The Commercial Break - Clean Sac, Dirty Shoes

Episode Date: November 22, 2023

We may not have a lot of standards here at TCB, but one thing is for certain: no shoes on the bed! Starting things off with a disturbing story Pajama day Super Sac Scrubber 5000! Back to loofah What�...��s your shower routine? Steve-O & the jackass boys Steve-O’s Corey Feldman interview Things are getting strange here… Oblivious or delusional? There’s a problem with these reality shows! NO SHOES ON THE BED! Something’s going on at Krissy’s house… Things are driving Bryan crazy Cars for kids…absolutely not!   LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us at: 1.855.TCB.8383 Call 626.ASK.TCB3 and leave us a voicemail Speak to TCB LIVE by calling 775.TCB.LIVE (1.775.822.5483) Tuesday-Thursday 12pm-5pm EST Watch TCB on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Producer & Audio Editor: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Episodic Contribution: Marianne, Diane, Natalie, Will The Champ, Will D**  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why? So that'd have to be a person. I'd like to be the moon. On this episode of the Commercial Break... Why are you not taking your shoes off? What kind of broken home did you come from? Where putting your shoes, your dirty ass shoes on a bed or a couch is an anyway appropriate? Inquiring minds want to know?
Starting point is 00:00:35 The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Hey, back on the ground! Oh, yeah, I can't take it. Welcome back to the commercial break. I'm Ryan Green. This is the director of Deliciousness, Christen Joy, only best at you, Grizzah. Best of you, Brian. Best of you out there in the podcast universe.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I... This is kind of a disturbing story. I don't know why this bothers me. We'll get a little serious for a second. Do you, if you read or heard about the tour boat fairy that capsized in the Bahamas, killing an older lady? This happened recently?
Starting point is 00:01:13 It happened like two days ago as we were recalling. No. OK. So they go to the Bahamas. I think the Blue Lagoon is where they're at. They're taking a fairy over to one of these private islands that the cruise ship companies own. So it's a cruise based agreement with this ferry boat.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Double decker ferry boat, you go on them. The people go on them all the time, right? You go on one of those excursions, they put you on there, it's sanctioned by the cruise ship, it's safe, the cruise, sometimes they have cruise staff members that go with you and all this other stuff. So the boat, there's very scary video of another boat pulling aside at trying to help as the boat is just leaning almost at, I don't know, maybe 30 degree angle to one side and everybody's kind of
Starting point is 00:01:56 like trying to get on the top of it to like maybe roll it the other way. But one person jumps off and then everybody jumps off. Well, there was an older lady who even though they managed to everyone manage to get life jackets on before it actually capsize, this one lady just couldn't hold her head above water in the choppy seas. And she was older, she was like in her 80s, so she passed away, I think she was in her 80s, she passed away. So, it's awful. It's a terrible, terrible story and it's like, it's like nightmare fuel, right?
Starting point is 00:02:22 Like, we reviewed frogging, that's nightmare fuel. It's like, you're on a boat, things go wrong. In the chaos, something happens and you're unable to, like, I think about my children instantaneously, like holy shit, holding that many children. I mean, how do I hold 12 to 18 children on my shoulder? But here's the crazy thing. I start to recognize, they have pictures of the inside of the boat and videos and people are taking, I start to recognize the boat and I'm like, wow, I've been on that boat. I've been on that boat.
Starting point is 00:02:50 And then I connect the dots that I was on the boat and it was this year and it was not that long ago that we took this cruise with my family, remember back in spring? Yes. And we used this charter company chartered us to this island. And it was the same fucking boat. Is that not insane? That is crazy. Well, I mean, I'm sure they have like the main one that, you know, takes people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, apparently. What happened? You I don't know. Something happened with the boat, the bilge pump or something. And it just got it took on water and then it tipped over, right? And I had been sitting in those seats.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I mean, this is months and months and months ago, but it's still is kind of like a a weird, I don't say serendipitous. Yeah, it's a weird feeling that, oh my gosh, that could have been us. And it reminded me of the time that Astrid and I were in Paris when we were in love and I was chasing her around the world trying to keep her keep her. I myself top of mind, right? Plain Guns and Roses songs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Molly crew. I'm a piano. Oh, my way. You said me free. Home sweet. Oh, that they fuck up. I'm trying to enjoy my New Year's Eve. And you said me free home sweet Oh, that the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I'm trying to enjoy my New Year's Eve. Hi Brian. Hi Brian. You play the piano like you build a house. I'm Brian. I always try to impress it. So we're traveling all around. At one time, we, she was in Switzerland at school. And so I met her in Switzerland. And then we're traveling all around at one time she was in Switzerland at school.
Starting point is 00:04:25 And so I met her in Switzerland and then we're gonna go to Paris. Surprise, we're gonna spend a week in Paris. And so we take the train, we go to onto Paris. We have a blast in Paris. We're staying at this hotel over by the Arctic Triumph and all this other stuff and then we leave.
Starting point is 00:04:41 That is November 12th of that year, 2015, I think is what it was. We get back to Switzerland. I'm going to leave the next day. We're staying at a hotel. We wake up and the Bata Klan shootings had happened the night before in the neighborhoods and in one of the cafes that Astrid and I had actually been at, it was chilling. I mean, not only chilling because of what happened, like, it was a complete, like, barbarism going on with those terrorists, shooting people out of windows and stuff like this and in the boticon.
Starting point is 00:05:20 But the real chilling part was 24 hours. You were just there. chilling part was 24 hours. You were just there. After I was just there. And it makes you think, I mean, it's like, who missed their flight on 9-11? Who was that? Like, was Danny DeVito or somebody like that?
Starting point is 00:05:35 Missed a flight on 9-11. One of the flights was that he was supposed to be on, was one of the flights that ran into the World Trade Center. And it's just like this creepy, scary, weird sensation that like, wow, I could have been part of the, the fruckus, I could have been part of this. I was where the tragedy happened. I was where the tragedy happened.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I also feel that way about a lot of stuff in my life where good things happen and I just miss it by a day, like the Dick Tracy collection or Bitcoin or anything related to real estate. Well, you know, you follow your own method, which is the by high, so low method of doing real estate, which just was never a winning combination in the first place, but it's only taken me 32 years to figure out. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:22 One of those houses is 32 years old and I still can't get fucking rid of it. It's crazy. But it's creepy. Isn't that like a creepy sensation? Have you ever had one of those like brushes with, I'm gonna say death, but brushes with disaster that you've missed something? Have you ever had one of those?
Starting point is 00:06:38 I'm sure I have, one's not coming to mind right now though. Yeah, I think there's been like a few car accidents that I just missed. I think about the time we're driving down the highway and we got this big SUV and all the kids, and he in laws and everybody's stuffed in there. It's like a three row.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And we're all stuffed in there and we've been down at my dad's old house, which is like 40 miles away from where I live. So you gotta take the highway, the main highway here in Atlanta, 75, 85, down to his house. And so we're returning after having dinner. It's probably nine or 10 o'clock at night. It's in the winter.
Starting point is 00:07:10 It's cold. And we're driving down the highway. And I'm driving in the left lane as I do at 117 miles per hour, screaming and yelling at everybody. He's not getting in my way. Get it out of my way! And you know, I'm having my car anxiety, driving down the highway.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Everybody already in Astrid's family is terrified of my driving, terrified of my driving. But I think I'm a good driver and I think I'm a defensive driver and I think I keep my eyes on the road and you know, man, I get a little bit of a heavy foot, not so much with the children anymore, but I used to have a little bit of a heavy,
Starting point is 00:07:37 yeah, okay, I still have a heavy foot. So we're driving down and in the, in two lanes to the right of us, so it's like five lane highway and two lanes to the right of us There is a semi truck And he and he is driving pretty fast also. So I'm probably going 80. He's probably going 82 Let's call it and so we're kind of pacing each other a little bit and then there's a lane in between us as He kind of gains speed. I'm slowing down for some reason, he kind of gains speed, he gains a little bit on me and I see out of the corner of my eye as his back wheel comes completely
Starting point is 00:08:14 under. It's unthreaded itself, right? It just ripped and the tread on one of those big truck tires was now heading directly for my windshield. Oh God, I've seen those on the interstate before. Chrissy, I don't know what matrix-ass bullshit happened in my mind, but I literally swerved out of the way with an inch to go. I swerved out of the way, I ran over another part of the tire, and then this lady next to
Starting point is 00:08:39 me, she also swerved, and it was just like, and she actually, I think, hit something. And then it was like this, just this total disaster. We missed it by an inch. We missed it by an inch. Those things fly through your windshield. And everybody's gone, right? It's like a total disaster. And so I chalked that up to my incredible driving skills. Daniel would say, but I amucho rapido, you're going too fast. But you know, I think I've had a few of those, like brushes with incidents that could have led to disasters. And this just, I don't know, I guess today,
Starting point is 00:09:10 a couple days ago when I read this, like, gave me chills up my spine, like, I know, you know that, what's that term that they use? Something luminescent spaces, where this whole website websites dedicated to this. Places you have never been before, but you see a picture of it and it feels so familiar to you, right? It's a space that feels familiar to everybody. Like the collective world goes, oh, that feels like I've been there before, but you've never been there before.
Starting point is 00:09:42 There are websites dedicated to this. Of people take pictures of certain spaces, empty office buildings, I've been there before, but you've never been there before. There are websites dedicated to this. People take pictures of certain spaces, empty office buildings. I need to look at that. Old roller coaster parks, stuff like this, right? And you get the sense, close down theme parks, you get the sense that you've been there before,
Starting point is 00:09:56 but clearly you've never been there before. But it's this weird sensation that comes upon you that's like, wow, I've been there. That's what came upon me when I read this story. I was like, wow, I've been there. That's what came upon me when I read this story. I was like, wow, I've been there. I know that, I've seen that. I've been up those, you know, walked up those stairs on that boat and low and behold,
Starting point is 00:10:12 I had walked up those stairs on that boat. No, it wasn't my day. I hope it's never my day. Actually, I'm okay. Get me to 80 and I'm good. Like, get me to 80 and I'm good. But I just wanna make it to 80 because then my youngest child will graduate kindergarten and will
Starting point is 00:10:29 And everything will be just fine. It's like Tell you the story. Wait. It's like where your pajamas to school day. Oh, right. I wonder why my kids It's like where your pajamas to school day? And so, one of my kids is like, he wants to do everything that Daddy does. But there's a couple of kids that are in that phase right now, but he especially is in that phase. And so, I sleep with just underwear. That's all I sleep with.
Starting point is 00:10:59 So every once in a blue moon, he'll kick and scream and yell and fight about putting on his pajamas. He just wants to wear underwear, right? And then sometimes he doesn't even want to wear underwear. He's like, I just want to see naked. And I'm like, well, not really appropriate. Let's keep the underwear on. You can do that when, you know, when you're in your bed all night long by yourself, you
Starting point is 00:11:16 can feel free to disrobe, kid. But when we, there's a good chance you're going to end up in someone's bed, let's not do that because it's just, you know, it's not the right thing to do. So he goes, he goes to the school and then he comes home today and I'm like, he's got his pajamas on, like, you know, cartoon pajamas, but I'm like, I don't think he's wearing underwear.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Did you wear underwear to school? And she wearing underwear to school? I'm not entirely sure that he did. I don't think he had to wear his underwear. I'm not entirely sure that he did. I'm thinking of myself. Oh my gosh, dude, let it fly. Yeah. He was free-balling. Be proud of what you got.
Starting point is 00:11:51 That's right. That didn't come for me. I don't know which side of the family that came from, but that's much more impressive than anything I could have. He's competent. He should be. Yeah. He should be.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I don't have, I didn't have where pajamas school, that where pajamas school day, did you? I think we did. Did you? Yeah, and I know the kids had it. So. I remember that one of my friends' children, when they were in high school, had like a pajama day.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Yeah, it was usually like a week of different things if they, yeah, and one of the things was pajamas, yeah. Pajama day or whatever it was. And I remember thinking to myself, how highly inappropriate for a bunch of high school, I know. To get to go. If I had gone to school in my high school
Starting point is 00:12:37 and my pajamas, I would have hid in the bathroom the entire day. Because I knew that boner was coming at some point. I mean, even if, you know, listen, you know, I hate the, I hate the adage that like, you know, men can't control themselves. Of course, we can control ourselves, right? You just have to actually control yourself. But you know, sometimes when you're young and you're a boy, you have no control over
Starting point is 00:13:04 the erection time. It's just gonna come when it's gonna come and there may be no rhyme or reason to it. Literally could be an algebra problem and you get a boner for a half an hour. And you're like, why did I just get erect over an algebra problem? But at least you have the desk to cover you,
Starting point is 00:13:16 you know what I'm saying? With the pajamas, there's not much to go in between you and the flesh. And so I would have been like, holy shit, I just, when that happened, this was so many years ago, like 15 years ago, when this kid was going to high school, and it was like pajama day, I was at the house in the morning, I was like, is it pajama day?
Starting point is 00:13:34 You guys are good at where your pajamas to school? Do you want like a robe to put over you or something on a towel that you can put over just in case? Just in case you get that algebra problem erection because I swear to God, it comes at any time, and it may not leave ever, you never know. Now I beg it to come. I'm like, come on, let's go.
Starting point is 00:13:52 It's time. Maybe I need to get in there and do some nut foliation. Maybe you should put on your pajamas. What's that? Maybe you should put on your pajamas. Oh, I don't even wear pajamas. I just, maybe that'll make it come. You sleep in the buff.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I don't know what's going on over there at that house, but there's a whole snake and scene going on. I feel like you and Jeff live in a nudist resort called, oh, you know, one, two, three main streets. Someone's gonna be froggin' and you're just gonna be, you're gonna be froggin' all over the place. I don't know what happens. I just want to camera.
Starting point is 00:14:23 I wish we had cameras in Chrissy's house. That would be the show. I just do TCP Chrissy's house. Once a. I wish we had cameras in Chrissy's house. That would be the show. I just do TCP Chrissy's house. Once a week, we just do TCP Chrissy's house. Just leave the camera and the microphone rolling and let's see what happens. It would be funny. Yeah, well, you know, just Jeff Nutfoliate.
Starting point is 00:14:38 That's all I gotta ask. Is that Nutfoliation going on? It does. Super sack scrubber 5000 Not fully ate Are you sick and tired of flaky undercarriage? Is your nut dendrit getting in the way of your love life super sack scrubber 3000 by brino Brino scrub those balls hard and get rid of that flaky irritating skin on the bottom of your balls I'll get you you could be on to something.
Starting point is 00:15:05 You could, you are sharing me the other day, you could luffa my balls. I guess I could luffa. I, you know, I've used luffa a couple times. I like the luffa thing. Yeah. I think it's not a bad thing. I just feel like it's a little, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:20 There's a ton of them out there. You can get all kinds of textures and things. Some are calling. Who is that? Oh, it's outside. It's outside. Whenever I use a lufa, I get a little bit creeped out that the lufa might have germs from the last time I lufa.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Do you know what I'm saying? It's throwing a wash. Oh, you can? Yeah. You throw in the wash? Oh, one time I had a Lufa. One of the houses I lived at, you know, I found out what a Lufa was and I, I always looked at those things
Starting point is 00:15:52 and been like, what is that for? What do you do with that Lufa? When I was a kid and stuff, my mom had Lufa's and I was like, what is that thing for? And then I learned what a Lufa was for. And then a girl I was dating got me a Lufa, like a little soap package for men and stuff with a Lufa. Yeah, and I had that Lufa, well, hopefully I used that Lufa for like 17 months in a row.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I never once watched the thing. No. Never once. Yeah, you got to wash it. You put it actually in the laundry? Yeah, in the dishwasher. SICK it in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Even after you're not fully ate, you just stick it in the wash. You can, yeah. Wow, you don't dry it. You don't dry it, but you put it in the wash. You put it in the wash and then just let it air dry. I think it's gonna get wet anyway. So, fucking really matter. Maybe I'll go back to loop.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Maybe I go back to loop. Maybe I'll go back to loop. I should start washing my legs too. I'm gonna wash my legs and I'm gonna start loop. High laugh about that every time I wash my legs. I'm like, I need to tell Prada wash my legs. That's not your last word I were talking on. I was in the shower and I was like washing my legs. I was so proud of myself. I'm like, I need to tell Prada wash my legs today. That's not your last word I were talking about. I was in the shower and I was like,
Starting point is 00:16:45 washing my legs, I was so proud of myself. I'm like, I'm washing my legs. Look at me, I'm washing my legs. She's like, great. Yeah, she's like, you should have been doing that all along. And I was like, I think I was, but now I recognize it. Thank you, me, really.
Starting point is 00:16:57 When I wash my legs, I actually remind myself of the episode where I thought I didn't wash my legs. And I was like, just mental note, you washed your legs. Make sure you tell Chrissy. Yeah didn't wash my legs and I was like just mental note you washed your legs make sure you tell Chrissy yeah I wash my legs my legs that's gonna be the opening theme now is it welcome back to the commercial break I washed my legs did you wash your legs out there did you the showers that I take are so epic they They're so long. You know, there's, there's like a, it's like a good symphony orchestra. It's like four or five acts involved. It's like an opera, right? There's the first act, which is just getting my bones warm, finding
Starting point is 00:17:37 the right degree of super hot. That feels comfortable in the moment. Then there's, pick what I'm going to watch. I got to figure out what mood I'm in. Do I want to watch documentary on Netflix or? How do you watch in the shower? Because we have that little, that little, I don't know what you call it, but like a phone box, not a phone box, but like a soap box. Like, cut out in the wall with tile that you need. Right, you have one too.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Okay, then I bought a phone holder to go on the wall. So it holds your phone sideways and it's stuck to the wall. Okay. So you just put your phone on there and that's it. Doesn't, doesn't get wet. And even if it did get wet, it's an iPhone, whatever. And it does, it can get wet, right? It gets wet all the time. So then I, I would spend a lot more time in this shower too if I, if I was watching it. It's the, my show. It's the only, it's, I would yell about blue barking, blue's barking in the background. But after the frogging episode,
Starting point is 00:18:30 I'm no longer upset about anything blue does. I'm all good at this. She would have detected an intruder. Most definitely. So then there's act number two. And act number two is of course, I got to find out how, you know, what kind of mood I'm in
Starting point is 00:18:42 and I got to scroll through YouTube or whatever Amazon or Netflix to watch. And usually I watch something comedy based because I like to just be in a good mood while I'm taking a shower. I feel good when I'm taking a shower so I like to be in a good mood. Then there's Act 3, which is the whole two thing. I got to do all the teeth, right? I got to go through the teeth. That's another, it should only take me three minutes, but for some reason it takes me 10. Really? Yeah, because I start flossing and then I'll like watch something and then I've got like the floss hanging out of my mouth
Starting point is 00:19:07 and stuck in between my teeth while I'm watching it and I'm laughing or something. Then there's act number three, which is the... You use actual, this is a question. So you use the actual string floss? I do. I'm a flosser girl. Girl, you know the little pick thing.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Oh, the water pick? Not the water pick, but you can buy individual disposable little. Oh, with a little string in the middle. And you go like that. Now, I use that silk stuff. It's silk floss and it's super soft and it's flat. So it doesn't like, you know, cut into your, cut into your gums. Well, you're doing it for 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Yes. That sounds like a good plan. Normally, I'd let, normally I'd be upset at blue for the barking, but I'm letting it pass because of the frog episode, and now I'm upset with blue again. So that's enough blue. You alerted us to the person living in the crawl space can we be done with it.
Starting point is 00:19:52 So I floss and I do the whole dental thing. And then there's act number four, where I address my head and my body, right? And then there's act number five, where I scrub my face, and you know, I'm now doing all this skincare routine. I'm not sure what the skincare routine is doing. I still look very old and decrepined.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I still got lots of wrinkles, but hey listen. That looks great. Thank you very much, I appreciate it. From this far away, I look fantastic. That's why I put that camera all the way over there. I think you're doing a great job. Thank you. And then there's act number six, which is just me
Starting point is 00:20:21 just dicking around in the shower, like remembering to wash my legs and, you know, watching the end of the episode, swear to God. I'm watching this show called Benny Dorm, which I've watched a number of times. It's this British show about the Spanish, the place in Spain called Benny Dorm. They're always on vacation and it's about this hotel.
Starting point is 00:20:38 It's the stupidest fucking show in the world. It's dumb as dirt, but, you know, if you like something. It's your zone out. It's my zone out. Yeah, I just like the dumb, stupid, British comedy that I can watch and it, you know, I just love it. Anyway, so I get any dorm. That's, that's act number six. But there's a seventh and an eighth, which is the act of drawing off. I don't know about you, but I cannot open the shower door until I'm completely dry. Can you get out of the shower and dry yourself? For me, it's too cold. I'm a half. I do half. I grab the towel that's
Starting point is 00:21:09 right there. I have a hair towel separate from my regular towel. I'm not me too. Yeah, so I grab the, I grab the hair towel, you should have one. Grab the hair towel, dry the hair, put it up in the turbany thing. Okay. And then I get the other towel and start drying off the rest of my body. But to about like my torso, then I step out and that's when I can put my leg up on little edge and dry the leg. I have a ledge in the shower so I can do my, I do the same thing. I mean, you know, I go ahead first all the way down, but that drying up, I, I'm sure
Starting point is 00:21:42 there are people that this will resonate with. My bathroom is always some degree of colder than the house is for whatever reason, because of the tile or whatever, right? And because they don't put a lot of air conditioning and heat registers in bathrooms, it's not like you don't put two or three of them in there, you just put one in the bathroom. My bathroom, you could run a bowling ball through my bathroom.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I swear to God, I don't know why we did this. It's the stupidest fucking thing in the world. But we have so much unused space in that bathroom. We could have a whole other bedroom. If we would just take half the bathroom that we never ever use and just box it all. I have a big, I've been in your bathroom back there. I'm like, come on.
Starting point is 00:22:16 I'll check it out. Yeah. Because having more space in my end, the bathroom is a dream. I'll put my underwear on and then I'll show you my showering routine. If you got next or hour after the show, I'll show you my showering routine. If you got next to our hour after the show, I'll show you my showering routine. But I cannot open the door to the shower
Starting point is 00:22:31 because the cold air comes in. So I want the hot steamy air just to sit there while I dry myself off. But then there is this whole other routine that happens at the vanity. And that is what I've determined, is taking up the most amount of times. There is vitamins, there is skin care,
Starting point is 00:22:49 there are lotions, there are jellies and jams, there are the motions, there are motions. I got a self-check my balls, I got a look at my face and determine just how terrible I look today. Determine if there's anything that can help this poor face. I make a determination about whether or not I should be thinking about the tanning bed and the next coming, upcoming days.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I look at my hair, see if I need to shave it. This is a whole thing that goes on. This thing takes another half an hour, Chrissy. So I was explaining to Astrid, it's not really about the shower. Yes, the shower takes a little bit longer than most people. Most people probably take five to 10 minute showers. I'm in there sometimes 45 minutes. Okay, I get it.
Starting point is 00:23:29 It's a waste of water and hot water and all that stuff. That's a long time person might it doesn't have hair. I have no hair. I have no hair. I don't have a lot of hair. I have my time in the shower as hair. Yeah, I have no hair and I'm taking all this time.
Starting point is 00:23:42 But it's not the hair or the shower that's really adding up the minutes. It's the whole routine that I do afterwards. There is a routine, that's when I watch my shows. When you're out in the vanity. What I'm out in the vanity, yeah. Then I start loosening, and progeny, and vitamin. This is something I actually wanna ask our listeners.
Starting point is 00:24:02 What is your shower routine? You do it in the morning to do it at night. Do you take a long time? Is it very quick? Are you watching television while you're doing it? Do you catch up on podcasts or audio books? I can't imagine people are out there taking a shower with the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:24:14 That probably sets you off on the wrong path for the day. If you're a morning shower, sometimes I try and listen to our show just to check on, you know, are there ads running or whatever. And I just can't do it. Yeah, I'm like, oh my God, Brian, you're so ridiculous. You're just like,
Starting point is 00:24:25 I like the thing to music. We have a sonos and the bathroom when you listen to music. Here's why I don't listen to music in the bathroom. And I would, but because I'm a big music lover like you, I do that here in the studio with my headphones on. And here's why. Music is like the siren song for my children. They will literally wake up out of a deep coma
Starting point is 00:24:44 like state of sleep. If they hear music, that they think they might be interested in dancing too. Like literally, I'll see them in bed sometimes. If I've got like, I have my, I'll bring my phone, you know, I have my phone, it's playing Benny Dorm. And then the Benny Dorm music, it's something the kids are familiar with. So sometimes I see them like in the bed, like sleep, dead, dead of sleep, just dancing. Like, you know
Starting point is 00:25:13 So I don't want to play music because I know that could alert them that there's action in the house and once they get up Fucking forget about it. There is a rule and there's a reason there's a rule never wake a sleeping child never doing crazy There is a reason there is a reason all right. Let's take our first break and we'll be back with more fun here on the commercial break. Let's cut to the chase. We love you and we want to hear your sweet and jelly-voices asking us for advice. So give us a call and leave us a voicemail at 626-ask-tcb3. If you're not ready for that kind of commitment, which I understand, send us a text instead at 855-TCB-8383. And as always, don't forget to follow us on Instagram at the Commercial Break and on TikTok at TCB Podcast. And this wouldn't be a TCB promo
Starting point is 00:25:59 if I didn't tell you to go to our YouTube channel, slash the commercial break to watch all of our amazing video edits. You can also go to to find everything we have ever put on the website. Let's listen to some sponsors and then we are back on track, baby. Love you, bye! This episode is sponsored in part by our good friends at Uncommon Goods. Alright, Christmas is coming up, we're all doing the mad dash to figure out what everybody wants, go to the stores, buy online, all that other stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:31 But me personally and my brothers can tell you this, I like to be very unique about my gift giving. So unique that no one has any clue what I'm thinking when I get them a present. In other words, I get gag gifts every year for my brothers and some of my immediate family, and I always love to see their faces when they open up the gift. Disappointed they didn't get anything real, but they get a good chuckle nonetheless. I am so pleased that uncommon goods is now making it much easier for me to find these
Starting point is 00:26:56 particular items. And it's not just about fun and gag gifts, they have everything. Home items, decor, corporate gifts, jewelry, if you need it they have it. This is a truly unique shopping experience. Everything you see is made by small artists and independent businesses. These items are often very unique and handmade. I was on the website this morning looking for my gag gifts and they have a whole section of fun and quirky gifts.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Two things stood out to me. Number one, they actually have a phone jail. It's like a cage, like a small cage, with a phone holder in it for like three or four phones, and then there's a lock. And if you have the key, no one's getting their phones. I hope my wife never finds that particular gift. How about this one? An actual game, a board game called Gonjoland.
Starting point is 00:27:36 That's gonna be fun for all the kids. I really like this company. And they like you to get 15% off. Your next gift, go to slash TCB. That's slash TCB for 15% off. Don't miss out on this limited time offer! Uncommon Goods! We are all out of the ordinary.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And that's something every TCB listener can agree upon. Again, go to slash TCB for 15% off! Your first gift, go to this website website you'll have a ton of fun and thank you to uncommon goods for being a sponsor of the commercial break. Alright and we're back. I, we're in the break and then all of a sudden blue just drags her ass in here. Just lays down. Chris is like dragging her out the door.
Starting point is 00:28:27 It's trying to pick her up and she doesn't want to go. Yeah, none of my children, including blue, listen to anything I have to say. They don't care. They're just doing what they want to do. Oh God, raising children is really tough, Chris. No. Who told you? Somebody should have notified me about all of this.
Starting point is 00:28:44 It would take all my time and all my It's crazy I am I don't want to blow my wand yet because we're gonna do a deep dive We talked about this a couple weeks ago We're gonna take a maybe a show or two or maybe even three the deep dive into certain subjects It really needs some extra time and one of them that I'm working on right now is Corey Feldman, who is just on a tear right now. And I'm not sure if that's in a good way or a bad way, it's hard to determine, but he's on the tour, a music tour.
Starting point is 00:29:15 He's playing these venues, they are selling out. They're small, except for a couple of festivals he's played. They're relatively small, Chris. But people are packing these places. And they're packing these places for all the wrong reasons because Corey is terrible. And he'll stop the show. I watched this video last night. He stopped the show, his concert in this small club. And I can't remember what it was. Maybe Kentucky, I think. He knocked his microphone into his mouth and his tooth fell out.
Starting point is 00:29:43 What? So after one of the songs, he stopped the show and he literally announces to the crowd what happened. I hit the microphone on my mouth and my tooth fell out. So I'm gonna see if I can find it. And there are stage hands running around to find his tooth. This show is derailed for like 15 minutes while Corey is looking for his tooth. But that's not the only time.
Starting point is 00:30:02 One time the microphone wire wasn't taped down properly. And so Corey stops the, in the middle of the song, in the entire show, he stops so that he can yell at the people who are supposed to tape down his microphone wire. And then he goes offstage to find out a, you know, a roll of tape so he can tape it down himself. And he's explaining this every show has some kind of crazy disaster that happens. But this all started if you remember back in the pandemic when Corey did the good morning America show. Do you remember this? No. Corey did in appearance on Good Morning America. Corey and the angels. Corey
Starting point is 00:30:39 Feldman and the angels. That's the name of the band. Yeah, that's what was the name of the band. And he had these girls dressed up like playboy angels, like Victoria's Secret Angels. Right, okay. And one of them was his wife. The girl he was engaged to at the time, he married for like three months, and then now they've been divorced.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Oh my God. And he does this appearance, and when he does this appearance, I actually watched this live. I don't know why it was on, but I actually watched it live. And it went viral in seconds, because it was a hot, unmitigated turd on the floor that he dropped,
Starting point is 00:31:10 and then he just left. It was the weirdest, strangest thing you've ever seen. I can't imagine anybody out there hasn't seen the Corey Feldman ABC Good Morning America. Concert that he did. I say concert is actually just one song, but it was just a, I don't know, it was like Andy Warhol weird kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:31:27 You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Okay, so I'm listening to Steve O, the other day, I'm watching his YouTube channel. And he has on Cory Fowl. Love Steve O. Love Steve O. Steve O is a good guy.
Starting point is 00:31:39 I think he's a good guy. My opinion is he's a good guy. From what I've seen, yeah. Yeah, from the Jackass crew, do you think of Steve O is a kind of guy you want to go have a beer with, right? And he's a good guy. From what I've seen, yeah. From the Jackass crew, you think of Steve O'Hall as a guy you wanna go have a beer with, right? And he was in terrible trouble there for while if you remember, bad drug addiction
Starting point is 00:31:51 and he was taping himself high on all kind of stuff and everybody was like, you know, all these guys were like Johnny Knoxville, they were all like, dude, you gotta get help, you're gonna die and it looked like he was going to die. And I think he said before, I was gonna die, but the guy cleaned up and he cleaned up and he's now he's got some scent,
Starting point is 00:32:06 he's like still the jackass guy, but he's got some sense of like clarity and understanding and self-awareness. I think the Steve O2.0, no pun intended pun intended, is very cool. And if you watch a show, you can see that. Like if you listen to his show, his podcast or watch his podcast, you can see that. And so I'm obsessed with this Corey Feldman interview
Starting point is 00:32:28 that he did because Steve O just has this kind of relaxed way. He's got a co-host. And you can tell the Corey Feldman feels very comfortable with what's going on. So during this, Corey Feldman presents one of the weirdest conspiracy theories I think I've ever heard in my entire life and why anybody would want to do this to Cory, I have no idea. He has his own thoughts on this. I thought I'd play like a two or three minute clip from Steve O's show because I want you to hear what Cory says.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Yeah, what's this one? Ready? Okay. And this is just a little primer, a little primer for Cory Fulham. Okay. There's Steve O. You got to love him. Just a little primer, a little primer for Cory Fulham. Okay, there's Steve O. You got to love him.
Starting point is 00:33:09 He's got to be in his like, what, late 40s, I think, or something like that? Yeah. Alright, let's listen. Oh, by the way, you can go Steve O. Wildride, you can go and subscribe to his YouTube channel or listen to his podcast. I just want to give that shout out before I use this content. Believe that's your music career. It's been more financially rewarding for you. You're right.
Starting point is 00:33:32 You're right. Yeah. Yeah, because it's been the last five years that my music luckily blew up. And again, this was, I believe, just an attempt to try and knock me down and make... He's your music blew up. I was going to say that it But not for the right reasons. I think so. That's the challenge, Corey.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And listen, I guess you take it any way you can get it. If we were the biggest goof on the internet, if everyone was like the commercial break, and I'm sure they are, what the, they're just not even using any extra breath to talk about us, but what if we were like, you know, the biggest laughing stock of the entire internet?
Starting point is 00:34:03 I would take that. I would take that. I would take that Yeah, we look like a jackass. Sorry for the expression But yeah, I mean because we did the today show which was obviously a today show. I'm sorry I said good morning Americans the today show set up. I mean like every single Media outlet at the exact same moment the second we walked off stage was like what was that? What was that bizarre strange performance? You know, Cory Feldman really blew the, you know, donkey or whatever it was like, it was terrible. What was he think?
Starting point is 00:34:32 Which newspaper said Cory Feldman blew the donkey? I don't think so. And is that even an expression? I don't think so. How do you blow the donkey? I mean, I'm sure you can. I think I have friends who've seen that online, but that's kind of a weird. Yeah, and also I don't think it was any kind of setup because I mean everybody watches the today's show, at least other news organizations as well.
Starting point is 00:34:52 A core monitor. Yeah, like those morning shows, they're monitored by everybody. So what Corey, where he's going, and we'll listen to the rest of this, where he's going, I think, is he believes that there's a conspiracy, there's a conspiracy against him to take him down. Why? To wear, take you down to wear. Yeah, I don't know. You lost your tooth on stage in a small club in Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Like, Corey, come on. And it was all across the board. Everybody had the exact same headline. Like, you're telling me that there's not one single media outlet that saw it a little bit differently or had a different perspective or wrote maybe a few different words? No, it was the exact same language across the board. At the same time.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Isn't that miraculous? Okay, Corey, hold on. You got to calm your mind down here a little bit. First of all, everybody does this. They take the tagline and then they repurpose it. It's just content generation. And in a lot of cases, there aren't even real human beings writing those articles
Starting point is 00:35:48 deep in the internet. It's just like they're literally taking what somebody else said and just jumbling up the words and putting it out there again. Second of all, maybe there was no one that saw it differently. Maybe everybody did think it was a really hot, unmitigated, hot turd on the floor. Maybe, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:04 It was a big fat donkey. That's the way, they blew the big fat donkey. That's how it looked to me and I watched it live. Just off. Exactly. So, I'm going to pedophiles that are very powerful. That's true. Do you think that in that case,
Starting point is 00:36:22 because there was so much widespread, coverage of this performance, in that case, because there was so much widespread, you know, coverage of this performance, which was critically panned, like just the fact that there was that much coverage, do you think the... And inadvertently, it went through the root. Right, first of all, it was the most, because of what they did, it backfired,
Starting point is 00:36:41 it was the most viewed performance in the today's show history. I think that certain celebrities get delusional after a minute. You know what I'm saying? Yes. And I can't tell if Steve O is buying into this or if he's just trying to keep it interesting
Starting point is 00:36:55 and trying to go to the court. No, he's goading Corey into saying, going deeper into it. But do we really think that the world media organization is against Corey Feldman because he may or may not have something against people, you know, pedals? I don't know. It seems like a stretch to me, but let's listen to more. What she said, so Tara Tamra, sorry, Tamra Hall, said it on live TV. She goes, this is
Starting point is 00:37:22 the most viewed performance in the today's show dot com ever boom Right, so I believe it's right to the notion that there's no such thing as bad publicity in this case Well, there isn't as long as they're writing about you were talking about you then you're in good shape So that's why what they're doing to me now is even worse because they won't even have me on to explain what's been going on First of all why was even worse because they won't even have me on to explain what's been going on. What happened? What happened? First of all, why, Corey, you went on live TV. You put on one of the strangest performances everybody has ever seen. You're dancing like Michael Jackson, singing like a five-year-old, you know, kindergartener.
Starting point is 00:38:04 And then you've got these girls dressed up in these weird angel costumes, playing instruments behind you. Right. And the song was just extraordinary. It was not good. And then you think that people had something like it was a whole conspiracy with all media organizations everywhere. And they instantaneously put out the bad press to take down Corey Feldman. Corey Feldman may or may not have needed to be taken down. Like, what did Corey do? It's not like Corey was starring in Mission Impossible 7. The guy was touring around with the angels.
Starting point is 00:38:39 I just have a hard time believing this, but it's got me so crazed. I'm like, how can someone believe this? This is why this country is fucked. It's because everybody's a little bit delusional in their own way. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Would you think for a minute anybody would have an ax to grow?
Starting point is 00:38:56 I mean, okay, if you got some dirt on a pedophile somewhere, maybe that particular person and their organization have something against you. Does that mean they can convince every media organization and every person who watched it to then pan this particular performance? No, of course not. That's a ridiculous notion. And then he says, it's the most watched in today's history.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Yeah. And I'm like, oh, I wonder what the, what the second most watch video on today's is. It's probably a recipe for blueberry jam or something bullshit. I love me some Corey Feldman, but I love it for the kind of the corkiness of Corey. It's not really necessarily about his talent or his stardom. It's about his corkiness. I think that's what makes Cory interesting.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And if I was Cory, I would try and be in on the joke a little bit. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah, that's true. If I was in on the joke a little bit, maybe not 100%, maybe you stay a little bit oblivious so that you can keep it going, but you get in on the joke a little bit
Starting point is 00:40:01 so that you carve out a little niche for yourself, when you're selling out rooms, because people wanna see if your tooth falls out or not, that is not exactly the pinnacle of a career. You need to jump on the bandwagon and ride the wave kid. Don't fight against it, ride it. And I just can't understand. I don't understand if he's actually,
Starting point is 00:40:26 do you think he's that oblivious or do you think he's just delusional? I think both. I mean, he's delusional and oblivious. I mean, I think he, you know, I think he lives in a total delusional world, probably based on everything he's gone through in his life. Wait, he's been a kid, he's been a child star
Starting point is 00:40:42 since the day he was born, basically. So yeah, there's something going on there, but yeah. Like you said, he should just jump in and kind of make fun of himself and stay relevant. I think if this happens to us, because it's likely to, if this happens to us, I think we're in on the joke, right? We embrace it, we have always embraced it. We are the best mediocre comedy podcast out there.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Trust me, not everybody says great things about the commercial break. Unbelievable as it may sound. Chrissy and I don't always get warm and rosy reviews from everybody. But the truth is, we don't care because we know it's true and that's fine. It doesn't matter how you get here, just get here. I don't care how you get here, just get here if you care. I don't give a shit, just come and listen to the show. That's all I care about.
Starting point is 00:41:31 And if you like it, stick around. And if you don't, you're welcome to leave. But I promise you, we are not so serious. We are not so precious about the commercial break that we don't know that it's probably a little bit of a joke to some people. We started it as a joke. Yes, we did.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yes. Alright, let's take it to the show for a second. We'll be back after we'll be back after these messages. We'll be right back. Remember that? Of course. Saturday morning cartoons. Hello again, my little podcast pals. It's Christina, and I am just here to remind you once again
Starting point is 00:42:08 to go on over to because that is where all of our episodes live. Want to get involved with the show? Leave us a voicemail at 626-ask-tcb3. If you don't want your voice played on the show because, look, I get it, I'm only here under duress. You can text us instead at 855-TCB-8383. And as always please remember to go follow us on Instagram at the commercial break and on TikTok at TCB Podcast. And also don't forget about our precious little YouTube channel, slash the commercial break. I promise those videos are worth your turn. Now let's listen to some sponsors and then we'll get back to whatever they were talking about. I know you watch just as many of the reality love shows as I do.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I try to keep up. You try to keep up. Nine-day fiancee. Love is blind. Married at first sight. I did not watch the latest love is blind. You watched the latest love is blind. I think it was really good. I think you should tune in. But the thing about the new latest love is blind is they only focused on two couples. That's it. It was like, you know more got engaged, but they obviously pick and choose the people who they think are most entertaining.
Starting point is 00:43:27 I think that's how it goes. Because we've heard from other seasons that they do do that. They leave some people behind. They may go to the resort, but they may be on the other side of the resort, being filmed or not filmed. That must be a real shit and fucking kick in the balls if you go through all of that. You find the love of your life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:43 And then the cameras just slowly start moving backwards until they're not there anymore. Just enjoy the vacation. It's honest. Don't worry about it. However, you're never going to be shown on the show. But I've been looking at this incredibly disturbing trend to Chrissy. And I want to know if you've seen it or if it bothers you.
Starting point is 00:44:00 What in the fuck? And this is happening on Bachelor of I- Oh, I have gotten into the Golden Bachelor. Oh, you have okay. I heard it's juicy. It is it. It's interesting They said it's the most sexed up bachelor ever And I don't know what that meant, but I just read a headline somewhere that said that Here's the disturbing trend. I see this on Love is Blind Meredith first sight bachelor island love and paradise or whatever it is and then I see this on Love Is Blind, Meredith first site, Bachelor Island, love and paradise or whatever it is. And then I saw it on a 90 day fiance, the trouble and paradise, love and paradise, whatever that was.
Starting point is 00:44:32 The resort, last resort. Yeah, the last resort. And then I've seen it on 90 day fiance's. These people are doing something that is highly offensive to me, and I can't stand it, and I wish it would stop. They are walking into their apartment or their home or the hotel room. They are sitting on the couch or laying on the bed, and they are not taking their shoes off. Why are you not taking your shoes off? What kind of broken home did you come from
Starting point is 00:45:03 where putting your shoes shoes your dirty ass shoes on a bed or a couch is in any way appropriate? Inquiring minds want to know Yeah, I can't go on the bed. The shoes can't go on the bed. I can't sleep at night Thinking about your shoes on that couch. I don't care if you're being filmed and you don't like your feet You've got to take your shoes off. You walk into public bathrooms. You walk all over the street where people piss and poop and all that other- You do all that stuff and then you go home and you pop on the bed with your shoes on.
Starting point is 00:45:35 And some of these people are actually putting their feet on the bed, not even just like laying down with the shoes up. They're putting their feet on the bed and I can't understand for the life of me why you would do this. Please somebody explain this to me this is insane. Exactly Brian. I think this is such I don't know. Do you have a rule about this at your home? Yeah we don't wear shoes in the house but it's not you but it's not super strict. I think when you have small children, is when you really get tuned into it. Yeah, I'm pretty sure this was going out
Starting point is 00:46:11 for a long time in my life. But maybe this is my OCD. Maybe it's just my personal thoughts about hygiene and habits. But. Well, I mean, we don't put our shoes on the bed. No. No, our whole house.
Starting point is 00:46:23 For. My kids sometimes are running in their socks and then they go up on my bed and I'm like, I take those socks off put our shoes on the bed. No. We're all in the house. For real. My kids sometimes are running in their socks and then they go up on my bed and I'm like, I take those socks off when you're on the bed. Because I think about, you know, that damn dog is running everywhere, just letting Pee lose whenever they want to. One of my daughter's spits out food at a regular pace
Starting point is 00:46:37 and we're always cleaning up after something and then they're sliding around on their socks and putting them God knows where in their mouth and their butts. I don't even know what they're doing with those socks and then they want to run all over my bed with the socks. I don't even know what they're doing with those socks. And then they want to run all over my bed with the socks. I don't mind you running the bed.
Starting point is 00:46:47 You're a kid, do your thing. But keep, please take the socks off. Take the socks off. Yeah, so I don't have to have your, you know, blue's dirty, p-related socks all over my face at night. I just don't think it's hygienic. And then I'm watching it happen left and right on these TV shows. And it's the only thing that I can think about.
Starting point is 00:47:05 It's like, and even Astrid will say it. It's like, why are they putting their shoes off of the bed? If I'm meeting someone at first sight, married at first sight, love is blind, whatever it is. And then they walk in to the fresh, clean hotel room with that beautifully made bed and those lovely fluffed up pillows and the new linens. And the first thing you do is plop your fucking dirty ass shoes
Starting point is 00:47:23 on there, held to the no. Hell to the no. Can we stop this? It's gonna be on the treaty. Can we take our shoes? Yeah, put it in the treaty. The bed. Goddamn, guys.
Starting point is 00:47:32 What the fuck? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's just me. You tell me out there in the podcast universe. Am I being obsessive about this? Is this gone a little too far? Has Brian's idiosecrancies but blood right out of his eyeballs,
Starting point is 00:47:46 or is there a good reason to be concerned about the new trend of people putting shoes and on beds and on couches? Because it's one thing to do it on a couch. Okay, you usually just put your butt on the couch, right? And my butt's been a lot of places. And I don't care, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, they all stink, right? So I don't care that much.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Now I can't do the couch either because I mean we're nude, but it's the time in our house. So please can we have a camera in there? Please, I don't want to see your naked bodies. We can put little boxes on there. I just want to see how all of this function. You guys cook in the nude? Are there people cooking in the nude over there? Does it look like hot grease and nudity? I'm not sure, I think I'm more bothered by that. I come over for dinner at Chrissy. I bring my 18 children and Chrissy just got an apron on
Starting point is 00:48:37 with her butt sticking out, cooking not hot grill. And Jeff walks in. Anybody want some wine? I'm gonna DD cancounter it real quick. Let me stick my balls in it. I'm just not fully-aided. Exactly. I've got the super sex scrubber 3000, bro.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah, cowches and really I don't want to choose them into the house. But strangers come over. I'm not that strict about it, right? It's something I'm not living in like a Japanese home where it's like a rude and customary to take your shoes off and rude, unthinkable to keep them on. It's not like that.
Starting point is 00:49:14 If someone wants to wear their shoes, okay. But if you put them on the couch, in any way, shape or form, I'm not gonna be happy about that. I really am not. And I'm just, you know, I don't know. I'm just tired and feathered about this. I really am not. And I'm just, you know, I don't know. I'm just tired and feathered about this. I really am and I can't believe it. And every time I watch one of these shows
Starting point is 00:49:30 and it happens, it just drives me crazy. It's the only thing that I can think about is those goddamn shoes on the bed. There's a shoe rack for a reason. You put those things in the closet. You leave them at the front door. Watch them. If you got a brand new fucking pair of shoes,
Starting point is 00:49:43 if you literally got, you go to pay less and you get a brand and pay less. I do wash my shoes often. I do too. Yeah, I just learned like five years ago that you can wash shoes and now I'm into it. I hate the noise that it makes, but I wash the shoes. Yeah, it's good. If you go to fucking pay less and you buy a brand new pair of shoes
Starting point is 00:50:00 and you put those things on and you put your feet, even if you even put your body on the bed with the shoes hanging off, I'm still going to be upset. Doesn't matter how clean the shoes are, I just don't think it's appropriate. I would prefer that you not do that, please. Because you're certainly not going to be invited back to my house. You probably won't be invited in the first place because we don't have anybody over, but because I don't want to get a germ in the house that's then going to turn into
Starting point is 00:50:20 sickness 4,000 where everybody in the house is sick for 12 days. Which does happen. Oh my god 12 days. Which does happen. Oh my god. Oh, it does happen. Just happen. I know. So. I think you should write in.
Starting point is 00:50:37 I want to tweet at these people. If I knew how to tweet, I wanted to tweet at these people. Because I know that's where you get angry is on Twitter and you send things to people. I want to tweet at these people and because I know that's where you get angry is on Twitter and you send things to the people. I wanna tweet at these people and just be like, love the show, hate your shoes on the bed. I love the show, take off the shoes. That's all I gotta say. Here's another thing that drives me crazy.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Here's another thing that drives me, gets my gold. Have you, and know you've heard this, you have satellite in the car? No. You don't have serious? So you listen to the radio? I listen to Bluetooth, usually some music or podcasts or...
Starting point is 00:51:10 Okay, so you don't probably hear a lot of radio commercials, but now they have television commercials. This started probably a decade ago. And the first time I heard the fucking song, it drove me crazy, but now every time that I hear the first note of this song I have to turn the radio off at least for at least for three minutes while I know this commercial is going away What 1877 cars for kids
Starting point is 00:51:36 8777 cars for kids 1877 cars for kids don't hate your car today I'm sure you're doing lots of good out there with your Donate your car bullshit. Can you please not make us suffer any more through the goddamn song? We don't know the car one time. Take 877 cars for kids. No, it was NPR. NPR. They accept cars. Yeah. NDR. Yeah. I got a 1992 Honda Celica with one, I gotta, excuse me, I got a 1992 Honda Accord with no bumper on the front, half a hood, and a door that won't open.
Starting point is 00:52:19 And I took the engine out for parts and crack cocaine. Would you take it from me? Sure, we here at NPR would love your old car. We put him in the back yard. I don't know. We turn him into art for the lobby. What do they do? They sell them for junk. I don't know what they do.
Starting point is 00:52:33 They sell them for junk. I had heard a commercial for that before. And so Jeff and I, this is years ago, we had this car. It was actually perfectly fine. It just didn't run and it wasn't worth really anything. So we were like, let's just donate it. Sure. I get it.
Starting point is 00:52:48 I get it. It's probably a viable, you know, a mission and it's a viable way of making money for these charities. Yeah. But that song is so fucking obnoxious. I don't think I've not heard this. Oh, you haven't heard it? Uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:53:01 I find that hard to believe that commercials are everywhere. And they're all the time. It's like every commercial break. It's kind of like the commercial break, every commercial break. I don't want to show you his commercials. You are just missing out. One of my kids only wants to watch the commercials. That's all he's interested in is commercials.
Starting point is 00:53:18 No, I like just having it all the way to take out the commercials. I'll pay you to take out, I'll pay extra for no commercials. One, eight, seven, seven, shoes on the bed. It's not that you may want to take out the commercials. I'll pay you to take out, I'll pay extra for no commercials. 1, 8, 7, 7, 7, shoes on the bed. It's not that you may wanna pay for no commercials. I do pay for no commercials, but some high-hear commercials all the time. 1, 8, 7, 7, 7, shoes on the bed. 1, 8, 7, I can't just show you, I'll stop that.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I hate this. One day I'm gonna bring that song in and I'm gonna play it for you and you tell me this would not drive you crazy On at least the 400th time appearing it because it is absolute You know what song commercial song I have in my head is lately is B.K. Have it your way We sing that all the time in the house. It's catchy if you got a bad song stuck in your head
Starting point is 00:54:04 Just remember the BK song and that's a little earwig that can clear you house. It's catchy. If you got a bad song stuck in your head, just remember the BK song, and that's a little earwig that can clear you out. It's like a palette cleanser. Yeah. It's like a palette cleanser for all the other shit in your head. It is. Yeah, I guess Paul really is the only time I see the commercials, and it's on and almost like every commercial vehicle there.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Well, I read a whole article about the BK song and the guy who wrote it and that it's become such an earwig, you know, something gets stuck in your head, but it's a good one. I can take that. I can do, you know, BK, have it your way. You rule. I love it. Even my kids sing it. Now, that's a good, that's a good jingle.
Starting point is 00:54:38 The other one is I just dislike it so much. I don't have anything against cars for kids. I'm sure they do a lot of good work, but I'm imploring the people at cars for kids. I'm begging of you, please change that fucking song. Get the be-tank guy. Yeah. So write any song. You buy enough commercials, you buy enough media
Starting point is 00:54:56 to actually change that song. You've been doing it for 10 years. Can we change it up? Can we make it fresh? Can we do something different? Because you're driving me crazy! Ha-ha-ha-ha. Uh. Oh, you got it out. You got it out. Can we make it fresh? Can we do something different? Because you're driving me crazy! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha dissertation coming on course from way back in the early days up until now Listen, Corey in some ways has has had a Good life and in some other ways has admittedly has not had a great life
Starting point is 00:55:32 There are two sides to every story Everyone has a little lightness a little darkness. It's just the way that it is We all know it right if you're old enough you understand But that music career views is just off the skids. It's like it's just I Would rather have shoes. Can we do Atlanta? He is coming to Atlanta. That needs to go see it. He is coming to Atlanta and maybe, maybe.
Starting point is 00:55:54 We'll get to see him or talk to him. All right, That's where you go. You find out more information about Chrissy and I. You want your picky, fronting sticker? We got one for you. All you got to do is go to the website, hit the contact us button, drop down menu, I want my free sticker, give us your
Starting point is 00:56:10 physical address, tell us if you want us to sign anything, say anything, we'll be happy to do that. And then every seven to ten days we send out a bunch of them. So, and everyone's bothering Astrid. Stop bothering Astrid. Stop it, it's coming. Alright, alright, we get it, you want your sticker, we're gonna get it. So you promise, we'll make sure it gets there. You can watch all the video and the audio at the website and you can find out more about Chrissy and I. We've got a little timeline about our journey together. I think it's really funny. I like it. I love it. Yeah. And pretty soon, we'll also have a page up there for
Starting point is 00:56:42 the audio scavenger hunt happening in December $1000 card going to one lucky winner but we're going to make you work for it. You're going to have to scavenger around our audio to find the clues and put them together. I'm excited about this one actually. I think it's a good one. We might do some version of this every year I think. I feel it. We didn't make you work for it last time. We're making it work for it now 626 Ask TCB the number 31626. Ask TCB 3 questions comments concerns content ideas text them there Ask TCB ask Brian's mom. You know how to do it. You can leave a voicemail also you might be on the show Add the commercial break on Instagram TCB podcast on TikTok and slash the commercial break All right, Chrissy. I guess that's all I can do for today.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I think so. But I will tell you that I love you. I love you. And I will tell you best to you. Best to you. And I'll also say to you, out there, best to you. Best listeners in the podcast universe, Chrissy and I are convinced. Thank you very much for listening.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Until next time, we always say we do say and we must say. Goodbye. Goodbye. we say we do say and we must say goodbye I'm going to go Jellin' and sing Difflow! you

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