The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #184 (Notable Stories) - Hurricanes, Jobs, Bitcoin Chop Continues (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: October 9, 2024

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact C...anada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠ ⁠Discord:   / discord   A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 53 51 okay yeah let's um let's go where do you want to start let's talk about the east coast that's been battered by a hurricane and it's north carolina from what i understand and florida tonight another one coming yeah category four almost five yeah and the people are talking about for the last one helene is that lane is that that pronouncing it right? Yeah, I think so. So FEMA might not have enough money to cover the costs for the disaster. That's apparently people are saying that they're blaming foreign aid as a reason for the shortfall.
Starting point is 00:00:35 But FEMA noted on their website, they actually released a statement. They said that no money is being diverted from disaster response needs. FEMA's disaster response efforts and individual assistance is funded through the disaster release fund, sorry, relief fund, which is dedicated fund for the disaster efforts.
Starting point is 00:00:53 So they're saying no fucking money is being diverted away from this shit. Anything that they need, they're going to get from the disaster release fund. As long as all you need is a $750 loan, then whatever you need, you're going to get it so there's okay people lost their homes people lost their lives people lost everything and 750 is what you're like we've had hawaii where the similar type of thing happened it's kind of a
Starting point is 00:01:18 ubi in a way right it's almost almost not quite a ubi it It's like, here you go. Like you lost everything. And here's a small chunk of change to help you start your life. It's so sad. It is just, man, it's terrible. It is terrible. But like on a flip side to what about people that have absolutely nothing? Yeah. What do they get? What about bum on the street?
Starting point is 00:01:38 I'm with you. I know. I'm not going to say that they shouldn't get something, but like. You don't just whatever they do, they're going to be fucking roasted.'t get something, but like, I, you don't, there's whatever they do, they're going to be fucking roasted. Yeah. Maybe the point is not, I mean, the, the sort of thing that you're saying, well, I don't agree necessarily that the context is correct.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I do agree that the outcome and the, the other side of the coin is pretty bulletproof. Honestly, it seems like these guys got a blank check for every Tom, Dick, and Harry overseas, as long as that Tom, Dick, and Harry are Israel or Ukraine or whatever. Pick your foreign war. But then when the Americans need it, know their own people the blank check is nowhere to be found there there's no one willing to just dole out a bunch more money there's no
Starting point is 00:02:34 one willing to talk about how these people need disaster relief kamala harris and her infinite wisdom what a what a just stupid stupid woman i'm to find this tweet and I have to pull it up because it's really just like disgusting, actually. It's shameful. It's embarrassing. And it's a great example of where we are in terms of American politics that this woman is revered even by the low IQ people who plan to vote for her. But worse, that no one in the American government thought that this was a good idea or could figure out this was a bad idea. This is truly insane. Let me pull this up here. You guys are going to shit, man. You may have already seen this, so forgive me if you've seen
Starting point is 00:03:17 it already, but I really do want to share it because it's just so disgusting. In the middle of what is maybe the largest disaster on US soil in the last 10 or 15 years, maybe longer, and on the brink of what's going to be another absolute bulldozing on the West Coast, the people of Lebanon are facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation. 157 million additional assistance to people of Lebanon for essential needs. This additional support brings the total US assistance to Lebanon over the last year to 385 million.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Fuck you, is what you should be saying to that if you're an American. It's not about whether the people in Lebanon are deserving of that aid. It's not about whether the people in Lebanon are experiencing a hardship. It's about who the fuck is supposed to be tops on your list of people who need help. As if there's any debate about this. And then the White House today decides to send Corinne Jean-Pierre in a suit that makes her look like she's either supposed to be carrying a Tommy gun and trying to kill Dick Tracy, or that there's three little boys dressed up in their father's tuxedo trying to get
Starting point is 00:04:24 somebody fired in a 1980s Disney movie. And she goes out there and says that everyone's getting all the money that they're supposed to get. And Ducey, God bless him, once again, holding her feet to the fire and telling her, you said on this podium, you guys were diverting FEMA money to other causes, including illegal immigration over the last three years. And now you're telling me Hawaii, Carolinas, and what's about to be Florida, again, you have 750 bucks for those people? You won't let people deliver aid? Elon is very plainly calling out Pete Buttigieg on Twitter saying, look, if you're not actually
Starting point is 00:04:56 doing the things you're doing, you got to prove it to me. And he seems to be unresponsive. The US government is either one of two things. They are grossly corrupt and sending all sorts of money out to all sorts of other places except the places needed most. Boomer brings up East Palatine too. That's right. The big chemical spill there on the train two years ago, I think at this point, maybe longer. God, time is flying. They're either grossly corrupt and just literally sending your money overseas constantly and not giving any of it to you, just laundering it and sending it to defense funds and getting it back through super PACs and donations and other suspect shadowy means.
Starting point is 00:05:32 That's the best case. The worst case, like I said last week, is actually not that they're corrupt. It's that they're incompetent. And this is the best response they can muster. This is what the global superpower can do when they're at the top of their game is just let you die in a damp swamp while your dead dog floats away and you starve to death while your kids are screaming and is just floating around you and helicopters that want to bring in stuff can't do it private planes want to bring stuff can't do it the worst case is that
Starting point is 00:06:00 that's the best the government can do and And in either case, you're fucked. You're fucked. And part of me, when I talk to people about how I want to move to the States, I think it's a great country. I see stories like this and I'm like, holy shit, man. Heaven forbid you ever wind up in a situation where you need help from the American government because they will send it to literally any fucking foreigner
Starting point is 00:06:20 before they give it to you. It's shameful. Do you think that fema because people are making claims and i have nothing to say this is true or not that fema is stopping aid from it's hard to say there's there's at least i don't think that's true i don't know there's an argument to be made that fema is is trying to restrict the airspace for their own operations maybe but the problem is that no one's getting help anyway. So everyone on Twitter looks to be saying the same thing, regardless of whether it's in certain parts of the state or
Starting point is 00:06:49 other parts of the state, regardless of whether it's someone who's heard something from a friend. Elon's tweeting out private messages he's getting from Starlink staff and Tesla staff in the area. And they're all saying the same thing. There's no help here. We're not getting the support we need. And whether or not FEMA is blocking the airspace for their own operations or not, again, grossly corrupt or grossly incompetent, either way, you're going to wind up dying cold and hungry when something like this happens. So whether or not they're blocking the airspace, to me, is secondary. The result is the same. And the result is that you don't get the help you need. These guys have one job, right?
Starting point is 00:07:29 Like, FEMA has one job. Federal emergency management. Like, that's the whole thing. And this is an emergency. The feds are supposed to deal with it. And what's happening? It's not the first time. Do you not think, do you not think, if Kamala could take a break from talking to
Starting point is 00:07:46 washed up sluts on caller daddy for 10 fucking minutes and tweet a picture a video something the white house press team would be tweeting tons of fucking videos people getting help if they were getting help don't you think probably probably and are they are and are they i don't think they are i haven't seen anything i haven't seen a single thing so i mean the answer the proof is in the pudding right like show me the help that you're giving instead of just tweeting and literally kamala going on call her daddy like to talk to alex cooper about they're just they just don't have the ability to do shit that's the problem if they're they're either grossly corrupt or grossly incompetent
Starting point is 00:08:24 either way you're fucked yeah exactly they just don't have the ability to do shit that's the problem if they're they're either grossly corrupt or grossly incompetent either way you're fucked yeah exactly they just don't have the like everyone points to this foreign aid as being look at this these guys are that is a bad thing because they seem to be very competent when it comes to giving money to the meat grinder but they're completely incompetent when it comes to helping themselves see that's that's not entirely correct it's not it's not just simply they're writing a check and giving it to them. It's like, for example, for Ukraine, for some of the stuff that they get over there are items that the military have that's going to be expiring. So rather than have it expire and reorder it, they just send it to Ukraine and let them do it. And that's what some of the hate is from that. The Harris to be one more time. The United States will provide 157 million in additional assistance to the people of Lebanon.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Like food, shelter, water, protection, and sanitation. Sound like you need any of those things in Carolina? For sure. This additional support brings the total U.S. assistance to Lebanon to 385 million. 385 million in the last year. That's fuck all. Yeah, but you know what? It's not fuck all when you need it during a hurricane response.
Starting point is 00:09:26 And those guys aren't getting it. See, let's do the math. $750 per person. How many people you think got it? 100,000? 10,000? Let's say half a million. That's probably low, right?
Starting point is 00:09:41 So let's say 500,000 people. That's $375 million. Yeah dollars yeah okay just for only 500 000 people i would imagine millions of people probably are going to get this like we're talking billions and i'm not trying to defend if i know you're they're sending the people in lebanon a fraction of this now they just don't have the ability to fucking to deal with this they don't have the infrastructure they don't have the ability they it's a disaster they have the military and all this but still it's just they have to wait for shit to subside water to to get down and that the ability to start bringing in shit look like sometimes just they just don't have it like you could i know it's totally different topic like
Starting point is 00:10:20 vietnam they go all the money they expect yeah you know what though like they could not win that war i i think that like it's worse though because these people are so brazenly corrupt like the department of homeland security lead the chair what is this guy's title exactly secretary of homeland security so this guy's got emergency response under his belt here's him on saturday shopping like there's there's a thing to be said about tact and finesse. There's something to be said about tact and finesse. Politicians now don't have it. And so when you see roaches like Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Al Gore, John Kerry whining and screaming into their pillow about how Twitter is full of disinformation, they need to control it, it needs to be regulated because of blah, blah, blah, they're fucking lying. They want to control it so that this picture of this fucking
Starting point is 00:11:07 scumbag shopping while people are dying in his country under his portfolio that should be under his management after his team says he's working around the clock. Does this look like fucking working to you? If you told your boss you were working and this picture came out of you, what would he say? Would he say, this looks like work to me? No, this guy, they can't help themselves. And so the question is, at what point does the average American voter say, I've had enough of this. I'm not doing the taxes thing anymore. I'm not doing the, I'm not doing the, I'm paying, I'm not doing the, I'm going into the military. I'm not doing the uh i'm not doing the i'm paying i'm not doing i'm going into the military i'm not doing the standing for the national anthem i'm not doing any of it at what point do they do that this is this is like a major black pill for a lot of people yeah i have one more
Starting point is 00:11:56 thing there's one more thing i want to say here actually a couple more things i want to share uh here's another one from john bolton or lindsey graham sorry lindsey graham i've been going all over south carolina like most people i haven't slept much but look what's going on in israel we have to help our friends to keep the war over there from coming home what the fuck is this guy talking about what is he talking about len like what the fuck is going on there's one more i found that i shared with uh our friends wayfaring and sb god i hope i can find it i hope i can find it i hope i can find it i'll buy you some time i don't think i'll be able to i'm way too far back now but the other
Starting point is 00:12:37 thing i want to say is someone pointed out on twitter that the u.s government has not only given uh expiring military equipment to Ukraine, you know what else they've been giving? Generators. And now, you know where you could use those generators? Hurricane site. And they don't have them. They don't have the stockpile of generators they're supposed to have.
Starting point is 00:13:03 The incompetence runs deep, man. It runs deep. And I wonder now also, because they drained the SPR quite a bit, I'm wondering if this is the same. Oh, fuck. Who knows? That's a whole other story. Yeah. Yeah. We don't hear much about it.
Starting point is 00:13:12 I'm kicking my camera here. I'm so pissed. It's insane, man. This stuff should not go unscrutinized in the sort of most generous case and unpunished in the worst. Well, what can you say about this? What are these people are going to, the people that are impacted and in Canada,
Starting point is 00:13:30 it's kind of a similar thing for people that are impacted by higher costs. What happens? You tend to punish those that are in power. So that's why in Canada, people, a lot of people are not too happy with the government right here with what they've done in the past little while but also in the states these people that's trump territory and yeah they don't have another thing entirely that's listen btc priestess i i'm with you girl
Starting point is 00:13:58 yeah but you're not even she's right though like we're not even covering the tinfoil stuff this is one tinfoil thing that the trump voters it's not tinfoil i don't i think a lot of people a lot of people would say this is tinfoil no no this is gonna this is the reality of it you have a month to figure shit out that they have the ability to fucking go out and vote not deal with the problems that they're dealing so they probably won't have the ability to vote and again i'm not trying to say this is engineered in one way or shape or another. I just think this is a circumstance. This could have been even a blue, a red state, a blue state, sorry, blue state.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Blue state could have suffered this and the same result would happen just because they don't have the ability or whatever. So look, this guy is fucking shopping len like we they have the wrong flood right like they got flood of illegals but that's the one they wanted the flood of this right the wrong one are we doing a chicago story today oh no if you want to bring one up i'll be on here i just i just saw one on my Twitter feed here. We have to bring it up. Yeah, this is big. I think we have to talk about this. This is an important subject that we should all be thinking more about, I think.
Starting point is 00:15:12 And as things decline here, we should just enjoy it. Thanks for stories like this. Okay, let's have a listen. I like Brandon Johnson. He's a great guy. I don't hear any volume. Fiscally responsible stewards. Hold on. The so-called exports. The so-called fiscally responsible stewards the so-called exports the so-called fiscally responsible stewards are making the same argument when our people want to be liberated in a massive
Starting point is 00:15:33 in this country the argument was you can't free black people because it would be too expensive they said that it would be fiscally irresponsible for this country. We'll have to find out what's going on with this audio. The story, as you can see, Chicago mayor says balancing budgets is akin to slavery. Let's move on. What other stories we got? I just want to say
Starting point is 00:16:03 Kamala Harris, she's obviously running for president and everything six months ago joey or even say four months ago let's say go back even just four months ago would you think that she would be in this position remember the thinking you the ideas people had of her yeah she. She's now, it's possible. She's down big on Pauly Market, but it is possible. Still, it's either person A or person B. Those are your two options. It's a two-party system in the United States.
Starting point is 00:16:38 It's possible she could win. Imagine four months ago, think of like, I always thought she was better than biden did you listen to i mean you didn't obviously listen to the caller daddy podcast but that she did i have to listen to it because i hate myself and uh the clips i've seen are just like just yeah it's it's like life is short oh god you're right land i shouldn't do it i shouldn't do it but anyway yeah well let's talk about the BRRRR. Is that something we should be talking about?
Starting point is 00:17:07 This is, you know, because this past week, the U.S. national debt, it jumped up $204 billion in a single day, Joey. $204 billion. That's because at the end of September, they, that's like, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That equates to 8.5 billion per hour right so we could put this into context i know that dollar for dollar things have changed it cost united states 25 billion dollars in 1969 to put people on the moon allegedly yeah i'm gonna say they did but 25 million to go to the moon the interstate highway system 114 billion dollars in 1956 panama canal this is to link two
Starting point is 00:17:57 fucking oceans cost the u.s 375 million only. Think about it. $204 billion in one fucking day, Joey. This is the strongest economy in history, Jack. I want some more ice cream. This shit's over, right? There's no way. This shit is fucking over. And on top of this, Joey, we had this big jump in the U S debt.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Yeah. They also reported 254,000 jobs that were added to the economy for the months of September. Unemployment rate went down to 4.1%. Yeah. It's all fake jobs. Anyway, government jobs and jobs.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Yeah, I know. 32 days. That's all I got. Whatever the fuck. George, George Gammon had a great tweet i think i think it was george gammon if you want to know which direction the economic data is going to go over the next month just ask yourself which which data is you know what data points are going to ensure the best chance for democrats to stay in the white house there's more to this you probably know about, but people that don't. So 159,000 jobs were expected.
Starting point is 00:19:06 So 259,000, so 254,000 was reported. Also, they revised the July and August reports, and they added another 72,000 jobs for those two months that were previously reported. Typically, they revise downward and heavily downward. But for these two months, we have this job report and one more coming just before the election. Surprisingly, these came really good.
Starting point is 00:19:28 32 days, Joey. 32 days. Interest rates. There's got to be more cuts coming. After seeing this number, right? Next meeting is the day after the election. So that's going to be weird because they won't have a result. And Powell will be out there talking. And all the questions will be about political instability and powell might have
Starting point is 00:19:49 to carry a machine gun or something i don't know it's gonna be not that's gonna be the press conferences are always funny anyways but that one's gonna be really good i think yeah oh man you know what happened a week ago and it seemed like and this happens all the time on our show that enough time has elapsed it seems like it happened last year but the attack on israel by iran all those missiles today yeah no it happened just this week the israel attack you're talking about the palestine attack the original we're talking this happened just like a tuesday last week whatever it was but pictures videos footages of those uh rockets coming from iran or launched by iranian forces and some of them going through the iron dome and landing in israel territory
Starting point is 00:20:37 seemed like that happened so long ago but that was within the past seven days joey now there's some questions to do if this was if there was a lot of collateral damage here be it uh for human loss of life injuries or whatever but i don't know i i can't say it just seemed like it looked pretty bad man what the fuck like we were on the cusp of some large scale yeah did you hear about this iranian general that went missing and he's part of it's it's funny this is allegedly some iranian general went missing and he's part of the israeli intelligence he's a he was a an agent for them these guys got tentacles all over the place man man it's yeah it's incredible blowing up pagers got iranian guys working in the government like it's a bit much that again i saw
Starting point is 00:21:32 gandalf tweeted he's living in dubai he's basically like a hop skip and a jump away from a war zone yeah it's close yeah and he says he doesn't like it like life is carrying on there like nothing is going on no one is concerned at all that's what do you know i don't know i i wouldn't be sleeping for sure i'm a huge baby there's no way life has got to carry on right like for those folks should i guess still though like you know it's kind of weird um we we are on this like this this this like waltz into disaster basically you know it's not a shot of tim there but uh and no one seems to know or care and like instead there's you know i saw this other great video i'm not going to pull it up but of a fema zoom meeting where they talk about equity and disaster relief like the top priority should be equity in their disaster relief planning like you know the the military is seemingly unprepared
Starting point is 00:22:31 there's been reports and studies over the last i think like year or so then we've probably talked about them on notable news uh maybe when it was going by another name but the the idea that like the u.s military is woefully under equipped from a human capital perspective like everyone is fat and on ssris basically like they can't fight a war so does like is is lindsey graham gonna pick up a you know shoulder mounted you know sam bazooka i doubt it uh who's flying the planes who's getting on who's where's the boots on the ground i don't know but uh they ain't in the u.s so this idea during the world yeah allegedly that's what i keep hearing but um you know these guys keep having their buttons pushed and they're not
Starting point is 00:23:18 really doing anything about it so it's okay we talked about this a while ago. Could the U.S. execute at the level that Israel has executed? You can say what you want. There's a bunch of people out there who don't like Israel, a bunch more who don't like Hamas. I don't really care. if you listen to all the sort of public facing analysis is waging a huge war of many decades at this point, basically living in squalor and operating out of caves. And then you have another group who's, you know, occupying one country in a war zone, who's able to execute stuff like supply line attacks on pagers and high ranking if officials who are actually wearing two hats in enemy countries could the u.s do any of that yeah you think the pager thing you think you pull that off yeah absolutely yeah i think we we kind of poke fun but they have the resources they have at their disposal yeah it's hard to fathom what they do have yeah you know the one thing we have we heard from safedine disney live in beirut or am i wrong uh he used to i don't know if he still does last time i heard from safety and he was in like a
Starting point is 00:24:34 giant online war with constantine kissin from uh trigonometry but i haven't heard from him since trigonometry that's the second time that that podcast has come up. And I'll tell you a story after we go off the air about them. Good story. You'll like this one. Jeep Wrangler and Grand Cherokees. I used to love Grand Cherokees when I was a kid. Well, the plug-in hybrid models, because they do offer those for those two brands, those two models sorry the owners should take notice because they are advised to stop charging their vehicles due to
Starting point is 00:25:12 fire risks and there's going to be a recall of around 150 000 of these plug-in hybrids the issue that number that 150 000 number going to be revised down by the way when they realize only 30 or 40 people bought these fucking things. So the issue is the high voltage battery in these Jeeps, plug-in hybrids, and they may fail internally and lead to a vehicle fire. This could happen when parked, driving, or charging. Now, the parked one is really tough. Parked is a separate designation from charging i guess hey so you don't even have to be charging it it can still blow up
Starting point is 00:25:49 just it exists and it could go it could spontaneously combust sweet but those are like those fires are dangerous in garages because obviously your house is going to take it but also in condos because it's hard for them to fire to get there and those fires they burn like hot and crazy so yeah this is a problem that we don't talk about a lot with electric vehicles is that the potential for fires when they do come out they're nasty and it's funny because all of us are driving internal combustion engine cars we essentially have like a bomb in the back like it's a either filled with gas and diesel but we get hit and nothing happens sometimes incredibly safe yeah right like the last time you heard like
Starting point is 00:26:37 the pinto is the last one i i could think of that you just would rear-end collision that uh lights up like a candle but man like we don't talk about this enough with electric vehicles and this is a problem like never mind the amount of lithium you have to mine never mind the amount of cobalt you have to mine copper that's needed to get these things moving did we talk about the toronto when the toronto flood happened people were saying like toronto police services were saying they wanted to know if you had a electric car in your car garage your car park or whatever because the batteries can go up yeah so that was like i guess in the summer at this point right and it kind of went under the radar because there's so many other crazy videos that flood over that week or so here in ontario but yeah i mean they're dangerous the batteries are dangerous
Starting point is 00:27:23 they don't last it sounds like even if they do. The batteries are dangerous. They don't last. It sounds like even if they do last, they might blow up. Like, I don't know. You know, I keep on hearing that battery cars, the next best,
Starting point is 00:27:32 you know, the next great thing. And everyone's going to be hyped on these commuter vehicles. And I don't buy it. Honestly. Um, it doesn't seem to me that they're ready for prime time, like the lightning network,
Starting point is 00:27:44 you know, they're just not there. If they fill the void, they can, but it's not a total replacement. It's got to be in conjunction with something else. And what's the percentage breakdown between one or the other? I don't know. I'm not even going to guess. No point.
Starting point is 00:28:01 There's no way to say that electric vehicles are going to replace. Someone said that, I think it was on money talks this weekend or last weekend that the number of like the penetration is basically one percent and you know people now say that oh well 10 of all new cars bought our internal combustion doesn't it's not really a it's kind of a misleading stat because no one's buying new cars everyone's buying used cars they're leasing as well and that you know sort of specifically excluded from some of that data so you know make it that what you will i think penetration is very low in the states i've seen pictures and i've heard anecdotal evidence of lots filled with unsold electric cars they just can't sell them here in canada for
Starting point is 00:28:47 whatever reason it's an easier time to sell electric cars when i go for a drive to and from work or just around i see a lot of those green plates which signify that the car is electric and i see a lot of them and not to say that they're hybrid green plate could be hybrid could be hybrid plug-in hybrid or just simply all electric like the teslas obviously i see are 100 electric and i could tell the other ones that are 100 electric there's a lot on the road not you know 30 no greater than one percent in my opinion boomer says two and a half percent so maybe he's right maybe i'm right maybe um let's find out robert bryce was the guest on money talks boomers pointing out in the chat i would like to talk to him on the show i have to like i said i can't really book to any more guests but um yeah let's think about getting some of these guys on because it's
Starting point is 00:29:34 an important topic like in bitcoin too you think you're looking now at energy alternatives in mining right like people buying up like microsoft just bought three mile island yeah you know like that's i think a lot of people are looking at energy as a cost that's going to go up over the next little while and consumers will eventually make that adjustment too if it's warranted i just hope they don't run microsoft windows on the systems of three mile they run co-pilot co-pilot fuck we already had one disaster in the 70s i think it was with that place so maybe i don know. I know we did. I don't remember when though. Bank of America.
Starting point is 00:30:08 This happened in the past seven days too. Good. We should discuss it. October 2nd, Bank of America experienced a widespread outage that affected many of its customers. A lot of their customers were going online and seeing their account balances were showing $0. That was incorrect,
Starting point is 00:30:23 of course. And this happened around noon eastern on that day and it just goes to show you like your money is not your money when you put in the bank it's their money and they could do whatever they want with it these people unfortunately for a brief period of time didn't have access to their funds these this type of story is happening more and more frequently and it's coming at a time when people have to pay bills, shit like that. It's not like you have to pay a mortgage payment,
Starting point is 00:30:52 go to the bank, zero, what the fuck? When you have to pay a bill, they want the money. They're not going to say, oh, your bank is fucked up. It's okay, I'll give you 30 days to fix it. No, man, they want their fucking money. This is the way the world works. And this shit is happening more and more frequently. I can't believe, as I read more of these stories, why we still do it.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Bitcoin makes so much sense. Totally. And you have access to your Bitcoin 24-7, and you can easily just broadcast a transaction to send it wherever you want, and it will go there. Self-custody? Holy fuck, it's so much better than dealing with this bullshit from the banks. But this is the way it works for now. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Agreed. Just for now. Funny, though, that you could still take credit cards, no problem, loans, no problem, all your debt was still fine. You could get all that stuff easy right but your cash you know not new if it's not in the shoebox under your bank or under your bed then it's not yours is it people find that the hard way it's funny that the the bank you know maxis will always say that bitcoin is not reliable the network could go out government could shut it down well you know there's been a lot more outages of interact and banks over the last two years than bitcoin as far as i know so
Starting point is 00:32:10 10 years let's go further back because i think the last major outage for bitcoin was a decade ago yeah 2013 i think right so we've had how much data of banks just not being some going tits up totally totally right people still they will still like go to bat and simp for these banks as if they're like these unbelievably fortified uh pillars that never go out never have outages never have blackout periods never give you like that's all they do is give you problems by the way even if your bank is up in terms of technically uptime-wise, if you need $10,000, you still got to wait three days. If you need $30,000, you still got to talk to 50 people who don't know anything about you and are just checking boxes. None of it makes sense from an efficiency standpoint. And I think more and more people are starting to realize it doesn't
Starting point is 00:33:00 make sense from a custody savings and reliability standpoint standpoint either so not a surprise man and moving your bitcoin doesn't matter the value of it it's 10 minutes on average sure it could take an hour sometimes for a variety of real longer but on average just 10 minutes if you're right you're right what the that's not bad yeah let's talk about costco because some time ago we talked about them selling gold bars and silver coins to its members it seems precious metals are in such high demand that costco has decided to add platinum bars in their offerings to customers and this decision was made to offer platinum after it was reported that they sold over $100 million of gold bars in just three months from when they first offered it back in September of 2023. And that was at a time when gold prices was about $2,000 an ounce.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Now, what is it? $2,600, $2,700? Where the fuck it is? Yeah, around there. $2,600 and change, maybe? Yeah. So it's gone up quite a bit in that past year. Demand for gold and silver for
Starting point is 00:34:06 costco members is quite high they're limiting one transaction per membership with a maximum of five units um they are offering the same with platinum bars to customers it's the limit of one transaction per membership with maximum five units so that applies to gold silver or platinum it's just a sign of the times man like people are ordering the shit and and yeah so you go online you order it and it gets sent to your home you have to sign for it once it gets there and that's the process is offering i didn't check the if they're offering i should they have it they have it didn't we look at this before i think we did but the platinum i didn't see these i'm pretty sure they had a bunch and they had uh other metals i had a golden silver yeah and they had other denominations um platinum all right this is making for awesome rings
Starting point is 00:34:59 yeah i don't think they do. Well, they must have. Yeah, they don't. So Costco Canada, we got shut out here in Canada for the platinum. But we have the gold and silver offering, so we're okay. Yeah. You can get a platinum glass electric double wall oven with true European convection for $5,000. I'd rather get the gold ounce, I think. Yeah, it's only available on and checking when's amazon gonna start selling
Starting point is 00:35:27 gold bars that's what i want to know it's prime day tomorrow get a gold bar for 10 off because you and it gets delivered to your front door and they just take a picture and run away right like it's not like you have to sign for it with amazon it's just they take it they just go there yeah that's they might have to change that you gotta sign up for that service where they give you the option that you could they could leave it inside they go into your house yeah i'll pass yeah your house is right thanks but thanks but no thanks yeah go there my motorcycle is gone now luckily they left the bottle of uh aquafina that i ordered thank you very much for your replacement oh god i love it let's go to notable north actually let's talk about anything else and Thank you very much for your replacement. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:36:05 I love it. Let's go to Notable North. Actually, let's talk about anything else. Nothing comes to mind. I got everything off my chest when it came to that hurricane relief shit. So let's go on. Be very brief on this next one. Mark Zelmer. This is a senior fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute.
Starting point is 00:36:23 And he was also once the deputy superintendent at the office of the superintendent of financial institute institution so this guy was a senior official in finance for the canadian government he's now raising alarms that canada needs to be better prepared for the risk of the bank run as that risk continues in Canada. This is scary. Now we're hearing the potential bank runs in Canada. We've talked about it. Everybody's talked about it. I think that this fractional reserve thing means that once you put your money
Starting point is 00:36:57 in the bank, all it takes is for some whales, quote-unquote whales, to get their stuff out of the bank, and everybody else is going to be just get an IOU from the uh central bank what do we do like i i don't know i've talked about this at length i mean i'm not going to go any further but i'm not sure if you want to add any flavor to this but i just find it interesting to hear this guy that used to work for the bank, sorry, the government of Canada, talking like this and just saying, fuck, keep it real. How does a bank run look in Canada? Like, it's so tightly controlled here
Starting point is 00:37:33 that I think that if there was ever even a sniff of a real bank run starting, the government would get out in front of it immediately. What does that mean when the government gets out in front of it immediately? Provide liquidity to the banks or put in new regulations or as we saw in australia start to criminalize anyone who starts tweeting about the dangers of leaving money in the bank like they would get in front of it for sure there's just so few options
Starting point is 00:38:00 here in terms of banks that have the cash that would make a bank run a legitimate threat so what does that do for confidence in a banking system or and or the value of the canadian dollar it would tank but i mean those things are tanking all the same the question is you know is a bank run the first step or the last step i don't know like that's the other you know the sort of other thing i've been no it's not it's far from the last step it's going to be one i think i think you're right yeah i think you're right i think you're right but i think some people would disagree some people would say a bank run is the last thing on the list no over the top it would be made whole the customers would be made whole and that would
Starting point is 00:38:39 be part of the process to get where we all think this will end up getting to. It's possible that this is... What does it take for a bank run to happen in Canada? That's what I mean. I don't know. I think it's going to be... There's just some big
Starting point is 00:39:01 accounts saying, I don't want to deal with these banks in Canada. Do you think a bank run is a legit concern? Or do you think this guy's maybe a little over his keys? I think it's a legitimate concern. If that happens, if several of these large accounts say, I'm going to move my stuff to an offshore bank for a variety of reasons, I think that's going to be it what like see large pensions say i can't do with it here like i'm going to move it for what the
Starting point is 00:39:31 pension is a big one yeah yeah that was a big one what happens then yeah boomer saying there was almost a bank rendering the trucker convoy i remember hearing about that a few years ago the sort of confidence in banks disappeared because they started freezing people's assets. That's maybe actually true. I don't know. Then the Metro Canada banks only insure 100K and you're ranking out to much less than the US. Yeah, you're telling me. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:56 That number's going to increase. Yeah, it might, but like nominally it's not going to. No, I think it's going to be substantially. I think it's going to be 2x, 3x, 4x in terms of the protection. i'm saying no in in nominal terms yeah but in real terms no oh you get yeah because as the wreckage of the the valuation of the currency continues yeah canadian tire is under through um under a lot of scrutiny these days because they've been hiring temporary foreign workers for retail jobs absolutely
Starting point is 00:40:25 ridiculous embarrassing it is and there's a lot of people like if you look at young people and the unemployment rate that's associated with them it's the highest it's been for years so a lot of younger folks are having a difficult time finding employment everyone has seen pictures and video footages of when there's a job opening for someone and the lineup is huge. That's all the people that are trying to apply. Young people are in competition with those people. Their peers, immigrants, everyone else that's just trying to apply. Then you have Canadian Tire on top of this.
Starting point is 00:41:04 They're going ahead for these temporary foreign workers now i'm gonna it may be embarrassing if you are a shareholder of canadian tire they're doing i can't believe i'm going to defend them we're all sure it's canadian tires in the pension right there you go they're doing pretty sure anything for canadians they're doing the right thing because they are getting the most value for their dollar they're trying to get that for one dollar they're trying to employ as many people as possible yeah and that makes sense they're working within the the confines of the rules the laws procedures regulations you name it so we could be upset with them but this is capitalism
Starting point is 00:41:47 they're taking advantage of what's available to them and in one way good for them but another way shame on them yeah so yeah they're taking a lot of flack i i don't i don't think this is this is not gonna be the last big company here, but this Tim Hortons obviously has come under a ton of scrutiny. There's some other good ones that we've talked about. Like mechanics, you need special mechanics to take care of stuff. You need LMIAs for that. Fortino is near my house. There's tons of clearly Indian newcomers who are working in the cashier, like as a cashier. I've said this before on Twitter, I'll say it again. You have to go to local businesses and pay a premium to keep those guys around. Because if you don't, your neighborhood will turn into a century initiative freak show. You have nothing
Starting point is 00:42:39 but LMIA abusers, huge companies giving you shit service, shit products, terrible pricing, not contributing to community support, not contributing to cohesion, not contributing to anything that makes a place a good place to live. And Canadian Tire should be ashamed of themselves. How far have all these companies fallen? Tim Hortons and Canadian Tire are like staples of Canadian culture. And neither of them gave enough of a fucking flying fuck to think about, well, maybe we shouldn't sacrifice all the capital we've earned with people, all the reputation we've earned with people, and just hire locals to work at the store for a little bit more money. Canadian Tire used to be a place where you could have a career and retire retire you know tim hortons i don't know but canadian tire was for sure and now you know tim hortons was purchased by was it the people that own wendy's yeah i'm
Starting point is 00:43:38 sorry wendy's yeah so they they lost their sold again since then. To a Canadian consortium? Brazilian. They're so far down now. They're no longer synonymous with being Canadian. I totally agree. But those companies know. The entire is under the hand. Yeah. I don't know what's up with them, right?
Starting point is 00:43:56 Canadian Tire is owned. I've seen people who own Markswork Warehouse. That's right. Yeah. Sport Check. Yeah. yeah yeah who owns it sport check owner um no it's canadian tires the brand they own mark's work warehouse helly hansen fgl sports sport check atmosphere and sports experts yeah so they're all they're running a pretty big conglomerate of Canadian retailers. I mean, the thing to keep in mind steady is that they just refuse to pay and Canadians are not working and they're suffering for it.
Starting point is 00:44:33 And we're bringing in people from overseas who are faking that they're students and they're taking jobs from there. They're faking it. Some are, some are not, I'm not, they're all faking it. Some of them know they're faking it. Other ones don't know they're faking it, but they're all faking it. Some are, some are not. They're all faking it. Some of them know they're faking it.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Other ones don't know they're faking it, but they're all faking it. Getting a restaurant management degree from a place that has an apartment on top of it is not an education. There are some at university and stuff. Yeah, it's bullshit. Those people are not taking Canadian Tire
Starting point is 00:45:00 jobs on LMIA. Why not? Because they have better shit to do. If someone's going to Mac, they're not working at fucking Canadian Tire jobs on LMIA. Why not? Because they have better shit to do. If someone's going to Mac, they're not working at fucking Canadian Tire for eight bucks an hour and giving away a bunch of their money to stay in the country.
Starting point is 00:45:12 They don't have to. Their path to citizenship is clear, thanks to McMaster. I think that you're overstating how easy it is for these people to get by. I think there's a lot of people out there that students, they don't have jobs and they're just getting anything that's available working on yeah okay but going to mac
Starting point is 00:45:29 and working on lmia are two different things lmia is when you bring you're like tapping into the foreign worker program not a student who wants a job okay so that i so like a student i don't know the whole process but if somebody comes here in a study, I don't know the whole process, but if somebody comes here in a study permit, are they part of the whole LMIA process? I don't think so. See, this I don't know. I'm not going to exclude those when I say that. I mean,
Starting point is 00:45:55 somebody that goes to Mac for a student that's taking, they're majoring in whatever, double majoring or they're getting an honors, whatever the fuck it is. You know, I'm not going to see that they're a fake student. They're there. They're, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:08 they're just as legitimate as anybody else. I think. And yeah, it's going there. I guess in my opinion, maybe I'm too light on it, but we get, we should find out.
Starting point is 00:46:15 We should bring on an immigration expert and talk to them about all this stuff. Cause we, it comes up almost every week. I think there's still some gray areas for you and I, where we could probably do better pinning down exactly what's what and i would like to bring somebody on maybe i'll find someone is mark miller around i don't think he's available for the canadian bitcoiners podcast unfortunately he is available he is available trying to convince steve seretsky that he's doing a good job
Starting point is 00:46:37 but um he's not available for us okay would you bring on a minister anyways like i wouldn't personally i would love to chat with a cabinet minister yeah especially a senior one they could be he's a senior he's a senior as he gets as far as cabinet ministers right like that's a big portfolio senior of them all maybe yeah sure sure sure okay and i guess i'm gonna end it on one last thing because last week we were talking about the number of asylum claims in canada and i was mentioning that the mexican asylum claims led the league a decade ago and i was thinking that they probably don't have that many in the past little while i was totally wrong
Starting point is 00:47:16 so in 2023 there was 25 000 mexicans that made a silent claims in canada is it mexicans or people coming through mexico mexican nationals so those are holders of mexican passwords yeah so i i would i'm i was blown away when i saw that i didn't think that was the case but asylum claims asylum claims they made for claims for asylum in canada 25 000000, over 25,000 in 2023. And in 2016, it was only 250 of them. What? So actually, just as of this year, June of this year, the number was 29,000. How can you claim asylum from Mexico?
Starting point is 00:47:58 A lot of people have in the past. Okay, but how? Like, what is the condition? It could be because you're persecuted because you maybe said something about the cartel you brought up some information and there's nothing yeah maybe maybe yeah 25 000 people did that you think i don't know what is that i'm getting you see what i'm getting no i i i get it i'm just trying to give you what is a, a, what is a viable claim? I'm trying to say like, and there could be more to it.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Um, is sexual persecution a thing in, I don't know. I'm not sure. Like, well, they hate you if you're gay over there. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:48:33 I don't know. Yeah. I don't know. So there's a lot of things I don't know. And I don't want to try to connect thoughts here because I just, you know, I'll make a point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:42 But I just, in terms of numbers, I just wanted to bring that up. I, I thought it wouldn't be too many. Yeah. But I just, in terms of numbers, I just wanted to bring that up. I, I thought there wouldn't be too many. I was wrong. There's quite a bit that did make a claim for asylum from coming from Mexico,
Starting point is 00:48:53 which is interesting to say the least. To say the least. I have nothing to add on that. It's just another data point. That's all right. Boomer in the chat asking how long until we go the other way. I don't know five we're saying how long is it and i joked about it like 20 years ago or so i said you know
Starting point is 00:49:09 what because i i hate the cold i said you know i'm gonna go there make a claim for asylum because i hate the winter no you know to get to make an asylum claim you have to say the winner hates you oh even then you can go yeah yeah don't fuck that up on the forum. They'll turn you back. And I always did that tongue-in-cheek. Fuck, man. The way things are trending. Who knows? I know. But who knows?
Starting point is 00:49:36 Some parts of Mexico are really nice. Other parts... I love Mexico. My dad's got a place down there. I'd go anytime I get a chance. Yeah. That's a good spot. Let's I'd go anytime I get a chance. Yeah. That's a good spot. Let's end it. Let's get out of here. So no live show Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:49:52 but there will be something out on the YouTube channel and on the podcast feed on the usual times this week. Yeah. So stay tuned. Stay tuned for that. And until next time, take care of yourselves. And don't be a cock.

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