The Commercial Break - Bonus: Four Days A Week!

Episode Date: November 6, 2023

Bryan gives the green light to the fourth weekly episode! No asked for it, it's coming anyway!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody in the podcast universe, I just wanted to stop by and have a little chit chat with you. But first, let's address my voice. Yes, I'm just getting over the flu, and yes I know I sound like a chain-smoking game show host. Anyway, Chrissy and I have been talking the last couple of weeks how we might add an extra episode to the commercial break each week, and we've made a decision. It's affirmative. All lights are green. You'll probably read this tomorrow on the USA Today website, but it's official. You get an extra episode and you get an extra episode. However, so that we don't totally confuse our already sleepless staff, we're going to push those days together.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Tuesday through Friday. And that starts this week. Tuesday through Friday, brand new episodes of the commercial break each week for your ear candy. I'd say we're sad to let Mondays go, but no one really likes Mondays, so who really gives Stay through Friday, brand new episodes of the commercial break each week for your ear candy. I'd say we're sad to let Mondays go, but no one really likes Mondays, so who really gives a shit? Chrissy and I want to thank you for your continued support of the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:00:54 You can always go to the website,, the entire library, audio and video right there for the taking. You can also get your free piggy-fronting sticker. Number 5 in our series. Go to the website, hit the contact us button, little drop down menu will even fill out the subject line for you. We're user friendly here at the commercial break. Additionally, you can follow us on Instagram at the commercial break or catch us on TikTok
Starting point is 00:01:18 at TCB Podcast. We would just be tickled pink if you could do us a favor and subscribe to our YouTube channel, Slash the commercial break and you can always call a six to six ask TCB3 that's six to six ask TCB the number three questions comments concerns content ideas I'm taking them all on that phone. We've said this for a long time. I'm gonna say it again I think the commercial break as the best listeners in the podcast universe. I've met a few people who are listening to the other comedy shows and I'm just gonna
Starting point is 00:01:51 share something between you and me, I don't think they're all that special. However, no one would ever say that the commercial break is not special. Special in so many ways. Alright, I'm gonna leave you to your Mondays, we'll catch you tomorrow with a brand new episode of THE commercial break. Until next time, I always say, I'm gonna leave you to your Mondays. We'll catch you tomorrow with a brand new episode of the commercial break. Until next time, I always say, I will say, and I do say, goodbye! you you

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