk, cheese or otherwise, that's no longer in the nutritional guide. I think that a lot of people are going to start to say, well, you actually don't need this many calories per day. You know, we have sort of an obesity epidemic in places like America and Canada. We should limit or start to focus on getting less calories every day. All that stuff is really just ways of saying that people are entering into poverty situations, I think. And Staphidine has made this point many times,
Starting point is 00:28:51 and I agree with it by and large, although I don't know the details enough to say that I agree with everything. There's a lot of ways that you can mask a bad situation as it gets worse. And these measuring sticks are one of them. Poverty, what it means to live and the cost of living, stuff like that. Stuff we've talked about a bunch. And I think that you're going to see, like I said, in the next few decades that it was really the sort of spiritual side of this
Starting point is 00:29:17 that we knew about and a lot of people understood sort of implicitly but couldn't articulate. And that I think governments knew about early and just didn't do anything about or tried to hide. And it really led people down a path in a lot of ways. And more often than not, where they became financially poverty stricken as well. Sad situation. But yeah, it's clearly happening everywhere and this idea that it's this small a
Starting point is 00:29:47 number i think is just it's it's obviously not true and another thing is how many people are working second jobs or some side gig or whatever and that's tapping into their recreation time so it's making their quality of life even it's reducing that because they're spending more of their waking hours, just trying to earn money to make ends meet. And it's part of broken money, right? When money is broken,
Starting point is 00:30:14 this is part of it. Yeah. This is the last topics. Well, since we've talked about poverty, let's just end on that because there is a displaced family in Ontario. And these people, they decided to try to make things work during the summer months. They're thinking outside the box.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Because last February, due to, quote, unquote, unsafe conditions at a rental home, they forced this family to leave and also with the high cost of housing they decided to do something very different and it's a family of five and it includes three young kids very sad sorry but what they decided to do is rent a place campground at beaver mead campground this is near or inside peterborough ontario they've been there since may 10th and so not squatting they paid their bills they've rented this area just like anybody else any any other person that is going to use this campground they paid for it and well they got sideswiped when the the comfort the conversation owners and these are the folks that are running it they decided to issue a trespassing notice to the family on june 18th so these guys are homeless
Starting point is 00:31:34 they decided to rent a place at a campground it's there anybody can rent it but they decided no you guys can't because it's trespassing in the letter that was given to the family they said the beavermead campground is not a housing option for you and you will not be permitted to make consecutive bookings in the future how bullshit is that and i took a look at the pricing over here it's actually not too bad if you wanted to get 150 day seasonal campsite with 50 amp service it would cost you 3700 it's not bad for 150 days so not at all i could i can understand why they decided to do this because weather's getting better they could just pitch a tent and then they're going to be able to at least survive especially with three young kids it's tough to do but man what the fuck is this they rented this place lawfully
Starting point is 00:32:25 they're not squatting and they fucking can't stay there like this is bullshit isn't it this is becoming this is the end from what i can see they were closer to the end much closer to the end than any other time and it's fucking sad what are they supposed to do the you're talking about the people that run this conversation area i mean everybody everybody everybody like what what is what are what are all the parties involved supposed to do here right the conservation area is meant to be a place where families camp and stuff and it's like a place where everyone gets to share and some of the beauty you know natural beauty of the province the country i kind of get why they don't want families living there in perpetuity. Fine.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I may not agree, but I can at least see their point. What's the family supposed to do? The family's making a decision that makes sense for them in the short to medium term, at least, while they're without a home. They're paying to be there. So the business of the campsite there is benefiting. And then like both, you know, the campsite decides that you don't want them there anymore. Fine.
Starting point is 00:33:37 But I mean, I think they don't want them there because they don't want it to become the norm, right? They don't want everyone to just be living in a campground for quote unquote cheap. I mean, it's cheap compared to housing standards, but obviously there's a price to pay other places on that SWOT analysis. I don't know what to think about this. I don't have a strong feeling either way.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I do feel bad for the family because one thing I appreciate when I see stories like this is like, yeah, this guy and his wife are like thinking about how they can make things bearable for their kids and for each other. And they come up with this idea. Yeah, we'll just rent the campsite. We have enough, you know, financial backing to do this. Let's do it. And we'll see if things get better. And now they, you know, they're basically going to be out on the street, right? That's the sort of logical next step, I guess. And it's heartbreaking when you watch the story. The kids, they're young, right?
Starting point is 00:34:32 So they're the victims in all this. They have no way. They're following their parents wherever they take them. Agreed, agreed. And man, could you imagine instability at home? Now they don't have instability anywhere. Like it's, it's a really sad situation, but you know what? There's a lot more people that are going to be in this situation that are
Starting point is 00:34:53 without homes. That's why tensities are becoming much more problematic for urban areas. And you know, it's all, it's all like, this is, this is a terrible story. Yeah. It's a terrible. This is a terrible story. Yeah, it's a terrible story. Yeah. So we'll end it on that. Yeah. Let's do one more here.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I'm going to read you something from my Twitter from earlier that I found. I think it was hilarious. The Federal Reserve, Fed Research Twitter account put out a story today, put out an article, Official. Official. Okay. Higher Official. Higher inflation can lead to greater efficiency. It all has to do with the price dispersion
Starting point is 00:35:32 that inflation generates, which might motivate some consumers to search for the lowest prices, increasing competition among sellers. If you think, still, that the Federal Reserve is concerned about bringing inflation back down to 2%,
Starting point is 00:35:48 you got bad news. They are not too concerned about it. They think it leads to greater efficiencies. So if you believe them, there would be deflation. Yeah. Greater efficiencies are the result of that. Prices should then come down.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And as a result, there would be deflation. Now, until we get into a situation where there is deflation, they're full of shit. I think it's very difficult to achieve deflationary because we're going to be
Starting point is 00:36:24 deflationary environment. Yeah going to be deflationary environment. Yeah. They're expanding the money supply the way they are right now. I guess it's possible, but it's hard for me to fathom. I want, I want to see,
Starting point is 00:36:34 I want to see Jerome Powell answer a question on that at the next FOMC meeting. You know, why are you guys worried about inflation? You, you put out a research piece that says inflation is good for everybody. Don't we want to be more efficient? Did it cost the Chicago taxpayers $500,000 to do this?
Starting point is 00:36:53 I'd love to know. It was written by someone named B. Johnson. I don't know who that was, but I'll have to find out more about this author. Apparently, he had a very nice face i think yeah phenomenal really good blend around the cheekbones there yeah anyway okay that's it everybody good night go oilers i guess i'm not that big a hockey fan but i'll be watching tonight uh and len will see you back wednesday for some talk with the wilson boys mining mining green board until then take care of yourselves don't be a cock I never have the
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