The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP - Brandon Gentile, Bitcoin Trading Cards

Episode Date: March 16, 2024

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES This week we welcome Brandon Gentile of Bitcoin Trading Cards to the program. Collectibles and Bitcoin seems to have a great deal of overlap among their supporters, and I'm there's more to that than I realize, so let's dig into it. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠⁠Discord: ⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. With their new kyc-free options, there's never been a quicker, simpler, more private and (most importantly) cheaper way to acquire private Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Canadian Bitcoiners podcast is just two guys and maybe a guest or two discussing Bitcoin, Bitcoin equities, and the related macroeconomic space. It's not meant to be financial advice, so please, if you're doing any investing, after listening to our program, do your own research, do your own due diligence, and understand that any money you invest can be lost. The show is meant for entertainment purposes only, and we hope you enjoy the program. Friends and enemies, welcome to another episode of the CBP. Friday, lunchtime rip. I had a delicious baguette sandwich today. Carnivores and shambles, I know. Nice baguette, some soft cheese that my wife bought. Don't know the name. Probably couldn't pronounce it even if I did. Lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise, chicken breast. I think that's the best sandwich meat. I'm kind of
Starting point is 00:00:56 partial to the Italian sandwich meats too, but chicken breast is nice. Good crunch. Not quite a crunch, but a good bite. Doesn't pull the same way that salami or prosciutto does. But yeah, I hope you're having a good lunch and uh thanks for coming thanks for stopping by today we're talking to brandon from btc trading cards i gotta be honest i don't know anything about brandon and i don't know anything about trading cards except pokemon cards that i used to do when i was a kid or deal with those uh you know when i was just a little guy but um i haven't i haven't dabbled in that in a while. I will say that in the summertime, Huddle D and I were out for beers and we had to stop our activity for like 10 minutes in a parking
Starting point is 00:01:32 lot because he had to buy some kind of BTC trading card release, I'm pretty sure. So I'm sure we'll talk about what they got going on over there with the releases and the rarity and the scarcity and the collectible stuff. Bitcoiners love this stuff. I don't know why. There's a lot of overlap though. People seem to enjoy them quite a bit. So we're going to get into that with Brandon. But first, as always, friends, the ads, commerce up front, ECDNS, best place for you to host your content, your friendly neighborhood registrar, as Mark always says.
Starting point is 00:01:58 We're using them for, for our email, for our website, for our posts, for our YouTube stuff. And we're going to move over to them more and more as Anchor and Spotify continue to fungool the process and fumble the bag from a lot of podcasters, I think, judging by the Twitter feedback they're getting. We're going to continue to move over to EZNS as much as we can to kind of become a self-hosted entity with them as much as possible.
Starting point is 00:02:23 They have everything you need there. Virtual private server stuff. So if you want to run a BTC pay server, Bitcoin node, NOS or relay, no disimplementation, they got you covered. Mark and team, they'll do email for you. Like I mentioned, PGP and GPG, which are two different things that do exist in the email world, both of which make it a little harder for the big man to crawl your data as it travels the fiber lines under the ocean or whatever it does. And of course, if you tell Mark we sent you, you're using the code CBP Media. Is it CBP Media? I think it is on
Starting point is 00:02:51 You get 50% off your first round of buys, which is great. Mark's been a great friend to the show. And we look forward to seeing what you guys do with that opportunity and with that discount. The second sponsor on a day like today, man, I almost wanted to turn my block clock off. It was down because we had a power surgery yesterday, but I replugged it in this morning. I thought, I can't just be up on the up days and down on the down days.
Starting point is 00:03:11 I got to be up on both times. So price obviously down today, like 5%, 6%, 7% earlier or in the middle of the night for you night owls., best place for you to take advantage of those dips. Go to the post office, bring your QR code, buy KYC free, very light KYC. You do need a phone number now when you register, but there are services available for that. If you are in need of one, I'm sure you can find them online. They
Starting point is 00:03:33 use Lightning. Check the Telegram chats you're in. I'm sure a lot of you guys are in Bitcoin Telegram chats that are more competent and able to help with that than I am, but certainly I could probably do my best as well. And I know I've gotten some asks from you guys, so I'll think about how to do that. Don't forget too, if you need to pay your bills, you can do so in Bitcoin with their bills service, BYLLS. Everything from like your property tax, your Fiat University bill, your cell phone bill,
Starting point is 00:03:57 all the stuff that you should have gotten out of. Because if you're not out of it, you're short Bitcoin, but you didn't because I don't know why. Honestly, you can pay the bills there with, with a bold Bitcoin as well. Use the link in the promo code. I think the code is like slash CBP or something like that. And when you sign up, you get 20 bucks when you fund, which is great. I mean, you can't beat that. You're going to go with your, you know, with a phone number that may or may not belong to you. And they just throw you 20 bucks on your first buy, which is great. You can't beat that at all. So two great sponsors. And now I'm going to bring in Brandon from Bitcoin trading cards. Brandon. Okay. Where
Starting point is 00:04:28 are we going to start here? I don't know anything about you. Maybe we should like start with your history, your background. I know where you want to start. Hockey. Got to start with hockey. Are you muted? It looks like you're muted. Oh, I'm muted. Now I can hear you a little bit. Okay. Go ahead. Yeah. You're good you're good good hockey gotta gotta start hockey man um canadian bitcoin is podcast i mean we're what better place to start with the hockey so um boy oh boy yeah i know no one i appreciate you having me on uh lead marketing and pr for bitcoin trading cards you know we can get into that obviously and uh but hockey my so my journey starts i grew up in michigan i spent a lot of my my life in canada uh my wife's uh family or she is half canadian
Starting point is 00:05:12 um has dual citizenship and uh i spent a lot of time in toronto in all the in all the areas in ontario and then been out west out east we had under 17 i played for the u.s national team um under 17 tournament was uh in st john's in newfoundland so played uh i'm trying to think i mean like carrie price i played against carrie price when he was in the under 18 uh canadian under 18 team and we uh we beat you guys unfortunately um in the gold medal game. That was under 18s in 2005. So it shows you our age, 37 this year. The 87 age group will be turning 37 this year. You and me both, buddy. Yeah, we're in the same business.
Starting point is 00:05:51 There you go. So yeah, I just grew up playing hockey, grew up playing travel hockey around here and my whole life played for Little Caesars. And then we progressed to the US team, the national team here. That was only a couple of years in, basically, when they started that here in the late 90s. And it just happened to be an hour down the road for me, ironically, in Ann Arbor, where the University of Michigan is.
Starting point is 00:06:13 And so I played there for two years and then played at Michigan State University. And we won a national championship there. It was awesome times there. I played with a lot of great people in all those teams, as you can imagine. But I got hurt. I got really hurt, actually, my under-18 year, so my senior year of school, of high school. And we were playing Michigan, actually, because the 18-year-olds would play colleges. So we were playing at Yost, and I got tripped going into the boards.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And it was actually a really dirty play. And I got tripped by the captain of Michigan at that time, which I was a recruit going to State so you can infer what you want there and tripped me going into the boards you know one of the dirtiest plays you can make in hockey yeah and um so I like wishbone going into the boards and pulled like pubic muscle off both sides my pubic bones and right there I I knew like you know I was going pretty much full speed back for a puck into our end I was a defenseman and got tripped going on the boards and pretty much game over at that point for my career. But it took me a handful of years to realize it after that. And so I got up and I saw the guy come around the net and I just cross-tracked him in the head or the neck or whatever
Starting point is 00:07:17 and just took him out. And so I got a penalty. We were up 5-3 on Michigan, actually. And then Phil Kessel got a penalty like 30 seconds later. Phil loves slashing guys so phil phil's out there yeah he's killing penalties i have no idea why i don't know why ronnie rolton is our coach great guy no idea why phil was killing penalties um but it was we're winning the game at this point right we're killing penalties like 10 minutes left in the game and
Starting point is 00:07:41 we're we're up there's no reason for phil to be on the ice and phil's on the ice well he slashes a guy in the ozone like for checking them and they're breaking out of the zone and he's in the box with me well you know then they score so michigan scores michigan scores on both of our power play or both of our penalties ties the game and they win in overtime i get five minute overtime or whatever we played after but i didn't play the rest of the game like i was i i just, I just knew, you know, you just know, right. Something's wrong. It's like, you know, you know, you could skate still, I could do whatever, but you just, you just knew something was wrong. And so then after that, I didn't play for like two months, that was February of 05, didn't play for two months. And then we went to a world under 18s and they took me, you know, by the grace of God, they took
Starting point is 00:08:20 me. They're like, Hey, you're one of our leaders. You're, you know, you're a locker room guy. We, we need you here. They left four guys at home and took four other guys from ohl teams you know other teams american guys were around the country and and so i came still you know which i was very grateful for it says a lot about our coaching staff and just you know i guess oh i guess me to a degree i guess but just leadership right i mean that's it's you know there's a lot of leaders out there but it was leadership and team right that? That's, that's what wins at the end of the day. So it's a lesson for life for Bitcoiners, whatever it might be, but, um, went played carry price in the finals within the Czech Republic. And, uh, we won five to Phil had like
Starting point is 00:08:56 three goals, uh, or something like that. Um, two or three goals. And, uh, Chris Letang was out there. I'm trying to think there's so many good guys, Jackson uh nathan gerby on our team uh peter mueller was a stud underager on our team um his career was cut short unfortunately but he was an unbelievable player and um but yeah we had chris letang trying to think of other guys on the canadian team no crosby crosby is playing you know whatever who's probably three three years pro by then right something like that yeah nhl they drafted him at 15 and uh they're like yeah you're just coming here so grothby's nowhere to be seen or else the game might have been a little different um so that would have made the game a little tougher and so it was yeah so it's phenomenal phenomenal times and so then i went to michigan
Starting point is 00:09:38 state but i went to world juniors the tryouts that year but i like i couldn't skate or i do couldn't do anything all summer like the the lake pl is where the tryouts were for the u.s team and it was like in august and who are you rehabbing with brandy rehabbing with the team are you rehabbing so i was rehabbing with at michigan state actually because i was already committed to michigan state and then i you know so so after like when that ended actually as soon as i got hurt almost immediately went up to michigan state because michigan state has a really good like manual medicine program actually. And their, their athletic therapy and everything is really,
Starting point is 00:10:07 it's unbelievable. It's the only reason I was really able to continue playing because I pretty much went right to them and we started doing stuff, but then I couldn't do anything all summer because it just was, you know, hurting and like different, you know, stuff or taking x-rays,
Starting point is 00:10:20 doing all this stuff. I go to the world junior camp on no skating, no working out, nothing for like three months. You know, that was like april may when we won the under 18s and then august was the the camp and i had a great camp you know just again just like played out of my mind just on adrenaline basically and walt kyle was the northern michigan coach at the time he was the coach of the world junior team that year and he was just like hey he's like i'd love to take you like i want you but like i can't take you like yeah like i know like it's you know it's probably only gonna get worse from here like
Starting point is 00:10:49 if i'm not doing much into five more months until the whatever four more months we're kind of thing yeah four more months until the tournament and uh so i ended up like missing the first couple months of the year i finally got on campus really truly on campus at state and i you know there's a cat so i I sat out the first two months, my ego got in the way and, and I should have redshirted didn't and just ego, 18 year old kid ego. And I was people who don't know redshirt is when you're a, when you're a freshman, you can keep a year of eligibility and sit for a season, but be with the team anyway. Yeah. Yes. So, you know, smart should have done that. But my thinking was like, well, it's my,
Starting point is 00:11:24 you know, I already missed my draft year here. I didn't get drafted and i i went long story but i i went from you know being a play for the u.s national team like a year or two before those two years and then being one of the top rated kids in whatever north america to literally not getting drafted like two years later like a year and a half later and uh there's multiple reasons for that one of them obviously the big one is being injured the last, you know, whole season, all the important things, the draft, you know, wonder 18s world junior camp, like all these things. So my, my last thinking, my thinking was, well, well shoot, if I don't,
Starting point is 00:11:56 I'm not really not playing at state. They already kind of sat me down there. And then if I, you know, don't, or sorry, I was like, I can't sit at Michigan state because I don't, there's no, what else do i do like my this is my final draft year to really like you know whoever and not redshirting i come back like halfway through the year and i just i'm not myself like i'm not playing up to any of my capabilities and the coaches are just not pleased and uh because they're like we we recruited a whole
Starting point is 00:12:21 different guy and um and you know initially right So it was just, it was rough. We won the national championship. We lost in like the early, first or second round of the NCAA tournament that year. Really talented team. Should have like had David Booth, Corey Potter, Drew Miller, you know, Ablocator. I'm trying to think. There's tons of guys, Tim Kennedy. I mean, so many guys that played in the NHL on that team.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And really talented, but didn't win that year. Actually won my sophomore year with a less talented team, but more of a team team. And, and, but I was still not totally myself. Couldn't. So I, that following year to wrap this whole part of the story up is I go into the knife in after my freshman year is over in like May. Cause they're like, all right, we've done everything. Like it's been a year, year and a half.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Like we got it. You got to go get opened up and see what's going on here. And sure enough, they're like, oh yeah, yeah. You pulled a muscle off both your sides, your pubic bone. Like, what do you know? And so I, again, derailed like my whole summer, basically couldn't really skate. It couldn't, you know, do anything all summer, May to August. And then here back at school, just kind of, you know, somewhat limped through that year, sophomore year. And again, wasn't myself. So now this is, you know somewhat limped through that year sophomore year and again wasn't myself so now this is you know sec two or three years into like okay just missing all the important things won the national championship that year finally but feeling myself my junior senior year by that point it was a little bit late ish and uh my attitude
Starting point is 00:13:38 probably wasn't what it needed to be necessarily at that point after going through all these things and uh so a lot of learning lessons there and then went went and played in the minors for a few years, played single a double a triple a kind of like all in successive years. And then started getting hurt, like my head and stuff, which I'd never done before. And I just was thinking back to, as a physical player,
Starting point is 00:13:56 kind of a Scott Stevens type of player. And I was just like, wow, I heard a lot of guys growing up, you know, just like really like once as an athlete, as you know, like what you start to like hesitate in a way and you're thinking about stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:14:08 It's just, it's a game. You can't play. You can't play. You can't play. Yeah, you cannot play like that. And so I hung them up when I was like 24, like right around there. And it was in the AHL East Coast.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I played like half the year each year or whatever in that last final year. But I was like, you know, I'm done. It was like, you was like you know okay things are ascending now i'm kind of like back to where i should kind of be now but i was like i can't do this anymore i can't like the way i need to play blocking shots with my teeth you know get in fights whatever and the game was changing right so this is 2012 2011 the game's really starting to change took a few years obviously after the rule changes no five took place and the game's really starting to change and i'm wide open now right different games yeah exactly and so now you know it's it's one of those things where i the game was starting to really change and i was just like yeah there's
Starting point is 00:14:54 just too many things coming together um and so then but during all this the crash of 0809 this is where you know bitcoin you know money all this stuff comes into play i was very political growing up very like founding fathers of America, the constitution, things of things like I grew up hunting here in Michigan, conservationist. Yeah. So it varied just like, you know, to the, to the earth in a way. And just like, you know, sovereign, just like, I don't need government in my life. My dad was always questioning everything kind of taught me that like, you know, when you're
Starting point is 00:15:20 independent, resilient, you don't need government. You don't need any of these things. So to me, it was just inherent. And always made no sense to me that people out there like clamoring for government clamoring for BS from other people just made no sense. And so I was very political. As you can imagine, I was very like Republican or conservative here in America, in American political terms. And then 0809 really blew my doors open because it was when, you know, bailouts happened, George Bush came in like, well, we got to bail people out. And, you know, it's like, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:15:49 That's not that's not what we're about. That's not what we're republics and the republic is about. And so he brought us up on the on the platform and Obama came in and finished the job off and dropped the floor off from everybody. And Obamacare yet on top of that, finish the bailouts. And that's when I in Obamacare right after the bailouts was when I was like, man, this is a game being played on us. Like we got it. This is the unit party, right? It's not red versus blue. It's a state versus you. And that just blew my doors open. So I became, I stopped like the political stuff really. And just started focusing on myself. Like, how can I improve myself? How can I gain
Starting point is 00:16:21 new skills? So this was all happening during my the in the minors basically when i was in the minor leagues and and seeing this happen just studying news all time watching this happen from 09 to 2012 and and then i was like okay the obamacare stuff happened and obakubi wall street the tea party two sides of the same coin media is telling us we hate each other but we really are the same people in essence right and but no one knew it you know people are at that time just didn't believe the media was that corrupt you know i i fortunately could see that most people didn't even now right we're still kind of dealing with that people are just learning and so 2012 obama gets re-elected and i was just my jaw was on the floor for 24 hours i was like dude you didn't you guys didn't
Starting point is 00:17:01 just see the last three years and looking back though i realized like like mitt romney's a terrible candidate and one of the worst candidates that the republicans have ever run in my all time easily one of the worst candidates and it's like i guess just goes to show you right the people that are running they it attracts you know governments to attract the worst people in the world in essence and also this there's a game being played like there's a game being played you are being played and that's where it's in rami actually had the 20,000 person uh you know red rock in uh in colorado he was filling stadiums before trump was like people forget that he the fervor was that high because it was an anti you know marxist vote it wasn't against obama wasn't against the democrats really it was against this marxist socialist philosophy
Starting point is 00:17:42 and that's what you know obamacare all these things the bail And that's what, you know, Obamacare, all these things, the bailouts, that's what people were like, what is going on? And, and so he, I was like, oh, this guy's going to win a landslide. It's a terrible candidate, but he's going to win a landslide. And then he didn't. And it was like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Like what? Something doesn't add up. Like there was something very fishy. So that was like my final, final thing where I was like, okay, I'm off to like myself. Like I'm, I'm working on me, this, my skills, like build a business. I got out of hockey. So this is when I got out of hockey 2012. I'm like, I'm, I'm done. Like, I'm going to do my own thing. I got to prepare my family for what is coming. Cause I could see it like being a history buff and like seeing the stuff for years since I was a kid
Starting point is 00:18:17 and studying these things, talking to my dad about these things, going on hunting trips. We talked about these things and then you'd see that you can see now this stuff's just repeating. Like we're going to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. So, you know, 10, 12 years ago, I could see, oh, game over. Like America's done. We crossed the Rubicon into true socialism. Then John Roberts, the chief justice here pulled a lead, you know, thought he was a legislator all of a sudden and went around like his actual responsibility to say, well, Obamacare is a tax, you know, like it's like, Whoa, that's not your job. You have to rule on things. You don't legislate and like change the law. So that those, all those things to me in a couple of year period were like, Whoa,
Starting point is 00:18:54 like I'm, I'm out. Like this is, you guys are not playing the same game. I grew up thinking we were playing. And to me, I still don't understand how most people don't see all those things again. So weird to me, but that led me on again, building businesses, getting into real estate, studying money, creature from Jekyll Island, all in that time period, understanding money, gold, you know, whatever, gold and silver, all this stuff, started investing in rentals, real estate, you know, helping people buy and sell real estate as a broker as well. Just like, Hey, I need to be in this space.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And then it's learned really about Bitcoin. It's probably until 2014, 15, 16, started hearing about it a couple of times. Can't totally pin it down, but people started asking me more and more because I was doing all kinds of social media and teaching people about the things I was learning for five years. And I was like, Hey, this is real money. This is, you know, gold and silver. It's gotta be backed by stuff and blah, blah, blah. And so people would ask me like, Hey, like, well, can I invest with you? Like, wow. You like, you know, like, and then people are like, well, what do you do? Like, do you, I'm like, well, I do real estate
Starting point is 00:19:46 and like, yeah, but you like talk about money all the time. Like I was confusing my clientele, my market, everything. It was just eventually it became something where I just, I had to leave. And I finally kind of left like a few years ago, real estate, because I was confusing my market so much. So 2017, I see the run-up in, in, in Bitcoin, obviously. And that's when I was like, okay, I really got to start paying attention to this. Started buying in 2018. Once it came down, just as an investor, I was like, I'm going to buy low when it comes back down as Bitcoiners.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Now we know looking back, I'm like, well, it's naive. I could have gone up forever in theory and lucked out. It didn't. So I started buying in 2018. 2020 is when, again, like that another like linchpin moment where you're just like, wow, like we are truly going this direction. Like no one's going to stand up. No one's going to do anything.
Starting point is 00:20:30 All right. Like looking around, like, no, no. Okay. So that's when, and I had some, like, I had some shit coins at the time, things like that too in 2018. Cause I was like, okay, I had a, you know, fortunately a lot more Bitcoin and then position size as an investor, I position size and had, you know, a couple hundred bucks in like 50 different coins, 2020 happens. And I got rid of all that.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Cause I could see the writing on the wall as I was like, Oh crap. I was the next year or two, 18 and 19. I'm like, ah, like I should just be in Bitcoin. Then you're like, okay, where the tax implications, right? It's not always easy to necessarily get out. I was like, I'm like trying to time it. So I'm trying to time it. And then finally I'm like, I'm like trying to time it. So I'm trying to time it. And then finally I'm
Starting point is 00:21:06 like, all right, I'm just done. So whatever it was three, four years ago, I just converted all of it to Bitcoin. It made sense at one of those points. I can't remember when, where it was kind of like break even a lot of them were. So I was like, okay, I'm going to transfer it all now to, to Bitcoin. And, and that's where, again, like you see this, the writing is on the wall. You see where society is going and all these, these inflection points in these patterns pattern that we just will not stop, it's a speeding train going off the cliff, no one sees the exit signs. And it's been, it's been very beneficial the last 1015 years for me just being in assets that were like I said, gold and silver, or real estate, and then now Bitcoin last five, six years, and just been very
Starting point is 00:21:43 beneficial to have, you know, bearer assets, I guess, to say the very least of things that we can control, you know, firearms, food, you know, things like that. Things that are, hey, we actually need these things or whatever it might be. So that, and again, that led me up to finding Bitcoin Twitter in 2022. I didn't, I wasn't even on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I was on it, but I'd never used it for like 10 years because we didn't need it in real estate. We used Instagram and Facebook and all this BS. So I found Bitcoin Twitter in 2022 and I was like, I wasn't even on Twitter. I was on it, but I'd never used it for like 10 years. Cause we didn't need it in real estate. We used Instagram and Facebook and all SPS. So I found Bitcoin Twitter in 2022. And I was like, Holy cow. Like, this is wild. Like I, I didn't even know this existed. These people were like out here, believe the same thing I do.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And it was just like, wow, it's complete different world. So I went to Pacific Bitcoin in 2022, the end of that year. And it was my first event. And I think Larry Lepard was like the first like Bitcoiner, like follow me like early early to mid 2022. And I was like, Oh, dude, like this guy is this guy's, you know, this guy's awesome. And we're like, whatever. So that's when I met Aladdin, who started Bitcoin trading cards at Pacific Bitcoin, who's just giving out packs. And I actually didn't meet him till a month later, or Yeah, the next couple weeks later, the people I met at Pacific Bitcoin hooked me up with him. And they're like, Hey, you guys are into education and kids education and like, you know, just stuff like that
Starting point is 00:22:48 and kids books and all this stuff. So he was working on another project alongside Bitcoin training cards, which was like a cartoon, kind of like Tuttle twins. If you're familiar with that, like education for kids and you know, all this stuff, which is what I had been thinking about again for 15 years of like, there needs to be like a, a call of duty with like the founding fathers of america like how do we incept this into the kids minds like this is stuff 15 years ago i was like thinking about as a 23 year old or whatever and so all these notebooks i have like sketches and so i meet him and i'm like these cards are amazing and a month so he's giving them away though because it's the first time they come out he'd been working on them for a couple years and his co-founder helped him just like you got to get these out so he got him out because of
Starting point is 00:23:26 bitcoin we met up in december of 2022 and a handful of us working another project well all the rest of the the cards the boxes sold out like by the end of january and he came to like the handful of us are working on this other project and was like hey you know we just sold out of the all the cards like what do you guys think about just kind of pausing this? And then the six of us just working on this, because we got to get out series two by Nashville or Miami in May. And, or I think that's when we went. And so it was like, yeah, like that makes a ton of sense. Let's not start something new if this thing over here is working.
Starting point is 00:23:58 So we all just like jumped on board for like a month straight, you know, writing descriptions in the cards, helping get that stuff to the printer because we needed the lead time whatever and kind of the rest is history in a way now we have like 12 people on the team helping and we have dozens of volunteers and we have a telegram group like five six hundred people a bunch of huge collaborations now just in like 14 months we have we just partnered with fanatics live uh to do card up card breaking show fanatics yes yes yeah it's dude it's not like no like i don't think anyone truly knows like at our company to do a card-breaking show. Fanatics. Yes, yes. Yeah, it's nuts.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I don't think anyone truly knows at our company what is going on, to be totally honest. I mean, it's like literally partnered with Fanatics Live 14 months into the company starting. And then we have another huge collaboration that should get signed here soon that we'll be announcing. And there's actually a town hall late this evening, actually, we're having for's actually a town hall late this evening actually we're
Starting point is 00:24:45 having a for a quarter one town hall so it's it'll um it's we might touch on it there actually i'm not in control exactly of that itinerary but i'm not sure if it'll be announced yet or not but yeah a huge one for later this year we just partnered with uh alexander sfetsky for his spirit of satoshi the ai he's building and made cards for that we have series three coming out in nashville we've got a bunch of conference packs coming out so it's been i think we just sent like three different sets of cards to the printer for like two that are coming in april and then two or three i'm trying to think but the bit block boom the having edition cards which are april oh and then the spirit satoshi cards from svetsky so those are all like just went to the printer and we'll be
Starting point is 00:25:23 out in the next like you know month or two basically and then we're working on nashville now to get those ready for so it's it's been nuts but like the growth and like the interest has been wild and you go back to like you know collecting hockey cards or whatever it is like when you're a kid it just kind of brings you right back and it's the cards are you know i've got a bunch of a bunch of different packs here like these are the genesis packs or like the the educational versions which are cheaper but the collectible i'll put them on for people for people there i'll put them on the screen here i i honestly brandon like i think this is cool as fuck like i i like cards like when i was a kid it's like it's like tickling that part of my brain like i remember the sort of excitement of opening a booster pack or like
Starting point is 00:26:04 getting a new a new box or like getting something for your birthday from that that like genre of collectible this is and like i said man it seems to me that bitcoiners love this sort of thing because it's scarcity it's in their silo it's all the things that bitcoin represents them plus a little bit of fun like are you guys finding the same thing is is that like the story you hear from people because bitcoin brandon bitcoiners don't buy anything except stake and bitcoin and here you are telling me you're selling out of these things so you must be doing something right yes yeah scarcity obviously built into the cards because there's you know the genesis packs that you see on the top left there they are uh more of uh unlimited nature i guess we'll say we'll say, but they're a lot cheaper
Starting point is 00:26:46 than the collectible cards. So these are meant to be more like leaflets, pass them out everywhere. There's the box toppers. We're trying to get rid of these, to be totally honest. We're trying to get rid of these right now so we can keep funding the new stuff we have. So we have a couple hundred boxes of these left. I think we started with a thousand, but we need to get rid of these last couple of hundred that we have. And that way we can keep funding because we're just self-funded right now. So, you know, we've talked to investors and things of that nature, but we're self-funded right now and just, you know, pouring everything back into, you know, there's been, there's literally like very little, very, very little that has actually gone out to the team.
Starting point is 00:27:20 There's been like a contract basis with certain people certain people that have helped do media or things like that but that's it i mean it's it's all self-funded everything is poured back into the cards right now so it's we're we're going through those different uh avenues of like what you know what are we going to keep doing here so there's the genesis is a more um educational side a lot cheaper obviously but there's not foil in there the version two like 69 bucks and 50 bucks not that big a difference is it i don't think it is well for the for the genesis ones like each pack is a couple dollars basically where a pack of the collectible like series one or series two orange pill in a pack those like the flagships where there's only
Starting point is 00:27:58 like 900 boxes basically 21 000 packs total those are pricey though. Those are, you know, 20, 30, 50, 60 bucks a pack. Um, and that whole box is, you know, the first series was $500 a box for the, a box of 24 car or 24 packs with 10 cards in each one. That was the first series. The second series were $621 a box. The third series in Nashville, I would imagine it probably can be double that there probably be a a thousand maybe 1200 a box which is only there's only 900 boxes yeah it's crazy and it's scarcity right it's bitcoin it's so it's a great learning lesson in in teaching people of scarcity number one because you can see like the price is the only thing that can move like we can't make more of them we can't
Starting point is 00:28:39 make more of the orange pill in a pack of boxes so only thing that moves is price and that's what is so different about what like the you know like pokemon or you know all these other card companies magic gather they do they print billions of cards they'll do crazy things where it's just you know and there's you know you gotta be careful with what you're buying at times right so it's it's a very cool project where it teaches people obviously just the cards themselves you know taxation is theft um the government can't stop bitcoin and it goes through and obviously, just the cards themselves. You know, taxation is theft. Government can't stop Bitcoin. And it goes through and we talk about the beautiful art in the front. And then on the back, we'll explain in a paragraph or two what exactly that topic is or whatever it is. It's a Bretton Woods agreement.
Starting point is 00:29:16 You know, talk about the gold standard, you know, bull markets, bear markets, centralization, decentralization. So we go through all these. We have people in the packs. You know, Natalie Brunel is in there. Lynn Alden, Lisa Huff, I'm trying to think, Greg Foss, you know, Samson Mao, and the list goes on. We have a bunch more people coming out in series three, obviously coming up here this year. So it just, it continues to build and grow in that regard. The scarcity is a huge aspect of it. And with the Genesis packs, we'll have foils in them coming up this year as well. Once we sell out of these current and with the genesis packs we'll have foils in them coming up
Starting point is 00:29:45 this year as well once we sell out of these the current genesis packs we have that we will have foils you know they won't be super rare but they'll be you know one of 1000 cards one of you know 2500 cards stuff like that where there's foils or people because like you said when you open them up like people love seeing the foil they love seeing the shiny you know the foil so that that will be in all the packs going forward and you can though you can get a box though so like the big thing like i've i've bought a handful of boxes where if you buy a whole box it is a couple hundred bucks but you get a box topper on the top which is a one of 99 card or a it could be a one of one card too so it could be
Starting point is 00:30:22 a card that's worth hundreds or thousands of dollars on top of the box. And then you get the whole hundred packs. So there's no foils in the packs, but you can give the packs out because the problem we had was that people were hoarding the first and second series. And the whole point of the company is to orange pill people, right? It's to educate people in orange pill people. But there's a lot of boxes and packs now in cold storage that people, they just sit there. So it's great.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Like it's a great problem to have in a way as a business, now in cold storage that people they just sit there so it's great like it's a great problem to have in a way as a business but we want to educate people that's the number one mission and the collectible uh you know scarcity part of it is a great selling tool that we have that we don't have to we don't have to conjure it up out of nowhere like a lot of businesses have to create scarcity we don't have to we have it built in it's the only thing that boosts price but we were trying to how do we thread this needle to get more of these out to the masses where this genesis these packs we can use the genesis packs as hey here's a box for a meetup or here's a box for this podcast or here's a you know whatever and you're taking packs to a local library you're just giving away or you're leaving them at the restaurant when you leave and they're
Starting point is 00:31:23 just sitting there you're leaving cards everywhere They're meant to be leaflets. And so people aren't scared to give packs away. Cause people were literally like, you're like prying them from people's hands just to give them away the flagship series. Cause you're like, well, what if there was like a $5,000 card in here or, you know, or 10, 10 million. My next, my next question was going to be like the secondary market for these things. Is it as nuts as I hear? Yeah, it hear yeah it's nuts nuts so if you go to scare city scare city is you know uh bitcoiners they have you know resale market they have they sell a bunch of different things in there um and i don't think we're on uh what's a sats crap or something like that that's another one
Starting point is 00:32:00 you have i see on scare city is a yeah there's a bitcoin there's a sessions card yes yeah btc sessions i'm trying to think about these are not it's not cheap like 200,000 sats like that's uh you know that's not how cheap and then 150,000 sats 200,000 sats yeah there's okay so there is a secondary market for these things that's for damn sure oh yeah yeah it's wild like i have there's i've seen cards we sold aladdin sold a a series one box at unconfiscatable so just a couple months ago for like five to ten grand and it was originally five hundred dollars like you could have bought it a year before for five hundred dollars so an unopened box was it went for six seven eight nine somewhere in there but we sold one in miami like that too just a couple months six months after the series one came out so
Starting point is 00:32:48 and again series one a little bit more but again like the the collectible cards the 21 clubs that are in there's five different 21 clubs in the series two boxes and sort of 105 cards of those total the 21 clubs they're very rare. Those sell for thousands of dollars, like, you know, two, two, five, 7 million sats minimum. Um, I've, I've seen a couple of go for 10 million, I think 15 to 20 million sats. Now that's come down and sat a little bit, obviously over the last six months because the fiat price has gone up. Right. So, um, so that's, that's the only reason that the sat prices has come down. So anyway, that's, it just goes to's a collectability in this part of it where it's just very different from, like you said, what Bitcoiners are used to. And we want to be the entertainment arm of Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:33:35 We want to be bringing DJs to conferences, have mascots. We bring this huge Satoshi costume that a Hollywood, one of like a Hollywood wardrobe artist built this Satoshi Nakamoto space suit that Aladdin created. And we have mother Satoshi's in the card. So it's Bob Burnett's wife is Lola Burnett. She is mother Satoshi, mother Satoshi. So she's like bodybuilder. Yeah, it's wild. And so like, she'll, she'll walk around with the garb on with the Satoshi. I've, I've with the Satoshi.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I've gotten the Satoshi the costume before I Pacific Bitcoin. It's like it was hot. Like, holy cow. But it's unbelievable. It's like built. It's literally Hollywood level. Like it's like a foam suit. You'd think it'd be like 300 pounds, but it's like super light as a fan in it and stuff like it's the fans in the headpiece are very important for the mascot. Oh, it's huge, man.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Huge. So, yeah, dude, it's it's it's a wild wild ride the last 14 months and but like i said we want to be the the entertainment arm because bitcoin needs the entertainment you know like we have all the alt coins shit coins you know nft they're taking they take a lot of the quote-unquote fun because they're doing like ridiculous stuff and you know bitcoin needs that it needs you know good ridiculous stuff i guess right it needs like hey we need to get the excitement here instead of just telling everyone they're wrong. And we need to attract people here, not just because of bad things happening, Trudeau freezing all your bank
Starting point is 00:34:55 accounts, and not just because prices skyrocketing. We need more reasons for people to come in here. We need some fun injected into this. So that's really our big goal. So I pulled up scarcity here for people who are on video. And if you're on audio, I recommend checking out the video thing. While Brandon was talking, I was just kind of browsing the question. I mean, I don't know whose idea it was to give Corey like the reverse dunk, you know, avatar, but like, did he demand that? Like who decides what these guys are getting on the car?
Starting point is 00:35:24 That's a great, that's a great. So that's a really good question aladdin i don't know in a hundred percent i'm 99 i guess on this but aladdin generally has an idea he's the creative one um like i lead marketing for instance obviously of saying that pr marketing and everything that's kind of my genius zone uh we got really cool people on the team that have like really cool superpowers in different areas but we have a handful of artists there's out there's a bunch so like the new series we have coming out we're working with like 21 different bitcoin artists aladdin headman's that because that's his genius zone which is the creativity and like he has a thought behind uh what he kind of wants for every single person and then he sketches that out basically and then
Starting point is 00:36:02 he sends it to the face. The, I didn't even notice the shattered backboard with the, with the shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, it's,
Starting point is 00:36:13 it starts with Aladdin, like in his head and he sketches out his ideas and then he works with one or two of the artists and like awesome Noah now and Sam, one of our guys, and they kind of start getting it to like a phase two in a way and then they get it out to whoever's going to do the actual art um another artist or asanoa has done a bunch of the cards himself um aladdin's done some of the cards himself too but like again obviously he's pulled in so many directions that he doesn't get to always do bless you um his
Starting point is 00:36:40 favorite thing which is the art on all the cards but he it starts with him you know the genesis of everything starts with him and sketches and what he's kind of thinking his idea. But he, he spends like, we were just doing a podcast the other day and, and I didn't even know this actually to the, to the depth that he goes hit the quality is, is so high level. And that's the thing, like, I've never seen anything like it. He's great at taking care of community and he's great at putting out quality things. So those are the two things I can say about him. Those are his genius zones. And he, so like our Telegram group,
Starting point is 00:37:09 like people love him, like love him. And he like, he takes care of people. Like you, you can't believe. And just like, you know, rights, wrongs, and we're all going to make mistakes. And he's just so good at like sensing the community and like what it needs. And he'll, so for like the art, he'll spend like hours on each card,
Starting point is 00:37:24 making sure that the artist the person that has his sketch knows exactly what he like intends and like every little piece of it like he'll he walks through it and it's like this is why i'm doing it this way this is why i put this thing here so that way that you know it's hours up front but like he even said i mean it saves time on the back end obviously because you're not doing all like a million iterations back and forth because once that person gets it, like, yeah, I see where you're going with this. It really speeds up, you know, later on, it's kind of like do the work up front and he really gets them to come together and okay, I got it.
Starting point is 00:37:56 And then they go do their thing and there's a lot less like work to do later. Hopefully generally, but yeah, it's, it's, it's a very cool process that it's a process that I don't get to see as much. That's the only like bummer for me is that, and we're all over the country, all over the world, the people on the team. So I don't get to see that I'm he's in California, I'm in Michigan, but it's, you just seeing it come together from like afar and just hearing about it is wild. Just that art part. It's crazy. How do you guys deal with requests for cards? Like I would imagine there's a lot of people in Bitcoin who are like, Hey, I need to be on one of these cards and I'm not. And I want to talk to somebody about that. I mean, this Bitcoin is a
Starting point is 00:38:33 growing community. We talk about this all the time on our show that like, as price goes up, you're going to get nothing but new people coming in. Some of them are going to be pretty big names. What do you do? Like, I mean, you guys can't produce everybody. So how do you decide who goes on? Who doesn't? It's a great, great question. So we have a huge Excel sheet. It's super technical, super technical advanced. We have a huge Excel sheet with all the people that have either like requested to be in or that we want to be in. So it's, it's pretty, you know, fairly big at this point. And, and aladdin really just kind of goes through and and has an idea of you know hey the people and they're like well you know we'll say stuff like the team will say stuff like hey i really think we should have these people in or whatever and
Starting point is 00:39:12 we'll kind of powwow about it here and there just depending on the conference or what it is and because we you try to make and there's themes you know like the heroes and villains was serious or series two was FUD FUD busters. So like there's themes to each, um, each series each year. And, and so like this year it's heroes, heroes and villains or heroes versus villains. So you kind of have themes of like what it's going to be in a way. And then the conferences can take on a life of their own, the conference packs, which can be a little different. And, um, one of the coolest ones, and I'm really bummed the printer, the printing just got messed up for Pacific Bitcoin last year.
Starting point is 00:39:46 So we didn't get it till afterward. We only got like the whale packs, the conference packs for Pacific Bitcoin. We're going to be really cool. And they had like a Preston Pish had like an Apache helicopter, like behind him, like flying. And he was like dunking like through the air.
Starting point is 00:39:59 It was, it was a basketball themed like pack. There's like seven people. It was, it was like my favorite card that never came out it's like dang it like so hopefully get to reuse that at some point but um yeah so it's it is a process there's themes to stuff and then we you know aladdin really has the ultimate say obviously and just kind of like okay this is this is kind of who we want or what
Starting point is 00:40:20 i want in this but everyone kind of will put input not everyone but like people who are like hey i think this or i think that and then kind of talk about it quick, but it's nothing, nothing too crazy, but it's, yeah, we get a lot of requests, a lot of requests, tons of people, uh, people trying to pay to be in the packs, like all kinds of stuff that we field. Yeah. It's, it's wild. And, uh, but we don't like as, as of right now, we don't, uh, you know, no one pays to
Starting point is 00:40:43 be in the pack and probably never will be the ethos of the company as hopefully someone can tell from so far fairly red pilled. Like I I'm fairly red, definitely orange pill, but fairly red pilled. Uh, I say that cause I'm sure there's more people out there more extreme than I am, but I'm pretty down far down that line. And, um, and in Aladdin is too. And some of the people that were in the company first and then his co-founder. So you have some of like the core group of people that some of the people that have come
Starting point is 00:41:09 in recently as well, uh, very red pilled. And so you're not going to find shit coins. You're never going to find any of that stuff. You're not going to find like selling of the soul. I mean, there, there, we've had a lot of NFT people come to us and be like, dude, you guys could make tens of millions, all this stuff. And we're like, nope, don't, don't even talk to me. Don't even want to hear it. Um, that's not a Bitcoiner, you know, like that's not big with a Bitcoin way. That's not our ethos. It just never
Starting point is 00:41:31 will be, you know, if we will, we'll bootstrap it, we'll figure it out. You know, like we'll geyser it, we'll take on investment from other good Bitcoiners, whatever it is to figure it out and how it needs to happen. But it's, how do we get into the exaltment goal is to educate people. How do you get into normie world? You know, we're both fanatics live and some of the stuff we're doing this year and this other collaboration we have coming on later this year, it's really starting to take Bitcoin education into the masses into the normie world that you know, not a lot of companies can a mining company can't do that,
Starting point is 00:41:58 you know, like, you know, just doing normal everyday stuff in the Bitcoin world. You can't you can't get to the normies necessarily. Again, price or your bank accounts being frozen, the positive or negative can do that, but that's it. So how do we do that otherwise without this collateral damage going on, I guess, on the side? So yeah, it's pretty wild, man, but it's a really cool company. And the people inside of it are incredible. The community is even better. The people that are incredible the community is even better the people that are in the community giving us a million ideas as well again these excel sheets
Starting point is 00:42:29 are your twitter mentions like the twitter mentions for the cards have to be just insane like here's an idea you guys put this it's crazy it really is crazy yes and it's and it's wild i mean like you have the cards you know they you know we we still need to market and do stuff we didn't market at all last year we didn't do any marketing and that's why i was talking to you like hey we're making a big pr push um we didn't have roles we were just all running around like chickens with their heads cut off and everyone is volunteering with with the time they had and stuff so we were doing all this with volunteers and now we're like, okay, this, this is a big thing, obviously.
Starting point is 00:43:07 And can be a hundred times bigger. So like whoever can do this full time, wherever, like, let's go, like, what, how are we going to do this? So that's been the last two months really putting this together. And, and so, like I said, I'm, I'm really have taken the, the big marketing and PR mantle and everyone kind of went into their superpower lanes, I guess, and started running with it. And okay, we need to get our shows going more in my, in our podcast. And then
Starting point is 00:43:31 we need to go on more podcasts. And a lot of our team doesn't like to be on stuff. So again, like I'm, I get thrust into that role because it's, you know, the marketing PR is I like doing, I have good experience from real estate doing it for so long. I'm running my own businesses. So like, I'm, I have, I'm not an expert in any of it, but I'm, I'm fairly good at it, fairly adept. And I like going out and talking and doing stuff again, hockey helped with a lot of that, obviously just being out front for so long and people interviewing you and doing stuff. And a lot of our team, as you know, in many people listening to Bitcoiners, you know, they like to be private or they, whatever. So a lot of our team was just like, ah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:44:02 don't talk to me. I got one to be in the in the back uh not doing what you're doing so we all have our own roles and but it's been fun just kind of really getting stuff together in this first quarter this year and starting to get the word out because like the genesis packs like we said we thought they'd sell more quite honestly just because everything else was bought up so quickly because of the scarcity really we didn't have to market it was just complete word of mouth no marketing whatsoever we kind of realized it was a blessing in disguise we realized over the last six months like wow like no one really knows about us still there's you know very few people actually really know about us it's you know we have hundreds and hundreds of people in our telegram group and a couple hundred buyers in essence you know but that's it you know like we no one knows about
Starting point is 00:44:39 us because we didn't do much marketing we just went to conferences and that was it we put out some social media here and there so So like the conference crowd knows us or maybe half of them or a good chunk of them, but that's it. If you weren't walking through the bazaar at a conference, you probably don't know about Bitcoin trading cards. So that's where it's like, okay, if we have these designs, these plans,
Starting point is 00:44:55 we have these huge collaborations, let's go. Like, let's take this next level. Let's get some serious things put together here. Protocols, SOPs, marketing, PR, you know, all these different things. Let's start putting this bad boy together so we can really create something cool here and suck the life out of the NFT, you know, crypto market. If we can suck a lot of these people into this world, that's kind of our hope and plan in a way is we can suck that world into us in a way. Then it's an orange pill lane right to Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:45:25 You know, like it's like, wow, these guys are giving the truth. It's a collectability aspect. It's not some fake JPEG BS. It's actual like real cards, physical cards in your hands, not copy and paste bullshit on the computer. So that's where it's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:45:39 now we need to start infiltrating that world. Fanatics Live is kind of that first step into that world of like, how can we get into that world? if anyone sees in the future yeah crypto conferences or crypto pods or altcoin daily or some bs like that there's one reason one reason only and it's to orange the the fuck out of people that's it i like it i mean the the other thing okay so i want to ask you not to put you on the spot but like fanatics is obviously a huge company. For people who don't know, Fanatics does all the merchandise for, I think, every professional sports league at this point. I believe it's for sure the NBA and the NHL.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I think the NFL probably as well. They're not Nike anymore. I think they're Fanatics exclusively. And they make the jerseys with different manufacturers every year. They take a lot of shit for having a not so high quality product. And I'm sure you've heard this before. Michael Rubin has been on, you know, podcasts over and over again, uh, talking about, you know, the, the nature of the product and why he thinks it's the best, but a lot of people disagree that you guys have a good product here.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Why shouldn't people be concerned about the fanatics partnership? Because to me, I look at, I look at this, like I look at the website and I'm like, you know, I kind of want to buy a pack of cards, but if I, but if I saw fanatics on this i might not feel that way so why why did you guys choose to go with them and you want to like maybe put people at ease who are not big fans of the corporate sponsor yeah and so it's funny like in doing the research is a great question in doing a lot of research too just over the last few months like our whole team has been watching their breaks and some of the shows they do and just to clarify it's fanatics live so it's the new because there's different arms of the company yeah yeah yeah so that's where there's a little bit of differentiation in a way
Starting point is 00:47:13 where it's like if you go to their site there's a you know on the bar up top fanatics live is one of the different subsets or whatever sub companies they have and they it's a content show well a lot of it you know the card breaking industry is massive the hobby obviously the last handful of years of coveted people just kind of sitting around this this stuff grew like wildfire right so yeah they're like they're getting the space you have the gary v's of the world like getting into the you know the nft the v friends and he's one of their big people well they they saw us and i can i'm kind of going on tangent here for a second but they saw us and what we, I'm kind of going on tangent here for a second, but they saw us and what we were doing.
Starting point is 00:47:47 And they were just like, dude, this is, this is unreal. Like, this is amazing. We want you to be right up there with Gary Vee. Like we want you to be like a card show, a breaker show. So we have a coil breaks. Who's one of our, you know, one of our guys on our team and he's going to be the host of the show. So we have a breaker show, like a pack opening.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Is that what I'm correct? Correct. So it's breaking the boxes, breaking the opening i'm doing giveaways doing like contests on the show and so a lot of the shows they're like it's like this is kind of like there's not a lot going on here and we've already done a lot of these breaks and stuff just in the last couple conferences and you know coil's amazing at it we have uh jd who's uh bacon bits on, uh, on Twitter is amazing, a producer director, and then Julian Figueroa, who you might know, uh, kinetic finance. Yeah. He's helping with JD, uh, really produce and direct, direct the show over the next couple of months here to build this. So coil can be, you know, coil will be the guy in the seat doing it.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Cause he has 20 years of experience of car breaks and doing all this stuff and so those guys will be helping in the background helping him put together the show so we can really just kind of like blow the blow the socks off of fanatics live and just kind of card breakers in general because there's you know there's there's fun but like you know a lot of the card breakers are just card breakers you know they're not entertainers you know so like that's that that's where this divide comes in and we we see it as an opportunity, quite honestly, to answer your question now of, um, it's not fanatics. Cause yeah, like you said, there's, there's been a lot of people with upheaval just with, um, fanatics live partnering with different people and they're like, oh, they're going to kill the hobby and like all this stuff. Our whole goal, our sole goal is sell, sell cards and educate
Starting point is 00:49:24 people on Bitcoin. That is it. Like, you know, it probably, and I probably put that reverse order is to educate people on Bitcoin and oh, by the way, these cards have to be super collectible too. And they, they red pill you an orange pill you it's a Trojan horse, just like Bitcoin is. So that that's the one and two mission of the company basically make things the other than the unofficial tagline is make things fun and easy to talk about that normally make you want to cry. Like Aladdin said that like a year ago when you're on the phone, I was like, dude, that's it. Like, that's the, that's like the unofficial mission of the company in a way. It's like, how do you incept this stuff that no one wants to talk about ever?
Starting point is 00:49:55 Like everyone wants to inherently inside them, but no one ever like wants to, right. You talk to a family member, they're like, okay, all right, well, shut up, you know, like whatever. And so these are the easy way to like, here, you know, here you go, here's a pack of cards, or Hey, what are these cards? They check them out. People are looking at them. It's a non-threatening way to do it. That's the whole goal of fanatics live is to get more attention to Bitcoin trading cards and suck people into this, this economy, this, this world of Bitcoin, this orange world. So that's the reason it's, how do we get into that world? How do we break into this world and to the normies, to the massive pre-coiners, we should
Starting point is 00:50:26 say probably a better word for, for normies, but pre-coiners that just don't know. They don't know what Bitcoin trade cards. They don't know about Bitcoin. They just don't get it. They're all looking for things to invest in and put their money into a store, hedge their value and not lose. So where, where can we go? And so fanatics became one of these, these things were like, Hey, here's a huge vehicle. It's a huge thing that we can potentially use to get that transmission
Starting point is 00:50:49 belt out into the pre-coiner world. So that hopefully that kind of, you know, assuages people's fears in a way. Cause it's, it's solely this long-term mission of like you said, yeah, the quality of these cards is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And that's the feedback we've got. We worked with the Pokemon printer, the magic, the gathering that they do their printer like you can't work with them we had a connection to them over the last year that's how we were we were printing with them and you can't use them otherwise like they there's no i don't think there's a website or nothing like you have to know them actually in order to work with them they were blown away and that's how like some a lot of these like even connections even happen with some of these things because people are like dude these, these things are amazing. Like the quality, the art, the scarcity, and just everything. And people are like, this is unreal.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Like, how would you, how'd you guys do this? Like, so that's, what's really like Aladdin's genius again, like kind of putting a lot of these things together over the years. And he's had many different businesses over the years and just kind of putting all of it together over the last handful of years, like I said. And so people are seeing it and they're like, dang, this is, this is unbelievable. But end of the day, the, the, the quality is in the, in the art. And I, and I tell this to Aladdin a lot too, just to be his like entrepreneurial, like a sounding board at times and where he's an artist. So he, he's wants perfection. And so I always remind him like, Hey, you got to put your entrepreneurial hat on at times, like just stick to quality with the art and the, and what you were doing with
Starting point is 00:52:07 the community, taking care of the community. And then, and then your art, let me, you know, let some of the rest of us that are handling some of the other activities, let us be the quantity people, you know, let us be the marketers. Let us be the people that maybe make more mistakes that do some crazier stuff. You just, you'd be perfect. You know, you go do that. And us, you know, we look at Fanatic, some of these things as these platforms
Starting point is 00:52:28 to just get the message out, get the message out, get the message out. So that's why. And, you know, we think it'll be massive if it's not for some reason, then we shift in the next six, 12 months and we go a different direction. But we hope that, again,
Starting point is 00:52:40 it's that door into the normie pre-coiner world. I think this is cool like okay so last last question then brandon for someone like me or people in the chat who are talking about you know they're thinking about buying packs here where is a good place to start like what like when i go to the website what should i be looking at first what should i expect and if you want like i would appreciate if you give us like uh you know what are the rarest kind of most sought after sets coming maybe the rest of the year if you can i mean floors all yours yeah no i appreciate it brother i so going to the website obviously it's btc dash or i believe you can go to btc dash now so that we've gone through like
Starting point is 00:53:23 just rebranding stuff and putting stuff together. So both of those websites should take you to the same homepage now. And you can start with, again, the Genesis packs are the cheapest way to do it. They don't, there's not real collectability, scarce ability with it. So you can see them there unless you buy that box. So if you're on the video, you can see the box there that he's sharing. And that has the box topper, like I was saying. So it's got a one of one or one of 99 card that will go for hundreds of dollars and basically
Starting point is 00:53:52 pay for your box in essence. And kind of like a self liquidating offer in a way like, hey, you come give a couple hundred bucks to buy it, but you're basically getting a card worth a couple hundred bucks at the moment, at least. And it could go up in value, obviously over the future as more people come into the space. So it's like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:54:10 you know, take the packs, do whatever you want. I'm giving to your kids, hand them out, whatever. That's that educational world. If you're like,
Starting point is 00:54:15 Hey, I just want to kind of dip my toes in, see what this is about a little bit. The real quality, real, real high quality of like the foils and things of that nature are going to be found in the conference packs and the collaborative packs and the orange pill in a pack like the flagship series which is the most rare so we had season one at the end of 2022 and then season uh sorry season one and then season 22 was in may of last year season three will come out in nashville now
Starting point is 00:54:41 the only problem is season one and season two are sold out as you might imagine the first one sold out in two months the second one sold out in three weeks and yeah so we the season three will be coming out in the middle of the year but you know again those are going to be really expensive you know it'll be they'll be really expensive which is fine because they're going to be worth a lot of money but it just depends on what your appetite is right it's it's going to be i shouldn lot of money, but it just depends on what your appetite is, right? It's, it's going to be, I shouldn't even say expensive. I mean, it's all what you're, it's all relative, right? So it's, what are you looking to gain out of it? I guess if you're looking to dip your toes in, then Genesis packs are maybe the way to go and just start handing them out and they're cheaper and you can see what's going on. And the, the other ones that
Starting point is 00:55:22 will come out in a few months, you can get your hands on those, definitely gonna be worth a lot more. And when you're opening on them, or some people seal them and just keep them sealed. And again, they might be worth a lot more as time goes on. So it just depends on kind of what you're looking for. If you're more of like the, hey, I just want education. I'm looking for Tuttle Twin style stuff, or like just financial literacy,
Starting point is 00:55:44 whatever it is, Prager university type, you know, like that type of thing where it's like, I'm trying to try, I'm trying to learn. I'm trying to get my kids to learn. And we're trying to have fun. I'm, you know, if you give them away as gifts, then yeah, your Genesis packs, your Genesis boxes are going to be your best way to go. If you're, if you are a collector or a hobbyist, something like that, that's where getting on scarcity, checking out the series one, Series 2 on the secondary market, the conference collaboration commemorative packs. All those are the ways to look at those if you're really in that collector space. And then Series 3 coming out this year.
Starting point is 00:56:15 And for what we have coming out this year is April is the Spear Satoshi with Alexander Svetsky, his AI project. Those are coming out. And then we'll have BitBlock Boom and then the halving edition cards, which are going to be incredible. If you go to series, go up in the top bar there, I think it should have, it'll show the different series. And I'm not sure if the new ones for this year are up there yet or what there will be. This might just be the past. Yeah. So these are all the past ones from the last year and a half so that goes through you can see exactly what those what's going on there and then so for later this
Starting point is 00:56:50 year there's or the orange pill in the pack series three will be coming out like i said in nashville and then i believe we'll have pacific bitcoin conference packs as well later this year and then probably an unconfiscatable again later this year so we have oh and then probably on Unconfiscatable again later this year. So we have, oh, and then again, another collaboration, probably another one or two collaborations with some big things we're going to be announcing here that again, people will probably know about these people that we're partnering with. And as far as FNAX goes, again,
Starting point is 00:57:17 we don't have any plans to make cards with them to my knowledge at this point yet, even if we ever do. Right now, it's really just more of the, like we said, spreading the message. It's they want card breakers. They want content on their channel.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And we want to get the message of Bitcoin and Bitcoin trading cards out to the pre-coiner world. That's, that's really the relationship right now. And that's the show we're building to be another platform of marketing and PR outside of what I do, which is going on pods and then having people on our podcast. So hopefully that kind of makes sense a lot. I know I've been kind of going through a ton
Starting point is 00:57:50 of stuff here. Well, that's good. I mean, I don't mind drinking from the fire hose. Are you coming to the Canadian conference in the summertime? Yes. Yes. I will be there. I know people in the chat asking, are you going to be there? Okay. They're going to be there. So if you want to talk to Brandon and buy these cards, uh, is there like when Canadian conference pack, what's going on with that? Did they not tell you to make a pack for this? No, I know.
Starting point is 00:58:11 So I've been the one kind of pushing the Canadian conference again, because I, I know I'm a hockey guy. I live right by the border here. I'm right by Sarnia and Windsor an hour from both the ambassador bridge and the blue water bridge. So any of you familiar with those areas obviously but uh that's that's something that hopefully next year we're going
Starting point is 00:58:30 to be doing i know we're doing a hockey game this year um story from hodler's official so we'll be doing a hockey game which is making some sweet jerseys for that but um that hopefully next year that's my hope is that we're going to do it next year. We're, we're trying to figure out the conference stuff just because again, as you can imagine, there's not a lot of packs. We probably need to up the prices of them more just because there's not a lot. It's,
Starting point is 00:58:53 it's obviously, it takes a lot, obviously just to like, you got to design it, get the art, get them back and do all that, you know, go send to the printer.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Then there was errors. There's things that are wrong yet. I mean, it's just an, I'm not going to say it's a nightmare, but at times it is a nightmare. Yeah, it is. It's a huge process. And so just doing that and doing that every single time is very difficult.
Starting point is 00:59:13 So you're trying to weigh your time and what the benefit and inverse your time is. And that's where it's like, yeah, we wish we could do 12, 15 conference packs a year. And maybe we get to that at some point. We can do it somehow. But it's just not in the cards right now. And I think we have, like I said, I'm going to be going to the conference. Julian Figueroa will be there who helps us right now a bit and with some of our media. And then I think, I'm not even sure who else is going.
Starting point is 00:59:38 It might just be us. Because a lot of the team is out west. So that's part of it too. So me and one of the other guys are more out east here but like everyone that's why i'm kind of bummed that it's not in toronto anymore just because like ah it was four hours now it's eight nine hours away or whatever so um anyway just selfishly but yeah that's that's some of the reason why and it was just newer the bitcoin given bitcoin atlantis i honestly didn't even know bitcoin atlantis was going to be that big I had no idea that kind of blindsided me a little
Starting point is 01:00:07 bit. And the Canadian Bitcoin Conference, I was bummed last year. I had one of my little ones getting baptized. So I couldn't go last year in Toronto, but I'm super pumped about going this year. But I think as that grows too, we'll definitely have a contingent there next year, for sure. I I like it, but I'll be there. We'll be there. This has been great. Do you want to tell people like where they can find out more?
Starting point is 01:00:30 I mean, you gave the websites or any other places you want to give a hand off to go ahead. Yeah, no, I appreciate having me on brother. You know, we,
Starting point is 01:00:37 we will be doing, like I said, if we, if you email info at BTC dash, now I got to find it. And I might have to text you what it is. I might have to find it, but it's either, I think it's BTC dash. Now I got to find it. And I might have to text you what it is. I might have to find it, but it's either. I think it's BTC dash cards.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Yeah, it's info. I'll find it actually while we're doing it. But now while I'm saying this. So if people go and to the bottom of the site and, you know, subscribe to the emails and check that out. And then, you know, just screenshot it and send us. And I know a lot of people that don't always follow the shows that I'm on either. So go follow the show here and subscribe to our emails and just screenshot them and just prove like, Hey, we're, I'm following them. We're going to, we're going to do like a giveaway or contest and get a big winner, maybe a big three prizes or something like that to give away some packs or,
Starting point is 01:01:24 or whatever it is, boxes. And then so do those. We'll probably do those in the next month or two. We got a lot of stuff going on. So give everyone a chance to kind of come in and see that and do that and then get involved in the contest. And then let me get that. Let me see what it is.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Okay, get that email. The email is very important. Very important part here. We love giveaways, man. It's something that the Bitcoin community has been great for. I mean, we get a lot of companies coming on and doing stuff to promote their product and giving people a chance to see like, look, we're proud of what we've done. We think you're going to really like it and we want to get you on board, whatever it takes. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:02:01 It is. I was correct, fortunately. It's info at okay info at so so yeah go you know like i said subscribe to the email you subscribe to this show you know just prove that you're in there so we can get entered in the drawing i mean obviously we're on twitter we're building up the twitter account it's been you know blowing up a lot lately or putting out more content there and and so you know go follow on twitter because like i said there's a town hall tonight there's which there's some giveaways there actually for bit block boom packs that aren't even
Starting point is 01:02:33 um you know technically out yet but like you're doing some drawings from giveaways for some stuff there and which i'll uh i don't even know the link for that but i'll send you the link here in a few minutes i gotta find that and so people yeah telegram, your telegram is linked on the website, I believe as well. So I can throw that in the, in the show notes too. Yeah. So right by the email. So if you want to join the telegram group, that's where a lot of like the trading goes on. So if you don't want to be on, you know, if you want to be on scarcity or you don't want to be on eBay and you know, stuff like that, the scarcity is good because they're Bitcoin or stuff like that. But eBay, you know, you know, that fiat world, you don't want to be
Starting point is 01:03:04 involved in that. Go, you know, you, there world, you don't want to be involved in that. There's a lot of trading that goes on peer-to-peer in that Telegram group. There's a trusted traders list. It's an incredible group of people. Like if people are morons in the group, they get booted like real quick. So like it's one of the craziest things I've ever seen over the last year witnessing like this group build and grow and like the way everyone treats each other. It shouldn't be super surprising because we're Bitcoiners i guess but you know you obviously get people in here here and there there are scams but people are like on high alert if someone like seems like a scam or
Starting point is 01:03:31 something doesn't smell right you get like people in the group like hey just heads up like this person messaged me something something you know whatever so people are on like high alert obviously because you're dealing with people you know there are some intermediaries that we can use or some trusted people in there like i said a big excel sheet you can access with the trusted traders you know dozens and dozens of people that have completed successful trades with each other and then there are some intermediaries where people use if they're like if you're selling a 21 club card and like an escrow so there's a couple people that will do like escrow and that way you you know people are not doing directly uh with each other and that you each
Starting point is 01:04:04 person and then when that escrow gets it obviously then they they'll switch everything and flip it so And that way, you know, people are not doing directly with each other and that you use each person. And then when that escrow gets it, obviously, then they they'll switch everything and flip it. So, yeah, it's a super cool community. And it's just it's really the ethos of Bitcoin in a nutshell. So, yeah, join join the telegram to be a lot. I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys do, man. That was great. Thank you again, everyone, for coming to the stream.
Starting point is 01:04:22 And enjoy the rest of your Friday. Have a beer four o'clock or don't. But definitely don't stress, for coming to the stream. Enjoy the rest of your Friday. Have a beer at 4 o'clock, or don't, but definitely don't stress out, that's for sure. Are you a fan of the old-school NHL 94 game on the Genesis or SNES? Why not check out my show, the NHL 94 podcast? From tournaments
Starting point is 01:04:42 and tactics to the people who make up this community. Check it out wherever you listen to podcasts or find it on YouTube.

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