The Commercial Break - Circles

Episode Date: November 3, 2020

The Bit: Rock and Roll is the devil's music! The Show: Bryan complains about Day Light Savings, Krissy discusses her fondness for "on-time", Sunday is the Monday countdown to doom, Trump rallies are k...illing people, Henry Fonda stop[s by to help the gang with Instagram and much, much more on this episode of The Commercial Break! Don't forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Text us or leave us a voicemail at +1-661-BEST2YO (+1-661-237-8296) LINKS: Get a FREE TCB limited edition collectible sticker Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Subscribe and watch the show on Youtube Join us live on Fireside New episodes every Tuesday & Friday everywhere you listen to podcasts! For advertising contact AdvertiseCast  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 They show the same programs, the rock concerts on television, and it's just like, all hell was that loose. In fact, you may not like what I'm going to say, but I'm going to say it anyway, because I'm not afraid to speak out. I think the music and hell for eternally be some of this rock music with all his vulgarities and all of its sexual innuendos. And here they were stripping themselves in the fuller running round in a little G string, songs, hymns, and spiritual songs singing with grace in your heart to the Lord. You get a dose of the Holy Ghost, filling you, controlling you, you'll be singing a new song and you'll get rid of all of those stink and rock records.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Coming up on this episode of The Commercial Break. One of my biggest pet peeves is people that are late. Late is wasting your fucking time. It's disrespecting you. It is very. Five or ten minutes late, I'm not that guy, right? I'm not the guy who says like, a minute, the earliest, that minute's late, you know, I'm not fucking Marie. I don't have the balls for that.
Starting point is 00:01:08 But the truth is, is that you're disrespecting my general time. And, and, I already don't want to meet with you. Yeah. When he does a work of art that is commissioned to write, because I think he does like commissioned art work for charity or something like that. So when he does commissioned art, then it sells for millions of dollars. But he doesn't allow the street stuff to be taken. No.
Starting point is 00:01:32 And that's just fucking rude, if I don't say so myself. But here's the problem with Banksy or Bansky or whatever his name is. With Bansky, Bansky. Bansky. Bansky. Bansky. Bansky. Bansky.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Bansky. Bansky. Bansky. Bansky. Bansky. Thanks, you Thanks, you come and see my Bank see Cloud hoppers The boss would be like how are we gonna make this up how are we gonna get a hundred fifty thousand dollars? corporate you know corporate earnings And what they would do is they'd sit in these meetings and they'd be like in the the boss would be like, uh, Brian, how much of that can you make up? And then the person who was running the station would be like, 149,000. I'd be like, I didn't say that. The next episode of The Commercial Break starts now.
Starting point is 00:02:45 No. Tuba, I turned 30 years old, I, that birthday felt like, it was like, this is the end, this is certain death is coming, right? It's the end, I'm 30 years old. Little did I know, I was right. I was right about it all. I was right about it all.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Just a new chapter. Yeah. It's like, but it's toward the end of the book, you know what I'm saying? It feels like it's already into the book It's like you've already learned the plot and now you just want to get it over To say you accomplish something that's Just want to accomplish something It's probably election day when you're listening to this. I don't know. Maybe it's election day
Starting point is 00:03:21 Maybe it's after election day. Maybe we already know the outcome of this hotly contested election. Wow. What a year. What a election. What a fucking crazy ride. I'm ready for it all. Yeah, but the thing is that I have a feeling that, if you'll listen to this on Tuesday, that this is just getting started and probably not ending.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I have a feeling, but I hope that I'm wrong. Yeah. Whatever. And of course, we're recording this on Sunday, which, you know, it's daylight savings time. Let's all just be adults in the room and say that, what the fuck are we doing with daylight savings time? I hate it.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I don't care. But you get an extra hour of sleep. Oh, do I? You fucking shithead. I don't care about the extra hour of sleep, because here's what really bothers me It really bothers me that it's dark outside when I'm doing half the things that I'm doing now because that's gonna start It's already dark outside. I don't even know what time it is really, but it's already dark outside. It feels like it should be light outside
Starting point is 00:04:16 But the part that's really bugging me is that you remember when you were in your 20s and you used to or When you were 42 and you used to go out and tie one on be out so three or four in the morning. And then you'd wake up at 11 30 or one 30 in the afternoon and you knew that because the sun was a certain position in those shades that your whole day was fucked and you were never gonna get it back. You were late for something. You missed work. Yeah. You get a whole day is gone. Now it's pissed. It's all pissed. I feel like that every winter morning. I'm just like, oh shit. now it's half the day is gone because half the day is gone.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Now it's I gotta do everything in the dark. I hate it. You definitely have to kind of rearrange your schedule and they're always like, be sure and set your clocks back. You know, now that with iPhones and digital technology everything gets kind of done automatically. However, my kitchen microwave did not today, and it scared me. I saw it. I was like, I'm running late, which brings me to something
Starting point is 00:05:13 that I started thinking about here, which was people who are consistently, constantly late. I'm an on time person. And I think it's because I grew up with a mom who and my grandmother who was they were they were always like they were those the late lose we were waiting on them to go somewhere did they go to the family dinner to go you know whatever and so it kind of taught me to just be on time do what you say you're gonna do respect other people's time don't make them wait and yeah it really it's a pet peeve. I have a suspicion that something has happened. And in the last week, that you're not
Starting point is 00:05:50 going to say because we know him by name, but something has happened. Someone has been late to an occasion. Yeah. Yes, OK. Yeah, you know, I'm OK with like a five or 10 minute law. You don't even need to call it.
Starting point is 00:06:01 No, no, no, no, no, 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, you start maybe you give a courtesy call or a courtesy text. However, I agree. When somebody is 30 minutes late and this is every time and it's blamed on traffic or blamed on things, I'm like, well, how did you think I got here? I didn't helicopter in. I also went to traffic. I also went ahead and thought when I had an thought about in
Starting point is 00:06:26 by the way coming to meet you on time. We we worked with a person that was late 30 minutes was like the earliest 30 minutes late was the on-timeest this person would have ever been. Yes. I got stuck in traffic. I hit it and I'm like listen. Yes. Always something. If you're if if you, this happens five days a week, then why don't you just leave 30 minutes earlier? Yeah. Well, I didn't think there's, come on. Really, I got stuck in traffic.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I get stuck in traffic too. That means I leave 15 minutes late. One of my biggest pet peeves is people that are late. Late is wasting your fucking time. It's disrespecting you. It is very. Five or 10 minutes late, I'm not that guy, right? I'm not the guy who says like,
Starting point is 00:07:03 a minute, early is that minutes late. You know, I'm not a fucking Marine. I I'm not the guy who says, like, a minute early as that minute's late. You know, I'm not fucking Marine. I don't have the balls for that. But the truth is, is that you're disrespecting my general time. And- Right. And- This isn't the only thing I already don't want to be with you.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Yeah. I already don't want to be here. And now you're making it more miserable because you're dragging my time on and on and on. I dated someone that could net, on time was a concept that they just did not understand. If we had to be at a dinner at eight o'clock, she would start getting ready at 7.45 and that process would take an hour and a half and it was like, come on. It was like, come on.
Starting point is 00:07:41 You got to come on. I mean, especially being a girl, like you're doing the same things pretty much. You know how you wanna, how long it takes to blow dry your hair, how long it takes to put on your makeup, get ready, that kind of thing. So just plan, plan for it. Just plan, that's all you gotta do.
Starting point is 00:07:56 And now you gotta plan an hour, an hour earlier. Uh huh. Oh right. Well listen, my mom's coming over for dinner here at some point this evening. Yeah. And I bet Astrid a thousand bucks that she was gonna show up Yeah, well listen, my mom's coming over for dinner here at some point this evening. Oh, nice. And I bet Astrid a thousand bucks that she was going to show up to her house an hour late because every time the clock changes.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Hi, Brian, it's your mom. Hi, mom. Listen, I know you have to change your clockspan. How do you do that? Mom, it's July 7th. We don't have to change our clock's back until October. I know, but I just want to be prepared. Okay, well listen, your phone will automatically do it and the television will automatically do it.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yeah, I don't want to miss Judge Judy. Okay, well listen, the whole TV station, they take care of all of that behind the scenes. Oh, they do? You mean if I don't change my clock, I won't miss Judge Judy? No, mom, they're gonna show it at the time that it is currently. Which is what? It's gonna be an hour behind. So if it's five, now it's six. No, if it's six, now it's five.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Oh, okay. What about the clock in my bathroom? You have a clock in your bathroom? I do, but it hasn't worked in a long time. Okay, mom, I don't think you have to worry about that clock. Okay, well, what if I say I'm gonna call you at 5.30 and then my phone changes? I have to call you at 4.30. No, mom, you just call me when the clock says 5.30 on the phone.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Wow, these phones are really smart. Yes, they are, mom. Okay, thanks, son. I'll see you at 6.30. Dinner's at 5.30. I know, but it's an hour behind. Okay, mom, just look at your clock. And whenever it says 5.15, you start driving over here.
Starting point is 00:09:26 But it's only gonna be 4.15. No, mom, it's gonna be 5.15. But you said it's an hour behind. Mom, mom, mom, just look at the clock. And when it's 5.15, you come over. Let's forget about what time we had planned on having dinner and whatever time it says on 5.15 on your clock. That's when you go.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Okay, that sounds much easier to me. Okay, mom, thanks. I appreciate it. Bye. Bye. I love you. I love you go. Okay, that sounds much easier to me. Okay, mom, thanks, I appreciate it. Bye. Bye. I love you. I love you too. My mom came over two weeks ago, I'm just gonna tell the story real quick,
Starting point is 00:09:51 my mom came over two weeks ago, and she came over with a, I can show it here, hold on one second. Join us on YouTube, go to and you can watch all the YouTube episodes if you wanna see what I'm showing. Yes. Oh my gosh, you told me about this.
Starting point is 00:10:08 This is fucking insane. Exciting. So my mom comes over and she says, Irving gave me a piece of art. Okay, Irving gave me this piece of art, but I really don't know what to do with it. It's not my style. So I'm giving it, so I'd like to give it to you.
Starting point is 00:10:24 You can keep it somewhere in the house. And so I'm like, okay, so she pulls this out. For those of you who are listening on, it's a block of wood with another block, it's just a small block of wood with another block of wood that has been shaped like a bird. Like a bird, like a dove, or something like that. I love bird is what it says, right?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Yeah. So it's shaped like a bird. A bird. So the two of them are attached. So it's just a wood carving, essentially, is what it is. However, there is writing all over the bird. It's painted a little bit, and there's writing all over the bird, and all over the block, everywhere you can write on it.
Starting point is 00:10:57 It's been basically written on. And the back. And so I look at this thing, and I'm like, oh, thanks, mom. You know, I really appreciate the block of wood bird. I don't know what I'm going to do with it. But I start reading the words, which is some kind of Bible verse and something about God and family world. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yes. And Howard Finster. I look on the back and I see that it's been signed by Howard Finster. and my mom persists to tell me that that Irving got this in Where did he get it? He got it in like Harlem or something back in the 90s? So this was signed 1992 and you know that's the artist were Jeff and I went to get his house. I know that's why I bring it up a couple months ago Yeah, I know with the garden. I mean now that he's dead too those those pieces of art are worth a lot of money. Hey listen, I looked online and some of those I know some of those things are going for
Starting point is 00:11:48 hundreds of thousands of dollars. I mean they're in there and there's pieces there's his works of art are very celebrated. Crazy. So I mean no other piece of art in this house is now more valuable. I mean as much as I'd like my Pearl Jam, my Pearl Jam poster from 2017 to be worth $700, the $700 that I paid for it, this thing is now worth a whole. I don't even know what it's worth to be honest with you. I couldn't find. There's there's it's got to be thousands at least. You think thousand. You can take it to antique roadshow. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's a good idea. I'll take it to antique rear. I used to love that show. I used to go when I worked at the restaurant business, I would go home in between shifts
Starting point is 00:12:27 when I would work a double. And what I do is I pound two beers real quick and that'd make me tired and I'd go take a nap with the ANTIG Roadshow on. I'm not used to it was your goodest thing. That was my goodest thing. But I always wake up with the hangover. I find it fascinating.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I always love people are digging up out of there. Fascinating. Did you see that the most recent ANTIG Roadshow in the news thing was that a guy took a Banksy to a Banksy. Banksy. Banksy. The artist Banksy. Yeah, Banksy. Yeah, he's a famous, you know, artist from England, yet street artist, and nobody really knows who he is. And they can think they know, but anyways, we know who he is. Yeah, people know who he is. He's the kid who played ET. The guy who was in the suit.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I'm not kidding. Nice. I didn't know that. So he tried to, he tried to get an estimate on how much it was and the guy shut him down. He was like, Banksy doesn't allow this. You took this from a street. It's pretty much stolen from public, you know, the public and
Starting point is 00:13:47 we can't even value it and Banksy won't authenticate it either and so the guy got shut down. Really? You're kidding me. Now. So dude steals a piece of the wall, so I cut it out. I mean, his works of art sell for millions of dollars. Well, when he does a work of art that is commissioned, right? Because I think he does like commissioned art work for charity or something like that. So when he does commissioned art, then it sells for millions of dollars. But he doesn't allow the street stuff to be taken. No. And that's just fucking rude if I don't say so myself. But here's the problem with Banksy or Bansky or whatever his name is.
Starting point is 00:14:04 With Bansky, Bansky, Bansky, Bansky, Bansky, Bansky, Bansky, Bansky, Bansky, Bansky, Bansky. And I thought that, that, that, that. Picture in a cane, and a ball of the pants. Yeah, you gotta go cane, and there's a- The Cloudhoppers. That, that, that, that, that. James, I've got a real Cloudhop, if you duh, duh, duh. James, I feel like clawed, hop up, you know what I mean? Uh, so when you're spray painting stuff all over town, right, it leads to people, probably imitators,
Starting point is 00:14:35 where the street art is not real, right? How do you authenticate a Banksy when you don't even know if he did it or, or I mean, if you want to authenticate it, then how do you even know which one of them is real, right? And that's the issue. And I think that's purposefully why he makes it nebulous. And so it can never be authenticated
Starting point is 00:14:53 because there's a bunch of other people out there that are running around pretending to be him too. Like, I've seen shit in downtown. It, you know, it doesn't even sign it with a weird X or something like that. Some of them. Something like that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I'm not an expert on all this. I'm not an expert on street art. There's a good Amazon show about him. It's probably interesting. It's called Leave Through The Exit or something? Leave Through The Exit door. Oh, Leave Through The Gift Shop. Exit Through The Gift Shop.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I think that's what it's called. And he's a part of it. But I do think they think it's the kid who was in the ET suit. I'm not directed under Steven Spielberg. You know everything. I knew you were in the E-Tex. Then I just totally made that up.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I thought, by the way, is where you go to find all the show notes. You can listen to all the episodes. You can now watch all the episodes on YouTube. If you like access to the After Show, which is a small show that we do after each episode on YouTube, you can go and join the break room, Now, here's where things get interesting. Chrissy and I are now providing content for our Instagram and YouTube pages separate from what we
Starting point is 00:16:00 do on the show. So you want to make sure that you hit us on Instagram at the commercial break. You can join our Facebook page. You can join our Facebook page. You can like our Facebook page if you want. We post some of the stuff there. But what Chris and I have decided that we want to do is we want to take our, just like many people may not have known that Banks, Banksy, is the kid that was inside of the ET suit being directed by Steven Spielberg for the 1984 World
Starting point is 00:16:24 Famous Movie ET., also E.T. We want to be official. Just like you don't know that. The Extro Terrestrial. Just like Anne and the little girl in that movie grew up to be Stormy Daniels. No. Oh, that's not true. That's true very well.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I was reading Bright Barton. You were very confident, though. I was. Man, I thought that one was true. I'm on a Facebook group called ET Israel. Anyway, yeah, okay. So Chrissy and I consider ourselves experts in pretty much any topic, any subject.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And so what we'd like to do is we'd like to provide a service for you as the listener of the commercial break. Absolutely free, no charge, 100% no shipping and handling. If you have a question about any topic, including the commercial break, we would like you to email us That's You email us your question and each show we are going to take time to answer one or two or three select questions. If we select your question to be answered on this show, you will receive a signed copy.
Starting point is 00:17:50 You will receive a Howard Finster piece of art, and a signed copy of one of Banksy's pieces of art. So you can also hit us up at Facebook or Instagram with questions as well. I have to be email. I'm starting to learn this Instagram shit. I'll tell you what my wife is whipping the chain. She's like, people don't, people don't correspond with the brand. They correspond with the person. And I'm like, okay, smart ass. I'll show you how to do it. And then I'm like, how do you open the Instagram page on the net? She's like, you don't.'m like but I want to WWE that and it doesn't open and she's like that's because it doesn't It doesn't that's not how it works Brian
Starting point is 00:18:37 Instagram Can you find a well Oh I'm good. I had a great time on our day We found a well-well. Hi, how are you? I'm good. I had a great time on our day. It was wonderful, wasn't it? I would you, and I snowed you. As they say in my country, I wind, I dined.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I did 79. What is 79? It's almost when you get all the way in the position of 69, but you're just spending straight up and saying hello to each other. It's like a you get all the way in the position of 69, but you're just spending straight up and saying hello to each other. It's like a handshake. Wow. You just talked about 79, we didn't go there.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I don't think. I know I'm a married woman. I know you're married to me. Thank you very much. This is a highly disputed topic in the Fonda household. I just want you to know this. COVID, we are turning the corner on COVID, okay? Okay, you hear what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:19:28 Yes. Okay, Russia is a hoax, and additionally, Jeff is not married to Holi. It's just these are the truths that I live by here on the my side of the world. I don't even know what you're thinking. It's amazing that we can get the same information and come up with two different conclusions.
Starting point is 00:19:42 But I don't think you've like ever had like a ceremony or anything, Henry. I mean, I think you're just, I think you're taking this a little too far. The thing is, in my country, we don't have to have a ceremony. I told you, if two llamas run around each other, one's spitting at the other one's butt, and I say, hardly the name's three times, in my foreign tongue, then this is it. We're married. There's no, there's no discussion about it. What is your foreign tongue?
Starting point is 00:20:07 Saharan desert. It's not even a country. Don't want to give that away right now. At this time, I'm being investigated by some very, very dirty, dirty people and I do not want to, who are you being investigated by? The Washington Post, Jeff Bezos. Jeff Bezos, Jesuszos Jesus Christ that sounds crazy
Starting point is 00:20:27 so this and anyway I want to tell you that I can help you out with your Instagram I see now you've got seven followers on the Instagram on the commercial break page well this is a fantastic start I think you really need to boost up your presence there on the Instagram no I think we can all agree how the agrees I mean everyone here at the commercial break agrees that we should have more Instagram followers based on our listenership. But the problem is, is that we're just having trouble getting people to get over from the podcast over to Instagram.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I can see how this would be a problem. So I have a team of people in Indonesia dedicated to boosting your Instagram presence. Yeah, but I don't want to pay for subscribers or likes or whatever it is because it always ends up backfiring. This is one, this is full proof. We have over 250,000 Indonesian people that are in our network and they all are looking for a company podcast to listen to.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Wow, that's amazing. So far, we have over 450 million views on our Instagram page. That's crazy, Henry Fonda. How did you accomplish that? I just basically make some worknight and day. Let's be real honest, they worked for seven cents and some shelter. Henry, I do not want to be a part of a sweat shop that's going to get Instagram likes. It's not that important. You don't even know how important it is.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Let me tell you, with the upcoming election, it's going to be very important you have an Instagram presence. What is the, what is the election have to do with it? I'm not sure, but if you could forward me 4999, I wouldn't appreciate it. Okay, listen, why don't you help hold the yacht with her Instagram? Because I think she needs help with her Instagram. Yes, I'm starting to Instagram. Are you struggling with Instagram as much as I'm struggling with Instagram? Yeah, I really am.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Henry, though, can sound like he's got a good, a good, kind of a good thing going. I'm not talking to you. I don't want to talk to you anymore. Oh, I want to redo of our day. No, this is not done yet, but taking this seriously. You see, you told me we're going to have a night where we would go out, we would have some fun, you would stay at my house for a week or two. I never said that.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I'll be organizing things, but that's what I heard. That's what I interpreted. I'll be organizing some things in my closet, and then now we could fit that additionally tack on an extra two or three weeks. What ended up happening was I got a Zoom call that only lasted three minutes. And I just want you to know I had no idea that my pants were off. Right. Did you pull a tube in? Well listen isn't. Me pull the classic dip in. You pulled the tubes, didn't you? I thought this is what we did.
Starting point is 00:23:10 I thought this is how the new zoom, this is the new zoom in the etiquette. Everyone just takes their pants off. OK, Henry listen, I think what happened was that Chris is a little creeped out by your aggressive nature at which you're coming after her. I mean, you're just a guy who runs a podcast platform, and now all of a sudden you want to get married to her.
Starting point is 00:23:27 OK, OK, OK, maybe I take, maybe I can only do a little strong, hardly. Let me rephrase what I'd like to do. I want to help you out with your Instagram page. If you agree to send me six to seven pictures of you and yourself without Jeff, a day for the next six months. Let's call it a private Instagram page. Let me think about that. Okay, I'll take that as an answer. Okay, Henry, we've got to get on with the podcast. Okay, thank you. Podcast universe for
Starting point is 00:23:56 always here to help your ego. Okay, bye, thank you. Oh, one more thing, Brian, I wanted to say, if anybody has a question for Henry Fonda, I think they should also be able to email info at, seeing as my website down right now is currently down because I have not paid the guys who have built it. Okay, listen, if you have a question for Henry Fonda, you can email info at the tcbpodcast too and we'll happily pass that along to Henry and maybe, maybe he'll answer it. Thank you, I appreciate you, Harold. Bye-bye. Bye. Bye. Bye, Haudenosa. Maybe we'll talk later. Wow. He seems very upset about whatever happened
Starting point is 00:24:35 on your date. I think he had one idea and I had another. He doesn't. Say, love me. Story of my life. Story of the, story of the United States of America right now. I had one idea. They had a totally different one. So, yeah, so go to and join the break room. Okay, so we're over with that. Listen, I, we're recording the Sun Sunday and I got to be honest with you about something. I am really irritated with Sundays.
Starting point is 00:25:02 While I enjoy the Sunday television, the older I get, the more that I actually don't like Sundays. Are you a big fan of Sundays, or maybe it's just COVID? Maybe it's like, maybe because I don't do anything. Well, yeah, everything's kind of topsy-turvy with COVID and what day it is subjective. I feel like Sunday is the Monday countdown, where I'm just walking the plank
Starting point is 00:25:22 and getting ready for a day loose of shit that I don't want to do because I get a reprieve. It's always been Sunday. It's always been Sunday. When I was young guys, I felt like I could take it. What's that? I said I used to get anxious sometimes because, you know, if I was at a job I didn't like, well shoot, I had to go back to work the next day. I remember in the job, in the job we were working together.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I remember the Mondays we had that. That's pretty much the same way. I know, it's such anxiety because on Mondays we had a series of meetings starting at 8.06 in the morning, sales meeting, and then the projections meeting. What did you do? What did you do? What are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:26:00 What are you going to do? Are you going to get to $300,000 this week? I don't know. I'm at 30. I'm going to get there. I've got a plan. Yeah, and I always got the shit into the stick because it always would be like, well, Brian will make it up.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I mean, like, you know, how are you going to bridge this $600,000 gap when you're over here? Internet. Internet. For those of you who don't know, I used to run the internet sales department for the radio stations that we were at.
Starting point is 00:26:29 So what I would basically do is I would teach people, or I would encourage people to. How do you use the internet? I would use the internet basically a bunch of 70 year old idiots. How many times is my banner ad gonna run on the news? And I'd be like, it was a big concept to kind of grab.
Starting point is 00:26:52 It was. The advertisers they were used to hearing their for the advertisers. I'm talking about for the sales people. Oh, what? It's like, I don't know. There was like how many, how many web pages
Starting point is 00:27:04 are gonna play during the song? I'm like how many web pages are gonna play during the song? I'm like how many web pages are gonna play during the song the fuck are you talking about? Have you ever been on the internet? Not really. Yeah. Yeah, hold on. I'm getting a facts order. I'll be right back One person that we know very well would be like, oh man I missed the good old days the facts machine would just be pouring out orders And I was like when was that and she was like a couple weeks ago very well would be like, oh man, I missed the good old days. The facts machine would just be pouring out orders. And I was like, when was that? And she was like a couple of weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Radio was slow to catch on. Let's put it that way. But then we'd have these projection meetings where you'd have to project how much money you were gonna bring in the door, this week, this month, this year, and so on and so forth. And he did theirs. It was always so hard.
Starting point is 00:27:44 You just don't know what made you. It was the worst. How were you supposed to do that? was always so hard, you just don't know. It was the worst. Yeah, how are you supposed to do that? I mean, you got a client that's going to sign a contract. That's one thing, but pretending like you're going to make stuff up in the air. And so everybody was just basically fucking guessing, right? And then it'd be who's the better guesser, right?
Starting point is 00:27:58 Who's the better guesser at this? We basically had to guess and then try to get to the number that you guessed at somehow. That's it. And so, but here's the thing, is that, if the guy, when I came on board, the economy for radio was not doing all of that, all that great, the internet was really kind of
Starting point is 00:28:15 taken a lot of action away. And the, what I guess went to call the heyday of radio, right at that, that, that, that, that. Hey, turn on your radios. So it's not for $500. Yeah. Radio used to be crazy back in the day. Radio used to be like the 70s and the 80s.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Yeah. Party and hard. Party and hard they were sitting there and out drinking their kavasya and doing lines in the bathroom. That being said when we worked that being said when we worked it was we had also had Margaret Rita machines in a full bar upstairs in boss's office that I could go to anytime. Yeah, but instead of being a lunch, Margarita is at lunch. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:28:52 The trick is complacency. Well, listen, but I think in the 70s and 80s that Margarita bar was literally in every single cubicle downstairs, along with a clean mirror. So when I got there, like, you know, things on the radio were heading down, but things on the internet were heading on the way up. But, you know, still not all, you know, but it wasn't the cash I think everybody thought
Starting point is 00:29:15 that it was going to be. So what what happened was, is if things were on the way down, let's say radio station A was making 150,000 less in February than they had made the year before, the boss would be like, how are we going to make this up? How are we going to get $ 150,000 less in February than they had made the year before. The boss would be like, how are we gonna make this up? How are we gonna get $150,000? Carp, right, you know, Carp and earnings.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, and what they would do is they'd sit in these meetings and they'd be like, and the boss would be like, oh, Brian, how much of that can you make up? And then the person who was running the station would be like 149,000. I'd be like, I didn't say that. Why no, you can do it, go out and do it. And I'd be like I didn't say that. Yeah, you can do it go out and do it.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yeah, I guess all 149,000. Just take some clients to the Braves game. Sales people don't even know what a website is. I'm not supposed to do that. Speaking of the internet, speaking of technology. I hear there's a brand new TV that you can get called Amazon. You can buy an Amazon TV, put it in your room, and magically stream right to your face. So I watched Borat, did you get to Borat?
Starting point is 00:30:17 Oh, I did, I watched Borat. Oh, my Lord. Very good, very interesting take on America. Very, very rarely does part two live up to part one of any movie ever. There's a couple. Godfather to Rocky to. Oh yeah. Uh, that's it.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Trolls to, which is one of my personal favorites running at the house right now. Trolls to. Everything is one of my personal favorites, running at the house right now. Trolls too. Everything is awesome. Everything is awesome. But Borat too is super fantastic. It is absolutely biting. I have no idea how Sasha Baron Cohen gets himself
Starting point is 00:30:57 into and out of these situations. I wonder which ones are made up and which ones are real, but they won't say notoriously won't say for good reason. I know that some of them are real, and there was a dogged reporter that I read a story, a dogged reporter went out there and made a point of contacting every single person that had been in Borat 2 to find out what the skinny was, right?
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yeah. Were you a part of this? Did you get paid? So a couple of these scenes, people got paid indirectly, but it was mainly that they paid for filming. Like the gentlemen who, for those of you who haven't seen the movie, I'll try not to give too much or actually I'm gonna give it all away.
Starting point is 00:31:35 So who cares, it's a Borat movie. You go in still funny, right? I'm not gonna tell it any funnier than it is on the screen. You can go see it. The plot is thin, but it's a fantastically hilarious movie. So there's a guy here in Georgia who owns a Fax machine, who owns a like a UPS store. Oh my God, I love that guy.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Right. And so Borat goes in there and he starts faxing back and forth with his cut, the cause, the president of, you know, cut, because he could stand or whatever he says. And he's like, you're going to die by a thousand goat balls or something like that. And to be the guy who owns that store
Starting point is 00:32:09 with a fucking dead face, just reading things back to him. You're saying the craziest thing. He's like, he said that you're going to die. Please give your daughter to my pen. To my pen says a gift. But the craziest scene in the movie, the craziest scene in the movie, the craziest scene in the movie, is not the one that everyone's talking about with Giuliani,
Starting point is 00:32:28 which is a crazy scene, by the way. If you think you know, if you haven't seen the movie, and you're looking at some of the still shots that are coming out and you think you know how intense and weird and crazy that scene is, watch the movie in its entirety, because at the end, that Giuliani scene is nuts. Literally, he's touching his nuts.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Oh yeah. It's literally touching his nuts. Yeah, he was drawing it. He was pulling a tube in right there. Oh, he was drawing in. All you have to do is say here with America, Patemarican Patriots, and that'll get you anywhere. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:00 That's all you do. I'm with the American Patriots. I need an interview. Listen, that's what's going to happen is if Trump loses he's gonna go start American Patriot network and we're all gonna be in for another in a Don Jr. 2024. I mean, this is what's gonna happen. But anyway, the craziest scene in this movie to me is the scene where they go to the debut Tom ball here in Georgia. That's a good one. A debutant ball for those of you who don't know is a southern tradition of introducing your daughter to the societal world that you live in, which is mainly rich and white. And introducing her as a woman to the community.
Starting point is 00:33:43 So they are like, I don't know. They think anywhere from like 15 to 18 years old, I believe, right? And they dress up and these gaudy gowns, and then they go and they have a big party and the fathers introduce their daughters in some ceremonial type way. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:34:00 It's so weird. And it's just like it's so fucking weird. It's not like a botmist or a barmist, but there's some religious theocracy behind it. Like there's some dogma behind it. It's not like that. It's like, here's my daughter, isn't she hot? Welcome to the world, Mike.
Starting point is 00:34:17 You know what I'm saying? Exactly. So in this scene, Borat brings his 15 year old daughter. And when it's time for them to do their ceremonial dance and that's what it is It's a ceremonial dance even with the white people involved They start doing the ceremonial dance and she starts to have her period on And takes off her dress and she's in her underwear It is the most take off the dress, she just lifts the dress. Oh, she lifts the dress.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yeah, as she's dancing. And you can see the blood and you're like, oh my God. And, boy, I'm laughing on the other side because I know it's happening. But the people at the ball really were genuinely shocked. They had no idea what was happening. So some of them walked out. Others were just like, like, there were a couple people that smiles smiled that they were like clapping along. They were like, wow, these African people really know how to do. We're getting cultured. Yeah. It was amazing. I have been
Starting point is 00:35:18 to a debut on ball. I have been to an actual debut on ball and what I think is probably one of the more exclusive Country clubs or social clubs here in Atlanta, which probably makes it one of the more exclusive social clubs in the South and I went to this debut on ball and while we had our The people that I was with I consider normal human beings, right? They weren't like off their fucking rocker. It was exactly the way as described like it was a weird event where I didn't get it. I didn't get what was going on. Why are we here? Why are we doing this? When I was 15 no one my dad didn't present me. I didn't present me. When I was 15 my dad presented me. Oh really? This is a custom in our in our in our culture. It's actually not 15, it's 12 and we're presented to the neighborhood. And what do you present it for? Hard labor and
Starting point is 00:36:14 sexual favors mainly. Okay, I don't want to go there. Thanks, Henry. Okay, thank you. So I just had a hard time wrapping my head around exactly what the purpose of it was. It just seemed like a place where everyone went and got drunk and then there was a bunch of young girls running around and cocktail dresses, right? But you have nice etiquette or something like that. Like there's a whole etiquette part. Yeah, it's not a hyper sexualized defend. I don't want to make it sound like that.
Starting point is 00:36:40 That's not what it is. It's you're presenting yourself as a prop-prim and proper Southern lady. You're such a lady. You're such a lady. There's three cons of accents. There's ones with money. This is the money, actually.
Starting point is 00:36:53 There's the one with no money. That's the one with no money. And that there's the one who lives in Atlanta, which is this accent right here. Yes. Hahaha. It's not the Saharan native tongue. I'm going to tell you now, Brian. I'm going to explain something to you right now, Brian. Listen here, darling. Listen here.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I want to tell you something. People with money don't need to tell you they have money. You just don't have money. But people who don't have money need to tell you they have money. That's how it works. That's right. When you have new money, you're going to always know it because they've got to tell you they've got new money. When you have new money, you're going to always know it because they've got to tell you, they've got new money. When you have owed money, you hide it away because it likely came from some plantation somewhere. I'm laughing because this is really true. This is super true.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Very true. When you have new money, that likely means you worked for it. When you have owed money, probably came from some slaves. When we're better than all telling for it. When you have owed money, probably came from some slaves. Ah! I'm way better than I'll tell anybody. I'm running away to the back. Ah! Fuckers.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Oh my God. So I see that, did you see that, did you see this crazy shit? So this is Sunday, guys. So if it's Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday, remember, this is Sunday when we're doing this. I have an idea. What?
Starting point is 00:38:12 Yeah. I said, well, I was going to say, are you going to talk about some of Trump's rally? Yeah, I was going to talk about some of Trump's rallies. But what I wanted to say is how these people in Texas surrounded the Biden tour bus. Did you see that? Yes, that's so crazy. Listen, I have never been in, let me, let me make this absolutely clear. I am not in favor of Democrats bothering Republicans
Starting point is 00:38:37 and restaurants and yelling and screaming at them. No, you know, costing them on the street. I'm not a fan of any of that. I don't think a mature Republic or democracy does that. I think it's a bunch of harts fucking shit and I think you can deal with it in a more mature way, right? A letter. Can you just get behind your computer? Yeah, that's right. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:38:55 You do it on Facebook, like the rest of us. You yell at your father and law on Facebook, like the rest of us, that's what you do. But that was a scary scene. I watched the video and they tried to run that one of the fucking unbelievable. It's like Venezuela now. Where in Venezuela. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Unbelievable. Yeah, Jeff was showing that to me and I was like, what? What? What is going on? How can, how could you speak? And the police were outnumbered and then they had to have a police escort just to get them out of this Situation, it's great. I didn't see that hold. I just saw the like a short two-minute video of how they were surrounding and The bus and trying to slow it down and possibly I don't know try possibly trying to move it toward the side of the road
Starting point is 00:39:39 But what I did see is that there was a white car right behind it There was like a staffers car and one of the trucks came up and just bumped it right off the road. And it's like, or bumped it into the other lane. And that's intense. Like that's fucking intense. What are we doing? Now, that's not allowed. Yeah, I hope whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:56 It's not allowed. It's not allowed. That's not allowed. That's not allowed in this game. Those are not the rules. That's not allowed. I'm telling the teacher. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Dixon says it may break my bones. Dixon says it may break my bones, but you can't surround my tour bus with your car. Sit down and allow it. I don't want to sound like a whiny bitch, but that's not allowed. No. Those things aren't allowed.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Can you imagine if we surrounded the Trump tour bus with cars? Oh, my God. You're a fucking nightmare. Yeah. We just wouldn't do it, we're more civilized. Why don't we all agree to do this? Whatever happens today, which I'm speaking in today
Starting point is 00:40:30 in the present term, like it's Tuesday, election day, right, or Wednesday. Whatever happens, we accept the results, right? And we go back to bitching and complaining about the other one, but we don't hurt each other. Right. We don't hurt each other. There's no violence.
Starting point is 00:40:42 We don't try and steal the election. Yeah. We don't, you know, we don't hurt each other. There's no violence. We don't try and steal the election. Yeah, we don't you know We don't start a civil war for no reason Ray Sarayets or whatever it is How about we not do any of that stuff? Because we want to continue to live in a country that's free and that where we can choose our next leader and I will accept Just like I did in 2016. I will accept the results Even if it's not the person that I didn't care for. If it wasn't your horse.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Yeah, now I will bitch and complain for four years because that's also my right to do. But can we not run each other off the road? I think that's just like, it's not allowed. We're just adding common courtesy on that one, I think. Right? But you know, Trump's out there still stumping.
Starting point is 00:41:20 It's Sunday, he's gonna do another six rallies today. And I just read in the paper where these rallies are leaving kind of a trail of destruction as far as COVID is concerned. Oh, yeah. Well, Brian, I have to tell you so. Please do. You know, I opened up my computer the other day and went to my, you know, one of my go-to new sites and, you know, the first thing is, is, is Trump deadly rallies. And I'm thinking, oh my God, COVID.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Yeah, he's spreading COVID. These people aren't wearing masks. He's doing this. However, when I started to actually read it, no, COVID was a part of it. But let's just talk about the rally that was going on in Florida where people got heat strokes. And then in Wisconsin, they were getting hypothermia.
Starting point is 00:42:03 So it's deadly on many levels. People are literally dying to see this guy. It's like, it's so insane, right? It's amazing. In Minnesota, Wisconsin, or wherever it was, it's minus seven degrees outside. People are waiting for like 24 hours. I just had this vision.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I was called in the heat. Trump coming in, he's got two heaters under that big podium, right? He's got gloves on, it that big podium, right? He's got gloves on. It is $50,000 coat. And the Air Force one is running behind him with a bedroom better than any hotel room, you've ever stayed at, right?
Starting point is 00:42:35 Room service, hot tea, whatever he wants. A four-story plane right behind him. And so he goes there, and for 25 minutes, he riles everybody up, you know, gov'in, return in the corner. Oh, Biden, you know, the most corrupt president in the world. Bob, Bob, Bob, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone. And then he gets back in his hot plane with a cup of cocoa.
Starting point is 00:42:51 And all these people are waiting for a bus to take him back to the parking lot seven miles away. And the buses don't show up, or they show up, but they can't go anywhere because no one has figured out the logistics part of this. Like, it's a one-way highway, and they don't, I know how to get back. It's so silly.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Now listen, I mean, obviously, I don't think that's Donald Trump's fault specifically, but it just goes to show how inattentive to the, like, the empathetic details of life that some of these folks really are because if you're holding a rally where thousands of people show up, you have to plan for that shit. It's not just you just don't invite me 10,000 of your closest friends to your house and not put out some fucking crackers and chips. I mean, it's just like, you know, you want to make sure the
Starting point is 00:43:38 bathroom's got fresh of roll and toilet paper in there or some candle. Something. I mean, something. It's just amazing to me. And then my twin brother is like, yeah, but Biden's got circles. It's circles. He's like making fun of the circles. He comes to one warm springs Georgia. And he's got circles.
Starting point is 00:43:57 These big painted circles are like 20 foot radius circles for a group of people to stand it. For, okay. Yeah, okay, so. Well, at least they're thinking ahead. At least they're thinking ahead, but there's only a granted. There's only like 10 circles, okay. It's a much smaller event, but I think that's by design.
Starting point is 00:44:16 I'd listen, I don't think that as many people would show up to a Biden rally anyway, that's just the truth. Biden is not the cults of personality that Trump is, so I don't think that anybody would go stand out in the freezing cold for six and a half hours to see Biden. I just don't think that maybe some people would. But, but you know, he's got, okay, he's got his toes.
Starting point is 00:44:32 No, we don't want him to, like we, we, I actually want the guy to live. We don't do that. We want him to live. I think that's why I've long enough to be our president. Yeah, and live to vote. That's right. So, my brother was like, yeah, but Biden's got the circles. And I was like, yeah, but Biden's got the circles.
Starting point is 00:44:45 And I'm like, yeah, but Biden's got the circles and masks. He's got science behind him. Like, yeah. Trump is just leaving a trail of destruction. At least on Sunday, New York Times came out with a article that says that Trump may have contributed to up to 300 deaths because of these rallies without masking or without mandatory masking
Starting point is 00:45:07 that's being held. And I can believe it, like I can understand. If we have 20% COVID rate in this country and some small portion of those people are gonna get sick enough to die, then it can only make sense if there's 10 people in a room and two of them have COVID and then you put 10,000 of them in a room,
Starting point is 00:45:24 then 2,000 of them have COVID. It's gonna spread around and other people are gonna get sick and other people are gonna die. I don't understand. Here's the other thing too, is that, and maybe a Trump supporter can answer this for me. I know you're gonna say something anyway,
Starting point is 00:45:36 so just go ahead and say it, right? Email info at And please, keep it to a dull roar, if you will, keep the death threats to a dull roar. Why is Trump holding rallies? I don't understand it. These are people that are obviously already gonna vote for him. They're already gonna vote for him.
Starting point is 00:45:56 If you are going to a rally and you are gonna stand next to nine and a half thousand of your closest friends in a pandemic, where yes, maybe not every person is gonna die, but some people are, it's like kind of like, I don't know, it seems like very non-discriminating this disease. Kills some young people, some old people,
Starting point is 00:46:13 some whatever people. But you're gonna go and you're gonna stand in front of all of those, next to all of those people, in this like a super spread or situation. And you're already gonna vote for Trump. What does it matter? Why are you holding these money? Who is he convincing otherwise? That's my question. I understand that. I think he has a little
Starting point is 00:46:33 bit of a big ego is what I understand, what I can gather. I'm not convinced of that yet, but I'm starting to think that there are signs that it's possible that Trump might have a big ego. My point is, he's not convincing anybody of anything at any of those rallies. And I understand the TV coverage is good. To be quite frank with you, I don't understand why Biden's doing them either, because you know what, he ain't convincing anybody of anything either, especially with only 12 circles with only 12 circles and four people there. He's not convinced.
Starting point is 00:47:04 He's got those four people not going to vote for you. You can win somebody in one of 12 circles and four people there. Like, he's not gonna do those four people not gonna vote for you. You can convince somebody in one of those circles to vote for you. I just don't think it's the case. Here's the reality. Today, maybe, today, Tuesday, we are gonna find out if Trump convinced enough people
Starting point is 00:47:18 or if Biden convinced enough people. And I sure hope that we find out today. That's all I have to say, whichever way it goes. I hope we find out. We might do a live show, right? Here's the thing, and I was about to say this, and I may add a bumper. Sorry if I'd just... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Try and I say try because there's a lot of technical stuff that actually goes into doing a live show at least for two people like Chrissy and I
Starting point is 00:47:46 Who have no idea how to do it? And so I've been working on this for a couple of weeks and I think I've got it figured out where I can we can do a live show We'd like to go live tonight. That's Tuesday night election night November 3rd Possibly around 10 or 11 p.m. Now. How are you going to find out those details? Well, you're going to go real quick to and you're going to join the break room and we will send an email in hour before we go live our intention is to have a small crowd of people so that we can you know if there's any kinks we can work them out additionally we will announce it we've got circles we've got circles We've got we've got internet circles
Starting point is 00:48:25 We're going to put you in internet circle. So we only have, we only have room for three people. That's okay because only two of us show up. I know on our first live show, like two people are going to show up. I just know it. And it's going to be like my wife. It'll be a test run. And my son who knows how to use the internet better than the internet.
Starting point is 00:48:42 He does. He calls me all the time, by the way. Does he? Yeah, that's really like Brian just tried to FaceTime me. He's good. He's good. He's good. Yeah. He calls my dad too. He calls my dad all the time. My dad loves it. So go to, join the break room, keep an eye on at the commercial break on Instagram and on Facebook. And additionally, if you want to go subscribe to the YouTube channel, notifications will come through when we're ready
Starting point is 00:49:09 to do a live show. So if you're catching this in the morning or in the afternoon of November 3rd, it's possible that you catch our live show. And if you didn't catch our live show, then go join the break room and you'll be able to see it on the YouTube channel long after it's over.
Starting point is 00:49:24 But I'm gonna try, we'll see if we it on the YouTube channel long after it's over. But I'm going to try. We'll see if we can do a little policy wonk it right there on the show. Is that going to be fun? It's going to be fun. Just what you just what you were looking for out there in the commercial break world. Brian and Chrissy to talk more politics. Right. Because the few times we don't have.
Starting point is 00:49:41 There will be nothing on on Tuesdays of mine as well. Mine as well. Yeah, it's all going to be a bunch of idiots talking anyway. You might as well listen to these two idiots. Right. I don't think Brian Williams is going to be this funny. Let's put it that way. I would say Anderson Cooper.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Who's going to be on Fox News? Oh, on Fox God. I don't know. It's names probably. You think hot. You think hot. He's going to Tucker. I don't think Tucker his name's probably Chad. He's probably Andy, and whatever. You think hot, Andy's gonna talk her. I don't think Tucker's a serious news person.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I don't think that's, do you think we're gonna have somebody like serious news person? I don't know the personalities on Fox. There's a couple of them over there. There's a couple of them over there that actually I think tell it like it is. And while it's certainly. They've quit.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Well good for them, they should have. We haven't quite a few of them quit it. Like the serious ones, but huge. Yes. No, but he's still over there, I think. He is. They're, they're, they're, they're, I've seen a couple of them. They're main ones, the main one quit.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And now he's over at CNBC, which is a horrible place to be. Like CNBC only runs, you know, re-run shark tank all day long. Yeah. Shark tank and forensic. And so I heard some Republicans were like, yeah, well, I came, um, Shepherd Smith, Sh're talking. Yeah, you're talking. Yeah, you're talking. Yeah. Shark Tank and Forensic file. And so I heard some Republicans were like, yeah, well, I came, um, Shepherd Smith, Shepherd Smith, they say, yeah, Shepherd Smith, the one on C.O.B.C.
Starting point is 00:50:51 and his ratings were shitty. Well, of course, his ratings were shitty. He's over at CNB fucking C, right? I think the point was that they were hoping that some people would run over to CNBC. I kind of like a middle of the road, you know, news organization. But the truth is, the CNBC, it's the Shark Tank channel.
Starting point is 00:51:04 That's all it is for me to. Oh, news organization. But the truth is, the CMBC, it's the Shark Tank Channel. That's all it is for me to. My friends at Files, or American Greed, who I love that show. I hate that show. I can't watch it. I don't wanna hear about people getting ripped off. It's just like, it just bothers me. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:51:17 I don't even wanna get into the mentality behind that. But I just don't like people taking advantage of other people and all that stuff. I don't like it either. That's why you have to watch this show. I don't have to watch the signs of how you could get duped. I know the signs. You're gonna make $20 million if you give me seven.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Let's send the signs. I'll turn it into a million dollars. Have you ever of Spacepold? I'm gonna be the first person to find space gold. I've got a brand new coin. It's got a big coin, I call it bri-coin. Be our bri-coin. We're traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
Starting point is 00:51:55 How much do you want? And for bri-coin? For bri-coin. It's a pump and dump. I need a penny. I want one penny. That's all it takes. One penny.
Starting point is 00:52:04 You can literally buy a thousand a fry coins with one dollar. Oh. That's it. See, it's like the peso. Yeah. Or the delivery in Venezuela, which is worth less than the paper it's printed on.
Starting point is 00:52:19 True story. Oh wow. They stopped printing them, because they're like, yeah, we're just wasting money. Yeah. People are using for toilet paper. Cheese. It's so sad.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Let's hope that we really don't go the way of Venezuela. Would it, whoever wins the election, let's hope that we don't go the way of Venezuela. Absolutely. That's just not it. Okay, so,
Starting point is 00:52:41 I think that's all I can handle for one day. What about you? Yeah. Yeah. Well listen, oh wait, hold on. Hold on. So I think that's all I can handle for one day. What about you? Yeah, oh wait, hold on. I want I want I want to invite Chrissy to tell us something positive at the end of each Show because we are always you know not always but sometimes we're talking about some Checks that are less than then fun like the election that's happening right now, currently, while you're listening. So go ahead, Chrissy. Yeah, we're just trying to pepper in.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Yeah, we're trying to pepper in a little positivity. It's good, Nezzie. And I have to tell you, Brian, something that I happened over the weekend that I'm very excited about. Apparently Eric. You're pregnant? No. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:19 I am not. Unless, hmm, when did I go on a date with Henry Fonda? About two weeks ago. Eric Schmidt, the founder. Yes, what are the founders of Google? So he's got a lot of money. We know that, obviously. Billionaire, it sounds like he's doing some good here. I didn't realize he had started the Schmidt Ocean Institute and had built or you know had built I don't think he built it himself But he had this thing built this this underwater machine that can map the ocean and 3d model the ocean and it has cameras and all kinds of things And he they allow this you know this institute allows other researchers to use this machine for research purposes
Starting point is 00:54:03 Fascinating. They decided to go research some stuff over in the coral reef in Australia, the Great Barrier, reef, coral reef, some parts that were hard to get to by land, so they were able to get in there. Oh, Brian, Brian, you know you hear all about the coral reef dying. The coral, it's called coral bleaching when the waters are too warm because of global warming. They were able to discover a whole new coral reef that's as tall as the Empire State Building. That's as tall as the Empire State Building. Yes, and it's thriving and teeming with life and rich marine animals. So it's just, it was amazing to me.
Starting point is 00:54:40 So is there a theory or maybe you didn't read this? Is there a theory that, as the shallower water gets warmer, it's moving to deeper water? It gets what? So, you know, the coral bleaching that happens happens because the temperature is raising in the ocean and so it gets bleached out. It bleaches the color and the life out of it. Yes, it kills it. In the shallow water gets warmer quicker than the deeper water does. Deeper water, obviously, we all know that. Colder. Yeah, basic third grade science, but I didn't pay any attention to it.
Starting point is 00:55:13 But is the theory, or maybe you don't know this, is the theory that the coral life is moving the deeper water because it's cooler there. It's going to, it's going to wear the temperature to good degree. Could be. Yeah, no, that makes sense. That makes sense. They were able to they were able to actually spot some life too. Like the squid that's this like ram-hormed squid thing that they had never actually seen live. They had seen shells of it, but they saw it live. Oh, wow. Anyways, it excited me. I think I had that live one time at a Japanese restaurant in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Great. I tell you that I said like baby squid that we're actually living. Oh That's like that story some other time. I think I'm about to eat. I don't want to talk about it It's rather unhappily. That's fantastic. Good for Eric good for Eric Schmidt Yes, right in all he doing all of his wonderful stuff with all that money. Technology can do some good. Yeah, sure, and that's what happens when you have a trillion dollars in age 12. Billion.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Yeah, listen, I don't even know what we do without Google. Well, what would I do without a Google? I don't know. We'd still be using Yahoo. And the phone book. I got to miss the phone book sometimes. He's like, look up to see if someone, someone you like, type of phone, like their own personal phone line.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Oh, I wonder if Jenny has her own phone line. Let's take a look. Nope, it's just her parents line. Well, that would just mean you had to call before eight o'clock. But sometimes when you were a kid and you were having like, I'm a sugar high, 13, 14 years old and you wanted to call the, you're, you know, the crush and then just hang up on them, right?
Starting point is 00:56:45 You called to see if they had their own line. Or sometimes you would just call their parents line to see if they would answer. They happen to answer. And if they did, you know, hello, click. So I talked to Jenny last night. Pretty sure weren't low. What did you say? Hello.
Starting point is 00:57:01 She said hello. You know it was. Remember when we were 12 and it was also innocent. Yeah. When we thought born in the USA was a song celebrating the USA. Berlin wall fell. Right. God damn, holy. I long for the for the gravy days. But let's hope to buy the end of the show. The next Civil War hasn't started. Yes. And that we're all still on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:57:27 On Tuesday, which we are going to try and go live. So, and I'm saying try because we don't know that we have 100% together yet. So go to and join the break room. We'll send an email just about an hour before we go live with instructions on how to watch. It'll be on YouTube live at the commercial break, as you can join us on Instagram, and we'll give instructions there too. So, for Chrissy and me, I'm Brian Green, and Henry Fonda, I bid you a do.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Yeah. Next time I see you, who knows? Who knows? We'll look. I love you. I love you. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:58:13 To get access to the commercial break after show, go to and join the break room. You'll get access to the after show. YouTube extras, live shows and much more. Follow at the commercial break on Instagram and Facebook. It's that squiggly little email thing at sign the commercial break. The commercial break is written and produced by Brian Green, co-hosted by a Chrissy Hodley. The commercial break returns next Wednesday with an all-new episode.
Starting point is 00:58:37 We are available on most podcast providers. Tune us in and write it out.

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