The Chris Cuomo Project - Chris Cuomo responds to comments about Megyn Kelly, Trump’s leadership standards & more

Episode Date: September 26, 2024

Chris Cuomo responds to a new batch of YouTube comments and listener calls, addressing a wide range of topics including standards for political leadership regarding Donald Trump, his views on Megyn Ke...lly, media bias, and COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Follow and subscribe to The Chris Cuomo Project on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday: Join Chris Ad-Free On Substack: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:27 for info on kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Appreciate calls? I do. You make it, I take it. I'm Chris Cuomo at The Chris Cuomo Project. Here are your viewer calls with me and producer extraordinaire, Gregory Ott. Let's get after it. Support for the Chris Cuomo project comes from 120 Life. I got a member of my family that's got high blood pressure.
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Starting point is 00:05:00 person with high ethical values, and that needs to be more than just promising, doing things for the people. So I believe Mr. Trump needs to be accountable with a higher standard because he is trying to become the leader of this country, which requires an integrity that is above everybody else. This is what people in other countries should do.
Starting point is 00:05:31 The Native Americans set the example. If somebody wanted to be a chief, they needed to prove in some ways that were beyond what the regular braves would act. So I think Trump is asking for the standards to be lowered for him. And I think that is not part of what this country should be in its part too. Thank you very much. I agree, but you got to deal with the ball where it lies,
Starting point is 00:06:05 as they say in golf. but you've got to deal with the ball where it lies, as they say in golf. We have been in a slow decline, a reductive process because of this zero sum binary system of our party structure, where it's just a battle to the bottom. If it's a race between you and me, what's easier, for me to run faster or to make you trip and fall? That's what our politics has become.
Starting point is 00:06:25 So instead of being better, it's about which one is worse. And the Republicans used to be the party of character counts. Now it's like you can't count on anybody's character. Oh, that's a good one. They used to be the party of character counts. Now it's like you can't count on anybody's character because all it's about is convenience
Starting point is 00:06:43 and advantage and grievance. So I agree with you, but at this point, that's like wishful thinking for where we are. And a lot of the people who are better don't want to get in the process, because if it's all about proving who's worse, it's only a matter of time before they destroy you. Why would you want to get involved with that?
Starting point is 00:07:03 So we're in a tough place. And the more people get to where you are, the better, because they'll start having different expectations than where we are now, which is, you know, motivated minorities who just want to make sure that the other side is worse than they. Hello, sir. My name is Rich. I have been watching you and your appearances on the Patrick that David podcast on YouTube and wanted to say that you've changed my view on you. When you were on CNN, I really found the way you presented things unappealing to me as a conservative, as an independent, but a conservative. And I think you've changed.
Starting point is 00:07:45 You have grown and I find you in your opinion and your thought process much more appealing. And I appreciate that. Keep up the good work. Your voice is needed in this country and your process. So thank you. Well, look, I appreciate the appreciation. I do think that I suffer from people's feelings about CNN while I was there, and
Starting point is 00:08:10 you kind of look at it through the lens of rejection. I don't believe that I'm any different, but I do have different inclinations. 15, 16, 17, 18, there was a need for a muscular response to Trump. I know conservatives took it personally, but you got to know Trump is not a conservative, right? And he lied so much. He was so destructive about institutions and the media and the level of decency in our dialogue that it required pushback and frankly an attack, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Now we're so divided, because it didn't work, right? He succeeded in dividing his party and taking ownership of it, that now we need to find ways to bridge this and get back to common sense. It's not middle of the road, it's not centrist, it's none of that, it's nothing weak or indefinite like that. It's about pragmatism, it's about being reasonable,
Starting point is 00:09:03 it's about conversation, not constant debate about gotchas and who's wrong and who's right. What's right? Not just who's wrong, but what is right and how do we make it happen? That's where I want to get us to. I want to get back to conversation, which is about accommodation of different ideas
Starting point is 00:09:19 as opposed to just separating yourselves into us and them. So thank you very much. I appreciate the generous assessment and I promise you I will keep getting after it. Hi Chris, this is Farrah. I'm just wondering, why didn't you do Como on the Couch anymore? It was really fun, I really enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I wish you did it more. Thanks. Greg made me stout. No. He said it doesn't work that well and it wasn't getting as good ratings. So I stopped doing it and that's why I stopped the walk-in talks also, but I am going to restart the walk-in talks and you will find them on the sub stack. I think that the reason Greg is largely right is not just data, but it's also
Starting point is 00:10:01 appetite, you know, people aren't as into philosophy as I am. They're not into deep thinking as much as I am. I'm not saying it makes it better or worse. It's not a judgment. It's just an observation. People want to hear about what's happening right now, and my take on it as opposed to their take, and what the factors are for it, and anything I know that can increase their understanding. I think that's a more immediate appetite
Starting point is 00:10:25 than getting into the deeper questions of what motivates our existence. To me, I think that you gotta start there to understand the right ways of seeing and dealing with what is happening in the now and in our politics. But not everybody agrees. Support for the Chris Cuomo Project comes from But not everybody agrees. precious commodity. I love lobster. I'll tell you what, I love lobster so much that I don't
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Starting point is 00:11:50 That's Use the code CCP and get 15% plus free shipping. Support for the Chris Cuomo project comes from AG1. Look, I use it, I think you should use AG1. Why? It has everything I need and I'm one and done. One scoop, glass of warm water, doesn't have to be. It can be cold, it can be lukewarm, it can be juice, whatever you want to put it in. I get my prebiotics, my probiotics, my gut supporting ingredients. That helps keep me regular, keep me healthy. How do we know?
Starting point is 00:12:28 Science! Recent research study AG1 was actually shown to double the amount of healthy bacteria in the gut. And that matters. The bacteria work together to break down food and alleviate bloating. Irregularity. Okay? Digestive comfort?
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Starting point is 00:13:07 CCP check it out. So we've got a lot of YouTube comments. I'm gonna fire those off right now This is from your interview with Dave Rubin Lisa Seifert 9,118 writes how can he say that about Megan? He was number one and got fired same with Tucker So obviously it's not only about size of the audience and or ratings. You were going on about Megan Kelly and the circumstances around her departure. Well, I mean, the circumstances around her departure
Starting point is 00:13:33 are known, okay? What do we know? She went to NBC for a big ticket, wanted to be the next like, you know, Barbara Walters, Diane Sawyer, failed, okay? Then they tried her in daytime, failed. And her staff reportedly didn't like her. And she said stupid shit that again works with the fringe. What's wrong with Jesus or Santa being white? What's wrong with wearing blackface if you just mean it like as a joke? That works fine with the right fringe.
Starting point is 00:14:06 It's fine for Fox or the old Fox, but not for the majority. And that's who's watching network television. This is my point. What works on social media for the fringe is not necessarily what works with the majority. So Megyn Kelly can have millions of people following her, devoted to her, on social media, make a fortune, but she doesn't cut it with the majority. And that's the story at NBC. That's the moral of the story. I like her, I dislike her. Irrelevant and different and different. She takes a bite out of me all the time, but that's just because she's trying to impress her crowd.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I guarantee you, if I met that lady and her husband, they'd be totally civil, not the way she is when she's doing the job. What does that tell you? I'm the same way. Ask anyone who's ever met me in person. There is no hype, there is no difference between who I am when I'm doing the job and who I am when I'm not.
Starting point is 00:15:08 The only time I'm different is if I'm around my kids and you don't know how to behave, you're going to get what you asked for. Even if it costs me money, even if it costs me trouble, I don't have the ability to appeal to my better angels when you fuck with my kids. Other than that, this is me. Not the case with her, not the case with a lot of people. This is from your interview with Dr. Robert Redfield. Susan R. Johnson, 5134 writes,
Starting point is 00:15:33 why is the American Academy of Pediatrics recommending the COVID-19 vaccine in all children starting at six months right now? Because that's their reckoning and understanding of the need for prophylaxis. And it's probably over-aggressive in your mind, right? And I don't know what their standard is of why they're saying that. I do think there should be a review of these things.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Not because that COVID is poison and that if you give it to kids, it's going to do more harm than good, but that they may not need it, and therefore, why should they have it? And then you have to make the case that the benefit outrisks any potential harm. And they may say they've already done that, and that's the basis of their recommendation. And certainly we know that they require other vaccines on that basis to kids.
Starting point is 00:16:17 So why not this one? Now the answer to why not this one is because some of you, right, because it's not the many, it's the some, it's the few, not the many, believe that the vaccine is dangerous. And we don't know that. Well, then shouldn't we know it before we give it? Well, they say they do know
Starting point is 00:16:34 and that we don't know that it's a danger, that it's basically as safe as any vaccine. Well, is that true? I think there needs to be a lot more explanation of that. I agree with you on the confusion. From that same episode, PB4UGO19 writes, the vaccine saved lives. Can't argue with the numbers.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yeah, it's true. Hospitalizations, death, until you get into the variants. Once you got into the variants, summer 21 into 22, now a little bit of a defense for you, boy, I wasn't on TV in 2022. So I don't know why I get so much blame for what's going on here, but in 21, 2022, with the variants, the vaccines efficacy went down
Starting point is 00:17:20 and yet the mandate stayed in place for a long time. That was probably overreach and it should be reviewed and thought about because now whatever potential issues there could be with the vaccine were not as easily outweighed by the benefits because it wasn't giving you the same level of protection. So I think it needs a review.
Starting point is 00:17:39 We need a review, we need a review, we need a review. In the absence of review, you have people who are just constantly capitalizing on the advantage of one aspect or one understanding of a particular angle on vaccines. And that's where you get your Dave Smiths and your other people who want you to be angry and to believe that the vaccine is poison and it was forced on you and everybody
Starting point is 00:18:01 who did it should go to hell. From your same episode with Robert Redfield, Angela St. Michael writes, Stop deleting our comments. This level of censorship is an outrage. And then in a comment she wrote afterwards, and you deleted my comment again. Do you delete comments?
Starting point is 00:18:17 No, I don't have enough time to go through and delete all these comments. There is some auto moderation that YouTube does. They call what they filter them all into like, this is probably a bot or spam or it's hateful speech or whatever. But no, I have not been deleting Angela St. Michael's comments. As this is proof right here.
Starting point is 00:18:34 All right, so Angela, you're either wrong, you're either wrong or you're nuts, okay? Either way, you're wrong. So either you're wrong and you're mentally ill, or you're wrong and you're just being stupid. So either way, you make the decision. But it's not censorship in terms of it being a violation of your First Amendment rights,
Starting point is 00:19:00 because I am not the government. I am a private entity. I own the Chris Cuomo project. I can do whatever I want to do with it. I can censor all the comments. I can allow no comments. I can only allow comments from men or women or white men or white women. I can do whatever I want because I take no government funds. I am not a public accommodation space. It is private and that still matters, okay? Just because you wanted a certain way, start your own podcast. I am not infringing on your First Amendment rights.
Starting point is 00:19:33 You have none in this context. I just went into the held for review section because they do- And that's where she is? No, no, no, but I've found some other ones. This is from the Hunter Biden guilty verdict reaction. New US dash ZM4ND wrote, the woke Dems orchestrated by the demonic Obama
Starting point is 00:19:52 is biting in their hairy ass. Whatever. I don't know if these are bots or they're people who aren't English with the first language, like I don't know. But the real issue is the held for review. Now- Potentially inappropriate is how this-
Starting point is 00:20:07 Similarly to what I just said, similar to what I just said. Look, YouTube is also, I know it's a public company, but it is a company and they get to make their own rules of how you get to use their platform. But it's not that simple as no shirt, no shoes, no service, is it? Because they really are a public accommodation also.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I believe there should be regulation and there should be standards and they should not be allowed to censor things. But that is at odds with them being a company and having rights over the way their own service is used. And I think we need to do more thinking on it. I think we need to have more debate. And I think we need to have change because I think you got to err on the side of more ideas, not less. And I get how attractive it is to say, yeah, but you can't have all this misinformation and disinformation out there, but it gets really tricky really fast.
Starting point is 00:21:06 The line between misinformation and information that you want people to miss. Oh, that's good. I mean, YouTube quarantines this stuff, we can turn that off. Hold on a second. But misinformation versus information that you just want people to miss.
Starting point is 00:21:22 That's good. That is good. It's real good. I just do want to point out that YouTube, we have auto filtration turned on. I sound like I work for Brita, but we have this turned on on the YouTube page. You don't want to see the bulk
Starting point is 00:21:37 of these potentially inappropriate comments. Why? Because they're not helpful. Somebody without a username- That's not the measure. The measure is what is what I'm putting out, bringing out in people. But any comment section on the Internet is usually not that useful. When people hide behind the keyboard, they can say anything.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Somebody writing, you're such trash. Like that doesn't really add much to the dialogue. Or one, this is from your Caitlin Clark episode. You probably don't want to hear this. Chris, and they spelled your name without an H, get CC nuts out your mouth. I don't think we need that comments. What are we going to do? Upvote that?
Starting point is 00:22:16 You know what I mean? Some of this stuff is just trash. But it reveals something about the person. A lot of people are trash, and you should know how much of them are trash. You know, I'm okay with that. More, look, the more trash there is, the easier as it is for the treasure to rise. Oh, another one. Wow, man.
Starting point is 00:22:36 The more trash there is, the easier it is for the treasure to rise. Not rise, that's not a good part for the metaphor. The, for the treasure to be seen. The more trash there is, the easier it is to recognize the treasure to rise. Not rise, that's not a good part for the metaphor. For the treasure to be seen. The more trash there is, the easier it is to recognize the treasure. So I'm in favor of more speech, not less. I don't censor, okay? Thank you for the calls, my friends.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Keep them coming and I will keep coming back to you. Thank you for subscribing and following. If you want it ad free, I totally get it. Sign up with a sub stack, five bucks a month, easy peasy. And you get all of my long COVID know how. My doctor, her expertise, her take on my bloods, the reason she's giving me the treatment protocol she is, how they go for me, what I'm doing with wellness, what I'm doing with food, all in one place, five bucks a month. Want to ask me a question? Great. Want a little bit
Starting point is 00:23:33 more of my time? Go to the Manect app and you can get me right there. Want to watch my show? Of course you do. News Nation 8P and 11P every week, day, night. Let's get after it.

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