The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP - 2024/25 CBP FANTASY FOOTBALL DRAFT
Episode Date: August 30, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact C...anada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.
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Friends and enemies, welcome to the first ever CBP live draft.
Second year of the league.
Live drafting is the best part of fantasy football.
There's nothing better because you go to the draft,
you get the pizzas, the grease wheels, the beers.
You see your buddies.
You talk about a bunch of players you know nothing about.
You look at the magazine you paid $8 for that has old information in it.
you pick your team that you're stuck with for most of the season.
You can't win in the first round,
but you can lose in the first round,
of these drafts.
So hope you enjoy this.
we've got a bunch of people who are in the league in the,
the green room here with more coming as I try and organize this thing.
let's get on with this.
First of all,
the sponsors,
easy DNS.
Okay. If you want to host a website, you want to buy a website, I try and organize this thing. Anyway, let's get on with this. First of all, the sponsors. Easy DNS, okay?
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And then Decentral Tech, about to launch the CBP branded Bidax, 75 units.
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Everyone wants to buy these things. I can see my text messages are even going off people want to buy these uh these bid ax units
okay let's bring on let's bring on the guests here let's bring on the friends there's only four here
i'm gonna send a few uh dms out and we'll see if we can get some more people to join the uh
the stream you guys know who you're picking already absolutely you do totally confident
every jets player
okay god it's a scrolling menu look at all these people sorry fuck i didn't notice i didn't notice
i was wondering if i was gonna be let in here. I got to tell Boomer too.
Because I know he wants to be on the stream little by little.
Okay, we'll start in a second.
That's funny.
I know.
You guys, you can send me the private messages.
Let's fucking start this round.
Is Clowder here?
Did Clowder come in?
Clowder's online.
Everyone's online except Boomer and Jara.
Jara's there.
Where's Boomer?
Boomer's not there yet.
I'm going to wait for one green light on Boomer, and then we're going.
We're starting.
We're going one minute per pick, and we're going the full 15, I think.
There's Brandon, too. Look at this. It's's a full look at this nice little party of people here drafting how nice oh jesus we go auto we go auto pick after fourth round this is the most
this is the most backwards shit i've ever seen in my life brandon's never used sleeper even
though everyone uses this now i i like yahoo for Yahoo for my home league, but everyone wants to use Sleeper,
so that's what we used last year.
This is good.
I like this app.
I don't know.
I don't like it.
Yeah, it looks good.
Okay, fuck it.
We're starting.
I don't know where Boomer is.
Start draft.
The action cannot be undone.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Here we go.
McCaffrey right away. God. Bijan. Here we go. Here we go. Okay. Down the clock. McCaffrey right away.
Here we go.
I knew it.
I had to do it.
I had to do it.
Give me a break.
Give me a break.
Look at this.
Oh, man.
Give me a break.
It's already out of control.
Come on.
He's going to drop me.
No break. Wow. Wow wow this is fucking already you guys are ruining
the draft already this is like this is why mocks don't matter people get here and they just are
like balls to the wall oh my god come on 40 seconds the light is green he's he's there the Oh, my God.
Come on.
40 seconds.
The light is green.
He's there.
The light is green.
You better make this tape right.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Are you kidding me?
There we go.
Two picks.
Two picks.
Were you all that early?
He would have been there.
He's the number two right now.
Boomer's here now too.
Here we go.
Wow, both Jets gone.
Alex is leaving.
He's leaving.
What's up, guys?
What's up? Oh, man.
I'm so sad.
You got me with this, dude.
I really hate this.
This is a brutal,
What's the big surprise pick so far?
It's got to be Bijan too.
I called that from the beginning.
The guy has a Falcons logo.
Oh, true.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I didn't even think about that.
The guy had an Atlanta Falcons avatar.
Like you know he was taking Bijan.
I know.
I didn't notice that.
I didn't get Garrett Orbrez.
I didn't really want Taylor in round one,
but I mean,
this back-to-back
pick is crazy.
Controlling the turn
is a lot of fun.
Hold on, I'm going here.
How many picks do we have?
15, I think. 15 rounds. how many picks do we have um 15 i think 15 i can hear my own voice so far back okay when do we start negotiating trades
fuck you can start right now if you want geez am i really gonna take
oh my goodness.
This is tough.
Nakua's hurt, right?
Nah, he's healthy.
Nakua's hurt, right?
Let me see here.
Who's got the headphones?
Yeah, put your headphones on.
What is this, 1999?
Yeah, put your headphones on.
Who's got the headphones?
Oh, my God, you guys.
I don't want any of these fucking players.
Who's got the stream going in the background?
Nobody has the stream going in the background.
That's it.
I know.
Yeah, who's watching and in the stream
There's Clowder here too
I can't believe I took two fucking running backs
Oh my god
I don't know man Everybody says you gotta take receivers Running backs? Fucking running backs. Oh, my God. What are you talking about? That's a good strategy, Joey.
I don't know, man.
Everybody says you got to take receivers.
Running backs get hurt so easily now.
Yeah, that's true too.
And it's hard to find two guys who are on the field all the time.
Taylor and Etienne are at least on the field.
Yeah, I like your two picks there.
They look good.
Yeah, okay.
I mean, like.
Nakua was my other guy, but I don't trust. These guys with hamstring injuries, I don't trust hamstring injuries.
I mean, didn't Kup have a hammy injury last year too?
Like, I would not be taking these guys.
Kyron. PPR as well. PPR you gotta like lean
towards receiver
is it full PPR or half PPR?
I think this is half
I think it's half
I mean I'd still take these guys either way
you got two flex spots
you can throw another back in there if you want to
but I don't know
i also secretly don't like a chain or a chan
he's missed he's mr he's mr three touches 200 yards and then you don't see him for four weeks
he's a home run hitter right yeah and like like most are like raheem must start is fucking on
everyone's radar i didn't know the guy had 20 touchdowns last year.
That's nuts.
Yes, he killed it last year.
It was insane.
Holy shit.
I also don't want Kelsey again.
I had Kelsey last year in this league.
Kelsey's just going to get injured a lot now.
I just don't want him because he's a lib.
He's in his Pfizer ads.
I can't take that guy. I agree like i can't i can't take that
guy i agree i agree i can't take that guy he can't be on my team my god
whose pick is it my
all right am i gonna see all right let's see here's the ceo green candle ceo
i might actually load up on the dolphin
now i might get eight yeah i think i'm gonna do it you're gonna do it oh man that's not a bad
pick there though mr three touch yeah what's wrong with the guys back in field speed joey
you don't know about he is he good. I'll give you that.
Great Madden pick.
Did you guys play Madden this year?
Does anyone else play Madden? It sucks this year so badly.
Especially after playing college. It's so much better to play that NCAA game.
Who's this fish bomb guy that's
chirping me in the corner there?
Isn't Moser the starter there, though?
I think he's going to get more carries,
but who knows, right?
At some point... HN gets all the
dink and domics
out of the field.
Yeah, I think Mostert's going to get the red zone.
Yeah, but HN...
You think Mostert's going to get the red zone touches?
He might.
I don't know.
Neighbors early.
Third round, neighbors?
Are you fucking kidding me?
That's it.
My wife just got home from a pedicure.
She's so mad to see me set up in the kitchen.
We're going to go.
At least you're not mining yet.
We're going to go get Mr. 1,000 yards, dude.
Mike Evans, always reliable.
Evans is great.
Mayfield's good.
They just paid him 100 mil.
Read a book, Joey.
Read a fucking book, dude.
The guy's reliable.
I mean, you're a Tampa guy.
Texas A&M guy, too.
I like it.
Oh, yeah, that's right.
That's right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I like Evans. I think he's good. I had him's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like Evans.
I think he's good.
I had him last year in this league.
He was really good for me.
Last year was like his career year, and he's like 31, right?
That's pretty good.
Yeah, he was good.
He's a big dude, and it's hard to guard receivers in the NFL now.
You're not allowed to touch him.
Okay, here we go. Before, I mean, what a joke what i didn't even tell you receivers before oh you can't guard
receivers anymore shut up in the nfl you can't do it you could you used to be able to but now
you can't jam or anything right because it used to be five yards or it used to be two yards. Now I think it's five yards, right? Yeah, you could still jam.
Debo early.
Ah, the quarterback!
Oh, man!
I don't think Debo is early, though.
I don't think...
Debo seemed late, actually.
I think whoever got
Iyuk, that was early
to me. I agree.
He actually just signed today., like literally 20 minutes ago.
Yeah, he just signed 20 minutes ago.
Oh, you got to be kidding me.
I missed that.
I'm taking a slight risk here, but I like it.
Slim Reaper?
Oh, my God.
You've been infected by some kind of brain worm, Devontae. Devontae? Slim Reaper? Oh my god, you've been infected by some kind of brain worm.
We're going to take over AJ Brown this year.
AJ Brown's going to cry on the sideline when Devontae Smith goes off.
He does like to cry, that guy.
They got a handicapped guy throwing him the ball.
That's very true.
Jalen Hurts?
Hurts, dude.
I can't throw.
I didn't know he was capped.
Caps a lot, dude.
I didn't know he was part of the preferred parking elite.
Yeah, dude.
I didn't know that.
Him, Dak Prescott, Jordan Love, all a part of Make-A-Wish.
Who's up?
Waddle was there.
Waddle. Oh, myish. Waddle was there.
Oh, my God.
Waddle was my guy.
That's who you get for taking two running backs.
That's brutal, bro.
There's plenty of receivers left, dude.
There's plenty of receivers left.
Yeah, I should have taken Waddle over Smith.
That's crazy.
I didn't even see him. I think this is the move boys let me show you something about fantasy no oh man see over kelsey i think that's
that's just a pride pick at this point because you don't want to pick taylor so his boyfriend
kelsey okay kelsey's on tv talking about how he's got to save himself for the playoffs That's just a pride pick at this point because you don't want to pick Taylor Swift's boyfriend. Kelsey.
Kelsey's on TV talking about how he's got to save himself for the playoffs.
So like I'm not taking a third round pick on a guy who's on load management.
Who else?
Who else is is a fucking Mahomes throwing to?
He's throwing like the new guy.
Yeah. Or like or like hollywood brown or whoever
broken clavicle he was in the hospital he'll be fine yeah rice he'll be fine
all right compared to that are amon raw saint brown taking away catches from amon i really
like amon raw but i don't know if i would have taken him over Wilson, Chase, and Hall. But I like Amun-Ra.
I watched that Netflix special. He's so
likable, that guy.
He comes out speaking German.
Who does that?
Yeah, that's insane.
Jeez, I don't really
want a quarterback here.
You guys hammering the Aggies
on Saturday over Notre Dame or what?
I'm going to get IPTV tonight or tomorrow.
I have to set up the service because I want to start watching NCAA football.
I forgot how much fun college football is.
Yeah, and like the variants and like playbooks and play styles.
It's great.
It's great.
I totally forgot how much fun it was.
I haven't watched really since uh
geez i don't know what was the last college season i really paid attention to probably the
mariotta um that oregon season where they went to the final and lost i think to oklahoma right
i enjoy watching colorado lose now Rashad White Rashad White James Cook
James Cook and Rashard White
what do you guys think
I like Cook a lot
what are you doing
but I clearly gotta start getting receivers here
there's no doubt about that
I should probably make my pick I'm just sitting here staring at the screen
just keep looking
maybe something will happen for you.
Brandon, how do you feel about Chicago this year?
No one took Kelsey.
No one wants Kelsey.
I'm not going there.
I'm going to go QB.
Wait a minute.
You took Stroud over fucking Lamar Jackson?
Is Jackson there?
Yeah, he's right there.
Oh my goodness.
How do you guys leave the house without fucking helmets on?
Are you kidding me?
I'm going to do a draft after the fact and watching these picks it's
out of control this is nuts this joy are you gonna start like five running backs or what
i'm starting three unless i get something good here
if you're putting people on the queue just be aware you're showing us exactly
my wife my wife walking by just
now it goes you've never even won fantasy how do you know what do you know yeah i'm still gonna
turp everybody it's true it's true i always think i i mean everyone leaves the draft thinking they
have a great team oh my god mix it i think mixin's a good pick too. I like Mixon. I've always liked Kamara.
Kamara's a stud.
Yeah, he gets the catches, but I worry about his health.
He's got like a back problem.
How old is Kamara?
Like 27? He's got to be my age, man.
How old is he?
No, he's like 27.
Let's see.
No, running backs?
Like Dalvin Cook is 30, and they're saying he's washed.
Kamara's 29.
Oh, my God.
Does Kelsey drop to me that low?
Are you nuts?
I don't like Kelsey.
Brandon's nickname is Taylor Swift.
I don't like Taylor Swift.
Mr. Spicer.
In the fourth round, if you're not going to take the best tight end in the league,
are you insane
are you looking at how do you get like when you say he's the best tight end are you looking at
like madden ratings what are you looking at he's gonna be a dink and dunk guy he might be
my home is a good pick there that's a pretty good pick in the fourth fucking round
yeah but isn't kelsey like 36 or something he's He's old. He was very slow in the second half of the season.
He's being rejuvenated by Taylor.
Yeah, she's going to bring him down very soon.
Taylor actually probably really disappointing in terms of rejuvenation,
if you get what I'm saying there.
Okay, let's see here.
What if they break up week two and he just he just can't yeah then what
then what exactly disaster or or she doesn't go to one of his games and he just can't catch a ball
i'm not even i'm only looking at the like receivers right now and there's just
it's like so hit and miss like i had pickens last year in this league and there's games where
he looked unbelievable i heard a great description of pickens the other day that if there was like
one more blade of grass on the sidelines he'd make some of the best catches in nfl history but
everything he grabs is fucking out of bounds well he had a shit quarterback all year right
that's true does he have a good one now it's's Brandon's boy Fields and Russell Hustle Bustle Man Muscle Wilson, right?
Where's Sam Hall at these days, Joey?
Is he going to start for Seattle?
Kyler, wow.
I got sniped.
It wasn't really a run on quarterbacks, eh?
Like I think everyone's talking about how when one quarterback goes,
everyone starts taking him, but
we have not seen that here in the CBQ.
What are you talking about? We've got like six quarterbacks
on the offseason.
There's over three rounds.
It wasn't quick. It's not like you couldn't
get someone after Allen and Mahomes.
There's like six guys in between there.
Six guys and 20 picks.
My God.
I don't think that
counts as a run.
I don't think that counts as a run.
Absolutely insane.
Is that a run? Do you count that as a run?
I think that's a run.
You think, eh?
When do kickers usually go?
That's what I don't understand.
I'm not even
taking a kicker. Right right away they go so early you mean last round i should have been taking a kicker
yeah i don't even i don't even take a kicker you just sit on it and wait that's what i was
thinking kind of like defense right i just had to take more and more to drop off a package. I'm pretty sure.
I have the oldest team.
I have a bunch of guys that were really good five years ago.
If this was 2019, it'd be a bad
year to be your opponent.
Who's your team?
Scott Jefferson.
I think Henry's going to be great. I would like
to take Henry.
Henry might be okay.
He'll be great. I would have liked to take Henry. Henry might be okay. He'll be fun. He'll be fun.
I don't like Keenan Allen because he's apparently 220 now.
Another quarterback.
Now it's a run.
Now it's a run.
Now it's a run.
It's official now. Three and six picks is fine Six and twenty picks is not a run
There's some crazy things I saw
That he could be like QB1 fantasy wise
That is the most ignorant bullshit I've ever heard in my entire life
It's crazy
He throws it
He's got the accuracy of like Louis Braille.
Well, it's just he's going to rush for like 20.
But he hurt himself last year.
Yeah, he's going to get hurt.
Shot in the dark.
He has some good receivers, doesn't he?
Doesn't he look like Marvin Harrison?
He's got Pittman.
No, he's just got Pittman.
He's throwing him the ball.
I don't know, but I would not be taking fucking Pittman.
Wow, Diggs is on the fucking Texans?
They traded him for nothing.
What kind of league you got me in, Joey?
If these guys don't even know,
Stephon Diggs, the biggest move of the offseason,
went to the Texans. Hey, don't even know, Stefan Diggs, the biggest move of the offseason, went to the Texas.
Hey, don't you want to be free?
I know.
Give me this little guy.
You looking at the running back?
Give me this little guy.
I like Tank Dahl.
I was surprised that Tony Pollard was in Tennessee.
Najee, what?
Was that a fat finger?
What happened?
I wanted him. Is he not the slowest runner you've ever seen?
He runs well on these outside zones,
so we'll see what they do in Pittsburgh.
I heard they're going to change their run scheme a little bit.
I wanted Kincaid, but he got sniped.
Ah, buddy.
I'll trade him.
Where did Kincaid go?
Oh, get one to Broken Ruler there.
Boomer got him.
Old man team.
Hey, you'll be all right.
You'll be all right.
Kincaid's going to be good this this year they have no one to throw to
like there's no reason why he shouldn't get like 150 targets he's the only guy that's not a rookie
right like all the other guys are other newer rookies exactly they have shakir he's like uh
oh yeah yeah yeah but he's more of a a bomb guy right? He's not really an inside guy. I think he's like Dink and Dunks too, but he's not –
you don't want him to be your number one option basically on receiver.
That's not –
I just want guys to get a lot of catches.
That was my thing going in.
And like Henry was the exception just because he fell.
But like I want all my other guys to just catch the ball a lot.
I don't care if they get a lot of yards.
Who's Ryan Anderson? Yeah, that's me. I don yeah it's me okay did you get auto pick there no i barely
made it at the very last second oh man i don't i want to see who takes pits pits is like uh
oh fuck that guy oh my god he's he's got got just the most promise of any guy ever and just never delivers.
Actually, he had 1,000 yards as a rookie,
but he hasn't really looked at that good since.
Yeah, nothing since.
Who else is on this list here?
Who do I like?
We'll see when Chubb goes.
I wonder when Chubb is going to go.
That's a good pick.
Yeah, I want Swift.
Yeah, not bad.
We're all looking at our lists now.
I don't even have a cue.
I should have.
Did Montgomery go already?
Oh, did he?
Where did he go?
God damn it.
Scary Terry.
Yeah, he's good.
He's good, but...
He's got a rookie throwing him the ball.
And it's just no one else for the defense to worry about.
He's on the worst team in the league.
They're not the worst team in the league, okay?
They're not the worst team.
No, they're not.
They're going to be fine. like they're gonna make the playoffs
i think i bet hey nick nick right has them winning uh coming second in division he does
right yeah that's a big behind oh my god kiss of death who did he have winning the division
it wasn't the eagles probably yeah dallas he had the eagles in the last i think of the division
i mean see that i don't get how do you you know what i mean like how do you think that Dallas, I think. Yeah, Dallas. He had the Eagles in the last, I think, of the division.
I mean – See, that I don't get.
How do you – you know what I mean?
Like, how do you think that?
No one thinks that.
No, he's lost his mind a bit.
I don't like it.
Who'd you take?
Tony Pollard.
They don't really have a back.
Yeah, it was going to be between him and Stevenson for me.
Oh, Stevenson's not bad either, eh?
I don't trust New England at all, though.
They might be the worst team in the league.
And they think they're starting Brissette?
Like, what the fuck is going on over there?
It's actually smart, though.
You just – what?
What do you mean it's smart?
You just picked a quarterback third overall.
Start the kid.
Come to the Wolves.
He'll be exactly.
Oh, yeah, fuck it.
The guy's got pits and B's in the house.
Oh, nice.
Yeah, he did get pits.
Downtown, nice pick.
He's not on the stream.
God bless him.
Protecting his OPSEC.
Do people care that much about that?
I don't know.
Let's see.
Green Candle, the CEO.
Oh, you got DJ Moore too, eh?
That's a good pick.
Is Odunze going to be good this year?
Yeah, 100%.
Yeah, probably.
Chicago actually might be scary.
I think they could be good.
I think they could be good.
I don't want to fucking overload with that.
I might just reach here.
Yeah, I'm going to do it.
My running backs aren't going to roll.
I'm going to do it.
Wow, that's early.
Yeah, I mean, my running backs aren't good.
They aren't deep.
He's out for the first four weeks.
Yeah, I know.
I'm aware.
He's on his bench anyway.
He got like a round one running back in round six.
Yeah, he can't beat that.
Can't beat that.
Let's see.
I don't know how he's walking after that leg injury though that's insane god
he was i saw a video of him squatting a little while ago but that was like a pretty bad injury
i would just get i would have got around the leg and that would have been that
yeah i'm just tired cut this off that knee man oh i was looking it up before too and he's on the he's on the uh like the pup list and yes
he has to be active for like 12 games in order to get his like uh paycheck basically
oh really yeah huh here it says yeah he needs to be active this year for 12 games to get a $225,000 roster bonus.
So worst case, he's out five weeks, I think.
He'll play.
Jonathan Brooks was a good pick too.
I was just looking for him.
Oh, on Wednesday.
I like it.
That's what I was going to take.
That's a good pick.
I like it.
A lot of good mid-round receivers.
Who picked neighbors that early?
Who picked neighbors in the third round?
I know.
That's a crazy pick.
I don't understand that at all.
Maybe if he didn't have Daniel Jones.
Yeah, exactly.
He's got the worst quarterback in the league.
And then he drafted ray rice a
couple of rounds later he's on the pop he's on the pop
he's on the popo list That's exactly who I was going to take.
God, there's so many guys buried down this list.
Mostert, eh?
Where did – did A-Chain go in round one? Round two. No, round two.? Wow. Okay. Did A-Chain go in round one?
Round two.
Round two, okay.
Yeah, I got him second round.
No, you took him... Oh, yeah, second round.
Yeah, okay. Nobody wants Keenan Allen. nobody wants keenan allen everybody has always everyone's had keenan allen he's too fat he's
too fat and he's disappointed everyone at least once he's too fat he's always he's this he's like
a route running guru but how are you gonna run patterns if you're just like, you know?
Yeah, but he's never had receivers like DJ Moore in Rome next to him
to take the workload off of him.
People are saying.
Many people are saying.
Mr. Bears fan over here.
I'm just telling you the scouting report.
I've watched all of Hard Knocks.
I got to watch that.
Did they run two last year?
They did Giants and...
No, it was the Jets.
It was the Jets last year.
No, but this year, I thought they did Giants and they did Bears together.
No, that was last year.
Now you're going heavy on the receivers, eh?
I'm taking shots because the running backs, like I got three of them,
but I'm going to probably start a receiver in that flex spot, right, I think.
We got two flex spots, don't forget. I'm not not gonna tell you how to run but yeah i'm a donor this year
i do i like williams i think williams could be good but we'll see Deontay gross
good pick I like that pick
yeah dude yeah for sure
you don't like that pick
fucking Carolina
I don't know
he's gotta throw it to somebody
he's gotta throw it to somebody
that's what they always say
he's gotta throw it to somebody he's gotta throw throw to somebody. Yeah. That's what they always say. He's got to throw to somebody.
He's got to throw to somebody.
Hollywood Brown.
There he goes.
Yeah, Brody Clavicle.
There he is.
That's why I took Worthy.
I like Worthy.
Is he worthy?
He's worthy, all right.
So did we decide on the prize money how it's going to go?
It's not winner take all?
No, no.
It's as soon as last year.
I think it's 50% for the first place guy, 30% for second, 20% for third.
I'm pretty sure that's what I did last year.
It'll be something in that range.
Who won last year?
Even though you'd never know by this draft alan in the third
round hey alan's a good fantasy quarterback he is he is definitely a good fancy quarterback
you're fucking right about that i don't know what's it like these some of these guys way down
like xavier laguette like. Rookie receiver in Carolina.
Xavier Leggett.
Fuck, who picked you and Coleman?
Damn it, dude.
You wanted Coleman?
That's a good pick.
Because he's the number one receiver now in Buffalo.
What about that Shakir guy?
No. That was a really good pick.
We're at that point of the draft now where the list doesn't really matter,
like what they ask you to – when they tell you the draft next,
you just pick your guy.
No, the list – this is where it really matters.
This is where – Well, this is – you pick your guy no the list this is where it really matters this is what this is where well this is you pick your guy the list it's your list that matters now not the that's what i mean
yeah yeah you're right you're right you're right yeah i'm with you what
all right and searching brandon's searching desperately for adam feeling for Adam Thielen. McCarthy. I like it.
That's a reasonable
That's a reasonable
The lad.
I was,
I mean,
I told you I was
set on Keon Coleman
and I don't really
like Christian Watson.
Watson's all right.
I wouldn't mind
taking Watson.
I'm not a he.
Is he on my list?
Watson's on my list, but there's other guys on my list too
that I kind of like more.
Someone just took somebody on my list.
Who was that?
Oh, Brian Thomas.
Yeah, he looks good.
He looks good.
I don't know how much I trust Trevor Lawrence, but.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trevor Lawrence just has one year where he looks
like Peyton Manning.
Yeah, maybe.
Remember how good he was at Clemson?
He was like unbelievable.
You've lost your mind.
Trevor Lawrence looks like Peyton Manning.
I'm just saying like one year.
Would you be shocked?
I wanted Daniels.
Fuck. God damn it. Yeah. Of course I you be shocked if he won the NBA? Oh, Daniel. I wanted Daniels.
God damn it, man. Yeah, of course I'd be surprised.
What do you mean?
I wouldn't.
Trevor Lawrence.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Did they compare his stats, his career stats, to Daniel Jones,
and they're the exact same stats or something?
They're the same.
They're the same.
He's not.
He's been very overrated.
Great PR guy.
It's the hair yeah true he looks like those uh stone those
yeah probably he looks like those stone face statue things what are those called oh there's
keenan i mean if you guys are gonna let these guys forever like who took uh who took jsn oh
i was gonna take zeke hey let's go wow elliot okay
who else is in dallas dowdle right is the other guy we took elliot over dowdle in this league
is that what we did alvin cook they just signed and they yeah they just signed down
uh come on that's their that's their trifecta down in Dallas.
A lot of dog shit running backs in Dallas now.
Jeez. There is not many wide, not many running backs left. Are there?
That's why I'm buddy. There's no, I got it. I got it. I got one available.
You let me know.
I got a few already. It's just like, Just looking for depth here.
You just let me know.
I'm ready.
Is Addison getting suspended?
What's his deal?
He got hurt.
Oh, no.
Carded off the field.
Wow, okay.
What happened? The way that this thing made, this is terrible, no. Carded off the field. Wow, okay. What happened?
That noise that this thing made, this is terrible, dude.
Oh, my God. It was like, come on.
You didn't hear that?
No, I did hear it.
I didn't know what it was.
Cole Komet gone too, eh?
I don't know.
That Bears offense could be really fucking good, honestly.
Like, really good.
Trey Benson, eh?
I do like him to replace Connor at some point.
Is Warren injured?
Yeah, he is, right.
He's got a hamstring, but he might be all right.
Yeah, he's probably supposed to play.
There's no running backs.
Who's laughing now, boys?
Who's laughing now? Wait, you don't want chubba hover yeah what about chubba
or jerome ford or isn't chase brown the starter in cincinnati i'm pretty sure he is right who
else is in cincinnati he's there starting running back zach moss is there yeah okay and i took mr
so yeah but zach moss is on a different team every year
How good can he really be?
That was kind of a plan
Damn dude
Everybody's taking my scouting reports
I don't know, handcuffing at round 9
Seems a bit early
I was just about to say that
The round 9 handcuffs is a good sign.
I feel good about that.
Do you think Ayuk is going to get traded?
Is that what's going to happen here or what?
Did they just sign him to trade him?
They signed him.
Oh, I don't know.
I doubt it.
If they sign him, he's staying.
Yeah, it was like 104 years, 120, I think.
Wow. That's a nice change. I'm in the wrong business raid yeah right no i know it's a lot of bitcoin yeah exactly um Hurry up, boys.
My God.
Whoa, whoa.
Relax, fucking keyboard over here.
Who the hell is that?
Flying. Jesus. fucking keyboard over here who the hell is that flying jesus
i don't know if he's a good player but that's a great name
romeo dobbs yeah it's a great name that's a pretty good name uh let's see
hmm Yeah, this is tough.
This is tough.
Hmm. We'll see how that goes.
I don't love that pick, but...
Palmer's a good pick.
Palmer, eh?
I'm already taking home runs in the 10th round.
I think Rico's going to be good.
They were going to throw the ball a lot over there,
and it's not going to be Elliott and Dalvin catching the ball.
Yeah, it's not going to be them.
Addison just get hurt, like almost out for the year.
It was like two weeks ago.
No, he just hurt his ankle.
He'll be fine uh thanks wow defenses defense i don't know man i don't know defense can be important sometimes i guess i guess damn it dude what the fuck who keeps stealing all my picks
bro boomer you fucking took blake quorum and keon coleman from you scum quorum i think quorum's a
decent pick i don't think that that one guy what's his name kyron or whatever is going to get
through a full season i mean they they drafted a third-round pick.
Or they drafted Corham in the third.
God, wait.
Josh Downs, that's a good pick.
Who was that?
The Lutes.
That was a good fucking pick.
Yeah, that was a good pick.
Jalen Wright, good pick too.
How is Jalen Wright a good pick?
He's Miami's third running back Because I think Mostert and A-Chan are both
A little injury prone, honestly
Everybody's injury prone though
You're telling me you're going to
Keep Jalen Wright on your bench forever
Until, for the hope that that happens
That's insanity
You wait a week or two
weeks maybe and see what happens right who knows that's wild golf's a good pick he was on my list
why are you getting two quarterbacks you got on my i don't know this this league you guys
off is only good at home yeah you see golf's got 14 out of 17 games in a dome this year.
Yeah, I did see that.
That's pretty strong.
There's a strong case he made that he's going to have a good season.
He's got a lot of weapons.
Yeah, tons, man.
They're a good fucking team. They almost
got to the Super Bowl last year. I wouldn't be surprised if they get
close again.
Probably third best offense in the league.
Gotta be. At least that good, right?
Gotta be at least that good.
I like the Niners and probably the Eagles
better, but...
Yeah, the Eagles are going to be good too. I think
Barkley's going to go nuts this year.
You want to hear a crazy stat about
Barkley? Apparently Philly has not
had a run inside the two yard line from their
running back in like the last three years.
I'm not even kidding.
They just do the push push,
They give it to Hurts and they just run it in.
So like all those gimme freebies that usually like,
you know,
the running backs always get no,
no dice.
Okay. Isn't the real question though like why not the eagles do the tush push everyone
knows they do the tush push are we really debating whether or not you'd rather have
hertz or barkley take the snap on their center like why not just put the running back at
quarterback and jam another huge guy in behind him. Doesn't that make more sense? Had the running back basically
pushing Jalen Hurts too.
With Kelsey out now,
I don't know if it's going to be a good thing.
Kelsey's gone.
And Jalen Hurts is a different
kind of quarterback because he can squat
like 800 pounds.
You think he squats more than Barkley?
Him and Barkley can go
toe-to-toe in squats.
You think?
I think he did 600 pounds, Jalen.
I know.
That's pretty serious.
I've heard interviews and stuff where he says that.
Those are my two guys that I wanted to pick.
No, I'm stuck with more crap.
Polk could be good.
If they ever make the quarterback change in New England,
the guy could be all right.
I know.
Me and Joey Grams are the only two smart guys here.
How's your team looking?
I look at your team here.
You got a lot of Dolphin exposure.
You got Chubb probably a round or two too early.
Joey, you're going to have Daniel Jones here by the end for quarterback.
I'm not worried about my quarterback.
There's tons of quarterbacks there.
This is where you guys are stupid because look at all the quarterbacks left.
They're all the same.
They're all the same.
After basically – after like Lamar Jackson, they're all the same.
So if you're not going to pick a so if you're not gonna pick a if you're
not gonna pick a jewish element or lamar jackson i'm load i'm loading up like i'm i'm good i'm
ready i think i'm gonna be fine prescott is probably gonna be just as good as jared goff
or joe burrow or whatever like yeah qb is definitely deep 100 yeah i am worried i am worried like
he was still gonna be a really good fantasy quarterback like
you never know cousins yeah yeah but he's not with uh
quarterback does not quarterback is never gonna really win you anything. It's always the running backs and the receivers.
Tight end is thin this year.
Tight end is thin.
After the five guys.
You guys avoided Travis Kelsey like the plague.
I mean, my God.
I didn't want him.
I don't think he's going to.
He didn't perform for me last year.
He had a good season.
But if you're going to take a guy like that in round one or two,
he's got to fucking be a game breaker game breaker yeah he's getting too injury prone now
yeah like he doesn't fucking he doesn't they don't throw it to him that often
he finds a hundred million podcast deal he doesn't give a fuck i know i know the difference between
fucking the third tight end and the fourth tight end is in the first tight end and the fourth tight end is... And the first tight end and the second tight end.
Tight end has a lot more variability.
It is significant. I think it is significant.
You're right.
I want to see how A-Rodge does this year
if he still has it.
Coming off that injury last year he he could be good though he could be good they're supposed to
have a good offensive line yeah yeah he's got a good receiver a good running back
revamped o-line big time how many people seasons ago, I think he was MVP or maybe three.
He's not that far removed.
I know he's old, but...
He was slinging
it in training camp.
He's up there with the goats, for sure.
He only has one bull.
Shut up. Aaron Rodgers and the goat
He's up there.
Obviously, he's not with Brady and Peyton, but he's second tier.
For pure talent? Pure throwing the ball?
Not for championships.
Pure throwing the ball.
Josh Allen is probably the best quarterback in the league.
Do you think?
Yeah, pure throwing the ball.
Like arm talent?
Mahomes can throw behind his back.
Mahomes is nuts, some of the stuff he does.
I hate the guy, but he's fucking good.
Pure talent.
Josh Allen is the most talented quarterback in the league,
and it's not close.
When you say talent, are you talking like physical skills?
Are you talking like physical?
He can throw it farther than Mahomes.
He can throw it to all three levels.
He can run better than Mahomes.
It's just Mahomes is a smarter quarterback, so it doesn't matter.
Mahomes will beat him every single time.
He's got zero balls.
He'll probably have zero. Yeah, but the brain counts, man.
If you're going to turn the ball over 30 times, that matters.
We lost Fishbaum.
You're making my argument for
me about Aaron Rodgers, why he's fucking trash.
The guy's retarded.
Come on.
He doesn't throw a lot of picks.
One in three in NFC Championship games.
The only NFC Championship game he won
was because Jake Miller got hurt.
Do you know how many points per game his defense
is allowed in those games? 35.
Is that true?
35 points per game.
All right, so do you think that the offense
has something to do with the defense letting up points
when you go three and out, three and out,
three and out, three and out?
Yeah, for sure.
But it's still 35 points per game against
an NFC championship game.
35 is a lot.
Yeah, it's a lot.
And one of those games is severely skewed
because the 49ers fucking dog ran them, right?
What was that?
The 49ers put up like 49 or 50 points or something?
Yeah, and that game was terrible.
When was that?
I don't even know about that.
Yeah, but like I said,
the only game Aaron Rodgers has won
in the NF the championship game was
against caleb haney who actually almost came back and won that game and you know rogers is
eight i think he's 80 and 10 when his defense allows 20 or less points i mean yeah that's
pretty good i mean it's pretty i think the jets are i think the jets are gonna be good this year
i think i think mike williams is good. I think Wilson and Hall are good.
And that defense is fucking solid.
It's all health, right?
It's all about the health. There's a lot of old dudes
like Tyron Smith and Moses
and Rogers. All those guys have to get
hurt well. Look, I want the
Jets to show how inept
the Packers are.
He's not a good quarterback.
Why do you hate the fucking Packers?
There we go, dude.
Why do you hate Rodgers so much?
I'm embarrassed.
He killed my grandmother by not getting the covid vaccine
youtube just demonetized this video
see now i'm really pulling at straws here oh who took caleb caleb's gone i did nice that's a good pick i was i like i think two is
gonna have a good season so i'm gonna hang with tua but i was gonna say hello was there and caleb
was there i was gonna take two i'd just not be a homer but yeah yeah is anyone watching the stream
yeah there's uh 100 people wow 100 people did you put it on twitter too is that why
it's on everywhere we just throw it on
everything yeah
kickers most of the like the
monday night the monday night shows
like for the most part get like
i don't know six seven hundred people
watching across all the platforms
and i don't know like i the thing
is i don't know why anyone would watch on
youtube when you can watch video on twitter and also do other shit on your phone the platforms and i don't know like i the thing is i don't know why anyone would watch on youtube
when you can watch video on twitter and also do other shit on your phone yeah because you can you
on twitter leave it yeah you can watch video on yeah you exactly oh really no i can just like
minimize the video player if i want yeah youtube you need to pay for that yeah like i don't know i
man i can't figure out how YouTube
is gonna like keep a customer base well I mean the videos obviously are you know a major thing for
the YouTube side but like you can't tell me that it's worth whatever 20 bucks or 22 bucks a month
up here just for that privilege like I don't buy that yeah I'll gladly wait five seconds for the
ads you know, exactly.
And the one thing I noticed is when I watch YouTube on a TV,
the ads are like two minutes long and they're not skippable.
But on your phone –
The ads are getting really bad.
They're nuts.
Sometimes it's pretty tough.
But the TV is the worst by far.
Yeah, TV is like unusual.
Like two-minute ads sometimes.
It's unusual.
Okay, so listen.
I got one of these IPTV boxes the other day.
Are you guys using IPTV?
Any of you?
I need to know where I should be pointing this box.
I don't know where I am.
What is IPTV?
It's like how everyone gets everything for cheap.
Like free cable, but like over the internet,
and you can get literally anything.
Where do you point your box?
I got a Buzz TV box. That's what I ended up ended up buying honestly my brother did it for me um yeah but i think he
paid like maybe 10 bucks a month and he gets it there's ones you can do monthly and ones that you
can get like just free forever but they rely on like the service quality basically yeah i got i went on um it was marizio from leaden sent me a dm when i posted
about like getting red zone and college football for the season he and he like told me that the
box is the thing you need but there's so many options for services especially for canadians
like i don't know which one to get yeah i mean you can just do it on a fire stick it for yourself
if you really want to that's what everybody says, but I ended up with this box on his recommendation.
I mean, whatever.
The price is close to the same.
Yeah, the quality isn't as good.
Yeah, mine's on an Android.
I have it on an Android box or something.
I think it's an Android formula or something.
That's what it's called.
That's my thing.
Is there a guy in the league named Slim Pickens?
George Pickens.
That would be a great name, Slim Pickens.
That would be a good one.
Maybe I'll like that pick.
Maybe I won't.
I don't know.
At this point, you're dropping these guys anyway, right? Yeah.
These guys are all getting dropped.
I don't think you're, you're not going to drop these guys.
Well, who are you going to drop then?
Alan's going to drop anybody for sure.
Alan's going to vulture touchdowns from breeze.
Yeah, I think so.
He's a big boy.
Yeah. Like at the ones from Breeze. Yeah, I think so. He's a big boy.
Yeah, like at the one-yard line, for sure.
Jesus Christ.
Okay, what am I going to do with my last pick here?
This went way faster than I thought it was going to. I told Len I thought this was going to run until, like, nine.
That's what
everyone says.
People fly through the...
I was actually glad
you did the one-minute picks.
Yeah, credit to Alex for that. I wasn't going to do that.
What's going on with Herbert in Chicago?
What do you mean?
Isn't he hurt?
Is he playing?
I don't know.
Khalil Herbert.
He's Andre Swift's backup now.
Man, I really like Herbert.
He's solid, but.
Got to take a jet, finally.
Jake Elliott, man, my guy.
Yeah, that's a good pick.
Jake Elliott.
I can't believe I didn't get Garrett at nine.
Memphis is finest.
Do we have any IR spots in this pool?
Matt's dapper.
You'll get IR spots, yeah.
If you don't have them now, I'll put them in,
but I'm going to put probably one in there for each team.
IR is only if they're on IR in real life,
not if they're out for a game.
This other league I'm in, people want IR spots
for fucking guys missing a week.
They've got to be on the pup, like four weeks.
Yeah, exactly. Put be on the pup like four weeks.
Yeah, exactly.
There we go.
And I get an extra roster spot.
Who wants to make a trade? I'll do two for one.
For Chubb?
No, Chubb's on the pup so I'll have an extra roster spot.
Yeah, you will.
You will.
Yeah, I'm going to stash Brooks for the championship run.
He should be good.
On Carolina.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I think he will be good.
Ooh, I like Jaleel too.
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
You picked defense in like round 10.
That's mine.
Some defenses went early.
Aiden took the Jets
and the Cowboys went in the fucking next round too.
You guys are nuts, man.
My God.
Defense is all – I mean, it's good to get a good defense, I guess,
but I wouldn't be taking it in a fucking round 10.
What do I know?
I'm a donor.
I've never won.
I won two of my three leagues last year.
Did you really?
I actually had a pretty good fantasy year.
I was a baseball guy back in the day.
Like fantasy baseball, I spent way too much time on that.
You just throw me the ball week one.
All right.
Let's go.
All right, boys and girls.
Quick hour.
Mario Douglas.
Why do you guys pick backup quarterbacks?
That's always interesting to me, too.
If there's a guy that you like, why not take him?
I don't know.
I like having a guy as a backup to my bye week eventually.
I know it's early, yeah they got hurt too yeah at least you got someone reliable that's right
i'm good with that karen cousins is still available i think he's gonna be good this year
yeah he's not gonna be bad he's good every year yeah i think he's gonna be good he's off in
achilles also though though, right?
That's not as bad an injury as everybody says.
The only thing I don't like about this, you can't see the bye once you draft the guy.
Yeah, you can, but it's not, like, great.
Where is it?
I think it's right beside, when you look at your team,
there's a little number next to it.
Oh, my God.
Yeah, okay, I see it now.
It's not like it's going to show you in your face.
Right, okay.
Don't let me edit the draft yet or edit my team.
Can we redraft?
Yeah. Let's start again. I want to do over,
I think. We got till 9, right?
Yeah, we got till 9.
The CIA announced it helped thwart
a terrorist attack targeting
Taylor Swift's Erez tour.
There was a
terrorist attack.
They thwarted an attack
focused on this fantasy draft earlier today
all right boys good luck that's a wrap that's a wrap good luck this season
thanks for coming boys thanks for watching i don't know who the fuck tuned into this but god bless you
uh thanks this will be on this will be on the on. This will be on the feed.
Yeah, this will be on the feed later.
Okay, that's it.
Good night, everyone.
Take care of yourselves.
Peace out.
Later, man.
Yeah, see you, boy.