The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #196 (Notable News Stories) - Carney Soft Launch, H1B Visas, Trudeau Skis (Bitcoin Podcast)
Episode Date: January 1, 2025FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact C...anada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: Discord: / discord A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.
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attaboy i'm gonna start working the arsler into more and more content here on the cbp media network
okay so where do you want to start here i'm sure you have some banger stories not not at all a slow
week in terms of uh notable news no world over today i don't have much to say about this but
it looks like the treasury department uh was was hacked it looks like my chinese actors they were
able to gain access but what are they going to get out of that? When the next sale of bonds is going to come out?
I looked at the key log.
All they're doing is hitting control V.
Over and over and over again.
35 trillion times.
I don't know.
Who cares?
Yellen noted treasury. Exactly.
noted today,
big fan of the CBP.
I know that for a fact,
I sent her a t-shirt,
noting that,
the 2024 outlays to Ukraine are done after this,
recent 2.5 billion.
The timing of that.
Very given who's going to be sworn in and like very
very but but the z-man is coming to canada and asking for not just canada but the rest of the
world asking for more is he going to bring like a couple of ziploc bags for all the guns we
confiscated a while ago no fatigues he's going to give us fatigue oh nice. Personal collection. Got it. Game worn and signed.
Game worn.
Send it to...
What's the name of that grading company?
Oh, yeah.
Put it behind glass.
10 plus.
PSA 10.
PSA 10.
The big story this week, though,
I think was the H-1B visa fias1b visa yeah oh yeah quite a fiasco
i don't know like the h1bs my understanding is it's basically equivalent to lmias here in canada
and yeah they've caused some they've caused some social division here we've talked about them
before um you know i've read a lot about this on Twitter.
I said I'd made my last comment on this,
but I guess since you brought it up,
I'll talk about it a bit.
I didn't realize.
What did you last comment on it?
I'm curious.
I don't even know.
I just think my big beef,
well, I'll tell you what my big beef is.
Let's give some background on this first.
I think Vivek and Elon talking about how
we need
to be skimming the top 1% of talent from places like India and African countries and whatnot,
and bringing them to the United States. I think that's a fair point. And I think that the US
has more potential to be successful in that endeavor than almost any other country.
They've done a great job bringing those people in the past.
My, my, my big concern is much like the concern I have for Canada.
And you can say whatever you want, Joey, that's racist. You only,
you only care if they're black or Brown. I don't care about that.
I got black and Brown friends. I say this all the time.
Like I played basketball for my whole life. I, you know,
50% of my friends are black. It's not about that. It's about, you know,
when you try and get the best 1% of my friends are black. It's not about that. It's about when you try and get the best 1% of
people, that's a really admirable and advantageous thing to do for a country. And when it works,
you get superpowers like the United States. They skimmed off the top of Europe. They skimmed off
the top of India. They skimmed off the top of the African countries, China, you name it. They got
everybody for the last 50 years, 100 years, whatever it's been.
Maybe since World War II, let's say, so 60 years.
They've turned themselves into a military and economic superpower.
You can debate, discuss on the edges
if that superpower is intact or if it was done the right way
or if it's a bit of a man behind the curtain issue
or situation. Maybe,
maybe not, whatever. The numbers say that they are the superpower right now and they've been
the superpower since Bretton Woods. So great. The problem I have is that you've basically done
this skimming for so long that the top 1% of people that you're bringing over are going to be gradually decreasing
in quality. And I'm not saying decreasing in quality in terms of, well, this person is dumb,
too dumb. They're going to leech off society. That's not true. If you get the top 1%,
they're always going to be productive. The issue is that at some point, you're running up against
old stock Americans of every color,
of every race, every creed, every religion is going to be Spanish Americans, Black Americans,
Brown Americans, whatever, Chinese Americans.
I guess Asian Americans would be the PC term.
I don't know, but whatever.
You're going to run up against people who are having suddenly to compete for jobs that used to be domestic jobs in, I don't know, service industries, some low-level manufacturing, stuff like that.
Suddenly, they're competing globally because in an attempt to bring over people to help the American economy, we're bringing over people who are, let's say, middle of the pack in terms of potential output, economic output. They're never going to be doctors and engineers, but they're
also not going to be banging cans together in the park. They're going to be somewhere in between.
And that's the backbone of an economy. You need those people. That's a big part of your tax base.
It's a big part of your social cohesion mechanisms. And when you introduce a conflict like
that, I've said this before, you are asking for trouble because when you have a multicultural society that's been broadly successful, like the United States has for a long time, you bring fault lines that to that point have been non-existent to the surface.
And they are religion, creed, their race, their political stripe, their whatever, right?
There are tons of these things. And to suggest
that you need, there's a couple of really good tweets from guys who are attacking Patrick
Bet-David, attacking Elon, attacking all these people who are endorsing H-1Bs being a huge part
of the American economy. You keep on saying top 1%, but when I look at your H-1B visa
applications or H-1B visa invitations, I guess would be the more apt term. What I see are mid-tier
jobs that Americans used to just get no problem. And you're saying you can't hire them now and
getting these guys for cheaper. It's ultimately a question of labor costs and trying to drive
labor costs down to continue this unfettered and like I said earlier,
rudderless and ultimately, I think, meaningless GDP growth and bottom line growth and all these
things. And H-1B visas are just the, they're the sort of soup du jour when it comes to what's
debatable. But at the core of this problem, much like many other problems is that the money
is failing. And it's not about anymore you know
being able to sustain a middle-class lifestyle it's like i need this job or i'll be homeless
and that's what these people feel and i can't blame them for feeling that um it's the people
that are there that are talking about it though the people that are pushing for this yeah the
people at the top are pushing for it yeah for sure for sure and by the way like it's funny to see all these like posts of the h1b applications that are just completely insane like
pickleball instructors at some community centers are h1b visa applicants like you couldn't find
an american pickleball instructor uh exactly right and so like there's questions about the
legitimacy much the same way here that i don't need an ind Indian teenager to come stir up my double-double. I can get a
Canadian teenager of any color. There's Indian Canadians too. I don't need a new Indian immigrant
to come and do that job. And the reason that they come and do that job is because the government
subsidizes the wage at minimum. And at the sort of other end, the scammier end is they come here
knowing that if they get that job and are able to cement themselves, they can bring their whole family over.
And Trump ran on deportations.
And I don't think that's going to be a successful policy.
And I think he also ran on rehabilitating and re-energizing the American manufacturing sector and middle class.
And this is the opposite of that policy.
That flies in the face of this.
And so I think to tie a bow on this, there's going to come a time where technocrats like Elon and
Vivek are going to realize that in politics, there are things that simply cannot be done
because they are not politically feasible, popular, or winning strategies. They're just not. And talking about H-1B visas,
it's very difficult. Boomer brings up a good point. I think I was noting this anyway,
but I'll mention his words. The people that are losing jobs to H-1B visa entrants
don't have other opportunities. They're not trainable. They're in their mid-40s. They don't
have university degrees or whatever. And it's hard. The thing is that they've, they've already given everything they could to these jobs. Now there is a case to be made that, and there's a book about this or an article about this, that America is at this point now where what they've done is encourage like micro niche mediocrity, generational micro niche mediocrity, where every middle
tier family in a flyover state earns 150,000 as a family income, lives in a thousand square
foot house, has a decent pension, goes out for dinner once a month.
Everyone gets a gift on Christmas and birthdays, but it's not a PlayStation 5.
That's a PlayStation 5. And that's kind of a sustainable
lifestyle. And what it does is it reinforces this idea that you can continue working as a
screw turner, as an assembly line worker, as a middle tier economic contributor and continue to
have that lifestyle. And so there's never a need to grow into something more to separate yourself from the menial tasks of labor America.
Maybe that's not the case.
But to suggest that the fix for all these things and the way to do this is H-1B visas is, I think, wrong.
And there's another visa mechanism that is already being used.
I think it's the H-0 or 0A or something like that.
Someone can look
this up in the comments that's well beyond me i have no fucking yeah i mean i did a bit of digging
because i i do find this interesting i talked about on the show a bunch and whatever but joey
the environment for this i i mean i don't mean to cut you off sorry the political environment yes
yes it just it's wrong number one they're not technocrats. Technocrats are somebody, is an individual that excels and is a savant in their particular field.
You don't think Elon's a technocrat?
For what?
For bringing in people that are...
For certain things, yes.
I mean, yeah.
He's not the minister of electric cars.
He's not the minister of sending people to space.
No, no, no, no.
He's doing something else.
So he could be a technocrat, but he's not a techn of sending people to space no no he he's doing something else so he's
could be a technocrat but he's not a technocrat in this okay let's call him a techno supremacist
or something i don't know orders of donald trump and they they are prominent supporters and they
are being they have been rewarded for their patronage and for doing some dirty work along
not to do it doing a lot of the legwork along the line so they ran
razors and brought money to the campaign for sure yes and that was a great thing for donald trump
and he's going to reward him and show you so you should but donald trump was elected remember
america first yes right this was the thing we heard america first yeah this thing is not
america first how much have you heard? Okay, so let me ask you.
What has Donald Trump said about all this?
This is about a three, four-day-old debate at this point.
What has he said?
I don't know if he said even a thing.
Also, it verifies what I just... Yeah, so I think he's probably talking behind the scenes,
if I were to guess,
and he's fucking grilling these guys and saying,
you guys are fucking wrong in the way you're approaching this.
I think he's doing...
I think you're right.
You know, as business people,
they are 100% right
to do this. They are taking
advantage of the tools
that are available to them. But
keep in mind, just because they're doing this
as business people and business
individuals and doing what's right for their corporations
doesn't mean it's right
for the greater whole society
as a whole the country as a whole
it's not so
it's good for the small individuals
but globally or
nationally it's hurting people there are people
that can graduate they're told
their whole lives you have to go to school
you have to go to university or
college get a fucking
degree in whatever field and let's say it's a stem degree and in the end you come out and they can't
even get a job in the field that they want because they are competing against somebody that is
a global competition for a domestic job now yeah at a time where they're trying to put tariffs
on canada and mexico to say we are going to be America first and shit like this happens.
The individuals that are talking about this, they really need to stop and understand they're not talking what people want to hear.
They're making themselves look fucking ridiculous.
They're finding shit on Vivek that looks really bad on Vivek
Patrick, Bet, David, I remember
not too long ago
I podcast, I loved
past tense to listen to
he did one thing, I wish I could say it
but he did one thing
that went against
everything he said, it was so
hypocritical that I stopped this cold turkey.
And here it is now.
He's getting grilled.
You know, he's actually bitching about a community note
on one of his tweets to Elon Musk right now.
I like that community note.
What a loser.
He's such a loser.
You know, I just want to mention one thing here
because this is a sensitive topic.
And man, I've been called some things
over the last like two years being in Bitcoin
and talking about like immigration. And I was a big mega guy in 2016 and I took a lot of shit.
And I was called a racist, a xenophobe, all these things. I'm none of these things.
It's not about where people come from or the color of their skin. Like I said before,
I've done a lot of things, worked a lot of places. I know a lot of people.
And they're all different backgrounds. They're all different ethnicities and religions and races. They're all lovely people. And when you get to know somebody, you find that no matter what your differences are, you're much more aligned and have much more in common with them on a human level than you don't. And there's tons of reasons why people act differently and behave differently. And Indians especially are getting a ton of shit here in Canada, here in the United
States, because I think there's been a lot of people who are lower quality people, not willing
to come here and contribute. They come here and try and skim off the top
or commit crimes and whatever.
I think that's true.
And it's not about race.
It's like low quality people of all races.
I'll point to, for example, as an Italian guy,
if you went to Italy and skimmed
the sort of lowest sect of society
and ended up with Italian criminals, mobsters, whatever, and they came to
Canada, you can't expect them suddenly to find God when they reach Canadian soil. They don't
just suddenly change their ways when they have their first double-double. It's far from that.
That person is a certain way and will always be a certain way. The same way that my dog is a
certain way. The same way that my wife is a certain way. I'm a certain way. You're a certain way.
It's not a racial thing. And there are groups of people who are taking a lot of shit, I think somewhat unfairly,
because of this sort of wide net that modern countries are trying to cast.
We've put ourselves in this situation. Like I said, it's unfettered, unimportant,
broadly growth of this GDP number. And bottom line means something, means nothing.
I don't know. It's a lack of reproductive infertility numbers in modern economies.
We're not having sex enough to pop out kids and that's a problem. So we're importing people who,
by the way, you can say whatever you want.
We're importing reproduction. We're importing this. We're importing that. These people are
going to have the same problems we have at some point. It may not be this generation,
but it will be at some point. They will not be having kids either because it'll be too expensive.
And as you keep going down this road, you wind up bringing people here that just don't share
your values. Case in point, these protesters calling for the death of
Jewish people or the death of Canada. I've tweeted this before. What is the plan of someone who came
here for a better, quote unquote, better life, who's calling for the final solution? What is
the plan to have them become a positive contributor to the economy and to the culture?
If there is a path, I'm not sure that Canada or
the United States in their current form can execute a strategy and a roadmap that gets them there.
And the more we do this, the more we cause breaks in social cohesion and you get neighborhoods
splintering off. And then it's provinces splintering off. Alberta,
good example. Quebec, good example. Texas, Florida, you name it, good examples.
Then it's entire groups of people splintering off, regardless of state, regardless of
traditional jurisdiction or traditional borders. It's no longer about that. It's about,
this person is not the same as me. It's like, what kind of American are you? what kind of canadian are you you don't want to go down that road but the more you embrace
policies like this the more you wind up with that being a potential outcome and you know to your
point examples for this type of policy in which that the government that first instituted maybe
saying we should we are revisiting it and reversing
the course. Maybe Canada, for instance,
did this recently?
They've yet to do it. And also,
I see that Miller is
tweeting quite a bit, Minister Miller, about
they didn't act fast enough on
immigration. Imagine that!
You have a neighboring country.
It hasn't been acted at all yet.
But the thing I'm trying to get at is at least
the narrative is we're not going to continue down this path what i'm trying to say is you have a
neighbor it's not hypothetical for the states exactly you correct example yeah and it's not
ancient history we're not looking at textbooks that were that were written decades ago it's fuck last few years you can just look at
call your neighbor what the fuck's going on oh this is happening this is not the greatest of
policy let's do something yeah it's difficult man these are difficult conversations to have
it's difficult well when the economy is humming along and you totally don't have enough.
How many times have we said this on this show?
We've said this on the show a million times that when you have a strong
economy and people feel like they have upward mobility,
you have no problems.
Everyone's cooperating.
Everyone's wearing the same Jersey,
you know,
like it's funny.
I see like,
talk about a late Christmas gift.
This fucking,
I guess it's a soft launch from carney like 40 minutes
before we started the show well what uh he's he's got like a an op-ed in the post national post or
globe mail i forget where i'm gonna look right now i periodically do something like that right
it's terrible um it's one it's literally one of the worst things i think i've ever seen
and you know i look at carney and it's an example of what you're
saying there, right? You can enact these policies if you understand that the economy has to be
sailing. But this is a guy who's hopeful for leadership at some level in politics in Canada.
And he's talking about how, this is the beginning of the article. It's around this point in the
holidays where my thoughts turn to what I could do differently in the new year,
about how I could be better. Some years I resolve to exercise more, to take up a new hobby or to
learn to play an instrument. In others, I resolve to be more present or not to speak ill of others.
Sometimes our resolutions can feel especially important because we know a major life event
is coming up, a graduation, marriage or divorce, buying a home or moving into retirement is this guy fucking stupid
so out of touch with reality all the people out there that are lining up for food banks
there are food banks no one is worried about exercising more no one is worried about taking
up a new hobby no one is retirement's coming around no one is graduating with a billion dollars
in debt with a degree you can't use no one is getting married and having kids divorce rates are at a high no one can afford a home and no one's retiring the
age of the average age of a canadian employee went from 41 to 44 something like that in the last 10
years it's only going up we've talked about this before like like this is when you when you ask
this is the thing right when people say and i know you're talking about the states but it's
happening here too when people say this policy is know we're talking about the States, but it's happening here
When people say this policy is good, you have to think, whether it's immigration or anything
else, is the person who's proposing the policy, is this person, does this guy understand what
Canadians, Americans, citizens of their jurisdiction are going through?
No, is the answer here.
No, he doesn't understand understand that's in the first
paragraph it gets way worse the canada should resolve to bring the stanley cup to can't back
to canada retarded retarded there's no other word for it i would love to see this guy run for
politics it would be an absolute gong show like comedy central disaster and and And whether it's H-1Bs or whether it's LMIAs here, or it's,
should we switch to all electric vehicles in 10 years? Should we tax carbon? Should we
deport millions of people who are undocumented but working? I don't agree with Trump. We shouldn't
deport all the people who are doing jobs Americans clearly don't have a ton of interest in doing.
Everyone points to the easy stuff like, oh, I got a guy who's undocumented working on a farm.
I don't want to lose that guy. And by the way, that guy, maybe he's contributing to the economy.
Maybe he's working on that farm. He's putting food on table for Americans, putting food on
table for his family. That guy's not a criminal. We have to start redefining some of these terms. We asked for this to become normal. And what you're asking for now is a tectonic shift the other direction when all the inertia is going the way no longer serve citizens because things are changing so fast, about how there is no more domestic job market. Every job market is global. There is no more, I shouldn't have to compete to keep my family living a certain way because the money doesn't allow for that mode of thinking any longer. There is no more of any of this. It's over now. All those things
are changing and the state is trying to adopt and protect, but it can't, it just can't do it.
And it's, I think slowly the state apparatus is starting to realize that we have to do something
drastic. I don't know what that drastic thing will be but i do think something is coming inside of five ten years immigration is not something that should be stopped but i mean i
can speak with respect to canada because here in canada we haven't i'm gonna probably get grilled
for this we have an aging workforce and so you still need the workforce thing is huge yeah yeah
yeah and i'm i am of the camp you still have to
bring in a certain amount of people that come in here to work and to be productive and to
potentially raise next generation of canadians so like you have to have that in order to maintain
at least what we have here or try to maintain what we have here. The temporary foreign workers and the students,
that's something that's totally outside this immigration discussion I'm talking about.
That's totally different.
But I just want to say, do you know back in the late 19th century,
politics in Canada, very interesting that it was, and I think this was it, the left
leaning individuals wanted
to close
the borders to Canada and keep everything Canada
first, kind of so to speak.
They don't want to open up borders and they want to
basically deal with Canadians and only
Canadians. And it was the right wingers wanted to have
more of a globalist agenda.
It seems like a century
and a half later, it's kind of the reverse people on
the left seem to have more uh an assertion to opening things up and people on the right want
to close things down i find it to be interesting how this flip-flopped in a well that took almost
150 years but even things that in the past 15 years i don't want to get into specifics
so i get into trouble but things flipped even on in the past 15 years about people what
they believed in the left say 15 years ago yeah it's very different and same with people on the
right 15 years ago it's very much different so things it's it's just a very dynamic world and
i don't want to take any of these i'm making a trouble but uh this hope i hope that trump is able to sit these fuckers down and to straighten them out
and moving forward nobody should be held on a pedestal and said that they're untouchable
you do if you fuck up you fuck up and that's going to stay with you that stain is going to
be with you do you think do you think that there's like a globalist agenda like it sounds
like maybe you do like there's like a i, we never go down this road, but like.
Not an agenda, so to speak.
Some people want to have more open borders,
or at least having, and then try to help out individuals.
Because I'll use Canada.
We have a lot, we have a lot of resources here.
We have a lot of wealth, comparatively to other countries, right?
Comparis, insert country name here.
We're much better off.
Why can't we make them or try to at least improve their lives somehow with funding policy
or funding programs?
And it's being done.
I'm not trying to say that's the right thing or the wrong thing.
That's the idea that I see that is being done, at least trying to be played out.
Now, I'm not trying to say that there's a plan or there's an agenda,
That's just what some people have in mind.
And I don't know what to say about that.
It's just,
I'm not sure either.
I'm not sure either.
There's nobody out there like,
we got to do this.
There are some people out there who are definitely going,
we got to do this and encourage.
Oh yeah,
There's so many things that it's
hard to predict what's going to happen next and the amount of variables that are in play
it's just you're trying to get to an end result but how you get there there's there's no direct
path and yeah good luck there's so many so you know they're going to this wef bullshit and all
that like i don't buy into that like a lot of people do i'm sorry i don't think it's that i don't i don't think it's that i mean to me like a lot of people
say what i do think to your earlier point garbage yeah what i do think to your earlier point though
is like there are people like elon and vivek and i think broadly like american business owners
america like american corporation the american corporation wants
keep labor on for america yeah and so like there's like i mentioned the agenda the agenda is not like
we have to destroy the middle class to keep them obedient no no they want to be as profitable as
possible exactly and so there's consequences for those way of thinking, right? The agenda is not, you know, we have to, it's not the old eat the bugs thing. Like that's whatever. But the agenda is profiteering and profiteering has consequences. And so whether there's coordination about the consequences, you know, whether there's coordination about the actual profiteering or the consequences of profiteering,
it's indistinguishable to the person who no longer has a job and has to use a food bank.
And that's another problem, right?
If it becomes indistinguishable, that's where you get issues with domestic extremism, domestic
violence, domestic uprisings.
And there's a lot of people who think that we're on that road, right? This whole fourth turning thing that people are going to lose faith in governments.
They're not going to listen. They're not going to follow laws. They're not going to view the
government as being in their best interest. That's when this starts. Um, when people stop
to be able, they stop being able to determine what the difference is between a plot that's,
that's intentionally harming them and a plot, um, that they are uh they are a third you know
consequence to this the one thing i don't understand though would you say vivek and
elon are they at least have a decent head on their shoulders compared to somebody
the commoner i guess yeah i mean i would say like they were able to comprehend something digest information and
come out with with a rational thought i can't understand how they decided to go down this path
knowing the political environment we're in and knowing who was just that's fucked up they don't they don't care so their political careers should
be ending right now i mean elon elon has no political aspirations but vivek probably does
and yeah i agree that he torched you later yeah it's done it's true it's too bad he's now now
i'll just get absolutely roasted no matter what he posts about they just get absolutely fried
he's done that's that's like that's salted ground now he's radioactive time to jettison him it's too bad because it would have been nice to
have an individual that was young like him who could speak the way he does yeah on the team but
you know you fuck up that bad totally what are you gonna do how do you fix there's no bandage
you could put on this it's not like people are are doing very well and food banks are just empty there's nobody
showing up to them and people are able to pay out of the the environment's different it's it's a
shitty time to be middle class or below yeah and these guys are, through their actions, they're shitting on those very people. People spend thousands of dollars to go to school
to get a degree, and they come out,
and you're not able to fucking use it.
Can't work.
Yeah, can't work.
That is bullshit.
And even Tesla, somebody made a note
that they have over 1,500 employees
that are on the H1B visas.
I'm not sure what that translates
to, but that seems like a large
number to me.
I mean, maybe it's not. I don't know.
He's running Tesla the same way he's running Twitter with like, you know,
skeleton crews. Yeah.
And that's a big number. It seems like a big number.
Did you know that there's a statutory
limit of only 85,000
H1Bs that are granted every year?
But remember, 85,000 per year, but employers often receive approval to go beyond and above that limit.
In fact, 800,000 applications were approved this year in 2024.
So it's almost 10x this year.
How are employers doing this,
getting around this?
I would love to know,
you know,
I'm not sure what's the mechanism to get approved,
who has to be approving it.
Like if there's,
you know,
you go above people's heads.
I don't know,
but things need to be investigated and find out why this is the case and why
they're bringing in 10x the amount of
h1bs that are statutory limited to be granted in a calendar year yeah that's fucked up
nothing new nothing new len like just there's always there's always ways to exploit these
systems for the gain of your company gain of whatever and you see like again not to just
i feel like we talked about this for too long but no it's it's not only an interesting topic
it is a topic that is very prevalent today people are pissed i'm pissed yeah it's not an american
it does this it does i don't say it's abuse of the system it's just overlooking the obvious what
people should what companies should be doing for national unity national pride and trying to boost
the the country as a whole i get it for profits it works fine but hopefully people moving forward
if they have an option to buy product a versus product B and one has been using these visas.
I say this all the time.
What did I say on the show like a few months ago when I moved here to Dundas?
Like everything here is a little more expensive.
If I go downtown to get a coffee, it's four or five bucks.
And I will pay that four or five bucks.
I'll pay a little more for meat.
I'll pay a little more for meat. I'll pay a little more for cheese. I'll pay a little more for whatever, because if I don't, I will get like a century initiative freak show in my town where
everything is, you know, temporary visas and temporary foreign workers. And it's just not,
it's not the kind of place that I want to live is all. And that's, I think, I think I'm entitled
to that opinion, honestly. And I think a lot of people have that opinion and maybe don't know how to express it. And it comes out as this sort of racially slanted, inflammatory. But I think there's something to that point. And you're talking about it, I'm talking about it. It's just you're asking for problems in society down the road if you keep going down this path especially as quickly as it's happening i don't think there's any question about that so yeah
anyway do you want to do one more thing roasted you saw drudo got roasted at the ski resort in
bc i got i got i hate that i got a problem with that i think that's dumb yeah i think look like
you may disagree with the guy's politics but to to approach him in what looks like a parking lot or a ski hill,
like what is that?
It's not a ski hill.
It looks to me like it's at parking lot level.
And tell him to, what did she say, get the fuck out of Canada?
Like, come on, man.
Like, just give me a break.
Give me a break.
You've got better stuff to do with your time.
It says more about you.
I don't know if there's any truth to it,
but the fact that there was getting preferential treatment in terms of getting
the front of the ski lifts.
He's the prime minister. What do you expect?
The resort should give people
their money back. It's not his fault.
It's the resort's fault.
I think more than anything else.
I just,
you know what?
I'll leave it at that.
I strongly disagree.
we'll just go from there,
I think that's it for the show.
I can listen.
I got to say,
there's a couple hundred people here.
I can't,
I can't imagine that you don't
have something better to do in between christmas and new years but maybe you're as tapped out as
the rest of us are and you just want to hang out and be with your friends joey and len talk about
some bitcoin talk about some clown world stuff so i appreciate everyone coming and uh we'll see you
next week monday as usual no wednesday show this week again and we'll resume our normal scheduling starting uh in 2020
yeah i have uh yar i forget how to pronounce his name the guy melarude melarude yeah he i'm
interviewing him this saturday morning so it'll be a a tape delayed release for wednesday next week
nice love it thanks everybody take care happy new year we'll see you soon don't be cock