The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) - Day 52: Male and Female (2025)
Episode Date: February 21, 2025The Catechism teaches about God’s plan and design for men and women—male and female—and their equality, complementarity, dignity, and destiny. Fr. Mike shows us how men and women can be both com...plete in themselves and yet made “for each other.” Today's readings are Catechism paragraphs 369-373. This episode has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism by the Institute on the Catechism, under the Subcommittee on the Catechism, USCCB. For the complete reading plan, visit Please note: The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.
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Hi, my name is Father Mike Schmitz and you're listening to the Catechism in a Year podcast,
where we encounter God's plan of sure goodness for us, revealed in scripture and passed down
through the tradition of the Catholic faith.
The Catechism in a Year is brought to you by Ascension.
In 365 days, we'll read through the Catechism of the Catholic Church, discovering our identity
in God's family as we journey together toward our heavenly home.
It is day 52. You guys, well done. I didn't mention this
two days ago, but you made it past day 50. That is a good portion. That's like
significant. We're reading paragraphs 369 to 373 today. As always, I'm using the
Ascension edition of the Catechism, which includes the Foundations of Faith
approach. You can follow along with any recent version of the Catechism of the
Catholic Church. Also, you can download your own Catechism and your reading plan by visiting slash C I Y and little known fact, you can click follow or
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That actually is a thing today.
As I said, it's day 52.
We're reading paragraphs, 369 to 373.
This is remarkable.
Yesterday, we talked about the fact that here is humanity, humanity human beings our body and soul, but truly one right?
So we have these these two I guess things these two component parts
I don't know if you know if you say it like that, but we are body and soul in a unity
Today as human beings we are male and female and there's this remarkable reality
I love the
fact that even in just a few short paragraphs, the Catechism unpacks so much of what John Paul II
called an adequate anthropology that in order to understand who we are as human beings, we need,
as he said, an adequate anthropology, which is, you know, study of human beings. So here in the
Catechism, we talk about the fact that male and female are equal.
This is reiterated and re-emphasized so many times and also different, that we're equal and different, that we're equal and complementary.
The Church always stands outside of the culture. The Church is in the culture, obviously, right?
But in so many ways, you can go back to the very beginning and you realize that the church, in some ways,
was out of time in the sense of it asserted and affirmed that men and women are equal
in dignity.
And so there were people over the course of time that disliked Christianity or rejected
it because it would assert that male and female are equal.
Now in our culture, there are people who reject the church
or are upset at the church because the church continues
to affirm that we're equal, but also affirms
that we're complementary, it also affirms
that we're different.
And there's something about this, that here is the church
that has this incredible paradox, because there's so much
in the church that is a paradox, so much in our faith
it's a paradox.
What is a paradox? It's a seeming contradiction that actually isn't a contradiction and that seeming contradiction that seeming paradox when it comes to male and female
is that human beings male and female are
equal and
Also at the same time
Different equal and complementary and there's something so so incredible about this. We're gonna we're gonna talk about that today
So let's say a prayer as we dive into something
that is in some ways counter-cultural,
in some ways it stands against the culture,
in some ways upholds the culture,
because we realize this, right?
What we believe as Catholics has shaped this culture,
that we would not have the women's suffrage movement,
even though it, you know, in this country
took a long time, we wouldn't have that
without the doctrine that we are going to unpack today. We wouldn't have that without the doctrine that we are going to unpack today
We wouldn't have that without christianity
We would not have this recognition that men and women male and female are created equal in dignity and co-heirs
To the life of grace. So let's pray father in heaven
You have made us male and female you have made us co-heirs
To your life to your divine life,
to the grace that you offer to all human beings. We ask that you come and meet us with that grace.
We ask that you come and meet us in our maleness, come meet us in our femaleness,
come meet us in our humanity, because you've made us different. And yet at the same time,
you've imprinted your divine image on every single one of us.
And so we are equal and yet unique and yet complimentary.
Lord, help us to appreciate and uphold our equality.
Help us to appreciate and honor our complementarity.
We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As I said, it's day 52. We're reading paragraphs 369 to 373.
Male and female he created them. Equality and difference willed by God.
Man and woman have been created, which is to say, willed by God.
On the one hand, in perfect equality as human persons,
on the other, in their respective beings as man and woman. Being man or being woman is a reality
which is good and willed by God. Man and woman possess an inalienable dignity which comes to them
immediately from God their Creator. Man and woman are both with one and the same dignity
in the image of God. In their being man and being woman, they reflect the Creator's wisdom and goodness.
In no way is God in man's image. He is neither man nor woman.
God is pure spirit, in which there is no place for the difference between the sexes.
But the respective perfections of man and woman reflect something of the infinite perfection of God,
those of a mother, and those of a father and husband.
Each for the other, a unity in two.
God created man and woman together and willed each for the other.
The word of God gives us to understand this
through various features of the sacred text.
In Genesis, it is written, It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him a helper fit for
him. Also, none of the animals can be the man's partner. The woman God fashions from
the man's rib and brings to him elicits on the man's part a cry of wonder, an
exclamation of love and communion, saying, This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.
Man discovers woman as another I,
sharing the same humanity.
Man and woman were made for each other, not that God left them half-made and incomplete.
He created them to be a communion of persons in which each can be helpmate to the other, for they are equal as persons,
bone of my bones, and complementary as masculine and feminine.
In marriage, God unites them in such a way that, by forming one flesh, they can transmit
human life.
As God commanded them, be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.
By transmitting human life to their descendants, man and woman as spouses and parents cooperate in a unique way in the Creator's work.
In God's plan, man and woman have the vocation of subduing the earth as stewards of God.
This sovereignty is not to be an arbitrary and destructive domination.
God calls man and woman, made in the image of the Creator who loves everything that exists, to share
in His providence toward other creatures, hence their responsibility for the world God
has entrusted to them."
Okay, oh my gosh, you guys, I have to tell you how much I love these paragraphs.
This is just incredible.
So let's highlight what might be the gist or what might be the most important kind of
things that are communicated here in these paragraphs number one is
the equality of male and female which is
You know, it's it's taken for granted by us as modern people as 21st century human beings. That's taken for granted by us
That was not always the case
It was not always just assumed that male and female were equal and yet here is
What the catechism is saying that this is what the church believes
An equal indignity at the same time
Complimentary and this is the unique as I said before we read the readings the paradox of this whole thing that
equality and complementarity is so vitally important for us to hold intention because we realize that while men and women are equal,
men and women are not the same.
At the same time, we are made for each other, right?
We're complimentary.
Now, paragraph 372 highlights this
in a really incredible way.
It says, men and women were made for each other.
And then it clarifies,
not that God left them half-made and incomplete.
Like a human being is complete, right?
You're not like, sometimes there are certain kind of philosophies or certain kind of romantic ideas
that a person's walking around this world kind of like looking for their other half. Like I get it,
but that's not really entirely accurate, right? Where you're not half. If you're single,
that you're not almost a full person, you are really a full person,
you're not half made and incomplete. That the man in the Garden of Eden, he wasn't incomplete. Now
again, he couldn't live out his vocation. His vocation is to love. That's a very important
thing. We'll talk about that in the weeks, days and weeks to follow. But he's complete and so is
the woman, right? But how amazing is this?
The paragraph goes on to say,
but God created them to be a communion of persons
in which each can be helpmate to the other
for they are equal as persons.
And here's the next thing,
complimentary as masculine and feminine.
In marriage, God unites them in such a way
that by forming one flesh, they can transmit human life.
Now here's the mystery.
I've been emphasizing the fact that, yeah, you're not incomplete.
Human being, male or female, is not incomplete in and of themselves, which is true, we'll
say is true ontologically, right?
It's true in their personhood.
At the same time, if you look at a human body, male or female, you'll find that every biological
system is complete, right? every biological system is complete.
Your neurological system is complete and intact inside your body.
Your digestive system is whole and complete in your body.
Your endocrine system is whole and complete in your body.
Every one of your biological systems is whole and complete inside of your body except for
And that's the reproductive system. The reproductive
system in order to you know do what it's meant to do it needs another body and
doesn't just need any other body it needs a complementary body. Think about
how remarkable this is. I mean this is one of the reasons why we have a sexual
ethic and that sexual ethic is okay male and female. Why? Because that is literally at the biological level
what we're oriented towards.
This male and female complementarity is not just that,
well, boys like girls and girls like boys as a whole.
It's the male body is a complement to the female body
and the female body is a complement to the male body.
Remember yesterday we talked all about the fact
that you are your body, you are your soul,
this body and soul in a unity.
And so you can't get away from this.
The body reveals something to us.
And this is remarkable.
It reveals that, yes, while human beings are
equal in dignity, we're also complimentary.
That we cannot bring forth life without the other. That male
on its own doesn't make any sense and female on its own doesn't make any sense.
I mean there are some ways in which it does make sense but when it comes to
reproduction does not make sense and this is just remarkable and incredible
and praise God for this. This is really really really remarkable and at the same
time let's let's go back to this. We keep saying God's image and likeness in male and female. Paragraph 370 specifies and clarifies,
in no way is God in man's image. So God is neither man nor woman. God is pure spirit. So when we say
God is father, yes, he's revealed himself as father and that is very important for us to understand.
But God is not male. God is not a man. And he's not a woman. That God is pure
spirit. And so there are ways in which we can we can speak of God as as it says
here in the Catechism. It has perfections of a mother and perfections of a father
and perfections of a husband. That is all very important. As we say those words we
know that those words are limited and we just yeah we just note that and I think it's worth worth noting the last paragraph it says paragraph
373 in God's plan man and woman have the vocation of subduing the earth as
stewards so again we're gonna talk about this when it comes to our
responsibility later on I mean much later our responsibility to care for
the earth but once again we highlight this that God's sovereignty is
That he loves everything that exists that God's image that God God's heart
Is that he loves everything that exists and therefore if we're going to be stewards of what God loves
Then we have to have a heart like his right?
So so even as stewards, we're not owners, but we're stewards our approach to creation and our approach to each other is
Our approach to creation and our approach to each other is the same approach as God,
who in wisdom chapter 11 says, who loves everything that exists, and we share in his providence toward other creatures. Hence our responsibility for the world that God has
entrusted to us. And that's the reality. I mean, God has entrusted this world to us.
And if you're listening to this and you're married,
God has entrusted that person to you. Let's just highlight that for one moment.
We're talking today about the difference
between male and female, and it's beautiful,
it's powerful, it's incredible.
But if you're married, God has entrusted that person to you,
and how are you caring for that person?
How are you loving them well today?
How are you loving them well today? How are you loving them like God
loves them today? If you have been blessed with children, God has entrusted
them to you. Again, we're not owners of our children, we're stewards of our
children. God has entrusted those children to you. How have you loved
them the way God loves them? If you don't have a spouse, you don't have any
children, there
are people in your life. Maybe they're siblings, maybe they're parents, elderly
parents, maybe they're their nieces and nephews, maybe they're the next-door
neighbor and we recognize, right, as stewards of this incredible world that
God has made, He has entrusted the people next door to us. He's entrusted our
elderly parents to us. How are we loving them the way God
loves them? It's something worth praying about today. Because, yeah, God calls man and woman,
paragraph 373, made in the image of their Creator who loves everything that exists to share in his
providence toward other creatures, including our neighbors. And so here we are.
Thank God help us.
God help us to love the people that you love.
Help us to love the people in our lives.
Help us to love the people who get ignored,
get overlooked and get passed by.
One of the ways we can love them is by praying for them.
And I think, I don't know, one of the ways I can love you
and we can love each other is by praying for each other.
You know, I've been saying this for like 51 days. I've been saying I've been praying
for you, which is true. I have every single day and ask you to pray for me. I
have forgotten to mention, please pray for each other. My gosh, I'm so sorry for
having forgotten to ask that for 51 days up to now day 52. But we need prayers not
just mine for you and yours for me, but for each other.
Because we're not alone here and you're not alone here.
Anyways, please pray for each other. I am praying for you and please pray for me.
My name is Father Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God bless.