The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #185 (Notable News Stories) - Bitcoin Breaks Out Amidst Political Turmoil (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: October 16, 2024

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada.... As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠⁠Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 102.20. Good timing. Okay, where do you want to start? This might go a little longer because there are some doozies here. Don't forget, I have to edit this program and set up all the releases after we are done. So we cannot go too long. Now tell me where you want to start.
Starting point is 00:00:15 I'm thinking more like midnight. The CTI report came and went. It seemed like so long ago, but it did came out this past week. And prices went up 0.2% month over month when examining this September. And the annual inflation rate stands at 2.4%. And that is the lowest it has been since February of 2021. So it's been a long time since the annual rate has been this low.
Starting point is 00:00:42 And so while there may be some good news here, because the price of shit has been relatively stable for so while there may be some good news here because the price of shit has been relatively stable for the past little price of shit has but if you want anything good then it has not been stable at all well in the past four five six maybe longer months i from when i see it's kind of flat line now it's gone up over the past few years that's the thing we've got to bring up is that the rate of change may be slowing down, but the cost of everything has been elevated significantly in the past few years. And it's not ever going to go back to – it's never going to go down unless we have negative inflation, which is deflation. They're fighting very hard to ensure that we don't get to a deflationary environment.
Starting point is 00:01:23 But now that we're here 2.4 percent year over year 0.2 percent month over month and they just raised sorry they just lowered rates 50 bps just last month this might add fuel to the fire that more rate cuts deeper rate cuts might be required because now you have this election it's wrapping up in november it's possible after, depending on who gets in, you're going to be seeing a new chair of the Federal Reserve. So Jerome Powell may get either pushed or booted or whatever. So you might have a new person there. Plus, you might have renewed pressure from the White House. The White House may want to somehow make debt cheaper because people have been holding onto debt and it's been harder to deal with it
Starting point is 00:02:05 as rates were higher. Also, as rates come down, it makes it easier to borrow capital. And those two combination things plus others could help spark the stuttering economy. So the White House may put pressure on the Federal Reserve to aggressively lower rates after the election because they want to show that look we're doing a great job we've revived the economy we've made it better than it used to be which was fantastic jack in reality it hasn't so with all that being said is it's going to be a fun few months for i'm not sure when the next um the next meeting is but it's right after it's the day after the election that is funny so that's going to be without any political pressure right i'm probably not i think it's i think it's the day after next fomc meeting is i think it's like the 8th i'm pretty sure um someone in the chat
Starting point is 00:02:57 can tell me if if i can't find it but yeah i'm pretty sure it's november 8th so right after strap in man strap in exactly that so yeah prices are never going to come down i mean I'm pretty sure it's November 8th. So right after. Strap in, man. Strap in. Exactly that. So yeah, prices are never going to come down. I mean, I can't say never. They've never come down. They've never come down materially. Have we ever had a deflationary environment?
Starting point is 00:03:20 No, because all these guys care about is fake GDP growth. They don't give a shit about anything else. This idea that, I tweeted this today. I forget even what the tweet was about. But this idea that we have to grow the economy and the only measuring stick is GDP is insane. We refuse to look at productivity in terms of deflationary gains, right? Which really is the natural order of things,
Starting point is 00:03:41 natural direction of things. Jeff Booth talks about that all the time. I agree with him on that. Listen, CPI is one thing. Truflation today ticked up for the first time in a long time. And Truflation has been this thing that has been anchoring lower and lower and lower coming down into the twos. There's been a two-handle on true inflation for months now. And for it to pop up at a time when the Fed is cutting, global easing has clearly begun. And the only thing the Fed doesn't want to do more than admit they were wrong and raise is cut too slowly. The market's pricing in the 25 in November, 25 in December, you know, are we going to get,
Starting point is 00:04:26 are we going to go, are we going to head back to zero? You think is zero where we're going to, to fake economic strength. I don't know. I don't even want to make a prediction because I have no. Keith Dicker, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:39 friend of the show. I was talking on loony hour last week. I should see if he wants to come back on maybe in December when I'm back from my paternity leave. But, um, you know, he was saying that he thinks it's a race to zero now all over the modern
Starting point is 00:04:51 world. And I think, man, holy shit. Like if we go, if we go from zero, if we go from like three, whatever we were in 2019 to zero faster than we ever went then to five and a
Starting point is 00:05:02 half, I say we like the Royal we is the United States in this case, the only bank that matters. Five and a half, and then head back to zero in the course of 18 months, over the course of 18 months or so. I don't know. Chat GBT, is that good or bad? Probably not good. You don't want to be in this position. this is a uh you know an an image that's often used to describe interest rate policy where we are now is in a car going down the highway and generally the car you want to just be switching lanes in a controlled manner and the lanes represent the interest rate levels right where you are now is careening side to side into the guardrails over and over again you know like you've lost control of the vehicle and soon you will have a problem um keeping the vehicle with
Starting point is 00:05:52 all four tires on the road and it seems like you're getting to that point now then the other point you know the other thing to note here is that in 2019 you were in a bit of a different political environment there wasn't hot wars all over the western world um there wasn't an israel palestine conflict at the level there is now iran wasn't directly involved among other things right like you've seen all kinds of stuff over the last few years uh specifically i guess over the last you know year or so i think i think zero's in the cards honestly it's possible yeah i and i think i think it's on the zero is in the cards, honestly. It's possible. Yeah. I,
Starting point is 00:06:25 and I think, I think it's on the, going to be on the back of conflict and political turmoil and all this stuff. And I think there's going to be, you know, Martin Armstrong and others talk about how the thing that's going sort of unreported and undiscussed in,
Starting point is 00:06:39 you know, polite circles, but is being discussed behind the scenes is the likelihood of major nation states, breaking up Canada, the U S parts of the the eurozone obviously good candidates for this um you know what does that do to rates probably doesn't send them higher tell you that right like it's instability yeah instability wants low rates is what it that's what there's the meeting right after the election right so you're saying the day after what do you think let's say let's say the same week i don't know if it's the day after the same
Starting point is 00:07:07 week for sure if it's the day after what do you think happens the election is wrapped up we have a definitive no chance no chance so you think the rate cut or a decision by the federal reserve is going to happen before we know who yeah it has to powell has put himself into a corner when it comes to what he will or won't do around the election because he said so many times over and over again to anybody who will listen, you know, you ask that guy what his favorite Grateful Dead song is, and he says, the Federal Reserve is not political. We don't think about politics when we make great cuts or when we make great decisions. So he's, you know, he has mimetically painted himself into a corner by repeating this line. And so he will do whatever he wants to do.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Now, like I said to you before, I think instability domestically or internationally lends itself to lower rates. And they're on the trajectory to zero, just like everybody else is. I don't know if it's zero in 18 months or 24 months or 36 months. But to your point, the debt is at this point a number that no longer matters in terms of repayment. So it matters in terms of interest maybe and faith in the long bond maybe or whatever. But they have to make sure that the effects of that debt are as intangible to the average person as possible. But the more important thing is that they're not tangible to government.
Starting point is 00:08:25 And to do that, you have to set those rates pretty low. So yeah, Boomer's saying Powell hasn't done a horrible job. His circumstances were awful for him. Yeah, you know what? I don't fucking buy that. You know what I think? I think that him, like Macklem, was messaging a certain uh certainty about rates a certain certainty about economics don't forget boomer this guy got up there and said transitory a million fucking times
Starting point is 00:08:51 he was either stupid or lying he's a lawyer not an economist and you need an economist in that situation to at least help you define the terms i'll defend him in the case that look if he went up there and saying it was doom and gloom, I wasn't going to do very good for the economy, so he had to say this bullshit about it let's define good job is good job lying to low IQ people?
Starting point is 00:09:16 there's a lot of people doing a good job in the states fuck this, we should be giving out awards for all the good jobs being done there's tons of people who are lying to idiots all over the modern world. They're not doing a good job. The point, the point I would like to make is that he was,
Starting point is 00:09:32 his hand was forced because somebody from the treasury department slash white house decided to say, look, we're going to fucking butter this fucking thing. And what the fuck is he going to say? No, right. He's like,
Starting point is 00:09:44 okay, I'll buy every fucking bond you put out there well don't forget can we can we also not forget can we also not forget that you know meek and mild jerome powell was fucking buying equities before announcing rate decision he's a fucking con man that's why i will not say that he is a con man he's a con man and not only that you, there's no sure sign that somebody is a con man than getting a GQ cover. Like if your politician needs a GQ cover, they are a con man or con woman. That's the fact of the matter.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I don't want to go there. I'm waiting for the day. There's a reason why. I'm waiting for the day that he retires or gets pushed or whatever. Goes on a speaking tour and declares that he has Bitcoin on his value sheet. Oh my God. Imagine. That would be fucking epic.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Imagine. Because he understands it. Like from his position, he's like, fuck, why am I going to deal with anything with TradFi? I can buy this asset over here that is totally separate. He saves his wealth in Grateful Dead vinyls. I just want to see some Canadian Bitcoin conference. That would be fucking incredible. I'm a Bitcoiner.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I've been stacking sites since the beginning of the QE phenomenon. So here we go. That would be amazing. I'd love to hear that. Who are you going to see at 3 o'clock? Well, we got David St. Ange on the side stage. He's talking about inflation. We got Julian and Adam.
Starting point is 00:11:11 They're talking about GetBased and Bitcoin Media. But I'm thinking maybe going to see Jerome Powell on the main stage. On how to set up your cold card correctly. He's up there with Ben. They're doing self-custody. Great. set up your cold card correctly. He's up there with Ben. They're doing self-custody. And Jake Howie. Oh, awesome. Great.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Movedus was asking about Chicago. I'll give a Chicago story. Let's do Chicago. Is it the office? The office reno? Is that the one? No, you can bring up that one. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:11:38 You start. You start. There was this cargo train that was stopped in West Chicago, in West Chicago. And so it was there. What happens when you have a cargo train stuck over there? We know. We know.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Exactly. Because he's active looting. And so they had an estimated 50 to 150 people. They're actively looting the fucking train. They had to send police over there reports of individuals stealing boxes of items wait a minute they sent police and not social workers they know because the um why did they send social workers like i was told social workers is what we need the mayor was sleeping from what i understand at the time so they were able to dispatch most of his detail
Starting point is 00:12:20 over there so yeah they were stealing shit like tvs and other stuff from the train it was just chaotic i love it man So if you have a train that stops in Chicago, it's going to be fucking looted. And by the time it gets to its destination, it's going to be fucking empty. I love that stuff. Chicago is a fucking disaster. I love Chicago. It's a gong show over there. I also heard that the mayor
Starting point is 00:12:37 is in a little hot water for spending $80,000 on an office reno. I'm pretty sure that was chicago i don't want now i'm not now i'm not 100 sure because it feels like you would have seen it if uh if it was chicago but someone can look that up that's great i talk about like end of empire stuff this is top notch mayor can you discuss the latest on the looting of a stalled cargo train by uh chicago citizens uh you know we we deployed the police as fast as we could and no one took anything worth over 950 so we can't prosecute anybody mayor can
Starting point is 00:13:14 you yeah it's probably there too and mayor can you tell us about the reno to your office for 80k what kind of reno to a mayor's takes eighty thousand dollars you need the button to close the window screen you have to have the fish in the wall because you need you need to like escape hatch too for when you know yeah like in case something happens you got to get out of the bat cave yeah so there's lots of different things you could do 80 but let's be honest 80k nowadays even us can't take you very far so like it may seem like a lot but maybe you're just getting carpets and people don't know but the studio that i recorded in here for cvp was 80k that's what gets you there that's 80k canadian big difference right td bank we can't
Starting point is 00:13:59 because i love td bank because they were fined three billion dollars that's with a b and this is a record-breaking fine that was done by u.s authorities this is due to serious violations of anti-mundering laundry sorry anti-money laundering laws and remember we always hear that it's bitcoin that's involved in money laundering and i'm waiting for the ceo of bitcoin to get sued three billion dollars or more for their money laundering activities oh shit it's not going to happen the bank admitted to failing to adequately monitor and report suspicious activities related to drug cartels that is the most that is so bullshit there was people working at the bank who were purposely doing this, and it sounds like getting paid for it.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Am I dreaming? Are we fucking serious about this? And the amount that was being floated around is there was a transfer of $670 million in illicit funds. That's a lot. That was over a six-year period of time. Well, think about six years ago. Millions of dollars could buy a heck of a lot more there they say that their anti-money laundering system were deemed inadequate allowing for criminals to exploit the system i guess a public
Starting point is 00:15:15 ledger like bitcoin could solve all this right like it's easy to determine where should this solve is the wrong word there right expose is probably the word you're looking for because i don't think these guys are looking for solutions that's for damn sure so td bank decided you know what they're going to plead guilty to the charges to of conspiracy to violate the bank secrecy act and they committed money for money laundering and they agreed to implement significant reform to its anti-money laundering program and they may face restrictions moving forward this is one of the bigger banks not just in canada but also in the united states three billion dollars but reality is you know they'll just take out of the next person's account
Starting point is 00:15:57 and pay for that so if you thought they didn't have your money before let me tell you they're gonna have three billion dollars less moving forward so if there's gonna be a bank run it's gonna be pretty damn easy to topple td bank after this thing so can we can we note that okay so two things here right number one we at cbp try to get bank accounts with a bunch of banks when we started this podcast banks credit unions whatever i don't remember if td wouldn't give us one or we went there or not, but I'm positive that if I went there today and tried to get a bank account, they wouldn't give me one, 100%. That's number one. Number two, don't forget that basically, as soon as TD tried to conduct a criminal operation outside of Canada in a country that's actually serious about catching money laundering operations,
Starting point is 00:16:46 they get nabbed right away. Do you think the TD is just not doing any of this stuff in Canada? I don't even have a clue. Of course you fucking do. Of course they fucking are. Do I know it? Of course they fucking are. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:58 They've been accused of this a number of times over the last few years by multiple different groups. There's been reports from Sam Cooper over the years about how TD is one of the banks that's involved in laundering huge amounts of money for Chinese nationals, influencing elections, carrying out secret police operations, all this stuff. And those reports are going to keep coming. I wasn't aware that they're tied to that. Yes. And the you know, is not doing this stuff in Canada is was ludicrous before. But if you see this story and just think, oh, they're not doing it over here.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Like, again, like, should you be able to vote? I don't know. Drive? I don't know. You got it. We got it. This is on the test. You know, we got to find out which which box you check on this question before we can let you cast a ballot, I think.
Starting point is 00:17:44 So what's the move moving forward with TD, especially in Canada? which box you check on this question before we can let you cast a ballot, I think. So what's the move moving forward with TD, especially in Canada? Do you force them to implement better anti-money laundering? What are they going to do? I don't know. But the money laundering, though, it's not simply a TD thing. And I've said this numerous times.
Starting point is 00:17:58 In Canada, real estate is... I'm not saying people should do this, but from what I understand understand it's the best place to to launder money you come in with fucking dirty money buy a house legitimately but you upgrade that shit with cash that's what everybody's how you get the cash yeah and you just new roof extension whatever the fuck you you sell that that shit comes up fucking clean yeah that's the way and that's just done over and over again. And it's not TD Bank that does this.
Starting point is 00:18:27 It's every fucking company. But don't worry, Len. It's actually small business owners that are the biggest tax cheats that we need to rein in, you know? Do you have any more notable international stories before we go to notable north? I don't want to gloss over because...
Starting point is 00:18:43 I wasn't planning on being asked. Let me check my Twitter. No, just in case, because I want to make sure that we exhaust everything here the Federal Reserve's Neil Kashkari famously infamous money guy quoted about an hour before we started the show Bitcoin is still worthless after 12 years that's a banger
Starting point is 00:18:59 that's a banger we need to talk about if we're going to go to North, we have to talk about Kamala Sutra's plan for black crypto owners. Did I read that right? Yes, you did. And Plenitor was able to actually show evidence that this is legitimate. Come on.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Come on. Yes. This is entirely correct. If you go to plenators twitter account i'm there right now i'm gonna pull it up i'll pull it up on whatever recent tweets or posts or whatever it goes to a pdf that is part of the kamala harris campaign and it talks about this i don't know how you could do this i don't know how you could implement this to encourage a particular segment of the population. She is so brain dead.
Starting point is 00:19:48 People who like, did you see the plagiarism stuff? Yeah. Wikipedia. Did anyone, did anyone who's seen her speak think that she has the brain power, the mental horses to write a book on lawfare? Does anyone who's seen her speak really think that?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Anybody at all? It is incredible to me that people... I think this has got to be one of the funniest. We were robbed of a quality election cycle in terms of memes and clickable stuff because these two hate each other so much and refuse to debate but god this would have been such a fun cycle because these guys are just both so stupid and so quotable ah we're we're roblin it's like a it's like a what look what they took from us instance okay let's pull this up on plethora's feed if you click on that link it's gonna go to a pdf this no right above it there's that blue link no i'll just look here supporting a regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies and other digital assets so black men who invest in and he didn't just pull this shit out of thin
Starting point is 00:20:56 air he provided this so it is legitimate and oh yeah enabling black men who hold digital assets to benefit. I don't know. I mean. Len. Len. Len. What's going on? I got to get this text printed on a shirt.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Like, this is what I need to be wearing for the show. This is so top-notch. Black men who participate in the market are protected. She's now a pro-crypto candidate. It's so shameless. It's so shamelessly brain-dead. I'm not super well intertwined with the black community but i cannot imagine len that anyone reads that and is like wow that really makes me feel good
Starting point is 00:21:52 about where i am my standing in life i have to be like singled out for support i it can't can it i don't know i don't want to go down that road but yeah i don't want to touch this it's it's just so great the stuff that this woman comes up with and her campaign comes up with, like vintage, vintage stuff. God, we're just robbed, like I said, of a quality election cycle because these guys won't talk to the press. He's on the beach. He's on the beach, buddy.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Buddy, think about it. This guy's a leader of the free world. It's amazing. How about Kamala Sutra leading some of the meetings right she's like and see desantis talking about hurricane helene uh cnn or something asking like why won't you talk to vice president harris he's like she's not in the chain of command yeah len this is all time stuff where do you want to go next we're going to north now notable yeah let's go to the north
Starting point is 00:22:45 I've got a couple of good ones here because the Toronto Sun has filed a freedom of information request according to this article they filed this with the city of Toronto this freedom of information request and they were trying to get information on the Indigenous Climate Action Grant and this is a program
Starting point is 00:23:03 created to support the implementation. We got to take a second here. I got to stop you. We got to appreciate, the viewers need to appreciate how hard it is for Len to read these stories and keep a straight face. I've known Len a long time. He's trying fucking hard
Starting point is 00:23:17 not to laugh reading these stories. It's going to be challenging because this is the Indigenous Climate Action Grant. And this is trying to achieve and implement the city's transformation to net zero strategy. So the city of Toronto is trying to reduce their emissions to net zero by 2040. So it's not just, it seems like around the corner. offers grants up to $20,000 each to support local Indigenous communities in undertaking projects and initiatives to help address the climate emergency and protect the environment. So all in total is $219,000 were approved by city council and that budget was blown, apparently. And Toronto
Starting point is 00:23:58 approved 18 of the 25 eligible proposals from last year. And some of these proposals uh one of them will approve for the children's peace theater they were given fifteen thousand dollars grant to fund a program on subjects such as ecological governance and biodiversity another was called earthworks vision and they were awarded seventeen thousand dollars to host stewardship events on a trail that runs along the humber River in Weston. Another one, the Turtle Protectors. They were given $15,000 to pay for a part-time staffer and for volunteers. And two other groups, the Afro Native Creations and the Afro Indigenous Nova Scotian Collective were each given $7,500.
Starting point is 00:24:42 This is pretty long. I'll just give you uh so the highlights the highlights okay so the former wanted the money to showcase their art and traditional medicines and environmentally focused crafts while supporting the black and indigenous community the other had plans for cultural teaching such as this is great. Ribbon skirt making, beading, and dream catcher workshop. They also wanted to host a feast on top of that. So there was also the Rooted Farmers Market, and they built itself on Instagram as Taka, sorry, I can't even pronounce this, Tkaronto's first black and indigenous farmers market. They were given $10,000 to develop culturally relevant workshops for community members, including beadworking and cooking classes.
Starting point is 00:25:39 And the group website is now offline. And the social media page has not been updated since 2023. Big surprise. The city confirmed that it also has a permit in East York Park, where it once operated. And Asimea Circles got $15,000 to create a BIPOC, that's Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Seed and medicine sharing and trading network and the scabby macua group also awarded 7500 for gardening supplies traditional medicines firewood and costs related to the center's sweat lodge and so yeah i just close on and on man so this is where the money's going towards
Starting point is 00:26:25 this guy's getting firewood you know you know it would be good i don't know about you like i remember years ago there was a an indigenous protest i don't know what the validity of the cause but if you're really serious about controlling the environment stop setting tires on fire on the argyle street bridge. That was what they were doing for a long time over here in the Hamilton area up in Caledonia. This is like 2005, I think. There was a big protest and there was a tire fire there every day. Just a bunch of tires on fire. First of all, where did you get the tires? Second of all, I didn't hear anything in that set of grants that would actually help control climate. I mean, the climate change thing, obviously a grift.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Whether you think climate change is anthropophic, whatever that word is, caused by humans or not, the idea that any of the stuff you just mentioned is going to control climate change is stupid. You're stupid if you think that it is. And this is a ton of money going to these programs. As you mentioned, I'm glad you said it because I was going to bring it up. How many of them were spawned in the dark of night to get this money and then completely erased from memory shortly after the money was received? We're going to find out. The Toronto Sun is going to find out. I'm sure they're going to keep digging into this because people are sick of watching money go into these vacuous nebulous you know sort of waste causes and you can say what you want about indigenous cultures and indigenous supports you know those
Starting point is 00:27:56 are not the indigenous causes that need help i think a lot of communities in ontario maybe across the country are still under boil water advisories. I think that there's a problem with like domestic domestic violence and murdered children and murdered women. And there's no healthcare coverage too in some areas. And so like when people say like, Oh, we're helping communities. Like it's not the fucking sweat lodge that needs the money guys. It's the fucking, you know, the, the culture needs support in other ways firewood ain't it it's not
Starting point is 00:28:29 to be fair you know like this is from the city of toronto so yeah fine city toronto doesn't give a fuck about any of this stuff the reality is how many indigenous communities are around toronto i didn't realize there was that many i've learned learned there was quite a few. But the thing that I wanted to point out is that Toronto is going through a financial crisis. Yeah. They don't have enough funding to go around. They spent a significant amount on renaming Dundas Square into something else. I forget what it's named now. And their infrastructure is rapidly getting older.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Oh, yeah. Gardner. TTC. TTC. Sewage. Yeah. rapidly getting older oh yeah gardner ttc ttc sewage yeah there's so much and we've had they're so desperate for money they were going to tax rainfall you will recall earlier yes good point and whatever well at least we could have a dancing olivia chow and we could always remember that i was going to say is there a of Information request in to see how much that thong bikini cost her for Carabana? But I guess no one wants to know. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Did you see that the federal government has made some changes for CMHC and the refinancing now? I love this. So they can allow a 90% loan to value for home renovations to add a suite for family members. This is up to $2 million. And they're saying this is going to allow for people to have a new rental apartment, add an in-law suite, or build a laneway home. So it's going to give people, as Freeland says,
Starting point is 00:30:00 so your aging parents can stay at home longer and families can live together. This is, you know, we have a problem here in Canada or not a problem, a challenge here in Canada where people came in, a lot of people came in, the amount of units being built, homes didn't meet the number of people coming in. So there was added pressure to the existing system,
Starting point is 00:30:21 rentals went up, price of homes went up in terms of cost. So this is one way to alleviate it. So without building a bunch of new units, you're just trying to pass this off to private entities, to homeowners to help renovate their home and to make it so it gets a multi dwelling unit, so to speak. And this is one way to help alleviate the pressures on the housing system i suspect there's going to be a lot of people in some parts of the gt like brampton is going to take advantage of this if they already haven't done so they probably will because it just makes sense they they've been doing it already so why not continue to do it now they have even more opportunity to finance this is this going to solve any problems? No, but we have been putting homes in laneways
Starting point is 00:31:06 for the past little while. They're just trying to find anything possible to try to deal with this challenge. Except actually building homes. They can't build them fast enough. Why? That's a good question. I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 00:31:21 The red tape, the fees, it's all too high. These guys are getting in their own way. The best part about this is that there is only one problem brewing greater than the housing problem, and it's the debt problem. And Canadian households, we've talked about many times, drowning in credit card debt, drowning in line of credit debt, drowning in car debt, education debt, all this stuff. I'm going to cruise through the flow chart that I have in my head about where this ends up. If I wanted to build a laneway home on my property, I could do it. I would take a loan out. I would make more YouTube shorts or whatever and find a way to get some more money, take more hours at work, whatever the case is, and find a way to build a laneway home. Presumably, as mentioned in the article,
Starting point is 00:32:18 for my in-laws who would also contribute to the home or for my brother or for my dad or whatever, right? That's what a competent homeowner would do. A competent homeowner would have a plan so that when mom and dad get to be 80 or 75 or whatever, they have the resources and the sort of method planned out so that they can execute on this vision. That means a number of things. It could mean buying a house where there's already an in-law suite. It could mean buying a large enough property that you can build a laneway home. It could mean any number of things. They're ill-advised and bad. The first problem is that taking 90% LTV loans against your property to build laneway homes doesn't help you. It drowns you in debt. It forces you to work longer. It ensures that you
Starting point is 00:33:26 will never collect your CPP because you're just going to be fucking working the rest of your life trying to pay that mortgage off. And at the end of all this, you're not going to have a house to pass to your kids. And the house is going to wind up back in the market, except to the government's benefit, it will have two doors, neither of which they paid for. Incredible. On top of that, only the dumbest people are going to do this. Competent people are not going to do it. And so you're going to force incompetent people, not only into debt, but into large scale home renovation projects that they don't have the mental firepower to execute on. Plain and simple. Insane that we are going this direction. Completely bonkers. But Len, anything to solve the problem except, of course, addressing the supply side
Starting point is 00:34:17 of the issue. We just won't do it. The demand side seems to be completely off the table, and now we're not going to address demand or supply either. There's an understanding here, clearly, that we don't have enough doors, a term and a measuring stick that I hate for a number of reasons I've outlined before and I won't get into now. This doesn't fix it. It simply does not fix it.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Nobody wants to live in a fucking basement anyways, right? That's the other thing. You're adding basement apartments. It doesn't help you with the problems that you're actually having because the housing problem is one piece. It's one signpost along the way to a huge demographic issue, whether it's birth rates or the increased share of men in the population now. Good luck, man. I'm never building a fucking apartment in this house ever, ever. I don't care what it costs. I'm only going to build a laneway house if I get a property with significant acreage and I want to move one of my parents in or move my in-laws in or whatever. That's the only time I'll do it. And the idea that I will do it for any other reason, no matter how
Starting point is 00:35:24 perverse an incentive is put in front of me is insane. I'll will do it for any other reason no matter how perverse an incentive is put in front of me is insane i'll never do it because competent people won't do it only incompetent people will do it and they will be buried in this mistake for the rest of their life yeah i don't have anything to add to that it's a new program let's see what happens yeah let's see what happens yep welcome to the canadians see what happens podcast yes let's do the last canadian story because we're going up to an hour 45 very soon canada and india looks like diplomatic war because um there's a dispute over an assassination and it took place in canada So six diplomats in each of the countries were recalled and for us, sorry, the Indian High Commissioner and five other diplomats gone
Starting point is 00:36:11 and from what I was reading here, Trudeau was saying we will never tolerate the involvement of a foreign government threatening and killing Canadian citizens on Canadian soil. India has made a monumental mistake in choosing to use their diplomats and organized crime to attack Canadians. Police uncovered evidence of a targeted campaign against Canadian citizens by agents of the Indian government. Remember Hardeep Singh Nijjar, 45 years old, was fatally shot last year, two ago two years ago in bc right
Starting point is 00:36:49 and he was leaving a sikh temple in suri bcs and he got shot and killed not only has this allegation come up the u.s state department recently said that an indian inquiry committee set up to investigate a plot to assassinate another prominent Sikh separatist leader living in New York would travel to Washington on Tuesday as part of their ongoing investigations to discuss the case. Looks like even Washington is now getting involved. And there's some sort of foreign involvement that may be going on U.S. soil as well. This is pretty fucking crazy stuff. And I know that now there's some sort of diplomatic war between Canada and the United States.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Sorry, Canada and India. And that's just, you know, maybe it's hyperbole with what I'm saying, a diplomatic war, but it kind of seems like that. I'm not sure what's this going to impact in terms, moving forward,uance of visas over there i don't think it's going to impact that whatsoever but this is interesting to see how this thing plays out the relations between canada india are getting pretty shitty they're tense everywhere right tense at the sort of level of the average citizen thanks to immigration and prs and whatnot and now also tense at the level of the federal government. I don't know. I have nothing to add.
Starting point is 00:38:10 It's still a fresh story, right? This only happened, I think, yesterday or today. So we'll continue to watch it here on the Canadian See What Happens podcast. But for now, I don't know. Stay tuned. Add this to the list of global tensions, right? That's sort of the theme. We're going to continue going down this road where everyone hates everyone for x or y reason it doesn't seem to be slowing down even us we're supposed to be like the you know
Starting point is 00:38:33 favorite son right when you go traveling you're supposed to have a canadian flag on your backpack it's like supposed to increase the uh number yeah you know serendipitous uh interactions you have if you have that backpack on but i guess not that's it joy let's uh let's end it now 140 let's wrap it up yeah that's a good job good job today thanks everyone for tuning in uh sly goomba wednesday night i might be there len will be there for sure we're going to talk to him about all things bitcoin what do you want what are you gonna talk to him about it will remain to be seen i'm not sure yet i'll have to figure it out i want to talk about his podcast too like why it's not going on anymore or at least a temporary hiatus but yeah either way the goomba i can't i want to talk about mario
Starting point is 00:39:22 just so much we could talk about over there yeah we're looking forward to it we'll talk to you guys soon take care of yourselves don't be a cock

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