The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - $TRUMP and Dump, Coinbase Restarts Loan Program, Free Money for Gazans in Canada | CBP 199 Pt. 2 (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: January 22, 2025

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES What are we to make of the $TRUMP and $MELANIA scam coins? Are we going to see an SBR established? How much more money is Canada planning on giving away to immigrants? ALL THAT AN...D MORE ON THIS WEEK's CBP. Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠ ⁠Discord:   / discord   A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ This show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer. D-Central Technologies - Your home for all things mining! Whether you need a new unit, a unit repaired, some support with software, or you want to start your own wife-friendly home mining operation, the guys at D-Central Tech are ready to help. With industry leading knowledge and expertise, let the D-Central team help you get started mining the hardest money on Earth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh fuck who the hell's doing this where where you want to start on the notables we got some bangers we're gonna start with uh election announcements we're gonna start with uh carney where do you want to go first yeah you will you pick no no no you're driving the ship i'm just along for the ride now let's let's fucking do this uh this liberal uh convention or leadership thing because there's now a bunch of people that have thrown their name in a hat. You Karina Gould, Mark Carney, Chandra.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Oh, I forget that guy's name. The guy that we, we talked about last week that doesn't want to speak French or can't speak French. Freeland. Yeah. I'm missing a Carney.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I don't know. Maybe it's a free land. Carney, the Indian fella. Yeah. And am I missing anybody? So yeahian fella yeah i think that's it am i missing anybody so yeah that's that's it so we have basically that's the lineup right like there you go who's the best of the lot it's up to you to decide if you're a liberal uh supporter liberal and if
Starting point is 00:00:58 you're not just become one it's very easy yeah it's funny to see now in a very short period of time the narrative surrounding carbon tax yeah did you watch the interview i think one of the bull guys shared it with us the interview that uh freeland did today with former ch news anchor actually nick dixon uh notoriously difficult to talk to you at a bar if you believe the saint catherine's lore about him talking about mark hebshire hebshire's hebshire's the best i have hebshire stories i could tell you i love when he and mark tanti used to do sports line back in the day yeah the hebsies yeah he's great anyway um freeland talking about talking with nick dixon about well a couple things right number one how
Starting point is 00:01:46 would you have handled things differently you know if your finance minister resigned what would you have done freeland going well first first step is not to tell your finance minister you're firing her after she delivers the fall economic statement three days before she delivers it that's the first step like that's pretty harsh that's a bit uh that's a bit of a knife in the back though i think she's clearly she's very angry the two of them yeah and uh the other see there's a divide here she's the anti-trudeau right that's the way she's kind of portraying herself and carney's like kind of the trudeau ish person i think i really think that okay i'll tell you this after but the the thing the other thing about the interview that i liked was when they started talking about the carbon tax.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And Nick, to his credit, did give her a little bit of a push. Like, hey, you're telling me now you don't want to do the consumer-facing. She's very clear about making that distinction, consumer-facing carbon tax. But you guys said to put money in everyone's pockets. So are you not taking money out of Canadians' pockets when they're in the middle of a cost of living crisis? Now, the clip floating around is truncated. It's very short. And I think it misses some context that is a little bit favorable to Freeland. But the overall message is just, we're in a different game now because as everyone knows, when you have a boss, you do things the boss
Starting point is 00:03:05 wants, you say the things the team needs, and they're not always the things that are true. And I thought, man, that is such a dagger. At the same time that the government of Canada just started running ads on TV about how important carbon pricing is to protect the environment and put money in people's pockets. So you have on one hand, the GC jingle advertising campaign, doing these carbon ads. And then on the other hand, Freeland in the press talking about how it doesn't put money in people's pockets. That was a lie. We told that lie because that's what the coach told us, what Trudeau told us. You have Carney at his event saying similar stuff. He doesn't want to do the public facing
Starting point is 00:03:45 carbon carbon tax anymore i i don't know what to make of all that and then on top of that you have like karina gold who you know has been pretty um central i guess is the the word in terms of like liberal comms like in qp she's always one of the ones who speaks the most. Um, and it's not, she was the house leader. So when, yeah,
Starting point is 00:04:09 so it's not, it's not even on her portfolio. Yeah. Yeah. So not even on her portfolio. Right. She was like the minister of families or something like that. No,
Starting point is 00:04:16 no, she was, she was house leader. She was, she was, what was her portfolio though? Then she have a, she wasn't a minister.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Best of my knowledge or not. She was, she was there to like, uh, every time there's a fire to be put out in the house she's she's parrying the attacks that's what she's doing yeah it's a tough position to be in but yeah she messed up when she was dealt with i i i like i like how so i'll tell you something i don't like and then i'll put something i like around it right this is the old management thing, the compliment sandwich. This is more an open
Starting point is 00:04:45 face compliment sandwich. The thing I don't like is that these guys are all liars, all of them. They'll say anything and I have had so many conversations with people who I think are really smart, including members of my own family over the last few years saying the carbon tax is bullshit. Obviously, does not put money in people's pockets. Obviously, it's not a net gain for 80% of families. Obviously, obviously, obviously, this whole thing is a lie. House of cards, wind is picking up, all that stuff. And kept on hearing from these guys and girls. But it puts money back in people's pockets. The government does this because it supports the economy for the lower income earners, lower carbon users, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:05:21 blah. Turns out none of that was true. Freeland admitting as much today. It's just not true. And Carney, who has been in the press many times over the last little while about how he's an outsider, those policies are not his policies. They are. You advised on that. You're in many different speaking engagements videotaped recorded quoted clipped remixed whatever talking about carbon taxes the importance of carbon pricing and pollution pricing so you you're for it you know what his position is with the un yeah yeah like un f you name it uh he is like the carbon advisor or something. Yeah, he's the advisor. This is his fucking appointed position. Incredible, incredible. And these people, by the way,
Starting point is 00:06:11 running as quote-unquote different from Trudeau and outsiders, you astutely pointed out to us last week in a private chat, and I'm going to say it now. No, this is well-known. This was done in December. It's not well-known. I can't find this anywhere. I can't find it anywhere.
Starting point is 00:06:24 December of last year. So like December, like last month sorry you say it you say it well for people who say you say freeland and carney and trudeau and all these they're all different from each other no tell me why no there's enough of a connection because freeland one of her kids yeah the godfather is mark carney amazing amazing the incest at the highest levels of influence in the canadian political scene it's fucking everywhere okay carney running as an outsider the guy was the governor of the bank of england during brexit fuck that up governor of the bank of canada during the oa crisis fuck that up his actions led to one of the the the uh one of the biggest bubbles in all of human history forming in the Canadian real estate market. Disasters in the cost of living for Canadians started there with him.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And by the way, for an outsider, the guy's fucking signature is probably on the $20 bill in your wallet. So to give you an idea of how much of an outsider that guy is, that's how much. Then you got these guys talking about how different from Trudeau. No, these guys are buddy-buddy at dinnersners they're fucking skiing together the laurentian elite is the swamp here and these guys are all in it and they want you to believe they're not they're lying all of them are lying that's the thing i don't like the thing i do like though about the campaign is the vitriol these guys fucking hate each other it's typical i love it i think i think the debate if there's ever a leadership debate or something akin to a leadership debate for the liberal party that'd be must see tv i don't think they have to do it by their rules but it'd be must see tv
Starting point is 00:07:58 and i also think that there will be at least one bang up, blow up, home run clip of whoever loses the liberal leadership debate, trashing whoever wins it after the first leaders debate leading up to the election. Almost a guarantee. I can already picture Freeland or Karina Gold getting on TV with Vashie Capellos or with, i don't know with nick dixon sid sixero who's now a political guy apparently i thought he was this sports guy getting on tv with one of these people right either either question period power politics whatever and just ripping the performance of whoever wins liberal candid. Not necessarily because they disagree with the viewpoints, not necessarily because they don't want them
Starting point is 00:08:48 to rule the day, but because they just hate them. And that's what I'm about. If he wants to attend a debate as an accredited CBP reporter, we'll give you that. Can we get accreditation? I mean, Carney's kicking people out of his fucking... Come on.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Mark Carney, if he wins... Mark mark i'm talking to you now mark if you wanted to do a campaign event where you would only get the cbc crowd you should have done it in toronto buddy if you want to do an event in alberta edmonton of all places you're gonna get western media the western media fucking hates you man that's obvious incompetent management no security okay he did it there for the reason born there right he's trying to look at hairs i'm coming no no there there's there's some it's not gonna work if i think because there is a method to the madness here he doesn't want it to be put in the same situation as mike lignatieff where i still remember little late just visiting just a little late little late for that this same thing could
Starting point is 00:10:00 apply here with him if he loses this liberal leadership debate, what are the odds he's still going to remain in Canada or just pick up and go somewhere? He's not going to stay. Right. He's turning 60 in March. Yeah. Why stick around?
Starting point is 00:10:17 People who are 60 would have you believe that's the new 30, by the way, but go ahead. You can say this guy. And this is what I would do if I was going. Go to a Caribbean island if he doesn't win. It only makes sense. Enjoy your life. Only on this earth for a set period of time.
Starting point is 00:10:31 He must have the means. Why stick it and fight it here through the cold weather, a devaluing currency and shit like that. Just enjoy what you have and just do like that. But he might win. Right. It's basically between the front runnersners or him and Freeland. Whoever they run out there is going to get absolutely lambasted.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Freeland can't win and have any aspirations of winning the election. She has not separated herself enough from the current regime. She's speaking against herself in some of these media appearances. I'll go back to the one with Nick Dixon talking about how Trump doesn't like weakness and she's not a weak, weak person. And, you know, he'll have a hard time with her because she just refuses to bend the knee. And then also saying that I had to bend the knee and talking about the carbon tax, talking about immigration and talking about like, it's just, I said this to you and to Mark privately, I'll say it on the show. When I look at Carney, when I looked at Carney on the daily show now, I will be the first to admit that was like the softball interview of softball interviews. And John Stewart did a lot of the work there, but I thought Carney, exactly that. But I thought Carney for his part, you know, he was asked to, he's only asked to catch five yard hooks and he caught a couple of five yard hooks and Stewart was throwing good balls. He's reading the defense. That's fine. Carney did what he was asked to do. I will say that if you compare that performance to the performance he gave at the Edmonton whatever
Starting point is 00:11:49 whatever that was something heights I forget I think it was called uh um uh god prime minister I forget who but something heights um if you look at those two performances it's almost unbelievable how bad he was in front of the podium then Then I look at Freeland and Nick Dixon. Freeland, when she's kind of freestyling with Nick, I don't want to say likable, but she's a lot more likable than I remember her. And then when you see her during her Boys and Girls Club thing in Toronto, her announcement, she's not likable.
Starting point is 00:12:18 And I just wonder, and I said this to you, Mark, is it the party messaging, the party apparatus, the party PR standards or whatever not that they're necessarily hard and fast but it just seems that in any any event where they're forced to read either from a piece of paper from a teleprompter they're stale they're cold they're lifeless they're they're politicians in the worst way and then when they're freestyling yeah but when they're freestyling though yeah but when they're freestyling they're like fucking good you know like that's all right you would like that and so i just wonder like party that's fucking killing these guys no it's just it's who they are i don't think i don't i don't get that at all
Starting point is 00:12:58 i don't maybe i maybe i just like more authentic appearances and other people prefer something that's a little more packaged and polished. But it just looks so weird to me that they would keep bringing these guys back to settings where they look like the politicians that every major country is trying to leave behind as if we're any different. They don't get it. And I listened to the strategist podcast against my better judgment today. Those guys are retarded. They're terrible strategists and none of them are ever on winning campaigns. One of them is working on the Carney campaign. And like, like, why would you hire these guys who don't do well anytime they're called on? It's just like over and over again, just obvious mistakes. And you can say, Joey, what do you know?
Starting point is 00:13:46 You're a podcaster in your basement. Well, I don't know, man. It seems to me like we've been ahead of the curve on a lot of stuff, not just me and Len, but just like the broader sort of alt, uh, fringe Canadian public has been ahead of the curve on all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:57 How, how do you, how do you justify using these guys? Right. And they have, they have no, this is the, they are going to be sacrificial
Starting point is 00:14:06 lambs whoever wins this is going to get absolutely fucking wrecked i if if there was a way they had something on poliev they would have busted it out by now trudeau would have busted it out because he would have done so to try and save his Yeah, you think right. And the fact nothing has been released to date means they have nothing that they can say. Oh, there's a skeleton in a polyester closet. Let's use this as the ace of the sleeve doesn't exist. So they're going to get absolutely wrecked.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Okay, so they're going to get wrecked. Everybody agrees on this, I believe. So what's going to happen after that? There's going to be a cleansing and you're going to have a different direction in the party. You're going to have a whole new set of folks come in and try to rebuild from the ground up. Kind of thing that was done like 15 years ago
Starting point is 00:14:56 after Ignatieff, they kind of did that. But here we are. It didn't have the longevity that it... Not even close. There's a lot of overlap between them and the ndp and i think that they have to to eliminate that overlap because you don't you don't need the redundancy of that i said it before the little party in the center or close to the center so they're the next man the next yeah yeah if when they're good everything is more fun but when they're not good it's like it's boring it's just the sad reality is like i think what i want
Starting point is 00:15:31 actually i know what i want it's probably never going to happen the world has changed a lot in the past 10 years yeah well this world is always changing but it changed quite a bit that where if you stood on this ground 20 years ago and you were say center of the political spectrum and you haven't moved you haven't changed your ideas one bit you're now far right things around you shifted yeah and so that's the sad reality is that there's been enough changes just in general that i you know i what i think should happen with the liberal party probably will never happen do you know uh liz trust was on peter mccormick's show boomers noting here that uh he sent me a clip of her warning canadians about carney i don't know if that was on his show or not she should try tweeting about that do you think we could get liz trust to come on this show
Starting point is 00:16:18 to talk about mark carney i would i would love you know we could do a play-by-play of every second of her being the prime minister of it was only like 10 minutes i mean we do but i would love to do that because it's just a play-by-play just deep dive into her her daily life everything that was done when she was prime she was the one who tried to make a hard decision for that country and immediately was ousted like unceremoniously and very publicly so you know and she was right she's gonna wind up being uh she's gonna wind up being a figure that's revered i think in 10 or 12 years think so yeah i don't know i can't remember what was the reason depends when you think this whole thing is going to collapse this whole fiat ponzi scam like we got we got i don't know how close we are but you got a figure in 10 or 12 years it'll be at least more clear to people that she was correct in her assessment of the situation
Starting point is 00:17:07 and then things that need to be done what was she trying to do do you recall these i can't there's something to do with yeah go ahead there's something about the closer to uh to like the next boris johnson boris wasn't no that's because she was the successor to him, right? Yeah. And so I just thought... She was the successor to Rishi, wasn't she? Rishi Sunak was... I forget now. It's all a fucking...
Starting point is 00:17:34 Boomer says he can help us get Liz Truss. Boomer, if you can, I'll talk to Liz on the phone if she wants. She's a little bit ahead of us in terms of time zone. Five hours. I'll stay up late. Yeah, she wants to let me know. Liz, let me know liz we'll have you on happy to do it yeah i want to hear about mark carney i don't know a lot about mark i see the stuff he's talked about i i think i think he is one of the typical politicians that we see here in canada but if there's something i need to know i i would like to know it and share that information and by the way, I would give Mark Carney an opportunity to come on this program and defend his reputation.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And I would be fair to him. And I would tell him that I thought he was funny on The Daily Show. Would you let Jagmeet Singh come on? Absolutely not. Under zero circumstances. Why? You know what? He stands up in House of Commons.
Starting point is 00:18:18 He says when he becomes prime minister, he says it every fucking time. It's amazing. I say that when I get up in the morning, too. But it doesn't mean it's going to happen. But he's an elected official.'s actually more likely i think that i become the like if you went on polymarket right now and had my odds of prime minister and his odds prime minister i think i'd be the favorite he is likely he's gone so you're gonna have the liberal leader gone you're gonna have the ndp leader gone uh Blanchet is probably going to stick around. Poliev will
Starting point is 00:18:45 probably become the prime minister. So you're going to have two of the four still around. The Bloc Québécois is official opposition. It's a possibility. We had it before, 1993. So it's quite possible we could have that again. They get a lot of funding. They get a lot more
Starting point is 00:19:00 eyeballs because they're the first to ask questions they ask the most questions in the house yeah yeah that'd be fun i would love to see planchette take some shots yeah um i love listen i love i love quebecers i think they're great i think they're that's a that's a that is a a person that is a much more hardened than the average canadian and i think it makes for good tv to let them what about east coaster it's fucking that's a, that is a person that is a much more hardened than the average Canadian. And I think it makes for good TV to let them. What about East coaster?
Starting point is 00:19:29 It's fucking no. I'll, I mean, I don't know about the economy, just generally the weather. Yeah. When somebody describes it to me, it's fucking cold because it's that damp cold that gets to your fucking.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah. But I'm talking about, I'm talking about the hardiness of like someone in QP. I don't really care about the East coast i just look at you know i couldn't last 10 minutes out east because it's just too fucking cold for me somewhere else i don't know if i could last in these tiny homes at hamilton bottom you want to talk about hamilton's tiny homes yeah let's talk about this i was out i was out at a lunch last week with, I won't say with who, but with a couple of people who know about the Tiny Homes debacle. Is it Whitehead?
Starting point is 00:20:11 Huh? It's not Terry Whitehead. No, Terry Whitehead. One of the worst fucking bigs of all time. One time playing a chadok? He's like, that guy's a legend in Hamilton politics. Him and Sam Murillo are also a legend. My buddy hit his ball. My mistake. He loses his mind.
Starting point is 00:20:29 He's like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, he's nuts. He's like, it's my ball. He's nuts. Oh, what the heck are you doing hitting his ball? Ow, you fucked up. So we're talking about these tiny homes, and it truly is a debacle. The city rebuked offers from local builders and vendors to have these homes built. They instead, typical NDP, Andrea Horvath fashion, reached out to what they thought was an indigenous owned business, these guys scammed the city. And you may ask, Joey, how did they scam the city? Well, I'm going to bounce you up and down on my knee
Starting point is 00:21:09 and talk to you about it. What they did was they told the city that they could build these homes and they obviously had this angle that they were an indigenous business and this is good for politics and good for optics and all these things. City said, okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It did zero research, none. Literally nothing, zero. They probably signed this contract on the fucking toilet and sent it out on their phone uh these guys ended up getting the tiny homes for i think 35 000 a piece from an alibaba type company timu sheen type company whatever and plopped them. They are obviously made in China. A lot of people unhappy about this whole thing. And the city will never answer any questions about this, even though there are counselors now who are pushing on it because it's politically convenient to do so. But of course, none of these same counselors probably had any issues with them
Starting point is 00:22:01 using indigenous businesses. Probably none of them read the proposal dockets. Probably none of them did any research on whether or not this company has ever done tiny homes before or anything like that. Meanwhile, in Hamilton, during COVID, there were a number of businesses that did stuff like outdoor dining decks for local companies, just guys from around the area who were out of work and started up LLCs, building decks and building little structures to separate people from each other. They weren't sanctioned, Joey. No, they were sanctioned. The city paid them to do these things, right? The city paid them to build these things. We
Starting point is 00:22:38 shut down certain lanes on certain streets because there was less car traffic. And so they had these opportunities. the city in its infinite wisdom never thought to reach out to any of these people either even though you basically had them build the same structure four years ago no one at the city thought hey didn't we have a guy who built like a 10 by 10 uh wood structure for restaurants downtown oh we shouldn't call them we're going to go to the indigenous guys why for no other reason than because they were indigenous brain dead they gave a decent so it was you know obviously the indigenous factor was there too but the price was also another bonus like 35 000 per unit which they thought would have been able to provide more than what it
Starting point is 00:23:22 should because it's 1600 obviously you're not going to get very much so the idea was that they're going to get a lot more for the 35 000 and obviously they're not and yeah that's seven million dollars that's basically i continue to say by the way that the you know it's not just me saying this anyone in the addictions community will will echo this sentiment and this is well recognized in in expert circles real expert circles not fake expert circles that, you know, fixing homelessness takes more than putting people in a home. You know, it's a start. It's yeah, but it's, it's actually not, it's, it should be the last thing that happens.
Starting point is 00:23:57 They need a roof over their head, Joey. Yeah. So, yeah. So you do it in, in a, in a situation that doesn't give them independence give them independence right because what happens is you you still have all the habits that forced you into homelessness and just because you have a roof over your head doesn't mean that you won't continue those habits and continue this path of ruin that you're on i think that what's being lost here is that it's a tiny home too yeah we've met inhumane it's in it's honestly inhumane like it's not inhumane like it almost
Starting point is 00:24:25 goes back to that old meme from the wf you will owe nothing and be happy this is a very similar thing because who owns this tiny home it's not the people that occupy it it's it's going to be obviously like the community government owned and they're not very big you're not going to be able to almost uh dinner party and by the way nobody wanted to have those nobody wanted to have them in their neighborhood either, which was another sticking point for the city. They just set these fuckers up in a Home Depot parking lot and used them
Starting point is 00:24:52 as a marketing tool. Look at this shed we built. People could live in it. You should install one in your backyard. If it's good enough for somebody to live in it, your fucking wheelbarrow could also live in it as well. So that's what they should do. It's absolutely insane that this is going on in the year of our Lord 2025. It's not going to get any better, Joey.
Starting point is 00:25:12 In terms of, man, oh, there's going to be less homeless next year. Oh, they're going to have bigger places. It just continually gets worse. The price of homes is further out of reach. Yeah. If you don't have a house, you'll never one or for most you're not going to get one rent although rent has come down in general in canada it's going to go back up very soon just because well everything else is going to go back up and so it's just you're going to have the more and more people captured in this
Starting point is 00:25:41 category of having fucking nothing agreed and they're gonna look at that there's no escape plan there's no escape plan for people and this is why like not to go into the weeds here but these like pardons from biden like he pardons anthony fauci fauci like we talk a lot on the show about the inflation of the pandemic and the inflation of the response from the pandemic like there's a real chance that this fucking guy caused the dream of homeownership to become just that, a dream, never to be realized for a billion plus people all over the world, thanks to the pandemic response and the cover-up and the hiding and the lies about the vaccine, the lies about the severity, lies about... There's a chance that this guy single-handedly ruined a billion different
Starting point is 00:26:30 bloodlines in terms of like wealth accumulation and it's it's just like it's almost unfathomable yeah one appointed individual has that much it's all is that nuts like is that like crazy thinking that's like is that too big a stretch i think saying there there's some sort of check this is the tin foil we're talking about the beginning of the show by the way i but i think this is like on i'm on the right track here am i not i think there's checks and balances that prevent that from taking place there's not a dictatorship where you have so much power in one position so i i would lead to believe no nobody else nobody else had the power and influence that guy had right like he was on stage with trump he's on the night
Starting point is 00:27:14 the daily show nightly show he's on the cover of forbes on the cut like he's on the new yorker he's on every channel you don't think a subordinate of his looks at the data and says this is wrong and we'll just shut the fuck up i don't think i don't think they have a chance to influence the outcome is what i think i i just don't know there's there's a lot of this i don't know trading records by the way pelosi great but give me the fauci stock investment you know what's he been putting his money in that guy i i you know I'll be perfectly honest. I know very little about that guy. He fucked up the AIDS pandemic. AIDS epidemic. I heard that.
Starting point is 00:27:49 For whatever reason, I have no desire to learn about Fauci. He tried to tell everyone in the 90s that by the time 1994, 1995 hit, 20% of the American population, adult population would have HIV. Then you look at what he said about the pandemic, like COVID, oh, this will kill everyone. Everyone's going to get it if you don't stay six feet. It tracks. It tracks. And it's just like, fuck me if he didn't ruin it for literally a billion people. How many small businesses? How many people became addicted to drugs and alcohol? How many people lost their health and wealth
Starting point is 00:28:29 thanks to businesses closing or losing jobs? How many people took fucking six of those shots? There's just no penalty for this? Nothing? The guy's partying? 10 years? 10 years, 11 years, whatever it is? See, the fiat system
Starting point is 00:28:46 was doomed it was there was no longevity there it was just a matter not a if but when this whole experiment which took place four years ago made it go faster and it brought it quick much quicker to its end than it would have if it never came into existence so it could take that it just helped push this thing along quicker and it's going to see the end much quicker as a result yeah and bitcoin it helped make bitcoin to be a bigger thing than what i think i think that's true yeah so thank you take that yeah yeah so you know even for me like i was not really that i bought bitcoin like i never thought much of it but it's a series of events that took place that really made me understand what the fuck this is and you know that shaped me who i am now and without those taking place who knows i mean
Starting point is 00:29:39 maybe i'll still be just buying etfs and shit like that. Right? What a fucking joke I was. Oh, man. Janet Yellen. We'll talk quickly about her. Janet? Yeah, Janet. This is the beauty of Astoria, Joey, because she's saying that the Treasury – She's just a little dumpling.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I saw that little Buddha body dumpling there walking out of the Federal Reserve Building or whatever for the last time today. See, I can't say much about her as an individual. In terms of being Treasury Secretary, you know, she could be a charming person for all. I have no fucking clue. Again, I have very little about her. Got a lot of riz that lady. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:30:17 If you leave your lights on in your car, she'll be the one that knocks on your door and says, why are your lights on? I have no fucking clue about her. I think it's probably fairly likely that she is a decent baker but i'm not sure that she'd bring a cookie to your house you know that's kind of girl janet is okay well let's see i i don't know i'll leave it at that because she said that the treasury is gonna have to take extraordinary
Starting point is 00:30:38 measures starting january 21st the timing of this is wonderful because January 21st, which is tomorrow, Tom got sworn in today. By the way, you inherited this fucking extraordinary measure of must. Basically, they're going to reach the statutory debt ceiling between January 14th and 23rd. They may have already hit it. If not, it's going to be later this week.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Oh, man. The timing of this is just wonderful. They just realized that now they look at the the paperwork and oh shit guys by the way run out oh by the way we're leaving our job today oh yeah by the way here's the keys to the cabinet and there's nothing by the way you guys could do you guys are yeah oh i was just going to get my leftovers out of the fridge i almost forgot on the 21st uh shit's gonna hit the fan good luck take care in case money runs out break glass that's what they're gonna have to do
Starting point is 00:31:36 yeah this is the like what the fuck oh well now i think about i was gonna say what do we say we gotta burn it down burn it down, baby. What do we say? We got to burn it down. Burn it down. There's no other. What do we do? They're leaving nothing for the rapid pointer. She probably took another $100 million in fucking cash to send over to Vladimir Zelensky or whatever that guy's name is
Starting point is 00:31:59 on the way home. Oh, you know what? Now, fuck. How much more money is going to be sent there? Canada? Zero. This much? Zero. This much? Zero.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Now that we have... That's how much. Fucking nothing. And by the way, way overdue. Way overdue. Okay. Joey, there's one more story. We have to quickly talk about it.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Let's do it. I'm happy to. Canada is giving financial assistance to Gazans. Hell yeah. So they're going to be issuing what they call visitor visas or temporary resident visas. Yeah. 5,000 applications could be filed and approved up to April 22nd.
Starting point is 00:32:40 So either April 22nd hits or 5,000 applications. That's the range. So probably 5,000 applications, I'm assuming. People that do apply come here for assistance, their application fees for their visas are going to be waived as well as the biometric fees. They're also going to be waived as well. Then when they come here, there's going to be a one-time direct payment,
Starting point is 00:33:01 $3,000 per adult and $1,500 per child. That's 17 or under. A lot of people here are homeless. I thought there was a ceasefire going on in that part of the world. I don't know. I don't live there. I don't know what the fuck's going on. I could just kind of read what's going on in my Twitter feed.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I don't really pay too much attention to it, but another 5,000 folks here. Good for them. Good for them. What a haul. I don't really pay too much attention to it, but another 5,000 folks here, you know. Good for them. Good for them. What a haul. Like, isn't that nice? By the way, we can't put you in a home. We can't give you food at the food bank.
Starting point is 00:33:44 We can't give you a road that doesn't have a four-inch pothole in the fucking middle of it. We can't give you a road that doesn't have a four inch pothole in the fucking middle of it we can't give you police services we can't give you anything but hallway medicine but here's the good news if you're faking asylum fleeing a country that's about to enter a ceasefire here's a bunch of fucking money a boatload of it well to be fair that is like that is such a fucking kick in the dick you know to be fair it isn't a lot of money but just money in general len uh listen i'm pretty well off you're pretty well off could you do something with five5,000 if I gave you $5,000? It's $3,000 per adult.
Starting point is 00:34:28 So if you give me $3,000. You got a couple? It's $6,000. Could you do something with $6,000? You got a wife. I got a wife. Could I do something with $6,000? I just had a kid.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Can I do something with $6,000? In terms of how far you can stretch that. Do they deserve it more than I deserve it? Just say it. No. Do they deserve it more than I deserve it? No, it. Do they deserve it more than I deserve it? No, they fucking don't. No, they fucking don't.
Starting point is 00:34:47 They deserve nothing. Nothing from the country's coffers. Probably better. Zero. But 3,000 ain't a lot. But it should be zero. That's probably a better number. It ain't a lot.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Tell that to somebody who has to send their kid to get a fucking carton of milk at school because they can't feed them at home. It ain't a lot. That 3,000 would get wiped out pretty damn quick too. Whatever. So what? That's for someone else. that see this is what i'm talking the issue the issue here is that it's something you're bringing in more people here in an environment where we're saying it's too full they are trying to reduce the amount of temporary people in canada because the system is stretched to a thing it's broken
Starting point is 00:35:25 health care services schools everything right so and a way to help alleviate this the federal government said you know what we're going to put the kibosh to this and we're going to not approve a lot of these temporary residents and in fact we're going to tell them to go the fuck home yeah how do you go but then on top of that then you have this another 5 000 people i get it it's war torn but really there's war there's war everywhere why do i have to give them three thousand dollars each like why do i have to do that why the answer is i don't and i shouldn't and it's not my concern if you come from a country where you are throwing stones at each other, killing women for showing their face, murdering gay people over Stone Age myths, that's your fucking problem. I don't want to see your flag on the street. I don't want to give you a dollar for your fucking stay.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I don't want to do any of it. And every Canadian is sick of this. They are sick of it. Look at the polls. Look at the opinion polling look at the twitter feed look at the facebook group look everywhere i i don't understand why this is being done i i i could kind of understand because the fact they say okay it's humanitarian reasons but at the same token you're saying that the people here that are here temporarily you're saying you're not going to be able to keep them and they have to go home so yeah you're trying to kick out a bunch of
Starting point is 00:36:48 people but then bringing others it's almost kind of an offset so it doesn't make sense if perfect environment when you have the economy humming along yeah and unemployment is very low so many times yeah you know that would be a great environment, but we're not there. It doesn't work. It doesn't change things in the past few years. We're no longer in that position. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:37:16 It doesn't work because if you get free money, you don't have to assimilate. You just live with other people like yourself, and then you wind up with these giant religious protests in the street unacceptable completely there's a lot there's more than that canada um you can come here english is spoken a lot of different places yeah so if you kind of like i always talk about italy it's hard for somebody to go to italy this is the other bullshit fucking thing i hear from retards on the internet all these people with the ukrainian flag and other stupid shit
Starting point is 00:37:50 in their fucking bios is the all the un conventions on asylum we have to take asylum seekers i got news for you asylum seekers have to go to the first available country they don't get to cross the fucking ocean to come to canada okay that's enough of this and by the way these whole all this garbage nonsense international law says this says that we got to get out of all these fucking treaties all of them oh you see trump got out of the paris accord today by the way yeah trump's under the paris accord the the fed is out of the green policy stuff the european union is like all this stuff is falling by the wayside. We are getting back to a time where we have to look inwards now and fix the stuff that's going on here.
Starting point is 00:38:31 These asylum rules are nothing but garbage driven by huge corporations to force you to take slave labor from third world countries under the guise of war and discrimination and other, which by the way, they are causing as well in those home countries. Enough, enough. I don't want to fucking see any more of this. I don't want to hear any more of it. No more money, no more asylum, no more hotels,
Starting point is 00:38:56 no more nothing. Stay home, fix your own problems and sort it out on your own terms. It's not for me to decide. It's not for me to influence. And as sure as fucking shit, it's not for me to decide. It's not for me to influence. And a shirt as fucking shit is not for me to fucking pay for. End of story. Joey, here's a good one.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Hot off the press, Trump says that tariffs could come to Mexico and Canada. 25% tariffs could come as early as February 1st. Perfect. We need to learn a hard lesson here in this country. I'm looking at the chart, Canadian-US chart. Punishment. Punishment. As soon as that was announced, it went down from like 70-ish cents down to 69.
Starting point is 00:39:32 It dropped almost a penny. That's a big drop. That's a big drop. Yeah. Yeah, that's crazy. All these people who voted for these policies, who still have the flag in their profile picture who still give money to these causes you are in for so much fucking pain you you cannot imagine how difficult life is going to be for you if trump decides that he's done propping us up if you you know i know how difficult it's going to be
Starting point is 00:40:00 you don't it will we and we've been talking about four years what is the way to get out of this trump out of the who2 boomer just said pulled out this guy's on fire for a first day well he's i don't want to talk about that i gotta watch the he's isn't he signing executive orders in a fucking arena or something did i see that they brought a desk over i love that i gotta listen we're signing off you should all go turn that on come back tomorrow me and mayor ken sim no but he's now in the oval office because if you look at he's perfect perfect let's get it going i gotta i gotta turn that on come back tomorrow mayor ken sim come back wednesday fill back thank you for watching close to 900 we got another 15 stories to go oh fuck i'm out of here god bless
Starting point is 00:40:46 you everyone see you tomorrow come back tomorrow it's gonna be a good show seven o'clock me and the mayor of vancouver until then take care of yourselves take care

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