The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast - Bitcoin News With a Canadian Spin - USAID Disaster, Costco Sells BTC, Bitcoin Reserve Updates | The CBP 202 Pt 2 (Bitcoin Podcast)

Episode Date: February 12, 2025

FRIENDS AND ENEMIESTHIS WEEK - Czechs remove taxes on BTC after a three year HODL, Toronto's budget is a disaster, Costco plans to sell Bitcoin (via ATMs), USAID Is Giving Everyone Cash, and MUCH ...more.Join us for some QUALITY Bitcoin and economics talk, with a Canadian focus, every Monday at 7 PM EST. From a couple of Canucks who like to talk about how Bitcoin will impact Canada. As always, none of the info is financial advice. Website: ⁠⁠Discord:  / discord   A part of the CBP Media Network: ⁠ show is sponsored by: easyDNS - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ EasyDNS is the best spot for Anycast DNS, domain name registrations, web and email services. They are fast, reliable and privacy focused. You can even pay for your services with Bitcoin! Apply coupon code 'CBPMEDIA' for 50% off initial purchase Bull Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The CBP recommends Bull Bitcoin for all your BTC needs. There's never been a quicker, simpler, way to acquire Bitcoin. Use the link above for $20 bones, and take advantage of all Bull Bitcoin has to offer.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay so we got uh we got a handful of stories here some good ones where do you want to start do you want to start with us aid we could i'm happy to i mean everyone's getting money from them except us i'm pretty sure you know like i did us aid pay did us aid pay the greatest female athlete of all time to to do a shitty seawalk in a short skirt during the super bowl halftime show who's the greatest female i have no idea it's crazy to me as someone who is it the greatest female athlete serena williams okay first person that came to mind okay serena williams so tell me how big an l this is for serena williams serena williams is the greatest female athlete of all time. She ends up in a short skirt dancing with, you know,
Starting point is 00:00:51 the, the choreography extras basically during the Superbowl halftime show for Kendrick Lamar, because the subject of Kendrick Lamar's biggest diss track, Drake piped her about a decade ago and videos are circulating of her twerking in booty shorts and a tank top. Prime Serena Williams. Whatever you think about Serena Williams as far as attractiveness, this was when she was at her prime, about 10 or 12 years ago. Now you're reduced to twerking because you got dicked down by Drake and the
Starting point is 00:01:26 Superbowl guy is doing a date, a Drake diss track. That has got to be the biggest L any professional athlete has ever taken, let alone the greatest female athlete of all time. That is just a new low. That's what the, that's what the kids call rent free. 10 years after the fact Superbowl halftime show,
Starting point is 00:01:46 you don't play any of the hits people want to hear instead you play i don't even know what that song's called not like us or they're not like us something like that like that's ratings of the super bowl i don't know the game was fucking terrible i don't know the ratings were i only like i said i only really paid attention for the first quarter and a half has this been trending downwards for a number of years and i'm wondering if they stopped that that's not a surprise not a surprise anyway sorry for another time but um yeah the usa thing like yeah do you remember not too long ago the panama papers yeah of course yeah you see that kind of stuff that should have been a monumental moment for us, right?
Starting point is 00:02:26 Like this Panama paper stuff. Because it highlights the difference between the commoners and the elites out there. Because they're using tax loopholes and whatever advantages they have to avoid paying taxes. And if anybody would have the means to pay taxes would be somebody that has a lot of money not the people that are on the lower end of the income brackets because right now as you could see just places of shit gone up and it hasn't been hyperinflationary and there's now 10 cities going up people going to food banks and all that shit imagine if it was in hyperinflationary environment so and these are the people you're trying to burden to pay all that shit imagine if it was in hyperinflationary environment so and
Starting point is 00:03:05 these are the people you're trying to to burden to pay taxes that's just sort of the panama papers like when i see stuff like that joy like and then the usa is almost on par with that i would say maybe more so oh yeah to degree like it fucking makes me sick to my stomach just to to see this kind of stuff the amount of waste that's been discovered it's fucking unreal truly waste by the way and the blob the screeching blob pretending that it's important spending like tell me you're laundering money without telling me this is the way and sadly this might be just a tip of this all it's 40 billion dollar budget for this usa for this past fiscal year from what i gather in a grand scheme of things the united states budget is four to five trillion something
Starting point is 00:03:51 like that so 40 billion is fucking nothing but still that alone is making my blood boil and imagine if you just go through line by line for the other $4.95 billion out there. Like, there's got to be a lot of shit out there. Like, you know, I was talking about food banks and shit like that. You know, how many people, Joey, are working extra shifts now? Because they don't want to. They have to. Or working a second job.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Not because they want to, because they have't want to, they have to, or working a second job, not because they want to, because they have to do this. People that are retiring later, they're working their whole life, they had a set goal in mind, they figured things would remain stagnant, or at least stable, sorry, that's the better term. And it just doesn't. And instead of retiring at 65 or 60, what a fucking number they had. Now it's 72 or 75 or people coming out of retirement to get back into workforce. This is the result of all this shit, this USA, these Panama Papers. It's a result of all this. And in Canada too, we had veterans or a veteran that was told to look for medically assisted suicide.
Starting point is 00:05:02 You see the money that goes out there. It impacts people. Like I said, when they have to work extra or come out of retirement, this impacts their mental health to a degree that it's impossible to measure. And beyond that, there's other things that are unmeasurable, like family planning. How many people want to have kids, but they just can't afford to do so? they delay it or they put it off entirely altogether now generate so their bloodline may be lost because they're not going to have kids and there's a lot of shit that you just can't fucking figure out right and this is all a result of this people i hope they look at this and they fucking realize this is just total
Starting point is 00:05:40 bullshit because you have the private jet class they're the ones out there telling us this is the way you gotta do things this is the way you should live your life carbon is bad and you know i drive a car to work and they're fucking trying to make me look bad there are people out there they can go back they're fucking homeless they weren't homeless before but now there's 10 cities people are fucking jobless beyond that people are fucking hopeless and they're making this thing even worse by all this young people they can't buy homes it's beyond the reach of what 20 years ago it was certainly possible maybe 10 years ago it's certainly possible now if you're a young person in canada at least you have no hope in heck for buying a home and it's all because of this i'm going to give you some numbers here joy so the white house came up with some some stats here for where money has been
Starting point is 00:06:32 going to one was to advance diversity equity and inclusion in serbia's workplaces and business communities why why serbia insane they funded a dei musical in ireland yeah electric vehicles in vietnam a transgendered opera in colombia a transgender comic book in peru sex changes and lgbtq lbg activism in gu Guatemala. These are all external countries. If it was done in the United States, fine. These are all external. Here's one that really drives me fucking nuts. Money spent, millions of dollars
Starting point is 00:07:14 spent to fund tourism in Egypt. Why does the United States have to fund tourism in Egypt? What benefit does that have for the citizens of the United States that fucking tax, they paid for this through taxes that they're paying today or in the future.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And then on top of that, they even went and sent thousands, hundreds of thousands of meals to Al Qaeda affiliated fighters in Syria. These are people that are fighting against United States and their allies. If you went to Hawaii, what did you get aside from a show from The Rock? Nothing. L.A., your house burned down, what do you get? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:07:53 North Carolina, your house flooded, what do you get? Nothing. But if you're in these countries that get money, Z-Man is another one too. I don't want to go into that we could go into that just a second now canada you know canada too is not exempt from this and i think i would say pound for pound may be worse is if you go look at global affairs canada which had their information for whatever reason it was just unavailable for some coincidence there's a coincidence yeah and this isn't just a current administration.
Starting point is 00:08:25 This was previous administration. This has been going on forever. This is just NGOs taking advantage. Do you know that $8,800 of Canadian taxpayer dollars was spent on a show called Whose Jizz Is This? Whose Jizz Is This?
Starting point is 00:08:41 Where was that? Where was that show? Was that on CBC Gem? No gem no no this was in hamburg germany it wasn't even domestic it was an multimedia art exhibit in hamburg germany that exhibited also sex toys all right you know what here we go i'm gonna give you a fucking list here okay i got a few to add i'm sure go ahead all right myanmar access to health fund in myanmar just hang on look at 12 million dollars supporting inclusive grassroots democracy in ukraine 11.7 million money laundering girls power in myanmar why is it there? $8 million.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Global Canadian. My bad. Sorry. Global Emergency Nutrition Program. This is the Action Against Hunger. $52 million. $52 million. Here's a good one. Climate Resilience Accelerator for Latin America and Caribbean.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Latin 500 million. Joey, 500 million. Climate and Nature Fund for the private sector in asia 350 million and we're talking close to a billion here big money that's big money yeah support for the african development fund this is the 12th replenishment the first 11 weren't good enough 325 million dollars then is that going to to South Africa where that guy is calling for the throat cutting of whites? Are we going there? Is that where that money is going? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I don't know. But there's also the 13th replenishment, part two. This is now a subsection of that. That was another $206 million. This is a lot. Women's Empowerment Task Force for Latin America and the Caribbean, $700,000. Now, this is interesting, Joey. This $700,000 that they gave to this included a podcast that was done.
Starting point is 00:10:34 It was several seasons of a podcast showcasing the leadership of women from historically excluded groups, blah, blah, blah. $700,000. We, you and I, Joeyey have a fucking business we can't even get a bank account in canada yet podcast in latin america and the caribbean gets seven hundred thousand dollars to support that type of thing elites joey they are floating around on yachts. Right? And stupid people like me, driving around in my 23-year-old car, 500,000 on the odometer, and still
Starting point is 00:11:12 three payments to go. I have to take that to work, and when I go every fucking day, I get told, you are adding to the fucking problem of pollution. No, I'm just fucking trying to get to work. I'm just trying to make ends meet. So I have the privilege of having half my fucking pay given up for shit like this why you know stuff like this it should be a wake up call for everybody more than that like when i see stuff i fucking get more bullish on bitcoin
Starting point is 00:11:37 and i i'm bullish more in every fucking day when i go and buy bitcoin i am plugged from this bullshit i take my money and it's already been taxes post tax but i'm saying i'm fucking putting my money on this horse this horse that you cannot fuck around with that you cannot spend stupidly or if you do you'll run out and this is what i'm gonna do like people should be fucking ashamed for doing this the ngos out there they may be rich in fiat but i could tell you right now they are fucking morally bankrupt i could look in the mirror and i could say the person looking back at me i could stomach that these motherfuckers that are doing that how could they fucking look in
Starting point is 00:12:16 the mirror when these billions of dollars are going out the door for what nothing comes out of this and here we have people that are suffering heads over here like i i implore people up there look at this find a way to get around this pay your taxes like you should i mean i don't want you to go to fucking jail but look at bitcoin as alternative this is the one saving grace we have totally agree uh i'm going to add a few things to the canadian side of the story my laptop might die so i just sent you the link in case but uh from franco terrazano who i want to get on the show some more global affairs way 7500 to promote diversity equity and inclusion at a music festival in estonia sounds like money well spent 34 000 for a string orchestra to
Starting point is 00:13:00 perform in ecuador 9 000 for a party at at Canada's official residence in Oslo for Pride, which featured a performance by an Israeli drag artist, $13,000 for an Oscars party in LA, $8,000 for a band to play at a jazz festival in El Salvador, $17,000 for a female-led Afro-Cuban jazz band to go to India for a music festival. Trying to say that five times fast. $3,900 for a seminar at an LA arts conference featuring a, quote, frank discussion on, quote, how to properly do a land acknowledgement. There is no bottom to this stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:39 It will go as long as we tolerate it as a society. Period, end of story. And, you know And to your point, I dropped my laptop there. To your point earlier about people trying to get by, people trying to make ends meet, people trying to do all these things. Don't forget that not only are you told that you're not the priority with stuff like this, but this is actually, generally speaking, hidden from you. You will never convince me that foreign affairs had a quote-unquote technical issue on the day that USAID made headlines in the States and Canadians looked at each other and thought,
Starting point is 00:14:16 hey, I wonder if we're doing anything like that here. You're never going to convince me of that, ever, number one. Number two, the likelihood that this money is going out and none of it is getting kicked back to the people who are making sure that it gets there is basically zero. I think there's a lot of kickbacks going on here. And three, just to reiterate, there is no such thing as an NGO. NGO is a fake term made up by grifters and losers to steal money from taxpayers because all NGOs are funded by governments, every single one. So this idea, there's an NGO that's working with, they're drilling wells in Africa or whatever the fuck
Starting point is 00:14:58 these people do. And they're doing it non-governmentally. No, they're taking money from governments and governments are getting that money back somehow. No one is working for free. I don't know if you've noticed, Len, but Africa has not come very far in the last hundred years of charity. Is it possible that the money is not making it to Africa, Len?
Starting point is 00:15:18 I don't know. Is it possible that the money we're spending, I think the word floating around or the number floating around, 20 million an iraqi sesame street spinoff you know yes yes you know who's you know is there like a caliphate oscar the grouch is it inclusive the way that sesame street is is there a trans character the way sesame street in america has in the iraqi version i haven't watched sesame apparently and so like my question is, who is dumb enough to believe any of this is for the common good? Number one.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And maybe the bigger question, Len, and this is an uncomfortable one to deal with for a lot of people, and I expect that it'll be uncomfortable here. USAID, according to a number of people, including Mike Benz, who's been on this for years, is basically a CIA dark money fund. Stuff that's too dirty for the CIA goes to U.S. aid. And if we assume,
Starting point is 00:16:16 by the way, tons of evidence for this, if we assume that the money the CIA spends is spent to destabilize governments and serve U.S. interests abroad, and the money U CIA spends is spent to destabilize governments and serve US interests abroad. And the money USAID is spending is serving the same purpose. And you see it going toward trans shows, drag shows, DEI. That's a lot of the same stuff that's going on in America today. If it's destabilizing other places,
Starting point is 00:16:45 why wouldn't it be destabilizing at home? And you're seeing that. There's no doubt, whether you agree or disagree with these things is secondary. The point is that it's no longer debatable whether or not this stuff was quote unquote grassroots. It wasn't. It wasn't grassroots overseas. And I think the more these guys dig Elon and big balls or whoever else is fucking over there, the more they dig, the more you're going to find that it wasn't grassroots here either. And that's going to raise a lot of eyebrows and it's going to damage the American empire
Starting point is 00:17:22 in a way that I don't think anyone is ready for. But if you're a Bitcoiner, you look at this stuff and you say, I knew something was going on. I knew it. I knew that the money was free for these guys. But man, even if I knew the money was free, even I couldn't imagine this level of just theft and grift and scamming and kickbacks and laundering. Do you really in your heart of hearts think that all the money going to Ukraine is going to help the military and the people? Do you really think that all the money going to Africa is going to build wells and bolster democratic norms. Do you really think that it's a $20 million to make Sesame Street in Iraq? Give your head a shake. You're not stupid. You might be injured. Your ego might be bruised seeing this for the first time and being
Starting point is 00:18:19 shown this obvious truth, this indisputable set of facts now by a guy you don't like, Trump, who hired a guy you don't like, Elon Musk, to show you this stuff. But it's not up for debate anymore. We got to do a hard reset on the way that we think about government. And the point of all this at the end, David Freebrook said this on All In too, and we've talked about this on the show. The point of all this at the end should be that we get down to a fundamental question that needs to be answered now, both because there's creeping oversight, creeping power, and also because there's no money. What is the core function of government? What is the government supposed to do for you? Is it supposed to serve as a charity arm for every country overseas?
Starting point is 00:19:05 Is it supposed to serve as the police in every dispute, debate, disagreement, or is it supposed to make sure that you can put food on your table? It's a big question because there's a lot of people whose livelihoods depend on the former and a lot of people who are sick of seeing their livelihood erode in the latter and that's a big big battle that's going to come i think here for sure it's already starting and in the states it's going to come like wildfire over the next six months as these guys continue to expose stuff because there's no doubt this is just the tip of the iceberg no doubt at all there's so much they you know what the reality is and you we touched upon it but it just has to be reiterated they just don't give a fuck yeah it's just they don't care they just don't care a fuck whatever comes out of their mouth it's actions
Starting point is 00:19:57 that really dictate how much people care and when you see this type of stuff i just want to i just want to add something here i see in the bull bitcoin chat alex just said the thing i was going to say that yeah can revenue agency taxing the 2.5 billion dollar small business carbon tax rebate 600 000 they're taxing they're taxing the rebate they say is good for you and then giving it to deiI music festivals in Estonia. Why? Why? Is the question that these people should be forced to answer. Why? Why does the food bank have record usage? Why are there 10 cities in every major area in Canada,
Starting point is 00:20:38 which didn't exist not too long ago? Why are payment arrears or payments being missed missed for mortgages now and it's been going up for the past while more than ever before why are people skipping meals why are people working extra why are their elderly coming back from retirement they worked their whole fucking life they put their money into this they shouldn't have to come back and work we're only on this planet and this is one life we have unless you're i guess hindu yeah once you get one you get one spin yeah but that's it like you you take some they work their whole fucking life they wake up early and they come back home late they put in their time and now they have to fucking put in more time because the money
Starting point is 00:21:22 that they used that they're forced to use it's not like they opted into this yeah they're just born in this country live here and this is the so somebody has been given the stewardship to manage this and they didn't do a good enough job and we're going to be electing one of the people one of the governors that was responsible for this kind of shit as our prime minister incredible stuff like i don't know what to say but the more like i see that i go back well how about how about just you know if you don't know what to say i'll say something how about the squealing from schumer and maxine waters and elizabeth warren and bernie sanders and all these people who are like oh we need to spend this money like fucking hell you do if all that money was directed directly towards
Starting point is 00:22:08 programs anywhere honestly like anywhere else it almost no no not anywhere else there could be but if it was just directly to programs in the united states and i'm going to just give a short list it could be much longer but transportation health care educate food for kids for like schools so like like that type of stuff infrastructure like you do that may not be the best place to maybe better places i just throwing shit off the top of my head but it's far better that than what they've done and if you do that the citizens that paid for this would be better off next year than they are today and we'd be better off two years and they are next year because they will be access to more services they would just have a life that is just be easier to deal
Starting point is 00:22:51 with imagine having transportation public transportation that is readily available it's there funded you have high-speed bullet train shit like that you go to china i talk to people that travel there the airports are new yeah they're modern you get all the airport the high-speed train is not too far away you hop on that you go anywhere in the east coast really quick and it's a fraction of the cost try flying from toronto to calgary cost now you try flying pick a european city and then fly to another european city now distance may not be what you could even do say from london to bucharest or something that's a fair distance we did london to uh uh budapest a few years ago my wife and i okay it was like incredible yeah
Starting point is 00:23:37 let me guess i'll guess 130 uh euro yeah probably is. Yeah, return. And what is it? Two-hour flight? It's like an hour and change. The subway is at the airport and takes you all over London and then when you land in Budapest, the airport is basically right downtown. It's like 15 minutes. Now, that's going to be the same as flying from
Starting point is 00:24:00 Toronto to, say, Ottawa or Toronto, Montreal. Yeah, same distance. Ottawa'm 45 minutes yeah something like that yeah if i take a train to any of them i'm spending three four five hundred dollars for a train yeah plane probably close to that too planes by the way toronto ottawa they don't hit cruising altitude and it's the most turbulent ride you'll ever have it's a ram plane like seven seven rows or whatever seven lanes and it's like insanely scary i'm not a great flyer anyway but that was a scary i've been on a flight twice i think it's a scary flight
Starting point is 00:24:31 that's it i have to say for usa they people out there if they listened you know what to do if you don't do it your fucking choice now granted there are people that can't do what i'm saying like buying bitcoin because these don't have the fucking funds and i can respect that but if you have the ability certainly don't fucking find like i'm gonna make something on this tfsa or rsp fuck that bullshit fuck it all just buy your bitcoin store your keys properly there's nothing they could do it's yours they can't fucking block this shit. The next block will be mine if you've broadcast that transaction. It may take an hour,
Starting point is 00:25:09 but it'll eventually get there. You go to the bank and try moving 10 grand. Oh, you got to wait for it to provide information. That's my fucking money. It's fucking being devalued at the same fucking time. Not fucking appreciating the way Bitcoin is. Yeah. I don't want to talk about this next one maybe you do the okay
Starting point is 00:25:30 i don't i don't care i don't care olivia chow's incompetent that city is really headed the wrong direction faster and faster we can only talk about toronto so much but like come on it's a it's a mess over there big time did you get your 200 check from I didn't my wife looked today because she was on the website doing something for our daughter I think and I guess if you sign in it tells you the status of your check
Starting point is 00:25:55 they like have a little tool toolbox there so it's it's been mailed at least her check has I don't know about mine I assume it's the same well don't assume Joey because my wife got hers and I have not got mine. Well, obviously you took it, right? No.
Starting point is 00:26:10 She got hers and I still haven't gotten mine. So like we file our taxes at the same time. We jointly live in the same place. So I don't know what the fuck's going to happen. Look, they have until the end of the election to fix it. What are you going to do with your check what are you gonna do with it buy bitcoin yeah
Starting point is 00:26:27 i need my my football cleats i can see the the mold on the one shoe starting to come off at the front that's why they have hot glue oh i lost the mold on my other shoe during a game a couple of years ago the back mold and so i ended up game a couple of years ago, the back mold. And so I ended up like taping it. God, it was the worst. I do not want that to happen again. So I got to think about getting a new pair of cleats. We'll see when that check comes in.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Come on, be the shoeless Joe. So yeah, so that $200, I bring that up because the Ontario NDP, which I don't know if they're going to be number two or number three after this election. It looks like it's going to be the PC party is going to win. Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like they're the clear favorites. The Ontario NDP is coming out saying that they want to fund $120 a month for people out there, lower and middle income families. I love it. We're dealing with high cost of groceries and it's going to help them deal
Starting point is 00:27:33 with high price of food and rent and all that shit. Again, this is getting awfully close to a UBI. It's UBI. How is there anything but UBI? 120 a month? It's more of a gbi i'll say is that not semantics but but really yeah it's it's very late and they're bringing it up not too long from now joey it's gonna happen i don't see the ndp forming government in ontario at any time soon no but this
Starting point is 00:28:02 idea just being floated around well it might be more popular in the future as more people continue to get wrecked and they haven't have exposure to bitcoin they need something from somebody and they're gonna look to the government for help and if they're gonna get promised money every month why are they gonna say no to that they'll vote them in they'll vote in that type of policy and money will be raining from the skies. Unfortunately, the future will pay for that because it's going to be worthless moving forward. So your pensions, all that shit, fucked as a result. What is, okay, apart from the politics of this, which by the way, I agree with you,
Starting point is 00:28:34 NEP, no chance of winning, but what is the number where they do have a chance of winning? What do you mean? How high does that number of monthly free money have to be for them to have a chance? Is it 300? Is it 350? What is the number?
Starting point is 00:28:50 I don't know. Turnout in Ontario was historically low the last Ford win. It'll probably be low again in two weeks when we have the election. It'll probably be in the 30, 40 range. Is there a number where you get 60% turnout? Yeah, it's low. That's low. Is there a number where you get 60% turnout and that extra 20% of the population all comes out to get the free money?
Starting point is 00:29:13 I don't know what that number is, but I think that number is, it's definitely out there. And I don't think it's as high as people think. I don't think it's a thousand. I think it's like 300, if I had to guess. It's got to be more than that it's not just simply this is the one issue that people will vote on you have you have to have the other party or parties just in the dumps the same way it happened in 1990 yeah and then they voted in that's fair i'm not saying you're i'm not saying you're wrong but i'm saying like those two things probably happen at the same time do Do they not? Like things get so bad that people want, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:46 like it's, I don't think it's out of the question. And I think it's close. It's close. This next one. And Ford is projected to win. And let's assume he does. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:54 this will be then his third time to be leader. And you say he gets majority. Okay. He gets another four years. Does he go for a fourth? And if so, does he win a fourth? Eventually people get tired of whoever's there.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And it's either whoever's there to get tired of and or the party itself. And if that's the case, who's going to be the next party that's going to take over after the PCs? Liberals? Maybe? NDP? Maybe with lesser of a chance, in my opinion. So it's going to be one of the two. And which one? And what are they going which one and what are they going to present what are they going to i think i think ford could go potentially two more terms you need a competent you need a competent opposition like bonnie
Starting point is 00:30:35 crombie's not a competent politician i don't know she's she's the mayor mississauga right she was yeah and she was a mp for mississauga aarondale whatever like she's not she's not competent she's not a competent politician the the styles or whatever janet styles the ndp 130 a month like again not it's not a competent politician and so you can say what you want people who hate doug ford oh he's he's in bed with trump you know they the thing is like the opposition is so detached from reality and the and the current state of affairs that they're they're airing this hot mic clip on every ontario media outlet and every liberal and ndp attack out of doug ford saying he's glad
Starting point is 00:31:18 trump won the election newsflash everyone is glad trump won the election. He's trying to go on that quote-unquote Team Canada. Yeah, but like, it's so stupid. People are so dumb with this. That doesn't work anymore. People, they're lapping up this one, though. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Is there going to be a debate between these guys? We've got to get Steve Paikin on the show. I haven't met Steve Paikin the show i haven't i haven't been bacon now i haven't in with steve bacon i kind of want to see if they'll come on and talk about uh the ontario election with me for half an hour he's so tall by the way bacon and his father's very tall too extremely tall are they local boys uh they're from hamilton but they don't live in hamilton his father does actually but steve yeah oh i'm either losing you or you're losing me one or the other i can hear you fine okay and it was
Starting point is 00:32:12 just stuttered um last one really quick canada they posted their unemployment numbers and they say it fell to 6.6 but apparently if you look at this a little further like if you go to they indicated that canada if you look at this it's not entirely true they did add 76 000 jobs that were adjusted seasonally but if you do the unadjusted and you look at the data there they lost 173 000 jobs as well a net loss of around 97 000 unbelievable just unbelievable why do i have to go to better dwelling to get the actual data like what is going on is there there's a rumor floating around that the bank was thinking about doing a cut this week by the way off schedule because of the tariffs or something else yeah because of the dare you see that this is kind of hot off the press that they have
Starting point is 00:33:10 instituted a tariff on aluminum and steel imports 25 yeah i saw that 25 i saw hamilton mayor andrea horvath today talking about that so previously there were exclusions i think canada was subjected to that that's now been removed. And somebody in our Discord, which has been very lively lately too. I want to thank everybody that's on the Discord who's just saying that it's going to impact his business very hard. I believe it. How about Mark Carney talking about how
Starting point is 00:33:38 we don't have to worry about taxes for steel producers because, hey, who uses steel? Like, oh my God, man. We build everything with wood, right and i thought we did yeah manure that's the usa package that we would get wood and manure yeah you know what that's it i'm i'm just my laptop's dead so you're gonna have to wrap up the stream um but great job. Thanks for coming, everyone. Great show tonight. Off tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Unless the president calls or something and wants to do a show, then I'm in. But otherwise, I'll be back on Wednesday night, 7 o'clock, with Diaz and Dicker. The only two Ds that 80% of Canadian men are paying attention to since Baywatch, probably. So tune in for that one. Until then, take care of yourselves. Tune in for that one. Until then, take care of yourselves. And don't be a cock.

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