The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - The CBP - Plate Licking Pleb - Canadian Conference, Halving Parties, Fitness and More
Episode Date: April 18, 2024FRIENDS AND ENEMIES This week we welcome Plate Licking Pleb ( to discuss the lessons learned from last year's first ever Canadian Bitcoin Conference, the lates...t on this year's conference, halving parties, fitness and more. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: www.CanadianBitcoiners.comDiscord: A part of the CBP Media Network: This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. With their new kyc-free options, there's never been a quicker, simpler, more private and (most importantly) cheaper way to acquire private Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.
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The Canadian Bitcoiners podcast is just two guys and maybe a guest or two discussing Bitcoin,
Bitcoin equities, and the related macroeconomic space. It's not meant to be financial advice,
so please, if you're doing any investing, after listening to our program, do your own research,
do your own due diligence, and understand that any money you invest can be lost. The show is meant for entertainment purposes only, and we hope you enjoy the program. a very pleasant show planned for you tonight here at CBP. It's Tuesday.
Another three-show week. Tonight we got Plate Licking Pleb, the man who is laser
focused on delivering you a great conference
this year and was last year as well. He's part of the organizing team. It was good
working with him and the rest of the guys and gals last year at the conference. We're going to
talk a little bit about the wins from last year stuff that wasn't so good last year
stuff that's on the agenda for this year what they're looking forward to what you should be
looking forward to and uh we're going to talk having having a party for the having and uh his
fitness journey if you follow this guy on twitter uh plate licking pleb 21 i'm pretty sure i don't
know exactly what the handle is,
but a lot of eggs and ground beef.
And I'm a big egg and ground beef guy.
Like we were just talking for the show.
I'm drinking milk here.
Basically every,
you know,
show that we do a lot of protein,
but I don't do the eggs and ground beef for every single meal.
I can't do it.
In fact,
I just had a Costco toffee and chocolate chip cookie.
So forgive me,
baby Jesus for that.
Let's get into the sponsors.
Easy DNS. Best place for you to host your content. I almost said buy and sell that. Let's get into the sponsors.
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There is nothing except, well, I'll tell you in the chat,
nothing but Isaiah's job references.
There's another reference today I just learned about from those guys,
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Without further ado, okay?
The plate licker, he's here.
I don't know.
Where should we start?
I hear a little feedback there, plate.
If you want to turn your, what do you got?
Do you have headphones?
What's going on over there?
This is, what a Bush League operation here.
Like you got your own podcast, you're planning a conference.
I know you're doing Zoom calls and you don't have any headphones.
Anyway, what's going on?
It's good to see you in any case.
Well, you know, I'm sad I couldn't come see you in person.
I was excited to, you know, come down to the Hamilton area.
I haven't been there in a while.
It would have been nice to have you, but we'll do it another time.
I know you got some family obligations,
which is understandable.
I think maybe for the people who don't
know too much about you and your
role in the conference, maybe
tell people a bit about who you are, what you do
with these guys, and why anyone should care about
this interview,
this episode of the CBP.
Yeah, well, this is
the episode where you're going to hear everything
about the conference next month, right? We're exactly one month away from the conference,
right? And it's basically, it's a team of, you know, four and a half, I suppose,
put together a great Bitcoin conference, right? It's year two. A lot of your listeners,
I'm sure, were there for year one in Toronto last year.
We moved by popular demand, basically, to move out to Montreal, right?
That's the Bull Bitcoin headquarters, right?
Bull Bitcoin is as well our top sponsor, right?
So I'm glad you had a nice ad read there before we started.
Do my job for me, too.
But yeah, basically, we're moving to montreal um hopefully
we can have more people there it's cheaper there so we you know reduce the cost of the of the
tickets which was another common complaint last year um but basically just putting great content
right an opportunity for people to gather with other you know like-minded people right party
network um and you know see some and see some other toxic maxis, right?
That's one way to put it. Sure. Okay. Let's start like this. Okay. We'll start with last
year's conference. Last year's conference, full disclosure, obviously, you and I both played a
role in that conference. I think it went off pretty well, but there was some sort of lights
that were brighter than others and some that were not so bright. You guys have obviously been thinking about the things that
went right last year and the things that went wrong. What do you think some of the weaknesses
were last year that you want to really get out in front of this year? And then after that,
we'll talk about some of the bright spots. I have a few I want to share on that front,
but I'm curious to hear what you think could have gone better last year.
First conference, there's some slack to be given, but I do still want to know.
Yeah, I don't know.
I think the location was probably the biggest complaint.
A lot of Bitcoiners like to avoid Toronto for whatever reason.
So I think a lot of people didn't really like that. I think the nature of these conferences as well
are just kind of tricky too in that
it's kind of like no one wants to participate
until they see the legitimacy of the event.
But then as it's really you're waiting
until the last minute until speakers want to get on it,
until they see the legitimacy of other speakers
already being part of it,
So it's kind of always this kind of chicken or the egg type thing.
So we really got that out of the way by having a successful year last year.
So this year has been a lot easier for actually having that credibility already in place.
But I don't know, what negatives are you talking about?
You're acting as if I should know what... I'm I don't, I'm not sure, honestly, like
I, in my opinion, it went off pretty well.
The only thing I would say in addition to the, uh, the location, it was hard last year
to get people in the actual speaking room for a lot of the sessions because everyone
was just happier to be outside shooting the shit with other Bitcoiners and deciding where
they're going to go and get bombed.
Uh, as soon as the conference wrapped up.
I don't know how you fix that.
But I mean, I think Rialto, which is the location this year, is going to do their part by serving on site.
Right. I'm pretty sure that might help.
Is that true?
Well, you know, I think a lot of people, a lot of people want to come to meet with other Bitcoiners.
Right. And just kind of chat.
Right. I think for the, you know, like the headline speakers,
the really big names that everyone knows,
then we had no problem.
That was full.
You know, everybody wants to see, you know,
Foss and Lawrence Lepard on stage together, right?
When it was kind of some lesser known names,
I think that was true, right?
Some people would rather just chat.
And you know what?
All the power to them.
I don't think we want to prevent that from happening, right? If you're
going to pay for your ticket to come have a good time and just kind of chat with other Bitcoiners,
do it. That sounds awesome. Honestly, I'd probably do that for a lot of the time too.
A lot of people kind of have the thought of, well, we can listen to a lot of what these people are saying on different
podcasts and things like that, too. And that's true, right? So if you want to come and just
hang out with all the people that you have as friends from Twitter, do that. Do that. I think
that's awesome. That's what I do. That's one of the big reasons why I want to throw the
plate-licking after party is basically to have an avenue where you can meet all these uh these nims in real life uh and get on a first
name basis a little bit and have a couple drinks and have fun right and and i don't know to each
their own right so i'm fine with that yeah i think that's a fair point there plate let's talk a bit
about some of the big wins last year. I thought you guys
did such a bang up job getting everything lined up as far as scheduling. I thought the way that
you guys planned the conference as far as times people were speaking and the expectation that if
you show up there sort of fashionably late at the conference, you're going to get a big name speaker
to start your day and have a few other big names along the way. I thought that was really good. I also have to say that the networking
event the day before the conference last year with the speakers and with a couple of the VIPs,
that was awesome. Are you planning on doing something similar this year? Or like,
is there anything pre-conference that ticket holders should be looking for as far as like
maybe getting acclimated with the site or talking to
people that they want to meet before the conference or whatever, something like that going on in
Montreal? Yeah. Yeah. So there's a couple of good pre-event events, I guess. The one is the hockey
game, right? I don't know if you're a hockey player. Are you playing? I am not playing, but I
have played in the, I mean, I'm Canadianadian of course i've played hockey but no i'm
not gonna play right okay yeah so basically there's a canada versus u.s uh hockey game uh so that
that's on the wednesday and that's at uh what is i think three yeah that's at three and that's a
hodler's official he's got the agenda he's got the agenda right in front of him. I love it. I got it. I had to make my special notes.
So there's that.
Then there's going to be the free event, which is more of like a Bitcoin 101.
You know, bring your friend who's a pre-coiner or whatever, right?
So they can come and learn a little bit about Bitcoin.
But there's going to be a lot of the speakers and a lot of people there because
that's free and that's at the Rialto as well.
So you can go there, you know, just to make sure you know where the where the theater
is and what you're doing and everything like that.
But that would be mostly networking, too.
I think there's a couple of speakers for that portion, but I'm going to be there just to
just to talk to everybody.
And, you know, find out where the afters will be.
We got to talk about the plate-licking after party,
both the 23 and 24 editions, I think,
just to cover all our bases here at some point.
But we'll do that later.
The schedule for this year is filling out pretty quickly.
I see you're still announcing some speakers,
still announcing some timeframes and whatnot, some scheduling times.
Talk to me about the biggest names you got.
Saifedean hits me sort of first off the top of the dome
as a monster name that you guys were able to rally for this year.
Who else should people be thinking about?
Who's the top line?
Yeah, so Saifedean was awesome.
That kind of came from a tweet basically
saying hey safe we need you and then he actually answered which was pretty pretty cool um but yeah
safe uh the other big one is uh is francis pulio right uh from bull bitcoin uh he was great last
year i think you interviewed him last year actually didn't you yeah i was on their stage
with him yet yeah yeah so he'll be again which is always good uh this year we have
as mc uh joe nakamoto yeah joe hall which is a big one another big one is uh daniella cambone so
she's actually more of a gold person but she she was the one who uh did that uh remember the debate
with sailor and that gold guy they did yeah bitcoin yeah yeah that's her she's she's just fairly famous right uh btc
sessions right we've got brad mills we have uh nico from simply bitcoin by the way while before
i forget uh simply bitcoin is going to be live streaming this year so that's a big difference
from last year i guess uh uh one comment that we got is if people who couldn't come they'd want to
at least see the content online.
And other conferences do that too.
So that's what Simply Bitcoin setting that up this year.
So if people can't make it for whatever reason,
they still can catch up online.
Then Luke Broyles, right?
He was there last year.
We have Lawrence Lepard.
A cool one that we caught a little bit of heat for but I'm actually excited for is
I think it's pronounced Joelle Lightbound who is the the liberal MP for for a riding somewhere in
Quebec what kind of why'd you catch heat for that that doesn't make a lot of sense to me
well people are like oh how could you have a liberal in in the conference with us and it's like
well he's pro Bitcoin right bitcoin is for everyone
you know what i mean uh political beliefs right whatever doesn't doesn't really matter to me
um i'm more concerned about your your beliefs around bitcoin um but you know who i'm talking
about hey who had the epic uh october 31st not to satoshi in the white paper yeah yeah just awesome
uh neil jacobs uh isabella Santos, who's new. She's, uh,
started that, uh, I guess, I guess it's kind of like a media company with, uh, with Julian.
Yeah. It was there last year. Uh, made X, Jessica Hodler, uh, Allie from Tahini's. So it's, it's a
lot of, a lot of cool people. I'm pretty excited to, uh uh hopefully be able to meet some of these guys and shake some hands and uh get to know some of them do you guys really try and do canadian focus
when you pick speakers because there's a lot of canucks in there or are we just punching above
our weight like what do you what is the thinking when you decide who to try and grab and who to
leave on the sideline so both i always I always say Canadians in the Bitcoin space punch
above our weight. And that's because of the one-to-one ratio of tyranny to a desire for
Bitcoin. So we're Canadians are punched above their weight. But also we want a lot of Canadians
too, right? You know, it's the Canadian Bitcoin conference. We want to make sure that we're
representing and everything like that.
And it's also just easier to get people who are a little closer to some people couldn't come just because it's like, OK, I can't can't travel that weekend.
Things like that.
Who is who is the I mean, I'm asking you to go a little bit business on air here, but who is the most elusive guy or girl that just you want but couldn't get?
It's got to be Sailor.
So maybe don't use Sailor.
Who else did you guys reach out to that you just couldn't get a response from?
Did you reach out to Schiff?
I don't think we did reach out to Schiff.
Maybe Dan did or something.
I didn't.
You know what?
I really wanted – oh, I'm forgetting his name right now.
Dylan LeClaire.
Oh, yeah, yeah yeah and it was
so elusive that i was like yeah it can probably work but then couldn't get a hold of him for a
while and then late like months later so okay no it won't work so i think i even told told you kind
of uh off the record before that we had him because i thought we did um but then we kind of
got the bad news that he couldn't come so that that was one that would be awesome right because he's he's huge of course um he has one of the best monologues i don't know
if you guys have seen it i think it's actually daniella cambone who's interviewing him uh but
one of the best monologues as to why bitcoin only uh we got a youtube that clip when you guys are
done or link it in the show notes or something like that yeah we should we should it is a good
clip daniella cambone is from montreal right she was supposed to be there last year but had to cancel i think
her kid was sick or something like that so she couldn't be on stage with uh greg and someone
else i forget who else it's you know it's it's fun one of the things i noticed last year about
the conference i'll kind of transition to this as a topic last year i noticed that there was a lot
more older people i'll say than i was expecting to see a lot more older people, I'll say, than I was expecting to see.
A lot more people who are sort of more gray hair than you and me, for sure.
Although I'm gaining on them every day here.
What is the demographic, sort of the sales demographics been like for you guys this year?
Are you selling a lot to the 25 to 40 crowd?
Are you selling older than that?
Do you even record that kind of stuff i'd be curious because i think more and more people are finding that bitcoin can play a role in even a conservative
investment portfolio for people who don't want to go bitcoin only and most of those people
especially the ones with money are you know maybe not quite blue plate but um 50 55 something like
that what do you what do you like uh what are you seeing on the sales side as far as age? Or do you care? Do you look? Yeah, so I'd say it's probably similar, to be honest,
maybe a little younger in Montreal, I'd say. But but similar. And my thought around that is I think
a lot of younger people a, you know, they'd rather stack than spend money on a ticket to come right,
especially if they have to travel, especially if they have to get in a hotel and things like that, right?
But also I think younger people are a little more connected on Twitter
and on the Bitcoin Twitter space.
There's quite a few people, believe it or not,
who are so concerned about OPSEC that they don't want to go to a meetup
or they don't want to go to a conference where they have to, you know,
give their email or anything like that, right?
Whereas I think the older generation a lot
of them just they they don't know any friends who are bitcoiners and they want to learn right they
want to learn okay how do i set up this hardware wallet right um and they kind of really want and
crave that you know face-to-face interaction with uh with others so i think that's why we see it you
do see a lot of people who are newer to bitcoin um who are older and who want to come and pay money to come to a conference.
How do I feel about OPSEC? I don't know. I think that last year I met a bunch of people who were NIMS online and they basically gave me their first names right away.
You don't really have to pry any information out of anybody. The OPSEC thing for me has always been a weird one what is
it like for you i mean i know your first name but you don't often share it online like anywhere
so you obviously have some like some concern about it i mean how do you view it as a guy who's
running a nim account i mean unless anyone can identify you by your stovetop in which case you're fucked but uh how do you think about opsec yeah opsec is like always a
tough a tough you know challenge for me because on one hand i want to have complete opsec i'd
rather no one know what i look like no one know what my name is right no one know even in what
city i live and things like that um because obviously the fear is it's the five dollar
wrench attack right even? Even on that
tweet, I said, okay, I'm going to Joey's house on Tuesday. What prank should I pull? And someone
says $5 wrench attack. So that's always the fear. But I think generally, if we're going to be,
you know, an appropriate level of worried about OPSEC.
Most people aren't going to come to your house and hold you hostage and make you give up your keys, right? Unless you're known to really have a big honeypot, right? And I don't think that's
the case for maybe people, maybe you, but not people like me. So I think we're probably okay.
So OPSEC is kind of a bonus,
but I don't bend over that far backwards for it.
No, I think that's the right approach.
And you're right.
If I was really that rich,
I wouldn't be doing a podcast,
I'll tell you that much.
So why don't we finish on this year's conference with some of the stuff
that maybe people are not paying enough attention to
on the schedule
that should be something they look at i kind of want to see the decentral mining thing this year i didn't
stay for it last year but i i have a little bit more interest in home mining now than i did before
even though i don't have a miner i just like the idea of like decentralizing and getting away from
these like stupid uh industrial setups what are people not looking at enough on the schedule in
your opinion yeah so that's a big one with with decentral they at enough on the schedule in your opinion
yeah so that's a big one with with decentral they're doing the the build build your own miner right so basically they're bringing all the all the gear um you go for a little class basically
where they take you step by step to put it together yourself and then you're walking home
with with a bitcoin miner right so last year it was uh sold out like instantly uh so this year
we're doing two sessions.
So I believe there's still tickets left.
So if someone's interested for that,
that's definitely a good one.
Beyond that, we are also doing one day tickets.
So, you know, some people can't go for whatever reason.
They have a bachelor party or different things.
You can still go for one day.
Wait a minute.
This is the most common excuse you've heard.
I can't go for both days.
I have a bachelor party.
Believe it or not, I've gotten that more than once.
I think one was for last year though.
But yeah, I've definitely got that before.
Oh, fuck.
So yeah, there's the one day.
What else?
There's, well, there's the party.
You got to come to the after party, right?
Okay, let's talk about the PLP after party.
Last year it was at some bar.
I don't know where it was.
And, uh, I gotta tell you, it was a riot.
I had a blast.
Uh, I was up that I was up so late that night trying to get food, uh, with, with D I don't
know if you were there or not at the pizza place.
There's a me, D Brandon keys from green candle, a few other people trying to get pizza and wings from this place that just forgot about us basically.
And we were there until like 3.30 or 4 in the morning.
It's just like not happy and also very hungry.
But the bar we went to for year after party was awesome.
I think you guys gave us some tickets.
The conference organizers were all there. Basically, every person who was at the conference who was under the age of 50, including the speakers who fit that demographic, were all there having beers.
Some of the wives were there, too.
It was great to see.
Talk to me a bit about why you decided last year to put your name and face on a party after the conference.
I really still want to hear the origin story here well the the after party was one of the few things that uh dan and manuela truly trusted me to to
take care of by myself i didn't want to do it get out of here dude i said all right i'll put my name
on it uh but no this year it's going to be uh very similar right it's going to be uh lit af
uh there's going to be there's more drinks, right?
Drinks are just cheaper in Montreal than Toronto.
But also Bull, Bull Bitcoin sponsored last year, the after party in particular this year, too.
But they've kind of stepped it up as well.
So so we're basically first drinks on on on Bull Bitcoin.
But as far as the speakers coming, that was something that was very important to me because that's what I really want
out of a Bitcoin conference is, you know,
have a beer with BTC sessions, right?
Stuff like that.
So I really made a point last year,
I'm going to do the same this year,
of really DMing these guys and saying like,
hey, come out to the after party.
It's going to be great.
You know, I'll buy you a beer if you come,
that type of thing. But the venue, I think, is going to be a you know uh i'll buy you a beer if you come that type of thing
um but the the venue i think is going to be a little better this year right pub st paul
is uh that's where the montreal uh bitcoin meetups happen okay everyone in montreal already knows of
it so it's going to be conference attendees sure but you don't have to be a conference attendee to
go to the after party so i think a lot of people will uh filter in there as well um but same thing it's going to be nine nine until close um
i don't think uh i don't think pervine is coming so it might not be quite as rowdy
as last time but uh it uh it should be a good time i have not talked about that pervine thing
on the air i probably won't do it tonight either but if you see me in Montreal, I'll tell you about it, listener, viewer.
Okay, so the real question about the Montreal after party then is where's the after after
Because there's at least a couple of bars in Montreal that don't close.
So we got to think about where we're going at two o'clock, right?
Stereo is one option.
I actually heard from the bull Bitcoin guys.
I don't even know if I'm supposed to share this, but I'm going to.
So sorry, boys.
The guy who owns Stereo is a bull Bitcoin client.
The business saves in Bitcoin.
So we could patronize his business.
Now I got to, you know, I'll warn you that I would imagine that Stereo is going to be
full of people with very narrow pupils and there's going to be a lot of water being handed out that time of night.
But it could still be a good time.
I don't know.
Are you up to that?
Can you make a guarantee that you will attend the after after party, the CBP after after party at Stereo Lounge sponsored by nobody because there's nothing being served?
Well, first of all, I thought the after after party was at your hotel room i don't think so i'm a little too old for that buddy i don't think i could do it anymore
so stereo that sounds like it's like uh like a club like it's definitely it's definitely a club
yeah i have some buddies who've been there um yeah it's it's a different vibe than a pub for sure
yeah tell people okay so the the pub st paul i
the one thing i would try to figure out when i was booking my hotel was where the fuck am i going to
stay that's central to everywhere and there's not that many options honestly so where's pub st paul
in in like you know with rialto as the content like the contextual center hub how far is pub st
paul i looked it up i think it's like an 18 minute drive or something like that.
So basically the Rialto is kind of more like,
like West to center Montreal, I suppose.
This is coming from someone who's been to Montreal like four times in his life.
But then the, the, the pub is more on the East side. I think it's,
I think it's pretty close to the water to be honest.
So it's yeah, about 18 minutes so if you can find somewhere in between there right i'll
just put on google maps and say what what hotel is right in between there's no rooms left anywhere
if you're not if you don't have a hotel room already you're so well you're gonna have to
sleep in the tent there'll probably be some other people joining you after today's budget actually
so maybe you'll have good company uh let's talk about the having having is this weekend uh you are going to in a cent day i think right that's your plan
in a cent day yeah that's uh that's that's a canadian bitcoin conference sponsoring uh so
we're going to give away i think of one or two free tickets or something like that nice but
that's going to be a good party too. So that's basically all day.
I think it starts at like three or something.
That's in,
that's in Waterloo.
And that's going to be awesome.
We made a playlist and it's got all the,
all the like,
you know,
like Mark and Mark and Cam and stuff like that.
But you know,
the like,
what's that guy who's playing the bongo and his cats grooving beside him.
I know, I know the meme.
I don't know who he is, though.
It's all songs like that on this playlist.
Or the Creed, Can You Take Me Higher?
That's on the playlist, too.
But basically, it's a party, right?
To celebrate.
It's New Year's Eve that happens only every four years that uh
so far historically has made us all wealthier uh so it's it's a big reason to celebrate uh
sponsored by bull too bull's buying her first drinks there so that'll be a good one um i imagine
that will get pretty full as well you're coming to that aren't you i have football at four
on saturday so i'll be done by five i could probably be there by like 6 30 if i tried
maybe i'll i'll i'll check in on the corn lords and see what the state of affairs is over there
now the real question is what are you going to do if uh the having is on friday it won't be i have
faith it looks like it's gonna be on friday it looks like it's gonna be on
friday no no something will happen people will turn their minors off to put it to 420 i also
have faith that's gonna be 69k at that time too this episode is off the rails okay so let's okay
forget about the innocent day one i gotta be fair here there's another uh having
party i think that d is maybe not organizing but a part of in toronto right where's that one do you
know any the details about that i should have asked him i didn't ask him obviously but uh if
you came down to hambleton i was gonna i was gonna tell him to come over and sit in the other chair
we would just all shoot the shit together but uh if um know about that one, talk to me about that one too.
We got to let people know if they're not coming to Innocente,
there's other options.
I don't know the details.
If you wanted the details on that one, the best thing would be their telegram group,
which I think is just called Ontario Bitcoiners or something like that.
I'll find it after the show and I'll tweet it out so that everybody can still see it.
I can't go, so I didn't even pay attention to it out so that everybody can still see it um i can't go uh so
i didn't even pay attention to it but that one should be good too d always has uh you know
healthy healthy meetups going on uh so that would be a good one too i think it's i think it's the
18th of thursday oh so it's not even on the weekend so he's coming into cente too okay so
you could actually do both if you're really like deranged demented and short on uh social
relationships in the real world,
you can do both having parties, one at Safari and one at Innocente. Do you think that having
even matters anymore? This is not a question I was prepared or prepared you to answer,
but I'm not even given matters that much anymore, honestly. I think people kind of
know about it. I might be in the pricing camp. Where do you sit on that?
No, I disagree big time. So basically, the only people who know about the halving are Bitcoiners, right?
Crypto people know about it just because it kind of pumps their bags as well.
But if you ask some random portfolio manager manager he doesn't know what the having is
right or he doesn't understand that the significance either um so i i think if if are you
asking if it's priced in is the having price in you can answer it that way if you want i think i
think some pms do know after that ad from td the other day that the having is coming i don't know
if they know exactly what the mechanisms are involved in that,
but yeah,
I don't know.
Is it priced in?
You answer that.
Is it,
is the having priced in?
Let's hear it.
So the,
the having would only be priced in if we're at full 100% global adoption,
because if you knew about the having and that,
that this is getting more scarce every single four years right
no matter what happens then you would be all in on bitcoin right so so i don't think it's even
close to priced in it's as priced in as we uh how many what percentage of the world are bitcoiners
one percent yeah max that's it's one percent priced in that yeah so you're saying if this
having is priced in then all future havings have to be priced in and we just have to assume that
it's all or nothing that That's the stance over there.
That's the way I look at it. Yeah. Looking at in absolutes from first principles. If you understand the having so let's uh let's move now to
i guess uh you know what what um what do you make of these uh other conferences that are going on
i don't want you to take pot shots at you know btc nashville the btc magazine conference because
i have uh bailey and mark edwin coming on in a few weeks. And Len is already refusing to do any shows with me that week at all.
So do you guys have a view in the Canadian conference camp
about what you should and shouldn't do in terms of funding a conference,
in terms of speakers you get,
in terms of turning off part of the maybe 1% maximalist crowd in favor of cash or support
or something like that? I don't know how to phrase the question, but I think you probably get the
gist. I'm curious because I don't think you guys did that at all last year, honestly. And there
must be a reason you didn't do it. I'm not sure what the story is this year, but I'd be curious
to hear your thoughts. I should mention that Plate is not the principal organizer of the conference. I'm very
much putting him on the spot here just because the question came to me and I want to ask him
about what he thinks about these other conferences too. Yeah, no. So basically we kind of had the
conversation earlier on last year. Do we want to be bitcoin only and to what degree like
are we going to accept sponsorships from you know some of these other places that maybe are more
casino like and have uh you know other other coins and everything like that um and the the original
thought was like no we don't we want to be bitcoin only right because that is the long-term
uh best thing to do in our opinion right is that okay you know maybe if you you know you're
supporting altcoins and taking donation or uh sponsorships from altcoins and things like that
um maybe it's a little easier this year right to turn a profit right um and get more people in the
through the door right because they want to hear about Solana and ETH and stuff like that. But I think we're kind of operating on the
faith that Bitcoin is likely going to be the only thing that will be around for the long term,
right? So it's really, you know, building the goodwill with Bitcoiners and, you know,
knowing that that's a longer term investment, right?
To not diversify your holdings into, or your sponsors or your speakers or
whatever into, into shit coins.
So now that being said, that's still hard to do, right?
It is, it's tough to turn a profit for a conference, right?
It's expensive to rent a place in Toronto and to do everything like that.
And then not to mention just vetting everyone,
vetting every speaker, vetting every sponsor takes time too.
So we weren't perfect last year.
I think we're closer to perfect this year on the Bitcoin only rule.
But that's
definitely a conscious decision that was made to say okay um let's let's uh invest our image in our
and our um our conference and something that's going to be around for decades and not you know
the next quick quick thing how do you how do you make the decision like i'll just i'll pull two
names like i'll be specific you don't have to be specific but i decision? I'll pull two names. I'll be specific. You don't have
to be specific, but I will be. I think about two names you guys had last year, both of whom I think
are overwhelmingly positive for the Bitcoin space, but don't operate in Bitcoin-only companies. One
is Maurizio and one is Carlo Campisi from ShakePay. And those guys, I think, really get the
Bitcoin thing, although they work for companies that dabble in other stuff to make a profit.
They have to earn money somehow, and I don't fault them for doing that
whatsoever. And like I said, you won't find two guys who are more committed to the Bitcoin mission
than those two guys, except maybe Francis and the bull guys, but that's a story for another time.
Where do you guys draw the line there? It's hard for me to even think about telling either of those
guys, yeah, you can't speak at the conference because Ledin does ETH loans and ShakePay sells Ethereum.
That's not enough to tell them they can't speak.
They should be allowed to speak and they're doing good work for both the Canadian Bitcoin
ecosystem and legislatively as well.
These guys are fighting some of the tip of the spear battles as far as what's allowed
and what's not allowed in Canada and other places in the world too, in Maurizio's case.
So how do you make that decision?
Do you guys have a conversation?
Who's the loudest voice in the room there saying, we got to have these guys, this other
token stuff is not enough to tell them no, they're net positive for Bitcoin easily?
Yeah, I think it's basically just a, because we're all in different cities.
Hey, so like- Continuously, right? I'm pretty sure. Exactly. Yeah. yeah i think i think there's basically just a because we're all in different cities hey so so
like uh i'm pretty sure uh exactly yeah yeah yeah so so it's basically a group chat right uh where
we're kind of saying okay this person wants to be involved in this way uh do we think that's okay
despite this and this and that and then we just kind of all throw in our opinions on okay you know
i think it'll be okay honestly there's been there's been more than once where i've been like you know what let me ask my my uh group chat
of signal friends what they think all right and then sometimes the decision is made partially on
that to be honest right because we have to get kind of a uh a sample size of bitcoiners and their
opinion too um but it's it's kind of true so last year, we had the one company, I don't even remember what
it was who sponsored. And they were kind of like an exchange that offered all different types of
coins. And at the time, we're like, okay, whatever, let's let's have them sponsor.
But then later, it was okay, maybe we shouldn't have some people are kind of saying, like,
how can you say you're Bitcoin only when these guys are sponsoring, which is true. I don't, I don't blame them on that. But then it's like,
okay, so where do we draw the line? Right. Because, you know, ShakePay has, has ETH,
right. Does that mean we're going to, you know, not, not take a sponsorship or not take a speaker
from one of the biggest Bitcoin companies in Canada. So it is just a conversation. We take
a case by case basis and try and feel the room out,
try and read the room out as far as Bitcoiners in Canada and really just doing
our best. Sometimes we end up having to take,
take some decisions back and change our minds on things, but it's a process we do.
We do as best as we can. And if we have to change something later on,
then we do. No, I think you guys have if we have to change something later on then we do no
you i think you guys have done a great job plate um i was happy to be involved last year i'm looking
forward to being on stage again this year with you guys before we move on to the last topic here
tell people uh if there's anything i've missed about the conference that you want to share
that they should be paying attention to stuff that they should be excited about reasons to
get a ticket is there any speakers coming up you want to announce?
You know, take a minute or two and convince people who are on the fringe here.
Yeah, I think I've mostly talked about the important things.
But really, I think, you know, you need to come and just see what it's like being in a room full of Bitcoiners.
Right. I think last year we had 350 people there.
That's tickets sold, plus volunteers
and speakers and things like that.
This year we're expecting more.
I think there's a certain
power to just knowing
when you're surrounded by normies
all day, every day, and your
only chance to glimpse into a little
bit of reality is to go on your phone
and go on Twitter. It's a big breath of reality is to go on your phone, right? And go on
Twitter. It's a big breath of fresh air to go and see, okay, there are hundreds of people who
understand what's going on, understand that, you know, our society and our lives are not the way
they should be. And maybe the root cause of that is the money. And then just to everyone know that,
you know, they're focused on the same solution.
It's, it's very encouraging to be in a group of people like that. So I'd say that's the biggest
reason. And then also, you might be able to hear safety, you know, go off on someone toxic
in real life. I almost want to invite some shit coiners there just so safety and can rip on them a little.
I think it would be great.
Once again,
congratulations on all the good work you guys have done this year,
last year.
I'm looking forward to it and everyone else should be too.
Plate is right.
there's an energy in that room and energy at the bar and energy at the
after party and an energy in the,
you know,
social areas.
It's just unmatched, man. And if you are a guy who likes Bitcoin meetups, I guarantee you,
you will like the conference 10 times as much. Uh, there's just so much, so much good stuff
going on. So much good networking and so many good people who, uh, you know, at some point
will be fighting the same battle you are fighting in your locality in theirs and uh you want to get aligned
with these people as quickly as possible let's move on to the last thing here okay how much weight
have you lost in the last hundred and no not maybe not a hundred let's say two years how much
weight you lost in the last two years because you were when i first met you two years ago at the
shake pay thing i didn't think you were overweight at all, but you got shredded over the last little while. How much are you down?
Uh, so I have always been the type of guy to like, probably since I was like 22 to, uh, gain and lose 30 pounds every year.
35, 30 pounds every, every single year because uh and i blame carbs i think carbs and
sugar is completely evil for me at least um basically i would uh you know get in shape over
the summer months you know i used to do a lot of like keto and stuff like that when i was younger
before i met the carnivore crowd um and now that works for me i'd feel good right right? But then, okay, Thanksgiving would come around.
Okay, now I got to eat whatever's at Thanksgiving.
And then it's like, okay, now Halloween came around.
There's chocolate everywhere.
And then, okay, now it's Christmas.
Okay, now it's New Year's.
And then all of a sudden it's like February 2nd
and I'm 235 pounds, right?
So then I'm like, okay, feeling all guilty and hating myself. Wow. Did I let
myself get so fat? And then so I go do it all over again. Right. So really, I attribute this
a little bit to Bitcoin and Bitcoiners on Twitter. People just eat meat instead, right? I eat meat
and eggs. Right. Recently, I started adding onions and a couple
other things you know what we know we know okay we know you see the pictures but this is the first
year of my life where I went through Thanksgiving and Christmas without gaining any weight right so
that's like the the most encouraging thing for me ever that I can just continue and it's not like a
big setback and then restarting again right just going to the gym just eating my you know same meals that I eat
every day um and feeling good right so I think I was I think my heaviest was probably about 235
pounds um onions boomers mad at me uh uh yeah so heaviest was probably about about uh 235 and then i was
actually down to about like 178 or something like that um and then i think on your recommendation
a couple other people i started taking creatine when i started actually trying to go to the gym
to try and get bigger uh so i started taking creatine and put on five pounds right away like
a week put on five pounds um away, like a week put on five
pounds. So that's changed a little bit. And then I've just expanded and eating a couple other
things beyond just meat and eggs. So now I sit like right under about right under 200 pounds,
I'd say. And I feel good. I think I can maintain like this and kind of just stay like this. And if
I gain any weight, hopefully it'll be muscle and nothing else. Okay. So tell people,
I have never been so committed to my diet that I've just gone like full carnivore. I got a major
sweet tooth. I still put a little sugar in my coffee. Sometimes I have my coffee with chocolate
milk. Like I'm really breaking all the rules on my end a lot of the time. But one thing I find is
that if I eat my meals, if I eat well for my, two or big three meals, I'm most of the time okay.
And I don't have a really weight fluctuation problem.
But I'm curious, how do you manage to eat beef and eggs every meal, every day?
And I'm not asking about the taste.
I like the taste of beef and eggs.
I eat beef and eggs a lot.
I just don't eat it exclusively.
I'm more asking,
I've been out with you at restaurants a couple of times. You're married with a couple of kids.
You got a busy life. I'm sure you do stuff for work. I'm sure you go to Thanksgiving and are not sitting at the kid's table eating chicken fingers or whatever going, I'm carnivore. I can't
eat stuffing. You must be doing the other stuff, I think. So how are you doing it? How do you find it? Like what strategies would you offer people? Because I think you're
right. There's a lot of new people in Bitcoin who are seeing for the first time some serious,
you know, conversations around health, fitness, nutrition, longevity, and you're living it. So
what advice do you have for these people who are thinking about getting on this train and making a long-term change?
Yeah. So I think, like, I wish I could be like you, to be honest, and just like eat healthy and then sometimes eat some other stuff. I think a big problem for me is if I go and I have some
ice cream or something like that, I can't just stop at that. I like, I swear, that's why I say
carbs and sugar is evil for me.'s like if I have some sugar I turn
into a crackhead for more sugar and like all of a sudden it's like where's I need another piece of
bread where where can I find that you know what I mean uh so once I just kind of switch to just
say okay you know uh in the morning and for lunch I like in the morning I cook up a pound of ground
beef and like eight to 11 eggs.
And then I eat half it for breakfast and then half for lunch.
And then in the afternoon I have,
I have a steak for dinner.
So same thing every day.
that is sustainable for me.
Once I started eating that,
I didn't have cravings for bread and carbs and other things like that.
if I'm out and I can't cook,
I go to Wendy's and get like a
burger with no bun, right? And I just eat the eat like that. And it's great. I love it. And it's funny, my, my daughters, my daughters are one and three. They they just eat patties. They don't like
if you have a burger, they won't eat it. They don't like the bread. They just say no, no,
I just want the patty. So there's much not like that. So I would say, I would just say to anyone to try it,
right? I think you'll feel better almost instantly, like a couple of days of, of not
eating any crap. I think you'll feel much better. I actually told you interesting little anecdote.
I told you my wife was sick yesterday and today, and that's why I couldn't come to Hamilton. So she doesn't eat like me.
She eats more normal food.
We must have had like a stomach bug come through our house or something like that because she puked for like five hours straight.
Last night, so a day after her, I started to get it a little bit too, and I'm starting to feel crappy and stuff like that.
I just puked once. One pu puke and then I was better, right?
So I attribute that to all I've eaten
for the past hundred days is steak and eggs.
You know what I mean?
You don't have any bad toxins or bad things to throw up.
So just one little puke, don't ask me what it looked like,
but then I was better.
I felt great after that.
I do. So I'd encourage anyone. I like the the story tell people a bit about the cost of these things in my head
you know one of the things that uh i dealt with when my wife when i first moved in i told her
you know coming from my dad's house i was just eating nothing but eggs and and meat most of the
time because it was easy right and even when i was hungover i would like just throw ground beef in
the pan with eggs and throw it on a pita if I was really feeling fancy. I think the thing that throws a lot of people off
is when you say you have a steak every day for dinner, meat and eggs for lunch and breakfast,
it sounds expensive, but it's not, is it? Tell people about it.
Yeah. So I have two answers to that. So the first answer is it costs more, but if you start eating beef and eggs every meal,
your brain clicks into a higher gear, right?
You're going to be,
I'd almost guarantee you're going to be making more money
within three months.
You're going to get a raise.
Not financial advice, not financial advice.
This is financial advice.
You're going to get a promotion.
If there's no opportunity for growth at your employer,
you're going to find yourself itching for a new job.
I kind of find myself sometimes a little bit like on edge
and like a little antsy and like anxious almost.
I'm realizing like it's because I've been eating like a caveman for months.
I feel like I'm going to get attacked by a dinosaur soon.
So that's number one is I think, yes, it will cost you more, but the benefits will outweigh
that because you'll end up making more.
If that's just me being biased and, you know, superstitious or something like that, it can
get a little expensive.
Basically, what I do is I buy stuff when it's on sale and I use my chest
So most recently I bought,
I don't know,
50 pounds of meat or something from,
from D cause he's got his family's farm or whatever it is.
or before that,
I would just go to the grocery store,
you know,
get a medium ground beef,
cheese meat when it's on sale.
And then you just pack it up,
smush it thin so that
it's faster to defrost in the morning. And then I just have a freezer full of meat, right? And
then steak, same thing. When it's on sale, that's when you buy a lot. Sometimes if there's no good
sales, I end up eating only ground beef for a while and not steaks. But it's really not that
bad. The other thing too, is then you're not
snacking in between. You're not going out to eat and having, you know, chips and a couple beers
and stuff like that. Um, because it's, it's not what you eat. Right. So I think overall,
probably stays close to the same price. If you can stay, um, you know, shopping when the,
when stuff's on sale, do you, I think, I don't know if you had a
beer last time I saw you. I think you just drank dark liquor on the rocks. You don't drink beer
anymore. Do you? Yeah. I haven't had a beer in, um, I had a beer at a friend's wedding last year
and, uh, it like gave me the worst stomach pain of my life. The whole next day was like written
off. Uh, so I, no know i can't drink beer i'll have
like uh vodka sodas or uh even like like uh ramen diet is fine for me too i don't drink a lot
usually i'll drink no i drink a lot but not very often right uh so yeah yeah i drink like that and
it's it's good you know what when i used to drink beer i would drink more often because it's so chill and relaxing on a hot day and stuff like that if i can't drink beer i
find myself just opting for for water instead so like that has helped with my health as well
i think that's true play you've been you've been a great guest we covered a lot of topics today
you know there's a wide ranging interview not often on the cbp do we uh jump from silo to silo
like that tell people before you go
where they can find you where they can find out about the conference where they can find out about
these meat vending service uh whatever the floor is all yours yeah so it's hodl d on twitter if you
want some uh want some meat uh but uh if you want to know more about the conference it's just
canadian bitcoin conf c-o-n-f uh com we have all the speakers the agenda listed there to be honest i would recommend
that people go to the the just to take their virtual tour to look at this building it's
the building's over 100 years old and it it is like some awesome, you know, low time preference
Just go and cruise around it a bit.
The main theater room is like amazing.
So I would go there too.
You can find the conference on Twitter.
It's at CDNBitcoinConf.
And then I'm on Twitter at platelicker underscore 21m.
Yeah, that's us.
That's us.
Thanks for having me on.
It's good to be on the CBP again.
I think I love what you guys are doing lately.
I've stopped listening for a while and started again.
How dare you?
It's good stuff again it's good stuff
you guys do well
and you got the great production value
and your background and everything, it's great
I can't wait for you to come see it buddy
and I'll see you in a couple weeks
take care everyone, don't do anything stupid
Len will be on tomorrow with
Sunnyside Digital
Great job with Sunnyside Digital. Adios.
Great job.
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