The Commercial Break - Hair-Way To Heaven!

Episode Date: November 23, 2022

Teresa Caputo is known to many as the big haired, loud mouthed, TV psychic from New Jersey. But to TCB she is just the big haired, loud mouthed, BS artist tricking people into believing her nonsense. ...On this episode, Bryan and Krissy break down a clip from Live w/ Micheal and Kelly where Ms. Helmet Head fails to impress a crowd of willing participants. It's more proof that the only reason her hair is so big, is to hide the ear piece! Budweiser paid lots of money to sponsor The World Cup...but Qatar had different plans! Qatar is the last place in the world FIFA should be hosting anything The World Cup is already a hot mess days into the world's biggest sporting event Budlight and Bryan have a storied history. Bryan argues " Budlight, at least it's drinkable" Real Housewives of Dubai is a thing Hot showers and cold bathrooms do not mix Good construction takes time! Bryan ignores the blatant fire hazard outside his shower For one family...Santa is VERY real Teresa Caputo is back with more nonsense! LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us or leaving a voicemail at: 1.855.TCB.8383 is for Women & MEN too! Watch Us on YouTube Dumb People Town Is a Very Funny Podcast From Starburns Audio Use This Link For Unlimited Talk & Tex on MINT MOBILE! 1.855.TCB.8383  or 661.BEST.2.YO (1-661-237-8296) Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Audio Editing: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Much Gratitude to Our Supportive Friends, Family & Spouses: Astrid & Jeff Check out Jeff's Mempho Music Fest each October in Memphis TN: Thanks To Our Associate Content Producers: Big Will The Champ Marianne Duke Luke Thanks For Reaching Out To TCB This Week! Roxanne Dave Sydney Natalie Ian Savannah Stu C Therese Jake DAS Amanda Julie Charlene Dave T David L Sonny Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This season on Long Island Media. I'm Teresa Campudo. I like to think of myself as a typical Long Island mom, but I have a very special gift. I talk to dead people. Okay. You father showed me like a big pot of sauce. Okay, he wants you to know he's at peace,
Starting point is 00:00:16 and he has the sauce. Everyone's so lucky to have that! On this episode of the commercial break... I'm real ginger. I walk like a 70-year-old man. I'm afraid to break my hip, so I shake my balls and stuff off before I go in there. So I get into the excess water and then I run. Theresa, I'm unable to reach the napkin! Can you wipe my shit off my face? I died eating her ass and now I can't wipe my shit off my face. I died eating her ass! And now I can't wipe it off.
Starting point is 00:00:48 It's driving me crazy! Oh, here comes the piggyback everyone's. Everyone's boning each other from behind in the spirit world. You're prepared but you weren't prepared. Do you know her? Did you not know her? You knew her and you didn't know her. And you didn't know her. I'm looking for someone you knew or didn't know that died recently because of something from head to toe. The next episode of the commercial break starts now.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Yeah, cats, again, welcome back to the commercial break. I am Brian Green. This is my dear friend and co-host Chris enjoy holding a best to you right over there See Brian and best to you out there in the podcast universe. How the hell are you? Thanks for joining us on yet another episode of this the commercial break It's not for everyone, but fact news are fiction is guaranteed in 15 seconds or less or your money back Go to the tcb website to collect your earnings Guess who's not collecting their earnings today? Who's that would be a b in bed remember a b in bed okay baby owns Budweiser I think they're actually is they a German company now a German company is a Swedish company some kind of European country but
Starting point is 00:01:59 Budweiser the biggest beer brand in the world has been sponsoring the FIFA world cup for many years Millions and millions and millions of dollars exchange hands for the rights to serve out exclusive beer sales inside the stadiums Outside the stadiums and what they call activation areas signage everywhere signage everywhere and so people drink it on the field Fucking morons are gonna do the stadium without any clothes on. We've all seen it. We all see what happens when Embi gets involved in the World Cup. Turns into a shit show.
Starting point is 00:02:30 But these tickets to the World Cup are like a thousand dollars a piece. I mean, so the World Cup is starting here very shortly. In Qatar. In Qatar. And Qatar. I've heard it say Qatar. Yeah, I've heard it say Qatar, and then I've heard it say Qatar. I'm sure that's the American way of saying it, so. Or the dumb way of of saying it so I'm gonna call it Qatar. Oh, someone can correct me on that
Starting point is 00:02:49 So they make this multi multi million dollar deal to Activate inside of the stadiums and outside the stadiums and all this Qatar who had originally promised to allow a B imbev to sell alcohol Inside the stadiums and outside the stadiums in activation areas has now done a 180 and told Budweiser they cannot sell alcohol inside of the stadiums which is weeks before the World Cup starts. It's right around the corner.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Well, the thing is, is I don't think alcohols really allowed over in the Middle East. No, well, there's a certain, yeah, like, divine and something that there's places where you can get it. And there's places where it is legally sold. I think some hotels and stuff like that have like a special license.
Starting point is 00:03:31 But it's not just a free for all. No, it's definitely not a free for all. You do not want to be caught on the beach with a six pack of beer in Dubai or Qatar or wherever it is. Qatar is already an extremely controversial place to have the world cup because it's average 135 degrees there. And it's just a kind of a ridiculous place to have the World Cup. It's obvious, it just shows how corrupt FIFA really is
Starting point is 00:03:54 and we all know that and we all heard it. But now this whole AB in-bev thing, I mean, can you imagine the people at Budweiser right now probably popping their tops, no pun intended pun intended. They're gonna get a huge make good for this. Yeah, there's one big make good coming. Hey, come on over to T.C.V. We got plenty of space open. We're inventory.
Starting point is 00:04:12 This episode is probably gonna be sponsored by Budweiser. I used to drink it, tastes good. I used to drink it and I got drunk. Bud light, for a light, for a light, throw up in the morning. Drink Bud light. It tastes just as good going down as it does coming up. Bud light. We didn't use a drink.
Starting point is 00:04:33 A lot of Bud light. My God, Chrissy. We would take down a suitcase before we went out at night. We'd get together at noon at the pool and there'd be a suitcase would be gone of course we usually drink half a bud like you just drink half the can get more than you throw it out that's the good news about buddhaite
Starting point is 00:04:51 it's cheap when it gets warm it tastes like piss but no one no one uh... faults you for throwing it away if you get the fruity pebble stony wash from you know a-go big yeah uh... uh... one barrel at a time made in the mountains of Colorado in a cave by three men with beards. Yeah 78% alcohol by volume We made this we made this with love over the last five years we quit our jobs and left our families To make this beer that no one sells
Starting point is 00:05:24 We quit our jobs and left our families to make this beer that no one sells Craft beer my ass There are some good craft beers actually yes, but I can only imagine this this whole color thing is I think it's just gonna be real shit You actually if I'm not yeah, I mean I almost feel bad about watching it because you know all those buildings over there They're all built with labor. Well, I'm gonna say the labor situation, I was just reading something another day about these workers that were looking up the labor. It's like slave labor.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Yeah, and they have these mysterious illnesses now. Yeah. And nobody's doing anything about it. Yeah. You know, you remember I talked, we talked about a month ago about that building, the line that was gonna be built in Dubai, the 75 mile long building.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And we were saying what a great thing it is just to, there's just like the concept art, just to think that big was kind of cool. Well, guess what, they started building it. They're already starting to pour the foundation for this. They've literally carved a 75 mile long path in the earth and they're starting to put that down. How do you build that stuff inexpensively enough?
Starting point is 00:06:25 Where do they not have over in Dubai? I don't know. I have had friends that have been over there and they say it's just a lovely place and everyone that is super nice. I've watched the housewives of Dubai. There's a housewives of fucking Dubai. Oh yes. Are you kidding me? I lost it. What is Andy Cohen into? What is that guy thinking? He's making money. It's just like TLC has turned into the 90 day fiance channel. That channel over there in Bravo is nothing but real housewives. No, I'm sorry. They certainly, they found their horse and they're riding it, huh?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Yeah. That's been going on for like 20 years or something? Yeah, at least 15, I think. So they have the OC. They have a real housewives of Dubai. Yeah, and it showed life over there and it looks very glamorous It is very glamorous everybody over there have tigers and their porches They're driving down the street you get ice for your pool apparently you get ice for your
Starting point is 00:07:14 pool and Yeah, cuz the heat is such a big deal. So Have you know provisions for that? Oh my god instead of a heaty pool, you have a cooled pool. That's unbelievable to me. Yeah, what opulence, right? I'll like to the people they can afford it. That's right, so the people who are building the buildings, they're there under auspices that they're gonna get a visa
Starting point is 00:07:35 and then they have to work their entire lives and they never get paid anything and they live in these tents that just go on forever and it's like squalor and 3,000 of them pack in a space that's only got three room for 300. I mean, they're really bad conditions and objectively anywhere else in the modern world, we would say stop that shit, that's not enough of that, right?
Starting point is 00:07:55 But I don't know, they just don't, I don't know and I can't believe that fee- I guess it makes sense in a way though because I know I've passed the construction sites and I'm feeling the interstakes and no one's working on for no are you kidding me yeah there's like one guy you only work two days a week and you get like a hundred twenty five thousand dollars one guy pulling a
Starting point is 00:08:14 bucket up with cement we're on the second story boss we're that's great work. Great work guys. We're almost at the second story of this 44 story tower. We started in 2016. Real good job guys. Tell you what, it's 9-15. Let's go ahead and take the rest of the day off. Pay tax for everybody. But that's also why I trust going up in an elevator of 44 fucking stories because I know that the guys who built it are skilled craftsmen who get paid a fair wage Now I'm not saying the the people over in Qatar are Dubai their skilled craftsmen also I've seen some of those buildings are absolutely beautiful But it's just it seems very it seems like human rights over there is something that gets convenient Yeah, it's like the it's like
Starting point is 00:09:03 Thank you. My wife tells me I have convenient hearing, right? I think they have convenient human rights over there. But that guitar, I just don't understand why in the world, why in the world they would do it there. Do it there, it makes it absolutely, I know. That's it, FIFA is so fucking corrupt. FIFA is so fucking corrupt, let me say it a third time.
Starting point is 00:09:24 FIFA is so fucking corrupt from top to bottom fucking corrupt. Let me say it a third time. FIFA is so fucking corrupt from top to bottom. It's an organization that needs to be quite frankly imploded and rebuilt. Yeah, for sure, because everyone loves soccer. I mean, I know so many people that love soccer. I played it as a child. All my friends played it as a child. It's huge.
Starting point is 00:09:39 It sports a huge, it's the biggest sport around the world. I think so. You're just being run by an absolute narcissistic scam artist and he needs to be con artist and he needs to be thrown out. Period and descendants, that's all I'm gonna say. And I learned all that from watching a documentary on TLC. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I got my strong opinions on TLC. Yeah, nice. It's turning cold, it's been called. It's like unreasonably unseasonably cold here in Atlanta for November. Yeah, really yes. I remember two years ago, it was Christmas day and I had short sleeve shirt on and I was throwing.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Oh, it's wedding. Like a few years ago, it's right. That's right, you're in a, the Ritz thing. Chrissy and Jeff took their, you know, their weekly trip to the Ritz to get pampered. I wish. I wish.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I was excited to splurge for Christmas. It was just the two of us. Of course. Yeah, but it was that warm. It was that warm. So in Atlanta, you usually don't really hit the cold spell like where it's cold for a long period of time until January. January.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah, and then it really only lasted March and then it starts breaking up. So we got like these two really cold months and then, and I say really cold, it's nothing like it is in the Northeast, but you know, 40s, 50s duringies during the day twenties thirties at night. That's usually where it falls Teens maybe that's a really cold night. Well here it was last night. It was 25 degrees. Yeah, I woke up It was 29. It's unbelievable and the sun's up right? Yeah, so and then during the day It's like doesn't get much above Forty eight forty nine and this been going on for two or three weeks now, which is just weird for Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And I know everybody around the country is experiencing this. One of the things that I cannot stand in this house is that my bathroom is, I have 25 foot fucking ceilings, which was my brilliant architectural idea when I decided to redo this house. It's to put a bathroom of 25 foot fucking ceilings. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:11:28 It cannot get warm. It's hard to hear. It can never get warm. I don't know about you. Chrissy. But when I get into a shower, I take a shower before I go to bed and take a shower when I wake up. When I take, which makes no sense whatsoever, but I do it.
Starting point is 00:11:40 So when I get in that shower and I'm enveloped in the warmth of the hot hot water, yes, and you can't turn it hot enough for me like I wanted scorching hot and then the steam gets, everything gets all foggy and you're nice and warm. This is totally the opposite of our studio. I know. I'm freezing off it. Well, I'm cold during the night, I'm hot during the day. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:12:02 But you can remember during the summer when these lights were on, we were fucking sweating in here. Okay, one of the worst things to me is when I forget something in the shower, like when I put my toothbrush on the charger, if I forget my toothbrush, I don't remember it, it's like five minutes into the shower, and I have to walk out of the shower and get cold. Yeah, quick, quick.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Do you like shake yourself off like a dog to make sure you're safe? No, I just quickly run out and grab it, get back, and then deal with it after I've had a shower. I'm real ginger. I walk like a 70 year old man. I'm afraid to break my hip. So I shake my balls and stuff off before I go in there. So I get to the excess water and then I run.
Starting point is 00:12:37 But I hate this. So I get this little space heater for it for the bath. And we have like this water closet, like a place where the toilet is, you can close the door. Separate, yeah, separate. And so at night, I turned the space heater on and I put it half in the door for the toilet, for the water closet, and then half out of the door
Starting point is 00:12:55 for the rest of the bathroom. So it gets a little bit warm. So if I have to go pee in the middle of the night or somebody has to go pee, it's comfortable in there. It's not perfect, but it's comfortable. Good idea, that's right. That's right. Like this plan. So the other day, I've got this space heater heater I've had it for like four years, right?
Starting point is 00:13:08 It's one of these, you know, nice space heaters and it's safe and you know. That's nothing like having a good space heater next to the shower, right next to the shower. Well, this is what happens. I go running out. I put it a little too close to the shower and then when I was drawing I had to go get my toothbrush. It sparked it literally blew up it started making this awful smell like ozone And then I was like And then I'm like holy shit. What do I do? And then I just decided to finish my shower And if it I kept coming on I had it if it's set on fire. I was gonna throw it in the shower
Starting point is 00:13:44 I had this whole plan. So here I am, and I'm just literally standing under the water for like 20 minutes while this thing is going, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, and I can see sparks flying out of the top of it. And I'm like, I'm like, well, if it sits on fire, what I can do is grab the towel, then throw it in under the water.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I can save my house from falling apart. Yes, and now, so I go on Amazon and I'm like, okay, let me get another space heater to replace this one because obviously this one isn't very safe. And I see this one for like $17 and it looks exactly the same size as the other space heater. And I'm like, oh, cool, this is really cheap. I think I bought the other one for like 40 bucks, right?
Starting point is 00:14:21 I'm like, wow, this is really cheap, Amazon, good for you. And same day service, you know, they get it by five. So I get it, Chrissy, it comes in like a two inch by two inch box. It literally looks like, it's like a tiny. It's like, yeah, it's like a miniature spacey. Like the ones in the nail salon. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I tell you, yeah, the nails. I felt like it, I was like building a model train set where one of the houses was gonna have a space eater. I needed to put it in there. This thing, you have to stand on it for it to get any warmth whatsoever. And it's made with, instead of, like the other one had ceramic, ceramic heater in the inside. So, you know, as soon as you turn it off, it gets cool, right?
Starting point is 00:15:01 And then it had hard plastic on the outside part. So if you touch the plastic, it's not like scorching hot. This one has a metal grate on the front of it. So the other day, I like, go turn it off and I went to go grab it so I could bring it here in the studio and I literally burned the fuck out of my hands. I was like, ah! Too lazy to go to Amazon and buy a real one.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I'm just like, fuck it. one. I'm just like fuck it. Whatever. I'm $17. I can't, like, have you seen the paychecks on the commercial break? They're few and far between. I know, I know. I'm just so funny. Oh my God, Chrissy, I was just so pissed at Amazon.
Starting point is 00:15:38 They tricked me. I guess I could have read the actual dimensions. Yeah, you have to look at the dimensions. I have done stuff other stuff like that before too. And now I'm specifically looking at the dimension. Because also in a picture sometimes, I mean, read the actual dimensions. Yeah, I have to look at the dimensions. I have done stuff like that before too. And now I'm specifically looking at the dimension. Because also in a picture sometimes, I mean, you can't tell. Yeah. I've noticed that if I pay attention to how big the people's hands are, sometimes that are
Starting point is 00:15:54 holding something, then you can kind of gauge. Yeah. It was probably my hands like, shh. That we knew. Well, now I went back and I looked at it and it says, you know, good enough to heat a space of 20 square feet of 20 square feet. My fucking water closet is 40 square feet.
Starting point is 00:16:13 You want me to do? It's unbelievable. It's 10 by four. I don't know if it's, I can't even heat that tiny little space with the door closed. I sent, I was talking to with Will, the champ and Will, the champ, like he has done some voice work before. And so he's like,
Starting point is 00:16:27 hey, I could do some drops or something for the commercial break. But I don't have a microphone. And I'm like, I can get you a microphone, but he's a special microphone because he's got an iPad and the whole nine yards. So we're trying to figure out what works best. They're all on back order.
Starting point is 00:16:37 You can't get this part, you know, this special plug for whatever. Anyway, so I say, hey, give me your address. So I write down his address. I plug it into Amazon. It takes like weeks for them to get it over to him and then when they get it over to him, they actually take a picture of where they drop it off. Yeah, they do that. Yeah. And so I can see the picture of where it was dropped off.
Starting point is 00:16:51 So I text Will a couple days later and I'm like, hey, champ, you get that microphone? He goes, no. And I go, yeah, it's right on your front door like here's a picture of it He goes that is most definitely not my fucking house And I'm like are you sure it's like one two three four, you know Brooklyn way and he's like no it's one two three four Brooklyn Avenue. That's not even the same burrow And I'm like how dare they have a street named the exact same thing Avenue So I think about a plan three beat three everything
Starting point is 00:17:21 named the exact same thing Avenue, which I only think about a plan. Beat tree. Beat tree everything. Beat tree everything. That's right. Yeah. So after I bought the little tiny little, he's a space eater that can fit into palm of my hand.
Starting point is 00:17:32 I was like, I better go check that microphone. It's not a miniature microphone. I could go together in your dollhouse. That's right. Luckily, it wasn't. Hey, Chrissy, I was trolling on the internet. Oh, as you do. And I do like to do
Starting point is 00:17:48 Hey everyone, it's time for the commercial break inside the commercial break. Did you know you can dial one eight five five TCB 8383 that's one eight five five TCB 8383 from anywhere in the world toll-free Text us call us leave us a voicemail, it's not spam, we will respond, and we want to hear from you. Questions, comments, concerns, content ideas, you want to ask TCB for our advice, it'll be horrible, but it certainly will be funny. Do it at 855-TCB8383 or, hit the contact us button, and shoot off an email directly to our happy bag. YouTube can hear all of the audio and watch all of the video from and now slash the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Our full episodes are on YouTube a few days after they air on the podcast fee and they're filled with visual delights you cannot get here on the audio version. Why? Because you can't see with your ears. A doctor told me that once. And please, if you have two minutes free, do us a favor and write us a review, subscribe to our podcast,
Starting point is 00:18:48 or rate the show on your favorite podcast player. It helps us get found by new folks who might be as strange as you. Let's hear from our wonderful sponsors, and then we'll be back to this episode of the commercial break. Hey everybody, I wanted to let you know that this episode is sponsored in part by our
Starting point is 00:19:05 good friends at Lulu Lemon. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, and whatever you identify yourself with, listen up because Lulu Lemon is not just for yoga pants. The holiday season is here, Halloween is officially over, and we need to start thinking about the gifts we're going to give each other and ourselves. And at, they have everybody covered. I just got some license to train jogger pants. And they are the most comfortable, the most cozy, the softest pants I have ever put on. That's no joke. There's a reason why millions of people across this country
Starting point is 00:19:37 and the world have fallen in love with Lululemon. And at, whether you're male or female or identifying it some other way, you are going to find your style. And if you think it's all jogging pants and yoga gear, you are completely wrong, just like I was. I look on the website, they have polo shirts, they have slacks, they have shoes, they have socks, they have swimwear, almost anything you need for your entire wardrobe. has it.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Go to has it. Go to Set the joy and motion this holiday season. Get cozy, get comfortable, get allelu-lulemon at And we want to thank allelu-lulemon for being a sponsor of the commercial break. Go on, guys. Get yourself a pair of allelu-lulemon pants. You're going to love it.
Starting point is 00:20:21 You know, the whole passing of Nico and the ghost dog in the whole nine yard. You know, it's been a tough couple weeks around here at the Green House, I'll just try to get adjusted to much quieter and less smelly life, but we do love that dog. I know. I know, my kids are asking a lot of questions.
Starting point is 00:20:35 That's a tough conversation to have with your kids. You know, and like I was talking to a therapist and the therapist was like, you just gotta, this is our initial reaction, was just tell the kids the dog died. Like don't try and sugarcoat the situation because he ain't coming back. He didn't go to a farm and he's not going over
Starting point is 00:20:52 the doggy rainbow. Like just tell them that the body broke down. And so the therapist said, well the therapist was like, spot on. Absolutely. She said to me, I wouldn't do it. It's so hard for a two year old. Well the thing is, there's part of them
Starting point is 00:21:06 that is living in kind of this weird, like, made up space that's just going on in their heads. You mean like Christmas, Santa? Yeah, so even Santa sometimes bothers me a little bit, because I remember like just being how disappointed I was once. That's true. And so I have friends that don't even tell
Starting point is 00:21:21 their children about Santa, but then I talk to a person who said that they have a friend who hires a Santa Claus every year to come at midnight with the bag full of gifts, and they wake their children up to spy on the Santa Claus putting the gifts down under the tree. And I'm like, how fucked up is that? Oh, fuck. God, who's that? How fucked up is that? Rich are these people that they can afford somebody
Starting point is 00:21:47 on Christmas. Oh, the rich. Eww. They live in Dubai. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I'm so sorry. They live in Dubai. I'm so sorry. They're like, you're like, you're like, you're expensive and hard to find someone willing to tiptoe into your house at midnight on Christmas Eve. It seems like I just don't want anybody at my house. No.
Starting point is 00:22:07 You're like, I don't want to be bothered by it. You mean your jammies? Yeah. I love this age. I draw. Yeah. Whiskey. I have to even put the toys together halfway.
Starting point is 00:22:16 That's right. Oh, Esther and I hate that part. I know. Yeah. But the good news for us is that with the kids are age and even with the new one coming, we can be in bed by 9.30 on Christmas Eve Because they're waking up at 5 in the morning. You better be fucking right there so excited And I got this whole routine where I want coffee and I go to the bathroom and so my kid my my son who knows my routine to it
Starting point is 00:22:35 He's like are you done pee pee poo poo? Are you done shower? Can I go see Santa's I have to forgo the call? Whatever anyway. Yeah, so now everybody's got messed up Yeah, can I go see Santa? So I have to forego the call, whatever, anyway. Yeah, so. Now everybody's got messed up there. Yeah. I know. And in fact, wrap on Christmas morning because the kids are up so early, you just have to roll out of bed too. Gotta do what you gotta do.
Starting point is 00:22:53 So this all goes back to, I just don't wanna tell my kids anything, but the truth about this, because I want them to understand that Niko, in fact, is not coming back. Yeah. And there's a reason behind that. Anyway, so with all of that running around my head,
Starting point is 00:23:06 I thought, what a better time to take a look at some of the shit bags that take advantage of people who have had people that crossed over to the other side. And one of our favorite shit bags to have fun with is to eat a cup of food. Oh, that's a great stuff. Now, Teresa Caputo has been on the Ryan and Kelly or Mike and Kelly.
Starting point is 00:23:23 She's been everywhere, right? But those are Anderson and Anderson. That was a good one. What I found was we've already done a Teresa Caputo at the morning show, like whatever they call that, Regis and Kelly or Ryan and Kelly or whatever it is. This is Mike and Kelly. Remember when that guy... Oh, Mike C. No, straight hand. Mike see no Straight hand Mike was on with Kelly for a while. Okay. Well, this is Teresa Caputo with Mike and Kelly. Let's take a listen. Okay
Starting point is 00:23:54 Spirits Welcome to our web exclusive with Teresa Caputo the long Island medium who is going to read members of our audience She's been doing it earlier in the show today and now there's so much. Oh, she's been practicing. So when she comes on live, she knows who everybody is and what they have to say. And look at that hair, Chrissy. You cannot see those that ear and that ear.
Starting point is 00:24:14 And that ear, some. Tiding, it's hiding what I believe to be either an ear piece or something on her head that moves to give her answers to certain questions. So many people, so little time. So, sure, are there any spirits coming through right now? There's always fear. No, but I got some bad gas.
Starting point is 00:24:29 No, but lunch from yesterday's moving through. Can I take five minutes? OK, I don't know who, did somebody lose their husband over here? Who lost their husband? Yeah, because in a room full of 7,000 people. It's huge, yeah. Yeah, no one lost their husband.
Starting point is 00:24:48 No one lost their husband. Do you mean divorce? Because this is before, okay. Because when I was standing over here, this is where I got confused when I went with the younger male before with the husband, because I heard husband over there. And I knew why it was over here.
Starting point is 00:25:01 So, and I had, what in the fuck are you talking about? What in the fuck? That was the most circular talk. Okay, I got confused when I was over here, so I had shhhh. What in the fuck are you talking about? What in the fuck? I was the most circular talk. I know. I got confused when I was over here because I thought I were here. I got over here.
Starting point is 00:25:12 That's right, and I'm over here. So in other words, is anybody, is anybody lost a husband, or a mom, or a dad, or a brother or sister? Somebody you knew. Is anybody heard of death? But a dog. Which, okay. So, um, unfortunately you lost your husband.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Your husband's step-on was your husband ill prior to his passing? Yes. Because what happened is- No, it was perfectly fucking healthy, Teresa. What's he- What's he ill for? It's, it's passing. Now I get some people going to drop dead of our heart attack,
Starting point is 00:25:42 get shot if I have a bus or whatever. But come on. This lady who she's talking to is like 90 years old. And obviously, I mean, it doesn't. Yeah. This is such harsh shit. People say, oh, of course he was ill. But you know what? What I've learned is being a medium. People leave the physical world in many different ways. You don't say, is it being a medium or being a scientist that you learned that?
Starting point is 00:26:03 And the first thing that your husband said was that he wanted you to know how much he appreciated every unselfish thing you did for him. What? He said, oh my god, Theresa, you are making this poor lady think that something's happening. That's not. It's the worst. I think this is really the worst. This is like showing your kids Santa Claus midnight, the first five, six, you have seven
Starting point is 00:26:21 years of their lives, and then you have to tell them that Santa didn't exist because they're gonna go but Santa did exist he was in my house yet we were just lying to you right and this is like well i think it's more the point of you to set telling the kids that neco died and then uh... a few days later saying neco just spoke to you that's right he wanted you know that he is this pudgey lady with bad hair is here to talk to nico but you said me go down and
Starting point is 00:26:48 this to kinds of that there's one in the spirit world where to recess hair lives and it's one in the real world which i told you that more here in the physical world he said you loved and this lady doesn't believe a word that treason she's like here for me in a way that left i was able to leave the physical world with dignity and grace. And you're not a nurse. Is that correct? Correct. And you're just. Well, that's one way to rule out a very tiny subset. And notice how she said is she goes, you're not a nurse, right? Yeah. Are you? Are you? Because I'm
Starting point is 00:27:21 getting a nurse. I'm seeing a purple nipple. And when I see purple nipples, that means you could be a nurse or maybe you're not. You gave me that and he says, and I want to thank you for that. The day that he became sick, you dropped everything in care for him. And you know what he just said to you husband, he's funny. He goes, because I like them to communicate with the person and he goes, you know, and I could be a bit stubborn to recycle. Oh, really? That whole conversation while you were listening to me. I'm literally having six
Starting point is 00:27:50 conversations in my head. Teresa, it's me, the dead husband of this poor lady. You should shut your fat fucking mouth! Oh, you'll fight your husband, he's funny. You know what he said? Shut my fat fucking mouth! Three, two, you're a bimbo! What's with the oatmeal? Would you use to make an eat a certain food or something? No.
Starting point is 00:28:21 No. What's with the oatmeal? No, for the last three years, he had a jaw wide shut. What was with the oatmeal? Old people, you don't know. That's what happens. She's saying, no, you go from cocoa pups and cream to oatmeal and water. Okay, this is my meaning. My meaning in science and symbols, it doesn't mean that they're incorrect. It doesn't mean that I'm incorrect. It doesn't mean that I'm incorrect. No.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Unbelievable. I can't believe anybody believes this lady. The different meaning for you. So what happened is I saw chocolate all around his face. That's my thing. Since when is oatmeal having chocolate all around his face. That's my thing. Since when is old me all having chocolate all over your face? Oh, he ate something with chocolate all over their face. Oh no, that's when he ate my ass, honey.
Starting point is 00:29:13 We was a big ass eater. We liked fun play. We liked fun play. Oh my God. Before somebody was either diabetic or they would not allow to eat certain things. That is way too far.
Starting point is 00:29:27 You're in the middle of it. You're in the middle of it. So she's seen a spirit with chocolate all over his face. All over his face. That's what they do. Yeah. That's how they come to you. With chocolate all over their face, like a three-year-old.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Three-year-old. I'm unable to reach the napkin. Can you wipe my shit off? Oh, my God. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going reach the napkin. Can you wipe my shit off my face? I died eating her ass.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Now I can't wipe it off. It's driving me crazy. She's saying that when she does see this spirit with the chocolate around it could be the person's diabetic. I'm not sure if she's growing that in there. Nothing says diabetic like a bunch of like a candy eating man. What? Doesn't make any sense. She is trying to go around her ass to get to her elbow.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I mean, it's just like it's totally out of control. So whatever it was that he was not allowed to have because he just now showed me himself full face rosy cheeks. That's my simple form. Someone's physical appearance has changed. So whatever was rosy, he was and now just showed me. Yeah. He went from chocolate mouth to rosy cheeks. He's Santa Claus. He's cookie.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Now he's showing me his seven inch cock. His balls hanging around his knees. That's my symbol for. That's my symbol for his asthma when he shows me his balls. This is so fucked up Teresa. Um, not able to. I dare you. I dare you. Come on this show. I will keep an open mind. You will sit right here in front of me.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Yeah, we're open to it. Yeah, we're open to it. It's just, yeah, there is a word. It's like a carnival thing. That's right. Didn't we say a word to each other one time? And we said if she could get it right then we'll have to go back and listen to that. Yeah, but I promise you, I will keep an open mind.
Starting point is 00:31:27 And if you can, in fact, tell me something about someone in my past that's no longer around that absolutely rings true to me, I will eat shit. I will literally go back and erase every Tabirista Caputo episode and I will hear on this show make a myocopa every time I open the microphone. Hey, welcome back to the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I'm Brian. This is Chrissy. And we're sorry to take a, we were wrong about Theresa Caputa. Go to to make sure it is. Well, it's just the old trick and the carnival trick of reading the room. Reading the room and being very general. Yes. And then narrowing it down on hearing, getting somebody's facial expressions
Starting point is 00:32:05 if they're nodding, then you keep going in that direction. It's this whole thing, it's the whole sign. It's just directional conversation, right? At good conversation lists do this, also therapists do this. A lot of people do this like naturally instinctively. And Teresa's making a living, telling you that your dead relatives are talking to her,
Starting point is 00:32:23 and she can see them and talk to them at the same time she's seeing you and talking to you. Yeah, right there. It makes no fucking sense whatsoever. None. Prior to his departure, he left with the physical body and he's able to do on the other side. Now I want to talk about who's wearing the picture of someone. What? She's only left there. I know. She left there woman because that woman didn't buy it. She didn't believe it. So she's on to the next thing. thing. Now someone's got a necklace on. Yeah, someone's got a necklace.
Starting point is 00:32:47 She didn't say one thing about that guy that that lady believed except for he was dead. That's it. That's it, that's all she got. I could put a room full of 500 people together and find someone who has a dead relative, not that hard. A bunch, I feel like someone is like a bunch of like charms or like a bunch of articles wearing around your neck.
Starting point is 00:33:09 They're like, does anybody have a necklet on? Oh my god, he's stupid. But are they people that have departed? They have to be people that are departed. Is your mom passed? OK, no, so I'm just moving. Nope, wrong again, Teresa. No, so I'm just wrong again Teresa
Starting point is 00:33:35 The lady was like 300 years Yes Mama's it not because I said well then has to be someone that pays. She says, well, that's not fair. She said, all you asked was for a good validation that my daughter would know that it was me. So I said, well, usually people wear things that she goes, well, that's not fair. So now you're going to be like, oh, I'm failing miserably. It's live TV. So wait, here's how it goes. I'm just going to recap the 15 seconds that I know the Chrissy and I interrupt a lot. She asked for someone in the crowd that was wearing something around their neck that
Starting point is 00:34:14 was in remembrance of a dead person. Nobody said anything. Nobody said anything, but then some lady said that when she pointed to the one woman and said, I have a dead mother. Yes. And she said, your mom said, I have a dead mother. Yes. And she said, your mom's dead. But she had to have a necklace of her mom on. So she made up some story.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Let's listen to get hold on one second. Just so you make sure you get this. When the past, she says, well, that's not fair. She said, all you ask. Hold on, one second. Let's go back. OK. Of like charms or like a bunch of articles
Starting point is 00:34:44 wearing around your neck. But are they people that have departed? They have to be people that have departed. Is your mom passed? Okay, so just know that your mom is sick now because I said, well, then it has to be someone that passed. She says, well, that's not fair. She said, all you asked was for a good validation that my daughter would know that it was me. So I said, well, usually people wear things that she goes about. And Chrissy, she's talking about nothing, and that's the point. She is trying to talk her way. Yeah, she just get her hooked. She's trying to figure something so that she can hoax people's attention and get them to start
Starting point is 00:35:17 believing her. Well, that's not fair. So now your mother's arguing with me telling me that my signs and symbols aren't fair I got to sell out the pikyps away theater next week But your mother making her presence. No she wants to make sure that you know Listen by the way there is I absolutely that not that I've seen any live video of Teresa doing her live events And according to a lot of people when you go to these like two hour long live events There are a lot there's a lot of this going on where nobody is like everyone's like That's not me. Yeah, but she will pick out certain people and it's clear She knows information about them ahead of time, but we already talked about this. How is that accomplished?
Starting point is 00:36:07 You buy the ticket, they get your address, it's a whole set. Yeah, they can look you up on social media, see if something just happened, whatever. They send producers into the crowd to have conversations with people. They have plants, a people in the line, like moles, people in the line. And they listen to what's being said. Yeah. About her engagement ring. Do you have the ring? Did you change the ring or give it to someone else? We in the line. And they listen to what's being said. Yeah. About her engagement ring. Do you have the ring?
Starting point is 00:36:26 Did you change the ring or give it to someone else? We changed the ring. Perfect. No, there's your mother's way. Did you change it or did you give it away? Yeah. Do you have it? Did you change it?
Starting point is 00:36:35 Did you give it away? Or none of the above? None of the above. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I saw a picture of your mom bending over a bathtub naked, and that was my sign that she could have given away her ring. Nology that she supports the choice and decision of the changing of the ring.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Now whose brother died or brother-in-law? Oh, she's maybe not. Did he fall? Oh my god there were 12 people who raised their hands. Well with the brother dead. Yeah, with the brother dead. How did he, who from the tragedy? I feel like I fell and then I died. So you have to understand I like everybody put their hand down. The will not be able to take it down. Okay. Because what happens is even if I get to be true, it could be true. It could be true. It couldn't be true. It was in a plane accident. That's kind of like falling. Oh my God. He jumped off the top of it bridge. Yeah. I never look in your direction. But something is said that you can connect with and place Oh my God. He jumped off the top of it bridge. And I never look in your direction, but something is said that you can connect with and place in your life or connect with your loved ones. Please accept as a message from them. It happens
Starting point is 00:37:33 all the time. Spirit has me say something. I just don't like to stay focused on it. I pass on it. And every time someone will say, Oh my God, I knew exactly what you were talking about. I got it. I remembered. So what they might be. Every time, every time someone says it, every, literally every time. I get messages all the time. When you were there and you were asking questions and no one was answering, I secretly believed it and I just want you to know that every time
Starting point is 00:37:59 I knew you were talking about me. Piggy back, who passed from the blood disease? Oh, here comes the piggy back, everyone's. Oh, let's piggy back on. Everyone's boning each other from behind in the spirit world. A lot of ass sex going on in the spirit world. They're all piggybacking each other. I literally have spirits running trained behind me. So noisy, it's hard to keep up. Is it either from head to toe? Wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:38:33 What did she say? She said, is anybody, anybody dire than how to blood disease and the woman goes not blood, but there's another type of disease that runs in my family, and she said, is it head to toe? No. Is it somewhere between their head and their toes? How did you know? She died of a hot attack. Heart disease.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I knew it. I knew it was between the head and the toes. Spare it told me. I saw someone with a chocolate cake all over their face. That's a sign for a disease, but we had the head and the toes. Is it either from head to toe? Where does the liver come in or something about a block? Okay, so just know he's stepping foot.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Head to toe, liver or blockage. Oh, bad. This is bad carnival reading is what this is. Like, who's being tested for other things? For the disease? Yes, or for anything. I feel like that thing now, perfect. Because I keep feeling there's something about testing and he's talking about testing. And he says everything is going.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Yes, everything is going. These runs in your family, you're going to get tested. You don't. Or you just got a colonoscopy. I just got a colonoscopy because my, again, a colon cancer runs in my family, you're gonna get tested. Or you just got a colonoscopy. I just got a colonoscopy. Because my, again, a colon cancer runs in my family. Okay, there you go. Yeah, that's what this woman said.
Starting point is 00:39:50 She goes, yeah, everybody, my family got tested. This is such a ripoff. Like, I just wish, I just wish we could just dress this lady down. She's causing a lot of damage. I feel like she's giving people a lot of false hope. I mean, on the one hand, I see where people would want, like, oh,
Starting point is 00:40:05 I'm afraid that reassurance. And maybe that, maybe that makes them feel comfortable. However, this is not true. No, it's not true. She's not being honest. She's not being honest. That's right.
Starting point is 00:40:14 It's not being cake mouth. With the ass eating husband, fast away. And listen, it's not that I don't might not think that there's some version of this exist. I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying if this version exists, if people can come across.
Starting point is 00:40:30 It's not dance and I were to. Yeah, she's not going over to Theresa Caputa. That lady's got a satellite dish on her head. If I was a spirit, I'd stay the fuck away from her. It's too loud. She talks too much. Can I, I'm going to say this and I don't know how to interpret it. So you're going to have to interpret on how it fits.
Starting point is 00:40:44 I feel like, yes, things are genetic, but I feel like with this, it was almost like a freaky thing that happened. Oh, so now you're giving medical advice. Don't worry about getting tested because it was a freaky thing that happened. But that he contracted. Does that make sense? What do you understand that? Who passed from the chest?
Starting point is 00:41:00 Who passed from the chest? Who lifted my breathing? Who passed from the chest? I just got a blow to the chest. Who passed from the chest from the chest? Who passed from the chest? I just got a blow to the chest. Who passed from the chest? She moved on for a couple of minutes. I know she just moved on. Who passed from the chest?
Starting point is 00:41:14 Anybody with a heart attack? Anybody. Is the number one killer in the nation? Yes, that's right. Is the heart disease, though? Or cancer, lung cancer in the chest. Yeah. Or a gunshot, do the chest. And I couldn't breathe for like a second.
Starting point is 00:41:29 That's my, because they're trying to make their presence known. It's a lady right back there. It's what I'm saying. Where does the blow to the chest come in? It's a heart attack. What I told you. It's a one person in this audience
Starting point is 00:41:43 said someone they knew had a relative had a heart attack. The odds are very much in her favor. Very much. That will be the case. You could probably put 10 people in a room that were over the age of 40. My mom had a heart attack. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:54 I mean, my grandfather had a heart attack. Right in front of you. Who died right in front of someone? Who died right in front of somebody? She's not even trying to She just turned out random questions Yes, she's been on paris shoes. I'm getting someone ahead of paris shoes Did you go to target no not you the other one? Did you go to target who went to target? Who's Amazon? Who's you?
Starting point is 00:42:23 Who's been eating breakfast? Who I I said, who's been eating breakfast? She gets angry. She's like, I've seen Spirwood eggs all in their face. I see someone walking with a little target dog. You know the one that read circle around his eye? That's my sign for someone's been to target. Who is it? Oh, stupid.
Starting point is 00:42:40 This audience is thorough. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm my sign for someone's been to target. Who is it? Oh, it's stupid. This audience is thoroughly unconvinced. They're all like, no, not me. Yeah, this is not a friendly audience for her. And they're being honest, and she's not,
Starting point is 00:42:57 and they're calling her bullshit. Right over here. Okay, and who's this? There you go. Died right in front of me. This does not mean that this is not for you. I'm just piggybacking. I just I bet you are Teresa You're picking back in one turn to another I think her saying this is going nowhere. Yes, then where she quote unquote piggybacks. Yes
Starting point is 00:43:23 That's what a whole other person. That's right's what a whole other person. That's right. And a whole other situation. That's right. She takes another dump on the floor, and she piggybacks on that. She's just having a train of dumps across the floor. Go with the stronger energy that's going to communicate. So your dad died right in front of you.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Is that correct? Yeah. He wants you to know that he need you to release any negative emotion, only if should have could have would have that my dad would still be here? Because he showed me my symbol for even if someone knew CPR, so I was like, oh my God, I saved everyone's life, I could just see,
Starting point is 00:43:51 but I couldn't save my own dad. It wasn't your responsibility. You let him to die. Did you tell us? But he wants you to release you. Yeah, he actually died in a hospital with a lot of nurses and doctors around him He still says you should have given him CPR
Starting point is 00:44:16 Who has cream in their coffee? Oh Taste of sour milk in my mouth. That's the spirit sign that they're having coffee with cream Father that he didn't look good the day before or we like daddy. You okay? He says I need you to release this burden that you carry. He says I take responsibility But you're dead. He's a great guy. I was he a sports fanatic He'd like sports, but I was he a sports fanatic? Um, he'd like sports, but he's a man. He's a great guy.
Starting point is 00:44:47 How do you know him? He's talking in your ear. What's up, million other people in your ear. Also, did he like sports? Did he like sports? Go figure. A man born in the United States. Like sports.
Starting point is 00:44:57 I like sports players. He's sitting in Michael right now. I go, he goes, he goes, he's just so now. I go, you know, it's so cool. I know, isn't this amazing? We have five years ago, didn't it? She said that to him. Yeah, he said, I like Michael straight hand.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Yeah, so cool. And she said, yeah, this is so cool. Spirit, she said that while she was talking about it. While she was talking to everybody else. Yeah, just comes here naturally, Chrissy. After a while, you get used to seven. It's like having dinner at a Venice Whale on household. Just get used to multiple conversations going out of the same time.
Starting point is 00:45:28 I'm talking about it. It's an amazing talk to me. You can't just talk to me. You can't just talk to me. I know. Apparently not. Apparently, he doesn't know this model stuff here. I mean, he's just interested.
Starting point is 00:45:40 He's like, this is so exciting. I know. I'm sorry about Kelly. She's just beautiful. Exactly. But I just sent him. But see, I's like, this is so exciting. I know. She's just beautiful. Exactly. But I just sent him. But see, I was like, spirit to give a message of personality,
Starting point is 00:45:49 of who they were, again, to really validate that. It is them, because I get what I do is hard to understand or embrace. So, and anyone can say, I want you to release that. So, what he's acknowledging is that doesn't want you to carry that burden or guilt. And he says, he goes, isn't this cool? I go, yeah, he goes, I get to see a sports,
Starting point is 00:46:07 someone famous. And I'm like, what about talking to your daughter? Is it your birthday or such a celebration that what about talking to your daughter? What about talking to your daughter? Nah. Nah, with her all the time. Just be all over, give her.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yeah, I'm picking back in her all the time. It's legal here in the spirit world. Pick your back, your daughter. It's legal here in the spirit world. Pick you back your daughter. I'm up with just past. My mother-in-law's birth they just passed. Is that you? Oh, and you're well.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Hello! She's back in New York, giant shirt! I love it! It's all connected! We're in New York. Here's Michael Stray. He's wearing a giant shirt. He played for the giant.
Starting point is 00:46:44 This guy said he likes sports. It's all validated. I'm validated. I'm the best that ever lived. You a happy birthday. Thank you. We have one more. I just heard just who's that happy birthday. It's a happy birthday spirit. I don't know who that guy is.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Who's that? That's a woman, sir. Oh, okay, whatever. What about Michael Strayon? Can we have dinner? I'll piggyback on him. Who lost the daughter? Oh my god. Who passed from the brain? Anuvers him. Wait, to the house of the other. Nobody who passed from a brain. No, buddy. I'm right here. Who's that? No, it's a female. Female? Nope, not you. Nope, not you. No, you're not good enough. I'm right here. Who's that? My father. No, it's a female. Female?
Starting point is 00:47:27 Nope, not you. Nope, not you. No, you're not good enough. You're not worthy. No, no piggybacking over here. Then I have to be right up here. Who? Want me to run up?
Starting point is 00:47:36 I have Al's Heineb or a dementia. Oh my. Okay. So no, this is her way of acknowledging. My grandmother. You're not a dementia. Oh my god. Who's grandmother had dementia? So no, this is her way of acknowledging Whose grandmother had dementia
Starting point is 00:47:55 Whose grandmother had osteoporosis arthritis arthritis Whose grandma had wrinkles in their eyes She was sick So she wants you to know that she knew that you were there. And every time that you sat there and held her hand and you treated her as if she wasn't sick, is that correct? Yes. She wants to thank you for that. She says I want to thank you for not making me feel sick.
Starting point is 00:48:20 You know, you still have an article of her clothing or something that she needed to crochet. I have all of her hink or chips. Something that was crocheted. Yeah, something that was crocheted. I have a feeling this is a plant. And I'll tell you why. It's because the girl is already crying before she gets the microphone.
Starting point is 00:48:37 And so I have a sense that when the producers get out there and they're doing their magic undercover work, that they find the people who they think would be susceptible to this kind of conversation. Yeah, the third grandmother probably just died. Well, notice that Kelly went over and she said the producers are asking me if we can do one more over here, right? Yeah. And so they're gonna end on a high note. She wants to thank you for keeping those things that have no monetary value, but meant the world. Let me talk to her. Let me talk to you. I love how all of these spirits are happy. Yeah. They're all happy. No, no. No, no. No, no.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Why would you be angry? You just died. You're free from paying taxes. Certainly to you. Where does the H name come in? Helen, Hank, Harry, someone's last name or a state they don't have to be passed. They could be here in the physical world. Or a state.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Who just died? Hawaii. Is the only state. Like someone just died like two weeks ago. Two months ago. Two months ago. I feel like I like two weeks ago? Two months ago? I feel like I'm two weeks ago, two months ago, two years ago? Two months ago, two years ago?
Starting point is 00:49:30 Decades. 200 years, the last 200 years. Anybody know anybody who's died in the last 200 years? So I'm getting a bicentennial flag. That spirit signs that they died in 1900s. Who's that? My mother. I feel like unexpected, but like you were prepared, but you weren't prepared. Is that correct?
Starting point is 00:49:46 You were prepared, but you were prepared. This is your mom's way of acknowledging your emotions. It's so fucking stupid. It's so fucking stupid. It's so fucking stupid. It's so fucking stupid. You're prepared, but you weren't prepared. You're prepared, but you weren't prepared.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Do you know her? Did you not know her? You knew her and you didn't know her. And you didn't know her. I'm looking for someone you knew or didn't know that died recently because of something from head to toe up and down Sideway sideways left to right vertical or horizontal something in the body something in the body something outside the body Something on the ground in the air over water in fire Did you grab my dry did you have a dry?
Starting point is 00:50:24 Overwater in fire did you grab my drive did you have a drive? That you ever driven in a car that you have a scene a car Did she know what a car was okay? That's what it is. Oh my god. I'm seeing a taxi symbol. That's my sign for she drove I mean I haven't laughed a hard to wild. That is just too funny It is so she's always good for a laugh because she's so fucking full of shit. It drives me crazy, but I love it. I love making fun of Teresa Caputo. And if it brings these people comfort in some way, then okay, but it's not real.
Starting point is 00:50:55 I just think she's doing a huge disservice. I wonder if she ever has crazy people that she has singled out and has gone on you know to talk about their loved one and then they can't they won't stop contacting her to get to get to try to keep contacting the spirit. True. Yeah, I can imagine she's got like- Yeah, I mean like she's talked to the your dead dad who just died like don't you want to talk to him again?
Starting point is 00:51:18 Yes, you do. You need her. Yeah, I can imagine she's got like a whole there's probably a whole layer of security around her to make sure that people don't get to her because yeah You're right like if you if you're I don't want that to die tomorrow Yeah, then I and someone said I can get a hold of her. It's like the movie goes like okay, let's go do some clay molding and right Make love with will be Gilbert My god, all right well listen if you want to get a hold of Chrissy and I, there's two really easy
Starting point is 00:51:49 ways to do that. It's not their Theresa Caputo. It's through 855, TCB8383, 1-855, TCB8383. You can text us or call and leave us a voicemail toll free from anywhere in the world. Please, content ideas, questions, comments, concerns, ask TCB, you need our advice, you wanna tell us a story or you just wanna chit chat for a minute. We're always here for you.
Starting point is 00:52:14 You can also go to, hit that contact us button and leave us an email. We will respond, no spam kids, no spam. We promise, we'll never sell your information because we don't know anybody who would buy it anyway. So there you go. Once it touches the commercial break, it's toxic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:32 At the commercial break on Instagram, slash the commercial break, fully edited episodes every single day of the week. We have a bunch of them coming out. Morgan does such a great job. Thanks to Christina, our executive audio producer. Chrissyissy that's all I can do for today so I love you best to you and best you out there in the podcast universe until next time Chrissy and I must say we always say we do say bye I'm a little bit more than I thought I'm a little bit more than I thought I'm a little bit more than I thought I'm a little bit more than I thought
Starting point is 00:53:08 I'm a little bit more than I thought I'm a little bit more than I thought I'm a little bit more than I thought I'm a little bit more than I thought I'm a little bit more than I thought I'm a little bit more than I thought I'm a little bit more than I thought I'm a little bit more than I thought
Starting point is 00:53:24 I'm a little bit more than I thought I'm a little, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy

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