The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source - #define: a game of fake definitions (Friends)

Episode Date: September 29, 2023

Jerod gathers a group of friends for our first game show experiment here on Changelog & Friends! This is a game of obscure jargon, fake definitions & expert tomfoolery. Our contestants checked their i...mposter syndrome at the door, because they either know what these words mean or they fake it 'til they make their peers think they do.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Changelogin Friends, a weekly talk show, otherwise known as Gunk. Thanks to our partners for helping us bring you world-class developer pods week in, week out.,, and Okay, let's play. Welcome to Pound Define, our very first game show experiment here on ChangeLogin Friends. This is a game of obscure jargon, fake definitions, and expert tomfoolery. Our contestants checked their imposter syndrome at the door because they either know what these words mean or they're going to fake it till they make their peers think that they do.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Let's introduce our players in the order they will be playing. First up, our very own Amel Hussain from JS Party. Welcome, Amel. This is not the way I should be finding out that I'm going first. Just putting it out there. But okay. I prepped you on that. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, that's okay. I really, I want to go last. We're gonna, we're gonna reverse this linked list, okay? Gosh, it's like classic Amel. She's always got a problem with something you're doing. Yeah, yeah. She's like against Jared every time.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I know. We've played game shows with you before. We know. Yeah. That the rules will be changing. Hello, everyone. Meet the person who'll be going last, which is me. Playing second, we have Taylor Trosh from Taylor Town.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Welcome back, Taylor. Howdy. Very nice to see you guys. Nice to see you as well. After reading your blog and your satire, I figured this guy has a way with words. And so I think you're well positioned to do well in this particular game. What do you think? I like words. I feel like they often, you know, are against me. Okay. You couldn't think of the word there i could tell up next who's that it's our old friend losch vickman welcome to the show losch the pronunciation just gets better and better i want to do it well am i doing it well i think you're pretty good on
Starting point is 00:02:18 the on the first name now it's kind of weird coming out of an American still, but I couldn't tell you what's weird about it anymore. So you're doing well. Okay, I'll take that. It's like a fine wine, you know, he's just aging, but the aging is like his pronunciation. It just keeps getting better. I started off doing it your way as a bit of a joke because it's difficult for me to do it. But then over time, I'm like, well, I'm getting a little bit better at it it and he likes it so let's just take away the satire and just call him Losh you know yeah that's my name so I appreciate them doing well okay it's a pleasure to be here as
Starting point is 00:02:54 always for you Americans in the audience is Lars Wickman so if you've heard that name before that's also him finally playing last because, we're gentlemen around these parts. It's Adam Stachowiak. How am I still going first? It was denied. What the hell? I can't change the game. The game's been decided.
Starting point is 00:03:17 You know, we can't change the rules in the middle of the game. All right, then. Whatever. On video, I'm waving my tiny hand. Adam is here. he was bragging before he started that he got much sleep he's done his stretches he's got his coffee that's right he's ready to dominate mentally and physically prepared to dominate and i have my tiny hand to prove it he's also wearing a texas hat you know i could like a good like a good texan showing that
Starting point is 00:03:42 texan pride you know you gotta rep you know? You gotta rap, you know? Lars, he's gonna be calling him Lars Wickman. Lars Wickman. That's how I say it, sorry. There you go. It's fine. And of course, I will be your host. My name is Jared. Here's how the game works. I will provide a word. That word also has a definition.
Starting point is 00:04:01 These words are in the arena of STEM. The original conceit was that they would be old, obscure computer science jargon. Unfortunately, there's just not enough of that. And so I broadened it to anything in the world of science, technology, engineering, medicine, maybe even science fiction. We shall see. But they are generally technical terms. You may know the definition. You probably won't.
Starting point is 00:04:28 If you know the definition of the word, you will submit that to me and you will receive three points. If you don't know the definition of the word, you will submit a fake definition that is plausible and we will gather them all together and we will read all the definitions,
Starting point is 00:04:43 including the real one. Then you'll take turns and Amel will go first, guessing which definition you think is correct. If you do guess the correct definition, you get two points. For each person you fool into guessing your definition, you get one point. There are 10 rounds of play. The person with the most points at the end wins. And by the way, I'm also playing because if all four of you fail to guess the correct definition in a particular round, I get five points. This is like the house always wins kind of situation. Well, see who wins.
Starting point is 00:05:21 So I have a vested interest. Any questions before we kick right in? Okay. Can you do the rules again? One more time? No. No. Not a lot. Well, just the first two. What's the first rule? Or the first, how do you win? You either, you make somebody guess yours or you fool them into guessing the plausible?
Starting point is 00:05:39 Yeah. I'll do the points again. Yeah. Do that please. For each round, there's a word. If you submit to me the correct definition of the word or close enough that I know you know what it means, you get three points right away. Okay. So that's three. If instead you guess the correct definition, once we've compiled them all, then you get two points. For each person that guesses your fake definition, you get one point. So in any particular round, you could get the two and you could also get some ones if people guess yours. Make sense? Makes sense. Okay. And 10 rounds, the person with the two and you could also get some ones if people guess yours. Make sense? Makes sense.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Okay. And 10 rounds, the person with the most points at the end wins. I think we'll figure it out a little bit as we go. Let's start this game of Pound to Find. Round one, the word for round one is meger. Meger. That's M-E-G-G-E-R. Please submit to me your definition of the word Megger.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And that's not to be confused with meager, right? To be clear. Correct. M-E-G-G-E-R. I also put it in the chat if you want to read it. You will DM those to me. Whenever you're ready, take your time think it through try to sound like a dictionary
Starting point is 00:06:48 losh is in oh no you've sent me a bunch of plus signs you need to demarcate the conversation line to the game oh i see that's a you've started a new segment of our conversation wherein you are going to define things. I understand. Alright, I got launches. Taylor, I've deleted your message because you put it in the group chat. Oh my gosh. Did anybody see it? No.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I copied it and deleted it, so i have it and nobody else saw it fair so from now on please dm that to me i am so sorry i've i've limited uh real estate here all good i thought that might happen so i was kind of waiting for someone to say something in there sorry about that all good as long as no one saw it we are legit i'm pretty sure this is actually just the nickname of a girl named meg this is where i feel like i need a poker face poker face poker it's like hmm am i lying am i not she says though am i isn't it poker face poker it's like hmm am i lying am i not she says though am i isn't it poker face no no that's not what she says what is it's poker face isn't it that's the name of the song sorry you're all wrong what did she say is there is there like a first time she says poker face version okay it's not safe for work oh my god what did she say this could not be the pod this
Starting point is 00:08:24 was supposed to be the safe for work version so uh well that is the safe for work oh my god what did she say this could not be the pod this was supposed to be the safe for work version so uh well that is the safe for work version then you're right all right everybody's in yeah all right i have all definitions i will read them all now listen closely you're going to pick which one you believe is correct, and you'll tell it to me in order. So a MEGR is a math ledger for storing large data sets, typically known to be a precursor of blockchain used by mathematicians and academics. A MEGR is a specialized instrument used to measure electrical insulation resistance. A MEGR is also known as...
Starting point is 00:09:05 Sorry. A meager... Sorry. Is this the same one or what is this? Sorry. Yes, this is another definition. Okay. What's happening here?
Starting point is 00:09:20 It's the next one for sure. It has to be the next one. I'm having a hard time reading. This seems legit. It seems legit. It seems legit. All right. Okay. This is not the correct one.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Wow. Jared is red. I've never seen you turn red. Honestly. Okay. Wow. This is the hardest I've seen you laugh all these years, you know? I'm trying to read this with a straight face.
Starting point is 00:09:42 With a poker face. And it's impossible. Wow, this is, we need like a robot Jared. Okay. I'm going to read a different one and come back. A meager is a small, often wooden box used for storing a tangled nest of wires. Amel, you're not helping here. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I'm just realizing all these sounds so official, but like clearly people are making shit up. You know what I mean? Totally. A Megger is a hardware device for measuring network traffic in data centers or also known as, gosh, this one's funny. Also known as Megaflask, a tool used to mix a hydrous solutions together with the goal is achieving a homogenous solution.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Okay. What's so funny about that? That's just chemistry. It's good. It's good. It's good. It's good. It's anhydrous, for what it's worth. I know, but I couldn't tell if that was a typo or not. No, the typo is with the goal of achieving a homogenous solution, not is achieving. Okay, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I'll fix that. So Mel wrote that one. Clearly. Well, maybe. All Amel wrote that one. Clearly. Maybe. All right, we will start. We promise that other rounds will go better as the host. It's just also known as Megaflask. It just got me for some reason.
Starting point is 00:11:14 It's just awesome. All right, we will go to Amel. So do you need any definitions reread? Do you remember them? Which one do you think is the correct definition? What was the one that you read before my, what was the one that you read before? I read all of them before yours. Oh boy. Oh gosh. Okay. A hardware device for measuring network traffic and data centers. Is that the one that you're thinking of i can reread some more a specialized
Starting point is 00:11:45 instrument used to measure electrical insulation resistance a small often wooden box used for storing a tangled dust of wires also known as mega flask a tool used to mix anhydrous solutions together with the goal of achieving a homogenous solution yeah i, I'm going to go with that anhydrous. Let's go with that anhydrous one. That sounds real legit. All right, Amal goes for anhydrous. We now turn to Taylor. What definition do you think is correct? I think it was the first one.
Starting point is 00:12:16 The first one was a math ledger for storing large data sets? Yeah, sounds right. All right. We now turn to Lars. What do you think is the correct definition? I like the part where you said insolence, so I'm going with the insulation thing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Losh goes for insolence. And Adam, which one do you think is correct? What was the second one again, Jared? Number two? A hardware device for measuring network traffic and data centers? Yeah, let's go with that one. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:44 All have been submitted. Okay, Adam, we'll start with you. You thought that a MEGR is a hardware device for measuring network traffic and data centers. I'm sorry, that was Losh's definition. So we'll give one point to him. Good job, Losh. And Losh, you thought it was a specialized instrument used to measure electrical insulation resistance. And you are correct.
Starting point is 00:13:09 So you get two points. I'll take it. I'm glad my instincts are correct because that's what I would have really picked if I wasn't trying to. Taylor went with the math ledger. That was Adam's definition. So Adam gets a point for having Taylor guess his. And then Mel's definition, she voted for herself, which you cannot actually do. So zero points awarded.
Starting point is 00:13:33 It's a tactic to convince people that yours is the correct definition. Unfortunately. Trying to legitimize it, yeah. Yeah, unfortunately, I had already bombarded you with laughter on yours. I will work harder not to do that next time. I apologize. Give her the point. You tanked her opportunity.
Starting point is 00:13:50 You did. You did. I would agree. Fair enough. Fair enough. That's a good point. I will give you one point. So after round one.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Can you read the correct definition again? What was the true definition? Yes. A meager is a specialized instrument used to measure electrical insulation resistance. And that was hard for me to read as well. Also known as insolence. And this is separate from the meger flask. This is not the same definition.
Starting point is 00:14:13 It's a whole different one. A meger flask is a metal's creation. That was good. For some reason, just because that definition started with kind of redef redefining the word, like also known as a mega flask. I was like, just made me laugh. All right. We will move now to round two. Your word for round two.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Rubber sheet model. More than one word, but it's a term. Rubber sheet model. Please submit your definitions for a rubber sheet model now. I'm literally sweating, guys. I'm laughing so hard. It's also warm in here, so that didn't help, but man, I lost it. Man, I never thought the hardest part of this would be actually reading out the definitions aloud. I'm going to increase the font size.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Also, as an FYI, I'm reading these in, like, random orders. So when you say, like, can you read the second one again, it's very difficult for me to know what you're referring to. Like, reference a concept in there, at least. Sounds like a new problem, Jared. It is, but it's also one that I don't think I can solve in the next few minutes. Random access. It's like somebody forgot to like, you know, you're just using the wrong data structure, you know? Yeah, the order is undefined. Exactly. That's right. If you keep asking for an offset, you're just gonna get one of them. Right, right, right. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:47 The best part about how funny that answer was, that definition was, is that it was actually a serious, straight across the bow Yeah, it wasn't that ridiculous, was it? For some reason, just also known as Megaflask.
Starting point is 00:16:03 It made me think of like megalodon or something i don't know i started thinking about a giant shark like creature well my other definition was going to be like a portable portable centrifuge but then i was like that sounds way too science fiction you know like also like who wants the portable centrifuge i mean maybe if you're like a gourmet barista maybe or like i want to mix the perfect coffee all right here comes adams we are ready to rock let me just put this in a rubber sheet model is used in factory injection molds during the early prototyping phase of a metal cast or a rubber sheet model is a physical analogy for demonstrating the effect of mass
Starting point is 00:16:46 and gravitation in space-time, or a framework used to provide a template for bootstrapping a wide variety of rubber sheets with consistency and uniformity as the primary objective, or a concept in software design that allows for flexibility and expansion in various directions. Finally, a model used for creating gypsum molds for casting in other materials. This round we start with Taylor. Which of those sounds the most correct to you? Well, we have two that go around molding. So I'm going to pick one of those. Maybe pick the gypsum one.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Because I think gypsum is a little bit too random for somebody to think of. Okay, a model used for creating gypsum molds for casting other materials. That's Taylor's vote. We go now to Lars. What are you thinking? Okay, I'll go with the other molding one than the factory one. Using factory injection molds during the early molding one than the factory one. Using factory injection molds during the early prototyping phase of a metal cast.
Starting point is 00:17:49 I like an early prototyping phase. Let's go with that. There we go. All right. Adam, what are you thinking? What was the last one again? I don't know. I really wish, maybe a copy and paste
Starting point is 00:17:59 of our main channel so I can visualize and read them afterwards and choose one. I don't know if that's good. No. That requires more massaging by me of the texts. It does? What a shame.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Just listen. All right. What was the first one again? That's not the most official. Used in factory injection molds during the early prototyping phase of a metal cast. That's the first one I read. Let's go with that one. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Losh and Adam both going for that one. Amel. What was the template one? Could you read that again? A framework used to provide a template for bootstrapping a wide variety of rubber sheets with consistency and uniformity as a primary objective. Let's go with that.
Starting point is 00:18:39 The criteria in which we select is uncanny. It's like, how do you even make your selection? Well, how are you guys making your selections? Must have rubber hand. That's my key here. It's my strong hand. Take my strong hand. Alright, Amel. You thought that
Starting point is 00:18:55 a rubber sheet model was a framework used to provide a template for bootstrapping a wide variety of rubber sheets with consistency and uniformity as the primary objective. I'm sorry, but that was Adam's definition. I should have known from the reaction that he had. He was like, ha ha ha ha. Reading faces.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Oh, yeah. That was obvious. Valid. Valid. Reading the face. Well, yeah. I mean, he was just like, oh, I wonder what's the criteria that people use to select, you know.
Starting point is 00:19:23 But anyways. But it's fine. Because I still won in some other way, which we'll find out soon. Oh, she's busting it. Taylor, you thought a rubber sheet model would be a model used for creating
Starting point is 00:19:35 gypsum because nobody would come up with gypsum. But actually Lars came up with gypsum, so that was Lars' definition. You're not the only one who likes words. This is a nerd podcast. I mean, you know, you should expect nerdy words. Like, you know, the obscure words have their shining moment today, I think, you know. Like injection molding?
Starting point is 00:19:56 That's correct, yes. Meanwhile, both Losh and Adam thought that a rubber sheet model was used in factory injection molds during the early prototyping phase of a metal cast. But as was forecast by Amel, that was her definition. She gets two points. Nice. Dang. I knew it wasn't my casting thing because I made that one up.
Starting point is 00:20:17 So I picked the other one. That's awesome. Well, Amel can brag all she wants, but I get the last laugh because nobody guessed the correct definition for rubber sheet model, which is a concept in software design that allows for flexibility and expansion in various directions.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Isn't that funny that none of us picked the software? Yeah, that sounds fake. Yeah, that sounds hella fake. So five points for me, and it turns out I'm winning after two rounds. I said the space time one because I was thinking of that bed sheet. You know, they always put the planets on that bed sheet in the physics videos. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And so I was thinking that's what they were talking about. I'm not aware. But this is a software thing. Citation needed on the software thing. Yeah. Someone once came up with it in IBM and it was never actually used. Right, yeah, it's in a textbook somewhere, so it's official, but it's not actually used
Starting point is 00:21:10 in real life. What's so funny is I love that this is actually beyond the world of software, because I think the answers are more interesting. Yeah, I was too pointed with just software. I think this makes it a lot more difficult and interesting. All right, after two rounds, in first place is Jared with five. Second place is Losh with four.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Third place is Amel with three. Adam has two, and Taylor scoreless, I believe, after two rounds of my math is correct. Okay, well. I'm going for negative. Well, there's plenty of time left. Let's move now to round three. Woo!
Starting point is 00:21:51 Our word for round three or our term is z garnock effect this is what i really wish i was greek you know where i like or or or took like a latin class you know break down a word i don't think effect is a latin word you don't think effect is a Latin word. You don't think it is? I mean, somebody who's... I think it's a name and an effect. I think the Greeks would argue that everything is Greek. It's all Greek! Can I get the country of origin? Yeah, I'm trying to find our
Starting point is 00:22:18 direct message. It disappeared on me. This new Slack has just got some issues. Here it is. Into there. That's the term. Z-Garnic effect. Oh, interesting. Oh, hey. Z-E-I G-A-R-N-I-C N-I-K
Starting point is 00:22:38 Oh, sorry, N-I-K, yeah. Still early there. I had it in front of me. I still couldn't spell it. Just the name of some Swiss guy. I'm assuming Swiss or something. Doesn't give a lot to go off of. Here's what I could probably do. I could probably randomize the order now and put the numbers
Starting point is 00:23:12 in my spreadsheet in the order in which I'll read them and then you can ask me to read the first or second one again. Oh, looks like you fixed your problem. I love that. He's in your dictionary. I love how Adam just continued in your dictionary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I love how Adam just continued to do it anyways, even though I asked him not to do that. He's like, can you do the first one? What was the last one? I'm like, dude, I have no spatial. It's the order I heard it, so I'm sorry. It's my reference point. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:23:37 No, I understand it. It makes sense for you. And I'm going to continue to go that route until you change. I was convinced it was just Stone Cold Troll was my read on that situation. Yeah, I thought he was trolling to a certain degree. I was tele-trolling. So you gotta do it, man. Alright, I have one definition here.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I'm still missing three. I felt slow this time. Oh, as slow as you were, you were still the first one in. I think Zaygarnik just doesn't give people much to work on. It took me an extra long amount of time because I knew exactly what the definition was and I had to search really deep in my archives. Oh wow. that almost sounded convincing i have to recall all the facts about alfred zegarnik yeah yeah yeah copy paste to spreadsheet put in order of numbers answer number one is all right the zeg garnett effect is a repulsion of two basic liquids
Starting point is 00:24:48 due to polar functional groups the tendency to remember uncompleted tasks better than completed ones the state change between polymatter particles when opposing magnetic forces are applied to metallic objects discovered by classical physicist ed Zygarnik. A measured result of extreme sensory deprivation combined with high altitude sickness. The impacts are feeling colors and hearing shapes. Or the phenomenon where an electrical motor can be run in reverse to absorb energy commonly used in electric vehicles for regenerative braking. Losh, you get to go first this time. Which of these do you believe is the Zeigarnik effect?
Starting point is 00:25:36 I like the one where you see colors and hear shapes or whatever. Okay. A measured result of extreme sensory deprivation combined with high altitude sickness, the impacts are feeling colors and hearing shapes. We go now to Adam. Which do you think is the real definition? Number two. Number two.
Starting point is 00:25:50 The tendency to remember uncompleted tasks better than completed ones? That's right. That you're referring to? Yes. All right. And Amel, how about yourself? Could you repeat the physicist one again? Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:02 The state change between polymatter particles when opposing magnetic forces are applied to metallic objects discovered by classical physicist Edgar Z. Garnick. Yeah, that sounds interesting. Let's go with that. Alright, that's Amel. Last up, Taylor, what are you thinking? I think Z.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Garlick effect is when they put too much garlic on your pasta and it ends up being so good. Just so tasty. Just so good. I say, bring me the garlic. That one can't be true because is there such thing as too much? There's not too much garlic.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Exactly. Never too much. Can't be real. But I think the zigarnic effect is the memory one. Number two. The one that Adam voted for. Yeah, number two, exactly. All right, so Adam and Taylor, okay.
Starting point is 00:26:50 That's tempting, but I'm going to stick with mine. I'm curious. I was tempted by the memory one. The Edgar one, I feel like someone put a name in there to seem serious. You know what? Hold on. Can I change my vote? No.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Oh, darn it. I'm sorry. For the editors, let me say darn it instead of what i said before you gotta say the garnet yeah it's a garnet it's a it's a garnet well somebody put the word edgar z garnet in there in order to fool amel and that person was adam for sure yeah oh 100 i realized that i was like. Oh, 100%. I realized that. I was like, yeah. Adam, I keep falling for your BS. This is like, something's going on here. I'm so believable. I know. It's the tiny hand.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Meanwhile, the impact of feeling colors and hearing shapes was voted by Losh, but that was Amel's baby. You made that one up, Amel. Nice job. I know. I'm on a streak. I thought that was pretty cool. The impacts are feeling colors and hearing shapes. You made that one up, Amel. Nice job. I know. I'm on a streak. I thought that was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:27:49 The impacts are feeling colors and hearing shapes. I think that's like... That happened to my friend that was having a baby. She was like giving birth and then... It's called senestasia or something like that. I don't know. That's the actual real term. Yeah. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Adam and Taylor teamed up to vote for the tendency to remember uncompleted tasks better than completed ones. That is the actual Z Garnic effect. Good job, guys. Oh, yes. Nice. I'm out of the zero point. You are on the board, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:28:16 So two points for Taylor, three points for Adam because he had the correct answer plus one person guessed his. Amel scores one and Larsh throws up a Zilcho in round three. Sweet. Welcome to the club. So after three rounds, there's a tie for first place between Jared and Adam. This is kind of poignant. This is kind of correct.
Starting point is 00:28:39 This is our show after all. Lars has four, Amel has four, and Taylor's on the board with two. But any person's game here, because we have six rounds left to play, we move to round four. What's up, friends? This episode is brought to you by Passbolt. Finally, a password manager built for organizations and teams that take their security seriously. Passbolt is trusted by 15,000 teams worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, the defense industry, universities, startups, and many others. And I'm here with CEO and founder of Passport, Kevin Muller.
Starting point is 00:29:29 So Kevin, the password manager space seems kind of crowded. What made you build Passport? It's a very crowded landscape. The problem is they all are doing the same thing. They all have the exact same security model with very minor differentiators. They are all cloud-based solution, except for Bitwarden. One of the reasons why we actually decided to do PassBalt is because we felt the pain in my previous company, which was a web agency.
Starting point is 00:29:56 And the reason why we felt the pain is because we were a technical team. So as a technical team, every time we are starting a project, we are given like a dozen or hundreds of passwords from our customers. And we were like, okay, we need to centralize this. But most importantly, we need to collaborate with this data. We need to share them very quickly with a lot of granularity and permission control. And then we started looking at what other players were doing. And we were like, yeah, it's cool, but it's really like consumer type of use cases. It's more like, how can I authenticate on my Facebook account if I don't remember the password?
Starting point is 00:30:28 And even though they developed enterprise offer on top of it, the collaboration is still very clunky. Most of them are not able to do audit logs properly to provide traceability. So I think this was the trigger for us to start developing Passbolt. You know, we were like, we want something that's more aligned with us as a tech team.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah. So what did you focus on? How did you begin with this project? So the first thing we did when we built Passbolt, the core component that we wanted to keep coming from the world of KeePass was to be open source. And on top of it, we decided to focus on three key areas that seem to us very important for technical teams, which are security, privacy, and collaboration. Security is really important because tech teams are savvy. They understand exactly how security works.
Starting point is 00:31:12 They are the guys who will come to a website and download the security white paper just to understand if it's marketing or if there is real tangible value behind the software. So on that front, and because also Passbolt is only B2B, you really push the security model ahead of what everyone else is doing. So for example, Passbolt provides a secret key that is associated to the user, and it's
Starting point is 00:31:35 impossible to connect to Passbolt if you do not have the secret key. So basically, just knowing the username and the password of an account is not enough to connect into it. You also need a secret key. This is the same security model as what you would have with a crypto ledger or some other you know highly private security component. It makes a huge difference in the sense like Passbolt is not sensitive to brute force attacks for example. LastPass is sensitive to brute force
Starting point is 00:32:00 attacks so you can guess the username and the password of a user and brute force into his account. With Passboltolt, it's not possible. You need to know the secret key. That's the first component. The second component is the collaboration. You can share passwords with a lot of granularity and traceability. We do not do shared vault with plenty of passwords in one encrypted vault. No. Password is encrypted each time for each user with this public key, which then he can decrypt with this private key. So this gives a lot of granularity and a lot of control with the permission and the access
Starting point is 00:32:31 rights. The third part is the privacy. So as I mentioned, Passbolt is open source. You can download it, install it on-prem. We provide Linux native packages for most distros. It literally takes one minute. APT-GET, install Passbolt. You can start it for free we
Starting point is 00:32:45 have a community edition and you get rolling okay the next step is to go to or install on linux with apt too easy again that's security first open source. Check it out. This is a TLA round. A little bit different. This is a three letter acronym. I'm simply going to provide an acronym. There's also a correct use of that acronym with a definition. So you are going to come up with your own acronym and then define what it is. The acronym is NMR. So that's your three letter acronym NMR. You will provide to me what it stands for and what that is.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Submit to me your answers whenever you have them. And this is still in the same general category of STEM. Come on, y'all. We're looking for some acronyms here. Expand those TLAs. Taylor provided three of them. So close. I'm giving a fourth.
Starting point is 00:34:09 He's brainstorming them ideas. Jared, how do you handle the case where a TLA is overloaded? Because we could submit the correct one, and it might not be the one you have. No, the one I have is the correct one and it might not be the one you have. No, the one I have is the correct one. Your premise is incorrect.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Oh my god. That's so right. I love this one. Can I Google a spelling? I'm going to say yes. Well, just spell it phonetically because I'm the one that has to pronounce it. Really? I'm going to say yes. Well, just spell it phonetically, because I'm the one that has to pronounce it. Really? I was going to read it.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Okay. Just don't spell it funny, because then he'll ruin it. Don't? Yeah, exactly right. Say, aka, Megalodon, or whatever you said. Mega-flask. Mega-flask. Mega-flask. Mega flask.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Alright, I see Adam's typing. Last minute change in chat. But it's correct. Okay. The metagame is of course figuring out how jared selected these and whether he went for interesting or boring in terms all right we got our last one i believe all right we're all in. Ready to go? Yeah. Our three-letter acronym is NMR. NMR, Neuromagnetic Resonance, a subprocess of magnetic resonance imaging, MRI,
Starting point is 00:35:56 used to specifically calibrate each neurocapture node, which captures full-spectrum images of active brain waves. Number two, neuromotor response, a wide set of neurophysical responses used as a category in medicine. Number three, nephrological micellar retuza, that's a hard one to pronounce, a disease of the kidneys where the filtering tubules develop clogs and cause return of unfiltered blood into circulation. Number four, neuromuscular re-education. A physical therapy technique used to improve neuromuscular control and coordination in patients. How is that NMR?
Starting point is 00:36:41 Neuromuscular re-education. Re-education. Yeah. Really pushing the boundaries there. I'm going to pass on that one. But okay. And last but not least, number five. Gosh, here he goes again.
Starting point is 00:36:58 No more Roombas. A movement to reclaim our floors from the tyranny of robots. Hey man, that sounds way more legit than anything that was read before this. That sounds so legit. Alright, we start with Adam this round.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Adam, which definition do you think? The correct definition is number two. You're thinking neuromotor response? That's right. I think so too, for what it's worth, but you didn't ask me. All right. Well, I'll ask you next. Amel, what do you think? Number two?
Starting point is 00:37:33 Neuromuscular response. Because that's like, yeah. Neuromotor response. Oh, yes. Motor. Same thing. Although the first one sounded pretty interesting too. Adam and Amel are on the neuromotor response.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Taylor, which one are you thinking? You know what has motors? Roombas. We need to rid ourselves of them. Let's go with that kidney one. I don't think Jared would have picked an acronym he couldn't pronounce, but I'm drawn to it.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Okay, you're thinking of nephrological micellar retusa. Yeah. All right. I mean, it would make sense for an acronym too, right? Like, who wants to say that? Just call it NMR. That's right. That is a hard thing to say.
Starting point is 00:38:18 I'm not. That's true. Okay, Lush? I am tempted by that one as well. Can't read it again. Nephrological myceli retusa, a disease of the kidneys where the filtering tubules develop clogs and cause return of unfiltered blood into circulation. Do I feel like one of us wrote that? I'm skeptical.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I'll go with that one. Lush is in. We have some lumping here, which is good for your host, because the more you guys lump, the least you spread the field out across all definitions. There's a metagame for you. Adam, should we spread out? I feel like we should spread out.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Yeah, I think somebody should pick number one. I think you should. I think you should pick number one. Adam, do you want to switch to number one? I've already chosen number two. I feel like, Amel, you should go with number one, because one adam do you want to switch to number one i've already chosen number two i feel like emel you should go with number one because they're both in the same round they're both in like the neuro somethings let's do the opposite of ladies first here okay adam first all right number one for the number one texan in my heart you know i really
Starting point is 00:39:22 believe number one is not the answer in consideration of number two. So I'm going to stay with number two. Okay. Let's start with Taylor and Losh. This lump of cells filtered around the kidney. Oh, gosh. Thinking there's no way I would pick one that I couldn't pronounce, but selecting it anyways. And you would have been right because I never would have picked that one.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I can't even say it. That's Amels. She wrote that. I can't even say it. That's Amels. She wrote that. I knew it was Amels. Because she'd been laughing. Every time you say tubular, she's like laughing. Tubular. I couldn't even say that one.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I was trying my best. Did I pronounce it right? Tubules. I don't know if I spelled that correctly. You did say it correctly. Adam's just giving you a hard time, because Adam is trash. Dude. A guy. Okay. A guy.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Okay. Fighting words. Okay. Well, let's find out about that trash because you and him teamed up on neuromotor response, which happens to be Losh's definition. So you were both also wrong. Yeah. You know, Losh, I'm so happy to see that you fooled both of us.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Really. You deserve this, buddy. Honestly, especially after, you know, falling for my things multiple times now. So it's great. I like it. You put a lot of definition into yours. I make mine really, really dull and it seems to be working okay. Well, no, I was just, remember the first time I learned about nephrology,
Starting point is 00:40:41 it was like my friend that was dating this like medical resident. And I'm like, oh, interesting. What are you specializing in? And he's like, nephrology it was like my friend that was dating this like medical resident and i'm like oh interesting what are you specializing in and he's like nephrology i'm like and he like pointed to his kidneys because no one knows what nephrology is and i was like is that liver he's like no it's your kidneys kidney i'm a kidney specialist i'm like okay great whatever pointing to your like just your organs it's like that's a power move you know well ophthalmologists do it too because the other no one knows what i apparently i guess the average american doesn't know what an ophthalmologist is so it's like yeah whenever you meet an ophthalmologist they're like ophthalmology you know pointing to their eyes yeah i'm glad not all
Starting point is 00:41:20 doctors point at the body part that they specialize in. Okay, well, the person smiling ear to ear here should be Jared, because I score five points. Nobody got the actual correct answer, which was neuromuscular re-education, a physical therapy technique. What? That sounded fake. It's very real. And the score is very real. So after four rounds, first place, Jared with 10. Second place, Losh. with 10, second place Losh and Amel tie with 6. Adam slips into third with 5 and Taylor's still sitting on 2.
Starting point is 00:41:55 That round really upset me. I think we need to all unite. Who cares who wins? It just can't be Jared, okay? Play the spread game? Are you going to play the spread game? See, the thing is, you have to go for the definitions that sound fake, like Roombas. gonna play the spread game see the thing is you have to go for the definitions that sound fake like roombos no more roombos i was laughing at that because it was kind of silly but the more i thought about it it's actually could be a legitimate thing 100 not in stem well you know there's the uh what's that fake conspiracy about the birds aren't real or something oh that's you guys know that one also not stem that's totally stem also not stem yeah well no i mean i could see the swiffers and mops of the world uniting right because like mops and swiffers have been in battle but like now they've come joined forces
Starting point is 00:42:36 against the room bus you know right so they're like yeah we don't care you think big broom you know big broom exactly the lobby that's's exactly right. I think there's inanimate objects unionizing right now as we speak. All right, let's move to round five. We are back to regular old terms. No acronyms on this one. Our word or our term for round five is Riemann Hypothesis. Riemann. That's R-I-E-M-A-N-N. Hypothesis. Riemann.
Starting point is 00:43:05 That's R-I-E-M-A-N-N. Hypothesis. Riemann is a Raimann or whatever is a person, I would imagine, right? I will not divulge. Similar to the garlic effect? Yes. The garlic.
Starting point is 00:43:23 That's the effect that documents how vampires won't come near you if you wear garlic around your neck it's the garlic effect no more Roombas someone should start that movement I'm gonna google that I bet it exists I've been writing a piece about
Starting point is 00:43:44 Roombas with fart spray used in a military applications and uh uh the the big reveal is you have a u.s senator that it um has been acting very strangely recently it turns out that he's been a roomba with fart spray the entire time what what wait are you wait are you is this a bug what do you mean he's been a Roomba with fart spray the entire time. What? Wait, is this a bio-terrorist weapon or something? Is this like Ferris Bueller, where he acts like he's in his room, but he's not? This guy just puts a Roomba with fart spray in his office, so you can't see him?
Starting point is 00:44:17 What's going on here? He's wearing a trench coat, so nobody knows. What does the fart spray have to do with this? I'm so confused i was like that reminds me i saw a recent clip there was a sorry i'm distracting you guys you're trying to think i'll stop talking we're just ignoring you the same way we ignore your score. You're going to have to. I have a panic attack. That's like some A-plus smack talk right there.
Starting point is 00:44:50 That's great. First they ignore you. We have to chip away at his confidence. That's how we get him. Jared is like so stoic. The only way you can get him is through inflicting self-doubt. Well, we'll see if the guys actually can execute on the spread defense or not,
Starting point is 00:45:09 but I'm sitting pretty right now. Okay, I think we have them all here. Well, I actually knew this one, so I'm stoked to get some points. Oh, that's impressive. That is the easy way. I mean, you shouldn't have told us that because now we'll just copy you. Let me double check this one here. We might have our first drill he might not be joking
Starting point is 00:45:26 you know a taylor all right so taylor taylor is correct so taylor's definition is correct he gets well i'll save that let me get the rest all right so taylor's definition is correct taylor you score three points and you will sit out the rest of this round. Obviously, you can't guess definitions. Okay, wait. How do I get three points for getting it right? And you get five points for doing nothing. Yeah. Doing nothing.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Excuse me. This is why we ignore Jared's score. I resent that notion. What a scam, dude. This is a scam. I mean, technically, Taylor, I've gotten every single one correct every round. So I'm not sure what you're talking about. Meanwhile, us plebs will guess what the definitions are.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Oh, man, the house should have an alternate definition, and he should still play to get more points. What do you mean? He knows what it is. Yeah, I mean, if the house has the correct definition, right? So there's the correct definitions in there. Right. But Taylor knows what it is.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Why is he going to guess? Oh, because he would guess the right Right. But Taylor knows what it is. Why is he going to guess? Because he would guess the right one? He already knows what it is. Yeah, because now everybody can fake it. It would have been better to reveal after the round that he was the winner because he actually submitted the correct answer. Well, if you do it after the round, you get two points for being right. But if you do it right away, you get three points for being right.
Starting point is 00:46:41 So he gets more points this way. Let's play this round. The Riemann hypothesis is an unsolved problem related to the distribution of prime numbers. Or number two, they claim that all people inherently do good when given equal opportunities and resources. Number three, an educated guess framework used by mathematicians. Number four, the theory that special brown fat inside the body explains why some people stay warmer in cold and have generally better health outcomes. Did you say brown fat or round fat? That special brown fat. Wow. I thought that was always like way colored, you know? All right. We start with Amal. Of those, hey, only four definitions to guess from this round.
Starting point is 00:47:28 So you have a good chance of drilling it. Which of those four do you believe is the correct definition for the Riemann hypothesis? Could you repeat the first one again? An unsolved problem related to the distribution of prime numbers. What was the second one? Read them all. The claim that people inherently do good when given equal opportunities and resources. was the second one? Read them all. The claim that people inherently do good when given equal opportunities and resources.
Starting point is 00:47:48 And the third one. Just read them all. Are you listening? An educated guess framework used by mathematicians. Okay. Let's go with the math one. The educated guess framework used by mathematicians? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Okay. Taylor already guessed. And so, Losh, your turn. All right, I'll grab prime numbers. Adam, it's up to you to take the good people. Okay, he's playing the spread game. He wants Adam to take the good people. Adam, you like good people.
Starting point is 00:48:18 I'm going good people. I got to spread it out. He's spreading it out. We know Taylor doesn't have a correct answer, so we got to, the house is somewhere in there. Exactly. Yeah, but he can't reveal because he knows too much all right well playing the spread game amel thought perhaps the reeman hypothesis was an educated guess framework that's a good educated guess but unfortunately it's wrong adam came up with that one point for adam adam
Starting point is 00:48:43 meanwhile went with the good people. By force, really. Unfortunately, there are no good people. That's wrong also. And Amel came up with it. So you guys are swapping points. You guys beat each other. Wow. So either Losh picked his own or he picked the correct one. What do you think
Starting point is 00:48:59 the odds are? Taylor knows that the Riemann hypothesis is an unsolved problem related to the distribution of prime numbers. So two points there. Congratulations, Losh. You got it correct. Taylor, tell us more because yours was more precise. I had to actually look up to make sure it was the right one. It was. What is this thing all about? What I'll say about this is this is the first time my mathematics degree has actually helped me in the real world.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Awesome. I didn't think we brought qualified people onto this. That's gnarly, man. Detail it for us. It's interesting. If you solve the Riemann hypothesis, you get a million dollars. There's a bounty out there. It's one of like six or seven problems called the millennium prize so you've probably heard of p versus np that's one
Starting point is 00:49:51 of them reeman hypothesis is like kind of just as big of a deal because it would tell us a lot about yeah the prime numbers so which is not two four six eight yeah this would be a really great like goodwill hunting part two you know let's bring it back yes matt damon's like 55 he's got a belly needs some money you know we solve this math problem get him rich this is like i would watch that movie and now he's the professor he's the shrink yes yes yes exactly he got not a math because he solved them all. I don't actually know how old Matt Damon is, but for what it's worth, 50 is not even middle age. Are you doing paper mache over there?
Starting point is 00:50:31 I mean, what's going on? Oh, sorry. Oh, I'm like opening my mail. I'm sorry. I should stop doing that. Sorry, I just realized. We've heard the whole time. Oh, you heard everything?
Starting point is 00:50:39 Of course. You're on a podcast, Emil. I'm sorry. I'm spacing out. Paper mache. I'm sorry. All right spacing out. I apologize. All right. Well, big round for Taylor.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Pretty good round for Losh. Hey, good round for all of you all because I scored zero points, and that's what you're after. So still, however, in the lead with 10. Losh with eight. Amel, seven. Adam, six. Taylor still in last, but you have five now, so you are coming back. We move to round
Starting point is 00:51:05 six and your word for round six is Zitterbewegung whoa gosh yes I said that correctly
Starting point is 00:51:17 the word for round six is Zitterbewegung it's spelled Z-I-T-T-E-R B-E-W-E-G-U-N-G. Zitter be wiegung. And I'm saying it better every time I say it. That's the whole thing? That's the word. Looks like a German word. Can I phone a friend? Do you have German friends? Oh yeah. Oh my god,
Starting point is 00:51:40 so many. No, you can't phone them. This is not do you want to be a millionaire? Or who wants to be a millionaire? I wish I was better at German. Yes, if you have a background in German. I barely took French, but German is Nordic enough that there's familiarity in there. It does look German. Zitter be wiegen. It's hard in there. It does look... Zitter be wiegen.
Starting point is 00:52:06 It's hard to say. There are so many other ways it could be pronounced, though. That pronunciation is according to the website that says how to pronounce things. Yeah, I think so. That's just a bot. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what it is either.
Starting point is 00:52:25 It's when you Google how to pronounce and you paste a word into it and the first one gives you that button and you push it. Did you guys see the bug in the Google Translate thing a few months ago? Where if you posted chicken in Google Translate and you asked for it to pronounce it, it would go, Kay-yo! Seriously? That's awesome! It was the funniest thing. That's what?
Starting point is 00:52:56 You could find it online. People have videos of it. That's awesome. Fix the bug. I used text-to-speech API at one point. yeah it was pretty good like we were trying to do accessibility it was an education product but some of the stuff people pasted especially if it came from word documents had like weird characters in there and suddenly the whole thing would go circumflex because like a circumflex is a particular typographic character i don't know what characters made it go but it had like a
Starting point is 00:53:37 a weird breath what was the vibe the breath was it creepy was it too loud that hurt your ears was it funny kind of creepy speaking voice level and then it would say circumflex which is just a weird word to throw in there it's like a full sentence and then like someone put in a weird period at the end like full stop okay i have Okay, I have tailors. Y'all aren't making this easy on me. Oh, I should get the order figured out while I wait. Here's a mouse. Wait, I'm editing.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Okay, go ahead. I just got an email that all the prices are increasing on my domains what's going on there yeah domain inflation yeah like which host what's costing more there right yeah is it costing more for them to like mine the uh you know the bits out of out of the... Everyone's got to pay bills, you know. Yeah. Which host? This was through Namecheap,
Starting point is 00:54:52 but I... That hurts even more, you know? Yeah, right? Cheap is literally in the name. We're also changing our name to Name. Yeah, that's right. Name not as cheap. all right i think we have okay everybody ready
Starting point is 00:55:10 zitterby wiegung a scientific method developed in switzerland primarily used in chemistry zitterby wiegung the official state fish of haw Hawaii. Zitterbewegung, shortened to gung, otherwise known as gunk in layman's term, is the buildup of undesirable substances. Zitterbewegung, the German word for the bittersweet, which is combined, but conflicting feeling of happiness and sadness. Zitterbewegung, rapid, oscillatory motion of particles such as electrons in quantum mechanics. There you have it, five definitions for Zitterbewegung. Let's start with Amel. I'm going to need those definitions again. Which ones in particular?
Starting point is 00:56:04 Should I just do them all again? All of them. Okay. Number one, a scientific method developed in Switzerland primarily using chemistry. Number two, the official state fish of Hawaii. Number three, shortened to gung. Otherwise known as gunk. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:56:22 It's happening again. Otherwise known as gunk oh my god guys i'm gonna need a bathroom break after this oh number four the german word for the bittersweet oh my god number five the rapid oscillatory motion of particles. That's not the full definition, but come on. I've given it to you one and a half times. Which one do you think it is?
Starting point is 00:56:51 Oh, my God. I think we're just going to have to go with spread here. Maybe what was the first one again? Sorry, you don't have to say the word, just definition. A scientific method developed in Switzerland. Oh, God. You don't have to say the number you're selecting just say the general feel of the you know is it the gunk is it the i don't like any of these to be honest um this is the state fish i have a vague sense
Starting point is 00:57:17 that we can eliminate the gunk i mean honestly last time i thought re-education was fake but adam was laughing too hard at the gunk. I'm laughing at Jared. He can't get it out. I want to go on record. I made it through all five the first time without laughing. It was the second time they got me. Which one is not the fish?
Starting point is 00:57:37 Yeah, I don't. Which one is not the fish? There's five definitions. Four of them are not the fish. I have the top two. I don't know what your top two are okay no okay just can i go again later um or do i have to go now it's your turn oh my god um i just i'll go with number three number three number three is the shortened to gung otherwise known as oh sure let's do there okay i you know what no i'm throwing i'm throwing
Starting point is 00:58:06 away points let's do four what's the fourth one the german word for the bittersweet let's just go with number two state fish whatever all right state fish of hawaii taylor likes that choice how in the world does he gets points for that there's no way uh hey redistributing the wealth i love it we're not finished yet here and we go now to taylor which one are you gonna pick are you also gonna go for the state fish not number two no get a spread get a spread yeah let's spread out let's spread out um go for gunk i think i'm gonna go for the bittersweet he's gonna take the bittersweet all right now we go to lush i really like the bitweet one, but I don't see how it's stem. So I'm going to with the oscillating things.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Losh goes oscillating. Oh, there was an oscillation option? No, there wasn't. No. Not for you anymore. You've gone. She's over there doing paper mache. Can you read those again? I wasn't listening. Adam, what's your guess? I'm going with the fish.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Adam goes with the fish. Adam goes with the fish. Okay. Not the gunk or the Swiss chemistry? The gunk and the Swiss chemistry, both apparently not believable. But hilarious. Adam and Amel thought that Zitterbewegung is the official state fish of Hawaii, but we all knew that was Taylor's because he made it clear. So Taylor gets two points.
Starting point is 00:59:26 That was a great one, though. It deserved the points. Meanwhile, Taylor himself went for the bittersweet, but that was Amel's definition, so one point for her. Nice, nice. Losh applies the spread and logic and reasoning by picking a stem
Starting point is 00:59:40 definition, oscillatory motion of particles such as electrons in quantum mechanics. Yes, that is exactly what Zitterbewegung is. So launch scores. Oh, wow. Nice. Two for himself and keeps me off the board.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Can we give extra points to Lars for listening to instructions and contextual using clues? I feel like, you know, he used all everything that was available to him to land the plane safely. So I think points for Lars. Or not Lars, it's Lars. But he didn't make Jared laugh, though. I think I could have given you the definitions as well, at least roughly. Well, anytime you redefine the word in the definition,
Starting point is 01:00:20 I just think it's funny. Like, no, it's not that. Read it again, Jared. Let's see if you can get through it. Zitter be wiegung. Shortened to gung, otherwise known as gunk. Yeah. Otherwise known as
Starting point is 01:00:36 gunk. I love it. In layman's terms. Yeah. In layman's terms, it's gunk. It's hilarious. Let's read these scores here. I'm tied for first. I'm no longer alone in first place. Jared and Losh tied at 10.
Starting point is 01:00:52 So he's made an epic advancement. Amel with eight. Taylor with seven. You are now no longer in last. Adam is last with six. We threw you some points, Taylor. Thank you. Thank you. I needed it.
Starting point is 01:01:05 So it's still a very tight game. I should not have given them that bonus point. Gosh. Freaking fish. We now move to round seven. This is a special round. I call it Give It a Goog. Give It a Goog. It includes the Google web search engine.
Starting point is 01:01:21 So I have fed into Google the phrase software developers are, and I stopped and I let it auto-complete the rest of the sentence. Of course, it provides multiple completions. The top completion I have fetched and held onto. Your job is to complete the sentence and trick everybody into thinking that you wrote the thing it actually responded with. So if you were to search Google for software developers are, what would be the number one search suggestion to finish that phrase? I think it's important that we set the context here because it's specific to Jared's search history too.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Incorrect. Like, yes it is. Private browser. Incorrect. I mean, private, is. Private browser. Incorrect. I mean, private, really? What's private nowadays? Come on. He went through an exit note in Sweden too.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Tor network, private browser. Tor, okay, okay, okay. So like vanilla, vanilla. I was at Strange Loop in a hotel. So let's remove any sort of subjectivity. It might have been my search history then. Okay, Taylor Taylor search history. I feel like there's no such thing as vanilla.
Starting point is 01:02:27 There's still some reference points that are used to aggregate. Fair enough, but your job is to come up with what you think it would say. Okay. And write it down and send it to me in a DM and we will see what happens. Give it a goog. We're not supposed to actually use... No, just software developer. That's all you typed, right?
Starting point is 01:02:47 Software developers are. Are, okay. Do not actually give it a goog. Just name the round. Give it a goog. Alternate names include Google says autocomplete me and I'm feeling lucky I'm feeling lucky that's a much
Starting point is 01:03:11 better name good job all right I have Taylor's washes and that's it just missing Adams at this point mm-hmm Thinking hard over here. It's like you have to write literally one word because that's how Google autocompletes stuff. Has to be the right word, of course. My favorite one of these is for a long while you would type in French military victories and it would say, would type in French military
Starting point is 01:03:45 victories and it would say did you mean French military defeats? Oh yes. I do remember that one. That was classic. Whenever you're ready Adam. Gosh. I'm going with the simple version here.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Alright. We have all five. version here. developers are smart but still have problems finding a girlfriend software developers are overpaid software developers are rich or software developers are the new accountants we will start with taylor actually when i hear all those i think people are gonna say overpaid because you know you're in an organization and you just see the person in the cubicle just going late into the night. You have no idea what that person does. Why is that person getting paid? Yeah, I can see that. All right. Overpaid. Overpaid.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Very good. Losh, do you? Weird. I'll go with weird. Weird. All right. Adam, do you? So many answers that are so correct.
Starting point is 01:05:05 What's the first one, Jared? Weird. Second one was smart, but still have problems finding a girlfriend. Third was overpaid. Fourth was rich. And fifth was the new accountants. It's not the overly descriptive one.
Starting point is 01:05:18 That's for sure. Easier thinking and trying to read people's faces. Can't tell. Probably doing both. Ensure the spread. Lock Jared. We're just a socialist organization now. It's like... I would guess the same one that everybody else guessed if I were you.
Starting point is 01:05:34 There's not always the one guessed so far, right? Taylor? Well, ML. Who guessed first? Taylor and Losh. We've got weird and overpaid have both been selected. Overpaid. Adam goes with overpaid. Not the spread reluctantly and we go to our last guess which i guess would be ml yeah for me it's between weird and overpaid um let's just do overpaid and whoever's this is if hopefully it's right but if it's not then somebody's getting a lot of points which is good because that's somebody hopefully isn't jared so so google wanted to autocomplete software
Starting point is 01:06:10 developers are three of you thought the correct word was overpaid losh were they correct about that no but i get some points i think he gets some points that was his so three points to you, sir. Meanwhile, you thought they were weird. Taylor, was he right about that? No, not, I mean, yes, yes, he was right. No, no, he was not. He guessed yours. I mean, they are weird, but Google would think that. I figured one of you would take rich, at least.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Nobody took rich. Nobody applied the spread. You guys bundled up on one, which I appreciate, having scored five points. I'm trying here. The actual thing Google said to me when I started with software developers are the new accountants. That's crazy. Oh, that's surprising. That was interesting, I thought.
Starting point is 01:06:54 That was so left field. I mean, I had a feeling. I was like, I wonder if that's it. But I was like, really? I don't know. You know? The girlfriend thing was no, but new accountants i could see that happening but i figured that that was like a reference to like uh an essay or something or some article
Starting point is 01:07:11 and it was yeah that's my guess a headline yeah some sort of trending article that everyone's writing about could be a book title a lot of people link into it maybe i don't know i didn't actually click on it you know it came up for me? Software engineers are not engineers. Sorry. Software developers are not engineers. Sorry. Software developers. Isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 01:07:32 What is interesting is that I couldn't get it to repeat that one, actually. I tried to get it to repeat and it would be different. So it was like different every time now for some reason. Oh, no. Number two is the new accountants for me. Oh, it is? Okay, cool. For me, number two is overpaid.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I mean, I agree that that would be something I would expect people to put into a search bar. Yeah, not engineers. New accountants. Not engineers. Yeah, rough. Not real engineers. Yeah, I think that the completion of those is usually like the public sentiment in a way, right? Because that's what people are like searching for versus the truth. Versus the truth? I mean, uh- mean oh what are you trying to say taylor you're saying we're are we the new accountants i mean let's psychoanalyze this what does that even mean some of us are a little bit
Starting point is 01:08:14 weird and we might be a tad overpaid is that what we're saying we might be overpaid i'm not overpaid or lazy was a pretty good pitch just to kind of go into some of recent sentiment around engineering orgs lazy would have been a good one well overpaid really did get everybody so that keeps losch close to first place i have 15 he has 13 within reach you're not in the game, Jared. I'm literally winning. You're the host. I'm literally winning. Amel and Taylor both have eight.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Adam's still sitting at six. There are three rounds left, so it's not without reach. But if you guys, if you flop another round, I will win. So I would advise the spread from here on out. Let's move to round eight. What's up, friends? I'm here with Vijay Raji, CEO and founder of Statsig, where they help thousands of companies from startups to Fortune 500s to ship faster and smarter with a unified platform for feature flags, experimentation, and analytics. So Vijay, what's the inception story of Statsig? Why did you build this?
Starting point is 01:09:35 Yeah. So Statsig started about two and a half years ago. And before that, I was at Facebook for 10 years where I saw firsthand the set of tools that people or engineers inside Facebook had access to and this breadth and depth of the tools that actually led to the formation of the canonical engineering culture that Facebook is famous for. And that also got me thinking about how do you distill all of that and bring it out to everyone if every company wants to build that kind of an engineering culture of building and shipping things really fast, using data to make data informed decisions
Starting point is 01:10:10 and then also informed to like, what do you need to go invest in next? And all of that was like fascinating, was really, really powerful. So, so much so that I decided to quit Facebook and start this company. Yeah, so in the last two and a half years, we've been building those tools that are helping engineers today to build and ship new features and then roll them
Starting point is 01:10:31 out. And as they're rolling it out, also understand the impact of those features. Does it have bugs? Does it impact your customers in the way that you expected it? Or are there some side effects, unintended side effects? and knowing those things help you make your product better? It's somewhat common now to hear this train of thought where an engineer or developer was at one of the big companies, Facebook, Google, Airbnb, you name it. And they get used to certain tooling on the inside. They get used to certain workflows, certain developer culture, certain ways of doing things, tooling, of course, and then they leave and they miss everything they had while at that company. And they go and they start their own company, like you did. What are your thoughts on that? What are your thoughts on that kind of tech being
Starting point is 01:11:17 on the inside of the big companies and those of us out here, not in those companies without that tooling? In order to get the same level of sophistication of tools that companies like Facebook, Google, Airbnb, and Uber have, you need to invest quite a bit. You need to take some of your best engineers and then go have them go build tools like this. And not every company has the luxury to go do that, right? Because it's a pretty large investment. And so the fact that the sophistication of those tools inside these companies have advanced so much and that's like left behind
Starting point is 01:11:48 most of the other companies and the tooling that they get access to, that's exactly the opportunity that I was like, okay, well, we need to bring those sophistication outside so everybody can be benefiting from these. Okay, the next step is to go to
Starting point is 01:12:06 slash changelog. They're offering our fans free white glove onboarding, including migration support, in addition to 5 million free events per month. That's massive. Test drive Statsig today at slash changelog. That's slash changelog.
Starting point is 01:12:28 The link is in the show notes. our word for round eight is caisson that's spelled c-a-i-s-s-o-n not to be confused with jason right right maybe it's kazon or kason kaison no it's k son it's not kaison let me put it into the chat it's spelled c-a-i-s-s-o-n can i get the country of origin i don't know what it is it looks like maybe it's french yeah i would guess french but I don't know what it is. I'm thinking French from... Passant? Don't they sell those in bakeries? Fonassant. Close.
Starting point is 01:13:36 They almost sell them. I was really... Taylor, you were... It's a really good dry humor, my friend. Points for you. I'm all in early this time. Oh, no. You're just chatting me.
Starting point is 01:13:50 The French episodes where Gerhard talks about infrastructure. No? Sorry, I was in the chat. I would have given you a really good response if I was... Tough crowd. Yeah, it is. We're all distracted. Oh, I get it.
Starting point is 01:14:11 It was a Kaizen joke. Do you guys ever do that? You listen in retrospect? Like, you listen to the sentence after it's over with? I just did that. Pretty good, Lush. Pretty good. Yeah, it's like a buffering problem.
Starting point is 01:14:23 It is. Feels like that took forever to flush. Yeah, it's like a buffering problem. It is. That took forever to flush. This might be my best one to date, y'all. We've got three. I mean, it helps that I sort of know what it means. We've got four. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Our round eight word is K-Sun, which is a watertight structure used for underwater construction, or the sheath around network wiring, or a method for extracting gluten from wheat that has been used since the 1600s, or a controversial chest opening, or the small intestinal casing of a rabbit, which is commonly used in French fine dining. Gosh, we lose ideas.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Let's go back to your mail. Really? Let's go back to your mail. I was reading that super clean, by the way. I was reading it super clean. Okay. Thank you. Thank you, everyone.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Be here all week. We start with Losh this time what do you think sir run the two first by me again the first two the watertight structure used for underwater construction and the sheath around network wiring uh the one after that that's the first two a method for extracting gluten from wheat a controversial chest opening or the intestinal casing of a rabbit which is used for french fine dining yeah no rabbits uh let's go with the underwater one okay underwater construction uh taylor what are you thinking i also thought it was the underwater construction but i'm going for that spread. Fight the Jared. So let's do the wiring sheathing. A sheath around network wiring.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Okay, Adam? The chess move. The chess move. Anamel? I was going to go with the network wiring, but then we have to spread the... What's unpicked? The small intestinal casing of a rabbit.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Yours? Or a method... Damn it! A method for extracting gluten from wheat. I recommend number two. Yeah. We have to play strategically at this point. We cannot have you win, so...
Starting point is 01:16:40 Okay. You're banning together. Yep. To pick everything except for Emel's. For the better of humanity. Well, here's the question is, if you hadn't giggled, was anybody buying it until the giggle happened? I mean, no?
Starting point is 01:16:52 No hesitation from Adam. He was not buying it. Not sure about stem. Well, an intestinal casing is, that's scientific, right? That's biological. Yeah. It's the anatomy of an animal. I mean, that definitely fits inside the
Starting point is 01:17:05 realm of science right but the french fine dining is where it went haywire less is more lesson learned yeah maybe don't overly explain your definition yes yes yes yes well a master application of the spread considering there was five definitions and you picked the four that had a chance so yes one of you landed on it. The question is who? Let's start with Adam. He went for a controversial chess opening. That was Taylor's. So one point for Taylor there.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Good job, Taylor. Taylor went for the sheath around network wiring. That was Adam's. So swapping points there. Amel guessed a method for extracting gluten. That's Losh's. So one point there, which means Losh got the correct definition a watertight structure used for underwater construction that means he gets
Starting point is 01:17:53 two points for being right plus the one he got from Amel so that's three points so after eight rounds Losh moves into the lead with 16 points I I am in second with 15, Taylor with nine, Amel with eight, and Adam with seven. And we move now to round nine. This is a special round called How Do You Do, Fellow Humans. How do you do, fellow kids? What? In this round, I turned to ChatGPT and I asked it to make up a fictional word that relates to STEM and a single sentence definition of the word. It then returned to me. What it returned?
Starting point is 01:18:35 Your job is to act as if you are ChatGPT and how it would answer that prompt. The exact prompt was make up a fictional word that relates to stem and a single sentence definition of the word. So you will submit to me what your best fake chat GPT response would be. So make up the word and then define the word? Make up exactly what you think it replied with or something that is feasible for that. How are we supposed to guess this correctly? Your ability to approximate a GPT. Oh, okay. Work the spread. Work the spread.
Starting point is 01:19:12 This is all it's about. Listen to this guy who's in first place talking about the spread. I mean, he's very concerned now. Oh, I see. I see. Because you're going to tell us both the definition and the word, right? I have written down chat GPT's response and I will also read all of your responses. And you will guess which one is ChatGPT.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Do you mind repeating the... The prompt? Yes. I'll put it in the chat. The exact prompt is, make up a fictional word that relates to STEM and a single-sentence definition of the word. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Knowing ChatGPT, the single-sentence response was two paragraphs. Right. So you're going to get a lot of text here. Taylor's already in. He's the first one in. Putting this one in the group chat, because where else should I put it? Why are you putting it in the group chat?
Starting point is 01:19:58 I'm just messing with you. He's being facetious. Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. I was like, wait, wait a second. Said that like three of five times. Software developer's code was a pretty good complete. Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. I was like, wait, wait a second. Said that like three of five times. Software developer's code was a pretty good complete. Gosh, here we go. Verbatim.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Jared, verbatim. You have to read it verbatim. Okay. Okay. Can I survive it verbatim? We have all definitions? Well, we think so.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Okay, I prompted ChatGPT, make up a fictional word that relates to STEM and a single sentence definition of the word, and it responded with one of these five responses. Number one, she heldism. When salt dissolves in water and forms a wave pattern in the water. Number two, clorpus, the underbelly of a cha-cha engine. Number three, hyper incision, a very small and precise medical procedure performed with nano scale edged robot scalpels. Number four, xylo fluxotron, a groundbreaking device capable of converting sound vibrations from musical instruments into a clean and sustainable energy source. Number five,
Starting point is 01:21:16 I can help with that. Hydro loader is the word. The definition of the word is a pipe like object used to move liquid substances. Hope that helps. We start with Taylor. Well, it's definitely the I can help with that. Going with I can help with that?
Starting point is 01:21:33 Yeah, yeah. Okay. Losh. So it's the completely unedited response from ChatGPT that we're trying to go for? Yes. Then it's I can help with that. Okay. No, I'm pretty sure I can help with that. Okay. No, I'm pretty sure I can help with that as Adams.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Because he said verbatim. So then I was like, oh, it's Adams. And I like Adams. So I wanted to throw him a point. Good logic. Sneaky, sneaky. Oh, I love that. But now, Losh, you're making me feel bad because i'm misleading people
Starting point is 01:22:07 yeah misleading people you misled me taylor okay or did he the verdict is out yet no you didn't actually mislead me i actually thought that was legit i was like good job adam because i was like yeah i it it chachi pt always starts with something helpful and ends with something helpful. He could also be playing mind games right now because he wants these points for himself. It's true. Taylor or Adam or Jared? Yeah, all of them.
Starting point is 01:22:36 All of them. They're all against me. I love it. I love it. Which one do you want? The first one? The first. That was the she-heldismm when salt dissolves in water and forms a wave pattern in the water.
Starting point is 01:22:50 And second one was? That's clorpus. Which was? Oh, sorry. I thought we all knew. The underbelly of a cha-cha engine. I just wanted to verify which one Taylor's was. I was fine until I looked at... I read it fine until I looked at Taylor's face
Starting point is 01:23:14 and I couldn't remember any longer. I caught the laugh the first time, but I couldn't remember which one was which. I'll go with the salt wave thing. Taylor, you already had his answer submitted. It was submitted. The answer was submitted. Adam is not happy with this game.
Starting point is 01:23:30 And then Taylor's like, hey, listen. Listen, this is my logic here. Adam, mind the spread. Mind the spread. Losh is winning, you know. Do you want him to win? I mean. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:41 He's from Sweden. He's already winning. I mean, let's be real. That's true. Okay. All right, Amel. What are you going with? I'm going to play the spread game. yeah he's from sweden he's already winning i mean let's be real that's true okay all right ml what are you going with i'm gonna play the spread game i was gonna go with uh yeah the ones that were already selected but um what was number four so you have the four was the xylo fluxotron two was chlorpis three was hyper inc Xylofluxatron. Let's go with that. Okay. Xylo.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Xylofluxatron. And that leaves us with Adam. What are you going with, sir? Well, the incision one was a male because I saw it giggle with the incisions. What was the first one that got injured? The first one was when salt dissolves in water. The second one was chlorpus. The cha-cha engine.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Right. Three was hyperincision. Let's go with the cha-cha engine. Right. Three was hyperincision. Let's go with the cha-cha engine. Cha-cha engine. All right. Well, let's start right there then. Adam thought perhaps ChatGPD's fake word plus definition would be clorpus, the underbelly of a cha-cha engine. That indeed was Taylor's.
Starting point is 01:24:40 He's very difficult to read that one without laughing because he was just on cloud nine over there. You know, my initial submission was I am sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot create fake definitions. I actually thought that was legit. I thought it'd be a decent answer, but we all know that they can make stuff up all the time. But I did like the response. That's what they do. Yeah. So Adam picks Taylors. Meanwhile, But I did like the response. That's what they do. Yeah. So Adam picks Taylor's. Meanwhile, Taylor picks the, I can help with that.
Starting point is 01:25:11 Hydroloader is the word, et cetera. Hope that helps. And yes, that was Adam's. And he was giving Adam a point. He almost tricked all of us into selecting that. You have to admit I had y'all tricked. Yeah, no, you really did. I was going to pick that. Had Taylorall tricked yeah no you really i was gonna pick
Starting point is 01:25:25 that had taylor not given his logic away it was a selection down the board sorry sorry yeah it was either that or one of the others like it immediately divided the field it stood out because it was so believable nobody else's was like full response like i thought like how would chat gpt truly respond the question is adam had you not told me to read it verbatim would we have actually fell on for it because i was going to read them verbatim regardless so yes and taylor if you had submitted the i'm sorry as a language model yada yada that would have been two answers that felt more like chat gpt than any of the real ones right but i thought of the cha-cha engine i had to do the cha-cha engine was really selling it it's good
Starting point is 01:26:13 it's the underbelly of a cha-cha engine now losh picked the she held ism which is when water salt dissolves in water when salt dissolves in water and forms a wave pattern in the water that was a mel's yeah adam that was mine what i'm allowed to giggle she giggles all the time giggle is not like does not equal it's your tail it's your tail or she could giggle at a different time and really screw with you yeah exactly i think she giggled because it was a feasible one yeah that's why that's why i giggled good it was a feasible one. Yeah, that's why. That's why I giggled. Good job. That's exactly why. I was like, that sounds real.
Starting point is 01:26:49 The hyperflexism sounds real, like, or whatever it is. Yes. Now, nobody picked hyperincision. That was Losh's. So he didn't score any points there. Amel picked xylofluxetron, which was ChatGPT's response was Xylo Fluxatron. Sweet, I didn't even realize that. So Amel gets two points for that, three points on the round.
Starting point is 01:27:11 But for everybody's sake, she saves me from scoring five, which would have given me the victory. After nine rounds, we have Losh in first place at 16, Jared at 15, Amel at 11, Taylor at 10, Adam at 8. We move now into our final round. And the word for this round is Petikai. The word for this round is Petikai. That's spelled P-E-T-E-C-H-I-A-E. There we go. I put it in the chat for you to read yourselves.
Starting point is 01:27:46 The word is patikai. Or sorry, patikai. Sorry, I said it wrong. Patikai. That's it. I've been saying it wrong. It's patikai. My apologies.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Okay, submit your definitions as soon as you have them. Is this also STEM? It's all also stem it's all anything it's all stem it's a lot more poker face kind of dealings in this game than i would have expected yeah you wonder if it'd be a completely different game without video. Probably not nearly as fun. It's really hard not to smile, laugh, or giggle when your definition is being read, I imagine. It's hard for me to read them. I think it's hard for Taylor not to write funny. I know, all of his are just on the edge of being like, gosh, can I read this with a straight
Starting point is 01:28:43 face or not? Very few of them are on the edge of being like, gosh, can I read this with a straight face or not? Very few of them are on the edge of being believable. Uh-oh, should I change this one? I put Ptikiai, Adam's middle name. Adam's middle name. That's classic. Adam Ptikiai Stachowiak. Well, this is for all the marvels.
Starting point is 01:29:04 Can Losh actually convince everybody to use the spread? Or will they gang up on him and actually try to score points naturally? I know. I mean, I think we should discuss that right now. I mean, how do we want to play this, y'all? I think, I mean, Jared is still on the leaderboard, right? I'm in second. Oh, you're in second.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Doesn't he always win, like, Family Feud and all of those? Yeah. Front End Feud. Oh, no, the debate debate shows i always declare myself the winner of the debate shows front end feud we play it straight yeah so i i think i think we we just we just i think at all costs jared can't win like you're just against me it's not that i'm against you it's that i've been on so many rigged games with you where you just always win. Yeah. So it's like... I've been on so many rigged games with you.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Wow. Yeah, which is now I want to rig this game to rig you back, you know? Mm-hmm. So that's my... Fair. All right. For our final round,
Starting point is 01:30:02 Patekiae. We have five definitions. The first one is the reverse form of patina, which derives from its Latin origin word patinae, is the process of reverse rusting when objects are placed in a vacuum with 0% humidity. Number two, tiny red or purple spots on the skin caused by broken blood vessels. Number three, the chief animal byproduct used to create toothpaste. I hadn't read the final word and it surprised me.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Oh my God. I should have read the whole thing in my head. No, just see. I think that reaction, we need to get that video. That video needs to go on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube. It needs to go everywhere. Your face just realizing that that was funny. And then you just burst out laughing.
Starting point is 01:31:00 That was priceless. I need to pre-read the entire thing. Can we get that one again? Yes. The chief animal byproduct used to create toothpaste, which is awesome. Oh my goodness. Or number four, the smallest bone in your body, which is located in your head. Number five, an Atlantic algae that is being investigated by scientists for its regenerative properties. Oh my
Starting point is 01:31:28 God, these are all really good. These are good. Great job, everyone. We really started on the bottom and now we're on the top. The top of our game. We're ending this on a high. I no longer want to use toothpaste. We're going to start with Adam.
Starting point is 01:31:44 Do you need me to reread any of these? If you're not first, you're last. I'm going last. Only if you promise to laugh again, Jared. I can't make any promises, but likely. Yes. First, you must reread that one of the toothpaste, which is not my selection. It's not my selection.
Starting point is 01:32:00 The last one is my selection. The last one, which is the Atlantic algae. Yes. Let's go with that. The Atlantic algae. That's being investigated by scientists for its regenerative properties. Okay. That's Adams.
Starting point is 01:32:11 I believe that's the truth. Amel. I'm going to go with the capillaries, the broken capillaries. The broken blood vessels. Yeah. Or sure. Good choice. That one sounds.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Whoever wrote that one. Oh, really, Adam? Is that a good choice? It's a good choice. You know what? I'm going to take it back. Okay. That choice. Yeah, that one sounds. Whoever wrote that one. Oh, really, Adam? Is that a good choice? You know what? I'm going to take it back. Okay. That was. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:29 My last point is not going to Adam. Okay. Okay. Where are you going to put it? Could you read the second one again or the first one? The first one was the reverse form of patina coming from patinae. The process of reverse rusting. That sounds like something Taylor would make up.
Starting point is 01:32:48 What was the third one? But he made up the toothpaste. Was he the toothpaste one? I don't even... How do you know that? Do you think he was the toothpaste one? How do you know that? I don't think there is such a thing as reverse rusting.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Well, it also says it's placed in a vacuum with 0% humidity. Yeah, it's a science. Is it really, 0% humidity. Yeah, it's a science. Is it really, Taylor, Mr. Math? It's a science. Yeah, it's a lot of head games this round. For the love of the spread, let's just go with that. You're going to go with that. Okay, so you're going to the reverse rusting.
Starting point is 01:33:18 All right, we move now to Taylor. Well, I know it's not the smallest bone in the body because doctors told me that mine was my funny bone. Is that subjective or is that like for everyone? It's total science. STEM. That means that I'm going with the, not the capillaries, but the blotchy skin, whatever that is. Tiny red or purple spots on the skin? Yeah, I know it doesn't sound right, but also I'm drawn to it
Starting point is 01:33:46 for some reason very mysterious taylor doesn't look right but i thought that the capillaries was the same as the red blotch because broken capillaries do cause redness that's also you know so that's the one that adam was excited that amel picked it. Yeah, but I'm like, so you switched it, but Taylor's going to pick it anyways. He's drawn to it. I'm drawn to it. He's drawn to it.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Okay, Taylor's going to the skin problems. He's just drawn to them. And Losh is the last one. What's left that hasn't been picked? The unguessed one is the chief animal byproduct used to create toothpaste. Or the smallest bone in your body which is located in your head i don't think that's correct but i'll take the the bone you don't think
Starting point is 01:34:33 it's correct but you'll take it my whole thing was i don't want adam adam has called me out too many times i'm not giving any points to adam i need to prevent jared points i think that's could be a show title i don't think it's correct, but I'll take it. Yes, that's right. Literally. I don't think it's correct, but I'll take it. I always thought the smallest bone in your body was in your ear. That's what I was told.
Starting point is 01:34:54 It's true. Which is technically in your head. True. I mean, yeah. Bingo. All right. Well, Losh guessed that one. He didn't think it was right.
Starting point is 01:35:02 He was right. It was not correct. And it was a Mel's. Thanks. Thanks, Losh guessed that one he didn't think it was right he was right it was not correct and it was Amel's so thanks thanks Losh uh meanwhile Amel went for the reverse patina uh that's reverse rusty and that was made up by Adam nice one Adam what Adam what the hell you you fake pushed me into something you know what I? We're going to have to play this again, y'all. We're going to have to do this again. This is unfair. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:35:29 In fact, Adam almost won me the game because the correct answer was tiny red or purple spots on the skin caused by broken blood vessels, and he almost scared everybody off it, but Taylor was drawn to it. That was my first choice. so taylor gets two for getting the correct answer you know what i'm gonna just i gotta listen listen to this game trust your instincts okay that's okay as long as jared doesn't win that's a good definition though
Starting point is 01:35:56 right that was good meanwhile losh also scored a point because his was the atlantic algae that's being investigated and adam guessed it so that's one for him I knew that was wrong but I could not select the correct one which was mine right funny fair enough all right well you guys successfully spread and Taylor saved the game by being drawn to red or purple spots on his skin wait so who was the patina one the reverse patina that was that made that up that was adam oh sorry oh my god i'm see in my rage i'm already forgetting i think you guessed adams in almost every round i think he really had yes your number you were drawn to my my words you like my words admit it i do i do i do i give fake good definitions it's all those all these years of listening to change.
Starting point is 01:36:45 Right. I blame that. Right. We're just so authoritative with what we say. You're like, it has to be true. Last time I checked, being with for change was provided by Fastly.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Learn more at Okay. Losh, congratulations, my friend. After 10 rounds of pound to find, you are the champion with 17 points. Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:37:09 And because we don't have much to give away around here, what we are going to give you is an open microphone. So we do have people listening, and I hope maybe by the end of this they aren't anymore. But if you had anything you could say to the listening audience as your victory dance, you get to say audience as your victory dance you get to say whatever you want and you're gonna say it right now i guess i'll chill go to under your dot io under your dot io in america and check out my series of recent blog posts on unpacking elixir
Starting point is 01:37:41 i want you all to get really really deep into elixir it's a good language good ecosystem good community and i've been writing a ton about it recently so uh yes get in on it is it under yord or under jord under yord yeah for us americans over here could you spell it out like can we u-n-d-e-r-j-o-r-d dot i-o we could do a bonus round where everybody writes what they think they'll find when they go to under just kidding you'll find some awesome blog posts about elixir just as losh said a picture of a yurt just kidding i think there's's a series of four recent unpacking Elixir series blog posts. You can put those in the show notes if you like. Or you can just go to Hacker News on any given day
Starting point is 01:38:34 and chances are I'm there. Oh, flex. I like that. Find him on Hacker News on the front page, usually number one. Like top 10, top 20? What are we talking about? Yeah, sure. You could hit the front page, usually number one. Like top 10? Top 20? What are we talking about? Yeah, sure. You could hit the
Starting point is 01:38:47 front page more often if you wrote about good programming languages. I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. You know how easy it is to get Elixir on that front page? By the way, TaylorTown is written in Elixir. Friendly fire. Friendly fire.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Fair enough. Well, this has been our first game of Pound to Find. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did. Lots of more laughs than even I expected. I apologize in advance for not being able to read definitions without giggles, but just the way it went down, y'all. Any final thoughts, criticisms, feedback from the panel on this particular game? Because
Starting point is 01:39:28 it's an experiment. We can change things. We make up the rules as we go. I think Adam's reluctance to not use numbers paid off because we ended up finding a solution there, making the game better. Anything else we can do to improve Pound to Find for future generations? Never get better at reading
Starting point is 01:39:44 them. It's an important part of making it fun. A few more people. Yeah, I think more people will be good. More definitions. Less rounds, more people. Less rounds, more people. Yeah, less rounds, more people. I love that.
Starting point is 01:39:57 We can reduce the points that the moderator gets for a miss from five down to three, maybe. Increase. Increase. I mean, then you're just playing the spread every every round but i think the spread would get annoying if you actually think you know what the answer is but you're playing for the spread i would guess what do you guys think late in the game where you're like i got a spread here but i don't really want to
Starting point is 01:40:17 is there really a point to having it be a game against the moderator as well i think it makes people play more carefully especially since it's so heavily weighted towards finding the correct definition i think it created um more of a kind of meta playing which i thought was probably a good move yeah it adds another level to the game to a certain extent and there's more interaction because you all try to convince each other what to pick or not to pick based on what strategy we're playing and then you could just you could go against that strategy i think there's another level there i don't know well this game was very much inspired by a podcast i listened to which i will commend to our listeners
Starting point is 01:40:58 if you like this style game there's a podcast called the incomparable game show they play lots of games and one of those games they play is called Low Definition, which I have basically modeled this off of and just moved it into a STEM world. So if you like this, they got tons of episodes. You can go listen to those. Also, let us know. We will do more of these here on ChangeLogging, friends, if you want to hear more. If instead you just want to hear our web browser hot takes every week, let us know that.
Starting point is 01:41:24 And we'll just do that every week as well so that's all for me adam final thoughts before we let everybody go it was so much fun guessing correctly and incorrectly of course it's a lot of fun this is a fun game i dig it yeah yeah i'll be back awesome taylor mel large thanks so much for playing you'll be deceiving more like it right that's instead of i'll be back playing. You'll be deceiving more like it, right? That's instead of I'll be back, it's I'll be. I think I put some solid answers out there. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:41:51 Yeah, you did. I mean, to you, Emil, I mean, you guess me more often than anybody. So you like my brain. I know. I'm going to have to talk to my therapist about that. We'll be unpacking that. I'll hand you a cut sheet of all my answers so you can revisit them. Right.
Starting point is 01:42:08 I'm going to tell my therapist to post articles on Oh, yeah. Under George. It's a different, maybe a wrong website, wrong forum, perhaps? Under George. George. The homepage
Starting point is 01:42:25 of Lars Wickman. So what I'm gathering here is I should go with the U7D approach and just shorten it. Is that a Unicode thing or I'm missing it? No, it's like K8. The letters between under and geord. That's the UD.
Starting point is 01:42:42 There's seven between. It's like A16Z. I'llz off on it a16z i18n all right sorry i've exhausted my ability to reason let's say goodbye thanks everybody for hanging out we'll be back next week bye friends i know cheers goodbye there you have it our first game of Pound Define. We are experimenting here, so we truly want to know what you think. Let us know in the comments. There's a link in your show notes for easy clicking.
Starting point is 01:43:14 And if you just can't get enough of this group of folks, stick around for a changelog++ bonus. We've got 15 extra minutes on the history of game shows on our network and a recap of Strangelube. Thanks once again to,, and for their support, and to Breakmaster Cylinder for the continuous supply of the sweet, sweet beats. Next week on the ChangeLog, news on Monday, Daniel Thompson from Towery on Wednesday,
Starting point is 01:43:42 and Matt Reier, yes, that Matt Reier, on Friday. Have a great weekend, and Matt Reier, yes, that Matt Reier, on Friday. Have a great weekend, and let's talk again real soon.

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