The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #189 (Notable News Stories) - J Pow Stands His Ground & Refugee Claims
Episode Date: November 13, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada.... As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: www.CanadianBitcoiners.comDiscord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.
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Okay, perfect. So we could just transition to the rest of the stories, which is, first off, I'm just going to say, have you looked at the price of gold recently?
I've never looked at the price of gold in my life.
Okay, I'll give you an example. So the price of gold, like, for, you know, for let's be honest, people would look at gold as a store of value. And historically, it's been a great place to do so but for the past decade or
so it's been pretty shitty in terms of that uh it hasn't been all that great and just today we have
bitcoin the price of bitcoin jump up quite a bit in past week bitcoin jumped up what like 10 a little
bit more than that but gold in the past week has dropped four percent I think there's something going on or maybe an unwinding.
Somebody suggested to me
as a thought,
maybe there are people starting
to sell their gold
allotment, maybe an ETF
that a gold ETF and maybe buying a
Bitcoin ETF. So there could be
a slow transition now
of capital from gold
to Bitcoin.
so what you're saying is that if we hooked up a steam generator to Peter
Schiff's temples,
that we would probably be able to power the Bitcoin network with how pissed
off he is right now.
But he's irate.
I absolutely irate.
So it boom does says gold has doubled in the past five years.
Bitcoin has doubled in the past
six months or something like that, whatever the fuck it was.
We've gone
from what?
20K at the start of this year?
30? Something like that?
Granted, we're talking right now gold is
a $14 trillion market cap, so it's a huge
ship to move, but still
comparatively, it's very slow in reacting. The fact so it's a huge ship to move but still you know comparatively it's
very slow in reacting and the fact that it's gone down on a time where people are parking their
money in an asset that they want to see protect themselves from debasement in the future and
they're picking bitcoin rather than gold to me that's a telling sign and very encouraging as a
bitcoiner it's like i was saying earlier i think it doesn't matter where you are in the political spectrum.
Now is the time to buy Bitcoin to protect your interests. I love how agnostic it is
to political beliefs. Everybody thinks that their political beliefs are being represented by Bitcoin
and they're right. But what they don't see is that everyone else's political beliefs
are also being represented by Bitcoin. So it's fantastic
that there's this incentive for everybody. This is the thing that the right and the left and
everybody else we can actually agree on. We want sound monetary policy. We want decentralization.
We want people to be in control of the policies that they're governed by. Certainly monetary
policy is one of those. And I think that we're going to actually see an expansion of that
in the coming decades where people
put more and more of what would
previously be government policies
into action through Bitcoin
in layers with their own governance
models. But the first thing
we're going to have happen
is we're going to have cheap credit because
the Federal Reserve dropped
interest rates another 25
basis points this past week and we could you know as bitcoiners you can say what you want about it
we all look at the price denominated in u.s dollars and the federal reserve federal reserves
their decisions impact the price of bitcoin heavily and the fact they cut interest rates again
not as high as a lot of people thought is interesting, but this is going to be a line of a series of cuts to come as they trend
towards zero.
Their overnight lending rate will eventually get to or close to zero.
So it's going to be chief credit for all eventually,
but we touched upon it earlier, but the best thing about this rate cut,
there was a press conference after and Jerome Powell was there and they were
talking about him stepping aside to fast to leave. And he and he said no he's not going to do that it's not you know he's going to
stay on regardless if Trump asked him to resign or not so it looks like there's going to be some
sort of civil war going on between the White House and the Federal Reserve not the best time to have
this I think when you're trying to stabilize markets and try to ensure that people are
supporting the currency and there's faith
in the currency.
When you have the Federal Reserve chair and potentially the president-elect talking at
ends, this isn't a really good sign to me.
So it's all the more reason to buy Bitcoin.
I don't know if you have any thoughts on that.
So you mentioned that people care what the Federal Reserve does because it impacts the
price of Bitcoin and I'm just I'm going through my mind of all the possible actions that a central bank
like the Federal Reserve or the Bank of Canada can do to impact Bitcoin and I'm not sure that
there's any I'm not sure they have the ability to impact it negatively if they if they raise
interest rates it means they're printing money and they're
trying to stamp down inflation. Printing money, good for Bitcoin. If they are lowering interest
rates, cheap credit. People are going to take cheap credit, dump it into Bitcoin. Raises prices.
If they adopt Bitcoin, something like a strategic reserve, good for Bitcoin. If they ban Bitcoin,
that ends all of these centralized attacks. It kills all of these shitcoin exchanges.
It enables Bitcoiners to be using peer-to-peer and decentralized marketplaces and more anonymous
technologies. That's good for Bitcoin too. There's not an action that a central bank has available to it that's negative for bitcoin everything they can
possibly do is a good thing for bitcoin it's either you're going to speed it up or slow it down
if they try and slow it down they just make it better like say they banned it if they if if
tomorrow the the united states or can Canadian governments banned Bitcoin in those countries, Bitcoin would be healthier.
There would be more node runners.
There'd be more people using and giving volume to peer-to-peer exchanges like BISC and RoboSats.
And there'd be less scam victims.
There'd be so many less scam victims because it'd be illegal.
So there's just no losing here.
People say,
holding Bitcoin the way that you are,
you're gambling as much as anybody on the stock market or at the casino or whatever.
I really don't see it that way.
I see the way that this game theory plays out
as a very asymmetric risk game.
Bitcoin can only go to zero,
but it can go to infinity on the other end of the scale
there there is so much more to be gained by just having bitcoin understanding bitcoin
having hard money at all than there is to to not like it's not going to you know it's not gambling
on stocks this is function function that i've personally been using for over a decade it's fantastic i think we established it's not going to go to zero there is
a floor here and i'm just we are putting in the floor we we are so yeah boom dust if canada bans
bitcoin this becomes the canadian i like this uh boom dust guy he's, he's a great guy. I want to plug his stuff.
He's in the Ottawa area, and he runs a Bitcoin meetup Wednesdays, I believe.
Every Wednesday.
I could be wrong, but either way, he's on Twitter.
Check him out.
And he runs those Bitcoin meetups.
From what I gather, I've never attended it, but HiSignal, you will learn a lot.
And I think bitcoin has a presence
there if i'm not mistaken but again i could be wrong but he's a great guy it's such a rough time
with my local meetups um they're a lot better than they were 10 years ago i'll tell you that
there's a lot less shit coining going on but it wasn't like 10 years ago i'm curious what an
average bitcoin meetup would have been like so i think one of the worst Bitcoin meetups I was ever at
was actually at the Quadriga
in Vancouver.
They used to host
meetups there and there
was a lot of shitcoining going
In fact, everybody just wanted to talk about
making their own shitcoin and making their own
exchange, basically.
Very rough.
Hard to get any kind of quality discussion in.
Now, when I go to a local meetup, there's a lot more Bitcoiners.
They all claim to be maxis, but they're all obsessed with ETFs.
They are obsessed with Liquid and promoting shit coins like Liquid.
And I think a lot of that is Bull Bitcoin's fault. Fuck you, Bull Bitcoin. I don't care if you
sponsor the show. Like Francis, you're fucking up. Quit enabling shit coins or stop calling yourself
a Bitcoin-only platform. That's all there is to it. Don't lie to me. And they're just simps for very bad wallets as well.
Like when I went to my local meetup for forever,
they just wouldn't stop recommending Moon and Wallet of Satoshi.
Custodial wallets that like in Moon's case,
like there's not even,
there's an on-chain transaction for every Lightning transaction.
What is the point um
so and these are people that have been involved for over a decade much like myself
so i struggle with how many very confident uh seasoned veteran bitcoiners there are giving half-assed advice and promoting custodial and shit coiny
products. And I'd like to see that change.
It's a lot of pumping of bags. The reality that people they want to have their bags pumped
as much as possible and they don't think greed drives adoption it definitely
does but i feel like as good public citizens and bitcoiners it is in our interest that people
become sovereign known node running individuals that is how that's where we get our decentralization
from is from having these people that are defending themselves and thinking for
themselves uh and controlling their own coins and transaction information that to me is the ball
game that's the only kind of adoption that matters if you're using coinbase or an etf and you're not
cussing your coins you don't run node like i'm sorry but you are not a bitcoiner by no definition
do you interact with bitcoin so So please, I urge you,
get it off of those custodial platforms. Secure your keys. It's not as hard as maybe you think
it is. And there are so many resources to help. I will spend all day helping you if that's what
it takes. I will hold your hand and I will walk you through it. You can find me at
as well as many many other helpful
people it is not hard to store your own coins this saturday i'm meeting up with a bunch of folks and
i'm showing them the process on how to use a cold card and it's free of charge i go over it we go
through it all and at the end of the day they're more knowledgeable and, they take that knowledge and build on it. But really, this
information, it's so easy to find. And people like myself and you will be more than happy to
provide that information and teach people the way. It's really in our interest that these people
learn how to verify. And it's not about trusting us or trusting anything you you find anywhere.
There are a million people that are just like us are telling you, hey, listen to us. But what we're also telling you is when you hear something that we say,
we're going to show you how to verify that in code using primary sources. And that really is
the difference maker. That's what people need to be doing. And that sounds intimidating. You're
saying to yourself, I don't read code.
I don't know what that is.
It's almost all in English.
If you can read English, you can tell what your code is doing.
Well, let's talk about some people that may have trouble with the English language.
Some migrants in the city of New York.
And, well, I'm not sure how sovereign they are right now.
But they're trying to make them more sovereign individuals. So the reality, the gist of this story is that the city of New York, they announced that they're no longer going to be issuing any vouchers to migrants that are settling in New York.
And these vouchers were to pay for food.
So this program has ended, and the program was angering a lot of folks. The mayor of New York was saying, as we move towards a more competitive contracting for asylum seeking programs, we have chosen not to renew the emergency contract for
this pilot program once the year concludes. So it was debit cards that were given out to these
migrant families, and they were staying in city funded hotels. And thus they were allowed to buy
the food with the debit cards. far to date 3.2 million
dollars has been doled out to 2600 migrant families that are living in those hotels
and for example if you want to look at this further a family of four was given about 350
dollars u.s per week to go shopping for food and baby supplies which which, you know, is a decent amount. And they say that, obviously,
this thing is coming to an end. Keep in mind that the city of New York has around 350,000
homeless people already. So they have problems coming out of their ears. But spending money
like this, I think is probably the not a great way to control the problem that you have.
I think it's creating a bigger problem.
You're almost incentivizing people to go there for migrants to settle in New York, but also not dealing with a lot of the existing problems that are there.
So the money is just being directed to a different problem that's growing.
Like, I don't know.
I see shit like this
but it makes me even more bullish to be a bitcoin i'm not sure if you know the same things happen
in canada right like for example um in niagara falls right now pretty much every hotel there
is in perpetuity rented out by the canadian government to house asylum seekers and the
big problem that we have right now is that our asylum approval process is four years backlogged, according to the people in charge of it.
So that means we're paying for years and years and years of resources for people that may or may not end up being here for legitimate purposes.
It's a big problem that we need to like,
because we do need to have an asylum system.
We need to be able to house refugees,
but we also need to very quickly be able to determine
between a valid claim and an invalid claim.
Knowing that the backlog is what it is,
many people are buying themselves time to avoid deportation
by hopping, for example, the US border and making
an asylum claim. Will they be approved? Almost certainly not because we don't take asylum
complaints from Americans, people that have another safe country, but it doesn't matter.
They'll still end up here for four years and we'll pay the bill. So for people who are not aware of
this, if you're coming from in between like a safe country so you say for example you come from
a country that's war-torn i don't want to name anyone just it and then you go to united states
first then come to canada and make a claim for refugee in canada they would say that you should
have made a claim in the united states you had every opportunity to do so so your claim to canada
is going to be ultimately rejected so that's Yes, the only exception is for those that are coming here directly through the UN Human Rights Asylum and Refugee Program,
where they may bounce between some other countries on their way here.
Now, in China, they're the second largest economy in the world.
It's growing leaps and bounds.
It has slowed down significantly.
But one thing that is kind of flying under the radar is just this week,
they announced a $1.4 trillion bailout package.
This is because local governments, there's a debt crisis over there,
and they need to stimulate the economy.
So they're hoping that this financial injection will help the provincial authorities
to refinance
existing loans, and to provide it services and continue to provide services like paying for
public sector salaries. China is a fucking mess. I don't think a lot of people truly understand
that this thing is a house of cards ready to collapse. I was saying that Japan is the canary
in a coal mine. Maybe China might be it and i i'm not sure if you have any insight
into this but i i'm wondering this is going to have broad implications if something happens there
because they as i mentioned second largest economy in the world and they provide a shitload of
fucking goods to us and united states and if there's any disruption in that cheap goods it's
going to make life difficult for a lot of folks out there that are living here there's definitely
going to be a disruption of those cheap goods for americans at least when those tariffs go up for one uh for two
uh i think that the most remarkable thing that we've been witnessing over the last 20 years
is exactly how adept our economists have become at kicking this disaster down the road in china in canada in america uh
modern monetary theory and financial policy has it's it's phenomenal the economy didn't
burst during covid it's phenomenal it's phenomenal that china survived their evergrande scandal or
whatever the hell it was with their real estate market um these are things that
should pop the market but because they are doing such a good job you could argue from their
perspective uh they're doing such a good job of preventing big companies from going under
preventing government services from going under uh by printing money and forcing that inflation and all the consequences on us
in the longer term they have maintained this machine in a way that i'm personally impressed
by like it is phenomenal that they have managed to to create the situation with that's only as
bad as it is like this this thing could seemingly on forever with them, continuing to kick the kind
down the road until they debase the money
so badly that they just make a new one. I'm sure
they'll call it the real.
And we won't
debase the fuck out of that one. You can trust us.
We understand what's going on.
Just in perpetuity,
in a cycle, they have this
down, and they're
really good at it now another one that's
got a good in terms of figuring things out is in ontario now ontario's debt i don't know where you
live i don't care where you live but i'm gonna say for people that want to know in case you want to
know ontario's debt is 430 billion dollars which is a fucking decent amount considering it's a
single province in ontario and
i'm not sure if you're aware but our premier doug ford is planning to give out 200 rebate
checks in the coming weeks coming months sorry to every resident i am aware that doug thinks that
he's ralph klein yes and there was an interesting article that was penned in response to this $200 taxpayer rebate.
And they're saying that if you don't want Doug Ford's $200 tax rebate, here's how you could send it back to the province to help pay down for the debt instead.
Who the fuck is going to not keep the money and send it back to the province so they could pay off the debt?
$430 billion is the debt.
That's a lot of $200 checks.
$200 checks won't even make a fucking dent
if you send every one of them back to the province to pay off the debt.
Listen, folks, get the checks, cash it.
In my opinion, do what you want.
Buy Bitcoin.
Buy some corn.
Take it off the exchange if you're using custodial exchange.
If not, use a proper one like Bitcoin and sleep well at night.
Because you know, in a few years, at least my opinion, I could be wrong, that $200 you
put in will be worth significantly more in the future in Bitcoin.
But that's why I would we rather that the Ford government simply take 200 today's day and age with inflation being what
is 200 canadian isn't as much as it used to be it's not buying you a lot um i i compared
doug to ralph klein who was a premier in the west uh in the in the 2000s And he also did a similar kind of rebate. It was for, I think, $500, or maybe it
was $300 a kid. But that was back when that money was worth three times what it is today.
So you're getting a very small amount of money in this $200. I would so much rather, as just a
little socialist gnome myself, I would so much rather, as just a little socialist gnome myself, I would so
much rather that we all pool that money together and do something about the crumbling healthcare
system in this province. I would so much rather we put all that money together and do something
about the growing homelessness issues in this province. That to me would be a better use of the $200. But that's kind of not how we govern.
We don't add new taxes or take money. We just reduce public services and keep the same amount
of money. I don't know what's the size of your family, but here when we go to Costco to do
grocery shopping, which we do every so often, just for an example, now it's hundreds of dollars is the bill, hundreds and hundreds.
And in the past, four or five years ago, it could have been $200, maybe $300, and we'll be able to get a full cart now.
And it's just incredibly high.
So that $200 that Ford is going to give everybody is, like you mentioned, it's not very much.
What does it afford you?
Three tanks of gas?
You like that Bitcoin meme with the shopping cart and it's got every four years labeled
and every four years the amount that you get in the shopping cart from dollars is less
and less and the amount you get in Bitcoin is more and more and more.
I love that because you're right.
Like I go to Costco too and it is expensive.
It is expensive to fill your cart these days.
And I know that all the Canadians are really feeling that,
which is why it's so insulting to hear our government tell us that
inflation is under control.
It's like, yeah, when you handpick the things that you're going to wait
for the number that you want to create,
I'm sure it does look like it's under control.
But over here, when wages aren't improving and costs are going up sometimes 10% to 20%
for various items in a given year, it certainly does not feel like inflation is under control.
So the narrative is that inflation has been tackled.
Like the last month, it was reported at 1.6%.
Now, that's just
the rate of change the the price per good has gone up significantly compared to something say
three four or five years ago so that price will probably never come down in fact will continually
go up but the narrative is that the wage increase is keeping up with inflation now and i think
truth that's all i mean we know that it's a lie because
we can see what the purchasing power of something was for example 1970 in canada we can see that
you know a single uh a single employment home where one person's a bus driver could afford a
house like you the only reason the numbers are this way is because they
specifically exclude things like real estate um so like they they weight things in such a way
as to create the numbers they want and they want specific numbers because in many ways government
debt and what they they owe to public unions for example hinges on the inflation rate because
that's what they negotiate things around so what the the money the government owes is determined in part by the number that they
publish so they manipulate the absolute ever living hell out of it yeah like cpp canada
pension plan old age security stuff like that i believe is tied to official inflation numbers so
if those numbers are lower then their yearly commitments to those line items will be
lower as well so there is i don't know if there's a strong financial incentive for them yeah
also there's political incentive like do you want to be the leader of the country that brought
inflation down or do you want to be the leader of the country where inflation went rampant
have you seen i'm not sure if you're following politics but in
canada the bloc quebecois is trying to push for the government and they have pushed and failed
to increase old age security payments between us and so if you were to take a guess how much would
you guess that our spending on old age security payments has increased in the last 10 years.
Combined, 13 percent.
Yeah, that's about what it is now.
So like it's it went from about five percent to 10 percent.
So the amount of the total Canadian budget that we spend on on these kind of
securities has basically doubled as people are living longer and.
We haven't added any new dedicated taxes or anything.
And that's created a situation where younger people collectively have to pay a larger tax
burden for now more older people that are in the population. Like there's more old people around
today than there was in the 70s, for example. Yeah.
Christopher Penn- Joey, I don't mean to cut you off. I'm
just gonna give you one quick statistic. Joey often mentioned
this that he said he used to be seven workers used to pay for
every one pensioner. Now the statistic is 3.5 workers for
every one pensioner. So
Joe Carlasare, That is absolutely a correct stat. I
verified that today.
Joey's often cited that.
So it's just verifying exactly what you're saying
in terms of it's a bigger burden for the workers.
And that is why there is immigration in Canada.
Now, understandably, it was quite high
for the past few years.
But historically, that is why Canada
has had immigrants
come into canada to help sustain the economy so that there is a large number of people that are
working that could pay for a growing number of seniors and this baby boomer generation it's
getting well maybe not maybe it's getting smaller these days but it's still relatively large by
comparison to say gen x which is me or gen or millennials which is after i don't know where the
fuck it is yeah it goes x millennials zoomers alphas alphas i don't even know where that starts
but that's probably now so i mean i guess it just started like the last couple of years well the
zoomers are in their 20s now, Len. You're an old man.
We're old people.
We have multiple generations under us now.
I'm ready to retire.
I'm not sure if you're aware.
I am retired.
I made more in this week than I usually make in a year,
so I'm good.
But you're still actively doing something.
You're just not sure what's going on.
You never stop.
To me, what retirement means is you're just, you never stop. Or to me,
what retirement means is you're no longer a wage slave.
You get to,
you get to own your time.
Now I'm going to throw you a scary stat here that one in four parents in
Canada say they cut back their own food consumption to feed their kids.
And this is a salvation army report.
And they say of the parents, they have surveyed 24% say they have reduced consumptions. to feed their kids. And this is a Salvation Army report.
And they say of the parents they have surveyed, 24% say they have reduced consumptions
just to ensure their kids are well fed over the past year.
And they say of those parents,
90% said they reduced their grocery bills
to put money towards other financial obligations.
Like, for example, getting cheaper food
that's less nutritious,
skipping meals entirely.
Eighty four percent said they're skipping meals entirely.
This is like trending totally in the wrong direction.
And on top of that, you have Food Bank Canada saying that they have reported two million
visits in just March of this year alone.
I was going to say they're like five times what they were three years ago and that number is gonna go that was from march i don't think the economy has improved
substantially since march if anything it's probably worse so that two million is probably
2.1 yeah my local food bank is pretty much on me every every month to donate more and crying about
how disastrous the situation is and they're not wrong. It is disastrous. I have friends using the food bank.
Holy shit.
It's terrifying the level of poverty we are creating
and how widespread it is in Canada.
If you look at the Bank of Canada statistics
for average earnings,
like if you're earning $110,000 a year,
you are the top 10% of people in Canada.
If you're earning over $50,000, you're doing better than 50% of people.
And $50,000 Canadian is not a lot right now.
I think the 30th percentile is, I don't even remember, I think $40K, maybe even lower, high 30s.
How could you buy with that?
Where's the poverty line?
There is no middle class anymore.
There's people that are wealthy enough to survive
and they are an incredible minority.
And then there's everybody else
and everybody else is struggling.
You know, the middle class is being uplifted.
The rest of the middle class is the homes that they
purchased because that is the biggest asset under their belt and the fact that they have one i
assume they bought one years ago before the price really went up they're able to live in that home
for a relative pittance compared to somebody else that's paying for rent i was reading statistics
from stats can the other day i don't recall them uh off memory but it was something to the effect
of uh homeowners of the same age uh and demographic are five times wealthier than their cohorts
without yeah i'm pretty sure it's something like five times they just have a five times larger net worth
um it's it's terrifying that yeah we had a middle class and yeah they've been doing really well
because of home price is appreciating but because now people can't get a home we are killing that
middle class the middle class that did exist is moving up to an upper class and there is no new middle class because they cannot buy a house.
And that's,
what's pushing politics.
If you look at what's going on in Canadian politics,
you have the conservative party,
which is right of center.
I would say almost straddling kind of where the liberals used to be kind of
right at center under the Paul Mertens days.
And you have the liberal party and the ndp party
vying for a more left or side of the political at least the canadian political side i wish i
feel like everybody is a little centrist right now um except for like the ppp and
um paul ovier as well like i don't feel like his conservatives are particularly centrist
um i think that they're trying to tap into that same kind of populism that
just led to trump being elected or has led to daniel smith in alberta or um what's his face in
newfoundland nova scotia wherever the hell it is i don't even know his name i know what you're
talking about they just had an election not too long ago. Yeah.
And I feel like we're riding that here too.
And like in America,
culture is an export.
And just like the last time that Donald Trump won and we saw Brexit and everything that followed,
I think that there's going to be a wave of that in Canada and everywhere else
So look at this.
0x15 AAC love isaac leaving my home country to own a home outright was the difference between wage slave for a 30
year deposit and a semi-retired before 30 so yeah and boom dust is saying 50k years hard to live on
if you have kids you're poor if you make less than 75k
kids is a big part of it too like there's a reason we have to have so much immigration and part of
that is because we don't have kids uh and who can blame anybody for not having kids it's can't you
can't afford them and that's why we bring in immigrants is to help ensure that there is the
next generation of people that could pay for the older people yeah we're just taxpayers we need it we need a tax pyramid pyramid with a wide base yeah and if
we could bring in a family that has young kids even better because now you have not just the
man and wife or whatever the dynamic may be uh most likely working and providing
then you have the next generation that once they graduate from school they have a lifetime worth of earning powers they could tax so like those are native
canadians like that is how we grow canada in part is definitely with those people i think that where
we get into a little bit of trouble is for example with the temporary foreign workers program
um i don't know if you've checked out any of those Lima maps where they show employers that have requested temporary foreign workers, when, how many, whether they're approved or not.
But it is disturbing how many employees are being brought into places with very high unemployment rates. we have created a situation where our corporations especially our retail sector
our tim hortons and whatnot have become addicted to cheap foreign labor and they have tried to
convince us that if we don't allow them to continue exploiting people exploiting people
in a way that i should quote the united states human Rights Commission has suggested borders on slavery in some instances.
If we don't allow, continue to allow that exploitation, our prices will explode and
their businesses will collapse because Canadians just don't want to do the work. And I gotta be
honest, I have no time for that argument at all. Canadians were doing work just a couple of years
ago. Before COVID happened happened we didn't have this
flood of temporary foreign workers um so i i would very much like to see that program regress
to actual need-based things instead of just a rubber stamp to bring people in under false
pretenses and i don't i don't blame the folks that are coming in for for coming in either like
they're just looking for a job. But have you seen
some of the advertisements on these foreign websites?
They are so dishonest
and disgusting.
I've heard. That's right.
They're explicitly
like, hey, job in Toronto,
working as a chef,
need you, come on down.
I'm like, there is no job there is no anything
they're just looking for gullible rubes who are desperate enough to do whatever they say to get
to canada and then fill some employer quota so that this recruiter gets a kickback i've heard
that they even have some people that come here that earn less
than the minimum wage. That there are some
cases where cash is being...
They're working for cash, and they're
not even earning minimum wage salary.
Yes. I've heard of
cases. There have been a few, I'm
hoping, very rare and niche cases
where people have had to pay their own
to stay here under the promise that they would
then you know have a path to citizenship or other jobs or whatever and that's another big part of
this like the reason it gets compared to slavery by the un is because you can't switch jobs you're
you're yeah trapped at that employer and they can do whatever they want with you they can treat you
however they want because you cannot leave.
It's called a closed work permit where it's only tied to one.
There's an open work permit
that you can apply to other people.
And I was reading this one story
from in Oakville, Turtle Jacks,
that the owner over there,
and he's just allegedly a piece of shit
because of the way he was doing
and abusing the labor market assessment or opinion, whatever the fuck it's called, to bring in foreign workers.
And yeah, like you were saying that some people had to pay or it was just pathetic how he was manipulating the system, allegedly, to bring people here and just string them along.
Like the potential, they thought there was a job here to come here.
There's nothing.
And it fucking sucks for a lot of folks.
The system needs to revamp it.
I think they're in the process of revamping it.
But, yeah.
Fuck that guy, allegedly.
No, man. It's some family
restaurant in Northeast Local.
Is Turtle Jack's a strip club?
That's a
gay strip club for a very specific
crowd, I think
well that ended it
Mr. Arnum I appreciate you
taking the time to come on this week this has been
awesome and yeah without you
obviously I'd be rambling here by
myself and it would be not very appealing
to listen to or even less appealing to watch so
thanks for taking the time to come on
I'm very glad to be here all my
best to Joey and his family.
I hope that they have a lot of good luck in the coming days.
I hope so too.
With that, we'll be back at this at Wednesday.
Gandalf will be here.
It's going to be a prerecorded interview,
so it will be released on Wednesday evening.
With that, take care.
Good night.