The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #186 (Notable News Stories) - Murders Go Up, QC Family Docs, Vote Buying (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: October 23, 2024

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canad...a. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠⁠Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.D-Central Technologies - home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 138 we'll call it uh okay where do you want to start we're starting international i guess say that's usually the yeah yeah i only only have one that i really want to talk about this department of revisions i think that's what you call it department of downward revisions yeah no this is upward revisions yeah but it's yeah but it's downward in terms of like good or bad okay yeah that's that's what, that's what, that's the line we draw. So there's new data from the FBI and it reflects that there are a bunch of new crimes that were not initially reported. And so between 2021 and 2022, apparently 80,000 violent crimes,
Starting point is 00:00:39 a little bit over that 80,000 violent crimes were not captured in the statistics and this includes almost 1700 murders that's it is that a lot i guess one is too many to me but 1700 is so diplomatic one that's right even one is too many that right. How the fuck can they go and just totally overlook 1,700? Because they're full of shit. Because one of the candidates is not well liked by the establishment and its organizations and his three-letter agencies. He was very loudly trumpeting the crime was up during the debates. Now the debates are done.
Starting point is 00:01:23 He's having to, again, I talked was up during the debates. Now the debates are done. He's having to, again, I talked about this on the show. He is having to, again, try and convince people that he was right with a three-pronged sort of attack against him, right? He no longer has the debate platform. The people who listen to his social media already knew he was right. And now he's got to kind of find a way to cross the chasm to these other mainstream and legacy media consumers to get this message out he can't he can't no one in the in the normie world knows about this nobody and that's exactly how it's meant to be you know what else can you say it's not being reported by the c why Why would they? Why would they? Yeah, 100%. Is Jim Acosta going to get on fucking TV and say Trump was right?
Starting point is 00:02:08 No. Is Brian Stelter, who's like apparently younger than Joe Burrow, that's hilarious, is he going to get on there and fucking say, yeah, Donald Trump was right? No. He's a dummy doughboy. Is formerly great Canadian fact checker Daniel Dale dale who now works for cnn is he gonna hop on and be like yeah sorry i was wrong on this fact check it actually did go way the fuck up including violent crimes oh he's not he's not gonna do that because they all hate the guy
Starting point is 00:02:35 and they're masked off about it and these agencies are masked off about it and that's all there is to it you just have to assume that the press and now know, we've known this for a long time on this show, thanks to economic data. But the data is all made up. It's just it's to drive narrative. It's to it's to nudge behavior. It's to do all that stuff. But it is not to you know, the intention is not to report facts on the ground. It never has been astronaut mean with the gun.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Never has been i'd love to know how they were first captured because if somebody was murdered during that time how did they categorize the death could not be i don't know what else can you say it's not meant to be funny but like you know we this is the other thing like if you remember what that couple-year period was like, everyone was dying. Did that murder a person? I don't know, man. Let's just go on. I just want to say one more thing.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Share this with one person in your normal life and see what they say, if you're listening and watching. Len and I are not going to do that. You're not going to care. I know. I understand. Or they're going to say that you're nuts. But they're definitely not going to be like, this is a revelation maybe i should look at all the other data being reported that's never going to be the response look do you think that they're
Starting point is 00:03:53 going to stop and run a domino say fuck this i'm going to go down in this rabbit hole they got so many fucking things they got to deal with between higher prices and the job wmba championship i heard they lost 40 million dollars this year yeah the wmba players union just opted out of their deal they want more revenue share from the viewer uh from the viewership now that caitlin clark's in the league even though that league of petty fools spent basically 18 months downplaying not only her talent but also her marketability including the mvp who's african-american asia wilson calling her entitled and talking about her white privilege even though asia wilson went to a fucking private school what a fucking clown i have no idea let it
Starting point is 00:04:39 burn the fuck down have you watched more to this caitlin clark caitlyn clark should ask for double or triple what the other girls get both in terms of contract and in terms of revenue share and if she doesn't get it she should go play in europe and take whatever european league she goes to right mainstream right away the wmba doesn't deserve players like clark they deserve the angel reese's and asia wilson's but they don't deserve cait Clark. Yeah, exactly. I'm way too deep in this. I'm addicted. I'm not addicted. Have you watched more than a second of WNBA?
Starting point is 00:05:12 Len, I more than once... This year I did. And I have more than once put a Caitlyn Clark jersey in a shopping cart online and not bought it. But I got half of mine to do it just to spite these other people honestly i'm driven by revenge and spite more
Starting point is 00:05:30 than anyone knows and this is a great example of where i could really get my rocks off i gotta tell you how the fuck do you call that never mind investing the time but going down the aisles of like say a walmart i mean like on an online shopping cart not like i'm not going to costco and looking for the wmba jerseys i don't understand fuck i'd rather wear like minor league hockey from like the 1970s yeah then but anyways i i'm kind of speechless right here, so I got to, you know, gather my thoughts. Anything else you want to talk about with respect to notable news? No.
Starting point is 00:06:10 All right, because I got a beauty story from Canada that's coming out of Quebec. A CBC story that Quebec malls scrapping family doctors for healthy patients. So great. So great. so great so great the government is looking at how to basically assign family doctors to patients and you know triage um to the more vulnerable people up there to get it so like people that are more sick they'll get access to family doctors more than any other person studies that are being done by the government for several months so that you know they need to do this so like i i have nothing to say about this. This is fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Guillaume's in the chat. I talked to him about this. Guillaume's in the chat. He's got our boots on the ground report. They said it wouldn't happen. I want to know more about this because they said it wouldn't happen. We talked about it on the show last week, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:56 So Guillaume said that he... He doesn't have a family doctor. Yeah, I was going to say I don't want to mention it, but you did say it on the air. You don't have a family doctor and haven't had one for a long time like there's currently 500 000 sick quebecers that don't have a family doctor what's sick what's sick i don't know but they say sick yeah so they say
Starting point is 00:07:15 that people that have serious issues like cancer mental health issues diabetes and shit like that should be assigned a family doctor first over other people. Yeah, that's fair. But if you look at this, isn't there universal healthcare that's got to be administered in Canada? No, we're a joke. Country's a joke. Universal healthcare is not universal. It's not even close. This is going to the point where
Starting point is 00:07:40 they're basing it off of health. That's the people that are and that kind of is the case when you go to the emergency room like the you know somebody that you wait you'll wait forever if you're not dying even if you are dying you might wait forever actually but if you're not bleeding i'll say you you basically wait forever so anyways um let's talk about this beauty story to another one these are just coming on left and right and center. Ontario's provincial government,
Starting point is 00:08:07 they're planning on giving residents a $200 rebate check. Hell yeah. Rebate for what? I don't know. It doesn't say. We're going to get more details. According to the CBC, October 30th is when we're going to be getting more details surrounding this
Starting point is 00:08:22 because it looks like there's also the possibility of an early election that's going to be called from what I recall, I think June 2026 is when we're going to be getting the election. Am I right or wrong? Or 2025. Either way, I think June comes to mind.
Starting point is 00:08:40 So there's no date yet as to when these checks are going to be coming, but October 30th, we will have more information. Why it is they're going to be sending out these checks, probably when they're going to be sending out the checks, and the amount of money that's going to be sent out for these checks. It's like a UBI type thing, right? Like everybody's going to get it.
Starting point is 00:08:57 It looks like nobody's going to be discriminated. Every resident of Ontario, from what I gather, is going to get one of these checks. Wonderful stuff. I don't know about you, Joey, but I'm going to be taking that to buy some Bitcoin. 100%. Yeah, 100%. Why would you not?
Starting point is 00:09:10 I mean, what are you going to do with it otherwise? Paper straw. Yeah, I'm happy we don't hear people saying, I'm going to buy some MSTR. Donate it to the Science Center. What do you think? Like, I don't know. They're all going to close that, right? I think it's, I'm pretty sure it's closed, because of the roof is it the roof yeah and it's gonna cost countless i
Starting point is 00:09:33 don't know what the number is god the amount of whining and crying on twitter about the science center closing who the fuck cares boomer in the chat they're literally buying votes and no one cares yeah that you know they always have always will every government does this i'm so jaded now about election cycles i just just show me the polymarket odds and let me know when to buy my bitcoin and uh let's ride this thing to 150k minimum this whole 200 rebate check kind of reminds me with the sale or the 99 year lease of the 407 back in I think 1999. Are we buying that back? You're trying to? Yeah. But I don't think it's going to be possible. That thing's a cash cow.
Starting point is 00:10:13 And I don't think whoever has ownership of that. And I think even the CPP has a little bit of ownership of that as well. Probably. It's just, yeah, forget that. The fucking thing about that, remember, to go back, thecs at the time decided to lease it out for 99 years and uh they did that with the intention of balancing the budget
Starting point is 00:10:36 prior to the election to show look we balanced the budget you they didn't really sell off assets but it was a darn fucking close to selling the ultimate cash cow yeah and they did it and we're now suffering the consequences of it and there's one clause in the lease which is borderline criminal i'm not saying it is because i'll get probably in trouble so that's why i say borderline criminal is that the uh the province of Ontario cannot build a competing highway. Wow. No way. For 99 years, essentially, they have a monopoly over that stretch of area,
Starting point is 00:11:15 and no competing highway can be built. That's only the busiest place to drive in the entire country, probably. It was supposed to alleviate a lot of traffic from the 401. And just this week, I went to the zoo, in fact, the Toronto Zoo. And I saw the 407 as I was passing by. Fucking nobody was on it. It's fucking ridiculous. You look at that, and that would have been an awesome highway to help alleviate the congestion somewhat on a 401 but also maybe build out in an area of
Starting point is 00:11:52 the greater toronto area that currently is being built out but could have been done sooner because it would have been serviced by that highway to fucking give it up for 99 years for the sole purpose of winning one election like that's fucking bullshit show me the incentives right len that's what we say in bitcoin and now i see this 200 that is being handed out that's why i'm saying there's kind of a similarity here between the timing of it 200 what can it really buy in the end too i'm sure there's i'm not trying to downplay it there are people probably 200 would mean a heck of a lot you can't take 200 bucks to costco you can barely take it to 14 0's these days so where can you go with 200 bucks right it's it's probably in most cases one i don't know 115th of your mortgage payment it's you know a tank of gas in your truck it's
Starting point is 00:12:46 what else is it i don't know i don't know even if you're a family of five yeah and you got say 200 for every person in there you got it's the new it's the new call of duty game twice it really isn't a lot of money no and that's i'm not trying to say give us more it's just fuck man anyway yeah it sucks canada's inflation numbers came in they're lower for the month of september they came in at 1.6 percent 1.6 percent that's low any idea what that means well we do have a decision coming out by tiff and the crew later this month, this week, in fact. And this could potentially add more fuel to the fire that they might aggressively lower rates. It was anticipated they were going to lower rates, 25 basis points, maybe 50 basis points.
Starting point is 00:13:37 But now 75 has come and become a contender. Some people calling for it, yeah. Could even 100 basis points be it. That 50 is probably a guarantee. But 75 would indicate a real problem, even though I did watch a bit of QP today and our finance minister was pumped about the rate cuts so far and seemed to be excited that another one was on the horizon.
Starting point is 00:14:00 So 1.6 in inflation means that people are not spending any money. And that's either because they have to save it or because they don't have it. So, you know, making that which I mean, you know, I'm not breaking any news to the people who listen to and watch this show. But fuck me, man, that's a low number. That's not great. If it continues like this, theoretically, there could be a month where we could have deflation. Yeah, maybe. And then what happens then?
Starting point is 00:14:29 Yeah, the only thing stopping it is the energy is really low. Like I think a barrel of oil is like 70 bucks right now or even less than that, which won't last, right? That's going to make its way to 100 at some point in the next two years. And then you're going to have a real problem. But in the meantime, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:43 TIFF will get up there and just lop another, lop another few inches off the top of the rate. Not seeing any stimulation in the housing market. A place near me, not to dox the area, but sat on the market for two weeks and sold for 50 grand under asking. That hardly ever happens around here. The sort of inventory in Dundas, very low as well which is also pretty rare um you know it's uh it's not doing what it should be doing i realize there's gonna be people out
Starting point is 00:15:17 there who are gonna say well it takes time this is there's a lag sure but um those inflation numbers are actually backwards facing. So the economy is already hitting the rudders. Yeah, is it the rudders? Or something's hitting the rudders? What is that saying? I don't know. But the economy is already weakening significantly to have that number as the inflation print.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And it doesn't seem to me like anyone in parliament wants to talk about what it means. They hop on the trend, the Twitter trend that cuts are good, cuts are good. If you have bags of assets, cuts are great. But if you don't, like most Canadians, then they're terrible. It's an indicator that things are hitting the skids a little bit. So be on the lookout and food bank usage going to go up i was up in um i was down by the waterfront on saturday morning for the step up for wayside and uh the police chief frank bergen noted that uh you know there has
Starting point is 00:16:17 been a clear uptick in the amount of people who are living in these shanty towns and he's frustrated by it you know wayside's frustrated by it and i shanty towns and he's frustrated by it, you know, way sides frustrated by it. And I think Canadians in general are frustrated by it when they see, and I won't even get into it, but you know what Canadians are seeing and they don't like it. And instead they're seeing people who have lived here a long time, um, suffer with addiction, suffer with, uh, these these downtrodden conditions downtrodden situations and there's not really a way to get out of it like there was you know five years ago eight years ago
Starting point is 00:16:51 10 years ago whatever so enjoy the rate cuts like tiff said enjoy the moment okay buddy i'll be there no problem what's your guess 50 it's i think it's later this week right yeah i'll throw a dart on the board and say 50 but but the fuck do I know? I think it's Wednesday. Is it Wednesday? Okay. Me and Mike will probably talk about that tomorrow, too. I'd be curious to hear his thoughts. I'm sure he's got some. Yeah, the 23rd
Starting point is 00:17:16 at 9.45 a.m. That's so funny. They know already. They're going to cut to what, then? They're going to cut to what then they're gonna cut to uh let's say they cut 50 that will that be a four handle or a three handle still or a three handle or four handle still what's the what's the bank of canada overnight rate bank of canada overnight rate 375 is uh fuck i don't know why isn't it say oh here we go it's uh 4.25 right now so it'll be 3.75 if they
Starting point is 00:17:51 cut 50 that's low and so when people say when when the sort of traditional finance guys get on twitter and want to dunk on the bitcoin guys for loving the low rates. They always say, we're not going back to zero. That time is done. I don't fucking think so, man. Canada is heading to zero real quick. And the economy is headed to zero too, it looks like in a lot of ways. We also just, you know, for what it's worth, sort of an adjacent story. We dropped two spots in the tax regime friendliness rankings from like 15 to 17.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I mean, I don't know how there's 14 places worse than us or 15 places worse than us for taxes. Well, uh, so corporate taxes over in Canada compared to the United States is, I think it's cheaper. Last I checked, I could be wrong,
Starting point is 00:18:40 but corporate taxes in Canada is cheaper than in the United States, man. I mean, I mean, I'm wrong with that individuals. Like I was looking today just for shits and giggles. wrong but corporate taxes in canada is cheaper than in the united states man i i'd love i mean i mean we're wrong with that individuals like i was looking today just for shits and giggles because i wasn't feeling well and i'm like what would it cost me to get health insurance in the states here it is so you have to pay a flat tax for corporate 21 in canada it's 15 yeah so like you look at that i know this is just a small segment but you know look at that, I know this is just a small segment, but you can just say that setting up a corporation and running it in Canada, maybe may let you more money. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yeah, it won't for sure. But this is, this shows you like there's, it's competitive at the very least. Fine. I'll give you that. But you know, the point is that we're paying a lot of taxes for a lot less services both in terms of availability and quality than we ever have so yeah boomer in the chat saying we're going down to three percent overnight i bet you we go lower than that boomer i don't know when over what time horizon but i think i'm coming around to keep dicker's point of view that
Starting point is 00:19:38 modern economies are going to absolutely rip to zero at some point in the next year or two what's going to happen to food banks and stuff are are they gonna be even longer i don't know i don't know i honestly don't know because it's gonna put more pressure if the economy is not doing well you're gonna not to mention that not to mention that the dollar the canadian dollar is weak we don't grow any of that food here anymore like we we import basically all fruits and vegetables at this point our dairy thing is a joke that's like been become a topic again, the supply management deal. We talked about this two years ago, that the problem with having a weak dollar in a society that doesn't produce anything is that imports become more expensive, but it's made much worse when 50% of your population is not working and relying on government subsidy.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Either they're retired or they're unemployed or they're disabled. There's some combination of the three and for those people man like you really feel a stuttering economy and a weak dollar a weak loony yeah big time what we're saying he's right he's saying it's these banks food banks need to be diverse and inclusive that's what yeah could you imagine like they must get a ton of muffin stumps over there. God. And Caitlin Clark jerseys. They must be fucking stuck to the brim of those things.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Nobody fucking wants them. Does anyone even want the Tim Hortons muffin stumps anymore? They're probably dog shit. Between the two of those items, yeah. I don't know. Nobody wants those things. Researchers from Atlantic Canadaada they've looked at data with school buses and i love this story too this is incredible yeah well that their area
Starting point is 00:21:14 the country needs to have a expedited shift to electric buses to avoid further health problems in children and i guess we can now pinpoint the reason why kids are shitty in math it's because of the diesel exhaust it must be right like if this is what health problems do the kids have does the report say i saw the headline but i obviously didn't read the report okay i can give you a little bit of detail here so it's around almost a quarter of a million kids daily get moved by those buses in eastern Canada. And they say that each bus trip could represent over half the daily Health Canada recommended exposure limits to CO2. And it was determined that the concentration of CO2 inside the bus while on the bus route school route would be at 518 parts per million,
Starting point is 00:22:04 significantly higher than when the bus was idle at 441 parts per million. And health Canada recommends a daily CO2 exposure limit of 1000 parts per million. And yet the teachers are just blowing hot air all day. That's unbelievable. You know, when I look at this, I mean,
Starting point is 00:22:21 shouldn't they be dishing out masks to kids because that worked in the past, right? Well, they just put a mask on the bus on the tailpipe. How hard is that? Right. I agree. So this story on its own is interesting,
Starting point is 00:22:33 but if you couple it with this other one that I came across, it kind of adds a little bit more flavor to the story. He's a city of Calgary. They ordered electric buses for a pilot project and take a guess how many buses were delivered in total joey how many they order it doesn't say but i can tell you how many were delivered okay three you're close it's zero okay so the reason why joey is because the company went tits up oh good and this comes after the fact the city spent money on building out charging ports for the buses and i guess this is one way
Starting point is 00:23:12 to lower co2 emissions for the kids you could order these electric buses not have them delivered and have the kids just be forced to either walk or take bikes to school in the fucking cold because in that part of the eastern part of canada yeah it's awfully chilly it's a damp cold that gets you have to wear a mask it's so cold you need more than that that's one the fuck is going on man i love it the electric buses arc in the show has been pretty good we've had a couple of good stories over the last three or four months remember the one about they had to return the electric buses because they weren't working or there was a fault or something in the back of the there's like the heater at the back of the bus what was that oh yeah it's like the thing we use all electric so it deals diesel generators to like yeah i love that
Starting point is 00:23:58 story to heat up the people that's so great just throw a diesel fucking generator on the bus it's like a i love it it's like a tesla toy the diesel generator there's no there's no bottom there's no bottom yeah and there's so much more further down we're going to be able to find so uh calgary like staying over there um there's a unique listing housing real estate that's been listed over there. So it's an 1100 square foot home that was listed in Calgary. And one can visualize how large 1100 square feet is. And it's nothing out of the ordinary, except for this house has 13 bedrooms in it.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Count on 13, one, three bedrooms. How the fuck could you shoehorn that? But that's a cash generating machine they want to talk about cash cow this like hypothetically say each one of those tenants are paying say three thousand dollars sorry three hundred dollars this is almost a four thousand dollar a month yeah gross it's like a bungalow it looks just like a little bungalow yeah it's not
Starting point is 00:25:03 like it's not very big but like, but it's not very wide either. And neighbors are coming by and even scratching their head. How the fuck could you have this many people in there? Yeah. This many bedrooms. Well, they had the student from the house next door, like down the street. He's like, we have the same house. And the reporter's like, how many people in your house?
Starting point is 00:25:22 He's like, five. This guy's like, well. Like your house he's like five this guy's like well like a reasonable amount fuck but this is what we come down to people are just trying to squeeze every last drop yeah out of their assets i don't know why this person is deciding to sell it maybe they're under duress financial duress or they're getting pushed by the city for having too many people over there. Why the fuck do people park cars if you had 13 people? Even half of them. You'll ruin
Starting point is 00:25:50 the city like sewage pipe too, like from your house to the main line. You'll probably affect some other infrastructure in the area if I had to guess. I don't know exactly what. You've seen this story a million times now. This is what, by the way, the government is trying to encourage, right? Putting
Starting point is 00:26:09 more people on your property, laneway homes, extra apartments, whatever, take a loan against your house and build something and rent it out. You'll just have to live there forever and keep working until you die to pay the mortgage, but at least you'll help alleviate the housing crisis, right? That's what we're told. God, this is just a hilarious like what where are we in the timeline between prosperity and ruin like on the continuum you know how close to ruin are we as a country depends who you talk to some people will say we're like 27 point something years away 28 so i i really don't know all you know is i'm gonna ride this out for as long as i can and convert as much as my canadian dollars into bitcoin that's possible and yeah
Starting point is 00:26:52 enjoy it boomer saying the owner of that house opted into trump's shit coin maybe that's why yeah he's been buying world fire liberty coin or whatever did you hear about how much of a fucking flop that was they tried to sell 300 billion, right? Million. Million. And they sold 13 million? 11. 11 million.
Starting point is 00:27:10 You're very close in terms of the target. That represents around 4%, I think. Cool. Of the overall. So that was on the first day of sales. I mean, is it going to pick up? No. If you look at the sales delivery of people that purchased, it's really flatlining.
Starting point is 00:27:31 After the first day, let's be honest, how much more hype is there going to be? None. And by the way, you can't transfer the coins either. So it's not like you can sell them. Yes. I agree. And I don't understand. So the token is non-transferable.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Then how can they determine a price? It's meant to give you voting rights. So they determine the price. Like they set the market value and then they sell you the coins. And after that... You get to participate in DeFi activities like borrowing, lending, and creating liquidity pools. Creating liquidity for someone else maybe. The only thing they missed here is is nft mints
Starting point is 00:28:05 right like they checked off a lot of boxes how did he fuck maybe that'll be the next i love i love that story trump it's amazing that trump it's running a shit coin scam securities that was working mcdonald's after this i don't think this is coincidence like he's all he's all in the elections election's in two weeks. Do you realize that? Hang on. Hang on. It's the 6th?
Starting point is 00:28:29 It doesn't feel like it, does it? It's just one laughing meme story after another. When is he going to do – what's your McCall? Rogan. He basically confirmed he's doing it on PBD's show. So now I'm just waiting for that. That's going to be the last probably big thing before the election right you'll probably let that go the week of do you think he's gonna win now a lot of people have polymarket pointing to the win cash calci pointing to the win how could i don't know nate's nate silver and nate silver's uh thing silver bullet showing some
Starting point is 00:29:06 real trump momentum now too so you know not only what does it look like polymarket wasn't just uh you know a couple billionaires trying to fudge things it looks like they were right and early at least on the momentum so let's see i mean anything is possible there'll be tons of cheating obviously which we know but um you know both But both sides be trying to do it. Elections don't matter the way that everyone thinks they do. And we have to keep that in mind, right? Keep a clear view here. If you're a Bitcoiner, you're buying Bitcoin because you know intuitively that elections
Starting point is 00:29:41 don't matter, that your vote doesn't matter, that the spending orgy is going to continue, that the overseas funding is going to continue, that all this stuff is not going to slow down. It's going to accelerate. That even if they wanted to villainize you as a Bitcoin holder, it's almost impossible to align these people because they're too busy insider trading to read or write policy. It's a joke. Like, you know, just this is,
Starting point is 00:30:08 you should be stacking so hard right now because the, the fraud and charade is like right in front of your face. 24, seven, three 65. The only thing you can do is buy Bitcoin. Yes. I a hundred percent agree. And people hopefully are doing the same thing.
Starting point is 00:30:22 We're going to end up in the same place regardless. Yeah. Who gets there. It's just, will it be an accelerated one or a decelerated version so are you a decel or excel that's the the two things just don't be an incel and decel excel no incel that's very good i'm not sure if you heard but ontario universities they're losing a fuckload of money as there's a lot less international students coming in and they were bringing in tons of money along with them it's expected in ontario alone the universities are going to lose 300 million dollars by themselves it's not enough next well then next year you're going to be happy to hear they're going to lose 600 million that's the expected number good oh fuck 600 then next year, you're going to be happy to hear they're going to lose $600 million. That's the expected number.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Fuck, $600 million next year? Have you been to a university campus in the last little while? Yeah. When I played the King of 94, it was held just outside UFT, so I walked by. So how many new buildings did they have there? Very few. It's the same old ones that I remember. When I went to Brock years ago, like a year after I graduated, I went to my convocation or whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:30 And in the year that I wasn't on campus, or like the eight months I wasn't on campus, there was two new buildings erected. Ah. Yeah. And now if I look at the Google Maps view, there's multiple more buildings there that weren't there when I was a kid. Now, granted, they have more students. The problem is, you know, Len, we've talked about this before. Colleges and universities are running so many dog shit programs for kids who are too stupid to do anything else because the pressure to go to a post-secondary institution after high school is so great, both from their family, from their teachers, and probably, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:03 if we add a third product to that, from friends and whatnot too, in terms of like romantic prospects, you got to go to university, got to go to post-secondary. They're not giving you anything of value. And instead what you're seeing is these kids fund insane, you know, sort of, you know, small on-campus, basically militias and, you know, like dei uh offices and secondary chancellors and vps of bullshit and you know cookie making and basket weaving cut all those programs cut them all every university should be hard to get into every university should be minimally expensive and every university should have top tier professors getting paid top tier dollars in small numbers. That's how universities should look. And if they don't look like that, then the value that you're getting is simply not that good. As we know with currency,
Starting point is 00:32:55 as we know with commodities, as we know with anything in the real world, the more of it there is, the chances are that the less value it carries. And you're seeing that in universities now and they're gonna have to make do. You guys shouldn't have been accepting a million kids from overseas over the last five or six years. It's not a sustainable business model. You don't get to choose. You don't get to completely fuck up the demographics of the country just because you want to make a couple extra bucks and name a building after yourself, Tipper, or whatever that guy's name is who runs Conestoga. Fucking guy names a building after himself every two weeks. Time's up, up man time to find a real business model or get the fuck going
Starting point is 00:33:30 find somewhere else to work why can't we open up a cbp building we should cbpu no no no we're not doing a trump route but just simply donate to one of these existing colleges oh you want to get a wing or something we might be able to donate enough for like a bench but i don't know if we'll be able to get a wing anywhere maybe it's maybe university toronto met right users university toronto met the medical school they're like doing 75 um minority applicants have to pass and have to get in like i get the feeling a lot of donors are going to stop contributing there maybe the price just went down to get a bench over at that school we can that's good so don't get sick because if you get a kid from toronto met you know you might uh accelerate your own situation a little bit and you don't want to get sick in quebec because you're not going to find a family doctor
Starting point is 00:34:19 too so get to be the right province the right time to get sick anyways yeah see private jet before university but also the etf before all that we got a lot of things to work on here yeah so you have to be in the right province at the right time to get sick yeah see private jet before university but also the etf before all that we got a lot of things to work on here yeah it's not a gun yeah yeah there's one didn't i come up with one more idea the the keys remember we were talking about the the multi-state yeah we're gonna run a multi-state service here in canada where you keep one set of keys and then the other one i'll just punch into my notes app, and we'll do that for you. Small fee, of course, but it'll be very nominal, very fair. Yeah, CBP keys.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Yeah, CBP keys, we'll call it. CBP hodls. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, it's good. Yeah. We will hodl. Yeah, man, I think that's it, Joey. That's 35 minutes.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Good show. It's a little shorter tonight than usual. I am starting to feel more and more sick by the minute here. So this is a good time to wrap. I'll be back with Mike Campbell tomorrow, sick or not, because, uh, God knows Mike has been bulldozing through a few serious, uh, health events here. So we're, we're looking forward to talking to him, getting back on the program and, uh, until tomorrow, my friends take care of yourselves and don't be a cock.

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