The Commercial Break - Come On Down To Tile Town!

Episode Date: November 9, 2023

From Pat Sajak sellin’ tile to doing bumps at a Raiders game, this episode is full to bursting with fair to middling content! Sick kids - get your flu shot! Doin’ cocaine at the Raiders game iPad... fiances on 90 Day Fiance Ask TCB! Finding your situationship on the dating apps… This is a slippery slope, babe! Bryan The Therapist has arrived Appointment TV! 60 minutes Survivor The TV landscape has changed Wtf is crapopolis? Are these shows even real? Krissy and her fancy crab… Bachelor in Paradise, baby! Did any of you know Hell’s Kitchen was shrill on TV…? Bryan’s sweaty Press Your Luck audition LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us at: 1.855.TCB.8383 Call 626.ASK.TCB3 and leave us a voicemail Speak to TCB LIVE by calling 775.TCB.LIVE (1.775.822.5483) Tuesday-Thursday 12pm-5pm EST Watch TCB on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Producer & Audio Editor: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Episodic Contribution: Marianne, Diane, Natalie, Will The Champ, Will D**  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I just want to be dumb. I just want to be so dumb. I just want to be hot and dumb. I don't want to think I'm so jealous of people who are just like dumb. You know what I mean. Like I want to be so brain-time On this episode of the commercial break I Don't find him to be an extraordinarily affable-be-lo person. I agree, he's kind of a c-eric. Yeah. I think he used to do like local commercials for Chicago tile companies. I am Pat Sejack for Chicago tile. Get the best tile of tile tile.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Come on, Dan. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Oh yeah, Kaz again. Welcome back to the commercial break on Ryan Green. This is my dear friend and the fifth member of Andy Frasco and the Frisco 4. Kristen Joy, hopefully best of you, Chris. Best of you, Brian. Best of you out there in the Budgues universe. Coming to you live from Atlanta, not live at all.
Starting point is 00:01:07 From Atlanta. Live recording. Live recording. Recorded live. Recorded live. On our second attempt, because my first attempt, I tried to talk and out came gravel. And we decided rather than turn off the entire audience
Starting point is 00:01:18 by my throaty, mucusy. Yeah, that's a good one. Ah! Ah! Ah! Just! Ah! Ah! Ah! Just getting over the flu.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Jesus, it's been a long two weeks with this family. Oh my God, sayx, when you, you have 10 to 12 children. One of them is always sick. And you know what that means. We take the best precautions. We've learned now. Chris, we're not, I don't think we're very experienced parents, but I think we're getting experience as parents.
Starting point is 00:01:45 We're learning from mistakes. We're learning from mistakes in the past. And one of the mistakes that we've learned from is when flu season starts, flu or strap or whatever, when it starts, you compartmentalize. You don't sleep with the sick children. The sick parents sleep with sick children, non sick parents sleep with non sick children.
Starting point is 00:02:00 You know what I'm saying? That's how it goes. You gotta do it. You gotta compartmentalize. Even so much as to wear a mask around the house sometimes, just so you don't get the other fucking 14 people in this house sick, the problem is it never fucking works. And-
Starting point is 00:02:12 I look against the ventilation. Oh. It's all circulating. I have a bunch of air filters in here now, and they're all circulating. Yeah, it sounds like I'm in a wind tunnel, the whole fucking time. My children will never be able to go to sleep as adults
Starting point is 00:02:24 without some kind of crazy noise happening behind them. Because if blue's not barking, the 14 air filters aren't circulating around the house, the air conditioning's on, the sound machines is on, Brian's got two fans in the room. If something, one of those things is not happening, my kids are not gonna know how to go to sleep on their own. I think I'm fucking them for life, actually.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Silence won't work. No, silence never works. Just silence doesn't work with dad, so how silence gonna work with the kids? I'm just setting an example for them. Ideal, amigo. A-E, but I am. A-E, but I am.
Starting point is 00:02:53 And of course the only two people in the house that don't get sick are my in laws here visiting. Those are the only two. I'm glad. Thank God they were here. Yes. Because after I worked down for the count, I could not, I cannot remember being as sick with the flu.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Since I was a child, I mean, it was just like a terrible, terrible flu. The flu's the worst, you've got the chills, the shakes, you're running a fever, you're coughing, sneezing, sniffling. You got it all, all the things that I was feeling is in, I had to lay in bed for two full days. Thank God my in laws were here, and that afforded me that opportunity.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I can't remember the last time, maybe the time I got terrible cell Manella and turned it to skin and bones. Maybe that time, but besides that, I cannot remember actually taking a full day in bed because of sickness, certainly not with the children around. I'm telling you what,
Starting point is 00:03:41 here is my advice to all the kids, Kat's and kittens out there. Get your flu shot. That's my medical tip. That's right. You got your flu shot, which is why you didn't pick up a flu from this house. Yeah, no, because I was here the whole week.
Starting point is 00:03:56 The day before you got deathly. Yeah, I know, it's crazy. And you know, I go to my fucking physician for my yearly whatever stick your finger in your ass and check your balls type thing. And I go there and I say to them, I go to my fucking physician for my yearly whatever stick a finger in your ass and check your balls type thing and I go there and I say to them. I say to them Hey, should I get the flu shot and the physician's assistant is doing the review of my sagli old crinkly old balls? Says no don't get it yet because you don't want it to lose its efficacy
Starting point is 00:04:23 When the flu season actually starts you want it you want to be in high drive on that flu vaccine when you meet the flu. Well, fuck you, physicians, assistant, because it didn't work. And the only person who didn't get sick in this household that is not a direct family member of mine is the one child that had the flu shot because she just got it, she's young so she got it early. So that's the only person who didn't get the flu. So you know what? A few flu. I got the FU flu, it's what I got. So everybody knows because we put out the announcement that four days a week now Tuesday
Starting point is 00:04:56 through Friday, I'm just reminding everybody to stay through Friday, new episodes of the commercial break. You asked for it, actually no one asked for it, but we gave it to you. I don't want that for it. Not a single person. Like one person one time was like, I wish there were more episodes. I'm taking a 600 day road trip across, you know, all of North America. And I was like, sorry, sorry. But now I decided to listen to her. Three years later, now we have another episode. Yes, you got it. Yeah, put Chrissy and I in the group. This show will kill us yet, kids. It will.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Did you? So I ended up watching a lot of the sports over the weekend, you know, not the world's greatest sports guy, but you know, you're not. If I'm in bed, I might as well watch what's happened. What's happened? What's happened with all the caps, you know what I'm saying? And so I watched some of the college football and I watched some of the professional football
Starting point is 00:05:40 and of course the World Series. And what I, and then I was scrolling through Instagram because Instagram listens to everything that you do. And so I was going through Instagram and that Instagram algorithm must have been like totally and completely confused by my watching habits. You know, my algorithm is usually like housewives, TLC, anything cron, 90 day fiance, anything crazy,
Starting point is 00:06:02 some girl in a bikini, some girl doing a sexual live in a hot tub in five minutes or whatever. Yeah, my God. Using a code language. Using a code language. By the way, now they're popping up in my feed left and right. So I'll check it out and see what I can figure out.
Starting point is 00:06:17 But as if prompted on command, they start showing me all of these fan reactions from football game, college football games, pro football games. Like now all of these like fan reactions from football game college football games pro football games Like now all of a sudden it's filled with a bunch of sports related content and I saw the most Like egregious violation of what I think the everything Drug culture. What's the first rule of drug culture? Don't show drug culture. That's it. Like,
Starting point is 00:06:47 if you're doing illegal narcotics, you don't then alert everybody to the fact that you're doing illegal narcotics. That's correct. If you're an addict, you stay an addict by yourself in silence, that's what you do. That's what the therapist will tell you to do. Stay in silence. Don't tell anybody. This guy at a Raiders game, and I'm, because it's gotten millions of views, I'm sure a lot of the listeners have seen this one on Instagram or TikTok, because it's on TikTok too. A guy at a Raiders game with no shame in his game
Starting point is 00:07:18 takes out a bag of cocaine in the stands and does a bump of cocaine and then like is cheering about it right? I am the Raiders move to Vegas. The Raiders move to Vegas. So of course it does. Of course. Look here. I'm going to show Chrissy a picture. I'm not going to show this video on the commercial break because as if our YouTube channel is not demonetized enough, look at this. Um, look at this watch. Oh my god. He's in the end zone. He's got good seats.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Oh my god. And look at him. He doesn't give a shit. He doesn't give two shits now. He's like, I need a bomb. He's key bumping in the middle of the Raiders game. In the middle of the Raiders game. I mean, how much?
Starting point is 00:08:02 Dumber. Could you be? I'm so excited. Yeah, I'm I'm excited. I don't know how I was reading through the comments and every one of them was so hilarious and they all came from the same Brian
Starting point is 00:08:14 like history and with drugs. Because first of all, I was like in a chair can't go anywhere far away from the action. Can't sing songs, play my guitar in my closet, get a beer, I have to go stand in line for a bit all the things i never want when i'm on cocaine this guy has now trapped himself inside of a football stadium with a thousand other screaming people
Starting point is 00:08:33 note but christie's not there to change the music every three seconds right what are we going to do how first of all it's just bad etiquette to show everybody that you do drugs like that it's just that has friend that was taking the video? Yes, his friend is taking the video and screaming at him. Get off the road!
Starting point is 00:08:51 Rochambul! Bumps and bruises, baby, bumps and bruises. Dude, no! Stop! You're gonna root it for the rest of everybody. Stop! Go to your house in a dark closet and be paranoid about the police showing up. At least go to the bathroom. Yes! Stop. Go to your house in a dark closet and be paranoid about the police showing up.
Starting point is 00:09:05 And we just go to the bathroom. Yes. Please. Go to the bathroom. Go to a corner, get out of the stadium. All I could think of was not how dumb this guy is, because you'd be arrested at any moment for something like that, right?
Starting point is 00:09:18 And he's showing his face on camera. It now has millions of views. I'm sure he's fired from his job. He's probably divorced with his wife and someone's getting custody of the kids. You know what I'm saying? This guy just ruined his life over a bump of cocaine at the Raiders game at the Raiders game. You're in Vegas. There are literally
Starting point is 00:09:33 Casino rooms that are dedicated to bumps and cocaine. If you know, you know, you know what I'm saying? Like, and then this guy is being such a fucking idiot. He's gonna ruin it for the rest of us, but that's not what Brian was thinking. Brian took himself instantaneously, put himself in the place of that gentleman, and the only thing I could think about is how tweaked out he must be right now. To do that. Yeah, stop right there. He probably had just been up all night and was not thinking clearly.
Starting point is 00:09:57 But, you know, he's like, I gotta stay awake. But doesn't that make it worse? Doesn't it make it worse if he's like all tweaked out and fallen out at the game? Yeah. You know how crusty and crack, I mean, you don't know, I know. I know how crusty and cragly you get, you know, after having a long night at the, you know, hoopplosh shop.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I know how that goes, and I'm telling you right now, it's not a good feeling, it's a feeling of paranoia and total instability, and you can sit still for one second, and all you wanna do is play your epic three-core guitar song for six hours in a row because you're writing lyrics that are meaningful to the world. So, as this concept album gets out, I'm going to be rich and famous. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:10:35 This guy has a really bad idea of what a good time on cocaine is and I think he needs to be punished for that, not for the cocaine. They end up adding in themselves, they deserve an arrest. But because he broke the drug culture, number one rule, you do drugs and silence and don't tell anybody and stop that. And you got something on your nose, bro. You know what I'm saying? Well, that was crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:58 When I was 20 years old and running around like an idiot like that, I'll tell you what, man, we did the fucking, you know, the cavern checks every five minutes, we were on each other, like, it broke, you got a little runny runny, you know what I'm saying, running, running, hit the bathroom. You know what I'm saying, put a little water up there.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I had a friend who always put water up there, and I'm like, what are you doing? You're just making him nose more runny. What do you think that water's just gonna go to your brain or something? It's gonna come right back out and it always did without fail. But every time he would get a glass of water, he'd be dipping his fingers in a glass of water in a bar or something. And I'm like, is that, if that, as if the white stuff falling out of your nose isn't obvious enough,
Starting point is 00:11:37 you're now pouring water in your nostrils. Nothing water. Yeah. You're not swimming in the dead sea, bro. You're at a bar. You don't need to put water off your nose. It's all good. Just go to the bathroom and blow it. Like the rest of us, I just, it, and then I went down this rabbit hole of bad behavior at games. That's where it came. It is out. I'm fucking control. I, I would not take, I would love to
Starting point is 00:12:03 see this rabbit hole the the Atlanta Falcons i think have a pretty good reputation fan wise like i think the fans here's the thing about a lanza and i've said this before on the show uh... years ago when we were going through a lot of uh... strife across the country with a lot of protests stirring uh... trumps time in office and over it is a lot of protests during Trump's time in office and over. There's a lot of civil disobedience going on, 2020.
Starting point is 00:12:30 But Atlanta seemed to miss the worst parts of that. People really seem to keep their head on the shoulders, the protests happen, but not a lot of them got violent and outrageous, except for one where they destroyed the CNN center and some buildings around in civil disobedience. They broke windows and looted and stuff like that, the protesters. But the next morning, the most amazing thing happened is that I'm watching the 6am newscast and out there are a couple of citizens with
Starting point is 00:12:59 trash bags and- Right, cleaning up. And they were cleaning up. And by the noon newscast, that was 1,000 people if not more that were out there helping to clean that up. Not the people who own the building, citizens. And all of them said the same thing. This is not Atlanta. We don't do this. I think Atlanta is just a very cool city.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Like I think, I don't know, I think it's a really, I think we're kind of like a, I don't know how to say this without sounding condescending, but like a bastion of level headedness. Pragmatic pragmatist is what we are around here. AKA too lazy to get riled up about a sports game. You know what I'm saying? We just don't do that. Except for that one time.
Starting point is 00:13:42 We do let them come and go too. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, except for that one time. We do let them come and go too. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, yeah, that's true. We do. We don't. We also don't put a lot of emphasis on our sports teams. Because I don't see if it do a lot of winning. But you know, Hawks games, Falcons games, Braves. Braves games. Yeah, the Braves do win. There was at one time the playoffs when the Braves had to stop the game for 45 minutes
Starting point is 00:14:02 because they were throwing bottles of beer because they don't made a bad phone call. I don't know, a phone call. The bad call. That's the got some flu medication run through me. But I think at LAN, if I feel safe to me to go to any of those sports events. However, there are some places in this country where you would catch me dead bringing one of my children to one of those sports games. One of the videos I saw, which just happened this weekend on Sunday, I think, it's at Philly Stadium, not the Philly Stadium, the Eagle Stadium. Is that the Eagle Stadium? Is that the Dallas game? Was it Dallas versus the Eagle?
Starting point is 00:14:39 Yesterday. I don't know. Was it the Eagles versus Dallas? Okay. When they were playing at Eagle Stadium, is that right? It's out. Okay, so the video, a little bit out of context, just starts with a bunch of guys in the bathroom police officers walking in.
Starting point is 00:14:53 They smack open one of the stall doors, and in there is a guy having sex with a girl. That girl looks like she's 12 years old, and I'm not even kidding you. But she's not, it turns out she's 28 years old, I'm not even kidding you. Oh my God. But she's not. It turns out she's 28 years old, right? This was not one of those things, but she just looked really young. But you can imagine being like a concerned citizen and you see this, see two people walking into the stall that you call. But apparently they got kicked out of the ballpark, the football park because the football park.
Starting point is 00:15:22 They got kicked out of the park. Is everyone okay over there? It's me, a poked her head in. Oh, she's good. She just wanted to check in. Yeah. Yeah. Because they were, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:34 lured conduct in there, right? Then I see endless and endless and endless videos in California, in Chicago, in Philadelphia, in Boston, of people beating each other up at games. I mean, like bad big brawls that are happening. I saw one where a guy got thrown, like four, you know, four levels down, like somebody just picked him up and tossed him four seats forward. And I was like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And all of these start over just some dumb behavior at a football game or a basketball game or a baseball game. Yeah, drunken behavior. Drunken behavior. I can imagine. We cannot collectively hold our liquor as a country. We just can't do it. I just don't get, I never thought that I would have to fear
Starting point is 00:16:20 going to a professional sports game. And now I wonder if there's any reason to go to a personal sports game. Well now, I wonder if there's any reason to go to a personal sports game. We weren't going before, so. No, I wasn't. It's a no real loss to you. Now there's a new episode of 90 Day Fiancé. What am I doing here?
Starting point is 00:16:37 I got 90 Day Fiancé. Speaking of that last resort, oh my God. Oh, hi. Chrissy. I mean, I know I was sending you the pictures, but I can stop laughing. It's too funny. I mean, they had that one guy on an iPad, carding him around with a selfie stick. Like, he's a person. And it's just a video of him, like it said, mind blown, mind blown. Jeff, last time I go, hey, honey, I go.
Starting point is 00:17:05 I realize there was a new the last episode. Yeah. And I said, hey, honey, I'll go. If you wanted to keep watching the game, I'll get there. I'm good with it. And he goes, now he's like, I'm ready to go to bed. He goes, oh, you got to show. Yeah, I go to there.
Starting point is 00:17:19 And I was like, yeah, he ended up coming in and watching a little bit of it. He was like, what's going on? Who's that? And what I go, well, do you really want to go? I really want to know when he goes, no. Yes. Yes. I was like, that's right.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Oh my God. The great divide has happened. So I had to tell him about Jovian Yara and Michael and Angelina. All right. All these people. Hold on, let me prep this real quick. Last resort, 90-day last resort is one version of 90-day fiancee.
Starting point is 00:17:47 The couples in previous seasons of 90-day fiancee get together on an island, the couples that are still together, get together. They're all having marital problems. There's like six couples. They get on this island, they have therapists, they play games. Basically, it's just drama dumping is what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Yes. Right, and so, but they get together. One of the couples is Angela and Michael. Michael lives in Africa. It's just drama dumping is what they're doing. Yes. Right? And so, but they get together. One of the couples is Angela and Michael. Michael lives in Africa. Nigeria. Nigeria. He cannot get to.
Starting point is 00:18:12 He can't get out. He can't get out. That's about a Nigeria. So, I like Michael. I should think he's from it. I don't know how he's shut up, but he's wedding-guard. I know. So, he can't get out.
Starting point is 00:18:24 So, what is the producers at TLC picked the most ingenious device to show him in? What they do is they get a tripod basic, a rolling tripod and they put a big old iPad on it. Like the big kind of iPad you can get. And so anytime there's a couple's activity, It's everybody and my go on a In the last episode spoiler alert in the last episode they do a recommitment ceremony to the marriage and Angela is like hugging and kissing It's so fucking funny. It's so fucking funny. I was cracking up. And there was an episode before that. It was hilarious too, because they went on this like boat excursion.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yes. And they used to hear, and everybody got into a fight. Everyone's screaming and yelling. Michael's there on the high-fat. And Angel's like putting him in the middle of the fight with the high-fat. Tell him, Michael. Oh, Angela, Angela. No, Angela.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Don't want to be a powder, Angela. He's so funny. He is the best. He's my spirit animal. Michael is my spirit animal. He's just great. I mean, it was highly entertaining for those of you who have not watched the last resort. It's on the HBO Max thing and it's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:19:46 You gotta watch it. And for those of you keeping score at home, this is now the 212th episode of the commercial break where 90 days can't say it has been mentioned. It's just so good. It is, let's take a quick break. It will be back with more fun and eye jinks. Right after this message.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah, Brian, we get it. But back to me, I mean, this T-C-B promo. Leave us a voicemail at 626, ask T-C-B3, and you might just hear yourself on the show. Wanna text us instead? Lucky for you, we also have a number just for that. Text us at 855-TCB-8383 and give us compliments. You can also always go to for all of our audio and video.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Find us on Instagram at the Commercial Break and on TikTok at tcvpodcast. And find us on slash the commercial break for fully edited episodes. Now that that's done, let's listen to a few sponsors and get back to this episode of the commercial break. Now that that's done, let's listen to a few sponsors and get back to this episode of The Commercial Break. This episode is sponsored in part by Regain, Couples Therapy, by BetterHelp. So, you've been dating someone for a little while, maybe you've been in a relationship for a year or two, and you're starting to hit some of those rough patches, those bumps and bruises, miscommunications. We've all been there, I've been there, and sometimes we're not equipped to handle those
Starting point is 00:21:06 miscommunications, those little bumps and bruises. It's difficult to see the force through the trees, even with someone we really care about. It's 2023. There's no shame in therapy, as a matter of fact, I've used couples therapy to help me communicate more effectively and deepen my relationships. And here is the crazy part, at least from my perspective. Relationship therapy has actually been just as effective when everything is deep in my relationships. And here is the crazy part, at least from my perspective. Relationship therapy has actually been just as effective when everything is great in
Starting point is 00:21:29 my relationship, and it certainly has helped when things aren't so great in the relationship. In experienced and licensed therapists can help you walk through those rough patches and give both you and your partner some clarity. I swear by therapy and couples therapy is no different and better help. The leading online therapy brand now has regained couples therapy. It's private, it's online, you can do it on your own time, your own schedule in your own way, from your own home, or wherever. You just fill out a brief questionnaire and then you get matched to a licensed therapist and you can switch therapists at any time for free. Some of the best relationship advice I've ever heard was go to couples therapy.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Because the best relationships are worth fighting for, try something new in therapy. Visit slash BTY today to get 10% off. Your first month. That's slash BTY as in best to you. slash BTY. Alright, and we're back. Chrissy, we have the best fans in the world. And Astrid said she spent a good couple of hours responding to people who wanted piggy fronting stickers, which is just insane to me. And one person said that they were in the healthcare industry and they really wanted to, if
Starting point is 00:22:59 not, have a bunch of 21 EPM stickers. Allow us to allow her, I think it was her. Right. For health reasons. Yeah, to use the logo that we made for the 21 EPM stickers so that she could give them out at work promoting men's health, which I thought this is fucking insane. Do you realize that this, it's really an out of body experience when something you say, like piggy fronting or 21 EPMs or whatever
Starting point is 00:23:26 becomes you know like uh yeah it goes out there and it's now like a cultural lore like I want that so I can show people cultural lore. I can show cultural folklore. DCB used to be the funniest podcast in all the land. That was until they died in an unfortunate studio fire. Just 5,000 short episodes into their career. They don't leave it. They don't. They don't. Too young. That's a sticker I want when I've gone gone too soon or maybe not. But we do have the best fans in the world. I just want to give an update. So the piggy fronting is in production.
Starting point is 00:24:12 The company that makes the stickers for us is going to send those stickers. So I want everyone just to know that they're on their way. I imagine with the people who are making these stickers, think when they see this, yeah, when they see a outline of Teresa Caputo's hair, they're like, biggy friends. Is this legal? We call the FBI. Right. We alert the authorities. Does Teresa know about this? Maybe the same company makes Teresa stickers, which is why they're late to the door. Not sure, but they are coming and you know how to get your 21, you know how to get
Starting point is 00:24:43 your free sticker, go to the website and all that But I just wanted to share that we do have some of the best fans in the world I love them to death is been a long time since we didn't ask tcb They've been building up as they do and I know I can't get to I know Here I thought I was ready to have Jack Omania for the next 90 days and I got struck with the flu I was gonna get his ball snipped. That didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I know. I was like, how did surgery go? I didn't get it. You're like, great. I had flu. Yeah, they went in and got my flu. I wish they could have gone. I swear that was the worst I've felt
Starting point is 00:25:17 and so long. It was terrible. Terrible. It came on quick too. Like it was like. It does hit you. It was Wednesday night. I started feeling a little
Starting point is 00:25:26 Thursday morning. I wake up. I felt you know still that little aches. I love the headache. I won't wait. Oh Don't wake up I'm still on that music next shit. That shit does throw you for a loop doesn't it? Yeah that Dexter Morphin or whatever It is I see why people drink that shit to get high. I mean, I don't want this kind of like you know Can't get up off the bed kind of high that I had a couple days ago, but it does start you for a little bit of a loop. Makes your head kind of spinny a little bit.
Starting point is 00:25:52 But we've not done an STCB in a while. There are some questions that I just can't get to and I apologize for that, but I thought that one came through and I thought it was urgent. So because it was urgent, I felt like we needed to address it. Immediately, this one came in on the phone line. through and I thought it was urgent. So because it was urgent, I felt like we needed to address it immediately. This one came in on the phone line. So I transcribed it and I took out
Starting point is 00:26:12 any identifying personal information though the person who wrote us did a good job. He did a good job of doing that himself. But there were a few things in there. So some of this is paraphrased, ready? Okay, I'm ready. Dear TCB, I love the show. Love you both, but Chrissy is a legend. Legend all caps by the way. Wow. I put that because it was a fun
Starting point is 00:26:31 that fits. I put that. But the way he said it was legend. Oh, I like it. Here's my dilemma. I've been seeing a guy for about two years. This is a gay gentleman, he's got a partner. I've been seeing a guy for about two years. Believe it or not, we keep it simple and casual. We see each other two times a week and always have fun together. He's a great guy to take out to parties or for a social function. And I've never felt pressure to quote, unquote,
Starting point is 00:26:55 take it to the next level. No hassle, no hassle. His words, no hassle, no hassle, I like it. I can do it. We agreed to keep it light and frothy in the beginning and it's been a true joy to have a no strings attached friendship with benefits. Yeah, plus one.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yeah, plus one. That's right. A situation ship, if you will, which I think he actually uses later on in the conversation. However, as time has gone on, our friends and family members, our social circles and even our co-workers have identified us as a couple. As they would, that's a thing, right? I totally get it. You see two young gay studs holding hands at a couple. As they would, that's a thing, right? I totally get it. You see two young gay studs holding hands at a party.
Starting point is 00:27:28 You'd think the same thing. I actually really understood when you and Chrissy told the story about the Ferris Wheel ride you took together while working together. You can't keep the tabs from keeping tabs. It took me a minute to get this one, but you can't keep the tabloids from keeping tabs. Uh-huh, that means all the look you lose,
Starting point is 00:27:44 all the gossip pounds. I know who you are out there. It needs all the look he lose, all the gods of pounds. I know who you are out there. Rags. Luckily, Chrissy and I stay out of that drama. Let me take a sip of water so I don't start getting gravel on my throat. Bottom line, we may not have started out as a couple, but we have become one.
Starting point is 00:28:01 At least to everyone else, we appear to be a pair. Little background, I'm 31 years old. I've only had one serious boyfriend, and that was in high school. I'm not the kind, I'm not a monogamy kind of person in general, maybe because of my experiences, maybe because I've never thought it necessary. I don't mind pairing up just like breeders do,
Starting point is 00:28:22 but I just haven't seen the need or had the desire with my partners to be exclusive. There enough. Fair enough. I'm so far with you, bro. I'm with you. 100%. All that said, after two years, I certainly do have the feels for my man. It's hard to stay unemotional and unattached with a person you spend so much time with. Yes, it is. Last week, my friend came over for dinner and we were putting our fingers on the scrolls of the dating apps. It's a fun, putting our fingers on the scrolls of the day.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I didn't know where the finger was going. No, I just, I love the way he talks. I think it's great. Okay, so last week, my friend came over for dinner and we were putting our fingers on the scrolls of the dating apps. It's a fun game to play when you're drunk. Brian, you should, okay, so last week my friend came over for dinner and we're putting our fingers on the scrolls of the dating apps. It's a fun game to play when you're drunk. Brian, you should try it sometime.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And he said, I see you, Brian. I got my radar sweeping your areas. Oh, you and a bunch of other people, my friend, you and my wife, both of you. They're keeping tabs on my high-predelections. Well, as we were swiping, we came across none other than my man. I was so fucking pissed. Oh, wait, so they're both scrolling and then they both came across him. Let me say this just to make it more clear. Another friend came over forever.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Oh, another friend came over. They were playing a game that they liked to play with a fake dating app profile where they go and they look at all the guys that are out there. Yeah, okay. So they were scrolling and they came upon his, quote, unquote, situation.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Yeah. Guy, right? So they come upon his guy. I know that we never agreed to be exclusive, but I thought he was feeling some type of way about me also. It totally shattered my perfect image of our situation. I did not say a word to him the next night as we met to go to a function.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I did not know what to say or how to approach the subject, though I was giving him the ICL bow all night long on the DL. I guess the ICL bow is like a cold shoulder, on the it's an ICL bow. It's an ICL bow. Does that mean pulling your elbow away I guess the IC elbow is like a cold shoulder, on the it's an AC elbow. It's IC elbow. Does that mean pulling your elbow away? Yeah, just giving them like a touch. Yeah, don't touch me.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Get away from it. I'm unpleased with you, but I'm not going to express why, because that would be good communication, and that's not allowed here. Right, we all know the game. We've been in a relationship, you know the game. I don't want to say something,
Starting point is 00:30:41 but I'm just not good. Rather than have a mature conversation about our relationship, I'm just not going to talk at all. Yes, I'm going to leave you in the dark because I know that hurts you deep down inside. You're begging for mommy to come back. This week, I decided to make my own little bait profile, complete with a picture of a guy.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I know my guy would be attracted to and wouldn't you know it, we matched within a day. A day. He is active and responding on this platform. How long has this been going on? How blind have I been the whole time? Am I totally outside the box on how he views our quote unquote thing?
Starting point is 00:31:22 Be in K, I need your help. What in the world do I do? Do I break things off? Do I continue to catfish his ass and see if he mentions me in the messages? Do I go about life and get back into the game myself or am I just being crazy? PS, don't you dare tell me this is a communication issue.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I'm a grown ass adult who doesn't get into drama dumping parties and I know that we communicate well. Anyway, Tom, please help. Best of you, Feeling Lost in London. Feeling lost in London. Feeling lost in London. Okay. So, let's break this down.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Yeah, there's a couple of thoughts that I have for one. He's on the dating side. He made the profile to, just to be clear, he the first profile was a fake profile that his friend had to just peruse the dating apps. And then the second profile. But he's still on the dating app. Fair enough, right?
Starting point is 00:32:16 Fair enough. But if you're playing a little bit of a game, like, okay, you come over and you're single, right? Or whoever comes over and they're single and they're on the dating apps, or, you know, they have, you know, I get the point of it. Let's see if we can find your brother, right? Let's see if we can find your sister.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Yes, yes. I get the point of it, but I kind of do agree with you a little bit. Go on with your point. Okay, well, then also too, and I have to, you know, it might have been one of these things to where they never really talked about it,
Starting point is 00:32:40 and then now it's two years later, and now it's hard to talk about it. He also says that he's not into monogamy. So is he not being a monogamous ether? I think we need a little bit more information on his situation. Like is he he's not being he is being monogamous to the partner. He it sounds like he is being monogamous to the partner that he was an end of monogamy That's what he says, but he I think what he's implying here is that he there he's monogamous by default like He's just become monogamous like he's not the other guy was doing it too. That's right. He mentions in The message that he feels like They just kind of became a pair
Starting point is 00:33:25 because they're seeing each other couple times a week they always got the functions together he's the plus one right and so he always i think he felt like it grew into something and then only when confronted with the reality of non-monogamy did he realize that maybe monogamy is what he wanted the entire right why don don't you throw it away?
Starting point is 00:33:45 I don't think you know away this whole thing. No, no, no. You've built up two years. There's a reason you have... Yeah. There's a reason blue keeps barking at you. And your story. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:33:58 It's crazy. There's a reason that you've stayed around this song. Yeah. For two years, it looks like you guys have fun together. Everybody, you know, thinks you're together, you're kind of playing off that energy. I agree. So, don't think you break it off. No.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I don't like, you can't do the I-C-L-BO, forever. So, either you kind of accept, okay, he's doing this. I mean, if you don't want to go down the communication path. Exactly. Communications off the table. Then you either kind of accept it or you don't. Yeah. London guy, London bro, I got to tell you something. I think I agree with Chrissy, 100% here. Like in all seriousness, the reality of communication is that you never express to him directly as per your conversation. You never express to him directly
Starting point is 00:34:50 that you wanted to be in a monogamous relationship. You agreed in the beginning to keep it light and frothy and you never updated that conversation. And because you never updated that conversation, you can't now be angry that his expectations around what the relationship or situation was are different than yours because he's his own person. He's gonna do his own thing and left his own devices. Maybe he feels like, I don't know what's gonna come of this.
Starting point is 00:35:14 We're not any more serious than we were on day one. All we do is go out to parties and functions together and probably have sex and all that. And I want to find something more meaningful or just have some more fun. So I think that this is definitely a communication issue. And I hate to throw it right back in your face, but it's a communication issue. You got to bring it up.
Starting point is 00:35:33 You have to bring it up. Yeah, you just have to say. You got to say, I mean, I would almost screenshot it. I'm good. Okay. Found you on here. I didn't realize you were still these apps,L or whatever. And you know, let's. And then see what he says.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And then you got to tell them the truth about the fact that he's being catfished by you. Yes, yeah. And that you made them perform a dangerous path. This is entrapment actually. Yeah, you're going to the dangerous path. Totally. Totally. There's one thing to see somebody know they're on their pathetic catfish,
Starting point is 00:36:05 and it's you. This brings up a good point, totally unrelated but kind of related. You know how TLC only does 90 day fiance shows? Well MTV only does catfish shows now also. It's like it's on 24 hours a day on that show. And I've watched a couple of episodes of catfish and it's my lean retaining or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:24 But the reality is you get drawn into this whole catfishing thing to catch your partner doing something wrong. You're going to find yourself being a catfish of the guy that you really like. Yes. Stop it. Just connect a profile, delete it. Because if you want to be in a Merman-Gibberish relationship,
Starting point is 00:36:40 then you have to show him that you're ready for a monogamous relationship. And being on the dating apps, catfishing your own boyfriend is not a good idea. No, it's not. No, that's hard to bring out later. Oh, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Yeah. By the way. Listen, remember that guy, I know about that guy you were talking to, it was me. Yes. You remember that one time? That's not guy. You got that one time? That hot guy, you got that good from? Big conversation about you and I being monogamous,
Starting point is 00:37:09 three years ago, and you also remember that hot guy that you're still talking to on the dating app? He happens to be me. Yeah. So you're not doing a very good job on monogamy right now. I think you're gonna get yourself in a pickle here if you're not careful.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Communication is the only way to solve this problem and clearly you have not communicated correctly your opinion. Listen, you can't cry over spilled milk. You can't be upset that you got what you wanted and that didn't work out how you exactly thought it would, right? You thought you guys were just gonna be monogamous and stay, you know, I guess arms length away
Starting point is 00:37:42 from each other forever, but when faced with the reality, you quickly change your mind. That's okay. People change their minds all the time. No problem. You found out your deeper feelings for this guy than you thought you did. Make sense. Have a conversation with them. Make sense after two years that you would be emotionally invested and you
Starting point is 00:37:57 would want something more with this person. But if you're not telling them, they, there, no one's a mind reader. I mean, I know I talked to Jeff last night about something and I go, don't you know that's the way he goes? No, I can't believe you can't read my mind. I mean, and that's the thing everybody has to keep in mind that no one else can read your mind. It's a hunt.
Starting point is 00:38:18 You're a hundred percent for what someone else is thinking, but you're never going to know unless you talked to him about it. What someone else is thinking, but you're never gonna know unless you talk to him about it. You I I think my personal opinion is I think that you have been hurt in some If it was just that one relationship in high school a relationship with the close family member whatever you have been hurt and you are family member No, not like a Relationship you family member. No, not like a relationship. You you. You you
Starting point is 00:38:48 another turn in lower Alabama. You live in lower London where things like this. I don't know if family member was involved. You live in the river Tames and you have sex with other fish. I don't know. What I meant by that was you've been damaged by some relationship. Like we all You have sex with other fish. I don't know. What I meant by that was you've been damaged by some relationship. Like we all have, right?
Starting point is 00:39:08 Some abandonment issues somewhere. And the reason why you may not have, I'm just total conjecture here, because this is, I'm Brian on a therapist, a licensed therapist, licensed in my own head, licensed by the accredited committee of crap. Licensed by the notebook.
Starting point is 00:39:24 He was at one, when they were doing the hotels and the hotel was a credit. Are we doing the therapists? Was accredited by the National Association of almost therapists? Yeah, and quick of letters. Oh yeah, so I think there's some real fear there of getting hurt
Starting point is 00:39:45 which may make it difficult for you to have that conversation about codifying a monogamous relationship. And I believe that you are now feeling like you are going to lose him. So your fear of abandonment is on high alert. And you don't know what to do. You're spinning a little bit.
Starting point is 00:40:03 So stop spinning get yourself together Yeah, reset put on your makeup Get in there Tell this guy. I really want to be with you. I want us to be together I want us to be exclusive. It's two years. I like you. I love you Whatever have that conversation with him bear it all and you'll either gonna get the bandaid off the bandaid ripped off really quickly Or it's you're gonna walk off into the sunset just as you should. So, and my guess is, if you talk to him in a serious manner like this,
Starting point is 00:40:31 even have no idea who this person is or what their personality is like, I can read minds. So, my opinion is that you're gonna find a pleasant reaction that you never surprised. Maybe he's feeling the same way and the reason why he created the profile was to protect himself for the day that you were gonna say, well, it's been nice, but gotta go now.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Well, because I bet who in the beginning of them, you know, getting together and there's this situation, it was he probably, London guy probably expressed, I am not monogamous, I want nothing to do with him and I'm just not my thing. And so that's what's been carried over for two years. Well, you know, it's-
Starting point is 00:41:10 Like you said, you didn't update the situation. That's right. It's like having a contract, right? You have a contract, you can't then change the terms of the contract halfway through unless you sit down with the other party and have a conversation. And let me tell you something about contract negotiation
Starting point is 00:41:23 because I am also a licensed contract negotiator. Yes you are. Is that, you know, you can change the contract by yourself. You can do that. But you're gonna be the only one that knows about it. So when you don't get paid that extra $50,000 a month that you're asking for, don't be surprised. You then can't be angry that they're paying somebody else's
Starting point is 00:41:42 money to do something. You know what I'm saying? It's like our podcast contract means nothing means nothing. It means nothing. All right, let's take our second break. And then we'll be back with the, I don't know, Chris, he's going to tell us of high sales of the secretive story. Yes, old lore from the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:42:03 We'll be back. Yes, old lore from the commercial break. We'll be back. Okay podcast besties, time for one more quick break and then it's back to the drama. Check out for all of our episodes and slash the commercial break for fully edited video episodes. Find us on Instagram at the commercial break and on Tech Talk at TCB Podcast. And of course, if you want to get in touch with us, which like, of course you do, leave us a voicemail at 626-ask-TCB3 or text us at 855-TCB-8383.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Now, let's listen to some sponsors and get this show going. All right, Anne, we're back. Chrissy, I thought I thought of you started like a little thing here on the commercial break. You know, I want to stay happy enough with all the kids and make what they're doing. And, you know, I got children myself. So I'm going to have to eventually become literate in all of these text message codes and what the kids are watching and what the kids are listening to and all this. So I thought we'd take a moment and let's review the top 25 most popular television shows on television.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Now I know it's totally ghost to watch television. Like no one watches television anymore, everyone streams everything. But there are still people, mainly over 70, who watch television. And I thought, let's go down. Like appointment TV? Like appointment TV, that's right. They're actually watching it when it happens on television, according to Nielsen. I thought we would just read through it,
Starting point is 00:43:33 and we'll see if these any of these shows are interesting to us. If we know them, if we watch them, just to give the listeners an update on what's going on and kind of go through it ourselves. What do you think? Yeah, let's do it. All right, so this is for last week's ratings. The number one show, the number one network show
Starting point is 00:43:50 last week was 60 minutes. Oh, you want 60 minutes? I catch it every once in a while. I don't religiously watch it. You know, I record it, but just to feel like I'm informed. Just to feel smart. That's just a feel smart. Like, you know, my parents watched 60 minutes.
Starting point is 00:44:08 It's been around forever. My parents watched it. And they do have sometimes great stories on that. No, they usually do, actually, but yeah, I catch it. Like, because there's games, the only time I catch it is like after a football game is ended. Football game golf. Something, and it just comes on.
Starting point is 00:44:24 It comes on, right? That's exactly what that. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Football game golf, something, and it just comes on. It comes on, right? That's exactly with it. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, in 1922, this man survived falling off the Niagara Falls waterfall. Tonight, I'll get inside of his head and figure out why he did it and why he's attempting it again at 99 years old. I saw something too. I think it was on John Oliver a while back and now I've noticed that all the time when these interview shows and that's where the interviewer says, and so this happened to you and blah blah blah and the interviewee says and repeats it back
Starting point is 00:45:02 like and then yeah, yeah, that's exactly what happens. Yes. They repeat it, just back to each other. They do, it's a leading question. Yeah, sometimes. And so next you fell off the waterfall. And next I fell off the waterfall. That's right, I fell off the waterfall.
Starting point is 00:45:18 It happens every time I'm reading. And then they'll cut away to some bee footage of the waterfall. Amazingly enough, he fell off the waterfall. Here's a picture taken of his broken and mangled body in 1929. It's a barrel. Did you think you were going to make it? I did think I was going to make it. I thought I was going to make he thought he was going to make it.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Cut away to be role. They do. They do it. But they have to cover the story in 13 do it. I do it all the time. But they have to cover the story in 13 minutes and you'll get it all in and get the points in. But I do find the 60 minutes is at least one of the more kind of reliable news sources out there. Oh yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:45:55 They tackle the big questions, none of which we talk about here on the commercial break. We're not the 60 minutes of five traffic. New, new. We are not the 60 minutes of podcasting. Neeeeeeereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereereere show was still fucking high it is I see the promo is for it and you know survivor I remember thinking when the show first came out like there's no way people are gonna watch that but then they didn't know it's huge and I watched it for a period of a few years I think but then
Starting point is 00:46:36 I got tired of it I mean yeah I just it's I don't want to see people surviving I like the guy who hosted that Jeff Probe Sky is that Jeff Probe's. Yeah, I think he's a character. But they blow out your tiki torch. Yeah. People take it so seriously too. It's been extinguished. I did a little research. You may leave the island.
Starting point is 00:46:55 You may now leave the island. We'll bring you back in two weeks. And for another show, that's where that combines all the losers. That's right. You've been voted back on the island. Because the ratings went down. That's what happens on all these shows, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:12 Bachelor, Big Brother, Bachelor of Paradise, whatever it is. Oh my God, Asperd's got me, like, she's in bed at night watching that. The Golden? No, not the Golden one, but the Bachelors in Paradise. Oh. And it is the most ridiculous fucking television.
Starting point is 00:47:27 I mean, honestly, I watched some shit ass TV. This is shit shit ass TV. And literally the last week or two weeks ago, the girl had to leave because she couldn't poop or something. It was like a whole storyline about poop. And I was like, this is an episode of the commercial break. What are we doing? But they have the bartender on there
Starting point is 00:47:45 who's like the friendly guy who talks to everybody. He is just so fucking funny. Honestly, he's so fucking funny. Okay, so didn't know Survivor was on, get this. Survivor is the number two show of the week and they have 5.85 million people tune in. There are YouTube videos of donkey dicks that get more than 5.5 million people to watch them.
Starting point is 00:48:08 A man, how television at landscape has changed. I can understand why everyone's a little bit concerned about where their paycheck is going because it seems like the ratings are great, but it doesn't equal a lot of people watching, right? Dancing with the stars is number three. Never watched the show. It's always that there, I did watch a few seasons of that. I mean I found it semi-interesting. Yeah I find it semi-not interesting. Okay. Yeah I just don't like I'm not interested.
Starting point is 00:48:32 semi-interesting means also semi-not interesting. Yeah that's true. It's happening. I find it full not interesting. This website is a shitty website it keeps closing out. This website is a shitty website. It keeps closing out. Just kidding them. I'm not gonna say. Survivor comes in it. Oh, dancing with the stars. The voice and the voice. The voice. Come in at two or two and three. They're Monday and Tuesdays or three and four. They're Monday and Tuesday episodes. I don't know. I don't watch the voice either.
Starting point is 00:49:03 It's just not interesting to me. Is it interesting to you at all? No, I think I'm burnt out on all the musical. Like the American Idol was like the gold standard of shitty musical television shows. And your star search really was kind of beautiful. I would take star search over American Idol and the voice, I take a remake of that all day long
Starting point is 00:49:23 because it was a true variety show. They didn't just have singers. And you can say whatever that is, America's got talent. But America's got talent is like a hammy, hokey, weird show that I just never got into. But I'm not into any of that. I just can't believe whenever I catch like promos of these shows, like the judges.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Yes. They're like, what? They're doing that now. Oh. Yeah, the judges change all the time. Like the voice, I guess they kicked out, and not kicked out, but they changed the other ones. Yeah. The golden bachelor comes in in number seven.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I've heard a lot about the golden bachelor. I haven't watched it, but I might get into watching that. You go on the golden bachelor. I mean, you know what I've heard? I've heard. You know what I've read in trashy entertainment online blogs? I've read that the golden bachelor is the raunchiest bachelor yet. Really?
Starting point is 00:50:15 And that the golden bachelor is the best bachelor yet. Okay, well, I've heard been here in the same thing too. And apparently by the ratings they've got something, right? The masked singer. The masked singer. So what is that all about? here in the same thing too. And apparently by the ratings they have, they've got something, right? The masked singer. The masked singer. So, what is that all about? My parents used to watch this and they kind of got me into it for a while.
Starting point is 00:50:32 I don't, I don't catch the new seasons now, but for that one season I was watching and it's, it's kind of interesting. Is it? Is it? Is it? Or is it? Yes it is. So, tell me, because I don't know. Yeah, like, it? Yes it is.
Starting point is 00:50:46 So tell me, because I don't know. Yeah, like somebody comes out, it's a, so it's a famous singer, but you don't know who it is. I mean, it's usually not somebody who's like, super, it's not Lady Gaga. Okay. It's, you know, but it's- But didn't Lady Gaga come one time? I don't know. I feel like I made that up in my head or maybe it happened, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I was in a fever dream for two days, so don't mind me. It's somebody, it's usually a singer, but sometimes it's just like an actor too I think. And they get out there and they sing, but they're dressed up, they're masked. Okay. So you don't know who they are. And you have to guess who they are and there's different clues and things. I don't know. But aren't the people-'t the people guessing celebrities?
Starting point is 00:51:28 And who really wins? Yeah, it will reach celebrities. They also have to answer questions in a weird voice from what I remember. Okay, yeah, I don't, I get, I mean, whatever. I'm not. It just doesn't seem interesting to me. I think they go to a charity. They're winnings. I think they go to a charity, they're winning.
Starting point is 00:51:46 I hope they go to a charity because it would be like a really shitty contest if rich people were just getting more rich off other rich people showing up behind a mask and then the unmasked singer, I'd see the commercials for it, but I just don't understand it. Like, who cares that they're singing?
Starting point is 00:51:59 Can't we just have behind a screen? Like, why do we have to have all those weird costumes? Oh, yeah, they have their funny costumes. Okay, so number eight, or number nine is the crap opalus, which is on Fox. I have no idea. I have no idea. The crap opalus is crap opalus.
Starting point is 00:52:16 I do too. That's gotta be one of those like Sunday night. Let's see here. Is it something where they jump around and have to swing and jump into foam? That show was the best. That show was the best. What was it called? Gladiators? No, no, no, no, I'm talking about the other Americans. What's the one where they ran across the balls and they were always like falling down and then the Joel McAill was making funny
Starting point is 00:52:43 jokes about them. God, I loved that show. I thought it was brilliant. They should bring it back. I think they are bringing it back, actually, because everything old is new again. Oh, I get it's one of these cartoons. One of these new cartoons. Crapopolis.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Crapopolis. And I guess it's, you know, takes place during, you know, ancient Greek times or what. Oh. So, wow, who knew? Who knew there was a new, uh, sick, uh, new, uh, current tune there on Fox. Oh, uh, celebrity jeopardy comes in at number 10.
Starting point is 00:53:11 I could do some celebrity jeopardy. I feel it's more interesting when it's just regular jeopardy, but okay, do you watch jeopardy? I have, uh, yeah, I do, not regularly, but. At my house, I win jeopardy 100% of the time. Oh, win Jeopardy 100% of the time. Wow. Yeah, 100% of the time because I start with a hundred thousand dollars in my bank. That's how I win every time. Celebrity Wheel of Fortune comes in there. I like a good Wheel of Fortune. Yeah, you know, Yeah, you know, RST LNE. RST LNE, I have always thought Wheel of Fortune was a fun game in the field.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Yeah. But that Pat Sejek, I don't know what it is about that Pat Sejek. Is he retiring? He is retiring and the good news is that Vanna, White who turns the letters, who has forever turned the letters, is now, I think she's making like $20 million a year, they just renewed her contract. She was asking for like $25 million a year.
Starting point is 00:54:15 She's been stuck at like $5 million a year for whatever, 15 years. And Pat is making of course way more than she is. Because I don't find him to be an extraordinarily affable, likeable person. I agree. He's kind of a nerd. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:28 He used to do, I think he used to do like local commercials for Chicago tile companies. He's like, I'm Pat SayJack for Chicago tile. Got the best tile of town tile. Out tile. Come on now. Now. Come on now. Good job. Good job. Good job. Yeah. Now time come on now But now
Starting point is 00:54:47 Good job Good shit a post on time yeah But now when he talks to the contestants like he's not very engaging with them. Oh, he's like he's like whatever He's always got a cue card. This is bad ready and Next we have Ronda Ronda next we have Vronda. Vronda lives in Indianapolis. Vronda, I hear you have two children. I do, I do. One's named Donnie, and the other way is named Bonnie.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Great, good luck to you. And next we have Vronda. That's it is very dismissive. Vronda says here, you performed the first open-heart surgery ever. I did, it back in 19, six, great. Let's have a wheel, let's have a game of fortune. It's like he just gives him no time to talk. He's not affable, he's not good at the call
Starting point is 00:55:30 and he's burned out. Oh God, I'd be burned out too, if that fucking wheel was spinning. I'd have to think in my head, I'd have the noise in my head. Again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, I'd probably have nightmares about that wheel eating me. The bankruptcy. Oh.
Starting point is 00:55:42 I probably have nightmares about that wheel eating me. Yeah. The bankruptcy. Oh. Found is number 13. I have no idea what found is. I know either. That's one of these dramas. I'm sure that shows up on NBC.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Found. Yeah, it's a drama. Recovery specialist Gabby Mosley and her team are dedicated to fighting America's missing persons forgotten by the media. Law enforcement and the public. Oh, so it's kind of a true crime. Yes, they'll stop and nothing to solve the cases. For them, it's personal.
Starting point is 00:56:12 What a terrible summary paragraph. That's worse than the commercial break summary paragraph, which says it's not for everyone. Shark Tank comes in at number 15. I've been at a good shark tank. I do like a good shark tank. I feel like it's getting old, you know? Yeah, it's been around for a while. It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:56:34 I like to see when people come up with more than that. I do, too. But I find more and more they bring on people who are way too prepped for the conversation. I felt like in the early years, and I mean like the first seven years, it was interesting because a lot of the people that walked in the door had never been in a boardroom before.
Starting point is 00:56:52 They didn't know how to act, they didn't know what to do. That's where the way it all things always go. You know, it's the reality TV. That's right, it's the first thing. As time goes on, they get more polished, do they know they're getting the food thing? I mean, at last time I watched it, I noticed a lot of food stuff, which okay, but I like, I wanna see like some,
Starting point is 00:57:07 like invention. I know, and you know, I once had an account and tell me, if you had $10 million in your bank tomorrow and someone told you that they could open a restaurant and you just, they just needed a borrow 500,000, he's like, I would tell you to run, not walk, run away from them, never get in the food business. Never, it's terrible, it's horrible, it's like, I would tell you to run, not walk, run away from them, never get in the food business, never. It's terrible, it's horrible, it's tough, right?
Starting point is 00:57:28 And, but I do see a lot of those food businesses. They have like, some guy was selling crab cakes, he was gonna- The crab, I was gonna make some crab chips. Yeah, he's gonna like, they're sending across the country. Yeah. I don't want my crab being steamed somewhere else and then sent to me in some box. That doesn't sound appetizing to me. How do you know me in crab?
Starting point is 00:57:47 Oh, I do know a Chrissian crab, but only the most expensive kind of crab, please. The rarest, most expensive kind of crab. Speaking of crab, did you hear that the crab fishery up in Alaska is closed for the first time in forever because the crab died off in massive proportion because of the warm water up there.
Starting point is 00:58:06 I feel like we're going to hear more and more of that. Yeah, I don't know what red lobster is going to do. No, red lobster is going to do. Well, they're just going to put them in the tanks and you can pick out which one you want. Yeah, homegrown snow crab, icy cold water. 2020, another news show. I like 2020 when I catch it. Yeah, Astor doesn't like any of the murder mystery type stuff. So we don't watch a lot of it. No forensic files.
Starting point is 00:58:30 I do like a good forensic files. If it was a Saturday afternoon and I was sick and football wasn't on the entertainment, I might have watched something like that, but that would be the only time away from Astrid or something like that. Our headline headline Headline is just strictly forensic files now. Yeah, that's true. And now it plays on serious. So serious is just taking the audio from forensic files and pumping it in 24 hours a day, which in some sense is interesting
Starting point is 00:58:54 and in some sense is like kinda defeats the purpose of the television show. You can't see anything. So how do you know? Yeah, now I wanna see it. It's black gun. It has marks on it that clearly identify the murderer. And it's like, I don't know. Yeah, no one is black gun has marks on it that clearly identify the murderer. And it's like, I don't know. People will be like, we looked at his mug shot and clearly something
Starting point is 00:59:11 was wrong. And I'm like, I can't see. I don't know. What I do like now is that serious carries CNN originals and you can catch like sometimes they have a day long marathon of Anthony Bourdain. And I love like it because I don't care if I can't see the guy I just want to hear his voice. Yes. All right, so bachelor in paradise comes in at number 16 I'd share it about my thoughts on that. I think it's a ridiculous show That's a my only energy that's saying a lot. Yeah America's honey funny is America's honey is home videos Hey lost in London uh, America's honey, funny is, America's honey is home videos.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Hey, lost in London. Yeah. Uh, that's a different kind of America's funniest home videos. Hell's kitchen comes in in a number 19. Oh my God. Hell's kitchen. I swear it is always on on my direct TV for some reason. Like because they promote the shit out of it because it has a big ratings. Like a 24 hour hell's kitchen. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:04 I mean, I like the show, but don't that much. No. And like I used to like the kitchen nightmares, the original version, which was filmed in London, where Gordon Ramsay was a total prick, but wasn't like an exaggerative total prick. He was just going in there, finding these British restaurants along the sea,
Starting point is 01:00:22 or sometimes he went to Spain or whatever. And yeah, I found it to be a very entertaining show. The American version is way too bastardized. It's like all he does is come in and create a drama. And by the way, if you do any follow up on any of those. They all close. Like five days later, they had a great night with Gordon Ramsay and they couldn't keep it up. Gordon tried his best, but can't teach stupid. He can't learn stupid. Kitchen night, so how's Kitchen? Kitchen Nightmares comes in. Snake Oil is another one of those shows
Starting point is 01:00:55 that's got David Spade and he brings on, like Shark Tank, brings on inventors. And then they try and determine which ones are real and which ones are snake oil, like fake. So I thought that was an interesting concept. Yeah, maybe I'll wash that one. Bob's burgers, Magnum PI. Magnum PI.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Magnum PI. For resurgence. Is it a remake? Yeah, it's been on for a little while. Oh, okay. But it got canceled, by the way. Okay. And it comes in the top 20 and it got canceled.
Starting point is 01:01:22 How does that work? And then the $100,000 pyramid comes in at number 25. The $100,000 pyramid. That was a favor to mine on sick days at home. No, my sick day favorite was prices right. Oh, was it? I'm not saying all of them. Also the one, no whammy, no whammy, no whammy.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Yes, it has to test your luck. Press your luck. Remember the time I auditioned for that? Yes, I do. You got a wait, me. I was so excited, I did get a wait, me. Because I basically profusely sweat through the entire audition with the producer.
Starting point is 01:01:55 And she was like, okay, now act really excited. Like you just won. And I'm like, yay. Yay. I found it hard to be so excited when I didn't win anything. And I knew it was all going terribly bad. I was like, well, I'm not gonna act like an idiot for this tape to show up 10 years from now
Starting point is 01:02:13 when the commercial break has its huge success. No fear of that happening. I should have gone for it. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I should have gone for it. I would have made more money on press your luck than I ever did on the commercial right They give some good shit away on that new person a press your luck by the way some good shit Like range rovers and stuff. Wow, of course you got to pay the taxes. I don't have the money for that
Starting point is 01:02:36 So it's gonna suck when I go on to press your luck make all this money and they can't afford to bring a home Can you just cut me a check? Yeah. Call it a day? No? Yeah? Okay. Alright. Alright,
Starting point is 01:02:51 That's where you go. You find out more information about Chrissy and I. You can watch all the video. You can listen to all the audio. It's right there for you. You're taking at Also, your piggy fronting sticker is coming. I promise.
Starting point is 01:03:03 And if you want one and haven't sent in an email, for us straight, ask for it even more! And send an email to us via the website on the contact us page. There's a little drop down. It says, I want my sticker. You send us your address. That's it. That's all you got to do. We appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:03:19 We love you. You're the best audience in the podcast universe. I'm 100% convinced of it. And we thank you for being so loyal and all the lovely words you send us and the reviews. It's all wonderful. 626, ask TCB3, that's 626, act TCB, ask TCB. The number three, questions, comments, concerns, content
Starting point is 01:03:39 ideas, dear TCBs, ask TCB, ask Brian's mom, send them all there via text message, or you can leave us a voicemail Be mindful. If you leave us a voicemail, we may play it on air or like today I might not play it on air because he requested that I didn't so there you go I can transcribe it because I'm a secretary. That's what I do here at the commercial break I'm the executive secretary of the commercial break, but thank you for writing him. Oh yeah, calling him. Calling him. I love it. Communicating.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Communicating, that's all we got to do. Communication. Breakdown, baby. At the Commercial Break on Instagram. On Instagram. At TCB Podcasts on TikTok and Slash the Commercial Break. Please go there. Subscribe to the channel. Like on your favorite Slash the commercial break. Please go there, subscribe to the channel,
Starting point is 01:04:26 like on your favorite video, comment, please help us out in that manner. And if you can, visit our sponsors, tell them we sent you. We would love it. That's how we keep the show rolling around here. Oh, and the scavenger hunt. That will start the holiday scavenger hunt.
Starting point is 01:04:38 More information next week about that. Super excited. Alright, my dear, dear friend. It was good to be back in the studio. I love you. I love you. Best to you. Best to you out there in the podcast universe.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Until next time, Chrissy and I always say we do say and we must say goodbye. Welcome to Co-dependence. What's up guys, I'm Sierra Miller and I want you to join me in my sister Maya Allen every week for the Insights Scoop into our sisterhood. You will be getting front row access to the good, the bad, the ugly, and the pretty. So come let your guard down with your fellow co-dependence as we laugh and of course cry our way through this crazy world.
Starting point is 01:05:21 See you every Wednesday. Hey back on the Granule Mars! you

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