The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #170 (Notable News Stories) - Canada Day Price (and vibe) PUMP
Episode Date: July 3, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will imp...act Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.
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The Canadian Bitcoiners podcast is just two guys and maybe a guest or two discussing Bitcoin,
Bitcoin equities, and the related macroeconomic space. It's not meant to be financial advice,
so please, if you're doing any investing, after listening to our program, do your own research,
do your own due diligence, and understand that any money you invest can be lost the show is
meant for entertainment purposes only and we hope you enjoy the program
let's do it keep going 38 minutes this is great
the canada day special listen i'm not doing anything fun tonight i'll probably walk my
dog after this edit the show and play elden ring uh which is another way of just saying
trying to traverse the mist over and over again just fucking dying
we're going to watch the fireworks because they do it in a boat nearby here oh nice that's great
yeah so we walk down and next week on notable north boat on fire due to fireworks here's the
video there may be a reason you know let's talk about that let's let's lead off i was going to
lead off with uh debates uh what happened in the united states obviously You know, let's talk about that. Let's lead off. I was going to lead off with a debate, what happened in the United States, obviously, to the Trump.
But let's talk about what's going on in Chicago.
Because you talked about the fire.
Chicago firefighters, they had enough over there because of the lack of ambulances and paramedics that are able to serve the city.
And as a result, they're going to be staging a protest at the upcoming nascar street
event and also at the dnc it's taking place nearby there in 2023 in chicago i believe so
oh i believe wow okay yeah anyway sorry go ahead that's insane so if anyone's looking for makeup
it's going to probably cost a premium at that particular moment. Either way, 2023, it's reported that paramedics work nearly 230,000 hours of overtime. And that was able to
staff the city's 80 ambulances. And they're in the same place for 2024 to work another 230,000
hours of overtime. So the policy over there states that if no ambulance is available they dispatch a fire
truck because they have a paramedic on about half of the fire trucks over there but you can see how
this shit trickles down so once they run out of paramedics ambulances to send out they have to
then call fire and then they're not able then to deal with fires right so they just the shit just
trickles down downstream but not just that another thing that
was just noted this past week in chicago if you call 9-1-1 for police to be dispatched you have
slightly better odds of 50 50 that somebody's going to be coming and in fact the statistics show
the highest percentage of um people the police coming in will be for violation of court protection orders 59
police will show up but if you call for a person shot 57 a cop's in the shop 57 for a person shot
person stabbed 52 right like person with a gun 55 person with a knife 51 like fuck you you know
the answer is land.
Send out the social workers.
Let's get the social workers heading out there.
A hundred percent response rate.
Zero percent success rate.
Like that's how bad it is over there. Like if you're calling for police, flipping a coin in this case.
That's how bad it is over there.
Police, fire, paramedamedics all overworked
and it's understaffed if i lived in the states i would have a gun on me at all times 100 is it a
right to carry yeah i mean i don't know if it is or not but i'd have one anyway because the guy who
shoots you is gonna have one so you know you're not the right to carry but you'll suddenly carry
it without in canada man like it's insane to me that we don't have that right here uh you need it more and more in so many different places
hamilton has had i think two shootings in the last two weeks we used to have like 20 shootings a year
and now we're up at like 50 60 70 a year and and you know increasing you can make it that what you
will i'm sure there's uh you know things we could talk about that will get us all canceled. But clearly, I think, a shift in what people view as acceptable behavior in altercations.
And Chicago's sort of patient zero for all this stuff.
All these shit policies.
They had a shit mayor for 20 years.
They got a shit mayor now.
DNC, perfect place for it. Let's see how well things are going on the backs of our brainless policy decisions and
policy positions over the last 20 years.
Chicago is a great example.
Man, I can't believe that.
50% if you get stabbed, someone will come to you.
So what do you do?
Do I have to carry a tourniquet?
Like what?
This is what I don't understand.
What are we talking about here?
And then they wonder why.
It's like a negative flywheel, right? Like the mayor will get on there. This guy, when he's done his $20,000 worth of makeup and hair, he'll get up
there and say like, no, we need to come together as a community. My brother in Christ, the reason
people are shooting each other is because if they don't solve the altercation, there's only a 50%
chance that the guy who comes is even going to show, or the guy who comes is even going to show or the guy they call is even going to show up. So they got to shoot first. And then, you know, they deal with the consequences
later of which by the way, there are very few. So like, why wouldn't you shoot first? This is the,
the incentive structure. It's amazing to me. I look forward to the Chicago stealing
traffic light story coming up next year on CBP 2025. I think it's going to be next year.
We're already halfway through this year. I say next year, I say next year on CBP 2025. I think it's going to be next year. We're already halfway through this year.
I say next year.
I say next year.
Hard to steal traffic lights in the winter.
So really, they only have like three more months
to steal traffic lights.
Then it becomes too cold.
So I think then the 2025 breaking news story
will be the traffic lights in Chicago.
Are you looking at the spring or summer of 2025?
Yeah, I think that's the right move.
Yeah, get that on Fan duel this show sponsored by fan duel
but where you can bet on the number of fire hydrants stolen every day in chicago
that's another good one let's talk about the debate the trump versus biden debate because
that was just insane it was certainly noteworthy and And a lot of people tuned in and Biden was,
I don't know what happened to him in the past few months because in,
you don't know what happened to him.
Lenny had a cold January.
Didn't you hear his campaign?
He came down with a cold.
They didn't say he had it since fucking January,
2016 or 2020,
whenever he got elected.
It just,
you know,
that state of the union,
I don't know.
I'm not sure how many months ago that was, but it was certainly this year. And he was, it was in of the union i don't know i'm sure how many months ago that was
but it was certainly this year and he was it was in february and i don't know so four months ago
granted a lot could happen in that amount of time but still whatever they was able to get at that
particular moment did they copy it this time around was it not they didn't give him anything
this time that was it was you know at They didn't give him anything this time.
It was at least a coffee.
Come on, be reasonable here.
And he was rambling on, and sometimes it was incoherent.
How much of the debate did you watch?
You watch all of it?
The whole thing.
It's funny.
Len and I are supposed to record this other podcast, Access of Easy,
that we do for Mark and Easy DNS.
Usually we do it Thursday night.
And I was out last Thursday visiting a friend who just had a kid we were at a barbecue and so i was late getting home and i said to len you want to record it he goes no i'm you know i'm settling in now
with family stuff i get home me and len are in a couple group chats together len is he's watching
the debate the debate was like must see tv once someone in your friend told, because once someone in your friend group told you what was going on.
Oh really?
You guys are all watching it together.
That's our family stuff.
We were enjoying it.
Like I was Len,
some of the stuff in that debate,
I was fucking dying.
Like he landed,
the golf was,
I was cackling.
I was cackling.
I was just in complete disbelief by that point.
What was like,
what is going on on this debate stage?
What is going on?
You know,
that's about handicap.
Did you see?
So I know you're about to say trigger Trump.
Did you?
So did you watch,
there's a clip.
There's like a clip of that part compared to all the other negative stuff.
Biden said,
Trump would just like,
look over and give him a bit of a scowl.
When he said the thing about the handicap,
Trump just goes like this. He just fades off the fucking screen that's the biggest lie is that that's a
senior swing i know he is a senior swing i know you're sweating he loves to play golf but in his
in biden's defense i'm going to give him some credit here he did say when he was the vice
president he was six or eight handicapped.
Do you believe that?
Do you believe that?
Where's he playing from?
Where's he playing from?
The ladies?
That guy's 75 years old.
there's no way that we're talking 2008.
He was 75.
He's 81.
Now I'm pretty sure 82 now he would finish his next term at 86 okay but now he was vice president
in 2016 he's in his late 60s when he 2008 that was 16 years ago yeah he's in his late 60s okay
maybe we got to get him to verify what year but i mean come on land do you really think
and i've i've played enough golf out there and i could see people easily in their 60s be under 10
handicap depending on how much so i don't know so i'm gonna give him the leeway here now no
fucking way just the way i see you can't ride a bike across the street no there's no way i think
i could probably out hit him i i would buddy how about can we all have a better score than him can we talk about
his wife should we talk about his wife she when she let him off or more than that she is he's the
devil and no that's yeah well i don't care i'm saying it she's the devil and uh she is a bad
actor who should be looked at for her role in this, in this debacle about this guy's, uh,
decline in faculties. She is rah-rah-ing at, uh, post debate addresses. You answered every question.
He's not in fucking kindergarten. He's the fucking president moron. Okay. Number one,
she made a huge stink about being referred to as a doctor. She has a doctor
in education. You can get one of those from university of fucking Phoenix. Okay. Get lost
with that. That's a nonsense fucking thing. Only academia would care to refer to you as a doctor.
And even then a bunch of them wouldn't give a shit and would tell you to get fucked. Okay.
Number two, number three, this idea that her and Hunter Biden are telling this guy that he has to
stay in the race.
I don't know, Len.
It seems like weird timing, and she's on the cover of Vogue fucking magazine today.
Did you see that?
Lady Macbeth, Dave Sacks talking about it.
This was pre-planned because to get on Vogue,
you probably had to shoot that weeks, if not months ago.
The point is that it speaks to her motives, I think.
She's kind of
been in the background for a lot of this stuff. You don't hear a lot from Jill Biden. She does.
She did the view a little while ago before the debate and was like, you know, we're going to
find out how just how smart Joe is, blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile, now the establishment media in
the States is being forced to pretend they didn't notice the decline until Thursday night. Are you guys retarded? Did we not
see over the last five years, this guy fucking fall off a cliff? Everybody's been talking about
this. Okay. Everybody. And you're going to pretend because I don't know, because you have to,
or because you have to for your brand or your boss. I don't know. But you're really going to
sit here and tell me that you didn't see anybody on the right
talking about his cognitive decline.
You didn't see anybody that's sort of apolitical talking about his cognitive decline.
You didn't see any of the videos where this guy couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't
talk, couldn't step, couldn't drive, couldn't bike, couldn't golf, couldn't use a phone,
couldn't get off a helicopter, wandered around on the White House lawn.
You didn't see any of the videos i listened to pod save america uh which is a super left-leaning
podcast guys who are obama speech writers talk about talk about like an embarrassment getting
rich just because you're associated you're just like a barnacle basically on one of the most you
know social media savvy presidents of all time you had no value and you're just a complete cuck
and you run this empire of podcasting.
I hate these guys with a passion,
but I listened to them
because I want to hear what the other side thinks.
These guys are even in panic mode
saying they got to look at replacing Biden.
They love Biden.
These guys worked with them,
speechwriters for Obama,
Jon Favreau and God,
I can't remember the other cuck's name, but a couple
pencil neck losers.
Anyway, they did a podcast on Thursday night after the debate, Panic Mode, and they said
something interesting.
You remember last week, Corinne Jean-Pierre, talk about bad timing, Corinne Jean-Pierre,
one of the least intelligent people on the face of the earth, ever to walk the earth,
really, with a position of power and a microphone uh said that all those videos of biden at the kimmel obama event where he froze up
at the end were edited and selectively sort of uh yeah it wasn't ai but she said it was a cheap
fake i don't think she knows what that means she doesn't know what a lot of stuff she says means
uh which is typical for her but she said it was a cheap fake. She means like taking
out of context. Do you know what the Pod Save America guys said? They were there and they said
the whole fucking thing was a disaster for Biden. So now you have somewhat of a complete picture,
right? Over the last week, people have sat with this guy probably for the first time in four years
and instead of listening to Brian Stelter and Joe
Scarborough and Mika, whatever her name is, his wife, and Caitlin Collins and Jake Tapper and
Dana Bash and all these other fucking losers and weasels and state stenographers tell you to not
believe your lying eyes. They got to sit with the guy for the first time in four years. Now,
these campaigning, guess what they fucking saw? The same thing that sensible people have been
seeing since 2020. And now they're pretending they didn't know or that we didn't know or that
it just started. The campaign putting out this talk during the debate, they released a statement,
Joe Biden's got a cold. Joe Biden's got dementia, okay, is what he's got. He is in cognitive decline. And what they're doing to this guy
is ridiculous. It's, it's, it's completely untenable that the nation with the most firepower,
soft or hard that the world has ever seen at a time where there's more tumult around the world
than we've seen in a long time is being led by this guy is completely unacceptable. And it makes you wonder, people gave Trump a hard time talking about the deep state or
permanent Washington. But Len, who's running the country? It sure as shit ain't Joe.
Who's doing it? It's these people behind the scenes. These guys are there for 30 years. It's
the Fauci types. It's the Blinken types. It's all these people who are associated with these defense companies
and government contractors
and consulting firms.
These guys are running the country.
Joe Biden is gone.
He's gone.
The people there...
Play it out. What's going to happen now?
I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
He's going to stay.
He's going to stay.
He says that, but they have a DNC coming up. I'm curious to hear your thoughts. He's going to stay. He's going to stay. You think he's going to stay. They announced yesterday he's going to stay.
He says that, but they have a DNC coming up.
The media's done an about face.
It was one bad night.
Obama's out there saying it was one bad night.
I don't know.
The thing is now, no matter what he says,
the next debate is going to be centered around how he looks.
Everyone's going to be thinking about how he looks.
If he does run, it continues to run which i think that's a more likely possibility than him not going but let's just play this one out and we'll play both scenarios out if he does run
there is no way he's going to be able to win he can't bring himself up to the point where he's
going to do anything besides a scripted appearance.
So the next two debates are going to be just disastrous. And in any sort of public appearance, he has to do many leading up to the election are going to be disastrous.
So they're going to be bad.
So he's going to lose handily.
So, OK, that's one scenario that Biden and Harris, they lose next election.
The other scenario is somehow they get rid rid of biden and they replace him
with insert person here harris has to step down too otherwise she gets it's not up that's the
second part of them they can't just stick somebody else in there she's got to go too
so that's the second part so if we go down this path if biden is first gone i guess it would be
the two names you hear most are michelle obama and gavin newsom okay that's fine
yeah so if that's the case maybe in michigan but yeah this is it's a short list it's a short so if
that's the case if whoever comes in and replaces biden that is not in my opinion a democratic
process you're shitting on democracy because you'd have to have delegates vote in at the dnc
who it is that's going to be voting who's going to be leading the party and nominate somebody to do so so essentially almost appointing somebody to come in and say you're
going to be here but that's not democracy that's yeah you know we make fun of that and don't forget
they had they had another candidate who's polling at like 10 or 11 percent nationally
rf on there and they wouldn't let them they wouldn't let them primary biden so not only not
only are they rugging at the dnc now they had another guy who was getting support they wouldn't let him primary Biden. So not only, not only are they rugging at the DNC now,
they had another guy who was getting support.
They wouldn't,
they wouldn't play ball a complete disaster.
So from the party,
it was all about protecting the sanctity of democracy.
Just they're so full of shit.
These guys.
So Harris,
the best scenario for her,
I think if Biden is to leave and she is going to be forced to step down i don't know how
this plays out but and putting her in the supreme court you'd have to somehow entice one of the
guys that were appointed by obama or gals i forget who it is but one of the people that were appointed
by obama to retire much much earlier than they would to vacate that and have a seat available
and then harris comes in because by doing that
then at least harris could continue she has been in the legal background before and she could
continue that that could be her legacy that's fine but there's a lot of dominoes that have to
fall in order for that to happen other than that i don't know what could be done for her it's like
you could just give her an ambassador position no she's the vice president of the united states
len len over under 0.5 rap
videos kamala harris appears in for the rest of her life i would say i'm taking the over on that
i don't even have an idea i can't even come up with i'll say over just a little bit but i don't
have an opinion she was montel williams groupie right for a long time making that what you will
i think she appears in at least one more music video before all said and done Montel Williams, groupie, right? For a long time. Make of that what you will.
I think she appears in at least one more music video before all is said and done.
She sure as shit can't do a speaking tour.
What is to come unburdened by what has been?
I've seen that clip so many times.
The four minutes of Harris.
You can't, you can't.
Once you see it, you just realize like this person is just completely empty shell and i'm probably in a minority here but
maybe i'm not i don't know if something happens to biden between now and the election she would
be a far better leader of the united states than he would maybe i'm totally off my rocker here but
just if you compare them right now can you imagine though like at least at least like biden has
like some legacy behind
You could argue about whether, you know, it's good or bad, but the guy was the vice president,
you know, during a campaign that was hotly contested.
And he was the vice president for many years.
He was vice president for the first black president.
Like that's as much as I may disagree with the policies, that's an achievement.
There's no other way to slice that.
And, you know, a lot of people couldn't do that in the way that he did. I think he balanced Obama. He was sort of famous for having
a potty mouth. I still remember when they passed the Obamacare Act, he was up there in the hot
mic and he's like, this is fucking huge. Good fucking job. That's okay with me. You know, like that's what a good politician does. That's how a good politician looks.
But man, Harris, Len, can you imagine her with Putin?
The things Putin would say about her in public, the things that, you know,
Le Pen.
Who would you want to have against like, not get like in a discussion between.
If I wanted to, if I wanted to win, if I wanted to.
For the next five months would you
rather have biden there behind closed doors dealing one-on-one with putin or harris
so i'm just looking i'm going to talk about pick your poison a like does not too many
i don't care i've been picking yeah all the way i don't know all the way yeah people boomer in the
chat saying he takes the over on the rap videos too i think
she appears in at least one more how could she not what like i said she can't do a speaking tour
she can't speak so what's the plan you know like i don't know anyway let's move on before i say
something else is gonna well top w cole remember i mentioned at the beginning of the show that he
wrote in uh he gave us an article louisiana story so he has lbc give him some credit yes the lbc is
alive and well so louisiana kentucky story it's a council woman from that city her name is tammy
hawkins so this council woman has come forth with a plea to residents apparently people in louisville
or louisville either way i don't know anyways they're out there and they're causing... Louisville.
Louisville, you're right. Anyways, causing some issues
with the local Kroger.
Because of the issues they're causing, the Kroger
is closing early.
What is she asking for residents
to do to stop fucking stealing?
They've been closing early as a way to deal with
the theft. Normal closing hours is only
9 p.m joey so you figure by 9 p.m they figure that's too late and they have to close much easier
much earlier than that either way this is their way around it so she's out there she's pleading
for residents out there please stop fucking stealing because this is you know this is causing
issues for kroger and probably other businesses as well but that's that's how we're getting to a
point this is late stage fiat man when people are fucking stealing stuff because they probably need it
right let's be honest i don't think they're doing this just out of sheer fun a lot of people out
there just fucking can't make and they're doing it they're doing it in a lot of cases because
they know they can and there's no consequences you know it's kind of a low trust issue um how
long until we get the story that louis putting out public statements that Kroger is acting in a racist manner by closing up a store in
their area over under a year,
six months.
I mean,
I'm thinking the under,
no matter what we,
it's not like there's precedent,
there's precedent for this,
we talked about this other times,
it's racist to close the store.
you know,
I hate to break it to you,
but if you're stealing,
you're stealing,
it doesn't matter what color your skin is.
And that's not good for business.
We're not going to do business here
remember chicago they were going to be doing their own city-run grocery store as a way to
fill in the gaps yeah how'd that go how's that going so far do you know what i have a story on
this um topic the walmart near my house it's not really near my house actually it's like you know
15 minutes away but it's one of the nicer ones in In a well-to-do area, I would say every house there is at least 800, 900K,
which is, I realize, not that much these days, but, you know,
no one there is poor, I'll tell you that.
If you're on the outside looking in, that's a fucking shitload of money.
Yeah, the self-checkout, Len, has basically a funnel to a gate
that someone on staff has to open before you can leave with your cart.
First time I've seen that.
Portino's here doesn't have that.
Metro here doesn't have that.
But like a place 15 minutes from me has it.
So they're either, Walmart's either just outfitting all their stores with these things
or, you know, they're preparing based on some data they have
that they think they're going to need this thing
in the not-too-distant future.
I mean, it could be both, I guess, but interesting.
I'd never seen one of those before,
and I walked right into it.
My wife was laughing at me.
I just fucking crashed right into the thing.
I figured this can't be just a swinging door.
It's not.
It's not automatic.
It's run by someone who is working in the area.
Data point. Sign signpost signpost.
Another one is how much longer before they get rid of all these self
Just because the,
I don't know.
It's too much.
How many,
how many Indian immigrants can they hire at,
you know,
close to $0 an hour to work at the checkout?
That's really the answer.
You may not,
you know,
think that that's politically correct,
but look around at every grocery store you go to.
This is what you see.
There's a problem in Canada and in the States too, where there's not enough people who are
willing to work for low wages, I should say, because they're not necessarily low skill.
We have no idea what kind of skill level they have, but we're pumping them into these jobs
and grocery stores love it because they'll work for 15 instead of 18 or whatever.
And so to get rid of stuff like self-checkouts, you need cheap labor to make up the difference.
These things all work together.
You can run in numbers.
If you're losing $1,000 a day,
I mean, that's rather low in terms of theft,
and you're only going to pay, say, $1,200 for the wages,
then it's more worth it to keep this.
But you can run in numbers.
Exactly, right?
It's very impersonal.
And as long as there's still a flood of people who are willing to work for low wages, it's doable, I guess. If there's crime,
they'll keep it up. It's funny, people, and you and I, I think, do a decent job of towing the
line as far as politically incorrectness here. But I mean, like you said, running the numbers
is really all this is. It has nothing to do with the color of people's skin or where they live,
what their education level is. When it comes to what Kroger decides or what Walmart decides, they do not care. They don't
care. They might fly a certain flag a certain month. They might support a certain race a
certain month, but they don't actually give a shit. They're running the numbers. These people
are very calculated and computing when it comes to what they do with their time and their staff
and ultimately their brand and their staff and ultimately their
brand and their product. And if they think that they can sell it to you for a profit, they will.
If they can't, they'll leave and that's it. Period. End of story. And we've seen that in the
past year or so. And I think like we always say, Len, what's it going to do? It's not going to
slow down. It's going to be celery. Did you go to Mandarin today, by the way?
I didn't. I saw the picture in one of our chats.
Why is there so many people there?
Do people go to Mandarin today?
Is that a thing?
Joey, there's a video that is now posted on Twitter,
and it shows the lineup of how long it is.
It goes around a city block in Toronto.
This is a city block in Toronto.
This is fucking insanely long.
The amount of people trying to get in.
They must have waited the night before. They must have lined up.
But like I mentioned in that chat,
how many people are homeless and shit like that? They're just
waiting to get food.
I'm not trying to make fun. I'm not trying to
quote, but reality is
homeless people, where do
they get their food? They're relying on
food banks and whatever they get.
Imagine when a Mandarin and all you could eat. That's got to be like the biggest score for somebody that has nothing.
And I would highly recommend anybody that is in that situation.
Spend the time if you can and fucking get in.
Granted, the food may not be the best, but this is a score.
What a mess this country is.
It just, you know, politics aside, I don't think it's all Trudeau's fault.
I don't think Polyev can fix it.
I'm not one of these people who's like hanging my hat on certain politicians.
But Len, like we talked about this before.
You know, I won't go into the details of the conversation, but I think we both agree.
The country that you and I grew up in is gone now.
It's gone.
And it ain't coming back.
It's just, you know, how do you,
how do you sort of prepare for what's coming here?
Lines around the block for food at the Mandarin,
you know,
tents everywhere,
drugs everywhere,
substance abuse everywhere,
desperation everywhere.
You got to find your tribe and you got to fucking build a community with
those people.
Cause ain't no one coming to save you from the top.
That's for sure.
they had their election or by-election this past week.
They did.
It's the first time that a conservative was elected since 1988.
And at that time, Brian Mulroney was re-elected for his second term as prime minister in Canada.
And this MP that won this time was, well, his name is Don Stewart.
It's not like he won by a huge margin.
It was 2%.
It was a very small margin of victory.
So it could easily have went either way.
And apparently overnight, that's when everything flipped.
It was kind of exactly what happened with Biden in terms of him winning overnight.
The Liberal candidate, Leslie Church, was in the lead.
And sometime in the wee hours in the morning she lost her lead and don stewart ended up winning the election so going back 1988
was the last time a conservative member won a conservative candidate won in that election
uh in that writing the demographics has changed a lot since then, too. This is a core Toronto riding.
So to see this flip during a by-election, 43% turnout,
which is pretty decent for a by-election.
And they're saying that this is a huge signpost, as you call it,
in terms of what's happening in Canadian politics,
is if you could get a blue seat in downtown Toronto,
that is a telling tale so a lot of people
are saying that trudeau has to really look at what's going on here and maybe make some
hard decisions moving forward and yeah like there's still a lot of time 13 14 months maybe
15 months until the next election so a lot could happen between now and then so looking at this what's transpired this is a stunning
victory but two percent clearly this could flip back to the liberals it's not like this is going
to stay conservative it could easily stay in the go back to the liberals party um one last thing i
want to say leslie church do some interest do some background on her very interesting woman
especially her husband as well.
And I'll leave it at that.
Worked for Freeland, right?
Church worked for Freeland, I think.
And not just her.
She worked for somebody else.
Her husband was a lobbyist for one of- She's a loyalist.
She's a party loyalist.
Nothing wrong with that.
Who do you expect to run?
Yeah, but they're going to run who they you know rust i think is the
softest way i could put it and uh right but if you know if you're gonna replace somebody
carolyn bennett has been there for a long time yeah and you know it leaves a sour taste in the
mouth when somebody from the outside comes in and i think she won her nomination and everything it's not like she was appointed but still doing that you it looks rather you know i've been around this it looks rather bad
and um we'll see if she's going to run again in that riding if so good luck she has an interest
she has a really good chance of winning uh and flipping that seat back to the liberals but who
knows the electoral map for toronto i was just looking for it but i found something
second best we can share i didn't realize how much of a fortress that whole area is and now
in the middle of this you know what i gather is a fairly high income area in toronto there's just
this blue writing now like one blue and all of it's unbelievable yeah it's unbelievable it's like a crazy crazy shift i want to show you 11 was the it was not like that it was a lot a lot of blue
was still some red okay a lot a lot of blue yeah i want to show this video from rebel um
oh is this the one that's talking about the volunteer a volunteer outside the electorate
the election this is as good a video as you're gonna see make note of the
individual that's just outside the campaign office yeah he's looking for the mandarin not standing up
he's on his back yeah okay here we go let's see well how do you feel about the liberal loss last
night of this writing um i'm surprised she was leading by by 700 and then woke up this morning and it was about 590 for Stuart.
Why do you think that is?
I think there was electoral interference by Melissa Lansman.
She sent letters to the Jewish community to vote for a conservative.
Is that considered electoral interference?
I think she represents Thornton Hill, not Toronto.
What about Chrystia Freeland coming on the same day as polling?
Leslie Church worked for Chrystia Freeland.
Would that be considered
election interference, though, if Christia Freeland
came and gave a speech in the
riding the same day as the election?
No, that's an endorsement.
He's right. That is
an endorsement. You could have somebody come in, even
a city politician.
The whole thing.
It just, you know, who gives a shit about any
of this do you really care you know i i enjoy it i'd rather enjoy just like the debate in the
united states i'd rather enjoy i enjoy it's entertaining but like sure does it change
any no you know me neither no it's just what i do and how i live will not change regardless
i'm just gonna but this i need you
know it occupies some of my time and i find it rather enjoyable but this goes to show that there
in the past there have been writings always it's just writings in canada for all parties you could
run like a fucking rock strongholds yeah it will win this is one of those that probably you could have ran a rock
under the liberal banner and went the other way that is in 2011 when the liberals were decimated
to like 35 seats whatever that number is it was their core core writings that the hardcore liberal
writings they were elected members and they were in toronto and 416 in
vancouver and in montreal and this is one of the ones that held in 2011 that was their worst
showing in history what do we say i don't know but like i say two percent is all that was the
deciding factor here it could easily go back to the liberal party easily it's not gonna take a
heck of a lot to flip yeah i think the point is that you know you're basically looking at like a huge sweep boomer in the chat if you can't get
the guy who was doing the interview i'm sure you could get the guy who was sleeping on the show
yeah i wonder if he's in line in mandarin
his movie you can find him there maybe both those individuals
listen you can head over to the mandarin with the mics i'm not going
i ain't going.
You know, that would have been an awesome fucking segment.
CBP at the Mandarin line to talk about Bitcoin.
There is actually a guy with a pregnant wife who's tenting on my bike ride to work.
And I've considered at least once stopping to ask him some questions about how they wound up in that situation.
But anyway, another time.
Could you imagine giving birth and having a young one with no roof it's impossible impossible yeah i i don't know how they're going
to make do that's that's really sad either way i guess one last story we'll talk about
is that the canadian cpi numbers came in a little bit hotter than expected and month over month they went up 0.5 percent 0.6 percent the
estimate was 0.3 percent remember canada raised their rates just the month earlier was cut their
rates sorry cut their rates my mistake they cut their probably should have raised probably
you're right but i'm wondering now if this is going to impact their decision moving forward, seeing
the inflation at least over one month.
It's a very small sample size here, but it went up nonetheless.
I wonder if it's going to change their opinion and if they're going to be cutting any more
for the next little while or just stand pat.
I think Tiff is in a bit of a bind, right?
We've talked about this before.
I think he's got to wait.
I mean, if the data is real, which it's not, but if the data was real, Tiff would be saying to himself, is the consumer
now weak enough? And have we cut into the savings enough that we can cut rates again and get the
shelter component of CPI down? Because the shelter component is what's killing them.
If they can do that and they think they can do it, they'll cut again. If they don't think they
can do that and they don't think the consumer is weak enough, they'll sit tight. But I don't
think it changes directionally what they're going to do over the next 12 months. I think you're
going to see seven, eight rate cuts. Part of me says they're going to cut anyways, Len,
because they just don't care. And they're going to sacrifice the loony, as we've talked about
before on this show. And loony hour says it and macro voices says it and market huddle.
Every show I listen to says the same thing, that either the risk is expressed and Looney Hour says it, and Macro Voices says it, and Market Huddle.
Every show I listen to says the same thing,
that either the risk is expressed in the dollar or in the rates.
And if you keep on lowering the rates, well, guess what?
The risk is going to come to the loonie.
And I see a lot of people saying the loonie is going to hit a new all-time low in the next 12 or 24 months, which would be something against the US dollar.
We were in the high 50s in around 2000 2001 yeah that's what everyone keeps saying that's
what everyone keeps saying that's like a what 13 cent drop where we are right now give or take
no 20 cent 20 cent we're about 72 73 that's usually yeah so we're high high 50s so like
that's 13 oh hi i thought you said 51 no no no we were 59 58 high 50s no So like that's 13. Oh, high. I thought you said 51. No, no, no. We were 59, 58.
It was high 50s.
No, no.
So yeah, it's not really that far.
And with the right amount of political instability around the world, people moving to the dollar,
yeah, maybe.
Some dollar milkshake in there, I think.
I don't know.
I've said this on the show before.
I made the case that since we don't produce anything in this country, we were really a country that relies on imports. And so we need
our currency to be relatively strong. But the thing is when the currency is strong, it causes
other problems. So kind of in a jam, it's sort of the haves versus the have-nots, the old versus
the young. It's not a good situation for the bank candidate to be in i think i'd still put my
money though len on one more cut before the summer's out what about you you know if i had to
pick i would say no cut no cut okay yeah if i had to pick but i don't have a point either that they
could also make the case like you see this all the time in the states powell always saying that
he thinks data that goes against what he wants is a blip and you
know macklem has made that case as well so let's see i don't know let's get macklem on the show is
he available hammer carolyn rogers come on the show we'll we'll have we're happy to have you
if you come to if you come to dundas i'll buy you dinner and a beer you can sit on the other
yellow chair here tiff has any aspirations to become a politician? I'm wondering. I don't think so. Do you think he's just,
you know,
think about,
would he make a decent minister?
He's got,
he's got no Riz.
He's not a good economist.
We had a good minister of finance and we opted to,
there's a disagreement,
I think between him and Trudeau.
And now we have Freeland who's different,
different ideas.
Riz charisma.
Paul Martin. Did he have it? John Manley. Did he have different, different ideas. Riz charisma. Paul Martin.
Did he have it?
John Manley.
Did he have Martin?
Paul Martin had Riz.
He was the prime minister.
Yeah, sure.
Can you tell me?
He won.
He won the election.
He's he had enough Riz.
John Manley.
Did he have it?
No, he didn't.
Did he have it?
He probably has it after a few beers, like all Irishmen.
But who was there after Flaherty? Was it Oliver a few beers, like all Irishmen. Who was there after Flaherty?
Was it Oliver was the finance minister?
Was it?
Oliver was the minister of natural resources for a while too, Joe Oliver.
I don't know how you'd go between those two portfolios.
Hang on, because Flaherty died, remember?
And he died while in office.
Let's see if we can get the list of the minister of finance in canada does it
ah fuck it i don't even have a fucking who cares anyway that's the end of the show go back to
drinking your cores lights thanks for coming tonight you know a little over 100 people
appreciate you appreciate you on twitter saying i'm hanging in uh i will be doing an interview
this week with professor joe oliver was it that's right yeah joe oliver he was he was by the he was
the minister of natural resources too which again like having a hard time understanding the overlap in
those portfolios they needed somebody there after flaherty was dead and hard rocks and hard money
is that it where's the who else were they going to put in there i was available you were available
polia was available yeah yeah they passed up on. Passed up on a lot of people.
But yeah, Joel Oliver.
I look forward to that.
Carlo Campisi and Stefano Di Matteo coming,
or Di Domenico, I should say, coming on the show Wednesday.
Four o'clock start on Wednesday because I have football and Carlo has kids
and Professor Steph has some stuff going on too.
So we are going to rip on a four o'clock Wednesday afternoon,
live and direct.
hope to see you guys there.
I will be asking lots of questions about,
some questions about shake pay,
and we'll probably commiserate about Italian soccer too,
because why the fuck not?
So looking forward to,
to that show Wednesday until then,
everyone take care of yourselves and don't be a cock.
God, that's great.
Saved me like half an hour.
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