The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #192 (Notables News Stories) - GST Goes On Holidays, We Love Mayor Brandon Johnson & Biden's Pardon
Episode Date: December 4, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact C...anada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.
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And here we are with the rest of the news.
Scott Dietl's with me, and we'll be talking about quite a few stories today.
We don't have too much time because Scott is, you got some time constraints today.
So I want to try to honor your time constraints.
First off, of the notable news, I'm not sure if you've been following, but we have a favorite
mayor in the CBP, and it's Mayor Brandon Johnson, and he he's the mayor of chicago love the guy i want to bring
him on the show in fact i put out an invite to him but he's uh didn't reply back so and also
eric adams too is open invite to both you two gentlemen sadly though mayor brandon johnson
his approval rating is tanked 15 approval rating and has a 70% unfavorable opinion on him as mayor.
And on top of that, there are allegations that his top staffer faces racism,
sexual harassment complaints, and a few other things. The mayor, I love this guy, by the way,
he was trying to push for a new $300 million property tax increase. I'm going to repeat this.
He was trying to push for a $300 million property tax increase, I'm going to repeat this. He was trying to push for a $300 million property tax increase,
but that was squashed by city council by 50 votes against it and zero in
They fucking needed it.
So the city is now just struck because they have a $1 billion shortfall and
they have to try to find a way to fill that.
And so what's on the table?
they're going to probably lay out some employees over there, including police and fire. Chicago is a rough town as it is. Now you take
away some police, fire, it gets even more rough. I'm not sure if you're following what's going on
in Chicago, but man, oh man, we are over here. Yeah. I mean, it's a little bit other side of the continent for me but
it's something
you know it makes me think of
like the Christopher Nolan movies
then the first two
Batman movies they made
they used New York and then the third movie
it was Chicago
and it's like
Chicago has really seemed to become
this decaying, you know, picture of Fiat society, modern Fiat society.
It's really sad.
Maybe this is like the ghost of Toronto's future.
What's going to come?
And you're right there are some comparables between the two but
chicago is a more advanced state of being accelerated and here they are i feel bad for
the people living there and trying to do business i i have a friend uh that has a close friend in
in chicago and has a business in the core and it's a professional service. I don't want to get into what it is,
but he can only remain open for a few days of the week because of how terrible
it is. And with that, he's not able to meet his expenses.
So he just may end up just closing shop altogether and going somewhere else.
And this is just par for the course businesses that can operate.
His environment is just too bad. And then,
so they close up and then there's a
vacancy and there's a void that needs to be filled that will never be filled.
Yeah, it's like, you know, death spiral. This happened when I was, during 2020,
I was living in downtown Vancouver and kind of watched this play out on a smaller scale.
You know, the restaurant stayed closed and because they were stayed closed,
they eventually just closed.
And when the restaurants were closed,
there was no one coming down for business lunches.
And those people would typically shop a little bit.
And so the death of the restaurants killed all the stores.
And now you have all of a sudden whole streets
where the frontage is empty and it gets overtaken.
Like those, now Vancouver has, you know,
has always had a problem with homelessness,
but now it's like they're just lost blocks
that are completely overtaken.
And I think it's like,
once that spiral accelerates to a certain point,
how do you encourage businesses to come back in
and try to reclaim it?
It's like, now it's just toast.
You're old enough to remember New York in the 90s, right?
It was a tough place, but somehow they were able to clean it up and make it comparatively
safe and everything got so much better within the city.
So it's possible, but you have to have the right ingredients in order to do that.
I'm not sure if it's possible, but you have to have the right ingredients in order to do that. I'm not sure if it's possible.
Yeah, I mean, I think one of the challenges that cities will face moving forward is things like online shopping, food delivery.
It's getting harder and harder, independent of all those factors, to have viable physical location businesses. And so it's not like,
you know, where I live, every residential building that's being built is being built with
a ground floor for a commercial. And it's like 20 years ago, that probably would have worked just
fine. There would have been lots of businesses to find but um i think that it's just cities are fighting an uphill battle for planning trying to manage
an evolution of what this consumption looks like anyways and so yeah it's gonna be tricky
you know what works is like nail salons convenience stores shit like that in those
locations because there's no online substitute for that yeah and so just
something that's quick but when's the last time you've been to vancouver oh i was there a couple
weeks ago so you have some reason to have you do you go there periodically like enough that you
could notice you could see a change over a long enough period of time yeah yeah and i mean i don't
want to rag on vancouver because like it is a great place but
yeah yeah i mean there are sections that totally feel like you're inside of thriller video it's
too bad because i've never been to vancouver but in my mind it seems like one of the best places
in the world because weather-wise if you like you know if you could deal with the rain it's not that
cold in the wintertime and it's i guess for some people they could deal with the rain, it's not that cold in the wintertime.
And it's,
I guess for some people,
they don't like the heat.
So it's not that hot in the summertime,
but you're so close to saltwater.
You could go to the States really quickly.
You go skiing.
Like it's just,
it's in the right spot,
it's the nicest big city in Canada.
For sure.
I used to joke when I was there that it's district one,
you know,
it's like the,
it's totally feels like district one.
And they have beautiful beaches.
It almost even gets a wrap for not getting hot weather
because the summers in Vancouver are beautiful.
But, yeah.
I've got to give you a stat, Scott,
to show you that society is crumbling.
1.4 million american women do only fans
so i did some research here so 1.4 million american women are doing only fans it's estimated
there's around 100 million women in the united states over the age of 18 and if you do the math of how many people
are using only fans or are doing only fans between the ages of 25 and 34 well some back of the
napkin math indicate that almost one quarter of all women between the ages of 25 and 34
are doing only fans it It's fucking incredible.
If nothing else that shows that society is fucked,
at least in a digital way.
But like on top of this,
there's also a recent study that shows one in four adults are going to
remain single for their whole fucking life.
You got low birth rates,
sky high threats of climate change change fucking driving people bonkers.
Like all this shit's going on.
There's so much to see here to say, yeah, man, society is fucked.
Yeah, it's really, it's like really tragic.
I think the porn thing is like, it's a total epidemic
because, you know, the other side of that stat
are all of the men who are like have
total closet addictions and um you know a lot of those guys are probably like married dads
and you know secretly squirreling their paycheck away to spend on these women i saw on the weekend
there was i don't know who it was but some some OnlyFans girl, made more than almost every player in the NBA last year.
I saw that.
It should be like $50 million or whatever last year.
I don't understand.
How does anybody get away with it?
Because I assume you have to pay with a credit card.
Doesn't it show up as a statement?
It must, yeah.
Like, what the fuck?
It's a sad...
And the fact that we have so many single people
and people that will remain single.
Like, the fact that the birth rate is low,
this is why countries like Canada encourage immigration.
And Canada has had immigration through its history.
But lately, because birth rates are very low,
the only way to sustain society as a whole,
because you have a lot of older people, the boomers, taking out all the, you know, they're
using health care, they're pensioners and so forth.
Something has to pay for this.
And if it's not the young people that are having kids that are helping pay for it, you
got to fill that gap somehow.
And it's got to be with immigrants and people.
We bring in immigrants and people get it.
You know, if you bring in too many people get angry he's like there's there's no fucking
solving this fucking problem it's a societal issue there totally is this problem solved like
it's solved but they we're just not going to do it like the the eastern european countries
um they you have a certain number of kids you never pay taxes again so yeah like 100 i just
think these are all fiat broken money problems
manifesting in society. Like, you know, women are doing this because it's no longer like there
aren't sort of like, I don't want to speak for women, but like, you know, it's harder and harder
to like create a lifestyle for yourself that you would want to do by earning the kinds of jobs that
you would have done 20 years ago the kinds of jobs that you would
have done 20 years ago. I think the same thing, you know, having families and kids that this is
a cost of living thing. People don't feel like, like when we were in university line,
or like when we were that age, if you were in university, like everybody assumed they would
own a home. Like it was just, that's not that long ago, but like nobody, when I was in university, I remember thinking like, oh, I wonder if I'll
ever be able to own a home. I never once worried about that ever. Like you just assume that you
would get yourself like into adulthood, get a job and, and like all these things kind of happen.
So, um, to me it's like the crumbling value of money. These are all the sort of second order
effects. And the culture stuff is the worst. You know, it's like, it's like OnlyFans to me
is sort of like meme coins. It's like a, it's like a pulse on the cultural nihilism. Like
degeneracy happens when you really just stop giving a fuck because you don't really think you have a chance anymore. And yeah, this is honestly partly why I'm involved
in Bitcoin and why I'm doing what I am is because I think that this has proven to be a problem that
governments are not willing to fix on their own. And is a solution and this is why i like the tornado
cash guys and samurai guys too because it's like yeah the solution is going to come from outside
the system and it's only going to come from people willing to really just do something about it
uh in terms of the government solving problems there was one issue or one problem that was
solved just today uh president joe biden decided to pardon his son
and he believed that he was being targeted because he was joe biden's son and so he decided to
resolve this issue by simply pardoning him i i absolutely love it bring it on yeah i mean i know
it i know it's normal for outgoing presidents to be pretty like
loosey-goosey with the pardoning thing but uh yeah this is why like for me man i i stopped really
paying attention to politics almost entirely and i when i was like i studied politics and uh in the
university but it's you know we've arrived at this place where there can be a 600 page document detailing all of the
escapades with like, you know, underage girls and all this stuff. Like, this is like,
it looks pretty real to me. And there's just no auditing. It's the same in Canada though. I mean,
like we have, there is no incident of corruption big enough to topple a government in Canada.
Like there is no way for us to audit the corruption that happens in government.
It's like the Arrive Canada app or SNC-Lavalin.
Like there's just nothing.
And so I don't know how people can get caught up in it anymore even because just the whole
thing is uh you know only has the appearance of democracy we we it's been a long time since we
had any like meaningful ability as regular people to influence what's going on
remember the gomery inquiry back in the mid-2000s?
They called it, quote-unquote, the sponsorship scandal.
Do you remember that? No.
Under Kretchen's government, there was
money, and I couldn't
be wrong on this, but money that was funneled
through the province of Quebec, and it was
used to try to build national unity,
but it seemed that money was
ending up in some people's pockets that shouldn't have got the money. A whistle was blown, and it was used to try to build national unity but it seemed that money was ending up in some people's
pockets that shouldn't have got the money a whistle was blown and it was uh became a big
thing they ended up having an investigation done with justice gomery that ended up toppling the
liberal government because at that time people were just they the liberal government at that
time was 12 years in 11 11 years in to their mandate.
And they decided, you know what, we've had enough.
And so they rewarded them.
Instead of having a strong majority, they had a minority government.
And then next election after that, they were toppled.
So there are things in Canada that could topple governments.
It doesn't happen this century.
Or they did.
It feels like a lot's changed.
That's a long time ago for everything that's happened since, I would say. I don't know.
I mean, now all the members of parliament are holding on for their pensions. So nothing will
happen until everyone's hit their pension number next october i think it is well there's a story i want to bring up and i absolutely love this story a everybody i hope
that's aware that hurricane helene they it wrecked north carolina it flooded a lot of areas and it
was just simply devastated one company over in north carolina they were they're in a business
of selling trees christmas trees right and every year they grow, they're in a business of selling trees, Christmas trees, right?
And every year they grow trees, they cut them down and sell them around this time of year.
The hurricane came by, devastated this company. All the trees, almost all of them were just
wrecked except for one, one solitary tree remained standing. And it's like this tree was the beacon
of hope for the area. Like it was this one that just stood up against this mighty storm and it
What did they decide to do with this fucking tree?
The white house,
they decided to hack this motherfucker down,
drag it hundreds of miles over to DC and put it on display in the white
house as a,
that's your Christmas tree.
And it's now going to wither away slowly because it's obviously not on the
ground. So
look at this.
This is just a symbolism
of what's going on over there.
I can't believe
when they're talking about this tree,
it was Dr. Joe Biden
was there giving the speech. Nowhere was
President Joe Biden. He was just fucking
nonexistent. I don't know where the hell he is but he wasn't there it was just funny to see
the story was funny joe biden giving this speech was funny just everything was just
fucking classic and just oh i just i think they could have at least put some guy in a joe biden
mask up there um wander around for 10 years like lost it's gonna be that hard to act that out
not sure if you saw this one there's the 24-hour d gens are going to get their act in order because
the sec has approved 24-hour trading for the s&p 500 and nasdaq 100 stocks by 2025 so they're going
to allow 24-hour trading and it's going to be between the hours of
overnight sessions between Sunday and Friday. And there's gonna be no holiday or weekend trading.
So Bitcoin never stops. But man, Bitcoin is changing the apps. I'm sure this is as a result
of people has to be right. I love seeing that like, but you know what? I love seeing that. But you know what?
I'm just curious to see what happens when they open things up 24 hours.
Is the volume going to be slowing down at night?
Will there be potentially more weight?
I don't want to say manipulate the market, but at least move markets more so than the daytime.
Because it's much more thinly traded in the after hours than it is between 9.30 and 4, right?
So I don't know.
I don't understand why anybody would own stocks.
Like, you know?
That's a topic of,
one day we can go down this rabbit hole and I don't think we'll be able to solve it.
But you know what?
There are people out there,
I don't want to defend them, but from what, but you know what? There are people out there. They, I don't want to defend them,
but from what,
you know,
they have these tax advantage accounts that they want to take advantage of
like TFSA or Canada.
The only thing I'm afraid of is there will be a point in time where you may
want to get your money out ASAP because shit's hitting the fan and you're not going to be able to get your money out ASAP because shit's hitting the fan and
you're not going to be able to get your money out ASAP.
there's the delay from when you first sell and then it's got to go through
the brokerage and then it goes to your bank account and then you take it
That's like a long process.
That could take days and a lot could happen in days.
One of my favorite podcast episodes we've recorded
was with Tony Yazbek from the Bitcoin Way.
And Tony's story is he was sort of like,
you know, really successful,
like internet security professional,
sort of retired living in Lebanon.
And do you know Tony's story?
Have you?
So he had some, significant sum of US dollars
sitting in a Lebanese bank
when the bank of Lebanon devalued the Lebanese pound
by 90% overnight in US dollar terms.
But when they did that,
during like the evening of the night before, they auto-converted any U.S. dollar deposits and confiscated all the dollars.
And so basically everybody got totally rugged and lost everything.
And yeah, his story is one I think that, you know, what's interesting about that story is Lebanon was not some like, you know, Sri Lanka, like not to offend anyone who's from Sri Lanka, but this is like, you know, firmly sort of second world country developed economy.
Yeah, billionaires, there was like, there's a lot, there was lots of wealth there.
And so it of wealth there.
And so it can happen there. It can happen anywhere. And I think this is where Canada, Australia,
Europe, we're just totally frogs in the boiling pot with trust in the
legacy system. And at a point in time,
like I say, if it happens in these places like Lebanon or wherever,
can't say it's not going to happen here it's possible the chances are low but you're rolling
the dice every day oh i think the chances are very high over a long enough period of time yeah
i don't think it's going to happen overnight and i don't think it's going to happen within the next
year i think this is something like over a long enough period of time absolutely it's going to
happen that's just my opinion i could be totally fucking wrong but that's why the bitcoin network at least right
now doesn't stop as long as i have my keys i'm good i could move around my wealth wherever i
want to whoever i want whenever i want it doesn't matter it's I have total control over it I can't say the same with my money in a bank or at least from the stock exchange I love that
meme that's like one it's not your money two it's not in the bank three it's not even money
let's talk about the state of Canada these days and it's interesting what's going on because we have canada post that's our national
courier our national post office it's now on strike it's been on strike for two and a half
weeks now so it's been going on and on we have a gst holiday that's now been proposed i think it's
been passed and so that's going to take effect for the next couple of months starting this week, I think.
$250 may be airdropped
by the federal government.
I think that still has to be worked out,
but we're going to be getting $250, everybody.
And there's going to be a 25% tariff,
it looks like,
that's going to be put on all goods
coming from Canada to the United States.
The dollar didn't really react
all that well to that news.
Here in Ontario, they have also said they're
going to match the gst holiday on those items 200 checks are going to be coming to ontario
residents you're not i'm not sure if you're aware but ontario the provincial government decided to
airdrop 200 to everybody next year so it's gonna be nice just before the election they could just
look at all these little things and say this is there's you know shit It's going to be nice just before the election. You look at all these little things
and it's like,
there's shit that's going on
you would have never expected
10 years ago, but it's happening
here and it's all just piling in.
Then, on top of this,
the United States
said that they're going to stop taking
any mail because of
the strike.
I'm not sure if you saw this. I didn't see that one, no. said that they're going to stop taking any mail because of the strike. Right.
Did you,
I'm not sure if you saw this,
but we haven't seen that one though.
So the incoming mail from the,
from Canada is going to be stopped because of the strike.
So you can't mail shit out at least using traditional means.
And it's not going to be picked up by the people over there in the
So like,
we're definitely on an Island over here.
and there's one last thing i just wanted
to mention about the gst holiday and the money that's going to be airdropped to 250 dollars
the toronto star was reporting that a liberal by the name of chad collins he's a liberal mp out of
hamilton he says that he was considering voting against this and when he talked about this, they took him aside and they said,
there will be consequences.
If you decide to do this,
I expect it would probably kick him out of the party,
but either way,
like even people within the party,
liberal party,
there are some people that don't like this type of move.
I don't know.
There's a lot here to unpack.
I'm not sure if you want to add anything.
Yeah. I mean, I, you want to add anything. Yeah.
I mean,
I think like,
you know,
you'd be insane to hold any assets that are denominated in Canadian dollars
because of the managers,
like the management team of Canada,
like it's,
it's just,
it's fucking ridiculous.
I just shake my head at all these small things.
Even the fact that we're talking about a GST rebate of $250.
And I don't know the exact number.
The carbon tax is going to scale up by something like 700% over the next two years.
Do you know the exact numbers?
No, but I know it's going to be 4x next year. So it's going to continually go up. You're right. something like 700% over the next two years. Do you know the exact numbers or?
No, but I know it's going to be 4X next year.
So it's going to continually go up.
You're right.
And so like the kinds of things we do talk about versus what is like the kinds of decisions
that are actually being made
is one of the most frustrating aspects of all this
because we're like kneecapping ourselves. This is a self-imposed
controlled demolition of the Canadian society. We should be the wealthiest country in the world.
I think Canadians, this should be like Dubai. We shouldn't have to pay taxes here at all
because of the resource deposits. We have everything in Canada and only a handful of people really to clothe and feed.
So a well-run version of Canada would be one
where like nobody pays tax ever.
So our standards for like politicians doing a good job
are so low that we're impressed by free money.
You know, it's just brutal.
There was a period of time that we were paying off our national debt and quite aggressively, too, in the 90s.
And again, in the, I guess, late 2000s, early 2000s.
It's not like that.
But it was done.
I know for sure it was done under Kretchen government when Paul Martin was the finance minister at the time.
I know they downloaded a lot of shifts to the provinces to help balance
the budget, but they did and they were aggressively paying off the debt.
If things were to continue during that path, it could have came to a point
that they could have started really lowering taxes
because there was no need to keep them high
because it was a lot less to pay off but just unfortunately there was some world events we had
9-11 take place and then we had the great financial crisis now just a few years ago we had
covid hit and each time they something like this happens it's very costly for governments because
businesses are scaling back interest rates start going you know they go different directions
depending on the time of year or the time of the event but there's just so many different things
happening and it's too bad because in a different universe we probably would have been able to pay
off the debt and or at least almost paid off and maybe taxes would be really low. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I think like ultimately the entire like mechanism of the state
is just like a long con where they're like gradually rug everyone
and, you know, leave more and more people just dependent on the state
with no real financial independence.
So for me, like I started sleeping easier at night when I stopped feeling like it was the state's job to help me.
And well, this $250 is going to help.
Not really.
But you know what?
I don't know what you're going to do with it, but I'm going to buy corn.
That's right.
Write the fucking bull Bitcoin and see you later.
Then buy some Bitcoin.
That's going to cost the federal government, I think, in total around $6 billion, if I recall correctly,
between the GST tax holiday and the $250 that they plan to give out to the people that worked in 2023.
So $6 billion in total.
That's a lot of money.
Separate money and state.
That's what Bitcoin is hopefully going to do this alberta sovereignty
act i haven't really thought of it didn't really hear about it much but this past week i saw it in
the news so i dived deep into it and looks like they're putting it in motion on monday and this
is alberta is going to be challenging the federal government's requirement for a net zero electricity
grid by 2035 that's one of the mandates by the government of Canada and all the provinces
have to follow suit.
And what this does is it gives them the province of Alberta to refuse or
enforce specific federal laws or policies that they say, quote,
violate the jurisdictional rights of Alberta.
So it looks like they're going to try to fight this one
tooth and nail because they do not want to go up they don't want to deal with this net zero
electricity grid by 2035 good luck with them this is going to be a battle and i suspect there's going
to be a lot of money that's going to be poured into this by what because of judges and legal
challenges and shit like that but it's funny to see how you have one premier of money that's going to be poured into this by because of judges and legal challenges
and like that but it's funny to see how you have one premier out there that's fighting and
she's fighting tooth and nail to make sure that this isn't happening i never heard of this alberta
sovereignty act before have you oh yeah i'm from edmonton uh so i follow the politics of alberta
pretty closely and uh um there's there's a lot of different things going on there that are interesting.
Like Danielle Smith has investigated into Alberta leaving the CPP, Alberta creating a provincial police force. There's been, you know, some work done around guaranteeing people's rights to
medical sovereignty and private property rights. So, yeah, a lot of different things. You know,
I think it's, I think it's, it's nice to see a premier's asserting,
and I would like to see provinces competing with each other
to let people know what it's all about to live where.
Canadians have choice within their realm
to live within the country where they wanna live.
There should be a spectrum it's just too bad that it's so fucking cold in alberta for the most part
that's the reason yeah totally it would yeah it really is i know they get some you know odd
weather every so often in calgary but still for as a whole and i'm sorry people i've heard you
guys and gals and everybody else are fucking tough as nails because it's
so fucking cold over there that I couldn't do it,
but some people do it.
Obviously they're living there,
but for me,
it's just,
it's too bad because it's such a beautiful province.
You know,
if you can more and BAMF and shit like that,
Like there's,
you know,
yeah. Edmonton's a beautiful city too, but, uh, shit like that, right? Yeah.
Edmonton's a beautiful city too,
but you can be minus 40 for 40 days
in a row, like no problem.
Have you been to
Alberta before, specifically Edmonton?
Yeah, that's where I
was born and raised.
Didn't they put the LRT
in the last decade or so in Edmonton
or am I wrong?
It's been like chunks.
So there was some LRT going back to the 80s.
And it's worked in the extreme cold?
A lot of it's above ground.
I know Ottawa, they recently unveiled a new lrt system and it's just plagued
with problems and i know different weather but there's some comparables like they're both oh
yeah for sure i mean there was a like a hilarious mishap with edmonton bought some um german
signaling system that didn't work and like the trains couldn't communicate and they need a translator
that's awesome okay there's another story I think maybe the last one we'll bring up here
Canada it's been noted by stats can it's at 94 000 jobs as of September year over year. So 94,000 jobs were created and added to the job bank in Canada. And in addition
to that, 1.2 million people immigrated to Canada during that time. 94,000 jobs, 1.2 million.
Yeah, that's, that's a pretty crappy number. If you ask me, like, it's just it's unsustainable.
And that's why the government has decided to react
and to scale back the number of people coming to Canada.
And it's going to take some time for this to actually play out,
but this is their idea.
So, yeah.
I don't know if you want to add anything.
Yeah, I mean, I think it's a total boondoggle. The situation is, you know, now it's gotten, it's pretty bad.
I might not actually weigh in on this one.
No, that's fine.
But one thing that we can note is the government has reacted
and they are scaling back quite a bit of the temporary residents coming to Canada.
But also they have stopped renewing the permits that are already in Canada.
And so a lot of them, their status is going to expire.
And the hope is they're going to return back to their country of origin.
So we'll see how things play out.
I don't know.
Well, I guess, you know, one last thing that I should have mentioned is too,
we talked about the GST holiday that's coming up in Canada.
Apparently this is a huge nightmare for a lot of businesses because they have
to program their software to exempt GST on the items that are listed over
there because it's like Christmas trees, children's clothes, prepared food,
shit like that.
So apparently this is becoming a huge problem that they have to figure out.
So I'm not sure if this is going to be a new cost that's going to be added to
our final bill because you know,
shit doesn't happen for free.
They have to work this out.
And maybe this whole GST tax break will be,
you know,
all for not if they end up just passing on the cost of setting shit up and it'll just be like all for naught.
I don't know if you saw this story.
I mean, I did see the Bank of Canada canceled a planned 25 basis point rate cut when the GST rebate was announced because they thought that the GST rebates would be
inflationary? They did?
I didn't hear that. So the
rate cut was going to take place
this month, right?
My gosh.
You know what? Let's see what happens.
What were they thinking?
Another 50 basis points.
That was the idea that they'll do that type of card.
I don't know.
What a disaster.
you know what?
We're getting close to the time limit.
I appreciate you coming on.
You have any other stories you want to talk about before we sign off?
Anything that's just burning at you that you want to talk about?
nothing that I can think of. And it's been a lot of fun. I appreciate you about? Yeah. No, nothing I can think of.
It's been a lot of fun.
I appreciate you having me on.
I appreciate subbing in for Joey.
So with that, any final words?
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