The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #193 (Notable News Stories) - Canada Grabs Guns, Encampment Teardowns, Living in Malls (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: December 11, 2024

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact C...anada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠ ⁠Discord: / discord A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We got probably some banger stories coming up here, if I had to guess. Let's start off with a beauty. We'll go right from one beauty to another. And this is according to And it talked about how the UK is on the hook for quite a bit of money, quite a big bill, because they don't need the energy that was being produced by wind turbines in the UK. So as a result, they're going to be paying out about 1.3 billion pounds in 2024 to wind turbine operators for lost profits. And the problem was is that they were generating electricity
Starting point is 00:00:40 at a time when there was no demand for that electricity. So it was windy. at a time when there was no demand for that electricity. So it was windy. They were able to... So it wouldn't be like a time when you're using a lot of air conditioning because it's windy and stuff like that. Shit like that. That's what they're generating.
Starting point is 00:00:53 There just wasn't a need for that electricity. But due to contractual obligations, there's some guarantees and so forth. They still... The government still has to pay regardless if the energy was used or not. And so in order to avoid this problem in the future, it's been suggested that they have to sink about 40 billion pounds into expanding
Starting point is 00:01:12 their grid so that the electricity generated can be directed to wherever it is needed. So instead of paying for programs like dealing with homeless or sick people or shit like that they're paying for this kind of stuff and if you ask me this is absolutely brilliant but the question i have is like if they have excess electricity why not simply use that to mine bitcoin it just seems like a no-brainer to me you have this excess electricity and you can scale this shit up and down as required it's not like you're forced to always mine bitcoin at 100 you have a little bit extra i can mine bitcoin maybe that could help pay for that 1.3 billion or maybe over time it could more than pay for it they just i look at this and i'm shaking my head on so many levels but good for you uk good for you
Starting point is 00:02:02 1.3 billion you got to pay out i i think the uk is just a incredible case study and how not to manage a country do you like what else can you say about the uk at this point that hasn't been said already they can't they can't get anything right they can't get anything right like nothing they do the the two royal like the royal prince or whatever got fleeced by an e girl who left them and moved to california or whatever yeah what's his name who someone in the chat can tell me who's the girl who married uh megan markle married prince harry maybe and then like me is like the queen hated her i guess she's like yeah tommy girl actress like actress loosely used i think she was in suits like 15 years ago and uh yeah like no matter what it is whether it's the monarchy or the economy
Starting point is 00:02:53 immigration energy like you name it they just don't get it right they can't get it right not to mention not to mention that their soccer team fucking sucks too. They just can't. They can't get anything right. What do they do well? Nothing. Nothing. Sure, shit isn't food. You like bangers and mash every meal of the day.
Starting point is 00:03:16 It's not dental care. What do they got right? It's not music. Drill rap fucking sucks. So what do they got right? Uranium, we have coal. We have oil. We have natural gas fresh water we have we have a lot here in canada all this shit doesn't really apply maybe oil maybe if they start drilling out there in in the northern regions maybe maybe but i i don't know like
Starting point is 00:03:40 what do they have to offer it's and over years ago, the sun never set on the empire. Yeah. Yeah. A century later, a little over a century later, look at what type of mess it is. And why can't the same thing happen to something like the United States? Things can unravel quickly, for sure. 100%, man. You know, it only takes a generation.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And you are deep, deep shit. That's, deep shit. It was just an academic discussion point up until, I don't know, when? 10 years ago, probably. When did Samuel Huntington write that End of Civilization book? That was probably in the late 90s. The hypothesis for the book was basically that everyone was going to be a Western democracy and there'd be no more war, just be free trade and parties all the time. He couldn't have been more wrong. And you can see over the last 30 years or so since the book was written, how fast that whole thing unraveled. Mostly I would argue in part to, or mostly I would say due to religious fanaticism all over the world, but there's been other reasons too, including stuff like this.
Starting point is 00:04:49 You couldn't get the easiest thing in the world, energy production, correct. Instead you abandoned something that worked in favor of something that doesn't to please people who were never going to allow you to meet them halfway anyways. And now you owe, what was the number? 1.73 billion, something like that? 1.3 billion pounds. Yeah. So, 4 billion Canadian dollars. Joey, this is just like...
Starting point is 00:05:13 Drop the job in the bucket. Keep working for the fiat though, guys. Keep fucking getting up at 6 a.m. for the paper money the government gives you. Keep doing it. No problem. They are giving it away for the dumbest bit in the universe but you have to get up and work a six to six to get some
Starting point is 00:05:31 it is a fun the roman empire done again we have bread and circuses happening trying to try it to circuses are getting worse by the way i've been spending a lot of time like with netflix on 5 on the volume dial over the last month. There's not a single good show on TV. I don't know what people watch. I don't know. I don't watch anything. There's nothing good on television. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I don't know what people are watching either. Circuses are subpar. But there's other things. Trust me. The circuses, they are fucking there. I can guarantee you. It may not be Netflixes, they are fucking there. I can guarantee you. It may not be Netflix, and they are keeping people distracted. And unfortunately, they need this.
Starting point is 00:06:11 They need this in order to wake up the next morning and just fight another eight hours, nine hours. Absolutely brutal. And whatever. Let's talk about another acceleration moment that's taking place. And this one is going on in Japanapan and so the visa wing in japan said they will be stopping credit card payments for adult content because they say it is necessary to protect the brand of these love
Starting point is 00:06:39 it love it and i'm not trying to justify spending money on those websites only in japan right yes okay yes and could be a specific section or a portion of japan i don't know but this i got it from visa japan wing um and so like i'm not trying to justify spending money through visa on this but on these websites but the fact you could shut somebody out from traditional finances on a service that they want and we can say what they want about the service but they're being shut out from this eventually they're going to seek alternatives out there and stuff like bitcoin right like when somebody wants to do something and it's within the confines of the law and they can't because the banking
Starting point is 00:07:18 service is done allow them or credit cards don't allow them for whatever reason they'll find another way to do it and look bitcoin is here this thing fucking works and something which today cannot be stopped and i would argue it cannot be stopped in the future it just ultimately will create more bitcoiners in the end in the long run it's like they think they're doing something good for their customers but in reality it's turning the tables they're doing something bad for themselves. This kind of stuff, I can't see this in the long run playing out very well for them. It just creates more Bitcoiners in the end. And I'm happy for that.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Let's shut people out. I can stop them from allowing to get anything. Tell them what they could spend their money on. That's what we want them to be told. So then they can figure out another way in which they can spend their money. Let's make we want them to be told so then they can figure out another way which they can spend their money let's make them bitcoiners do you think porn should be illegal i don't really care i really don't give a fuck i'm not often you know one for making something illegal but uh porn is closest i get so i i kind of appreciate especially from a culture like japan's that's really done quality work protecting itself from tons of external influence uh tons of substandard cultural pressures from around the world um i think they've done a really bang up job with that it's why i do once
Starting point is 00:08:47 you start doing it for one exactly exactly i know i know now now this is not to say that that that's not a good argument it is but there are i think there are objectively some things that you are better off without as a society pornography might be one um there are a lot of us so many things so like i'm trying to say once you start at one for sure like the benefits the benefits of the benefits of porn are like zero i know the other common one is like well what are we gonna do ban alcohol nah alcohol i think has a place because it brings people together and you need a certain level of, you know, serendipity in a society to keep things rolling and alcohol helps with that. I don't know if drugs do or don't in terms of like they're not positive,
Starting point is 00:09:35 but I don't want to get too far afield here. I just think that there's something to be said about whether or not we should be banning this. Do you think this is like, it sounds like you already believe this but i'll ask anyway uh sibling to the silk road story maybe right couldn't buy drugs locally with cash people ended up having to buy bitcoin and then going to silk road you guys see the same thing with porno in japan now your next time you try and get some big anime memories there you're gonna have a hard time doing it you gotta use bitcoin to pay because visa won't let you interesting theory right all it's doing though it's it's to me the
Starting point is 00:10:11 from the lens that i'm looking at this from it's opening up people's eyes to an alternative that can't be stopped if i want to send my bitcoin to any address any valid address out there there's no person or entity that could stop me from doing it once it's been broadcast that's done the network you can't censor a transaction you could go to miners and ask them eventually there'll be one miner out there that is going to be a good actor and just mine the the next transaction that I put out there. So what I'm trying to get at is this is a fiat. This is just truly, truly fiat. And they think that they have total control over everything. And to a degree, they have a lot of control.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Yeah, totally. No, they do. 100%, yeah. And it's slowly getting... Every time they do this, they lose a little bit more control. Put the lotion away, you sickos. That's the answer. What's next?
Starting point is 00:11:06 There's another beauty of a story. This is a latest move I saw that is trying to tackle the housing crisis in the United States. And I'm not sure if you saw this, but people are now starting to live in malls. Oh, perfect. Did you see this one? I lived in a mall for like three years between 13 and 16. But you were there during working hours. This is 24-7.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I was there after school. Well, still within, you know, these people. So there are malls in the United States that have low vacancy in terms of tenants, right? People are doing online shopping. High vacancy. High vacancy. A lot of room. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Yeah. so what are they gonna do they repurpose this shit an empty space that will never be
Starting point is 00:11:52 rented out or very difficult to rent it out now they just rent it out to a residential tenant so they do up these units you're living in a you're living in a spirit Halloween? Or whatever. And so you have the front glass. Is this better or worse than when our government suggested you could live on top of a post office? I forgot about that. And given the fact what's going on in Canada, maybe you can live below too these days. You know what? With respect to this, they were interviewing some of the people that are living in there and they say that there was a little bit of adjustment
Starting point is 00:12:29 that was required given that you have this glass in front so you have to you know close it when you want some privacy and when the weather is shit and you don't want to go outside you don't have to go outside you just walk around the mall so you're already you know
Starting point is 00:12:43 this is the most fiat slave have to go outside you just walk around the mall so you're already you know you're closer to the fiat slave listen you got don't ever put anything over the glass i want to see what you're doing at all times and if you ever need to take a walk just do it on the track and make sure you buy something on the way make sure you're window shopping the whole time they had a camera crew out there and they were interviewing people. And when they were, you know, just doing their filming, they filmed some guy in his pad and he was vacuuming. You could see him vacuuming. Clearly through the glass doing his chores, cleaning the place clean.
Starting point is 00:13:18 But that's, you know, this is it. This is like, it truly is like another. I love this story. How is it not a jail? Like we already have have luxury condos, AKA fucking dorm rooms for adults. You're a loser if you think a condo is a good place to live. It's not a fucking,
Starting point is 00:13:32 your life is not meant to be boozing and fucking your neighbors, okay? It's meant to be family formation and building for generations to come. You can't do it in a condo. You sure as shit can't do it in a fucking shopping mall man what are we talking about what are we talking about do they leave the display cases out so
Starting point is 00:13:50 you put your clothes no no if it's like if it's like a run-down old clothing store you just put your stuff on display it's been totally renovated and there's some perks i mean if they want to go to the sunglass hut they want to go to colonels they just it's they have to just walk just a few feet it's right there so there's there's a lot over there i don't know i i see this and it's just oh my god this is just another fucking beauty of the story so where can we go see this place road trip can we go jesus christ where is it it's a few places this fucking you know what i i i have to dig this up we gotta find out we gotta find out we gotta get the name and contact info of someone who lives there and we gotta get them on the show
Starting point is 00:14:31 and we gotta ask like what's it like living in the shopping mall jail here's the story so cbc that's right yes they're saying shit like macy's and JCPenney's. This is in Colorado. Those are like big department stores too. Holy. Yeah, because they're just leaving. So this is one. They showed Bloomfield, Colorado being one. But there's several of them. Remind me.
Starting point is 00:14:56 So if you live in Colorado, you can't live in an apartment building because it's been overrun by gangs. But you can move into an abandoned JCPenney. Do I have that right? Here's another one. Paradise Valley Mall in Phoenix, Arizona. I love this. How can anyone not just laugh at this? How is it possible?
Starting point is 00:15:17 That's why I brought it up. Lafayette Square Mall in Indianapolis. Vietnam. Really? Wow. Okay. Let's see. Chicago. Jersey. Yeah. It's all over to say this. I'm waiting for
Starting point is 00:15:33 stuff to come up in Canada. We're doing the micro units. We got the micro units. We got the post office. They got the post office condo. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. Let's talk about Canada. Let's go to a little bit north here and i'm going to be really brief on this but looks like donald trump was trolling justin trudeau they would be met as liberators they would be met as liberators
Starting point is 00:15:58 if they annexed us and so they have saying that uh well there's gonna be a 25 tariff it looks like that may be imposed on canada and mexico and the reason for that i think i could be wrong something to do with the border they wanted to try to shore up the border so things don't flow into united states they didn't want to have flowing in there and so with that 25 tariff justin trudeau saying that look this is going to impact the economy negatively and so trump was trolling him saying that look if this is going to impact you so bad perhaps we could just take you over make you the 51st state i think it was or 50 state number and make you the governor like i love it whatever i have nothing to say like it's just simply trolling but that's there's a reality
Starting point is 00:16:45 can i just say something here if we didn't have such an uptight comms branch at the fed like why didn't we respond with a good ai meme when trump tweeted out that ai meme of him looking over the mountains with a canadian flag we didn't no one at the at like on parliament hill thought this be a nice opportunity to tweet something back. Why don't we ever send out funny tweets like that? We should. People like that kind of stuff. That's the age we are in now.
Starting point is 00:17:12 A little bit of banter between arguably the two friendliest nations on the planet is a good thing. Instead, we just take it on the chin. It sucks. I really thought that was a missed opportunity for us. But anyway, continue. Well, what happens if they do that? Then they're getting into a meme war with the United States. That meme wars are okay.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Better than hot wars with Russia. You don't want to get into a meme war with Donald Trump. Trump is the meme master. We could learn a thing or two from that guy's meme. So maybe the best thing is just to stay out of it, take your punch and then go from there rather than just taking a bunch more in the future is it is it fair to say that uh the thing that we should be thinking about for all this tariff talk and annex talk and 51st
Starting point is 00:17:54 state talk and trump talk and tough talk you know there there's a time in every country's growth period arguably we have already come out of this, but it seems at least in some respects we have not. Why is it that we can't be a country that exercises or exports or influences our next door neighbor economically or culturally in the way we used to? There was a time when Americans used to think
Starting point is 00:18:22 Canada was one of the best places in the world to live, that it was better than the US.s and now no one thinks that about us a number of refugees from the united states after the election or at least sure who ellen degeneres i don't threat ellen degeneres jesus christ like how about or where'd she go she went she went on to europe right her and her yeah it didn't Was it her? Somebody went to UK and when they got there and it was flooded because they had pretty hard rain. Until
Starting point is 00:18:51 Maddow jumps ship, we haven't done enough. We have to keep going until Maddow jumps ship and is living in Toronto and replaces Rosie Barton on the CBC. That's how we'll know it's a simulation when that happens. How long does CBC have?
Starting point is 00:19:08 In its current form? I said this on Twitter the other day. CBC shouldn't be defunded. They should terminate every executive and probably most of the journalists and restart from the basement and build it back up. There is
Starting point is 00:19:24 room for a state broadcaster in a country like canada it just that place is just rotten to the core at this point it has to be has to be you know retrofitted and gutted well here's a question for you who what's going to last longer what has a longer lifespan in this earth is it going to be this government the canadian government right now because it's going to last until the longest liberal government okay yeah yeah october next year that's the longest it could last or jimmy carter uh the liberal government will outlast jimmy carter did you see jimmy carter in a wheelchair on election night they're happy to vote for kamala harris like yeah he's looking at the skies he's really enjoying things so hey that's
Starting point is 00:20:06 why i'm curious what do you think so you're betting on our government i got i got the libs outlasting jimmy yeah all right there you go i want to see if anybody else has a different idea this is another beauty of a story joy this mayor of a town called emo yes what a story this is again they're just making more bitcoiners here yeah apparently he's going to have his bank account garnished because he decided to not go ahead with certain things with pride and the pride group he doesn't have okay regardless of how you feel i'll say it okay yeah go ahead regardless of how you feel about pride thing, no township should be forced to fly the pride flag. No one should be forced to do it, number one.
Starting point is 00:20:48 You shouldn't be forced to fly any flag. That's the first thing. Number two, from an execution and pragmatic standpoint, the town of Imo does not have an official flagpole on which to fly this flag, the mayor's um case he gets fined and has is told to pay some organization it's not a government organization as far as i can tell some organization five thousand dollars out of his own money because he doesn't want to do the flag and then ten thousand dollars or something out of the city's coffers because he doesn't want to do the flag len they garnish the guy's bank account okay to get the money how many single parents you think are having trouble
Starting point is 00:21:31 getting alimony from their spouses who can't get wages garnished probably a bunch how many uh how many tax refunds are late every year because the cra can't get their shit together and send out the refunds on time how many well the cra can't get their shit together and send out the refunds on time how many well now everything they're all late now exactly there's no mail that we are garnishing bank accounts of people over whether or not they fly the pride flag like if you you know what's that meme right who radicalized you it's shit like this it's shit like this if the town doesn't want to do it, then they don't do it. And if you don't like it, then you move out of the town.
Starting point is 00:22:10 That's all there is to it. Everyone wants democracy until it goes against them. And then they don't want it anymore. And you have to do what I say, regardless of whether or not I'm in the majority. That's not how democracy works. You as a citizen, as a taxpayer, have the power to influence policy in a couple of ways. The two big ones are where you pay your taxes and voting. And so if neither of those are to the standard that you want, you're free to vote against the mayor in the next election, or you're free to move out of the town. But you're not free to force the guy and garnish his bank account because he doesn't want to fly the flag. Sorry. That's just the way this should be. And anyone disagrees with that, I think is probably too far gone to have the debate with,
Starting point is 00:22:53 unfortunately. I will also note that I think this organization, I saw some other stuff about them today. I don't want to say it because I don't have the data but they've had their hands in some other interesting stuff over the last four years or so i'll just say that and it might be worth it if you're listening or watching to go dig into what exactly they supported and not supported over that time you're not going to be surprised uh i'll tell you that another beauty of a story is that toronto is looking at the option of limiting the number of uber and lyft drivers that are going to be operating within a city and they're going to be limiting this to a total of 80 429 i didn't realize there was that many but i guess you know the city itself is 2.5 million whatever the fuck it is and this number they say can be exceeded beyond the 80 429 should those
Starting point is 00:23:47 who operate a zero emissions and which wheelchair accessible vehicle so you got to go out there buy one of these expensive electric cars then you're able to pay off the car then you can pay off the car by fucking driving strangers around but yeah you know people are having difficult times paying their bills making ends meet so to speak and one way they could do that if they figure you know i'm gonna drive uber or lyft or something like that you know just do this in the side easy you know i don't have to who who came up with this idea olivia i i don't know who. It just says City of Toronto. That's all it says.
Starting point is 00:24:29 When I see this, it's like, my God. I feel bad. Imagine you go out there and you're like... What is the day in the life of the Toronto liver now? The Toronto enjoyer. I td leaker put up this video of so let's just let's just picture it okay you're i have to preface this i live more than half my life there and you know what for a long period of time i thought i would live nowhere
Starting point is 00:24:57 else yeah because toronto was different than what it is today you came to your very much different you came to your senses if you live different. You came to your senses. If you live in Toronto, what's your life like? We talked about this before. You can't leave your condo. You live in a condo for sure, number one. You can't leave your condo because there's like a drug-addicted vagrant at the stairwell that you can't get rid of.
Starting point is 00:25:20 The police won't come because they can't afford to come. They want to send you a social worker to have a chat with the guy instead. So you can't leave. When you do eventually gather up the balls to leave because you'll starve to death if you don't, you try and get an Uber. You can't because the mayor has decided that unless it's an Uber that's zero emissions, you can't drive it. By the way, is there any worse a job for a zero emissions car that needs to charge every four hours than a fucking Uber?
Starting point is 00:25:47 Is there any worse job? Maybe like long haul trucking in an EV is the other one. But like you can't drive Uber. You can't. There's nowhere to fucking charge in downtown Toronto where all the cars are being used. Look at it from a different point of view. If you're doing it in the evening, you finish work you do have your regular day job you're probably like you know only have five hours or so of like usable energy for yourself before you go to bed so it works out
Starting point is 00:26:14 well in that situation now if it's a weekend it's different but then in the weekend you're that's what it is and this is what we come to and this is what people like the reality is this is what people should be doing they should be grinding away everything and stacking corn by doing it that you can't you can't tell people they gotta work 20 fucking hours a day to stack corn and pay for their ev you can't it's not feasible ev just stock corn and drive your 25 year old it's not feasible and like i just i laugh like you're driving through everything smells like weed it's just nothing but pot shops and cash advance places uh you gotta drive through a couple of pal protesters on the way. Yeah. A couple of homeless cats.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Yeah. That's so fucking. Meanwhile, you turn on your phone and Olivia Chow's in her fucking underwear at the Taylor Swift concert. I don't want to touch that. It's like an episode of Black Mirror. It's just completely insane down there. I think it's so funny. I wish everyone in Toronto and Mayor Chow nothing but the best.
Starting point is 00:27:28 CVP wishes you nothing but the best. That's our Christmas card to Toronto. Nothing but the best in 2025. Ontario is going to get some new tools available to them because the Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, I almost said Rob Ford, Doug Ford, said that he's going to help them, these cities, deal with homeless encampments. Get them out!
Starting point is 00:27:46 Get them out! And because he says you're taking over public spaces, and it's creating some problems, making communities unsafe. Sure. And yeah, so basically giving these communities the ability to deal with them, clear them out, and to help people.
Starting point is 00:28:02 The question I have is what can you do with these people it's i'm telling somebody that is fucking homeless i'll say almost all of them and i'm sorry to paint you all with the same brush i want to say that you probably don't want to be there maybe if you do want to be don't want to remain homeless that's your choice but the majority this is not their fucking choice if they hadn't the choice they would have a roof over their head. They're there because of circumstances. Either they made some poor decisions or decisions were made for them to put them in a situation.
Starting point is 00:28:34 What the fuck are you going to do with these people? Put them in prison? These are human beings that have fucking nothing. Here's the big question. My dad always asks this question. I don't have a good answer for him. Because we have some friends and family who are like, we can't get rid of the homeless people. It's not fair. My dad always asks this question. I don't have a good answer for him because we have some friends and family who are like, oh, we can't get rid of the homeless people. It's not fair. My dad always says the same thing. Where do they go in the winter?
Starting point is 00:28:51 There's all these encampments around town here in Hamilton, especially. Set them to malls. In the winter, the encampments disappear. So they go somewhere in the winter. And then in the summer, they're all back. So they're like inverse snowbirds, right? Like when the winter comes, they go inside. And then they come back out. They obviously aren't all dying in the wintertime. They're going somewhere, whether it's to treatment, to shelters, to other accommodations.
Starting point is 00:29:18 They're leaving the city to go somewhere else where there is accommodations, whatever. Not only is there shelter space but they know how to get there and the shelter space is limited well it's so they it's limited but it's not zero and so no no we can't tell people that they have to go into shelters i think is wrong and they open up more shelter space when it's extremely cold but there's not enough shelter space to accommodate all the homeless and that number has been growing you can't put them in the park you can't put them in the park. You can't put them in the park.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And I, you know, I tweeted this today, this, this woman who writes for the Kitchener, whatever, I forget what, oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Someone just responded to me calling me a dreck. I don't know what a dreck is. But you know, this woman, Louisa, Louisa, Louisa D'Amato. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Premier Ford says municipalities will be given power to dismantle, blah, blah, blah. People who are homeless are not the problem. They're evidence of the problem. Okay, no one's arguing with that. No one's arguing that people don't want to be homeless. No one's arguing that people don't need help with drugs. The argument, okay, Luisa and others like you, is where should they be? I don't want them in my backyard, and I don't want them in the park near my
Starting point is 00:30:27 house. Do you want them in your backyard or in the park near your house? I don't want them in the school parking lot where my kid attends grade one. Do you want them to the extreme? Nobody wants this. Exactly. And so, but they are here.
Starting point is 00:30:41 There's a problem that has to be addressed. They can't just, I don't know what to do force them into treatment force them into something do whatever but you can't like it's funny the same people who say well we can't force people to treatment we can't for that's not it's against their human rights against this against this that the other you know some of these parks in hamilton are so bad that people can't leave their homes at night they can't take their kids to parks we've talked about this before you know the you're never going to see parks in Hamilton are so bad that people can't leave their homes at night. They can't take their kids to parks. We've talked about this before.
Starting point is 00:31:07 You're never going to see parks in high property tax areas because those people will be on your ass like a fly on shit if they can't use the park that they're paying $8,000, $9,000, $10,000, $12,000 a year in property tax to access. Dundas, here in Dundas, great example. You're never going to see tents in the driving park here that said the people who can't uh you know muster the activist wing of their neighborhood to get rid of tents are going to be the ones who have tents in the neighborhood the neighborhoods are going to get worse and worse the tents are going to accumulate there and then someone like luisa domato who doesn't live in one of these areas, almost guaranteed, I don't know this woman, but I
Starting point is 00:31:47 guarantee she doesn't live there. They're saying, well, we can't get rid of the tents. It's not fair. There isn't necessarily a fair outcome here, everybody. There's not. But we know which one is more correct than the other. And it's not letting tent encampments and people who need help run rampant and wild in every community in which they choose. That's not the answer. If that's part of your plan, you have to go as a politician. If you don't understand why that's not allowed, you're not going to be someone who fits in with polite society should you should be laughed at that's all there is to it it's a difficult thing province
Starting point is 00:32:32 should put up more supports build more tiny homes do whatever but sanctioning parks homeless here please yeah sure that'll work exactly for sure it's gonna it's only a matter of time until one of these guys there's guys like flopped over near where i play football uh i was driving home saturday night and there's like a guy slumped over at a stoplight he was i guess panhandling earlier but it caught enough money for a buzz and was i think like dangerously close to being hit by a car and like that story is eventually going to happen and what are people going to say these bleeding heart types are going to say oh this could have been avoided been avoided if only Doug Ford had done something about homeless shelters. But the thing is, for someone thinks some people in the camp are addicted to drugs. I would argue it's a very high number, above 90%. We put them in these tiny shack homes like we've seen, you know in hamilton They're putting some out probably some other places too toronto you mentioned But then when they go there they just get left to their own devices
Starting point is 00:33:49 Well, do you think the guy who's addicted to fentanyl in the tent is going to somehow? Find god when he gets into the aluminum sheeting um, you know protective shell of a tiny trailer No You need to force that guy into sobriety somehow. And if you don't do that, you're going to keep having the same problems. Well, we can't do that. Okay. Well, then don't talk to me about symptoms and results because you don't get it or you don't want to get it or it's not politically popular for you to say it, but you're fucking stupid. You're stupid.
Starting point is 00:34:21 You either are intentionally leaving that part out and don't get it or you're stupid. But in either case, you know, you can't be part of the discussion because you're not. You either are intentionally leaving that part out and don't get it or you're stupid. But in either case, you know, you can't be part of the discussion because you're not going to contribute to a positive outcome at period. And the story, there's another good story that Canada is now going to start taking guns,
Starting point is 00:34:39 requesting guns. I love this. Is it? I have never seen a honker like this on this show. We've had a lot of honkers. This is an absolute banger of a story. Unbelievable. The video clip, so I can't really speak with confidence here, but there's already a bunch of guns that are already illegal. You can't have in Canada. That list has been expanded. People that
Starting point is 00:35:14 are on the expanded list, they can, I guess, give up their guns to the Canadian government. What's going to happen? They're not destroying it. They're not going to sell it and try to pay off the debt. They're going to donate it to Ukraine and help with the war efforts over there.
Starting point is 00:35:29 From what I gather is some of the weapons on the list, they're not even worthy enough to shoot very small animals. They're very underpowered, weak. So you're not going to take this to a war and try to fight somebody. Unless. But you know what? What the fuck do I know? I'm not fighting a war.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah, it just seems... And we know somebody somebody and i'm just gonna say it really quick no names of course the irony of all this though is somebody ordered a gun before this announcement came out um the announcement came out he's still waiting to get shipped to him because it's stuck the gun is banned the gun is banned
Starting point is 00:36:03 he buys the gun the gun is banned the gun is banned he buys that was banned the gun gets before the ban yeah the gun gets banned after he buys it the government wants him to give it to the ukraine but he can't and he can't get it because it's stuck because of canada post there's a strike and he can't so this guy's still waiting for it to get delivered and it would have been delivered if there was no strike and but it's just, you know, I love that. I like that. I had a good laugh at that. I must have told 20 people that story.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And everyone just fucking loved it. It's just so great. It's so great. I think it's so funny, man, to watch how this is just unfolding. The video of who is it? Who's the guy who made the announcement? He's talking about the gun grab. We're going to support.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Blair. Yeah, we're going to support Blair. Yeah. We're going to support the fight for democracy in Ukraine. Oh man. Wait till you hear about the kind of guns you're confiscating. I don't think he's going to be much help at all. Like it's just, it's such a, it's such an obvious, it's such an obvious tell that no one at that level has thought about what war or training for war
Starting point is 00:37:07 looks like at all. The need for standardized training, standardized ammo, warehouses of replacement parts, replacement weapons, replacement bullets. The war machine necessary to fight a land war in 2024 is almost unfathomably huge. And we have a guy talking about grabbing guns off of Canadians that barely work and giving them to Ukraine. Unbelievable mask-off moment. Zero knowledge of what a war actually looks like. He was the police chief for Toronto.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Amazing. A long time ago. Amazing. I forgot he was the police chief. He was the police chief for Toronto. Amazing. Amazing. I forgot he was the police chief. Yeah, that's right. Amazing. Just complete disregard and misunderstanding. I have to just say I missed one story. It was a notable international story.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I want to bring it up before we sign off. Let's do it. It's the governor of New York. Her name is Kathy Hochul. hokal hokal okay all right so anyways she's now proposing that there's going to be three billion dollars that's going to be given to new yorkers one-time payment uh 8.6 million people will be getting this. Each will get $300. This is according to Bloomberg. So, yeah, here you go. More money from this guy. Where does it come
Starting point is 00:38:32 from? Who cares? As long as it lands in my lap. $300. So, yeah, if they're going to do this in the state of New York, this might catch on. Why won't New Jersey do it? Why won't Ohio do it? And it just spread from there. Everybody do it. won't ohio do why won't put and it just spread from there everybody do it you think eric adams is gonna get it is he gonna get 300 bucks too or
Starting point is 00:38:50 is he on the naughty list is he gonna buy is he gonna buy bitcoin like is he is he like i don't know he was talking about it again the other day but he didn't talk about it forever i know i know he stopped talking about it i want i want paulie i'm talking about it again i want all these guys who went into hiding when the price dropped to come back out guns blazing. Show me your wallet address. What have you been doing for the last two years? Pauliev, he is not going to talk about it until at the very least. The debates.
Starting point is 00:39:18 No, after the election is concluded. Wow. Even then, he may not even talk about it. To me, it seems like he's looking at his bitcoin or friendly though i don't think he i don't think it really matters he's gonna win too much to risk so as long yeah why bring up something which could potentially derail his campaign boomer said a long time ago i can't remember when but he said poliev's biggest problem may be that he peaked too early he's he's still at that peak but if he can't maintain his peak for the next 10 11 months who knows what happens he doesn't even have to do anything
Starting point is 00:40:00 though like that's correct the fall the for the economic forecast if that comes out you know we will we'll talk about that i'm sure we'll probably go line by line um i should we should bring on like maybe i'll talk to rich and see if him and keith dicker want to come on and do the uh cbp ice cap uh economic forecast line by line review i mean like that you don't have to do anything if you're on the conservative team because the other side is just imploding at rates previously thought to be physically unachievable um you know chemically impossible rates of reaction happening on the left and uh i mean the non-confidence votes are hilarious the The Maserati Marxist comments I thought were hilarious.
Starting point is 00:40:47 They just start digging their own grave. And if not for the rotten to the core Canadian media establishment, literally everybody not named Vashie Kapilos is just so in bed with the party. If that wasn't the case, this would be just wall-to-wall coverage of how much of a disaster this has been. But instead, it's the opposite. You got guys like Andrew Coyne online, who certainly has never squatted 225, talking about how Polyev and Trump are the same.
Starting point is 00:41:19 To quote QTR, the left has run out of ideas and they've run out of finesse. And everyone can see it except them. And that's why they're losing elections all over the world and will continue to do so. It's a pendulum. It goes always one way or another. It's like the coach in search sport. They only have a certain period of time in which they're effective and then they're no longer.
Starting point is 00:41:44 And then you have to jettison're effective and then they're no longer and you have to jettison the coach and then bring in somebody new and this happens it's the same thing in politics you you get you almost become numb to what they say what can like let's be honest what can somebody like trudeau or he's gonna run again he's he's got his foreign minister getting glow up articles in the new y Yorker or whatever fucking magazine that was. Like, God bless Mel Jolie. No one thinks she's fit to lead the country. Certainly not our neighbors.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Certainly not the people in her own party. And certainly not most Canadians, according to polls. Like, I'm not just saying that. It doesn't matter and so like i just think like these guys don't there's like there's no one in the house that can guide them out of the out of the burning building at the moment well what can they do they've been in power for they can't do anything years now they can't do anything so you and they've had majority for one term minority for two terms and in one of those they had a pseudo majority which is kind of the one i have right now so what sort of new ideas could they bring to the table that they haven't
Starting point is 00:42:51 yet executed any idea that they would have executed would have been done immediately yeah they can't no they can't they can't they're going to give away money they're going to they're going to try and uh put quicksand all over the incoming administration for sure same thing you're seeing in the states now right that's the strategy and you know so that applies to anything Harper had that same problem after being in there for nine years
Starting point is 00:43:16 what can he do that's going to galvanize that was Martin what could the liberals have done people were tired of the liberals at that time, and they were tired of conservatives after nine years of them. It's just cyclical.
Starting point is 00:43:32 You can't run the same party forever. Eventually, they have to topple in the next party. There's only two that ever govern in Canada. Only two. So if it's not one, it's going to be the other. Do you think that was actually Jagmeet Singh's Maserati? no he there's no fucking way he owns a maserati in maybe in his hometown of burnaby but in ottawa there's no fucking way the mps from what i gather they don't own a car
Starting point is 00:44:00 in ottawa they own it in a riding but not in ottawa so that was probably a rental or something from there's no fucking way that was his he's got a bmw from what i got her too does he yeah so he at least in his home that he has a bmw they said paulie saying in the chat that maserati's 40 to 50k not as crazy as you think i don't know anything about cars he doesn't yeah I'm not the guy to ask there's no way he's being chauffeured around do Maseratis really only cost 40,000 that doesn't seem right that seems
Starting point is 00:44:33 really low for a Maserati but let's see you're buying a Civic now for like 35k what the fuck 10 more k for maybe they're we bought a CRV I won't tell you how much no this Maserati some of these Maserati start at $136 there's no way that one was $50,000
Starting point is 00:44:48 I don't know so you're saying that Maserati is a $40,000 to $50,000 vehicle which one is that one? I have no idea I gotta go God bless goodnight everyone Land will be back on Wednesday with an interview and we're not doing anything for Christmas Day or New Year's Day.
Starting point is 00:45:06 There's going to be nothing released. Just one episode for the Monday for each of those two weeks. Yes, that's it. Laying it out there. Don't get greedy. Until next time, everyone, take care of yourselves. Don't be a cock.

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