The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #191 (Notables News Stories) - Monetary Theatrics, Montreal Riots (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: November 27, 2024

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact C...anada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠Discord: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠⁠⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and that's it for the bitcoin stuff so well here we are the uh notable stories and lots of notable stuff is going on out there and i guess we'll lead off mark and then first off thanks for sticking around for this this has been awesome that you've been here gary gensler finally we have a departure date this has been something that's been dangling in front of us for some time it's that carrot we've been trying to munch on well we finally got a bite of it january 20th is a date he's going to be leaving and this is the inauguration of donald trump i'm wondering if this is by design that is done well you can't fire me i quit so there like that's that's pretty i think to me it's pretty obvious because he knew he was finished
Starting point is 00:00:54 um and you know he's like okay you know what uh i'll i'm not going to give you the satisfaction of firing me on day one which is which was one of his campaign promises. Yeah. Yeah. So that's exactly, I was going to mention that Trump's been saying that day one, he was going to fire Gary Gensler and he's, and I want to bring in Jerome Powell into this,
Starting point is 00:01:16 but I think he also wants to get rid of him immediately. But Jerome Powell is digging in his heels and saying, it's not going to happen. At least not the way you think it's going to happen. So I, with respect to Gensler though, do you have any thoughts about him? Does he leave any sort of legacy behind that you could talk about?
Starting point is 00:01:33 No, I mean, he was, he was in, in a, in a couple of ways. He was like Alan Greenspan, right? Where Alan Greenspan wrote,
Starting point is 00:01:44 you know, he was an Ayn Randian fan who was like, wrote that essay about gold is sound money, and then, then presided over that whole era of the Fed and, and, you know, almost the demonetization of gold and the demonization of gold. And he just sort of like, he went against his ideals. And Gensler was like teaching courses about Bitcoin at MIT and then became the most crypto. Here, I am talking about crypto and Bitcoin as if they're sort of in the same space. I know that's a little bit of a blasphemy. But, you know, digital asset space space he was one of the most hostile uh people toward it
Starting point is 00:02:28 and you know i heard one argument that um gensler wasn't really anti-bitcoin he just wanted he just perceived the crypto space especially the crypto space to be really saturated with scammers. And I mean, FTX and Celsius and 3AC, like they all proved it. Right. So maybe he was like he really does believe in the space and he was trying the way he thought to, you know, purify it, cleanse it it root out all the criminal elements um and bitcoin i mean he he threw up the roadblocks for such a long time and then eventually just relented and and let it go i don't know if it was because he saw the writing on the wall or if he was you know getting a flame under his ass by Larry Fink.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I don't know that just, you know, the powers, greater powers just said, you're going to pass this because we want it. And then for Powell, this will be interesting, right? Because in 2016, Trump went into that election, like really calling out the Fed for blowing up a bubble, right? You're keeping these interest rates down for too long and it's a big bubble and the stock market is a huge bubble propped up by the Fed. And what did Trump do once he got into office is he browbeat Powell to lower interest rates. Like he just bludgeoned them relentlessly until Powell kind of knuckled under and lowered rates. Um, he did a 180, Trump did a 180 once he was in office and maybe Powell like has,
Starting point is 00:04:24 he's still butthurt from that maybe. And he's like, I'm not going to let that happen to me again. Tom Luongo, I mean, who a lot of people here probably know his show has a completely different take on this. Powell's remarks weren't actually geared towards Trump. They were geared towards this whole globalist cabal basically centered out of London and Europe and that sort of thing. I haven't I've been meaning to listen to that podcast, but it's like a completely different take on the whole thing. And so, I mean, who the hell knows? I mean, it could it'll be interesting to see what happens. I think, I think Trump is going to push him to keep cutting rates. We'll see if Powell wants to keep cutting rates. And if he does, Trump will, you know, tolerate him. And if he doesn't, he will, will you know see if he can oust him somehow the last rate cut i think was 25 basis points if i recall correctly yeah day after the election and two days i think it was a thursday yeah yeah yeah the next day after and yeah yeah so i'm wondering they were very conservative with their rate cut last time and i'm trying to remember what the inflation numbers that came out almost immediately
Starting point is 00:05:53 thereafter but i think they they may just want to continue down that road of being conservative another 25 basis point cuts because this way at least before trump gets in he's i think they have one more meeting in december if i recall correctly um that way they don't have to be too aggressive they're still trending downwards they're not going to stop or go up but they're just doing it at such a slow clip it just allows the market to absorb that change and i i have a feeling that's going to be the uh the course of action at least temporarily but i want i always want to preface this what the fuck do i know if they really if they really are serious about inflation they shouldn't even be cutting rates i mean let's get real here i mean
Starting point is 00:06:36 inflation is higher than the cpi's reported everybody knows it and uh you know they're justifying it by saying oh they got to get the labor market going. But I mean, you know, I like to borrow money at low rates. So if they want to keep they want to keep lowering, let them lower, because I think I can I think I can outrun inflation with my assets. But most people, you know, a lot of people can't. And inflation is a problem for a lot of people. And I think any central bank that is really serious about inflation would not be cutting right now. But all the central banks are cutting right now because there's too much debt in the world. And they painted themselves into that corner that people have been saying they painted themselves into for years yeah they can't they can't they can't not only raise rates which is actually
Starting point is 00:07:26 natural clearing rate for interest should be way higher than it is now they can't raise them there's too much debt they can't even hold them steady because there's too much debt like i mean the central banks are fucked like that's just all there is to it so they're gonna have to lower inflation's gonna go the other direction and you know this is why we bitcoin well mark's sorry michael saying that cutting rates in into a strong economy even small cuts it's a bad sign yeah and if they were serious about inflation they wouldn't increase the money supply ensure They'd ensure that it doesn't go higher. Where's the taper now? Is the taper still a taper, or are they just tapering the taper?
Starting point is 00:08:11 You know what? Something else that has to come up is the debt ceiling was suspended temporarily until the next election. Well, the next election took place. Now the next president is going to be sworn in. That debt ceiling is now going to be something else. It's going to be dealt with.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yeah, I think something happens there in January. But now ceiling is now going to be something else that's going to be dealt with. I think something happens there in January. But now the Republicans now control both the House and Senate and the presidency, so they can do whatever they want. One thing, I know this is going into the weeds here, but Bog Miles says, Calgarian who moved to El Salvador a year ago,
Starting point is 00:08:39 I don't miss the snow. Have you ever been to El Salvador, Mark? No. No, I have not have not you got to make it uh somewhere on your list of things to do because i know that you ever been ever no but i'd love to and everybody says they've gone there they absolutely love it so definitely check it out because people are going to lose their shit when inflation q2 2025 is five percent boom dust is saying that so yeah he also said underneath that nobody is ever going to talk about the debt ceiling ever again yes absolutely right like this this performative
Starting point is 00:09:14 theatrics around every debt ceiling showdown always cracks me up and it doesn't matter if like one party controls the house the like or if it's like a kind of like a gridlock. The debt ceiling will always be raised, right? There is no debt ceiling. There is a ritual ceremonial performance called the debt ceiling dance that happens, but there is no debt ceiling. It just goes up forever let's go to the northern notable north we'll go into canada there's a story that came out mark that just a few days ago prime minister trudeau is saying that 250 is going to be airdropped to canadians and this is going to be airdropped to Canadians. And this is going to be given out to folks that earned less than $150,000 in the year 2023.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Also of note, Mark, this money was only going to be given to people who have worked in 2023. So if you have been retired for the whole year of 2023, you are ineligible to get that $250. I just want to say out there. So on top of that airdrop money, they're going to be applying a GST holiday between December 14th and February 15th. whole bunch of basket of goods such as prepared foods restaurant meals snacks beer wine and children's clothing footwear children's toys books christmas trees as well just on a list i would like to say that remember this starts in december 14th might be a good time to stock up on christmas trees come january because the market it collapses over there. And plus you throw in this no HST on top of it. It makes a great time to stock up and sell 10 months later or so forth.
Starting point is 00:11:11 But for those who want to know how much this measure is going to cost Canada, it's going to be $1.6 billion strictly for the GST holiday and $4.7 billion for the 250 dollars given out to everybody earning less than 150k in 2023 total revenue canada raked in just want to give this some perspective remember 1.6 is going to be lost from the gst revenue and 4.7 billion is going to be given away. Canada, just 2022-2023, took in $447 billion. So this equates to 1.5% of that, just all the revenue that they collected a few years ago. Dollars are going to be given to eligible Ontario taxpayers
Starting point is 00:12:01 by the Ford government. So here in Ontario, we're going to be raking it in i'm not sure if you have any thoughts you want to is this like election posturing like this this always blows me away when governments grant these insulting pittances of ass white money to people thinking that it's gonna like change the way they feel about the government i mean one guy in the just posted that program is insulting to canadians michael it is it's an insult you know um and like i don't know what they're thinking because there is such a level of disenfranchisement and even, I would say, rage amongst the Canadian public with the government of the day to think that this is going to assuage their dissatisfaction about it. But you also reminded me of this other thing,
Starting point is 00:13:05 and maybe you talked about it on the previous episode and I missed it. There is also a business rebate that's supposed to go back to small businesses. Right. That is delayed because they're, because they have to, is it delayed because they're figuring out how to tax it
Starting point is 00:13:25 so they're going to tax your business rebate now don't want to interrupt um no freeland was saying on twitter that she says taxes are not going to be applied to that so they backtracked on that because that was literally blowing up in their faces on that one. So this government is just the most tone deaf, you know, gaggle of bureaucrats you've ever seen in your life. They just don't get it. They've destroyed the economy. They're trying to buy us, buy our votes back with our own money, right?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Carbon rebates, Gst tax rebates business rebates that were until yesterday taxable themselves like this is just you know par for the course with this government it's the wonders never cease and it has been talked about. Somebody mentioned to me today on my work. I saw it on X and I even heard it on the radio that $250, the limit is $150,000 that you're going to be receiving that, which means you are in need of that $250, even if you're making $149,000. Yes. That's the new poverty line. Practically, you know, it's like,
Starting point is 00:14:47 okay. Incredible, that things have changed in a very short period of time. This is going to create and if this continues, a new group of individuals that are reliant on fundings directly from the government ubi you can almost call it uh or gbi because this is more of a targeted thing um then it just you create a bullying block that is requiring that particular party to be in power in order to get that so it just it's it's almost like a great way to ensure longevity but i don't think it's going to work this time because the polls just don't look really good for the liberal party things could change i know in 10 months 11 months anything could happen but for the last year and a half or so two years it's been consistent they've been double digits behind
Starting point is 00:15:41 the conservatives they have to pull a rabbit let me let me stop you there go ahead you know my prediction right there is no reversing this tide the liberals give you the liberals are finished and i say the next election is a blowout to the point it were 1993 style blowout especially if they run the clock out to the furthest possible point in 2025 to hold an election, they will lose their party status. It will be the end of the Liberal Party and probably the NDP. We will have the bloc as an opposition party and a CPC supermajority, and there will be maybe like two seats for the ndp and like three for the liberals that's my prediction but i also predicted a hundred thousand dollar bitcoin
Starting point is 00:16:31 if predictions were guaranteed we'd all be trillionaires i'm going to give you a scenario and i think i've mentioned this to you in the chat i know i told this to joey now i'm going to just throw it out here for everybody what if hypoth hypothetically Justin Trudeau is not going to be the leader of the party come next election? Oh, he won't run in the next election anyway. I don't think so. Not even going to be there because he's a coward at heart and he knows he's going to lose and he won't. He won't run. Well, if he leaves, I i'm gonna just say this if he were to leave before
Starting point is 00:17:09 the next election takes place he would leave with a perfect record every election he's run he's won it doesn't matter the next election is the only one that counts well for him to go and leave with that type of record he's young enough theoretically he could come back and his record would say, look, I took a third party to majority immediately. And just in case, you know, people, they love him again. And liberals are in a situation where they're far. He could come back and just saying this is a possibility. But hear me out. Trudeau is not going
Starting point is 00:17:45 to be the leader i mean in this fantasy world i'm playing out here and so somebody else is going to run the person running jody wilson rayboat now she was the attorney general that was ousted by the liberal party she could come in and she can say, look, I am distance. I distance myself from the previous regime. I am a liberal. That is a traditional liberal. And I'm indigenous. I'm a woman. I stood up. I lost my position as a result. Here I am. I'm ready to rebuild a party and take it to the next level. That's not the way it works in politics. The way it works in politics is when the population is fed up, the incumbent party gets destroyed and they go and lick their wounds for 10 or 20 years and they come back. And maybe she will come back then.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Yeah. It does not happen the way you describe it ever i can't think of a single instance where that happens i think she's you're right where there's fatigue with the party that's running and they've been in power since well nine years almost 10 yeah so there is fatigue it's like a shelf life even with a coach and uh say hockey whatever, even a great coach can't last forever. They have to be canned eventually. But if this is the only way I could see them reversing the fortunes with their current situation, and I'm just spitballing here,
Starting point is 00:19:15 maybe I'm totally off my rocker, but if she came in and became the leader and immediately was able to put her thumbprint on the party and try to reverse this spiraling downwards, she might be the one. I could be wrong, and you may not agree. I mean, this is my theory. Polly Market hasn't put up any bets for the Canadian election yet,
Starting point is 00:19:34 or I'd be all over that. Did they get in trouble, the CEO or something like that? The CEO got raided the week after the election, yeah. But they haven't pressed any charges against him what sort of charge could stick against him because he was providing a platform for people to bet on it on a more accurate than the media like okay let's. I want to talk about this piece of, I'll even call it human trash. This guy's a human smuggler, and his name is, I can't even pronounce his name. Rosaya is his last name.
Starting point is 00:20:15 His first name is quite long. I don't even want to pronounce it. I'll fucking butcher it. Anyways, this guy is a human smuggler, as I said. He was issued a Canadian passport even after the fact he was forced to surrender it by the courts and this dude was spearheading an international human smuggling network and he was even after pleading guilty february of 2023 was forced to wear an ankle bracelet electronic ankle bracelet to wait for the trial eventually because he was smuggling in
Starting point is 00:20:46 sri lankan nationals from the united states into canada back in 2021 in fact some people died on the saint lawrence river from one of at least allegedly from one of his endeavors well he ended up applying and getting a new passport just last year. Like I see this, like what the fuck is going on, man? Like, I don't know, man. These are the people that should not,
Starting point is 00:21:10 if anything, get anywhere close to it. It traveled document. If you're having electronic bracelet, that should preclude you from getting to exclude you from getting from any sort of travel document. I don't know if you, if you want to add anything to this thing,
Starting point is 00:21:22 but what a piece of human trash. No quarter of travel document. I don't know if you want to add anything to this thing. What a piece of human trash. No quarter of the week. It's hard not to get the sense today in Canada, in this country, that the system is built to protect the criminals, right? I mean, we have all these anecdotal, you know, data points. We've got the police in Montreal saying you can't post pictures of people stealing stuff from your porch because you're violating their rights. You've got the police in Montreal saying you can't post pictures of people stealing stuff from your porch because you're violating their rights. You've got the police in Toronto saying, leave your car keys at the door so that it's easier for the criminals to take your car. I forgot about that. Yeah. They don't break into your house. We got love them or hate Ezra Levant.
Starting point is 00:22:02 He's downtown. He just got arrested Saturday for reporting on a Hamas demonstration when who's going around rioting in Canadian cities and destroying storefronts, burning the flag and calling for genocide. And the guy reporting on it gets arrested like this is Canada now. Right. this is Canada now, right? The people who are doing something about criminals or talking about criminals get arrested and the criminals are protected. And at the same time, you have people giving off friendship bracelets and singing songs at a concert.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Yes. I don't think who, I heard something. No, just heard about a guy it's it's very reminiscent of the the myth of narrow playing the fiddle as rome is burning which by the way is untrue according to oh yeah it's apocryphal it's apparently he was in his hometown which when the great fire of rome took place and in fact, he was even offering up shelter to people that were impacted from the fire. So yeah, whatever the case may be,
Starting point is 00:23:13 that's apparently it's myth, but it just seems like it's happening. You know, you're just kind of playing the fiddle as you're watching cities go down as riders go out, smashing windows, just indiscriminately. I'm going to smash this window, boom, done. And what really gets me about this, sorry, I know we're on a, we've sort of veered on top.
Starting point is 00:23:32 No, I love these type of discussions. The freedom convoy, right? The insurrection, like there are people, there are NPCs still walking around today that think that that was like an insurrection, an attempt to overthrow the government. It was bouncy castles and fucking saunas and like Christmas carols and they were like clearing sidewalks. Every media talking point smearing the truckers has been debunked. We know it is all false. It was all fake. And yet, right, the truckers got their bank accounts seized. Anybody who tried to contribute to them, except for us Bitcoiners,
Starting point is 00:24:13 because we were just impervious to assault at the time, right, had their bank accounts seized. And now we've got people in Montreal just destroying the place, smashing windows, burning cars, burning flags, calling for genocide. And like their bank accounts are getting frozen. The government, the mainstream media isn't rolling nonstop footage of people like flashing the Hitler salute. Like that's not happening. And then, you know, it's, it's just really, it kind of gets in my craw a bit, just that it's just such an asymmetry between those two situations. And I think a lot of Canadians are that pissed off too. When it starts impacting them, their anger level goes up tremendously,
Starting point is 00:25:00 especially if your business was impacted because it was closed or had its window smashed. Or just here in Oakville, we had just in one street, just randomly all cars parked on the boulevard or on the street, they had their window smashed. And just why it was done, it just seemed like what the hell. But you have events like this, like that take place and it impacts you. Then you get angry at what's going on around
Starting point is 00:25:26 you and how it was created who created it and that's what leads back to the original thing the next election they're gonna you know the governing party is going to take a real beating because it's so difficult for them to turn this fucking thing around and things are going to continually get worse i believe no 250 airdrop is going to fix anything and i know lowering interest rates aggressively or you know there's a stat here that says canada sorry toronto residents need to earn 26 an hour just to cover living costs that equates to what like 52 000 a dollars a year if you work for forty four forty hour week or something like that so it just goes to show you you have to earn a decent salary just to make ends meet think about how much if you're living in toronto you live in toronto and if you
Starting point is 00:26:20 were to just rent a place how many like, like $1,500, $2,000 minimum? Minimum. And that's just like a basement corner. That's $54K a year, right? The $26 an hour. That's pre-tax. Pre-tax, right? So after tax, I mean, what do you got left?
Starting point is 00:26:39 $37, I'll say $38, I'm guessing. Maybe I'm high, maybe I'm low. So that's like $20KK, 20.5 is gone. So you're at 30K, right? You're like at 31K. Your rent, if you're downtown, your rent is 2000 bucks a month. After taxes.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Unless you're in a rooming house, like in a shared thing. So you got 31 grand a year. You've spent 24 for rent you got seven grand left to spend on your what ttc and groceries um yes clothing cell phone bill presumably internet if you're not gonna just use your phone like yeah you just go down the list yeah it's impossible and just say 10 years ago 15 years ago somebody earning 52k a year that was a decent salary i was like whoa yeah and that's how quick things could change and things can continually change that's why a lot of people
Starting point is 00:27:40 are moving out of the city by by the way. Or the country. It's just because we live elsewhere. I was going to suggest that guy, Bog Miles. He's living in El Salvador. He just picked up and never went. He just picked up and moved there. What a bold move by him. But fuck.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I think we could do one last story. This North Volt story. I'm not sure if you've seen this. And for people who are unaware, Northvolt is a Swedish battery maker. And they announced that Northvolt did in 2023, last year, that it would invest $7 billion in Canada in their Canadian operations. And the Canadian government and Quebec government would each pony up $1 billion for the first phase of construction. While Northvolt, they have filed for bankruptcy. And yeah, so the investment in Northvolt
Starting point is 00:28:40 was part of several offerings of production credits to 13 battery companies and automakers. So the government of Canada was not just giving them some sort of credit, but it was also in total 13 battery makers and companies. And $56 billion was earmarked in total for all these 13 companies. This is maybe a sign of things to come. Maybe the battery industry is advancing too fast for itself it needs to progress on its own through just natural progression just natural momentum and there may not be a need for these batteries right now i know there's a push in a lot of jurisdictions to get rid of internal combustion engine cars such as canada california and even parts of Europe. But is there a enough battery capacity
Starting point is 00:29:28 out there to like, create these batteries, cobalt, lithium, copper and shit like that to make massive amount of car batteries and recycle them to and be is there enough power that's been generated or being generated to energize these batteries? A of places they're trying to incentivize us to not use peak energy like to use energy during the daytime because they don't have the capacity to provide electricity so they're trying to force us to use electricity at night that's fine and dandy without having all these cars plugged into our sockets i plug them all in and it may tip that the scales were oh shit we have brand outs or blackouts like i don't know this whole thing is just a it seems to be a push a forceful push but i don't think it's ready it
Starting point is 00:30:15 should just go on its own whenever it gets there it gets there and then let the market decide i'm not sure if you want to add anything to that. Yeah, I mean, I think, like, I echo the sentiment. Like, I think eventually, you know, we're going to switch off of fossil fuels over the course of the next, I don't know how many years. If for no other reason than, you know, we're using it up more than it's being produced, right? Like, we're using it up more than it's being produced. Right. Like we're running out. I mean, not anytime soon with shale and fracking and stuff like that. But there's going to be this natural market dynamic that will will move off of fossil fuels and it will be driven by incentives, real incentives. Right. If we really want to have electric cars all over the place, like I've heard
Starting point is 00:31:06 some stats, I don't have the exact numbers that like a typical Toronto neighborhood can't have more than two electric cars or two or three electric cars, Tesla Model S is plugged in because the grid can't handle it, right? Like my neighborhood here just browns out all the time right but if everyone's got a tesla in the driveway you can't power it especially if there is a war on fossil fuel operations most you know climate zealots hate nuclear i mean for ontario's been ahead of the game in nuclear for a long long time and most people probably don't even know that we get most of our electrical energy from nuclear. Right. Tell them that they probably their brains would melt down. But, you know, in other parts of Canada and the rest of the United States and the world,
Starting point is 00:31:58 nuclear is finally starting to become fashionable again because big tech is sort of driving it because it's like look we need ai and we need all this electricity so there's going to be tons of nuclear there still has to be some sort of breakthrough in battery storage and charging efficiency because i'm not buying an electric car and going on a road trip across the country and stopping in like medicine hat alberta and waiting for three fucking days to charge my car so i can start driving again right so there's got to be all these breakthroughs that have to happen and they will happen like they are gonna happen so rather than than granting these companies like billions of dollars to try to get a product market fit before the technology and the market
Starting point is 00:32:47 is ready, why not do a smaller amount of grants to research institutions and R&D labs and academic places to say, look, get a super capacitance, work on superconductors, work on energy breakthroughs, like get something that we can actually commercialize, make it happen. So then we can like charge, you know, charge an electrical car in like 30 seconds. Right. The whole the whole drive to like so-called green energy or reusable energy or ESG has been trying to say, you don't need it as good as you have it now because we have this slightly shittier way of doing it that's cleaner. And that's not ever going to get widespread adoption. If you look at any technological breakthrough, it's sort of like, yeah, there's these challenges with this baked in way that we do things. And all of a sudden out of left field, a disruption comes that says,
Starting point is 00:33:47 hey, guess what? It's faster, better, cleaner, cheaper, and then like does it in half the time. And it's like, it's just a no brainer. It's disruption. It just, it's a wrecking ball, right? In its own way. And that's what happens. That's how you get these changes.
Starting point is 00:34:04 And someday it's going to happen. There's going to be some sort of like breakthrough that just sort of says, oh, hey, guess what? Running an internal combustion engine down the highway is now kind of quaint because we've got this other way of doing things that'll just make it seem like banging rocks together. But it'll happen, but you just can't say, like I said, you can't reduce the energy density and the standard of living because it's just like people just don't function that way. It seems like that this next few years seems like it's the only transition, well, not the only, but the next generation
Starting point is 00:34:46 is going to be worse off than the previous generation. It's been a long time, 200 years, 300 years, I don't know when the fuck it will be the last time we had this, but man, that's a scary thought where the people that we're going to be handing off the baton to, they're going to be in a
Starting point is 00:35:02 shittier position than we've had it. It all traces directly back to fiat right fiat ruins everything right like that's why the incentive structures are inverted and perverse yeah it needs a bitcoin is that wrecking ball that's just suddenly oh hey guess what don't need the banking system anymore because this other thing is coming that's just suddenly, oh, hey, guess what? Don't need the banking system anymore because this other thing is coming that's going to just disrupt it out of existence. It offers so much positivity. And it's a matter of time before we go back to a hard money system.
Starting point is 00:35:36 I'm not sure we're going to go there quickly, but it's just, it's inevitable because you just can't rely on being backed by simply nothing. And then you could debase it into infinity. Something like Bitcoin where there's a hard set number of Bitcoin that could ever be introduced into the system. And that's it. Granted, it's backed by nothing.
Starting point is 00:35:56 But people have value in it. And people will continue to have value in it. And it will go up over time as more people get into it. But whatever. Bitcoin is where it's at. That's why I'm going to keep stacking. And you know what? The price? $94,000. We're recovering.
Starting point is 00:36:09 If we run a filibuster, Len, and just keep talking, maybe we get to $100,000 tonight. I've been joking with that, Joey, for a bunch of times when the price goes up through the show. I said we should stick around for a few hours and see what happens. But I ain't doing it tonight. I just want to...
Starting point is 00:36:33 Oh, sorry. I lost you for a few hours and see what happens but i ain't doing it tonight i i just want oh sorry i lost you for a sec or did you survive the great bear market of uh november 25th at 6 p.m joe when yes i did i i certainly did we went down what like six percent seven percent whatever it was i you know? I've said this before. I don't think I'm going to bat an eye until Bitcoin ever gets to four digits again. I don't think we'll ever get there. But if it ever gets there, then I'll probably bat an eye. But even then, I'm still stacking away. There's got to be some serious issue to prevent me.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Like SHA-256, there's a bug in it or something to prevent me like shot two 56. Like there's a, a bug in it or something like something in there. Like, and even then we'll probably just quickly transition, but I'm going to stack forever, man. Fuck this shit.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Fuck it. Mark. I want to thank you for taking the time to come on the show. Like you took time out of your busy schedule and it was awesome to have you here. Thanks one. I always enjoy coming on this show and congrats. You took time out of your busy schedule, and it was awesome to have you here. Thanks, Len. I always enjoy coming on this show, and congrats to Joey and baby Maya, the conqueror, who will never see sub-$70,000 Bitcoin in her lifetime. She may not.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Yeah, she was born just after we crossed the threshold. And you know what? For still people that are listening in or tuning in, Mark and I are going to be doing axis of easy recording this Thursday to be released on Friday, Friday at 6 PM. That drops. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Check that out. So with that, I'm done. You're done. Any last words? No, it's been fun. that drops. Yeah. Check that out. So with that, I'm done. You're done. Any last words? No, it's been fun. Thanks, everyone. And we'll see you next time.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Take care and don't be a cock.

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