The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP - Kerry Lutz - Financial Survival and the Coming Collapse (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: September 26, 2024

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES This week we welcome first time guest Kerry Lutz to the program. Kerry is an attorney, entrepreneur and runs The Financial Survival Network, a show with more than 6000 episodes di...scussing economics, politics and the decline of the dollar hegemon. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠ ⁠Discord:   / discord   A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 friends and enemies my apologies for delay some technical difficulties tonight but we made it we're here live cbp tonight our guest the first timer on the podcast carrie lutz carrie is the man behind the financial survival network i am sure that you have either heard of him or heard of some of his guests he's talked to a lot of people that we've had on the show uh as well as some people we'd like to have on guys guys like Andy Sheckman, Martin Armstrong. Kerry is a lawyer, entrepreneur, techie, and dare I say Bitcoiner? Maybe. We'll find out.
Starting point is 00:00:33 But first, let's start with the sponsors. Easy DNS. You guys know Mark. Jeff DeVick and the team, your friendly neighborhood registrar. We use them for our website. You should be using them for your website, too. They have all sorts of good stuff. We've talked a lot about security the last little while on our show and on Axis of Easy. DomainShare, great way to protect your domain. Make sure that you're not getting
Starting point is 00:00:53 spoofed or you're not getting typo squatted. If you don't know what those things are, start a website. You'll find out pretty quickly. On top of that, all the virtual private server stuff you need, especially if you're a Bitcoiner. You got your Nostra relay options, BTC pay server options, run a node, all these different things, man. Mark and the guys can help you out over there. CBP Media is the code. 50% off your first round of buys if you need to start a website with them. You can't beat it. You don't get 50% off anywhere, not even the scratch and dent cart at the grocery store.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Second sponsor, Bull Bitcoin. You should be buying Bitcoin. You can sell there too if you want. You can pay your bills there too if you want with your Bitcoin. Why do we like them? I mean, what's not to like? Team is full of extremists, the best kind of extremists. There's no shit coins on there, no garbage.
Starting point is 00:01:41 It's non-custodial. There's no possibility of getting rugged. And of course, man, there's not too many exchanges that are operating in Canada that have those options. But then to also open up shop in France, you got to love it. Bull Bitcoin is a place where you should be buying your Bitcoin. We have a promo code. It's in the show description. I won't read it out to you. But if you haven't started an account there, go. You get some money when you sign up, which is great.
Starting point is 00:02:05 You can't beat that. And of course, it helps support the show as well. And then the final sponsor, our newest ally in this whole thing, Decentral Tech. So Decentral Tech is the mining slash hardware support company out of Quebec. These guys are incredible, man. We met Jonathan through the show, i want to say about half a year ago now and we've been really impressed with what they're doing at decentral tech they can help you with all sorts of stuff like i always say wife friendly mining listen wife friendly anything in
Starting point is 00:02:34 bitcoin is hard to find but wife friendly mining damn near impossible so these guys can help you with that if you have some old hash board you want to have repaired or replaced they can help you with that they also sell shells for miners so if you want to just have something that looks a little more aesthetically pleasing in your house, or you maybe want to do a little home heating, or you want to do the space heater thing, they got your back. I think they work with crypto cloaks too. And then of course, obviously, as I mentioned before, the white friendly mining is actually the bid axe. And I think there's some Canadian Bitcoiners podcast branded bid axes left. I don't know how many. You should get one though,
Starting point is 00:03:05 because they're pretty neat. We don't get any kickback from it. We just like the company and they like us enough to have made, I think, 75 units. So head over to Decentral Technologies website, grab one, grab whatever you need. If you're looking to get into mining, this is the place to do it. I'm bringing on Kerry. Kerry, an early candidate for best green screen background? Maybe. We don't get too many green screen backgrounds on this show. Most of the time, it's just people's offices. It's not a green screen.
Starting point is 00:03:32 It's the real deal. You're into tech. You're into all this stuff. So let me just quickly tell you. I went through so many virtual backgrounds, and I would regularly get half my hair chopped off i would look like a mutant like uh you know just like i was pretty much a bot so i said to hell with this i'm into finance i found a pic i liked it's got basically you know candlestick chart and it's got an urban setting. I don't even know what city it is. And I said, I like that. So I got like a three by six foot mural, taped it up on my wall.
Starting point is 00:04:13 And now I don't worry about it. I'm getting a little tired of it. You know what? I'll spend a hundred bucks. I'll get another one of girls with bikinis on the beach if I feel like it. You know, whatever mood I'm in, I'll just get a new mural for it. Kerry, if Bitcoin gets to 100 grand, you might not need the mural for the girls in bikinis, buddy. You know, you may just be able to have some steady, you know, regulars back there dancing. I don't know. Well, it's never exactly been a problem of mine. But just in case if Bitcoin, when Bitcoin gets to 100k, I will probably take you up on that. Yeah, sure. Okay. So tell people if they don't know who you are a bit about yourself, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:50 I have the usual kind of like notes here, but I get the feeling I'm not going to need them. You know, the financial survival network is a website that I only really found out about probably seven months ago, eight months ago. Yeah. I mean, I i don't i don't follow a lot of stuff that's not yeah you know you know what i mean like if it's not mostly bitcoin or like fantasy football during the season i'm not ashamed to say that guilty pleasure uh among other like you know interests of mine it's hard to find the stuff but you know you had you've had sheckman on martin armstrong among other people who who like, they're Bitcoin adjacent, even if they're not Bitcoin guys. And I say that, you know, I would have said you're Bitcoin adjacent as well, but I think you're actually a Bitcoiner.
Starting point is 00:05:32 So maybe before we start, tell people a bit about FSN, why you started it, the thesis over there. What is that whole network about? So I'm a recovering attorney, as I like to say, I'm America's top recovering attorney. And, you know, and when we had the financial crisis, the GFC in 08 and 09, I knew it was coming. I wasn't smart enough at the time to actually figure out how to cash in on it other than buying a whole bunch of gold and silver. And, you know, I knew that that throughout time the economy was going to continue to deteriorate debt was going to rise geometrically and basically things are going to get dire kind of like where we're at now even though the problem is that the media and the government gaslight you they want
Starting point is 00:06:22 you to believe that everything is fine. But have you taken a ride? Well, you're not in the U.S. You're in our neighbors up north. You go to any, you know, historic city in the United States other than in the southeast, and you see they're falling apart. Anarchy is reigning. Detroit, Chicago, Buffalo, New York, New York City, L.A., San Francisco. I mean, just take your pick. You know, the ones that aren't falling apart are like in Florida and in the southeast and the southwest, but even those. And I just knew that we were on an unsustainable course. And so I said, well, I've always been into Austrian economics. And, you know, the concept of cryptocurrencies fit so perfectly into Austrian economics because Austrian economists don't believe that the
Starting point is 00:07:20 government should have a monopoly on issuing currency, that there should be competing currencies. Well, up until cryptos, it was never going to happen here, Joey. It just couldn't happen. No one would allow it. And then all of a sudden, Bitcoin, and then I call them kleptocurrencies because there was a bunch of, hey, man, they made billions of dollars. We can do that too. And everybody jumped on board. And the next thing you know, everyone wants to be Sam Bankman Freed, right, in this cohort there. She just got sentenced today, I think.
Starting point is 00:07:56 She was getting sentenced. I mean, you know, talk about a bag holder. It's like, honestly, nobody got hurt on the whole fpx because all of the everything that was liquidated got liquidated for more than he owed so where's the crime i mean i think the guys got some personality issues and uh some cognitive challenges shall So we'd be charitable. But as a lawyer, I always thought, well, you know, when you commit a fraud, people get harmed like Bernie Madoff. They get left holding the bag and the wrongdoer needs to be punished. But these people, if that thing hadn't been put in bankruptcy, it might still be going on today.
Starting point is 00:08:45 But it was the bankruptcy law firm schemed with the court. They took it over and they threw it into bankruptcy court. And then, you know, the next thing you know, look, do I think he was like a smart businessman? No, but the guy was a genius trader he had the ability to look at the same cryptos in different markets and the technology to find the value that wasn't obvious to everyone else is this a case where like i don't want to say he's a victim because he wasn't he was socially awkward he wasn't that bright in dealing with people when he when he's on the top of the world everyone was his best friend then things get a little tough but if no one gets hurt and there's lots of money and then the bankruptcy lawyers like i'm a lawyer man i can tell you this
Starting point is 00:09:38 um they clean up make hundreds of millions of dollars. And the whole infrastructure of bankruptcy, trustees, conservators, all of these different interests clean up. And it's not right. The guy was not Bernie Madoff. I think he was so out of touch at times, he didn't even know what was there. But when they tracked down all his stuff, he had like a net worth of $2 billion here. So why does a guy like, anyway, I'm totally off the beaten path here, but I'm giving it to you as a lawyer's, from a lawyer's standpoint. And then his, what was her name? Spencer or something like that.
Starting point is 00:10:18 She just got sentenced today. I didn't see it. Oh, the girl today, Carolyn Ellison, right? Ellison, that was her. Yeah. Yeah. And she didn't do anything. She just believed in this stupid guy. I mean, this is not right. And this is what's happened
Starting point is 00:10:32 to our judicial system. And this is why cryptos are so key, because they're extrajudicial. Unless you're stealing Bitcoin, hacking into people's wallets, and even then, probably not going to get caught. But otherwise, you don't need the government to protect you. You don't need them to set the price. Hey, well, you're gouging. Can you imagine? Oh, well, they're gouging in the supermarkets. They're price gauging in the supermarkets. Well, gee, they're really price gouging on Bitcoin because it's worth nothing. So it's going for 63,000. We got to crack down on them, Joey. They're stealing money from the unsuspecting public, right? Do we need them to do that? No. No, obviously not. Do you want to pull on this thread a bit with the extrajudicial money and the way that the American judiciary specifically has been weaponized against a lot of political interests?
Starting point is 00:11:34 Yeah, against the public, right? And I think about the Silvergate thing a lot and Operation Chokepoint a lot and stuff that – is that a thing that's actually going on in your mind? It sounds like you, you probably have an opinion on that, that you don't mind sharing. Hey, like I grew up in the sixties, you know, and it was the best time to grow up. And, you know, my life has been great. How your life is going to be. And my kids, you probably about the same age as my kids. I stopped worrying about it because you know what, You're not going to listen to me. Anyway, it's not a problem So you'll have to deal with it just like we dealt with things but The judicial system
Starting point is 00:12:16 Is corrupt? to its core Right. It was supposed to be Purpose like under libertarianism, which I am a libertarian, even though I haven't always gotten to act like one. It's like the first thing, the responsibility of the government, protect the free market means get rid of fraudsters. Number two is settle disputes among its inhabitants peaceably. Right. Number three is protect from enemies within and without.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And there's a couple of other core functions in there. Nowhere does it say that we need to pay for your retirement, your healthcare, and your food, all right? It's not in the constitution, it's nowhere. So the whole purpose of government, you know, Gerald Ford once said, a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you need, something to that effect. And, you know, you just don't want the government to be like this giant pinata where we're all hitting it with a stick, waiting to break it open to get all the candy out of it.
Starting point is 00:13:25 You know, that's not its purpose. So, you know, we've had an issue with the dollar and all fiat currencies, fiat currency, for those of you who don't know, currency that has no backing. It's issued by fiat, by diktat of the state. It's like, hey, we're giving you these dollars and they're good for all debts, private and public. You could pay your taxes with it and it's all great. And you know, no modern society can exist without a monetary system. But we've abused that system to the point it used to be before 1971, it's backed up gold dollar was as good as gold well we had the Vietnam War we printed like crazy for what the policy was called guns and butter then what happens we have a massive inflation then they take us off the gold standard and that was the final
Starting point is 00:14:20 limitation on the government's ability to print money. Now, now we just have a monster. And the weaponization just springs from Leviathan government. It's like the government's in charge of everything. They're going to screw everything up. And, you know, Martin Armstrong called it the department of just us, you know, and if you're not one of them then you are a target and as a lawyer i can tell you i've seen the corruption firsthand you know the definition of an honest judge in chicago is one who's fixed and stays fixed you know that we have a recurring segment on this show this this show is cvp we have a recurring segment called um chicago bitcoin podcast where we talk about just the insanity in that jurisdiction uh between the
Starting point is 00:15:11 mayor spending you know i think a couple million on bodyguards uh five figures on a haircut you know i don't know that much about haircuts but i mean i i don't i don't spend more than a good one it gotta be damn good right they must be cutting each hair individually. And so like all this stuff is going on in locales all around the United States and Canada. Kerry, I don't know how familiar you are with stuff up here, but- Oh, I know.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Famously, you know, like healthcare is incredible. The healthcare here is so good that you pay for it all your life and then die in a hospital hallway when you're 65 years old. Yeah, that's it. They don't offer you suicide first, right? And so I think a lot of people are starting to realize whether they're Bitcoiners or libertarians or any other sort of stripe or creed, they're thinking to
Starting point is 00:15:54 themselves like, man, this doesn't make a lot of sense specifically up here. You know, we're sort of famous, infamous in my opinion, but famous for our, you know, social welfare net. And I think a lot of people are starting to realize that even as, even as my taxes continue to go up, even as my, uh, even as the quality of my life continues to decline, at least that's the, you know, sort of overall statistical picture, right? Right. Declining people are starting to realize that, man, I'm, I'm getting less and less for the more and more money that I'm handing to Leviathan,
Starting point is 00:16:25 right? Hobbes is Leviathan. And what am I doing? And so I guess maybe the rational next question for you, given that you've obviously given this a lot of thought, if you're a first world government, you're going to start to see capital flight soon, not just from the rich, but from the desperate. And is there a mechanism that you see on the horizon, something that you've thought about, or maybe one of your guests have discussed with you regarding the limitation, the intended and probably not too far down the road limitation of capital flight in major economies? You know, capital controls, you know, you can kind of see them coming for sure. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:10 You know, it's when government gets desperate, it's like any other organism. The first job of every organism is survival. All right. And it's the same with government. So government is parasitic by nature. It's exploitative it's power uh you know the authorization of violence against the public and starts out you know we have a really sound judicial system and then it deteriorates and you know we're like rome all this has happened before
Starting point is 00:17:45 you know mark twain said history doesn't repeat it rhymes it's rhyming with like rome and all civilizations eventually collapse and i'd like to think that we maybe could rescue it but you know it's not like any one person can save it. You know, like if they're eating cats and dogs in Ohio, in Springfield, Ohio, you know, like that's a story I know to be true because when I was a lawyer, you know, I had a Haitian guy come to me and his, his girlfriend, his wife, she went to some Santeria ceremony to banish the spirits from her body, you know. And there's a priestess there and a priest. And they've got these candles around her. And they're pouring oil on her.
Starting point is 00:18:39 All right. And they have like chicken bones scattered around all these little sacrifices and stuff. And the oil gets ignited by one of the candles and she goes up in smoke. And she'll be like, they burned her up. They burned her up. I'm like, but there was like, I couldn't, there was nothing I could do. There was no money. They, people had no money.
Starting point is 00:19:04 They had a judgment, no money. But I know these rituals exist because it's big in New York, Santeria, but like to deny it. So I don't know. I don't know if they like golden retrievers or Jack Russell terriers or chihuahuas. I don't know what they're eating, but this is the God's honest truth. And they could say, but this is all the gaslighting
Starting point is 00:19:25 joey man they tell us things we see with our own eyes and they just tell us it's not true and half the population believes them it's incredible i must not have seen it well what do you do about that like i mean you're you're a little longer in the tooth than me as you mentioned um and and like i i find that people i find that people your age, you're probably around the same age as my dad. You're right. I'm 37. When I think about guys and girls my age, it's a lot easier to get the wedge in the door when it comes to the gaslighting and just general legacy media misinformation. Because people my age, it seems to me have, at least in my friend group, maybe this is not the norm, but I'm guessing it is for your kids as well. People in my friend
Starting point is 00:20:10 group have enough knowledge of some subject from a sort of a primary standpoint that they can go through the gel man amnesia drill with the newspaper. Right. But people your age, it seems to me like even my own, my own dad, sometimes sometimes, I have to bring them back from the void. Like, hey, remember, we talked about this two weeks ago. This is what they said about topic A. You know that this is not true. Why do you think the topic B is accurately reported? Isn't this nuts?
Starting point is 00:20:36 What do you say to people like that? I am at a loss. I am removing myself here. I'm doing a group chat with you and my kids. Maybe you can wake them up for me. I've given up. I've been a libertarian my whole life. My father hated the government.
Starting point is 00:20:52 He was in the army in world war two. I remember telling him when I was younger, they just, the government just lies. And when he was in the army air core, it was in, it was a hump pilot. He flew over the Himalayas from India to China taking supplies.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And he hated every minute of it because you're in the Army. Some people love to be told when to use the bathroom. Others are not so fond of it. Like I wouldn't be. But they said like if you ever saw the movie Catch-22 or read the book, it was like, it was called Fly Till You Die. So they get you like, hey, if you do 50 missions, you get to go home. So he's, and there's another thing where in the Army, they say never volunteer. So he's volunteering because he hates it there.
Starting point is 00:21:43 He's almost there. And guess what? Oh, sorry. The number has gone up to a hundred. No. Okay. So he's almost at a hundred. He's volunteering because all he can see is he just wants to go home to my mother, his newborn daughter.
Starting point is 00:21:57 They raise it again. Well, they picked the wrong guy. He wasn't willing to go to jail because if you refuse to fly, they put you in jail. But what he did was he said, you know, these planes are just not airworthy and he'd always find something wrong with it. And if he couldn't find anything wrong with it, he was an ace mechanic. He'd take it out to the end of the runway. He'd do a little trick. He'd blow the engine out. Oh, sorry, can't do it. This went on for months. And they say, just tell us if you don't want to fly.
Starting point is 00:22:28 He goes, I don't know what you're talking about. If you give me an airworthy plane, I'll fly. Finally, they didn't know whether to promote him, court-martial him, or send him home. They sent him home. And that was that. Ruined his health. But, you know, from him, I learned never to trust the government i mean you just can't trust them and so people my age you know i have close friends who who think that uh you know
Starting point is 00:22:57 maybe maybe it didn't come from a lab leak right in china maybe maybe the U.S. government wasn't financing it. And they believe this garbage here, Joey. But, you know, as a lawyer, as somebody who dissects legal arguments or did for a living. I can tell when this stuff doesn't add up and when it doesn't add up, that's the definition of gaslighting, where they just tell you something that cannot on its face be true but because you're conditioned uh to drink the Kool-Aid you buy it so I'm surprised about your dad but I'm not really because I'm kind of unique but a lot of my friends a lot of well you know a lot of my friends are in this space guys like Andy Sheckchtman guys like john rabino uh formerly of dollar collapse uh all these people rick rule um you know i've talked to hundreds of them and we're
Starting point is 00:23:55 all kind of in the same boat shaking our heads you know thinking well how much longer can it go on and you know what it goes on until it stops. It's, it's weird because like, I shouldn't, I shouldn't speak ill of my dad. He's, he's very good 90% of the time, but some of the stuff I just think is there's like too many, there's too many battles you have to have with certain people on certain subjects. I think back to the debate, the debate was a good example of this with Harrison Trump. The sort of three-on-one. The farce. Oh, Kerry. Three-on-ones that are that brutal are usually on Pornhub and
Starting point is 00:24:31 nowhere else. But that one was nationally televised. I said to my wife, and she's in the same boat as me, it's a weird information battle going on there. Because there's so many headwinds for Trump during that debate. One one he's got to tell the moderator that the fact check he gave is not true the very fine people host easy one easy one right it's just it's he's full
Starting point is 00:24:54 of shit right that's number one then he's got to make the case that the actual source for the the sort of truth is not actually abc news but rather, you know, pick your online personality, right? It's Dave Smith's Twitter feed or whatever. So you got like all these headwinds and then you got Harris there, the cackling comrade, Kamala Sutra, just nodding along at the side of them, and like that picture for the average cheerio eater is enough for them to decide who to vote for. And that's sort of the place we are now in democracy where you're – talk about tyranny rule or tyranny of the majority, I should say. You're there now. And I think you're there for – you're there through this unbelievable immigration policy in most of the modern world. You're there through
Starting point is 00:25:46 the number of people who are on food stamps or employed by the public sector or work for companies that are subsidized by the public sector or are on the baby bonus here in Canada. Anything that puts food on the table right now, you will vote for that short-term gain, even if it means you're guaranteed long-term demise. And people who have the capacity to look more than 13 or 14 minutes into the future are penalized now. And that's the thing that worries me the most. Is it fair to say at this point, Kerry, that the democratic experiment has failed? I'm almost there.
Starting point is 00:26:19 I am so close to being there. Well, I think it's failed a long time ago. You know, I think it failed a long time ago. I think we grew up with these myths that we believe to be true. And it's kind of like you grew up thinking your parents are perfect. And then one day you see something that says, wait, they're not perfect. What happened? I thought they were perfect. And,
Starting point is 00:26:47 and then, you know, that, uh, you know, it's kind of like when you learn there's no Santa Claus, right. Uh, you know, usually you're five years old and you find out about it and it's a real bummer, but you know, things don't really change. But when you find out your parents can be wrong, that could be a paradigm changer there. And, you know, the whole the whole thing, the whole decline of Western civilization, you know, whether you love only one out there willing to do the work. None of these other ones, they think that all cultures, all countries are equal, and they're not, or maybe they are now. Look, we've been sold a bill of goods in the United States. All of our military interventionism has always been to benefit select groups of constituents, whether it's invading, taking back the banana plantations in Nicaragua, invading Haiti, invading Mexico, invading Guatemala, Santa Domingo, you know, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:28:00 We've been a militaristic, imperialistic nation for the past 100- plus years and 150 years. And, you know, so it's been eroding, but they managed to keep it when they could keep the information to themselves before it was democratized on the internet. You know, they could get people to buy into this. Now, yeah, I will say people, the more, you know, they could get people to buy into this. Now, yeah, I will say people,
Starting point is 00:28:28 the more educated you are, the more you want to be lied to, you know, it's like, it's just the way it is, is people like, they think they're so smart, but I would give it to the people like in Pennsylvania that work in a gas station or in a steel mill or in a factory to have more common sense than most of the people that I know, you know, it's, it's alarming. It's alarming in one way, but isn't it like also fair to say that, you know, I think a lot of people get upset with this sort of state of affairs in American elections between the electoral college, the popular vote, the way that the swing states are basically the only really feels the ups and downs of, you know, policies that are not really considered to be important by the Washington elite. You know, these are policies that are not just boutique.
Starting point is 00:29:35 They're not emissions taxes. They're not, you know, minority group, you know, poetry meetups or whatever, right? Whatever the Washington elite are up to. But this is what you see all the time. And one of the things I tell people in my life is you have to ask yourself if the things that you think are important would be important to you if you lost your job. Like what, if you were in survival mode, what would you think is important? And I hate to say it, but it seems to me like the swing states, it's just a lot of people that are in or close to survival mode. And when you're in that mode, you actually realize what's important for you and for your
Starting point is 00:30:12 country. Yeah, I think Michael Moore really summed it up well. These guys have lost everything. The factory's been closed down. They had great jobs. They had a house. They had kids. Now they're divorced. They're on Medicare. You know, they have the quality of life has gone to hell and,
Starting point is 00:30:34 and they have the chance to put it to the man and they did it in 16. They didn't do it in 20, but it sure looks like they're ready to do it now Joey so I don't know what's going to happen but like I say there has to be a mass awakening of consciousness and to some extent like Bitcoin is kind of the culmination of that because it doesn't have any physical existence it's just up there in the cloud somewhere. Nobody, the number of people who really understand it is very limited. I have a basic understanding, probably better than most people in my peer group, but, you know, they just don't get it. And it's really, it's so interesting the way that it's evolving. And quickly, you know, look, if the government wanted to shut this thing down,
Starting point is 00:31:32 they could shut down every Bitcoin node in the world. And there's nothing that we could do to stop it. But for some reason, they don't want to do it. And it just makes me wonder, you know, is it really a CIA experiment that they did? You know, is that really what what this is about? I don't know. But they're, they're going along with it a little too well. And, you know, they like to manipulate and control things. I mean, that's their bread and butter. So what are they getting out of it that's what i i don't know let me let me let me ask you you you're a metals guy first right and you know
Starting point is 00:32:13 yeah i think like when i when i look at the metals guys that became bitcoin guys the list is very short it's like really really short it's like you know, Frank Holmes who runs Hive and does the Jet ETF. Sure. It's like, yeah, it's like, uh, yeah, he's been on the show a few times. It's, uh, Chris Irons, QTR who's on the show. Uh, and like, is that it? Like that's the list. How did you, how did you manage to come from the metals world and into Bitcoin without abandoning, you know, the, the metals that sort of have treated you so well. And I think are still a decent place to park money. Honestly, like, you know, I make the joke all the time, no matter how much I like Bitcoin, I'm Italian. You show me a gold chain or a wheelbarrow
Starting point is 00:32:58 full of cement. I'm in man. I'm in no matter what. And so like, how do you, how do you, how do you square those two things? What, what are we getting wrong that we can't get more metals guys over here you know um it's just because they still they i don't want to say they don't understand it i think they do i think it's a comfort level it's like when you have uh some silver in your hands like some coins and you jiggle them around and they make a certain noise you or you have the uh silver bullet here you know it it gives you a certain comfort and look i've been in computers since the beginning. You know, I've been in tech since the 70s, since the first PCs rolled out. So for me, I've always stayed up on it, always stayed current. And so it's an easier hill for me to climb than for them.
Starting point is 00:33:58 I mean, to some extent, I missed out on all the run ups of Bitcoin, but I don't even care about that because i did find in other stuff yeah i would be i'd be worth probably you know nine figures right now if i had when i went into it just with five thousand bucks i'd be worth nine figures uh when i first had the opportunity at seven dollars a bitcoin to buy it but uh i don't have regrets. I mean, yeah, yeah, I would, maybe I'd be living my life differently. I'd be, you know, saying, James, bring the GS650 around to the hangar, please. I'm ready to go to Paris. But, you know, like realistically, nah, not my life isn't going to change. Everything's been good. But, you know, you get into certain mindsets and just like people think that, you know, that everything the government tells you is true, you know, get the shots, get the jab, whatever. You know, they believe that wealth evolves over time investments evolve now i will
Starting point is 00:35:08 say that i watch bitcoin really closely it actually is becoming a medium of exchange you can pay for stuff with it you buy your tesla you know it's a little awkward to buy go into starbucks and use it but theoretically it can be done It's not quite a medium of exchange, like going in and taking out a 20 or your credit card, you know, which is just artificial money. But I guess I'm a little far off. I understand why people don't get it because it requires change. Like I've always embraced change throughout my life, whether it's tech, I'm always looking for the next tech, you know, tech trend, the next thing, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Sometimes I'm slow to adapt, like to YouTube, I was slow. You know, other times I get on the bandwagon right away like podcasting i mean i've been podcasting for 14 years here joey before like most people knew what a podcast was because i knew it was going somewhere and i'd done really well on it so it's like having fluidity of thoughts so here i'll give you one you have to be to be able to really be successful in life to be able to change thought change action on a dime you have to be able to embrace ambiguity ambiguity is two conflicting thoughts of what two ideas which they both could be right or they both could be wrong but most people will pick one or the other and say oh that's crazy but that's right of two ideas, which they both could be right or they both could be wrong,
Starting point is 00:36:45 but most people will pick one or the other and say, oh, that's crazy, but that's right. But I can look at two of them and say, I don't really know. I'm gonna embrace them both and let them play out. And that is the key to success. That's why people, you don't have, it's not a binary decision gold or bitcoin you can do both you know and if you like the feel of metal you like going to sleep you know with 500 ounces
Starting point is 00:37:13 of gold under your bed more power to you and if you like having you know a few hundred bitcoin in your you know now a guy i talked to today you you could do Bitcoin IRAs. Yeah. It's like, what's better than that? And you don't even have to like go through the machinations of a self-directed IRA to do it. Now you can get custody, but you know, like in the end, people always say, well, I like having my gold in my hands. You know, I like having my gold accessible to me and you know that's that's what it comes down to they can't embrace the concept of value not having a physical existence but everything we do all the ip in the world all the patents trademarks it's IP. It's all intangible. So we've been brought up in a tangible universe surrounded by intangibles. See what I mean about ambiguous thoughts and,
Starting point is 00:38:14 you know, two conflicting thoughts, keeping them together, because eventually if you can keep them together, you'll harmonize them, but most people cannot do it. And then it's white or black. You know, I always said as a lawyer, my favorite color was gray, you know, but but, you know, that's what it's about. It's being able to get those conflicting thoughts, but not right off one or the other. Embrace them both and let them play out. before we go uh talk to me about the election coming up canada is watching this very closely i mean i don't want to talk about the the the candidates necessarily but you guys are you guys it looks to me are on the brink of a civil war like you got people who have never hated each other and never misunderstood each other more than right now and
Starting point is 00:39:08 it's it's like a clean you know what is it 48 52 55 45 split now that's in you know head count it's not necessarily in ammunition um or or earning power but the right has the guns, the left, they've been trying to take them away for 60 years since I'm a kid. So the right has the guns. But, you know, basically, Martin Armstrong says neither side is going to accept the election. I'm not buying it. Because and my friend Nick Santiago used to have a site in the, master trader. He says it's all just a show. I'm not convinced of that. I think that putting her up as a candidate, she's not a serious candidate. You cannot take that person seriously.
Starting point is 00:40:02 She's never had an original thought in her mind. She's a simpleton. She has a deranged laugh that normally when I hear people that laugh like that, I think, gee, they just got out of the funny farm, right? Or they should be in a mental hospital. hospital that laugh is insane and you know uh she might have and i'm not like saying that i think trump is the answer i don't believe it my i know him i did legal work for him i mean i have fun times with the guy he's hysterical but i don't think he's our savior here i think we might be past redemption but we really you know it's entertaining you know it's entertaining and you know he's just the brilliant symbologist that thing they're eating the cats and dogs what did you think about after that so-called debate you weren't thinking well she doesn't
Starting point is 00:41:05 know anything you're thinking man we got a problem here people are even or man that guy's delusional but you know what he brought attention to springfield to ohio that was getting none now it's on everybody's mind so they don't understand how masterful a communicator he is, even though, you know, his speech patterns are not the best and, you know, he wanders and everything else, man, when he unloads, he unloads and, you know, they don't even know what to do. And the media, like it just goes through them because most of the people said he lost the debate. But then two days later, same people said, no, I think he won the debate. So it's definitely going to be interesting. to figure out how to stop another uh summer of love like we had in the 2020 you know the
Starting point is 00:42:07 blm riots and the antifa i think he's thought enough ahead about how to deal with it because he told the zuckerberg you screw with this election i get elected i will put you in jail for life you don't think uh zuckerberg took notice? Seems to me he has. His policies tell me that he has. Yeah. Yeah. The Zuck is like a pro-Trumper now, or at least he's keeping his hands off. I think that's what he's going to do with his adversaries if he wins. And they're going to have to think twice about burning the country down again. So I'm not optimistic in that nobody's talking about debt, little thing like debt, like hundreds of trillions of dollars of debt. Nobody seems to care about that. He didn't care about it
Starting point is 00:42:53 his first term. And, you know, I credit him with many failures his first term, you know, many. But the alternative of having a hack, a military industrial hack who she reminds me of the last emperor of China, where he was a total dupe of the Japanese. And they would just say, here you go. Sign this. All right. Hundred thousand people off to work camps. Sign this. All right. You know, we're taking over this city. And the emperor said to do it. So it's okay. She will be the last emperor of the United States because she's a total dupe. She's incapable of, you know, there's no competence there. Trump, lots of incompetence, but at some point he's got the best interest of the majority and the country and western civilization
Starting point is 00:43:46 on the forefront of his attention so is he going to be able to do anything he will do better than last time but you know is he the solution no because we need to totally revamp the entire system go back to the legal system if we don't get rid of the corrupt legal system, nothing else is going to be resolved. How do you do that? I don't know. And I'm a lawyer. I'm telling you from experience, I don't know how to get rid of the corruption, the incompetence. But if we don't, it'll be gotten rid of for us. I think I agree with most of that, Kerry. In Bitcoin, we have this thing we call acceleration theory, where if you really wanted to see this thing run,
Starting point is 00:44:31 you would go to the ballot box for Kamala and then mail in 100 more with your name on it and all your dead relatives' names and drop them off in these unattended ballot boxes for Kamala and see what happens, right? Let's let this thing rip. Any thoughts on that yeah well uh yeah it sounds like you think it's coming anyways right like it's only a matter
Starting point is 00:44:54 of time hey you know my friend aaron clary who's somebody you should definitely have on your show he wrote a book called enjoy the decline and it kind of changed my life. I said, this is like entertainment here. This is, it's inevitable. So why be miserable? You know, be happy. You know, the way that you beat them, Joey, the way you beat them always, they want to be in your head, controlling your thoughts, making you miserable, right? They hate you and they want you to be unhappy and their power comes from your misery. So if you are living your best life and you are happy, your friends, your family, your kids, whatever it is, your hobbies, your mission in life, doing your podcast, doing your stream,
Starting point is 00:45:42 if you're doing that, they've lost and they can't deal with it, which is why they want to shut us down, but they can't shut us down. They're trying. They'd love nothing better, but they can't do it. They would have already if they could have, right? Yeah. They're trying up here. They're trying in Australia. They're trying everywhere, Kerry. Kerry, you've been a great first-time guest. I want to say I appreciate you not only trucking through the technical difficulties but now staying a little past 8 o'clock. You're welcome back anytime. Tell people before
Starting point is 00:46:11 we go where they can find out about FSN, where they can find out what you're doing. The floor is all yours. You got it. 9,000 podcasts on there that have been doing since 2010. You're always welcome on my show joey if you got a question or comment kl at love what you're doing you're really good at it and
Starting point is 00:46:34 you found your calling which that makes you a happy person right there nobody can take it away even if you have one person in the universe watching you, you're a success. That's right. Words to live by. Thanks for coming, everyone. Take care. Thanks, Sam.

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