The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #180 (Bitcoin News Stories) - Canadian Elections, American Debates, Bitcoin Price Action
Episode Date: September 10, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada.... As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: www.CanadianBitcoiners.comDiscord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.
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Friends and enemies, welcome back to the mighty CBP, the Canadian Bitcoiners podcast.
My name is Joey.
That is Len.
Len, I don't know if you saw this, but a number of podcasters in the States, alternative right-wing
voices indicted over allegations that they've been taking big money from Russian oligarchs
for sharing opinions like the US is on the decline and the war in Ukraine is a bad idea.
I know we have some sponsors, but have you been cashing any big is on the decline and the war in Ukraine is a bad idea. I know we have some sponsors,
but have you been cashing any big checks on the side?
Cause I haven't seen any Russian money come in yet for holding those
opinions and sharing them publicly.
Have you not seen my car?
That should be an indication that clearly either I am not cashing them in,
or I'm doing a very good job,
but hiding the fact that I am cashing them in.
The rust is growing.
How do we get the foreign investment into CBP?
Do we want to get the foreign investment?
Because right now...
If it's five figures,
I'll say anything for like 50 grand.
Well, the C could stand.
Remember, we could be the Californian.
We could be the Chicago, the Colorado.
Or the Compromat Bitcoiners podcast, right?
Compromised. Compromised, yeah, sure. Okay. There's lots Bitcoiners podcast, right? Compromised.
Compromised, yeah, sure.
There's lots of different things we could do with the C, but currently it's only Canadian.
So no, no.
We turn her back to Russian funds, Ukraine funds, any type of funds that are from outside
that country.
Screw you.
We don't want that.
Len is speaking for himself, only me.
I want to put the fun back in funds.
And so if you have $50,000 for us, let me know.
And if it's not too egregious, I'll say it on the air.
But in the meantime, maybe before we start,
you were in an NHL 94 tournament on the weekend.
How did it go?
I was good until maybe three quarters of the way.
I was doing a 500 and then everything, the wheels fell off.
Who is it that screwed me up? Calgary and Boston. three quarters of the way i was doing a 500 and then everything the wheels fell off shook who is
that screwed me up uh calgary and boston both times i played today just didn't do anything
even ray bork he passed him the puck and he just we were laughing at how bad it was yeah
random team selection by the way so when you say you were good for three quarters away like playing
about 500 ball or about 500 puck when you when you started to have trouble was it just because the random teams got in the way or like what what's
the deal with that what happened just the randomness hit me so the teams how they're
selected is yeah obviously two people approach the console you rock paper scissors to see who's
going to make the call so i always like to be honest i said you know what just i'm going to
pick rock all the time so you can beat me so they did that uh because i really don't care what happens so it's uh whoever wins the rock paper scissors
calls the matchup and the other person is going to be the home team and picks who they're going
to be playing as nice so i'll pick say chicago detroit and you'll say you want detroit at home
okay you got detroit at home i'll be chicago on the road okay so when you call it two teams you're
obviously not going to want to call it two teams that are so far apart because you're going to pick the team that's
much much better so you're trying to picking two teams that are kind of close like a vancouver or
buffalo or something like that right so then it's tough to pick who's you know who you'll hit i
don't know does anyone ever pick like two real dud teams i did that like yeah just i did anaheim
and ottawa okay it
was such a funny game and i and ottawa because they're probably two of the worst teams in the
game and i'm familiar with both of them to be honest because i played quite a bit recently and
it was just it's different way to play well i'm sorry to hear you didn't win anyways we were all
winners brother we're all it was championship of the universe by the way the nhl 94 championship of the universe the first ever and uh yeah crts were uh were there people coming to look at it
people were yelling good i love it i love it and you know what next door right next door to the
place was a value village yes went in there there was an nhl 94 cartridge nice
did you grab it did you take it no it's snes number one uh and number two is like
two halves put together if you look at the way it was like some frankenstein version so who knows
if it was even working village still selling it for ten dollars probably 7.99 or something
such a ripoff anyway um welcome back everyone end of summer here coming up but uh just the
beginning of tonight's show
we got the we got the sponsors as always up front easy dns okay well and what do they have they have
dns they have hosting they have uh other web services they have easy mail email hosting they
have wordpress and other custom stuff for your website.
Whenever you want to start a website or start a business or start a blog, you need a website.
How are people going to find you?
You need something, some landing page for them to go to.
We have one,, the sparsely used, though often referenced website for the podcast.
We do it through Mark and EasyDNS.
It's simple.
It's cheap.
It's effective.
It's extremely secure. Okay okay mark noting here on his
website that uh everything is easy fast and secure but also then i went to the easy dns
website today because i wanted to look for some new material for the read did you know that mark
offers a 100 refund if you don't like any of the services you sign up for no conditions no fine
print i didn't know that so what do you have to lose not only getting 50 off your initial
purchase if you use our promo code cbp media it'll give you a hundred percent back you said
you make money off this guy if you just cancel if you don't like it where else do you get this
kind of deal only on cbp that's it yeah set up your email server set up your web server a lot
of virtual private server stuff you got tons of stuff going on over there but if you don't like it uh for whatever reason just get your money back you got nothing
to lose try them out cbp media is the code uh mark is always in the chat always available to help and
has been very very instrumental in uh developing our website uh len we had a guest cancel this
week so i might have to ask mark if he wants to hop on short notice uh we'll talk about that
housekeeping but uh you might hear from from Mark sooner than you know it.
Who's the second sponsor?
Bull Bitcoin.
And, you know, the price of Bitcoin, I just saw it behind me a few seconds ago, a few
moments ago, actually.
And it's gone up from what I have been hearing in the chat, because there's a chat we're
a part of, and we're getting some updates about the price.
The price of Bitcoin is going a little bit nuts lately.
What's going on? I don't't know it goes where it goes but certainly you have an opportunity
to buy bitcoin with bull bitcoin and you can do the same with selling through bull bitcoin so you
have a couple of different options so there's so hopefully people have been stacking away
or if they're selling that's your choice as well but you could do it on chain you could do it with
lightning i checked again last night on chain are still fees are still very
very cheap so continually buy on chain is my opinion because they're still so darn cheap
but if ever they do go high it does periodically and eventually they will stay high you have the
option to buy and sell with lightning with little bitcoin so you don't have to always be subjected
to those high fees when the fees are high also you can buy gift cards gift cards over there. So you can spend your Bitcoin to buy gift cards.
You can spend that in the real world.
So you can go to Home Depot, for instance,
so you have a leak.
Like you faucet and you want to replace it or repair it.
Well, you could do that with your Bitcoin
by buying these gift cards and go to Home Depot.
Or you could pay your bills.
You can start spending your Bitcoin to pay bills
through Bull Bitcoin.
So you could pay your mortgage payment,
whatever the heck you have to pay.
There's so many different options you could do over there but check them out because they're
not custodial this is what you want from an exchange we'll be talking about that a little bit
use our promo code if you do 21 is going to be added to your account as long as you provide
necessary information you'd love to see it and then our third sponsor decentral tech len
it's almost time for the cpp branded bid axes is the pre-order open
do we know to the best of my knowledge no not yet but it will be should be soon quote unquote soon
this is going to be this is going to be an incredible moment in uh cbp history because
jonathan and the team have agreed to to allow us the the privilege of being branded on our own Bidax machines,
which have been leaked in the CBP Discord.
So if you haven't taken a look in the Discord in a while, now's the time.
So these guys have been open, Len, almost 10 years, since 2016.
The best in silo in terms of mining for the pleb.
Everything you need, all in one place.
Whether you want to do some mining
to try and actually make some money,
rack a few of these bad boys in your garage,
or you want to throw something in your house
that your wife won't be mad at you over,
take half your assets due to, among other things,
give yourself any marital problems
with this giant machine humming and screeching away,
mining the hardest money around.
These guys got your back.
They do some hosting stuff.
It's not their bread and butter.
The bread and butter is getting you on the network as a hasher
at whatever capacity you want.
Jonathan and the team doing a great job over there.
I would tell you to use our promo code, but we don't have one.
Because our sponsors want to support us the same way we want to support them.
It's not a
you know scratch our back our scratchers relationship i'll scratch your relationship
necessarily so go over and support them i know a bunch of you guys have bought the miners
already and if you're looking for another miner like uh we are going to have shortly here in the
cbp studio then now's the time go over tell them we sent you if they ask but uh we want to make
sure these guys are getting
as much of their product on the market as possible.
One, because we like the company, of course.
But two, Len, we got to decentralize, man.
Miners have too much power.
The industrial miners have too much power.
We got to take back the power, okay?
We have to rage against the machine,
as a wise man once said.
And you can only do that-
One bit ax at a time.
That's right.
One bit ax at a time, okay?
One bit ax at a time, we can right. One bit axe at a time. Okay, one bit axe at a time.
We can chop down the mightiest of oaks.
So we're going to be doing that vis-a-vis the CBP.
Head over, buy some stuff, buy some shirts,
buy some miners.
You guys know what to do.
Great company.
And we hope you'll support them.
What do you want to do next?
Some boosts, maybe?
Or do you want to do housekeeping?
Up to you.
Quick boosts, because Lightning Mick, 210 sats.
Thank you, Lightning Mick.
Boosted on fountain.
Cheers to you, buddy.
Cheers, Mick.
Light, so, sorry, wartime.
333 sats.
He does two things, two emojis, a fire emoji, and a beer mugs.
Got it.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Relic, 500 sats gold as usual absolutely bitcoin as
usual bond 1337 sats getting prescribed meds because they want to play xbox instead of learning
a long division and he puts the happy face there that was a good line i put that in a short too that's good
so we got the 1337 elite sats right that's lead speak i think pretty sure i think it is yeah nice
and sir snacks a lot leading the league here 2100 sats it's hard to go to any restaurant in hamilton
and not come face to face with joey's undesirables and the effects that they had on a dining experience.
And the same can be said for many cities in Canada.
Tell us how Bitcoin could help fix this.
Man, I think over time it can, but I'll tell you,
I was driving through Westdale, maybe not Westdale,
it's like the bridge, the Main Street area there,
going from Dundas into the Crunch Fitness where where i work out i'll dox myself a little
bit there a couple of you guys have recognized me that gym already so i'm sure you realize where i
work out but uh and len there was a young couple with their child eating dinner on the patio of
what i think is an east side mario's used to be a finn mccool's but it's an east side mario's now
and a guy pushing a buggy was talking to him through the glass wall and they didn't want
anything to do with the guy, but what can you do? You know, um, these, these people are everywhere
now and they're proliferating. Maybe we'll talk about that today. At least this guy wasn't eating,
you know, pigeons or ducks, but, uh, some places in the States are experiencing that at the moment.
So we got to, uh, we got to be vigilant. All you can do is protect your family vis-a-vis wealth preservation make sure that when push comes to shove you're in a position to g t f o that's
what i would say hey that's the way bitcoin fixes this at least in the short term i agree there's
nothing we can do nothing bitcoin can do no no no nothing at all so housekeeping before we start
uh mike campbell if you listen to money talks you'll know this already mike campbell had a fall last week oh i didn't know that and uh yeah so he needed some surgery
on his elbow and wrist and uh he's pretty dinged up so his people got a hold of me today and just
as i was about to email them because i wanted to make sure we're still good for tomorrow mike is uh
you know he's a trooper,
but I wouldn't want to get on camera if I've been dinged up like that.
you know,
naturally I said,
let's reschedule for October.
Mike wants to pass his,
his apologies to us land and to our listeners,
because I tell Mike all the time,
I think there's a huge amount of overlap between the number of people who
listen to our show and the people listen to money talks.
Um, so I, you know, he's, he's offered his, or his, uh, his apologies for
not being able to make it and we'll try and get him on again in October is the plan. Now, in the
meantime, we have a guest spot to fill. So I've reached out to a few people. We'll see if we get
anyone on. If you listen or viewer have any ideas, send me a tweet, mention me, mention the potential
guest. I'm flexible this week. I don't have football, so we can record tomorrow. We can listener viewer have any ideas send me a tweet mention me mention the potential guest i'm
flexible this week i don't have football so we can record tomorrow we can record wednesday we
can record thursday uh i could even do friday right after work at like four if that was uh
something the guests wanted to do but we got to put out a second show this week somehow unless
you want to hear me and len just romancing each other on air for half an hour, give me some ideas. We're in a bit of a crunch here as far
as time and scheduling. So if you have any ideas, let us know. And yeah, Mike, of course, no hard
feelings between us and him. He's one of my favorite guests. I love being on his show and
we're looking forward to talking to him. We'll be talking to him closer to both the American and Canadian election
come October.
we don't know exactly how much closer to a Canadian election,
but we will know exactly how much closer to an American election.
And so the longer we wait for the interview,
the more stuff will be in the hopper,
which is good for everybody.
So yeah,
looking forward to that,
even though this is the lay.
I have nothing to add.
Hopefully he heals quickly and heals well.
Those risks, you break a wrist, you have to go under the knife.
Get some pins.
Pin it, reset it, and wait a couple weeks, right?
It's not fun.
But yeah, I don't know if you want anything else you want to chop off.
I don't think so.
No, let's hit the ground running here.
14 minutes is about the right time.
We usually come down between 14 and 16 on the intro side.
So let's do it.
Where do you want to start?
Okay, we'll be very quick story to start off with because I know Jonathan from Decentral
was talking about offering something like this in the near future.
I don't know if they offer it just yet, but some got a name of Printer Gober on Twitter.
Love that name, by the way.
That's a fantastic name.
So on X, this guy was showing off some interesting hardware that he has been designing.
And the first ever device that he's created is a small device that functions as a Bitcoin node and a miner that's using an integrated Bidax Supra.
So it's all in one solution.
So it's mining and also it's verifying at the same time.
He says that he could get this to run at 28 Celsius or around 82 Fahrenheit if you're using those measurements for temperature.
So that's rather cool.
And what he's using here in terms of a node,
he doesn't mention it, but somebody was talking to him
and he has mentioned Start9 as a potential option.
But I think the user can have just about anything.
I'm assuming here that they could put core,
they could put knots, they could put Start9,
they could put a whole bunch of different flavors.
But these type of all-in-one units they're rather cool it's if you're talking about being a
sovereign bitcoiner as a way to verify your transactions as a way to mine and you know you
use the the public pool as a solo pool there's so many different options here i like this really
cool device i mean i don't have anything else share. I'm hoping that soon we get something like this from Jonathan to offer a Decentral because I
think that a lot of people would like this. Imagine getting something like this, something
small, something lightweight, but it gives you functionality to do so many different things.
I'd love to see this. And I like the fact that he's done this, this guy, Printer Gobert.
Does this guy want to come on the show this week? Is he free?
I don't know.
Show it off.
But I,
you know,
it's a matter of like,
could you imagine you had an advice like this that,
you know, you can point to that.
It's mining.
It's not only that,
it's verifying the transactions.
It's that's,
those are the things that I like to see.
If it were,
people could do stuff like this with very little hardware.
It's not like you have to go and buy
a $1,200 laptop and shit like that.
It's modest hardware could do stuff like this.
Let's be honest, the Bidax Supra,
aside from the chip itself
that is taking it from one of the ant miners,
it's not all that powerful.
So it's just utilizing the chip to do the majority of the work.
And to run a node, I'll just leave it out here.
My laptop is some 14 years old.
And it runs perfect to run a full node.
And it's also a lightning node as well.
Doesn't suffer from being too slow or anything.
It just does its thing. i just i like projects like this and i think there's going to be a lot
more of this moving forward especially as people want to become more sovereign bitcoiners and also
as a way to take away the hash rate as we talked about the beginning show from the big miners and
make this more decentralized so everybody can potentially do their own thing so that's a cool
project i think so too easy sell to people who are running a node or mining separately right and make this more decentralized so everybody can potentially do their own thing. So that's a cool project.
I think so too.
Easy sell to people who are running a node or mining separately. Right.
And I think there's more of those than ever before. Is it,
is it fair to say that there will be a market for these things?
What's the best way to put this?
Does running a node or,
or mining put more of a kind of target on you as a private citizen
in five years? What is the thing that the state is more concerned about? That's the only thing I
can think about that might be a negative, right? Maybe you just want to do one or the other,
because the other of the two is more contentious with the powers that be. Thoughts on that?
What if you run it through a VPN?
VPNs are easy to spot.
I know people like VPNs as a
privacy tool, but they're easy to spot.
When you're the only person using it, they're easy to spot.
Unless everyone starts using it,
then it's harder.
You're using a VPN, but what's being run on a VPN?
Because that data is encrypted from
yourself to the...
I view this a lot like Tor.
Like Tor, yeah, it's hard to know what you're using when you're using Tor.
But the fact is, if you're using it, it's obvious you're using it.
And you're only going to be using it.
This is, of course, what the government would say.
You're only using it if you want to mask the packets that you're sending and receiving,
which is enough for them, right them at some point. I think.
As more people use it, and hopefully they are.
It should proliferate. Yeah, I agree with you.
And my node
does it. It's running Tor as a
service, so I
would hope more people do the same.
And it just creates
a much bigger challenge
for them to figure out what's going on.
I don't know. I don't think it's a big
deal if you're running a node
or if you're mining from
home. It's not going to put a target on your back.
The only thing I would suggest, though, if you're
going to start spending it, because again, my face is here.
I can't start telling people, if you're going to
spend Bitcoin, make sure you look
at what the laws of the
country you reside in, because
if you do something against
that cra irs whoever they come after you it's not gonna be pretty in irs or on your front door
right away it won't be pretty so that's all i gotta say is make sure you do whatever you can to
follow the rule the letter of the the law because if you don't good luck on that we are on that we
are in agreement
sir for sure let's go to the bitcoin hash rate yeah i'm not sure we have fallen this continues
to climb and as of yesterday the price of bitcoin was taking a dip but still the hash rate went up
you said it recovered what is it what is it recovered to the the price of bitcoin yeah
58 looming yeah okay yeah yeah all right
yeah wasn't it you that said it in that chat we're in or is it i i noticed it earlier today
but there's been a lot of uh like i'm i'm always on twitter during the show uh because like that's
where i keep the show bookmarks and there's a lot of people talking about the price but i i don't
usually bring up trading view because it's kind of bright anyway different uh topic altogether but
yeah i mean the rebound has been nice sorry continue though hash rate i'm not i'm not even sure what's causing
this price action to be honest it's i don't know but either way uh according to my node as of
yesterday the all-time the block height is an all-time high yeah so um it was over 700 x a hash
per second and i don't know if things have changed since yesterday.
And that was an estimate as per my note.
It's not a true snapshot of what's going on.
But nonetheless, the hash rate is continuing to go up.
That's an indication that there's more equipment that's being plugged in and is hashing away.
So this is a bullish metric for some because, you know, let's be honest.
There's a lot more interest.
But for Bitcoin miners, this is going to be a problem.
Because there's more competition to mine the next block, to build the next block.
So I'm wondering then how many pure Bitcoin miners out there that are going to be actively looking for new sources of revenue such as ai or
anything else is more hash rate is going to make less profit for them and another thing to remember
remember marathon too they bought bitcoin recently there's the hash rate look at that thing just yeah
if you're on youtube we just put the hash rate chart up here and remember marathon they bought
some bitcoin actually a lot of bitcoin not too long ago i think they're underwater with their purchase they bought around 100 million dollars worth of
bitcoin back in july and they took on debt to buy an asset that is probably maybe worth less
yesterday for sure maybe not today but when they bought it like you know that's a lot of money
they spent on on bitcoin and i'm expecting'm expecting something to happen to these miners.
If they're continually blowing a lot of money to buy Bitcoin and mine Bitcoin as the hash rate continues to rise, this is a cutthroat business.
And there's going to be a lot of collateral damage moving forward.
And we've seen already some consolidation in this space.
It's only going to get worse as this shit clears up.
Where do you come down on this thesis that I have?
I actually almost started writing an article on the website on sunday and i still might do it i still
want to get into that habit i don't know how long it's going to take me before i get into a you know
semi-regular writing habit but do you think it's possible that ai is going to be used as a weapon
against bitcoin at some point you mentioned it. The miners have all the hash rate.
The industrial miners have all the hash rate.
They are beholden to the shareholders ethically, legally, you name it.
And if AI becomes the thing that's more productive in terms of the bottom line,
they will move hardware, firepower, and energy resources to that application.
And it's a little easier to stomach. Maybe not easier to stomach, and it's a little easier to stomach maybe not easier to stomach but it's it's
yeah actually i do think it is more palatable i think for the miners if uh they're told by their
shareholders directly or indirectly we want to see more ai applications here and told by their
board we want to see more ai applications how many board seats would you need for nefarious actors across the mining sector to really take a gash out of the hash rate and as such the network security of Bitcoin this way through this vector?
It seems to me like it may be an attack vector at some point. I'm not saying necessarily that it is now, but I think as we move along here, Len, this is going to be a really easy way to pull security away from the network and make it less attractive to investors, less attractive to governments, less attractive to everyone, and maybe open the door to the first attempted attack that you could soft sell to the normie as the Bitcoin security model has failed.
It seems to me like this is becoming a
more real threat by the day as the hash rate goes up. Now, the other side of that proposal,
the other side of that thesis is that if hash rate does drop significantly, it'll come online
somewhere else. That could be true as well, but it's got to come on somewhere where there's cheap
energy because even if the hash rate drops by 50%, the energy cost requirements don't materially change to allow for smaller, less efficient players to hop on.
You know what I mean?
There's a line there somewhere, like a sort of supply-demand line, for lack of a better term.
I only took first year economics in university, so I can't go further than that.
But it's somewhere in there, and I think it's a threat
that not enough people are talking about.
Instead, actually, what I see is Bitcoiners
talking about AI and AI payments
are going to be driven by Bitcoin,
which I think is like, you know, maybe,
but you're kind of embracing this thing
that might eventually give us a bit of a hard time.
Your thoughts?
Well, let's play it out.
Say, you know the half of everything
that's mining out there decides you know i'm gonna turn this shit off and use my energy for
something else and like ai for instance so then we'll bring us back to what 350 x a hash per second
give or take where are we in the timeline it's near the end of last year right so like is it for somewhere in the
middle last year so is it really like that big a deal is a network that impacted is it that insecure
at that point no you're still gonna have a crap load of equipment that is still out there hashing
away and you're not going to be able to attract all of them to becoming doing something
with ai because we talked about oil and gas they're not going to set up data centers out there
that's going to have high speed internet and everything for they're starting in japan they're
like japan's already doing it right like they just they're the biggest electricity company
just started mining bitcoin yeah but let's talk about like in oman in qatar in saudi
for now for now for now yeah well it's just so much easier to just bring in one of those uh
those trailers that have everything hooked up like all the shots yeah hash shots and just do that and
then away you go rather than steve barber dressing as chic roberto going overseas to the uae to
deploy hash huts is on my 2030 bitcoin bingo card might happen chic roberto going overseas to the uae to deploy hash huts is on my 2030
bitcoin bingo card might happen chic roberto is uh chilling nfts not too i heard i know i know
so i don't think it's it's really a big thing the whole shift to ai i don't think it's going to
impact things as so like even a half cutting hash rate in half it's still extraordinarily
it is well for sure There's no doubt.
There's no doubt.
We've really got to take a massive cut.
Like you have to take a 90% drop in the hash rate.
And not to say it will never happen.
Anything is possible, but I don't think that's a likely outcome.
So really, if these companies are going to start to try to invest in AI,
that's good for them.
I hope it works out.
But then it's also going to create some dilution in that industry as well in that field. And that's going to cut down cost as well.
So eventually, the market is going to find the floor in that. And Bitcoin mining is going to
have- It's possible that it finds a floor. But aren't you worried that you will see
manipulation through subsidy or through added government red tape for certain industries.
I mean, we've already seen it in Bitcoin.
And I think that I would guess, Len, honestly, behind closed doors that some of the AI companies that want preferential treatment are saying, look, they're either going to use it for Bitcoin mining or they're going to use it for this.
We're the lesser of two evils.
Make it hard for Bitcoin mining to be the thing.
I think that's happening already, if I had to guess.
Let them do it
and it just makes offshore bitcoin miners or people like us running bit i don't i don't want
to rely on offshore bitcoin miners like this but we're gonna have to rely on these other governments
these other governments like it's the devil i don't know you know what i'm saying i don't i
don't want to go down that road with mining we're always gonna have it it's just the nature of the
beast and it's gonna flow just the nature of the beast.
It's going to flow to the cheapest place
where energy is produced.
And it's not always here in North America.
And because of that,
you're going to have a lot of equipment,
a lot of ASICs that are being plugged in
in the Middle East
just because it's the ability to monetize
all that wasted energy.
So we don't like it or we like it.
That's just the reality of it this is the
way things are eventually we'll saturate that market but what the fuck you're gonna do i don't
know honestly if you show nfts i don't know what we'll move to the canadian nft podcast and uh not
worry about mining is trump doing any new nfts this week oh my god what a disaster this is why
you don't like make your whole personality a political candidate.
It's, it's like, you know, it's too bad because the guy is clearly the better of the two candidates,
but just with, with the pro Bitcoin ethos comes the pro crypto ethos and the pro NFT
And he's catering to all these people who want to, you know, he's done this in the past.
It's not like this is his first time. is his mo this is his mo i mean this some stuff is funny
when you're like talking about the trump gold sneakers remember that from 2020 like that was
great i should have bought a pair of those they're probably worth 10 times what they're what they
were at the time of sale but this other stuff the consequence is real anyway we can talk about that
another time no let's talk about it now it's actually sure yeah i mean i everybody was praising donald trump talking about the platform the
bitcoin platform is still solid like it is the strategic reserve to making sure the mining is
done in america supporting the companies that are mining uh he seems to have people around
him understand the value of a non-state money as even as just a store of value, not necessarily competing with the USD.
Saylor, for all the negatives I have to say about Mike, to his credit, is always careful to say that Bitcoin is not competing with the US dollar, even if we all understand that it is, because it becomes politically impalpable to say something like that on the campaign trail.
Even Kamala Sutra could attack Trump for that, regardless of her other shortcomings.
So yeah, I get that it's not ideal.
But if you still want the pro-Bitcoin candidate, you got to vote for the NFT guy.
It's like a hold your nose and get it done type situation, is it not?
I guess. If you're a single issue voter, I mean, if you're a single issue voter and it's Bitcoin,
let's say you had $100 million in Bitcoin in cold storage, okay?
All right.
You're one of these guys who was in there in 2011, 2012.
You're a liberal otherwise, right?
Let's say you voted for Obama twice.
You would have voted for him three times, as the guy in that movie Get Out says.
And Harris is telling you that she doesn't want Bitcoin to succeed, but shares every other
policy position that you appreciate. And Trump maybe shares only some portion of the policy
positions you appreciate, but is 100% going to make sure your Bitcoin can't be confiscated by
Liz Warren and her goons, right? What did he say? Something like that. How do you vote for the other
party? That's your whole nest egg. That's like your lineage is royalty or your lineage is in a tent
at that point and not everyone's 100 million but even at like a million worth of bitcoin you're
probably still voting for that guy right i guess so if again if you're in that situation where you
have a large stack of bitcoin and certainly if you see one candidate talking more favorably
my stack is not even that big okay me and you have been in it for about the same amount of time.
Like we don't have to talk about how much we have,
but it's,
I would,
I'm still at this point,
like close to a single issue voter,
pretty close,
you know,
a couple of things are near and dear to me.
Like addictions,
obviously you guys have heard me talk about that a bunch.
Education is near and dear to me as well.
Maybe a handful of other things,
but I can,
I can do all that other stuff for my family on my own if the Bitcoin is protected.
You know what I'm saying?
That's kind of where I come down these days.
And as the price goes up, I think the problem that the government's going to have is more
and more people are going to become single issue voters because nothing is as important
as preserving the moonshot that you got right, especially as the likelihood that
you catch another moonshot, either real estate, equities, whatever, diminishes to basically zero.
So really, in my opinion, there has not been one candidate, like one of these major candidates
that have come forth with a strong Bitcoin message. I know we have Trump saying this,
but the real thing that we want to look at, this is
the ultimate in terms of what you want to see with Bitcoin, is the removal of the capital
gains tax when you start spending it.
Until that's done, every other thing is kind of, it's nice, it's good to have, but-
The capital gains tax is one thing, but-
That's the biggest thing.
That is the biggest thing i think
there are bigger things could you imagine if the elimination of that and everything else being like
nothing's changed oh my god then you essentially give it the rubber stamp yeah you could use it
as a currency and yeah how much think of how much it would be i actually yeah i know but i actually
don't think that's ever going to change i don't think so and that's why i'm trying to say that that's like that's not
where i want to plant my flag then right i'd rather plant my flag on something like for example
having to report your buys to the cra every year like that's like to me that's a single issue i
would vote that's a that's a fulcrum i would that's fair you know that's fair because because
that's i know i'm not going to get that one but i can get this one
they've shown me this part of the platform i don't want that i'm going to vote against it yeah that's
fair and having them do that forcing you to disclose to the tax office every time you make a
buy that's obviously trending in as a bitcoiner in the wrong direction yes you don't want so
pick whatever works for you that's what you know we're gonna have options at least
the united states there's options this year and likely in canada next year and do what you want
you have the ability to vote if you like the vote go ahead and do it yeah people have died for that
yeah man you should be voting regardless of uh whether or not your vote is counted or maybe
counted twice so go to the ballot box anyway what else you got do you ever hear this
saying does it run doom you must have yeah of course that's a guy i love i don't stop for many
things on the twitter algo but i always stop for something running doom like a tamagotchi running
doom sign me i don't know what a tamagotchi is that's from when i was a kid it's like this
little thing you carry around in your pocket keep alive like a nano baby or something yeah
exactly exactly yeah okay well for those who aren't aware about this meme it's the doom source code this was released
back in linux in 20 sorry 1997 and eventually was open sourced about two years later so it's been
in the wild for over two decades and since then the saying doesn't run doom has taken a new life
because people have been taking doom and trying to run it on some crazy devices, including things like pregnancy tests.
That's pretty cool.
What kind of pregnancy test runs Doom?
I've seen the video.
Stop. I got to pull that up. That's a banger if that's true.
ATMs, people have been able to get into atms and have them run
doom and also first search result man you gotta be kidding me so yeah running doom this is a very
old program it's over what 30 years old it was like it came out in 1994 i'm guessing but either
way um yeah man you can run in just about everything and even fucking google search
engine somebody was able to manipulate the search engine result
to run doom like this is very creative anyways this past week we got the first taste i believe
of an asic that's running doom and this is released by brains and this is the brains
mini miner the bmm 101 this is a pre-order for people that want to get one of these things it's
available uh i think december of 2024 it includes an lcd that and with that is showing off it's running doom so really cool i would
imagine somebody running a nerd miner may look at this and say hey we could do the same thing
with a nerd miner we could run doing it is it practical for the hardware to run doom no but
to me it's still interesting nonetheless it sounds like you have an interest in this stuff too i i love it have you seen the one uh have you
seen the one of the guy in minecraft built like a farm of on off switches that run doom on like a
screen in the game that's insane absolutely insane some of the stuff you can do in that game like i
i have never played minecraft and the reason i haven't played it is like the same reason i don't do coke at parties
because i know if i start i'll never stop and you know you have a little one that game that game
looks nuts you think yeah i may look at my little one into minecraft i have my all the ones do yeah
my neighbor um so a little story here about Minecraft. I bought an Xbox last year because I wanted to play Starfield.
The game sucks.
And so I ended up giving the Xbox away to my neighbor
because they gave us a lot of baby stuff a few months back.
And the kid has this super high firepower or whatever that –
what is the top of the line Xbox?
The Series X or whatever?
The Series 1.
Whatever it is.
It's like the best one out there right now. I gave it to him. Shitty naming, by the way, for it is it's like the best it's like the best one
out there right now i gave it to you naming by the way for xbox it's i know i know they should
just wrap up that whole arm of the company honestly but whatever uh all the kid plays is
minecraft yeah i i didn't realize it was like i knew it was big but i didn't realize that literally
every kid if you give them like a system like that's the first thing they want to play and i
guess you can just like talk to your buddies while you play the same way that i might talk to my
friends while i play madden or whatever kind of neat anyway uh you can run doom on a lot of stuff
that minecraft one was a was a mind-numbing one for me i'm looking at this pregnancy test one
the guy had to swap out the the oled but it is running doom on a pregnancy test which is pretty weird baby honey sorry you're not pregnant but
i don't know i gotta blow up this barrel to kill this uh fiery red orb coming toward me
so this past week we had a couple of fake data breaches that were reported and i'm just gonna
clump these two into one story so number one we had a something called a breach data note sorry breach data notice and this was sent out to some
of swan bitcoin's marketing email recipients this is according to cory and he theorizes this is from
what he says on twitter to be from 2022 Clavio.
We reported this hack.
We reported on this.
And so that's what he believes that it comes from.
So either way, anybody who got these emails was saying there's a security breach.
And there was several wallets that were compromised as well as some servers.
And it's instructed users to download the trust wallet and in the email it provided the keys in which you
have to enter in the trust wallet and once you enter it you import the wallet
that they provided you and then you log on to Swan and send the Bitcoin to the
trust wallet that you just imported with the keys they provided so essentially
you know they were asking you to log on to Swan and send them your Bitcoin so
assuming anything was
moved if anything would be moved on there would be moved out immediately thereafter but anyways
there was a second data breach that came from gemini it looks like it came from gemini and it's
not like gemini had enough problems to date but they now have this one to deal with and this one
was being reported by jamison lopp and essentially people are being sent out emails uh to either gemini
customers or former customers and they're using the exact same tactics as they were using for
the swan folks over there the email looks the exact same so telling you know people to log in
set up a new trust wallet here's the key send it there so anyways same people are behind it
it looks like people are getting through these lists of names
of emails and just emailing them trying to cast a large net and see if you get anything
hopefully nobody has gotten any of these emails and if you did hopefully you just press the delete
button because obviously it doesn't make any sense to send bitcoin so yeah i'm sure everybody
out there is aware there's a lot of these emails and attempts for hacks and so forth
trying to get your bitcoin just be vigilant out there is if not well there's no way to get your
bitcoin once it's done you should just never be entering any information into a browser or wallet
that an email tells you to spin up like swan has its shortcomings we talked about them but
you know this is a bit more than just starting up a less than successful podcast arm and spaces arm. Anything that tells you to spin up a trust wallet on behalf of any exchange is not good
Like you said, it sounds like it's done by the same perpetrator here, which sucks because
I don't know what a company like Swan or Gemini is supposed to do in terms of like an email
Like, yeah, you have to use probably a third party to do this kind of stuff.
And so you're at the mercy of the third party.
We actually talk about this a lot on Access of Easy,
how the average person, even if they take every precaution,
the hospital or the bank or the Bitcoin exchange, whatever,
uses a third party to help make things easier,
whether it's contacting you or storing information
or indexing certain things to make your life as the customer easier.
They're relying on that third party for security.
And what do we say about third parties, Len?
It's just a honeypot.
Those third parties.
They're security holes.
Third parties are security holes.
Like that's, you know, that is the way of the world.
And so as much as I give these companies shit an awful lot,
not much they could do about this, which sucks, you know?
And it sucks even more, Len, that it's happening two years later.
So it might not
be fresh in the minds of a lot of people right um bitcoin twitter was buzzing when this hack
happened a few years ago and i haven't seen anything about it since and so these guys
presumably sat on the data sat on the addresses and now are using them to try and uh you know
sneak some bitcoin out of the wallets of an unsuspecting public. Too bad. Really is too bad. But yeah, be vigilant.
What can you say besides that?
Nothing else, right?
We're Bitcoiners.
And hopefully you're aware of all this scam.
I don't trust anybody.
I don't even trust land.
I'm just AI.
I'm just running at some server farm that's run by Hot 8 or something.
That's right.
Another scam out there fbi came
out this past week and they're reporting that north korean hackers are at it again and this
time they upped the ante because they're going after what's being stored in the bitcoin etfs i'm
not sure exactly how but they're they're trying to get information here but they're saying one of
the methods they use is potentially trying to use impersonation tactics. I'm not sure if that's usually trying to get individual people to
sacrifice their Bitcoin rather than the ETFs. Either way, the FBI is raising alarm bells that
there is potential attack or attempts of attacks to try to get the Bitcoin over there. So more than
anything, it goes to show you that the honeypot, which is these Bitcoin ETFs, and it's caught right now the attention of hackers out there.
I'm not sure what sort of recourse if there ever is an attack, sorry, a successful hack and Bitcoin is drained.
I would assume there's some insurance that's applied here.
But the problem is, look, if you're going to be insured and you're going to get your money back
i think there's going to be delays and you're only going to get the price of the bitcoin
there's no insurance there's no you don't think there's any insurance like there is there is but
what you're describing is the only insurance you're going to get it's just right it's on par
yeah and but that's what they're legally obligated i guess to do yeah it is sad to see that this is
just the reality of it but
if there's going to be hundreds of thousands of bitcoin that's associated with one particular etf
or multiple etfs why wouldn't there be an attempt to hack it and there's going to be
an increase this is this is the pre this is the pre the preface for the black rock fork is it not
it's potential like if you're an interesting exercise yeah right
talked about before on this show and obviously one of the another reason why of the laundry list
of things why i certainly don't like it and maybe you don't like it as well but um i i understand
the tax efficiencies with using them i understand the ease of use of getting in and out for using them.
But there are some negatives, a lot of negatives that go along with it.
And more by the day.
You know, you're talking about a pretty big one here.
Yeah, the FBI is learning.
And it's not to say that it's going to be attacked and a successful attack is imminent.
But every day that passes, you're rolling the dice.
And maybe the odds might be so fucking high
that you'll never be able to roll the dice
that it's going to be an attack that's successful.
But you do it over a long enough period of time, eventually.
So Coinbase and whoever else is being the custodian of this Bitcoin,
they got to be on their fucking toes
and make sure they have everything done right
multi-sig and all this bullshit to make sure that if there ever is a breach they're still able to
protect it i don't know what they're going to be able to do but hopefully they know best but
and you're trusting them to know best and to do the best they're the best company to hold the
bitcoin they're not going to be as diligent as you might be. But Len,
lest we forget, a couple of years ago, Armstrong put out the anti-DEI, anti-politics bulletin for
his company. If you want to do that shit, get the fuck out, do it somewhere else. Here at Coinbase,
we're going to be mission focused. So I like that. I'm reminded of that when I listened to Armstrong
talk. So for all his downsides, he at least got that together. So at least you don't have someone who didn't get their job without a meritorious process there. Meritocratic process, whatever that word is. Hard to say what that word is in that use case but anyway um at least you know that much about the people who are securing your coins
for the etf obviously um microstrategy uses them too among other companies and like you mentioned
a bunch of the etfs yeah oh yeah that's gonna be the i'm not sure like billions billions yeah yeah
and i'm not sure how lucrative that is if that's going to be like a big chunk of their revenue
moving forward but i don't know i'm surprised companies you know you
know do you know why it's a big chunk of their revenue it's a big chunk of their revenue because
the incentive model works right if they fail in their job securing the etf or securing that bitcoin
the price is going to get absolutely fucking clobbered uh over the short and medium term
so they the incentive is there when it comes to their bottom line that's where it is now the fees
for holding it i I don't know.
Who knows what they are?
I think we had SB on not long ago talking about how the fees were negligible compared
to what they made in Bitcoin trading, right?
So yeah, it's one thing to consider anyways.
But yeah, I mean, you have an opportunity here, listener viewer, to be...
Oh my goodness, I'm very gassy.
This is my third coffee of the day,
to be the person who secures your financial future. And you're not just doing it by preserving
your wealth in Bitcoin, but you're doing it by securing your Bitcoin in a way that makes sense
to you. There's many options. They're all pretty good. You can do 12 words. I think you can do 16
or 18 words as well, or you can do 24 words. You can do passphrase. You can do multisig.
You can do geographical splits.
You can do jurisdictional splits.
You can do, what does CoinKite have?
That seed XOR thing, I'm pretty sure they have.
You can split a 24-word seed into two.
You can use fake wallets.
You can use fake addresses.
You can do any number of things.
We just talked about that Leiana wallet the other day.
You can time lock your Bitcoin.
You know, there's ways to make things secure for yourself.
My advice remains the same as it's always been.
Make it easy to deposit your Bitcoin.
Make it nearly impossible to withdraw it and ignore all the rest of the noise.
That's it.
There's nothing else to it.
Withdrawal should be very, very difficult and take time.
Deposits should be very easy and nearly instant to do.
If you follow those two principles, you're good.
You're good.
Everything else is secondary after that.
And I would also add one thing.
Periodically, every few months or whatever time frame you think is best,
go through the exercise of doing the extracting of your Bitcoin.
So you could just the case you there's a process that's difficult.
You just do the whole thing. And so you just don't,
don't forget how to do it.
So periodically set up the process to start moving your Bitcoin off.
So in case you do have to do it in a hurry,
you could just basically muscle memory and just tap into that and boom does the same did you see that the chart that was floating around
about how many coins coinbase holds and by who i didn't see that i haven't either but you can
imagine what it looks like well who do you i think the majority of the and i'm assuming he's talking
about the coins or bitcoins not the shit coins because i don't really care about the other stuff but the majority of the
coins held i suppose it's going to be the etf slash micro strategy that's my guess but i don't
know he just sent it to us i'll have a look at it here i mean the number of coins that are out there
are probably unbelievable uh let's see oh yeah i did see this okay let's have a look here this is
interesting because it's presented in the context of
get ready for the rug pull, which may or may not be true.
Is it they don't have enough Bitcoin to support?
Or that all of this stuff can be rugged by one person at one time.
So here's the chart for people who are on audio only.
It is a chart from by a guy named at Sani EXP.
So Coinbase has more than a million Bitcoin.
Yeah, a lot of stuff here.
A lot of stuff.
Coinbase Prime, Wisdom Tree, 3iQ, Grayscale, Franklin Templeton, Valkyrie.
Valkyrie too.
Valkyrie employed Josh Altschulitz for a time.
And you tell me he didn't tell them how
to fucking...
I'm just surprised MicroStrategy doesn't do it themselves.
Given the fact that they talk about it
and they've been in this long enough,
in a way I'm kind of disappointed that they're using
a third party to secure the Bitcoin.
Yeah, it's hard to say. So Coinbase actually
has 2,275,000
Bitcoin under management, both for themselves
and for these other clients.
It's a lot.
Even Bitfarms, Bangenio, using these guys.
Again, you may have talked about this.
I know we disagree on it,
but there's got to be just a legal requirement
by the board and by the companies
to use a company like this
and to use a service that these guys are providing
or something similar to do their custody.
Because otherwise you can't imagine
that some of these companies would be like,
no, I'm going to outsource the custody,
the most important part of the whole Bitcoin thing
to someone else.
Unless they absolutely had to.
Unless they absolutely had to.
I'd love to see the rules.
Like if they buy gold,
are they forced to hold it in the vault?
No, but no.
I'm using that as a-
No, if they buy gold,
no, but if they buy gold no but
if they buy gold the board can't hold it it has to be with a custodian the same way the board can't
hold cash the board's not a little boards and institutions like even at wayside our board is
not allowed to hold cash on hand but it has to be with something someone else can a company
theoretically a large enough company that's publicly traded buy gold physical gold and
you shove it in the basement and say it's now in our balance sheet.
They can't do that.
It's simply like just buying a car or anything else, right?
A car is not the same.
Another asset.
No, but it's not a balance sheet asset.
Cars are not balanced.
Vehicles are not balance sheet.
Or treasury assets, I should say.
Treasury assets.
Everything's a treasury asset.
I'd love to see the requirement.
I should know this because I'm the VP of the Wayside Board, but I am pretty sure that that's the rule, is that cash or cash equivalents, which is your treasury assets, can't be held outside of a custodian. there's another layer to this auditors want to go through other institutions to verify
holdings instead of going to the basement of your agency to count the bars right that's simple joy
i guess i i know i know i know right i'm just telling you there's laws against it is what i'm
saying so the verification and bankers instead of Saylor getting on TV and going to conferences and posting $3 million price
targets, why doesn't he fucking set up a custody service that works for boards?
Why doesn't he do that?
He claims to be a Bitcoin company guy, and yet he's doing everything but stuff that makes
sense for companies holding Bitcoin or who want to hold Bitcoin.
He wants the fucking KYC shit.
And right.
Like don't make me rewrite our,
our terms of engagement here for the CBP board.
We got,
we split the vote 50,
I agree.
It's going to start custodying our Bitcoin pretty soon.
Let's put it all on Coinbase.
I like that.
That's a good one.
Let's roll the dice on a hundred X leverage and stream it.
I missed those days.
Those were the best.
Anyways, another story from Jameson Lopp.
We're getting long in this Bitcoin stuff, so we'll be kind of quick.
It's a story that he posted about a 19-year-old in Singapore
that was trying to buy Tether at a shopping mall over there
in a parking lot, in fact.
This was a person-to-person exchange.
And I guess this guy wanted less exposure to
Singapore dollar, which I don't know why anybody would want
that. Either way, his currency's out there.
I think so.
We're going to meme that into it. So either way,
two men on the other side of the transaction decided
to beat up this guy and try to rob him.
So luckily he managed to escape.
But, you know, a few questions come to mind. Like, aside from the fact, why luckily he managed to escape and but you know a few
questions come to mind like aside from the fact why is he trying to get he's trying to buy usdc
um why i mean sorry usdt tether like why would he need that i guess he's trying to ship one either
way it also raises a question for people that are using bisque and huddle huddle and stuff like that
because these decentralized exchanges do offer some in-person exchanges and
there are people out there that are going to be taking advantage of this because some think that
may be a good idea as a way to avoid kyc but remember it comes with the cost that you potentially
get mugged and rugged so i suggest if you are going to do that make certain look to see if they
have a very reputable selling agent.
If you look at a huddle huddle, you can see their ratings
and how well they are as a seller and shit like that.
But even if you are going to do it in person,
really be fucking careful if you go down that route.
I would suggest if you're trying to get KYC free,
fuck, there's better options than this.
But if you want to do this, thinking about also how the economy is today
at the beginning should we talking about people just trying to eat now they're getting berated by
fucking homeless people just walking by with shopping carts a lot of people are hurting and
i'm sure a lot of people are hurting and they'll be happy to rob you and so just it's more just a
call to action just don't do this kind of shit unless you really have to there are places where
like no one is going to go outside their house pretty soon bitcoin buy milk eggs or otherwise like no one's just going to
leave in certain parts of the city because it's just not worth it um the hamilton police twitter
account this is not directly related to lop story but has had a hell of a 36 hours uh school
lockdowns people being people being sought for first degree murder uh shootouts
and in what were prime real estate type neighborhoods only five years ago i can't
imagine going to meet a guy who i don't know to buy peer-to-peer when bitcoin's involved it's it
is that is the definition of fucking crazy honestly like these people will kill you for
your bitcoin and uh you know like mvk always says start acting like your bitcoin is worth 10 times definition of fucking crazy, honestly. These people will kill you for your Bitcoin. And like
MBK always says, start acting like your Bitcoin is worth 10 times what it is. If you think it's
going to get there, maybe it will, maybe it won't. But that's a good way to operate, I think, when
it comes to Bitcoin. It's part of the whole make withdrawals very difficult. It's part of the whole
OPSEC thing. It's part of the whole don't go to the parking lot with a guy you don't know.
Where else would you do this?
You wouldn't even go to meet a guy for Facebook Marketplace unless it was either in a Starbucks
or a police station parking lot.
Anytime I buy or sell stuff, I always either go to downtown Dundas or to the cop shop.
Those are the only places I'll go.
Not because I can't defend myself, but because if i do have to defend myself then i
want someone backing me up asap right um so you you gotta go to those places bitcoin is like
just obviously not the thing to be doing peer-to-peer yeah i mean do it if you're gonna
do it like an immersion like if you're going for example in el salvador an immersion is accepting
bitcoin yeah and you could kind of think that,
you know,
they're not going to rob me of my Bitcoin.
They're not going to jump.
So you're just trying to exchange it and buy some McDonald's or whatever.
It's like,
And speaking of El Salvador,
did you know that this past week was a third anniversary that was passed,
that they accepted Bitcoin as currency is legal.
Where was that announced?
Do you remember where that was announced?
It was at the Bitcoin conference, wasn't it?
It was.
So it was three years ago this past week.
They think the day after Labor Day
that it became reality.
And yeah, they now own over 5,000 Bitcoin
and they have that on their balance sheet,
self-custodying it, by the way.
No board of directors over there in El Salvador.
No, you just got Bukele and his team. team and in terms of safety you're saying that you know sooner or later we're not
going to be able to go out to buy milk or groceries or anything el salvador is going to the other
direction you could go it seems like any time of day they go out and enjoy things so things are
going well over there it's not strictly due to bitcoin it's all pretty a lot of other reasons but
things are trending in the right direction.
And it's over three years that they accepted, started accepting Bitcoin.
Very cool stuff.
That's a great story, man.
They're a success story.
I've eaten crow on that.
Jaime Garcia, SB, you name it.
The number of guests on this show who told me I was wrong when I was certain I was going
to be correct about those bonds, especially.
They got me.
I got got.
I got got on the election.
I got got on the bonds. I got God on the bonds.
I got God.
It looks like I might get got on the volcano mining to here pretty soon.
So really,
how's that?
I haven't heard anything about that.
You know,
I haven't heard,
but I have the naysayers have really calmed down.
you know,
the Twitter algo is so precise that if I look up Bitcoin mining stuff in
El Salvador to try and find,
you know,
firepower for the Monday show,
it gives me all the negative stories about that
mining operation i haven't seen one in like six months so presumably it's like underway or
something i don't know who's that do you know that one guy that always talks yeah it's my it's my
nim it's my nim i'm no no somebody that jaime is always having a conversation at least it's glad
it's gladstein it's glad that's it yeah he hates he hates gladstein well gladstein's paints a negative picture of boukele calls him a dictator
yeah yeah yeah and i don't know i i i'm like this is not bitcoin related but i am slowly coming
around to the idea that democracy has failed and we need a society led by like high conviction
high competency people.
You know, make of that what you will.
Save your tomatoes.
Save your tomatoes.
But I think. Let's wrap this up, Joey.
It's an hour in.
Let's do it.
Come on over to the next hour.
Stay here if you're already on audio, video, live with us.
And if you are on audio, video, podcast side, the other half of this will come out tomorrow.
So until then, take care of yourselves.
Don't be a cock.