The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP - Hero of Bitcoin on the Game Boy
Episode Date: November 28, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Joining the CBP this week is Hero (, the man behind the project Hero of Bitcoin Project ( Hero lives in Australia and... developed the Hero of Bitcoin game. The setting is in El Salvador that NPC includes Max Keiser, Sampson Mow, and others. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: Discord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.
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Friends and enemies, welcome to another edition of the Canadian Bitcoiners podcast.
I'm Len the Legend and today I'm going to be interviewing a gentleman by the name of
Hero of Bitcoin.
And Hero of Bitcoin, he is an Australian dude and he created a game called Hero of Bitcoin
and it's available on the Game Boy and the wide variety Game Boy systems out there.
And the reason why i wanted
to bring him in is i thought this game was pretty interesting and he's a he is a bitcoiner this guy
and he lives in australia so this interview is not live i had to record it this past weekend
on saturday and it was saturday morning my time sunday saturday night his time difference in time
there it's quite large.
So keep in mind the price of Bitcoin was much higher then than it is now.
But either way, I hope you enjoy this riff.
But before we go any further, I just want to mention the sponsors too.
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Very popular in Canada, especially as we approach the cold winter months.
So with that, let's just transition to the show.
And I hope you enjoy my rip with Hero of Bitcoin.
Friends and enemies, welcome to another edition of the Canadian Bitcoiners podcast.
I am joined today. I'm, you know what, this is gonna be fun.
I'm joined by Hero or Hero of Bitcoin. I'm not sure how to call you. How are you, buddy?
Hey, I'm good. Yeah, just call me Hero. It's fine. Hero, I like that. So you are the Hero
of Bitcoin, though. For people who are unaware, Hero has developed a game for the Game Boy,
and it is talking, it's just all about Bitcoin.
I want to get into that in a little bit
because I'm very interested in,
especially old school games.
I'm still an old school gamer.
But Hero, there it is.
There's the game.
It's sealed and everything.
So I think that's sealed.
Yeah, Hero, I want to hear a little bit more
about your background and everything,
like how you got into Bitcoin.
Maybe you could educate our audience who you are yeah so um i uh got into bitcoin as most people do you
you sort of you know you go into the alts you learn your lessons and then you uh you know you
you climb your way back up and and go all in on bitcoin as as most people do. The story in Hero Bitcoin is sort of similar to my own story as well.
So as I thought, most people would probably go through that,
working a day job and just noticing everything around you getting more expensive
and realizing that there needs to be a solution to this and stumbling upon Bitcoin.
And I'm class of 2017,
so I've been here for a little while,
but I wasn't one of the early adopters, unfortunately.
Yeah, I'm the same thing.
I got in at the very tail end at 2017.
But to be perfectly honest,
I just got in for a number go up technology.
I didn't really go down the rabbit hole
until a few years later.
Yeah, same, same. I'm curious, what was the environment like
for buying Bitcoin at the time when you first got in?
Briefly, I can say on my side,
the one that we all were exposed to was Coinbase.
And in order to, you know, we got into Coinbase,
bought into it.
But even then, we were only able to buy small amounts.
We weren't able to buy large amounts.
You had to build up some sort of credit, social credit with Coinbase before you could get in.
I'm curious, what was the environment like when you first got in for stacking corn?
Also, I went to Coinspot, which is an Australian site, and I had no issues with them at all, actually.
They were quite good.
They do actually have quite high fees.
But yeah, I didn't have much.
I had a little bit of restrictions,
but I was able to do whatever I want, basically.
And in terms of friends, people you could talk to,
was there a group of people, a circle of friends you could talk to,
or were you basically on an island all by yourself?
Well, I live in a very small city inralia and i don't really have anyone around here that's
bitcoin so i all my all the i had a couple of friends that were into you know the crypto you
know not not really just bitcoin um so no i had no support uh or no direction for just bitcoin only
in that sort of thing so um that's where youtube and all
that was my main support our main go-to for every and also um twitter at the time and let's dive
right into this hero of bitcoin game that you've developed and i want to know like what's the
inspiration behind it like what what gave you the idea heck i, I've got to program something, a game about Bitcoin,
and we could talk about the game momentarily,
but first I want to hear about your inspiration.
So I started off as an artist doing pixel art.
I was just doing it for fun,
and I made Samson's display picture,
which was his little line thing.
So he used that for a very
long time and um i just gave it to him you know and um and it sort of made me realize um you know
i could do something with this so i started to charge for to make people's display pictures
in pixel art in sats uh which was great so um started off doing that. And, you know, I did Pixar for a while.
I did some art pieces.
I did Michael Saylor, and Michael Saylor shared it.
And so I got a bit popular with that.
And then, you know, I'm not really a programmer,
but there's a lot of tools now to create games
that makes it much easier for non-programmers and I stumbled upon one that's
quite a few little softwares that you could use to make Game Boy games and I thought pixel art
that I was creating was perfect to transfer into Game Boy because games take a very long time to
make and you know small screen sizes allow it so that you less pixels obviously the
quicker it is to make games so um so that that was a that was some of the main reasons why i chose
game boy and also game boy because um i was thinking you know bitcoin is the is sort of the
you know the financial system 2.0 we're're starting from scratch again. We're starting...
A lot of people are starting art.
They're starting things.
And I thought, what better way to start gaming again
to go back to the roots of the original Game Boy?
Why did you choose Game Boy out of all systems?
Well, it was my first handheld.
So I'm all about nostalgia.
I love retro gaming.
I'm a massive collector.
I have a huge
selection here in my wall of game boy uh super nintendo original nintendo 64 all the way up
um consoles and so i've always been a collector and so i wanted to create something that
i would love to collect myself so yeah and this is available on the nintendo game boy game boy pocket game boy
color game boy advance and game boy sp is that correct yes and also the super game boy for the
super nintendo and also i found out that um the game cube also has a game boy uh attachment okay
so it's you just plug it in natively into the game boy and it works? Yeah, there's an attachment for it. Okay. So same as the Super Nintendo.
Oh, right.
Got it.
Maybe we could talk about the game itself.
I mean, I'm sure people would like to hear about what it is.
And I know there's some NPCs in there that are well-known within the Bitcoin community.
So I want to hear you describe the game to people that have yet to discover it.
Well, it's a very simple game.
It's similar to Mario or Zelda 2 for the original Nintendo, if anyone's played that.
It's like a platformer.
You can jump on enemies.
You get the Sword of Satoshi later as a weapon.
There's different enemies.
Yeah, and you can heal. There's different enemies.
Yeah, and you can heal.
You've got hearts.
You've got to collect 21 Bitcoin.
And there's various bosses throughout the game,
all just sort of inspiration of different things like whales and, you know, poo coiners, which are shit coiners.
We try to keep it children friendly so children
can enjoy as well.
And the setting is in El Salvador
in totality or does it go around?
Yes, it's all based
in El Salvador so you get to meet
famous Bitcoiners
including the president
of Kele.
A lot of the people that I was able to actually
ask permission for me to use them in
there. So which was great, including Michael Saylor, who messaged me directly and said he's
happy for me to put him in the game. So he's got a major role in the game. But the main story about
this game, it's not about the heroes are not supposed to just be that it's not supposed to be
the famous bitcoins are heroes it's that
the story is that anyone can be a hero
with bitcoin is sort of the
moral of the story so
yeah that's cool so I'm curious
then with respect to the game
like how long did it take you to program it like
when did you decide I'm going to start doing this thing
and what was the process from start to scratch
sorry from start to finish
yeah it took me over two years um and so i went through a lot of testing
through different enemy types and the platforming stuff um yeah um a lot of a lot of pixel art so
when you when you do the pixel art for backgrounds and whatnot,
there's tile counts.
So you can only have so many tiles per screen.
And that's because the limited RAM on the Game Boy,
it's very, very...
What's the limitation of it?
How much RAM does it have?
I actually don't know exactly, but it's not much.
Yeah, so it's taken a long time to make,
but the fact that it's simple has also made it much easier to work with
because I've only got like four colors to work with because I've only got like four
colors to work with
and each tile has
its own color palette for the Game Boy Color
so this works, this
cartridge is a Game Boy Color
cartridge that works on an original
Game Boy as well.
So I'm looking at the Game Boy Advance
it looks like 288 kilobytes
of RAM, does that ring a bell
yeah something like that that's that's extremely small like look at our phones for instance how
much ram it has gigabytes and you know i'll put it into perspective the 90s was a different time
ram was very expensive i remember ram being 40 canadian per uh megabyte, and it stuck at that price for a very long time.
It didn't budge.
So RAM was at a premium.
It was very costly.
The reception for the game, though,
since this came out,
it came out earlier this year, am I correct?
So I used Gazer Fund, which is an amazing platform,
which is basically like Kickstarter for Bitcoiners so you can
use Bitcoin and
contribute to different projects with Bitcoin
I recommend anyone
to create any sort of project
or wanting to fund projects
to have a look on Gazer because
it's a really well made site and the
developers are really good at
if you have any issues they'll
add things and if you make, they're really good.
And the reception for the game, once it was released,
you must have got flooded with...
Yeah, we did 210 copies for the first batch.
They're sold out now.
I have a couple of copies myself,
but they're just for when I do roadshows,
when I go to Bitcoin conventions
and things like that.
And then we're making another 250 copies.
But the plan is to eventually make the game for free.
I want to sort of decentralize that first game
and allow people to put it on different things.
I've had some like Se seed signer and some other um
cold wallet people interested about putting the game on their wallet which is pretty interesting
um and that's just just so um yeah just for everyone to enjoy you know i want to give back
to the community as well so yeah and you can it online. I know there's a demo version
that's available on the website.
Is that correct?
Yes, yep, yep.
There's a demo available.
If you just go to me on Twitter,
there's a link to it on there.
And you can download that as well.
There's a little link there.
You can download the ROM
and put it on it.
What I'd love to see is,
you know how everyone puts
Doom on everything?
I'd love to see everyone put this game on everything. The Bitcoin'd love to see is, you know how everyone puts Doom on everything? I'd love to see everyone put this
game on everything. The Bitcoin equivalent
of that, so yeah. Does it run
Hero Bitcoin? Does it run Hero Bitcoin?
That's the question, yeah.
So in terms of the price,
the initial $210,
what were you selling it for?
What was the price?
$100 US dollars for the
cartridge, so that comes with the for? What was the price? $100 for the cartridge.
So that comes with the manual.
That's sealed, that one in your hand, right? That's not opened.
Yeah, well, no, I mean, I've opened it, but it's got a plastic protection
over the top, that's why.
This is actually the prototype.
I've got an empty box here, that's the final.
Yeah, so it comes with a manual, the game, cartridge,
the dust protector,
just exactly how an original Game Boy game would come.
And for people who are saying,
wow, that's pricey,
remember how much Game Boy games cost back in the 90s?
Do math with inflation, real inflation too,
and you'll see this might be a steal.
Yes, and we're doing everything
handmade here.
It's not that many copies being
made, so it's not like we're doing
hundreds of thousands.
Will the next run also be
priced at $100 per item?
Are there any special ones that you get, maybe a signed copy
or a special edition?
I'm thinking of
selling the um well i've got three prototypes it's got um the prototype builds of the game
and i think i'm thinking of auctioning them off at some stage um but um yeah no no no signature
anything like that oh maybe maybe for these i'm not sure i haven't really put much thought into it
are you ever is it open source, or
do you plan to open source it in the future?
I'm considering. We'll see.
And if you do decide
to do that, what's the rationale
behind it, with hopes that people
make it running? People
expand it and whatever.
And do you intend to have it
released on any other consoles aside from the Game Boy?
Well, just maybe desktop.
And just, you know, digital.
So you're not going to port it to, say, an SNES or...
No, no, it's got their super...
You could.
I could make it for...
I could actually make a cart.
I heard that there is possible to convert them
to play directly on a superintendent cart.
So it's its own thing.
Yeah, something we could think about.
But we've also made other things as well.
Like we made the Game Boy, hero-themed Game Boy.
That's cool.
So we made 21 of these with the help of my mate, Mars.
So we've been working together.
And just like some apparel.
We got hats and shirts and stuff that we've been...
Did those go on sale or did you give them away or are you hoarding them all?
Which one, sorry?
The Game Boy with the special cover on it.
Yeah, no, we've actually given some away for free.
There was one on Capario that was just given out.
I'm not sure if it's still running or not.
And we're giving away a few,
and we've also sold some in auction.
I'm really going to go into the weeds here,
go into left field.
But do you ever try,
because I've seen people actually try mining
for Bitcoin on a Game Boy, and I don't know if it's... Have you ever even tried that because've seen people actually try mining for bitcoin on a game boy and
i don't know it's yeah have you ever even tried that because you're a big game boy fan
yeah no i haven't tried it um i have seen a video of someone doing it um and yeah i don't know if
it's really worth your time it's not worth it trillions of years to get to not even yeah i
don't know if you can get a couple of steps out of that yeah you're probably doing a killer hash per second that may be at that that's a good luck
getting anything but i i find it's fascinating what people will do just to test out equipment
and see how far things will go um yeah it's hilarious any sequels is this going to be
it or there's gonna be yes so i'm currently working on number two. It's very early in development.
The sequel, if it ever finishes,
because who knows, anything can happen.
But currently it's looking a bit like Zelda for the Game Boy, so top-down view.
But it'll have a world map,
so it'll be about travel.
I'm considering different travel methods,
maybe something like using Michael Saylor's boat or something.
His yacht to go from places.
His yacht.
Or that ship.
You know he has that ship in the background?
Something like that.
That'd be so fucking cool.
And you're going to, I guess, put a whole bunch of NPCs
that are Bitcoin-related.
Yeah, Bitcoiners.
And it might be more worldwide.
So I've made a world map that's the whole map of the world.
So obviously I wouldn't be able to go everywhere,
but there'll be certain locations you'll be able to go to.
And I'm thinking maybe making it so you can go wherever you want
or yeah I'm not sure if I'm going to make it linear
where you have to go through certain
things or making it so you can
go anywhere you want and do
quests or something
and you just came back from Lugano
did you go to Lugano recently?
no, Mars has been doing
I haven't gone anywhere
I've always
I don't travel much unfortunately
is that because of work
related or just personal
you just prefer to stay there
yeah, just
it's just too expensive for me
I'm the same way
I am going to go to Bitcoin Alive in Australia
early next year.
That will be my first ever Bitcoin convention.
Oh, you have not?
Are you getting a booth?
Yeah, I'm getting a booth, I think.
You're going to get a lot of traffic and a lot of interest.
I would suggest, I mean, this is my opinion,
make sure you have as much paraphernalia as possible to sell
because people are going to want it.
People are going to want to buy something.
And if stuff is limited, I understand it creates scarcity.
But have something, maybe a shirt or something,
because I like that shirt you're wearing.
It's got a little hero on the side.
It's got a logo on the back.
Is it also limited edition, 21 shirts?
Well, we was selling them on...
I was using Wix to make a website,
but it was really super expensive for...
It was like $100 a month or something just to keep it up,
and I hadn't even released the game and no one was buying it,
so I was just like...
And then it deleted everything,
and I had all this setup of hats and shirts and hoodies.
Yeah, so that was it's like you could fix that with your own website and a btc btc pay server system yeah you could
just be your own eventually that's eventually I'm just so busy that I have a seven time honestly
have you ever delved into lightning or anything else using lightning Lightning? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, I use Lightning all the time
when I was selling stuff.
Yeah, because that's going to be
the easiest way for you to transact.
And is there any...
I mean, I've used Lightning...
Time's the limit.
What's the limitations you found within Lightning?
Have you come across any that are just like...
Oh, no, no, no. No, it's not that's just just haven't haven't had the time to do stuff got it
got it thoughts in the recent pump of bitcoin oh it's uh yeah it's it's it's funny like um
you always know it's going to happen but when it happens you're just like wow this is cool you know
like you feel like um you feel like this Mars person in the room,
but you try and stay humble, you know?
You know, they say stay humble,
but I think the stay humble part is the hardest part for me, you know?
Now, for reference, we're recording this on Saturday morning, my time.
It's Saturday late afternoon or evening, your time?
It's like 10 o'clock at night
I appreciate you taking the time to so yeah if you guys is great distance so
right now we're just last I saw or well 98 3 according to my block clock so we
you know we're knocking on a door of 100k man this thing it seems to be a
tough nut to crack you know like once we get there it's got a big soul there but
um I think you know I think we'll just probably be a bit slower for
recent soon and then but once we blow that top off i think it's just gonna go nuts do you have
people reaching out to you that haven't reached out to you before with respect to bitcoin and
asking you questions yeah well i i made a couple of i minted a couple of bitcoiners the other day
um i was at work because everyone knows me.
I don't really know many people
at all
who are Bitcoiners only.
Everyone just knows me as the
Bitcoiner and I was finally
able to convince a couple that I've
been working on for a while.
What's the approach you use?
How do you try to
at least usher them through the door of
Bitcoin? I'm curious how you do it.
It depends how much time I have. If I have a lot of time, I don't talk about Bitcoin
first. I talk about what's wrong with the money. And I just say Bitcoin is a possible
solution that I believe. But you don't have any options if this if this is true about what's happening to money. You know, you got gold, but you know, who's going to
carry how much gold can you carry? You know, you know, we don't all know the limitations of gold.
So yeah, just just telling them the problems with money and then them realizing Oh, yeah,
actually, inflation and you know, there's there's a lot of you know things like that so yeah if i don't have much time
if i don't have much time i just tell them to i don't actually tell anyone to buy i just tell them
to just to research do their own research yeah put five ten hours a hundred hours into it once
you learn about it then at that point they go balls deep and they just get as much as they can
but yeah in terms of where you
are in australia like i know that there's some similarities between australia and canada where
the housing situation um at least in melbourne i could say yeah it went absolutely bonkers in the
last five years or so and same thing applied here in canada so people are looking at that and
at one point they would potentially be able to afford a home now the majority of people are priced out of it and
that's just one scarce asset people look at it's a desirable asset to have but it indicates what's
what's wrong with money yeah and you could use that as a as a guy like are other things impacting
like is the price of food like really going high over there it's just everything just getting to be like a little bit more
challenging to make ends meet in australia yeah pretty much um everything's just sort of going up
like even i find one of the biggest things is fast food like fast food here is just like feels
like i'm almost going to a restaurant now in terms of costs. Yeah. So it's just hitting on everything.
And people are in so much debt.
And we have fairly high interest rates here.
There's just not much money going around.
You can tell.
Is the Central Bank of Australia lowering rates aggressively like other parts of the world?
No, not yet.
But everyone thinks they will early next year
holy cow you're one of the last ones to do it that seems yeah yeah all right that's it's really
impactful then so everybody's suffering unfortunately and it's a good opportunity
to point to bitcoin and say look this is something here look it's not going to make you
maybe not make you rich but the very least it protects you from debasement and from decisions which may not appeal to everybody.
It's money for everybody.
It's a guiding light. It's a beacon of hope for a lot of folks.
And I hope that a lot of people will look at it, especially with this 100k pump
or just about 100k pump. There's so much. Everyone's watching now.
And not only that that you've got
companies and countries looking at it now too because you've got sailor giving the biggest
example with michael strategy everyone's watching everyone's wondering how he got into the top 100
and then you got el salvador everyone's watching el salvador and then now you've got Dennis Porter talking about multiple states in the U.S. making a reserve for Bitcoin before Trump even comes in.
So it's all happening fast.
And he's saying that other countries are looking at it as well.
He's been notified.
Trump, with respect to to trump he's surrounding
himself with a bunch of individuals who have exposure to bitcoin like his vice president
or vice president-elect specifically uh he owns somewhere in the vicinity up to 500 000 bitcoin
uh five hundred thousand dollars worth of bitcoin sorry that's the best i was gonna say i think he had but he would be
so um he yeah he has at least some exposure it could be 250 000 it could be 490 000 it's a decent
amount that's that's just one person but there's a whole bunch like vivek also has some um elon
obviously has and so he's surrounding himself a whole bunch of people there's a lot of hope here
that there's something going to be done,
especially to do with regulations.
Is it the same in Australia where Bitcoin is treated as a commodity?
You sell it, you're taxed?
Yeah, yes.
So we get taxed on it just like income.
But we have not much talk in government about bitcoin here unfortunately we're
probably going to be the slowest on take um i really hope it's not the case but it just seems
so at the moment so there's no australian politicians discussing it in a forefront
not that i don't really know of there are there is libertarians um but they're they're still a
minority at the moment so that's the two main parties that are discussing it that I know of.
But I don't really look at much
Australian news too much,
so I could be wrong,
but I'm pretty sure that's not happening.
Every time you watch Australian news,
do you just walk away from it
just shaking your head,
like, what the heck's going on?
Yeah, well, it's hard to find
reputable sources here.
Where do you pick up the majority of your stuff?
Now it's X.
Just direct from the source I find is the safest information.
Are you a Noster?
You a Noster?
Yeah, I'm a Noster, yeah.
I just don't use it that much because I just don't get much people talking to me.
When I post, I don't get much.
I have only about 300 followers.
I just stick to X mostly.
I'll have to follow you.
Did you post your end pub on X?
I'm not sure if it's there or not.
I can send it to you.
I would love it.
Yeah, so I'll follow you.
I'm way more active over there than on X.
I understand X is the bigger platform
and it is trending in the right direction,
but I'm still disappointed that it's decentralized,
that you could say something
and it's theoretically still get banned.
I know people that have done so.
I've most of accounts that it sucks,
but on Austria, you can't do that.
You're there.
If you don't like them, just don't follow them. You won hear them but if you do like them follow them you get them in your timeline
it's it's i like that model better it just gives me more sense of control rather than having
somebody else an algorithm program for me to show me what i want to so and then plus it's pay to
play in x2 um yeah true i mean I have no problems for people paying for it.
Are you a blue check, Mark?
No, but I was when I released the game
just to get it out there a bit more.
You should do it again
just to continually get some momentum for the game.
Yeah, I will
when the second batch comes out.
Got it.
You guys got any ETFs, too?
I don't want to talk too much about Australia,
but I'm curious because I don't talk to too many Aussies.
Yeah, we got a Bitcoin ETF now.
Was it released recently or was it there for some time?
I think it was a couple of months ago.
I could be wrong.
Was there a lot of fanfare?
Yeah, yeah.
It was, but I mean, it wasn't, it's not big, you know.
There wasn't that much interest, you know, I think.
It paid to the US.s ones for sure
here in canada we had uh an etf that was live spot etf i'm gonna say 2022 maybe 2021 we've had it for
a few years for whatever reason we're more progressive when it comes to getting stuff
with bitcoin canada seems to be pretty good i mean a lot of people say what they want about
canada but with respect to bitcoin we have haven I mean, a lot of people say what they want about Canada,
but with respect to Bitcoin,
we haven't had the same type of resistance as other countries do.
We seem to be at least looking at it
as a potential currency,
potential commodity that could be used.
I don't know.
Either way.
But yeah, I don't know.
I think that's pretty much it.
I mean, I'm not sure if you have anything else
you want to talk about your game because
that's why primarily I wanted to bring you on
is to talk about your game, The Hero of Bitcoin.
The Hero of Bitcoin because I wanted
to know more about it. But is there anything we missed
with respect to that that you want to
parlay to our audience?
Not really. I just hope
that everyone gives it a go and
if you can't afford it, if you want to stack more sets
it's fair enough.
It'll eventually be for free, so you can play it then.
I can't let you go without talking about the setup you have behind.
I see a little, I'm going to see 10-inch TV,
and to the right of that, there's a baby console.
I have every console.
I'm going to sign up for my high shelves
that's a hacked
chipped Playstation
so I've got
I've played
this is a USB
actually for my playing
retro games
that's not a mini Playstation, that's like an actual Playstation
that's a real PlayStation, yes.
Because I got real games here.
Yeah, I got Game Boys here.
I got my Game Boy Color and original DMG.
Yeah, I got even original Nintendo games.
That's Duck Hunt and Mario?
Secret of Mine are one of my favorite games.
Yeah, heaps of stuff here.
Big fan of Final Fantasy?
Yep, big RPG fan.
Yeah, I could tell.
So Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger.
Yeah, you know what?
Unfortunately, we didn't get Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy VI until PlayStation.
It never came out on Super Nintendo.
You mean Super Nintendo in Australia?
Yeah, it didn't come out. But I got
This is not a real copy. This is someone's
made a fake version of it.
So it then actually works as a real...
Yeah, we never got it.
Two of the best games for the Super Nintendo.
Yeah, so we got
over here it was called Final Fantasy 2 and 3
Final Fantasy 4 was dubbed
2 and Final Fantasy 6 was dubbed
Final Fantasy 3 over here
I know them as 2 and 3 not as 4 and 6
actually speaking of which I've actually got the first
Final Fantasy here
I think this is the American version
but I've got the original
boxed NES
manual, everything in there.
Very cool.
Love collecting.
When you showed me that original
Game Boy, it brought
back a lot of memories. The game that I
played a lot in, it was Tetris.
Yes, I've got that.
I played the shit out of that game.
But anyways.
And that's what I think.
When people play this game,
that's why I haven't sold a digital copy yet.
I've only been selling the cartridge
because there's so much of the nostalgia factor
when you play it on the original console
than playing it digitally.
So that's why I really pushed to release it
on console factor first.
You know, I thought when I first came across The Hero of Bitcoin, and it was several months ago, I swear I thought that it was a Switch game.
Because it just seemed like, because they're releasing like Secret of Mana, they released on the Switch, they released a whole bunch.
It's like, oh, great.
This is like a physical Switch game based on Bitcoin.
I could have swore.
I wish.
I was a little bit disappointed because I have a Switch.
So I'm hoping you can port that to the Switch.
I don't know the cost.
I don't think that's going to happen.
Oh, that's too bad. Because it just seems like it would lend so well to the Switch environment
because it's also a handheld, right?
Yeah. The Switch so...
I'm sure when it gets older and people start to hack it, they'll
put it on there.
There's a lot of things people are doing right now with the Switch.
I've seen a lot of
people mod their Switches
so it's possible. Definitely
Alright, Hero, any last words before we
sign off and call this a day
no just uh stacks stack chats stack sats as always i'll keep doing that but you know the
problem is though hero it's every day that happens i do i do that i could buy less and less and the
same thing applies to you it's it's getting it feels like you've got a pool of water and you're
putting droplets of water in when you nowadays you know that's a pool of water and you're putting droplets of water in nowadays. That's a good analogy.
Have you looked at how much one Australian dollar could buy you in terms of number of sats?
Yeah, it's like nothing now.
I think you're getting, what, 700 sats or something like that?
Am I wrong?
Maybe 800 sats?
Either way.
I don't even know.
It's just, man, times have changed.
Anyways, appreciate you coming on, brother.
This has been an awesome chat.
Thanks for inviting me.
Anytime, my friend.
And with that, take care.
Let's stay in Canada.
What's your slang in Canada before you go?
How do you say goodbye to you?
See you later.
Thought you might have something.
Pour some maple syrup on it
take care
we'll be back at this again Monday