The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #177 (Other Notable News Stories) - Price Controls, Election Season Ramping, Jackson Hole

Episode Date: August 21, 2024

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST.   From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact C...anada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠⁠ Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay. Not 50, 54, 24 Chicago DNC story. What do you, what do you want to do first? Well, I don't want to talk about the DNC.
Starting point is 00:00:11 If you want to, you could go ahead, but I want to talk about what we could use as a metric for showing that this is a city that's thriving, growing a place where people want, but you know, population we want right you know if you look at the population of something that's indication of the growth or decline of a population of where people want to live where businesses want to set up and do business but if you look
Starting point is 00:00:37 at chicago their population fell to the lowest level since 1920 since 1920 the biggest drop or the overall population it's lowest point since 1902 so polling 61 of all people living in illinois also want to leave the state oh this okay okay yeah yeah all right right so uh if you look at that a lot of people want to leave because of taxes over there but where are they heading to is places like florida texas and other states and why are they doing it yeah but they're taking a lot of it's a brain drain then it's also capital drain that goes along with it because tax incentives is driving a lot of people to go to those states there's also housing which is more affordable like i see listings in texas for housing and in comparison to where it is here in southern ontario it's like holy fuck you can get a lot over there in texas compared over here and especially i would imagine the same thing with chicago job
Starting point is 00:01:41 opportunities chicago is not doing all that great, but you look at that, what's going on there with all these people moving to other States, it kind of looks like the same thing was happening here in Canada too. I don't want to make this a Canadian story, but we have people that are leaving Canada to other areas of the world. And it's for the same reasons as well, job opportunities, housing,
Starting point is 00:02:02 tax incentives. And when you do that, an individual's move when businesses move that's tax dollars that are moving because you're not going to get income tax from these individuals you're not going to get corporate taxes from those businesses then there's also the other things people of hiring other people and then they spend it and there's there's a whole trickle down effect here but it could this could easily spread to other areas. It just won't be localized simply to Chicago as other areas suffer the same fate. This can make some really bad areas like a swath of like northern states or even northeastern states in the United States just in a bad situation.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And for the most part, a lot of these countries, a lot of these places were driving the GDP of United States and in fact, the fucking world. And if there's a change in where business is being done, commerce is being set up. This could be a change in the world itself. And I'm looking at this, Chicago is like round zero, not just for this,
Starting point is 00:03:02 but also for other things too. But yeah, I'm not sure if you want to add anything else to it. Did you listen to Peter Thiel on Rogan? No. It's worth it. He, they talked about this.
Starting point is 00:03:15 They talked about it in the context of California about how you're just seeing so much, so many exits from California at this point that to keep these dumb programs running and to keep the spending up and to keep the liquor going into the punch, you need a tax base that's willing to stick out your shitty policies because the rest of their life is so good. For example, the taxes are super high and everything is politicized. Social problems are spreading all over the place, but at least there's a good nightlife or at least it's warm or at least it's whatever. The thing is that those places are having trouble keeping people. And so what
Starting point is 00:03:55 ends up happening? You end up taxing the people who can't leave. The problem is the people who can't leave can't pay taxes at that level. And there's a lot of places seeing this. Chicago, one. California, those cities in California, another. What about Canada? Canada is at the point now where more people are paying more in taxes than they are in necessities every month. I'm assuming that includes income tax. So your income tax is minimum.
Starting point is 00:04:21 What's the minimum tax rate? Is it 20%, something like that? It's fairly high. It's fairly high. Chances are you're paying somewhere between 30% and 50% in Canada. I would imagine if you're listening to this show, you're a fairly bright guy and net producer and you're making good money. And if you're not, I'm sure you could fix that because if you found us, you got something in the tank. These policies that force people to pay more taxes than they spend on clothing and shelter and food cannot last forever. Why? Well, because those people eventually will
Starting point is 00:04:52 break. And I've said this before, that everyone's got a tipping point. It's hard to leave for that person, but at some point it becomes harder to stay. And everyone's just going to go because the grass is going to be greener almost certainly, right? Right now you run the risk of going somewhere and it not being as good or going somewhere and it not being as easy, going somewhere and not being as friendly or whatever, or culture shock or you name it, but soon you won't be able to avoid it. And Chicago, to kind of tie a bow on this, go back to your story there. In Canada, yeah, am I paying a fucking boatload of tax for services I'll never be able to use and shit that barely works? Sure. But at least there's not people fucking shooting me as soon as I leave my house. In Chicago, there's 20 shootings a weekend. Literally all over the city, there's places you can't go because you're a drug addicted vagrant in the interim. You can't be in
Starting point is 00:05:46 these places. And the DNC, some of the videos from the DNC already look insane because these people are taking no prisoners. They place blame squarely on one of the two parties. And I'll give you a hint. Like you said, the DNC doesn't hold their convention in a Republican stronghold. They hold it in a Democratic one. And yeah, the policies, they have consequences. And a place like that that's been democratically governed for, what, 50 years? I don't know, a long time. You see the results.
Starting point is 00:06:21 You'd be the judge whether or not it worked. The best story I remember we talked about a few times is there's a Chicago White Sox game, and that lady, she smuggled that gun with the folds of her flesh. Incredible. And shot herself accidentally in the stands. That's the American dream. That is it, right?
Starting point is 00:06:41 What a great story. And the game continued. The game continued. Not only did the game continue the fans for the most part didn't even react it was just like it's like somebody crushed a can or something they saw it on a stoplight on their way here what's the matter yeah that was that was i don't even lock my doors over the fat guy shooting himself in the fat leg or whatever by the way did you see the white socks how bad they're playing if you can look at these things so yeah nothing's going well in chicago um inflation though seems to be on the right track in the united states because it was reported that it was down to 2.9 in july
Starting point is 00:07:22 this is lower than expectations. And this is the lowest level since March 2021. So it's been three years and change since we were at this particular moment. So it looks like they're priming us for a potential rate cut, right? With coming out with this news. But one thing I have to admit, granted, I don't live in the United States,
Starting point is 00:07:41 but Canada, we're kind of similar in this regards. Prices seem to be stabilizing. The rate of change isn't as much month over month even year like there was a significant change between 2021 to 2022 and 23 and so forth in the last few months you see things have stabilized because you know they stopped really with quantitative easing they're kind of doing quantitative tightening and this in the end if you do this you're going to have some price stability moving forward maybe not in totality but it's going to be a matter of time before they reverse that though they'll go from global m2 is turning up so global liquidity is turning up u.s liquidity is still sideways but also looks to be
Starting point is 00:08:21 about to break out on the chart and once that happens look out then the this number is delayed this 2.9 plus line it's just fucking bullshit like the numbers for cereal and popsicles it's not for shit you actually want okay that's you know that's all there is to it and like can you say like in the past three months things have changed drastically even for the no i will argue like they're pretty stable uh for them like you're right you're right they're not going going back further probably not but like yeah you know jackson hole is on friday you will remember a year ago on a jackson hole or two years ago jackson hole everyone said uh well look at all these there he's going to talk about interest rates.
Starting point is 00:09:06 They don't ever say anything in Jackson Hole. It's always nondescript. Then he comes out and reads the Riot Act. We're not cutting rates for raising them, and they're going to be there for a while. So over that year, he raises to whatever the policy rate is, five and change. And he decides that he can only hold it for about a year.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Now the market pricing ended at 100% certainty, at least 25 basis points in September, probably more. I don't buy for a second the data around inflation lending the states for, you know, as I mentioned, because it's mostly for Pez candies and popsicles. But on top of that, the idea that these guys don't want the Democratic Party to win, I think is just wrong. You know, Trump has been very vocal about what he thinks Powell should do, should have done, has done wrong. And also was on TV a little while ago talking about how he thinks the president should have a say in the policy rate. It shouldn't just be the Federal Reserve who gets to decide it. That's a dicey road to go down. I don't necessarily agree with Big Don on that one, but the idea that these guys don't want things to stay status quo in terms of their power and their influence and the direction
Starting point is 00:10:09 that the government and the economic policy of the Federal Reserve is going, that they want that to change or they want to be fired? No, I don't think so. And so is it a mystery that suddenly this body that has been apolitical and done everything they can, perceived real or otherwise, to stay out of the political realm is going to cut probably twice before the election. I don't think it's a coincidence at all. I think it's actually spot on. I think it's spot on to say that they are becoming political, even if they're pretending they're not. I'm going to wait to see what he says at Jackson Hole on Friday. And I suspect
Starting point is 00:10:45 it'll be not quite a victory lap, but something close. He'll reference the speech two years ago and he'll say, in those two years, we made some difficult decisions. We think they were the right decisions. And so far, we've been correct in that assumption. And directionally, we are headed the right way. We've done it. Something like that. It won't matter, obviously, because after the election, assuming Kamala Sutra wins, we'll get price controls. You saw today, the US implementing basically the same level of low skill, low wage immigration that Canada's doing on the Kamala platform. And you're going to get more inflation. It just can't stop. Energy will cost more money. The SPR only has so much to give.
Starting point is 00:11:29 All these things together are going to hit a winter here. War in Russia, not close to over, although some armchair quarterbacks would tell you that Ukraine bombing some empty green space on the Russian border is like a big victory. These people don't pay attention at all. It's almost unbelievable. It's just like, it's a stacker's paradise.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And I think we talked about this before, how there's like two groups of people, basically. One who bought and held every limited quantity, equity, asset, commodity, home they could during this last year and a half or two years, right? Whether it's Bitcoin, Microsoft stock, or a fourplex in your city, if you bought and held and hung in, you're going to be rewarded handsomely when rates start coming down. Because the idea that you're not going to get $100,000 Bitcoin, even as Kamala, if she wins, I'm assuming she'll win by the way, even if she wins and does her best to stomp out the crypto thing and the Bitcoin thing,
Starting point is 00:12:26 she won't be able to. And like I said to QTR and Larry when they were on a little while ago, everything the government does now at any level in any country that's anti-Bitcoin is a scared whimper as opposed to a stern warning. Because everyone can see the writing on the wall for all these currencies and all these governments so long story short uh rates will be cut probably twice before the election maybe as much as 75 bps the fed is political powell will say he won even though he knows he hasn't and global m2 is about to turn up and the price
Starting point is 00:12:59 is probably gonna turn up with it so strap in presidential candidate kamala harris kamala sutra on this program we call her kamala sutra uh say it say it kamala sutra there's reasons why i want to just continue to call her kamala harris because she's been making waves this past week when she was campaigning and with a couple of new initiatives she wants to roll out if ever she becomes president of the united states number one three million new homes is what she's committed to being built yeah it's a very familiar thing that is being done here in canada she's proposing about giving first-time home buyers up to 2525,000 towards a down payment. And this, let's be honest, I'm not sure exactly how it is as a totality in the United States for starter homes, because this is for new home buyers, first-time home buyers.
Starting point is 00:13:56 So they're going to be buying new homes. So, I'm sorry, starter homes. So I would imagine it's just going to elevate the price of those starter homes by about $25,000. Because while everybody has $25,000 to start with, well, the price of everything goes up by that much. That's right. That's right. And that's, you know, it's too bad as the case, but temporarily, it might help people in the long run, it will just hinder a lot of people and it will just add to the existing tax burden that they have over there because that's money that's not free. It's got to come from somewhere.
Starting point is 00:14:30 If you want to go look at what's going on in the United States, the home sales, for instance, existing homes sales, they fell 5.4% in June this year compared to May. And in June 2023, they've been, sorry, since June 2023, it's been consecutive month-over-month decline. So in the past 12 months and change, it's been month-over-month decline. So existing home sales have been dropping significantly month-over-month for a long period of time. So you have that, less homes being sold. Why? Because there's high interest rates and who's going to want to give up a low interest rate mortgage that they have locked in before and
Starting point is 00:15:12 enter into a new so new interest rate now like this could probably be six seven eight percent so you're not going to want to sell a home so inventory is down and nobody's selling and now you have people coming in there's more people that's entering into the United States because the population growth is going quite high. So money is being devalued. It's the perfect storm, right? There's no way people could buy these homes. And on top of that, that's just one problem. The second one Kamala Harris wants to solve is the high price of food and targeting the price gouging in the food industry.
Starting point is 00:15:46 And she says that she wants to put new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules. So I guess you could unpack that. CNN, I was reading an article by CNN that discussed this, and even they were saying that, i'm gonna quote this harris's plan to stop price gouging could create more problems than it solves this is from cnn yeah and they concluded that the best option is more competition i'm with them on that that's a really good point because you know one way to stifle innovation and growth in a particular sector is put the neck on competition,
Starting point is 00:16:28 put the foot on the neck for competition, which they have been doing, or at least they want to do with this particular move. We can use examples here, real-life examples. Late last year, we talked about it, Chicago, they had some store closures because of a variety of reasons, and they were going to be setting up
Starting point is 00:16:43 their own city run grocery stores, right? So you do that. That's a good way to stop price gouging, but what's going to happen. You have less competition and longer wait lines for people to get government cheese. And that's not the way to do things.
Starting point is 00:17:00 You want to encourage competition. That's one way to drive price down is I'll be honest. If I was operating a grocery store and I'm making money hand over fist, it's not going to take very much for somebody else to look at, Hey, this guy's doing it. I'm going to try to operate in the same field he is, but just lower the price a little bit. And then they're going to start making money. And then you finally come to an equilibrium where that's where the price, sorry, the product should be sold at that's the market deciding not this policy so this what's trying what they're trying to achieve here it it's incredible that they're doing this now in 2024 they're talking about this this is like borderline soviet union stuff right and we all know what happened there did you see
Starting point is 00:17:43 the washington post headline about soviet union by the way if people are if people are calling you a communist maybe you don't want to introduce price controls that's the headline of the editorial from the washington post so cnn now washington post so that's obviously this is not this is the united states where capitalism should reign supreme it's the home of capitalism it is the birthplace the cradle of capitalism and this is not it this is not a policy and hopefully they realize the error in their way and go away from this and do something else to try to solve this problem but the root of it let's be honest it's money that's been devalued that's why your wages aren't going up to the same
Starting point is 00:18:24 pace that the money is being devalued and then the your wages aren't going up to the same pace that the money is being devalued and then the prices of shit go up and you can't buy it fucking find out why that is again like i mentioned it's devaluing the money fix that and you'll fix the problem you're spot on i'm not even getting anything to that len that was that was exactly correct everything you said there i totally agree with 100 is this bang on it's it's crazy to me this is going on i look forward to seeing what the convention looks like she'll have to speak um you know in terms of copying canada's policy incredible stuff on the housing front incredible stuff on the grocer front like they're they're pulling from the same playbook the immigration thing the same and then you know
Starting point is 00:19:02 she was asked in a media scrum yesterday or today how she's going to pay for all this. You know what she said, right? Talking about pulling from Canada's playbook. It's going to pay for itself. Oh. Oh, Len. I've seen this one before. You know, I know how it turns out.
Starting point is 00:19:18 In some cases, they can pay for themselves. But you have to cost it out. And you have to. Nothing pays for itself. There's. There's going to be something like it's yes yes right but yes you can come up with a plan to try to at least try to show that it will somehow money will flow from one to another and it will be revenue neutral in one way or another you can theoretically come but it's not everything was like that you'd have
Starting point is 00:19:42 to come out with a solid argument and prove and go through every scenario it's tough to do but it's possible in this case i don't think it is i look forward to seeing what uh three cocktail kamala is going to say during her dnc address i'll say that so guarantee she's speaking like i'm not she'll speak for sure she's the candidate she's going to say something it's going to be interesting to see how, how they get the people who wanted to be the candidate to support her michelle obama as well uh biden will have to speak i think i think his daughter's introducing him maybe tonight he's speaking so it's just not like that the party is in disarray and you know the media is really carrying water for them and you're gonna see i think that they're still in disarray over the course of the next few days yeah boom dust in the chat saying you know
Starting point is 00:20:51 pete budaj to clinton hillary clinton maybe yeah it'd be interesting man a lot of people would like that nomination and instead they gave the kamala am i saying that right kamala or is it kamala i keep i just honestly don't know. My apologies if I... And the reason why... I'm not apologizing. I just want to make sure I'm saying it right. No, I don't want to piss anybody off. Let's be honest. No one should be pissed off with an honest mistake.
Starting point is 00:21:15 That's what it is. Just one other note here on the name. Kamala Sutra's in good fun. Anyone who calls you a racist for mispronouncing kamala or kamala is a fucking idiot so no for me i i'll it's not and it's i know but there's people in the news people in the news people in the news are on tv saying that it's like a racist attack to mispronounce your name these people are fucking stupid ignore them 100 of the time
Starting point is 00:21:41 agreed let's go to Quebec. Love it. Sure. School system over there that's being pushed to its absolute limits. They have a teacher shortage that is being experienced over there. You know, they have population growth. Every province has had a major population growth
Starting point is 00:22:00 and Quebec is not excluded from this. They have 20,000 more students this year than they do last year and about 80 of those new students are newcomers that came to the province so that's essentially the breakdown and in terms of their teacher shortage they're wait give me give me one more time give me the breakdown one more time so 20 000 more students this year than last year. Yeah. And of that 27,000, sorry, 20,000, 80% are newcomers. Absolutely unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And they need 5,700 teachers in order to be where they want to be. So there's a 5,700 teacher positions that need to be filled. We're two weeks away from school starting in, I mean, less actually. I think it's less over there. I think it's less over there. I think it's less over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yeah. So according to stats can, and this is data that was published in June, there were almost 600,000 non permanent residents in Quebec in a quarter of second quarter of 2024. That's including 190,000 asylum seekers. And that's up from 420 000 temporary residents a year earlier and 295 000 50 gain 50 gain in a year just about and furthermore in 2022 was just around
Starting point is 00:23:16 300 295 wow it's 100 gain since so that's accelerate right wow wow yeah and this all has to be done really soon in terms of filling those positions is then classroom sizes are going to be larger and teachers are going to be dealing with more kids it's a difficult situation i mean i don't want to get into this and that with the teaching but let's be honest ideally you want to have a certain teacher to student ratio and they're probably not going to achieve it and who's going to suffer in the end ultimately as a student because they're not going to get the same type of attention that they would get if they read they reach their ideal situation of having these 5700 teachers positions filled so it's a strange situation but what's the
Starting point is 00:24:04 cause of it or some of the causes i don't want to say totality some of the causes of this is the increase of the population of quebec i was a teacher in training once peut-être uh i'm gonna try my french here uh septembre boom boom does tell me if that's correct. I don't know what the plan is over there. I mean, forget the school thing, okay? How do the roads handle 600,000 more people in two years? Did they build $600,000 worth of roadways over there for traffic, for congestion, for anything?
Starting point is 00:24:44 No. Did they add 600,000 people worth of hospital beds, doctors, professionals? No. Teachers? No. Fucking Subway sandwich artists? No. Literally nothing has been done to not combat, but to coordinate services for another 600,000
Starting point is 00:25:02 people in Quebec. By the way, how many of the 600 000 people speak french or english i would imagine a lot of them speak french because they're silencing yeah so um they come from french first speaking countries so yeah they speak french for the most part and so yeah that's quebec does their own immigration too, by the way, it's separate from Canada. Yes. They have a different set of rules. Yeah. It is what it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Enjoy, enjoy, have fun with that. Cause it ain't going to be good. You wonder why results in schools are getting worse, by the way. You know, this idea that standardized testing doesn't work is one issue. It does work. Of course, you're not bad at taking a test. You're just dumb.
Starting point is 00:25:49 The other problem is that obviously teachers just don't have the bandwidth how can you not burn out with a class of 40 kids where 20 of them or 15 of them or 10 of them are new canadians even if they speak the language the cultural assimilation period takes time yeah you can't there's no it's it's insane it's insane. It's insane. And, uh, I don't know what, like how else to describe it. This is a, it's a, it's a, it's a culturally a suicidal policy to do this. You just can't absorb this many people. You can't absorb that many people who are exactly like you in every way from a structural point of view, from a, from a structural point of view from a from a services
Starting point is 00:26:25 point of view you just can't not in two years it's it's 600 000 bitcoiners i think imagine canada got 600 000 new bitcoiners i think yeah it might be a better place i think they all got to go to saskatchewan though it's too busy over here let's talk about lm is the labor market our favorite topic of the lmia segment brought to you by tim hortons order a double double and uh maybe you'll get it maybe you won't only at tim hortons we'll be talking about tim hortons did you see this one i can't wait as per six buzz tv that is a twitter or Axe account. Twitter and Instagram. Good account.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Very good account. Tim Hortons has been looking for workers abroad. We talked about this two weeks ago. You did? The LMIA website has multiple Tim Hortons in Ontario. I think they had something like 700 people hired at Tim Hortons across Ontario. That's incredible. It should be illegal.
Starting point is 00:27:27 It should be illegal. Yeah. Well, let's move on then. We talked about late stage fiat. Let's talk about this one here. CTV article. And it was talking about could swallowing a dose of human feces help cure some mental illnesses? Oh, you're going to be begging for them to be pitching bugs well i think this is the timing of this is awesome
Starting point is 00:27:50 so they're going to try serving up feces as a way to deal with mental illnesses and one way to get that feces is just head to your local beach and just scoop up whatever's there so it's a perfect thing so you have you have a, a steady supply of feces, and now you have a customer base which you want to sell it to. This is a business that was just waiting to be fucking done, and now we have it. Thank you, those people from the Calgary Researcher. This is it.
Starting point is 00:28:18 When we're finally put on trial for our crimes here, the jury's going to put on their headphones, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you to put on your headphones for Exhibit L2465, the beach discussion on CBP number 177. The jury puts their headphones on, and it cuts
Starting point is 00:28:35 right to you talking about the business idea you have for unlimited shit supply from Ontario beaches. An absolute billion dollar idea. We should be able to harvest this people you know in fact we could we should instead of buying the jet this is what we should do new company that does this shit distributors let's do it all right immigration incentives in canada wait a minute wait a minute we gotta talk more about this story these guys are trying
Starting point is 00:29:04 to cure mental illnesses by feeding people shit. You know, you're going to wish we talked about this on the show before. And Julian Figueroa just did this like week long thing where he was like eating bugs. You're going to wit you people who think it's like eats the bugs. You're going to wish they were feeding you bugs when you see what they actually want to feed you. You're going to wish for the bugs. You're going to be dreaming about the bugs. The bugs are going to look real good compared to what
Starting point is 00:29:28 these guys got in store. Literal turds to fix your mental illness. It can't be fixed by having affordable food or affordable family formation options or affordable housing. no it's got to be fixed with poop the poop of another to fix your mental like come on what are we talking about here this is a real story man this is what's going on in this country i can't i can't believe they published this in ctv so they thought this was an idea that they should you know this somebody's got to read it we got to fucking publish this story people are going to consume it and people are going to want it in the end they're going to want to consume this shit i'm not talking about the fucking the article so fuck man so immigration may be going through a change there's proposals to change how this story is nuts this story converts some temporary resident
Starting point is 00:30:22 sorry temporary workers not just convert not just convert they're actively soliciting immigration in what the country calls tier four and tier five i could let me just share some because what tier four and tier five tier four this is straight from the website and it's occupations that usually require a high school diploma or several weeks of on-the-jump training so they say some examples are home child care providers retail sales persons and visual merchandisers that's tier four five visual merchandising is stocking shelves and tier five is occupations that usually need short-term work, demonstration, and no formal education. And some examples are landscaping and grounds maintenance laborers and delivery service drivers and door-to-door distributors.
Starting point is 00:31:16 So that's essentially what tier four, tier five, Joey, I'll pass the baton over to you. What is there to say? These are the people we're soliciting now. There is no veil. Like this was thinly veiled before soliciting now there is no veil like this was thinly veiled before and now there's no veil we're not seeking doctors and engineers guys we're not seeking nurses or nurse practitioners we're not seeking accountants or skilled people we're seeking low wage low income low skill people to pad the bottom of whatever pyramid scheme social program is going to run into trouble over the next 10 years. Is there any other way to describe this?
Starting point is 00:31:53 Am I missing something there? Is that a dishonest take? Is it a slanted take? Am I misconstruing something in the policy proposal? Am I misconstruing what tier four and tier five labor looks like? These are not people who are going to climb the corporate ladder. Sorry. Not everyone is the same. Okay. It's just a fact of the matter. It doesn't matter what country you come from.
Starting point is 00:32:11 There's Canadians who are tier four and tier five types. There's nothing you can do about it. It's just the way it is. But we need better people than this in this country. And certainly we need more, you know, a more concentrated effort to find people who are going to address the needs that the country has as it ages. It's not fucking Amazon drivers. It's doctors. It's nurses. It's high-skill people, high-functioning people. This is not going to help. This is, to me, very scary stuff. And I don't often say that on the show because I think it's this is this is to me very scary stuff and i don't often say that on the show because i think
Starting point is 00:32:45 it's weird to say things are scary but if you invite a million people of that level to the country over the next five years is that good or bad who who is operating under the illusion that it's good to have a million more people like that in the country anyone i don't know and it's hard to say because you're just giving a number right a million and if we could break that down say it is a million people that meet demand so we have dockers that are going to be working here that's important no no i mean a million i mean a million people in tier four and five the people we're seeking out is it is it good for the country to have a million more of those people i'm not going gonna answer that you don't have to comment people yeah but everyone everyone knows whether it's good or bad and and like it's not it's not necessarily a shot at these people
Starting point is 00:33:37 every country needs people like that but we already have too many people like that clearly all the services that those people use are not getting staffed by newcomers. They're just being used by newcomers. We need people to do those services, to perform those services, to be the expert. We're not getting them. Hell, Len, there's not even tradespeople on that list. You know, like construction maybe in the landscaping designation there in tier four, but like there's nothing there that we need.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And so you got to ask yourself. Construction has gone downhill lately. There's less demand for that. For now, but if you keep putting a million people in the country every year, I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say about this. I honestly don't. I think we all got to be very, very concerned with the efforts and focus
Starting point is 00:34:28 in terms of immigration that we're seeing. There's nothing in there about nurses and high-skill people. Why? You be the judge. I don't know. What are you doing tomorrow, Joey? Besides work? Yeah, just in general.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Are you doing anything to celebrate tomorrow like tomorrow is as per the city of toronto they're going to be celebrating the undocumented residence day it's an event that's going on there so listen why do you you never give an opinion on the story and then you just keep throwing the red meat into the fucking lion's cage here what like what do you expect me to say? We can't both not give a comment when these are the stories. It's ridiculous. Undocumented People's Day.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Why? Residents. Residents. Oh, fuck. So anyway, City of Toronto, they said that the city is committed to supporting all residents regardless of immigration status. Perfect. supporting all residents regardless of immigration status. So they say, join us on August 20th, which is tomorrow for undocumented residence day event and learn about the realities,
Starting point is 00:35:30 challenges and contribution undocumented Torontonians make to our city. So that's happening tomorrow. Is there a community note on the tweet? There was nothing. I found that as associated to it. I mean, what could you say about it? They're just,
Starting point is 00:35:44 you know, doing what they can to talk about what's going on with these individuals that are undocumented. I don't know. I think we should have took the day off work and go there and attend it, maybe interview a few people. Put in an
Starting point is 00:35:58 email to your boss. I'm going to be celebrating tomorrow. Yeah, it's a very important day that's undocumented i don't know i don't know about this i don't know if i tear up my passport can i participate am i like one i'm undocumented i'm one degree removed from undocumented i don't what do you like what is this like how are we celebrating is there like a parade is there some stands like what is there is there like they can't do a parade because then you're gonna have is there a flow of opinions counter-protest the palestinians oh yeah they won't like that for sure yeah yes amazing stuff going on in toronto is it gonna be in a bathing
Starting point is 00:36:38 suit at least like what what what am i what am i what am i getting out of this okay that's it jimmy we're done with the show it's a we're done what a fantastic wrap-up this was that's it we're done that's it fuck what else we go on to this that's it we're gonna get cut off any minute now we can take it down we got there's 311 people here i love you guys man it's it's amazing i see the number going up all the time i can't believe people come and watch us it's you know what could talk about one more thing if you really let's do it let's do it yeah well this will be like more like um there's a water main break in in montreal i saw that yeah i mean i i've talked about this in the past that the infrastructure in canada in general is aging and it's aging rapidly,
Starting point is 00:37:25 and something needs to be done to update it. And typically things aren't updated until they break. That's the way things are done. Just because there's not enough money to go around, and that's just the reality of it. And this one, this water main break was massive in Montreal. It created essentially a small lake over there. And Calgary had one not too long ago.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I'll be honest. I'm not sure exactly what is the status of that. I know that it was the beginning of summertime, and they were forcing residents. It was fixed. I work with some people who work in Calgary, and it was fixed after about 10 days, I think. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I thought it was going to be longer, but still 10 days. They were rerouted maybe, Len, one or the other, but they got water back in about 10 days. Yeah, okay. That's good to hear. but still 10 days or rerouted maybe land one or the other, but they got water back in about 10 days. Yeah. Okay. That's good to hear. And, but that's just underlying.
Starting point is 00:38:08 The point I'm making here is that the infrastructure is old and it typically this ship breaks new winter time through the freeze thaw cycle. But now we're experiencing this stuff happening during the summertime. And that's kind of concerning to me. And as this happens more and more then that's gonna be more money that has to be diverted to this more people that are impacted homes flooded businesses flooded and it's just that's just a reality what we're dealing with now and what do you do i don't know just i guess buy more bitcoin and and but what do you do bring in 600,000
Starting point is 00:38:43 people and tax the shit out of them and that ought to fix the whole problem raise taxes and add immigrants to the city that'll fix it and that's that's what's going on in montreal and you know what i suspect the next few years you're going to see a lot more of these problems in major cities throughout canada especially in the winter time and then that creates problem then traffic is built up and you can't get to and from work people can't emergency personnel can't get to the emergencies it just it creates a fucking big problem and it's because we just don't have the ability the necessary resources talk about money to fix these problems before they become
Starting point is 00:39:22 bigger problem but at least you'll be able to get your Amazon package overnight instead of having to wait until the next day. That's a plus. You can. Pretty much everything comes overnight now. You have that option on Amazon. Get it delivered right to your door the middle of the night. Hopefully no one steals it, but at least it'll be there. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:37 But you're also anticipating there will be no problem from the Amazon order from going from A to B. If it's flooded out because of a water main break and roads are closed, the overnight delivery ain't going to happen. They got to do drones at that point. That's right. And we're probably not too long ago getting to that. I can't wait. I can't wait. God bless everyone. Thanks for coming. Don't forget
Starting point is 00:39:57 Mark is on with Joe Barbudo on the Rampart Twitter feed. Oh yeah. Yeah, so go check that out. Support Mark. Support those guys. They're doing good work. And yeah, until next time, take care of yourselves
Starting point is 00:40:09 and don't be a cock.

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