The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #186 (Full Episode) - Central Banks Panic, Saylor vs Self Custody, Degenerate Behavior (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: October 23, 2024

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES  Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST.   From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact ...Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠⁠Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.D-Central Technologies - home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 friends and enemies welcome back to the canadian bitcoiners podcast i'm getting a notification here that our twitch profile is not going to let me do the live stream tonight that's okay darn twitch what's going on no one watches there anyway it doesn't matter um my name is joey that's len this is uh number 186 len what a day what a weekend in price lots of talk last week about uh our favorite mike sailor lots of talk about governments getting upset and worried about bitcoin we'll get to all that as usual but first buddy how the heck are you good to see you i'm good joy i'm still kind of reeling what's happened with michael sailor this past couple of days i'll be honest i don't give it we'll talk about that in a bit i I'm sure. Oh, it's good.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Joey, it's beautiful outside, eh? Like, we're two months away and a few days till Christmas and still it's just gorgeous outside. Like, come on. How could anybody not like this weather? If you don't like this weather, I mean, go move up north,
Starting point is 00:01:00 further up north because this is beautiful. Joey, how are you, buddy? I'm good, man. I think i may or may not be developing some kind of stomach bug i haven't been able to stay off the can today that might be tmi but um good weekend got our first indoor football game of the year in uh what else i do this weekend had some friends over yesterday for the games sunday afternoon games went to a
Starting point is 00:01:20 little uh fire saturday night you know usual stuff recorded an episode of two whites and a blue on friday night oh it's out now the last time that's been done almost a year so yeah because mike you know mike's been really busy he moved out uh will's been busy bought a new place and uh i've been busy obviously with you know our stuff and some other stuff going on so we did record one though if you haven't um if you if you unsubscribe because you thought the feed was dead let me tell you something okay it's not but uh moving forward and what is going to be the the deal is it going to be the cadence i don't know whenever i can get the boys together mike mike messaged me on friday night i was actually drawing up the uh play cards for saturday's game and he just said you know i i feel
Starting point is 00:02:04 like doing a doing a pod said, buddy, come on over. No problem. I'll set it up. So we ripped for about an hour and 15 minutes, talked about, uh, all things, you know, all things, millennial finance lifestyle, the usual is good. Um, yeah. So go definitely subscribe to that feed if you haven't already. Uh, we can talk about that. We can get to the sponsors maybe first, and then we'll talk a little bit more about some housekeeping stuff. Cause we got some, some um some majors coming up this week next week and uh afterwards so len easy dns mark fantastic guy mark was with me on uh saturday at the step up for wayside i should i should have mentioned that when i was talking about my weekend
Starting point is 00:02:38 i did that saturday as well great turnout uh chief of police ste Steve Pakin was there and his father coming out to support the Wayside House of Hamilton. And Mark was there. He's a new board director. Not only is he a board director, though, he's a sponsor of the show, a friend of the show, and a friend of Len and I personally at this point. And you can't really go wrong with using EasyDNS for all your registrar needs. Mark is the friendly neighborhood registrar, as he likes to say. Whether it is making sure you are secure on the domain side with something like DomainShare, great product. We talk about that on Access of Easy, his podcast every week. Or it's making sure that you're not going to be taken down for the content you post,
Starting point is 00:03:22 or it's making sure that you're using pgp and gpg email or it's getting access to a suite of products uh through the wordpress plugins and through the virtual private server stuff and through the many many many different options that easy dns provides to you when you sign up for a domain with them you don't even have to buy your domain there len you can just bring one over no problem mark helped us with that the first time and we've since been buying and renewing with him uh over at easy dns so use our promo code cbp media when you go over start your website use mark 50 off your first round of buys so what do you always say if you're getting 50 50 off your first round of buys what should you do load the cart baby load the car 100 get every service they have to offer and then
Starting point is 00:04:09 half off spend enough that your wife's gonna be mad cbp media and uh you can't go wrong over there easy i like bull bitcoin because they're our second sponsor and one good thing that bull bitcoin offers is non-custodial that's been a topic of debate for the past day or two in ex-Twitter, Bitcoin Twitter. Custodial shit, having the ownership of your keys. Bull Bitcoin, when you buy your Bitcoin through them, they never hold on to the Bitcoin. They send it to you directly. You provide your address where you want it sent to. So when you perform the buy, it gets sent right away after the order is completed.
Starting point is 00:04:44 So that's a wonderful thing. Bull Bitcoin has that feature. Not many, in fact, very few exchanges around the world have that. Buy, sell, you can do it on-chain, Lightning. There's, again, not many that gives you these options here. The fees were jumping up not too long ago. Last week, for whatever reason, I don't know why, but the on-chain fees were getting a little bit pricey. So people should hopefully have started using Lightning, learning how to use it, learning how to buy, learning how to self-custody your Lightning Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:05:15 But if you do, you know, bull Bitcoin, they'll be happy to sell you the Bitcoin through Lightning. Also, they'll buy it from you as well. So if you're looking to sell your Bitcoin, you're good to go. You can also pay your bills with your Bitcoin. So, you know, you've been stacking for a long period of time. The price of Bitcoin has gone up since you first bought.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Well, what could you do with it? You could pay some of the bills and take those large debts that you have on your name and just basically erase them, all thanks to the gains you made with Bitcoin. Of course, Bull Bitcoin is going to help facilitate that. Another thing they'll help you with is buying gift cards.
Starting point is 00:05:47 They have a variety of gift cards available that you can buy through them with your Bitcoin, and you can start spending those gift cards in the real world. So you're kind of indirectly spending your Bitcoin in the real world and using it like that. You're living on a Bitcoin standard. We don't have that here in Canada. Maybe one day, but Bull bitcoin at least can make a virtual version of that with their gift cards open up an account if you haven't already done so and
Starting point is 00:06:11 if you do and fund your account and provide the necessary information 21 we'll be added to your account no questions asked third sponsor decentral technologies len these guys are making mining easy so friendly your wife won't even mind so quiet that you can't even hear it when david st ange runs a bid axe all through the podcast you do with them here on cbp whether you're getting an s19 s21 getting some repairs done you need a new board you need a casing you need some stuff to help heat your house you want to buy a doll you want to buy whatever doll, you want to buy whatever when it comes to mining. And actually, Bitcoin more broadly, these guys probably have
Starting point is 00:06:50 what you're looking for at a great price run by a great group of guys over there, Jonathan and the team. We love what they're doing. And I know many of you bought the CBP branded Bidax, which should be shipping soon. This week, next week, something like that. It was supposed to be mid-October, but they're busy over there. You can't get mad if they ship it a bit later than they said. I don't know if they're going to or not, but it's a small operation. And as you guys know, if you spend any time on Bitcoin Twitter, the popularity of home mining has absolutely skyrocketed in the last six months. So they're very busy, but I promise you'll get what you're looking for. And of course, we don't have a promo code because we never agreed on one
Starting point is 00:07:30 and they don't seem to care and we don't care. And I just want to support them. And I want HomeMining to become part of everyone's sort of onboarding process along with node running, which I also have to do. Maybe like I said, when I get my miner, I'll set up a node at the same time. That seems appropriate.
Starting point is 00:07:44 But in the interim, Decentral Technologies, go to their website, buy something, Anon, and get on board with the decentralization of mining and hash rate. Let's do some housekeeping. Housekeeping for this week. Tomorrow night. Go last week first. I mean, big thanks to Boomer. Boomer. We've got to give him kudos. Yeah, we do. Come last week first. Last week? Big thanks to Boomer. Boomer.
Starting point is 00:08:05 We've got to give him kudos. Come on, man. He stepped up last second. Yeah, it's huge. It's huge. Boomer's been a big part of the show, both in the live chats. He's been our guest booker from time to time, co-host from time to time, and a number of other roles he's played over
Starting point is 00:08:26 the the years we've been doing the program enough that we actually have a group chat with boomer so he's uh he's he's in the uh in the cvp um dojo pretty often with us so we appreciate him helping us with uh with our our yeah in the chat they're asking if you can co-host sure why not no problem hey listen we're gonna be looking for a couple of co-hosts in a row pretty soon, so I'll put you on the list. He co-hosts me. Yeah, right. My God.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Way better than me. The show last week was supposed to be with Sly Goon, but we'll get him on in November for sure. Jeff's still one of our favorites. We have to have him on. Tomorrow, the one and only Mike Campbell making his, uh, third or fourth CBP appearance, uh,
Starting point is 00:09:08 looking forward to talking to him about all things, Canada, all things, uh, you know, I'll try not to be a black pill episode tomorrow, but, uh,
Starting point is 00:09:16 Mike, if you, I said this before, if you've been listening to his show, he has been gloves off man. And the last little while over on money talks, talking to a lot of great people, looking forward to sitting down with him as I gloves off, man, in the last little while over on Money Talks, talking to a lot of great people. Looking forward to sitting down with him, as I always do. Coming up next
Starting point is 00:09:30 week, Ben Rabideau will be on the show, and I'm looking forward to speaking with him about all things housing and immigration. He was ahead of the curve on a lot of the issues that are now en vogue to discuss, both in parliament and in polite conversation over dinner. And he was on it before they were popular. So looking forward to speaking with him as well. I've been a big fan of his for a long time and following him on Twitter. And then Len, after that, I may as well tell people now, you may not see me for like another month after that.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I may be taking care of things at home here for that time. It looks like we're going to be rolling shortly after that. Kenzie is due middle November, but that baby is big. So I don't know if I'll be doing any interview shows. I'm going to do the flagship for as long as I can, but I am not going to book any more interviews probably until December. Even then, Christmas is coming up. You're probably not going to be doing anything until January.
Starting point is 00:10:27 We'll see. We'll see. I can't stay away for too long, buddy. You know how it is. Yeah, we'll see. But anyways, you're talking to Mike Campbell. John Delaney is talking in the chat. He's asking, are you going to be talking about the shit show of the –
Starting point is 00:10:37 With Mike? Probably. Yeah, sure. I don't see why not. Incredibly, Joey. El Salvador. I did some research on this. El Salvador had an election, a general election, I think last year.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Yeah, it was last year. Their population is, I believe, 6.3 million people live in El Salvador. In BC, I believe the population is around 5.5 ish million. I like where this is going. I like where this is going. A country which, by all
Starting point is 00:11:02 metrics, you say Canada has all the resources, has everything available to them. It's going to take a week to figure out who's won the election. I'm going to wrap it up in hours. There's cheating. I'm not going there. There's cheating. What other explanation is there for this?
Starting point is 00:11:18 We don't know how to count. Are we using abacuses now instead of electronic counting machines, or what are we doing? I'm not trying to connect dots. Are we performing seances before we open the ballot? What are we doing? We're cheating. I don't know. I'm not going there.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Okay. Well, I will. It's cheating. Everyone knows the only reason that it takes time to count votes is because there's cheating going on. That's a fact. So there you go. I hope you and Mike Campbell will be able to figure out what's going on.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Oh, for sure for sure yeah we'll figure it out we'll be solving a lot of the world's problems tomorrow i expect mike will come uh again with the gloves off like he always does all right boost what do you say joey yeah a couple of them i want to get off my chest here wartime 333 sats this is gm good morning i guess it is and a couple of beer mugs who Who's drinking in the morning? I still don't get this. We talked about this the other day. When is the time you can have beers in the morning? Depends how wealthy you are.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Another one I thought about the other day was the day I got married. We were definitely having beers in the morning. But just me and my friends. Yeah, there's a few times you could do it probably. So that was a time to celebrate now maybe wartime every day is a time to celebrate because life is good he's i'm assuming he's healthy he's taking life to the fullest and bitcoin is there still to be purchased on the cheap my eyes so good morning drink in the morning cheap bitcoin yeah and i would suggest not the
Starting point is 00:12:44 beer save the money and stack more sats. But that's just my suggestion. Whatever you want. Not financial advice. Moe BTC Dick, 500 sats. Now that the foster has come back to the space, do you think you might try to get him on to CBP? Yes. He lives like half an hour from me and i have another yellow chair here that you can see
Starting point is 00:13:05 that my brother-in-law was in on friday that greg would you know fit very well in for an hour and uh i'd even take him for lunch after at the local spot the collins here in dundas that's where any any guest who comes to cvp who wants to go for lunch after it's on me every single time happy to so greg we'll see you we'll see you soon i hope buddy come on over you take a while we can walk to the pub greg can't beat it it's gonna be getting chilly soon it's all right and when you when you first have the little one you kind of want to limit how many people come in initially oh sure little one is you know susceptible to getting everything you want to let it build some tolerance give Give it a few weeks, maybe longer.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And then floodgates. Just open it up. Come on in. Good advice from a father. Yeah. Want to build immunity as soon as possible, but within reason, of course. That's it for my shit. I'm not sure if you want anything else that you want to check out.
Starting point is 00:14:03 I don't think we have anything else to mention. Can you think of anything? I'm not sure if you want anything else that you want to check out. I don't think we have anything else to mention. Can you think of anything? I'm not sure. No, I mean, in terms of like... I'll tell you what, I started posting to the TikTok account because our AI software allows automatic posting across a couple of different platforms. So I refreshed the TikTok account.
Starting point is 00:14:21 So if you have the Chinese... Yeah, if you have the Chinese spyware app on your phone, I'd appreciate your eyes and your subscription subscription i will literally never be there but uh it's just it's the top of funnel you know thing to get people into the long form stuff that's all so if you're on that app find us happens yeah instagram is also available we'll talk about that's garbage too oh my god i mean i i don't know it's that's your until we see zuckerberg squatting 225 on video i gotta stay off those apps so then that's snapchat or snapchat snapchat's independent i don't use snapchat oh whatsapp whatsapp is them yeah facebook or meta
Starting point is 00:15:01 facebook met like met the blue app is what they call it on the investor calls. Instagram, WhatsApp. That's it, right? This is the big thing that they have, right? Yeah, yeah. Stealing my data at every turn. Anyway, we may as well get into it. Where do you want to start?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Do you want to start with Mike? I'm assuming you want to start with Mike. We could talk about that really quick. Really quick? You want to talk about it? What am I going to say? Everyone knows what your stance is going to be, but i still think they want to hear the rant no but what am i gonna say if it's not your point not your keys not your coin make sure you if you're gonna have
Starting point is 00:15:35 something at least my humble opinion you have the ability to move the bitcoin and if you don't it's well it's not no longer yours It's somebody else's to, they have ownership. It's too bad that MicroStrategy uses a third party to custodial, to do custodial services for their Bitcoin. We talked about,
Starting point is 00:15:54 but I still want to see why, what rationale, what laws, what regulations, what precludes them from doing self-custody? I hear potentially yes. I hear potentially noustody i i hear potentially yes i hear potentially no and there's potentially yes show me you know show me the piece of paper so they can't i'd love to know because they should right like they're talking about these banks trusting
Starting point is 00:16:19 these bigger banks like the fuck you're gonna trust right like bitcoiners what are the best thing about bitcoin is you could custody your own Bitcoin. You could, quote unquote, be your own bank. I agree. Why give up that? I understand that people want it to buy into the company itself. And that's a totally different argument altogether. But for him to say that trusting these bigger banks to custody your Bitcoin, at least his
Starting point is 00:16:41 Bitcoin. It's not even that he says trusting the bigger banks is a good idea like i i don't it's not that i don't i don't disagree or agree necessarily with that sentiment the sentiment i really don't agree with from sailor is where he says that the government is never going to come door to door and get your bitcoin because we're not on a bitcoin standard the way we were on a gold standard when this happened in the 70s. And like, you know, I don't, I don't think that that's actually the case. Actually, Francis had a great tweet that I'm just kind of thinking of now that I should be careful with what you say there. The point is that the government in recent years, you know, all over the world, took steps that before that would have seemed very drastic.
Starting point is 00:17:25 You know, they would have seemed very drastic. They would have seemed maybe not irrational, but certainly not, you know, subject to the rigorous debate that something of that nature should be subjected to before it's imposed on a population in a democratic society. And the idea that that same apparatus won't seize your Coinbase account if the necessity, you know, necessity is a very nebulous term. If the necessity arises, I think is, you know, it's not a game you necessarily want to be playing. That said, I've, you know, I still own MicroStrategy, the stock. I still think that it's a decent play if you have a tax-free savings account
Starting point is 00:18:09 and you don't want to buy the ETFs, fine. But I just think that more than anything, Len, even though we disagree sometimes on some of the fringe content when it comes to custody, and I know we've talked about corporate custody and stuff, the one thing I think we can agree on that we have been right on since we started talking about it is Saylor is a narrative pusher. And that narrative now is pumping his stock price more than anything else. And he can talk about the Bitcoin balance sheet all he wants.
Starting point is 00:18:39 He can talk about custody all he wants. He can talk about he's running a software company now that develops Bitcoin. He can talk about any of that stuff all he wants. But if you look at his public speaking clips, his public speaking podcast appearances, his conference stuff, everything is geared toward pumping the stock price. He's now mentioned in the last six months, Bitcoin's not money. Bitcoin can coexist with the dollar you don't need to worry about custodying your bitcoin micro strategy is an alternative to bitcoin that's not a guy that's not a guy who cares that much about bitcoin i don't think you know where do you come down you i think we agree on that seems to me like that's the case anyway maybe
Starting point is 00:19:21 for the most part like the i just want to go a little bit further back. 61-02, that's when the government would come in and essentially take it from you and give you the equivalent value in U.S. dollars, at least of today's vote. I look at that, okay, that is a remote potential. It's very, very small. That could potentially happen i think the bigger issue i think like is a potential rug by a hack to me that seems to be a bigger thing that could happen you have a hack on coinbase or wherever because you have your bitcoin stored somewhere theoretically i think that's a honeypot and you're going to get all these attacks, attackers trying to get in and get access to it.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I think each day it's very small. The percentage of this becoming a reality is very small. But the next day, it's probably just as small as it is. But you're just rolling the dice every time. It's like you're trying to build a block in bitcoin with a bitax chances are really small but every once in a while you get that solo miner that gets it and the odds were just so fucking high but it got it and it's kind of like this every day that we pass there's a potential that this could get rugged 6102 most likely not by a Buy a hack from North Koreans or somebody similar.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Okay, fine. But it's very small still. It's still small. It's still small. I want to address something John is saying in the chat. That the 6102 maybe is not the actual attack vector that we should be looking at. It's something like what Italy's done with the capital gains, right? Going from something to 42%. I can't remember if it was 16 or 22. 26 to 42, something like what italy's done with the capital gains right going from uh something to 42 i think
Starting point is 00:21:05 i can't remember was 16 or 26 to 42 something like that had numbers two different versions of it so you know that's another option too and i would be curious to hear what sailor says about that because you know he talks a lot about how they're not going to 6102 bitcoin not going to confiscate it we the three of us me you and mike, and Mike. Mike's not here, obviously, but me, you, and Mike agree that 6102 is not super likely. I don't think it's as unlikely as he does. And it sounds like you and me are close to a line on that. But what I do think is fairly likely, especially if Trump loses in November, that the US really does put down some kind of insane capital gains tax law on Bitcoin specifically.
Starting point is 00:21:44 They carve one out. What is it right now? Is it 50%? No carve out. There's no carve out for Bitcoin. So whatever cap gains is, Bitcoin is in there. The thing with Italy is that they did a carve out for Bitcoin. That's the problem, right?
Starting point is 00:21:56 All digital assets. Or whatever. Yeah. Okay. So that's like it's intentionally grabbing one sort of sector of the capital gains swath, right? So to me, that's more likely than what we're talking about with Saylor and MicroStrategy and gold and all that. Yeah, I could see that being a reality. Michael Saylor, though, I think we all have to acknowledge the fact that he may like Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I mean, for sure he likes Bitcoin because he wouldn't do what he's done to date with bitcoin but he is and we really have to acknowledge this he is a fiat dude everything he does everything he's he's lived to this point is all within the feed environment his company is yeah dude is he okay i i get what you're saying but i want to be clear about something. Maybe we agree on this. Is he a fiat guy or is he a compliance guy? I think they're the same in my opinion, the way I look at it. The company he set up would not have been created without having the SEC – or first, he would have to register it within the united states so he has to file the paperwork and eventually he's grown to the point it can be publicly traded so the sec allowed him to be traded publicly so there's a you know a series of hoops he has to jump through
Starting point is 00:23:14 and he has to as compliance and all that shit and but it's still a fiat world right like it's very difficult for somebody like that and i'm i don mean to defend him, but I think this is the reality. Very smart dude. But he has been plugged into this fiat world for so long. It's so difficult to unplug from it and to look things through a Bitcoin lens. It's just virtually impossible. And even if he does that, his company is still going to be operating within the fiat world. So until the company, I i guess stops being publicly traded he
Starting point is 00:23:46 takes a private and does whatever he wants with it it's going to be just a fiat company he's going to look at things through a fiat lens and he's a fiat bitcoiner he understands that there's this is a scarce asset he understands certain things of it but other things he's a fiat bitcoiner i mean i don't know how else to describe it and that's cool he with respect to his company and we've talked about in the past he has found this the cheat sheet where he's simply just borrowing on or diluting and then buying more bitcoin and this works until it doesn't but it seems like so far it has worked quite well because when he first bought it back in 2020 august bitcoin was at that point like 27,000 whatever the heck it was
Starting point is 00:24:25 it was you know in hindsight a great decision so for him to get to the point where it's going to be his average buying price is negative Bitcoin has got to drop a lot so he looks like he looks like he made a very good decision here but still come on guys like
Starting point is 00:24:41 do whatever you want with buying it or not buying MSTR. Like, I don't give a fuck. You know my opinion about it. I know. Everybody has their own, you know, they can do what they want with their money. But for God's sakes, if you're going to fucking be a Bitcoiner, learn how to fucking custody your Bitcoin. This fundamental of Bitcoin, do not give it up.
Starting point is 00:25:01 It makes no sense to give it up. Because if you do, you potentially have the – there's the potential of losing it. Why? Why risk it? If you can't trust yourself to hold either 12 and or 24 keys and maybe a passphrase on top of it or multisig. Fuck, come on, man. Like there's far more things that we've been – like you were saying, like people remember all these things. Your email address, the password to your work computer, the password to your home.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Like there's all these things people remember. It's not hard to fucking remember this shit, this shit somewhere. You could do it, learn it. And if you don't, if you fucking have problems with, I'll show you the fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I'll take you nine tenths of the way there. And you can walk that last little bit. It's not that hard. Yeah. Okay. We can, we can leave this topic. It's just interesting.
Starting point is 00:25:44 It's, it's really brought the passion out of a we can leave this topic it's just interesting it's it's really brought the passion out of a lot of people and uh in a way i didn't think that it would i thought everyone kind of knew this about sailor already but i guess um i guess not he gets a lot of attention and i think people look at his he picks his i gotta know like not i don't really want him on cdp i would take him if he wanted to come, like, I don't really want him on CBP. I would take him if he wanted to come, but like, I'm not going to ask him to come on this show. I got to know how he picks his podcast is another thing I am starting to kind of take
Starting point is 00:26:13 note of. Like, what is Markets with Matty? Like, I've never heard of this show before. It doesn't have that many, it has more subs than us, but like on YouTube anyways, I don't know how many listens it gets, but there's not that many... It's not that popular a channel, right? So why... Is it possible they paid him?
Starting point is 00:26:30 It's possible they paid him. It's possible that he just wants, like I said before, a place to bulldoze somebody and the Bitcoin crowd is not that friendly to it anymore. And so he just picks a new place where he can steamroll, right? That's my working thesis it continues to be my my belief that he only cares about being able to get off 30 or 35 minutes of uninterrupted narrative pushing if he does a show and there's not that many bitcoin shows that'll let him do it anymore people are saying he may be a spook and i don't buy that i don't think he's a spook
Starting point is 00:27:02 yeah like he's just a fiat every big every bitcoiner thinks this guy's a spook and i don't buy that fucking i don't think he's a spook yeah like he's just a fiat every big every bitcoiner thinks this guy's a spook like i know i know but like everyone is like oh he's a spook he's a spook like first of all like there's just a regular guy that's and like he's a flawed guy you know like he i think he's got half this half the stuff he says i think is pretty bright and i think it's broadly correct and then he says some stuff i disagree with it's not a spook jesus christ stop with the spook talk look at the what's going on in europe with the european central bank and i love the federal reserve they this a couple of reports that are interesting i'll do this one chronologically so i gotta start with the ecb and they're talking about early adopters of bitcoin getting wealthy
Starting point is 00:27:46 is this not the most communist bullshit you've ever heard no this is they're saying that people it's call me nonsense it's call me nonsense no the way i'm looking at this is they look at this like a shit coin where it's exit liquidity right they're saying that people right now are going to be funding and making the early adopters wealthy. Today, I'm looking at that, and they're saying you're exit liquidity. Yeah, that's what you...
Starting point is 00:28:11 Okay, fair enough. I'm looking at it through that point of view. I mean, either way, I mean, it's like a truly a no-coiner sentiment here. How could anybody even consider that this is the case? Either way, if that is the case, the argument could be applied to everything, anything. Pick whatever company that you want to invest in or have invested in. Shareholders of insert company name have always, the early adopters, have always benefited as long as the company was successful.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And they were the beneficiaries compared to the people that coming in later on this is always the fucking case even not just fucking shareholders and company it's even with real estate for the most part as long as real estate wherever you live in has been going up if you bought it a long time ago compared to now right like this is same bullshit it's like i i don't i don't fucking buy it people look at bitcoin as an asset that you could be free from the basement these guys they don't present any anything else that's free from the basement so like no fuck off so you know it's really supply scarcity demand that's what you should be looking at not looking at this and making
Starting point is 00:29:21 these people wealthy at the expense of newcomers and whatever doesn't this shit make you more bullish on bitcoin though it does it does for sure the funniest thing the funniest thing is that these two people bindell binsale and shaft they've written three articles about bitcoin in the last two years okay this one the other day whenever this was like you know a week ago or something like that they wrote so they wrote this one in 2022 i don't have them in front of me i should have again like save this if i was feeling better today i would remember to do all this shit uh in 2022 they wrote an article or sorry earlier this year they wrote an article i should say when um the etfs came out and it said the title of the article was the naked emperor's new clothes. And it was about how the ETFs were a fraud basically. And Bitcoin still had no value and wasn't an investable asset,
Starting point is 00:30:15 blah, blah, blah. In 2020 or 2022, I should say, you know what the article they wrote, you may remember this. Bitcoin's death knell or something like that. They basically said that Bitcoin was 17K. FTX wasn't even needed to drive this thing to complete irrelevance and worthlessness, blah, blah, blah. So these guys are basically writing stuff that's just always wrong. These people are the same ones who want to dictate to you about what economic policy policy should be they want to do things like absolutely crush uh the value of bitcoin with ridiculous taxes tour has a pretty good thread about this i won't rehash all of it but there's a couple of good like quotes in here that truly are just detached from reality so i'm going to read a couple of them in absolute terms early
Starting point is 00:31:02 adopters exactly increase their wealth and consumption at the expense of real wealth and consumption. Real wealth and consumption. What the fuck does that mean? Of those who do not hold Bitcoin or who invest in it only at a later stage. The new Lamborghini, Rolex, Villa, and equity portfolios by early Bitcoin investors are financed by diminishing consumption and wealth of those who initially do not hold Bitcoin. This redistribution of wealth and purchasing power is unlikely to occur without
Starting point is 00:31:30 detrimental consequences for society. Even if the latecomers cannot attribute their loss of purchasing power, they will feel a malaise and frustration that will contribute further to an ever more split society. You're fucking retarded. You guys have been doing the exact same thing, all that shit with your native currency. The Americans do it. The Canadians do it. The European countries do it at the ECB level. They all do it. They just don't want you to benefit. They're fine with being first to the trough as long as they're the ones who are eating the slop as it comes down from the feeder. But heaven forbid that you get on top of something in a way that they weren't able to, weren't seeing, weren't able to understand, laughed at, and now they're going to be the ones who show up late to the party. And yeah, you do deserve to be the fucking exit liquidity, guys.
Starting point is 00:32:23 That's your role now. You held onto this thing so fucking long, even as everybody told you that this thing was not long for this world, even as you pretended that debt was as valuable as functional money, even as you pretended that the fiat currency would last forever, even though none had ever lasted forever before. You deserve it. That's all there is to it. Whatever trough you end up eating from now, it will be the one that you earned the slop of, period, end of story. I have no sympathy for these people at all. None. I like that because I believe that bitcoiners are psychopaths and don't care about anybody else and you said what you said they're pretty much proof it's proof so i like that truly we're psychopaths so not to be outdone the ecb did their thing but then the federal
Starting point is 00:33:17 reserve came out with a report talking about the legal prohibition the minneapolis fed yeah the minneapolis fed but it's part of the fucking crew, right? I don't care. As long as it has Federal Reserve in it, that's it. I'm fucking plucking you all together. Guilty by association. And they say they're going to, the report said about legal prohibition on Bitcoin or implementing a tax as to a way to potentially stop its adoption or people wanting to get it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Come on, man. At this point point people want it because the alternatives out there fucking suck there are people out there that are buying gold and that's fine that's your choice i would recommend people look into history what happens is confiscation of gold i'm not talking about 6102 i'm talking about other things also about transportability of gold you can't really transport it easily and quickly and verification of gold is very costly as well. Bitcoin solves a lot of those problems.
Starting point is 00:34:08 But either way, if people are buying gold, all the more power to you. This is the reality. People are trying to find other alternatives out there. They're not happy with just simply holding on to cash. They're just trying to buy anything. Is it going to be a precious metal? Is it going to be an ownership into a company? Is it going to be Bitcoin precious metal? Is it going to be an ownership into a company? Is it going to be Bitcoin?
Starting point is 00:34:26 Whatever the fuck it is, holding on to cash makes no fucking sense. There's nothing they could do to make Bitcoin less attractive. Fuck, even if they go to the nth degree and ban Bitcoin, right? They just say, you know what? Bitcoin, purchasing it, selling it, all these exchanges are done. Mining it in the United States, no longer possible. It's still going to work. And you know what? The price of it is going to be
Starting point is 00:34:49 still very high. Look at shit that's already been banned. And I'm trying to say like, look at drugs, but look at drugs because it's so hard to get. People fucking want it for a variety of reasons. Fucking price goes up. Right? So there's nothing.
Starting point is 00:35:05 The horse has left the barn. You can't close a door and try to contain that horse. It's a long fucking time. Totally. Yeah, I totally agree. Some good quotes from this one. Government stock is like Bitcoin,
Starting point is 00:35:19 a claim to nothing. While the government may be paying a dividend, it does so not by distributing a primary surplus, but by simply printing more claims to nothing. Incredible. Also, maybe worth noting here that Matthew Siegel, who was the guy I sent you the tweets of, this is crazy. The thing that I think is important here is that they know that the consumer is smart enough to understand that the debt game is failing, right? We've talked about on the show how Lagarde has spoken about Bitcoin and other crypto assets as escape hatches. We have to cover the doors basically while the theater is on fire and make sure people just roast.
Starting point is 00:36:02 And now these guys are basically saying the same thing. This idea that they have to be able to have primary deficit in order to protect the system is one that's, it's no longer in the best interests of the majority of market participants. I think it's clear. It may never have been in the majority of market participants. I think it's clear. It may never have been in the majority of market participants' best interest, but now that majority, thanks to stuff like Twitter, thanks to stuff like our show and other shows and Tuer's tweets and his reports, now everyone can see this. And so as I've said before, as will continue to play out, there will start to be a real pinch on people talking about Bitcoin in terms of currency replacement and currency value
Starting point is 00:36:51 replacement and hard asset replacement, because there's just no way that this is going to work unless they tell people to stop talking about it. And they, again, you know, they is a term that we try not to use on the show, but we end up using it a lot anyways. The banks simply were not prepared for how quickly everyone would wake up to this phenomenon. And whether or not you own Bitcoin or not is no longer even the question, it seems, for these guys. The question is actually, do you know about it? And if you know about it, what does that do to the faith and power of the debt-based currency regime? That's tough. Taxing Bitcoin to ensure government debt remains the only risk-free security, you could try, I guess. But it's going to be difficult.
Starting point is 00:37:39 It's going to be difficult. The other thing I would point out to people, especially the tax simps out there, oh, we need taxes to build roads and hospitals. Again, don't want to use the R word twice in one show, but you know what I'm going to call you. And the reason I'm going to call you that is because this is an admission that taxes are a behavioral nudge, not a mechanism for funding government operations. there's no other way to discuss taxes at this point. If you are one of these R words who still think that taxes are meant to fund operations and not to keep you in your place and force behaviors, I think it's probably time to get a helmet and make sure your shoes are Velcro before you leave the house because we can't have people like you out there. You're not going to contribute. You're going to vote the wrong way all the time. You're not people like you out there. You're not going to contribute. You're going to vote the wrong way all the time. You're not going to raise good kids.
Starting point is 00:38:27 You're not going to contribute to the economy. Can't have you hurting this cause just because you're too short-sighted and too stupid. They're telling you here what the taxes are meant for. And it's not for sewers and hospitals. You've got to figure the rest out yourself. I got to go talk about BidX right yourself. I gotta go talk about BidX right now. I like talking about BidX and BidX users make note that a new firmware has been
Starting point is 00:38:52 released version 2.3.0. And this was released in the past few days. And essentially, it's just some bug fixes, and new improvements. Like for one instance, it's allows for the connection to open Wi Fi networks. And I assume this is going to make it easier for people to mine on a go to find that open network and just connect to it and mine. I don't know. There's some overheat alert and overheat mode improvements. And this might be for people that overclock, but I'm not 100% sure. But there's a whole bunch of other things. What I would suggest, the bin file is out there for people who want to upgrade the firmware to your bid X.
Starting point is 00:39:26 And as always, the source code is available for everybody to see the instructions can be found on slash Scott S K O T slash E S P dash minor. And that's where you can find everything instructions, the source code, the bins, everything you need to upgrade the firmware to your BitAxis. I have no comment on that.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Yeah. Upgrade your firmware. Yeah. Don't wait. Don't wait. Act now. So let's talk about this beauty that's now being traded on the NASDAQ. It's the new ETF called the the stkd bitcoin and gold etf and the ticker is btgd
Starting point is 00:40:11 and so the gist of this as per coin telegraph it's an actively managed etf and it seeks to provide a hundred percent exposure to its bitcoin strategy and a hundred percent exposure to its Bitcoin strategy and 100% exposure to its gold strategy. So it's intended to have a mix of ETFs and futures tied to the price both of Bitcoin and gold. Very interesting that now there's this. I kind of like it. It's like the hard money ETF, right? And hard money these days is outperforming. I think this is kind of a neat thing.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Where's the 2x bull leverage version of this? That's what we need. So there's futures involved with this. And to be perfectly frank, I can't speak with authority on it. I'm not sure if this is something that tends to work in the long run. I don't know. But it's just something to note for people that want to buy into this in their tax free or tax whatever account so bt gd on a nasdaq have fun staying poor if you're gonna do it yeah okay sure listen i i i've been impressed with the gold move and i think bitcoiners should
Starting point is 00:41:21 be paying attention to the gold move because what always happens you know we we outperform gold like crazy in these in these markets excuse me and uh we are you know on the cusp of something major here i think a lot of the guys who seem to be right a lot of the time about tailwinds headwinds and sort of measured moves and i know ta is at least a little bit you know for the birds but um it would at least a little bit, you know, for the birds, but, um, it would be nice to have a nice, you know, breakthrough to a hundred K, 120 K on the back of what's been a great year for gold, a Trump election win, and, you know, some technicals on the Bitcoin side that look like we're due. Um, I'd be, I'd be happy with that. And so when I, when I, you know, I, I know that Bitcoiners don't all like gold,
Starting point is 00:42:05 but you have to at least look at it and respect that the ancient rock is doing its thing in a way that it hasn't done its thing in a long time. That's something to pay attention to if you're a hard money guy, for sure. It makes me wonder, at what point would a Bitcoiner look at gold? I bought a gold chain last year because I thought this was going to happen. I told my wife 100 times that this is the reason i'm doing it like you can't i never wear the chain outside my neck the thing is if the if the gold gets any more expensive i'll have to leave the chain in a vault or something won't be able to leave the house with it then that's the
Starting point is 00:42:38 thing that i always wonder when gold gets expensive you got to find somebody to hold on to it and then when you do get it get your hands in, how easy it is to liquidate. And if you want to move it, how easy. If you ever want to liquidate some gold, you let me know. Okay. It's a deep market. You just got to know the right people. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:42:58 But Bitcoin, though, a lot of these problems that gold has, it's eliminated. So that's what I'm looking at. Oh, yeah, yeah. If Bitcoin is trading 50% of its all-time high and gold is at, say, 100% of its all-time, so it's currently at its all-time high right now, I'd still prefer Bitcoin just because of all the properties that come along.
Starting point is 00:43:19 There has to be, like, it's got to be a fraction of an all-time high from Bitcoin's all-time high versus Bitcoin, sort of gold being at its all-time high for me to even consider gold. I like gold, but just too many things happened in the past few years that made me, fuck it. It's not worth it. Depends if you're into the whole Lindy man thing. Maybe you like the gold more than Bitcoin, but I think otherwise. And don't forget too, one of the things that's worth thinking about is
Starting point is 00:43:45 the younger people aren't buying gold, but they will buy Bitcoin as the price moves, right? So there's a whole different demo there. We've talked about this in the past during other big time bull market moves. I'm hyped, man. I think this is a good thing for everybody to see gold doing this.
Starting point is 00:44:00 It sends a message and it's doing it in an environment, a rate environment that you wouldn't normally see this happen in. And the DXY is still above 103 i'm pretty sure too which is generally a cross current so it's good this is a good sign and the young people are i think apt to go into debt use credit card to buy the bitcoin yeah bankruptcy i lost a bitcoin in a boating accident nice good move yeah i see Yeah, I see. There's some things here. Not financial advice, but that was a bad move. This is just all hypothetical.
Starting point is 00:44:29 And if one allegedly does this, they're going to be, well, no, they're definitely not. I don't know what it's like in other jurisdictions, but here I think that bankruptcy stays with you for seven years in Canada. I have no idea. Seven years isn't that long. It's a long time to not being able to get any credit cards or sign off or loan for a house, car. It sucks. But if you load it up on Bitcoin, you're laughing, depending on how much you got.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Speaking of, we talked about the SEC approving that one. Let's talk about something else, because the New York Stock Exchange, there's now options trading for all spot Bitcoin ETFs. And so basically, it's not just any type of approval they gave it. They called it, quote unquote, accelerated approval. Perfect. Love that.
Starting point is 00:45:14 We live in a simulation land. We have to be. Have to be living in a simulation. Exactly that. I love this accelerated approval. So we're talking about the Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund, the ARK21 Shares Bitcoin ETF, the Invesco Galaxy Bitcoin ETF, and a whole bunch of others.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Okay. So they all got approval as of last Friday. And as per Reuters, the index options, they are listed derivatives offering a quick and inexpensive way to amplify exposure to Bitcoin. On a Bitcoin index, that would give institutional investors and traders an alternate way to hedge their exposure to blah blah blah so either way i i see this now they're approving all these fucking things remember it took them how long for them to approve like i'd
Starting point is 00:45:56 say that the most generous answer is three years probably and that happened last uh january i think that yeah january february right something around there we need a cbp etf i think we've got to file paperwork for this it could help fund our retirements and we could live and if that's the case we will stream this shit 24 7 so you'll have a so if you invest in the etf and the funds are beautiful retirement lives i'll be somewhere warm i don't know where joey's going to be but white sandy beaches for me, no winters. That's what I want. Yeah, we'll be doing this 24-7 and hopefully we'll be in a place where no capital gains tax is going to be applied on the sale of our Bitcoin. So I hope that the SEC does go and approve the CBP ETF.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Paperwork should be filed very, very soon. If anybody knows how to do this, let me know because I have no idea. I'm fucking... Yeah, I like that. That's a good... The ticker for the audio side. Yeah. Cuck from Boomer. That's a good idea. Yeah, yeah. I think they'll say no to that. Either way, fuck the SEC.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Do you care about, like, from a price perspective... I mean, you're the wrong guy to ask about price anyway because you truly are just not caring about any of this stuff. But I see some people getting pretty hyped up about this on Twitter because it'll add volatility, which we like in Bitcoin or we're supposed to like in Bitcoin. I don't know really if futures and options and whatnot work that well for Bitcoin because it's not quite like an equity position would be. But I don't know enough about it to say one way or the other. I don't care about this.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I've never looked at options on anything really, even though Wealthsimple tells me every day that I should be looking at options. So yeah, I don't recommend people buy this, honestly. That is financial advice. I would stay away from this. Oh no, it ain't. It ain't.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Stay away. Always do your own research. Stay away. Stay away. Stay away. Datum, we talked about the code last week, the program last week. It was released by the folks from Ocean Mining. They took it a step further this past week because they released the source code as well as the Linux binaries and the StartOS packages. So StartOS users can easily start running datum on their
Starting point is 00:48:08 software or node. You can check it out slash ocean dash xyz slash datum underscore gateway. Hopefully, everybody got that. So currently, right now, only Linux based distributions are supported. Other os's will be supported in the future and of course you need to run a bitcoin full node and bitcoin knocks is bitcoin knots is recommended i'll talk about that in a second they say that approximately one gigabyte of ram plus one gigabyte of ram per 1000 stratum clients plus bitcoin RAM node requirements have to be applicable here. So I'm saying that if you don't have eight gigabytes, you're probably going to be as well at least eight gigabytes minimum, probably more if you really want to run your node seamlessly. And of
Starting point is 00:48:57 course, you need all the mining hardware to reach the system running the datum gateway. So as for Bitcoin knots being highly recommended, they say this because it gives miners fine control on how they wish to construct the block template. And they say other node implementations, including Bitcoin Core, it's severely lacking in template control options. And this, they say, unfortunately, is a centralizing force which partly defeats the purpose of decentralized block template creation in the first place so again for people that want to run this datum you could simply do it as long as it's linux-based distribution slash running start os and you have
Starting point is 00:49:37 the necessary hardware and of course you're running knots but if you're running something like start os i believe you could just simply check some boxes or something like that to change your core to knots. And if you're running Bitcoin core, like I'm running right here on my computer, I can just simply download and run knots and I don't have to re-sync the blockchain. It's just, it just works. So it's a seamless transition to go to core to knots and vice versa so yeah very cool stuff it's open source written mostly in c very cool that at that so yeah thoughts joey do you recommend it if you're your own if you mine and you want to do some block creation and you want to see the process how it's done absolutely i haven't dived into it because like i mentioned i'm running core
Starting point is 00:50:24 i do intend to try knots in the not too distant future. So I don't have any firsthand experience, but just basically what I read, why not give it a try, um, this for a little bit. But again, if this is only, if you're using ocean mining, if you're going to be, from what I understand, if you're using one of those solo pools that you're using your bididAx and pointing it to, I don't think this is applicable. I could be wrong, though. Yeah, I don't know enough about mining to talk that much about this, but I will say broad strokes. One thing I've noticed about the current cycle that we're in is that the number of people willing to experiment on everything from mining to hardware wallets to uh different node
Starting point is 00:51:06 software filters good example good catalyst for all this stuff i think um and the ease with which you can do so now thanks to a lot of these open source projects this is the first cycle we've had this before it was sort of can't touch certain things not worth it uh it's hard to run stuff it's hard to use some of these software interfaces. And now that's basically completely changed. It's still not 10 out of 10 easy. It's not Nintendo 64 easy, but it's a lot better than it was, it feels like, even two or three years ago. So I'm happy to see this. It's been fun watching this stuff happen over the last, I would say, especially the last six months, but probably even before that. When is the last big news we had that was terrible for Bitcoin?
Starting point is 00:51:48 Almost never. Yeah. It's been a couple of years. I'm thinking the 2020. Well, when you're thinking about news that's bad, I think the news that's bad now is relative to the sort of size and speed that the Bitcoin train is going, right? Like four years ago when we started the show or three years ago when we started the show, we would have said that Italy raising the tax to 42% was huge news. Now it gets mentioned in
Starting point is 00:52:16 passing during another story and it won't get brought up again. Like it just doesn't matter. And so what would have to happen for it to be considered big, bad news? You know, that's really the story. We always have something that's maybe not harmful, but something to look out for in Bitcoin. We just it just doesn't matter the same way it did a couple of years ago. That's fair. Maybe a repeat of what happened in 2020, though, when we had FTX Block 5 Voyager. Like a big blow up yeah maybe yeah and that really just impacted the price in terms of how much we believe in bitcoin the the
Starting point is 00:52:53 principles of bitcoin if nothing's changed but let me let me ask you a question on that topic do you think that if blackrock took a stake a significant stake in Coinbase or in Kraken or in whatever, that it would be an indication that one of those exchanges was about to go belly up? I don't know. Do you think that's the case? I just think on the surface, if I hear that, it just seems like they want more exposure into what they offer. Do they typically do that?
Starting point is 00:53:21 Do they get it into something before it goes tits up? I'm not sure i just think that it's kind of an interesting option for them to prevent a big price decline right like like you mentioned their ftx and all those other ones when they went belly up uh what happened to the price right it was 60 70 drop basically in an instant and blackrock now has a pretty significant interest in not allowing that to happen and the firepower to prop up and exchange if need be. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's an interesting point.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Yeah, I don't know. I have to think about that a bit more, but it just came to my mind there. Maybe it's advantageous for them to see the price drop significantly in a short period of time because to the best of my knowledge, they haven't purchased any and added to their balance sheet. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Maybe the price is prohibitive for them to do for them to do that and if it drops significantly they look at it you know it's a it's a decent price to buy when it's you know 35 40 000 versus what it is now well we have to ask uh we'd have to ask uh tim blackrock not tim apple but tim blackrock see what he thinks. Let's talk about Marathon. We've got a few minutes left. Sure. And Marathon, I think they might be entering the de-gen territory, given what they've done this past.
Starting point is 00:54:35 So this past week, they said they opened a $200 million line of credit, and they're going to be using part of their bitcoin as collateral for this they're currently sitting on around 26 almost 27 000 btc and that's valued around 1.8 billion dollars so from this they're only using about 3 000 of their bitcoin for this line of credit for the collateral and you're looking at the market cap of umathon. It's $5.5 billion. And so this $200 million is just a small percentage of their overall valuation. But they're using this new line of credit to fund capitalized – sorry, funds to capitalize on strategic opportunities and for other general corporate purposes. It's kind of vague, but it doesn't really scream like I'm doing something good with this money. It's just they need it.
Starting point is 00:55:26 What these guys all do now is they take money and use the money to buy more Bitcoin. That's what they did in the past. Yeah. They bought. So in August, they got $249 million worth of Bitcoin. And at that time, they used convertible senior notes that are due in 2031. So that one in particular, they said they bought Bitcoin. This one they're saying they're using it for funds to capitalize on strategic opportunities and for other general corporate purposes.
Starting point is 00:56:01 What strategic opportunities? I don't know. What strategic opportunities does don't know well like what strategic opportunities does a miner have right power another company yeah or acquisitions right like it's got to be one of the two yeah yeah um there's a lot of different things but you're gonna start up a media arm i don't know and this is no small company, too. With respect to how much hash they have, they're trying to get to 50 exahash per second this year, and they're almost there.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I'm looking at that. They're taking on more and more debt. Large company in terms of hash rate. It seems like there are some comparables to core scientific. I'm not trying to say this is going to happen as long as boomers in the chat saying the same thing that he thinks they're high on the list of companies that might get wrecked if the next bear market were to start or when it starts yeah so as long as the price of bitcoin doesn't go below a certain price i don't know what that price may be but they're going to have some real problems just like micro strategy would but in terms of micro
Starting point is 00:57:04 strategy the price of bitcoin needs to drop significantly for them to be in problems. It might have to be dropping below $10,000 per coin for MicroStrategy being in problem. I could be wrong with that number. But Marathon, I don't think it has to go that much lower. I'm going to guess less than $50,000 per Bitcoin. Is that possible? I don't even know. This is why we've talked about this in the past there's a good way to leverage your bitcoin position and there's a bad way to
Starting point is 00:57:34 leverage it there's the the thinking that we just discussed you could leverage your bitcoin position to buy more bitcoin you know maybe that's a good idea. Maybe it's not. It at least shows you really all in on the Bitcoin thing. But this whole idea of strategic opportunities is not one that I am fond of. Because if you're a miner, it's hard to be active outside of hardware or energy and see benefits to the market cap of your company. So unless you're using it as a treasury asset boost, which honestly, right now might not be a bad time to do it. But if I was a shareholder of this company, it's just another sort of head scratcher for me, I think.
Starting point is 00:58:21 If you think it's going to be going up, the price of Bitcoin is. Now's the time. Yeah, now's the time. Yeah. Now's the time. Right. But then they're just doing the same thing. Micro strategy did, did,
Starting point is 00:58:30 but just, yeah. Yeah. But MSTR has cashflow. That's not related to Bitcoin. Yes. Yes. Like this is the thing, right?
Starting point is 00:58:38 So you have that free cashflow. If you have FCS, that's, you know, enterprise software or whatever he's doing. That's one thing. But if your free cashflow is also dependent on the price of bitcoin not to mention you know we've talked about this before but it's worth you know reminding people what are what are miners all every single
Starting point is 00:58:55 bear market they're for sellers you know the there this is not you don't want to be leveraging bitcoin to buy bitcoin and then have to sell and have your margin call or whatever, you know, it's not, that's not the situation you want to be in. And as I mentioned, strategic opportunities outside of power or hardware, both of which are nearly impossible to execute well on because of the competition. Now I don't see the, I don't see the case for this. It could be too land that there was a, you know, that these guys still think the strategy of announcing something like this and
Starting point is 00:59:24 watching the stock price go up on the announcement still works, even though it hasn't worked now for probably a year and a half. Um, maybe that's, uh, another angle to take, right. Have we ever had anyone from marathon on the podcast?
Starting point is 00:59:37 No, no. Okay. We have not. I don't think we will. I have no desire to, I just can't remember if we did or not. So the answer is that we're probably never, there was a time when we were ripping a minor basically yeah yeah there
Starting point is 00:59:47 was always somebody on right now if it's not jeff lucas or ben from biff arms like i i don't really i don't know bernette yeah bernette bernette i would have on yeah of course we like him a lot dan roberts i would have on if he wanted to come on from iron yeah but otherwise i don't know i think that's it joe that's worth an hour and still a bunch of stories sure sure that's good let's let's rip another uh let's rip another 40 minutes or so come back if you're on audio if you're on video i'm always amazed how many people are watching on twitter like i guess that's where i would watch too but i can see a bunch of you guys on twitter so hang in we're going to uh the notable the notable news stories
Starting point is 01:00:23 get your wig out see you in a bit don't be a news stories. Get your wig out. See you in a bit. Don't be a cock. I should get the wig out. Where the heck is it? It's right over there. 138, we'll call it. Okay, where do you want to start?
Starting point is 01:00:35 We're starting international, I guess. That's usually the... Yeah, yeah. I only have one that I really want to talk about. It's the Department of Revisions. I think that's what you call it. Department of Downward Revisions, yeah. This is Upward Revisions. Yeah, but it's downward in terms of like good or bad okay yeah that's that's what we gotta that's what that's the line we draw so there's new data from
Starting point is 01:00:56 the fbi and it reflects that there are a bunch of new crimes that were not initially reported and so between 2021 and 2022 apparently 80 000 violent crimes a little bit over that 80 000 violent crimes were not captured in the statistics and this includes almost 1700 murders that's it is that a lot i guess one is too many to me but 1700 is so diplomatic one that's right even one is too many that's right how the fuck can they go and like just totally overlook 1700 because they're full of shit because one of the candidates is not well-liked by the establishment and its organizations and its three-letter agencies. He was very loudly trumpeting the crime was up during the debates. Now the debates are done.
Starting point is 01:01:54 He's having to, again, I talked about this on the show. He is having to, again, try and convince people that he was right with a three-pronged sort of attack against him, right? He no longer has the debate platform. The people who listen to his social media already knew he was right. And now he's got to kind of find a way to cross the chasm to these other mainstream and legacy media consumers to get this message out. He can't.
Starting point is 01:02:20 He can't. No one in the normie world knows about this. Nobody. And that's exactly how it's meant to be. You know? What else can you say? It's not being reported by the CNN. Why would they?
Starting point is 01:02:32 Why would they? Yeah, 100%. Is Jim Acosta going to get on fucking TV and say Trump was right? No. Is Brian Stelter, who's like apparently younger than Joe Burrow. That's hilarious. Is he going to get on there and fucking say, yeah, Donald Trump was right? No, he's a dummy doughboy. Is formerly great Canadian fact checker, Daniel Dale, who now works for CNN, is he going to hop on and be like, yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I was wrong on this fact check. It actually did go way the fuck up, including violent crimes. No, he's not. He's not going to do that because they all hate the guy. And they're masked off about it. And these agencies are masked off about it. And that's all there is to it. You just have to assume that the press and now, you know, we've known this for a long time on this show, thanks to economic data.
Starting point is 01:03:17 But the data is all made up. It's just it's to drive narrative. It's to it's to nudge behavior. It's to do all that stuff. But it is not to you know, the intention is not to report facts on the ground. It never has been. Astronaut meme with the gun never has been. I'd love to know how they were first captured.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Because if somebody was murdered during that time, how did they categorize the death? COVID. It could not be. I don't know what else can you say it's not meant to be funny but like you know we this is the other thing like if you remember what that couple year period was like like everyone was dying did that murdered a person that like fuck you know i don't know man i just want to say one more thing share this with one person in your normie life and see what they say if you're listening and watching len and i'm not gonna care i know they're or they're gonna say or they're gonna say that you're nuts but they're
Starting point is 01:04:14 not they're definitely not going to be like wow this is a revelation maybe i should look at all the other data being reported that's never going to be the response look do you think that they're going to stop and run a dominant and say, fuck this, I'm going to go down in this rabbit hole? They've got so many fucking things they've got to deal with between higher prices and their job. WNBA championship. I heard they lost $40 million this year.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Yeah, the WNBA Players Union just opted out of their deal. They want more revenue share from the viewership. Now that Kaitlin Clark's in the league league even though that league of petty fools spent basically 18 months downplaying not only her talent but also her marketability including the mvp who is african-american asia wilson calling her entitled and talking about her white privilege even though asia wilson went to a fucking private school what a fucking clown i have no idea let it burn the fuck down have you watched more to the second clark caitlin clark should ask for double or triple what the other girls get both
Starting point is 01:05:17 in terms of contract and in terms of revenue share and if she doesn't get it she should go play in europe and take whatever european league she goes to right mainstream right away the wnba doesn't deserve players like clark they deserve the angel reeses and asia wilson's but they don't deserve yeah exactly i'm way too deep in this i get i'm addicted i'm not addicted i just have you watched more than a second of wnba len i i don't know the answer i want the answer this year that's all i want this year i did and and i have more than once put a caitlin clark jersey in a shopping cart online and not bought it but i i got half of mine to do it just to spite these other people honestly i'm driven by revenge and spite more than anyone knows and this is a great
Starting point is 01:06:02 example of where i could really get my rocks off i gotta tell you how the fuck do you call that never mind investing the time but going down the aisles and like say a walmart i mean like on an online shopping cart not like i'm not going to costco and looking for the wmba jerseys i don't understand understand. Fuck. I'd rather wear like minor league hockey from like the 1970s. Yeah. But anyways, I'm kind of speechless right here, so I gotta, you know, gather my thoughts.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Anything else you want to talk about with respect to notable news? No. Whew. Alright, because I got a beauty story from Canada that's coming out of Quebec. A CBC story that Quebec malls scrapping family doctors for healthy patients. So great. So great. The government is looking at how to basically assign family doctors to patients and triage to the more vulnerable people up there to get it.
Starting point is 01:07:02 So the people that are more sick, they'll get access to family doctors more than any other person studies that are being done by the government for several months. So that, you know, they need to do this. So like, I have nothing to say about this is fucking bullshit. Guillaume's in the chat.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Guillaume's in the chat. He's got our boots on the ground report. They said it wouldn't happen. I want to know more about this because like they said it wouldn't happen. We talked about it on the show last week, right? So yeah, that he,
Starting point is 01:07:28 I don't want to, I mean, yeah, I was going to say, I don't want to mention it, but you did say it on the air. You don't have a family doctor and haven't had one for a long time. Like there's currently 500,000 sick Quebecers that don't have a family
Starting point is 01:07:40 doctor. What's sick. What's sick. I don't know. But they say sick. Yeah. So they say that yeah so they say that people that have serious issues like cancer mental health issues diabetes and shit like that
Starting point is 01:07:50 should be assigned a family doctor first over other people yeah that's fair but like if you look at this isn't there like universal health care that's got to be administered in canada no we're a joke country's a joke i don't universal health care is not universal it's not even close this is going to the point where it's you know they're basing it off of health that's the people that are and that kind of is the case when you go to the emergency room like the you know somebody that you wait you'll wait forever if you're not dying even if you are dying you might wait forever actually but if you're not dying. Even if you are dying, you might wait forever, actually. But if you're not bleeding, I'll say you basically wait forever. So anyways, let's talk about this beauty story to another one.
Starting point is 01:08:33 These are just coming on left and right and center. Ontario's provincial government, they're planning on giving residents a $200 rebate check. Hell yeah. Rebate for what? I don't know. It doesn't say. We're going to get more details. According to the CBC, October 30th is when we're going to be getting more details
Starting point is 01:08:51 surrounding this because it looks like there's also the possibility of an early election that's going to be called from what I recall, I think June 2026 is when we're going to be getting the election. Am I right or wrong?
Starting point is 01:09:06 Or 2025. Either way, I think June comes to mind. And so there's no date yet as to when these checks are going to be coming. But October 30th, we will have more information. Why it is they're going to be sending out these checks, probably when they're going to be sending out the checks, and the amount of money that's going to be sent out for these checks. It's like a UBI type thing, right? Like everybody's going to get it. It looks like nobody's going to be sent out for these checks it's like a ubi type thing right like everybody's going to get it it looks like nobody's going to be discriminated
Starting point is 01:09:29 every resident of ontario from what i gather is going to get one of these checks cool wonderful stuff i don't know about you joey but i'm going to be taking that to buy some bitcoin 100 yeah 100 why would you not i mean what are you going to do with it otherwise paper yeah i'm happy we don't hear people saying i'm gonna buy some mstr donate it donate it to the science center and what do you think like i don't know they're gonna close that right i think it's i'm pretty sure it's closed yeah because of the roof is it the roof yeah and it's gonna cost countless i don't know what the number is god the amount of whining and crying on Twitter about the science center closing. Who the fuck cares?
Starting point is 01:10:07 Boomer in the chat. They're literally buying votes and no one cares. Yeah. They always have, always will. Every government does this. I'm so jaded now about election cycles. Just show me the polymarket odds and let me know when to buy my Bitcoin and let's's ride this thing to 150k minimum this whole 200 rebate check kind of reminds me with the sale or the 99 year lease of the 407 back in i think 1999 are we are
Starting point is 01:10:35 we buying that back you're trying to yeah but i don't think it's gonna be possible that thing's a cash cow and i don't think whoever has ownership of that. And I think even the CPP has a little bit of ownership of that as well. Probably. It's just, yeah, forget that. The fucking thing about that, remember, to go back, the PCs at the time decided to lease it out for 99 years. And they did that with the intention of balancing the budget
Starting point is 01:11:06 prior to the election to show look we balanced a budget you they didn't really sell off assets but it was a darn fucking close to selling the ultimate cash cow yeah and they did it and we're now suffering the consequences of it and there's one clause in the lease, which is borderline criminal. I'm not saying it is because I'll get probably in trouble if that's why I say borderline criminal, is that the province of Ontario cannot build
Starting point is 01:11:35 a competing highway. Wow! No way! For 99 years, essentially they have a monopoly over that stretch of area and no competing highway can be built that's only the busiest place to drive in the entire country probably so it was supposed to alleviate a lot of traffic from the 401 and just this week i was in i went to the zoo, in fact, the Toronto Zoo. And I saw the 407 as I was passing by. Fucking nobody was on it.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Yeah. It's fucking ridiculous. You know, you look at that, and that would have been an awesome highway to help alleviate the congestion somewhat on a 401, but also maybe build out in an area of the greater Toronto area that currently is being built out but could have been done sooner because it would have been serviced by that highway to fucking give it up for
Starting point is 01:12:31 99 years for the sole purpose of winning one election like that's fucking bullshit show me the incentives right len that's what we say in bitcoin and now i see this 200 that is being handed out that's what i'm saying there's kind of a similarity here between the timing of it 200 what can it really buy in the end too i'm sure there's i'm not trying to downplay it there are people probably 200 would mean a heck of a lot you can't take 200 bucks to costco you can barely take it to 14 00s these days. So where can you go with $200? It's probably, in most cases, one-fifteenth of your mortgage payment. It's a tank of gas in your truck.
Starting point is 01:13:19 What else is it? I don't know. I don't know. Even if you're a family of five and you get, say, $200 for every person in there. It's the new Call of Duty game. Twice. It really isn't a lot of money. No. I'm not trying to say give us more.
Starting point is 01:13:34 It's just... Fuck, man. Anyway. Yeah, it sucks. Canada's inflation numbers came in. They're lower for the month of September. They came in at 1.6%. 1.6 percent 1.6 that's low any idea what that means well we do have a decision coming out by tiff and the crew later this month this week in fact and this could potentially add more fuel to the fire that they
Starting point is 01:13:59 might aggressively lower rates it was anticipated they were going to lower rates 25 basis points maybe 50 basis points but now 75 has come and become a contender some people calling for it yeah could even 100 basis points be that 50 that 50 is probably a guarantee um but 75 would indicate a real problem even though i did watch a bit of QP today and our finance minister was pumped about the rate cuts so far and seemed to be excited that another one was on the horizon. So 1.6 in inflation means that people are not spending any money. And that's either because they have to save it or because they don't have it. So, you know, making that which I mean, you know, I'm not breaking any news to the people who listen to and watch this show, but fuck me, man, that's a low number. That's not great.
Starting point is 01:14:48 If it continues like this, theoretically, there could be a month where we could have deflation. Yeah, maybe. And then what happens then? Yeah. The only thing stopping it is the energy is really low. Like, I think a barrel of oil is like 70 bucks right now or even less than that. Yeah. Which won't last, right?
Starting point is 01:15:07 That's going to make its way to 100 at some point in the next two years. And then you're going to have a real problem. But in the meantime, you know, TIF will get up there and just lop another, you know, few inches off the top of the rate. Not seeing any stimulation in the housing market. A place near me, not to dox the area, but you know, sat on the market for two weeks and sold for 50 grand under asking that hardly ever happens around here. The sort of inventory in Dundas very low as well, which is also pretty rare.
Starting point is 01:15:43 You know, it's, it's not doing what it should be doing. I realize there's going to be people out there who are going to say, well, it takes time. There's a lag. Sure. But those inflation numbers are actually backwards facing. So the economy is already hitting the rudders or something's hitting the rudders. What is that saying? I don't know. But the economy is already weakening significantly to have that number as the inflation print. And it doesn't seem to me like anyone in parliament wants to talk about what it means. They hop on the trend, the Twitter trend,
Starting point is 01:16:19 that cuts are good, cuts are good. If you have bags of assets, cuts are great. But if you don't, like most Canadians, then they're terrible. It's an indicator that things are hitting the skids a little bit. So be on the lookout and food bank usage is going to go up. I was down by the waterfront on Saturday morning for the step up for wayside and uh the police chief frank bergen noted that uh you know there has been a clear uptick in the amount of people who are living in these shanty towns and he's frustrated by it you know wayside's frustrated by it and i think canadians in general are frustrated by it when they see and i won't even get into it but
Starting point is 01:17:04 you know what canadians are seeing and they don't like it and it, but you know what Canadians are seeing and they don't like it. And instead they're seeing people who have lived here a long time suffer with addiction, suffer with these downtrodden conditions, downtrodden situations. And there's not really a way to get out of it.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Like there was five years ago, eight years ago, 10 years ago, whatever. So enjoy the rate cuts like tiff said enjoy the moment okay buddy i'll be there no problem what's your guess 50 it's i think it's later this week right yeah i'll throw a dart on the board and say 50 but the fuck do i know it is i think wednesday canada meeting is it wednesday okay yeah me me and michael probably talk about that tomorrow too um i'd be curious to hear his thoughts i'm sure he's got some yeah the 20 23rd 8 9 45 a.m yeah that's so funny they know they're gonna cut so they're gonna cut to what then they're gonna cut to uh let's say they cut 50 that will that be a
Starting point is 01:17:59 four handle or a three handle still or a three handle or four handle still what's the what's the bank of canada overnight rate bank of canada overnight rate three seven is uh fuck i don't know why isn't it oh here we go it's uh 4.25 right now so it'll be 3.75 if they cut 50. That's low. And so when people say, when the traditional finance guys get on Twitter and want to dunk on the Bitcoin guys for loving the low rates, they always say, we're not going back to zero. That time is done. I don't fucking think so, man. Canada is heading to zero real quick. And the economy is headed to zero too too it looks like in a lot of ways um we also just you know for what it's worth sort of an adjacent story we dropped two spots in the tax regime friendliness rankings from like 15 to 17 i mean i don't know how there's 14 places worse than us or 15 places worse than us for taxes well uh so corporate taxes over in canada compared to the united states is i think it's cheaper
Starting point is 01:19:08 last i checked i could be wrong but corporate taxes in canada is cheaper than in the united states man i'd love i mean i'm wrong with that individuals like i was looking today just for shits and giggles because i wasn't feeling well and i'm like what would it cost me to get health insurance in the states here it is so you ask to pay a flat tax for corporate 21%. In Canada, it's 15%. Yeah. So you look at that. I know this is just a small segment,
Starting point is 01:19:33 but you can just say that setting up a corporation and running it in Canada may net you more money. Oh my God. Yeah, it won't for sure. But this shows you it's competitive at the very least. Fine. I'll give you that. But the point is that we're paying a lot of taxes for a lot less services, both in terms of availability and quality, than we ever have.
Starting point is 01:19:59 So, yeah, Boomer in the chat saying we're going down to 3% overnight. I bet you we go lower than that, Boomer. I don't know when, over what time horizon, but I think I'm coming around to Keith Dicker's point of view that modern economies are going to absolutely rip to zero at some point in the next year or two. What's going to happen to food banks and stuff? Are they going to be even longer lines?
Starting point is 01:20:16 I don't know. I honestly don't know. It's going to put more pressure if the economy is not doing well. Not to mention that the Canadian dollar is weak. We don't grow any of that food here anymore like we we import basically all fruits and vegetables at this point our dairy thing is a joke that's like been become a popular topic again the supply management deal um like we talked about this two years ago that the problem with having a weak dollar in a society that doesn't produce anything is that imports become more expensive but it's made much worse when, you know, 50% of your population is not working and relying on government subsidy. Either they're retired or they're unemployed or they're disabled.
Starting point is 01:20:54 There's some combination of the three. And for those people, man, like you really feel a stuttering economy and a weak dollar, a weakony yeah big time what we're saying he's right he's saying it's these banks food banks need to be diverse and inclusive that's yeah could you imagine like they must get a ton of muffin muffins stumps over there god and caitlin clark jerseys must be fucking the bread of those things all right nobody fucking wants them there does anyone even want the tim Hortons muffin stumps anymore? They're probably dog shit. Between the two of those items,
Starting point is 01:21:30 yeah. I don't know. Nobody wants those things. Researchers from Atlantic Canada, they've looked at data with school buses. I love this story too. This is incredible. Yeah. Their area of the country needs to have expedited shift to electric buses to avoid further health problems in children.
Starting point is 01:21:53 And I guess we can now pinpoint the reason why kids are shitty in math. It's because of the diesel exhaust. It must be right. Like, this is what health problems the kids have. There's a report say i saw the headline but i obviously didn't read the report okay i could give you a little bit of detail here so it's around almost a quarter of a million kids daily get moved by those buses in eastern canada and they say that each bus trip could represent over half the daily health canada recommended
Starting point is 01:22:23 exposure limit to CO2. And it was determined that the concentration of CO2 inside the bus, while on the bus route, school route, would be at 518 parts per million, significantly higher than when the bus was idle at 441 parts per million. And Health Canada recommends a daily CO2 exposure limit of 1,000 parts per million. And yet the teachers are just blowing hot air all day. That's unbelievable. You know, when I look at this, I mean, shouldn't they be dishing out masks to kids?
Starting point is 01:22:53 Because that worked in the past, right? Why don't they just put a mask on the bus? On the tailpipe. How hard is that? Right, I agree. So this story on its own is interesting, but if you couple it with this other one that I came across, it kind of adds a little bit more flavor to the story.
Starting point is 01:23:11 He's in the city of Calgary. They ordered electric buses for a pilot project. And take a guess how many buses were delivered in total, Joey. How many did they order? It doesn't say, but I can tell you how many were delivered. Okay, three. You're close how many were delivered. Okay, three. You're close. It's zero. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:30 The reason why, Joey, is because the company went tits up. Oh, good. This comes after the fact the city spent money on building out charging ports for the buses. And I guess this is one way to lower CO2 emissions for the kids. you could order these
Starting point is 01:23:45 electric buses not have them delivered and have the kids just be forced to either walk or take bikes to school in the fucking cold because in that part of the eastern part of canada yeah it's awfully chilly it's a damp cold that gets you have to wear a mask it's so cold you need more than that that's what the fuck is going on man i love it the electric buses arc in this show has been pretty good we've had a couple of good stories over the last three or four months remember the one about they had to return the electric buses because they weren't working or there was a fault or something in the back of the there's like the heater at the back of the bus what was that oh yeah it's like the thing it's all electric so these diesel generators to like yeah i love that story to heat up the people that's so great
Starting point is 01:24:30 just throw a diesel fucking generator on the bus it's like a i love it it's like a test of toying a diesel generator there's no there's no bottom there's no bottom oh they're yeah and there's so much more further down we're going to be able to find. So Calgary, like staying over there, there's a unique listing housing real estate that's been listed over there. So it's an 1100 square foot home that was listed in Calgary. One can visualize how large 1100 square feet is. And it's nothing out of the ordinary except for this house has 13
Starting point is 01:25:08 bedrooms in it count of 13 one three bedrooms how the fuck could you shoehorn that but that's a cash generating machine they want to talk about cash cow this like hypothetically say each one of those tenants are paying say $3,000
Starting point is 01:25:24 sorry $300 this is almost a $4,000 a month say each one of those tenants are paying say three thousand dollars sorry three hundred dollars this is almost a four thousand dollar a month yeah gross it's like a bungalow it looks just like a little bungalow yeah it's not like it's not very big but like tall but it's not very wide either like and neighbors are coming by and even scratching their head how the fuck could you have this many people in there? Yeah. This many bedrooms. Well, they had the student, the student from the house next door, like down the street. He's like, it's, we have the same house.
Starting point is 01:25:52 And the reporter's like, how many people in your house? He's like five. This guy's like, well, like a reasonable amount. Fuck. But this is what we've come down to. People are just trying to squeeze every last drop. Yeah. Out of their assets. I don't know why this person is deciding to sell it maybe they're under duress financial duress or they're getting pushed by the city for having too many people over there why don't fucking people even park cars if you had 13 people or like even half of them like you'll
Starting point is 01:26:19 ruin you'll ruin the city like sewage pipe too, like from your house to the main line. You'll probably affect some other infrastructure in the area. If I had to guess, I don't know exactly what, but you've seen the story a million times now. And this is what, by the way, the government is trying to encourage, right? Putting more people on your property, laneway homes, extra apartments, whatever. Take a loan against your house and build something and rent it out. You'll just have to live there forever and keep working until you die to pay the mortgage, but at least you'll help alleviate the housing crisis, right? That's what we're told. God, this is just a hilarious... Where are we in the timeline between prosperity and
Starting point is 01:27:02 ruin? On the continuum, how close to ruin are we as a country depends who you talk to some people will say we're like 27 point something years away 28 percent so i i really don't know all you know is i'm gonna ride this out for as long as i can and convert as much as my canadian dollars into bitcoin that's possible yeah enjoy it like boomer saying the owner of that house opted into trump's shit coin maybe that's why yeah he's been buying world fire liberty coin or whatever did you hear about how much of a fucking flop that was they tried to sell 300 billion right million million and they sold 13 million 11 11 million they're very close in terms of the
Starting point is 01:27:41 target that's represents around four percent wow cool of the overall so that was on the first day of sales like that things well i mean it was gonna get is gonna pick up no if you look at the sales um expect or sorry delivery of people that purchased it's really flat lighting after the first day let's be honest how much more hype is there gonna be none and by the way you can't transfer the coins either. Let's be honest. How much more hype is there going to be? None. And by the way, you can't transfer the coins either. So it's not like you can sell them. So yes,
Starting point is 01:28:09 yeah, I agree. And I don't understand. So the token is non-transferable. Then how can they determine a price? It's meant to give you voting rights. So they, they've determined the price,
Starting point is 01:28:20 like they set the market value and then they sell you the coins. And after that, you get to participate in defy activities like borrowing lending and creating liquidity pools creating liquidity for someone else maybe the only thing they missed here is is nft mints right like they checked off a lot of boxes how did they fuck maybe that'll be the next i love i love that story trump it's amazing that trump is running a shit point scam but security security's from i was working at mcdonald's after this i don't think this is coincidence he's all he's all in the elections in two weeks do you realize that hang on hang on
Starting point is 01:28:58 it's the sixth it doesn't feel like it does it it's like it's just this one one laughing you know meme story after another when is he gonna do uh when is he gonna do whatchamacall um rogan he's he basically confirmed he's doing it on pbd show so now i'm just waiting for that that's gonna be the last probably big thing before the election right you'll probably let that go the week of you think he's gonna win now a lot of people have polymarket pointing to the win cash calci pointing to the win how could i don't know nate's nate silver and nate silver's uh thing silver bullet showing some real trump momentum now too so you know not only what does it look like polymarket wasn't just uh you know a couple billionaires trying to fudge things?
Starting point is 01:29:48 It looks like they were right and early, at least on the momentum. So let's see. I mean, anything is possible. There'll be tons of cheating, obviously, which we know. But both sides be trying to do it. Elections don't matter the way that everyone thinks they do. And we have to keep that in mind, right? Keep a clear view here. If you're a Bitcoiner, you're buying Bitcoin because you know intuitively that elections don't matter, that your vote doesn't matter, that the spending orgy
Starting point is 01:30:15 is going to continue, that the overseas funding is going to continue, that all this stuff is not going to slow down. It's going to accelerate. That if they wanted to villainize you as a Bitcoin holder, it's almost impossible to align these people because they're too busy insider trading to read or write policy. It's a joke. You should be stacking so hard right now because the fraud and charade is right in front of your face 24-7, 365. The only thing you can do is buy bitcoin
Starting point is 01:30:46 yes i 100 agree and people hopefully are doing the same thing we're going to end up in the same place regardless yeah who gets there it's just will it be an accelerated one or a decelerated version so are you a decel or excel that's the the things. Just don't be an in-cell. De-cell, XL, no in-cell. That's very good. I'm not sure if you heard, but Ontario universities, they're losing a fuckload of money. There's a lot less international students coming in, and they were bringing in tons of money along with them.
Starting point is 01:31:22 It's expected in Ontario alone, the universities are going to lose $300 million by themselves. It's not enough. Next, well, then next year, you're going to be happy to hear they're going to lose $600 million. That's the expected number. Oh, fuck, $600 million next year? Have you been to a university campus in the last little while?
Starting point is 01:31:41 Yeah, when I played the King of 94, it was held just outside uft so i walk okay so how many new buildings do they have there very few is the same old ones i remembered when i went to brock years ago uh like a year after i graduated i went to my convocation or whatever and in the year that i wasn't on campus or like the eight months i wasn't on campus there was two new buildings erected. And now if I look at the Google Maps view, there's multiple more buildings there that weren't there when I was a kid. Now, granted, they have more students.
Starting point is 01:32:17 The problem is, Len, we've talked about this before. Colleges and universities are running so many dog shit programs for kids who are too stupid to do anything else because the pressure to go to a post-secondary institution after high school is so great, both from their family, from their teachers, and probably if we add a third product to that, from friends and whatnot too in terms of romantic prospects. You got to go to university. You got to go to post-secondary. They're not giving you anything of value and instead what you're seeing is these kids fund insane you know sort of you know small on campus basically militias and you know like dei uh offices and secondary chancellors and vps of bullshit and you know cookie making and basket weaving cut all those programs cut them. Every university should be hard to get into. Every university should be minimally expensive and every university should have
Starting point is 01:33:12 top tier professors getting paid top tier dollars in small numbers. That's how universities should look. And if they don't look like that, then the value that you're getting is simply not that good. As we know with currency, as we know with commodities, as we know with anything in the real world, the more of it there is, the chances are that the less value it carries. And you're seeing that in universities now and they're going to have to make do. You guys shouldn't have been accepting a million kids from overseas over the last five or six years. It's not a sustainable business model. You don't get to choose. You don't get to completely fuck up the demographics of the country just because you want to make a couple extra bucks
Starting point is 01:33:49 and name a building after yourself, Tipper, or whatever that guy's name is who runs Conestoga. Fucking guy names a building after himself every two weeks. Time's up, man. Time to find a real business model or get the fuck going. Find somewhere else to work. Why can't we open up a CBP building? We should.
Starting point is 01:34:05 CBP you. No, no, no. We're not doing the Trump route, but just simply donate to one of these existing colleges. Oh, you want to get a wing or something? We might be able to donate enough for like a bench, but I don't know if we'll be able to get a wing anywhere. Maybe it's maybe University of Toronto Met, right?
Starting point is 01:34:21 University of Toronto Met, the medical school. They're like doing 75% minority applicants have to pass and have to get in. Like I get the feeling a lot of donors are going to stop contributing there. Maybe the price just went down and get a bench over at that school. We can that's good. So don't get sick because if you get a kid from Toronto met, you know, you might accelerate your own situation a little bit. And you don't want to get sick in Quebec because you're not going to find a family doctor, too. You have to be in the right province at the right time to get sick. Yeah, see, private jet before university,
Starting point is 01:34:55 but also the ETF before all that. Yeah, we got a lot of things to work on here. Son of a gun, yeah. And there's one... Didn't I come up with one more idea? The keys? Remember when we were talking about the multi-stake? Yeah, we're going to run a multi-stake service here in Canada
Starting point is 01:35:12 where you keep one set of keys, and then the other one I'll just punch into my notes app, and we'll do that for you. Small fee, of course, but it'll be very nominal, very fair. Yeah, CBP keys. Yeah, CBP keys, we'll call it cbp hodls yeah i like that yeah it's good yeah we will hodl so yeah man i think that's it joy that's a good good show it's a little shorter tonight than usual i am starting to feel more and more sick by the minute here so
Starting point is 01:35:37 this is a good time to wrap i'll be back with mike campbell tomorrow sick or not because uh god knows mike has been bulldozing through a few serious uh health events here so we're looking forward to talking to him getting back on the program and uh until tomorrow my friends take care of yourselves and don't be a cock

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