The Commercial Break - Frankie and Me TV

Episode Date: May 13, 2020

The Bits: Bryan's mom and boyfriend listen to the podcast for the first time! The Show: Bryan and Krissy review what they are watching in lockdown, struggle to remember names of the shows and try to s...queeze out an episode while Bryan is in Florida... Don't forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Text us or leave us a voicemail at +1-661-BEST2YO (+1-661-237-8296) LINKS: Get a FREE TCB limited edition collectible sticker Follow us on Instagram Subscribe and watch the show on Youtube Join us live on Fireside New episodes every Tuesday & Friday everywhere you listen to podcasts! For advertising contact AdvertiseCast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey honey, I just got a text Mexico's from Brian on my iPod. What's that? My son Brian, he sent me a sex message. Your son is a sexy Mexican? No dear, a message. He sent me a message. No no, I'm fine. I don't want a massage.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Your bothers my sciatica. Okay honey, Brian, my son, you know him. He has a show on the radio in the internet. He found a labia on the internet? Well, I guess that's not how to do on the internet. In my day, you had to masturbate to a corset section of the series, track the catalog. What? I'll tell you what's doing.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Give me a size 31 and a pair of godobelts and I'll show you a turtle out of the show. No, you're the radio. No, no, I don't want tacos, it gives me gas. He says we get the show by downloader. Do you know how to get a downloader? I don't know. I think you have to call the Google and then you send in an application.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Oh. Then you fill out that application, then they approve you. You put it on the radio in your iPad. It sounds complicated. Then you fill out that application, then they approve you. And you put it on the radio box on your iPad. Oh, look, dumpling. He gave me a hot link.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Like the Gony Island dog. I think you click it. Okay, now press here and then... Oh, no, no, I haven't found it. I think I found it. It's in my phone. Okay, let's see here. Shama, Lama, Ding Dong.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Now what the hell does that mean? Shama, Lama, Ding Dong does what you're doing. I show good before. No, those black boys are black boys. Oh, I can hear him. That's my Brian. Hi, Brian. It's black boys. Oh, I can hear him. That's my Brian Hi, Brian. It's your mom. He can't hear you. What? What's that? Brian?
Starting point is 00:01:31 What's he saying? Christy can you hear me? You're saying? Brian? Can you hear me? What am I saying? Can you hear me, Brian? We don't understand. Christy, can you hear me? Is that his wife? Oh, no honey. That's Christy Doldly. You know her. You're very Christy! No my sweet dollop, she lives downtown. Brown, round, what is that called for something? No, downtown. Let's talk to him, what's he saying? I think he's talking about preachers. What would he be talking about teachers?
Starting point is 00:01:53 I said preachers. I'll tell you something with these kids today, the IRL and the WTF in the LL. It's like they have brain damage from those experts. Right. They don't even know how to speak. Oh! When I was a kid you had to write the whole Bible Learned for a word in curse of two times
Starting point is 00:02:08 For homicom the tooth Brian? Oh yeah yeah Kristi, you hear me Now the kids call the police if you hurt their feelings You hear me Brian They all have soft spots in the brains Oh
Starting point is 00:02:16 Mommies and daddies are more like friends with Penifax What? I was this age You used to stick a metal rod in the wall outlet And it was a science experiment And if you died, well that was learning you learned Oh, I will tell you a thing what to now we have the podcasts and the iTunes and the Bumbles How are you supposed to meet a nice young lady?
Starting point is 00:02:34 You can marry if you can't even wipe your own ass Bumble should be called mumble because that's all the language they speak Hi Brian, it's your mom. I meant I the time and I don't get me started on politics I have these idiots worship cast Through all the other half worship of washed up TV stuff. Okay. Wasn't even a good TV show. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:51 At least we had rock-hunts in the joke. Oh, that's nice here. We got a two-bit con man real estate mogul real estate mogul Tell you what's that. What is that real work? It's not real work. And my day real men went to Normandy, not Nordstrand. Oh. And I'll tell you real estate show. Orandy not Nordstrom. Oh, I'll tell you reality show
Starting point is 00:03:06 I'm here at least this how do you get a reality show not in my day? I'm gonna play realies on Instagram model. We played cowboys in Indians Do you want your co-boy? I'm not sure it's no nuts You're not gonna happen to be the guy who does a cowboy or your guy doesn't even know I Brian it's your mom No, and the Twitter shitter and the insta-pista. Oh, let's meet anyway. It sounds like a pooping pony. I'll tell you oh
Starting point is 00:03:27 I made a booboo. Okay, Vicky help me out there. Oops, you made a doodle. What's the fuck? Okay, I'll help you clean it up. Yeah, yeah, I pooped myself. I can't even remember somewhere. Hey Irving, I'm gonna call Brian while you're going stinky. So I'm gonna talk to him about the podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:37 You get to do me a favor. Tell him his unit. 4, 3, 7, 2, 1, 6, 4, 3, 7, 2, 1, 6, 4, 1, 3. Hey, it's Brian, leave me message. I will, yeah, I'll get back to you. Hi Brian, it's your mom. I just wanted you to know that we heard you on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I clicked the hot links that you gave me and there you were. I listened to that Irvings. You know, I went up to Irvings because they don't know that it's a lot of our place very much. So, you know, I went up there to go listen with him and we stayed and we clicked the hot links in there you were. Could you see me? Because I can hear you.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Anyway, I was up at Irvings and he said you did a great job. And he said he liked it very much. And he said he loved you and the baby and after it. And then he said he wishes Hadley was his daughter. And then he said, Brian is so smart. He seems to know all about those preachers. He said, has Brian ever been a preacher? And he said Texas gene, you know, gene for Texas.
Starting point is 00:04:44 She used to know a preacher, die called Texas Gene, and she said that her son in California was on the podcast. She said it's called an email. So I said, hey, maybe we should all get to dinner for after this carcoraoma virus is over.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And you know what she said? She said she loves you very much, and she loves the baby, and she just wishes she could be with you guys all the time And so then I went back to Irvings You know what about Brian? You know My son
Starting point is 00:05:17 And then you know what he said he said he wishes Matthias was his grandson and then you know what he said Very much anyway The deus was his grandson. And then you know what he said? He said he loved Andrew very much. Anyway, everything said he really thinks the world of you. Anyway, I wanna let you know much I'd like the podcast. It's like a little radio show. Only I don't think you can hear me. I was yelling your name. I think you're gonna be great at it.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Anyway, listen, call me, okay? I don't call me, don't call me. I'm gonna think you're gonna tell you. I was talking to Erwin, you know what he said? He said he loved you very much. So remember that, okay? All right, bye Brian. Don't call. In early 2020, the world shut down.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Stores, restaurants, schools, and whole communities shut their doors in an effort to protect human life. As the world quickly changed, one man went on Facebook to get a degree in Internet epidemiology. Brian, along with his lab assistant, HOTELley, are curing coronavirus by commenting on fake news and reposting recipes of secret virus cures from a friend of a friend who works high up in government. Join Brian and Hôtley as they discuss the world and like doing this forced interruption, learning, laughing and loving in this real life commercial break. On this episode of the
Starting point is 00:06:47 commercial break. Yeah but I guess it's just the learning curve that we're gonna go through. I love it. It's a brand new spectacular podcast shooting up the charts. Which two episodes have most of the Coliseas boobs in them? Because those are the two episodes. The first two, the first two. The first two are the four episodes, and I get it. Hey, it's Brian Green, host of the Commercial Break. Just wanted to drop a note before this particular podcast. In an effort to make sure that we do a weekly show, Chrissy Holy and I popped out a podcast
Starting point is 00:07:21 real quick as I am traveling this week, and I'll be back at my home studio next week. So if the audio quality is not quite what you expect from us, I apologize. And we took a break from all the clips and fun facts to just go ahead and have a conversation about the things that we're watching during the coronavirus. Hope you enjoy, it's a shorter episode, but we'll be up to our usual shenanigans next week on the commercial break. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. So we'll just go with it you know we've done this now five weeks in a row and four of those we've had to recall every time. Yeah but it is just the learning curve. We're going to go through.
Starting point is 00:08:06 It's great. It's a brand new spectacular podcast, shooting of the charts. Number 5,622 on the app. I told my girlfriend's not on that end from Nashville. I did a Zoom call with my girls friends from Nashville. I was like, just listen for five minutes. I was like, that's all we need.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yeah, that's all we need. We just need five minutes. It's like test it out and see if you like it. But even if you don't, just let's do it for five minutes. I was like, that's all we need. Yeah, that's all we need. We just need five minutes. It's like, test it out and see if you like it, but even if you don't just listen to it for five minutes because that helps our rating. I was like, we're already pretty high in Canada. In Canada, we're killing it. I don't even know. We're killing it in Canada.
Starting point is 00:08:35 In Canada. We don't know anybody in Canada, but for some reason on the Apple charts, we've been extraordinarily successful. Now, so that tells me one to two things. Either no one's fucking listening in Canada, like no one listens to podcasts in Canada and one listen gets you all the way to the top of the charts.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Or we just, for some guy, just found us, and I say guy because now we're, because if you look at our statistics, what's your mini-school, by the way? You can't really tell much from it, but we do have a mainly male skewing audience, which does not surprise me whatsoever with my child as humor.
Starting point is 00:09:05 But yeah, all we need your girlfriends to do is just game the system for us a little bit. You need to listen for 60 seconds. Leave us a nice review. I said five minutes. I went and went five minutes. That's even better. That's what we need. That's when the advertisers really start coming.
Starting point is 00:09:19 The advertisers want to get it. Our three listeners, we can tell them. You got to put it in the first five minutes because that's when our core audience is listening for the first five minutes. We do a really funny skit. There's funny skits going on. I'm Marissa. Da, da, da, da.
Starting point is 00:09:33 So I'm still in Amelia Island. Yeah, I'm going to have a good one. Oh, nice, nice. Good for you. But what would I know? It's been really nice. It's been nice to take a break. Oh, it's a beach.
Starting point is 00:09:44 The beach. The beaches are nice. It's been nice to take a break. The beach, the beaches are open. It's been wonderful. I have to say this about Florida. I'm down here in Florida. People are not particularly keen on social distancing or masks down here. And I don't know why that is. Yeah, you know, hey listen, I guess it's over.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I guess coronavirus is over. We can all get back to what we were doing. I'll get back to what we were doing before. And no, states are reopened. It's cool. Yeah, you know, just do your thing. Nightclubs are still closed. Thank God. There's some fucking comments out there. The nightclubs are so close. Nightclubs. Can you imagine? And live in you. Can you imagine? The nightclubs are open in the middle of a pandemic? That's a real great way. Well, I'm pretty sure that's how camp Stop the the night clips from being open was because
Starting point is 00:10:34 South Korea had a huge outbreak because of night club after they just had like yes Now like now they're having a yes like it just happened They they're having a guess like it just happened and they're having a resurgence and it was because of a knife on it. South Korea was one of those places where I thought man they really kind of kicked that thing in the balls. Yeah in Spain they went to like level one phase one whatever it was and then they went back to phase zero like three days later because 4,000 additional people came out of the woodwork with coronavirus. It's just not safe to be out there and my wife and I were saying we're here
Starting point is 00:11:03 and we can walk to the beach and it's fine. Like, you know, there's plenty of space while we are. But the pools are open here and the pools are absolute manhouses. It's like chair to chair people to people, people all over each other and we're like, you know what? If that, not listen, I will say this, it's nice to have a break and like see the ocean instead of seeing them back here hard. But it's still the same thing. We're just down here. It's a peach tree dish. It is a peach tree dish. It's like a peach tree. It's a peach tree. A peach tree. It's a peach tree dish. It's a peach tree tree. It's a peach tree. So we come down here and like one of the things that I that I like to do we've done since I've
Starting point is 00:11:48 met Astrid is we travel a whole lot when we travel by car we just get up early and we knock it out usually we live in the land so usually you want to get up super fucking early so you can get out of everybody's goddamn way you know the traffic it's so horrible on the town that means getting a pit three that's right that's what my dad used to do. That's what a true man does. A man packs the car. He gets his groggy wife out of bed and gets the kids, throws them in the back and says,
Starting point is 00:12:12 you know what, you showed up for the next six hours while I drive and listen to more podcasts. Yes. And so that's what we did. We got up three in the morning and then we drove down here. There were roadblocks in some places to get into Florida, but I didn't happen to go through one of those roadblocks. You places to get into Florida, but I didn't happen to go through one of those roadblocks. I take the back roads, I got the super steep. I drive
Starting point is 00:12:32 this way down to where I am. I don't think it's too much information, but I drive this way down to where I am. Oh, the ice swear to fucking Christ. There is not a soul around for about 220 miles. We are in like the middle of the cornfields of South Georgia. If anything happened to us, we would never be found. It's like, you're right. Been in the middle of the desert. It's incredible. I love it.
Starting point is 00:12:54 My wife hates it. She's scared that we're going to get stuck somewhere and you know, no one's going to be able to find it. Well, it's a, it's a, it's a double. It's a double, like double edged sword because you have the the nice like We're isolated and then you have the children of the corn children of the corn is what I think of it And then you have this Cariness of it which I love both of me too
Starting point is 00:13:16 I'm a big fan and you know what I do it in the middle of the night too like when we drive back I do it in the middle of the night I don't mind being in the pitch black in the middle of nowhere It's me in the raccoons baby me and the raccoons the person that got children though malachi what a fucking creepy movie that was remember we're kids are like it's a creepy
Starting point is 00:13:34 children of the corn was the movie that you the title of the movie that you said just to scare the shit out of other people did last night of what children of court. I've never even seen it in a scary title. I am a big big big scary maybe. Like I like saw. I like saw. I like children of the court. I like all those. Like the shining. the shining I can't, the shining I can deal with. The bloody ones, the bloody ones, yeah, that's slasher horror,
Starting point is 00:14:09 but the psychological ones where they're, you're in a cornfield and you might get, yeah, it's too scary for me. I can't do, I love it. I loved it. I've fried it in the thirteenth, all that, I love it, I love, I mean, I don't wanna be in a cornfield.
Starting point is 00:14:23 No, okay, and be. As an adult, it love, I mean, I don't want to be in a cornfield. No. And be. As an adult, it just turns me off. Like the scary movies just turn me off. And I don't know why. I'm not particularly scared of them. I just don't want those like that imagery in my, I much rather have like a dark psychological thriller than an actual like scary scary movie.
Starting point is 00:14:41 But you know, now I like the dark psychological. Yeah, those are good. That's all I got on Netflix now. My whole Netflix is basically like, you know, depressing murder mystery shows from North from. I like a good agatha Christie too. Don't get me wrong or pervo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Well, you know what I'm into? I mean, to all, I don't want to actually watch a show on Netflix unless there's a British accent involved in that show now. And Netflix teams to know this and they've taken me further and further away. I'm now in Germany and so I'm reading subtitles in all my murder mysteries. I'm in Germany. Oh, half of my half of my shit is from Norway, Germany, Italy. I'm just down that rabbit hole with Netflix. They now have me.
Starting point is 00:15:22 They got me pegged and they know what I like. We're down there. We're down that way too. Now, I do have to say that Inspector Pro Roads is very good. Inspector Pro Roads, very good. That's on PBS. Oh, is it? Well, PBS every year.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Oh, it's in a while. It comes up with a good one, huh? Yeah. Yeah. And they have, I'm pretty sure that there are the ones that have the downtown Abby. Well, they do have a downtown Abby and I love that not downtown. Is it downtown Abby? It's downtown. It's downtown. Oh, it's not downtown. No, it's not. I've been saying it wrong. Oh, he said, what's the name? What's it down to? It's wrong only. What's the name of the city? It's a downtown.
Starting point is 00:16:05 It's the name of the city. What is it? It's the name of the downtown, like the same thing. I would think, right? I think downtown is the name of the house. Or something like that. It's the state. I love the downtown, not downtown, but downtown.
Starting point is 00:16:24 And then also to its inspector Cluzzo, it's no will clue so I was good to but it's the Comber batch. Oh, that's no I've been to cumber bitches into a Sherlock Holmes in Holmes Sherlock Sherlock That's right Sherlock. That is the good sure is a really good show. It's fantastic. It's so good in that. You know what you know what show I just finished watching like four seasons. I know I love it. I watched one. I'm going to get back to it eventually. I forget through this German. You know psychological murder mystery that I'm watching now. And now I have the so I figured out that Netflix a lot of times they will And now I have the, so I figured out that Netflix a lot of times they will they'll overdub the shows that are in a different language, will overdub them in
Starting point is 00:17:09 English and all kind of languages, right? So now I'm just lazy, I don't want to read the subtitles, so I just overdub it in English and it's the worst act, you see how great the actors are portraying these and then it's the worst. It's like you know, the guy finds a dead body in in German in a beautiful acting in a beautiful way. He's like, I can't believe this is the fifth murder this week. And then the American voice comes in and it's like, I can't believe five people. That was my husband. That was my husband. It's like the translation is beautiful. I wish that these voice actors would do a better job.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I just wish they would, but you know what? I'm too lazy to fucking read the subtitles, so whatever it's my fault anyway. You know what show I got back to, that I had put down for a minute, but I got back to over the last couple of days when I'm down here on the island, is The Crown, which I think is an incredible,
Starting point is 00:18:02 incredible show. And I know I'm gonna sound like a big vagina for saying that But you know what I'm a 2020 kind of guy. I'm sensitive. I have my feelings Yeah, and I think the crown is such a good show. I think that these two ladies that betrayed this this queen I'm really doing a fantastic job and I'm just wondering If I didn't sound like a vagina Now I sound like a vagina. I'd say I could be going, no, I sound like a vagina. I love that you love that show.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Thank you. And I absolutely want to get into that show, but I have watched it a couple times. And it seems like a task. It's one of those things like if you, it's one of those things like if you had and watched Game of Thrones. Oh my God. Can't do it. I mean, it's one of those things like if you had and watch Game of Thrones. Oh my god Can't do it. I mean it's one of those Game of Thrones and it took me what you never got into game I watched like I was dating a girl. You know who I'm talking about not gonna name my name names
Starting point is 00:18:55 But I was dating a girl and we went to like some dudes house for like a Game of Thrones watching party and they were gonna Watch the first season in a night, right? So they started it like seven, I guess it was gonna go like six in the morning or whatever. Yeah, like two hours. Yeah, for 10 hours. And you know, this woman that I was dating, it lasted about for us. It lasted about 15 and a half minutes before someone was throwing a beer bottle at the other one's head.
Starting point is 00:19:18 And so I was like, it just left a bad taste in my mouth, but I liked the first 15 minutes. But then I went back and tried to watch some of the other episodes. I'm just not into that kind of shit. I'm just not into like the dungeons and dry. You are. I had tasted in my mouth, but I liked the first 15 minutes, but then I went back and tried to watch some of the other episodes. I'm just not into that kind of shit. I'm just not into the dungeons and dry. You are. No, you are. You are.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Maybe I have to go back. Maybe I have to go back. You have to give it two episodes. If you give it two full uninterrupted episodes. Do they have to be back to back episodes? Yeah, you've got to go back to back. Now, it's a full comprehensive series. I mean, so if you just,
Starting point is 00:19:49 I just need you to give me two episodes. I'll give you two episodes before next time we talk. Uninterrupted. Uninterrupted. And which two episodes have most of the Coliseas boobs in them? Because those are the two episodes. First, the first two, the first two. The first two, the first two, first three two, the first two, the first two, the first three
Starting point is 00:20:05 episodes, like get it. They hook you. And I think I would like to. They hook you with the pieces boobs. I mean, she gets naked throughout the whole. No, she remembers she stopped getting naked for a while. I remember this reading this on the news. She was like, she got, she was upset that she was so naked.
Starting point is 00:20:20 That's true. I haven't watched it, but someone told me that she stopped getting naked there for a while because she was protesting that there's so many so much of her boobs accoccate pride that doesn't matter there are other who's okay along with her other groups involved that i'm it there's other boobs there's other boobs as other uh... muscle
Starting point is 00:20:37 or their penis is to show penises in game of thrones there's there's buts for sure okay but no dicks no i think there's no good i think that it's only fair that it for going to show plenty of boob they show plenty of dicks and you know what they know it's like it's a comprehensive series okay i'm gonna watch to uninterrupted episodes please do to unerrupted just just watch them and then tell me i don't like it
Starting point is 00:21:01 i'm moving on to agatha christian agatha christie and then tell me, I don't like it, I'm moving on to Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie's. And then, or whatever you would like to move onto the office. Okay, listen, we all would agree. Just give me two, just give me two.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Okay, okay. So in your quarantine, okay, in your quarantine, top three television shows that are not Tiger King. Top three television shows that are not Tiger King. Top three television shows that are not Tiger King. What are you watching a lot? Hold on, let me look at my... Okay, I'm going to give you number one. We'll go back and forth.
Starting point is 00:21:34 So I'm going to give you number three television shows that I've watched in the quarantine that I've really enjoyed. in the quarantine that I've really enjoyed. I, okay, I'm watching this show on Netflix called Caged. Caged. It's about a Australian, it's in Australia. It's about an Australian defense attorney who's a cocaine, who's high on cocaine, and dudes and sleepless strippers every episode, and it is just brilliantly hilarious.
Starting point is 00:22:10 But he also happens to be like the world's smartest man, like not only is he a co-head with lots of booze on every case, but then he also happens to be the world's smartest man. In the comedy is fucking biting. I think it's called the cage. I hope it's called the cage. I hope I'm not like Giving you wrong information here. Let me uh, let me go back to my Netflix. Just like you're going back to your Netflix Well hold on well, first of all two one thing that I've been really Down with in this quarantine is Westworld. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:22:40 We love Westworld a lot that just ended but it's don't don't give it away because I'm watching the last two episodes But no, I'm not I'm just saying it's so good. Uh, rake is actually the name not caged I'm glad I went back and saw it. It's called rake and I'll This is throw away episode as we're going back to our Netflix here. Yes Another one we just jump and I just watched have a good trip. Oh. Last night. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah. Okay. All right. Have a good trip. Like a road trip. Done all over. I can't help it. I can't help it.
Starting point is 00:23:18 He's so good. John Oliver is so good at what he does. He's a spot on. Yeah. He's spot on. I haven't caught the last five or six episodes. I kind of catch some of them. Like I check, catch them on YouTube. Let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:23:28 On HBO, have you watched the show My Brilliant Friend? You haven't watched My Brilliant Friend? Okay, it's in Italian. It's all subtitles again. Here we go with this fucking subtitle. I'm recommending a home work. That's really why I have this. Yeah, I'm recommending home work
Starting point is 00:23:44 in another television show. Okay, so you I have this. Yeah, I'm recommending homework and I'm gonna have another television show. Okay, so you're watching Game of Thrones and I'm watching The Italian. Yes, you have to watch My Brilliant Friend. Break. Break or My Brilliant Friend. My Brilliant Friend is fucking brilliant.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And then HBO throws me a double punch. They end My Brilliant Friend and then they start with this Vincent Donifrio show about the two twins. Have you seen this one? I know this much is true. First episode came out this week and it is super fantastic. It's about two twins. One's a schizo-frenic and the other's like a house painter. Oh, I didn't see it, but I saw that it was out. Yeah, Vincent Donifrio is so good at what he does. He is certainly an actor of our generation that is just like
Starting point is 00:24:27 Cut above the rest and I think he's Have you seen dead to me? I love dead to me. We are on the first episode of the second season I loved it. Oh, I haven't started the second season. I won't give away a thing But the first season of dead to Me was so funny and so fantastic. And I'm hoping that the second season lives up to it. Yeah, it was very dark. Like, you know, you kind of get the impression that this Christina Applegate show
Starting point is 00:24:53 with this other girl who I'm not sure what her name is, but you've seen her and other things. You kind of got the impression by the trailer that this was gonna be like some light-hearted comedy. It's actually not. It's very good and it's very dark. What is that? What do you, I can't see.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Okay, so it's called Rust Valley Restores. Rust Valley Restores, that like pimped my ride? And it is really good. Is it really? Jeff and I fouled it one night and I, Jeff was like, early love this show. I'll like you And I know that's a good sign when I found I've hit upon something because a lot of time to like do a shotgun approach room Just like
Starting point is 00:25:35 But this guy is freaking hilarious. He does his different. He has like a whole different. He has like a whole junk yard, but not junk yard, but it's full of old cars. And they have like grass going through them and that kind of thing. And people come over and they're like, oh yeah, we like this car. We want to buy it. He's like, well, dude, he's got dreads. He looks like D and like D that guy from like Van Halen or what's that guy D The guy from Van Halen Well, I mean I don't remember guy from Van Halen long dreads long dreads. You see you mean talking about the guy from guns and roses No I don't remember the guy from van Halen's D. Now. He's from twisted twisted sister dees Snyder
Starting point is 00:26:28 Dees Snyder never had Where did dees Snyder have dreads? He had semi-dreads, but that's because he didn't watch this fucking hair He's okay. Well, that's what this guy looks like okay. He looks like dees Snyder and he's restoring cars I'm watching it. Have you seen, okay, so my number two show for the quarantine that I think you need to watch is a show on Netflix called Shits Creek. Have you seen Shits Creek?
Starting point is 00:26:59 I have seen Shits Creek. I love it. Shits Creek is too funny. I haven't seen the full thing, but I've seen seasons one through two. Yeah, I'm only on season two anyway, so you're not too far before me. You know what they tried to get into? I tried to get into black mirror.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Only I found it extraordinary. I've watched like five episodes of The Real League. No, it's very depressing, especially right now, but no, Jeff and I've watched it every a season that has come out and it's so good. I mean, there's like social, I mean, it's very close to reality of what could happen. Get no, I think it's spot on in some cases. I got to like, it's very close to reality of what could happen.
Starting point is 00:27:38 There's this one episode, there's a couple episodes that come to mind right now. So one of them is when they have this one episode where social media dictates a ranking or like you know say 100 out of zero whatever you know so you get like a 70 if you get your social media profile up to this point. Wow. And then if social media profile up to this point. Wow. And then if you get it up to another point, isn't this what China does? And then, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yeah, China does this. They give you a citizen rating. So it's really creepy, because I think it could happen. And it's like how many stars you get, and how many ratings you get, and that kind of thing. There's another episode on that that's really freaking cool, and it's virtual reality, and it's these two lesbian lovers, and they are grandmas. They're like older women, and they're sitting at the end of the episode of spoiler alert, but at the
Starting point is 00:28:47 end of the episode, they're sitting in a chair and they've been virtual reality. They're like a virtual reality existence. And that can happen. Hey listen, the nightmare episode for me on Black Mirror was the one where they all had the recorders in their eyeball. I don't know if you remember this one. So they were all recording everything at any time and they could exchange memories with each other and they could exchange where they were and what they were doing. And the guy was, he felt like his wife was cheating on him and he went over to the other
Starting point is 00:29:20 guy's house and he's like, give me your eyeball or give me your memories. I want your memories. Yeah. It's happening, Hody. It's all happening. Black Mirror, actually, the creator of Black Mirror said that I will not create any additional episodes during the coronavirus. Because it's too dark.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yeah, it's too dark. It's too really dark. I add all of our fucking misery. I respect that. I respect that. Show I'm going back and watching. And I'm going to call my number one show of the quarantine, just because I think it's most relatable. There's other ones that are like German and no one's going to fucking watch them. But the other one that I think is most
Starting point is 00:29:52 relatable, easily accessible on Netflix and everyone can get into is bloodline season. Fuckin good. I loved it. I loved it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:30:19 I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. show and that's an HBO show that does this. Oh, the Stephen King show. Yeah, the Stephen King show. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Yep, it was just on, right? And he's like Australian. Yeah, he's an Australian actor. And you would never know it because this fucking American accent is so incredibly awesome. They can do those so well. I know. I mean, listen, I can hold an accent. Like, if I'm doing a bit or some kind of funny voice, I can hold an accent for five
Starting point is 00:30:42 minutes, maybe 10 minutes if I practice, but holding it an entire television show is an incredible skill to me. And the guy who plays Danny, the brother, and Budlet Bloodline. That's Danny. He should have won every award under the sun for that first season because that first season
Starting point is 00:30:59 is like walking through fucking thriller soup. It's incredible. It's so good. Every year hanging on it. No bloodline. So good every you're hanging on a line is so good. Jeff and I were like oh my god. This is the best show. We love that. I know. Oh, it's so dark. But then probably like second or third. Yeah, you know, see that we were like oh my god. This is really dark. Yeah, it's really got But it took it to work also a kind of a twerk for the worst What? What? Get your ear in the back.
Starting point is 00:31:29 What? What? Get your beginning. That girl is always twerking and sweeping twirling. What's her name? Cardi. Cardi. That girl like a stripper in Atlanta. And now she's like a billionaire. Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Oh, man. So they're still your same as the chance. It's like their style. So you're saying there's a chance. Yeah. Yeah, no, but also too, there was something else I was going to say about that. What about Bloodline? Yeah, and then the guy that was doing the other show, there was on HBO. Yeah, he was, no, I didn't like that show that much.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I didn't like that show. I thought it was very good at the variance. This Stephen King's show. It took a little while. Yeah, it was a good day. I can't remember, but it was just on. It was just on like a month ago. It just ended like a month ago. No, it was a God. I can't remember, but it was just on. It was just on like a month ago. Just ended like a month ago. No, it was just there.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Yeah. I like it. I'm a big Stephen King fan. Stephen King recently was like, I'm sorry that the world seems like it's what if I know? He did. He some of the some of these thriller writers. This is another thing that really gets me is like in this
Starting point is 00:32:45 Planned-emic people are pointing out that Anthony Fauci said like five years ago that there's gonna be a pandemic That catches the world off guard and that we're all in a shitload of trouble Basically, he predicted this right and people are like how could he predicted unless he was planning it and it's like if you're an Epidemiologist and that's what you do for a living and you understand how dangerous, uncaged, new viruses are to the human body, you're not predicting anything, you know it's coming, it's a fact, it's like being a meteorologist, you know, rain's coming, you just don't know when
Starting point is 00:33:18 until it's on the radar screen. And that's it. So you don't call a meteorologist a fucking, you didn't plan rain because seven days ago, he said rain was coming and he didn't know when, it's just a fucking ridiculous thing. And, okay, so I have to say this about honorable mentions for my Netflix watching right now.
Starting point is 00:33:36 And that is, the West Wing is on Netflix, and I fucking love that show. Good. I watch it over and over again. I'm constantly watching the next, the, the West Wing. And I know that it has nothing, you know, that real politics has nothing like the West Wing. So don't fucking write me a letter talking about
Starting point is 00:33:54 a West Wing is a bunch of fucking Democrats. How they think the world should be. Rob Lowe is a badass in that television show. But the best, the best in that television show is the guy who plays Secretary of State and he is I mean, I mean excuse me. It's not Secretary of State Yeah, he's no not Secretary of State. What's his name the guy? Oh the chief of staff Secretary of State the chief I mean, there's Martin sheen who plays the president, but then there's I love Allison Janning. Oh my god. She's so good.
Starting point is 00:34:29 That television show. She and so many things. I wish they would bring the West Wing back. I would never even think about that she would be and she's like in this brownie troop meeting Netflix thing. She's in a brownie troop meeting Netflix television show. She is. Oh my god. I'm gonna have to check that out Everything. She's an everything else in Jenny does. I love anything any cast member from the West Wing has done In the future is awesome and Roblo is great in that you know Roblo left that television show little fun fact Because when it was originally pitched to him by Aaron Sorkin who wrote the first five seasons four seasons of the rest the west wing which is why those four seasons are so good when he pitched this to rob below he said you are going to be the main character and martin sheen was actually only supposed to be a reoccurring cameo
Starting point is 00:35:16 he was only going to be every couple of episodes for just a couple of lines that said but when he came in to read for the president he started ad libbing a couple lines in the first pilot episode he was going to be in a couple of scenes and Aaron Sorkin was like nope we got a this is going to be an ensemble piece and everyone's really gonna really gonna put it to it so the west wing check her out well you know what recently I've really gotten into Frankie and not Frankie and Johnny, but it's Frankie and we don't even know the names of the television shows we're talking about. I know.
Starting point is 00:35:55 For all you listeners, if you can't tell this is just a throw away episode, we're just trying to get one in there. Jane Fonda. Frankie and. Jane Fonda. And. Frankie and Mal. Lily Tomlin. Frankie and Mal. I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:36:12 It's Frankie and Jomi or something like that. But Frankie and me? No, not Frankie. Frankie and Jomi. Something. Frankie and me and Jomi. Oh my god. Oh, go hold.
Starting point is 00:36:24 This is too funny. Hold on. I'm gonna look at Frankie and Grace. Frankie and Grace. There you go. Grace and Frankie. Yeah. Frankie and Grace. Frankie. Great. It's a really good show and said Martin Sheen, though, who played the president of the United States. I totally respect for going on and playing a game. He plays a game man on the television show. Yes and it's fantastic. It's fantastic. I love it. Well listen I am so glad that you are doing well after the coronavirus. I mean during the coronavirus lockdown I know, during the coronavirus lockdown, I know times are tough, especially, I wanted you to know that I love you and we'll get through this one step at a time. I fear we're probably going to go backwards before we go forward because I'm going to get paler as we keep talking.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Yeah, go to the tanning bed, they're open. No, no. The light will kill it. The light will kill it. The light will kill it. The light will kill it. Apparently everybody in Florida thinks that because they're all hanging out near the pool and on the beaches and I'm worried for us because it doesn't seem like many people are taking, it doesn't seem like the people that are outside their homes are taking this seriously.
Starting point is 00:37:38 And I know there's a good bit of people that are taking this very seriously. But you know my advice to people would be find a way that you can do your job and you can make a living, be safe, wear your mask and avoid social gathering. By the way we're not making a living by doing this podcast. So any tips or tricks or advertisers that might want to advertise on two shit heads. It's two idiots out here doing a podcast. Listen, we've done five. I've thought four really good. Number 35 in Canada. Number 35 in Canada.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Thanks, Canada. And just as a reminder, we have a new website,, You can find all of your favorite episodes of the only favorites. There's a really good picture of me on there. Yeah, go look at all that she's really cute. You'll like that. Just do what you do. Even more creepy things to talk about.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Leave us a message if you like it. Subscribe on Apple Spotify or your favorite place to find podcasts. We just are now In case you want to jump over there, you can subscribe there. Just in case you want to jump over there, you can subscribe there. Just in case you want to jump into our next episode and give us some feedback on the things the homework,
Starting point is 00:38:54 the Brian and I, and then each other. That's right. What? Okay, so we've got the Game of Thrones. I'm doing two uninterrupted episodes. Two back-to-back episodes of Rainbow Phones, preferably, you know, episode one and two. And you were gonna go back and watch what?
Starting point is 00:39:10 I don't know, what is you saying? Well, I said you had two choices. You could watch Rake, the Australian comedy about the prosecutor. You could watch that, or what was the other thing that I said that you could watch? I can't even remember now. Forensic files. Forensic files.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Forensic files. That's a little horseshit. I will not be watching. My mom watches. Makes her fucking looney tune. My mom watches television at like volume 37. So when you call, all you can hear is the television. You can hear Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, or Forensic files
Starting point is 00:39:44 in the background. One of those fucking three things. That's why she's deaf and she's screaming at her boyfriend, come. Subscribe on Apple or Spotify. Do us a favor. Leave us a review if you like us and if you don't save your, you know, like your mother said, if you don't, you think good to say don't say it at all. Once we get to 500 listens on one episode, we will do a live episode and actually we're not too too far off. I would say we're getting about halfway there. So thanks, Email us at thecommercialbeat at Find us and follow us on Facebook and Instagram at the commercial break. New episodes drop every Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:40:34 We can be found on Spotify, iHeart Media, Apple, Google and all major podcast providers. The commercial break is a great middleweight production, written and produced by Brian Green, co-hosted by Chrissy Hothley. you

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