The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - $TRUMP and Dump, Coinbase Restarts Loan Program, Free Money for Gazans in Canada | CBP 199 Pt. 1 (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: January 21, 2025

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES What are we to make of the $TRUMP and $MELANIA scam coins? Are we going to see an SBR established? How much more money is Canada planning on giving away to immigrants? ALL THAT AN...D MORE ON THIS WEEK's CBP. Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠ ⁠Discord:   / discord   A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 friends and enemies welcome back canadian bitcoiners podcast on a bitingly cold day here in southern ontario uh my name is joey that's len len happy inauguration day how are you i'm good i'm good it was chilly is that why it was indoors that's the reason why yeah official reason yeah how are you joey are you uh staying warm over there yeah super warm uh i got the big hoodie on today. Took my dog for a walk a little while ago. It is like freezing out. And here I am in my golf shirt ready to go. Yeah, like I don't know. One of us is wrong here.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I'm not going to say which one, but clearly there's a disconnect here. This type of garb inside. Eternally, it's summer where I am. Yeah. And I try to keep it like that because, you know. Eternal summertime of your mind or what? As long as mentally I'm in summer, I don't care. I'm happy.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I hate the winter. I can't stand it. My car starter, 23 years, rest in peace to that guy. It's gone. Yeah. But I got a new starter and it's back on the road. Back on the road, baby. Let's keep it going. Well, we got a big show today. Obviously, we got a new starter and it's back on the road. Back on the road, baby. Let's keep it going.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Well, we got a big show today. Obviously, we got to talk Trump. We got to talk the coin that Trump pumped for him and his wife. I don't know who else got one in the family there, a bunch. We got to talk, probably talk some pardons, probably talk coin-based loans. If you're a Gazan trying to escape a ceasefire, interesting. You get another $5,000 from the government here. Not that much.
Starting point is 00:01:28 $3,500 per couple plus $1,500 more per kid, right? I'm pretty sure that's the total. Jeez. I'm going to take a look. It's $3,000 per adult. So if it's a couple, it's $6,000. For a few kids. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Not bad. But they base it off individuals so not per couple it's individually you get that well uh we're gonna talk about all that before we start the sponsors easy dns mark and the team the friendly neighborhood registrar if you want to start a website start a business i mean there's a lot of things you can do with easy dns but we'll talk about the websites first. If you want to buy a domain, you want to port a domain, it doesn't matter. Mark can help you with that. He'll take care of it for you. He'll help you with everything you need.
Starting point is 00:02:12 When you bring a domain over or buy a domain, what do you get, Len? You get your own personal email. You get all the virtual private server stuff that you need if you're a Bitcoiner. You get domain share to ensure that you stay secure. You don't get rugged by some hacker who spoofs your domain, steals people's data, blah, blah, blah. And best of all, Mark is a Bitcoiner himself. He's been taking Bitcoin as payment at EasyDNS for years now. I think a decade, probably since 2014, if I remember correctly. And just not a guy that you need to worry about in terms of having your content taken
Starting point is 00:02:47 down. Incredible service over there. We've been using Mark for a long time. He's been a friend of the show and obviously a partner of the podcast as well. Couldn't ask for a better headline sponsor. Go over to EasyDNS, use the promo code CBPMedia. You get 50% off your first round of buys. You can't beat that. That's a great business, man. And not to mention that if for some reason you're unsatisfied to get your money back, not that you would be. We've never heard of anyone being unsatisfied with EasyDNS.
Starting point is 00:03:12 And I don't expect, listener viewer, that you will be the first. Who's the second sponsor? Yeah, it's Bull Bitcoin. And they're not obviously in it to hurt you. They're in it to help you buy some Bitcoiners. If you want to sell your Bitcoin, you can do that as well.
Starting point is 00:03:23 We can do the on-chain lightning. Last I checked, fees were low. Let me check again. to sell your Bitcoin? You can do that as well. We can do the on-chain lightning. Last I checked, fees were low. Let me check again. I should have checked earlier, but I didn't here. Nine sats for B-Bite. We're kind of creeping up a little bit. Still on-chain is the way to go.
Starting point is 00:03:34 That's my opinion. So if you're not, don't want to buy, don't want to sell, you want to do some other things with your Bitcoin, you could do that with bold Bitcoin. Say you still have a large credit card bill from Christmas. It's the Christmas hangover. You got to pay it. One way to pay it is use the Bitcoin that you have stacked. It's gone up in price quite a bit in the past year,
Starting point is 00:03:50 actually more than that. So, you know, why not pay your bills with your Bitcoin? And Bull Bitcoin will enable you that with your bill service. Other things you could do with your Bitcoin, you could use that to buy gift cards and start spending it in the real world. So if you have to go, like, Home Depot and you've got to repair something in your house, or say you want a coffee at Starbucks, well So if you have to go like Home Depot and you got to repair something in your house or say you want a coffee
Starting point is 00:04:06 at Starbucks, you're good to go. You could get one of those gift cards over there. Not only that, Bull Bitcoin, they're expanding in the Eurozone. So if you're in like Francia, Italia, Spetsnaz, Germania, so many places you could be and you could get access now to Bull Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:04:22 So if you're there, check it out and use our promo code. And if you do that, at least in Canada, you get $21 added to Bull Bitcoin. So if you're there, check it out and use our promo code. And if you do that, at least in Canada, you get $21 added to your account. No questions asked. Those death slams are going to show up loud and clear in the waveform when I'm doing the audio editing later tonight. The third sponsor, Decentral. Very angry, my friend.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Very angry. Decentral Technologies. Len and I were just talking. We have a couple of miners to give out to friends of the show uh sitting to my right and if you didn't get one of the cbp branded minors it's probably too late but if you didn't get a minor at all and you want one you don't care if it's cbp branded i mean these these are the guys you got to be talking to uh the decentral team yeah look at that thing you can't beat it the thing the thing hums quiet okay lens got it right to his mic there no noise your wife's not going to divorce you and if she does divorce you you might have enough money to pay for the lawyer if you hit a block mining solo so good for you good
Starting point is 00:05:15 luck with all that don't forget too that if you want to mine at like a garage level something with a little bit more scale a little bit more uh intensity these guys can help you with that too they have everything you need in terms of board maintenance in terms of unit maintenance in terms more scale, a little bit more intensity. These guys can help you with that too. They have everything you need in terms of board maintenance, in terms of unit maintenance, in terms of unit acquisition and buying these things upfront. And as a Canadian company too, you really got to throw your support behind these guys because there's tons of ways to do mining, but not many originate in Canada. We like Kaboom Racks, we like all these other companies, but they're not Canadian. If you call Decentral Tech, you get a Canadian guy. I know a francophone at that,
Starting point is 00:05:48 so you better speak French as well. But if you're looking to start mining, these are the guys you want to do it with. They've been great friends to the show. And we don't have a promo code or anything. So head over and start your Bitcoin mining today. Yeah, as Boomer says in the chat, get a Bitcoin miner for your wife's boyfriend. He'll love it. He'll love it. So let's do a little housekeeping here or we'll go to the boost first. Then we'll do some housekeeping just for the show schedule coming up and what we just went through as well. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Well, the boost, my apologies because a lot of it's been lost in the sauce here. And so I actually had to go back to our transaction to find a few, for whatever reason, fountain does an amalgamated way and used to do it, but I was able to find all the boosts. So we have more time, 333 sats. And like always a fire emoji and a couple of beer mugs
Starting point is 00:06:29 doing the cheers war time you're on ball every week we get one or more for you so thank you very much duggan roop 1028 sats he says glad to hear from francis again and bull bitcoin's international expansion love the legacy question what can i do now to leave a mark after i'm gone and then how can i pass on the resources to ensure they'll be able to continue along the hard path lambo chat can be left for others 100 100 yeah uh not sure if you want to expand on that joy because that was you were in that interview and a lot of people loved it well let's um let's let's go through the boost and I'll talk a little bit about the Francis interview and a little bit about the other interviews we did last week and what we have coming up as well.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Okay, so we have Shirtless Summer, 950 sats. He writes, the Liberal Party should be napalmed and you all clap along like zoo seals. Joey Coates are always worthy of sats. Hope dumb Canadians don't get fooled by WF puppet carbon tax carny. And last but not least, we have SirSnacksALot970Sats. I'm not sure what attracted me to listening to the CBP, the highbrow information content, or the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theories,
Starting point is 00:07:43 but having them both in the same episode. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What tinfoil hat? I have maybe a little tinfoil hat i guess i have no clue yeah it says but uh the having them both in the same episode is why i keep listening ban the banks and the fed and be self-sovereign so bitcoin don't care it don't care it just keeps on running it's a network on its own and i'm securing it i got my node doing its thing well i got my node over there doing this thing i got my miner doing this thing as well so i'm you know completing the circuit take time you have some things you want to chat about past present future yeah okay so let's talk a bit about
Starting point is 00:08:22 um what's going on in cbp land here so last week we did two interviews one with francis which i mean francis is obviously a sponsor of the show but he's you know i consider him a friend i've talked to him in person and online and you know we've been to the same dinners a few times at this point and but the guy is just he's just incredible to talk to because he's so mission focused that I think he's one of the only guys in Bitcoin who really is like truly head down thinking about nothing besides Bitcoin and sovereignty. And the sovereignty he's thinking about is for himself, for his family, as you mentioned, and for Bitcoiners and for his company and for his country and all these things. And he wants all these things for everybody. Is he coming back to Canada for the conference?
Starting point is 00:09:05 TBD. We can talk about that after i talked to him a bit about another trip he's making soon but we can't talk about it on the air um but you know like this is a guy who's like serious you know about bitcoin and sovereignty and a lot of people are serious about bitcoin but to do the things he's done and take the risks that he has, especially over the last four years, five years, I guess, at this point, I mean, there's no one else doing this stuff. I've said before that if you look at the gap between what he says and what he does, it's very small. And if you look at the gap between what Jack Mallers says and what he does, it's very big. And so Francis is actually a guy talking the talk, walking the walk,
Starting point is 00:09:43 and delivering on things, not only for his business, but for the Bitcoin space broadly. And it's something that's becoming more and more rare as the space grows. So yeah, big shout out to him. Thanks to him for coming. Also, Francis has never heard of plugging in his computer or cell phone before a podcast starts, I'm pretty sure. So this is like the third or fourth time he's been on. Every time there's a battery crisis at about an hour in. So enjoy that. Uh, you also had an idea. We could
Starting point is 00:10:10 get them an UPI power bank. Yeah. Let's get them something that you can plug in. Second interview I did last week was the Mark Riboteau. Mark Mark is a big, has been a big influence on me. Um, not only in my strength training, but also in the way that I think about certain things in my life overall. Repito is a guy who has really simplified what the industry wants to be a very complex, money-sucking, time-sucking, gatekeeping subject in weight training. And it really is as easy as adding a little bit to your bar every week and trying to lift it and then drinking a ton of milk and eating a ton of eggs and sleeping enough. And I guess having enough sex to keep your testosterone up if you're a guy and
Starting point is 00:10:54 whatever the equivalent is for women. But it's really that simple. And talking to Mark, I think one of the things that you should take from that interview, and you should be listening to Starting Strength Radio too, by the way, if you listen to this show, you'd love that podcast. One of the things you should take from that interview and from Mark and from the Starting Strength Method is that almost everything can be reduced to something simpler and more effective without the frills, without the fake expertise, and without the gatekeeping, the way that he's done it with weight training. I think that's really valuable. And we're seeing that in Bitcoin a lot, right?
Starting point is 00:11:29 I don't need inflationary currencies. I don't need the Federal Reserve. I don't need any of this shit. I was just going to go there, Joey. I just don't need it. Keep it simple, stupid. This applies to almost everything in life. Don't overcomplicate things, overengineer things.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Totally. Make it simple. And Repito has done that. And the results are significant. There's a guy on his channel, a kid who at, I think, 235 or 245 pounds overhead presses 405, four plates aside overhead press. Now it is the, it is the starting strength slash, you know, sort of strength training version of the overhead press, which is a lot of kind of lower back. And there's a bit of a swing, but it's a white light, you know? And, and I think like when I, when I look at that video and I look at the replies and I see the people who are against starting strength broadly, they're all, you know, they
Starting point is 00:12:18 got the physique of a melted piece of licorice. Like you're fucking weak. You're a loser. And the reason you don't do starting strength is because it's fucking hard. It's hard getting under the bar for 300 it's easy to do split squats with 30 pound dumbbells in either hand it's hard to squat 315 you know it's easy to do uh lat raises with 25 pounds five sets of 10 reps it's hard to overhead press 155 it's hard and mark is right about the simplicity and he's right about the difficulty if it ain't hard it ain't worth it and if it ain't simple then you don't need to be doing it and this i gotta pick your brain then as you get older then is it still wise to go heavy and lift i am
Starting point is 00:12:54 stronger today than i've ever been and but you're only 30 something i'm talking yeah older when you're talking 40 well i don't know i i think that i have a lot of room to go and i think you know starting strength has programming for, the programming basically changes at 40. But I mean, when Mark wrote these books, nutrition was a lot different, you know, and sleep and hydration, all these things were a lot different. And he's revised the books a few times. I have one here in front of me.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Actually, I have both of them here behind me. And, you know, like these things will get easier. The same way that I happen to think that teams who don't sign elite level running backs because they're 27 and 28, pretending like it's 10 years ago. And, you know, running backs, they got more miles now or less miles now and they're more well managed and their nutrition is better and all these things. I think it's the same for weight training. The older you get, you know, if you told me 10 years ago that I would go through an Achilles tear at 33 and still be like the fastest guy on the field, basically anytime I play football, I would have said no way. But the medical treatment and the understanding of injuries and nutrition and all these things has changed. And so it's not specific to me. It's everybody who's been doing these things properly for a while and sees that there's
Starting point is 00:14:05 opportunities for more strength, more growth, more development. And Ripito, to his credit, way ahead of the curve, way ahead of the curve, and still is ahead of the curve. He is not. We talked about it a bit. I'm actually going to send him Safe's book and then Open Dime, and we'll see how it goes. I will say as well, Ripito. So I mentioned this after the program and I don't know if he's okay with me saying this, but I'm going to say it anyway. I asked him why he doesn't do too many away games because he is really a wealth of knowledge. And unless you're looking for that podcast, you'd never hear the stuff that's adjacent to strength training.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Like we talked about before, it's kind of this kiss um um method for living right keep keep it simple stupid the reason he doesn't do it is because he doesn't think that a lot of podcasts have any value to add and have no production quality and he's like you know i would come back on your show anytime i really enjoyed our conversation i think you're doing something uh man i'm so flattered by that i've had a lot of guests tell me that they think i'm a good interviewer and that they think our podcast is good and you and me are doing something that's valuable, but coming from him in like that, I think is a high bar. And I'm like, I can see myself like blushing a little bit talking about it. I am so psyched on that interview and I,
Starting point is 00:15:16 I can't wait to do it again. I hope that he comes back on the future, but we can talk a bit about what's going on in the world at that time. He is a wealth of knowledge that people are not tapping into at the rate they should be. And I truly feel he's going to appreciate it. Let me know when you send out the book. Yeah. Because I may secretly mail you a node. And we could just almost complete the circle here altogether and have you run it. This would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:41 If we could get you doing that, this is the goal for 2025. To get you finally that like this this is the goal for 2025 to get you finally fucking running a node yeah i'm sending you up for people who don't do bitcoin and you're sending me a node because i haven't done it yet but no that was good and so this week that was last week this week uh we had the mayor of vancouver send us a feeler a couple of weeks ago and uh i'm gonna talk to him tomorrow night seven o'clock mayor ken sim is gonna come on the show he's done uh i think a few other shows brunel show i don't know who else talked to him but he wants to talk to us and i'm happy to oblige i make no guarantees that we will stay on bitcoin and i'll tell you why vancouver is a city with so much potential and a city that's being destroyed by drug use. And I've seen it firsthand. I have some experience with it here in Hamilton. And I think I could have a conversation
Starting point is 00:16:30 with him about that as well as Bitcoin. And I think that he's going to have some good answers in both cases because Bitcoiners, people who understand Bitcoin understand things like incentive models. And for him to understand bitcoin and not understand what's happening in vancouver i think is very unlikely i'm looking forward to talking to him on on both subjects and whatever else comes up maybe i'll ask him if he can squat 225 i don't know but a lot of it is he can't it's out of his control just i totally agree i'm not i'm not looking to place blame i'm looking for his views on what's happening and what's the way out of it that's all if you look at he's also a new mayor he's not he hasn't been there long right so no problem if you look at the way canada is structured as per law there's really only two layers of government there's the provincial government
Starting point is 00:17:12 and federal government that's the way all duties are delegated as per the federal law and within the provincial law they sub delegate to municipalities but still they roll up if the municipality screws up royally or if another jurisdiction under the minister and under the province screws up as well uh school boards for instance they could step in and take over they have the ability to do that there's only two levels of government so um municipally they only have so much they can do their kind their hands are tied is they're dealing with what the province gives them. And the province of Vancouver, sorry, the province of BC, you know what it's like.
Starting point is 00:17:51 We talked about it at last week's show. Yeah, orange, orange. Well, no, sometimes it's blue. I know, I know. Right? It's everywhere. It's just blue there is different than blue elsewhere. So we have May or Sim tomorrow, and then Wednesday night, Phil back.
Starting point is 00:18:06 It could be Bach. I have to double check how you say his last name. If you don't know Phil, I would recommend heading to his Twitter account, which I think is just Phil back. You can check it out on, it's on my feed for sure, because I tweeted out about the guests a little while ago.
Starting point is 00:18:19 He's a market commentator and a guy who I think has, he has some unpopular opinions about markets, probably about Bitcoin, and just about the general direction of, I think, financial culture and culture more broadly. And so I'm looking forward to speaking with him. He's a guy who I don't hear too often on podcasts. In fact, I've only heard him once.
Starting point is 00:18:38 And it was on Chris Iron's QTR, his podcast, maybe a year and a half ago or something. He's a guy who's, again, I think there's some under-followed accounts, and I think he's one of them. And I'm looking forward to seeing what he has to say about what's going on in financial markets with the election, obviously, and the inauguration happening today. He's going to have a lot to say, and he's not going to be afraid to say what he thinks, which is always valuable and always exciting here on CBP. Those are the only kinds of people we talk to.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I don't even know who we're talking to next week. I have to remember. I think it might be BTC BAP for this Bitcoin space in Denver on Wednesday, if I remember correctly. So sit tight for that. That'll be good too. How can we get an invite to this Denver event? We get invites to everything. We just don't go.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I think I'd be invited to Denver. I would have loved to have gone to denver but not now it's too everybody i talked to invites me somewhere and i i'm always you know nobody invites me anywhere which is you know you know what because that's just your speed yeah i'm consistently consistent so yeah um yeah let's roll what do we got 16 19 minutes of nonsense let's talk about something important trump got sworn in trump coin run this one's yours go ahead i don't i don't care that much about this like i think that it's legal so do whatever you want there's a lot of retards out there so you know buy it and get rugged by Baron and whatever else happens, happens. But the thing to keep in mind here is that, and I said this to you and Mark in our sort
Starting point is 00:20:11 of sidebar, the likelihood of this administration not doing some kind of reserve of Bitcoin and other nonsense is basically zero. The likelihood of them doing a Bitcoin only reserve is basically zero. It's going to be some mix. It's going to be a menage of garbage. And all these VCs who are part of the quote unquote administration transition team, these boys got heavy bags because alts have underperformed generally, especially stuff from the last cycle this time around. If you look at some of the highs, I know people talk about XRP and all these things, but it's like 20%, 30% higher, I think, last I checked, than it was last cycle.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Meanwhile, Bitcoin has done almost a clean double, getting from, or I guess not quite a clean double, maybe like 70% or something like that. But the idea that these guys, guys like David Sachs and Elon and Vivek, who's not going to be part of Doge, I read today, he's worn out his welcome, according to some people. The idea that these guys don't have any coins that they would like to see the value increase in is wrong. And I think if you look at some of the likelihood that suddenly the corruption in politics is going to stop, no. Trump is a lot of things, but he is a moneymaker, first of all. And he's not going to pass up an opportunity
Starting point is 00:21:26 to make a little bit of coin on his investments and of course get his friends rich too so those dinners don't pay for themselves uh good good for bitcoin how and why so anything that removes clouds from the uh feelings that the administration has toward Bitcoin, good. So if they put something in a reserve or say they're not going to sell, even if it's with other stuff, I think it's good. I think everybody in the market understands what Bitcoin
Starting point is 00:21:56 is. There are people who make money and get engagement by pretending they don't, but everybody understands. Shitcoiners, allcoiners, trad5 people. I think everybody gets it that Bitcoin is the thing and they can pretend they don't get it. But even if it's, you know, Bitcoin and XRP or Bitcoin and Solana or Bitcoin and whatever, everyone knows who the King is and that's not going to, that's not going to change. And so
Starting point is 00:22:18 it's good for Bitcoin, you know, medium, long-term, whatever. You don't think it's good for Bitcoin? Like, I think everything at this point that's related to Bitcoin from the U S bitcoin you know medium long term whatever you don't think it's good for bitcoin like is i think everything at this point that's related to bitcoin from the u.s government so long as it's not a ban is good everything else is directional even a ban it's good for bitcoin yeah like you know what i mean it's not it's not a problem i don't think no it it just it just adds to the whole dgen situation out there a lot of people are just rolling the dice trying to make make a home run here trying to hit one out of the park and good luck to them it's not in terms of like having bitcoin i'll take a step back what's what's the goal with
Starting point is 00:22:54 bitcoiners really like really like what do bitcoiners what do we want the thing i want the most is for the men pool to have more pictures of donald trump isn't that what you want no most no that was a very costly image oh fuck yeah no it's it's it's replacing the monetary system right it's putting a hard acid in there where you could have transparency and you don't have money being printed and people manipulating my money and weaponizing and so forth what's been done in the past few days has done absolutely nothing to get us a step closer hasn't gotten us any further but it's done neither closer so it's it's neutral towards bitcoin with respect to achieving that goal is to me that is the ultimate goal are you let me ask you something go up okay i was to say, so you're separating NGU from financial,
Starting point is 00:23:48 replacing the fiat. Are these not one and the same to you at this point? Isn't one driving the other and vice versa? They're driving each other. It's a nice flywheel, I think. It helps bring in new folks because the thing that people like, they want more wealth. and if the number go
Starting point is 00:24:07 up they could say oh this is a place where i could park some money and then get more out of it later on so it's a way to adapt to attract new people into it but in the end what it is is i don't want my money to be devalued yeah that's what bitcoin can provide is there's a set amount nobody could take that from you nobody could stop you from using it nobody could manipulate it weaponize it this it's a beautiful thing again going back nothing in this past week no matter how much no matter how much achieve that exactly exactly no matter how much jamie jerk off yeah no matter how much jamie jerk off diamond says that the 21 million is not credible it's just not changing and the the the transactions are censorship resistant it's not changing can't be done
Starting point is 00:24:55 you're totally right you're totally right like usual you know like usual hey so i look at that and i see this trump coin this melania coin and all this other garbage. How about the Melania launch, Len? Like, were you the Trump one? I expected. But Melania, that is like Baron. Put the phone down, buddy. So there are people out there launching their sole purpose.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And you hinted on it is to enrich themselves you could only do that if you take away from somebody else granted it's a system where they could create more money and more money could be generated still but by doing so you're devaluing the currency and hurting a lot of other people but when you do something like this you're encouraging people to or trying to usher people into this system where they could just gamble it and then get wrecked in the process that does zero for fucking the end goal for bitcoin it's it's absolute and then i mean on a tangent here today we had the world liberty five i don't know what the fuck it's called they bought a swath of things wrapped cardano i saw in the list eat but fucking wrapped bitcoin like could you imagine going out there and say i got bitcoin it ain't fucking bitcoin it's i
Starting point is 00:26:15 haven't wrapped it in like 13 years i don't need to i'm trying to stay away you know the ultimate in in terms of a power move would be if Vitalik rolls back the blockchain and that fucking wrapped Bitcoin is now gone. That's fucking power. And he would never do that, of course. But that's the ecosystem in which you're operating in. It is centralized garbage. And to claim that they've bought bitcoin or at least make a connection with buying bitcoin i don't care who buys bitcoin anybody could fucking buy it here with the fucking
Starting point is 00:26:52 charts anybody can fucking buy and then they could do whatever they wanted they could burn it fuck you then you're it's all the more power to you but to buy something that is heavily tied to a shitcoin or a shitcoin network and to say it's bitcoin like fuck you like it's pathetic yeah and people do you know how people calling them out for this or some people are not calling them out yeah do you know how wrapped works like i i was talking to our friends uh wayfaring and uh sb today for a bit and yeah somebody has to hold the bitcoin for you so you go and you buy it gets bought and then exactly yeah yeah right i mean like it's just bitcoin gets created
Starting point is 00:27:30 by a market maker yeah exactly fucking read up on this there's no point like i don't understand i don't understand at least before when i was talking shit about this i really had no idea what it was and now i know what it is like makes me more likely to talk shit about it it doesn't make any sense. Why would you ever buy this? Why not just buy Bitcoin instead of this other stuff? Is it because you save a step in converting the crypto? No, no, no. What is the – I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:54 There's more to it. Then if you look at all the domains that were bought up in the past couple of days. I sent a link to this. I'm not sure if you saw it. Worldliberty.eth, trumpcoin.eth. These are domain names. erictrump.eth, barontrump.eth. They all purchased these in the past.
Starting point is 00:28:15 They're wearing ETH hats, right? Like.eth. I did see that. Using Ethereum network. This is not fucking Bitcoin. This is shit coinery. Like, do whatever the fuck you want, but don't say you're a fucking bitcoiner help me understand help me understand so i'm looking at this chart here the rap btc price chart i guess this is in eth terms is that what it is i don't know how is this going down
Starting point is 00:28:40 i don't know what i i don't understand how this is measured i i am so let's let's simplify this with with your mark rippin discussion you were talking about earlier mark rip okay what a super bowl by the way canadian board uh it's very simple you could buy bitcoin yeah and it just it really boils down to either 12 or 24 words and you could make a more complicated you can have multi-swing of fast phrases there's a lot of but if you really want to simplify it it's just 12 or 24 words that's all it is there's nothing to and that you will always have access to as long as you're the only person that has access to those 12 or 24 words yes and there's there's it's something beautiful about this
Starting point is 00:29:26 when something like this i see it they bastardized named bitcoin and they try to fucking attach their wagon on it there's no fucking connection i know get the fuck away don't say that you're a bitcoin listen yeah you're right pathetic you're right and he was at a conference on a bitcoin conference talking only or mostly bitcoin but the people behind him right like and i don't want to name it's like talking about diablo but it's it's like the people behind them like they're just there to try to enrich themselves as well i think trying to use the name of bitcoin as fucking who are you who are you talking about who's the people that that are celebrating the name of Bitcoin is fucking. Who are you talking about? Who's the people that are celebrating the selling of $500 million and stuff?
Starting point is 00:30:12 Like, I just look at quoted tweets. Oh, I don't. He didn't. Celebrate all you want. He didn't sell. There's like a lock on it or something. I'm pretty sure we're talking about this. It is true. And I think for people for people listen god bless all the vigilantes
Starting point is 00:30:27 out there the plenitors the zac xbt's like pinning down these wallets and stuff um even even david bailey you know like pointing out that it's wrapped bitcoin on ether scan or whatever great but like don't let this don't let this get any more of your time don't do it it. I think David Bailey is doing some good stuff, obviously. I'm a fan of his, even if you're not. There's people in that circle who understand what he should be doing and what he's promised to do. And to your point, I think a lot of people in that circle are there for self-improvement. I mean, who's not in the Trump circle looking to get rich? Who's in that circle?
Starting point is 00:31:05 They're all trying to do that. Let's fucking call it like it is. And those are the people that they want to make bank off you. Yeah. They don't want it to sell you. Len is pointing at you, by the way, not me. He's not pointing at me. Everyone.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Everyone. Everybody out there. I don't give a shit if you aren't. I'm pointing at everybody out there. When I tell people to buy bitcoin i'm not telling them for them to enrich me i'll be blunt here i hope i hope for personally i hope bitcoin remains low in price for the next seven eight nine years that's that would be my fucking goal because then after that i hope it rips because i could accumulate as much bitcoin
Starting point is 00:31:43 during that time and by the time i'm ready to pack it all in and go somewhere warm, I would have a great deal of wealth. But it's outside my control that it should go wherever it wants. If it rips, great. If it doesn't, great. I have no fucking control over this. But I'm not trying to tell people to do this and trying to do this to enrich me. I just want to make sure that my money doesn't get debased. That's it.
Starting point is 00:32:02 I don't want other people to have that same thing and i want people to to unplug from a system in which people that are closest to the powerful folks get the most yeah in bitcoin that doesn't happen how do you get more from something in a network that is equal everybody's the same you buy a new book there's no benefit it's just no benefit beautiful yeah it's fucking this is what i want this is what i'm trying to achieve and all these people that are trying to make money fuck them all including the people that and i don't want to mention the name again that you that said they are there to fucking enrich themselves what are they doing with their magazine over there there's they have these marketplaces in which they sell absolute trash and the trash does
Starting point is 00:32:45 what but anything it drives up the price of the transactions they did it and they did this with a smile on their face because they were making money in the process but all of us in the end were suffering because if we had to move our fucking bitcoin we had to pay extra because the network was fucking congested now it's a totally different argument altogether i could go into the weeds here i really wanted to, but I won't. But they're not fucking Bitcoiners. They say they're Bitcoiners. They're wrapped Bitcoiners.
Starting point is 00:33:12 That's what they fucking are. They are fucking ETH Bitcoiners. Fuck them all. Every one of them. I wish everybody involved a lifetime of riches and success. Where are we going next? That was good. That was like 40 or half an hour, I guess. That's good.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I thought we were there longer. Thankfully, we there longer thankfully let's talk about coinbase because they launched sure defy partnership so good for them and people uh over there uh you're able to get a usdc loan without selling your bitcoin so if you are a coinbase customer and you have some bitcoin you could use that to get some usdc because you know in united states in a lot of jurisdictions if you sell your bitcoin you're subjected to taxes so this is one creative way to get around that and this is available for customers in the u.s excluding new york so if you are in new york you may want to relocate to a different place but anyways what they're doing here it's another wrapped thing they're using they They're using a Coinbase wrapped Bitcoin CBBTC.
Starting point is 00:34:07 It's almost a CBTC almost in a way, but CBBTC. So when you borrow against your Bitcoin, your collateral is automatically converted to this Coinbase Bitcoin. It's one per one, and it's done for free, and it's done on what they call a morpho protocol. When I just read this shit it just makes me want to fucking puke and so i get it they don't want to do a taxable event but given the fact now that it's being converted is that making taxable i don't know um this is
Starting point is 00:34:35 something i just i don't have the knowledge but either way people could borrow up to a hundred thousand dollars worth of usdc depending how much bitcoin you pledge and users could be subjected to liquidation if uh if it goes down to a predetermined level compared to the collateral value so it you know at one time we we let's be honest we had a sponsor letting that offer this type of service but the b2x loan yeah the daisy a lot of things but during that time and i remember i talked to you privately about this there was a lot of things. But during that time, and I remember I talked to you privately about this, there was a lot of things going on. It's like, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:35:11 One time I was like, this is actually a good product. But there were events that took place that realized, you know what? Holding your own keys is paramount. It's invaluable. I understand the tax implications and all this and try to get around that. But the reality is, if you don't want to sell your Bitcoin because you don't want to get taxed in it, just hold on to it for longer or relocate or simply wait for the laws to change. Good luck. Those are your options.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Where could you go? Portugal, I believe, has favorable tax laws to Bitcoin. El Salvador does. There's probably a host of other countries as well so check them out other places you could go and live off your bitcoin so to speak you know do that rather than use this type of service because in the end there's a lot of you know block fi celsius a lot of these these companies out there they got wrecked and if you're going to give up your coins just to get some usd, you could get wrecked as well. It's pretty important, I think, to look at the direction
Starting point is 00:36:07 everything is going. So for example, Senator Lummis in the States, talking these days about the key to Bitcoin, I don't want to say success. Success is not the right word. But to your point, to advantage Bitcoin holders and bring them up to speed with other asset holders in terms of tax opportunities, the biggest thing is just the minimus tax exemption, right? Anything that you spend in your Bitcoin stack under 10K or whatever it is shouldn't be taxable. That number is pretty good. I wish it was higher, but it gives you an opportunity to not have to give up your keys so that your Bitcoin becomes collateral for a fiat loan.
Starting point is 00:36:43 You can't have that. That's not a good idea. And it's not a good idea for two reasons. One, the volatility is just too much to handle and you have to be able to recollateralize that loan at a higher LTV during periods of economic difficulty in Bitcoin. Today, Len, the price of Bitcoin moved $9,000 in the course of 12 hours. I don't know if Ledennon would call a loan on that. I don't want to pick on Lennon. There's other businesses that do this, including Coinbase.
Starting point is 00:37:09 No, from what I gather, Lennon wouldn't. It would have to be like a very large percentage. And so maybe they wouldn't. But like, you don't want to expose yourself to these price swings. You can't because you're not going to have a chance to collateralize the loan or recollateralize it or whatever. And all you're doing is giving up more of your Bitcoin for more fiat. And it's just, it's not a cycle you want to be in. That's number one. Number two, I'm actually not convinced that
Starting point is 00:37:34 this is going to be a loophole for long if everyone starts using it. At some point, much the same way that ShakePay now asks what wallet you're sending stuff to. The government at some undetermined year in the future may say, yeah, we're tired of losing tax money on all these stupid loan products. So now anytime you send Bitcoin in excess of $10,000 to an address that you don't control, it's taxable. And that's an obvious hole in all this stuff. And if that doesn't happen, if they actually don't care about that, then the likelihood of favorable tax legislation coming to fruition here and in the States and wherever else is
Starting point is 00:38:13 fairly likely. Those two things are not directly correlated, but I think there's tight correlation there. And so I just don't see the need to give up your coin for those loan products. And then, of course, maybe the third reason, you're not getting all the benefits you think you are. You're getting scalped for money and fees. You're getting scalped and arbed and your stuff's getting repurposed to pay the interest. And it just, every time this happens, it's the same story. And I would stay away from this, especially from Coinbase. Coinbase is not a company I would be interested in giving the money to not because i think they're gonna lose your bitcoin
Starting point is 00:38:49 but because you see a story basically every day of someone who's whose name you would recognize like they're a big enough player in the bitcoin crypto space on twitter not being able to get their money back getting weird shotgun kyc or weird shotgun fund holds or weird shotgun uh account holds why would you want to subject yourself to that i i would never want to do that and i don't i don't imagine i never agree you know at one time i would have said this is a decent product but just given what has transpired since i've really focused on bitcoin there is no substitute from holding your own keys yeah and if you're willing to play the game just for tax efficiencies or good luck good luck to you yeah totally all right let's move on block stream i'm not sure if you saw this they released a new product called block stream
Starting point is 00:39:39 jade plus yeah and there's somebody block stream jade and now there's a brocks block stream jade and now there's a block stream jade plus it came out in the past week or two and the price range is between $149 and $169 USD and it's dependent on the color you choose which will be dependent on the price and compared to the OG jade the
Starting point is 00:40:00 plus has a screen that is 66% larger it has no more plastic body that the original jade has the casing now is aluminum so it's going to be much more durable and you'd expect it to have a longer life in terms of the outer shell included in this is something very interesting called a secure element chip we talked about this what's in cold card doesn't have it in the original jade it does have it in this so it eliminates the need of having a blind oracle where the original jade encrypted your pin and sent it off to a server to verify that you're the user obviously that's not
Starting point is 00:40:39 the most secure way of doing things doing it now internally on the chip itself makes it easier and more secure because you're not relying on anybody you're not trusting anybody to verify who you are and so that one of the issues i had with the previous jade the original jade is it needed a physical connection in order to do any upgrade to the firmware to the software it needs to be connected to a computer or it needs to be connected via bluetooth to the green wallet on your phone which is then connected obviously it goes the server obviously comes in and goes out right yeah so there had to be some sort of connection yeah now from this one it has the ability to use an sd card so you could get the information from the website or verify,
Starting point is 00:41:26 put in the SD card and do air gap. I love the cold card. And so it's a totally air gapped environment. So I look at this, the block stream Jade is definitely a step in the right direction. It still offers. If you don't like liquid, for instance,
Starting point is 00:41:43 it does offer support for that some people don't want added support they just want bitcoin only that's your jam if that's the case or it's not your jam either way this is so why you get the canadian everything i get is in us deep because i'm in uh yeah you get something yeah so i look at this and this is a it's a good product a better product than the original jade i'd recommend if you're looking for something, another wallet, consider this. I would suggest do some more research.
Starting point is 00:42:11 I'm not going to give this the stamp to go ahead to get it yet, but at least from what I could tell, it's getting closer to the cold card. Is it matching it? Well, we'll see. The software is open source. From what I remember,
Starting point is 00:42:24 you could look at it. So a lot of good things here that I could see. The software is open source. From what I remember, you could look at it. So a lot of good things here that I could see. Good mobile app. Like Greenwall, it's really, really strong. You can use this with Sparrow too. You can use this with all the usual stuff. I think there's actually a slide here if I remember correctly. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Oh, yeah, here we go. Sparrow, whatever this is. But it's Nunchop, BlueWall, Electrum, Keeper, Spectre. So lots of options. I remember we both bought jades a while ago to test them. I think when we were just like not starting out, when the show started making a little bit of money, we bought jades to test them. I liked the jade, but I think the screen is too small, right? And this one looks like it has a little bit of a better screen which i appreciate um overall though the thing i would say about jade compared to you know the
Starting point is 00:43:12 other hardware wallets on the scene you know the closer you get to a cold card the more expensive you get and the more expensive you get the more likelihood it's better to just buy a cold card so like these guys are all kind of fading the same way cold card q is a better product than this um unless this camera is incredible or unless this screen is incredible or but you know to your point cold card q more secure pure air gap all that stuff had it for a long time has the nfc or what is the price of the cold card queue versus this it's like 300 it's like 300 bucks so there's us canadian canadian yeah so there's you know it's the gap is the gap is like you know another 80 bucks so yeah or if you want to get a gray one it's 50 bucks yeah so like is
Starting point is 00:43:59 the cold card queue worth an extra 50 bucks on top of this thing yeah keyboard i think so too and i'm not totality because i mean that's that's not fair yeah yeah it just from what i can see of all the specs and everything it does it's again like i said it's trending in the right direction is it cold card capable or at least on power cold card i don't know but the one thing it has though that for people that do like it and i've talked about my the pleasure of it if people want to have functionality with liquid bitcoin this provides it and cold card does not so cold card is bitcoin only thumbs up um this is not i'm not going to give that the thumbs up right let's let's be honest this is probably the this is probably the silver metal bitcoin wallet hardware wallet i would say it's it's definitely
Starting point is 00:44:55 a podium finisher i don't know where i don't know what else you'd put on there but seat signer a lot of people yeah but i think that it's hard It's a hard thing to get going as far as I understand compared to this. I don't know. I have never used it. But from what I gather, it's a heck of device because you're using your Raspberry Pi to do it. So it's all you do it yourself. And once you turn it off, it wipes everything like nothing is saved. So, yeah, like, see, I, I put that below this.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Honestly, I don't know know it depends what you're what you're trying to achieve right how often do you if you want to if you want to just fucking lose your mind trying to figure out a fucking raspberry pi like it's 2005 you want to secure your wealth on something that you fuck around with on your own on hardware that's 20 years old then sure seed signers for you but if you want something that's semi-reliable, verified by many people, not something you can completely fucking ruin and that you are comfortable storing
Starting point is 00:45:54 a significant amount of money on, value on, then I think you're better off cold card or this, personally. I would not do a SeedSigner. I would not do a SeedSigner not do a seat signer i'm not the most technically savvy but it's for me it's like what what is the risk there the risk i don't think it's as great as you you say it is or you're at least hinting it may be but i can't say it's not because i haven't used it but just given the feedback and all the all the talk about it it seems like it's a good enough product
Starting point is 00:46:26 to be considered as an alternative to cold card. And the reality is, how often do you or anybody out there sign transactions? I rarely do it. So it doesn't matter if it's wiped and you have to start again and import your seeds, if that's how it is with the seed sign. I'm not even sure because I haven't used it.
Starting point is 00:46:43 But is that really a big hurdle? I have a watch only that's not that's not the hurdle the hurdle is the is doing it on a raspberry pi and the raspberry has no secure element for example is a great great reason why why you wouldn't use one like that's that's a good reason right there yeah i can't speak on i haven't looked too far into it so yeah yeah we'll just we'll just go to the next we'll get hodl d on here i'll bring him over to the house and we'll talk about why this thing's i would love to have like somebody like him but also somebody from the seed signer camp come who's in the seed signer camp who is it i don't know off the top of my head but it'd be awesome to have somebody like from both sides of each talking
Starting point is 00:47:26 about their product and saying what are the pros maybe the cons of what they have and what the competitors have yeah and ultimately we're all bitcoin nvk can come back on and we'll bring on a seed signer guy that'd be okay i would love to guys i think, but it would be great to have a civil discussion as to why this is better than the other one. Or maybe they're on par. I don't know. Only one way to find out.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Only one way to find out. To try it out. Like I said, I like my cold card a lot. My cold card's Mark IV. So much so. And i respect that the q is better than the mark four in almost every respect in fact every separate price yeah um i'm not replacing my mark four because i like it so much i don't want to do that thing we ordered a q remember we ordered a q there's a q sitting in my shelf outside that i haven't said i don't want it it's like sitting by my playstation
Starting point is 00:48:25 i just don't want it i like my my full card mark for so much i i would it almost it would almost pain me in a way to see it collect dust because it's a good product it does everything it i need it to do yeah it's like kind of like my car in a way like you know it does everything i need except when a starter dies but once the starter this replaces fine and i would hate to see it collect dust and just put away because if it's functioning if it works fuck it i'm keeping it i like my cold card yeah totally totally ontario teacher's pension plan we we ragged on these guys so many times over the last few years just so bad i ragged them on money talks before i ragged on them like everywhere i go i'm like deep's pension here you think that pension's safe look at this look what these guys are buying
Starting point is 00:49:09 95 million dollars usd by the way usd was invested in ftx that that was in the third round the third round so they they actually invested in that twice in the third and fourth round so they didn't do their due diligence not one time but two times man two times yeah come on you know that's all been written down on the books to yeah zero dollars yeah that's basically pissing 95 million usd away that's what they've done so a member of the ontario teacher's pension plan he's basically had enough of this bullshit and he decided to file a member of the ontario teachers pension plan has basically had enough of this bullshit and he decided to file a lawsuit against the pension plan for not conducting proper due diligence and it's quote during its due diligence and investment investment approval process the
Starting point is 00:49:59 board failed to obtain adequate and reliable information about the ftx entities internal controls in the critical areas of management and governance finance and accounting as well as digital assets management so it's pretty damning and the the lawsuit is what i see here is 100 right they fail to do it if they've done it they would have been so much better off by not investing. Or let's go one step further. What if they bought Bitcoin and they just held on to those keys? They still have that Bitcoin. That Bitcoin wouldn't have been lost. And it'd be worth a heck of a lot more in terms of the dollar value.
Starting point is 00:50:37 When did they purchase into FTX? That was in 2021, I'm thinking, right? Boomer noting here. This is the top of the cycle like just it could like the timing could not have been worse from the pension plan could not have been worse well like someone's getting rich on all this shit and it ain't me and you how many like how christopher is saying them and everybody else i didn't invest in ft me neither me neither and i'm pretty sure christoph you didn't invest and by the way the neither. Me neither. And I'm pretty sure, Christophe, you didn't invest in FTX.
Starting point is 00:51:05 And by the way, the pensions, Christophe, I don't expect the pensions to be lumped in with everybody else, right? The pension, much like the market conditions thing, okay? When you get rich, your financial advisor says that their strategy was good. When you get crushed, they say the market conditions caused the problem. When the pension doesn't do well, what do they say? When the pension underperforms or whatever, what do they say? They say, oh, we're conservative by nature. We have to make sure that our assets are well protected. It's an important institution, blah, blah, blah. And then when they get fucking nuked,
Starting point is 00:51:40 we can't say, well, everyone else did it because they don't do what everyone else does in fact they make a living doing what everyone else doesn't do which is play conservative small ball they're hitting singles they're not swinging for the fence and so i don't buy this oh they did it like everyone else did no that's not what they do they're not supposed to be doing that that's the whole point of the pension and they made some good purchases in the past though remember yeah but way back when they purchased uh maple leaf gardens whatever the hell yeah sure the mlg that and they made a pretty penny off that and also shoppers drug mart great was those two purchases what about the other ones you know what there must be a lot of shitty ones but i'm trying to give them credit for what they've done well. Those two purchases, they printed them money. Now, in this one, piss poor decision.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Did MLSC do better than Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta, or NVIDIA over the last 15 years, 20 years, 30 years? No. So they missed all that did did uh did shoppers drug mart you know outweigh the amount of dollars they fucking lost investing in cn rail and canadian banks like they they're not these guys are not untouchable in terms of performance even though the reputation they they evangelize for themselves would tell you otherwise it's just not the case they're not doing that well if they were again i will say this until the fucking cows come home okay cppib
Starting point is 00:53:11 has already started this trend the teacher's pension is going to start it soon too if you were that well funded okay you wouldn't have people or if you were doing that well i should say you wouldn't have people fucking suing you about due diligence you wouldn't have to write off ftx and like we talked about years ago and like we'll talk about again right now if you made that mistake once where else have you made the mistake what other cards are waiting to be turned over we'll see we'll see it's stupidity because this is greed it's green it's it's fiat yeah like everybody else that we know that do this kind of things where they work their job and then they spend time after work to try to secure whatever they've made the simplest thing to do is just buy bitcoin do that you're much better you think of all the time you can save by not reading charts, by not reading news releases and all this shit.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Comparing companies, which ETF is better than the S with management fees and what's in their basket. Who the fuck gives a shit? Yeah. It's all fiat. Totally. If you break it down and just like we, this is a, seems the theme of the show. We've been breaking it down over here on cbp but it's trying to keep it simple right like that seems to be the show the theme
Starting point is 00:54:31 of the show like with respect to bitcoin how much more simpler could you get that's everybody should be doing that fuck looking at these things fuck all this garbage fuck the t TFSA. Fuck the RSP. Fuck the, the 401ks. Fuck all that shit. That's all Fiat trash. Every one of them. Do you know unrelated? We're going to, well,
Starting point is 00:54:52 this would be the last story we talked about on the Bitcoin side, but I want to talk to you about, um, when my, when my daughter was born, a lot of my family asked me if I had opened an RESP for her yet. And, uh, if they could give me some money and write me a check for an RESP. And I said, I'm not going to open one for her, I don't think. And got a lot
Starting point is 00:55:14 of weird looks. But one thing that has landed in terms of talking to them about whether or not an RESP is a good idea is, it's basically just like this, this one line of argument, right? The RESP is only available to you down the road tax-free. If you go to an institution that's sanctioned by the Canadian government in terms of post secondary value or whatever, you don't want to be at the mercy of the government for sure. But also are we not entering a world here where post-secondary education is basically worth nothing well you like who's the answer to this question and i'm not going to say it is
Starting point is 00:55:52 but it's not it's not a sure enough thing to to give away that money not be able to access it for 18 19 years and i'm not going to talk about in stock market as opposed to buying bitcoin as opposed to buying like fucking prop like anything there's any i would rather buy anything else in almost any other vehicle than open an resp today one could almost make an argument and i i'm not going to make this argument but one could almost make an argument and resp is an acceleration play because you also get money from the government when it's there's a there's a matching thing i forget what it is no it's only a match if you use it in the way that they tell you you have to otherwise how do they tell you
Starting point is 00:56:34 if you have to use it for education and so i'm the right right right thing is look how do i know that my daughter's gonna first of all want to go to one of these stupid fucking schools how do i know those schools gonna be worth anything in terms of career prospects in 20 years? And how do I know that any of the stocks I put the money in are going to perform the same that Bitcoin would, that anything else would? Yeah, 100%. But you can't. This is it. You could buy an ETF, a Bitcoin ETF.
Starting point is 00:56:59 But using that logic, Joey, and you're 100% 100 right what's the longevity here like at least with bitcoin i'm always having access to this when it's in any vehicle that's with respect to an etf or anything to do with the markets i have to wait if i want to pull out my money in the market first i gotta make the sell wait for it to be clear then go to my bank then i could pull it it's days on it but at least the sell is instant like in the resp you can't sell like you're selling the cell is instant. Like in the RESP, you can't sell. The cell is instant on paper. But in reality, it has to still do the clearinghouse garbage. There's a lot of stuff behind the scenes that we don't see in this Fiat machine.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Yeah, the T plus two or whatever, T plus three. I can't remember what it is. So if shit really hits the fan, which probably won't. But when I say say probably there's a there's a hint of chance it can happen what the fuck do you do when you don't get your when you don't have access to your money you gotta wait five days to get it out by then if things you know if you really wanted to go down this this road here and things are really bad what's your the value of your dollar in five days compared to this now if things are really bad that's true too
Starting point is 00:58:03 that's a fair point that's a fair point yeah if you go if you end up going down that road yeah and then with bitcoin you always have access to it as long as you have internet connection and the fucking network is running which is always running like what i can't see like it's just such a beautiful thing man fucking. Fucking rock Bitcoin. What the fuck was he thinking? We're going to go to the notable stories here. I just want to say there's like 800 people watching this, which is, you know, a little bit more than what we usually get. I won't say how much we usually get on a Monday night.
Starting point is 00:58:37 It's a pretty good number, but it's not 800. Maybe four people. Boomer and 300. Our wives plus boomer. That's it. Six people. Torup is here every Our wives plus Boomer. That's it. Six people. Torup is here every week. P-Man is here every week.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Jake is here every week. There's a bunch of you guys. I don't want to leave anyone out. I'm not going to say any more names. There's like 800 people watching between YouTube and Twitter, which is fucking awesome. With that said, we're going to split the show right here. We're going to go to the notable stories.
Starting point is 00:59:02 If you're on audio listening after the fact, the rest of this will come to your feed tomorrow. If you're on audio listening after the fact, the rest of this will come to your feed tomorrow. If you're anywhere else, stay tuned. We got more coming up. And don't buy wrapped Bitcoin.

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