The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP #197 (Notable News Stories) - Trudeau Out, Bank Robber Bicycles, Cash for Ukraine (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: January 8, 2025

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact C...anada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠ ⁠Discord:   / discord   A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 well done 50 minutes and 15 seconds we got i mean big news today from the cottage we'll talk about that in just a moment there's a few notable international stories we should go through because we get that off our checklist but i guess number one i want to bring up is there was a statement by the u.s treasury department that came out this past week okay and they said there would be a disbursement of $3.4 billion. That's going to be direct funding, direct budget support for Ukraine. Not sure if you saw this. This is $3.4 billion in assistance.
Starting point is 00:00:33 And this is very interesting, Joy, because most of the funds are going to be used to keep the Ukraine government running and paying salaries to teachers and other state employees. $3.4 billion. I took a look to see how big is the Ukraine budget and their anticipated revenue for this year 2024 is 43 billion and you're expensive percent a little less than 10% of it. Just of their intake, but of their expenses, it's $82 billion. So if you look at the expenses, it's 4% of the
Starting point is 00:01:10 overall budget, just from this one disbursement. People in the chat are as flabbergasted as I am about the priority of these stories, by the way. Only overseas to you, Grace. No, because I just wanted to... I understand. I just wanted to... I understand.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I just wanted to point out, there's something here. The funding, direct funding of a foreign government... Oh, but they're not involved in the war, then. No, not directly. And paying a significant amount, it's measurable in terms of if you look at expenses or in terms of income, it's measurable in either the two.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And you look at it at the same time, infrastructure in the United States crumbling. It continually gets older. Try driving. Try flying. Try doing whatever in comparison to, say, in other countries like China. There's no high-speed trains that you have. There's no mass subway systems that they've built in the past decade in the United States. Everything is old.
Starting point is 00:02:15 People are shooting up drugs, dying. They're not getting health care, jobless, so much bullshit. And they're paying a foreign government directly to keep them afloat where are the priorities i think that this is just the wrong place to put your money it's money laundering it's money i don't want to maybe maybe but i just look at this. That $3.4 billion, if I was a U.S. citizen, I'd be irate. They're funding trips for Vladimir to go on Lex Friedman. Like, what? Someone help me understand this.
Starting point is 00:02:56 And then they asked him, the Z-Man, if he were to go out for a— Dinner. Who was going to be paying for that? Z-Man asked. He's like, Lex said, we got to go to dinner with my friend Joe Rogan and you in Texas. And Z-Man's like, who's paying? And he's like, Putin needs to pay. No, you fucking moron.
Starting point is 00:03:15 The American taxpayer already paid to the tune of a trillion fucking dollars in cash and equipment. What a fucking idiot that guy is. I am so tired of this guy. Growing up in fatigues to media events. A guy whose country is so war-torn that he needs another $10 billion every two weeks going on
Starting point is 00:03:37 American podcasts in America? What is that? What is that? And you could easily do this like we're doing this zoom right not to say that he should be doing podcasts but if you are going to be doing i just did one this past weekend with a dude from norway yeah you don't have to hop on your jet no you do not right again the priority i cannot stand this guy honestly god i'm so tired of him it's the money that goes when you see there's other things that are dearly needed to be spent on when people are dying on the streets because they don't have access to food health care
Starting point is 00:04:20 jobs and then this money is going over there to pay salaries for government employees and teachers granted they have to get paid too but where does the money come from who generated that income and what gives them the right to spend it over there yeah and just look at this it's like nothing there's no there's no right to any of this man and people will say there's been a guy in my comments last little while, anytime I mentioned Russia, that I'm giving Russian talking points. I don't watch Russian media. I just think that funding a war overseas, when you tried to bring basically a NATO installation to a foreign country's doorstep and blaming it on the other country, it's not a
Starting point is 00:05:02 winning argument. I think that spending a ton of money, like you're saying, when you have so many deficiencies right on your doorstep, is a losing move. I think that this idea that we have to dabble in hypotheticals, well, if we don't fight Russia now, Russia will continue into Europe. I doubt it, honestly. But if he does, what's Europe doing know does any european country have a military does any european country have a couple of billion does any european country have tomahawk missiles and you know
Starting point is 00:05:36 ground troops and drone fight like do they have nothing they're not doing anything is everyone just relying on the united states like what are we talking about here we we can't do this all the time we you know the united states can't do this all the time it's not feasible at scale like this doesn't it doesn't work and so at some point you have to you have to just say like yeah these guys they made a mistake this was a mistake by uh by the by the Warhawk Neocons, who, by the way, would never send their own kids to the meat grinder, but will send yours in a heartbeat along with your billions. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So you got that out of the way. I really had to get that out of my system because it just rubbed me the wrong way. And we could talk about, obviously, the thing, the news of the day, news of the month, news of the year, who knows, with Trudeau finally stepping down. he's not leaving just yet right like he's going to be sticking around at least for a period of time before the liberals somehow elect a new leader so he's here for the time being there's going to be no election until at least at least no election uh that's going to be called until at least end of march but it could go to october ndp is still kind of they are financially constrained they
Starting point is 00:06:55 don't have the ability to fund a general election so they may want to continue to keep this government or the next government uh next liberal leader just leader, just going. And that gives them more time to get some funding and it gives them an opportunity to showcase that they're an alternative to the Liberal Party. So it's possible that you could see this run all the way until October. I'm not saying it will happen. June or July may be more likely. A summer election, I'm not sure,
Starting point is 00:07:21 because if the House goes in recess in June, so it's possible you goes in recess in June. Yeah. Right? So, yeah, it's possible you could have it in June. The other thing is that I think – are you going to run a federal election on the back of an Ontario election? Ontario is probably going to have an election around that time as well. Yeah, that's a good point. So you have them done concurrently.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And typically, you don't want to have that. And so we – who's going to blink first because it looks like ontario is going to call one first and we'll kind of get my 250 check they'll call an election is it 200 yeah there's some money coming in that's good every resident of ontario even children i think get it too perfect it was just great so um, and you're lucky because I think they had to have been born in 20, they had to be alive last year. So I think they might be okay. I happen to have one that meets that criteria.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yeah. So it's, yeah, that's, but I don't want to talk about the interior thing just yet. The liberal situation, Trudeau miscalculated here the best time, and I mentioned it many times the best time for him to have left was right after the separation between he and his wife he could have left at that time and he should have left at that time in my hindsight it's now 2020 and he could have used the excuse i want to spend time with my family try to reconcile thing and you could then say you know there's that's a noble cause and
Starting point is 00:08:45 getting away from public life and then you know he he wouldn't leave the the uh liberal party in the same state it is right now they have mere months to figure out who's going to be the leader for the next election if it's indeed in october if it's sooner than that they have less time than that to figure out who's going to be next leader mark carney who has that website carney for canada or something that's yeah i don't know what the website is but either way mark carney i have serious doubts he's going to be the leader of the liberal party and my rationale is if he becomes the leader of the liberal party he's then the prime minister without being sitting in the House of Commons. They would have to immediately call an election
Starting point is 00:09:29 because if they do not, how could you have, possible, but how could you have a Prime Minister that does not have a seat? I think this happened in Canadian history before Arthur Megan, I think, was the last Prime Minister that was in that situation.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I could be wrong. So it's not a good situation to be in though and then he'd have to rely on his mps to basically pick up the pieces good luck how many how many are left yeah are going to be left to support him too and then yeah so then if that's if my theory is correct if mark carney's not going to be the person who is, then it's going to be one of the 150 MPs that currently are elected. And you can break that down even further. 140 probably don't even want to try. 10 maybe, but have no hope in heck, maybe 15. So it just leaves the names that come off the top of my head.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Jolie. Yeah. Freeland. Yeah. Anand. Yeah. Gould. Yeah. Miller. the names that i come off the top of my head jolie yeah freeland yeah anand yeah gould yeah miller leblanc yeah that's it that's that's all i could think of there could be more that's a small number of people then that you're gonna be and then it a lot of them all of them what's what about fergus what's he uh what's his status that guy can he run i never thought about that he'd have to step down as well he's not going to be the speaker of the house anyway so why not just try maybe the liberals put him up there i don't think people
Starting point is 00:10:57 like that guy but the other thing okay so yeah like the math is one thing i've heard a couple of good sources say that the basically liberals have seven seats that they'll never lose they'll just never lose seven seats they could run like you always say you know as a block bag a rock bottle cap whatever and that's the floor that's it seven is four and it's not it's not a liberal thing every party has these yeah yeah of course strong stronghold right so yeah they have seven stronghold seats they'll never lose um there's eight i think empty senate seats right now that can be filled during a prorogue yeah so i expect that those will be filled with liberal um independent banister polishers yeah uh so
Starting point is 00:11:47 that'll be good you know paul martin once appointed an ndp senator this happened before paul martin he was ahead of his time right there's he was truly ahead of his time i will talk highly of paul martin as i enjoyed yeah he's good he's good pm uh you know so you have that to think about i watched the the speech the presser today a couple of fitting moments i thought one um when he was walking out to deliver the address his speech flew off the table and you could hear him say about 15 feet from the mic it's okay i'll wing it it's par for the course uh he was late for the presser pretty standard and i thought the other signature moment was when a reporter was asking the question he put his hand out and told her to stop he understood what she was saying you know that's how he governed uh in a lot of ways that
Starting point is 00:12:41 he knew what people wanted without listening to what they were saying to him the thing that struck me the most though and it's actually an interesting tie into what you said about the timing for him in terms of when Sophie left him and when he should have stepped down to minimize damage to him reputationally in the party in terms of their sort of go forward aspirations. After a speech like that, I kind of picture what happens when he walks back into the house, to the cottage. And months ago, he presumably would have had Sophie there,
Starting point is 00:13:19 his children there, maybe a few of his confidants there, cabinet ministers, Telford, Freeland, perhaps. And they would have had a nice, although difficult, a comforting moment. Like, okay, we've done something here. We've closed the chapter here a little bit. Today, when he went back in the house, who was there to give him that hug? Who was there to shake his hand and be with him? Not wife maybe not his kids i don't know freeland no he's lost every minister that wasn't in his wedding party basically at this point as well as many others who have decided to jump off the ship
Starting point is 00:13:57 who's who's in that house with them in that moment to help them close that chapter and get through it that's a that's a really human moment miller and leblanc are in that moment to help them close that chapter and get through it? That's a really human moment. Miller and LeBlanc are two that comes to mind because they have connections. That's it. That's it. Seamus or Reagan. Seamus is gone. But he's done.
Starting point is 00:14:15 He's at least close enough. Maybe Len, but the point still stands. That's a tough moment to get through. And he had to do it without anybody and he's got no one to blame for that except himself it's uh humanize this moment joey is uh yeah i kind you know i was feeling i if you're gonna hate me for this in a way as a human being you look at that it's like it is humanizing but let me but let me give you yeah let me let me watch this human being you look at that it's like it is humanizing but let me but let me give you yeah
Starting point is 00:14:45 let me let me watch this human being goes through this kind of but let me drop the guillotine on him now from the more rational point of view you lead a press conference like that with all the things canadians are telling you you're wrong about and how important they are indian reconciliation no one gives a fuck about that climate change no one gives a fuck about that uh covid pandemic you couldn't have got that anymore wrong um there's a couple other things in there i forget oh the cultural diversity thing every canadian hates immigration now hates indians like you completely you spent nine years destroying 50 years of good by and tri-partisan policy in the country liberals spent 10 years and destroyed almost all of it incredible
Starting point is 00:15:32 incredible inertia heading in the wrong direction destroys half a century of good policy in 10 years. Economy in the tank. We refused to use our greatest assets to support the dollar, to support the economy. We villainized entrepreneurship, villainized wealth building, villainized strong families under the guise of, well, we can't have an inheritance tax. It's unfair. Well, we can't have people starting small businesses. They're cheating taxes.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Backwards on every single count. Then you have the liberal party itself, full of people who will run for public office and try to, I think, unfairly and sort of by telling lies through their teeth, distance themselves from the party of the last nine years and the leadership of the last nine years and say they never agreed with any of it. Well, you fucking signed it. You clapped along like a zoo seal every day in QP when your colleague said something that you didn't agree with.
Starting point is 00:16:45 That's not leadership. You refuse to jump ship until the last possible second just in case you got a two-week ministerial appointment. That's not leadership. You're a coward. The liberal party should be napalmed. They should fire and remove and vote out every single administrator campaign organizer loyalist mp you name it start from the ground up take the l take the advice being given to you by the voters and start again you need a new a new vision, and a new face of the franchise. They are going to do that. They're not going to do that. The new face of the franchise is going to be somebody you know who clapped along like a coward for a decade.
Starting point is 00:17:36 That's not a new face of the franchise. That is inviting continued failure. They're going to try and do it. They acknowledge that the mps that are there acknowledge that the party has this has been publicly said has gone too far to left they clapped along with it they did do that they didn't leave the party they kept running under the banner they have no more there is there is no there is no solid ground for these people to stand on but that's that's an admission that the direction it's going, or at least where it stands right now, it needs to change and veer off somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:18:11 And so that's, I think now is a starting point where they could say, you know what, enough is enough. Let's go back to where we traditionally were as the Liberal Party and try to capture that middle ground in the Canadian political spectrum. If they could steer the ship there and at least get a line towards that direction, you may not get there immediately, that's, in my opinion, the right direction for the Liberal Party of
Starting point is 00:18:38 Canada. If then you have the Liberal Party encompass that part of the political spectrum, the Conservative Party would have to move further right and then the EP would encompass the left part of the political spectrum. The conservative party would have to move further right. And then if you would encompass the left and that's the way it was historically for the past hundred years. And then you, you wouldn't have this almost obliteration of the liberal party. And what,
Starting point is 00:19:02 that's what they're, they're getting to the point. they're whole yeah i think i still think you're wrong and i'll tell you why the entire liberal voter base demands these insane commie policies at the ballot box they demand stuff like taxing families who have done well for more than a generation they demand things like taxing entrepreneurs they have done well for more than a generation. They demand things like taxing entrepreneurs. They demand handouts. Go back 20 years. This is
Starting point is 00:19:32 not the case with a liberal supporter. Granted, a lot of them have moved on. Some have moved on even to different planes because they no longer exist in this world. That is not the way the Liberal party was just a mere couple of that even a little over 10 years ago do you think there's any chance that you can convert
Starting point is 00:19:52 someone under 30 who's a liberal voter right now to to be a liberal voter if they just adopt more conservative policies or will they just vote ndp like ndp is going to take that corner now at some point in my opinion they should own that that's they should they should own it you're right but the thing is that the liberal has the liberal party has entrenched themselves with this voter base i the i'll leave it with this and maybe we can talk about this for a bit i am willing to bet that the liberals don't form government even at a minority level for 15 years after this so if that's the case and that's a very interesting point of view number one you'd have a historic run by the conservative party yeah number two and by the way it's not fueled
Starting point is 00:20:38 just by poor liberal policy and politics it's fueled by this global shift away from that style of government. It's not just here. It's everywhere. And they're going to ride this, I think, for 15 years. Easy. Polyev is young. He's got a good social media team. He's willing to do long form stuff, it seems.
Starting point is 00:20:56 As long as he doesn't do something insane or lose his mind or whatever. There's a shelf life. And Polyev will only be there at most for a decade. And that's it for him. And they'll go to the next person. He'll be the next person within the Conservative Party or the next person within another party that will be elected. Sure.
Starting point is 00:21:16 That's just the reality. So if we're on that, and I'm of the opinion, it's going to be minimum of two four-year terms. Eight years. That's my opinion. So if that's the case, Mark Carney turns 60 this March. Happy birthday, Mark. Not an old guy, but not a spring chicken at that as well.
Starting point is 00:21:33 No, no. Is he going to want to sit there and sit in opposition? Number one, if he does this and becomes the prime minister briefly, only to get trounced in the election, so then has that negative on his record and then sit in opposition for eight years is he going to want to do that and then with hopes of becoming a prime minister again no in eight years and i i can't see that if the guy was 50 instead of 60 maybe well for sure i would say for sure the other under
Starting point is 00:22:02 i've got in his side and I can't see him being the guy that's going to be there for long term. Other underrated bit is that it looks to me like there's younger leadership around the world now. Everyone under 55, 50 years old. Trump is the exception, though he is sort of the father of the nationalist, populist political movement
Starting point is 00:22:24 that started in earnest with his election in 2016 so i'll give him a pass he gets an exception there but when i look at the republican party young it's really young um it's young it's tech it's entrepreneurship it's a number of different things i look at like you know maloney in italy she's pretty young jeremy afd right the alternatives for deutschland party their leadership is young that woman mexico has a young mexico shine bomb yeah young and we can see what you want about that but so young paul yeah paul yev is like probably 45 46 i think i don't know all these but he's pretty young mac Macron is still in power in-
Starting point is 00:23:06 Not for long. Not for long. But he's not an old dude by any stretch of the imagination. No. No, no. But yeah, there's- Paulieff's 45. So you're going to see these things, and Carney is going to be fighting all these battles.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Not to mention, he's basically in the two worst Venn diagrams you could be in as a politician right now central banker old and uh you know sort of wef adjacent globalist thinking century initiative type stuff so you're with me that he's probably not going to be the person that's i don't i don't think i don't think i don't think he leads the party but i do think he becomes like you know some kind of advisor okay like a soros type i want to say that's probably too big a hammer but yeah that's for the humor me so we're both in agreeance that he's not getting who and if we're gonna go to the who it's not gonna be somebody that hasn't been. It's not going to be another outsider. It's going to be somebody inside.
Starting point is 00:24:07 The six names I've mentioned, I think it's going to be one of them. Unless I miss somebody or somebody comes out of the blue that just shows up out of nowhere. Then it's going to be one of those six that's going to do this round and then probably jettison. I mean, I think we both agree that it's free. She's the minus money. Yeah, she's minus 200 on the line everyone else is plus money so you know she she's the one who really comes out here looking like the cleanest dirty shirt but i still think that's a that's a real wipe out in an election you know right i think the other thing too is if you're freeland the party needs you more than you need it now which was not the case a month ago so
Starting point is 00:24:53 i think if you're freeland you say to the party and you say to carney specifically look old man i'm gonna take the fucking bullets during this election, but I want two cracks at this as the leader. And if you don't give it to me, then you guys can rot. You will rot in irrelevance and tarnish another one of your names and go through a historically bad election loss without me. But with me, I'll take the bullets. We'll do not so great, but won't be a seven seat blowout.
Starting point is 00:25:25 And then in eight years or four years, whenever I want another crack at this, I think that's the move you negotiate to two elections. If you're free land and she led, honestly, like she won't have a second chance. She'll, she'll,
Starting point is 00:25:40 it'll be somebody else that comes in that wants it. And she's not, then she's not going to, then she's not going to take this one. It doesn't matter if, if, if she thinks she could have the second chance, she just won't.
Starting point is 00:25:50 There'll be a leadership review and then she'll get her association with the Trudeau liberal brand and her being the finance minister at a time when the, uh, that spike that's going to be used as a crutch against her. It's hard to have that type of, I don't want to say baggage, but it kind of is in a way. It is baggage, yeah. And then be able to be successful into a future career
Starting point is 00:26:17 to become prime minister. It's not going to be possible. So I think she's going to win this one. Do you think she wants it if she's gonna put her name forth yes she wants it she's not gonna be forced to do it couldn't she be a liberal premier somewhere for eight years and then say look when like couldn't she be a liberal premier somewhere for eight years and then say look you know oh fuck i don't know she's uh alberta she was born there i think so no liberal is going to win there ontario they just elected a new ontario leader
Starting point is 00:26:53 no so she's going to be an outsider she needs she needs excuse me she needs something that she can call her own before she can become the leader the prime minister i should say she's for all due respect there's no future for her okay so let okay so let me ask you this then maybe another good question here is the next leader is the next liberal prime minister a known entity right now no no no no that's what i'm trying to get to is that it will be somebody from the outside that will come in a la mark carney a la if i was going to say none of these two have been raging successes but it's going to be something like that almost even trudeau in a way right like he came out of nowhere to be elected as a back
Starting point is 00:27:47 bencher and then became the leader of the party and then eventually prime minister something like that in a way that's what you'll need uh that well that's what they will get is i i just can't see what they have internally right now they're gonna be 20 seats at best next election maximum 20 yeah i would say and who's to be those 20 seats? Judy Scrooge? She's going to be gone in a little while. I don't even know who Judy Scrooge is. Len's getting into the weeds now. Those are the ones that for sure they're going to win.
Starting point is 00:28:14 It's just like... I don't know. It's just going to be... It's tough. But not them. The NDP are screwed as well. They can't just solely focus... The NDP are screwed as well. They're just solely focused. The NDP, they're going to get rid of Jagmeet Singh because what's going to happen next election, they're obviously not going to do
Starting point is 00:28:33 very well. And then they don't have the money and so forth. So they're going to leadership review and then get rid of him and get somebody. They're not going to really change much of the party, though. Their direction is going to remain the same. No policy is going to be yeah identical right it's pretty stamped that's the way it should be for them because that's their bread and butter why change something which i mean may not have worked in the past but it never works why change it why
Starting point is 00:28:57 change it why fix it if it's broke yeah yeah the liberal party they they should if the liberal party can somehow and jody raybill wilson i see that in the chat i don't know man did he mention in the chat yeah yeah rumors bringing it up talking about that i think that she'd sit on the sidelines let this thing play out and then come in as the white knight in shining armor and say, look, I'm here to save you all. And I'll be like, yeah, all right, great. She stood up to people that ended her career to Trudeau. Yeah, yeah. She's she's a woman like she obviously being a woman.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Hey, listen, I'm I am pro. I'm pro woman prime minister if they run on something besides what's between their legs. And Wilson-Raybould will 100% do that. And there's nothing wrong with women voting for another woman if that woman is competent. And we see this over and over again. In the States, they run Kamala Harris. She's incompetent, and she loses. The women don't vote for her at the clip they need.
Starting point is 00:30:02 That's what you want to see. But I got to be honest, if I had to pick between jody wilson raybould and pierre polliev like i probably take jwb in in a second policies are yeah and it's more of a vacuum in a vacuum like do i do i think she's more competent than pierre like yeah pierre's a tiktok guy and like listen that's what it takes to win right now but am I am I sure about this guy in fact I'm positive that he's not going to fix almost anything but you know that's like any politician at this point Wilson rainbow at least has a track record like you mentioned of standing up to the the machine um even if it costs her her job remember one time the liberal party they
Starting point is 00:30:45 they stood firm and they didn't send troops to iraq yeah that that was a big fucking thing yeah and you got to give props to kretchen for that do you remember kretchen standing next to bush after bush forgot to mention him in his list of countries who were helping. I never thought I had to mention Canada like a brother. Crescent is just standing there with his crooked stroke smile and he's just like, fuck this guy. I love Crescent. It was the best. Where is the strong liberal politician?
Starting point is 00:31:17 That's what we need. We need the liberals. The liberals are like the Knicks. You know, like even if I'm not a Knicks fan, basketball is better when the Knicks are good and competent and like Canadian politics is better when the liberals are good and competent, you know, like we need, they need, they need Patrick Ewing. They need Larry Johnson. They need like,
Starting point is 00:31:39 give me a competent liberal team and we'll have a better league. It'll be more fun politics would be more engaging right now it's like yeah i'm just like waiting here for this for the other shoe to drop i already know what the result's going to be i watched recently i i'm fucking i'm really boring i watched a debate from the 2000 election with cretchen was there and yeah um that's cretchen uh there's a by uh fuck i forget god who's who's leading the lexicon conservatives there was it stockwell day stockwell day is ontario conservatives um yeah i think it was stockwell they had joe clark was there as for the pc
Starting point is 00:32:18 she'll do sap and but i what they were debating on at one point remember this is 2000 land we're somehow gaining viewers right now by the way so although this may seem boring people seem to be enjoying it so go ahead but i just want to put this in the concept context the year is 2000 so remember how much the canadian dollar was worth at that time almost parody right but in terms of like what you could purchase and and oh sure yeah okay yeah they were talking about in the debate what to do with the surplus of 160 billion dollars right so the time very different right they were paying you can say what you want to paying off the debt being stupid or whatever but they were actively paying off the debt and they had a huge surplus time were different right like you know
Starting point is 00:33:10 they just had to fall or shortly after the fall of the soviet union new markets opened up and so it's just maybe the perfect storm but still they were able to generate a huge surplus for a few years and they were using that for what so the question was what should you do with this 160 billion dollars that's the environment that they were operating and that was a centralist liberal party yeah you know like just a different time i don't think and what are we at now in terms of our debt it's around two trillion one We just overspent this budget by $60, right? And now you take away the added revenue that could have been generated. Yeah. So that's gone.
Starting point is 00:33:54 And that was several billion. I forget the exact number. So all this shit keeps adding up. And then it just increases the size of this deficit and then throw that onto the debt. Like, it's a different time. Like I said, Paul Martin, I don't want to talk fondly about that time, but at the time, he even appointed
Starting point is 00:34:11 an enemy, so to speak, an NDP senator into the Senate. He did the Gomery inquiry openly in a way that it ultimately caused him his downfall. I forgot about that. I forgot about that i forgot about that how many people try to brush the shit off and hide it under the rug and say we're not gonna
Starting point is 00:34:29 he decided we're gonna do this openly and it hurt him in the end but what a different time it was and what a different breed of politicians those people were totally different so i look at that as i i kind of wish the liberal party goes back to that that'd be and then the conservative could kind of go further right and you have the you know vote where you want and go now did you know paul martin had polio when he was a kid i'd had no idea yeah you know he did one shady thing he registered his shipping company to panama i believe it was nice he was ahead of his time again like panama papers right fuck that guy was a pioneer i know he's only 86 he's only 86 can we get this guy back on like come on he's only six years older than trump does he have his faculties where's the martin martin kretchen ticket where's the martin kretchen podcast like i'd be listening
Starting point is 00:35:22 to that those two they they did not like each other who cares that's good content we don't like each other no one knows that me and leonard mortal enemies so he paul martin like he was senior was just denied his chance to become prime minister many times and paul martin jr became prime minister and when he was sworn in he was holding the flag that draped over the casket of his father as a a symbol of like we finally did it as a family finally together yeah yeah yeah that is gangster that was that was that 95 to 05 maybe 90 to 05 era in federal canadian was that's the golden era. That is the goal in politics. The end of Mulroney was just awful. He lost so much support so quickly.
Starting point is 00:36:12 GST hurt him hard. And then the, the guy, I don't want to talk ill of the dead, but you know what? Just when he was just about to leave, uh, to,
Starting point is 00:36:21 to leave prime minister and hand over the reins to whoever won it. In that case, it was Kim Campbell. He went to Europe and did a farewell tour over there. And who paid for that? Right? Like, why do that? Our parents. Fucking brutal.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Fucking brutal. In a Bitcoin standard, this kind of stuff would be so hard to do it's on the ledger where'd this bitcoin go as well it's registered to you sent it to ukraine to do vietnamese strip club where'd this go anyway okay let's talk about some stories here other stories i guess we got some time this one you saw this story because I saw you comment it on Twitter, but I just want to bring it up. It's just a beauty of a story.
Starting point is 00:37:07 It was from December 18th in Hamilton. So it's a little bit dated, but it deals with a robbery that was taking place that took place at BMO, the bank of Montreal. And it was located at 375 upper paradise road for people who are taking notes at home. So the thief came by, he rode his bike to the branch, and he decided to park his bike outside and stroll on in.
Starting point is 00:37:30 And he handed over a note to tell her to say, look, I'm robbing a place. My intentions are to take money. Something happened. I don't want to get into it. He left the place without anything. So he left empty handed. He was terrible at trying to steal money from the bank.
Starting point is 00:37:46 But he's even worse at securing his bike, I think, because when he went outside, the bike that he hoped to take away to ride home was in fact stolen. So he had the guy that wanted to steal money from the bank, took his bike to the bank, left the bike there, came back outside, and the
Starting point is 00:38:02 fucking bike was stolen from the bank. They say that the suspect, the bike thief is male wearing all black and driving around town on a stolen bike so if you happen to see this guy please report him to the police because this thief would love to get his hands on a stolen bike what a fucking joke this is it's an all-time story i'm gonna pull up the article here just so people can get a visual of this guy this is this is just an unbelievable fucking a tale of perseverance and uh it's just great hold on i gotta find my uh bullet here this guy so i'll give you some okay first of all let's talk let's talk about the bank robber okay this guy shows up he's dressed like a pokemon gym leader okay this is not the gear you wear to rob a bank okay this is what you wear when you're trying to defend the Viridian city gym
Starting point is 00:38:48 badge. This is not good for running. It's not good for holding money. It's not good for riding a bike though. It was cold. It's not good for riding a bike either. Look at all the stuff that he's stuck in your chain here. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Like what? This is a nightmare. People like you can't ride your bike like this. No chance. Well, they say he's male white five foot four to five point five foot eight in height wearing a long multi-colored scarf black sunglasses blue surgical mask black jacket with fur trim black gloves dark pants white shoes and bikeless
Starting point is 00:39:18 that's what he is he looks like joseph from Technicolor Dreamcoat. I love this story. Westcliff Mall is on Upper Paradise. You know where it is, Len? No. It's by the top of the Shedoke Stairs. Oh, okay. Yeah. You can basically like – Yeah, you could like –
Starting point is 00:39:37 It's like 1,000 yards away from the top of the Shedoke Stairs. Okay. I'm going to punch this in Google to see it. And so this mall – I used to go to that beer store sometimes and i always went to that home hardware to get stuff when i was like taking care of my first house which is not too far from there i won't tell you where but not too far from there yeah it's not too far from the chido that's right funny that's right so you know that mall is visited by a lot of seniors there's like a retirement home nearby and a lot
Starting point is 00:40:04 of families. There's a school right across the street, Regina Mundy. I used to ride my bike through there to get to work actually as well. And that story reminds me of some of the stuff I used to see out in front of that mall. I've not seen hobos fight each other more than probably five or six times in my life
Starting point is 00:40:25 and I've been to the bar a lot it has villages famous for having hobo fights but I've seen hobos fight each other in front of that Westcliff Mall KFC in front of the Gino's Pizza in front of the Shoppers Drug Mart
Starting point is 00:40:40 it's actually not Shoppers, it's Rexall must have been three times in the six years I lived up there. And it's like that kind of thing is indicative of the kind of clientele that are starting to arrive. The weird thing to me is that that BMO has got to be one of the smaller ones in the city. There's really not much going on in that plaza. So I don't know why the guy decided that was the one to rob. And and also what do we always say on the show does the bank have your money len no they don't have your money they have no they have no money there the bank has nothing for you to take uh ious you know like come on come back next week people in
Starting point is 00:41:16 the chat does joey have an alibi and another guy so joey rides a bike too interesting yeah it could be me i am about five eight or five nine they ask him. Like as he's driving to the bank, what do you intend to use the money? Because if it's over 10K, it's going to be reported, right? Yeah, you got to report it. Yeah, you got to report it. So yeah, what do you intend to use the money for? Can I tell you a second bank story here? I went to the bank on New Year's Eve to deposit some money I got for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:41:42 And my debit card didn't work. My dog has chewed up my debit card, so I needed a new card. And so I go to the bank and I try to make the deposit at the ATM. I can't do it. So I ended up going to the teller and I say, yeah, I got this debit card. It doesn't work in the ATM. I need a new one. She goes, okay, no problem. Do you have any ID? I said, yeah, I got some ID. So I show her my driver's license. And then she says to me, okay, sit down. Do you have your phone? I said, yeah. She goes, we just have to make sure it's you. So we're going to send you a message. I'm flabbergasted. I just showed you my ID. So it doesn't matter if you're at the bank or not. You have to get the text message
Starting point is 00:42:16 from the teller to make sure it's you, even after you show her your ID. I know I already told you this story, but I'm saying it for the people who are listening to the show. Like the bank is so far behind. It's almost unbelievable. There's no catching up at this point. They think the tortoise and the hare is real. It's not. The tortoise loses in the race like 99% of the time. And right now you are carrying the biggest shell the world has ever seen.
Starting point is 00:42:38 And that rabbit's getting the fuck away from you in a hurry. Banking, you know, traditional traditional banking i got a beauty of a story that will finish this one off sure city of ottawa they've recently implemented some stricter regulations on vehicles that are idling and this effectively i saw this yeah yeah the amount of drivers the time the drivers can leave their engines running while the vehicle is stationary so the new bylaw came into effect. It's reducing idling times, and there's three different tiers
Starting point is 00:43:10 here. If the temperature is between zero and 27 Celsius, it's three minutes per hour that you could idle your car. Three minutes per hour. If it's below zero or above 27, it's 10 minutes per hour that you keep it. Or it's unoccupied, it's one zero or above 27, 10 minutes per hour,
Starting point is 00:43:25 that should keep it where it's unoccupied. It's one minute, regardless of the temperature. So it can be minus a million out there. You only have one fucking minute, 60 seconds to warm up that fucking car. They say this is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. And the bylaw will bylaw enforcing this on a complaint basis.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Love it. Ottawa is notoriously cold in the wintertime. And so if you have those remote starters, you're only going to be able to keep it on for one minute. Now, keep in mind, it's going to be a point in time, I suspect, that car manufacturers are going to put this. They'll bake it in. Yeah, see, you press it, and after a minute, it's going to turn off they'll bake it you may do yeah you press it and it's after a
Starting point is 00:44:05 minute it's going to turn off by we can press it again why how is this a priority for a municipal government i can't like i cannot believe this this is amazing you have people like you know warming up their cars to go to work i saw some of the comments on the story and on some tweets that were talking about this and people are making the case that I'm a trades guy I like to warm the car up while I bring my tools in or put my tools in the car bring them in from the garage
Starting point is 00:44:33 I like to warm my car up and then go get my kid dressed for school, stuff like that now you can't warm your car up it doesn't fix any problem the only saving grace is that there's a lot of car theft i guess but like the old-fashioned cars that you leave the key in there then a thief comes by steals the car yeah like that's the other thing
Starting point is 00:44:56 when i wear my car up my key doesn't go in the car it stays with me it comes back in the house right now you're one of the tell me to just give it up anyway you're one of the privileged few mine is of the vintage i have to put the key in there turn it and leave it's not even new it's like a 2015 i'm pretty sure it's fucking compared to mine yeah yeah right but like the whole the whole point is that this is again like misplaced priorities by governments that have much bigger fish to fry and you used to be able to get away with this stuff. These sort of like cottage hobby shop type legislation or bylaw changes. But now everyone can see the problems are front and center. You walk by another drug addicted guy and there's the bylaw guy. There's a chance here, Len, that a Toronto or
Starting point is 00:45:37 Ottawa bylaw officer may walk past the guy using drugs in the open to ticket you for warming up your car. How's that? When are we going to get that TikTok video? I can't wait. I think that's going to be an absolute banger, an absolute crema. I don't know if you guys ever watched that guy on Instagram who just hammers pints in the UK. It's going to be an absolute crema. It's just like clown world, man. What else can you say? It's hard to call it anything else. Like what? You already don't have enough enforcement probably in a city like Ottawa. And now this is what you're going to spend the man hours on? Complaints from people?
Starting point is 00:46:15 How are you supposed to verify that the car's been warming up for more than 10 minutes? You know, wait. Wait around. What if I turn it off for five minutes? What if I turn it off and then turn it back on? It's one minute if it's unoccupied i turn it on for five minutes what if i turn it off and then turn it back on it's one minute if it's unoccupied that's easy to do if you're an officer you just stand there for a minute nobody showed up one minute one second boom done and it takes zero time like minute and one second wow true i guess yeah but i do like i do like it's
Starting point is 00:46:39 complaint based so you can at least tell if your neighbors are stupid or not. Well, one thing, this is going off on a tangent here. I've always was on the belief that you don't want to leave your car idling for too long because what happens then, the gas will wash away the oil on the cylinder walls as it's just idling. You actually want to let it sit there for like a minute or two, then drive it slowly to get the operating temperature up slowly. Don't let it idle for 10 minutes on end. That's actually wrong. It's bad in the long run for the longevity of the engine.
Starting point is 00:47:11 This is somebody that drives a car that's 23 years old. Is that still the case even with like modern fuel injection though? My car is direct injected, but it's diesel. So it is kind of a lubricant in a way. But still you don't want the mixing with the oil either way. Like that's old school thinking. I don't know if that's still relevant relevant these days but paulie in the chat saying it's idling an engine is the worst thing you can do to it i'm literally an engine mechanic okay thanks there you go so it's still prep appreciate appreciate you buddy
Starting point is 00:47:36 yeah yeah so that's that's what i always learned is like then i do this and i leave my car if i can't even a cold days i will sit there for 10, 15 seconds, 20 seconds. Then I slowly drive away and just really slow and try to bring up the operating temperature like that. That's the way I was always told that's the way to do it. And 23 years, you know what? I'll say this. My car's 23 years old. The last 100K on my car, it's been the best mileage I've ever gotten.
Starting point is 00:48:02 The car's finally broken in. Yeah. For whatever reason, the motor, everything else is going but the motor's finally broken in this is wonderful so i can enjoy the next 500 000 kilometers a maximum i love it that's a double clutch in some cases because when it's too cold it's it's it's tough to drive these days but i could do it that's why a thief can't steal my car you You can't drive it. Thank you for listening to the Canadian automotive excellence podcast, man. You know,
Starting point is 00:48:30 what a day, what a week, a hot start to the year. Stay with us, friends and enemies. We got some fun stuff planned for 2025. I guess that's it. We'll see you Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:48:43 No live show, but a release. And then Monday again for another banger till then. Take care of yourselves. Take care. And Wednesday. No live show, but a release. And then Monday again for another banger. Until then, take care of yourselves. Take care and don't be a cock and stop idling.

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