The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #179 (Notable International Stories) - Ongoing Foolishness
Episode Date: September 3, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impac...t Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.
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Friends and enemies, welcome to another episode of the CBP.
A beautiful holiday Monday here.
A little seasonally cool, I think, for Labor Day weekend.
My name is Joey.
That's Len reporting live from the basement and the basement, as always.
What's going on, buddy?
How are you?
It's been squared.
I'm all right, Joey.
It is freezing over here.
As you said, it's unseasonably cold.
Didn't expect it to get this cold this fast.
And it's just a stark reminder that winter is just around the corner for us,
which is too bad. Labor Day is always the time that you direct you know you look back the summer's done
school starts at least for the most part i think school's already started in some areas tomorrow
starts here right ontario uh some parts of ontario started even last week and uh or yeah and my
daughter starts in two days imagine tomorrow is a pa day already for my daughter's school day one second second year in a row that they've done this either way how are things over
there with you joey they're great man did a bunch of yard work today uh took care of the grass trim
some trees back uh took the dog for a nice long walk this morning my wife is uh very pregnant now
so she came with the estimated date like month wise november no you don't have
to go any further mid-november i honestly i couldn't tell you the day anyway i forget now
but uh it's mid-november so we're yeah getting there um yeah busy weekend we went to a party
on saturday which is nice with uh all the football guys friday pretty chill evening yesterday pretty
slow day it's good man once in a while take those weekends
where you just kind of recoup and and regenerate a little bit right because like you like you
mentioned there even though you and i are not in school uh it'll just seem busier everywhere you go
tomorrow right so yeah i'm looking forward to seeing all the uh all the kiddos though
i'm gonna be in your neck of the woods on saturday uh ye old squire or something like that. You know that place? Squire is on the mountain.
Yeah, it's going to be Saturday.
What are you doing there? NHL 94
Championship of the Universe is taking place
over there. Ye Olde Squire.
Ye Olde Squire.
You're talking about on Upper Wellington?
I don't know the address
but it's on the mountain.
I'm pretty sure it's Wellington and
Mohawk maybe? No, not Wellington and Mohawk. Wellington and Gage? I know it's something it's on the mountain i'm pretty sure it's wellington and mohawk maybe
i know not wellington mohawk wellington and gage i know it's just southwest of king's forest when
i looked at the mountain sorry the map and it's on a mountain and yeah so it's gonna be a good
event to be there and uh yeah i'm gonna test my skills against a whole bunch of others that's a
great little bar first i've been there on St. Patrick's Day a couple of times.
Great little spot.
Yeah, we rented out a room.
Yeah, the back room.
That's pretty cool.
I like that spot.
That's good.
Well, I wish you luck.
Good to see everybody in the chat here.
Appreciate you guys making time on a holiday Monday.
I expect it to be a slow show tonight, but slow or not, we still have sponsors. The first of which, EasyDNS.
Mark and the team at EasyDNS.
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It'll be fine.
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The support there is incredible.
You can do all sorts of other stuff there too,
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so GPG and PGP email, both available to you,
as well as a bunch of other stuff that we are totally forgetting.
Len and I host our website on EasyDNS, and I'll tell you, it is outstanding.
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I could be wrong.
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Last sponsor,
Decentral Tech Lent.
Are the CBP branded bid axes going to be ready soon?
I think so.
And we're going to get more information about that in a couple of days.
We'll talk about that momentarily.
So right now I don't know,
but we'll find out.
Get excited for that. Decentral Tech is your home for mining that is wife friendly okay
this is the tagline that we use here on the program whether you want to get a board repaired
you want to buy a new board you want to uh heat your house you want to you heat your garage you
want to set up a bid axe in the background of your podcast because you don't have one yet you want to
support the show by buying a CPP branded bid axe.
You want to play the lottery.
You want to solo mine.
You want to pool mine.
Doesn't matter.
Jonathan and the boys over there, they got you, man.
They got you.
They are the best in class, like all our other sponsors.
Can't beat it.
I want to see you guys buying these things.
Not because we get a kickback.
We don't.
But mostly because I think we've both become more zealous in
this view that we have to decentralize the mining as much as possible even if it means
just little bits of hash rate scattered all over the place vis-a-vis these um small units so go
to decentral tech pick something up it's not that expensive everything is built in for you so you
get the cooling in there you can have uh whatever model you want in terms of tera hash uh exa hash whatever uh the
firepower you got uh different levels of power draw as well fits your needs and in uh you know
whatever your household power situation is can't really beat that and uh len like i mentioned there
your wife's not gonna mind you know it's not gonna be that loud at least some of them you could get a
loud one but you don't have to get a loud one uh-huh yeah if you're looking for a bidax in terms of how loud it is it is not it's quiet as heck but they also have other options you
could get over there so if you want to get say like an s19 that's going to be loud and well
unless you put the loki kit on it or something then it could be much more quieter but there's
also other options you could get uh uhcentral Tech. Let's see.
There's mining that you could do, heating.
So that's coming up this winter.
People are going to have to start heating their homes with electricity.
Why not use a miner to do it?
And they have you covered.
They'll give you the opportunity to buy.
And they will help you learn how to use the equipment. But not just that.
I'm going to be talking to Jonathanathan this coming wednesday from decentral tech and we'll be able to talk about the upcoming bidax cpp branded bidax and there's
anything else that's going on over there so we'll be able to get an update with the cbp branded
bidax and everything else that's going on in the mining game so wednesday 7 p.m eastern
you won't want to just tune in for that it's gonna be great it's gonna be great
yeah it's there's tons of stuff on the website you can't miss it um as well as like 3d paintings
if you want to do that lens laundry is done uh okay so where do you want to start we can do
housekeeping here first last week uh in lieu of an interview we did the first ever cbp live draft fantasy draft um which was watched by way too many people
it's not much to really give a shit about that but it was fun anyway we had
len i don't know if you tuned in but we had every person from the draft save for one
attend the live draft the room was packed what happened to the one he was coming home from work
he actually messaged me separately um he was coming home from work he actually messaged me
separately um he was coming home from work he was trying to like do a half in his car
and uh so he didn't want to join the stream but he's still there anyways it's so rare to have a
draft where everyone can attend and make their picks live even if they didn't join the stream
so i was really pumped about that uh that was 50 000 stats per person to join so we'll see um how that turns
out i was a donor last year i feel great about my team this year went with three running backs early
so a little bit against the grain there i have another draft tomorrow i may try and execute a
different strategy but uh looking forward to that like you said we have jonathan from decentral
tech coming on wednesday and uh i think that's it for housekeeping we just go to the boost now i guess
unless you have something with that yeah that's it so mo btc dick 500 sats spicy rip gentlemen
i'm just surprised canada is in front running unrealized game tax well we're trying we're
trying don't don't give them any ideas we are trying no the bird the blank 500 sats simply writes in
the mandibles yeah you're getting there yes sir yes rander 666 sats he says hey
musk rfk and tulsi all endorsing trump should be enough to give him enough margin to overcome some shady shit.
We all know the Dems are going to try to attack the vote somehow, but as long as the margin of victory is high enough for Trump, he should be okay.
I just hope he stays alive until then.
What a time to be alive.
Comments like that.
You don't spot the lie.
It's all accurate in there i think wartime 1000 sats tax these nuts
lightning mick 2100 sats now keep in mind his name on this this is lightning mick and he says
i'm not an on my username shows when i'm commenting mickles so it's either mickles or
lightning mick either way thanks for the 2100 stats he says otech guess they're not taking over
all the jobs just yet keep it up boys any recommendations for android noster client primal
doesn't allow canada for wallet activations and amethyst doesn't load cheers thomas would be a
natural other one right is that android or iphone it's iphone for sure i don't know if it's android
too i don't know if it's on android i use amethyst and it works well and in terms of primal not
allowing for Canada,
dude, don't you have a VPN?
You can just simply get around that.
And so for me, Amethyst works well. As long as you're not in Brazil, you can do that.
I am right now in Brazil, according to my VP,
at least my phone.
I've switched there.
But Amethyst, I'm wondering why it doesn't load.
There's a guy named Victor on Noster.
He's the guy that administers that.
He's the creator of it.
So maybe you want to reach out to him if you have any problems,
and he'll be able to answer your questions.
So you could use the Primal web app.
So obviously you need some way to activate it.
So use the Primal web app.
That's going to be your gateway into Noster.
And from there, you could ask him and see what you could do.
I like Amethyst.
It works great.
It's kind of like a Twitter clone.
So if you like using Twitter app, you'll like using Amethyst. Not to say Pr kind of like a twitter clone so if you like using twitter
app you'll like using amethyst not to say primal isn't bad primal is really good too they're both
good i like them both i'm surprised actually at how high quality the apps were i think after was
it a week or two weeks ago we were kind of talking about it on the air maybe after the show too
i just visited noster uh in the two apps they've come a long way i've kept on my phone and kept updating them over the last year or so and they've come a long way. I've kept them on my phone and kept updating them over the last year or so,
and they've come a long way since the last time I really tried to use it.
So I do owe it to the community to try and spend some time there, I think.
It's grown a lot, especially in the past week and change, two weeks.
Because of the Twitter stuff?
So many people have migrated over to Nostr and got their feet wet.
And a lot of people seem to be happy with what's going on there.
Look, you could post whatever you want.
And there's going to be no repercussions.
Just people will simply unfollow you.
That could be it.
But there's no way to be banned from it.
It's a decentralized system.
So there's a lot of pros.
The cons, though, there are quite a few.
There is no algorithm if you like to have an algorithm feed
you stuff it's simply just a timeline and you're listening to all the people you follow and the
conversations they have that's it and so if something's getting traction it's getting a lot
of likes it's not going to end up on your feed unless it is something one of your followers
did something they engage with that somehow then we'll
show up in your feed so that's not that's it's that's a good thing you know that's a good thing
we should all it's good and bad trying we should all try and get used to it in some respects right
yeah yeah that's it for the housekeeping that's it for at least i think certainly that's it for
the boost joey yeah i mean i'll just note that um next week on tuesday night our guest is the one
and only
Mike Campbell of Money Talks name. You've heard him on this show. This will be his third appearance.
I've been on Money Talks, I think four times at this point. Mike is one of my favorite people.
He's a guy who's longer in the tooth than Len and I, has seen a lot, has done money management,
has done investing, has seen the ups and downs of
the market and the ups and downs in the sanity of the public. And if you don't listen to money talks,
I'll just note that a show that has been traditionally about investing in economics
is still heavily themed like that, but he's really taking the gloves off in a lot of ways in terms of what
he's afraid of as canada i think culturally shifts um towards something that's a little
more volatile than any of us are used to or ready for so i would recommend listening to that and i
really hope you guys will come on tuesday night he's very very good um and we share a lot of the
same concerns so i'm looking forward to talking to Mike as I always do, as I always do.
Well, for people that are tuning in and want to hear some Bitcoin related stuff, it's not going to happen this week because you know what you may want to hear.
Len sent me a message Friday night at eight 30 and he said, we're not doing Bitcoin this
We're going full clown world.
There's too much content.
We have no choice.
It's full.
So like the simply bitcoin stuff being
reinstated if you want to hear our comments on that i'm not going to provide any joy if you
wanted to go right ahead congratulations good good to see good to see him back good okay i'm good
with that open c's getting the the wells notice fuck them and uh yeah binance seizing palestinians
assets ftx just ftx redistributions coming in November, it looks like, as well, announced today.
So there you go.
That's the Bitcoin news.
Thanks for tuning in.
If you want to stay for the notables, go ahead.
If you don't, it's going to be a tile.
So yeah, we're going to go long, I think.
I don't know.
No, we'll still stick to the usual time.
But starting off, Joey X supposedly went dark in Brazil.
And we kind of hinted at that just a little while ago.
My phone is in Brazil, if you look at where the packets are coming out of.
So this follows, this whole ordeal with X in Brazil,
follows a Supreme Court order which banned the platform in Brazil.
So this applies to not just applications on your phone,
the Twitter application or X
application, but also web based for people that also like to use web based X wave, I use it,
I've actually I prefer that that over my app, to be perfectly honest, but either way,
that's also banned as well in Brazil. And from what I've been reading, people are reportedly
feeling disconnected as a result of this order, because they're not able to engage people that they were engaging in the past,
communicating, so they could be all over the globe.
And with this now in effect, they lost effectively how to communicate with them.
So they're feeling disconnected, and I can understand that being the case.
But it also goes to show you how powerful this platform can be
because you'd have people,
a lot of people that are reliant on it.
Brazil is a large population and Brazil is a large user of X.
And now with this recent move, they're no longer going to be reliant.
So they're going to have to somehow get their information elsewhere, just the crowdsourced
information elsewhere.
What is left?
What options they have? get their information elsewhere just the crowd sourced information elsewhere what is left what
options they have noster being one i would suggest maybe that this might be an influx of
noster people coming in from brazil but either way this supreme court ruling comes down because
musk removed his legal representative that's the whole thing now if you look at it from this
vantage point it kind of makes sense because according to the associated
press now before i'm going to talk about the order itself the judge apparently had threatened
the legal representation with arrest this is according to the associated press i have no way
to verify this is what i'm reading so with no legal representation this case effectively was canceled, or at least put on hold.
So according to the Supreme Court's press office,
foreign companies like X,
they have to have legal representation to operate in the country.
So now with him pulling the plug on that,
you no longer have that legal representation as such.
Now they're going to be saying you can't operate in Brazil.
So looking at through that lens kind of makes sense.
But remember what happened in Brazil.
They had a recent election not too long ago.
A lot of questions to do with the not legality, but how well it was done.
And I don't want to go too much into that.
But people could certainly look into that a little bit more. But either way, according to CBS, people who try to connect to X right now through a VPN, so trying to bypass this ban, they could face a fine of up to around $8,900 per day.
That's a significant amount of money to be fined.
I'm not certain how they're going to go around this.
So I'll tell you, I'll hop in here.
They backtracked on that a few hours ago.
Because as you're mentioning, it's hard to enforce mass disobedience.
It means that there's just not enough resources to enforce these things.
And if there's not enough resources to enforce, you can't enforce them.
So they backed off on that portion of the thing,
as well as the VPN portion.
You're allowed to use VPN and there's no fine now,
but they still have Twitter quote unquote banned, whatever that means.
So people of means have knowledge.
They're just able to use a VPN.
It kind of seems strange, so to speak.
So giving some people the opportunity to get around it, but the majority of people just able to use a vpn it kind of seems strange so to speak so giving some people the opportunity to get around it but the majority of people that don't use a vpn
probably don't have the funds to pay for vpn every month they're banned from it kind of seems
strange either way this shutting down of x is not unprecedented joey because from what I gathered, WhatsApp had been shut down in Brazil a few times in 2015 and 2016
because at that time, they did not comply with police to give user data.
So this is not the first time this kind of stuff has happened.
So it goes to show you what is going on here.
It's a struggle for power control, maybe something else.
But it's shining a light onto something though.
When you're dealing with a centralized entity,
which is X,
it could,
at least somebody could put an order to ban it.
And maybe it might have some implications,
but for something that's decentralized,
like Noster,
it's impossible to ban.
So this more than anything shows that a decentralized service is the one that is going
to win in the long run i actually don't think that's just impossible to ban i think they'll
go after app developers pretty quickly um if they ever had to though that's a you know it doesn't
mean to be easy and obviously anyone can develop an app but they i think you could go after app
developers and pull from the app store and stuff like that it's doable because even if the even if the service service is the wrong word even if the
protocol is decentralized um the access points are not at least not for the time being um as far as
the brazil thing yeah look i mean we we've talked about this so many times len that in in times where
your government is weak in times where your ideas are so good that they have to be forced on people by law and by threat of violence, and in times where information that's true
is dangerous to the established order, you have no choice but to ban these sorts of vehicles,
these channels that are open to people, right?
Twitter has become truly the enemy of so many governments.
I won't name them, but you can imagine that not
all of them are in the second and third world. There are some first world governments that are
having a hell of a time with Twitter, excuse me, over the last month or two. And we'll have
even more of a hell of a time with Twitter as they near election season in the States and here
and other places as well. To me, what I think is that, what I think you're going to see now,
you know, in Brazil or in other places is, is basically that anyone who is making, you know,
hay on Twitter by saying things like, maybe this election wasn't fair, right? Or maybe we should
protest X, Y, or Z, or maybe we should be concerned about what's going on in schools, or maybe we should protest X, Y, or Z. Or maybe we should be concerned about what's going on in schools.
Or maybe we should be concerned about what's going on in our neighborhoods.
Or in Canada, the sentiment toward immigration has shifted basically 180, a hard 180 in the last 12 weeks, it feels like, in the general public.
It happened fast. It's my view that Twitter contributes to all those things at a rate that no government
or state actor is prepared for or was prepared for. And honestly, Len, whether they agree or
disagree, they'd rather not have that happen that fast. They'd rather not have it happen that way.
And I think that Twitter is going to put a target on their back. I want to mention,
John in the chat, they can't force uninstall from phones or computers.
He's talking about the Nostra apps.
Yes, they absolutely can.
In fact, you have to opt out of that on iPhones.
You probably have to opt out of it on Android too.
They certainly can pull apps down from the App Store.
And ISPs can certainly limit you connecting to certain things.
But what does install do?
I'm not familiar with iPhone.
Yeah, they can pull it from your phone.
Really? Yeah, there's actually a uh tutorial on this like a week ago around the time this started happening just because people were saying the same some of the same stuff that
the stuff can't be uninstalled it can you have to make sure that you're protected against it on your
own but i mean at the end of the day you know you flipping a switch ultimately is not going to stop
apple from taking something off your phone. You have to realize that.
If things get dire, they will do what it takes
to get that app off your phone.
I just want to say really quickly, options, Graphene OS,
you don't have this.
There's other options, yeah, 100%.
There's a rudimentary app store that's built into the Graphene OS,
but from that you can get the F-Droid,
and then it's just simply
apks at that point yeah i don't know about android uh force on installing but apple for sure can do
it um yeah anyway this this idea that like you know brazil is the canary in the coma i think is
true you but like they're not the only one right now we talked about starmer a couple of weeks ago
britain having trouble with these riots and people posting pictures of the riots and talking about the racial makeup, religious makeup of certain raucous groups.
You can say that it's contributing to further disorder.
I'm not saying that it's not.
Maybe it is.
Maybe it isn't.
But it's not untrue to post a video, right?
It's maybe inflammatory, but inflammatory sometimes still needs to be shared.
And if you look, Len, at stuff like the community notes, how many politicians would want that
community note thing scrubbed probably so badly?
Every politician basically in the Western world gets absolutely nuked in the community
notes on every post, whether it's about inflation, whether it's
about jobs, whether it's about immigration, whether it's about currency value, whether it's about
interest rates, whatever. They get nuked. Canada, it's especially bad. I don't know about the
American politicians. Harris and Walls do get pretty toasted on their community notes as well.
And I have seen Trump get toasted on his recent tweets too. So it's not just one side of the aisle doing it to the other, it's both. And I think that that's important.
You have these people need to be held to account and Brazil, you know, Len, they want total control,
man. And the whole point of these services is to let people think and speak freely and hear other
views and opinions and share their own views and opinions. And people can share things that are not
scrubbed and polished. And CNN, down from 48 minutes to 19 minutes, it's a site, a recent
example, before they hit the web. People don't want that anymore. And they don't want it because
they know that the media lies. They know that governments twist the truth and try to make
things sound better and look better than they are. But people can see, right?
For all the prophetic commentary in 1984, what Orwell missed is that social media would come along and a guy who just wanted to have the Babylon Bee reinstated would just buy the thing and let people run wild.
I think a lot of people not just orwell um
missed that possibility and they're paying for it now big time elon musk he has to have a target on
his back so he was a huge move like the him buying twitter len we i think we didn't we talk about
this on the air we may have talked about it off the air no we talked about it on access of easy
so yeah so it could have been on one or the other, yes.
About how different would things look if Jack Dorsey still owned Twitter?
How different would all this look?
All of it.
The Trump assassination attempt, you know, the Biden coup, the Kamala, different accent, you know, for every flavor of hot sauce in her fridge, she's got a different fucking accent talking to these groups of people. Depending on what race and state she's talking to, she sounds different. Twitter points banned for talking about certain things that were true.
They were true. COVID was a great example. COVID, just unbelievable. But some people still think
it's detrimental to have that level of freedom of thought. I personally don't. I don't think
you do either. I think many Bitcoiners have that same view that more freedom of thought
you know the the battle for i dominance of ideas has to happen out in the open
there's a lot of people who don't think that and i think a lot of them are
of that opinion a lot of them have that view because they know that their ideas are just not
that great and uh there's not really any other way to put it
you know the when you're talking about people getting lambasted on twitter it's funny does
that still apply do they still get community notes yeah when they but when when they put on
a post that has the limited replies is that still getting still getting noted yeah okay because i
noticed a lot of people are doing that and they're limiting the
amount you know talking about elected officials they're doing that uh sort of limiting who can
write replies and it's come on that's kind of bs in a way this is kind of you know the court of
public opinion and you're limiting some people from giving commentary sure there'll be a lot
of negative comments because
they'll get nuked because they're spinning they're spinning a yarn right and it's always the same and
then thank god people are kind of waking up to how dumb these make these criticisms are like oh it's
far right it's racist it's misogynist no it's not the comments are very rarely anything of that
nature on on political um on political advertising or election-related stuff.
They're almost always based in fact.
They source articles.
Community notes is an interesting thing, right?
I have notes.
My account is notes enabled, so I can go to notes before they're public and rate them.
And they're always pretty good.
They're always pretty good.
They have all the sources.
There's stuff in there that is not that great sometimes, but the stuff that wins out is rock solid. And people don't like that because, like I said, politics is a dirty game. And I'm not blaming politicians for playing it this way. It's always been played this way. But now they're in a position where truly they are fighting the last war and it's starting to show. They look weak look weak when they go to social media, because it's just,
they're just not cut out for that.
The calm style just does not fit that ecosystem anymore.
the California Bitcoin or podcast is now in session.
You guys talk about California,
the NBC,
this is an article from them.
And it says that all state gets okay to raise California home insurance rates by average of 34%.
The gist of what is happening is that Allstate customers, so those homeowners that are insuring with Allstate, they're going to see a huge increase moving forward. And if you think that shopping around may be the answer, State
Farm is also asking California to approve a 30% hike for homeowners as well. So it looks like
there's going to be a bunch of insurance providers that are going to be hiking up rates for homeowners.
So either people are going to have to do something. We'll talk about that in a second. Either way,
NBC article did not explain why the increase is coming. I had to do some digging here.
So Michael Soler, this is the deputy insurance commissioner in California.
And I'm going to quote him.
He says, California's insurance rates on average are lower than many states, including large
states like Florida and Texas.
He said that we're seeing the impact of disasters, not just wildfires, but winter storms, seeing
the impact of climate change all across the nation.
We're not alone.
So yeah,
couldn't possibly be it.
There's roving gangs of drug addicted criminals.
And wildfires,
some can be naturally occurring like this,
or some could be done by an individual,
or it could also be poor management
yeah lack of management brush and so like there's a whole bunch of things be perfectly honest a lot
of this is way beyond my pay grade but to simply just pinpoint one thing one single thing is the
reason why another thing to consider too there is an inflation that has to be considered here. That's a big one. We hear about 2%, whatever the last reported number was for July.
There is a real number.
And everybody's feeling it.
Compare your grocery bill this year versus two, three, four years ago,
and you'll see that is the real cost of inflation.
So with now this being instituted and this sword dangling above the homeowner's heads in california they have to
do they have to make a decision either go without insurance risk it maybe sell become renters sell
and leave california is it even legal to i don't think you can actually like libertarians have a
sort of a two-pronged beef with the insurance companies right one is that there's a pretty
significant like monopoly or do or like oligopoly power they fix prices basically but the other is that the government forces you to engage with a
private entity for vehicle and home insurance i don't even think you can go without you have to
pay it in the states you don't have to have vehicle insurance i know for some states maybe
some of them they do okay because i've often watched cops and people don't have insurance
and they don't that's not the right sample group though no but they don't arrest them for it so that's basically when i'm like i'm you know i didn't
know you were a big cops guy i love watching that it's so much fun but to be honest i don't have tv
so when i have whatever i i have what limited you know i just choose to watch that either way
so there may be i think things are different in the states than they are here i could be wrong especially with the home ownership but for car you don't have to i think
you're just running the risk over here i know you have to how funny is it that these guys basically
just have like a wheel of fortune wheel that has you know a million different slices on it but
there's only two things that are two possible outcomes one is russia one is climate change
and so like they just spin that wheel for everything that happens.
And now they're,
I think Kamala is going to try and add price gouging to it.
So maybe there'll be a third outcome possible,
but you know,
maybe a fourth,
like far right extremism they'll throw on there.
No matter what they do,
it's always one of those four things,
whatever the cause is always one of those four things,
climate change,
far right extremists,
Russia, or price gouging it must it's an easy gig man if you can just point to these things and the party is like the people who vote for you are like hell yeah it's it is russia that's causing
the forest fires or whatever like okay those motherfuckers oh man you ever hear a place called
shake shack yeah of course. I haven't.
Not before reading this article.
It's a burger joint from what I understand in the States.
So they're shutting down six locations in the state of California.
And no, it's not due to the home insurance because these are commercial businesses.
But the New York Post believes that this might be due to a wage increase for restaurant workers.
Did you know that restaurant workers in the state of California now earn a minimum of $20 US per hour?
We talked about this like two months ago.
And the funny thing in the story was that it excluded bakery workers.
That's right.
The biggest contributor on the restaurant side is like Panera Bread or something.
Before this, it was 16
dollars an hour so it's it was pretty high before but now it's even higher so 20 dollars per hour
working at say mcdonald's that's not a bad gig after all but so the shake shack look they're
shutting down they're saying these places are underperforming but i think this potentially might have something to do with it dishing out 20 per hour per employee it's making
it more difficult to make ends meet so whatever maybe california will set up their own state-run
shake shack alternative we'll see what happens chicago seems to be kind of doing this isn't
just a crime though like i know here in hamilton uh
there's like mcdonald's and stuff that i used to go to when i was a kid you know i went there for
mcflurry's or for burgers with the boys like late night stuff the kind of stuff you do in high
school you know like you're out with your buddies and you want to get a burger at nine o'clock
because you don't have any problems with heartburn or indigestion or staying up too late. And so you'll get a burger at McDonald's and a huge fountain pop and sit in the McDonald's
table area there, the eating area, and just chop it up with the boys there. Talk about what you
learned as far as the women in your life or sports or whatever. All the stuff that coming
of age really should be happens in a fast food
restaurant sometimes. And those things are going away now because even in a place like Hamilton,
they're closing those seating areas. Why? Because the people that come in there are just
undesirable people. They're loud, they're rude, they're on stuff, they're causing trouble,
they're a net negative for the business, even if they're patrons.
And by the way, the big problem often is that they refuse to patronize the business, but just want to sit and hang out.
One person will buy stuff and 10 people will come in with them.
You're losing on this kind of stuff. And Shake Shack is not a place where you get Uber Eats.
Shake Shack is not a place where you order and then go pick up. You
go there and sit or you go and grab and go a little bit, but you have to actually go to the
business. And even if the business is doing okay, the minimum wage thing is a big hit for sure.
But the other big hit I would say is that people just don't want to be around the people that hang
out outside these places or even inside these places. You've seen the pictures of San Francisco
in California. You've seen the other cities in california the pictures the videos
we've talked about it so many times would you leave your house to get a six out of ten hamburger
if it meant you had to go buy a drug den depends what comes along with it is it if i got a syringe
do i get that as well i don't know know. I don't know. Good question.
But it's like, it's so obvious, right?
I think it's so obvious that you're going to have all these problems because society is just coming apart at the seams in some of these places.
And, you know, we've been saying it for a long time and people would have said that
we were, you know, inappropriately doing so a year ago.
But now I think everyone sees it.
Drugs are causing tons of problems uh among other
things and you know these businesses are ones that are going to suffer first and just you know
you're gonna for all these people who claim trickle-down economics don't work they're
gonna find out fucking fast how important trickle-down economics is when all the businesses
in the area close another story from california from abc news it says california bill would allow undocumented
immigrants paying taxes to get home loans so this is assembly bill 1840 it's been approved by
lawmakers and right now it's headed to the desk of gavin newsom for approval good and as per the abc article those that apply to get a loan under the california dream for all
program won't be denied based on immigration status so the program helps out first-time home
buyers by allowing them to pay back the interest by sorry by not paying back the interest portion
of the mortgage incredible only the original loan is paid back plus 20% for home appreciation.
So it's going to be up to $150,000 in total
plus closing costs.
It's possible now people without legal status
to use this program.
That's if Gavin Newsom approves it.
It's still not yet.
He's going to.
So I don't know.
What can go wrong from all this?
Home prices in California are already very high.
Now we're probably going to have a whole bunch of homes for sale
because they can't afford the homeowner insurance.
And now you're going to be asking these people,
these undocumented people, to buy these homes.
And who's paying it for?
The collective is going to be paying for the loan itself.
How pissed would you be if you were someone who went through a 12-month period where you had a house but lost your job, couldn't make your rent, were evicted, you're on the street, drugs are all around you all the time, you're trying to hang on, food banks don't have enough food for you, there's no space in shelters, but illegals are coming over and grabbing a quick interest-free
loan for a house how pissed would you be like this is what i would when i say like societal
fabric is coming apart like this is why fyi this is why it's not a mystery you know like
everyone should be mad about this now the overall united states what's the population we'll say 300
million i could be closer to 350 right i think 350 okay yeah and i don't know what this population is california but i think it's the most populated
state in the u.s take again take a guess how many undocumented people live in california
if you just were to come can you give me the total population of the state california yeah
i don't i'd have to pull it up let me see population california hey give me
that number and then i'll guess 39 million as of 2002 5 million illegal so the last numbers i had
were from 2021 and it was estimated 1.85 million that's the most in as of any state in the united
states 21 that number so yes so years later, that number could easily,
easily be over 2 million.
3 million, probably not.
That's my guess.
I could be wrong.
So think about now you have these people here
potentially able to take advantage of this program.
The one thing that they're saying, though,
is that you have to be a taxpayer.
So it's people that are undocumented, but they're paying.
They're collecting.
How is that possible?
They have a job somehow, and you're paying taxes, income tax, whatever the fuck they're paying.
They're paying some sort of taxes.
So there is some semblance of understanding why it is they want to do that, because at least they're paying into a system that they could take advantage of but like you said think of all the people there
that have been doing this for a long period of time and they're now dealing with drugs and
losing their job because of shutdowns and shit like that and now they're watching somebody else
also have the same type of advantage you have and they just johnny come lately so it's absolutely
unbelievable it's it is unbelievable how like blatantly political this is.
What is the name of that theory where if you really wanted to upset a governable order,
you would do it by runaway inflation, tons of immigration, Cloward-Piven or something like that?
Not even, no clue.
Look it up.
Look it up.
Someone will tell me in the chat. Cloward cloward pivot i'm pretty sure it's called uh where like if you were like if this is indistinguishable
from basically like a intentional demolition of a a governable order because it's no longer
favorable to the governing you know group i i think this is not slain but whatever it's not
even we're not even scratching the surface of how notable some of these things will be oh no no let's keep going i know seeing what california jamul california this
is about five to ten miles east of san diego and well an email went out by the jamul dulzura union
school district because it's indicating that some buses have been disrupted by migrants that were attempting to board them.
So school started over there.
Apparently this is the Canadian demonetized podcast that we're like,
we are just rolling downhill here.
It's all the most controversial topic.
Apparently migrants attempted to board buses along the District A and District B school bus routes.
And in one of the instances, three migrants were in the middle of the highway blocking the road.
And they tried to stop the bus.
And apparently, the bus had to avoid to get around them.
So they did that.
But in another one, on District B, from from what i understand a group of 20 or more
migrants were trying to mingle in with students and at a bus stop and parents had to help the
bus driver make sure that the students were safe and only they the students boarded that is a must
i guess they they need some education that's why they're trying to get on the bus to go to school
that's what i'm guessing i don't know but you what? This is a problem that's going on just East of San Diego,
That kind of stuff was,
what can I say?
They're trying to get some reading,
arithmetic taught to the tune of a Hickory stick.
I fucking doubt it.
You know,
I doubt it.
I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.
They get enough benefits.
When you say we just talked about 120 K or whatever that was.
Let's give a little bit more.
I like I it's whole,
it's so hard.
Don't get me wrong.
I know on this show,
oftentimes I won't speak for Len,
but I know that I say things that can be abrasive or unpopular.
They'll make people not want to talk to you at a barbecue.
I get that.
But what other position can a sort of thinking person take on this, on this issue? What is the
other position? You have these kids who are on a school bus and you have a bunch of people who are
undocumented, right? To use the kind term who are, you know, at the very least desperate, but in the
worst case, dangerous.
You don't want to have a vulnerable population with that kind of person.
I don't care what their situation is otherwise.
This is why you have immigration systems that are established and monitored and these types of things.
You can't just have people running around on roads trying to get on buses with kids.
If this happened in
your neighborhood you know the police would be called but because they came from another country
illegally we have to you know parse our words like i i have a hard time with that honestly
i really do i mean you're a father i'm about to be a father knock on wood uh you know you
wouldn't you have a problem with this if this was happening on your kid's bus?
Yeah, and it doesn't matter if it's a migrant or anybody else. Exactly.
That's what I mean.
It just doesn't matter.
But for some reason, we can't talk about this, right?
You're not allowed to speak.
You speak pointedly about these sorts of things.
Well, we should speak pointedly about them because they're important.
And if your kid was on that bus, you would feel pointedly about it too, I think.
I think that's a pretty safe bet.
The Colorado Bitcoiners podcast is now in session.
So reports are floating around that migrants originating from Venezuela, they have taken over an apartment.
This is a great story.
This is like a Grand Theft Auto side quest or something.
I can't believe this shit.
But there's no finality to it it's just an ongoing
thing you're not there to kill them or at least you know rub them out one way or another either
way aurora colorado that's where this is taking place it's a apartment complex and migrants from
venezuela have taken it over homeland security apparently has confirmed from the video that's
floating around that the folks are part of
venezuelan gangs so they're gang members from venezuela and in fact there was a shootout in
a parking lot not too long ago so there's been some activity since july and i'm just shocked that
nothing has been done since then it's been like a month or so nothing changed or so that this has
been going on and
still this is ongoing but one thing i just want to point out is i don't know if there's any validity
to this but trump has been saying a long time that they countries have been emptying up prisons
and sending them to the united states and they're you know based on this, who knows? There may be some truth to that.
But if Homeland Security is indeed saying that they're the part of a Venezuelan gang, how did they get in?
The mayor was on Fox, I think, last week, Friday, Thursday or Friday, and basically confirmed that, like, yeah, these guys did, like, basically take over two apartment buildings or hotels or something.
How come the army wasn't called in? That's what I i'm saying like what what do you mean they took over like
don't you have cops in town well there comes a point where you can't handle it yeah but can we
like drone strike or something like right water like something like escalated exactly exactly
that's why it's been going on for like a month and change yeah one day okay i mean i don't want
to justify one day it's one day it's too long but like you're talking weeks and weeks and
you know like to your point they're just they're just like collecting rent from people basically
they just took over the revenue stream it's like a scene out of that show um sons of anarchy or
something like where they just started like running a town i i the videos from the security cameras in the
like in the buildings are pretty insane you seen them they the guys running around there and by
the way they look young it's migrant sons of anarchy sorry yeah sorry i forgot yeah sorry
about that well like it's crazy these guys are just running a basically a property management
business now i mean it's very unofficial of course but it's like they're just going door to door with machine guns asking for cash. I guess that's the story. That's what
the mayor seems to say. And he's like, yeah, we're, you know, we're trying to figure out.
And he's like, the reason we don't engage, actually, now that you mentioned that the reason
we don't tell our police officers to engage is because the gang has orders to like freely shoot
at police officers. So these guys are like power here oh len you know who's got the
power oh there you go yeah i mean i hope you didn't uh dei your police force over the last
few years because you're really going to pay for that now uh because these guys they don't give a
shit you know when they hire gangs they got guys you can shoot and guys who are willing to die for
the cause uh it's crazy man i hope it turns okay. I would hate to live in a place like
that, but not good. It's not a good situation up there in Aurora, Colorado. And some people
on Twitter going, yeah, it's not real. This isn't happening. Like, buddy, the mayor was just on TV.
He said it was going on. What does the mayor have to gain by saying he's lost control of a quadrant
of his city? Nothing. The answer is's a it's a it's a serious
problem how to your to your earlier question like they should send the military should they not like
what is the threshold for that you got it's got to be close to this no everybody in that building
that's a resident get the fuck out because they're gonna go in and or maybe send a secret service and
have the secret service protect the building we saw the secret service already a couple weeks back i don't think the secret service well if you give them orders to protect the
building itself you know what's going to happen the building will be destroyed perfect interesting
yeah oh yeah reverse jinx okay australia buddy let's go to australia this is a doozy of a story
amon i hope i pronounced actually i don't give a fuck if i pronounce this
guy's last name correctly he stepped down as a member of parliament this past week
he was a member of parliament in australia and according to abc news on australia
this dude was charged with 10 child sex offenses 10 and from what i could tell
come on man it gets it gets even more interesting julia and from
former member of parliament from what i could tell and i can't verify this is accurate this
is all alleged um charges include five counts of having sexual intercourse with a child between
the ages of 10 and 14 hang them and allegedly these crimes occurred in 2017 so it's now been what seven years
and these allegations on their own are very bad obviously we you can't but last year in may
2023 oh no this guy was appointed the shadow assistant minister for youth housing and planning and public talk about government blow
do we need shadow assistant ministers of anything and they didn't even vet this guy no one thought
to look in this guy's closet oh my god youth minister and he's doing this kind of this is
clown world to the it's notable it's notable it's very Notable. So when I read shit at all the previous stories,
like there's no way we could talk about fucking Bitcoin.
Not after seeing all this Bitcoin.
And there's still so much more to talk about.
This would be a 10 hour show if we talked about Bitcoin.
So yeah, that's.
Listen, this is the word.
It's as bad as it gets.
I shouldn't joke about, shouldn't joke about kids, but like, you know,
there's, there's really no excuse for allowing this to happen.
Anyone who's ever ran for public office would probably tell you that the sort of vetting and oppo research and red team stuff that goes on whenever anyone takes an elected office is very significant.
There's almost no skeleton that will remain unturned or unearthed or in your closet, as the saying goes? How did this happen?
How could this be possible for, you said 2017?
2017, allegedly.
Seven years, almost eight years, right?
Yeah, allegedly, allegedly.
We should be clear about that.
But pretty serious allegation for it not to be substantiated.
And I think you mentioned there was a you know half dozen of them
right so yeah not very good not very good i mean what else can you say i don't want to i don't want
to give this yeah not not great zuck we can talk about zuck zuck yeah so he came out the swinging
this past week about the white house because apparently they were putting pressure.
The white house was putting pressure on his Facebook team or meta team for
months to censor certain COVID-19 content,
including humor and satire and express.
They expressed a lot of frustration with their teams and he says they didn't
So yeah,
this is kind of an interesting information that he's been.
That's one way to put it.
Sort of.
Well, again, I, there's nothing I, you could talk about this because we talked.
What are you asked on the other, on the other show access of easy.
Which you guys should all be fucking subscribing to because it's a good, good fucking show.
We spent a lot of time preparing for that show.
Arguably more time preparing for that show than this show, actually. But the thing that you asked me on that show
was what changed for Zuckerberg between then and now that he made this admission, right?
And what did I say? I'll tell you exactly what changed. He started working out. He started
working out and now he's a little bit more conservative than he was a year ago. He's
going to get bigger and stronger. He's going to go more conservative. He's going to start telling all
these other people to get lost, kick rocks and beat it. Every time they put pressure on him and
do something, he'll say it's policy. He'll say they're adjusting. He'll say, this is the, you
know, what our users need, this level of transparency. But I will tell you that what's
actually happening is he's lifting weights. This is it, okay? How many times you got to see in the New Yorker,
the New York Times, CBC, CTV, you name it,
all these publications talking about how
the alt-right starts in the weight room.
It sure does.
It sure does.
Conservatives are stronger than, I think, the other parties.
And you see this oftentimes.
I've mentioned this more than once,
but there's a great 4chan post
about how people who don't lift weights,
who are weak mentally or physically,
filter their ideas, their opinions,
through this idea of protection and safety.
Do enough other people have this opinion
that I'll be safe?
They don't think about things
about whether or not they're objectively true.
And Zuckerberg was in that. Structing numbers, that's the sort of yeah exactly and and so zuckerberg was in this other camp before but he's in our camp now and uh you know not a surprise when you
become physically fit you start thinking a little more clearly this is why i always say half jokingly
maybe less than half jokingly these days if you can't squat 225 we got to talk about
whether or not you should be voting we got to talk about it i want to see we got to put the
we got to put smith smith machines we got to put power racks at every electoral like every ballot
station and you got to just rip out we got to rip one rep um for the uh there's there's more to it
i mean you could change the oil if you want to change.
There's so many other things you could do.
But you see, it's an R camp.
Joey, I don't know, man.
I think he is.
I think he is.
I don't belong in anybody, especially not his camp.
The conservative camp.
The conservative camp will say.
I'm not a conservative, though.
I am.
I think he's leaning to the right now.
I don't want to be labeled.
I don't want to.
I just, I am me.
I was laughing in the chat because I almost said Smith Machine there.
I get shit on Twitter all the time.
I didn't mean to say Smith Machine, but that's what came up.
Freudian slip.
You know what a Smith Machine is?
So yeah, those guys give me a hard time for my Smith Machine lifts.
Especially if you're doing it alone?
That's what I know.
That's what I say too.
And it's also good.
It's also good if you want to push past a plateau weight.
Uh, like you said, if you're by yourself, Smith machine's pretty good to do that for. I mean, you're seven months old, sorry, seven month pregnant wife to come.
No, you won't.
It's funny.
Like, I think, I think, uh, this is not a shot at boomer but it's
funny i i bought like two and a half pound plates maybe two years ago something like that and uh
a lot of my friends are like why i need two and a half pounds like blah blah blah it's
if you can't figure out why you need the smith machine or two and a half pound weights it just
tells me that you're not pushing yourself hard enough because you do need those little bits of
weight at the top end of what you can handle to to push just a little over the top a little over the top
little over the top over and over again and then before you know it you know you can you can do a
higher weight that's how progressive overload works but um you know that's neither here nor
there and you can go on with that that's it for the notable stories we have notable north coming
up i love it.
Let's get after it.
good to see you guys.
If you're on video,
audio spaces,
stay here.
If you're not,
wait for tomorrow for the rest of the episode.
Take care of yourselves.
Don't be a cock.