The Chris Cuomo Project - Listener Comments: Stoics, Bill O’Reilly, Weightlifting

Episode Date: November 17, 2022

In a special bonus episode of The Chris Cuomo Project, Chris reacts to a broad selection of YouTube comments about the Stoics, giving airtime to Bill O’Reilly, weightlifting, and much more. Follow ...and subscribe to The Chris Cuomo Project on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube for new episodes every Tuesday. Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Thanks to for sponsoring the show! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Chris Cuomo Project is about you and me, a collaboration to try to get to a better place together. So I want your comments. I ask for them all the time. Sometimes you call in, sometimes you email, sometimes you leave them on YouTube. And that's where Brother Ott comes in. He's been scanning, I'm sure, for the snarkiest. And we will review a few. Support for the Chris Cuomo Project comes from Sundays. Now, we got a problem in the Cuomo house. Sundays. Now, we got a problem in the Cuomo house. We got three dogs who now like Sundays better than the other food that I was giving them. Sundays is healthy dog food, easy to store, okay? Very tasty, very nutritious because Sundays is fresh dog food made from a short list of human-grade ingredients. No, not humans.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Human-grade. Sundaes was co-founded by Dr. Tori Waxman, practicing vet, tests and formulates every version of each recipe. No, the doctor doesn't eat it. They test it for pets. What is wrong with you? So, I got this stuff. And I like that it's kibble, man, because I got to tell you, I've tried other foods that are wet foods and you got to have a whole refrigerator for them. This, you store it just like all the other kibble. And I got to tell
Starting point is 00:01:35 you, they loved it. All right. I got these three savage rescues. They eat an incredible amount of food. And I actually had to get a special bowl for one of them because he was eating the sundaes too fast. And if you're a dog owner, you know that that can go sideways on you. And I love it because it makes me feel like I'm doing them right. So get 40% off your first order of sundaes. Go to slash chris or use the code chris at checkout. We don't fake the funk here, and here's the real talk.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Over 40 years of age, 52% of us experience some kind of ED between the ages of 40 and 70. I know it's taboo, it's embarrassing, but it shouldn't be. Thankfully, we now have HIMS, and it's changing the vibe by providing affordable access to ED treatment, and it's all online. HIMS is changing men's health care.
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Starting point is 00:03:17 Start your free online visit today at slash CCP, slash CCP, and you will get personalized ED treatment options. slash CCP. Prescriptions, you need an online consultation with a healthcare provider, and they will determine if appropriate. Restrictions apply. You see the website, you'll get details and important safety information. You're going to need a subscription. It's required. Plus, price is going to vary based on product and subscription plan. All right, let's start with the walk and talk. Your walk and talk series seems to be pretty popular. I'm going to give you a setup right here, like a really easy one. This is from Cheryl Metcalf.
Starting point is 00:03:57 You are so real, Chris. You make me cry at times, but in a good way. The daily stoicism quotes that you mentioned, how would I be able to find them? Is it a book? Is it a website? Quite interested in reading them. Thanks. Now, what matters most?
Starting point is 00:04:10 Thank you. Not my stuff, okay? In no way do I want anybody to believe that I have thought up any of these ideas. They are as old as dirt, and they have been repackaged and rethought and renewed, in my estimation, by many. Stoicism is a robust philosophical construct, and it works for me. And I am in the struggle, but I dig it. The Daily Stoic is an actual book. So you can look up, and there is a compendium of thoughts that have been put together by a man named Ryan Holiday
Starting point is 00:04:48 and his co-author. And he has written several books. He has a new one now out on discipline, which was one of the cardinal virtues for Stoicism. And you can find Ryan Holiday online. You can find The Daily Stoic on social media. You can find the book. You can read it online. You can get a hard Stoic on social media. You can find the book. You can read it online.
Starting point is 00:05:06 You can get a hard copy. I've got a leather-bound copy. You can do it a million different ways. It is easy to get, but it's hard to follow. Now, Jerry had a different take on your walk and talk. Jerry wrote, Jerry was a race car driver. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Jerry was a race car driver? Do you remember that song? No, what is that? Primus? Primus?erry says guy is a total fake and he capitalized is who's guy you're the guy i think i think he thinks you're a total fake oh i got you i got you all right well here i am all right man real real is rain okay you know what i'm saying i fake fake how i don't know prove do something for the camera that proves that you're real no but what i'm saying is look his point is that i'm putting on an act why would i do that what is my act oh that you're not this super villain that helps your brother do all these terrible things
Starting point is 00:05:57 look i don't know how many different ways i can say it i never did what i was accused of doing and that's okay. It happens. I got to move forward. I got to take care of what I can take care of. And I got to forget what I can forget. And I'm not here to change your mind about it. I can only tell you what's true.
Starting point is 00:06:15 So if you want to see me that way, you see me that way. If you don't believe that I walk and talk, or you don't believe that what I talk about in terms of vulnerabilities and struggle is true, that's okay. I'm not selling anything. I don't even have a book, you know, that I'm trying to tell you to read. So I will give you one piece of advice though.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Save judgment for yourself. I'm sure that if I were to look at your feed and examine you a little bit, you're a hater, okay? And that is so much easier than doing better yourself. It's so much easier. It's the lure of social media. Negativity is a proxy for insight. Judge yourself, not others.
Starting point is 00:06:56 That would be my advice. But I'm real, brother. And if we're ever nose to nose, you'll know it. You know, I looked at Jerry's feed. He has no subscribers, no videos, and he joined in April of 2022. So I don't know. That's one real man to another, I suppose. You mentioned a book. Somebody on the Couch Confession or the Cuomo on the Couch series you have used to be called Couch Confession. They wrote, you should write a book, Chris.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I have a book mostly written that I co-wrote with somebody about what I learned through the pandemic and my own experience. And then when I got shit canned, it got put on the shelf. And now I don't know. I don't know if that's the right book anymore or if it would be helpful to people. Although, you know, it is amazing to me how quickly we forget things these days, and maybe it would be worth reminding what we went through and what we learned. I am thinking very hard about doing a walking manual. I am all about the walking. I can't believe I waited this long in life. I wish I had walked when I was Otz's age because it's a great recovery mechanism. If you're doing a lot of work or you're doing a lot of sparring, doing a lot of weightlifting,
Starting point is 00:08:09 walking is a great deloading. It's a great meditative process. It's a great problem solving process. It's a great way to just get out and get out of your own head. And you can be with other people. You can be alone. And I want to call it, I know what I want to call it, but I don't know what's going to be inside the cover. I want to call it walk it off. Now, I know my videos are walk and talk because that's what I'm doing. But, and it would be weird if you were talking to yourself
Starting point is 00:08:35 when you're walking, somebody may throw a big net over you. Walk it off. You know how like your coach would say, oh, my leg hurts, walk it off. Or Taylor Swift would say, shake it off. Shake it off. your coach would say, oh, my leg hurts, walk it off. Taylor Swift would say, shake it off. Shake it off. And she would say it well. When someone's mad, they'll say, I'll take a hike. All right, yeah, go take a hike. Now, of course, on one level, it's just an insult. But on another level, it's actually referring to something that is ameliorative, that is something
Starting point is 00:08:58 that can be a beneficial aid in a situation, time, process, going and thinking. It's like the peripatetic version of counting to 10. It's a really great tool, body, mind, spirit. Next. This is from the Bill O'Reilly interview. This is from Saul Zamora. Why in the hell you give people airtime? They never going to say anything negative about Trump. You disappoint me, Cuomo.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I disappoint myself. Listen, I'm not in the freeze out business. I'm not in the censoring business. We have a big problem with this right now. I recently did an opening about it on my News Nation show that you should check out. It's on my Instagram. This monologue, this opening argument. This is mainly the interest of the left.
Starting point is 00:09:44 You are a lefty. Bill O'Reilly is a righty. You want him silenced. You don't like his ideas. You find him annoying. Why let them be heard? Okay. First flaw in the premise. You're assuming he's not going to have a platform if he's not on with me. He's going to have much bigger platforms. He already does. So it's not about censoring him, even if I wanted to, which I don't. It's about countering. It's about discussion. You see, there are too many who want to close off ideas they don't like. And you wonder why there's so much division? You wonder why there's so much toxicity? Things don't go away. And look at what you have done through this new form of censorship called canceling, this crowdsourced consequence
Starting point is 00:10:32 that the left mainly engages in. You now have this like little army of righty heroes who are free speech heroes. You made free speech heroes out of people who by and large are peddling bad ideas. And you've made them great by closing them out. So now they're all over social media. This is what they don't want you to hear. They won't have me on. Have them on.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Don't freeze them out. Drown them out. Let the best idea win. Come on, debate. Do it with decency. And that's what I do. And here's the greatest part. If you don't like it, don't watch.
Starting point is 00:11:14 To piggyback on that, these are some feedbacks of the Tulsi Gabbard interview you had. Two comments. Chris was way too soft on her. I guess this show is new. He has to be careful. But I would have liked to have seen him push back on some of her fanatical views.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Some of the things she says is chilling. And then Suzanne says, I was as disappointed with this interview as I was with the O'Reilly one. Cuomo does better interviews when he isn't constrained by news network politics. Nobody constrains me. Nobody controls me. Nobody tells me what to ask. I'm not going to gratuitously go after people. I never have. You never saw me do that on CNN. No way. Not even with Kellyanne Conway,
Starting point is 00:11:54 okay, who is, you know, a, by definition, spinmeister. Tulsi Gabbard, in my estimation, Tulsi Gabbard, in my estimation, look, she's got opinions you may not like. That doesn't mean that they're crazy or radical. And she's not some Putin enthusiast. I don't really know her, but she's not a Putin enthusiast. She's just really careful about not wanting America in a lot of military engagements and wasting blood and treasure for bad outcomes. Is that such a crazy idea? Because I don't think it is, having watched our men and women bleed out and seeing how much money and time we've spent in places, arguably for no or bad reason. So I don't think
Starting point is 00:12:39 that's crazy. And I'm not going to pretend that it is just to please someone like you. That's not what I do. And Bill O'Reilly, look, I'm going to have him on the show as often as he wants to come on, which I hope is not too often. But I'd like to have him on regularly because I think that it's important
Starting point is 00:12:55 to have somebody who's got millions of people who subscribe to everything he puts out and read his books to test his ideas because they're already out there. See, that's what you cancelers don't get. You're not going to quiet a Kanye West or a Ye if you don't know that he changed his name. You're not going to quiet him. He's got a huge platform. You have to counter. What bothered me, why I had him on wasn't because I wanted to hear him say anti-Semitic things. Jewish people are in my family and they're the family I choose, and I love the faith,
Starting point is 00:13:29 and I love the people. But I don't have to. It doesn't matter. I couldn't believe how he was being given a pass. Oh, yeah, but that's what you did with O'Reilly. Very different. Very different. Bill O'Reilly's not an anti-Semite or a bigot, okay? Tulsi Gabbard's not a bigot. That's a hard line. That's a hard line. That's a hard stop. Don't make everything that you don't agree with offensive. And everyone that you don't agree with an enemy. It's a mistake.
Starting point is 00:13:55 And if nothing else, you, my brothers and sisters on the left, are becoming what you oppose. You're getting beat on this free speech thing by the right. And that's crazy when as a party, they have capitulated to nonsense and lies. How do you lose that fight? Now, I'm not saying that Democrats should win all the time, but you should be doing a hell of a lot better than you're doing right now. They stormed the Capitol and then ignored it and then decertified the election. And they allow their top guy to just keep lying about what happened in the last election. How do you lose to them? Because a lot of people
Starting point is 00:14:40 don't believe you're better. And this canceling stuff is a big reason why. Next. Neil Long says from your Jake Lazer interview, so you're above the game because you're in the middle. Is this show not part of the game? I am not in the middle. If you are in the middle of a fight, you know what happens? You get your ass kicked. Okay. I'm not in the middle. you get your ass kicked, okay? I'm not in the middle. I'm not a centrist, okay? Why?
Starting point is 00:15:09 Because I don't have a disposition or position. I am a purveyor, just to keep it alliterative, a purveyor of progressive pragmatism. Ah, progressive, you're a lefty. No, I believe in progress. I believe government is supposed to do things for us that make things better for people. You know, like, what an idea. Well, that's not what it is now. Not often enough.
Starting point is 00:15:33 So I'm not above anything. Okay. I'm not better than anyone. I don't condescend to anyone. I don't come from a place like that. I am in the struggle. I'm trying to figure things out. I ask questions. I test people. I confront people. Not out of animus. The reason that so many people come on who don't like where I work or where I am or who I'm supposed to be is because I'm not
Starting point is 00:16:00 coming at them with hostility and they understand it. You don't have to be a jerk to disagree. So I'm not above any game. And yeah, we're all in the game, right? Because politics is often dealt with that way. What I want to do is I want to expose the state of play to you. Instead of just refereeing it and being like, Mar-a-Lago, he's going to let them search again. Should they?
Starting point is 00:16:23 Is that a good thing or is that a bad thing? Latest court decision. And now he said this, and this is that, and this is wrong because of that. I can do that, but there are enough people doing it. And I think what's more important is to say, boy, oh boy, you know, they're talking to you about that, but they're not talking to you about this. Green energy, they're killing us with these EVs. We got to get back to gas. How come nobody talks about nuclear power? Oh, because it kills you. Well, that's not true. Oh yeah, but if you had an accident,
Starting point is 00:16:49 everybody would die. But that's not true. Why aren't they talking about it? I'll tell you why. Because none of the players that are in solar and other green technologies are getting rich off nuclear. That's why.
Starting point is 00:17:02 That's why you're not hearing about it. And a cultural stigma. But I got to tell you, unless the French are stupid and India and China are stupid, they've figured something out about the need for different options, including nuclear.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Oh yeah, what about Fukushima? Well, it was horrible, but they weren't maintaining it right. I mean, we haven't seen refineries here go up. I mean, come on. That refineries here go up. I mean, come on. That's what I'm talking about. I want to talk to you about these things. That's exposing the game. Well, related to that interview you did with Michael Schellenberger about nuclear energy, Rosemary Clementine writes, unrelated topic, are you still lifting weights?
Starting point is 00:17:50 No. I lift weights. I actually don't lift a lot of arms i have naturally short arms so they tend to look bigger a lot of the movements that i do i think build upper body i've been lifting weights for a really long time i do it differently now i train differently now why Because I'm old and I'm not really interested in the pain to gain ratio for continuing to move a lot of mass. So I don't care what I bench press. I rarely do that movement. I do all functional strength stuff. I do a lot of bands. I do a lot of body weight stuff. I do a lot of sparring and technique work on self-defense. It's probably what I do a lot of bands. I do a lot of body weight stuff. I do a lot of sparring and technique work on self-defense. It's probably what I do most. And I walk a lot and I do a lot of static cardio. And I am starting to do more explosive work, but it's kinetic. It's non-resistance oriented. Like I'm going to do sprinting. Dicey, man, because at my age, you hurt your ham springs
Starting point is 00:18:45 real easy. But that's what I do. I definitely lift weights. I believe in it. I believe in resistance training. I think it's really good for your bone density and for your longevity, for your self-confidence, for your overall health. Although you shouldn't think just because you lift weights, you know, you're a tough guy or a tough woman or anything like that because you're not. you know, you're a tough guy or a tough woman or anything like that, because you're not. Fighting, you know, self-defense is about technique. Self-defense is about mentality. It's not about how big your muscles are. But yes, I lift weights, and I encourage you to do the same if you are fortunate enough to be able to. The Chris Cuomo Project is supported by Cozy Earth. Why? Because I like their sheets. That's why.
Starting point is 00:19:30 A lot of people don't get a good night's sleep for a lot of reasons. One of the ones that you can control is bedding. One out of three of us report being sleep-deprived. Okay, well, what is it? Well, it stresses all kinds of things. But the wrong sheets can make you hot, can make you cold. I'm telling you, I don't even believe it either. But Cozy Earth sheets breathe. And here's what I love about them.
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Starting point is 00:20:23 Why? It works, it's easier, and it's less expensive. That's why. Since 2010, they've been getting their formulations right and tweaking their formulas. Why? Because the science changes. Okay? It's not like politics, where people decide to believe one thing, and no matter what happens
Starting point is 00:20:40 with the facts, they never shift. This is the opposite. Ooh, prebiotics work with probiotics, but in this way. D works with K and this type of B works with that. They have the scientists doing it. So I don't need all the bottles. I don't have to spend all the money and I don't have to figure out when to take what and why. More importantly, it's not just the regular list of vitamins. It's the extras, okay? The adaptogens, the prebiotics, the probiotics that support your body's universal needs, gut optimization, immune support, stress management. That's what foundational nutrition is about. And these are the people at AG1 who've been doing the work to get it right.
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Starting point is 00:21:43 Okay? That's what happens with your first purchase. So make it. Go to slash CCP. slash CCP. Check it out. Chris, why did you name your brand CCP? Your SEO is going to be impossible.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I don't even know what half of that means. SEO, search engine optimization. It's how you search for something. CCP, Chris Cuomo Project. I think some people think it's almost, you know, also the, you know, Chinese Communist Party or something like that. And?
Starting point is 00:22:16 They want to know why you named it that. I didn't. Oh, I named it the Chris Cuomo Project. I don't go by CCP. I mean, that's just a code that some of the advertisers like. But do we ever use CCP anywhere? I don't go by CCP. I mean, that's just a code that some of the advertisers like. But do we ever use CCP anywhere? I don't think so. I think he's just reading the abbreviation. And if it is anything related to China, wouldn't it help my SEO? Because it would
Starting point is 00:22:35 conflate with people looking up CCP for the Chinese party. So that would help the podcast do better? Well, it would certainly raise it in the queue if people are looking up CCP. Isn't that how SEO works? Yeah, it's all rising to the top of Google. You know, some bonehead pretended that I was announcing I'm a communist because CCP is the Chinese Communist Party. And therefore, I'm saying I'm communist. Communist Party, and therefore I'm saying I'm communist. And what's interesting to me is that this same rascal is seeding fears of communism, which, okay, I don't know why you would fear
Starting point is 00:23:14 a system, but it's certainly not as good as ours, and then go soft on Putin and Russia. soft on Putin and Russia. It's so insane. That's the game. These people won't say bad things about Russia because they think to do that somehow justifies the Democrat attacks against former President Trump that Russia wanted to help him. So they can't do it, even though they are trying to rebuild the Soviet Union and killing Ukrainians. It's nuts that we can't get on the same page about what's so obvious. That's the game. And we have to change the game. And to change the game,
Starting point is 00:23:55 you got to get off the team and away from the tribe and do that, you got to be a free agent. Last comment from the Jake Lazor episode. I don't remember. I think this is about an interview or something you might've said in a monologue. I don't remember this. I will forever appreciate this interview or something you might have said in a monologue. I don't remember this. I will forever appreciate this channel.
Starting point is 00:24:07 You've helped me and my family a lot. Your videos and advice are inspirational and helpful to us. Anyone who is not investing now is missing a tremendous opportunity. Imagine I invested $1,500 with the lady you recommended some time ago and got profits of $9,300 in three days.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Mrs. Rahi Horner is the best. I don't even know who that is. I think it's someone you must have mentioned on the show because this is in your comments. I think I'm blessed because if it wasn't, if I hadn't met someone like this. I think that's a scam. No, thanks for the recommendation.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I just contacted her. She tends to me nicely. I'm now a creditor, not a debtor. That's it. I have nothing to do with that. You can reach her below on Telegram at WealthCrypto1. He just can't stop buying. She has changed my financial status for the best, all thanks to my auntie who introduced me to her. I've never heard the name. I have no connection to this person. If you want to invest off what somebody is pretending to tell you happens for other people on social media, you're asking to lose money. I remember friends calling me crazy
Starting point is 00:25:09 when I started, but now I shut up them with my four-figure weekly returned. He shut up them with his four, although I got to tell you, just because your English isn't good, which means it's probably not your first language, doesn't mean you ain't killing it with get-rich-quick schemes. probably not your first language. Doesn't mean you ain't killing it with get rich quick schemes, but I'm telling you, I don't know the lady and I don't like the deal. You do have, I had to go into your channel today and report a bunch of them, but there are some, there, you had a lot of Chris Cuomo impersonators showing up on your YouTube thing and replying in the comments saying, thank you for watching. Let's chat on Hangouts. There is only one me, and I guarantee you, you are not going to meet me on YouTube asking you to
Starting point is 00:25:51 hang out. Thank you very much. We take your comments seriously, and I will respond to them and not just, I like you, Chris, because those are mostly my cousins. I'll see you next time

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